#Wesley N
nottsangel · 10 months
— FLORIDA KILOS ;; send me a character and i'll give you a few porn links that remind me of them
hmm fred weasley eek
morning sex with bf!fred
fred secretly fucking you in the bathroom
passionate sex with fred after a stressful day
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join my 11k celebration! // celebration masterlist // IVE MISSED FRED SO MUCH
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supercap2319 · 5 months
He's an eater. He's a licker if you will. HE'S A PUSSY EATER, AND DICK SUCKER.
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Credited to: @jmmjk21
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lyxyhii · 2 years
Summary: the day after doing "it" for the first time, y/n scrambles to get dressed and loses her purity ring. Little did she know, draco had it. And wasn't planning on giving it back.
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I got out of bed and began to get dressed buttoning my white shirt up and putting my skirt on.
After that, I grabbed my Hufflepuff tie off the floor and through it over my shoulders. I didn't want to tie it right now.
I thought I was all ready when I felt that my sapphire purity ring I always wore wasn't on my finger.
"shit." I whispered in a panic.
Draco was sat against his head board, he hands behind has head. He a smirk plastered all over his face.
"have you seen my purity ring draco?" I said in a panic.
"even if I did, why do you need a purity ring when your no longer what they deem as pure" he sarcastically said.
"I need it because my parents gave it to me and if they saw me without my purity ring, they'd kill me," I explained to him.
He laughed a little than from behind his head he flashed the ring.
"you little bitch," I joked.
His smirk was bigger than ever. He was enjoying my anger.
I walked to the side of the bed he was on and tried to grab it but he moved it quickly.
"Draco! Seriously." I groaned. My frown had a little smile behind it.
"how about we make a deal. I can wear this ring on a necklace till you go home, than you can have it. But till than, I get it," he negotiated with me.
"And why do you want to wear my purity ring around your neck," I questioned.
He snickered than said,
"because than everyone can know how I fucked you after the party last night."
My face became red as a strawberry, I was flustered by his words.
"aww, I got you all flustered. Didn't I?" He laughed.
I covered my face, trying to hide his embarrased he was making me feel.
Draco took my hands off my face and made me look at him, staring deep into my eyes.
"you didn't say no to my idea so I'm gonna take that as a yes."
"fine draco, you win." I sighed as I admitted defeat.
He grabbed the chain from the side of his bed and put the ring on it, than put the chain on.
I will admit, he did look hot wearing my ring on his neck. But now everyone in the school will know I lost my virginity to Draco Malfoy at my first ever party.
Draco stood up from bed and I remembered he was naked.
Staring at his figure as he got dressed slowly.
"take a picture darling, it will last longer," he joked.
I rolled my eyes and stood up. Than I walked over to him.
"I'm going to head back to my dorm, I probably worried my housemates," I said softly.
He nodded and put his hand on my cheek, than pulled me into a soft kiss.
Once I pulled away, a big grin appeared on my face.
The next day, I walked past him the hallways, the necklace shined brightly and brought him a lot of attention. And me too.
He began to play with it and look at me, smirking and looking back at his friends.
He's was very proud of what he did to me yesterday night.
And I'm happy he did it.
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ribbitsplayts · 2 months
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unwell is a really good podcast please listen to it
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swiftieblyth · 7 months
I love your writing!! May I please request a fic with George Weasley and his pregnant muggle wife? George and his family doting on her and it’s super sweet and adorable? Reader being besties with Fred lol 💖
More Weasley’s
warnings- pregnancy, fluff
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George!” You yelled, from bed, hands running along your ever growing bump, the twins kicking you in all directions.
“What is it love?” George asked, running in.
“Help me up. I’m too big to move!” You pouted.
It wasn’t exactly wrong. You were nearing the end of your pregnancy caring Weasley Twins.
“Okay, darling,” George let out, going to your side and helping you up. “Do you need anything?”
“Rub my back!” You ordered. George smiled and started kneading his way through the knots in your back. You sighed and relaxed a little. “Thank you Georgie!”
“Of course darling. Do you need anything before we go to my parents?”
“No. I’ll need help getting ready though.”
“Of course my love, let’s get you three some breakfast first though.”
You were standing at the sink, trying to get your dress on but failing to do so, ending up with a terrible cramp in your back and much more discomfort from the babies inside.
“Darling, what’s wrong?” George asked, walking in to see you crying.
“I can’t get my dress on.”
“Oh, it’s okay baby. I’ve got it.” George helped you put your dress on, then crouched down, cradling your bump in his hands. “Hey babies. It’s Daddy, I need you to stop making Muma cry. I hate when she cries.”
“I love you Georgie,” you breathed, racking your figures through his red hair.
“We’re here!” George called, opening the door to the Burrow, helping you walk in.
“Oh there they are!” Mrs. Weasley let out, walking to you too.
“Hi, Mum,” George smiled, hugging her.
“Hi, Y/N,” she smiled, carefully hugging you. “How are you?”
“Good but exhausted.” You smiled.
“Why don’t you go sit down, dearie, we’re just finishing up dinner, but everyone else is in the living room.”
“Thank you.” You smiled, as George helped you to the living room. He helped you down on the couch, making you let out a sigh as George sat down next to you.
“Any signs of my niece and nephew coming yet?” Fred asked, exited for them to be there.
“Not yet, Fred.” George let out, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and putting his other hand on your bump next to your hands.
“But if you keep pestering me about it they might,” you remarked, looking at your best friend.
“What? I’m just ready to see the next generations Weasley twins.”
“Oh no. They might be Weasley twins, but they will not be going around pranking people all the time!” You scolded.
“You don’t know that Y/N/N,” Fred sing sung. “They could be just like me and Georgie.”
“That would be a nightmare.” You recalled. “I never had to deal with you two as babies. Dad, how bad were Fred and George as babies?”
“Well,” Arthur started. “Um, about how you would think.”
“Oh great.” You sighed.
“Don’t worry love.” George cooed, kissing your temple. “I’ll be right here to help.”
“I love you.”
“Diner’s ready!” Mrs. Weasley called.
You sighed as everyone got up and went the dining room.
“Come her, darling, I’ve got you.” George cooed, helping you up.
You grunted in discomfort as babies shifted, fighting each other and hitting you in the process. You got light headed and leaned on George. Head resting on his shoulder, hands rubbing your swollen abdomen.
“You dizzy?” George asked, kissing your head.
“Mm,” you hummed. “Light headed.”
“Let’s get you some food.”
“So, Y/N,” Ginny smiled, as you ate. “Are you excited for the twins?”
“Yes! I can’t wait to get them out of me.” You smiled, looking at your bump. “I just hope they have the signature Weasley red hair.”
“I’m sure they will, dearie.” Molly smiled.
“Thanks, Mum.” You replied.
“When they are born, Molly and I will be more than happy to look after them when ever you two need us to.”
“Thank you, Dad.” George smiled, running his hand along the bump, calming the babies down. “Once they’re born, Fred said he wouldn’t mind taking care of the shop, so I can stay at the hospital with Y/N. Then once they’re all three home, I’ll stay home and take care of them.”
“And of course you can all visit when they come.” You smiled, finished your food, and resting your head on George’s shoulder. A content smile on your face.
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junkbrainz · 4 months
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amphetamine by everclear. you get me
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Wes Borland: The Human Emoji
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juniperskye · 1 year
Until I Found You
***Potential spoilers of The Rookie***
Pairing: John Nolan x Fem Reader
Sneak Peek: After his breakup with Bailey, John is convinced he will never fall in love again…that is until he found you. (This is taking place pre TO Nolan) Reader owns a Café (food truck).
Word count: 2851
Warnings: Reader has kind of spooky vibes, no use of y/n, Implied age gap, mention of food and eating (no explicit details), brief mention of crime (no explicit details), mention of past relationships, mention of unhealthy relationships, mention of getting ready for a date (details are feminine leaning – shaving, makeup, nails, hairstyling), developing strong feelings quickly, one teeny tiny kiss.
Not edited - please be kind.
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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After his breakup with Bailey, John was convinced he wouldn’t find love again. How would it be fair for him to have had love with Sarah, Lucy, Jessica, Grace, Bailey and for him to expect it again. His love with each of those women differed from one another, but they all had played a very important role in his life. For the last few months John had really just been going through the motions; sleep, work, eat, repeat.
Today had been a particularly slow day on the job for John, very unusual for the LAPD. He had been riding alone today which was honestly making the day drag on even more so. He was counting down the minutes until lunch – at least then he would get to socialize with his fellow officers.
Two speeding tickets, one robbery and a stolen car later, it was finally time for lunch. Heading to their usual spot, John notices that there is a new food truck parked, black with orange script on the side spelling out “Hallowed Grounds” alongside little white painted bats. John’s eyes were drawn to this truck not because it is new, or that the line was at least fifteen people long, but because of the beautiful person running the window.
It was Lucy who had ultimately broken John out of the trance he was in.
“Hey, you okay? You were spaced out there for a second.” Lucy questioned.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m okay. What’s with the new truck?” John wanted to see how much Lucy knew without giving away the attraction he was feeling towards this stranger.
“Oh! It is all over social media, Hallowed Grounds, it is mostly coffee, but the pastries are to die for! I mean literally that is their slogan!” Lucy laughed.
“The line is pretty long, so it must be good. Should we check it out?”
“Sounds good to me!”
With that, John and Lucy made their way to the line. Lucy was talking John’s ear off about some new social media drama, but honestly John wasn’t listening, he was far too distracted by your beauty and the honey sweet tone of your voice. You had this way about you that was breathtaking, moving with grace and just so patient and kind to all the patrons who had been waiting in line. They were finally nearing the front of the line, and John had realized he hadn’t even looked at the menu.
“Hi there! What can I get for you?” You smiled at him.
“Hi, can I get a medium caramel latte and a lemon blueberry scone?” Lucy ordered with no hesitation.
“Of course! And for you?” You looked expectantly at John.
“I um, can I just get a black coffee and, no that’s all.” John stuttered.
Lucy looked over at him confused as she paid, and they walked over to stand near the pickup window. John took note of you disappearing from the window and a young man taking your place.
“Okay, I know that we did not just stand in that long line just for you to order a black coffee. What is up with you?” Lucy questioned John. “OH MY GOD! You think she’s cute, don’t you?”
“Okay, hush! I’d rather not scare the girl off before I even get a chance to talk to her.”
“Okay sorry! I’m just happy for you. You’ve been sulking ever since you and Bailey broke things off.”
“I have not been sulking…okay maybe I have. But I really thought she was it for me.”
“John and Lucy?” You called.
They made their way up to the window to pick up their orders.
“Alright Lucy, a caramel latte and a lemon blueberry scone, and for John a black coffee and a chocolate croissant.” I hope you guys have a wonderful day and stay safe!”
“Oh, I didn’t…” John started.
“Thank you so much, you have a wonderful day too!” Lucy cut John off and began to drag him away from the truck.
The two of them went to sit at a table with Tim, Aaron and Nyla for the rest of their lunch. They were all hoping it wouldn’t be cut short by a call coming in.
“Alright Nolan!” Aaron exclaimed as John sat down.
“What? What did I do?”
“The bag. The barista gave you her number!”
John turned the bag around and sure enough your name and phone number had been neatly printed along with a little heart. John looked at Tim, then Nyla and finally to Lucy. He hadn’t been expecting you to give him your number, especially not after he had made a complete fool of himself in front of you just moments before.
Just as Lucy was about to encourage him to text you, a call came ringing in over the radios. Everyone was quick to get up and head to their respective shops. John heard Tim and Lucy radio that they were responding, and that Nyla and Aaron were acting as backup. He figured they had it covered, and he would continue to patrol, but not before adding you into his contacts.
Three days.
It was three days before John had gathered the courage to text you. He hadn’t seen you either, since he’d worked through lunch one of the days, had a pretty big drug bust on the second day, and was assigned to the front desk on the third day. Today though, he had the day off and now was his time to text you and see if you would want to go on a date with him.
John: Hey, this is John. From the other day.
You: Hi! I was beginning to think that maybe I was too forward.
John: Oh, no, not at all! I’m sorry, things have just been really busy with work. I finally have a day off.
You: Okay, good! I’m sorry work has been keeping you busy. Hopefully you’ve been able to stay safe.
John: I have. Nothing too out of the ordinary this week. How have you been?
You: I’ve been good! I have been testing some new recipes and trying to figure out what to swap in for the fall season.
You: Speaking of which…would you like to be a taste tester for me? I could really use a customer’s perspective!
John: I would love to! By the way, that croissant was incredible. I was actually texting you to ask you to dinner.
You: Yeah, dinner and then we can go back to mine to try these desserts?
You: Wow that was also very forward…I’m not usually like this by the way!
John: No worries. I won’t read into it I promise. So tonight, can I pick you up at 7?
You: 7 is perfect, see you then John!
After confirming your plans with John, you kicked it into high gear. It was 10:07 a.m. and you had a lot to do before you’d be ready to go. You really needed to get your nails done, you needed to finish the 6 different pastries you’d been working on, and you’d really need to shower before you could get ready.
After doing some quick math in your head, you figured that you would have just enough time to get everything done provided you shower while some things were baking in the oven. With that, you place the pre-cut cookie dough into the freezer (these would be easy enough to pull out and bake later when you and John go back), you placed the muffins and two different loaves of bread in the oven. That just left the cake that you were actively frosting and the pie that was cooling. Once the cake was thoroughly iced, you threw the dishes in the dishwasher and headed towards the shower, not without checking your timer to make sure you’d have ample time.
You were sure to go through all the steps of what you’d consider a full shower, washing and conditioning your hair, washing your body with your best smelling body wash, and shaving essentially every inch of your body. You weren’t anticipating that anything would happen tonight, but you wanted to be prepared nonetheless and you’d make sure at the very least that you smelled good.
After drying off and throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, you made way for the kitchen just in time to pull out the muffins and the bread. You set them out on the cooling rack, turned the oven off and then you headed to your favorite nail salon. They were able to get you in right away seeing as it was 12:00 p.m. on a Thursday.
Your nail appointment ended at about 1:30 p.m., which gave you enough time to head over and check on your staff and the truck. Upon arrival you noticed there were a few police cruisers parked along the curb. You knew John was off today, but you still found yourself scanning the crowd for him.  
“He’s not here.” Your staff, Ezra, had called over to you.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” You tried to hide your blush, embarrassed about getting caught looking for John. Ezra was the one who had encouraged you to give him your number in the first place, having seen how smitten you were with John when you’d met him the other day. Ezra and you had been friends for years, he could read you better than anyone.
“Mmhmm, sure thing. It was a different group this time around. What are you up to? Aren’t you supposed to be off testing new pastries?” Ezra questioned you.
“I was doing exactly that when John texted me and asked me out! I went and got my nails done and figured I would stop by and see how things were going before I went back home and got ready for my date.”
“OH MY GOD! See I told you that if you gave him your number, he’d ask you out. There were definite vibes the other day, he was so enamored by you that he forgot to look at the menu!” Ezra gushed.
“Okay, fine. You were right. I’m kind of nervous, he’s taking me to dinner, then we’re going back to my place so he can taste the new desserts and give me his opinions on them.”
“Girl, you are going to be fine! He seems nice and you are an amazing person, no reason to be nervous. Plus, what have you got to lose?” Ezra had always been your voice of reason in times of need.
“Okay, yeah. I should probably get going then so I can get ready.”
“Okay babe, have a great night! OH and you should wear the outfit you wore to our opening party, it screams you and its hot!”
“Oh, that was a good outfit, I don’t know where he’s taking me yet, but it should be dressy enough.”
You said your goodbyes to Ezra and made your way back home. It was nearing 3:30 p.m. and you knew you should probably start getting ready. You grabbed a glass of water and then got to styling your hair. You curled your hair and applied some natural looking makeup and went to get dressed. To pair with the faux leather skirt and starry mesh top, you slid on some black tights, comfy socks and your Doc Martens. Looking over at your alarm clock you see 6:45p.m. glowing red and you decide to switch to a smaller purse in the time you have left before your date…your usual everyday tote bag not exactly matching this outfit choice. You’d opted for a small leather handbag, with gold accents, it matched your outfit perfectly and was better suited for the occasion. As soon as you organized everything into the purse a knock sounded at the door. You took a deep breath then walked to answer it.
“Hi!” You greeted John as you opened the door.
“Wow, you look incredible.” John was awestruck, you had such a different style than the women he had previously dated, but he was really loving it. You were so confident in your own skin, and you just had this glow about you.
“Thank you, you look very handsome.”
“Shall we?” John gestured to his truck.
You nodded and the two of you walked around to the passenger side. John opened the door for you then offered his hand to assist you into the truck.
“Such a gentleman.”
John blushed at the compliment, he tried to shake it off as he started the truck and pulled out of your driveway. You made small talk on your way to the restaurant, which ended up being a very nice steakhouse.
John parked and looked over to you, he made note of the way you were inspecting the sign, and immediately panicked.
“I probably should have asked and made sure you weren’t a vegetarian!”
“I’m not! I love a good steak; my dad is a self-proclaimed grill master!” You laughed.
John laughed with you and let out a sigh of relief. He once again opened your door for you and reached to help you out of the truck. He was so different form the men you had dated before, so polite and caring. He listened to what you had to say and even asked you questions to learn more about you. It was so refreshing to be around someone like him. Truth is, you had dated some pretty terrible people in the past and that was the main reason you were single now. You’d decided to take a break from dating and focus on yourself and your career, which is how you’d gotten to the point of owning a very successful food truck. You had explained to John that your end goal is to have a brick-and-mortar location of Hallowed Grounds that was a café/bookstore. You wanted to create a cozy space for people to hangout while they enjoyed good food.
John just sat and smiled, he loved how you lit up when you spoke about it. Seeing you so passionate about something was honestly inspiring. He hadn’t expected the feelings for you to be so immediate, so strong, just crashing to the surface as the night went on. John could feel himself growing concerned about whether or not you were feeling as strongly for him as he was for you. The two of you had just clicked and it was so effortless.
What John didn’t know is you were currently battling the same demons. Was it really possible to be this comfortable with someone after such a short time?
Dinner had passed far too quickly for either of your likings, you were honestly just glad that you had already planned to continue this evening. You weren’t ready to say goodnight to John just yet. As John drove you back to your place, he took a risk by reaching for your hand to hold, you were quick to slide your hand into his and you couldn’t help but blush. John couldn’t believe how soft your hand was and it made him think about how rough his must be from his years as a contractor, he shook the thought away as you gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
You made it back to your place relatively quickly and John once again made sure to assist you on the passenger side, only this time instead of offering you his hand, he was a little bolder. He’d placed his hands on your waist and slowly helped you out of the truck. You stood there, chest to chest, your breath hitching from the proximity. Your gazes danced over one another’s face, shifting from eyes to lips back to eyes, silently asking for permission. When you slightly tilted your head, John understood and reached his right hand up to cup your jaw as he brought you in for a kiss. The kiss lasted for what felt like forever but ended far too soon. You wanted to exist in this moment infinitely.
You and John held hands once again as you staggered to the door. You made quick work of the lock and invited him in, guiding him to the kitchen.
“You ready to try some desserts?” You asked.
“Absolutely!” John replied.
You blushed, realizing the double entendre and moved to get all the desserts plated up. You explained to John that you’d need to throw the cookies in the oven, but they only took about 10 minutes to cook. He nodded and asked if you needed any help with anything, which you declined and encouraged him to relax.
John watched as you worked in the kitchen, this had been your element and it was like a well-choreographed dance, the way you moved. He couldn’t help but smile to himself, picturing the two of you like this, years down the road. He knew that you had only just met, but after tonight he couldn’t deny the connection. He realized he had been wrong when he said he would never fall in love again. That was true, until he met you.
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Chris’s Little Family 🤍
pairing: chris evans x momma evans (little duck au)
summary: chris can’t help but take every little moment to admire his perfect little family
warnings: tooth rotting fluff
a/n: i know i’ve been slacking on little duck and writing, this is short and things are just really tough for me right now and i haven’t been in a writing mood :/
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 The sun was out in Boston, the air warm for the spring which meant you were already outside just after breakfast, Arlie adamant on riding her bike and jumping on the trampoline. She’d always loved the outdoors and being active, so after a laugh you followed her outside with Wesley strapped to your chest, he was fast asleep after nursing, so you expected a quiet few hours from him. You sat on the outdoor swing on the edge of your patio a soft knitted blanket across your lap, a perfect few of the small barn and pond further down the yard, arguably your favourite view to admire each day. Chris eventually came out after cleaning up after the waffle making that took place in the kitchen that same morning. Chris’s favourite view by far was the one he saw right now, his little girl giggling away as her blonde hair flew around as she jumped on the trampoline. Then his eyes moved to you, cuddled up with his boy, your eyes lighting up in excitement anytime Arlie said something to you, your hands rubbing Wes’s back to keep him sleeping. Of course, he loved the view his home provided, but his family was his favourite, and they were something special that he would always cherish and hold close to his heart
“Daddy see me jumping!!”
You turned to smile at Chris after Arlie yelled to him
“I see you princess, getting higher and higher every time!” 
He chuckled making his way over to sit next to you, his heart warming as you lifted the blanket so he could get under it 
“Thank you for cleaning up after breakfast my love” 
His lips pressed a kiss to your cheek before letting you lean on his shoulder a content hum escaping your lips 
“I should be thanking you for wrangling these two monsters every morning, they have the best mother in the world”
“Are you trying to make me cry Christopher?”
He laughed rubbing your arm gently 
“No, no, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you, and this life we get to have together, our little family is-it just makes me so happy, and I know I say this to you a lot, but I couldn’t imagine experiencing this with anyone else”
Each time he expressed his feelings, even if he said it to you one hundred times, it was enough to get you teary eyed and emotional, so pressing your lips to his to convey just how much it meant to you, was all you could muster in this moment 
“I love you, and I am just and thankful for our family-”
“Momma, Daddy!! Been callin’ you for ages!” 
Chris was the first to laugh at his daughter’s sass, she definitely got all of that from you
“Oh you were huh?”
She stood in front of him, hands on her hips as if she was getting ready to scold him, you were trying hard not to smile at her antics, especially when she huffed dramatically and climbed up to sit with Chris, her head leaning on his chest 
“What were you saying baby, I’m listening now” 
“Was gonna ask for help with my bike, but I comfy now, don’t wanna move” 
Chris tucked her under the blanket, letting out another quiet laugh as he held her to his chest 
“Well, if you’re comfy then you stay right there duck, we can go bike later” 
If Chris wasn’t listening closely enough, he would have missed the soft “thank you daddy” that fell from her lips. This was Chris’s favourite view in the whole world, he had his family all bundled under a blanket on the porch swing that already had many memories for you and Chris. He wouldn’t trade this in for anything in the world, he’d be crazy if he said he didn’t want maybe one more little one running around, but there was time for that, he was more than happy with his little family right now and so were you, that was all he could ever ask for. 
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kyngsnake · 2 months
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i love being an artist. with the power of my mind i can make these two guys kiss
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stargazineyes · 1 year
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Jack champion as Wes Bennett moodboard (?)
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Confession #63
"I may not be a fan of the boy genius trope, but I still don't think Wil Wheaton deserved harassment and hate from the fandom for playing Wesley Crusher. That being said, I think Wesley becomes a much more likeable character when he's allowed to have normal problems like girl troubles or getting chewed out by Picard for messing up."
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blood-mocha-latte · 5 months
literally just realised someone else asked you that already 😅 so...fave webgott headcanons instead?
bestie i am happy to answer ANY ask of yours do not Fret. anything for u truly. now!! have some post-war webgott <3.
- they don’t end up with each other. at least in a conventional way: there’s no staying at the same house, or eating dinner together, or even being on the same coast.
- even when it’s been years, and there’s no reason to fear something happening, or either of them being caught, or they could do it, maybe, they could maybe make it, it doesn’t matter. because in their heads, maybe they can’t.
- webster still comes down to california, of course. liebgott tends to not find himself in the east, he says it’s too cold and it’s the same thought of not making it that keeps webster from complaining.
- they’ll spend maybe a week together, fighting and annoying and bothering each other.
- web leaves, doesn’t write to liebgott and liebgott doesn’t write to him. then one of them will call and have the same conversation about california and webster is buying a train ticket all over again.
- and so the cycle begins anew.
- liebgott is prone to anger. to fighting back. always has been, but after the war it seems to become drier, like a husk that he can’t peel away from his organs.
- and, well, websters father was prone to dry anger. he isn’t real good at fighting back against it.
- they clash against each other and into each other and with each other but it’s always dry anger, and on the offset that it’s more gentle than thought doesn’t matter because the anger comes right on back with the nightmares and lost thoughts of guilt and grieving and the whole cycle starts all over again.
- webster reads and re-reads and re-re-reads the hollow men by ts eliot. next to him in a too-small bed, liebgott puts a cigarette out in the ashtray on the nightstand and tells him that if the world is going to end, it sure as hell won’t be with a whimper.
- there’s a bell in the kitchen that webster thinks that liebgott might have stolen from a restaurant; he likes to ring it to make the other come out and make him breakfast.
- liebgott never does, so webster rings the bell to entertain himself and then sorts through the cupboards that he memorized years ago to find pans and mugs and plates.
- web may not be catholic anymore, but a cross isn’t a skin that can be shrugged off. it isn’t a coat or an idea, it’s as core to someone as the knowledge that lungs inflate when someone inhales. it’s believing with every atom in your body that something doesn’t exist, but still having a small part in the back of your head that sounds suspiciously like a child asking are you sure?
- he carries around a bible, the only tab in it opens onto leviticus 18 22.
- the cover is dusty and hardly seems to have ever been opened. liebgott sees it only once, carefully packed into websters back with ts eliot and oscar wilde and doesn’t say a thing on it
- once, when webster came down in november, he opened it. read where the tab marked and closed the book again. he didn’t touch it, after that.
- webster was awake when he flipped through the bible. the next time he went down to california, he left it at home in a box under his bed.
- guilt is a funny thing, and he has a lot of it.
- over the book. over his own thoughts. over a war that ended a millennia ago that he missed out on, and doesn’t regret, but does look back on and wish. for what, he doesn’t know, but he’s always been an outsider, so he supposes it doesn’t matter.
- of course, it doesn’t matter. it never did, it never will, it never has.
- liebgott pretends that he forgets websters first name. won’t say it, ever, and webster can’t figure out why. it makes him angry, but not the angry that liebgott is, that his father was.
- a shakier kind of upset, that’s more grief than rage. all it seems to do is prove an argument he made inside his own head.
- webster always leaves the same way. in a huff. slams the door shut, liebgott won’t accompany him down to the train station. he won’t call him, either, and webster had given up on writing to him years ago.
- but maybe liebgott sits down and writes a letter, one day. maybe he writes, and it’s the first thing he’s ever written to web and the war ended twelve years ago and there’s a bell sitting in his kitchen, deathly quiet.
- and webster always tends to be predictable. he always has to get the last word in.
- the next visit down to california is much, much longer.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"Mr. Damon is so cool don't you think, Y/N?" Peter asked. They watched from afar as Damon drank a glass of bourbon with Tony Stark. Damon and his brother, Stefan Salvatore, were vampires from another earth. Somehow they had been transported to their world and Steve and Tony agreed that the brothers remain here until they could get them home and make sure they don't feed on innocent people. Needless to say, Peter was quite enchanted with Damon's looks and charm. The way he made Peter blush with a dirty comment or flirty wink.
Y/N sized up the vampire with consideration and while he was handsome of face and charm, he was still an asshole. Probably as big as Tony. Not much to Y/N's choice in men, unlike Damon's sweet brother Stefan. "He's alright. Though, if I had to pick one of them to blow, it would be Stefan with those gorgeous green eyes."
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ratleyland · 5 months
"Some m*th*rf*ck*rs are always trying to ice-skate uphill"
This movie is definitely the best one out of the trilogy.
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rebouks · 1 year
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Rhys: I wanna do this kinda shit full time after uni so it’s good practice, y’know? Tommy: It ain’t work yet though, don’t get carried away n’ forget to have fun. Rhys: This is fun.
Ivan: Oscar ain’t no employer, do whatever y’want; take a million n’ get a portfolio goin’, or sit n’ eat cake all day. Oscar: [laughs] As long as we get one or two photos we can stick up; it doesn’t really matter-.. just save some cake for me. Rhys: I’m more of a savoury kinda guy, don’t worry.
Bruno: Aren’t you nervous? Oscar: [scoffs] No way. Ivan: I reckon I would be.
Oscar: Pfft, of all the shit we’ve been through recently, getting married is like.. the least worrisome thing ever. Ivan: Holy shit! I ain’t thought about it like that. Oscar: Right?! This is a piece of piss in comparison.
Ivan: [laughs] Christ-.. we fuckin’ did it, bud! Oscar: Fuck yeah, we did! Ivan: And t’think I almost left…
Oscar: I’m glad you didn’t. Ivan: Ahh, I love y’too much. Bruno: Maybe you two should get married.
Ivan: Awh, but then I couldn’t marry you! Oscar: Are you jealous? Do you want a bear hug too? Bruno: [chuckles] Save it for later, I think everyone’s ready.
Ella: I swear, if anything goes missing… Norma: Don’t be daft. Ella: Well, you were investigating these lot not long ago.
Norma: [snorts] You never listen, it wasn’t-.. I suppose it’s complicated, but they’re fine! Ella: Hm. Norma: Come on! The grass is dry, the pond is a little less stinky, they cleaned the barn up for us-.. it’s cute.
[DISTANT HOLLERING] Norma: We ought to tell them to leave it all up, renew our vows. Ella: Pfft.. if we’re doing that, I want to be somewhere hot with a cocktail in my hand.
Norma: [laughs] Deal. Ivan: Dude! You good t’go?! Norma: Are you ready, Bernie?
Bernard: Always! Ella: Don’t forget what to say this time. Bernard: Good lord, that was over twenty years ago-.. give me a break!
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