#Weiss and Blake can't be the voice of reason cause if they're already thinking about arson then they're one flimsy push away from doing it
darkmoonravewolf · 2 years
I love fluffy funny stories of Team RWBY where it's just Ruby or Yang trying to stop the other 3 from committing arson.
They all get into the same troublr for vsstly different reasons and they'll get into trouble as a family.♥️🤍🖤💛
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Melody of the heart 6
Jaune:*tuning a guitar*........
Cinder:You’ve been doing this for five minutes, quit stalling...
Ruby:Can you not be the worst person ever for like ten minutes? You’re the reason he’s in this position in the first place.
Cinder:Doesn’t mean you he has to take forever; unless he wants that bonefire to eat him.
Cardin:Matters of the heart cannot be rushed. If they are then the true feelings behind the words can’t hope to connect to the hearts of others.
Everyone, and I mean everyone stops and just looks at Cardin for a moment. Taken back by his words.
Jaune:That was really deep.
Pyrrha:And understanding; what happened to you since I died?
Cardin:Nothing, you guys just never saw more than the bully I was to your leader.
Nora:Why are you here again? What could you be possibly singing about!?
Cardin:It doesn’t matter.....
Jaune:Anyways......*puts guitar down* I was stalling a bit. I just.....this is more challenging than I thought.
“Don’t look at her!!”
People turn towards the voice to see a woman with similar looks to Jaune. Sure enough, she was holding a baby and holding hands with another woman.
Jaune:Saph!? How long have-
Saph:The whole time, but that’s not important. Remember when you wanted to sing mom a song you wrote for Mother’s Day when you were little? But every time you looked at her you got emotional and stopped?
Jaune:*red* Yes.........
Saph:You got through it by not looking at her. So close your eyes or something.
Jaune:Is that allowed?
Ozma:All you have to do his sing honestly. The fire didn’t say you have to look at her.
Jaune:Is that okay with you Pyrrha?
Pyrrha:*nods anxiously* Do what you gotta do.
With a final deep breath he closes his eyes; making her the last thing he sees. Everyone remains quiet as the instruments finally start to play and embers almost immediately circle him. Signaling he’s already putting genuine effort into it.
Neo:(crap I know this song....)
Jaune: 🎶Everybody's got something they had to leave behind.
One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time....🎶
Neo:God damnit...
Jaune: 🎶There's no use looking back, or wondering (or wondering...)
How it could be now or might've been (or might’ve been.....) 🎶
🎶All this I know, but still I can't find ways to let you go~🎶 *embers glow*
Jaune:🎶I never had a dream come true. 'Til the day that I found you.
Even though I pretend that I've moved on. You'll always be my baby🎶
Jaune:🎶I never found the words to say, you're the one I think about each day. *tearing up*
And I know no matter where life takes me to, a part of me will always be with you.....🎶 *opens his*
Pyrrha:*lip quivering* W..well then*
Neo:*runs to him* Um can I join?
Jaune:Be my guest, it honestly might help.
Neo🎶:Somewhere in my memory I've lost all sense of time; and tomorrow can never be. 'Cause yesterday is all that fills my mind. 🎶 *looks at Roman*
🎶There's no use looking back, oh wondering (oh wondering)
How it should been, now oh might've been (oh might’ve been) 🎶
All this I know but, still I can't find ways to let you go...🎶
Neo:🎶I never had a dream come true .'Til the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on. You'll always be my baby🎶
Neo:🎶I never found the words to say, you're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to, a part of me will always be....🎶 *sniff*
Jaune: 🎶You'll always be the dream that fills my head
Yes you will....
Say you will.....
You know you will oh baby!!!!!!🎶
Neo:🎶You'll always be the one I know I'll never forget!!!🎶
Jaune:There's no use looking back, oh wondering
Neo:Because love is a strange and funny thing
JN:No matter how hard I try and try....
🎶I JUST CAN’T SAY GOODBYE!!!!🎶 *crying*
Neo:🎶No no no no! I never had a dream come true. 'Til the day that I found you!
Even though I pretend that I've moved on, you'll always be my baby.🎶
Jaune:I never found the words to say. You're the one I think about each day!
JN:And I know no matter where life takes me to
Jaune:A part of me will always be with you...
The music dies down as embers around Neo fly back into the flames. She wipes her tears and returns to her spot next Roman. Jaune’s embers remain and spread to Pyrrha.
Roman:Wow, that was-
Neo:Not a word. *clings to him* I just felt like singing is all....*blushing* trying out my voice and stuff.
Roman:...*rubs her head* It’s a beautiful voice.
Neo:*crying in his arms*
Pyrrha:.....*shaky breaths and watery eyes*
Jaune:......Looks like I still gotta sing; this time with you.
Pyrrha:If...if that’s a problem them maybe we could get the flame to-
Jaune:No! *takes her hand* it’s...perfect. I think I really need this moment- a moment with you.
Pyrrha:*red* 🎶Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you. That is how I know you go on....
Far across the distance and spaces between us, you have come to show you go on🎶
Pyrrha and Jaune: 🎶Near, far, wherever you are. I believe that the heart does go on~
Once more you open the door and you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and on....🎶
*embers immediately swarm everybody*
Ozma:(Well damn!)
Jaune:🎶Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime. And never let go till we're gone....🎶
Weiss:*an emotional mess*
Jaune and Pyrrha: 🎶Love was when I loved you. One true time I hold to~ In my life we'll always go on.....🎶 *stares at each other*
🎶Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on.
Once more you open the door and you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and on🎶
*tears running down their face as they try wiping them*
Jaune and Pyrrha:🎶 You're here, there's nothing I fear and I know that my heart will go on.....
We'll stay......forever this way!!!!
You are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on....🎶
As the embers turned into pure flames they went back into the fire. The music died down a little but didn’t stop entirely. There wasn’t a single dry eye in the room especially....
Weiss:*quietly sobbing*
Blake:*sniffling* You okay?
Weiss:I don’t know! Something....*sniff* about that.....really hurt.
Salem:The power of music.
Jaune:*wiping his tears*Two songs in a row; that’s exhausting.
Pyrrha:*wiping hers* You alright?
Jaune:Think I need a moment. Am I done for now?
“You may have a seat, however....🔥”
*embers fly around Pyrrha again*
“Tell Jaune what’s on your mind with the help of friends.🔥”
Ren and Nora:*immediately walk up there* on it...
Ruby:*sits at a piano* same.. Would the rest of you kindly....
Yang:Yep *drags Jaune to the sidelines next to Weiss and Blake*
Blake:Glad you could join us.
Weiss:I like your singing voice. *pulling herself together*
Jaune:*red* thanks....
Ruby:*playing piano* Operation help Jaune move on is a go. Take it away Ren....
Ren: 🎶I hope when you take that jump you don't fear the fall.
I hope when the water rises you built a wall
I hope when the crowd screams out they're screaming your name
I hope if everybody runs you choose to stay🎶 *smiles happily at him*
Nora: 🎶I hope that you fall in love and it hurts so bad🎶 *winks at Weiss*
Jaune and Weiss:*blushing*
Pyrrha: 🎶The only way you can know is gave it all you have. 🎶*also winks*
Ruby: 🎶And I hope that you don't suffer, but take the pain.🎶
Ren:🎶I hope when the moment comes, you'll say...🎶
Pyrrha:🎶I~ I did it all, I~ I did it all.....
I owned every second that this world could give. Saw so many places, the things that I did.
Yeah with every broken bone, I swear I lived. 🎶 *blows him a kiss*
Jaune:*smiles* you guys are so extra...
RNR: 🎶I hope that you spend your days, but they all add up.
And when that sun goes down I hope you raise your cup! 🎶
Pyrrha: 🎶I wish that I could witness all your joy and all your pain, but until my moment comes I'll say....🎶
RNR: 🎶I~ I did it all, I~ I did it all!!!!🎶
Pyrrha:🎶I owned every second that this world could give. Saw so many places, the things that I did.
Yeah with every broken bone I swear I lived.🎶 *takes Jaune to middle one more time*
Pyrrha:Got a little song left in you?
Jaune:Think I can manage hehe
Pyrrha:Good, nice armor by the way. *smiles*
Pyrrha and Jaune: 🎶Whatever you wanna do, I’ll be here right next to you.
No matter what comes your way, I’ll know it’ll be okay.
Whatever you wanna do, I’ll be here right next to you.
No matter what comes your way, I hope that you can say.....🎶
Pyrrha and Jaune: 🎶I~I lived it all....!!!!!!🎶
Nora:Sing it proud!!!!
🎶I~I LIVED IT ALL....!!!!!!!!🎶 (Woooh!)
Pyrrha and Jaune: 🎶I owned every second that this world could give. I saw so many places, the things that I did!
With every broken bone I swear I lived!🎶
Jaune:🎶Ohhh I swear I lived!!!!🎶
Pyrrha:🎶I lived I lived!!!!!🎶
Jaune:🎶Ohh I did it all!🎶
Pyrrha:🎶I did it all!🎶
Jaune:🎶I did it all~ ohhh🎶
🎶I swear I lived....🎶 *music stops*
Nora:How’s that for a song!!!!?
Ruby:*sweating* Phew.... can you give my friend a break now please? You have three songs of emotional baggage from him.
“splendid, for now...🔥” *embers finally fade*
Ren:Thank the stars it’s over. Please tell me you feel even a little bit better?
Saph:He better! I’m so tired of crying!
Jaune:*rubbing his head* Yeah....I feel better.
Pyrrha:Then that’s all that matters. *winded* my goodness, you do this for fun Weiss?
Weiss:It’s a gift.
Pyrrha:One that you and Jaune both seem to share a bit. Maybe you two should compare notes sometimes. *pushes him towards her*
Jaune:*flustered* W..what!? Pyrrha are you sure-
Pyrrha:Live your life Jaune. Those moments we had are more than enough for me. *kisses his cheek* and sits down.
Salem:Been awhile since I’ve seen emotion like that.
Ozma:They truly are splendid children. I can’t wait to see what other emotions this crowd will display. For now though, let’s just give them a minute.
The two old souls watch everyone collect themselves and see a new spark of determination in their eyes. No way anybody wanted to lose to that performance. Many individuals already pondering what might happen on their turn as Jaune and Weiss both awkwardly try to open up a little more.
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