#We saw her development backwards
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redpandavvstuffs · 1 year ago
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"We need more clomplex female characters!!!"
Yall mfs couldn't even handle her 💀
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athenamikaelson · 7 months ago
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Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!reader x Elijah Mikaelson Part 12
Warnings- 4.2k
Word Count- Swearing, violence, mentions of sex
“Is he my father or not,” My voice seems to echo throughout our family's little living room as I glare at my mother. 
“It’s not that simple, Y/N,” My mother raises her hands in surrender as she begins to take a step closer to me. The dark glare on my face seems to halt her movements and she closes her eyes and sighs.
“He’s the man that raised you, he-”
“You. Know. What. I. Mean,” I cut her off, biting out each of my words, “I want the truthful answer. Is Y/F/N Y/L/N my biological father?”
I seem to lose all the air in my chest as I watch my mother drop down onto the couch and look up at me with tears running down her face. And that’s all I need to have my answer.
“Oh my god,” I cover my mouth as my chest starts concaving on itself. Tears cloud my vision as I stare at my mother. Her tears mimicked my own. And a wave of anger flows through my body. She was crying as if she was the victim here. She was crying in front of her emotionally and physically wounded daughter as if this wasn’t her fault. 
I sit on the dark coffee table in front of my mother, our knees touching as I stare at her, “You’re going to tell me everything. And don’t even try lying to me.”
My mother looks up at me and nods as she puts her head in her hands, “Eighteen years ago your father and I were having problems. We’d been married 3 years and still couldn’t conceive. It took a toll on both of us. I got depressed and well… you know how your father gets when he is upset,” She looks up at me and I slightly nod as a wave of nausea passes over me, “Your father was out of town for the night and so I thought I would go down to a little bar outside of town. I was there for about an hour before I thought of leaving. But right when I was about to,” she pauses in thought for a moment then continues, “The most beautiful man I’d ever seen approached me. We talked throughout the night and then,” She looks at me to see if I understand where she was going and I nod disgusted.
“After I did what I had done I had never felt more disgusted with myself in my entire life. You have to believe me Y/N,” She reaches out to take my hand but I flinch away from her.
“Does Dad…or your husband know,” I ask but a part of me already knows the answer.
“When I fell pregnant with you soon after, you have to understand how happy your father was, I had never seen him that in love with something in the time I’d known him. You saved our marriage, Y/N. But… as you got older and you developed more of your own features and personality, neither of which were like me or him… I think your father realized or suspected that you weren’t his.”
My eyebrows furrow as I try to hold back my tears and sobs, “Is that why he…am I the reason he left?”
My question has my mother quickly shaking her head, “Your father and I had our own problems and even if it was because of that, it still isn’t your fault. He is still your father, he is the one who raised you.”
I stand up quickly, making sure not to move too much to upset my wounded arm, which is currently in a sling, and I huff out an angry laugh, “Raised me! Raised me?! I saw that man maybe once or twice a month for 16 years and in those few moments, all he caused was torture and heartbreak in my life. That man didn’t raise me! And looking at you now… I realize that you barely raised me too… I raised myself. Just like I’ve raised Theo,” I walk backward out of the living room as I shake my head at my mother, “I’ll never forgive you for this. Never.”
I hear my mother call out to me as I grab my keys and run out of the house. Rain pours down on me, dampening my clothes as I throw open my car door and turn it on. 
I drive around trying to decide my next move, and somehow I end up in the Salvatore’s driveway. 
I’m practically on auto-pilot as I walk up the stairs to the front door, I bring my hand up and knock, and within a moment it slams open and Damon stares down at me.
“What the hell do you…Y/N,” He pauses as he stares at my tear-filled eyes, “What happened? Are you hurt?”
I just stare at him and he takes a step forward and brings a hand to my arm. His touch seems to bring me out of my stupor and tears explode from my eyes as I throw myself into Damon’s arms. He doesn’t react for a moment as I cry into his shirt, but after a moment I feel his arms come and wrap around me.
“You want to…um, talk about it,” Damon asks quietly as if he’s not really sure how to comfort a teenage girl.
“My dad,” I hiccup out a sob, “Isn’t my dad!”
I feel Damon nod and he hums, “Um, sure, ok. Not entirely sure what that means,” He says the last part under his breath.
“I can’t go home. I can’t see my mom,” I pull away from Damon and I wipe the tears away from my face with my t-shirt sleeve.
Damon looks down at me for a moment before he turns sideways and gestures to the living room, “Then you’re going to stay here. For as long as needed.”
-2 months later-
“Hurry up hoe! This party isn’t going to decorate itself,” Caroline’s cheery voice calls up to me as I leave my bedroom at the Salvatore’s. 
“I’m coming Caroline, chill out,” I laugh to myself as I descend the stairs to where Caroline is standing. She shoots me a bright smile that rivals the sun when she sees me. 
“I can’t believe you’re still living here,” Caroline says as she grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall. 
I laugh awkwardly, “Ya, I guess I just like the bed here better than the one at my house.”
“And your mother really doesn’t care,” Caroline asks and I flinch at the mention of the woman I haven’t talked to in two months. 
“Um, ya. Theo’s away at some football camp until school starts and my mom’s always working so she doesn’t care.”
“You’re so lucky that you’re mom is so chill,” I laugh at the irony of that. My mom being “too chill” is the reason I’m not living at home right now. Caroline doesn’t know that though so she shoots me an odd look as she must’ve heard me laughing to myself.
After finding out about my paternal issues and moving in with Damon I made up a lie to all my friends that the reason I was living with him was that I needed a little vacation from my life, and not that I’m pissed off at my mom and scared to go home because it means I’ll have to face the reality of my life now. 
Damon is currently the only one who knows of my new “bastard” status. Even though sometimes I feel like strangling him, he has honestly been kind of a great friend these past two months. He’s gone along with my lie, not even telling Elena, who he is totally in love with. Damon and I have even started our own movie nights. Right now we’re bingeing the TV show Supernatural. He and I both like Dean, but our reasonings are a little different. God, I love Jensen Ackles. 
We’re postponing our movie night tonight because Caroline and I, mostly Caroline,  are throwing Elena her 18th birthday party. Elena told me to promise her that we wouldn’t make the party too big, but I kind of had to cross my fingers behind my back when I made that promise because when it comes to Caroline Forbes, no one will get in the way of her party making plans. 
“Good morning,” I look over to see the birthday girl smiling up at me as Caroline and I enter the living room. She and Tyler, who nods hello at me, are going through boxes upon boxes of party supplies.
“It’s 1 pm,” I say back to her and she frowns and checks her watch.
“Oh… Good afternoon then,” She laughs sheepishly.
I walk down the steps and bring her into a hug, “Happy birthday, Elena!”
I can hear Elena sigh and she pulls away from me, “Thank you,” Her vision goes from me to the boxes surrounding us, “I thought you said this was going to be lowkey?”
It’s my turn to smile sheepishly at her as I gesture towards Caroline, who is currently bitching to Tyler about hanging a streamer wrong, “You try getting in the way of her planning something. I love you Elena, but I’m more scared of her.”
Elena turns to look at Caroline as well and we both cringe when she hits Tyler over the head with a hard plastic plate.
“Good point,” Elena whispers out. 
“I feel like I have to fight Damon every single time we get a lead on Stefan,” Elena’s complaints have me side-eyeing both Caroline and her. I try to busy myself with unraveling some string lights, trying not to seem suspicious in any manner. I’m the only one here who knows really just how much Damon knows about Stefan’s “activities” this summer. 
About 3 weeks ago I found the articles about Stefan and he who shall not be named in Damon’s closet when I was going through Damon’s things. He’d gone through my things so I thought I’d return the favor. 
When Damon found out I knew he made me promise to keep it to myself. Only he, myself, and Ric could know. Damon didn’t want to worry Elena about all the killing Stefan had been doing. So “The Squad,” as I like to call us, have been researching different “animal killings” around the US this summer. Unfortunately, Damon and Ric won’t let me go on any of the road trips with them so I’ve been stuck at the Salvatore house this summer. 
“Maybe he doesn’t wanna find him,” Tyler’s comment makes me cringe slightly at the irony.
“What? He’s into you. Isn’t he” He asks Elena.
“The only reason Stefan left with Klaus was so that he could save Damon’s life,” Elena explains as she takes the supplies Tyler handed her, “I mean, trust me Damon wants to find him.”
You have no idea.
“But…you kissed him. Probably screwed with his head,” Tyler says and Caroline and Elena whip around to look at him while I hover a hand over my mouth to keep me from giggling. I’ve made fun of both Elena and Damon on multiple occasions this summer about the “kiss of death,’’ as I like to call it. 
“Tyler,” Caroline exclaims and Elena shoots her an “Are you serious” look. 
“I’m sorry,” Caroline apologies wholeheartedly. 
Elena raises her hand and shakes it, “I…Don’t worry about it. Look, yes, I kissed him, but it was a…”
“Kiss of death,” I say under my breath, but Elena still hears me and shoots me a glare.
“It was a goodbye kiss. I thought he was gonna die,” She tries to explain herself but Tyler shoots me a look and I have to fight off a laugh.
Elena fishes her phone out of her pocket, “I just missed a call from Bonnie,” She says.
At the mention of my witch friend, I perk up, “Tell her I say hi!”
Elena nods in agreement as she leaves the room. As soon as she goes, Caroline groans and whips around to stare at the werewolf.
“Just because I tell you things, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to know them,” She exclaims at him to which he apologizes. 
“I gotta run if I’m gonna change and pick up Sophie in time,” He says as he waves goodbye to me.
“Wait, you’re bringing a date? Slutty Sophie is your date,” Caroline asks and I frown at the nickname she gave her.
“Hey,” Tyler turns around, “It’s been kinda slow in that department. And… I’m horny all the time now.”
“Ya, tell me about it. Sometimes I feel like I’m gonna explode” Caroline agrees and I gag out loud.
“Ok, has no one here ever heard of too much information,” I say as I make a show of covering my ears. I go back to decorating trying to block out the obvious sexual tension between the vampire and wolf as they talk about their sex lives, or lack of. 
“Bye Y/N,” Tyler’s voice calls out to me and I just wave him off, which makes him laugh.
I turn around and watch Tyler walk out of the room and then I turn to my blonde friend, “Well, that was painful to watch…and hear.”
Caroline groans and throws the cups she has in her hands back onto the table in front of us, “Tell me about it. I just…ugh, I don’t know,” She groans in annoyance again as she picks up some streamers and tape.
“Can we talk about something else, please?”
I laugh slightly at her pleading tone and nod, “Sure, what about?”
Caroline thinks for a moment before turning to me and smirking, “About the guy you’re bringing tonight.”
I roll my eyes at the insinuation in her voice, “It’s not like that at all. Alastair is a work friend. He’s new to town and I thought he could use some more friends.”
“Is he cute,” She raises her eyebrows suggestively and I shoot her a look.
“Some might say that but I’m not into him like that, and he’s definitely not into me like that either,” I respond.
“And how would you know that,” She questions.
I think back to all the times I’ve seen him ogling the male customers at work and smile to myself, “Just a hunch.”
“When did you meet the guy again?”
“Around the start of the summer when I started working at The Grill. He got a job right after me and we’ve been put on the same schedules at pretty much the same times, oddly enough. He moved from Louisana, I believe.”
Caroline nods, “And he doesn’t know about…you know what?”
I shake my head, “As far as I can tell he’s a perfectly normal NON-supernatural guy.”
“Unlike Elijah right,” I glare at Caroline because of her comment which only makes the smirk on her face deepen.
“And unlike Tyler, right,” I smirk back at her and we both drop the subject on both of those men. Caroline got the jist about my little “friendship” or whatever it was with Elijah when she, Elena, and I, accidentally got into Jenna’s wine supply a few weeks ago. He also told me about her confusing feelings about Tyler. 
“Okay fine, changing the subject again,” She thinks to herself before frowning and looking at me, “Wait…when did you say your birthday was again?”
I frown at the question, “I didn’t say it.”
Caroline shoots her hands up in the air like a mad woman, “Well then tell me, hoe!”
I fight back a groan at her question and I don't want to answer but knowing Caroline she won’t stop bringing it up unless I tell her, “It was a few weeks ago.”
Caroline stares at me in shock as she drops the streams she currently holding. A wee bit dramatic might I add. 
“Excuse me! Why didn’t you tell anyone,” She practically screeches at me.
I shrug as I go back to untangling the lights I’ve been working on, “Elena has asked but I always just brush it off. Damon also knows, but he doesn’t celebrate birthdays either so I didn’t have to worry about him throwing me a party.”
Caroline’s eyes practically fall out of her head at my words, “So you did absolutely nothing for your birthday!?”
I just shake my head as if it’s nothing, “I don’t ever celebrate my birthday, Care. I haven't in years… I mean Damon and I had a pizza night, but other than that, no not really.”
Caroline continues to stare at me in shock as she comes over to me and throws her hands onto my shoulders, “Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N I solemnly swear I will be throwing you a huge 18th birthday party very soon. And it will make you change your mind about not celebrating.”
I go to argue but she puts a finger to my lips, “Hush hoe. I’ve already started planning in my head.”
Someone kill me now.
“Well, don't you just look Darling,” Damon's sarcastic voice sounds from behind me as I flatten out my dark blue dress. 
I turn around and see him wearing the same color top, “We’re matching!”
Damon looks at his top and then the color of my dress and groans, “You really need to move out. We’re starting to become the same person.”
I frown slightly at his comment and I think he notices because he clears his throat, “That was a joke, Pukey. You practically have already made this entire place yours I doubt you’re moving out anytime soon.”
“And yet you still won’t let me paint the walls,” I gesture to the wooden walls of my bedroom. 
Damon shoots me a glare as he raises his arm for me to take, “The wood on these walls costs more than some of the houses in this town. I’d rather die than let you paint them.”
I walk over and grab his arm and he leads me out of my room and down the hall where I can hear dozens of people yelling and music blaring.
“Did you find anything about-” Damon shushes me before I can finish my sentence.
“No talk about that tonight. Only happy drunk thoughts tonight,” I want to argue but I notice the tension in his shoulders and drop the topic for a later time. 
“Where’s the birthday girl?”
Damon slightly glares at the young teens that surround us, “With Blondey. Somewhere.”
The sound of someone calling my name has me turning around. I smile once I’ve found the caller. Alastair’s bright smile shines at me as he pushes through the hordes of people. His dark skin contrasts beautifully with the white button-up shirt he’s wearing. Dark slacks cover his long legs and I have to fight back a laugh at how put together he looks compared to the rest of the people around us who look like they picked out the first piece of clothing they could find in their closets.  
Alastair slightly grabs me out of Damon’s arms and brings me into a hug, “You look beautiful.” 
His compliment makes a warm feeling coat my cheeks as I look at him. “You don't look so bad yourself,” And I’m not lying either. He’s shaved down his hair again since the last time I saw him so he’s rocking a buzz cut that makes him appear even more striking and his dark brown eyes sparkle against the bright lights that Caroline and I had previously hung up around the house. 
“I fear I might’ve overdone it a bit. It has been awhile since I’ve been to a highschool party” He jokes as he gestures toward his attire.
“You think,” Damon’s sarcastic tone has me turning to glare at him.
“Alastair this is Damon,” I gesture to the man beside me.
Alastair who is usually all smiles seems to glare at the vampire next to me for a moment before brightly smiling at him, “Pleasure to meet you, Damon.”
Damon just stares at him for a moment, “Y/N lives here with me. So if I find you in her room later I will kill you,” He threatens and then shoots him a fake smile, “Other than that, enjoy the party.”
My eyes practically fly out of my head as I watch Damon’s retreating figure leave the room and I quickly turn back to Alastair to apologize.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s good he’s protective over you,” He smiles at me and reaches out his hand for me to take, “Want to get a drink?”
“Oh definitely,” I sigh dramatically as I put my hand in his. 
We start walking but I catch Alastair and a blonde guy staring at each other as we walk by him. I smirk to myself and then look up to my friend with a raised eyebrow.
“Not a word,” He laughs out.
“I didn’t say anything!”
Alastair rolls his eyes as we approach the refreshments table and he hands me a bottle of water and I shoot him a questioning look.
“We’re so not drinking whatever is in that punch. Who knows if someone spiked it with something? Water is a safe choice,” I begin to laugh thinking he’s joking but at the serious look on my friend’s face I stop.
“A little worried are you?”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a little cautious,” He opens up my bottle of water for me and smiles, “Also what’s with the text I got from your blonde friend this afternoon about you having a birthday party?”
I groan loudly and I can hear Alastair laugh, “How did she even get your number?”
He shrugs his shoulders, “I’d like to know as well,” He looks down at me for a moment then frowns, “You really didn’t tell anyone about your birthday?”
I just shrug, “I told Damon. But other than that no. I don’t celebrate it, and whatever Caroline is planning you definitely don’t have to come.”
Alastair shakes his head defiantly, “Oh you bet your ass I’ll be there. Going to get you a pretty present with a bow and everything.”
I put my head in my hands and sighed, “I hate you.”
Alastair laughs and takes my hands away from my face, “You love me and now you’re going to dance with me.”
I’m surprised at the strength of my friend as he leads me to the dance floor that's filled with teens dancing and grinding together.
“You sure you don’t want to go and find that blonde guy,” I yell to him over the music and he rolls his eyes.
“You’re stuck with me, babe. I’m not going anywhere” 
“Call me if you need anything alright,” Alastair says to me as I walk him to his car. After dancing for about an hour the party started to die down when people couldn’t find the hostess or the birthday girl. 
“I’m going to see you tomorrow at work. I think I’ll be fine until then,” I smile at him as he gets into his car.
“I know, just making sure you know you can call me for anything,” He says through his open window as he starts his car.
“I know.”
“Ok, I’ll wait for you to get back inside before leaving,” He nods towards the front door.
“Ok, bye,” I wave to him and start walking to the front door, I turn to look over my shoulder and find that he hasn’t taken his focus off me for a second it makes me unnerved but I shake it off and open the front door. 
As soon as I step a foot inside I hear the squealing of tires and I turn to see Alastair peeling out of the driveway. Guess someone’s in a rush.
I walk into the living room and sigh as I see the damage that was done by the hordes of kids. Bottles and trash line the walls as streamers and the decorations we had worked so hard to put up are lying all around the floor. I start to walk down the steps to start picking up when a loud bang comes from upstairs. 
I frown as I start walking towards the stairs, but as soon as I hear another loud bang I start running. I find myself in front of Damon’s bedroom as I watch the vampire throw and break anything he can get his hands on. I call out to him but he seems to be in his own world of destruction right now. I start to approach him like someone would a rabid animal and I freeze as he turns to look at me. Dark veins appear under his eyes as he glares at me. He starts walking towards me and I put up my hands.
“Damon, what’s wrong? What happened,” He gets closer and I’m about to run off but he grabs me. I shriek escapes my mouth before I realize what he's doing. He's hugging me.
“Damon? What’s wrong,” I slowly wrap my hands around his waist as he holds me tighter. Almost tight enough to bruise, “What happened?”Damon is quiet for a moment before he whispers out a growl, “Stefan.”
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chocochozi · 8 months ago
The Other Woman.
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Pairing : Sanemi Shinazugawa x Hashira! Reader.
Warning : Spoilers for the anime/manga, angst, second choice reader, some fighting
From the very begining, i always knew that i was just a second choice.
It has always been her it will always be her.
Shinazugawa and me met during our final selection.
He was harsh at first but warmed up to me the next few days together in the Mount Fujikasane. Truth be told, he didn't even want me to stay, i was the one following him around because he was the only one that caught my attention i didn't know why. But something about him just makes me drawn to him.
We fought in the mountain infested with demons side by side. During those times, my then unrequited love for him developed.
Time past by and we were promoted to be Hashiras. Though, it was ashame when Kumeno; the man who helped Shinazugawa and introduced him to a proper trainer, tragically died during both of their encounter with one of the holder of Lower Rank One of the Twelve Kizuki.
There, we met her.
And i can't blame Sanemi for falling for her charms. Shes beautiful, kind, sweet, patient, and has an easy-going personality.
How can i ever compare to her? Im not even close.
Kanae was easy to get along with, after becoming the Ice Hashira, we've sometimes been paired up by Master Ubuyashiki for missions. Therefore, we knew each other quite well.
Seeing the way Sanemi looks at her with heart eyes shatters my heart knowing he loved her, not me. The look in his eyes says it all.
How could I hate her? She's such an angel.
She's perfect where i fail.
"Nemiii~" i whined, impatiently waiting for him to stop training and come with me to eat.
"What?" The white haired man still kept his stance not once even glancing at you.
"C'monnn, you said you'll come with me to the ramen shop near byyy"
Huffing in annoyance, he straighten his body, turning fully to you a defeated expression plastered on his face. "Fine," "Your treat." He added.
"Alright, Let's go!" I grabbed his hands dragging him out then suddenly, Kanae's crow came flying to us informing about the unfortunate event's that led to Kanae's inevitable death.
The news, of course made me upset, she was my friend after all. But Sanemi took the news harder if not, the third hardest after the other two Kocho's. Talking to him seemed impossible after Kanae's death. He avoided me, he avoided everyone. When i try to have a converstation with him, his respond is always just a short answer or a simple hum.
Master Ubuyashiki summoned us two, to inform us about a mission, where we're both paired up. The walk to the place was quiet accompanied by the occational noises of cicadas. I was tired and didn't want to waste my energy to a one sided conversation so i stayed quiet.
As we were walking i felt a presence of someone behind my back, quickly turning around, i saw that a demon was launching at me, while his clawed nails reached for me. A hand wrapped around my waist hopping backwards to get away from the demon, a groaned escaped my lips,
"You okay?" I felt Sanemi's warm breath on my ears i felt a head rushed to my cheeks as i regain my composure. 'Its so hard to focus when im working with you.' I thought.
"Y..yeah. im okay, yeah." I patted the back of my neck and looked at my hands.
"Fuck," i tilt my head up and glanced at the demon, a smirk on his face i pulled away from Sanemi taking my sword out of its sheath and drawing it towards the enemy. I took a deep breath and released it out my mouth.
"Ice breathing, first form, Freezing Slash." I launched towards the demon rapidly and precisely strinking him and his neck. Pieces of him dropped to the ground, his detatched head rolling to the ground as it disappears into thin air.
Sanemi walked towards me. "Come here." He softly says, and i obeyed like a puppy. He patched up the wounds on the back of my neck and that day, we reconciled our friendship.
There were times where i wanted to confess to him but didn't want to take advantage of his vulnerable state. Then, that day came where i finally mustered up the courage to finally confess to him, at first he thought i was kidding but once he realize i wasn't, he became nervous. But he did gave the relationship a chance, and we began dating.
But i could never shake the feeling that i was just a replacement, a second choice for the woman he really loved.
"Sanemi! Nemi! Wait!" I yelled running after him.
"What's your place to interfere with me and my brothers problem huh?" He stopped walking and turned around to look at me, a dissapointed look on his face was visible.
"Im sorry, i though– i though it would help.."
"Help with what?!"
"I..i don't know. When you told me about that story about your mother i–" a shaky breath escapes my lips.
"I know how to handle my own brother, and you're out of it." His tone as cold as ice.
"I thought that maybe it will help you move on.."
He stepped towards me, one of his eye brows upwards with a confused look on his face. "Move on from what?"
"From every thing thats keeping you from moving on."
"Why? What do you even know about how i feel? Do you know all the things i had to go to?" His eyes shifted. "Of course not."
"So stop acting like you know my pain, and stop acting like you own it!" His voice raised on the last sentence. "And you can't just say to me when i can move on."
I stood there, in silence. My glossy orbs looking at him.
"Even Kanae who is with me in everything, who knows everything, didn't interfere with my decisions."
That was my last straw.
"Im not Kanae, so stop comparing me to her!"
"You're right, you're not Kanae, and you will never be Kanae." He pointed his finger at me. I looked at him in the eye a tear sliding down my cheeks.
"Kanae is dead. She's not coming back Nemi, but until now you're still acting as if she is here."
"Because she is! She's here!" He pointed at his chest where his heart is.
"If she's there then where am i?.. " my voice quiet but shaky. "Forget it." I walked passed him heading to the door that leads out of his estate. My hand made its way to my mouth to stop myself from crying even louder, the other slid the door open.
I wanted him to chase after me, to tell me we will be okay. But he never did.
How foolish of me to even think that you will. I wonder, if i were to be her will you chase after me?
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genderkoolaid · 3 months ago
Just saw a post on my dash claiming you're a terf psyop because some terf on Twitter has the same username as you. I just wanted to warn you in case you haven't seen it yourself. You two having the same name is the only evidence given in the post. Nothing else. And I frankly don't believe it for a second. But other people are spreading this and seem to be accepting it as the truth. And I think it's messed up, and I'm worried about you. You don't have to respond to this at all btw; I just wouldn't have felt right about seeing this and not telling you.
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Well this is wild lmao. I'm presuming both of these are talking about the same person.
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Obviously that is not me. Mostly because I am not in fact a TERF (or from the UK). I chose "genderkoolaid" to be ironic because transphobes use that phrase.
But also because, if I was a TERF psyop, why in the world would I use the same URL for both my secret evil psyop account and my blatant TERF account?
She seems to have developed an entire conspiracy theory around transandrophobia in which she starts with the idea that everyone who talks about it is a secret TERF, and works backwards to twist anything anyone ever says into being proof of her conspiracy:
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^ Her pinned post is... something!
Anyone can find the worst posts in the transandrophobia tag and use it as proof the whole thing is transmisognistic, because obviously transmisogyny remains a widespread problem and no space or group is exempt. But she doesn't even use those, really. Any post that talks about how transmascs suffer from misogyny, or just suffer in general, is apparently saying trans men are women and should detransition.
It's wild that she seems to understand that radical feminism relies on this man bad/woman good binary, AND that TERFs target trans men for conversion therapy, but does not seem to understand that... this is not that?
It's only somewhat included in the first screenshot, but the third image in that trio is an image with Joan of Arc which many of you have probably seen:
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... which does nothing but contrast claims about masculinity with a person whose murder was justified because of their invalid masculinity. But of course, by masculinity we must REALLY mean... cis womanhood! That makes sense!
She also apparently believes that me describing myself as FTMTX is code for me being a detransitioner:
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Like, this is genuinely just conspiracism & exorsexism. She seems one step away from claiming TMRAs are all Satanists kidnapping children.
To give her credit for one thing, though: She tags these as "broeddels" which, while useless as a term, is a very good pun.
Don't harass this person, primarily because harassment is bad but also because it seems like she is not in the best space and is obsessing over this as a result.
& if you want to actually support trans women, consider raising awareness of Rue, a Black teenage trans girl who recently survived a stabbing in Houston.
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months ago
would you have any reading suggestions to learn more about the earrings are evil era??? I've never heard of that aspect of fashion history and I am curious
Oh man, it was wild
you saw the first stirrings of it in the 1890s, when you started to get (mostly white and middle-to-upper-class) proto-feminists arguing that ear piercing was barbaric- keep an eye on the racist undertones there; they will come up again-and forcing women to suffer for fashion. I cannot emphasize enough that, until that point, ear piercing had been pretty much normal for this race/class/gender group. For centuries. You see criticism of the practice here and there, but nothing that really stuck.
The objections slowly increased until roughly the mid-1920s, when everything reached a tipping point and pierced ears became largely taboo for most white Americans and Brits of northern/western European descent. If that sounds HIGHLY specific, it is- communities from southern and sometimes eastern Europe retained cultural practices of ear piercing, to the point where it was often used as a point against them by mainstream society. It was also associated with Latino people, Black people, and the Romani, which. Yeah. I don't need to tell you how that went down.
It also developed associations with sexual immorality and/or backwards thinking. One newspaper letter I read came from a teen girl in the 1940s, wondering why she shouldn't pierce her ears if her very respectable grandmother had piercings. The response was something like "well, they did all sorts of things in the Bad Old Days that we shouldn't do now." True in many ways, or course, but...piercing your ears? That's the hill culture decided to die on as far as antiquated behavior that we should leave behind? Apparently yes.
Earrings themselves never went out of style, which led to the birth of clip-ons and screwbacks. Ironic that the "don't surfer for fashion" crowd was so eager to embrace screwing tiny vices onto your ears, but there we are. My own mother (born 1953) remembers her mother (born 1926) always taking off her screwback earrings immediately after getting home from a party, literally in the foyer of their house the second the door shut. There had been adaptations for unpierced ears before- Little Women, published in 1868, describes Meg March hanging earrings from a flesh-colored silk ribbon tied around the base of her ear -but they'd never caught on like this before.
However, the pendulum was soon to swing back. After just 40 years of Piercing Panic, in the 1960s, girls began piercing their ears again in droves. As piercing moved from the slumber party or summer camp back to the professional jewelers whose families had been early professional piercers in the 19th century- and to befuddled doctors who had no idea what they were doing yet still received piercing requests -cultural commentators had no idea what to make of it. Some decried the new trend while most took an air of bemused neutrality. My personal favorite article expressed surprise that "Space Age misses" were adopting these "Victorian traditions."
(In 1965, my grandmother took Mom to the anesthesiologist down the street who was offering to pierce his young daughter's friends gratis, and got it done. My grandfather had strongly disapproved of the idea, but in the end it took him a week to notice the new earrings.)
As to sources...honestly, I've just gone to Google Books, specified a time frame, and typed in "ear piercing," "pierced ears," "pierce ears," etc. Tons of primary sources at your fingertips, though I'm not always great about documenting or saving what I find. There's not much written about it formally, I've found- no books or scholarly studies. It may just be too close in history to attract much academic attention, though I find it fascinating.
This little blip where something that's been normal for most of western history suddenly became taboo for a hot second.
Also my ear piercings just turned 20 five days ago, commemorating the date that I was taken with much ceremony to Piercing Pagoda (and that horrible gun; it's a wonder I didn't get keloids) to get me out from underfoot while the Thanksgiving feast was being made. Grandma got hers pierced on the same day, at age 78. Happy Birthday, Marzi's ear piercings!
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dollielliot · 7 months ago
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𐙚ྀིྀ ⠀︵ info on the Apalchee highschool shooting that happened today, 9/4/24˖ ㅤ૮𐔌ྀ��� ´ ཀ ྀི 𐦯ྀིა⠀
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The 14-year-old suspect in the fatal mass shooting at a Winder, Georgia, high school has been identified as Colt Gray, Georgia Bureau of Investigation Director Chris Hosey said at an afternoon news conference. The suspect is a student at Apalachee High School who will be charged with murder and will be handled as an adult as he moves through the criminal justice system, Hosey and Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith added.
Two teachers and two students were killed, Hosey said. Nine other victims were taken to hospitals, according to the officials. The gunfire sent students and faculty desperately scurrying for cover as schools across the county went into lockdown and parents scrambled for information. Wednesday’s shooting is the deadliest of the 45 school shootings so far this calendar year, according to a CNN analysis. It is one of 11 school shootings with four or more deaths since 2008 when CNN first started tracking school shootings. Authorities said the first report of an active shooter came in at 10:20 a.m. ET. A school resource deputy assigned to Apalachee High confronted the shooter, who got on the ground and was taken into custody, Smith told reporters.
The witness sat next to the suspected shooter
Lyela Sayarath, 16, told CNN the alleged shooter sat next to her in an algebra class. She said he left class early, around 9:45 a.m., but didn’t take a bathroom pass. She thought he might be skipping. Toward the end of class, someone told her teacher over the loudspeaker to check their email, she said. Shortly after, Gray was outside the classroom door, which was shut, Lyela said. Another student who went to the door jumped backward when she saw he had a gun. "I guess he saw we weren’t gonna let him in,” Lyela said. “And I guess the classroom next to me, their door was open, so I think he just started shooting in the classroom.” At first, she told CNN she heard a burst of gunfire – maybe 10 to 15 shots – and then they were “kind of just Students dropped to the floor and crawled to the corner, Lyela said.
“It seemed like this wasn’t something he planned too well or that he wasn’t really strong with the gun because he didn’t try and shoot our door. Once he saw he couldn’t get in our room, he just went to the next one.”
Latest developments
The high school had received an earlier phone threat, multiple law enforcement officials told CNN. The phone call Wednesday morning warned there would be shootings at five schools, and that Apalachee would be the first. It is not known who placed the call. It was not immediately known whether the assailant had some connection with his victims, the sheriff said, though officials stressed that will be part of the investigation. Schools in Barrow County will be closed for the rest of the week.
Student texted mom: ‘I’m scared’
Erin Clark was at work Wednesday morning when she got a series of text messages from her son, a senior, who was attending class at Apalachee High School.
“School shooting.”
“I’m scared,” he wrote.
“pls” “I’m not joking,”
“I’m leaving work,” Clark replied. “I love you,” her son, Ethan Haney, 17, wrote back.
“Love you too baby,” his mom texted before racing to the high school.
Clark told CNN her son heard eight or nine gunshots before he closed his classroom door and, with the help of another classmate, moved chairs and tables to block the door.
Clark told CNN she was “absolutely terrified” when she read her son’s messages. “Just kept praying he’d stay safe,” she said.
Schools in the county went into lockdown
As emergency responders came from several counties, video from outside the school showed at least five ambulances and a large law enforcement presence at the campus, and at least one medical helicopter could be seen airlifting a patient from the scene. At the football field, where authorities had students gather, people lowered their heads and formed a prayer circle in the end zone, standing on the letters for “Apalachee” as their classmates milled around the field. All schools in the Barrow County School System, which includes the high school, were placed on lockdown and police were sent out of an abundance of caution to all district high schools, according to the sources, but there are no reports of secondary incidents or scenes. Some of the critically injured were removed by helicopter, and additional helicopters are on standby.
Atlanta Trauma Center and other hospitals take patients
Grady Health System – a Level 1 trauma center in Atlanta, about an hour's drive from Winder – received one gunshot wound victim from the incident who was transported by helicopter, a hospital spokesperson told CNN. Earlier, a source with knowledge of the situation who is not authorized to speak to the media, told CNN Piedmont Athens Regional Hospital in North Georgia received two victims from the shooting. The source said one victim was an adult with a gunshot wound to the stomach and was in surgery, and another was a minor with unspecified injuries. Three gunshot victims were taken to nearby hospitals following the shooting, according to a hospital official, and five other patients reported to the hospital with symptoms related to a panic attack. Two gunshot victims were taken to Northeast Georgia Medical Center Barrow with non-life-threatening injuries, Northeast Georgia Health System spokesperson Layne Saliba said. Four other patients came with symptoms related to panic attacks.
Another gunshot victim was taken to Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville with non-life-threatening injuries, Saliba said, and an additional patient came to Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton with symptoms related to a panic attack.
Georgia governor sends prayers and says he can send resources
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has directed all available state resources to assist at the scene, he said in a statement on social media. The governor urged “all Georgians to join my family in praying for the safety of those in our classrooms, both in Barrow County and across the state.” President Joe Biden has been briefed on the incident, the White House said, offering federal support to state and local officials.
“His administration will continue coordinating with federal, state, and local officials as we receive more information,” the White House said in a statement. Attorney General Merrick Garland similarly said the US Department of Justice “stands ready” to support the community after the shooting. “We are still gathering information, but the FBI and ATF are on the scene, working with state, local, and federal partners,” Garland said at a meeting of the Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force.
Winder had a population of about 18,338 as of the 2020 census, according to the US Census Bureau The Barrow County School System is the 24th largest school district in the state, per the district’s website. It serves about 15,340 students, 1,932 of whom are enrolled at Apalachee High School.
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soulstutters · 4 months ago
Okarun had messed up. He knew that. But this was getting excessive. You guys were going against these schlong-stalking aliens and their stupid shrimp but it was starting to feel like he was your enemy.
Every time he treaded towards you in the water, you would swim in the opposite direction. You used Momo as an excuse, saying you wanted to be near her, but you were a terrible liar.
When Momo insisted you all get on Okarun's back, you were practically floating above him the whole time. He almost chalked it up to an aversion to touching skin on skin, but you stubbornly clung to Momo.
Once the whole ordeal was finished, you all found yourselves in the school nurse's office. Okarun tried to extend an olive branch, offering to help you find clothes in your size. But, again, you made the insane decision to avoid him against your better judgement. In his opinion, at least.
At this point, Okarun was really starting to get irritated. He spent several minutes listening to Momo's ticked off rant pushing him to apologize. But how was he supposed to explain if you wouldn't even look him in the eye?
So, he cornered you. Kind of.
You sigh as you reach for the handle of the door you were changing behind in the nurse's office, preparing to face Momo and the two lovebirds again. You don't really like the idea of them together, but if Aira's who Okarun's chosen, it's fine. You'll get over it. Eventually. For now, though, you're dead set on avoiding him.
You very quickly find out that Okarun is dead set on making that extremely difficult to do. As you step out in your borrows clothes, you're faced with the sight of a lone Okarun staring at you expectantly. You almost want to step backwards into the closet, but you've been trying to keep your evasion subtle.
You close the door behind you and stand there for a moment, suddenly feeling awkward. Your willpower could have you standing there across from him forever, but your legs don't have the same strength after today. Trying to make it look smooth, you stride over to the recovery couch.
Eternally persistent, Okarun moves from his chair to sit on the opposite end of the couch. You can't find it in you to spitefully move right now. Instead, you just clench the sheet under you and lean back on the wall behind you.
Okarun starts to talk. You let yourself listen, finally.
"What you saw with Miss Shiratori and I earlier is not what you think." You're tempted to get up and leave at his first words, peeved that he has the nerve to lie to you. But you'd promised Momo you'd give him a chance. And, if you're honest with yourself, you want to hear this. You don't want to believe they're really together.
"Ok," you state simply, giving Okarun the space to speak. You can tell he appreciates it, if his relieved sigh means anything.
"She came onto me. I guess she developed some weird crush on me after we helped save her. She ambushed me while I was outside-"
"But why were you avoiding me - I mean us during lunch? If you were so busy working, what were you doing outside?"
"Right." You stand up to leave, pace around, do something other than listen to Okarun lie to your face. His hand shoots out and latches on to your wrist. You glare down at him, only to be met with a pleading face. You are weak. You sit back down.
"I was training," Okarun mumbles so quietly you almost don't hear. But you do.
"Training for what? How to be someone's boyfriend?" You spit at him. You know you're being petty but he clearly thinks you're stupid.
Okarun groans loudly and throws himself back against the wall. "I was training...so I could be stronger. Like Miss Ayase's grandmother said. I have to be strong to..." He paused as if he was trying to find the right words. "To protect you." At this, he looked back at you.
"Okay." You were really stressing him out.
"Okay. I believe you." Okarun beams. "But!" He deflates again. "I don't need you to protect me. What I need is for you to be honest with me. Okay?"
Okarun smiles so brightly you almost get angry at him all over again. "Okay!"
You two look at each other in silence before you hear a click. Both of your heads swing towards the door, which opens to reveal a smirking Momo.
"Are you two done with your little quarrel," she asks, mischievous eyes darting between you and Okarun.
"Yes," you both say in sync, though in completely different tones.
"Good! Now you can focus on your love for each other!" Momo starts to chuckle.
"Our What."
Momo's giggles quickly grow into cackles as she almost falls on the ground laughing. Behind her, Miko and Muko appear.
"Do you two know what's going on with her?" Okarun asks tentatively.
"Never do," sighs Miko as Muko shakes her head.
You simply sigh deeper into the couch, not noticing Okarun's adoring stare on your form.
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redxixi · 11 months ago
~`all ours~` part 1
Part 2
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~` pairing: viking!141 x fem!reader
~` summary: you were a simple girl living with your family in a small villiage when the price clan came and raided your villiage so now your their prisoner.
a/n: aight so im back and ready sorry for being gone for so long. so this fic is heavily inspired by @groguspicklejar fic SO GO READ CUZ LORD. Her fics are AMAZING. while i was gone i developed a heavy crush on price from cod and i wanted to write something like this for a while so here we are.
~` warnings: being chased, violence, dark shi. !CAUTION! these fics will contain dark stuff in them so if it is not for you do not read it pls. If you do read it and get offended by it it is not my problem cuz it says dark shi so yeah.
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like any other morning you went to the nearby river for some water and berries. everything was peaceful, the winds were blowing a soft breeze, the birds were singing and the clouds looked like pillows you could sleep on when suddenly you heard loud yelling from your home. you ran back to see what had happend only to be met with the sight of fire. everything was burning and everyone was yelling. you rushed to your hut only to find it destroyed and then you saw them.
they were like animals slaughtering and destroying everything in sight. you ran as fast as you could and hid in the woods behind a gigantic tree. you waited, listenend and tried to proccess what just happend. the people who treated you like family and gave you food were killed brutally, the children who were just playing a couple hours ago now dead too. but you only saw 4 men. could 4 men really kill a whole villiage?
you waited for a while until you couldnt hear any screams anymore and carefully came out of your hiding spot. you slowly aproached the villiage and saw the 4 men and with them where a few surviors tied up. the 4 men where talking amongst themselves so you decided to sneak past them. you carefully and quietly snuck past one of em and heard one of em talking.
"there was no point coming here. the only thing these people had were crops and some silver other than that they had basically nothing"
the one that said this was a dark skinned man with an axe resting on his back and the masked one awnsered.
"exactly they had crops and we don't kyle. if we want to survive this winter we needed more food."
you carefully listened in on theire confersation while sneakily trying to flee when just then you stepped on a branch making a loud crack sound. the 2 men who were talking turned theire heads to your derection.
"what was that"
slowly you could heard them aproaching the bush you hid behind. you were shaking from fear and you could hear your heart beating in your chest. without thinking you ran.
"fuck GET HER"
you heard one of em say. filled with adreneline you ran as fast as you could. you ran past the tied up survivors and just when you thought you could make it out of there one of the men suddenly appeared in front of you making you collide against his chest causing you to fall on your butt.
"well well well what do we have here."
you looked up at him. he had short black hair with a mutton chop beard and was build like a greek god with countless tattoos on his chest.
"did you really think you could run from us las?"
you started to crawl backwards with fear while he slowly aproached you. you could feel the tears coming out of your eyes so with your last strenght you stood up and ran the opposite derection only to see the other men in your way. both of your ways to escape were blocked by these monsters. you felt you heart beating almost out of your chest and tears were streaming down your face.
"p-please don't i-i just wanna go please"
you pleaded to them sobbing.
"aww sweetie its okay we wont hurt c'ha"
the one with a dark brown mowhawk said sarcastically while grinning. before you could do anything you were grabbed from the back by the masked man. you tried to squirm out of his grasp but his hold on you was rock solid.
"shhh its okay we aren't bad people....well we are but we will take good care of you okay"
the man with a mohawk then put a cloth with some sort of substance on your nose. you tried to resisit by shaking your head but he pulled your hair back and shoved the cloth onto your nose. slowly you could feel yourself slipping away and everything slowly became blury.
"shhh sleep now we have plans for ya bonnie"
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So this will be part 1 in a multiple part series so feel free to send suggestions and ideas cuz i need em.
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shadowdaddies · 1 year ago
Hello!!! Can I please request a Fenrys x reader fic where they realise they’re mates during the war and all that but reader and Aedion are twins so Gavriel is also obviously her father and just how they deal with the messiness of the situation but also with lots of fluff from all sides? Thank you so much 💚💚💚
I LOVE this request; it took me a minute to figure out how to make it fluffy just because Empire of Storms is so intense but this is such a cool idea; I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it💜
Fenrys x Reader (ft. Daddy Gavriel)
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Your world flipped upside down when Adarlan conquered Terrasen. Managing to escape with your brother, Aedion, the two of you formed a plan to infiltrate the Kingdom of Adarlan, developing rebel forces for when you were reunited with your cousin, Aelin.
Aedion took over as general of the Bane, filling his ranks with those who sympathized with your cause, while you worked your way up in the palace as a servant. Your duties, ranging from cleaning rooms to becoming a handmaid to the Queen, provided great intel for Aedion that allowed the Bane to stage battles. 
When Aelin returned, you aided in her rescue of Aedion, joining her and Rowan on their journey to Skull’s Bay from that point. 
It was in Rolfe’s office when your world turned upside down. You stood alongside Rowan as Aelin pitched her deal to Rolfe to join forces against Erawan. And then the door opened, revealing two males who made your heartbeat stutter for different reasons. 
You recognized your father immediately, and he you, when your tawny eyes locked with his. He stumbled forward, a gasp leaving his lips as you stared at each other. Rowan stepped protectively in front of you, one hand on your wrist as he stared down the famous Lion, the legendary member of Maeve’s cadre, Gavriel.
“Please, let me see her,” Gavriel pleaded with Rowan, his gaze struggling to meet yours around Rowan’s hulking form. 
“Rowan, it’s fine,” you whispered. You hadn’t held the same animosity towards your father as your brother, Aedion had, as you always believed he had a reason for leaving you. This was your opportunity to learn it.
Rowan turned to you, his gaze softening at the hope in your eyes. “He is blood-sworn to Maeve. He can only deny her will to an extent, and I will not let him hurt you.”
Your eyes flicked to the other male in the room, losing your balance as you stumbled backward at the look in his eyes. Fenrys watched you, awe etched on his face as he, too, moved towards you.
Rowan growled, Aelin leaping up from Rolfe’s seat where she lounged as they moved in front of you in a protective stance.
“It’s okay,” Fenrys promised, his gaze never leaving yours. “She’s my mate.” Tears formed at your eyes, the instant connection you felt towards the striking male in front of you breaking your guard down.
“Please, Row,” you tugged against his grip, desperate to meet the two males you were sure would be the most important in your life.
Rowan looked down at you, pure fae instinct in his eyes as he turned to the members of his cadre, every bit the legendary warrior as which he was known. “What are your orders from Maeve?” he demanded.
Gavriel spoke first, his voice like something from a long-lost dream, a memory from a past life that you longed for. “We were ordered to find Lorcan and kill him. If you can help us fail in finding him, we can assist you for as long as possible. Please, Rowan, Aelin, let me meet her.”
After a long, tense moment, Rowan and Aelin nodded to each other, parting ways as you now saw clearly the two males ahead of you. Your father moved towards you first, his dark tattoos in contrast to his golden hair the first thing you noticed as you rushed towards each other. He was warm, broad, muscular arms pulling you into his lithe form as you wrapped your own around him. This is home, you thought, holding back the tears as you allowed yourself to simply feel. 
Gavriel didn’t move, waiting until you reluctantly pulled away enough to look up at him. “I have so much to explain to you. So much that I wish I could take back...”
You shook your head, a small smile gracing your lips to silence him. “We will get to all of that - later. For now, I just want to know you,” you whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to your father’s cheek before turning your gaze to the male in the corner.
Breathing was difficult as you took in the extraordinary beauty of him. Blonde curls fell around bewildered, onyx eyes that locked in on you. The world spun around the two of you as his gaze held you in place. “My mate,” you whispered, moving towards him slowly, as though your feet moved of their own accord, your body drawn towards him.
Fenrys simply nodded, swallowing as his chest moved with each deep breath. A chuckle from where Rowan and Aelin stood drew the two of you from your trance, and you turned to see the amusement written on Rowan’s face. “Fen, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you so stricken,” he teased.
You turned, enjoying the blush on the handsome male’s face. Biting your lip, you dared to bring a hand to the golden-brown skin of his cheek. With a slight giggle, you joked, “it’s nice to meet you, Fenrys.” He nodded, transfixed on you.
Gavriel cleared his throat, clearly refraining from his fatherly protective instincts as he leaned backwards slightly. “I’ve never... scented a mating bond quite so strong,” he noted, lip slightly curling as his glance flicked to Rowan and Aelin. They nodded in agreement, smiling encouragingly at you as they held their hands up, covering the scent from their noses.
“A strong bond, indeed,” Fenrys spoke softly, stepping forwards towards you as his fingertip grazed your jawline. A slight shift in movement from your father drew you out of the moment, stepping back as you giggled nervously at your newfound family, and mate.
Rolfe rolled his eyes, shooing the group of you out the door as Aelin sent him a wink. “Let’s go figure this out elsewhere,” Rowan grumbled, guiding you outside. The group settled at a pub downstairs, where you sat in between Gavriel and Fenrys, a deep peace settling through you as you enjoyed the presence of two males who cared about you more than you’d ever dreamed.
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crescenthistory · 2 months ago
hello carinaaaa !!!!! happy 2k :) u are one of the sole reasons for the resurfacing of my love for the marauders and i owe you my life for that truly…
could i request an argue for b5 with marlene mckinnon x reader? been thinking about bartender marlene far too often oh my lord… do you see my vision… reader who comes in once and marlene is teasing them all over the place and reader is like oh ok. i guess i am never drinking anywhere else ever again !!
one of the sole reasons?? baby that makes me so happy to hear, thank you so much for sharing<33 i most certainly see your vision and i'm in love with her
i will ARGUE for prompt 5 "bar au" with marlene mckinnon
carina's 2k celebration
cw: fem!reader, use of y/n, alcohol (all characters of age), modern muggle au, flirty!marlene, somewhat shy!reader, background pandalily
wc: 1.2k
You could quite honestly kiss Lily for suggesting going to this place instead of the regular pub at the end of your neighbourhood.
It was quite typical that an all-girls bar would open up in your area and you wouldn't hear of it before months had passed, but alas, you were grateful to finally be in the know. Lily had stressed that it wasn't a sapphic bar officially, but that was often what developed once no men were allowed in.
Safe to say, you were giddy.
When you walked in with Mary, Lily and her girlfriend Pandora, who you were enjoying getting to know at last, you were expecting a fun night filled with giggles and perhaps a bit of flirtation. You were mostly just hoping to spend time with your dear friends and let loose in a safe environment that wasn’t one of your crammed flats. 
Which was exactly what you got, until it was your turn to head up to the bar. Pandora had gone for all three of you the first two rounds, whispering something in Lily’s ear afterwards, and when they turned to you with wide smiles asking you to head up, you honestly just thought it was the usual rotation. It’s only fair to share the burden of shouldering in through past all the tipsy girls strewn across the bar. 
Lily waved goodbye to you as you walked away with your list of orders in your phone, turning to giggle into Pandora’s side. You chalked it up to the first few rounds of pornstar martinis getting to your notorious lightweight of a friend.
You turned away from Lily with a smile on your face – and immediately collided into a solid yet soft surface. You almost stumbled at the impact, but two warm hands came up to stabalise your upper arms. 
“Whoa, hey there pretty girl.” In any other bar, the collison and that sentence might have instilled fear in you, but now you just looked up to be met with a wicked grin on the most beautiful blonde girl you had ever seen. She was close enough that the baby pink streaks in her hair splayed across your own shoulder, almost tickling you. She only smiled wider when she saw you staring. “You in a rush or something?”
“I’m so sorry, I was just on my way to the bar, but was looking at my friend over there instead and I–” 
You were rambling, cheeks increasingly heating up as the woman hadn’t stepped away from you. She looked over your shoulder where you had pointed and let go of one of your arms in favour of waving. “Your friend over there, Lily?”
Through any embarrassment and confusion, you perked up. “You know Lily?” 
“Yeah, we shared some classes in uni.” She looked back to you, smile taking on a lopsided quality. “That would make you the best friend, Y/N, right?”
You had to swallow your reaction at hearing her say your name. “That’s me,” you breathed out. Before you could continue with anything, she squeezed your arm and let go of you, stepping backwards.
“Well, princess, I’m Marlene. You wanted something from the bar?”
To your horror, when she steps away you see her wearing a bar shirt uniform, one of the tight black ones with the logo embroidered over your heart. She swept up some empty glasses on the way, looking over her shoulder to beckon you to follow after her. 
She had to know what she was doing to you as she floated away with you on a leash like this, but your head was too cloudy and heart beating too fast to care all that much to resist it. You just followed with a dazed smile, leaning on the bar as she slipped behind it. 
There were people lined up all around the bar, but when Marlene ducked behind it and put the glasses aside, she only looked at you.
“What can I get you then, beautiful?” 
She had this ability to look right into your sould and you had to bite your lip to keep your smile from exploding too obviously. Still, you had teh decency to look side to side a bit shyly. “Is there not a line I should be getting into?”
Marlene leaned in closer to you, giving you a conspiratory smile. “I’ll excuse it this once. Payment for knocking into you.”
You murmured something under your breath about “I think I was the one who bumped into you”, but you read the “humour me” plea in her eyes. You could probably read her every last thought with how close she was, and you couldn’t find it in you to mind.
“Lily and Dora wanted some pitchers for the table. Blue Lagoon and Purple Summer?” 
Marlene wrote the order down on a little notepad on the bar before her without ever taking her eyes off of you. It did funny things to your stomach. 
“And you, darling?”
“Could I get one of the house cocktails? The Midnight Princess?” You had no idea where this shyness in you was coming from, but for once it didn’t feel so awkward. It almost gave you some sort of rush.
Marlene grinned at you. “A princess for a princess coming right up.”
It was a marvel to watch how she moved about behind the bar, grabbing all the ingredients and mixing them together as she went. Expertly avoiding her colleagues as she snuck around, it was almost like watching a figure skater in her element. If her biceps flexed beneath her shirt as she shook the mixers, you didn’t take notice of course.
When Marlene placed your drink on the bar, she kept the two pitchers in her hands. Without a word, she pushed the bar open with her hip and passed through it to come over to you.
“Oh, Marlene you really don’t have to–”
She cut you off with a laugh, clearly endeared by your protests. “Oh but I want to. Believe it or not, it’s not every day I meet a girl as pretty as you.”
With warm cheeks and a dry throat, you made your way over to your table where you saw Lily and Pandora grinning widely at you already. Marlene followed close by, you could feel the warmth radiating off her body and heard the swooshing of the pitchers she held.
“Lils, Panda,” Marlene greeted as she placed the pitchers down on the table. She had stopped right beside you, almost as close as when you ran into her earlier. “Here’s your pitchers. You’ve got great taste.” She winked at Lily in a way that felt knowing, conspiratory.
Marlene then turned to you with a pleased smile. “Lovely meeting you, princess. Come up to the bar anytime you need me.”
With a quick press of her lips to your cheek, she was off. You stared after her for a second before letting your fingertips come up to ghost over your cheek.
When you turned to Lily’s hopeful smile, you were placing some pieces together. “That wasn’t normal service now, was it?”
Lily shrugged, as if she had no idea what she was talking about. “Told you you’d like it here.”
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fandomobbsessedb · 2 months ago
Your Favorite Players Favorite Player
Young-Il/ Frontman / In-Ho/ Player 001 x Gi-Hun's Sister Reader)
Chapter 2 : Sibling Rivalry
Warnings- Swearing, yelling, people being upseti spaghetti. Gunshots, guns.
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The comforting music lulled you back to sleep in contrast to the glaringly bright lights, you groaned and pulled the blanket farther over your head till the loud metal clunking above you woke you up. Why is there a metal clunking anyways?
Creeping one eye open you looked around, realizing you weren’t in your bedroom at your own house.
“What the hell?” I questioned out loud to nobody in particular, I sleepily ran a hand down my face with a groan, already developing a tight headache from the lights. Hearing shuffles around the room I slowly opened my eyes again, using one hand to cover my face from the light. I was met with a sea of green jumpsuits and the only difference in where the outfits started and a person ended was their neck.
Sitting up I leaned over the side of the bed, seeing I was a good couple feet off the ground, my bed being on a third level while two to three levels more sat above me. There was a small platform on the left side, with stairs going both directions. Kicking my feet out and over I stood up from my bed, realizing I too was placed in this green monstrosity. With a sigh I started patting myself down to see if any thing I went to the meeting spot with had come in on my person, nothing in either of my pockets, but my hair was still tied back. I felt the back of my head and realized my (fav/color) hair tie was still in place, along with the hair comb I had put in.
I took a breath knowing I at least had something familiar, even if it was simple hair accessories. I felt down to my ears and realized my earrings were still in place. Okay, so I still had some things.
The swoosh of a giant metal door broke my focus on myself and turned it to the front of the room where a handful of these men in pink uniforms and masks now stood, addressing the room before us. Some people where in outrage about what had happened why they where here. I crawled back into the bed to get a better view from the open side of the bunk.
While they were all talking I looked over the side to get a further look around when I saw another girl below me, a patch with bold numbers reading 380 attached to her jumpsuit.
“Oh hi.” I said, flipping my head upside down on the bunk.
“Oh, hey.” She replied, looking back up at me, her nose ring shining in the fluorescent lights.
“I’m y/n, what’s your name?” I introduced, taking my hair tie out to let my hair hang down the side of the beds.
“I’m Se-Mi.” She said nodding up at me and reaching a hand out. As I reach my hand out to shake hers back I started slipping off the side of the bunk. I felt my center of gravity shift down, quickly I reached my hands up to grab whatever I could under the bunk. As I flipped over my arms where yanked from the wight change. The sudden shift almost caused me to fall, until Se-Mi grabbed at my jacket and pulled me backwards, laying me down on the bed.
“Oof, thanks for gabbing me.” I smiled up at her from where I laid.
“Thanks for dropping in.” She said with a soft chuckle. I laughed at her joke and sat back up. “So, what do you think of all this.” I asked looking around listening to a few people speaking to the pink guards and asking questions.
“I mean, I don’t know, these people who think they’re entitled to everything don’t seem to understand what we’re doing here.” Se-Mi shrugged and leaned against one of the support beams. We both turned back to the guards who were lining people up to sign the consent form.
After everyone signed their consent forms we were led to a room with camera stands.
“….come on, okay how about you pretty girl.” I look to my left to see that purple haired guy from before beckoning me over with his fingers making a “come here”. I glared at him and stepped up to take my picture. The girl in front me me though with her cropped up shirt looked back at me and rolled her eyes. I met Se-mi’s gaze who looked confused. I just shrugged back at her.
“Cross the finish line without getting caught within five minutes, if you do you pass…”
As I listened to the instructions from the middle of the group, I found it hard to hear what was being said as everyone around us was whispering and making little noises that where pissing me off. If this is a game I’m here to play, and win, not chitter chatter. Someone yelled from the front honing in everyone’s attention. That sure made em quiet.
I couldn’t see where or who was at the front, his voice sounded kinda deep even though he was pretty far from me. Se-mi who was further up came back towards me and regaled what he had said.
“This guys spouting off about how we’re all gonna die if we move at all when they say red light.”
“Wait, are you certain he said we would die if we moved?” I asked, nervously picking at my nails now… how would someone know that? Unless…. No, there’s no way my brothers here, he was making up how he got all his money, I’m sure of it.
“Let the game begin” ……… “Green Light……… Red light!”
The doll whipped around as I was fixing my posture, it would help me stay stiller for longer but that was close. After we ran a few more times Se-mi got stuck in a really compromising position, our eyes met again and neither of us where doing very well at holding still, we where so close to laughing when a gun shot sounded off. I gazed past her to see the girl who was glaring at me earlier laying on the ground now, a pool of blood dying her hair for her. A woman standing next to her slowly turned to see her and let out a scratchy scream. People started panicking and making a run for it. As gunshot after shot sounds reverberate across the room I found it harder to keep still wanting to duck and cover my head, but holding as still as I could. Once everything had quieted down the PA system went off again.
“Allow me to repeat the rules…”
At the next light we both crouched behind a much taller man. As we ran I tied my hair up and out of my face, however when I was almost done I got stuck at a red light. Taking a deep breath I tried to still my shaking arms. I heard a gunshot go off and sucked in a breath, thinking it would be my last. When I heard a body drop next to me. I shifted my eyes down to see a body next to me.
We crossed the finish line with about a minute to spare. I stood up straight and took a deep breath, glad that this game was over. Taking a look up at the snipers they didn’t move like a mechanical sniper, but it moved and shifted like a person controlling it.
Behind the snipers a few locked their sights onto the girl who was staring at them incessantly.
“The game has ended”
They had to turn away to put their guns away, but the girl stayed watching, endlessly curious about who was behind the weapon.
Gi-Hun and Hyun-ju stared at each other as the witnessed the man they tried to help die in their arms, the players around them seemingly unaware.
As the top of the enclosure mechanically shut its players from the outside world, a bright beam of light hit his eye sight. A brightly (fav/color) hair tie caught his gaze. The sun reflecting off the little charms and dangles coming from the accessory. Doing a double take he quickly stormed over grabbing at the girls shoulders and whipping her around.
“y/n?" He asked, his sunken eyes staring into your matching ones.
Looking up at him you huff back, confusion wrinkling your face, (almost as much as your brothers).
“Gi-Hun?” You sneered, “What the hell are you doing here?” You asked backing away from him and looking him up and down, he in turn doing the same.
“What- what am I DOING HERE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” He shouted shaking my shoulders. Taking my hands and putting them on his wrists, I squeezed tightly around them.
A moment passed between us of silence as a few other players watched the interaction. I finally found my strength and shoved him off of me. In a quiet shaky breath I spoke soft enough that it would only be the two of us to hear it.
“……. Get away from me.” I said in a low voice. Confusion now a familiar friend on my face.
“Y/n-“ he started to say trying to reach for my shoulders again.
“GET AWAY FROM ME GI-HUN.” I yelled now not caring about spectators or his response. As he tried once more to ask me something that guy from earlier, Thor? Uhhhhh Mikanos? Whatever his name was he came up from behind with two other plays and interrupted us.
“Hey there pretty girl, this old man bothering you.” He said softly glaring at GI-hun, before he put his hand around my shoulder. Shrugging him off I took a step back only to bump into another one of his buddies.
“That’s none of your business.” GI-hun said stepping up to be face to face with Thorn. As the two had a glare down I looked to the side to see Se-mi looking between the two confused. I snuck my way around from the guys blocking my way to Se-Mi. When I met up with her she gave me a bewildered look and I just shrugged back at her as we followed the guards out the door in the back.
I heard Gi-hun calling my name from behind me as those other guys got upset at each other. I simply ignored him and kept walking away.
Intrigue plagued the man sitting in a leather chair watching the game. He knew Gi-hun was here to try and help other players, but why was he so interested in player 432?
What made her so special?
As she sat on the edge of Se-Mi’s bunk waiting for the other to return from looking around. She felt a pull on her ankle. There stood Gi-Hun accompanied by Jung-Bae who was following him around in turn.
“Woah, (y/n), is that really you? Heh, I haven’t seen you since you were little, right before I shipped out.” Jung-Bae smiled and gazed up at me. I simply looked at him, then turned back to Gi-hun.
“What do you want?” I asked glaring at him.
“The same thing I was asking you before, what are you doing here?” He asked, releasing my ankle and resting his hands on the bed.
“I don’t really think that’s any of your business oppa.” I sneered in mock respect and shoved his hands off.
“It is when you suddenly left home, didn’t tell me what you where doing, where you where going, and why your involved in the very thing I told you kept me up at night, all the blood money, why I’ve been gone so much.” He accused counting on his fingers.
“Mhm, okay well it’s not your business because one, it’s my life, two you leave home all the fucking time, and three how in the hell was I supposed to know this-“ I shook my hands around gesturing to the room around us, “was the thing you where talking about, I didn’t believe you because it sounded crazy, which by the way. YOU STILL DO, I don’t see any money just dead people!” I yelled at him as I put my foot to his chest to move him away from me. As he went to retaliate, the whoosh of the doors drew my attention away. I walked to the front of the opening with the two older men tailing behind.
“Congratulations for making it through the first game. Here are the results of the first game.” The square man said, raising a remote to the ceiling as we watched the money fall into a piggy bank.
“Out of 456 players, 91 players have been eliminated. Three hundred sixty five players have completed the first game.”
As I watched the golden bowl fill with cash I went to look at Gi-hun.
Shit, he was right.
As I turned my face was met with his chest as he had moved himself closer to me while we watched, as though he was meaning to stand in front of me.
“Congratulations again for making it through the first game.”
All I could do was stare at the bowl, the money almost being a physical representation of the phrase “what is your life worth” I certainly felt like mine was worth more then 100 million won.
…” Clause three of the consent form!” Gi-Hun shouted, startling me from my daze. “The games may be terminated upon a majority vote, correct?” He yelled. I rolled my eyes at his need to be correct.
I snuck around behind Jung-Bae who was also seemingly in a daze, I crawled and wiggled my way around people and bunks, pretty sure of myself as I hadn’t bumped into anyone yet…
Until I bumped into someone… well more like
Stepped on….
“WAHH!” I yelled as I slipped my way down, it had been so dark I didn’t see this man’s leg sitting in front of me on the bunk. My foot rolling over his shin as I heard the man sitting up and hissing.
“Oof, oh my gosh I’m so sorry sir.” I bowed as I had landed on my knees on the mattress. I was almost parallel with the mattress itself.
“It’s okay, I didn’t see you either, it’s so dark in here without the lights on.” He replied rubbing at his leg, sitting up to look at him I couldn’t see most of his features, all I could see was his side swept hair and square jaw line. Though it was dark it wasn’t dark enough that I couldn’t see his number.
“I’m 432” I said teaching my hand out. He chuckled and softly reached out grasping my hand. “Player 001.” He said.
“Ohh lucky, #1” I said sitting my legs over the bed. Another chuckle left his lips as he leaned back on the bunk. “Oh I wouldn’t say it’s so lucky. It’s the lowest number” he said looking at his number.
“NUH-uh,” I shook my head “there’s negative numbers.” I giggled. With a sigh he shook his head, “I guess you’re right there.” He said. Our conversation got interrupted suddenly as we heard an alarming sounding buzz.
“Player 453” quiet footsteps receded away from us as another buzz sound resonated in the open area.
“wait, what are we doing?” I whispered to 001 as he leaned forward. “We’re voting to go home or to stay and keep playing.” He hushed back.
“ohhhh okay.” I responded.
“Player 432.” As I heard my number called I hopped off the bed. I saw Gi-Hun watching me walk as I made my way to the front. As I felt everyone’s eyes on me. I leaned forward trying to look past the mask of the guard.
“Uhh, which one is which again?” I whispered unsure what the votes meant.
“Press X if you wish to end the games here, Press O if you wish to continue playing.” It replied.
“Ohh” Taking another look behind me, I saw Gi-hun referencing the X beneath him, I rolled my eyes and slammed my hand on O. The guard handed me my pouch and I went to stand on the blue side. Gi-Hun looked at me confused and made a shocked gesture. I turned my back from him to go stand in the back of the room once again. A few voters came and went and as our side gained more and more votes Gi-Hun spoke up from his side.
“Wait a minute, everyone! You can’t do this. Come to your senses! Don’t you see? These aren’t just any games. We will all die if we keep playing! We have to get out of here now. With a majority vote, we can!” Gi-Hun exclaimed, I rolled my eyes at his antics and looked away trying to distract myself… I believe him now… but that doesn’t mean HE has to know that.
As people around us shouted and went back and fourth on their views of what was happening, I wiggled my way to the side where Gi-Hun was standing.
“Come on now. Please don’t do this. Listen. None of us would be alive if it weren’t for this gentleman. So enough with the greed. Let’s put our lives first and get out of this place! Okay?” An old lady rested her hand on his arm and looked around to all the people, he looked at me with an ‘I told you so’ look. I just glared and pressed my O patch harder onto my chest to make sure it was stuck.
As more people clamored around us I heard some calling my brother a fraud, I stepped towards them and shoved at their shoulder.
“Hey he may sound like a nut case but there is some point in what he’s saying.” I shouted over the group as this X player just looked me up and down.
“Please, I’m begging you. We have to get out now! If we keep playing, more people will die.That could be you. We have to stop this now and get out of here. Everyone.” As I watched Gi-Huns exclamation I felt my pulse quicken when one of the guards held a gun to his back. Wisely he put his hands up and backed onto his side. “From here on, we will not tolerate actions that disrupt the voting process. Now, let’s resume the vote.”
After everyone had voted it was left down to player 001, I looked at him and noticed he was looking between me and Gi-hun in the crowd, when he met my eyes he started to walk down the isle. As our side chanted O the other side chanted X. In the middle of the chaos I looked over to Gi-hun looking at me with a disappointed look, I paused my cheering for a moment. I looked back at my acquaintance and shouted O over louder than before The ring of the O buzzer echoed in the room, me and the others cheered in exuberance. I looked back at Player 001, to see him looking at my brother again. In confusing I directed my gaze to him and saw him staring at the floor in disappointment.
Later on they told us dinner would be in 10 minutes, feeling emotionally exhausted I went back to my bed, only for Gi-hun to block my way again.
“Move ass, I want to take a nap.” I said trying to push passed him.
“Not until you tell me why you joined.” He said grabbing at my upper arms.
“Ugh, FINE okay you want to know so bad? I pick pocketed someone I shouldn’t have and now I have to pay them back, there, do you feel better now that you know?” I replied with a snark, talking down to him like an upset toddler.
“What? Why didn’t you come to me?” He asked, “I would have helped you.”
“I don’t need your help, I’m a grown fucking woman, and it’s about time you acknowledge that fact, I didn’t need you when I was little, I don’t need you now.” I huffed.
“Clearly you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be in this position.” He said releasing me, rubbing my shoulders to make up for the tough grip he had before.
“NO, I DON’T, you’ve never let me just be on my own, the only time I felt like I was actually in control was stealing because it was a choice I made, your only around when YOU want to be. I’m done Gi-Hun, this is another level of ridiculous behavior.” I yelled, stomping my foot like a child.
“What do you mean ‘your done’” he asked in air quotes, as Jung-Bae walked up behind us.
“When we get out of here, I’m moving.” I said, poking my finger into his chest. “You can live in mom’s house all by yourself, I don’t need you in my life 24/7, that’s not a normal grown sibling thing to have. I’m gonna move to my own place, without you around.” I proclaimed moving past him and stomping up the stairs to my bed, leaving him speechless on the steps.
Other players awkwardly coughed and diverted their gaze to give the siblings so space, except for player 001 who just stared on, a new resolution cooking in his head.
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AN: Part 2! Sorry it took me longer, hopefully I’ll have part three this same time tmr. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!
Yours truly
~ FandomObbsessedB
TAGLIST: @blacksnape123 @newtsniffles @missmollya @watasinekoru @justaproudslytherpuff @jamiewritesfanfiction-blog
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jessicas-pi · 9 days ago
for the ask game, could we mayhaps get a little snippet of sabezra in the teenage rebellion au and/or mythical creatures au?
hehe ok let's do both! (this got very long, whoops lol)
first off, here's a random bit of writing I just churned out, set in the not-so-very-distant future of the Teenage Rebellion AU, but after just enough of the plot development has developed that Things Are Just A Little Different! you get no context.
"You know," Ezra mused in a low voice, leaning on the back of Sabine's chair and playing with a strand of her hair. "The first time I saw you, I thought you looked like something from a story."
Sabine glanced at him in the mirror ahead of her, and a smile pulled at her lips. "Oh?"
"Very dark fantasy," he nodded solemnly. "Ruler of the court of shadows, wicked changeling queen, goddess of the underworld... you get my drift."
"I hope that's a compliment."
"I assure you—" He ducked down and laid a kiss on the top of her hair, then dodged to avoid being swatted by Sabine's handmaid. "—it certainly is."
Sabine giggled. "You had better stop touching my hair, Youngest Brother, or Taya's gonna skin you alive."
Sabine's handmaid had taken a decided dislike to Ezra since the beginning, and his habit of fiddling with Sabine's hair while it was being braided only deepened her ire.
"All right, all right," Ezra said, holding up his hands dramatically and backing away. "I yield. You win. She's all yours, Lady Taya." He turned, making his way out of the bedroom and down the hallway, raising his voice theatrically as he did so. "I'll just go off... on my own... alone... by myself... just me... so lonely..."
Rolling her eyes, Sabine raised her voice, too. "Hey, you know what I just realized?!"
Ezra's head appeared through the doorway as he leaned back into the room, blue-gold eyes dancing with joy. "What'd'you realize?"
Sabine started ticking things off on her fingers, speaking to her handmaid more than to him. "Loud. Whiny. Hungry all the time. Needs constant attention. Hollers when he doesn't get it..." She trailed off, then faked a gasp, looking up at Taya with faux-astonishment. "Stars above, Taya—he's a tooka!"
Taya choked on a laugh, and the comically indignant look on Ezra's face was more than enough to send Sabine into howls of merriment.
And! Now! Some mythical creatures AU!!
The very last thing Sabine remembered was the anchor chain snagging around her leg and yanking her down.
Well... no, not quite.
There was something after that, too.
A shape. Silhouetted above her in the sunset-lit water, there was a shadow of—of—something.
Something... with a... with a tail.
Kanan had said he wouldn't, couldn't shift back into his mer-form—but then again, an anchor chain dragging Sabine to the bottom of the ocean might be enough to change that.
Something cold and wet poked her cheek once, lightly, then poked it again, followed by a splashing sound. A few seconds later, the same chilly touch tapped her forehead a few times—this time accompanied by a curious sort of trilling, clicking, gurgling sound—and her eyes popped open.
She was lying on a powdery beach, her cheeck squished into the sand. Her throat burned, probably from swallowing saltwater. The moon glittered and reflected off the waves lapping at the beach in front of her. A sea breeze ruffled her bangs.
She didn't really notice any of that, though, because not four inches in front of her face was someone else's face, staring at her with intent curiosity, one finger extended to poke her on the forehead again.
Awake in an instant, Sabine shrieked and shoved herself up, scrabbling backwards on the sand, away from the weird staring face person.
Apparently, her shriek startled the kid staring at her, because the kid let out a matching, higher-pitched shriek, and flailed backwards away from her, scooting back into the ocean until he was sitting in the waves, leaning back on his hands.
Sabine braced herself up on one hand and shook her head, trying to collect her thoughts and figure out what had even happened.
She was about to demand to know who he was, where he came from, and why in the name of all good sense wasn't he wearing a shirt, when her eyes fell upon the golden tail, peeking up out of the waves.
Sabine raised her eyes to him again, and really, actually looked.
The faintest of golden-hued patterns glimmered on his skin, glowing so softly they were barely visible in the moonlight. Long, pointed ear-fins poked out through his shaggy blue-black hair. And, most telling of all, there were flaps in his skin on each side of his neck.
He had gills.
Sabine took a breath and opened her mouth, though what she was planning to say, she didn't know. But she never got the chance.
Her movement had broken the silent spell of shock that held both of them in place, and the mer-boy spun around, diving headfirst into the surf and disappearing from sight.
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rwbyrg · 11 months ago
A Rosegarden by Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet
AKA Reasons Why Rosegarden is Canon #015: Ruby and Oscar's Multiple Shared Allusions to Other Fairytale Love Stories
Typical disclaimer that while all characters within the RWBY narrative have a main allusion, they often have secondary allusions that apply to the roles they fill in relation to other characters stories. Like how Yang is Goldilocks on her own, but becomes the Beauty to Blake's Beast when paired together.
The first, most notable example for Rosegarden is, of course, The Little Prince (expanded upon here). Oscar's primary allusion is of a boy who grows up on a planet "scarcely bigger than himself, who was in need of a friend", and one of his most influential relationships is that to a rose with whom he loves. They spend much of the story separated from one another, while the prince wanders lost in a desert, pining for a way to reunite with her back home.
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Important to note this isn't the only time Ruby has been a Rose for another fairytale. She also slots in as the Rose Red to Weiss' Snow White, she acts as the successor to her mom as The Last Rose of Summer, and she also stands in as the Enchanted Rose to Bumbleby's Beauty and the Beast given how it's a "true loves kiss will break the spell before the last petal falls" situation... and BB kisses two episodes before Ruby Rose "dies".
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The second notable allusion for Rosegarden is the Warrior in the Woods (expanded upon further here), a canon RWBY fable from The Fairytales of Remnant. The very first story within the book is about a village boy who becomes a huntsman after being inspired by a huntress he meets in the woods. A huntress, I might add he fell in love with the moment he saw her silver eyes.
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Something to note about both of these examples, is that they are each stories with a focus on caring for someone else in unique ways. With The Little Prince, the Rose is vain and has many demands and asks the prince to tend to her; while in WitW, the warrior works tirelessly without thanks to protect a village. When the boy meets her, he starts looking after her for a change because he figures that's the least he can do to repay her. Both of these tie in well to RG's dynamic of Ruby carrying such heavy responsibilities alone, with Oscar making a conscious and active effort to help her shoulder those burdens.
The third, more subtle allusion, is their respective ties to The Wonderful Land of Oz. Oscar's first confirmed allusion before the Little Prince reveal was originally to Princess Ozma/Tip, the heir to the Kingdom of Oz given his proximity to Ozpin as the man behind the curtain, as well as to fit a "genderbend" character within the framework of team JNPR.
How does Ruby tie into this one? Well, we have to work backwards a bit. Ozpin's initial four lieutenants were all linked to the original cast of Oz:
Qrow as The Scarecrow without a mind (travels around as a crow and is regularly inebriated)
Ironwood as the Tin Man without a heart (his multiple cyborg prosthetics and character development in Atlas)
Lionhart as The Cowardly Lion (his fear overtakes him and pushes him to join forces with Salem to save his own skin)
Theodore as Dorothy Gale (donning ruby gauntlets instead of the traditional red slippers)
But RWBY is a story about legacies and breaking cycles. With the new generation of huntresses in Oz's inner circle, they replace those who came before them.
Blake takes Lionheart's place (cat faunus that ran out of cowardice, only to become brave and return to the fight)
Weiss as the Tin Man (aka Ice Queen, who's heart melted as she became kinder and grew more attached to those around her)
Yang the Scarecrow (no longer blindly following orders, but making an active effort to question the words and intentions of those around her)
Ruby as Dorothy (her little dog Zwei and the red - or silver, depending on movie or book adaptation - slippers that lead them all on their journey)
Why bring up Oscar as Princess Ozma and Ruby as Dorothy? Well, according to the original books and not the movie, "Dorothy and Ozma are each other's closest relationship" as illustrated here:
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Very good friends. Just gals being pals. Sharing the responsibilities of leadership with one another. Smooching in the palace gardens. Dorothy as the only one who's allowed in Princess Ozma's rooms without an invitation. #BFFS4EVA
These are all the canon ones that are easy enough to parse, but there are some similarities to others famous stories that can be found with a bit of squinting that I will also share just for fun.
The first is how Ruby's experience in the Tea Party acts as a near perfect display of Romeo and Juliet's ending. For those unfamiliar with - or who have forgotten - the bard's infamous tragedy, it is a story about two star-crossed lovers very much doomed by the narrative. It ends with Juliet faking her death without telling Romeo. So when her prince charming comes across what he believes to be her corpse, he drinks a vial of poison and kills himself out of grief. When Juliet wakes and sees he has left her, she takes his dagger and stabs herself so they might be together.
In the tea party, Ruby fills the shoes of Romeo and Oscar of dear Juliet. Oscar is "killed" by Ruby's blade, but it is an illusion. He's not real. Like Juliet, he's not really dead. However, the vision is still enough to push Ruby into drink a vial of poison (the tea that takes her to the tree), giving up in the face of her grief, just as Romeo does.
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And if we need any more evidence for this one, can't hurt to bring up the infamous quote of Juliet wherein she likens her love to an oh-so-familiar flower:
What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;
A line that Juliet says to proclaim that if her Romeo weren't a Montague, then she would still love him regardless, but through which implies that it would be easier for them to be together if he were not himself. And within V9, Ruby's cited motivation to go to the tree is because she doesn't want to be herself any longer.
And last, but certainly not least, is how a lot of ships within RWBY seem to have fairly direct parallels to the myth of Eros and Psyche. It is a classical tale about the trials of love, putting the protagonists under multiple tests of loyalty and attachment before letting the two lovers unite at the end. Both love stories within Beauty and the Beast and Snow White and Rose Red pull inspiration from the myth, and we see it in CRWBY's approach to writing romances throughout the show thus far.
Blake and Yang being separated, breaking and rebuilding trust, before coming together in V9; Ren and Nora going through trials and conflict, currently apart now so they might discover who they are on their own before re-uniting with one another again; and Rosegarden having constant reunions, separations, and trials with strong focuses on their attachment to each other. Another common archetype they use from Eros and Psyche is that of the "Animal as Bridegroom", wherein at least one of the partners undergoing a transformation that is often monstrous in nature.
Bumbleby is self explanatory
WhiteKnight has the issue of Jaune being lost to time and becoming an Old Man, who's curse is reversed by magic. It alludes to his role as the Prince within Snow White and Rose Red who was initially turned into a bear via a curse
Rosegarden, has this instance for both characters. Oscar as an Ozcarnation (becoming something he doesn't want via a curse they are trying to break before time runs out) and Ruby's future fate should she be captured by Salem (being turned into a Grimm by the wicked witch - or eaten by the wolf - like her mother before her).
All of these line up with the myth's structure as well as Monty's foundational philosophy on love stories that we see in his quote from many years ago:
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A lot of these all have really tragic endings so uh. Good thing RWBY likes to subvert the stories it's telling, right? They're going to get a happy ending, right CRWBY???? 😰
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youwouldntdownloadapizza · 10 months ago
The Gates of Jackson | Joel Miller x F!Reader | Chapter 8 - Locked Out
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You showed up at the gates of Jackson with hands covered in blood and no memory of how you got there. That was two years ago. Since then, you've become Maria's right-hand woman and the person in charge of Jackson's logistical backend. Patrol schedules, inventory—all your purview. When a patrol gone wrong forces you to get to know Joel, memories of your past begin resurfacing—along with their consequences.
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+, minors DNI
word count: 1.5k
tags: no use of y/n, eventual smut, no beta we die like sarah, jackson era, other additional tags to be added, slow burn, ellie needs a hug, joel lives, good parent joel, reader-insert, reader insert, forced proximity, only one bed trope, nightmares, childbirth, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, soft joel, cuddling & snuggling, fluff, masturbation, pining, joel falls first, possibly demisexual reader (tbd), ptsd, ptsd flashbacks, panic attacks, amnesia, sexual braiding
Chapter 8 - Locked Out
Few things about post-outbreak life had come easy to Joel, but one thing he never struggled with was silence. He was a man of few words, he relished in solitude, and his years as a father made him excellent at moving quietly. While he’d developed that skill to avoid waking Sarah as an infant, it also proved useful for avoiding Infected. He never thought he’d get another chance to use his light tread for anything other than survival, but here he was. Carefully climbing the creaky wooden steps to his brother’s front door, stepping over the squeakiest one he’d been meaning to fix for ages now.
Knock! Knock!
Joel rapped softly on the warm oak door, just loud enough to announce his presence without risking a screaming baby.
Tommy answered a moment later.
“You look like shit,” Joel cracked an amused smile. Tommy had said something similar the first time he’d greeted Joel after Sarah was born.
“Gee, thanks,” Tommy rolled his eyes. He stepped backward, holding the door to usher Joel inside. He hung his filthy patrol jacket on a peg and turned to take it all in.
It was as if a tornado had swept through. Dirty dishes were scattered across every horizontal surface but the floor, and the burp cloth situation wasn’t much better. By the looks of it, Maria was currently making do with a bath mat.
A smile crept across his lips as the baby finally spit up and then descended into soft, easy snores. It was peaceful in the way only small children could be.
“Congratulations,” he said softly, patting his brother on the back far more gently than Tommy had when he’d been freshly uncled.
“Thanks, Joel,” Tommy smiled. There was exhaustion in his eyes, but also a familiar, joyful satisfaction Joel recognized. It was the look of a father.
“Fatherhood suits you, you know.”
“You think?” Tommy asked.
Joel nodded. “I know.”
Maria chimed in from across the room. “You wanna meet her?”
Joel beamed. “Can I?”
Maria nodded, and he crossed to where she stood beside the fireplace. She jutted her chin toward the couch, and he took a seat in his usual spot.
“She’s beautiful,” he whispered as Maria placed the sleeping babe in his outstretched arms.
It didn’t look right, all his wrinkles and scars and gray hair against such pure, unbridled innocence. He didn’t expect the tears that slipped down his cheeks as he beheld her.
Tommy came to stand behind him, watching with newfound respect for his brother as he met his niece for the first time.
“What’s her name?” Joel asked.
Tommy looked at Maria. She nodded, giving him silent permission to proceed.
“Margaret Sarah Miller. Maggie for short.”
Tommy wasn’t sure what he saw in Joel’s eyes as his head snapped to look at him. All he knew was there were tears and something undeniably raw in there. It moved him.
“Maggie, like our mom Maggie?” He asked.
Tommy nodded.
“Yeah,” he said. “And Sarah, like your daughter.”
Joel rolled his eyes through the tears. “Well, yeah, I got that part.”
Maria barked a laugh, and Tommy couldn’t help but follow suit. Joel of all people giggled, and then before they knew it little Maggie was opening her eyes. Her skin was dark like her mother’s, but her eyes—those were Miller eyes. It wasn’t the color that confirmed it, but the tenacity within them. The spark. The wildness that would forever refuse to be tamed.
“She’s gonna be trouble, this one,” Joel mused. “No doubt about it.”
Tommy chuckled. “Well, she’s got Ellie as a big cousin. I’d expect nothing less.”
Joel smiled wistfully. “I’ll have to get her over here tomorrow or the next day. We’ll help clean up so the two of you can get some rest. Would’ve been by sooner, but patrol ran long.”
“Speaking of which,” Maria chimed in, retrieving the baby from Joel to bounce on her hip. “Where’s Doe? I figured she’d be with you.”
Joel’s smile fell then. He still couldn’t make heads or tails of the way you’d stormed off earlier. He sure as shit didn’t know how to explain it to Tommy and Maria.
So he gave them a total non-answer.
“I’m not sure,” he shrugged. “Probably went to bed. It was a long patrol, I’m sure she’s tired.”
Maria cocked an eyebrow at the lame excuse. “Too tired to meet her niece?
* * *
Bang! Bang! Bang!
You awoke to the sound of thuds on your front door.
What now? You thought to yourself as you sat upright, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Doe, open up. I know you’re in there,” a gruff male voice called out to you.
Joel. What the fuck does he want?
You rose from your nest of blankets on the futon and padded towards the door in your slippers, stepping over the piles of dirty laundry that littered your floor.
It got like this, sometimes. You tried to keep things under control, but life had a way of thwarting that endeavor at every available opportunity. You shoved the clutter out of view as best you could and opened the door a crack.
“What?” You eyed him through the opening.
He was dressed casually, a light brown t-shirt giving way to denim down below. He was sweaty, and his hair was mussed. And the look he was giving you, when paired with crossed arms, was downright murderous.
“Office doesn’t open ‘till eight.”
“It’s ten-thirty,” he said, his voice rife with exasperation.
Shit, you winced. I can’t believe I overslept by that much.
You sighed, then opened the door a bit more. Your outfit was messy, but nothing out of the ordinary for pajamas.
“How can I help you, Joel?”
“Wanna tell me why Tommy says you still haven’t been by to see Maria? You’ve been back three days, Doe. She had the baby damn near a week ago. What gives?”
You didn’t know what to say. You’d never been one for excuses, but they were particularly elusive now. You broke eye contact, instead opting to try your hand at staring a hole through the corrugated metal outside your door. It didn’t work. 
Joel reached forward and grabbed the door handle, yanking it open to expose you to the fresh morning air and bright sunlight that hurt your unprepared eyes. You stepped forward quickly, shutting the door behind you before Joel could get a good look at the depression pit formerly known as your office.
“I’m not leaving until you give me an answer,” Joel drawled.
You leaned back against the door and looked up at him with a frown. “You weren’t this mean back at the fire tower.”
“That was different. You needed coddlin’.”
“Who’s to say I don’t need coddling now? You don’t know me. You don’t know my life.”
“That’s the problem.” Joel dropped his hands to his sides. “I don’t know. Because you won’t tell me.”
“You assume there’s something to tell. There’s not.”
“What, cause you got amnesia or somethin’? I saw how you signed your name in the logbook. Either you’ve got real shit taste in aliases or there’s something more going on here.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line. “That’s private.”
“Clearly,” he spat. “Just tell me, are you planning on ignoring her forever, or are you gonna get your ass over there and go meet your niece?”
“That’s not my niece.”
“Maria begs to differ.”
Your eyebrows shot upward, and Joel seized the opportunity to continue.
“You’re her best friend. Her right-hand woman around here. She thinks of you as a sister, Doe.”
Something seized in your gut. “I don’t have a sister. Not anymore.”
You reached for the door handle and pulled, but–
It wouldn’t budge. Your heart rate picked up. You resisted the urge to vomit.
You pushed past Joel and scanned the flat expanse between the base of the building and the large wooden gates that enclosed the community you’d dedicated yourself to protecting. It was busy this time of day, but there was one person in particular you were looking for. You spotted her by the stables.
“Casey! Hey!” You waved your arms over your head to catch her attention.
“Doe? What’s wrong?”
You jutted a thumb over your shoulder. “Got locked out again.”
She sighed. “That’s the third time this month, dude. You gotta get a doorstop or something.”
“I know. Sorry,” you called down as she stopped beneath the wraparound balcony that surrounded your small office perch.
She tossed the spare up, but before you could catch it, a hand reached out and snatched it from the air.
“Thanks!” Joel called down to Casey. “I’ll help her get inside.”
“I could’ve caught that, you know.” You scowled, striding back towards the door.
Joel walked right past it and set off down the stairs that led to ground level.
“The fuck—Joel, where are you going?”
“To Tommy and Maria’s. And if you want to get back into that office of yours, you’re coming with me.”
You took a shaky breath. This was so not what you needed right now. You peered through the door's small wire-infused utility window and gazed longingly at your office. Or was it your apartment? You guessed it was technically both, since you slept on the futon. You locked eyes with the crusty rat plushie perched tall atop your mountain of cozy blankets, and whispered a solemn vow.
“I’ll be back for you soon, Ratty. I promise.”
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taglist: @aspecialgreenie, @guelyury, @amyispxnk, @picketniffler, @hiroikegawa
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luuxxart · 15 days ago
Hey! I loved your comic of Blaze and Silver!
I saw the tags too, and was wondering what your headcanon on the whole 06/Sol Dimension stuff was?
Yeah! So, starting off I want to note that this is probably the best compilation and most canon explanation we have for Silver and Blaze meeting. (thank u op for compiling this!!)
However, I think it’s honestly quite silly that the 06 writers took this approach of explaining the canon when it seems the easier option is just to have 06 be non-chronological and allow for Blaze to have been from the future and transported into the Sol Dimension. I think it kind of takes away from the sacrifice if Blaze is already from the Sol Dimension and she only met Silver like a couple weeks ago. I understand the amnesia, and it’s a tragedy from the characters’ experience, but in the same way that say, we don’t get upset when the characters of Spiderverse have to go back to their own dimensions at the end, it’s not exactly heartbreaking (for the audience) or a major sacrifice for her to just. Go back home…
I think it would be different if 06’s story were better written of course, or if we saw Silver and Blaze’s relationship the same way we see Sonic and Elise (not necessarily romantic, just more development). [although I will go on record to say I do like Sonic 06’s story]
Not to mention, if it were more apparent in 06 that this were the Blaze from Rush, then I think we would have a better understanding of what the tragedy of their separation means. We only have the words of the writers to go off of.
The fanon explanation of Silver and Blaze both being from the future and Blaze sealing herself in the Sol Dimension at the end is a much simpler explanation and harbors more tragedy because in this, it would be implied that Silver and Blaze grew up together and were separated at the end of their journey together. I think most people connect the dots this way, and it’s baffling to me that SEGA/Sonic Team is bending over backward to make Sonic Rush come first.
As for my personal headcanons, I think:
Blaze kept her memories. I don’t have proof that time flows differently in the Sol Dimension or that the reset wouldn’t permeate dimensional lines, but I think it would make things more tragic and add a bit more nuance to the way she treats Silver. She has to be a little more careful.
Still, for her to seal herself away in another dimension and this dimension takes place at the same time as Sonic’s main storyline, it’s possible that the dimension may be rooted in a specific time period rather than being completely congruent with the Chaos (?) Dimension
I think, in 06, that Blaze is somehow a descendant of Elise. They both have the ability to seal Iblis, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. I think Silvaze’s parallels to Sonelise (again romantic or non) are on purpose and show a divergence between Elise refusing the call of duty and Blaze accepting her duty.
I don’t think they met in Sonic Colors. I think they met in Mario and Sonic at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. If you analyze their interactions here, they appear much more like strangers than in Sonic Colors. ok lowkey I’m kinda joking bc I don’t think it’s canon but at the same time 👀👀👀
But with regards to this transcript from Colors,
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I think Silver does not remember anything tangible from 06 but probably has some sort of phantom memory. Blaze here could be interpreted as wanting to move past this idea. Almost as if it would be for the best that he didn’t remember…
It would be funny if Silver did get reset every time he changed the future, but someone makes sure that a book of people for him to remember when he goes back to the past (so that he can act natural) gets passed down through time so that it will always reach him no matter what. He would probably interpret this as amnesia rather than constantly being written out of existence.
………. probably been done before but I think Iblis and Mephiles are also a parallel to Blaze and Silver but that one’s a bit of a stretch and certainly takes a lot of headcanoning.
That’s definitely all I’ve got but I hope that presents more answers than questions lol
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bitethedevil · 10 months ago
Living with The Devil You Know (Raphael x Tav): Chapter 6
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Chapter: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
Read this fic on AO3 (Link)
Fic Summary: Tav broke their agreement by handing the Crown of Karsus to Mystra instead of Raphael. Not only that, but she also robbed his house and killed his incubus. Raphael is patient and he is determined to get his revenge.
…Tav isn't too bothered. She will figure something out eventually. Until then she just has to find a way to live peacefully with a devil.
Chapter Summary: Raphael learns that Tav has been up to something. Tav is reminded of the reality of the situation she finds herself in and of who Raphael really is. She also learns that she is beginning to develop a bit of Stockholm Syndrome.
(AN: I can't believe we're already at Chapter 6. I think I started writing this fic early this month. I literally haven't thought of anything else since. I should really try touching some grass...)
TW: Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Blood.
Hope you are still alive and well. What is it that Raphael wants from us and what should we expect if he contacts us?
That was the message that she had received in the morning from Gale. She had to get a message back to her friends, though it would prove difficult as Cassius was watching her with the intensity of a predator waiting for its prey to move before it pounces.
She could take him easily. That was not the problem at all. The problem was that Cassius would not fall for the same trick and he would definitely tattle on her this time if she tried anything. She would have to be very discreet.
She got up from her chair and started slowly walking back and forth in the large main area of the house. Cassius narrowed his eyes at her.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Getting some exercise. It’s not like I can go out for a stroll, is it?” Tav answered and stretched her limbs.
“Sit down,” Cassius ordered.
“Free roam of the house~” Tav said, repeating what Raphael had promised her on her first day there. “You are supposed to follow me, not the other way around.”
“I can’t watch you if you keep pacing,” he said with a sneer. “Sit. Down.”
“No,” Tav said and kept walking at a leisurely pace.
There was a quiet growl of frustration from Cassius, but he did not get up from his chair, although he kept watching her intently.
She kept walking around the room, testing if he would get up from his chair if she turned her back on him. She could sense that he tensed up when she did, but he did not move. All she needed was a moment.
She turned her back on him once again. She quickly and quietly mumbled the message she had rehearsed in her mind for Gale.
Unfortunately, Cassius were on her before she could even say the incantation for the sending spell.
“You insolent little bitch,” he hissed.
He grabbed her hair and pulled her backwards, making her land on her back. She opened her mouth to say an incantation, but Cassius was fast. He punched her square in the face, and it took her by surprise. It was clear that he had just been waiting for an excuse to hurt her.
He held her arms down and muffled her with his hand.
“I can’t wait till he sees your true colors,” Cassius said and pressed down the hand that was over her mouth and nose, making it hard for her to breathe.
Tav bit his hand hard and then she worked fast: Thunderwave, Sleep spell.
Cassius flew back and slumped to the floor.
Tav was breathing hard. She closed her eyes for a moment to try and calm her pulse down a bit. She rubbed her face and when she withdrew it, she saw that there was a good amount of blood on it.
She got up from the floor and walked over to Cassius, before casting another spell that would ensure that he would keep sleeping for quite a while before getting up again.
Tav closed her eyes and said the message she would send to Gale:
The Orphic Hammer. I’m in chains. He is trying to lure you here to try and free me. Don’t come here under any circumstances.
She sent the message and then glanced at Cassius on the floor before sending another as well:
I’m safe and well. I’ll probably not be able to contact you any time soon. Too risky. Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure it out.
Tav sighed. She threw herself down in an armchair and called on one of the servants. The poor halfling woman who entered looked at Cassius’s unconscious body and then at Tav’s bloodied face with widened eyes. Tav smiled politely at her.
“Can you call Raphael here?” Tav asked.
“Yes, miss,” the halfling servant mumbled and nodded.
“Thank you.”
Tav waited and expected the worst when Raphael would come home.
Raphael was in his devil form when he returned home. He looked furious when he entered and saw his warlock unconscious on the floor. He looked even more pissed when his eyes went to Tav.
“Please…” Tav said and held her hands up in defense. “Let me explain…”
“Oh, you will,” Raphael said in a low voice and walked closer to her. “Talk.”
“The day after I got here, I incapacitated Cassius to cast a sending spell to my friends,” she explained hurriedly. “I convinced him not to tell you. Today I did it again. I am being upfront with you, because it’s not my intention to piss you off or to hide anything.”
The latter being a bit of a lie. She would not have told Raphael if she had not been caught in the act by Cassius, and he probably knew that she was only trying to come clean in order to get ahead of Cassius’s allegations.
Raphael’s eyes narrowed at her as he studied her bloodied face. He was quiet for a moment. It was tense and uncomfortable.  
“What did he do to you?” Raphael asked. He said it with eerie calmness, but she could hear the anger hiding right under the surface.
That was…not the question she had anticipated. She had been so busy saving her own ass, that she had not really considered the fact that Cassius might be in danger from getting punished as well. It was not that she had a lot of sympathy for the warlock, but she knew what Raphael was capable of doing to people, and she did not like the thought of being responsible for it.
“Oh this?” Tav asked and gestured to her face. Her nose was still slightly bleeding, and she felt that her cheek was starting to swell up slightly. “He only tried to hinder me from attacking him.”
Raphael's eyes narrowed even more.
“Mm…And why are you protecting him, Tav?” Raphael asked in a dangerous tone.
“I’m not,” she said with quietly. “It’s just…he was just doing his job.”
“I am well aware of his incompetence. His job was to call upon me should anything happen. Which he has failed to do twice, if what you are saying is correct,” Raphael said darkly and came closer. He grabbed her chin gently and turned her face to study her injuries. “I did not give him permission to harm you like this, so I will ask you again…Why are you protecting him?”
The intensity of Raphael’s stare and the tone of his voice made her nervous. She swallowed hard and her eyes flicked away from his gaze.  
For once, she actually felt like a little mouse, shaking under the paw of the cat, knowing that one wrong move could mean that its claws would sink into her.
“Do you care for him, is that it?” Raphael asked pointedly.
Her eyes went back to his and her brow furrowed at the odd question. Was that…jealousy she saw on his face?
“No,” she answered as if it was obvious. “I don’t. I’ve told you what I think of him before…it’s just…”
“Just what?” Raphael asked, his fiery eyes still boring into hers.
“I just…don’t want to be responsible for what you are going to do to him…” she answered in a quiet voice.
A sadistic smile flickered across his face for a brief moment.
“Do not worry yourself with such matters,” Raphael said in a slightly lighter tone and ran his thumb over her chin before his tone turned dark again. “Cassius, is responsible for what I am going to do to him.”
He let go of her chin and used the same hand to snap his fingers. Korrilla appeared in a flash of smoke and embers. It looked like she had been in the middle of something when she was whisked away. She looked at Tav and Raphael with slight confusion.
“Take her to the boudoir,” Raphael said to Korrilla and then looked at Tav to address her. “You and I will talk later.”
That little sentence and the tone of his voice made her hair stand on end.
Tav was pacing the room with an empty look in her eyes. She was not easy to scare, but now she was terrified of what Raphael might to do her. She had heard the sounds of when he sometimes punished the servants for disobeying his orders.
Whatever he would do to her, it would be personal. She had told Raphael too much. There was way too much for him to use against her and she felt anxiety bubbling in her stomach. She had not felt fear like that for years. She felt like a scared little girl again and she hated it.
“Sit down, Tav,” Korrilla said calmly. “You are going to make a hole in the floor with all that walking back and forth.”
“I think I really fucked up…” Tav mumbled and kept pacing. “What do you think he’ll do? Do you think he’d go after my friends?”
Tav had not even considered that before she said it. He probably would not. It seemed below him, but her anxiety was telling her that he might.
“Sit down, Tav,” Korrilla sighed. ”And calm down.”
“How am I supposed to be calm?” Tav asked and flinched slightly as she heard the muffled sounds of Raphael’s shouting at Cassius through the barrier to the boudoir.
“Tav,” Korrilla said slowly. “Sit down and tell me what happened.”
Tav sighed. She sat down and explained everything to Korrilla. She noticed that Korrilla was suppressing a smile as she explained, which annoyed her to no end.
“What is it that is so fucking funny about this situation?” Tav suddenly snapped at her.
Korrilla chuckled. She put her elbows on the table between them and leaned closer to Tav.
“You’re a smart girl,” Korrilla said in a lowered voice. “Use that brain of yours. You’ve seen his other debtors roaming the halls, haven’t you?”
“What are you talking about?” Tav said with an annoyed expression. “Yes, obviously. So what?”
“Do you see any of them getting treated as well as you? Are any of them dressed in silks, sleeping in their master’s bed?” Korrilla asked.
“No but that’s just because he needs me alive and in one piece to lure my friends here. He said that himself,” Tav said. She was getting frustrated with Korrilla’s calmness.
“Why?” Korrilla asked and then pointed to Tav’s chains around her wrists. “You’re wearing those. You can’t leave the house anyhow, so how would they know that you are 'alive and in one piece'? Wouldn’t it be more motivating for your friends to come and save you if they were told that you are suffering in a dungeon somewhere in the Hells?”
Tav was looking at her with a mix of annoyance and confusion.
“What are you saying?” Tav asked.
“I am saying that had you been any other person who had defied him, you would be in there watching as he made an example of Cassius. Instead, I was ordered to herd you into the only room that is somewhat soundproof in this house,” Korrilla said. “He favors you, Tav. You are not in any danger of getting hurt. Not yet anyhow.”
Tav rubbed her face trying to make sense of it. Of course, she knew that she was being treated surprisingly well for what she had expected when she got there, she was not blind. It just did not make sense, when she was the one who robbed him of his precious Crown of Karsus that he had been hunting for years. It must be some cruel joke and at some point, the hammer would fall.
“But why?” Tav asked.
“Who knows,” Korrilla said with a shrug. “I’ve worked for him for a long time, and I still won’t bother to try to figure out his motivations when it comes to certain matters. It’s a lost cause. Raphael does what Raphael wants. Which is what Cassius is learning for the first time as we speak.”
As if on cue, she heard the muffled sound of a scream from the other side of the barrier.
Tav hid her face in her hands.
“I feel terrible…” Tav said. “I hate the fucker, but he doesn’t deserve that.”
“Do you want me to make it worse?” Korrilla asked.
“No,” Tav mumbled into her hands.
“In the beginning we were given permission to hurt you if it was necessary to stop you, you know?” Korrilla explained anyway. “It sounds like Cassius overreacted, but technically he was not completely out of line. Aside from the fact that he failed to report it when you did it the first time, of course.”
Tav looked up from her hands and her brow furrowed.
“Then why is he even getting punished?” Tav asked in disbelief.
“Half of the job is figuring out Raphael’s whims and fancies…” Korrilla said. “I suppose he changed his mind along the way.”
Tav was quiet for a moment. She was trying to make sense out of it, but with little luck.  
“But you haven’t heard any of this from me. Understood?” Korrilla said, as she always did when she had said too much. 
Tav nodded. Gods, she loved Korrilla for her tendency to gossip.
“Thank you, Korrilla,” Tav said.
“For what?” she asked. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t common sense…”
Tav flinched as she heard another muffled gut-wrenching scream.
“What should I expect from him when he’s done?” Tav asked.
“My guess? He might yell at you. Perhaps a few threats of what would happen if you do it again,” Korrilla said. “I really can’t imagine that he would hurt you over something like a few sending spells.”
Tav nodded. That helped her calm down somewhat.
Tav and Korrilla went quiet when Raphael entered the boudoir. Korrilla left immediately, leaving Tav alone with him.
He was drying his hands from blood with a handkerchief. He looked Tav up and down. She looked him up and down in return. Her anxiousness was bubbling up in her stomach again. The fact that Raphael’s facial expression revealed nothing, did not help. He was eerily calm. He started walking towards her at a leisurely pace and sat down where Korrilla had sat a moment before.
Tav’s nerves made her break the silence.
“Am I in trouble?” she asked with a tinge of nervousness in her voice.
He looked at her with a slight smile and those same intense eyes he had looked at her earlier.
“Is that fear I hear in your voice, mouse?” he asked. “How delightful it is to see that you do have some sense of self-preservation after all…”
He snapped his fingers and the bloodied handkerchief disappeared.
“Tell me, what did you say to your companions in those messages?” he asked calmly.
Tav hesitated with her answer for a moment. He would most likely know if she was lying, so she decided to tell him the truth.
“Where I was. That I was safe for now…That they should not deal with you no matter what,” she explained.
“Mm…” He hummed in thought. “And this was the day after you arrived, correct?”
“Good,” Raphael said. “And the second message? There were just those two, yes?”
“Well, I sent two today right after each other,” she explained. “I received a message asking what you wanted from them. I explained and once again emphasized that they should not come. Then I told them that it might be my last message, because I anticipated that I would have to come clean to you.”
“I’m glad you did,” he answered calmly. “Cassius will not be guarding you anymore. He won’t even see you if it can be avoided.”
Tav’s brow furrowed in confusion. Surely, Korrilla would not be able to do anything else if she was constantly watching her.
“Who will be then?” she asked.
“No one,” Raphael answered. “You will be granted that privacy you’ve been yearning for. I see no reason why you should not. You haven’t proven to be destructive or shown even the faintest interest in escaping. Not that you would have any luck even if you tried, of course.”
…What?! Tav could not believe it. This had to be a trap, or she was seriously missing something. She was dumbfounded.
“I hurt your warlock twice, I send messages to my friends to discourage them for falling into your trap, and I’m getting rewarded for it?” Tav said in disbelief. “What am I missing here, Raphael?”
“I had expected you to do as much. In fact, I had expected you would do much worse…” Raphael said calmly. “I am rewarding your honesty, not your actions. Besides, I am using a lot of resources on keeping an eye on you and I now find it unnecessary. It is as simple as that.”
Tav was still dumbfounded. She was honestly a bit more nervous about this reaction than she would have been if he had simply punished her or yelled at her. He was up to something. He must be, or it did not make sense.
“Though I need you to understand this…” he said and leaned closer to her. “If I catch you trying anything, I will not let you escape punishment again. I will not let you abuse the trust I am giving you by loosening my grip on your leash. Do you understand?”
She into those fiery eyes of his and nodded.
“Good,” he purred and smiled at her. He studied the injuries on her face from Cassius punching her. “You should get that cleaned up, dear.”
Tav wanted to ask him something, but she hesitated for a moment.
“What did you do to him?” she asked quietly.
There it was again. That look on his face that she could not quite place. Anger? Jealousy? Possessiveness? He quickly replaced it with a smirk.
“I still have a few things to see to before I will return,” Raphael said, ignoring her question and getting up from the chair. “Enjoy your first little taste of privacy, my dear.”
He left her and as promised, no one came to watch her. She was alone for the first time in over a week. There was complete silence. She found herself unable to figure out what to do with herself.
She was left to her thoughts, and it quickly became uncomfortable. She had acted like a good little pet for Raphael, and she was starting to realize that she had almost forgotten that she was there against her will, robbed of her freedom.
She had cowered before him and admitted everything. She had been reminded of what he was capable of and who he really was…and yet…throughout the day she found that she missed him and longed for when he would come home again. And yet, she found herself thinking about what Korrilla had said to her: He favors you, Tav.
Why did that thought excite her? Why did she care that he favored her? She was nothing more than her captor’s favored prisoner, but she found herself feeling warm inside at the thought.
It disgusted her to think of who she was becoming and yet, the feelings were still there...
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