#Were Wally AU
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year ago
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AT LONG LAST PAGE 9 HAS MADE IT!!! Frank is safe and sound guys!! Can't say the same with Julie though...
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purple-raspberries · 3 months ago
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Funny thing about this one! I was thinking of the Leightner books from The Magnus Archives (manifestations of fear that take the form of books and pamphlets and affect those that read them, often with terrible consequences) and thought “in what ways would the events of Welcome Home manifest in the world of TMA?” And then proceeded to reference the story book video we got in the newest update.
I went with the evil!Home take for this one. The text was originally going to be “The Eye” but thought that that was a bit too direct for a Leightner book, but nonetheless this book here is intended to be Eye related (fear of being watched or known, scopophobia, or the horror that knowledge brings) . This is also funny because puppets typically evokes the Stranger (fear of the uncanny valley, of the Other, a lack of knowledge [in a sense], but also dolls, mannequins! etc) which is usually seen as the opposite of the Eye. Fears overlap, however, and to categorize them under such simple labels is a foolish way of thinking. You can’t have one without the others. Alas, brutal pipe murder.
Not sure exactly what I think reading the book would do, but I’d be glad to hear what y’all think Haha! 👻
Separated pages vvvvv
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no-name-blu · 1 month ago
Some doodles from instagram
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scribble-pillar · 2 years ago
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I was in a silly goofy mood huehuehuehue :3c
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fairygothmotherisgay · 1 year ago
DC Social Media AU Part 6
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sketchy-tour · 1 year ago
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First off some silly human stuff cause Human Dandy and Wally are precious to me I spin them in my mind like microwaved potatoes.
OH AND ALSO I've been sketching up Reboot Dandy ideas!
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Don't ask me why the two Dandy AU designs I've come up with have specific details about their glasses. IDK. But I just...like the idea that Reboot Dandy tries a little bit too hard to be seen as "cool" by Wally. The two are dumbasses who tease each other to show affection but sometimes...SOMETIMES Dandy takes those teases to heart and never tells Wally. But man when they get compliments??? Shit makes them flustered so fast.
Reboot au by @/bloodrediscream
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zipora666 · 4 months ago
hello?..is..anybody on the phone?..
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junespriince · 5 months ago
And they were roommates au
Wally: you know red goes to blue.
Kyle, doing wires: yOu KnOw ReD gOsE tO bLuE, shut the fuck up speed runner before I looney tune you.
Clark: why do you guys hate each other, you pass every team building thing we make for you yet you say such mean things...
Wally: I don't hate him, he's my best friend.
Kyle: yeah, what would give you the idea we hate each other?
Clark: you... You fought not even a second ago and this morning coming in you yelled when Wally said he could replace you.
Kyle: because he can, I'm irreplaceable.
Wally: irresponsible more like it, sixteen grand on art supplies you'll do one thing, either perfect it or never touch it again. Your mother raised you to severe cunt not severe credit card debt.
Kyle: okay when get rid your chem set.
Wally: I would rather sit naked on a hot grill then do that.
Kyle: ditto!
Wally: bitch.
Kyle: whore!
Wally and Kyle, fighting after completing the training exercise:
Bruce: you had to start them up.
Clark: I thought talking about it would help...
Kyle: that it I will pray for your downfall!
Wally: jokes on you I'm an atheist!
Kyle: ...
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 6 months ago
Would sami eat vegemite?
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A tragedy, let me tell ya.
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midnighthybrid1 · 2 years ago
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This was like- SO fun guys. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun doing lineart in so long??? I tried extra hard to make this one look good lol. I did something to differentiate the shading of the puppets and Fionn, which I think I’m a little too proud of 😅
While drawing this, I kept looking between my version and the OG and going ‘WOW I can’t believe our styles are that different, that’s so cool’. I love DTIYS’ sm cause I think it’s just so cool seeing all the different interpretations and art styles people have of the same image.
Anywho, congrats to @chez-cinnamon for all of the followers! Your AU is so hecking cool bro, I love literally all of the content ya make for it sm (your style is so nice bro??? It makes me so happy) I’m hecka excited to see where the storyline for it goes. Keep up the awesome work! And to peeps who see this, y’all should totally go check them out, nudge nudge wink wink.
Have a wonderful day, y’all!
Likes and Reblogs are appreciated! PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ARTWORK!
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hyperrealisticblood · 1 year ago
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we dont know much about beta welcome home and we probably never will but in my heart its about wally experiencing one (1) gay thought and deciding that the guy who caused it needs to die by any possible means
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indecisive-dizzy · 7 months ago
Alright the Gravity Falls brain rot is kicking in (aka I watched a 4hr video overanalyzing ATOTS <3 iykyk)
So have a loosely thought out concept of a hypothetical Welcome Home x Gravity Falls au with my "Hear me out!"s This is a long one, you've been warned <3
Wally - Dipper
Sally - Mabel
Julie - Stanley
Frank - Stanford
Eddie - Soos
Barnaby - Wendy
Poppy - Abuelita
Howdy - Gideon
Home - Bill???
Ok hear me out! (under the cut) Please ignore typos <3
Very quick clarification! For this au everyone is at least in their teens and I'm gonna add their ages as I elaborate. Ok? Ok!
Gonna Start with Poppy and Eddie. In this hypothetical au Poppy is Not Eddie's grandmother. Originally I thought of assigning Poppy the role of Lazy Susan but I wanted her to have a closer connection to the rest of the cast. And Abuelita fit the role well enough for me! She's just a sweet homebody who wants to knit and bake in peace. Eddie tells her all about work and Wally and Sally visit. <3
So Poppy and Eddie live together as Roommates/Family. Poppy took Eddie in as a teen (16ish) when she was in her early 20s (22-23?) He views her as a big sister. And she views him as a little brother. Anxiety siblings <3 (yes I hc Eddie has anxiety) Eddie started working for the shack soon after being taken under Poppy's wing. He's a tad forgetful and clumsy but is a very reliable handy man and a good friend! He's got a big heart and worries about Julie sometimes.
Currently, as in the time the au takes place, Eddie is 24 and Poppy is 30-31.
Julie and Frank would in fact make a Fantastic Mabel and Dipper. Tbh I think I've seen the comparison before. Which is exactly why I'm not doing it! They're not twins here but they are childhood friends and very close in age, Frank being slightly older. Currently, Julie is 57(?) and Frank is 58(?). (Ages aren't confirmed, all I know is I want them to be A Bit younger than the Stans. Currently this would put them in their late 20s at the time of the portal incident)
I feel like people sometimes forget that Frank is not against resorting to violence lol. Which is great for post portal Ford (and maybe Paranoia era Ford. bbg was not afraid to use that crossbow.) And Julie is a girl bossing business woman! She's scamming people selling breen to the tourists! Whatever that is! Tbh Big inspo for this decision is Relativity Falls, like I said these two make for great mystery twins.
So! Wally (15) as a teenage Dipper! It's just Wally but his curiosity is bumped to 100. Still the same lil guy but he's got a hyperfixation on the supernatural and cryptids. Maybe he hasn't quite figured out his style yet, maybe he's a bit more awkward, I dunno.
He kinda didn't want to spend his summer here but ends up enjoying himself as he makes friends and gets to over indulge his curiosity.
Sally (15) is Wally's adopted sister! By sheer coincidence they have the same birthday but Sally always points out that she's older because she was "born at sunrise!" She's very adventurous and is often the one leading their escapades. I imagine she meets this aus equivalent of Candy and Grenda at the local theater. Very much wants to be her own person, separating herself from the Adopted Twins thing. Not in a bad way! She loves Wally very much but wants people to see her as Sally! Not just "Wally's Sister."
Barnaby (22) is very laid back and so is Wendy. Yeah I don't actually have a lot to say? Um. He does the bare minimum work but is a good friend to Julie. He's real observant and can tell she's not always as bubbly as she seems But she's also his boss so he doesn't pry. Instead just offering a distraction or a rare bit of advice..
Oh! There's a parallel with him and Wally and Wendy and Dipper. Except Wally just wants to be friends with Barnaby but doesn't quite know how to communicate that. Maybe he just kinda follows him around the shack hoping to figure out what to say?
Thinking their relationship is literally the recent quote from Clown's Q&A: "Barnaby meeting Wally felt like business as usual, and Wally meeting Barnaby felt like meeting the whole world." yeah that's it. Sums it up Perfectly <3 Wally thinks Barnaby is really cool and friendly. And he wants a friend who treats him like he's mature. Like he's 15, not 5. And Barnaby does that right out the gate. Calls him kid but obviously doesn't treat him like a small child.
Ahem. Capitalism. Howdy's (21) a filthy capitalist and wants the shack for Profit. I don't think he'd resort to literal breaking and entering to get the deed? Can't make Profit from jail if he gets caught. But he's definitely trying to buy the property off of Julie. Maybe we stray further from Gravity Falls canon and say he gets an early redemption bc I'm a sucker for this goof. It would be sometime after taking the shack (and losing it.) Oh but he does summon the Evil. Can't break the law if the law doesn't account for Interdimensional Demons!
On that note, Yes Howdy could be Stanley. But again. That's the easy way out! Also in my brain that would make,, idk Barnaby? Ford. And I couldn't do that.
Ok final (wh) character. Home. So I'm on the side of Home Isn't Evil/The Antagonist. He's just a guy (house)! A sassy fella! But someone's gotta be the Eldritch Horror and Unfortunately, Home,,, well he's a lil quirky!
But idk How to incorporate Home. They speak in onomatopoeias! They're a house! Is Home now a Vague 2D House Shaped Demon? Do the have Limbs? Wear a top hat? Do they talk now? Home speaking words feels cursed. But I genuinely don't what else to do? Maybe we suspend our disbelief and they still talk through banging shutters. Everyone just understands them bc Cartoon logic pffff maybe they have subtitles projected into your brain that only you can see idk lol.
So obviously there's Way more GF characters than there are WH characters. insert characters [(y/n)] aren't my thing for aus so that's a no go for me personally. I imagine the town is filled with characters we've heard of outside the neighbors (Ma Beagle of course lives in town.) Maybe some of Howdy's family is here who knows. And the rest would be randos or ocs I guess! Tho I don't believe Julie's siblings are in town.
Anywho this is all hypothetical and I made it up and retyped things as I went along. I wanted to ramble some nonsense so I did! If you read it, Awesome! You sure did that!
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the-deep-dark-forest · 5 months ago
Can we braid yalls hair? It's like perfect braiding length-
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leapdayowo · 2 years ago
Goop!Wally au
Retrogression part 10.5/10
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A little bit extra :33
Part 1 | Previous page
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arc-digital-art · 2 years ago
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Been seeing snippets of @alice-angel12x's Neverland AU on youtube and suddenly needed to draw Tinkerbell Wally more than I needed air
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This is probably Sophie's first impression of Debbie after entering the Neighborhood for the first time
Full disclosure:
No butterflies were injured in the process of making this
(I Don't even think that's a real gun tbh she got it from howdy who sells those chocolate guns you seen in those really old commercials for kids 🤣🤣🤣)
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