#Weasley is Our Legend
weasleydailyprophet · 10 months
Ron : *Explains chronology of the flying car incident* McGonagall : If you weren't able to get through the wall, why don't you just write to us, Weasley? Ron : For fuck's sake, Professor! First, we fucking panicked. Second, my parents were still with my sister that made me thought they couldn't come back because we thought the wall was totally fucking sealed. And third, the most important thing, I CAN'T LET MY BEST MATE GO HOME TO BE TREATED LIKE SHIT BY HIS FUCKING ABUSIVE FAMILY. ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND?! McGonagall : ... Ron : Y'know what?! I don't care if you want to expell me. I will do everything to make my best mate live better. So, FUCK YOU!
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So, I saw this gorgeous art by @shleyla and it got me thinking, yeah, they're right the sword of Gryffindor was in the lake and Snape acted as a sort of Lady of the Lake, leading Harry to the sword in a frozen lake. Except Ron got the sword, not Harry. So, is Ron the king of England, confirmed? ("Weasley is our king" after all, and Ron's dad is named Arthur). I'm mostly joking about Ron being the king of England.
But all this made me think about the goblin legends about the sword of Gryffindor and whether it's possible the sword of Gryffindor actually is Excalibur of the HP universe. Griphock states the sword wasn't forged for Gryffindor but that it predates him and was used by a Gobling king:
“I am not a thief, boy! I am not trying to procure treasures to which I have no right!” “The sword’s ours—” “it is not,” said the goblin. “We’re Gryffindors, and it was Godric Gryffindor’s—” “And before it was Gryffindor’s, whose was it?” demanded the goblin, sitting up straight. “No one’s,” said Ron. “It was made for him, wasn’t it?” “No!” cried the goblin, bristling with anger as he pointed a long finger at Ron. “Wizarding arrogance again! That sword was Ragnuk the First’s, taken from him by Godric Gryffindor! It is a lost treasure, a masterpiece of goblinwork! It belongs with the goblins. The sword is the price of my hire, take it or leave it!”
(DH, 432)
But why would a goblin king forge himself a sword made for human proportions? And if Excalibur exists in the HP universe, it stands to reason it would be a magical, goblins-forged blade?
So, what if the sword actually belonged to the HP universe version of King Arthur, and that either the goblins took it back upon his death, or it passed to a descendant (Godric Gryffindor as a descendant of King Arthur is a weird idea, I know, but I'm thinking it).
(All this also made me want to draw Ron as King Arthur, Hermione as Guinevere, and Harry as Merlin... or something like that... maybe I'll do it)
Now, the timeline for all of this is a little murky. Because the founders founded Hogwarts around 990, Merlin supposedly studied in Slytherin House, so he was eleven after the founding. The thing is, the Arthurian legends place King Arthur and Merlin as being alive much earlier, with most historians placing Arthur around 460-560.
So, my headcanon is that Merlin predates Hogwarts and the founders, and the legends of Merlin studying at Hogwarts are just that — legends.
The Order of Merlin, commemorating the most famous wizard of his time, has been given since the fifteenth century. Legend says that the green ribbon, on which the First Class Order hangs, is to reflect Merlin’s Hogwarts house.
(from Pottermore)
It is outright stated Merlin's Hogwarts house is a legend. I think it's a legend everyone believes to be true, but might not actually be true. I couldn't find a source that really stated Merlin was a Hogwarts student 100% which would be historically reliable. It's pretty much the same as in real history. When you try to read about the early medieval era irl you need to sift through a lot of bullshit and inaccurate statements and translations, it's likely the wizarding world is the same.
Also, while researching this, I found there is a stained glass window in Hogwarts that portrays him as an old man with a long beard (at least in Hogwarts Legacy). Windows are usually constructed with the building, so it is possible to take it as evidence Merlin and legends of him existed before Hogwarts was founded. And, there's a legend Hogwarts was founded where the founders discovered a pensive:
One (unsubstantiated) legend says that the founders discovered the Pensieve half-buried in the ground on the very spot where they decided to erect their school.
(From Pottermore)
So what if Merlin was where Hogwarts is, and made the pensive the founders discovered that we see Dumbledore using. If he really predated Hogwarts but has spent time in the are and history got mixed up with legends as history often does. And then, the sword of Gryffindor could actually be The Excalibur.
This is like, a silly part theory/part headcanon, but it was fun for me to think about.
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i wanna start by saying that I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I HOPE BOTH SIDES OF YOUR PILLOW ARE COLD 24/7. Your posts are always so entertaining, informative, and motivational, everyday i'm looking forward to see them. i can literally feel the love when you talk about your dr, it makes me so excited to shift to my dr.
after reading your post about Charlie, the curiosities i had growing up came back to me. To give a bit of context, i am romanian and Charlie was always my favorite Weasley bcs he lives in my country😭 i felt so special as a kid reading the book.
I wonder if he enjoys living there? Are the romanian community of wizards different than the british ones? does the culture influence the way wizards do magic? Did Charlie had to move to Romania to work because Romania has a larger number of dragons than other countries ? If not, why? I JUST HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS I'M SORRY😭😭
this was so sweet to read LOVE YOU TOOO <3
it is so cool that my stories are reaching audiences in romania whaaat?? I love the internet.
also, these are such cool questions, and I definitely don't know as much about Romania as Charlie does, but we do write a lot so I can try and answer what I know!! thank you for a fun ask :)
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to start, Charlie has always wanted to visit Romania since as long as I can honestly remember. there are many dragon sanctuaries throughout the world, but the most well known one is in a classified location in Romania. I think Charlie said it was near Borca? I have no idea--- it is somewhere near the mountains and Charlie is not allowed to say much about it, so we piece together information that he gives us in letters!
Charlie has always been fascinated by the balaur, which is a creature he was always drawing doodles of since he discovered it in a dragon book. I'M NOT KIDDING, there is a drawing of the multiple-headed dragon monstrosity hanging at the base of the stairwell in the Burrow. this guy was OBSESSED
so, when he got accepted into the dragonology institute and preservation center in Romania, it was so monumental because he quite literally has been babbling about that place since Hagrid told him about it. also, the institute is very selective in who they choose to teach and have help in this dangerous environment, so it was such an honor the our Charlie got to go.
in his letters, he enjoys the culture and environment of Romania so much! he tells me that the mythology there is so detailed and there is such an environment of magical creatures that are studied and preserved in the country. because the sanctuary Charlie works at includes a worldwide effort, he is pretty immersed in all sorts of cultures and languages, but he has made it a goal to learn Romanian --so holiday will be wild when he comes back and shows that off!!
as for the Romanian government of magic... I don't know much and we don't hear about them that often :(
but now that I've gotten this question, I will definitely pay more attention to the news etc!
I do know that the Transylvanian quidditch team is IMPECCABLE. the world league is starting soon, and it is always a big deal with that team because they do the craziest stunts MID GAME. I mostly remember this one Transylvanian chaser named Beatrix Petri, who made a whole page in the Seeker Weekly for completing such a dangerous nose dive that even critics in the audience didn't know if she would make it. SHE'S A LEGEND
about the culture--- I'd say the mythology of Romania definitely shapes the way they practice magic and the way the rest of the wizarding world views that country! we can't go more than a couple days in my magical creatures class without mentioning some mythological / theorized creature that originates in Romania. it is the coolest!
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hope this helped answer some of your questions!! i love love these little details from my weasley reality and I hope to one day visit Charlie in Romania (I hope!!)
also, no questions are ever too many! I love being here to answer them and it makes me feel so connected to my DR .. it is the best motivation!! <3
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diangelofan · 1 month
An Unexpected Friendship
I guess most people in this fandom wouldn't probably celebrate Percy Weasley's birthday, but I really like him (despite being such a stick in the mud sometimes). So (belatedly) here's some Percy and Oliver friendship!
September 1st, 1987
“Are you sure you don’t want to sit with us on the train ride to Hogwarts?” “Yeah, Perce, it’ll be fun! We’ll introduce you to our mates!”, Bill and Charlie Weasley stared back at their younger brother expectantly.
“I am sure. I wanted to get up to speed with my reading”, Percy raised his arms to show his heavy volume of Hogwarts: A History, “I would like to have finished it by the time we arrive at the castle.”
Maybe he should have gone with his brothers’ proposition. They, being the popular and “cool” older brothers they were, would probably never ask him to sit with them again. His two younger brothers, twins Fred and George, always made fun of him for being “such a huge bore” (thank Merlin, there were still two years before they came to Hogwarts as well; Percy shuddered just thinking about all the trouble those two would get into).
But he hadn’t lie when he said he wanted to finished his book. He had stopped at the chapter dedicated to the Ghosts of Hogwarts and it was quite fascinating…
“Okay, Perce. Enjoy the ride!” “Yeah, who knows, maybe you’ll make some friends of your own!” And with those words, Percy’s older brothers closed the door of his compartment closed, waving as they went. Percy waited till he could no longer hear their loud footsteps and voices before submerging himself in his reading.
Friends, sure, I’ll make some, Percy thought bitterly. He had never been able to form a friendship with the twins, who were the closest to his age (Molly homeschooled all her kids, so he had never spent much time with children his age), and, instead they always found something to mock him about. But, sure, maybe he would make friends.
The pass of time became irrelevant, as Percy sat and read for what could have been many minutes or hours. He had long since finished the Ghost Chapter and was nearing the end of a chapter titled The Chamber of Secrets (probably all just some legend, but interesting nevertheless), when he heard a knock on the door, followed by a small head peeking into his compartment.
“I am sorry, but all the other compartments I’ve been to were full. Could I sit here?” The other boy was also wearing plain black robes, like Percy, meaning he was another first year. Percy would have preferred to stay alone for the ride, but it seemed too mean to just deny the other first-year boy’s request when his compartment had more than enough space for the two of them.
“Okay. However, I am reading, so if you could please remain silent, it would be highly appreciated.” There you go with the “pompous” vocabulary, thought Percy, now the boy is going to look at you weirdly. It had happened before during dinner time. Percy would make a comment on the topic of conversation and he would only received confused glances back. A consequence of reading too many classic novels, textbooks and dictionaries, probably… oh well…
To the red haired boy’s surprise, the other boy just nodded and smiled, taking a book from his satchel: “That’s fine. It gives me the chance to reread my favourite book Quidditch Through the Ages for the second time today.”
And thus, the two boys spent most of the train ride in this manner, sitting quietly beside each other while reading their respective books. It was quite enjoyable, in Percy’s opinion.
It must have been a couple hours later when Percy’s reading was interrupting again (he was just one chapter short of finishing) by a tiny cough and a nervous voice stating: “I finished my book… It was quite interesting! Even though, I’ve read it almost like a million times before, I always get so surprised when reading about the origins Quidditch and how it all started! It’s truly fascinating…! I love-! …Sorry, I realize I am rambling like a fool… I just wanted to introduce myself: I am Oliver Wood and I am first year, which I think you are as well… right?”
Oliver’s face had quickly passed through different emotions during his small speech: from nervousness, to excitement, to joy, to embarrassment, and then back to being nervous. While Percy’s first idea had been to quickly answer with his name and continue reading quietly, something in the other’s boys words had really resonated with him. That excitement which what he read had incited in him, as well as the embarrassment when realizing he was rambling about a very niche and bookish topic, was something that Percy had experienced a couple of times before. He knew how it felt to have his “boring” interests dismissed (even if that had not being the person’s intention at all) and he refused to do it to somebody else if he could help it. Afterall, he could read the remaining chapter before going to bed that night.
Thus, he closed his book and smiled, answering the other boy’s question: “Nice to meet you, Oliver. My name is Percy Weasley and, yes, I am also a first year.”
“Oh, great! Finally someone I can commiserate with! I am sooooo nervous about Hogwarts… though it’s also all really exciting!”, exclaimed Oliver.
And that’s how the two boys spent the rest of their ride to their new school. They talked about their families (Percy going into a rant about the troubles the twins could get into with their little pranks, while Oliver told him how his parents had spent weeks telling him stories about their time at Hogwarts in anticipation for the event), what house they would be in (both mentioned that it was very probable it would be Gryffindor as that was where most of their family members had ended up in), and the things that most excited them about Hogwarts (for Percy, it was learning about magic in all those new different ways, while for Oliver, as the huge Quidditch enthusiast he seemed to be, it was watching and, starting in his second year hopefully, playing at the Interhouse Quidditch Cup).
Percy didn’t know Oliver’s opinion, but when both boys got together into one of the little boats that would transport them to the castle, the red-haired boy thought to himself: Well, this seems like the start of an unexpected friendship. Maybe his brothers had been right, after all, and he had nothing to worry about in the friends department. Yeah, just maybe…
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violetganache42 · 2 months
And now, a compilation of highlights celebrating our favorite trouble making triplets (so troublesome that they would not stop causing technical difficulties throughout the stream):
The first highlight before we began the watch party proper
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Lottie doing pre-stream entertainment until WriteBackAtYa's laptop was working again… not realizing that it was working again all this time.
"Donald's Nephews"
Dewey wearing an orange shirt
quiltedmushroom: Donald is almost unintelligble Me: "I'll show you unintelligible!"
Me realizing why my "I'll have the duck" comment was considered as "spoilers"
WriteBackAtYa: Why does Studio Ghibli food always look so good?
"Allowance Day"
The return of whitewashed Daffy
The music when the triplets were pretending to be a radio station
WriteBackAtYa: *suggests Bubba Night* puffywuffy8904: uh oh
WriteBackAtYa: Can't get whiter than 87 Fenton talking amirite!??!
Tokuvivor and I quoting one of the best moments from Scoobynatural (I was HOPING he would reply with "Son of a bitch" and I was not disappointed. XD)
Remembering the triplets broke the economy during Scrooge Night earlier this year
Scrooge making deals with a Banana Republic
Launchpad appearance!
Scrooge attacking a dictator. Why? Because he can.
The entire episode in a nutshell:
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Caro pointing how this episode feels like a premise for a Regular Show episode
Uno and "Dead Duck" mentions???
The expectation of Scrooge saying "Come back here, you little shits." (After what happened, he deserves it. lol)
"The Split Sword of Swanstantine!"
Scrooge failing a spot check and noticing Lena and Violet had tagged along
Speaking of which, Sabrewing sisters appearance!
Scrooge getting suplexed by a woman after mistaking her for Black Heron
Violet: "Should I change out of my pyjamas first or—" Me: "NO TIME! CUE THEME SONG!"
Just. Dewey it!
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All the constant Dewey puns lol
Scrooge and Black Heron getting trapped by societal convention (It was SO awkward for them. lmao)
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Background buff wolf girl!
Missy: smash rockerduck
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Sky pirates cameo!
The Spice Baron saying all cheetahs are cheaters
The Duck-McDuck family revealed to be a global legend thanks to their ongoing adventures
Violet's scream after eating all the spices (I fucking love how her character was fleshed out throughout season 3. lol)
Praising the writers for giving us the three children duos in this episode
Steelbeak appearance!
"And I… I love you?"
(Play dumb!) "What sword?" (Not that dumb!)
Lena being a big sister to Huey
Huey unleashing the Duke/McDuck temper on Steelbeak:
puffywuffy8904 pointing out the similarities between Huey and K.O. accepting the Duke and T.K.O. as the respective parts of them
"Your bazaar adventure is over."
"Um… BAIL!"
"Can't Take a Yolk"
Donald suddenly having a six pack
The salesman reminding me of Wes Weasley from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
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Everyone freaking out about the humans
Us getting secondhand embarrassment from Huey trying to flirt with the blonde twin girls
Donald's OG design appearance
Uncle Doofus (I'm scared. ><)
Praising the fact that Quack Pack gave us one of the best versions of Daisy
Hair color inconsistencies for the twin girls
Remembering Donald was in the Navy
Missy: the fearsome five can split me limb by limb
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Llewella (Don't deadname Louie like that!)
The Discord lag making this episode an experience™
This episode reminding us of a Darkwing Duck episode
Elvira Coot mention?
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Me seeing Donald holding and going after a red balloon:
The irony in Dewey trying not to let Donald's egg fall
The episode ending with Donald becoming a giant
All of us needing to process what the fuck happened
Us concluding that this episode singlehandedly caused Discord to break
"The Fight for Castle McDuck!"
Dewey and the viewers learning why Scrooge says "Bless me bagpipes" (thus leading to the implications of a cursed kilt)
"No! Bad nerd!"
WriteBackAtYa commenting how something always ruins Webby's trip to Castle McDuck
Missy fucking thirsting for Matilda
Huey and Louie walking away grumpily after Dewey hits the former, causing the latter to fall off the chair
The noise Scrooge makes while being put in a headlock
Learning that the art book says Hortense and Quackmore are both alive and living at Elvira's farm (I honestly thought they were dead because of Disney's mandate of the Sensational Six's parents not appearing/having major roles!)
Phantom Blot Naruto running
This shot of Webby
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"If one of these bagpipes kills me, I'm gonna be so mad at you."
Scrooge rubbing Webby's back to comfort her! 💖
This episode showcasing how it accurately portrays sibling dynamics
Pepper's sneeze
The entire scene of the McDucks struggling to flip the table (My assistance didn't make a difference.)
Us spamming the DedDewd emoji during the BEST scene in the entire episode
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Everyone inserting McScrooge in the family's surnames
Nathan: Does this family do anything other than fight?
Titus, aka Dirty Dingus, biting Fergus
Webby's anxiety about the family splitting up and guilt for causing so many arguments and fights 😢
Scrooge, Webby, and Matilda all sharing a hug!
Puffy and Missy fighting more than Clan McDuck
"Music Day"
Mortimer jumpscare
Horace mention!
Clara Cluck and Clarabelle Cow appearances!
Pete jumpscare
Imagining a House of Mouse reboot with the DT17 triplets as a boy band (Jet, Turbo, and Rebel are their band names)
puffywuffy8904: I don't know what's hapoening anymore and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
The return of Squirrels in my Pants
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Quack Pack jumpscare
Kid HDL being voiced by Tony Anselmo instead of Russi Taylor for some reason
Story Blossom: Louie eats hot dogs in it Me: DT17 Louie is gagging
Us saying DT17 Donald would beat the shit out of the short's version of him
Godfrey: "You're alive?" Me: "You're alive! *faints*" Godfrey: "You forgot to tell Donald?" Me: "Whoops. 😅"
EllaKai: tbf Donald had it coming Godfrey: *singing "Cell Block Tango"*
"Day of the Only Child!"
Us looking forward to this episode!
Dewey picking up Webby and spinning her around (Don't you fucking tag this as ship, you sickos.)
"And this is why we need Only Child Day." *smack!*
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Another Launchpad appearance!
Jamie and Tokuvivor fanfic shoutouts!
Huey bonding with Bouncer and Burger
Missy: cumin CUMin
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(Not during Huey time!)
Learning that the art book also says there were plans for a Bouncer redemption arc and him becoming Scrooge's personal chef, but it unfortunately got scrapped (I remember @real-life-pine-tree and I talking about that idea a few years ago, long before the art book was a thing!)
Doofus' debut in general (I don't blame Louie for spamming the elevator button. ><)
Duckworth mention
"We're dead inside."
"What is he gonna do with the umbrella and walnuts?!"
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Dewey Dew-Night!
Monseuir Saucy
The severe Discord lag making the stream a funnier experience
Dewey's Louie voice sounding like Miss Piggy
Me: "Webby, you can come out." Everyone: Webby having lesbian thoughts about Lena (I love it! XD)
"'She knows.' Shut up, Louie."
"Brothers again? Brothers again. Triple threat!"
Dewey looking back at Webby as she was singing the Dewey Dew-Night theme
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solemn-marauders · 1 year
“I suggest this become a conversation between you and Mister Sallow.”
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Sebastian x MC (Thea)
Their sixth year Defense Against the Dark Art class gets a front row seat to the juiciest gossip of the year.
My previous piece, x
Disclaimer: More of my Hogwarts Legacy drabble that I’m posting. These are written quickly while the ideas are fresh. They are short and most likely sprinkled with errors. I’m posting these for me, but if other people enjoy them, then all the better. I will be using my MC’s name, Thea, since this is her story. I also keep the time period in mind. I do my best to keep it as period accurate as possible.
Trigger Warning: None
Additional Information: This takes place early in their 6th year. The longest one I’ve written yet, I believe.
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“Today’s lesson is one that I hope you will never have to use, but should you find yourselves in unfortunate circumstances, it could save your life.” Professor Hecat always had a way of keeping her students on the edge of their seats. “I will be teaching you the Patronus Charm today.” 
A nervous murmur rippled through the classroom. Thea and Poppy exchanged hesitant glances. Amit’s hand shot into the air.
“Yes, Mr. Thakkar?”
“Forgive me, professor, but the Patronus Charm is incredibly advanced. Most witches and wizards go their whole lives without ever having been able to cast it.”
“What is your point, Mr. Thakkar?” Her words were not unkind, just blunt, as she always was.
“What I’m asking is, do you really think we would have any success?” He looked down at his desk. Ever the academic, and in true Ravenclaw fashion, Amit hated failure.
Professor Hecat gave him a small smile before drawing closer to her seated students. “I believe it’s safe to assume that by now most of you know the lore of Illyius and Raczidian?” Every head in the classroom nodded. Thea thanked the founders for Professor Weasley and the guide she had gifted her last year. Without it, Thea would have no idea about any wizarding lore, other than Merlin of course. All of this due to her muggle upbringing in the orphanage. “Illyius,” their professor continued, “was said to be only ten and seven years of age when he was able to cast a fully corporeal patronus.” 
“Right, but that’s legend! There’s no way to know if that really happened!” It was Duncan who interjected his opinions. Thea glanced over to where Ominis sat, sharing a desk with Sebastian. His hands balled into tight fists at the sound of Hobhouse’s voice. Thea stifled a snort of amusement.
“Oh hush it, Hobhouse! We all know it’s possible. Almost our entire class saw Sebastian’s corporeal patronus back in fourth year. Ow!” Ominis could never quite bite his tongue when it came to Duncan. Judging by the intense look on Sebastian’s face towards his friend, it was safe to assume that he was the cause of Ominis’s exclamation of pain.
Thea’s head whipped around to her deskmate. “Poppy, is that true?” She whispered.
The Hufflepuff nodded. “He spent most of fourth year teaching himself the charm and practising. The minute he was successful, he showed off to everyone. Even casted it in front of Hecat.”
“That sounds about right.” Thea grumbled under her breath.
“I don’t think you fully understand, Thea. The Patronus Charm is an ancient and mysterious spell. No one knows its origin. Not only that, but Amit is right, it’s incredibly hard to cast even an incorporeal patronus, a full-fledged one is near impossible. Sebastian won Slytherin 75 points that day after showing Hecat. Most in his house credit him with Slytherin winning the House Cup that year.”
“I must say that I am disappointed in my class’s lack of self-confidence!” Hecat boomed, gathering all their attention again. “This is not for any marks. I am teaching you this to arm you for the future. Everyone, on your feet!” The class barely had time to stand before the desks and benches vanished with a flick of her wand. “Evenly space yourselves around the room.” 
Thea stood near the back, next to the wall. Poppy had placed herself a distance ahead of her. She immediately caught a whiff of a very familiar scent. The frustratingly intoxicating smell of smoky earl grey surrounded her. She glanced to her left and sure enough, the source had planted himself, not evenly spaced she might add, next to her.
“Wands out!” All wands were raised as she began to demonstrate the motion for the spell. “Counter clockwise circles. Everyone try it with me. Very good, keep the momentum up. Now, the incantation is ‘expecto patronum’. The most important part of this spell is to channel the entirety of your focus into the happiest of memories. Replay that memory in your head over and over and as you rotate your wand, when the image of the memory is clear in your head then try the incantation. Expecto patronum!” A flash of silver erupted from the tip of her wand. There was a collective gasp as the students took in the translucent leopard that paced in front of their professor. It’s spots swirls of blue and white as its shoulders rolled with every step. This seemed to be motivation enough. The room fell silent as everyone worked hard to produce a patronus of their own.
Thea’s eyes swept across her classmates, most had their brows furrowed and even a few had the tips of their tongues protruding past their lips in a look of fierce concentration. She would have laughed, if it were not for the fact that she herself was finding it difficult to conjure a cheerful enough memory. She closed her eyes and continued moving her wand. She thought of her dear animals in their vivariums. The nifflers scaling her body in an attempt to snatch her pearl earrings. The puffskeins bouncing around. The hippogriffs attacking the dark wizard dummy. These thoughts had her giggling. She opened her eyes, “expecto patronum”. The tip of her wand glowed a faint blue, but nothing more. She let out a huff and glanced around to see if anyone had witnessed her failed attempt. Her gaze landed on the brunette far too close to her, and he was staring right back with what looked like great interest. Thea immediately went on the defence. 
“What?” Her tone was entirely hostile. “At least I’m trying. I don’t see you participating.” It was true, Sebastian had stood with his arms crossed while his classmates attempted the complex spell.
His smile was slow, the effortless kind that always made Thea’s breath hitch. Her traitorous body still reacted in the same way and it made her livid. He was only an arms length away. This was the closest contact they’ve had since last year. Being this close, she could fully see how much taller he had grown. Thea by no means was short, on average, she stood at least a few inches taller than her fellow female classmates. Last year, the top of her head came up to his eyeline. Now, it would barely graze his chin. Usually a growth-spurt like that would leave a person gangly, all limbs, but of course, not Sebastian. No, she assumed all the work he did on the cottage and in the garden over the summer made it easy for his muscles to retain a perfect ratio to his newfound height. If anything, he had filled out a little too well. He wore no robe and had his sleeves rolled up to the elbows, his toned forearms on full display. She had found that to be her weakness when it came to the opposite sex. Why forearms exactly, she hadn’t the faintest idea.
He was still smiling when he spoke. “Ominis so graciously pointed out that I’ve already mastered the Patronus Charm. I’m just enjoying the show.”
Not only was this the closest proximity they had been within each other since summer, this was also the most words they had exchanged and he was already grating on her nerves.
“Go on then.” She challenged. “Let’s see.”
He let out a deep chuckle, a maddening tingle ran up her spine. “There’s no fun in that. Besides,” he stepped closer, “you didn’t say ‘please’”. Had his voice deepened over the summer?
With a most undignified huff she turned her attention forward, hoping he hadn’t seen the warmth spread across her face at his poor attempt at flirting. She refused to look at him as she spoke, “If you are resolute to remain insufferably presumptuous, then I must ask you to provide me with the adequate space that Professor Hecat originally demanded.” She continued her wand motions.
Sebastian did not move one inch, if anything he leaned in closer. His deepened voice barely above a whisper, “And what if I behave? Would you allow me to linger?” 
Her eyes widened at his boldness. She had made it abundantly clear that she wanted less than nothing to do with him, and yet he was conversing with her as if the last few months had never happened. She decided that a reply would only be rewarding him, so she remained silent, hoping it would agitate him instead.
Thea turned her thoughts back to finding a pleasant memory. Even turned away from him with her eyes closed, his presence still assaulted her senses. His scent, the feel of him being within reach had him leaching into every memory she tried to summon. She was using all of her focus and energy just to bat those thoughts away.
“Oh my, something is happening and you haven’t even said the incantation.”
Thea’s eyes flew open at his words, she looked at the end of her wand and saw the last of the blue lights disappear. “Oh!”
“Try again, you’re on the right path.” His tone was encouraging and excited. She had to fight the innate desire for his approval.
“Hush! You’ll ruin it.” She closed her eyes again and admitted defeat. This time she allowed thoughts of Sebastian to play across her mind. Their first meeting in this very classroom. Him smiling up at her as he laid on his back after losing their duel. Him sneaking her into the Restricted Section, taking the fall for her when caught. All of the little moments of closeness. “My new charge.” “I’m glad to have met you.” “A kindred spirit.” Every finger brush, cheek graze, longing stare, it filled her with a warmth she hadn’t allowed herself to feel for so long. She opened her eyes, “Expecto Patronum.”
The light that shot out from within her wand was blinding. The shape that stood before her was much larger than the one Professor Hecat produced. As her eyes began to focus, she couldn’t help but smile once she recognized the familiar shape.
“Merlin’s beard, is that a thestral?” Her classmates were beginning to murmur.
“I’ve only ever seen illustrations of them. So we can see them if it’s as a patronus?”
“What does that mean? They’re dark omens, you know.”
She ignored their comments as her spirit guardian flapped its wings and cantered around her. A laugh of pure joy fell from her lips. Upon closer inspection she could tell that hers was a female. 
“How intriguing.” Thea hadn’t even noticed that Hecat now stood in front of her and her spectral protector. “A thestral, the second most rare of patronuses.”
“What’s the first?” Hobhouse yelled out.
“A phoenix, you ninny!” Ominis shouted in reply from somewhere in the room. 
Thea turned her attention to her professor. “Ever since joining the wizarding world, I’ve always held an affinity for them.”
“An understanding of one’s deeper traits is a powerful thing.” Professor Hecat cast a surveying look at Thea. “Well done, Miss. Gravethorne. Once again, you have mastered extraordinary magic in record time. A most interesting outcome indeed.”
Feeling humbled under the professor’s scrutinous gaze, Thea kept her eyes on her feet. “Thank you, Professor.”
“That will be all for today! I commend you all for trying today’s most challenging lesson.” 
“Wait! I want to see Sallow’s patronus!” It was Duncan again. “Gaunt talked a big game about his friend’s abilities. I want to see it.”
Over the mumble of agreement from most of the class, Thea could make out a faint scuffle ahead of her. Garreth was latched on to Ominis who seemed to be fighting his grip in an effort to storm Hobhouse. She then turned her attention to Sebastian. He wasn’t standing so close anymore and even looked a bit sheepish. The shameless charm from earlier, entirely gone. “I’d rather not. Wouldn’t want to overshadow the Girl Wonder.”
Revenge was about to taste oh so sweet. It seemed to Thea that his hesitancy was most likely due to his inability to cast the complex charm any longer. Oh how she would love to see him knocked down a peg or two. She put on her most endearing of smiles. “I don’t mind one bit. I, for one, would love to see your patronus.” Her words dripped with a challenge, not noticing that her own patronus had vanished just moments ago.
His eyes met hers, they silently pleaded with her. Good, make him squirm. She arched an eyebrow at him. She could see his jaw twitch with the clench of his teeth. He attempted a steadying breath and closed his eyes. He raised his wand and made the proper motion. One could hear a pin drop in the classroom. Thea heard a slight shuffle next to her and turned to see Ominis standing by her side, a look of absolute concern etched on his face. What’s got him so worried?
Soon enough, Sebastian said the incantation and his wand flared to life. A large skeletal creature sprang forth, an almost exact mirror to her own. No one spoke, it felt like everyone held on to their breaths. Everyone, except,
“I thought you said thestral patronuses were rare?” Duncan’s voice cut through the stunned silence.
“They are.” It wasn’t like Hecat to be quiet, but Thea barely heard her reply. Their professor looked upon the spectre with an almost sympathetic look. 
Thea looked back at Sebastian, his face the picture of stunned terror. She turned to Ominis and saw that crease of worry between his brow had grown even deeper. What was she missing? Maybe Sebastian really meant it when he said he didn’t want to overshadow her. She was just told that her patronus was extremely rare only for him to have the same one. But why did the entirety of the class seem to be shocked? Ominis himself had said that Sebastian had shown everyone his patronus back in their fourth year. She knew that most, ignorant, people thought the equine to be dark omens, but even Poppy, who loved all animals dearly, looked as shocked as everyone else. His thestral looked perfectly normal. The only difference between his and her own was the gender. Thea had spent enough time caring for them in her vivarium that she could easily spot the subtle differences. Suddenly, the apparition vanished. The caster had snapped back to his senses. He seemed to be avoiding Thea’s gaze entirely. Without a moment of hesitation, he bolted out the door. Thea felt movement beside her as Ominis rushed after him.
Hecat broke the prolonged silence. “Class dismissed!” Soon the room was filled with the sounds of students gathering their things and muffled chatter. Thea made her way to her things and made sure to grab Poppy’s hand in the process.
“Poppy, what am I missing?” She felt like she was going to explode, it seemed that everyone knew something she didn’t. “I understand that casting a corporeal patronus is rare and that a thestral one is rarer still, but you all saw Sebastian’s patronus ages ago. Why was the floor littered with everyone’s jaws as if you all were surprised?”
Her Hufflepuff friend seemed to be avoiding her gaze as well, but she finally turned and looked her friend in the eye. “I’m not sure you want to know.” 
“Of course I do! You know how much I loathe being the last to know anything.”
Poppy nervously glanced from side to side before meeting her eyes again. “We were surprised because when Sebastian showed us his patronus back in year four, it was a Red Fox, not a thestral.”
Thea was taken aback by the simple answer. “Oh, alright. So patronuses can change, why is that such a massive deal?”
“Because it’s not normal for them to change.” And with that, her friend was off, leaving Thea more bewildered than ever.
She was far from done with this topic. She approached Hecat’s desk, her shoes slapping across the wooden floor in determination. “Professor!” She looked up from her writing and heaved a heavy sigh.
“What makes a patronus change form?”
She looked upon her student with the same sympathetic gaze she gave Sebastian. “It takes an extremely strong shift of inner-self and emotion.”
Thea thought back to his actions in the catacombs. Surely that wasn’t the reason why. Thestrals were not dark creatures, one wouldn’t become your patronus if you had killed someone. Right?
“Can you offer me an example?”
Her professor sighed again, it made Thea want to scream. Would everyone stop dancing around it?
“A monumental life event or an emotion so strong that it overpowers everything within you.” She pinched the bridge of her nose before continuing. “I will be blunt with you, Miss Gravethorne.”
“One’s patronus can change and mirror another’s, if there is an immense amount of love present.”
Thea staggered back clutching her stomach. “You’re saying that Sebastian’s thestral isn’t just a coincidence?” 
“It’s the second most rare patronus, my dear.” She took in her student’s pale face and glassy eyes. “I suggest this become a conversation between you and Mister Sallow.”
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ror-roleplay · 8 months
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Here at the Room of Requirement: you may think we're a bunch of 20-and-30-somethings with no lives who need to stop playing wizards and touch some grass. You might think we should stop thirsting over AI-generated images of Harry Potter characters and go outside. (Mum? Dad? Is that you?) Or - you're about as delulu as we are. In which case: you'll love our next hottie...
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GARRETH WEASLEY Do we even need to introduce him? I mean, come on. You know who Garreth fucking Weasley is. A man, a myth, a legend. He's brewing something special for a lucky lover who has an interest in his curious concoctions - and you might just be his type. A Sagittarius; he's lively and passionate: and that's not just in the Potions Classroom. He's been a heartthrob for as long as he's been enrolled - his pranks and antics dazzling ladies and gents alike. You're feeling lonely? He's got a mixture for that: or is it...a solution? This single Pringle is looking for love; and we think you could be the one he's stirring up feelings in his heart for. Fancy concocting something steamy? Come and meet Garreth Weasley on February 9th at...
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Only at the Room of Requirement: sort-of-an-RP-server, sort-of-a-simping-machine.
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fandomsaligninstories · 4 months
Year Two: The Chamber Entrance
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Chapter List
WC: 1,112
29th May, 1993
Violet didn't know what she was doing. 
It was nearing eleven at night, and despite feeling exhausted from a long day of studying, she couldn't sleep. She decided to go for a walk, maybe read a bit in the common room, but she found it just as impossible to get comfortable on the couch as her bed. So she did the one thing all students were expressly forbidden from doing- she decided to wander the castle.
It was deathly silent as she walked around, and just as dark, as all the lights had been extinguished. She wasn't sure where she'd wandered to, until she heard a rush of footsteps coming near her. 
She pressed herself against the wall, hidden in the shadows, until the footsteps receded. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, suddenly worried about being caught, but she moved down the hall as she heard hushed voices.
She tucked herself against the wall, leaning slightly around the corner to see the group of professors. Movement in the corner of her eye had her jumping back, until she realised it was only Harry and Ron. They shared a wide-eyed look before all leaning around the corner to listen.
"...The Heir of Slytherin has left another message." Professor McGonagall was saying to the group, "Our worst fear has been realised, a student has been taken by the monster into the chamber itself! The students must be sent home; I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts."
Violet looked over to the two boys, who had equally panicked expressions. 
"So sorry. Dozed off." Professor Lockhart said, joining the group, "What have I missed?"
"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart." Snape replied, his tone ever annoyed, "Your moment has come at last."
"My m-moment?" Lockhart stuttered.
"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" 
Violet had to stifle her gasp, equal parts shocked and annoyed that the professor knew such information but hadn't done anything to help.
It was silent for a long moment, until McGonagall spoke up, "That's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend."
"Very well! I'll just be in my office getting, uh... Getting ready." Lockhart took off quickly, presumably towards his office.
"Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?" Madam Pomfrey asked.
"Ginny Weasley." 
All of the professors left then, revealing more blood writing on the wall.
"Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever"
Violet looked over to Ron, his face a mixture of terror and shock. 
"Let's go." Harry urged, starting down the hallway.
"Wait, where are you going?" Violet questioned, following after them.
"To find Professor Lockhart. We have to go down into the Chamber of Secrets and save Ginny." Harry responded, glancing behind him at the shellshocked Ron.
"Wait, you can't just go down there!" She tried to plead, "It's dangerous!"
"This whole school is dangerous, Violet!" He responded, finally stopping in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, "Now, are you coming or not?"
Violet didn't know how to respond, so she simply stood there as Harry and Ron barged into the classroom. She argued with herself for several minutes on why she couldn't go with them, why she shouldn't go with them, and why she should go with them. She was no Hermione Granger, but she was still well practiced with her wand. By the time she'd made up her mind, the boys were walking out of the classroom, their wands pointed at Professor Lockhart.
"Harry!" She gasped, "What on earth are you doing?!"
"He's a liar and a traitor," He said hotly. Violet wanted to ask for more, but the trio was already walking away. She sighed and followed after them.
They were quiet until they entered the girls' bathroom on the second floor, stopping as they came face to face with Moaning Myrtle. 
"Oh, who's there?" She sighed, then smiled and giggled upon seeing Harry, "Oh! Hello, Harry. Oh, what do you want?" 
Harry spoke slowly, "To ask you how you died."
"Oh, it was dreadful." She was floating above the toilet cubicles, and she pointed at the one below her, "It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying... and then, somebody came in."
"Who was it, Myrtle?" Harry asked.
"I don't know! I was distraught!" She huffed and sighed as she floated towards the group, stopping just in front of Harry, "But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language. And I realised it was a boy speaking so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away. And... I died."
"Just like that? How?"
"I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes over there by that sink." She nodded and pointed to the sink, then she left, moaning and whimpering.
Ron kept his taped up wand pointed at Lockhart as Harry moved to examine the sink, "This is it. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."
Lockhart looked at Harry with a wild look in his eyes, but stayed silent. Ron urged Harry to say something in Parseltongue. Harry closed his eyes before murmuring something in the Parseltonue. 
The group all stepped back as the sinks began to shift, sliding away from each other as the one Harry had determined to be the 'door' slid into the ground. They revealed a large, gaping hole in the ground; the darkness so black they couldn't see the bottom. 
Lockhart sighed in exasperation, "Excellent, Harry. Ah, good work. Well then, I'll just be, uh... There's no need for me to stay!" 
Harry, Ron, and Violet all blocked the professor as he tried to run out the door.
"Oh, yes, there is!" Harry huffed as the three students shoved the professor backwards, nearly sending him into the pit, "You first."
"Now, really, what good would it do?"
"Better you than us." Ron responded.
"Um, but... Obviously, yes." Lockhart seemed to accept his fate, though begrudgingly, as he turned and examined the hole, "Sure you don't want to test it first?"
Ron poked Lockhart in the back, effectively pushing him into the hole. Violet felt a sense of satisfaction as Lockhart yelled the whole way down. It took several seconds for the telltale thud to signify he had hit the bottom. 
"It's really quite filthy down here." Lockhart said, letting the trio know he was alive.
Violet groaned, "I'm really going to regret this." 
Then she jumped.
━⊱༻ ༺⊰━
@stellarlune-love @helendeath @skz-xii @cherriesfine
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paradoxicallywrites · 2 months
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There was a time when Ginny Weasley thought the closest she would ever get to the fabled Hanahaki disease–that bit of magic that turned and warped unrequited love into a death sentence–was the summer she’d met Harry Potter. A lingering summer cold had caused her to cough up a sliver of a leaf from her lunch’s greens into her napkin and her brain immediately took off on a flight of fancy, picturing the terrible romance of fading away as flowers bloomed in her body, her feelings literally taking root and choking the life from her until, wan and pale, she was rescued at the last minute by a confession of mutual love from the Chosen One himself. The flowers would melt away, replaced by a mutual devotion that was the stuff of legends, a love like no one had known before–
Ginny had startled, the fantasy dissipating like mist under the hot sun as Ron belched in her ear. All thoughts of nearly perishing under the weight of a blooming love, unvoiced and unrequited, were entirely forgotten and replaced by a single-minded desire to sock her brother in the stomach as hard as she possibly could.
She’d never think herself a possible victim of the disease again, and neither would it occur to her that she might one day be the object of it–until she was.
And a great big thank you to @escapeinmybookshelf for the lovely cover image!
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #12
Prompt found here
(for my regular readers, this is the Harry Potter ficlet I meant to write yesterday)
The first order of operations, after their great escape from Hogwarts, was Gringotts bank to set up the last of their business affairs. After that, they went directly to the ministry. Fred and George shared a glance while in the elevator. They had some... Business with the family services division.
A week and a half after the Weasley twins left Hogwarts with a bang, Harry got a letter from them. Well, actually, Harry got two letters, a letter from Remus, which was a clever disguise for the letter from the twins, involving the same passphrase as the Marauders Map, and a letter from the ministry, which was explained by the letter from the twins from Remus.
Dearest Ikle Harrykins,
You should, at this time, have received a letter from the family services division at the ministry. We would have talked to you about this before going through with it, but we thought it best to act as soon as we legally could, instead. We want you to know that we have the utmost respect for your parents, and in no way are we trying to replace them—we'd be very poor replacements, in all honesty, your father was a legend, and your mum was bloody brilliant with a wand—we just want you to have a better home life than the one you do now, and we're tired of waiting for the adults in our lives to step up and step in. We have tried so many times to get mum or dad to lodge an inquiry or sue for custody, but they never took us seriously, and for that, we're truly sorry. They lost out on the chance to gain a truly spectacular—stupendous—extraordinary—yeah, alright, you get it, wonderful son like you. Instead, they'll get the shock of a lifetime, with their twin seventeen year old sons giving them their first grandbaby. Congrats, mum, it's a boy!
Harry, we want what's best for you, but we want you to trust us most of all. We know you struggle with authority figures, and we know there's a very good reason for that. You don't have to call us anything specific, simply using our names will do, but we're open to anything you'd be comfortable calling us. If you'd prefer more of a brotherly relationship over anything paternal, well, we certainly have more than enough practice with that! Either way, we will have to set and enforce certain rules, no matter what, though the what and how would be better discussed in person than over post.
We also want you to be prepared for a potential eruption of Mount Molly when we come to pick you up from the station, we haven't exactly told mum that we adopted you. We've only told Remus, Snuffles, and Bill, who helped ward our shop as part of our deal with the FSD for being allowed to adopt, "Someone of such standing while so young," hope you don't mind.
Anyway, if you want to tell your muggle relatives that you've found alternative housing for the rest of your schooling, you may want to do so soon, or you can simply write Remus back that you'd like your mischief managed and one of us will take care of it instead. Whichever you'd prefer, though honestly, I think Bill is planning on checking out those supposed blood wards on the place no matter what you say, just so you know.
We hope we haven't stepped too far out of bounds. We hope that we haven't broken your trust in us, or think we don't trust you for not talking to you about this before we left. Honestly, we thought of this idea right before we walked into Gringotts, so there wasn't time to talk to you beforehand. While it was somewhat spur of the moment, we do not and cannot regret adopting you, only the lack of discussion between us about it.
Hoping to talk again soon,
Gred and Forge
Before Harry knew it, he was in tears. He was beyond glad he'd taken the letters to bed with him and read them in privacy, or he'd have to explain to Ron and Hermione, or, Merlin forbid, the whole House, that he was fine, better than fine, even. His friends, his brothers, had seen him struggling to stay afloat, and instead of patting him on the head and telling him it was okay, they bloody well made him a life preserver and tied the other end to themselves. He legally never had to go back to the Dursley's ever again, the letter from the ministry confirmed it. Fred and George were his legal guardians, no one could force Harry to go anywhere without their say-so.
Hastily, and somewhat quietly due to the sleeping state of most of his roommates, Harry rushed to find a relatively intact piece of parchment to write his reply. He never wanted anything to do with his relatives again. A sob ripped out of his chest as it fully sunk in. He was free.
Hey all! Still sick (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) But we got snow this morning, so that was a good surprise! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ I had a really busy day today, so today's ficlet is pretty short, but I wanted to make sure I actually kept my word (even though I didn't write this the day I initially meant to (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ)
I'm not sure if I'll write any more non-Danny Phantom × DC/Danny Phantom × Batman ficlets (ie anything not of those crossovers) the rest of this month, I might throw in another Miraculous Ladybug × Batman ficlet or two for the practice, but I haven't really read anything not in one of those three fandoms (Miraculous Ladybug, Danny Phantom, and DC/Batman (a lot of Batman fics involve the wider DC universe, but not all of them...)) in a few months and that's making writing anything not in those fandoms more difficult than is helpful when I only have a single day to work on a given prompt 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ after November, when I'm no longer limited to just one prompt per day, we'll see!
Anyways, have a good morning/day/night!
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weasleydailyprophet · 3 months
Fred and George might be the legend at Hogwarts. But Ron, he was the legend at World of Wizards, since he flied a car to take an orphan to Hogwarts in his 12 years old.
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elisedonut · 1 year
Another one for @perceptual-prompts this time using Window and Sight
This time it's a fic implying that Percy is a reincarnated Helena Ravenclaw because i can--
no but really it's mostly just because of the idea of never being able to break a reincarnation cycle and them both leaving their respective families. Though technically if that is the case Percy does break the cycle since unlike Helena he doesn't lose his life over it or maybe the cycle is leaving in general and it doesn't always lead to the new persons death. uh yeah something like that I suppose.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Helena Ravenclaw | The Grey Lady & Percy Weasley Characters: Percy Weasley, Helena Ravenclaw | The Grey Lady Additional Tags: Reincarnation, Urban Legends, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Helena is not mentioned specifically, the woman in mirror is her Percy just doesn't know that, Percy Weasley-centric Summary:
“They say that if you visit the 7th floor right before midnight. Then make your way to the abandoned classroom across from the portrait of the witch in a yellow dress and look out the window overlooking the grounds you’ll see a reflection, but it won’t be of you. No one ever claims to see the same person and some even claim the person will follow you through other reflective surfaces. Some say that the person reflected will copy your movements as if you were looking in a mirror. Others claim you have to try to copy them yourself or the creature will drag you out the window,–”
Or where Percy gets curious about an urban legend he was told as a 2nd year and goes to see if it's real.
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its-to-the-death · 1 year
Mod's Crush Competition Round 1
Hey guys! Based on the poll I sent out, it looks like some of you wanted to see what kind of fictional crushes I've had and of course I'm more than happy to oblige...
These are all crushes I've had through my lifetime so not all of them are current. Some of them I can explain and others make me question my life choices. They're also all male because I'm only attracted to men. (Maybe next time I'll do a tournament with your guys' crushes)
I tried to limit it to 3 characters per franchise but Yugioh ended up with 5 because there are so many series and I have seen all of them (It's been a very important fandom in my life). I also tried my best to not overrun it with anime. I admit my number of fictional crushes spiked when I started watching anime though. They know how to make them pretty.
Anyways, let's take a look at our bracket:
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I am already dreading some of these matchups. For the first round, I am going to split the polls between 2 days. The first half will go up on Tuesday, September 26. The second half will go up on Thursday, September 28. All polls will last a week.
Some reminders:
Please be nice! To me and to fellow voters. I know I've had some weird crushes (and I don't mind if you think I'm weird) but I won't accept hate. If there's a problem, be civil.
Have fun! Don't take this too seriously because it's just a little Tumblr tournament I'm doing for fun and I just want people to enjoy it.
Since the pictures in the bracket are so small, matchups will be under the cut and link to the polls once they start.
Tuesday, September 26 polls
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) vs Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games)
Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy) vs The Corinthian (The Sandman)
Peter Pan (Once Upon a Time) vs Shun Kurosaki (Yugioh Arc-V)
Koushi Sugawara (Haikyuu) vs Manitoba Smith (Total Drama)
Sebastian Moran (Moriarty the Patriot/Yuukoku no Moriarty) vs Griff Jones (Bunk'd)
Shun Ibusaki (Food Wars/Shokugeki no Soma) vs George Weasley (Harry Potter)
Kenya Yukimiya (Blue Lock) vs Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)
Seishiro Nagi (Blue Lock) vs Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
Ryou Bakura (Yugioh DM) vs Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Newt (The Maze Runner)
Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Trey Clover (Twisted Wonderland)
Five Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) vs Luck Voltia (Black Clover)
Feitan Portor (Hunter x Hunter) vs Tsuchigomori (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
Kyoya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Viktor (Arcane)
Horace Somnusson (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children) vs Percy de Rolo (The Legend of Vox Machina/Critical Role)
Hikaru Hitachiin (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Tetsurou Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Thursday, September 28 polls
Hiccup Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon) vs Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
Eita Semi (Haikyuu) vs Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Keigo Takami/Hawks (My Hero Academia) vs Colt Grice (Attack on Titan)
Theon Greyjoy (Game of Thrones) vs Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Noah (Total Drama) vs Ango Sakaguchi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Quattro Arclight/IV (Yugioh Zexal) vs Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Millard Nullings (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children) vs Jackal (Fairy Tail)
Shin (Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross) vs Mihaya (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Ryokan Kogami/Revolver (Yugioh Vrains) vs Tamaki Amajiki/Suneater (My Hero Academia)
Bran Stark (Game of Thrones) vs Rogue Cheney (Fairy Tail)
Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail) vs Klaus Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia) vs Reo Mikage (Blue Lock)
Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen) vs Sanji (Live Action One Piece)
Scott (Total Drama) vs Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Farkle Minkus (Girl Meets World) vs Seung-gil Lee (Yuri on Ice)
Phaser Ryugu (Yugioh Go Rush) vs Franken Stein (Soul Eater)
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festivalsofmargot · 2 years
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I’ve been obsessed with checking out people’s song recommendations on Tumblr. This song has been on repeat for me all day at work so far. The lyrics and energy of this song are perfect for our Hogwarts Legacy MC’s romance story. Can’t stop head cannoning for Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, and Garreth Weasley. That admiring from afar feel is so sweet.
🎶 Oh I’ve heard all about you
All those things they had to say
You’re a legend ‘round this school 🎶
🎶 If I could go back in time
I’d shoot my shot
I’d risk it all 🎶
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pappydaddy · 1 year
speak now (tv) collection
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these will not be posted in this order
just like folklore/evermore fics, some stories are connected, continuations, some being the same story told from different perspectives.
posted: aug 20, 2023
last updated: aug 21, 2023
nsfw = ♠ (all implied except earned it)
fluff = ♡
sad = ☾
angst = ☁️
sad ending = ✖
happy ending (only shows on fics that the happy ending is weird in) = ★
trigger warning/spoiler warning ⚠
speak now (taylor's version) collection
mine | jj maybank x fem!reader | coming soon
continuation of the enchanted series
a timeline of y/n and jj's relationship from their first date, to their engagement, to married life and adult struggles.
sparks fly | fred weasley x hufflepuff!fem!reader | coming soon
fred weasley is exactly what y/n's mother always told her to stay away from. a reckless troublemaker who had half the school falling for him. but he has his sights on her and she really tried to ignore him.
sparks fly | billy hargrove x fem!reader | coming soon
re-write of a lumberjack and a mullet part ii
back to december | rafe cameron x fem!reader | coming soon
ever wonder why rafe cameron hates pouges so much? ever wonder why he has such a careless outlook on his life? well it all started with y/n and the guilt eats her alive until one day, she seeks out the closure they both need. but perhaps, it's too late for rafe.
speak now | steve harrington x fem!reader | posted!
y/n is back in town after having her heartbroken by steve harrington, but this time, it's her wedding. tagging along against everyone's wishes, steve finds himself doing something he never thought he would do - crashing a white vail occasion.
dear john | ward cameron x fem!reader x jj maybank| coming soon
continuation of ours. major trigger warning! reader is aged up to 18!
after a nasty realization (at the hands of her closest friends) about her relationship, y/n deals with the downfall of her toxic relationship with ward. luckily, she has the support of jj to help her through.
mean | original work | coming soon
dealing with workplace bullies who are in management positions is hard, but y/n realizes that these people will never change and she starts to feel sorry for them because they will only ever be mean.
the story of us | stiles stilinski x fem!reader | coming soon
with malia, the new member of the pack, y/n finds the story of her and stiles quickly falling apart.
never grow up | steve harrington x fem!reader | coming soon
continuation of the girldad!steve series (bandaids, the best day, etc) steve and y/n watch their daughter grow up as told through their eyes.
enchanted | jj maybank x fem!reader | coming soon
connected to mine
new kook in town, y/n, meets bad boy pogue, jj. two part series detailing the journey from meeting to confessions of love.
better than revenge | peter parker x stark!superhero!fem!reader | coming soon
y/n spent the better part of the summer slowly getting peter to open up to her and on the verge of him finally mustering up the courage to confess his feelings to her, an actress filming in new york city pulled the carpet right out from under her. in true stark fashion, y/n doesn't let it slide because there is nothing that she does better than revenge. please still listen to tv for this one!
better than revenge (tv) | jj maybank x fem!reader | coming soon
tourism season in obx stirs up issues for y/n when a wealthy nepo baby rolls in for the summer and takes jj from her after her meticulous planning. what she doesn't know is y/n does revenge the best and she isn't giving jj up that easily.
innocent | jj maybank x fem!reader | coming soon
jj maybank may think everyone thinks of him as a no-good clone of his family, but he fails to realize he'll always have y/n in his corner.
haunted | rafe cameron x fem!reader | coming soon
y/n and rafe have had a complicated relationship, they always walked a thin tightwire, but she never thought she would live to see the day the tightwire finally snapped - leaving her haunted. but with rafe changing so drastically from the man she loved to how he was acting now, she didn't know what to think - thinking she had figured him out.
last kiss | fred weasley x fem!reader | coming soon
as fred leaves hogwarts unceremoniously, he leaves y/n questioning if they had their last kiss or not. with no way to contact him (umbridge having had banned her from sending mail after catching them sitting too close), she's left heartbroken and confused.
long live | pogue!reader x jj maybank x the pogues | coming soon
the pogues are graduating, and their futures are brighter than anyone ever predicted making some island residents unhappy.
ours | ward cameron x fem!reader | coming soon
major trigger warning! manipulation, inappropriate relationship, age-gap relationship, toxic relationship, power imbalance, etc. reader is 18!
freshly 18 year old y/n manages to snag the newly single ward cameron. a feat no pogue ever thought of given the cameron's views on their kind. living the high life, she finds she is dodging an awful lot of rocks being thrown at their beautiful love. but, ward is always there to reminder that what they have is beautiful.
superman | jess mariano x fem!reader | coming soon
special fic alert
y/n has a crush on luke's nephew. while everyone else sees a rambunctious, unruly teen who is no good, she sees a boy who needs to find himself and can rescue her from her mundane life. when he is forced to leave stars hollow, she's the one he goes to before sneaking off into the night. unfortunately, she could never tell him the words that weighted so heavy on her chest so she's left wishing he would come back. until he suddenly turns up on her doorstep.
superman | peter parker x fem!reader | coming soon
peter's neighbour has harboured feelings for the geeky superhero for a while, but he never seems to notice her aside from the polite greetings in the halls of their building or school or the polite conversation they strike up at school functions. he even fails to notice her watching him on their shared fire escape rushing off to save the city every night.
electric touch | steve harrington x fem!reader | coming soon
y/n and steve have both been burned before. somehow, they allowed the kids (and robin) to convince them to finally admit their feelings for one another. their defences are lowered for the first time in forever and they are both all too familiar with how it could turn out.
when emma falls in love | jj maybank x fem!reader | coming soon
you are my love prequel the story of jj falling for the girl he would give up his friends in a heartbeat for. but also the story of how he taught y/n it was safe to fall for him.
i can see you | fred weasley x fem!reader | coming soon
continuation of sorry for the shirt!
who would believe it? the mousey and shy hogwarts sweetheart dating one of the greatest troublemakers of all time? who would believe it if fred told everyone how the innocence doesn't stick around when it's just the two of them?
castles crumbling | jj maybank x fem!kook!reader | coming soon
when a scandal strips her family of their wealth, y/n faces her downfall. every kook is watching the burning pile of garbage that is her life with a smile. her enemies and friends alike turn their backs on her as she desperately seeks out support and comfort when her family disowns her, but she manages to find them in the arms of someone she never thought liked her. but, scared by her fresh wounds and cowering behind newly built walls, she wants to push him away before she lets him down too - just like she let her family down.
foolish one | fred weasley x fem!reader/george weasley x fem!reader | coming soon
y/n is caught up on one of the hottest boys in her year. he has no interest but her foolish heart doesn’t see that. she has to be an exception, he must secretly love her. that’s what happens all the time in her romance books. his twin brother on the other hand, head over heels for her and she’s just too wrapped up in his brother to see.
timeless | fred weasley x fem!reader | coming soon
on a trip to hogsmeade, y/n finds a dusty old shop she had never seen before. venturing in, she finds her and her boyfriends in the traces of past love she finds within the store - telling her they will be (and are) a timeless love that only comes around once in a lifetime.
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fear-less · 7 months
Taylor Swift song master-list
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info: i write fics inspired by Taylor’s songs, i’m planning on making most, if not all, of her songs into fics.
feel free to request for any song:3
taylor swift (debut)
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tim mcgraw
picture to burn
teardrops on my guitar
a place in this world
cold as you
the outside
tied together with a smile
stay beautiful
should’ve said no
mary’s song - fred weasley x reader
our song
i’m only me when i’m with you
a perfectly good heart
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love story
hey stephen
white horse - sirius black x reader
you belong with me
tell me why
you’re not sorry
the way i loved you
forever & always
the best day
jump then fall - harry potter x reader
come in with the rain
the other side of the door
today was a fairytale
you all over me
mr. perfectly fine
we were happy
that’s when
don’t you
bye bye baby
if this was a movie
speak now
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sparks fly
back to december
speak now
dear john
the story of us
never grow up
better than revenge
last kiss
long live
electric touch
when emma falls in love
i can see you
castles crumbling
foolish one
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state of grace
i knew you were trouble
all too well
i almost do
we are never ever getting back together
stay stay stay
the last time - james potter x reader x regulus black
holy ground
sad beautiful tragic
the lucky one
everything has changed
begin again
the moment i knew
come back…be here
girl at home
state of grace
better man
nothing new
message in a bottle
i bet you think about me
forever winter
the very first night
safe and sound
all too well (10 min ver)
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welcome to new york
blank space
out of the woods
all you had to do was stay
shake it off
i wish you would
bad blood
wildest dreams
how you get the girl
this love
i know places
you are in love
new romantics
say don’t go
now that we don’t talk
suburban legends
is it over now?
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…ready for it?
end game
i did something bad
don’t blame me
look what you made me do
so it goes…
getaway car
king of heart
dancing with our hands tied
dress - harry potter x reader
this is why we can’t have nice things
call it what you want
new year’s day
i don’t wanna live forever
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i forgot that you existed
cruel summer
the man
the archer
i think he knows
miss americana & the heartbreak prince
paper rings
cornelia street
death by a thousand cuts
london boy
soon you’ll get better
false god - harry potter x reader
you need to calm down
it’s nice to have a friend
all of the girls you’ve loved before - james potter
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the 1
the last great american dynasty
my tears ricochet
mirror ball
this is me trying
illicit affairs
invisible string
mad women
the lakes
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champagne problems
gold rush
‘tis the damn season
tolerate it
no body, no crime
coney island
cowboy like me
long story short
right where you left me
it’s time to go
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lavender haze
maroon - fred weasley x reader
anti hero
snow on the beach
you’re on your own, kid
midnight rain
vigilante shit
sweet nothing
the great war
bigger than the whole sky
high infidelity
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve
dear reader
hits different
you’re losing me
the tortured poets department
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the tortured poets department
my boy only breaks his favorite toys
down bad
so long, london
but daddy i love him
fresh out the slammer
guilty as sin?
who’s afraid of little old me?
i can fix him (no really i can)
i can do it with a broken heart
the smallest man who ever lived
the alchemy
clara bow
the black dog
the albatross
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus
how did it end?
so high school
i hate it here
thanK you aImee
i look in peoples windows
the prophecy
the bolter
the manuscript
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