always-me-meha 2 days
I have this one video I recorded of my myself. Just with my ass in the air and tryna look hot for the camera lip syncing (I was hyper as fuck) . Suddenly you see him walk in the background (looking tired and confused af) he'd pause, stare at me, walk forward some more, pause and stare, then shake his head and walk off camera. Lmfaooo just thinking wtf this chick weird af why am I with her.
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always-me-meha 2 days
Bahaha he says he won't chase me if I run away (I call liesssss 馃構) but he doesn't have to worry, I'll run in slow motion, so he just has to walk.
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always-me-meha 2 days
Funny thing, my one and only ex from over 10 years ago that broke mah heart lmao knows my mang. He sees us together alot.
So he'll ask him are you and her still friends? And he'd be like no (this is during our fights) and my ex would give a genuine awe. Which takes back my man because he said he's never heard that tone of voice come out of my ex before lolol
Wonder what that means 馃
(FYI, my ex is .... just .... not a good guy lmao so it's weird for him to sound that way)
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always-me-meha 2 days
Idk now that I'm not in a depressive episode like I was this morning, and being we had such a natural good time together. I feel so relaxed and happy tonight 馃グ
I think just. Once I got home those first couple nights, I kind of forget the whole....We're together now is real, and all the goals we planned weren't just all in my head.
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always-me-meha 2 days
Ahhh so smh he had the idea to go gambling then remembered I can't gamble.
Flash forward we're driving back to his house he goes to give me his change cause he hates change. Again oh ya, you can't have change.
I'm like yes, it makes me wanna gamble.
Yenno what this guy does? Throws it out the window.
I'm like wtf, that's a waste of money!!!!!
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always-me-meha 2 days
Lolol legit the simplist thing I enjoyed with him today was just being parked infront of his house people watching lmfao
He knows basically everyone, so this one chick (she's like rough lookin, to be polite, from drugs) walking by he's like ewww, coming up with all these puns with her name and I'm like fuck sakes caige snorting and laughing.
I wish I could remember the godzilla pun lmfao fucking guy.
I'm glad we could get over this mornings hump and enjoy abit of the day without drugs aswell.
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always-me-meha 2 days
Booo I'm so awkward af, so cause the bfs parents live in my town on occasion he sends me back with stuff to drop off.
This time it was like aghaaaaaaa I don't wanna since I was missing for 4 weeks. They probably think we fight too much and I'm crazy 馃槀
But I couldn't say noooooo he is mine now I kind of have to lol
They kno I'm bipolar also, so I think they get it for the most part.
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always-me-meha 2 days
When I'm maaaaaad and vent I can easily paint him as the bad guy which is why I don't like bitching about him to certain people.
It's like I want yall to like him, don't listen to what I say about him lmfao
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always-me-meha 2 days
Smh hahah he finally wakes up to my running away messages. While having our little 'talk'.
My dog knocks the blanket off the bed and out falls his wallet that went missing way over a month ago. (This is my step dad's house that he's not allowed at oops lmao)
Me still upset 'Found your dumb wallet'
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always-me-meha 2 days
Ahhhhhhhhh, I'm a typical needy gf who overthinks and hurts her own feelings lolol, but I'm amplified cause of the bipolar . Sorry boo.
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always-me-meha 2 days
Baaaah so sent a message to call it quits with my mang during a meltdown lol and he was like I was waiting for when you were gonna do this 馃檲
Later me 'are you still mineee?'
Him 'Why you ask dumb questions?'
'But are youuu'
'No' 馃槒
Asssss hahahahah
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always-me-meha 3 days
I have a love/hate relationship with him rn.....
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always-me-meha 3 days
I asked him what if I go all ' the r word ' he said he'd still take care of me lol bruh that's commitment.
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always-me-meha 3 days
I do feel I'm trying to adapt more for him, than he is for me though hrmmmmmm..
But yenno what? This could be the man taking care of my stupid ass forever, I gotta make it somewhat easier on him lol
Like seriously. He's taking on a handful if he stays aha
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always-me-meha 3 days
He's such a dink. Letting me sit there and cry, then says I'll be with you with whatever appointment you need me to be 馃ス
(My abnormal cells)
Grrrr I wuv him haha this is such a learning curve. Next time I'm making him hug me tho fuk.
In his defense I did walk in hyper af and then the crying part came after lol
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always-me-meha 3 days
Legit the best I could do is if I have a issue or something I need to talk to him with, it can wait till I see him, and if I forget by then, it was never important.
I don't communicate well over messenger.
Plus, yenno, bipolar mood swings hahaha
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always-me-meha 3 days
Ahahah i'll tell him YA I was mad and angry at you but I don't remember why, so you're good.
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