#We're seeing eachother tomorrow that's why i'm like this
Call, me a whore but. I'd love to hold my friend's hand.
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sparxemberflame · 1 month
Man. I wish it was easier to be understood.
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leclerking · 1 year
max x reader (you)
enemies to lovers slow burn or fast burn idk idc
write a self indulgent fic when you're drunk
slayyyyyy im drink rn girlie lets write some fan fictionnnn
do i make this aesthetic? ok maybe i make it aesthrtic
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so its a clubbing scene. im drinking as usual. i want to dance but my friends arent dancers. they're also tired. a man comes up to me and i instantly want to rail him.
he says " you wannt to dance?? ' i said " Yeah dude all night' . so we're on teh dance floor and we're dancing and my friends are at a distance somehwer in the club
then i fall tired so i left to ge t a drink and join my friends, just as i sit down with them, this man. built like a tree. same one from earlier comes back and says lets dance again come on. i was tired but he was handsome so i wen back to dance. then again i was tired so i came bk. and so did he. "come onnn the night is young lets go back" he pleads with a huggee smile. as if he slept with a hanger in his mouth
"dude WHO EEVN ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU STILL HAVE THE ENERGY??' i asked as i was close to passing out. (just like rite now while i amm typing this)
but he just smiles and takes my hand and i follow him and we're again having fun on the dance floor. soon enough i couldnt do tjis anymore so i tell my friends that we can leave. and we'er sitting on a bemch outside waiting for our uber AND GUESS WHO SHOWS UP!
"you want to catch a drink later someday again?"
i only stare at him. what does he even mean?? " i dont live in this city, i'm here for like 5 days. also WHO ARE YOU i still domtknow your name yet!! how will i even find you??'
'so u do want to find me? " he smirks " if we have one last dance left togther, maybe we will find eachother " and with that he left.
------------------------- im so tired im going to continue this when im drunk mext time i hop e i dont forget the storu--------------------------
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OKAY so now this is probably the next day or the day before we leave the city (i dont know which citty)
im in the lobby with my friends, just back from a whole tiresome day of site watching ? seeing?? the city. im waiting to get something frm the recption and i hear his voice.
" you're here??" "omg dude are you stalking me ?????" i ask with a smile! LIKE WHY AM I SMILING ??!!
" nope. my friend actually lives hre. i came to drop her off "
" you have a girlfriend?" "would not you like to know??"
" nvm i dont, bye"
"okay wait, shes just a friend, and besides i came to drop her AND her boyfriend." and idk what to say, i wanna ask him out but whats the point ill leave tomorrow...
" would you like to go out today? i know this really really great place that has a great salsa night..." not like the dip like the dance!
"sure i'd love that" why am i brushing like an idiot. i told him i'd meet him down in just a few minutes. and sooner than later we were at this beautiful place, you could see the coast. so many people were dacing through tje entire street.
and then so were we. one mimosa after another. one song after another and we were both super drunk and laughing anf giggling and dancing and just having the greatest time ever.
and we continued to have a great time even after we got back to my room. im sure we had great sex. and we wer arguing about something i dont remmbr and having a roast contest. thats all i remembr.
because when i woke up, he was gone. not a single trace. no note, nothing... AND I STILL DIDNT KNOW HIS NAME. was he just a ghost? perhaps my drunk imagination or halusination...
went down for breakfast and met my friends. and they asked me about last night. AND I ASKED THEM FOR CONFIRMATION " SO I WASNT THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD SEE HIM??"
maybe he was real.. but i had to leave in a few hours. maybe he would just have to remain a core memmory to me in this city. and it sucks because he has the cutest smile, and the best energy when it came to dancing.
the whole time, in the taxi, the airport , the flight.. okay maybe no tthe flight because i usually fall asleeep. i thought about him and waht a wonderful time we had.
would i ever see him again??
I want to take this time annd appretiate some of my friends or moods as they say on thos web site. It is 3 am her
@crimsonicarus @lesharl-eclair @sebsore @sebscore @jelloecat @hellocat? @jelliecatz @scuderia-leclerc starcentral @strkctrl @stqrsctrl @deadaydreams @fhumingrace you guys salllaayyyyyyy 💗🤍💕❤️💔💌❤️‍🩹💟❤️‍🔥🫦💋
OH WAIT AND @KRIKRISYERR I for the lyf of me caaannot spell this useeename but they give me the best f1 fic recs
This account has lit rally Turner into my safe space 😭😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
treat you better / george russell
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day 12: special (part of one-word november prompts!)
word count: 0.7k
pairing: george russell x reader
summary: he's been dying to show you how special you could feel with him by your side. if only you would stop dating idiots that waste your time, he thought.
warnings: not proofread!
author's note: tried to write this as quickly as possible to post before the day ended. i still like it!!! hope you like it too<333 don't forget to leave a comment!
"remind me again, why are you crying for that bastard?"
you were weeping against his chest, while he gently caressed your hair trying to soothe the heartache. you and your boyfriend had broken up for the hundredth time. or at least that's how george saw it.
"he's my boyfriend, george" you managed to say through the softs sobs that were still scaping your mouth. he furrowed his brows, making a confused face that you couldn't see, due to you being pressed against his torso. "didn't you just tell me you broke up?"
"yeah, but I still love him"
'but how could you? after everything he did" he took your silence as a cue to keep asking, but now with a more soft tone. "why would you?"
after his sudden comment, you separated from him, now feeling weirded out by his -apparently unreasoned- outburst. "i don't know, george. all that bullshit of 'the heart wants what it wants' i guess". he huffed, clearly not satisfied with the answer he got, and instead got up from the couch to get some water. on his way, though, you saw how hard he was clenching his fist, making they seem almost white. after drinking a bit, he answered.
"that's bullshit".
"how are you so sure?"
now seated again beside you, he replied, trying to catch your eyes that where looking directly at your hands. "I know your heart. it's not that dumb."
you finally complied, looking directly at his blue eyes. "where are you going with this?". he got closer and offered the glass of water where he had been drinking from. "you know where".
"actually, I don't" with a ironic smile, you said. "please enlighten me, russell."
"i could treat you so much better".
letting the glass on the coffee table in front of the sofa where you two were currently in, you tried to avoid his gaze. "we're not having this conversation again".
"cause you know I'm right".
frustrated, you almost yelled at him, regretting it almost instantly. "cause you know why you aren't!". he wasn't actually trying to make you mad, so instead he tried to crack a joke that would ease the quickly growing tension that floated in the air. "I could do an entire powerpoint presentation on why we could work out" after not receiving an answer, he continued. "i would drop everything for you".
"and that's exactly why we won't work out" you said sincerely. the british driver had confessed one time, while drunk, that he would quit everything if that meant even the smallest possibility of you two getting together. you knew that he was only joking, he wouldn't actually do it, but even the smallest chance lf it actually happening scared you. how could you ask so much of him? being part of the f1 grid was always his dream, even since you started to know him back when he was in his karting days. you could never even think about him leaving everything for you. even if it was a joke. "i don't need you to".
"you know what I meant. I'll do anything you ask me".
after being seated face to face, too far away to actually touch eachother, you got a bit closer so you could rest your head against his shoulder. "can you just hold me tonight? we'll figure it out tomorrow, george". he hummed, appreciating the new point of contact, and closed his eyes.
now with his arm engulfing you in a hug and your head too close to his neck, where you could smell his perfume. you could feel the vibrations in his throat when he started talking again. "yeah yeah, i'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought this out to you today. it's just that, I know you deserve to be treated better, cause you're special, y/n. and I would try every day to be worthy of you, of your love". you two didn't say anything else for a while, leaving you to enjoy the contact between your bodies and think about what he had said. after all this time, you still couldn't understand why he kept putting up with you. so you asked. "why are you so good to me?".
"that's what friends are for, right?"
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Summary: the reader gets a special suprise from kylian
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Kylian has been stressing about the game against Bayern and he's been working and training day and night even here at home, everytime I try spending time with him he's either too tired or getting ready for practice
It feels like we're barely seen eachother in the past 2 weeks, but I completely understand why
It's just that sometimes I wish he was a normal guy with a normal Job, not Kylian Mbappe the footballer, but I know he wouldn't be happy with such a life
This is gonna be the first time we're not celebrating the day and just the thought makes my heart clench
Right now I'm sitting on the bed watching him get ready
"You ready to go?" He asks
"What's wrong?"
"You sure? "
"Yup, don't worry about me babe"
"It's my job to worry about you"
"Well, don't, c'mon we're gonna be late"
We get into the car and I drive us to the stadium
"Wish me luck"
"Good luck love"
"Thanks, love you"
"Love you more" I say
He heads to the changing room and I make my way to my seat and the match starts
After the match
"Good Job babe, so proud of you"
"Thank you"
We get into the car and drive back home
"Huh, I'm so tired" he says
"Yeah I can imagine"
When we get there, I fish into my bag for the keys and open the door
As I open the door I see red rose petals making a trail to a table set for two
"Kylian what is this"
"You didn't think I'd forget did you?"
I turn around and see him holding my favorite flowers and chocolate
"I did think you forgot"
"Why would I forget our anniversary"
"You were so busy training and working so hard I didn't think you'd remember"
"Well I did remember"
"But I didn't get you anything" I say
"It's fine amour I don't need anything, I just want you"
I go in for a hug and hide my face into his chest as I try not to blush
"Are you blushing"
"No" I say
" you are aren't you"
I stay silent
"Aww you are, c'mon I have something for you"
He drags me to the table and pulls out my chair for me
"Thank you"
"You're welcome amour"
We start making conversation and he starts telling me about the past two week and I do the same
Kylian tries to make jokes but they are so bad I can't help but laugh at them, we spend the rest of the night messing around and goofing around until we finally calm down
"Oui, Amour"
"I have a present for you too"
"Yup, I'll go get it"
I heard upstairs grab the gift and head back Downstairs
"Here, I was gonna give it to you tomorrow but I figured why not now " I say and hand him the gift
It's a box that's wrapped up and he looks at it weird
"What is it" he asks
"Just open it"
He slides the top up and sees a cup
On the top of the box it says:
"Prompoted to"
Then a cup that says:
"Y/n, is this real"
"Yeah it's real" I say
"Please don't joke with me"
"I'm not Joking Kylian, it's true"
"I need to hear you say it"
"Say what?"
"That it's true"
"It's true Kylian"
"No say the words"
There's a silence
"I'm pregnant "
He let's out a gasp that I don't think was intentional
"Oh mon dieu"
he gets up from his chair and picks me up and twirls us around
"We're gonna be parents" he says with tears in his eyes
"Yeah we are" I say
"I can't believe this"
He starts kissing me and hugging me
"Je t'aime mon amour"
"Je t'aime aussi, mon mari"
"est-ce une fille ou un garçon" he asks
"Je ne sais pas" I say
"But does it matter" I ask
"No it doesn't, I just want our child to be healthy" he says
"Yeah me too" I say
He laughs and kisses me again
I can't wait to see Kylian playing with our baby girl or boy and sharing family moments with eachother
I know for a fact he will be a great father
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mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
okay! I was wondering if you could a tom x reader where tom just got out of jail is to become a solider soon. reader is a waitress who tom stumbles upon, people mention him to reader about how "troubled" he can be. she meets him and she and him end up getting together, both feel happy and content with eachother.
Trouble Followed Me
Pairing: Tom Bennett x fem! reader
Noise filled the pub as people drank and chattered away. Y/N moved through the crowd, seeing to orders as she moved toward the kitchen.
"Another busy one," she murmured, sliding the tray onto the counter. Paul laughed, drying glasses behind the counter.
"Good for business." he shrugged.
She raised her eyebrows, tiredly pushing her hair back. "No good for my feet. I have to be back here tomorrow."
"Ahh, but they pay you well, though," he said, just as the doors swung open once again.
"Yes, they do." sending a knowing smile to him as she stood up straighter.
She saw Paul’s face falter as he nodded his head at the person at her side, “Tom. What can I get ya?"
The man sighed, “A pint’d be good.”
He turned to her and grinned, “Haven’t seen you round here before.”
“I work here. Maybe you don’t come round here often enough.”
“I’ll make sure to fix that.” he nodded.
She shook her head, “Is that your attempt at flirting?”
“I don’t know, is it working?” he glanced at her.
“I’ve heard far worse. Might have to try again.” she surmised, a smile tugging at her lips.
“Right. I suppose you get lots of blokes in here.”
She nodded, “Although, none of them have quite made it past a sentence, so I suppose that’s new.”
“And what does your man think of that?”
A grin splayed across her face, “You’re quick. I’m not sure what answer to give you.”
“What are the options?”
She leaned on the counter, glancing at Paul serving other customers “There’s the answer I always give, and then there’s the truth.”
“I’ll go with the latter.” 
“I don’t have one.”
“Any reason in particular?”
“Haven’t find the right guy. My last boyfriend was in London.”
“You lived up there?”
“Moved down here to be with my sister while her husband’s serving. She’s got three kids to one job. It’s difficult.”
He nodded, averting his gaze to the bench. He understood full well of the decision, especially now after leaving the house once again from his father’s reprimand. 
“That’s tough.”
“What brought you here?”
He sighed, “A drink.”
“Nothing else?”
“Had a fight with my dad.” he sipped from his glass, “He doesn’t like that I’m joining up.”
Her eyes widened slightly, and she nodded her head in understanding. “Why? If I might ask.”
“He’s a pacifist.”
“And you...you don’t agree.”
“Well, I’ve been put in a tight spot.”
“I hope you figure it out.” she said, “With your dad.”
She hummed, glancing at Paul who eyed them from across the bar. “I best be going now before I’m out of a job.”
She moved away, but a hand brushing her own brought her eyes to his.
“I never got your name.”
Her mouth fell agape as she considered the thought. “It’s Y/N.”
“I know.”, a teasing smile graced her lips, “Guess I’ll see you around.”
The evening was quiet, the night settling down as Y/N left work. A squeak left her mouth as an arm snaked around her waist from behind. She sighed at the familiar face, smacking his arm.
"Tom!" She scolded, "You near gave me a heart attack, you little-"
"Okay, I'm sorry!" He laughed, tugging her closer to him.
"What're you doing nearly scaring me half to death?"
"I just wanted to walk you home. Don't know whose wandering round this time."
"I think I do." She glanced at him.
He smirked, "I'm sorry. Again. Wanted to make sure you got home alright."
"Thank you." She settled, allowing him to tuck her into his side.
"What's my girl up to?"
She hummed, "Besides working her ass off? Nothing. I'm just tired."
"You've got to take care of yourself too."
"I do."
"I know, but you work harder to make up for it. The kids are doing fine with your help."
A solemn look befell her, "It's only right that I do. We're all they've got." Reflecting on the letter they received those months ago on their doorstep. Her sister was left in pieces from then on, and Y/N found herself consoling her broken heart. Working extra hours to cover their costs and care for the kids became her focus.
He hummed, "It's tragic what happened. You know I'll help out in any way I can."
She nodded, clutching his hand tightly. "Thank you."
"Don't have to thank me." He smiled down at her, tugging an arm around his shoulders. "You just say the word, and I'm yours. I'll be there."
She met his gaze, tilting her head up. "As in now..."
"Forever? That's entirely up to you." His words caused her heart to flutter.
She paused, halting below her doorstep. "What'd you mean by that?"
"I've done a bit of thinking. I mean, all I can do out there is think with all that time. I hear the news about your sister's husband and I think, I'm done waiting."
He exhaled, "I fancy you. And I think I might even love you. I had to tell you, even if you don't feel the same, because I don't know how or when I'll go. Don't won't wanna leave regrets."
She read his eyes, stumped for words at the confession. "When?"
"You've had me since I first saw you, love."
She chuckled under her breath, "You know. I realised I knew of you when you told me your name. The first time."
"A few people talked about a Bennett boy. The 'troubled one'."
He shrugged, expecting that or something of similar description. "What else did they say?"
"They told me to stay away from you, actually." She breathed, shaking her head.
"Guess that didn't work out."
"No." She smiled, "I've never been good at taking advice. Besides, I think he's pretty great."
"Yeah?" A grin on his mouth.
She smiled, "Yeah. He's handsome, too. These blue eyes. And that smile."
A gasp left her as he tugged her waist, "Go on." Tom whispered.
"I think I might love him too."
@pearlstiare @dothrckis @aemonds-sapphire @xcharlottemikaelsonx  @filipinamultifandom ​ @padfooteyes ​ @batsyforyou @yentroucnagol @cl-0-vr @h3k3t @arcana-greenleaf  @yummycastiel @lauraneedstochill @ladybug0095 @rntrsna @schniiipsel @caribbeangal @viviartsy
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felice-jaganshi · 2 months
Alastor's Leash
Chapter 10
(Wrapping up loose ends time~ and solidifying Radiostatic!)
Later at the hotel, Vox and Zariah were both in Alastor's room enjoying a drink together. Zariah sipped on apple juice and vodka, while the boys drink their whiskey. 
“So, you two are engaged, you know I still… like you… and you both want me around?” Vox was trying to figure out what was going on and what was going to be expected of him in this little… triangle… 
Alastor hummed, “It's something Zariah has discussed with me in the recent past. A common occurrence in her favorite romance books. I believe it's sometimes called a ‘triad’. Is that right, darling?” 
“Yeah! Most people call it a throuple, but I think that sounds too much like ‘throw up’, and triad makes it sound like we're witches up to mischief! But the mischief is really just us enjoying eachothers company and going on dates and holding hands.” She smiled and her tails swished about in a relaxed manner.
“Uh huh… so you both want to date me?” He asked, not sure he wanted to believe his luck.
“Well, more accurately, Zariah will be my wife, and you will be my… partner I think is the term you wanted us to use before? I still don't really feel romantic love like either of you do, but I have a soft spot for you both. A deeper bond than friendship, but not ‘boyfriends’ that… that term still doesn't sit right for me.” His nose scrunched for a moment.
Vox nodded, “Okay, yeah, I'd be happy with that. What about you, Foxy?” He raised an eyebrow at Zariah. 
“Hm… I guess you're kinda cute, but you annoy me easily. But I also kinda really like having you around…” She thought aloud about it, ignoring the face he made at her words. “I mean… I could see myself starting to crush on you if I let myself. But you'd have to be willing to accept that Al is number one, and you'd be number two. I'm also ace, so anything sexual, you'd have to find someone else for.”
Vox rolled his eyes, “Why am I not surprised? Of course that's the case, otherwise you'd make Al uncomfortable with how touchy you are.”
He then reached out to grab one of her tails, and she let him. “Damn, that's soft…”
“Thank you! It's a lot of work and specific oils.” She smiled softly, then her face lit up, “Oh! I forgot something from earlier!” She then got up, grabbed his arm and gently bit it.
“Wha- are you biting me?! The fuck?!” He pulled his arm away quickly, face flushed. “You a cannibal too?!”
“Oh no, I just owed you a bite from earlier when you called me a bimbo! But I decided to be nice and make it a soft affection bite since I'm not actually mad about it. You'll get used to them.” She smiled and sat back down. 
Alastor chuckled, “She's right, you do get used to them. She does it to me and Angel, and sometimes Rosie! Such a fearless creature my pet is, to bite not one, but two cannibal overlords!” He looked at her fondly. Zariah purred at the praise.
Vox shook his head, what had he gotten himself into?!
~A few days later~
Alastor was having dinner with Zariah alone in his room, fireflies dancing around to make a romantic ambiance.
“How was your date with Vox?” He asked.
“Hm, it was alright. He's kinda funny actually. Though he got a bit annoyed by my lack of eye contact.”
“Oh? Did he behave himself?” Alastor raised an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, he just got upset thinking I was assuming he'd try to mind control me. But then I explained I just don't like eye contact in general, and he calmed down. So I think with a bit more time, he and I can form a real friendship.”
“Good… I'm supposed to humor him and go on a… ‘date’ as well tomorrow… see how it feels.”
“Good luck. If he gets outta line, remember what Rosie always says: go for the jugular and don't let go till they stop moving.”
He chuckled, “Ah, mon amour, you are perfect for me. Your time is wasted with that silly picture box.”
“Hm, that ‘silly picture box’ is your best friend again, not your rival.”
“He can be both. He's very versatile.”
Now it was her turn to laugh, “Where are you two even going for you ‘friend date’?”
“There's a new jazz club that opened recently. He wants to go with me to check it out.” 
“Aw, that sounds sweet. If it's any good, maybe I can go with you sometime.”
“You'll need more dance lessons in that case, darling.”
Then, the mood shifted as Alastor's thoughts went a different direction, “You mentioned before about… getting me a ‘day pass’ into heaven. And I rejected the idea completely. But… perhaps I've warmed up to the idea of seeing my mother again… how would you go about getting such a thing?”
“Oh, we could ask Lucifer for that as a wedding present! Or Charlie, either of them could get us in under the guise of a meeting with the bigwigs, then you and I sneak off to see our moms! It might only work once. So we'll have to make it count if we do it.”
After a few moments of silence, she spoke up again, “What made you change your mind? You were pretty dead set on it being a major No before.”
“Well, the main reason I refused to go was Lilith. I knew that's where she was hiding out. So, I wanted to be as far from her as possible.”
“Oh, I see… Hm, that reminds me of something. Al, would you like me to give you back your soul? I'll do it if you want.”
He looked at his plate, deep in thought for a moment… “No, I… I think it's safe with you. It doesn't feel like a leash. It just feels like you're holding onto it for safekeeping.” He then looked back at her. “Which I suppose is accurate. And yours is safe with me as well.”
“I know… I've always known that. I think… I really really think … You and I are soulmates. That we were meant to have each other's souls and keep them safe.”
He reached forward and pet her head. “That is a rather beautiful thought my dear… this time, I think I'll humor your thoughts and agree with you.” He then got up from the table, finished eating, and walked over to kiss her cheek before turning some music on the radio.
Alastor then summoned the chain connecting both their hands, and gave a gentle tug, like he was making a shy request rather than a demand. “Would you care for a dance, mon amour?”
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onlyonetifosi · 2 years
I don't want to
-> Word Count: 1810
->Author note: I would appreciate if you send some ideas or requests for me to write. English is not my first language so sorry for mistakes <3
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I'm so excited to meet Lando's family! His niece is adorable and I can't wait to play with her. Lando is such a great guy, and I know his family will be just as wonderful.
His sisters Cisca and Flo are going to be there aswell as Oliver, his older brother and his wife and daughter Savannah and Mila. I can't wait to meet them all. Lando speeks wonderfull things about everyone.
-Baby, you have the lego's for Mila?- I ask my boyfriend while leaving our house to get in his luxurious papaya mclaren to go to his family's house in Bristol.
-Baby, of course I do. You know how much I love my niece.- he responds kissing me on the forehead as we get in the car and start our drive to his family's home. We make small talk about work and our plans for the future as we drive, and before I know it, we're pulling up in front of a beautiful house.
Lando opens my door for me and helps me out of the car, then we walk hand in hand up to the front door. Lando's mom greets us at the door with a big hug and a warm smile.
-Hello, you must be Lila. Lando has told us so much about you. Come in, come in.- she says as she steps aside to let us in. We step into a beautiful home with a warm and welcoming feeling. Lando's mom leads us into the living room where we're met by his brother, sisters and his dad.
Everyone is so friendly and I feel right at home. We spend the day playing games, chatting and getting to know each other better. It's been such a great day and I'm so glad I got to meet Lando's wonderful family.
It was almost lunch time and I was with Savannah feeding Mila some fruits and playing with her new lego's, wich she loved.
While we were doing so, Lando, Adam, his dad, and Oliver were chatting looking at us.
-I see why you love her, you are made for eachother, she's so sweet and caring and she's going to be a fantastic mumone day- His dad said. Lando smiled and nodded getting up from the couch and walking over to us. He bends down to pick us up and kisses me on the cheek before laying Mila on her playmat. -Hey babygirl- he says while kissing her head, she gurgled at him and he began talking baby talk with her. I couldn't help but laugh watching them together, it was so cute! We were all sitting there chatting when Lando's phone began beeping. He was looking at his phone mouthing sorry to me as he put it to his ear.
-What?? No? No you can't be serious! Okay... okay... I'll be right there! -He ended the call and stood up running his hands through his hair, obviously stressed out. His family must have seen the concern on my face because they all jumped up asking him what was wrong. -It was Zak asking me to go to the factory tomorrow- he explains and I feel very sad for not being able to spend all week at his house like we were planning. His family start to leave the living room and he turns back to me. -I'm so sorry that I have to work on our first week together.- He looks really sad and I can't bare seeing him like this. He walks off in the direction of his room not looking back. -Wait!- I call out after him but he just keeps walking up the stairs and I listen him closing the door loudly.
-Lan, open the door, it's okay baby, I'm not mad or anything, it's your job and I accept that- I try to convince him to open his door beacouse he locked it.
I hear him move around a little but he doesn't open the door. I can't take it anymore and I go lie down on my bed. I look at the time and it's 11:00 PM, he still isn't back are anything. I'm really worried about him so I decide to go see if he's doing okay. -Lan baby, please open the door- I beg him to come out and open the door but there's no response from his side.
-Lan, please baby, they're really sorry, they say that the statistic of his last sim practices didn't went good and they couldn't do much more than make you repeat them- I try to explain to him why he had to work today so maybe that can calm him down a little bit. But there's still no response from his side.
-Baby, please, let me in- I beg again but now tears run out of my eyes beacouse this is just getting too much for me. The only sound that comes from his side is him crying quietly which makes me cry even more. Suddenly the door unlocks and opens slowly revealing a very sad looking Lando whose eyes are red from crying and he has some wet marks on his cheeks where tears have dried up already. He looks up at me with red puffy eyes as he tries not to cry again when we stare at each other for what seems like forever before someone steps into view behind him making him plop onto the floor right after stepping out of his room causing an extremely loud sound!
I immediately jump back scared of what might happen next because something tells me that this isn't going to end good. The house get into a tense atmosphere including even Mila who can see something is wrong.
Lando looks up at me from the floor with a hurt expression as he silently cries while trying to keep himself together, I want to go and hug him and tell him everything is going to be alright but I don't want to make the situation any worse than it already is. He starts to pack his things to goback to Woking on the morning but i decide to make moves beacuse i can see how this is affecting him so i call his bosses.
I borrow his phone to have their numbers and i call them.
-Hello, Zak Brown talking, who am i talkin to?
-Hello Mr. Brown, Im Lila McMillan,Lando's girlfriend- I explain to him
-Oh, yes i remembre you Lila, what can I help you with?
-Lando is devastated because having to work more, beacuse his exhausted mentally and physically of last week and we are in bristol in his childhoom home with all his family, I call to ask if it's extremely necesary or if it can be done next week as it was scheduled ? Please Mr. Brown, we really don't want him to leave and I'm pretty sure he is not able to fly, I hope this is a clear message.
-Yes it's clear Lila, take care of him very well- see you in Woking.
I go back to the table where Lando's sitting with his family, they are all talking while eating breakfast so i sit next to Lando and I grab his hand under the table but he pulls away slightly. -Lila! What have you been doing?- i take my phone out of my back pocket and show him our texts.
-I just talked to Zak Brown to let you rest in peace and enyoying your holidays alone with no worries.- I explain to him with a smile in my face.
-Lila, you can't do that- he panicks
-Late, I already did.
-I'm gonna kill you if i get fired.
-Lando, everything will be fine. The can't get a new driver mid-season. -He starts to calm down a bit but still he looks concerned.
-Lila, you know we have a reserve driver and not for nothing- he says while looking me in the eyes with so much kindness that i feel my heart pounding fast in my chest, it's so close to mine that i can hear its beat.
-you are an idiot do you knew that?- I say with all my heart in my words. He looks at me for a few seconds and looks like he's going to say something but then his little sister comes over and sits on his lap after saying hello to me. He pushes her away quickly, walking off towards the lake so she throws some of her breakfast at him and we all laugh when we see Lando getting mad at her.
You quieten down slowly as you finish eating and help his mother clear the table up but she asks you to go see if his father in his studio because he wants to talk to you about something important. You leave the table quickly, thinking that it has something to do with Lando but when you get there you find yourself more confused than ever because his father shows you some old family albums and explains to you how this place is gonna be your home from now on and how they already consider you part of the Norris family.
You start tearing up and you wrap your arms around his neck. You were about to thank him when Lando finally walks into the room and he looks very happy. He asks his father if they can have a word in private and after an intense staredown between father and son, they finally walk out of the room. You're left there alone in the studio but with more questions than answers. Lando comes back to the studio a few hours later and he gives you a small smile before grabbing your hand and leading you towards the forest, saying that he wants to show you something important. When you arrive where lando was leading you, you see a small cabin and once you both entered you see a fantastic room with petal roses in the bed and wine.
-We are going to spend tonight here and cuddle all day- he explains while hugging me from behind. -This is our own paradise and nobody knows about it, not even my father- he adds.
We spend the night in front of the fireplace drinking wine and eating strawberries. Lando was really happy and you spend the evening talking about future plans and playing games to see who knew each other more .
-You are the first person who knows about this place- he confesses.
The next day we spend in Lando's cabin, we make love all day and we don't leave the bed. -I want to stay here forever with you, I don't ever want to leave your side- he says after making love.
You feel exactly the same and you can't imagine your life without him anymore.
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I hope you like this! send me whatever you want to my asks.
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tanihanya · 5 months
You wanna know smth that worries me loads in media rn? The Overwhelming Pessimism (rant post, written at 12am lol)
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was watching some older shows with my dad earlier-- and while some were a couple dated, Some things, really, really stuck out to me. We were watching M*A*S*H, the episode where the Cardinal Visits. It touches on deep topics, while still keeping it's normal humour, and feels good at the end. However, It was more after watching it-- that I sorta noticed... M*A*S*H would never air today.
And, No- Not because people would be 'Too Sensitive' - But the opposite, It's not dark enough. It's not grimy. It gives war as it is without being constant, overwhelming angst, and brooding darkness, and pessimistic characters--- I tried to think, about shows that were hopeful and meaningful and light today-- Movies, Even-- and I just, Couldnt. And that's because... as far as I know, what optimistic shows exist? From Superhero movies to sci fi, we have gritty, dark stories about corruption and being doomed and hidden issues we don't think about, constantly weighing down all the time. Online, we only see shit and how awful the world is outside, and never- never once- Like M*A*S*H and TNG, some shows I really like, Ways to deal with it, or try to help and fix it-- Nothing good, as if the human condition is nothing but misery and regret. But it's not like that. The World Sucks, it really does-- But we fucken neglect the things that make it redeemable, too- We neglect that change can, and has, happened. We seem to design the future as this unstoppable force of evil, that none of us can stop. Where are my TNGs and MASHs to help? where are the shows that are meant to give me faith? Where are the people still dreaming of futures, even if unattainable, to try to achieve? Where is our future? If all we ever think of is darkness, how can we ever expect it to be light? When we phrase "Realism" as the same as pessimism, the world falls into the pessimistic ideas itself-
Is Pessimism realistic? or are we making it realistic by being so pessimist? When we make only awful and gross futures, what future do we expect to grow into?
We don't allow eachother to dream. That is the right we are taking away from ourselves-- Something no external force can do. People in the past have dreamt of tomorrow in the worst of situations, why do we only ever make these nightmares? I'm going to be honest, While it's true that the world always has, and likely will, always suck, the fact is that we live here anyway- We need to make these changes, or try to, or the world will never become any different.
Yes, It's hard to try to change things, but it's harder to live in a world where nobody tried.
Where are the happy stories? Where have they gone? Where are shows like M*A*S*H, which acknowledge and explore the shit while appreciating the good ?
Where is half of our Human Condition? Where have we hidden it? It's easy to consume doomsaying media, Everybody does it. I do it. It's addictive to feel doomed, it's easy to throw all out and say that our futures will only get worse but--- Who Benefits? How does it help? It is hard to be hopeful, and it always feels like it gets harder as time goes on-- But we have to be Hopeful anyway. We have to dream or at least believe that things Can Improve.
If we never do that, then we never allow things to improve at all. If we let the world take away our ability to dream, we're giving up something that it has no right or access to. We need to welcome change. Yes, Recognise that "It's not good enough" But still be able to celebrate that it happened at all, that today is better than yesterday. I can't remember who said this, But I'm gonna quote a line that I heard once: "Welcome to Earth, Your Mission is to leave a better place than the one at your birth."
Forget about changing the world, you can change things down on our level. the personal level. you can still try, you can still work hard to make yourself happy- you can still be kind, and appreciative to others. We can still work for those glorious, unachievable dreams instead of these vicious, equally unrealistic nightmares. I hope this made sense <3
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dearlyanqels · 2 years
The Boyfriend Series — High School Sweethearts
five years after graduating, they met in the most random places, but they glad they met and caught up on past memories. maybe they still had a fling.
"can you two quiet down, and let me think" he said looking at the pack of ramen, they were filming their regular season of Bon Voyage: Seoul Edition. yoongi, as the main cook, was trying to calculate somethings for the week, yet the producers do provide them food, he still wanted to make sure they had plenty.
he was accompanied by taehyung and namjoon, the two who talk more aloud than he does which usually doesn't bother him, but now he is trying to ask himself questions. "hyung? do you think we have enough for this?" namjoom point at some snacks from the bakery "yeah, ask the other team if they would like some" he said, yoongi end up throwing both packs into his cart and travel down the aisles. a sudden name calling made him stop, he look over the person, and seen that same smile, beautiful locks of hair and those eyes. "yoongi?" you called, his breath shorten as you walk closer to him and the camera crew felt like they needed to intervene. "ma'am, we're filming something" one of the producers said.
"no no, flim those two, ah --- its been so long" he said taking you in for a hug, it was warm and gentle, yoongi was always that gentle. "five years, wow you look, wow" you said adding a short chuckle, taking a step back to admire yoongi "don't bring up those years okay? anyways what are you doing here, instead of the obvious?" he ask as you two stroll down the aisles togther. "oh my sister's kids is having a birthday party tomorrow and coincidentally her boyfriend's is today as well, so we're buying 'adult' things" she said grabbing a stack of beef and some other meats. "oh yeah I forgot you had a sister" he said.
they walk along the to some ice cream, you study the ice cream, while he admire your face and scrunch nose when in thought. "oh yoongi hyung, I got you this" taehyung sing handing him a kids bracelet. "oh who's this?" he ask smirking as if namjoon told him to keep quiet but taehyung was always the nosy one of the group. "I'm ---, you must be taehyung. I remember you when you guys debut" you said grabbing a tub of ice cream.
"how'd you two know eachother?" taehyung wiggle his eyebrows, the two smiled "we- we um dated in high school" yoongi said gripping his cart. "oh really, so your the phantom of love. he always told us you were the one who encouraged him to try out" you've smiled at taehyung's little mirth voice and smile. "namjoon also ask if you're ready? he's got a cart full of things" taehyung ask "oh yeah, um --- nice meeting you again." yoongi turn, but taehyung was not done, not one bit "actually --- why don't you give me your number. I know yoongi hyung is a shy man, you probably know that as well." yoongi hiss at taehyung's comment but it was true he was a shy man when it comes to things like this.
in high school he was not the one to make the first move, it was you, he was confident but alone he was a shy guy. you practically push him to audition, you kiss him, you ask him out. you never push him past the limits though. "actaully --- next week we're having a concert, come, I'll save you some tickets" yoongi needed to be the confident. taehyung smirk and wiggled his eyebrows once more "oh yes of course I'll come, I been fighting for them" you chuckled.
"you'll get the best house seats, front row, I'll text you the details, flower" taehyung suck in his lips as he saw the two of you look at eachother. "you still remember?" you ask biting your bottom lip "of course, I'll see you there" before the camera crew came, the two parted ways after exchanging numbers.
"who was that?" your sister ask, she rub her belly and smirk "shut up, no he is not my future baby daddy, you remember my old boyfriend from high school? that's him" you watch your sister gasped and stutter which you nodded to "holy shit, you better keep him this time" she said nudging your shoulder.
"you better keep them this time yoongi hyung" taehyung said nudging his shoulder.
I will, this time. I promise
you both thought.
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A secret fwb situation between Thomas and Élodie!
Things already got out of hand cuz they both caught feelings, but didn't tell each other. She sees him too close to a girl at a party one day and drinks her jealousy away, their friends leave him to take care of her bc the Leclercs and the Gaslys always take care of each other. Thomas is freaking out, like "Dammit, Élodie! Why did you do this? If your brothers or your father found out you're this drunk they gonna kill us both!". He ends up sneaking her into his bedroom to take care of her.
idk if the ages align, but for what I understand he's a little older than her, right?
Tw: mentions drinking
"How do you tell your friend 'hey, this was supposed to be a no feelings thing, but I've fallen for you, harder than how my mother falls when we go on ski trips. how do we proceed?' without risking them never talking to you again?", Thomas exasperated, "I think your parents know a thing or two about that", one of his friends pointed out as they walked inside the the bar.
It wasn't the best way to deal with the situation, Thomas knew that much, but when a girl approached him, he kept talking to her, completely forgetting that Élodie was also I the same room.
Since the Gasly couple was going on a long weekend trip to celebrate their anniversary, Charles was the first to suggest that their kids could come down to their place and spend the weekend there, given that they were all around the same ages, so they'd have plans with eachother and their friends, so they had all gone to the same bar for the night.
"I wish I didn't feel for him like I do, I mean, look at him! He doesn't care one bit", Élodie said to her friend, "they're just talking, I'm sure it's just that", she attempted to comfort her as she saw her down two more shots, "it's my own fault for catching feelings", she hiccuped.
Things quickly got too much, whether it was the fact that the music had gotten louder and the drinks had become some weird mixture, but Élodie had had enough, and one thing her friend knew for sure is that Thomas would be the only person to deal with this the proper way and help her. Fortunately, their friends understood just how much the Leclercs and Gaslys looked out for eachother, helping Thomas bring Élodie home before heading to their own houses too.
Élodie was lying on his bed, looking significantly better now as Hervé, who had been in charge of making sure the younger ones got homm safe and sound, looked at them, "I don't need to tell you to be more responsible, right Élodie?", he asked, earning a nod, "I know, it was stupid. I'm sorry for doing it. But can you please not tell my parents?", she asked, "not my story to tell, I just need you to be okay, that's all", Hervé said, placing the pills and cup of water on the bedside table, "take these before you go to sleep, they'll help tomorrow. Try and keep quiet, okay? If you make any noise, you'll have Amélie on your door in no time, and I think it's safe to say our dear sister will have a much different reaction to mine", he smiled at his brother, highfiving Élodie quietly before leaving the room.
"I never took you for the drinker", Thomas said, "I'm not usually one", Élodie mumbled back, cursing herself for how much she was enjoying his touch as he rubbed her back, "what happened then? C'mon, El, you know you can tell me anything", he urged.
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was just that she had enough of this situation, and for whatever it meant, her parents always told her to be honest, "seeing you with that girl made me jealous. Because she was talking to you and you're not with her just to fulfill a need and then be friends", she gulped, tears falling from her eyes, "I got jealous because we're not that, even though we said we'd never be that anyway. And it hurt", she tried her best to pull away from Thomas, feeling him pull her in.
"Can I have a go now? I was talking to her because I wanted to forget about the fact that I miss you in ways a friend doesn't miss another. I don't miss just being with you when we sneak away. I miss having you with me in mundane things like going to the shops, or at family gatherings, to be able to hold you longer before you have to leave. I don't want to keep this arrangement, I want more", Thomas said, "we'll talk tomorrow, yes? But for now, know that I'm in if you are", he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, allowing her to sleep for a little bit before they spoke about it with a clearer head.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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floralcavern · 1 year
Wings of Fire fanfic - Glory
T/W: Ab*se
I was in my cave. Alone. Everyone else was busy hanging out with eachother. But whatever. They don't want to hang out with me. Grumpy, useless, lazy me. Whatever. I'm used to it at this point. Not like I care.
Suddenly, a bright yellow, smiling face poked her head into my room. "We're studying royal family trees!" Sunny said happily.
I roll my eyes. "I can't, remember? Kestrel said I have... private battle session again."
Sunny gave her a sympathetic look. "Oh.. well, all right. Good luck!!"
Then she leaves.
I scoff.
Luck? Ha! When have I ever had luck??
I jump off my bed, abandoning my scroll about how the weather works and, reluctantly, start heading toward the training den. But this wasn't for training. This was my punishment. Not just for existing, but for asking Kestrel last night why I didn't get any dinner.
Kestrel is in the middle of the room. "About time," she hisses in her deep accent, steam emitting from her nostrils.
My scales shift to a pale orange, but I change them to a more neutral color.
Suddenly, Kestrel is already getting ready to strike. I know it's no use to dodge and that it would only make it worse, so I just stay still.
Surprisingly, this fight only lasted 15 minutes. Usually they last 40. I enter the study room, where the dragonets of destiny are studying with Dune about royal families. 
Dune narrows his eyes at me. "That was fast," he observed. 
I shrug. "She must've been tired or not as angry," I say as I take a seat next to Starflight and Tsunami.
Starflight gives me a worried glance.
"You're bleeding.." he observed quietly.
"But not as bad as last time," Tsunami added.
"Glory, if you're gonna disrupt the lesson with taking, I'll send you back to Kestrel," he growled deeply.
I know most would object to how they weren't doing anything, but I know better and nod, keeping my emotions from splattering all over me.
When the class was over, Sunny aided me with the help of Webs. Dune and Kestrel complained on how I made the study room all bloody. Figures.
Webs exhaled. "They really should've sent you here after the fight."
"Why didn't you go get her?" Sunny asked. "Or stop Kestrel?"
"Oh nonononono. I could never do that. Stop Kestrel? You trying to get me killed? Haha!" He sounded extremely nervous and jumpy at just the thought.
Sunny gives him an extremely confused look.
Poor, naive Sunny I think. Just accept it. He's a no good, moon licking coward.
When I was patched up, it was dinner time. I head to the eating area. Again, no food for me. I was surprised to see Sunny got something, as she had annoyed Kestrel by asking her why she hurt me. But then I remember she's Dune's favorite.
I turn to Kestrel, keeping all disappointment and hunger from my eyes, but she could see through the act. I couldn't stop it from spilling out on my scales.
Kestrel hisses. "I don't feed failures."
Clay objected. "She's not a failure!" he says, getting daringly close to Kestrel's face before she slashed him and took the rest of his dinner.
"No good dragonets. Glory, another training session tomorrow. Don't expect dinner either. Next time, don't even show up in here for tomorrow. I don't want your friends 'sticking up for you.'"
I nod. I begin heading to my cave when Dune stops me. "Nope."
"'Nope' what?" I ask flatly.
"Kestrel told me you'll be sleeping near the river."
I object without thinking. "What!? But it's freezing in there!"
Next thing I know, I'm on the floor bleeding. Kestrel was behind me. She reopened my wounds.
"This time you won't be getting those treated. Now go."
I nod and head off. I curl up, trying to stay as warm as possible. I couldn't help but cry, even just a little. 
Welp, what are you gonna do? Just another day in my life as a failure...
But, before I drift off to sleep, 4 heads poke into the room.
"Took a lot of convincing to have Starflight sneak out," Tsunami snickered.
"What are you guys doing here..?" I asked.
"You really think we're gonna let you freeze and starve in here?" Clay asked. "Noooo WAY!"
"But.. The guardians!"
"Shhhhhhh!" Tsunami hissed. "They'll hear youuuuu."
Sunny jumped on top of me, her warm scales already making me less cold.
"We're never gonna abandon you."
Starflight set a piece of fish in front of me. He must've stolen it from Webs. "Never," he says.
"Neeeever!" Tsunami says with a toothy grin.
"Never," Clay says, coming over.
I stare at them in bewilderment for a moment. Before I stop myself, I crack into a smile. "Never..."
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 047 - Charles the Non-Binary Alien
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 Episode 22 - Cogenitor
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This episode starts really nicely, in the cold open the Enterprise is doing a bit of scientific exploration, and encounters a really friendly ship that offers to help out a bunch without asking anything in return. After that opening, I was kinda waiting for it to turn out to be a lie, but it never really did.
It was really nice seeing the two crews interact with eachother. Archer gets to talk ship mechanics with the Vissian captain, and Trip once again stats rizzing up two girls, this time via the wonders of Ice Cream.
The episode then introduces the title episode's concept. Vissians have a third gender. Phlox attempting explaining Vissian reproduction to Trips absolute dismay.
The first thing that really stood out to me was the couple refer to the Cogenitor with it pronouns, which was a bit uncomfortable for me. I know I have Any/All in my bio, but I've only ever heard it pronouns used as an insult, and that's really hard to look past especially when that didn't appear to be the Cogenitor's choice. They also say that the Cogenitor doesn't have a name. Thankfully, the Cogeniter does eventually name itself Charles, making this post a lot less of a nightmare to write.
Despite the episode's probably unintentional drifting on to LGBT, specifically Non-Binary and transgender, topics, the episode itself seems to be more of an allegory for sexual slavery than anything else. It feels really weird and out of character that everyone except trip are just okay with how the Charles is treated, especially after Trip confirms the Cogenitors are just as neurologically capable as the males and females.
The scenes with Trip treating Charles like an actual person were great, and I do genuinely feel really bad for it. While Charles is on screen, it is actually some really good Non-Binary representation, especially as far as 2003 goes, and it hurts to see how everyone except Trip treats it.
The end of the episode really soured my opinion of it as a whole. According to Archer, Charles committed suicide which, one really hits close to home as part of the LGBT community. And Two, and this is the really sour part, Archer and seemingly the episode seems to blame Trip for it... What were the writers actually thinking on that ending?
This one had some really good set up, and a character I really liked, but it just couldn't pull it all together, and the ending just frustrated me beyond belief.
On a side note, the viewing guide I've been following says "We are skipping episode 23 (“Regeneration”) for now, but will return to it later." and doesn't elaborate why we're doing that at all, so if you're wondering why I'm skipping to episode 24 tomorrow, that's why.
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always-me-meha · 5 days
Random shit update lol or me just thinking as usual haha
Hrmmmm do I think he's comfortable being honest about things in his past or in general??? Ehhh idk..... he's getting there, slowly opens up to things and I'll sit and listen. But but I do KNOW he can be a wicked liar, I'm not sure he does it on purpose now or its just a natural response. I just hope that bum works on it or stays honest with me at least lol I hate liars.
So yesssss when I hear shit from other people it has me question, do you deserve me? Am i stoopid? Or you gonna do what you've done to other girls (if what was said even true, the girl that told me things is a crackhead and apparantly a hoe that spreads rumours is what this other girl told me, he even told me this to before). But I still don't think he was ever honest about sleeping with this other chick or not before we started dating but were still together. I have no proof so I have to let it go I guess eh?
We're finally dating, time to just focus on the now and not the confusing as hell past 4 months lol like yes I probably shouldn't of waited and stuck around as long as I did but I did get away from him eventually!!!! which is how we were apart for a whole month. Enough time for us to miss eachother plenty and make him clue in if it was worth losing me LOL
If I didn't fuck up and went to town to gamble that day and bumped into dee, we probably still wouldn't be talking honestly. Crazy hmmmm like a butterfly effect hahaha
And I know i know I went crazy blasting him the other night but man I was high and pissed off at him and didn't see his point in the things he was telling me or mad about cause of course i was in la la land. Also I'm someone who once she's pissed off and wants answers or to resolve things, I want it now! I don't have patience at alllllllll. Where I know guys need their space to calm down, and I tend to keep pushing. I did finally let him go to sleep cause he was right, we both needed to calm down.
I'm proud we didn't block eachother through all that haha. Told him when he asked me out I didn't wanna do the blocking game!!!!!
But being I didn't sleep all night I was still pissed off of course haha so I messaged 'so it's tomorrow.....' and he was like not rn I got bad news (his friend passed)..... I was a CUNT, I was like I don't give a fuck I'm done!!!!! Idk if he was like wow, running away again, I said I wasn't running away I'm standing up for myself cause he treats me poorly. He right away said he was sorry and for me to come over. Also I said I was struggling to hearing shit, so he wanted to make sure I bloody napped!!!!! And I did wanna support him of course I said I was sorry he lost his friend. I felt like shit for flipping out but damn. There's usually always something that happend just as I'm like trying to leave or when I did leave.
Anywhooooo, we made up and had a good time together, stayed sober all day, he tried to get me to sleep but I wouldn't lol I did eat! So that was something at least. He talked and explained things to me more why he doesn't want me hanging with dee or being at that house. I totally understand it all!!!!!! He was right about everything, even my councilor today says for once she agrees with him, stay away from there.
So that's a professional and him advising me. I will for now on listen to that! Besides I don't know what things I said that day that may come to bite me in the ass too -.- and all the druggies in town are starting to know my name and vehicle, police I belive now recognize my vehicle. Shits just dangerous. Me driving high is not okay. Me evem giving rides to the store is not okay cause I'm still an acomplice even if I think I'm being safe and not involved by staying in my car.
Just shits been I guess more crazy since I started hanging with her even tho it's been only twice. Because it's me making these decisions on my own, not him. Yeah maybe I learned stuff and met them cause of him but I'm chosing to make these bad decisions on my own even after being told to never hang with them without him. Even after the last time I promised I wouldn't and I did it anyway. Simply cause I was mad n wanted a hoot. See my own attitude problems gonna get me in shit smh.
So yes this is why he wants to stop so I will stop smoking too. Today was another slip. Without going on to more blah blah blah, he was given stuff last night when looking for someone. Being a nice honest guy said it was on the desk (smh which right away triggered me to wanting a hoot and trying not to be mad at him for even telling me it was there lol see it's like, I'm like don't lie to me!!!!! Then right there in my head was like why you tell me that, shouldve lied and hid it!!!!!!!!) But no I glad he was honest..... just I was slightly disappointed cause I was excited and confident about us not smoking today bleh. It wasn't on my mind at all till I heard it was there.
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bananabraces · 1 month
first date ever tomorrow!!
hii guys so alot happened today. like alot of big changes that seem calm now but will completely change the course of my life for years to come. soo one i finally align w my username, i got braces!!! they're actually really cute i got bubblegum pink and they didn't hurt much they only put wires on my bottom row of teeth bc they're gonna be doing extraction on the top teeth so they can't string them together yet yk but it was actually pretty painless. the feeling of the metal is really uncomfortable in my mouth though like the bite blocks they had to put i can VERY MUCH feel it's not like an actual inserted thing they just put some kind of solution or like glue where my back teeth touch so that they wouldn't grind against the brackets on my teeth and break them. so overall the braces experience thus far has been an 8/10 -2 points bc of the discomfort. i'm really excited for my teeth to start shifting though bc i've always had really crappy teeth ever since my permanent ones started coming in my overbite is 10mm long and just alot else is wrong w my teeth like in 5th grade i got called toothless by the whole grade almost bc it was so bad and it was like a known joke in my class that i had no teeth. and i have never been able to smile properly bc of like my jaw and it also looks recessed and sunken in cuz my bite and ive always put my hand over my mouth when i smile or laugh bc of this, so basically what i'm saying is it's always been a struggle with me as well as my family. i'm really really excited to have straight teeth. in a way it kind of makes me feel more connected to my dad and sam bc they got braces too. idk how to explain it.
but ANYWAYS that was like an entire entry on its own but that's not all the news (please ignore how my keyboard puts apostrophes on some words and not others it's bugging me too but i can't fix it rn so whatever). i am FINALLYYYY going on a date w and getting asked out by gp tomorrow after 11 months of waiting. it's so hard to summarize all our lore and just how badly i've wanted and wished for this but just know like i've had to sit through months of him dating someone else knowing i missed my chance and had to confess knowing we'd most likely just stay as friends no matter what i said and had to accept that unsent love letters countless diary entries a spotify playlist late night calls and conversations and endless yapping to my bsf is all it would ever be. but now it's not like that. and that's not why i'm nervous btw if i haven't said i'm nervous i am but not bc of that i'm really excited to date gp and get to know him as a bf i'm just a little scared for the actual date bc we haven't talked alot recently. it's been better these last 2 days and i've sent him stuff occasionally and we have a streak buttttt that's kinda all it's been this summer. but yk we saw eachother everyday for 1 year and were hecka close so i'm also looking forward to it and i doubt it'll be THAT bad. plus we're seeing my fav movie (eva it's all yours dw i just like it alot)!!! i was coraline for halloween 2022 and went to the museum and i've watched it countless times so. i think that'll make me more comfy in a way plus then i'll have alot more to discuss w him afterwards. he said he'd pay but i'm bringing a wallet full of money anyways bc i'm atleast offering to even if he says no and even then i'll probably ask to split it or pay for the food afterwards. anyways he's really so sweet and amazing and smart and handsome and funny and i'm reallyyyy excited to see him 🤗🤗 so hopefully it'll go good i think it will. and i'm gonna ask my dad and mom and bsf for some advice bc they have an honest view and my parents have experience w dating and eva w the actual guy having been 10 yr childhood bsfs. so yeah. i'm feeling alot better but goshhh BOYFRIEND. HES GONNA BE MY BKYFRIEND!!!! im gonna walk into school and be liek i have a real life living human br with human skin and lungs and life who breaths air and is also real and here and a bf my bf. like whay.
on the same noeeeeteeee im dividing ts so it's easier to read i'm SO excited for 8th grade. my clothes and stuff going in r sooo cute and ill have a bf and im joining sports and possibly riding the bus (some dyas) so itll be really sigma. also there's alot.of.stuff only 8th graders could do at my scuool so ill be like an ALPBQHA GRRR u know. sorry that was bad but like im not even j trying to be funny out school is the timberwilves. the halls in our school are marked by saying like "___ grade pack!" like 😅😅😅😆😆😆 no!!! actualy!!!! no!!!!!
anyways that's ittt just had to drop a lil update hopefully it ACTUALLY UOLOADS THIS TIME AND JF IT DOESNT IT ATLEAST SAVES TO MY DRAFTS. tmblr fix ur site. okayy bye chat thanks formlistening 💫
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seiwas · 4 months
Sel!! I'm glad that you liked the songs :3 While I dont have any off the top of my head right now - I think you would absolutely love japanese music !! And yes- I definitely see the D.O vision - I've fallen out of my kpop phase but I've been meaning to set out my playlists again. And I listened to your ones; I love the soft and groovy vibe to them!! I absolutely LOVED "Maybe We Could Be A Thing" - I can't wait to see how this pans out in your atsumu fic 🥺 I'm listening to it rn and it's making me so soft 🥺🥺 Also the Ex!Gojo one 🥺🥺 So many favourite lines - "We're hanging on by threads and I can't hold it any harder on my end // I'm something to regret but without you what am I? // Don't hesitate to call me up and curse me out" GAAAAHHHH this hit so hard sel!!! I can't explain how my heart physically clenched at that 😭😭 I say definitely watch it! Even if you go alone - it's no different than watching on a big screen. I'll be going tomorrow so I'll let you know my thoughts then <3 haha, I'll have to apologise for the person I'll be when I see kuroo playing on big screen... Have a lovely weekend Sel <33 🍧 anon
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🍧 anon hello!!! i am SO SORRY i’m getting to this late omg 😭 i was out of town over the weekend and have been so busy w work since coming back 🥺
but let me respond to everything!! thank you so much for messaging and checking in 🥺 you are so lovely!!
i feel like i should be listening to more japanese music tbh!! 🥺 u should check d.o out too when you have the time 🥺 honestly i just recommend exo in general… bc i love them… w my entire heart…
and omg that atsumu song 😭😭 it isn’t for the atsumu fic in particular but it’s in my general atsumu playlist 🥺 that i think just adds on to his sogginess 😭
and omg i asked around w my friends too if i should watch it in the cinema 😭 its been mixed reactions but 😭 URE SO CUTE FOR COMING BACK TO LET ME KNOW UR THOUGHTS ON IT 🥺🥺🥺 thank u for thinking of me!!
omfg the kuroo awakening JAKANKEJD i honestly forget how much i love him 😭 but my phases for him go really hard when i’m in them 😭 and i’m afraid with what ure saying… it’ll be my kuroo reawakening… i alr screamed at his first appearance during my hq rewatch of the older seasons 😭😭😭
omg the fact that the entire theatre turned into kuroo stans is INSANE 😭😭😭 yALL THE FACT THAT HE HAS THE SAME VA AS GOJO TOO AKZMDKXKKD INSANE omg… may i ask why u give it an 8/10 ?? 😮 like why the minus 2!!!!
u talking abt the fun they had and how much they still respected eachother is making me so emotional ☹️☹️☹️☹️ omg… i think ill feel the same 😭😭😭😭 i was rewatching the hq eps and alr felt like things were too short 😭😭😭😭 KKEJDJD I WONDER HOW THEYRE GNA WRAP UP THE REST OF EVERYTHINF 😭😭😭😭 w just 1 more movie 😭😭😭😭😭 like wtaf
thank u so much for sharing this with me 🍧 anon!! i appreciate u 🥺🥺🥺
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