#We almost asked people to take us while doing the same pose
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larluce · 2 days ago
Merlin arrives with a baby in Camelot AU
(co-writing with @roxineedstosleep )
Chapter 2: A Baby's Call (Part 2)
In Gaius' chambers.
Merlin: (sits down, holding the baby to feed her)
Gaius: Here (gives him a baby bottle)
Merlin: Thanks. (takes the bottle and starts feeding her. Then looks around, spots some broken things and laughs) I see the baby got you a bit of trouble too.
Gaius: She was upset when you weren't around indeed. But she calmed down eventually. (serves Merlin his food on the table) Do you want some vegetables with that?
Merlin: (snorts) I know you're still angry with me.
Gaius: Your mother asked me to look after you both. What she didn't tell me is that I'd have to look after two babies instead of one.
Merlin: I got it. I was stupid.
Gaius: (softens his expression as he looks Merlin feeding the baby, murmuring to himself) In a way, you are a baby looking after a baby.
Merlin: Uh?
Gaius: (outloud) What did your mother say to you about your gifts?
Merlin: That I'm special.
Gaius: You are both special. The likes of which I have never seen before. But it seems you are not the same kind of especial.
Merlin: (lifts his head, confused) What do you mean?
Gaius: Well, magic requires incantations, spells. It takes years to study. What you both do is elemental, instinctive. However, while your eyes glow gold when you do magic, the baby's stays the same.
Merlin: Which means...?
Gaius: I don't know. You both are a question that has never been posed before.
Merlin: Did you ever study magic?
Gaius: (pauses, hesitant) Uther banned all such work twenty years ago.
Merlin: (thinking) That's not what I asked... (says) Why?
Gaius: People used magic for the wrong end at that time. It threw the natural order into chaos. Uther made it his mission to destroy everything from back then, even the dragons.
Merlin: (surprised) What? All of them?
Gaius: There was one dragon he chose not to kill, kept it as an example. He imprisoned it in a cave deep beneath the castle where no one can free it.
Baby: (falls asleep) 😴
Merlin: (stands up and walks to the improvised crib they made for the baby and puts her there carefuly)
Gaius: Now, eat up. You can stay with the baby this time. I'll take Lady Helen the preparation for her voice.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you (sits to eat, thinking) If the king managed to kill almost all the dragons. Then we can't stay here for long. I hope Gaius can contact the druids soon.
Time skip. In the Lower Town. Merlin looking for somewhere to buy milk when he encounters Arthur and his gang.
Merlin: (just passes by, ignoring them, thinking) Don't talk to me, don't talk to me, don't talk to me.
Arthur: How's your knee-walking coming along?
Merlin: (thinking) Shit... (keeps walking, ignoring them)
Arthur: (mocking) Oh, don't run away!
Merlin: (stops) From you?
Arthur: (sighs) Thank God. I thought you were deaf as well as dumb.
Merlin: (turning) Look, I've told you you're an ass- (cuts himself, not wanting to be send to the dungeons and be taken apart from his baby again) And I apologise for that.
Arthur: (surprised) Really?
Merlin: No, but I can't exactly speak my mind without being sent to the dungeons again, can I? (smiles forcely and bows in mockery) Your Higness. Please, go bother someone else.
Arthur: (amused And curious) And if I allowed you to speak your mind?
Merlin: Will I be sent to the dungeons after that?
Arthur: No.
Merlin: The stocks?
Arthur: You have my word no harm will come to you.
Merlin: Alright. (takes a deep breath) You are a spoiled, selfish royal prat. An ungrateful little shit, blind to the suffering of those who keep you fed, clothed, and alive. Do you even know what it is to work? To bleed? To starve?
Arthur: (his smirk falls) Hold on-
Merlin: And how do you repay the people who serves you? With cruelty and mockery. You think yourself noble because of the blood in your veins, but there is nothing noble about you. You are a leech, feeding off the labor of others while contributing nothing!
People around: (gasp)
Merlin: (bows) My lord.
Arthur: (angry) How dare you. I have fought for my people since a very young age, went to dignitary visits to maintain peace between kingdoms. So yes I do know what is to bleed and to work. But of course an ignorant peasant like you wouldn't know that.
Merlin: And yet you act like an idiot, using people as targets just for fun!
Arthur: Don't pretend you know me.
Merlin: I don't NEED to know you and I don't WANT to know you. Just. Leave me. Alone.
Knights: (wait for Arthur to tell them what do)
Arthur: (furious, his jaw tensed, but shows a serious blank face) I'm a man of my word, so I will let you leave. But if I see you again I'll have you flogged.
Merlin: (with a very fake smile) Thank you so much your highness, you are so kind. (bows in mockery again and leaves)
Time skip. In Gaius' chambers.
Gaius: (enters) How could you be so foolish?!
Merlin: (changing the baby's diapers) I don't know what you're talking about.
Gaius: Don't take me for a fool! Everyone is talking about how you humilliated the prince!
Merlin: (grins) Really?
Gaius: It's not funny. You could have gotten yourself in the dungeons again!
Merlin: He was the one who gave me permission to speak my mind! So I spoke my mind. I wouldn't have done it if he hadn't and he needed someone to tell him his truths. It's not my fault he can't handle them. (finishes to change the diapers) There you are! 🤗 (lifts her)
Baby: (babbles adorably)
Gaius: (sighs) I guess I should be glad you weren't idiotic enough to get into another fight with him or use magic to toss him around.
Merlin: Oh, I was tempted. A lot. (looks at the baby fondly) But, as you said, I can't afford acting like an idiot. I have a lot more to lose if I'm discovered. (his face turns sad) You don't know why we are like this, do you?
Gaius: (shakes his head sadly) No. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't possess that knowledge.
Merlin: (pauses) You know, I used to think I was a monster. For being the way I am. For so long I asked myself, why am I like this? Why would the Gods give me so much magic if I can't use it? What is my purpose in this world that rejects everything I am? Everytime my questions came without answers, I felt like dying.
Gaius: And now?
Merlin: (smiles fondly at the baby again) I'm holding the answers in my arms.
Time skip. In the Dragon's Cave. A deprived sleep Merlin enters.
Kilgharrah: Merlin! Until you finally answered my calls.
Merlin: (looks around for the owner of the voice, exhausted) Where are you?
Kilgharrah: (flies to land in front of Merlin) I'm here! How small you are for such a great-
Merlin: Oh, so you are the one who has been talking in my head in the middle of the night.
Kilgharrah: Indeed. As I was saying-
Merlin: I don't care what you have to say! 😡 You know how many hours I've been able to sleep these past few days?
Kilgharrah: (taken aback) Ehm...
Merlin: 3 HOURS! I can only sleep 3 hours a day, because if the baby is not crying, she is making some stuff fly or break! And if she is not making some stuff fly or break, she needs changing or cleaning! But it's okay because I have my 3 hours of sleep, my precious and sacred 3 hours of sleep. And when I finally, FINALLY find some time for my myself to have my fucking 3 hours of sleep, YOU! (points at Kilgharrah with a savage expression) INTERRUPT MY FUCKING SLEEP! 😤
Kilgharrah: ...
Merlin: So don't ever interrupt my beautiful 3 hours of sleep again or I'll make sure you are with the rest of the dragons very soon. (turns and leaves)
Kilgharrah: (watches as Merlin leaves in shock and then thinks) So there is a magic baby too? Interesting. Though I couldn't sense her (closes his eyes feeling the magic around him) And I still can't sense her. Interesting indeed.
Time skip. Next day. In Merlin's room.
Gaius: (enters Merlin's messy chamber and gathers his clothes) Oi!
Merlin: (wakes up) AH! The baby! (quickly turns to see the crib and relaxes once he sees the baby is fine)
Gaius: Have you seen the state of this room?
Merlin: (rubs his face, tired) It just happens.
Gaius: By magic? Or are you going to tell me it's the baby's fault?
Merlin: Well... (points the baby's crib where everything seems to float or move near it)
Gaius: ... It's the baby's fault.
Merlin: Yes. (yawns) And I haven't had time.
Gaius: Yeah. Well, I'll give you some time to clear it up (warns) without magic. And then I want you to get me some herbs: henbane, wormwood, and sorrel. And deliver this to Morgana. (gives him a small bag with a vial) The poor girl's suffering from nightmares, she can't hardly sleep... (gets a better look at Merlin) Although I think at this rate I'll have to make something for you too. You look terrible. (tosses some more clothes at Merlin and leaves)
Merlin: Mmm, can't hardly sleep? I know the feeling.
Time skip. In Morgana’s chambers.
Merlin: (enters the open door, eyes not really focus on anything, very sleep deprived)
Morgana: (as she walks behind her changing screen, looking just as exhausted as Merlin, but entertained by the conversation) You know, I've been thinking about Arthur. (yawns) I wouldn't touch him with a lance pole. Pass me that dress, will you Gwen?
Merlin: (pauses uncertainly before fetching the dress)
Morgana: (begins undressing) I mean, the man's a total jouster. And just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it? (yawns trying to hide it)
Merlin: (yawns too, as quietly as he can, and places the gown on the screen with slow movements, not really paying attention cause he's so SO tired)
Morgana: Well, does it?
Merlin: (manages a high pitched yawn)
Morgana: I mean, If he wants me to go... Oh, Gwen, don't tell me I'm spreading you my yawns?
Merlin: (tries to figure a way out of this situation, but he yawns louder instead)
Morgana: I thought so. Well, as I was saying- (looks over the screen, spots Merlin and covers herself quickly, screaming) AAAAH!
Merlin: (blushes furiously, very embarrased, not knowing what to do or say) Uhm... 😳
Morgana: ... You are not Gwen.
Merlin: No. 😅
Gwen: (enters) I'm here.
Merlin: (turns to her)
Gwen: Are you here to drop off Lady Morgana's medicine?
Merlin: Yes! That's exactly why I'm here. I didn't mean to- (yawns) spy or-
Gwen: (smiles) It's fine. Leave it there. (points to a small table in the entryway) Thank you, although I think you should get some rest.
Merlin: (leaves the vial where Gwen indicated and turns to Morgana, head hung in shame) I'm so sorry. (leaves quickly)
Gwen: (helps Morgana behind the screen)
Morgana: (comes out from behind the screen in a new dress) Who was that?
Gwen: A new servant it seems, my lady. And a really tired one.
Time skip. In the Banquet Hall at night. Court members gather.
Gaius: (stands on one of the walls closest to the servants' door, looking around and grabbing some snacks to put in his pockets for Merlin)
Arthur: (joking around and laughing with his companions)
Morgana: (enters with her breathtaking dress, making every men stare at her)
Arthur: (Cursing internally) Gods have mercy. (goes to her)
Morgana: (smiles at him, inocently) Hi, Arthur.
Arthur: (protective brother mode) What is it that you are wearing?
Morgana: It's called a dress. You should try it some time.
Arthur: You know what I mean. Change it.
Morgana: Why?
Arthur: It's... too revealing!
Morgana: (laughs) Who are you to tell me what to wear?
Arthur: I'm the prince!
Morgana: A prince that got humiliated by a peasant boy yesterday.
Arthur: (Taken aback) Who...who told you that?
Morgana: Everyone is talking about it. And if you keep bothering me, I'll make sure no one forgets it. (passes him)
Arthur: (fumes, but lets her be)
Merlin: (appears through the servants' door, completely in a hurry and looking for Gaius in the crowd)
Gaius: (spots him) Merlin! (approaches) I thought you were with the baby? What happened?
Merlin: (very worried parent mode) She just fell asleep, but she hasn't stopped crying! It's not her diaper or her food or a bump, I checked. Maybe is a cold. Or worst! She could be dying-
Gaius: Calm down! It's probably just colic, it happens frequently to babies that age. I have several vials labeled for that in my cabinet. (checks that the prince hasn't seen Merlin, not wanting Merlin to get into trouble again) Now, leave before-
Celebratory horns signal King Uther's entrance and everyone present falls silent and still as they notice the king passing them. The servants' entrance is blocked by all the maidservants and manservants trying to leave so as not to interrupt the king.
Merlin: (stands still next to Gaius. Unable to leave)
Uther: We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora.
Applause. The music begins and Uther and the court take their seats. Merlin takes the opportunity to move through the servants who move to serve again, trying to remain unnoticed. However as he passes and Helen starts singing, Merlin notices the members of the court begin to fall asleep. Merlin covers his ears with his hands as cobwebs begin to form over the enchanted sleepers.
Merlin: (thinking, confused and scared) What... what is happening?
Lady Helen: (stares at Arthur as she walks forward and then pulls a dagger from her sleeve)
Merlin: (thinking) Wait... She wants to kill the idiot! 😱 I get the feeling, but it's wrong! Oh, what do I do, what do I do... (spots the chandelier) That's it! (magically drops the chandelier on her as she raises her arm to throw the dagger)
Court members: (wake and pull the cobwebs off, muttering, confused)
Uther and Arthur: (just as confused, stand up to see Lady Helen, now Mary Collins, lying on the floor)
Merlin: (thinking) Oh, shit. Did I kill her?
Mary Collins: (suddenly raises herself up enough to throw the dagger at Arthur)
Merlin: (slows down time instinctively to reach Arthur and pull him out of harm's way)
The dagger slices into Arthur's chair as Arthur and Merlin fall to the floor.
Mary Collins: (gives her last breath and dies)
Arthur and Merlin: (stand up)
Arthur: (thinking) What the hell is he doing here?
Uther: You saved my boy's life. A debt must be repaid.
Merlin: Oh, well. I don't really need-
Uther: Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded.
Merlin: No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Majesty. (tries to leave)
Uther: (stops him by the arm) No, absolutely. This merits something quite special.
Merlin: Well, if you insist. (thinking) I guess some money wouldn't hurt to buy some things for the baby. Just, please hurry, she'll wake up at any moment!
Uther: You shall be rewarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant.
The Court: (applauds)
Arthur: (complains in a whisper) Father!
Uther: (ignores him)
Gaius: (tries to approach, but the number of people standing up and approaching the King and the young men is such that it is impossible for him to even object from his position)
Gwen: (claps with a pitying smile on her face, knowing what awaits Merlin at his new job)
Arthur and Merlin: (look away from each other, completely irritated)
Time skip. In Merlin's room. The baby seems not to have woken up, but everything that is close to her levitates. Merlin, completely exhausted, tries to put everything back in its place, but again some things float or start to roll.
Gaius: (knocks on the door and enters) You seem to be a hero.
Merlin: With a shitty reward. (gives up on putting the things back to place and sighs) Can I resign?
Gaius: No. Once Uther has something in mind it's impossible for anyone to oppose him. His word is law, remember?
Merlin: But... We had not planned for me to stay.
Gaius: And now, it seems you'll be here for an unlimited time. And even if I find a camp right now, it's unlikely I'll be able to get you and the baby accepted. I wouldn't worry too much though. It's a relatively easy job to do. And a short term one too.
Merlin: What do you mean?
Gaius: Servants who are dedicated to the prince's care don't usually last very long. He'll probably sack you soon. All you have to do is avoid getting into trouble with the prince and serve him-
Merlin: (worried) Oh no! I can't do that!
Gaius: Be with the prince? It's just following him around all day… (realises) oh, the baby.
Merlin: (sighs) I can't leave her alone, but I can't have her with me all the time either. Or can I?
Gaius: It's been a long time since anyone had a baby in the castle. And almost all the children are already teenagers of the servants or maids. Don't worry, I'll help you with her. (hands Merlin a book wrapped in a cloth) This book was given to me when I was your age, but I have a feeling it will be of more use to you than it was to me.
Merlin: (opens it and looks inside) This is a book of magic! I thought the king had destroyed everything related to magic.
Gaius: He kept a dragon alive, a magic book that pretends to be an herbalist's book won't kill anyone. Not if you are careful that is. Keep it hidden and then take it with you when you go with the baby to the druid camp.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you, Gaius. I will study every word.
Guard: (knocks from outside, pretending not to notice the baby bottles in the room) Merlin, Prince Arthur needs you immediately.
Gaius: Well, you'd better find out what he wants.
So Arthur and Merlin had an even rockier start this time. How do you think this will affect their relationship?
Tagging @chaosofbelievers , @blackgigglypuff , @stressed-but-chill , @nocheaseforyougoodsir , @thedragonlies , @evedaser , @lolazoel , @sammythetoaster , @caraspud , @g00pygunkyguy , @bertoliosis35-blog , @purpuraffe , @lordemryspendragon , @herstarlight , @justaz , @myalchemicalgnomace , @haunted-glassesgurl , @exmintha , @dumbdemjin , @a-line-drawn , @itsjustmeandmyanxiety , @beebsnas , @rem-the-moth , @tmarauder101
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lines-on-ice · 11 months ago
On the tracks of Yuri On Ice in Barcelona - Day 2 Part 2
In which we are going to Las Arenas.
"But what is Las Arenas?" were you asking. Well, it's a mall. And you can get on the roof. From the roof you can see a pretty palace :
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And if you turn slightly to the right you can also see....
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The red towers! We actually found them on our very first day in town but didn't have any props to take the pictures and decided to come back later for a proper shooting.
Once again, finding the perfect angle was a funny detective game, but we were guided by the love of Gays and Ice:
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Speaking of Gays on Ice, our lovebirds decided to join too! @tony-dreams was very happy to lend them a hand (I'm just posting this so I can hear him laugh at the awful pun, don't mind me).
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After that you can imagine we were rather hungry so we took everyone to eat a nice meal...
We have other visits planned so, stay tuned!
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jelloapocalypse · 5 months ago
Hi! I guess it’s ask time? Just wanted to say I think you’re one of the funniest people on YouTube; I have a playlist called ‘Emergency Funny’ and like half of it is just your videos.
I’m wondering, when you’re cold-reading a line, like in those streams of voice acting a video game while playing it, what are the small details, if any, that you look to to figure out how to read the line? I’m continually amazed how you manage to have near perfect delivery while never having read the line before. Sorry if this is worded confusingly I legit don’t know how to phrase it
This was sent months ago, but it's actually a very good question and talking about this might help people who like to voice games on stream get better at doing that.
For context, this is about our "fully-voiced" game playthroughs where we cold read an entire video game out loud.
One small thing I try to do that helps is pressing the "advance dialogue button" when the person speaking is about 65-70% of the way through their line. That way, if the next line is from the same character the actor has a chance to read it smoothly as though the lines were not separated at all.
If it turns out to be a different actor's line, this gives the new actor more time to skim the words as well as extra time for them to realize they're about to be speaking so they don't get caught off guard.
Doing this is actually kind of hard because every actor we work with reads at a different pace and the person actually playing the game has to keep that in mind. Oz, Vixen, Arim, and I can sight read most lines almost instantly. I've seen Oz and Vixen in particular read entire text boxes that were only onscreen for a couple frames. But, obviously, not everyone is that fast, so everyone gets different "advance the dialogue" speeds.
Ideally, if a game is well-written and the characters you're playing have a strong voice, you'll slowly fade into the character as you read them. You begin to feel the things they're saying rather than just reading words on a page. Once you hit that flow state, it becomes easier to process what they might logically say next. If you notice one of us make 2-3 errors in the span of just a few lines, it means we're probably not in that flow state.
Some games are also much easier to scan than others, usually because of their character poses.
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A game like In Stars and Time has such incredible character portraits that you can usually tell the tone of the accompanying line within a few frames of a portrait change.
Loop (above) is an extremely suspicious and weird character, but voicing them was so much fun because I could always rely on the portraits and the font changes in the text to give me direction on how to play them accurately, even though I didn't actually know what their deal was until about halfway through our playthrough.
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Coffee Talk also has very strong portraits that react in real time to the lines of dialogue. The framing can push characters smaller or larger in focus depending on how upset or meek they are, so it's very easy to react on sight and adjust accordingly.
Every time a game developer takes the time to painstakingly add portraits that match every single line, every time they add SFX to accentuate certain words, every time a font wiggles to tell you someone is speaking in a sing-songy way, that's all direction that the game's creators are giving you.
Another thing that helps is just media literacy. I think everyone on the channel is pretty good at that because, speaking frankly, I don't like hanging out with people who have bad media literacy, lmao.
The more media you consume, the easier it becomes to know how a story is going to go. Even a really well-written mystery usually has only 3-5 real options for an ending, and while you're reading games aloud it's a good practice to consider all of them equally so your reads make sense no matter what. You'll notice it's pretty rare something takes us entirely by surprise in a read-through.
Also, of note, it's much easier to notice specific foreshadowing and word choice in dialogue when you're reading it aloud as opposed to silently skimming.
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A solid example is our fully-voiced playthrough of Trails From Zero, which actually happened on SurpriseRoundRPG a few years back and not my own Twitch or YouTube.
Minor spoilers, but the character above, Ernest, has some antagonistic interactions with your main party over the course of this game. He wants Ellie, the white-haired party member, to quit the police force (that's your group) and go back to working with him in the Mayor's office.
When Arim played this game solo he didn't really think much of this guy. However, when he played the game for us and we read it out loud, having lines like the one pictured above spoken aloud makes it kind of impossible not to notice that this man is a freak. Mo, his VA, ended up playing him as a manosphere incel weirdo because that's the vibe he was putting out, and, lo and behold, that's pretty much exactly the character he turned out to be.
There's a running theme on our channel where commenters are often surprised to see the game "play into our bits" and how we "accidentally predict things".
What's really happening is the reverse.
It's very, very rare that we decide to make up a bit from absolutely nothing. It's not a hard and fast rule, but I find we only make jokes and play up aspects of characters based on things that are already there. Hence that one time in Miles is a Robot when I said something awful and sexual as Ray Shields, Oz groaned, and I said "Hey man, I'll give him a different joke when the game gives me somethin' else to work with!" I didn't choose to make Ray awful and sexual all the time. That's just how he is, so that's the well we pulled bits from.
Because we only extrapolate from existing content and our "silly" versions of the characters onscreen are just exaggerated versions of what's really there, whenever the game gives us more info about them, the new stuff tends to be very in-line with the bits we've already been doing. It's not us being psychic. It's us being consistent!
It also helps that almost all the regulars on my channel have done professional voice work and have been doing some version of this for literally 10+ years. Practice makes perfect!
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stevie-petey · 1 year ago
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“Jinx!” Again, they say this at the same time. They both groan, and without any other words, they jump into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors.  “One, two, three!” Steve holds out a rock, Robin does as well, and the two teens almost strangle one another.  They try again, this time they both land on paper, and Robin throws her head back in frustration. “I’m not good at math, but this cannot be statistically possible.”
Summary: do the laws of dibs still apply if steve and robin see you at the same time ???
Rating: general, some swearing
Warnings: swearing, fem!reader, use of y/n
Words: 1.4k
Before you swing in: this is for my beloved val (@southelroy), and i was so excited to try my hand at writing robin and steve together <3 this is a very silly fic, not at all meant to be realistic or serious, and it isnt proofread so pls enjoy n beware !
According to the ancient rules of “dibs”, the first person who sees the desired one has the rightful claim of dibs. Anyone else present during this time must obey this sacred rule, respecting the fact that the other has laid claim first. It’s an old, ancient tradition, held up for centuries through faithful friendships. 
It’s a solid system, really.
Except Steve and Robin see you walk into Family Video on the same day, at the same time, together. 
You walk in, hair slightly wet from the rain and your eyes bright, and smile at the two of them shyly. Setting down your umbrella, you unbutton your raincoat and look around the store. “Sorry, is it okay if I hide out in here for a bit? My umbrella broke and I really don’t feel like catching a cold.”
Steve and Robin stare at you, wide eyed and in shock. They’ve never seen you before, they surely would’ve remembered your face if they had, and their brains short circuit simultaneously. 
When they don’t say anything, you cautiously walk up to the counter and laugh nervously. “Uh, hello? I can leave, if that’s what you’re trying to say.”
“No!” Steve shouts, panicked that the word “leave” has left your very pretty and pink mouth. When you flinch at his raised voice, he quickly clears his throat and lowers his voice. “I–uh, I mean… No, no. You can stay–please! I mean, if you don’t mind, ‘cause, ya know, it’s raining–”
“What my coworker here is trying to say is that you can definitely stay.” Robin interrupts, admiring the way the raindrops in your hair seem to form a halo. “In fact, why don’t you have a look around? We have plenty of movies.”
You smile at Robin, which she practically melts seeing. “Thanks, you guys are lifesavers. I’m here visiting my cousin, and he said I should stop by anyways.”
“What, do we know him?” Steve asks, finally finding his voice again. 
“His name is Dustin Henderson, if that helps. He’s a freshman at Hawkins, said he stops here sometimes–”
“Dustin Henderson is your cousin?” Steve and Robin say at the same time, completely taken aback. 
You laugh. “Ya know, I’ve gotten that a lot since being in Hawkins. I take it he’s well known?”
“Oh, he’s definitely well known.” Robin snorts, thinking about how many people would scream at the idea of more Hendersons running around the world. 
But if they’re anything like you, then Robin thinks she’d love to be invited to a Henderson family reunion. Immediately. 
“Well,” you smile again at the two teens, amused by their weird dynamic. You can see why Dustin likes them so much. “Since I’m stuck here for a while and I promised Dustin I’d get a movie, I’m gonna take a look around as suggested.”
You pause, now realizing you haven’t asked for their names, and you gasp. “I’m so sorry! What are your names? I feel horrible for not even asking.”
“You could never do any wrong,” Steve sighs dreamily, leaning against the counter in what he hopes is a cool looking pose. “I’m Steve, Steve Harrington.”
He sticks his hand out for you to shake, which you accept with a slight giggle. He’s odd, but incredibly endearing even if he’s currently standing against the counter like a middle-aged man. “I’m Y/N Henderson.” 
Robin, sensing what Steve is trying to do, hip checks the boy so that he falls onto the ground. “And I’m Robin Buckley, the better half of this duo.”
Like hell she’s going to allow him to flirt with you. 
Her declaration makes you laugh, even as poor Steve groans on the floor in pain. You wink at her, amused by her charm, and start to walk towards the movie aisles. “Oh, I believe that.”
Steve scrambles back up, and the second you’re out of earshot, he and Robin immediately shout at the same time, “Dibs!”
“Jinx!” Again, they say this at the same time. They both groan, and without any other words, they jump into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. 
“One, two, three!” Steve holds out a rock, Robin does as well, and the two teens almost strangle one another. 
They try again, this time they both land on paper, and Robin throws her head back in frustration. “I’m not good at math, but this cannot be statistically possible.”
“Okay, let’s think about this.” Steve holds a finger up to indicate that he’s speaking, which Robin scoffs at. “I saw her first, so–”
“Uh, news flash, dingus: I saw her first.”
“Were you dropped as a child? I clearly saw her first–”
“Actually,” your voice causes both Robin and Steve to turn in horror, realizing too late that you’ve been standing behind them, listening in. “You both saw me at the same time, so I’m not sure how the rule of dibs applies here.”
“We…” Steve gapes at you, speechless. 
Robin is no better, her face burns horribly. “We think… You’re pretty?”
“Well, I gathered that much.” You laugh again, and the sound is enough for both Steve and Robin to forget all their worries and admire how delicate it is. Then, holding up two dvd’s, you place them on the counter. “I’ll take these, please.”
Robin looks down at your movie selection, seeing The Breakfast Club and The Outsiders, and her heart drops. “Just… Just these?”
“Mhm,” you nod, unsure why her demeanor has suddenly changed. “Is there something wrong with my movie selection?”
Steve looks at Robin and he knows immediately what’s wrong. She absolutely hates your taste in movies, which he’s ecstatic over. He lets out a whoop and first bumps the air. “Yes! She’s mine!”
“Shut up, you moron!” Robin screeches, embarrassed and infuriated. She cannot believe that this is happening to her right now, in front of a very pretty girl, no less. Closing her eyes, Robin takes a deep breath and turns to you. “Please excuse my friend, he’s allergic to pretty girls.”
“Hey, that’s not true–”
You cross your arms at Robin, an amused smile on your face. “What’s so wrong with my taste in movies?”
“Nothing!” When you raise your eyebrow at her, Robin accepts her fate and gives in. She knows she’s done for now. “It’s just… It’s incredibly bland.”
“I happen to think your taste is impeccable, Y/N.” Steve butts in, batting his eyelashes at you for added effect.
Robin watches, with pure disgust, as it works. Steve’s charm gets you to laugh once more, and you even lean closer to his side of the counter. You place a hand on his arm. “I’m honored to have you on my side, then.”
Stupid Harrington and his stupid male species. 
While you and Steve exchange gross lovey-dovey glances, Robin rings up your movie rentals with disdain. 
“That will be $5.25, please.” She mumbles, crestfallen. 
You tear your eyes away from Steve’s and notice the jealousy and hurt on Robin’s face. You frown, feeling bad for being the cause of this. She seems like a sweet girl, and Dustin spoke highly of her, so you know she’s someone special. Taking some cash out of your purse, you hand it to Robin and catch her eye. 
“Hey, listen to me real quick.” Robin looks up, despite not wanting to, but your eyes are too pretty not to look into. When you have her attention, you turn to Steve. “Can you give us a second?”
He looks bewildered. “What? Why?”
“If you leave now, I’ll give you my number.”
“Yes ma’am!” Steve hops over the counter and goes to sort some movies, leaving you alone with Robin. 
Once he’s gone, you lean in close to her. “I understand what you’re going through.”
Her eyes widen, terrified she’s been caught. “W–what? No, I think you’ve gotten this all wrong–”
“It’s okay,” you grab her hand, gently take it between yours. “We’re more alike than you may think, and while I’m flattered, you’re too young.”
Robin knows she should be devastated by this, but all she hears is, “So… Let’s say ten years from now, if you happen to visit Dustin again…”
You laugh, she’s got such a spark to her. “You’ll have to figure out the whole ‘dibs’ thing by then with Steve.”
“I saw you first!” Steve shouts from somewhere in the aisles, before a giant crash follows. A few seconds pass, and then, much quieter this time, he shouts, “I’m fine!”
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kaiserposting · 10 months ago
Michael Kaiser — Mean
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader WORD COUNT: 6.4k TYPE: Fake dating, This is not fluff or angst but a secret third thing (with a cheerful ending) WARNING(S): Depersonalization/identity issues
The first time you meet Michael Kaiser, you get a bad impression.
Yeah, sure, he doesn’t have the most stellar reputation, anyway. You’ve met all sorts of unpleasant people in your life and he manages to disappoint even when the bar is so low, the only way to go lower is through digging.
You don’t exchange a word with him, but rather you have the misfortune of having to listen to him talk throughout the entire meeting. He starts countless arguments, some valid to an extent. You can tell he’s just doing this because he’s addicted to the sound of his voice and speaking to people like they’re unimportant specks of dust all while commanding their attention. There’s no point to his fussing either because he ends up signing the same contract you do.
Waste of your goddamn time — he might as well have not signed it and saved you the trouble, since the ordeal ends up lasting three hours because of him.
Maybe you should’ve not signed it yourself, but your PR manager was salivating at the idea of fake dating as a publicity stunt, especially with Kaiser who’ll be posing with you for a photoshoot in a few months, so you said ‘whatever’ and here you are. In this predicament with an insufferable man you imagine you won’t get along with, which already predisposes you to never giving him a chance.
The first time you speak to Michael Kaiser, you unsettle him.
It’s unlike him to feel disturbed, let alone at the slightest thing. He’s met all sorts of sickos, so he considers himself unflinching in the face of anyone who has anything off about them.
But he’s fifteen minutes late to the ‘date’ you’re supposed to use as a tool to subtly launch your fake relationship and he’s expecting a scolding. Kaiser spots you and heads in your direction, taking the seat in front with a shitty smirk and an ingenuine, half-assed apology on his lips.
What he gets in response is a blank look — almost… unimpressed, which naturally someone like Kaiser takes as a challenge and already sets the tone for the rest of the conversation — and it’s as if you’re staring into his soul. Then in an instant your expression flips to convincing joy, your warm smile contrasting his snide one, and you say, “Let’s act like we’re really stoked.”
A chill runs down his spine. On a logical level Kaiser knows you’re faking it, but it looks real, and that’s what he finds freaky. Also, the speed.
“Let’s not,” he says. “You’re weird,” he adds after you don’t respond.
You don’t react to this information either and settle for maintaining your smile.
The barista decides to spare him from having to look at you while you don’t say anything. He’s pretty sure you’re doing this deliberately, to torture him. When you attempt to order something, he talks over you and asks, “Can you give us one of those shitty milkshakes with two straws in them?”
She stares at him in bewilderment. “We don’t sell those,” she says eventually.
“Can you make one?”
“You’re scum,” you tell him, dropping the happy facade. Again, the quickness strikes Kaiser as disturbing. Then you give her a valid order, and he asks for water since they offer that everywhere and he can’t be bothered to read the menu. After the barista leaves, you say, “I could have lactose intolerance.”
“You could. I could be trying to kill you.”
“I don’t know if a milkshake would be enough to kill me.”
“Maybe I was trying to give you a stomach ache,” he concurs.
You don’t dignify that with a reply either.
Kaiser tries to speak with you again, “I really fucking hate milk.”
“Then why’d you do that?”
“To embarrass you, of course,” he says, like he’s revealed to you the natural order of things.
“Hm.” You consider this new information. “I’ll definitely think of a way to get back at you.”
The lukewarm threat seems to amuse him more than anything.
Then you proceed to have a hostile few hours together in public as instructed. You end up throwing napkins at his face.
Kaiser isn’t good at pretending to be in love. The only such image he seems capable of projecting is one of a middle schooler who’s failing to find a balance between playful and mean. Though it also doesn’t matter to you because you mostly teeter on the edge of mean, slightly left of apathetic. Nothing really matters to you.
For your second court-ordered date with Michael Kaiser, your manager tells you to get caught holding hands with him at a park after the cafe meeting doesn’t spark much controversy. The notion itself has you scrunching your face, but you don’t complain about it or voice your opinion.
Again, he’s late picking you up by a not negligent amount of time, leaving you to stand in front of your building, motionless and impatient.
Instead of announcing his presence in a more acceptable manner, Kaiser blares the car horn until you realize it’s him. After you crawl inside the passenger seat, you turn to look at him and see that he looks very pleased with himself. It’s obnoxious.
“I hope we die in a car crash,” you greet.
“We won’t.” You don’t know why, but his brain interprets this as an opportunity to brag. “I’m an excellent driver.”
He’s not. Somehow you make it to the park without getting into a catastrophe — which, as established, you wouldn’t have minded.
You exit at the same time and Kaiser frowns at you by the time he circles his way around to you. You don’t care enough about what’s bothering him to raise a questioning eyebrow let alone ask, but he tells you, “I was going to open the door for you and then offer to help you up. You ruined everything!”
You roll your eyes. “How gallant.”
“Get back in,” Kaiser says, pointing (as if the gesture will be enough to convince you to play along). “Let’s redo it.”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing. I have a vision for these kinds of things, that’s all.”
“Your vision is trashy and uninspired,” you reject promptly.
Kaiser seems to be the first person in the world who finds your attitude funny rather than objectionable because he grins at your response. But he’s more so looking at you like you’re a bug he finds fascinating in comparison to the rest, without any real respect or acknowledgement. 
“I admit maybe it was a bit cliche,” he says. “Would’ve made me look good, though, if someone caught it on camera.”
You smile that ghoulish smile again and grab his hand like you were told. His fingers are cold and yours even more so, making the grasp clammy and uncomfortable while you begin your stroll. You don’t even know what you’re supposed to talk about with him. Soon enough, you scowl, both the silence and the sensation of getting touched proving too much for you to hide your displeasure, even though Kaiser seems content with letting the silence fester.
“Oh? Why’d you stop? I’ve started enjoying your creepy masquerading.”
“I’m disgusted,” you say.
“Disgusted,” he repeats. “By what? Me?”
“It’s making me sick. Who knows where your hand’s been or what you’ve done.”
Albeit visibly offended for the first time if the lack of an annoying smirk is anything to draw judgments from, Kaiser drops it first. Your arm hangs by your side again, limp.
“Let go, then. Or do I need to do everything myself?” That’s quite a dramatic sentiment coming from a man who has done nothing all day besides a short drive and taking a few steps.
“But my manager said-”
“Who cares? I think my manager’s lucky I agreed to this bullshit in the first place,” Kaiser says. “By the way, my hands haven’t been in any sewers or anything to warrant this reaction, thank you very much.” He must be the type of person who only ever says thank you as if being grateful is some big joke.
“I’m not being literal. I know who you are and what people say about you. My disgust is conceptual.”
“Flattering.” Kaiser’s pleased again with the mention of this tidbit, like the mental image he’s getting of you searching him up gives him immeasurable amounts of satisfaction. One thing you’ve come to notice about him since your last outing is that he’s shameless. “You’re not special, though. Lots of people know who I am.”
“See, this is exactly what I’m talking about. You’re scum.”
“Do you usually talk to people you barely know in this way or is it preferential treatment? I’d love preferential treatment, but the other option is amusing too.”
“Usually,” you say in a monotone. “That’s why I don’t speak much. More so supposed to be looked at rather than heard, and so on.” You finish off your explanation with a flippant gesture. That’s what it’s like for you — ‘shut your trap, it ruins your appeal.’
“Well, I-” there’s an emphasis on the word ‘I’ because Kaiser always thinks his opinion matters, “-think your worldview is pathetic and embarrassing. What’s the point of being looked at if no one will listen to you? How can you be fine with that?”
Fair point. You concede in your head, but don’t commit to agreeing with him out loud. “You’re not special either. Most people gross me out.”
“You hurt me this time.” He’s sneering, though.
After a while of walking, you find yourself sitting on a bench next to him. A few pigeons strut around near your feet, bobbing their heads back and forth, almost catching a groove. “If I had any bread, I’d feed them.”
“I’m not surprised you’d feel interested in such a commoner’s activity,” Kaiser says, as if he is somehow superior to you for not wanting to participate in this.
“Vile,” you say, voice still neutral. You’re not looking at him either, attention glued to the birds.
He doesn’t know which part of it you find dismaying — was it the class shaming or what? “So you like pigeons, but you hate humanity. You’re one of those.”
“I don’t hate humanity,” you say. “But nature is repulsive by default. It’s not amoral. When we’re cruel and ugly, that’s a conscious and opportunistic decision. Every day CEOs throw their employees and workers under the bus for more profits. Someone’s getting murdered as we speak. We’re faking a relationship to attract brand deals. I’m getting sick just thinking about it.”
“Get a hobby instead of thinking about stupid shit like that. Caring about how ugly and bleak everything is won’t get you anywhere,” Kaiser… advises.
“Look at the pigeons.” You’re watching the one with the missing claws, wobbling and struggling to get around. “Humans domesticated them and then abandoned them. I love flora and fauna. They’re interesting and exist much more differently than we do.”
“Does that mean you like my tattoo then?”
“Not everything needs to be about you. It’s not like people will forget you exist when you don’t force yourself to be at the center of conversation.”
This stings him the tiniest bit. Either you’re probing into an insecurity or he’s reading too deep into what you’re gathering from your conversations with him. “If I wanted to have a pseudointellectual conversation, I wouldn’t ask a vapid model to psychoanalyze me.”
“Your opinions are unoriginal and stereotyped just like your ideas about romance,” you say, finally turning around to face him again with those haunted eyes. He’s unamused now, clenching his jaw and all. “A stupid athlete wouldn’t be my first choice for a ‘pseudointellectual conversation’ either.”
“You look down on others and judge them, so what makes you so different from all those ‘scum’ you hate? How are you exempt from your own standards?”
Do you realize you’re displaying similar behaviors to those you’re scolding him over?
“Well, there’s a simple explanation for that,” you say. Kaiser is expecting an argument or something, but you kind of floor him with your follow-up. “It’s called hypocrisy. I’m probably just as disgusting as the average person.”
“Your life must be miserable if you look at everything through this lens. What was the phrase, rose colored glasses? Yours must have shit smeared over them.”
You shrug then make a 50/50 motion with your hand. “My life’s neither good nor bad. I’m indifferent on the subject.”
“Uh huh.” Kaiser considers this, then his lips twitch up, and then his smile broadens — it’s snide and smug again, and you come to the realization that he probably doesn’t know how to smile in any other way — before he inches a little closer to you. Not enough to brush against you, but enough to count as an attempted provocation. “I think people like you shouldn’t be considered alive. Legally speaking. And if we’re being figurative, you’re obviously already dead.”
You frown at him, since he’s kind of right. The fact that Michael Kaiser has the capability to discern truths you don’t want to hear rubs you the wrong way.
“Speaking of birds,” you start, deciding to change the topic, “you remind me of a peacock.”
“Wrong.” He’s pouty now. You find the expression cute, but when you catch the thought you throw up in your mouth a bit, so you ignore it. “I’m clearly a swan.”
“The fact that you have a preference when it comes to what animal you’re considered is sad.”
“And you’re entertaining. Let’s hang out again soon even if those sorry fucks don’t suggest it.”
You find it bewildering how he calls his PR manager’s input a ‘suggestion’ and seems to think he can do whatever he wants. Which, maybe he does, seeing the way he conducts himself. You’re also tempted to tell him to make up his mind on whether he enjoys your company or not, but there are more important matters right now. “We’re not supposed to do that, I don’t think.”
“C’mon, don’t be like that.”
“Why this desire all of a sudden?”
“It’s what I want.” What impeccable reasoning. “I think I can make you enjoy yourself,” he says. “Don’t get me wrong. Not for your merit or anything stupid.” Kaiser offers what you’d describe as a flamboyant hand wave in the air, demeanor laced with complacency. “I think it’d make me feel really charitable and generous if I can manage to add something to your depressing life. Give me a chance to try.”
“Word of advice,” you scoot away from him to the point the edge of the bench is digging into your ass and it honestly hurts, “you’re not gonna get anywhere with that attitude. How you phrased it disgusted me again.”
Kaiser finds your favored terms interesting. Everything is sickening and disgusting and vile and scummy from your perspective. Deep down for reasons he doesn’t want to ponder, he can relate.
“Great. You’ll come around soon,” he promises, with the confidence of someone who thinks this is a game he has a high chance of winning.
Kaiser makes it a point to inflict his presence onto you as much as he can afford to with your schedules, even though there’s no need for it. Not that you refuse him either. He’s kind of interesting to keep around, in his own Kaiser-ish way.
Earlier today he invited himself over to your house. He’d decided you need to come up with a story about your ‘relationship,’ but didn’t wanna discuss it through text messages. Apparently he has an interview coming up and wants to be prepared in case they ask him about you.
“How did we meet?” you ask, sitting on the other side of the couch and leaning against the armrest, away from him.
The answer is immediate: “I saved you from a burning church.”
You question what other fantasies this man could probably have because that’s the most absurd thing you’ve ever heard. Your voice somehow remains flat despite the bewilderment when you ask, “Why?”
“Because it’s flashy and dramatic.”
“But if anyone searches it up, they’ll see there haven’t been any… burned churches?”
“You’re such a killjoy.” Kaiser sighs. “It makes it sound mystical.”
“No it doesn’t,” you say, rather flippant about the entire thing. “It makes you sound like a pathological liar.”
“I like your sense of humor.”
“Thanks, but I’m not kidding about this.”
“Then what do you think it should be?” Kaiser asks. Obviously the purpose of this inquiry is to criticize your choice of scenario — even you can anticipate such a predictable move.
You roll your eyes and then look away from him in contemplation. You hadn’t really thought about it, since you don’t do interviews, and therefore you don’t need to concern yourself with hypotheticals on the matter. “Some kind of party, maybe. Post-match celebration?”
“Makes sense,” says Kaiser. “Doesn’t compel me, though. Boring.”
With a hum, you try to imagine what would both appeal to Kaiser and sound realistic. Though he doesn’t seem like the kind of person who’s swayed by practicality. “I went with someone else, but you swept me off my feet so hard, you stole me away from them.”
“I guess it sounds plausible enough while still having an element of fantasy.”
“Is the idea of me liking you the ‘element of fantasy’?”
“Yeah… That’s why I want it.”
You didn’t expect such a response. It has you looking at him weird. You do so often anyway, but now you do it for longer as if trying to glean something. In response Kaiser tells you to take a picture since it’ll last longer. The reply seems extraneous and distracting, and that only makes you feel more suspicious of him, which is weird since you’re not sure what you’re even inferring.
Officially it’s your fifth date with Kaiser, unofficially it’s the tenth. This time you’re holding up a frog in your open hands.
He doesn’t know what the point of all the nature-themed outings is — maybe to make him seem down to Earth in the public eye since he’s become notorious for how insufferable he is? Either way he doesn’t care, and he’s not the type to wander at landscapes, but your affinity for ugly animals is kind of cute.
The frog isn’t some special one either. No crazy colors or anything, just a regular green tree frog (according to your expertise). You let it jump onto your palms, since apparently touching their skin is bad for them or something. Kaiser scrutinizes it in distaste, staring down into its big eyes while it croaks. “So you can handle a disgusting amphibian, but you can’t hold hands with me.”
“I see you’re still thinking about that.”
“Well, it was insulting. And besides, it’s never happened to me before.”
“You’re not so bad. I don’t think I’d vomit if we brushed against each other anymore.”
Kaiser seems curious but nonetheless pleased with this development. “Why the change of heart?”
“Because you listen to what I say,” you tell him.
He somehow resists the urge to piss himself laughing at the sound of that. “Your standards are so low. It’s so sad that it’s funny,” he says. Maybe he would’ve dedicated some more time to teasing you over it, but he comes to a realization which immediately lifts his mood. This must mean he’s in your good graces somewhat, and not many people seem to fit there, so that makes Kaiser special to a degree. Right?
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up.”
“Who would’ve thought someone who looks the way you do would come out like this?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I think you were one of those kids who, like, shoved sticks and leaves in mud and called it a potion.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean now?”
Kaiser lets out an annoyed sound, tired of elaborating. “It means I think you’re strange.”
“Hmm, I bet you do,” you say. “There’s a quote I like: ‘It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.’”
“Yeah, and I bet that’s the kind of message you love. What’s it from?”
“Interesting story,” you say. “This is Jiddu Krishnamurti’s most famous quote, but it doesn’t appear in any of his books. Allegedly he said it to some other guy.”
Kaiser blinks and nods, maybe trying to keep a pretense of having the slightest concept of what you’re on about. “Whatever, got it. I can’t remember the last time I read a book of that sort. Maybe I’ll check him out.”
“You don’t seem like you’d be interested in that type of thing,” you say, staring at him as if you’re trying to figure him out.
“Actually, I am. Can you stop taking every chance to insult me?”
“I’m not. At least not on purpose… So, what are your hobbies, anyway? You never told me.”
��I practice. What do you take me for? Well, I read, too, but psychology non-fiction only.”
You furrow your eyebrows at him. “That’s it?”
Kaiser opens his mouth to justify himself even though there’s no need to be defensive — maybe it’s that he feels like he’s lacking in some department after you bring your attention to it with your little response and generally Kaiser hates to be insufficient. But before he can argue and try and talk himself out of whatever perception you have of him now, an interruption happens.
The frog, which had been lazy and content with merely existing in your grasp, springs without any warning. It leaps out of your fingers and lands on top of Kaiser’s head.
Today you learn Michael Kaiser screams at an ear-shattering frequency when he’s startled. Soap opera level of shock and overreaction.
It is when you’re eating at a trashy place for lunch that Kaiser’s looking at his phone, which you find rude since you’re supposed to be spending time together and whatnot. He eats like a pig, too, not graceful at all — you wonder what his fans would think if they saw him with crumbs over his mouth and sauce on his chin. Good material for a public embarrassment campaign, you think.
But it’s in that moment that he finally wipes himself with a tissue and reaches out to all but shove his phone in your face. “Look, we’re so hot!”
You grace the picture with a dismissive glance before looking back down at your meal, disinterested. You already know enough about Kaiser to assume he’d get a kick out of power couple fantasies. And other power fantasies. Really, you find it pathetic.
It was something out of the photoshoot he was showing you, his favorite you presume. Even someone like Kaiser, who has conventional features, isn’t perfect when it comes to these unreasonable standards. He’d been way too stiff next to you while he posed and though his face is symmetrical, his expressions tend to stray to one side, and obviously it’d been corrected.
There’s a mismatch between you on the covers and your image in the mirror. Maybe your brain is exaggerating the disconnect, but every time you see them, it’s like staring into an airbrushed, distorted amalgamation. In other words, you prefer avoiding both the edited products and your reflection whenever you can.
“We don’t look like that,” you say, offhand about his enthusiasm as you are with most things.
Kaiser scoffs and then very blatantly tries to compare between whatever version of you he has on his phone and the you in front of him. There’s not a single good thing you can say about his decision — it’s making your skin crawl just knowing it’s what he’s doing.
“Close enough,” he deems after careful examination.
“I don’t think it’s me.”
“It’s quite literally you.”
“I don’t think anything is me. Like I’m just what I see. My perspective, my point of view. You get what I’m saying?”
“No?” Kaiser says, laughing at you and your apparently strange affliction.
“Well if not that, you have to admit things captured on camera aren’t real.”
“What are you talking about,” Kaiser asks in a flat tone, which leaves it as something less than a question. A few more snickers escape him and he’s grinning at you like a bastard — if at first he regarded you as a slightly more fascinating bug than the rest, by now you must be his favorite, the rarest… A tree lobster. “You make no sense.”
“It totally makes sense. Imagine we’re having sex-”
“What kind of stupid come-on is that?”
“It’s not a come-on, I’m explaining. So, imagine we’re having sex-”
“In what position?”
“Whatever you want as long as it works for the scenario. Anyway, imagine we’re having sex-”
Kaiser laughs harder and then attempts some seductive sort of expression which doesn’t land with you. “I’m imagining it,” he informs.
“Shut up and let me get to the point. Imagine we’re having sex and I’m recording it-”
“Wow, I didn’t take you for such a pervert? Not that I hate it.”
“-so I’m looking at you through the camera lens. The phone’s between us. I’m not, like, in the moment with you. My mind’s absent, it’s all digital. So if you think about it we’re not even really having sex.”
“... You’re losing me even more,” Kaiser says after some contemplation, finding the fantasy unpleasant all of a sudden with this new spin to it. A moment passes during which he takes another big, possibly exaggerated bite, but he at least has enough decency to chew and swallow before adding, “I think you just have a problem.”
You roll your eyes, wondering if he even entertained the thought, but shrug since it doesn’t matter in the end. “Why are we always talking about how I’m weird? If anything, you're eccentric, not me.”
Kaiser wrinkles his nose in offense at the notion and makes an incomprehensible hand gesture in the air. “No. I’ve turned out totally normal. Don’t put me at your level.”
A lot of curiosities spin around your head concerning Kaiser’s behavior whenever you meet and you’re yet to find an answer. What does he want? Clearly he’s comfortable with and used to wanting, but what is it? Attention? Money? Fame? Status? All, none? Will it ever be enough? Is it even the kind of hunger which can be satiated?
Who is he when he’s not playing this ridiculous character?
“I can’t get a read on you,” you tell him.
“Well, you’re socially inept. I doubt you can get a read on anyone.”
“So are you.”
Kaiser feigns hurt over this. He does that a lot. Maybe he finds it hilarious, maybe the performance is all for shits and giggles — who knows.
“I want to dissect your head,” you say after a while of silence.
“Really? That’s what you wanna do with me?”
“Mhm. With a scalpel. I’d make an incision around your temple maybe.”
“My beautiful and demented angel, is that your way of saying you wanna get closer to me?” The sentence comes out mocking with a paper thin smile, but there’s a sense of admiration in it. What for? You raise an eyebrow in visible confusion at the… nickname, but Kaiser doesn’t elaborate. To take away from the tension(?), he announces, “You’ve got something stuck between your teeth,” pointing at your mouth all amused.
Kaiser had an ulterior motive in accepting that deal. Though wording it this way makes it sound like some calculated, opportunistic, sinister scheme, when in reality it’s nothing beyond immature and a little humiliating.
Of course, in true Kaiser fashion, when looking to meet someone, he goes straight for the most convoluted option. So when the stupid idea came up, he agreed, even if he put on a bit of a show at first and acted irritating. Confessing to wanting friends is so embarrassing. He’d rather shoot himself at point blank or perhaps commit an act of auto-defenestration than admit the real reason for participating, much less in front of you.
Despite the jabs, you’re also not bad at all. Calm and uninvolved in anything that upsets him and without any expectations towards him.
At first he found your indifference derogatory, but as the months have passed by, there’s a sort of comfort in knowing that he could’ve been some random guy off the street and you would’ve probably treated him the same. In front of you he is neither on a pedestal nor someone to be knocked down on his knees. More Michael than he is Kaiser.
Things have been teetering on a dangerous edge lately. His mind is wandering off towards you again, more and more often each day. Like maybe he’s excited for the next time he sees you or something else repulsive in a similar vein, a giddy feeling bubbling in his stomach. Is this what it would’ve been like to be a little boy with a crush?
Generally he prefers not to socialize with background characters. So he doesn’t know why it’s while he’s having some benign daydream about you that some newbie he hadn’t bothered remembering the name of decides to interrupt him. Besides, it’s inconvenient, he was supposed to be leaving and this guy is blocking the changing room door.
“I heard you’re banging a model,” he says, as if they’re good pals or some shit. Kaiser is also mostly immune to annoying locker room talk since all the other psychotic men he knows are too busy being as fanatical as him to waste time on something as useless as objectifying someone to pass the time, yet here this lowlife is.
Kaiser regards him with a judgmental side eye — for a second too long, almost television-style — and tries to move and sidestep him. “Why do you care? Pathetic cuck.”
“Woah, don’t be like that. I just thought it was funny. I’ve heard about that person before, would’ve thought it would be more of a hit it and quit it type thing. Yet here you are, still together.”
The emotion that zaps him is almost disorienting. Kaiser bruises easily, but it’s all about him. There’s never been much room for anyone else in his mentality of suffocating self-absorption, a depressing way to try and compensate for anyone who’s ever wronged him. Right now, though, he’s feeling anger on someone else’s behalf. A borderline exotic situation.
“So I was curious if that thing about loonies being the best at fucking was true? I’m assuming it is ‘cause I don’t know why else you’d stay with a schizoid.”
In the heat of the moment, when he’s pissed off, Kaiser is not the most poetic wordsmith. Thankfully politeness and civility are sensibilities which elude him. Without a second thought or any regret, he makes use of his water bottle still in his hand and dumps the entire contents of it over his head before elbowing him out of the way while he’s still confused.
You really don’t want to be having this conversation.
For fuck’s sake, you’re on break. And isn’t that supposed to mean relaxation? Yet the other model for the shoot today has been bugging you with unpleasant questions, putting you on the spot.
“Isn’t he a narcissist, though?” she asks, refusing to let go of the topic no matter how unresponsive you’ve been.
“I guess? Maybe. In a way…”
“You’re sooo… I don’t know. Like, you don’t even sound sure about what you’re telling me.” She narrows her eyes at you, leaning in a bit closer. “Aren’t you scared of him? Or is it ‘cause you’re so sheltered, you don’t know not to mess around with guys like Kaiser?”
Scared of him? It sounds ludicrous. At worst he’s whiny.
“He’s harmless,” you say. “Just a little rude and preoccupied with himself, that’s all. Actually, he’s an interesting and attentive person.”
She covers her mouth and lets out a sound of amusement, apparently now finding you more convincing and therefore dropping her worries. “He was saying you guys are suuuuuuuper in love with an interview.”
Not too engaged with the topic — since it’s about whatever lies Kaiser told the interviewer to entertain himself — you ask, “Is that what he was saying?”
“Yep. Didn’t you watch?”
“Fine. Maybe he’s ‘interesting and attentive.’ I mean, I don’t believe it, but whatever. What about you, though? Do you like him, let alone love him? Can you even like anyone? I mean, shit, you know how you are. So, like, can you? Are you suuuuuuuper in love?”
You avert your eyes. “Yes,” you say. It’s true. You do like Kaiser well enough, probably more than you should. “And stop making assumptions about him and me.”
“What if I don’t stop? What are you gonna do?”
That’s… A very good question because there’s nothing you can do at the moment. Seems like a good opportunity to weaponize your reputation of being a deranged serial killer. “I’ll lick your eyebrows.”
You don’t know if your delivery is persuasive or not, but the idea you’d do such a thing must come off as believable enough because she makes a strange face before backing off.
You despise being in situations. And making decisions.
There’s a stupid PR meeting again. Your manager, who you think should move onto writing trashy novellas instead of administering poison to your career just because his imagination is overactive, proposed a new stunt. With the fake relationship running its course, you were discussing ways to publicize the ‘break up’ and he suggested a cheating scandal. Not to mention his great idea had you as the cheater — you swear he’s praying on your downfall at this point.
Maybe because you’ve been treated as some kind of fucked up creature incapable of thought and trustworthy decisions, something insentient, you would’ve went along with it like always. Even though you know you’d look bad, the point is to make noise, and it would be a scandalous story if not anything else. Another indignity doesn’t matter much on an endless list.
Then Kaiser in true Kaiser fashion declared that he wants to keep the relationship going. To you, such an act of flippant defiance is unthinkable.
But obviously this forces you into a position where you need to pick between your options. They’re all staring at you, waiting. Kaiser is smiling at you from across his seat like you’re in on a joke with him. Anxious, you say, “I’ll think about it,” and stand up to leave.
You’re sweating because somewhere within you wanna announce ‘Yeah, I wanna keep seeing Michael Kaiser,’ but it’s so preposterous.
Kaiser doesn’t chase after you (though it’d be his style to do such a thing solely for the drama), but he catches up to you by the time you make it outside of the building, approaching the parking lot.
“Hey. Hey! Hey, stop ignoring me. Heeeeeeey.”
God he is such an annoying pest sometimes. You turn around to face him, snapping, “What?! What was that about anyway?”
“No, what’s with you? What is there to think about? You don’t want to look like a clown in front of the world, do you?”
You’re looking at Kaiser again like you’re trying to figure out a mystery. He always wants things, but what does he want from you? There has to be a reason for this. Otherwise, he should’ve been fine with the separation instead of trying to prolong it.
“Listen,” says Kaiser, a little apprehensive at your silence and expressionless gaze, “I can tell you barely tolerate your shitty job and that you probably don’t like the moronic idea your anthropomorphized cyst of a manager came up with, so why aren’t you protesting it?”
Those are objective enough observations. However, “Anthropomorphized cyst…?”
“You’re changing the subject,” Kaiser huffs, irked. “And by the way the fake meek act isn’t cute at all. They’re making money off of you. Tell them to fuck off and die and stop acting like a hostage.”
“This is very inspirational and all, Kaiser, but how about you tell me why you wanna keep the fake relationship going?”
“Doesn’t matter. If you don’t want that either, you can say we’ll settle for ending it instead of-”
You cross your arms. “Again, your attempts at a pep talk are adorable and appreciated, but you’re changing the subject now.”
“They’re not adorable. I’m right. Say I’m right.”
“Fine, fine, you’re right,” you relent with a roll of your eyes.
Kaiser smiles snidely and clasps his hands behind his back. “Thanks,” he says in a sarcastic tone. Then you expect him to entertain your question, but he doesn’t, leaving you in an uncomfortable staredown against him and his stupid ‘beautiful glowing blue orbs’ ass eyes.
“Answer me,” you demand.
“Your unpleasant personality and reclusive ways have bewitched me.”
“… What?”
“I won’t repeat myself,” Kaiser says with too much attitude considering the situation. Like, he just spoke out one of the most absurd sentences you’ve ever heard.
“Do you have a brain tumor?”
The outrageous suggestion makes him scoff. “Really? You think I need a brain tumor to like you?”
“Maybe,” you say. “Should’ve let me operate on you when I offered.”
“You’re mentally disturbed,” he replies like the fact turns him on or something.
“So were you asking me out or what?”
“Yes? No? Yes. Yeah, fine, I am.”
“Do you search up ‘personality’ on porn sites?”
“Come on, be serious. I mean what I’m saying and I want to give things between us a try. Do you?”
You cringe as if admitting your feelings or overall being in touch with them in the first place is a physically painful sensation, but in your defense you think you might throw up. “Yeah… Yeah, okay, I’ll tell him tomorrow. My manager, I mean.”
Kaiser swings an arm around your shoulders, visibly pleased with the way this is all going. He sings, “That’s the spirit.”
What had he wanted from you? Affection and care, apparently. You think back on when you’d called him ‘disgusting’ and a foreign guilt overcomes you since you don’t usually lament the remarks you make during your misanthropic hissy fits.
Is it fine for someone such as yourself to also indulge in wanting? Hesitant, with shaky arms, you embrace him around the middle, the gentlest of hugs. Kaiser freezes for a moment as if he’s unsure what to do when he’s not the one initiating things, but eventually returns the gesture. Melts into it, even. Two existences brushing against one another, at first glance contrary yet perhaps similar in many ways.
When you finally pull away from each other little by little, Kaiser says, “Let’s elope now.”
You sigh. “You sure have a way of making everything sound way more exciting than it is.”
(He drives you back to your place, but still sucks at driving. Chivalrously, he avoids crashing the car, though.)
Yall I was drinking light yellow tap water for a few daysdo you think somethings gonna happen to me ?
Btw I hate this but it's finally finished after like around a month so whatever lol I' M FREE
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mochegato · 8 months ago
Petty Warfare
Part One of the Pretty Petty Series
“Akuma I have no sense of decorum,” Ladybug grumbled as she surveyed the wreckage before her.  It was all quite impressive considering the akuma had only emerged a few minutes ago and had already wreaked more havoc than the last eight akuma combined, but it was easy to do that with a literal sea of lava appearing and disappearing every few seconds.
It was not the look they needed right before their meeting with the Batman to discuss investigative assistance from the Justice League while still keeping them at a distance and allowing the Miraculous team to stay in control.  It was a well-known fact in the hero community, and the general public really, that Batman and his team had a tendency to think they know better and taking over.
“Absolutely no respect for other people's schedules,” Chat nodded in agreement as he stepped up next to her with a twirl of his staff.
Rena hummed as she whirled her flute and got in line.  “It's one thing that's always bothered me about akuma, how rude they are.”
Carapace stepped beside her.  “Well then, let's teach them some manners.”  He looked down and around, for a brief second there was a glimmer of panic in his eyes, but it almost immediately disappeared in favor of a smirk.  He grabbed his shield from its back holster and spun it on one finger before securing it on his forearm.
Ladybug rolled her eyes and shook her head, much to the amusement of the rest of her team.  It was extremely common for her to do one or the other, but both at the same time?  They rarely got her to do that.  “And let's make it quick,” she advised firmly.  “We have a meeting to get to and I for one do not want to let down Wonder Woman.”  She made eye contact with the rest of her team but then rolled her eyes again at their hopeful expressions and twirled her yoyo.
Chat grinned brilliantly, almost bouncing from foot to foot watching the yoyo, but quickly cleared his throat and shook his body before easing into a model perfect pose.  “Or give Batman the idea that we need him to step in more than we want.”
Carapace sucked in a breath.  “Might want to get on that.”
“Oh my god, that's Red Hood!” Rena shrieked, barely able to keep her voice low enough not to echo across the rooftops.  “I need to get a picture of him in the fight for the paper.”  Her excited grin quickly twisted to a contemplative purse.  “I can’t believe they brought Red Hood near Hawk Moth.  That seems like a poor choice.”
“Red who?” Ladybug asked.
Rena pointed to a figure jumping from roof to roof.  “Red Hood,” she enunciated slowly.  “Affiliated with Batman… kind of… he has a bat on his chest so…”
Ladybug followed to where she was pointing, her face scrunching as she watched him.  “But he doesn't have a hood.”
Carapace shrugged.  “You don't have antenna but your called Ladybug.”
Ladybug scoffed and spluttered.  “No, but I have…” she motioned toward her bodysuit. “I'm not called Ladybug and then running around looking like a fox.”  She gestured harshly toward Rena.  “He should be called Red Mask or something.”  She suddenly narrowed her eyes and shot up straight.  “Is that a gun?” she shrieked, not bothering to keep her voice down.
“That’s kind of his thing,” Rena grimaced.
“Not here it isn’t,” Ladybug snapped.  Her yoyo was sailing toward him before Carapace could warn her that she might not want to start a fight with an ally while they were still fighting an akuma, but by that point, she was already gone and it was probably better for everyone involved if he just didn’t say anything.  Except for Red Hood, but he was a big boy.  He could handle himself… probably.
The yoyo hooked over a beam and wrapped around Red Hood’s wrists in the blink of an eye.  He was yanked forward by his wrists, forcing him to drop both his guns over the side of the building and barely keeping himself from following after, as she jumped off the building and swung toward him, using him as her counterweight.  Thankfully, he was heavy enough he barely moved as she swung.  She landed gracefully and silently, but stalked over to him, stomping the entire way until she was almost chest to chest with him.  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” she demanded.
He yanked his arms back and looked her up and down, the surprised look from seconds before replaced with a mask of indifference, eyes calculating and raised eyebrow unimpressed.  “It's called saving the day sweetheart.  Someone had to do it.”
“Oh shit,” Chat grumbled under his breath.  He searched around for the rest of Red Hood’s team.  Surely one of them could help deescalate the situation.  He could calm Marinette down, but not if Red Hood was actively taunting her.  But when he turned back to intervene, his eyes caught on Red Hood’s hands and he had to fight to stop from chuckling.
He was trying to be discreet.  He was trying to be sneaky.  He thought he could trick them.  He really had no idea who he was dealing with.  He could try as hard as he wanted, as long as he wanted, but he wasn’t going to get out of that line.  He was stuck there for as long as Marinette wanted him there.  Chat would know, from personal experience.  If Red Hood had done any research before coming to their territory, he would have known that.
“It's called inflicting major trauma,” she hissed, “which is a bad thing when dealing with a villain who preys on negative emotions.  I fear that's something most anyone could figure out.”
“Seems like getting attacked by an akuma might do exactly that.  So stopping the akuma would prevent it.  I fear that’s something even someone like you could figure out,” he growled back.
“Someone like me has figured out how to mitigate damage as much as possible from years of experience.  Someone like me has learned unnecessary violence will only make everything worse.”  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to recenter herself, when she reopened her eyes, they retained the same blazing frustration, but her voice was steady and calm, disturbingly so for anyone who knew her.  “You can’t shoot them.  That is not how we deal with akuma.”
“That’s how I deal with bad guys, kid,” he snarled back.  He took a step forward expecting her to step back, but she stood her ground meaning they were now physically touching chests and he had to lean back slightly to look down and meet her gaze.  “This here is the real world and in the real world, you have to get a little dirty,” he lectured, not bothering to keep his condescension from his voice.  “You can’t just sing a little song to make the bad guys turn good.  Maybe that’s why you haven’t been able to defeat your villain.”
“That is literally how we stopped one akuma, you pretentious, cretinous brute.  Violence doesn’t solve everything.”  She leaned forward, filling in the space he had created and poking her finger against his armored chest.  “In fact, responding with violence has made a lot of our situations worse.  And I’ll tell you one more thing someone like me knows, that even if they don’t look like one, it is wholly, unmitigatedly wrong to shoot a kid even if he doesn’t look like one at the moment.”
She walked away a few steps, missing the way his entire body tensed at her words.  When she turned back to him, she had a cocky smirk on her face, arms crossed, and hip cocked.  “We fight smarter, not harder.  I would say you should try it, but smarter doesn’t appear to be your strong suit.”
Red Hood stepped forward but before he could retort, another figure landed just next to him.  “Oh good, you met the local heroes,” Nightwing cheered, his voice clearly artificially bright.
“I really need you guys to stay out of our way,” Ladybug stated, her voice commanding, clearly intended for all of the bats, but her eyes not straying from Red Hood.
“Yep, he met them,” Red Robin grimaced.  He took a breath and turned to Ladybug and the rest of the team with a calm, confident expression.  “We don’t intend to get in your way.  We will assist if you need, but we are here for the meeting.  We can just treat this like research.”
Ladybug forced out a breath then another before turning to Red Robin and Nightwing.  Her demeanor completely changing from confrontational to commanding.  “Look, you guys clearly didn’t bother to do your research before coming, so here’s the crash course…”
“You seem like you’d be familiar with crashing,” Red Hood muttered loudly enough for everyone on the roof to hear.
Red Robin glared at him.  This could be a great collaboration, helping not only the Miraculous team but the Justice League as well.  He needed to make clear they were not supporting Red Hood in this.  “Didn’t you crash into a billboard a few weeks ago?”
“I was thrown into one.  There’s a difference,” Red Hood hissed, stepping up to Red Robin who danced just out of his reach along the edge of the roof.
“Focus, children,” Nightwing thundered.  He waited a few seconds, staring down Red Hood and Red Robin before turning to Ladybug and motioning for her to continue.
Instead, Chat stepped in.  “Okay real quick, Hawk Moth uses magic to take over people and make them do things they would likely never choose to do otherwise.  They are given magic powers and the powers vary by person.  The magic is anchored in an item.  Break that item, free the person.”
“Also important,” Ladybug cut in, “the people corrupted can be anyone.  They can be completely innocent people.  They could be children,” she added pointedly.  “And they remember everything.  They remember what they did and what was done to them.”  She met Red Hood’s eyes fiercely.  “Do not give our children, or any of our citizens, any more trauma than they already have.”
Red Robin waited impatiently, his eyes volleyed back and forth between them a few times before he couldn’t hold himself back any longer.  “Is the object always prominent?”
“No,” Rena answered when Ladybug still hadn’t broken her glare.  Plus, it was Red Robin!  She was getting to talk with Red Robin!  “Sometimes it's hidden.”
He quirked his head and let his gaze move past her toward the akuma that had now come out into the open.  “How do you know what it is.”
Ladybug finally tore her glare from Red Hood to redirect it toward the akuma.  “We figure it out,” she answered, almost absentmindedly, her focus now on the akuma as her eyes darted to every part of it.
“We deduce it based on the cause of the possession and context clues,” Chat added.
Ladybug turned back at the loud scoff clearly coming from Red Hood’s direction.  “For example,” she snapped, stepping up to him again, “in this case we know it started from a game of The Floor is Lava, the handle of the drawer he was holding onto broke, so…”  She paused and whipped around, eyes narrowed at the Akuma in the distance for just a moment before looking around, eyes tracing her yoyo, then the line to Red Hood, to Carapace to just past him to the edge of the building, then to Chat, and back to the akuma.   “Carapace," she stated.  Her words were heavily weighted like it there was an entire conversation in that one word.
And clearly there was, because Carapace instantly stood at attention and followed the path her eyes had followed seconds before, nodding in understanding.  “On it,” he reported as he stepped into position at the edge of the building.
“Rena, a bit of cover, if you will.”  Rena nodded and pulled her flute up to her lips, ready to play when the time was right.  “Get ready Chat.”  Her words carried the same weight, communicating everything with her tone and body language.
Chat followed her gaze and narrowed his eyes at an area of the akuma’s chest that was protruding strangely.  “Always m'lady,” he answered with a determined nod.
Nightwing stepped forward.  “Um, do you want to share for the rest of us?  We speak to each other with our eyes not our tone so we’re a bit lost.”
Ladybug ignored him and stepped up to Red Hood with a broad, artificial smile.  “Just want to say thank you so much for your service,” she purred.
Red Hood bobbed his head back and tried to take a step away, he was familiar with crazy, Harley had trained them all pretty well, and he would prefer to have some kind of point of reference to know if it was the fun crazy or someone’s going to die crazy.  Unfortunately for him, he was already standing on the edge of the roof and had no place to go.  “Wha...”
Before he could finish snapping at her, she kicked him hard in the chest.  He tried to flail his arms, but his wrists were still bound together.  Not only could he not flail, he couldn’t try to scramble at the side of the building to slow his descent.  Nightwing jumped after him, but before he could reach him, a green shield appeared beneath him, not slowing his descent, but clearly there to keep him from hitting the lava.
Red Robin watched them long enough to make sure they would be okay before turning back to watch the Miraculous team just in time to see Ladybug, and therefore Chat, who was riding on her shoulders, get launched by the input force from her yoyo line, like taut line snapping and recoiling when the counterweight disappeared.  Just as they reached the apex, there were a few flute notes played and Chat disappeared, but within seconds, ‘Cataclysm’ echoed over and between the buildings and Ladybug was moving smoothly and quickly over the rooftops toward the akuma.
Her yoyo line retracted with a speed that defied physics and was released again.  He was only able to track it due to the glowing light it emitted before she reeled it back in.  Rena whispered something he couldn’t understand before stepping up next to him with a huge grin and looking over the side.  “It’s over now, you can come back up.”
Carapace patted Red Robin on the shoulder.  “That was fun.  We should do that again.  I enjoyed working with you.”
Red Robin peeked over the side of the building to verify Nightwing was giving Red Hood a ride back up with the grappling hook before returning his attention to Carapace with a smirk.  “I agree.  Best collaboration we’ve had in a while.”
Rena turned her attention to Red Robin with an excited grin.  ‘Hey, so,” she continued speaking uninterrupted even as a swarm of ladybugs flew all around them removing the lava, repairing the buildings, returning Nightwing and Red Hood to the roof, and Red Hood’s guns to his holsters.  She motioned toward Nightwing without breaking eye contact with Red Robin.  “He mentioned you guys communicate through looks.  How do you do that when you all have the film over your eyes?”
“Experience,” a gruff voice answered from behind her.
Rena spun around and let out a squeal as Batman stepped out of the shadows to announce his presence.  “That was so cool!”
“That’s why he does it,” Nightwing joked.
“Who does what?” Chat asked as he landed next to Red Robin just seconds before Ladybug.
“Batman,” she acknowledged instantly, her eyes finding him before she’d landed.  Chat, however, screamed and jumped away in surprise, almost ending up in Red Robin’s arms.  She continued without missing a beat.  “It is nice to…”
Before she could continue, Red Hood barreled over to her, not stopping until he was towering over her, his massive body, seemingly even larger due to his armor, looming over her.  “You could have killed me!” he thundered in a dark, cold voice.
Instead of being intimidated as he was used to, she crossed her arms over her chest with an unimpressed scoff.  “I kicked you in the chest plate.”
“You didn’t know,” he accused.
“I felt it earlier.  I knew you would be fine,” she snarled back but then she straightened up and opened her eyes wide in a perfect imitation of the innocence she usually embodied.  “And you were so concerned with helping save the day I just knew you would want to help.”  She almost kept the façade up except for a slight quirk of her lip when Chat snickered.
"Oh, you're starting a war you aren't prepared for, little girl," he growled.
She raised an eyebrow and leaned back like she was contemplating him.  “I just defeated a lava monster.  I think I’ll be just fine with little old you.  And just because you’re bigger, it doesn’t mean you’re older, tougher, or smarter.  It just means you have more capacity for bullshit.”
“Being smaller doesn’t mean you have less bullshit; it just means it’s more concentrated,” he hissed back.
Ladybug opened her mouth to respond but Chat cut in.  “While I think there’s room for both to be true, this is not what is important right now.”
“Hood, we have more important things to discuss,” Batman barked.  “Ladybug, I believe we had some things to discuss.”
Ladybug turned to Batman with a forced smile.  “Sorry, I was distracted.”
“Don’t worry about it.  He can be very distracting,” Red Robin assured her.
“The incompetent ones usually are,” she snipped back without moving her eyes from Batman.
Red Hood took a menacing step forward, but Nightwing put his arm out in front of his chest and silently pushed him back.  “Let’s go somewhere a bit less exposed,” Batman suggested pointedly.
Ladybug nodded and motioned to a rooftop nearby.  “There’s a bit more room over there and Rena can provide cover and Carapace can provide a sound barrier.”
“Perfect,” Batman nodded and grappled after her.
Nightwing kept his hold on Red Hood until she had already landed on the rooftop, far out of his reach.  “You’re going to have to figure out how to work with her,” he warned Red Hood.  “If she’s as good as I think she is, we’re going to be working with her a lot.”
“She threw me off of a building!” Hood hissed at him.
“No,” Nightwing smirked, “she kicked you off a building.  And who hasn't?”
“Me.  I haven't,” Carapace popped up next to them.  “Can I?”
Hood turned to him slowly, pointedly.  Even through the mask, it was clear he was glaring.  “No.”
Carapace took a step back, hands held up.  “Ooookay,” he shrugged.  “Little disappointed, dude, not going to lie.  You guys good to get over on your own or need help?”
Nightwing covered his mouth with his hand to hide his snicker.  “No, we’re good.  Be right there.”
“Rightio.”  He saluted them and was gone.
“We won’t have to work with her if I take her out,” Hood observed, a bit too darkly to be joking.
“You can't kill her.  Wonder woman loves her.  Thinks of her like a little sister because of the whole her mom was Ladybug thing,” he pointed out with a smirk.  “You’re going to have to work with her.
“But I’m pretty positive she's evil,” he huffed.  He shot out his grappling hook to swing over to the meeting.
“Honestly, kinda surprised that doesn't make you like her more,” Nightwing chuckled.  He suddenly straightened up, face bright with excitement.  “Or!  Focus on taking her out… on a date!”  His laughter returned full force, echoing over the rooftops, at the glare he could feel Jason sending him from under his mask as he swung away.  “This is going to be fun,” he giggled to himself before grappling to join the others.
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howlett-dekarios · 6 days ago
𝚂𝚕𝚒𝚙 𝚘𝚏𝚏
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▏Hugh Jackman x Reader
▏Summary: A little accident on the premiere night when your dress almost slips off and Hugh steps in to protect you from cameras.
▏Warnings: just pure fluff | suggestive themes |
▏Word count: 1k
▏A/n: My inspiration was that one situation on Spiderman NWH premiere when Tom covered Zendaya. Such a sweet and lovely gesture.
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It wasn’t your first dance. Being one of many main x-men cast actors you probably been on more red carpets than first dates. So the premiere of Deadpool and Wolverine wasn’t anything new.
Though you had been surprised when Ryan called you to ask if you are on board for this movie. Sure, Hugh told you about him considering returning to his so loved Wolverine character, and you were playing his love interest in the previous series but you’d never had in mind that Ryan would want you in his film too. Nonetheless coming back and working with two of them and Shawn.. that was just a pure pleasure. Yeah sometimes things got messy or them losing their minds by laughing at the joke that stopped being funny hours earlier, but still those shootings were one of the most memorable and enjoyable events in your whole history in this industry. Maybe if not counting the morning wake up calls because Ryan ha one of his ‘oh my god, it is gonna be the best shot ever and we need the light’ moments.
You were walking down the carpet, smiling, the flashes and yells being a distant noise. Soon enough you’ve joined your two friends, greeting and hugging them even though you had seen just few hours before. Everything for fans, right?
“You alright?” Hugh whispered, hidden behind your head. You always adored it in him, how caring and full of understandment he was. Always making sure that people around him were fine. After so many movies made together, not only the x-men ones, you had been more than aware of it.
“Yes, so far no troubles.” You were still smiling to the photographers like this whole convo hasn’t had place.
The next minute three of you and Shawn had posed together so the cameras could take the main frames that will be all over the internet, used as the main ones for this movie premiere.
But couple seconds after everything was set, you’ve felt how your dress slipped down a bit, almost showing your breasts. In that exact moment the shiver of panic run down your body, fear paralyzing you from doing anything.
For your luck, Hugh immediately sensed that something was off and a quick look at you was enough for him to know what to do.
He stood up in front of you, his big posture covering you up completely from the praying eyes and lens of cameras, giving you space to adjust your outfit.
“I gotcha.” His gentle and polite smile made you feel safe and the fact he wasn’t looking anywhere else than in your eyes was another sign of him being a true gentleman. Not stealing any glance while you rearrange your boobs into the right spot under your dress. “You got it?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Your deep breath of relief was enough for him to retrieve to his previous position right beside you, showing his white teeth to camera like nothing happened.
After you were done with that segment, you grabbed his arm and led him aside for a moment.
“Thank you once again, it was fucking close.” You still weren’t fully relaxed, and he could tell that. Your arms visibly more tensed, or at least evidently to him after so many years of friendship.
“No problem, princess. I always got your back, remember that?” He put his palm on your arm and lightly squeezed it, trying to make you feel better. “Besides, I would rather want someone to do the same for me if my pants ripped off.” His little joke made you chuckle and that was exactly what he wanted to hear. “You’re fine Y/n, don’t need to stress about everything.” Delicate soothing over you bare skin made you relax a bit. “But we probably should find this moron before he’ll do something stupid with our movie, okay?” The common joke around the team, as Hugh treated the third part of Deadpool series as his own baby. Another Wolverine appreciation and where was Logan there was your character too. So to him, it was as much his time for shine as yours. 
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You and Hugh have been sitting on a couch of some interview, fulfilling your duty in the press tour of the movie. The journalist was a very nice and polite girl, probably few years younger than you. Whole interview went rather smoothly, both of you answering questions about the whole process and sharing funny details from behind the scenes. Time which was destined for it was almost out.
“Okay guys, I have one more question, which I would love Y/n to answer.” You smiled, encouraging her to go on. “So on the premiere night there was a moment in the middle of photoshoot when your dress slipped a bit and Hugh quickly came in to cover you from all our eyes. Was it uncomfortable for you? The knowledge of him seeing your chest?”
Her question made you laugh a bit, but she clearly couldn’t understand why.
“First of all, he did not in fact see it.” Your dress hadn’t fallen off completely and his gaze was focused on something else. “And second, even if he would’ve seen it, the answer is no. I mean we’ve been working together for years now, and we have seen each other’s bodies naked more times than I can count.”
“This gonna go viral.” Hich smirked teasingly which only was met with you hitting his chest softly. “Okay! Aright, alright,  I’m shutting myself up!” But you still could hear his quiet chuckling.
“I suppose I need to clarify. What I meant was that we’ve been playing these two characters that are in relationship and damn, you guys had seen it yourself. The bed scenes when Logan wakes up next to Aurora, both of them naked. Not quite that much left for the imagination, isn't that right? So it wouldn’t be the first time when Hugh would’ve seen them in their whole glory.”
“Yes, exactly. Nothing I haven’t seen yet.”  
Or touched, though people didn’t have to know it. But damn how he'd enjoyed it… maybe he should follow Ryan’s advice and finally ask you out? What bad could happen, right?
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yujinnieswifeu · 7 months ago
hello and thank you for the fic on sex appeal it's really great I really liked it thank you again
I wanted to know if you could make a fic about yujin or wonyoung filming the kisses challenge (candy, drinks, ice cream, popscicle) for reader's YouTube channel and wony or yuj gets a little naughty and horny because of all the kissing teasing the reader about that touching reader breast and reader pushing back their advance and telling them to concentrate on the basic subject after filming the video reader it's that she's going to have a long night (yujin or wonyoung getting hard after a moment in the video hiding they're hard cocks with a pillow video)
(you can easily find gay people filming this challenge you can use it as a source of inspiration)
thanks again for the other fic
pairings: sub!fem reader x dom g!p Yujin
warnings: smuttt, cumming inside of pussy (please don’t do this irl), kinda switch Yujin and reader?, mild cursing, needy Yujin
a/n: hii again anon!! I’m so glad u enjoyed the previous one that i wrote on Wony hehe, so here is another one w Yujin this time!! I missed writing for Yujin so this was so fun to write tbh, really missed my baby🥺🥺 i forgot to add that this was such a good request as well so tqsm😭. And might have gotten carried away w this askk haha, okk i’ll stop yapping here🥴. (Should i start an anon list btw?? Would you guys like that?)
You and Yujin have been seeing the viral kissing challenge, and wanted to try it out for a while now. You were scared but excited at the same time. It is not like you and Yujin were innocent when doing youtube couple videos, but the thought of doing a challenge like this, it was something new. Yes, sometimes your hand would linger a little longer than usual, sometimes your eyes would stare a little longer into hers, but kissing so intensely in front of the camera was something that you two would never think of doing until couples started doing the kissing challenge.
So fast forward to now, you and Yujin were sitting in your living room, the ice cream flavours were spread all over the table and the camera settled over the tripod just like usual. “I’m scared of this Yujin ah..” you mutter out your thoughts in your head, and Yujin goes to cup your cheeks, planting a soft kiss on your lips to calm you down. “Mm..what have we not accomplished huh?” She whispers against your lips, her eyes lowers down on them before going back to look into your eyes.
“You’re right…with you, everything is possible.” You gave her a wide smile, the one she adores and she smiles back widely as well, almost looking like a puppy. “Stop that lookkk.” You dragged your words, which makes her giggle, showing off her dimples. “That’s even worse!” You pout, and she takes the opportunity to pinch your cheeks instead. You were whining now and Yujin just shushes you up with another kiss. “We need to start rolling the video now, if not the ice cream will melt.” She looks over the ice cream, some puddle of water under the wrapper due to condensation (idk if I’m right 🧍🏻‍♀️), and back at you as you gave her a small pout.
“When i kiss you later, that look of yours will be gone baby.” She teased, and you just roll your eyes at her way of flirting with you, a smile forming on your lips now. “There’s that smile, i’m going to start now okay?” She asked and you nod your head yes. Within a few seconds, she starts the video, settling next to you and you two starts with the normal introduction, filling some fans in on how has your day been and answering the lucky fans questions. Finally, it was the part when you two would do the challenge.
“So..Yujin and me both know how fans have been asking for this content lately…so we’re going to do this challenge. Can you guys guess what it is?” You posed with your hand over your ear, as if hearing what the fans are saying and Yujin giggles at your actions. “You got it right, we’re going to do the….kissing challenge!” Yujin answers after a while of silence and you hid your face in your palms, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “As you can see, y/n here has been trying to get away from this, but of course, i convinced her.” Yujin teases, her hands going to ruffle your hair and you give her a glaring look, which makes her giggle. “Okay okay, i’ll stop.” She says, straightening your hair for you before going back to the task at hand.
“So for this challenge, we have prepared ice cream, and there’s so many flavours to choose from, we really just bought a bunch which we thought were nice to try for this challenge.” Yujin rambles on and you nod at her words.
Yujin shows the ice cream flavour to the audience, the blindfold was over your eyes now, making you unable to see anything but darkness. Your heart was racing during this time, being unable to see was not something you two were unfamiliar with of course, but thinking about her lips on yours while the video was playing, and blindfolded, there was just something about it that makes you all nervous and excited.
When you feel her fingers under your chin, you got the queue, your lips puckers a little and then you felt it, her cold lips on yours. Your breathing hitches in that moment, feeling her kissing you more intensely, her tongue presses through your lips, forcing you to taste the sweet taste of the ice cream that lingered on her tongue. It tasted like a mix of blueberries and strawberries. Your breathing starts getting heavier, and after a while, Yujin pulls away, almost drawing a whimper out of you as you bite your lips between your teeth instead.
“Well..what flavour was that?” She says slightly breathless, now grabbing a pillow from the edge of the sofa over her lap. “Mm..was that mixed berries?” You raise a brow through the blindfold and Yujin was a little shocked you got it right. “You guessed it right babe, how did you guess?” She quipped, now removing the blindfold for a while, your eyes squinting from the light slightly. “It tasted like blueberries but at the same time strawberries?”
“Oh, to me it just tasted like blueberries, maybe it’s because of you huh? Always distracting me.” Yujin smirks, her attempt to flirt with you makes you roll your eyes, your cheeks now slightly red from her words. “Let’s move on to the next flavour!” You added on, trying to change the subject which causes Yujin to laugh. “Okay, okay, put it back on then.” You place the blindfold back on, the sound of the wrapper fills up the room, the silence was making your heart race, not knowing when she will kiss you.
That was until you felt a pair of hands on your waist, pulling you closer to her, your breath hitches, a gasp falling past your lips at the unexpected touch. Yujin takes this opportunity to kiss you deeply, instantly sliding her tongue inside your mouth, you whimper softly, feeling her hands slide up and down your body teasingly. You were going to push her away and chide her but Yujin knew you too well, her hands sliding under your shirt to feel your skin against her palm. You moan into the kiss, not stopping her yet, until you felt her sliding her fingers past your bra and brushing teasingly at your nipples. You pull away almost instantly, breathing heavily and removing the blindfold that was covering your eyes just a second ago.
“What was that?” You were sternly looking at her now, and she pouts cutely instead, hoping it would work against you. “Don’t give me that look, we need to focus on our video and you know that.” Yujin just whines, she was getting hard doing this challenge and it was not helping when you were blindfolded. She was having those naughty thoughts about you, all blindfolded for her, maybe even bound to the bed…it was driving her and her cock crazy. She just wants this video to end at this point and show you how hard you have gotten her. “Baby…can we stop here for today?” Yujin whines, the pout still etched on her face and you sigh, shaking your head no. “Just 2 more flavours okay? We need to retake this one since you got carried away.” Yujin droops her head, almost like a puppy which makes you giggle. “Sorry love, soon okay? Then we can take care of that problem of yours.” You whisper the last part seductively into her ears, and she bites her bottom lip, suddenly eager to continue recording the content for you two’s youtube channel.
“A-ahh Yujin slow down!” You cry out, Yujin had requested for your blindfold to stay on, the camera still rolling as she rams her cock inside of you. “Ngh…s-so tight for me, is it cause of the blindfold?” Yujin pants heavily, spreading your legs apart as she drives her cock further deeper inside of you, reaching places that you couldn’t and you let out slurs and moans. She loves seeing you like this, so vulnerable for her. “Shut u-up.” You say breathlessly, and Yujin giggles slightly, pushing your hands up over your head instead to feel you squeeze around her even more. She groans softly against your neck, before licking and sucking at the skin there. “You like it when i do this?” Yujin tightens her grip over your wrist, and you whimper softly. Your hands were curled into fists, and Yujin moans, feeling you tighten around her more.
Just a little more and she would come undone, but that was not what Yujin wants. Within seconds, you found yourself being manhandled into a new position, Yujin slides her cock between your folds, whimpering into you ear as she has your front pressed down against the bed. “F-feel so good..your pussy is mine.” She bites your earlobe, pushing her cock tip past your hole again as she rams herself inside of you. You moan loudly, the sound slightly muffled as you had your head in the pillow. Yujin slides her fingers under your front, her fingers going to tease at your nipples, rolling and pulling them between her fingers, your moans becoming even louder at this point. Yujin whines against your ear, your pussy was closing deliciously around her cock, and she couldn’t stop. Within seconds, she cums inside of you, moaning how good you feel against your ear as her finger slides down to rub at your clit, which sends you over the edge as well.
You feel her hot seed inside of you, but she was still moving her hips slowly. It starts to get too much for you, and you whimper, unable to push her off you since she moves her hands to pin your wrists down, driving her cock that was still hard inside of you. “S-so good, i can’t stop baby, please? I want you to be full of my pup..i’m going to fill you up full of my pup o-okay?” And who were you to say no? When the thought of it turns you on so much? You two ended up doing it all night, and you were sure to be sore the next few days but that was the worries of tomorrow with how good Yujin was fucking you.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 25 days ago
Wooin Yoo's analysis
After seeing tons of people misunderstanding his character and making him out to be worst person alive, I decided to take the matters in my hands and post an analysis. I'd be more than delighted if this will help to understand his character better because I'm also using this analysis to debunk some claims against Wooin Yoo.
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Wooin Yoo appears to be playful and friendly person, at least that's how he portrays himself to strangers. He tends to hide his true intentions behind the mask he puts on. At first glance, he seems sincere but his words often carry the hint of mischief and mockery. He's skilled in provoking people - of course intentionally - he seems to kind of enjoy the reactions caused by his words and he's written to be shameless character, regularly acting a bit too casual. Whenever he, himself, is being provoked, he manages to remain calm, rational and controls his frustration very well, that is unless people pushes his buttons. We've seen him being quite aggressive and violent, he also gets frustrated when things don't go along with his plans. He also gets annoyed when he's being ignored -
For example, when he greeted Monster but got ignored, Wooin clearly got frustrated but let it go afterwards. He couldn't hide his dislike though.
Despite these questionable traits, Wooin seems pretty friendly and comfortable with his friends - Joker and Hyuk specifically. I mentioned how Wooin gets annoyed when things don't go along with his plans and sometimes even gets violent, but that's never the case when it comes to his friends. In the webtoon series, Joker and Hyuk don't listen to him quite often or follow his plans but he doesn't get violent with them. Frustrated? Yes. Violent or lashes out like he does with others? Definitely not. In fact, I'd say that Hyuk and Joker get free pass to frustrate him and be perfectly fine whatsoever. Same goes to ignoring. I think in 522(?) chapter, he talks about finals yet gets interrupted by Hyuk, who asks if anyone wants a drink, then Joker joins in - they basically ignored what Wooin was saying but guess what Wooin did? That's right, nothing. He just scratched his head and posed a question. Nothing else. I'm emphasizing this so much because I'm using this analysis as a way to prove some people wrong that have very bad view of Wooin to the point of misunderstanding him. Like I saw someone straight up saying that he'd be cold to his own friends too, which is wrong. Wooin hates being lonely or alone, hence why we see him hanging out with his friends often, it usually being Joker or/and Hyuk. He sure as hell is not going to treat his friends like piece of shits while constantly hanging out with them and deeply despising solitude.
How do I know that Wooin dislikes solitude? Well, lemme focus on specific interaction between Joker and Wooin, where Joker mentions how lonely the puppy must have felt and how lonely it'd be if Joker just left it. Wooin, for once, has different type of expression that we don't see of him often. Those words just stirred something in Wooin and he remembered how lonely he used to be in almost dark room with nothing but small, single window.
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His backstory yet have to be revealed but I can analyse the entire picture right here. The room Wooin is in seems very simple, has nothing else other than chair, desk, shelves and books, one picture and one window, which is the only source of light in the room. Wooin is sitting in the middle, facing the window while open book is posed in front of him. But no, he's not looking at the book, he's not reading anymore. He's looking at the only source of light in his room that comes from outside, as if he's dreaming about something, going outside, having fun with his friends, being free. But no, rather he's feeling incredibly lonely and solitude is gnawing at his bones. This scene was supposed to show just how much he hates loneliness. Ironic, isn't it? He's always with someone and has lot of connections that you'd think he's never alone but who would have thought that a person like that has suffered from solitude before? And that he's trying to cope and kill that solitude by almost always being with his friends. It makes sense because most of the time we saw Wooin hanging out with his friends, they weren't really doing anything but keeping each other company. For example, in part 4 episode 86, Wooin is just on his phone while Joker eats an apple and they're not interacting until Sangho sends Wooin a message. There's more scenes like that, for example, Joker just sleeping in Wooin's car and nothing else. But still, the presence of someone is enough for Wooin.
"He doesn't really care about his friends tho" right, a man who gave up on being professional cyclist receiving professional training and his bright future for his friend, Hyuk, just to create the crew where Hyuk could freely ride just how he wanted without being judged, just so the two of them could ride together again, this man doesn't care about his friends, right? This man who apologized to Sangho after Joker messed up when he didn't have to be the one apologizing at all or when Joker angered Juhwan and Wooin tried to fix the issue Joker caused - again, he didn't have to - is a man who doesn't care about his friends. Right, a man who accepted Vinny as a friend and treats him so well in Sabbath, right? A man who covered for his friends when they messed up what Sangho requested them, right? Right. How uncaring of him.
Now let's talk about the recent glance at his backstory, where Wooin talks about how he gave up being acknowledged by anyone. Because he has tried many, many, many times but only kept getting labelled as "useless"
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The unknown man speaks lowly of Wooin, this man is someone he wanted acknowledgement from but he never got it. The man seems rich, maybe the ceo of some company but he surely has lots of authority. So far, we can assume him to be Wooin's father, also to note the fact that this is happening in the house, Wooin's room. It seems Wooin wanted to be acknowledged so badly by this man but ended up being disappointment probably for quite lot times. The signs of Wooin being victim are visible in the chapter:
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The room is messy, there's golf's stick, cigarettes on the ground - they're messy too, broken what seems to be a cup, broken phone and books scattered around in the corner. On top of it, Wooin is tied up and beaten up to the point of bleeding. Obviously he's victim when he ends up like this + locked up when he only ever wanted to make the man proud, for him to be acknowledged. Then Wooin proceeds to say how he gave up on being acknowledged by anyone ages ago.
There's a lot we don't know about him but we'll probably learn more soon enough.
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valentiyne · 1 year ago
𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗉𝗈𝗍 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗇? ꕥ 𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗍𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗋𝗐𝗂𝗇
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Ashton Irwin x Fem!Reader Summary: Getting randomly selected as a seat filler for an award show can't be as boring as it seems. Warnings: None Word Count: 1.3k Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻
Confirmation Code #AI0771994
Hello Y/n!
We received your request form for the annual MTV VMA's seat filler position. Your ticket was randomly selected and we are sending this email as a confirmation of your acceptance.
We hope to see you there!
The MTV Video Music Awards is an award show to honor the best in the music video medium. Of course, I had stumbled upon the application as an ad while scrolling through Instagram- thinking nothing of it when I filled it out months ago.
When I woke up to the confirmation email this morning, I flew out of bed and began picking out an outfit- regardless if I was five hours early. I spent most of the afternoon practicing my best smiles and poses, making sure I wasn't caught on live TV with an embarrassing face.
I stumbled down the steps, constantly checking the time over and over again. It was enough to send chills down my spine- wondering who I would get the honor to sit next to. Justin Bieber? Or even Taylor Swift? A girl can only dream it's someone she adores.
"Ticket please", The man at the front asked in a husk voice, holding up his scanner toward my phone as I showed him the confirmation email instead. His eyes scan it, using his pinky finger to scroll across the email.
"Seat filler..", He scratches his chin for a moment before turning around to speak into his earpiece, leaving me to anxiously bounce between my feet. He snaps back around, pointing behind him before leaning in,
"You're going to go straight down the hall, into the auditorium and find the next open seat. Do not scream or squeal if you're placed by a huge celebrity- it's against your policy and you will be thrown out", He hands me a wristband and I slap it around my wrist, giving him a quick 'thanks' before darting down the hall.
The auditorium was filled to the brim, the loud bickering of voices filled my ears as I tried to focus my eyes at the empty seats. There were limited seats that weren't preoccupied so I found myself circling the same corner until I spotted one in the back. I scooted through peoples legs before plopping down in a vacant seat- or so I thought.
"Excuse me ma'am? You're in my seat", I snap my eyes up and give a faint smile before clutching my purse and brushing past the lady that stood before me. I looked around once more before finding another seat a few rows up.
"Excuse me, Is this seat taken?", I leaned down to ask the man who was busy talking to the brown-haired boy on his right. He averts his gaze over to me before shaking his head and grabbing his water bottle from the seat,
"No not at all, help yourself."
I give him a thankful smile before plopping down beside him, my elbow brushing his as I propped it up on the armrest.
I started at the people seated in front of me, taking numerous selfies of themselves so I awkwardly looked to the right only to be met with hazel eyes staring back at me. He was dressed in almost casual clothes, with the exception of a leather jacket and freshly polished dress shoes. His cologne smelled like it cost more than my apartment's rent and I took note of the fact he may be a celebrity I didn't know.
"Are you a seat filler?", His voice chirps up after a few moments of awkward silence of the self-challenged staring contest. His eyes glance between my eyes and my tight black dress,
"Yeah, are you?", I shift now, turning ever so slightly to the right to fully face him with my purse on my lap.
He gives me a warm smile, flashing his dimples for a mere second before nodding. The announcer, some celebrity who's name I couldn't pronounce, introduces themselves before notifying us that the show was starting. I switch my phone on silent and slide it into my dress' pocket, taking note of the hazel eyed man next to me copying my actions.
A few big named artists preform on the stage in front of me, confetti falling occasionally. I couldn't help but glance over to the boy next to me hunched over to his right with his back towards me. I blow air into my cheeks and begin bouncing my leg nervously. A tap on my arm snapped me from my train of thought and I immediate look down to see a piece of paper at the edge of my elbow.
"This is lame"
I stifle a laugh and look up at him, reaching across to snag the pen from his hand.
"You chose to be here silly"
He leans in closer to read my tiny handwriting before gently taking the pen back,
"Something like that"
He gives a crooked smile and I roll my eyes at him causing him to pass the pen back to me,
"I'm Y/n"
I whisper his name in my head, trying to put his face to a name before smiling up at him.
"We should do something after this?"
Oh he's bold.
"We could ditch now" I look up hopefully, only to find him shaking his head with a frown.
"Cant" Is all he writes before stuffing the pen back into his blazer and facing his attention to the stage.
I turn my gaze back to the front, subconsciously looking at Ashton through my peripheral vision. He doesn't move an inch nor advert his eyes in my direction for a whole hour.
The announcer walks back on stage, adjusting their hair before speaking.
"As we all know, Song of the Summer is one of the biggest awards to be given out tonight-" They start, toying with the envelope in their hand. "It is voted by fans across the globe and tonight, I'm here to announce who gets the honor to take home this award"
The audience goes silent, my eyes averting back to Ashton whose jaw was now clenched and I could've sworn I saw his eyes watering.
"And the winner for Song of the Summer goes to", the announcer unfolds the tiny envelope in front of them and smiles into the crowd. It was the last award to be given out tonight, and I could see Ashton rubbing his knees with both hands.
"5 seconds of summer!"
Ashton and the men seated next to him shoot up, hands in the air as they start shouting and jumping. The bright spotlight hits my face and I cover my eyes before a rough tug on my arm sends me up from my seat. I'm pulled into a tight embrace, large arms covering my figure as I adjust my head to look up. Ashton was hugging me, jumping up in down with me in his arms.
A song begins playing over the loud speakers and he lets go of me, patting my head before handing me the slip of paper from before.
"See you soon", he shoots me a toothy grin and follows after his friends up towards the stage. I was in disbelief, one second someone is telling you their a seat filler and the next they are a rockstar in sheep's clothing. I turn my gaze to see four pieces of paper taped to the seats that were once occupied by them,
Reserved for: Michael, Luke, Calum and Ashton
I blink a few times before sitting down to read the note that Ashton had handed me.
Hi, sorry for lying. here's my number incase you still wanted to grab a bite to eat?
-Ash Xx
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flowering-darkness · 15 days ago
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Lorenza: "Had I been at Laxan Loft that fateful day, then perhaps.. You whom the Ascians kept in the shadows might yet have had an ally for that last sacrifice. ..Ah, but who are we two of the void to dwell on a hundred years past?"
(comments/reblogs are appreciated but never required. further context is under the readmore!)
A little idea I had earlier and was successfully able to get a friend to queue into E10 with me to access the location for! This is actually technically my first thing made for my selfship with the Shadowkeeper (or to use her truer name Cylva), so it's perhaps a bit too context-heavy of a piece to start things off with, but.. oh well! I hope that it's still alright/people like it, even without everyone being aware of the full background ;w;
(If you are curious what's actually being depicted here: it's just a hypothetical musing about "if Lorenza had been present at the Battle of Laxan Loft a hundred years ago, where Cylva turned into the Shadowkeeper and forced Ardbert and the Warriors of Light to fight her (but they refused to kill her like she asked), then maybe that whole event could have been a bit less emotionally harrowing for Cylva". There was no way Lorenza could have been there, of course - she didn't even know Cylva at that time, as the two only met at the start of Shadowbringers despite both originating from the Thirteenth - but.. it's still something she idly muses after learning about Cylva's past. For more background context, feel free to have a read of this other post!)
When it came to putting this together, I was limited by what remained of the duty timer (since we had to do the whole boss fight against the Shadowkeeper and then I had to wait for everyone else to leave), as well as my own inexperience with manipulating reshade parameters like colour curves and brightness (so I apologise if this is a bit all-the-same-value - I tried to mess with the background vs. foreground a bit, but that was about all I could muster). To put things into perspective, this is how the arena looked before I went in and started the posing process - so as you can see, a lot of processing needed to be done to get the final vibes!
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I'm also still not really adept at posing within FFXIV, which is why Lorenza is incorrectly using her right hand to reach out to Cylva; the day I learn how to flip/invert poses derived from paused animations will be a very advantageous one indeed! There's probably a better workflow than the one I currently use, but.. like when I was first starting out with MMD, it takes a while to get properly familiar with the tools involved and how to do what you're aiming for with them. I'd meant to get some alternate/closeup camera angles, but exited out of /gpose instead after taking the initial one, which meant I lost everything I'd loaded in .w.
In any case, though - I like how the final product turned out (even if the composition is almost identical to my January render..), and I hope that some of my thought process in making it could come through! I did finish making this at one minute to midnight on Valentine's Day, but I'm aware it isn't really a very Valentine's Day selfship thing.. so, I suppose it's more fitting that I wasn't able to get around to posting it until after the date had changed here! =P
Thank you kindly for taking the time to read this! I hope it all makes sense ^-^
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carrrrino · 1 year ago
HELLO I am very excited for this project! I wanted to express a concern though…it’s rather hard to find the any info on the project aside from what’s on the blog (which isn’t…very much information wise) I’m not sure if that’s an intentional decision…
I know when I first found the info I….kind of didn’t believe this?? That sounds odd. I suppose what I mean is, it didn’t seem the most legit. I did digging through the blog, read all the links, searched for a Twitter and YouTube accounts and had a hard time doing that as well…Simply because there is very little information on it. Which there’s nothing wrong with…I was wanting to suggest (as an outsider) that you and your team put more announcements/ marketing into this…?
I REALLY hope to see this project grow, it’s absolutely deserved, and very few people seem to know about it. I’d hate that to be something people miss out on. I don’t really expect an answer on this but I thought I should share the concern as an outside perspective. 💛
I really hope this project is going well for you and that it gets the deserved recognition as it’s coming out!!! So excited!!!
I'm so happy that people share the same excitement and concern for the series. Also, the fact that you guys think it's worthy of success Is truly inspiring! I think it's time I SAY something though about my current situation.
TL;DR - Our team basically went inactive after the summer; everyone returned to their lives and I'm the only one who can keep up with the project unconditionally. I didn't mean to dishearten you guys! It's a pain in the ass to work alone - excluding voice actors and SFX producers. The OUTBREAK blog will change entirely, it will be used for info and marketing. This blog will just be general art created by me (&no-namestuff). I will continue to work on the series independently, but I'll definitely give out more info as requested and make things more legit whenever I can!
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Over the summer, a group of us began working on the project together, but as most of my friends returned to school and their regular lives, it became almost impossible to keep going. Currently, only a few are available to help, but they're too busy.
I didn't want to worry anyone by saying that it's basically just me working on the project; it's tough to balance animating, scripting, marketing, planning, publishing, AND funding by myself. Over time it (advertising and insightful communication) just became indifferent to me, I even considered going silent for a while until I had a mother-load of progress, but that's really not fair.
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The project was a bit of a mess when we started. We didn't plan on making it a big deal, my animations were half-assed and incomprehensible; I barely knew how to work Adobe and could barely even pay it off, the sound was going to be recorded via iPhone, the script wasn't even halfway done, and voice actors weren't thought of until the Prologue. After more than six months of work, Verse 1-4 (or 6?) was deleted because of issues with the file.. this really drew the line for everyone.
So here I am, despite everything; I revised the script, which is barely halfway done, redesigned the characters, read more into the multiversal conundrums of AUs and UNDERTALE, built a portfolio, studied poses for the action scenes — and there’s still a lot that I have to learn. I'm working on Q&As, asks, and the teaser / test / project animations. I don't want people to be confused or hesitant, so I appreciate you a lot for reminding me of this. As requested, I will provide additional details about the project too :) !
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No-Name's theme is in progress (thanks to Synth Mints), I've invested heavily in software for good quality animations, talented voice actors from this fandom (some you might even know) have agreed to voice for me - I'm extremely grateful for their help. Even if it takes years to release an episode or pilot, I'm still excited about the outcome. Who knows, I might even have a genuine team by then! :D
aw geez sorry for the whole bit-life story, I'm just trying to shed some light on the situation for you all. I do care, I want everyone to know that, it's just hard work.
Until the next teaser animation, please have these lil' pieces of teasers / lore as an apology!
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SD by @/galacii ERROR by @/loverofpiggies / CrayonQueen
LASTLY today is my birthday yayyy 🥳🎂
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syrupfog · 5 months ago
When Penguin starts finding petals littered around the bunk room on the Tang, in the beginning he thinks nothing of it. People track in dirt and leaves all the time— or maybe Clione was trying to pretty up the place at some point. There was an incident a while ago with ornamental candles that stopped after Bepo took a bite of one.
He takes more notice when the flower petals keeps happening, though. 
They’ve been at sea for weeks with their only stop being a winter island to stock up. There’s no way someone’s tracking in bright, fire-red petals from a barren landscape like that.
He considers going to Law about it, but decides against it. It feels like overreacting. It’s overreacting, right? Just some flower petals from time to time, surely it’s nothing. 
Well, it’s nothing for about a week.
A week before he’s walking into the mess hall at dinner and spotting Shachi coughing into the collar of his boiler suit before surreptitiously drawing out a handful of crumpled red blossoms when he thinks no one is looking.
Well, fuck.
Penguin corners Shachi in his bunk later when everyone else is doing actual responsible things.
“Who is it?” Penguin asks, sliding over Shachi and sitting down heavy on his stomach.
Shachi groans from the weight. Rude. “Who is what?” 
“Whoever you can’t get over,” Penguin says.
He knows he’s right when Shachi shifts uncomfortably beneath him. “None of your fucking business,” Shachi says, and Penguin can tell even with the sunglasses that he’s avoiding his gaze.
“Fuck off, I told you the second I was crushing on Killer,” Penguin pouts.
“You tell me the second you find a stranger’s ass hot,” Shachi points out. “That’s not special.”
“Well it’s still important.” Penguin leans forward, arms bracketing Shachi’s head, brims of their hats almost touching. “Come on. Why aren’t you confessing? The flowers mean you’re not confessing.”
“Or that I got rejected,” Shachi points out peevishly.
Penguin blinks. “You got rejected?” he screeches. Impossible. Who would reject Shachi?
Unfortunately, his screeching alerts Hakugan, apparently passing by out in the corridor, who comes barging into the room.
“Hey! Penguin you were supposed to be on cleanup duty with me and I just had to swab the whole mess myself!”
Shachi manages to slip out from under Penguin’s hold while Penguin makes flimsy excuses that Hakugan doesn’t buy.
Damn it. 
Shachi avoids him after that, or at least avoids one-on-one situations. And that drives Penguin insane. When has Shachi ever kept secrets from him?
“He doesn’t do this!” Penguin moans, face planting into Killer’s thigh.
“Maybe he’s embarrassed,” Killer suggests, petting his hat.
“Shachi tells me every time he takes a shit and half the time he wants me to rate them,” Penguin grouses. “He can’t be embarrassed.”
He feels Killer’s hand pause for a moment before resuming petting. “Taking a shit might not be as personal as getting rejected,” he suggests. “If that’s what happened. Which we don’t know. But especially so since it’s someone he clearly has actual feelings for.”
Penguin, very briefly, considers the possibility that Shachi has a crush on him.
But then he dismisses it. They’ve made out (and more) many times over the years and Penguin knows he’s not Shachi’s type. Shachi likes them passionate. That’s the word he uses, at least. Penguin’s not exactly sure what he means.
“How long are you lot docking here?” he asks, shifting the conversation out of frustration.
“Log pose resets for us in three more days, so should be four for you guys.”
“Excellent. Lots of time to make out.”
Killer laughs. Penguin likes it when Killer laughs.
Law’s never been a fan of the Kid pirates but he’s made certain allowances since Penguin and Killer started dating. When they’re on the same island, they dock within room-ing distance so that Penguin can be deposited on the Punk’s deck like a child of divorced parents.
But usually it’s just Penguin. Which is why he’s so confused when he comes out of Killer’s room in his skivvies and hat for a midnight snack only to catch a brief glance of Shachi sneaking around the end of the corridor.
“Wha—?“ Penguin says before taking off running after him.
He doesn’t catch him. He turns around the bend and Shachi’s nowhere to be seen.
Returning to Killer’s room, where Killer is splayed out and snoring on the bed, Penguin sits on his stomach and says, “What’s Shachi doing here?”
“Hnnnm,” says Killer, throwing an arm over his face. “What happened to snack time?”
Penguin snaps his fingers at him. “Keep up,” he says. “Shachi’s on your ship. Why is Shachi on your ship?”
“Fuck should I know,” Killer mumbles, turning over onto his side, leading to Penguin tumbling off of him.
But a thought has occurred to Penguin. “Oh no,” he says. “Is it you?”
“Is what me?” Killer asks, pulling Penguin in and clearly trying to go back to sleep.
“Are you the reason he’s got Hanahaki? Does he like you?”
Killer snorts. “Shachi doesn’t like me, babe.”
“How do you know?” Penguin stops. He considers. “I guess you’re going to have to date us both.”
“Peng, I’m not the only person on this ship. You know that, right?”
“But you’re the only hot one!”
Killer opens his eyes and gives Penguin a flat look. “You’re biassed,” he says. “If Shachi liked me, he’d tell you. Your first instinct upon learning that he might light me is to try to share me with him. You know he’d tell you.”
He tugs Penguin back down vertical. “Also, I’m not good at sharing.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen the way you get with noodles,” Penguin mumbles. Trapped under Killer’s arm, he figures he’ll corner Shachi tomorrow. For now, he tries to rank the other Kid pirates in order of hotness, listing them off on his fingers as Killer ignores him. Heat? Wire? Mosh? Boogie? Obviously no one compares to Killer.
Of course, the next day he can’t find Shachi. 
He goes back to the Tang (two days until the Kids set off) but no one has seen him. Ikkaku thinks he might have gone into town. Jean Bart says he didn’t sleep there last night. Law rolls his eyes and says nothing, but that’s perfectly normal.
He snoops around the Victoria Punk but he doesn’t know the layout of the ship quite as well, and eventually resorts to asking around. Quincy says she saw him on the upper decks. UK says he was near steerage. Dive says she watched him steal the good pancakes. So he’s been here. Somewhere.
But why?
And then, down another corridor looking for clues, Penguin finds the petals.
It’s a handful of them, smushed and hidden under some equipment boxes in the hallway right outside the captain’s quarters, ironically just two doors down from Killer’s room.
Penguin abandons decorum and throws Kid’s door open.
Which, in hindsight, was not a smart move, but Penguin’s critical thinking is not what it could be right now.
And hey, he finds Shachi.
He finds Shachi leaning over Kid, the fucking captain, swapping spit.
A strangled sound comes out of Penguin’s mouth.
Shachi scrambles off of Kid in a hurry and Kid wipes his mouth, cursing in Penguin’s direction.
“What the fuck you can’t just barge in here,” he snaps, all the metal in the room shaking a little in response.
“Him?” Penguin yells, ignoring Kid entirely and looking at Shachi. “That’s who?”
“Shut up,” Shachi yells, which is very un-Shachi like. He does yell, but he doesn’t yell at Penguin. 
But his yelling immediately devolves into coughing into his fist and Penguin turns on Kid, who’s getting up off the floor.
“You,” Penguin shouts at him. “You rejected him?”
“What the fuck are you on about?” Kid yells back, and at the same time Shachi rushes forward, clamping his hand over Penguin’s mouth and trying to drag him out of the room.
That’s not going to fucking work though because Penguin’s mad and he’s going to be mad. 
He bites Shachi.
Shachi lets go. 
There’s crumpled flower petals on the floor around  him.
“You rejected him,” Penguin accuses. “What, so you’re just using him now, instead? He’s not good enough to date but he’s good enough to make out with!?”
Metal bits swirl through the air around them.
Shachi lets out a very quiet “oh shit” as the door slams behind them, trapping the both of them in the room with a now seething captain.
“What the fuck are you accusing me of,” Kid bellows. “I didn’t do shit. Your little crew member is the one who’s been coming onto me every time we see you! HE’S the one who initiated this, he’s the one who said no string a-fucking-tatched!” He points a metal finger at Shachi, who’s shifted to standing slightly behind Penguin, his fingers digging into Penguin’s upper arm. 
“You,” Kid shouts, pointing over Penguin’s shoulder at Shachi with an accusing finger.. “What’s your fucking problem, was this a joke to you?” 
Shachi stammers something incomprehensible but Kid continues. “What was your fucking plan, fuck the captain and then go brag to your fucking friends about it?”
“Hey,” Penguin shouts back.
He takes a step forward, held back by Shachi’s hands digging into his arm. “Don’t talk to him like that!”
Shachi, a little shakily, says, “I didn’t! I wouldn’t say shit!”
“I don’t fucking believe you,” Kid yells. “Get out and don’t fucking come back here!”
The door behind them is wrenched open, but before they can go, Shachi is collapsing onto the floor, hacking coughs wracking his frame as flame-red petals spew from his mouth and cover the wood. Penguin falls to his side but he can’t do anything to help, and this— this is so bad.
“What the fuck…” says Kid, but it’s quiet now, voice shifted to something between shock and concern. 
And then, suddenly, Killer is there. Scooping up Shachi’s shaking form and taking him out of the room. Penguin follows, not knowing what else to do. This feels like his fault.
The infirmary on the Victoria Punk is colourful and crowded like the rest of the ship, but the cot Shachi rests on is clean and sparse.
UK has made him tea, something in it to help soothe his throat and keep the plant in his lungs at bay.
Killer and Kid are both there, sitting on mismatched chairs, silent and serious.
Despite feelings like he’s in deep shit, Penguin wasted no time in crawling onto the cot with Shachi as soon as he could, wrapping himself around him like he could protect him. Shachi didn’t protest (he rarely does) but he’s not making eye contact, staring down at the tea in his hands.
“I think your ship’s surgeon will be a better fit than I am to get that thing out of your lungs,” UK says after looking Shachi over. “Should be a simple enough operation. Only complication is that you’ll forget the, uh, target of the affections.” He looks sideways at Kid.
Kid continues to look fucking livid, but he’s stewing in silence, shoulder to shoulder with Killer, who’s donned his mask and is giving little away.
After UK takes his leave, Shachi downs his tea in silence, coughing only a few stray petals.
“We should leave,” he says.
Penguin’s about to agree but Kid interrupts them. “No you fucking should not,” he says, leaning forward and pushing Shachi’s chest back down with one hand. “I know you well enough to know that if you leave you’re never coming back here.”
Penguin lets out a low whistle. He’s not wrong.
“What was your plan?” Kid asks. “Just fuck around with me until I fall in love with you?”
“Fucking Christ,” Shachi mumbles, his voice raw. “Of course not!” Then, quieter. “Just planned on doing it as long as I could, then… getting the surgery when I couldn’t handle it anymore.”
Penguin frowns. “You weren’t ever going to tell him?” he asks.
“No!” Shachi shouts. “I’m not naive, Peng! I know this wouldn’t have had a fairy tale ending! I just wanted to— to indulge as long as I could.” He peters off, staring into his cup again.
Kid is back to looking furious but Killer leans forward before he can say anything. “For clarity’s sake,” he says, his voice shockingly even next to Kid’s. “Why wouldn’t this have had the ‘fairy tale ending’?”
Shachi looks at him confused. “Because?” he says, like it’s obvious.
When it seems like no one is on his page, he points to Kid. “He’s a captain? He’s not just a captain, he’s a Worst Generation captain! He— he owns this fucking ship! He’s one of the most powerful men in the world and he’s got a sickass devil fruit. And listen, I know I’m hot. But I’m not, like,” he gestures to Killer. “I’m not even first mate! I’m just some guy!”
“Hey—” Penguin starts to argue but Shachi shuts him down. 
“Peng it’s not about being hot or whatever. A captain, especially a Worst Generation captain, can’t just date a scrawny fucking nobody. It’ll fuck up his image! He’s gotta strike fear into the heart of the Marines!”
He coughs and a few stray petals come out. “That’s why Law can date Luffy but Kid can’t date me, even though I’m objectively much sexier than Luffy.”
“Ehhh,” Penguin says while Killer makes an uncertain hand motion.
“Anyway, this has been good,” Shachi says.“I’m going to go now before I can embarrass myself more. Gonna go get the dumb surgery and then make out with Hakugan or something until I feel better.”
He goes to stand up but is almost immediately pushed back down by a slightly crumpled metal bar levitating through the air and attaching itself over the bed.
“Shut up,” Kid says, pointing his finger accusingly at Shachi. “You talk too fucking much, you know that?”
Shachi gives him the middle finger. “Well you use too much tongue when you kiss.”
“Your teeth are too sharp to bite my neck, UK made me get a rabies shot,” Kid shoots back. “Shut up. Your reasoning is stupid.”
“My reasoning is not stupid,” Shachi argues back flippantly.
“I don’t give a flying fuck what the marines or anyone else thinks of who I date,” Kid says. “That’s a dumbass thought process and you’re dumb as fuck for thinking it.” His scowl deepens. “And you’re dumb as fuck for being such a coward that you weren’t even going to tell me! What kind of idiot lets himself almost die for the sake of a good fuck?”
“Many people,” Shachi says petulantly.
“Shut the fuck up. You’re an idiot. If you get that surgery, I’ll kill you.”
Shachi gapes at him. “What the hell?” he says. “You just want me to die, then? Gonna choke on some flower petals, is that metal enough for you?”
“No you fuckskull, I want you to stop being a fucking coward and ask me out!”
Killer has his head in his hands.
Shachi fishmouths at him. “Well maybe I don’t want to do it right now!”
“Yes you do,” Penguin says soothingly, well aware of how much of an idiot Shachi can become when he gets mad. He’s also been sort of uncomfortably trapped on his side by the bar Kid has stuck over the bed. “Please be sensible and just ask out the pirate captain known for murder.”
Shachi scoffs, throwing his hands up. “Fine,” he says. “Even though it’s a dumb decision on your part if you say yes, will you go out with me, Captain Kid?”
“Yeah,” Kid shouts. “For some reason I like your scrawny ass, so i will!”
Killer’s head is somehow more in his hands.
“Fine.” shouts Shachi. “Move this bar so I can make out with your dumb face, then!”
The bar moves very quickly.
Shachi is on Kid’s lap almost as fast.
Penguin makes eye contact (probably) with Killer through the mask. “Can we be… somewhere else?” He asks.
Killer nods. “Please,” he says.
They evacuate the infirmary and close the door firmly behind them.
“They’re going to have sex in there,” Penguin says.
Killer nods in agreement. “They’re going to have sex everywhere.”
A thought occurs to Penguin as they make their way to the upper deck. “Oh, Law is not going to be happy about this.”
Killer snorts. “Your captain isn’t happy about anything.”
Well that’s true.
The rest of the day is spent dodging bits of metal debris that levitate and shoot off at the most alarming of moments. Penguin learns that this means Kid is “extremely happy”. 
He hates having this knowledge. 
Shachi will love it.
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salty-dracon · 8 days ago
My thoughts on the Hundred Line demo
First, and most important question: Did I enjoy it? My answer is, YES!!! ABSOLUTELY YES!!!! I am beyond hooked. This game's got its claws in me. I've got theories cookin', man!
And yes, the EN dub is fine. In fact, I'm very excited to hear more from it!
Under the readmore are further details about the demo and my thoughts on them. Please note that this contains major demo spoilers, and I ask that if you comment, you avoid dropping any information about leaks. Thank you for reading!
First, let's talk presentation- encompassing art style, music, and engine quirks.
I think the presentation is superb. The visual novel engine carries over some quirks from Danganronpa V3 such as having the protagonist's expression on display when they're speaking, which was one of the best things about that game and Rain Code. Not only that, but they allow movement to the side and use interesting angles to display different features of each room, while billboarding the sprites around. That's so freaking cool, and it gives the illusion of having the characters in the room around you as you're looking around, not looking like paper dolls. The art style is predictably a little more grey and mechanical than the colorful psycho-pop DR1 and DR2 and psycho-cool DRV3 and cyberpunky Rain Code. I mean, they're in an army base. That's to be expected. I think it does well to set the tone for the game.
The more colorful floors felt a bit lacking in some respects, and I disliked the sidescrolling. It didn't work for Rain Code either, and I'm curious as to why they went with this format instead of the usual DR Open World wandering. Maybe otherwise you can get stuck between the rooftop micro-habs? Or maybe there will be a horror scene later on which will require you to walk through the halls while bodies line the floor?
The music is very similar to Danganronpa, but I can't complain. DR music is almost 100% bangers, and the battle theme is original. And also a banger. TEMPO TEMPO TEMPO TEMPO-
Voice Acting
This may be controversial of me, but I like it. (Same guy who loved Triangle Strategy's dub, btw.) First, we do have some big names in here from games like Metaphor ReFantazio and various Fangans. And yes, I think of the ones we've seen, they're really good! I'd say every issue I had with the voice acting was just caused by poor voice direction. But I'm not going to let it hamper my enjoyment of the game, no matter how many assholes yell at me on stream about it. Shoutout in particular to Sirei's voice! It sounded just like an army sergeant with a little bit of Cave Johnson thrown in, and the lines were read with so much pomp and personality! Also shoutout to Darumi, Takemaru, and Hiruko, who we saw a lot of in the demo, and whose performances were all full of personality. I kept comparing Darumi to Jinx from League of Legends (not Arcane- important distinction). It helps tremendously that the localization was written so buttery smooth that every VA could take it in stride.
Oh yeah, localization. It's 10/10. That's it.
I've been following the marketing since the beginning, so I've already come to adore this cast. Everyone's a standout in their own way, but some of them defied my expectations in interesting ways.
Eito is supposedly a sickly boy who gave me Major Sus Vibes on account of his weapon being a scythe and that one CG with Takumi- you know the one. People in my circle are calling it Komahina 2 But They Actually Do It This Time. Oh god. Anyway, Eito standing up and calling out Sirei, and proving to be unpopular enough with Hiruko in the mix? I didn't expect him to be the first one to get into interpersonal drama! He seems so reasonable and so nice, but I know that facade is going to be crushed later on- I strongly suspect he'll develop some kind of one-sided obsession with either Takumi, or based on his moveset, justice and group unity, and cull anyone who poses a threat to those things. Which is to say, he's my favorite and I hope Takumi keeps interacting with him!
Hiruko was long thought of as the group's first obstacle to achieving any level of unity, and I'm definitely seeing that here with the way she threatens the others and treats them as worthless unless they're fighting with her. Girl, you may be strong, but you have 0 range- you'd get swarmed by the real baddies if you didn't have the rest of us with you! I don't see any attempt at humor with her yet- which is good, I'd hate to have that illusion shattered so early.
Darumi and Takemaru, as Takumi's first allies, are wonderful! We saw a lot of Takemaru's personality on display- he's weird, but honorable. Same with Darumi. She talks a lot of trash and acts pretty scary, but she's not just a character made to mimic a Danganronpa fan. She seems fun- and moreso, that she cares about the others enough to help them out in a pinch like with Eito's rescue.
If there are two members of the cast that may get annoying, Gaku is one and Shouma is another. WRT Gaku, this is just my own past talking but I hate characters that play Oppression Olympics to win. That being said, they asked us not to write him off as he's very kind when he locks in. As for Shouma, I just hate characters who have 1 line of dialogue followed by 2 lines of self-deprecation. But I trust the team's character writing. I trust they'll do both of them justice.
As for characters that just suck, it is so much fun watching Ima suck. Like, please stop making your sister so uncomfortable, dude, but depending on how far you go, we'll be cheering even louder when Kako hits you with a brick. (Also, not the worst guy I've ever seen in a Danganronpalike. That one goes to a certain sexist Italian Catholic.)
Anyway, I look forward to seeing more of these guys.
It would help if there were a clearer aggro mechanic. I don't fully remember which character had a taunt move in the first place, but it would help if I knew anyway. Otherwise, I find the gameplay super interesting, with lots of opportunity for potential strategies. Paying attention to the movement, range, attack, armor, AOE capability, etc.. of each character will be very fun in a game that's mostly mooks with one big tough boss at the end. AOE characters aren't the best in games like Fire Emblem, you know? So to be able to wipe out enemies quickly feels powerful, a bit like Unicorn Overlord.
I still feel bad about having to kill the scrunklies for enemy reasons, but they revive anyway.... won't be that bad, right? Right?
That "Finishing Blow" sequence? THAT WAS FUCKING CRAZY!!! I didn't think this game would have PVP, but GOD DAMN!!! (Can't wait for the inevitable "Shouma, you're behind on EXP, go kill the commander" moment.)
Anyway, can't wait to play Tsubasa and hit people with my car. I know we have some ideas of movesets for characters that weren't in the demo like Yugamu and Kurara, but... Tsubasa Hit and Run. Please.
I wonder what the school stats will be used for.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of board game mechanics... I was actually hoping for some brassy-sounding penis music to fit the funny looking character sprites. Didn't get that...
And most importantly, plot!
As a fan of Danganronpa, Akudama Drive, Rain Code, Zero Escape, and AI The Somnium Files, I like to think that I know enough about both Kodaka and Uchikoshi to know what the markers and cinchers are.
In three words, I am hooked.
This plot so far is very Kodaka, but I see some Uchikoshi on the horizon and sprinkled here and there, especially with the potential way they might handle 100 endings. Identity issues are very Uchikoshi, for instance, and I'm wondering if Takumi switched bodies with the ghost boy somehow.
We had our Danganronpa divergence with the complete disappearance of Sirei and his subsequent death at the end of Day 7. Who knows WHERE the plot will go from here, now that the students are essentially self-governing? And we have some interpersonal drama in there with Hiruko vs everyone who won't fight and Eito vs. Hiruko.
And what is "Cryptoglobin", the key word that appeared at the end of the most recent trailer? I know what Hemoglobin is- it's the protein that carries oxygen on your red blood cells- so... what does that mean here?
All I know is that Eito is sus. He's gonna have a serial killer arc. He's gonna somehow commit worse crimes than everyone else in the school and still do absolutely nothing wrong.
Anyway, some theories based on what we've seen:
Every character has been ripped out of their own time somehow. Takumi is from a different time period than everyone else, which is why some characters feel so old-fashioned and why almost everyone is completely disconnected from everyone else. It's because they didn't exist then- or only existed as adults.
The ghost boy is the "heart" of the Undying Flames. They appear to have a consciousness, and that consciousness wants to protect the school from the Invaders, hence why it tries to keep them out.
The flames burn through spacetime. This would explain how Takumi could see a boy he'd never met as well as why the flames only incinerate organic matter- rock doesn't deteriorate as fast as a plant, so if you sped up time around a plant, it would wither away faster than a rock would.
Rather disorganized, but those are my thoughts on the demo! I hope you enjoy!
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judysxnd · 2 years ago
Hola me encanta como escribes!! No puedo quitarme a Pedro de la cabeza durante la entrevista con el presentador de los Oscar, llamándolo galán. ¿Puedes crear uno donde T/N y Pedro, como actores del año, estén en la alfombra roja de los Oscar y el entrevistador coquetea con él. Ella se pone celosa y se pone a la defensiva, pero Pedro se da cuenta y la calma dándole un beso en la mejilla frente a la cámara :) Gracias, espero que mi deseo se haga realidad.
Holaaaaa mucho gracias! No puedo hablar mas que eso en español, lo siento. My level is very very low, unfortunately. Also, I hope I understood correctly what you wanted!
You were currently in the car, sitting next to Pedro. You were a few minutes away from the red carpet of the Oscars. You were getting a bit nervous, you couldn't help but shake your leg. You felt like it was getting hot in the car, and the tag of your dress was itching in your back, striking on your nerves. Thank god your hairstylist convinced you to tie your hair. Pedro quickly noticed your anxiety.
"Are you okay?" He said putting his hand on your thigh, making you stop moving your leg.
"Just a bit nervous" you said, taking a deep breath, smiling at him.
"It's going to go great"
"Says the guy who has as much anxiety as me" you joked
"true" he paused "but you're with me tonight and I'm not feeling any stress" you put your hand on his cheek
"I love you" you got close and kissed him
"We're together so it's going to fine" he added
"yeah but it's the first time we go out to an event as a couple" you looked outside behind Pedro, seeing lots of people, meaning you were almost there.
"even better" he kissed you again. Then the car stopped, sending a knot in your stomach. You looked at him then nodded
"okay let's do this" The door opened on your side, so you went out first. People started to scream when they saw you, making you feel more confident. You stepped on the side, letting Pedro get out of the car too. People were screaming even more. You were both smiling. Pedro immediately held your hand.
You started to walk on the red carpet, posing for the photos. You obviously took some individuals pictures and some with Pedro. You stayed a bit longer on the carpet, while Pedro went to do his first interview. But you were fast to join him. You arrived next to him, holding his arm.
The lady who was interviewing Pedro barely looked at you. She stayed focused on Pedro.
"So how does it feel to be one of the best actor of the year?" Her eyes were shining, eyeing Pedro. "best actor of all time if I might add" she added tilting her head a bit. Your muscles tighten a bit, anger starting to rise. You held Pedro tighter.
You were trying to go past it. Of course all ladies would try to flirt with him. It's how it works. Some guys were doing it with you too and Pedro has to put up with it too. But it suddenly got a bit too much. You were seeing it a lot, it was getting overwhelming.
"oh you're flattering me" he said with a big smile
"Is it working?" she asks
"It's totally working" he looked at you "It's great, I love the attention" you all laughed
"What about you?" She finally talks to you, and you were surprised. You didn't say anything but Pedro saw it. "What do you think about all the attention Pedro gets?" you were a little offended. You were also one of the best actors of the year, but she only had eyes for him.
"Well" you cleared your throat "We're both actors of the year, so" you dryly said "we're used to the attention, we're able to manage it for now, even if some people can be disrespectful" you said staring at the lady "but it comes with it" you smiled a little, grabbing Pedro's hand. She looked at your hands intertwined together.
"Yeah we have to chance to deal with all of this at the same time so it is easier to support each other" Pedro added, trying to lower the tension.
"Yes it's easier when you both know how it feels" she said nodding, looking at Pedro. You saw her eyes wandering on Pedro from time to time, but what you hated the most was how she bit her lips and how she touched Pedro's arm every time she laughed, which was lot.
Your eyes were slowly showing your anger, your smile was fading more and more. Pedro let go of your arm, and put his behind your back, squeezing your waist a little, trying to calm you down the best he could. He kissed your cheek, making you blush a bit. You were not used to this physical touch in public, but it felt great. The lady quickly lost her smile too, but you got your's back.
"Okay I think we need to move forward, more people are coming" Pedro said looking on your left. "This was great thank you" he started to leave, grabbing your right hand to follow him.
"Oh yes thank you" she said "you look cute together" she added, watching you leave with him.
The night was going to be tough, but manageable. You both have to learn to handle this. When you were finally seated together, Pedro reassured you.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes I am now" you said getting as close as you could to him. "But that lady got on my nerves"
"I saw that" he smiled
"Don't be" you looked at him "I do have to put up with it too with you"
"oh yes like it happens a lot"
"huh yeah" you frowned "the last guy, you didn't see how he flirted with you?"
"he so did not"
"Should I be concerned that you don't even see it?" you both laughed
"oh yeah I see it now" you said thinking
"stop thinking about it" he playfully hit your thigh
"you made me to!" you grabbed his hand "but I see your point"
"We're both working on it"
"Yeah" you smiled, quickly kissed each other, before returning your attention around you, as everyone was there and the ceremony was about to start.
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canirove · 1 year ago
In The Name of Love | Chapter 19
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"How long until you arrive?" Pedri asks.
"5 minutes according to the gps."
"Are you ready?"
"To spend the weekend celebrating that my ex boyfriend is marrying a woman I hate? I'm ecstatic" I reply.
"Lucky you, you have me" Ferran smiles.
"Will you take care of her?" Pedri asks him.
"I will" Ferran says, quickly looking at my phone's screen and then back at the road.
"What was that?" I laugh.
"That look you two just shared. Is that some bro code or something?"
"What?" Pedri says.
"Yeah… Something only you two understand."
"It was just a look of I will take care of your girlfriend so she doesn't do anything stupid like running away or killing the bride" Ferran says.
"Why would I run away?"
"Love that you are asking that instead of why would you kill the bride" Pedri laughs.
"I have reasons to do that. But running away?"
"That's what you did during their engagement party."
"Because we had had something like an argument and you were all I could think about."
"Awww, Val" Pedri smiles.
"Guys, please don't get cheesy while I'm present" Ferran says. He tries to make it sound as a joke, but I've noticed the way his grip on the steering wheel has tightened.
"Anyway, we are almost there. I will call you later or tomorrow morning, ok?" 
"Yeah, sure. Enjoy tonight's party or whatever they are doing" Pedri says.
"White party they've called it. So original" I scoff.
"Try to enjoy it, Val. You too, Ferran."
"Thanks, bro" he says.
"And again, don't do anything stupid. That goes for both of you."
"Yes, mum" Ferran and I say at the same time before starting to laugh.
"And then I am the kid" Pedri sighs, rolling his eyes.
"Yes. My favourite one" I smile.
"I love you, Val" Pedri smiles back.
"I love you too" I say before hanging up.
"So…" Ferran says.
"Ready to fake again that I'm your boyfriend?"
"Are you?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" he chuckles. "I said yes to this, didn't I?"
"I know, but…"
"Holy shit."
"What? What happened?"
"Val, are you sure this is the right address?"
"Yes. Why… Oh, wow" I say when I look at the road. At the end of it, there is a… palace? A castle? Both? I had seen photos of the venue online, but it was nothing compared to seeing it in real life.
"I feel like I'm going to have to call you my lady during our stay" Ferran laughs. "My Lady Valeria."
"Lord Ferran actually sounds like the name of someone who would have lived in a place like this" I chuckle.
"See? I can be posh too!"
"More like royal."
"That's cooler if you ask me. So, for the rest of the weekend, you may address me as Lord Ferran Torres" he says, straightening his back.
"Yes, my lord" I laugh, his weird faces and poses making me relax and forget about what is ahead of us. 
"It feels wrong, you know? Throwing a white party in a freaking castle…" Ferran says from the bathroom. "We should be dressing as kings and queens, not like this. I've always wanted to try on those puffy shorts men used to wear."
"Puffy shorts?" I chuckle while putting on my shoes.
"Yes. The ones they wore with white tights."
"Maybe for your next birthday you should throw a party where people have to dress like that and make your dream come true."
"Maybe I should, yes" he says from the bathroom's door. When I look up, I see him leaning against the door frame like Pedri always does, his arms crossed over his chest. But it doesn't have the same effect on me. Not even when I catch him checking me out as I stand up.
"White suits you, tho."
"That isn't going to work, Val" Ferran laughs.
"What won't?"
"Flattering me. I'm not signing for Real Madrid even if white looks good on me" he smirks.
"Who says I want you on my team?" I tease him.
"Yeah, you prefer having me close to you" he says, slowly walking towards me and closing the space between us.
"Pedri" I blurt out. "I haven't called him and I told him… I should…"
"You should, yes. I'll wait outside" Ferran says, his voice sounding different. Cold. 
The moment he leaves the room, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 
We are off to a great start.
"I envy you so much Val… He is yummy."
"He is what?" I laugh.
"Yummy" my friend Alicia says. "Where did you find him?"
"I believe you can usually spot him at the Camp Nou" Sara chuckles. The two of them, Silvia and I, met when we were just 6, and we have been part of the same group of friends with Marc and some other boys since then. Though since he and I broke up, we haven't seen each other as often as we would like to. 
"I meant how did they meet" Alicia says, rolling her eyes. "You've kept him hidden from us, Val. Though I get it. I totally get it" she says, looking at Ferran from head to toe for the millionth time while he chats with some of the boys.
"I was on a night out with Silvia and we just met" I shrug.
"Just like that?"
"He offered to buy her a drink and 5 minutes later they were making out. What?" Silvia laughs when I give her a murderous look.
"It's ok, Val. I would have done the same" Alicia sighs. 
"Did you know who he was?" Sara asks me.
"Nope. He had just moved from Manchester, I wasn't familiar with him yet" I tell her. That was the story we had decided to tell everyone, a mix of how I met Pedri and a few lies here and there. 
"The sex is the best you've ever had, isn't it?" Alicia suddenly says.
"Careful there" Sara chuckles when I almost choke with my drink.
"I'll take that as a yes. He is young and a professional athlete, I'm sure he lasts longer than the average guy. And he definitely knows what he is doing, doesn't he?" Alicia smirks. "Just look at you, Val. You look hotter than ever!"
"Yeah, just look at the colour of her cheeks" Sara laughs.
"Urgh, ignore her" Alicia says, giving her a little push. "You've always looked great, don't get me wrong. But you've never looked this good, Val. You are glowing!" 
"And when you walked in, I saw a few guys looking at you" Sara adds.
"They probably were looking at Ferran because they recognised him" I say.
"No, they weren't. They were checking you out. So if I was him, I would not leave your side just in case." 
"And if I were you, I wouldn't leave his either" Alicia says, her eyes fixed on Ferran once again while taking a sip from her drink.
"Oh, dear" I whisper when I hear Isabel's voice.
"Aww, girls. It is so nice seeing you here!" she says, hugging Alicia, Sara and Silvia. "Hello, Valeria."
"Hi" I reply.
"Congratulations, Isa!" Sara says, trying to lighten up the mood. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
"Where is he?" Isabel asks me, completely ignoring her.
"That boyfriend of yours."
"Right here" Ferran says as he shows up next to me, putting his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. Before the party we had agreed about the arm, but not the kiss. "Isabel, right? It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Congratulations" he says with his best smile, taking her hand and kissing it, his eyes fixed on hers. He is giving her his fucker look as Pedri, Eric and Gavi call it, the one that gets him the girl 9 times out of 10.
"Hi" Isabel giggles, clearing her throat to try and hide it. But we have heard it. All of us have. Ferran's charm has worked on her too. "I thought you wouldn't be able to come and poor Valeria would be all alone" she says, back to her usual self.
"Almost, but you chose the perfect weekend to get married. Just after the preseason ended and before the season starts" he smiles.
"Ready to kick Real Madrid's ass?" Sara asks him before looking at me.
"She will kick my ass if we dare to win them" Ferran laughs. "Won't you, Val?"
"You will be sleeping on the sofa for a month, yes" I reply.
"If that's the case, my bed is very comfortable" Alicia smirks.
"Ali!" Sara laughs.
"What? I had to shoot my shot" she shrugs.
"I'm very flattered, but I only have eyes for one girl" Ferran smiles. 
"Yeah, well… Let's not get cheesy in public, shall we?" I say, feeling my cheeks on fire. I'm pretty sure he wasn't lying or pretending when he said that.
"Yes, please. It is my day, not Valeria's" Isabel says, reminding us that she still is there. 
"Of course. My apologies" Ferran says, using his famous look once again. Now Isabel is the one blushing.
"Yes… Umm… I better go find my future husband. Goodbye" she says, turning around and walking away as fast as she can.
"Did you do that on purpose?" I ask Ferran once we are back in our room, the party finally over.
"Do what?"
"Flirt with Isabel and use your fucker look on her."
"I did, yes" he grins.
"Because I wanted to see her reaction, if I could get to her. And I did. I'm sure she's spent the whole night hating herself because she has been turned on by her nemesis' boyfriend."
"Her nemesis" I laugh. "But she probably has. You made her giggle."
"I know" Ferran smirks. "Right or left?"
"Which side of the bed do you prefer?"
"Oh, left. I like sleeping looking at the window."
"Ok" he says, taking off his shirt.
"You don't wear pyjamas either? Is that a Barça thing?"
"What?" he says, getting in bed.
"Pedri also sleeps in his underwear."
"I actually sleep naked, but, you know… I didn't want to make it more awkward."
"That's… that's very thoughtful. Thank you" I reply, quickly getting in bed too and trying to hide that I'm blushing.
"Yeah, thoughtful" he chuckles. "Bloody hell, Val."
"What happened now?"
"Your feet! They are frozen!"
"Oh, yes. Sorry. They are always like that" I shrug.
"Always. 24/7."
"How can Pedri sleep next to you when you have two blocks of ice for feet?"
"He doesn't mind. And he says that if he gets hot through the night, he can always count on them to help him cool down."
"That's… weird. But ok" Ferran chuckles.
"It's Pedri" I shrug again. "Anyway, good night. From the three of us."
"The three of… Val!" he complains when I touch his leg with my feet.
"Night night" I smile.
"Night night, yes" he replies, sticking out his tongue and moving his legs as away from mine as he can. 
"At first I wasn't going to wear flat shoes because, who wears flat shoes for a wedding? But I don't know how to walk on heels, so in the end I said, fuck it. You can barely see them with the dress, and by the end of the night everyone will be barefoot and…"
"Val… Val!" Pedri laughs over facetime.
"You are rambling."
"Am I?"
"You are" Ferran says while retouching his hair in front of the mirror.
"Sorry, I just… I am a bit nervous" I sigh.
"Just a bit?" Pedri laughs again.
"Yes" I reply, sticking out my tongue.
"You'll be fine, Val. You don't have any reason to be nervous."
"Don't I?" I say, trying to nod towards Ferran without him noticing.
"You don't" Pedri insists. 
"If Isabel tries something you know we can use my charm on her" Ferran says, still busy with his hair. It is taking him a lot more time than it took me, and he has a lot less.
"The fucker look almost never fails" Pedri says. "So relax and enjoy the day, ok?"
"Ok" I sigh again.
"You look beautiful, Val" he smiles.
"Do I?"
"You do. Doesn't she, Gavi? Gavi. Pablo!"
"What!" Gavi says. He is sitting next to Pedri, waiting for our call to end so they can go back to playing FIFA.
"Doesn't Val look beautiful?"
"Oh, yes" he replies, not lifting his eyes from his phone.
"Thank you, Pablo" I chuckle. "He is talking to her, isn't he?"
"When isn't he?" Pedri says, rolling his eyes.
"Don't let the teenagers know that the it boys are currently taken, their hearts may not take it" I smirk.
"Meh meh meh" Pedri replies.
"Ok, I'm ready" Ferran says. "You?"
"Then let's go."
"Have fun, guys" Pedri says. "And Val…"
"I'll try to relax and enjoy the day."
"I was going to say that I love you" he says. "But that too." 
"I love you too" I smile before hanging up.
"I'm glad Isabel left you out of the bridesmaids" Ferran says as we watch all the girls walk down the aisle.
"You look stunning on the dress you picked, but if it had been down to her, I'm sure she would have chosen the ugliest one she could find."
"Definitely" I chuckle. "Do you think anyone has noticed?"
"That you look more beautiful than them?" 
"That I am the only one from our group of friends she left out" I say, trying to ignore Ferran's compliment. Again.
"Nah, I don't think they care. And here she comes" he says when the music changes, everyone looking at the end of the white carpet that leads to the aisle. "100€ she looks our way when she walks past us."
"Ferran, I'm not gonna bet any money" I laugh.
"Ok, fine. No betting. But she will definitely look. Should we do something?"
"Something like what?" I ask.
"Can I improvise?"
"I don't like it when you improvise."
"I won't kiss you, I promise."
"You better" I say before turning to look at Isabel. She is very close to where we are, smiling and saying hello to everyone. And she looks beautiful, I can't deny her that. "Shit!" I jump when I feel Ferran's arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.
"It's part of the plan. Relax" he says next to my ear. "But you should put your hands around mine."
"Just do it, Val."
"Ok" I sigh, doing as he says and interlacing my fingers with his. 
"She's gonna look" he whispers, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"She…" She is looking at us. At first she looks all smug, but after noticing Ferran behind me, her face changes. And when he kisses my shoulder, she quickly looks away, her smile gone.
"Told you" he chuckles. 
"I thought we had said no kisses."
"On the lips."
"Yeah, well. We should… You know" I say, letting go of his hands. "The ceremony is about to start."
"Yes, of course" he replies, moving his too. But he does it slowly, definitely taking his time. 
"They look cute" Silvia says while we watch Isabel and Marc do their first dance as a married couple.
"Yeah, I guess" I say, trying to focus on them dancing and not on Ferran standing behind me, his hands resting on my shoulders while his thumbs make small circles on my skin.
"Aww, and now their parents. Marc's mum looks so nervous…"
"Uhm…" I reply, Ferran's thumbs now moving to the back of my neck and slowly massaging it. Why am I allowing him to do this? It isn't part of our arrangement.
"Oh, our turn!" Silvia says, taking Pau's hand and dragging him to the dancefloor as everyone else joins the bride and groom and their families.
"Are we dancing too?" Ferran asks me.
"Do you want to?"
"I am not the best dancer but sure, why not?" he says, his hands finally moving from my body. "My Lady Valeria" he smiles, now offering me his hand.
"Lord Ferran" I chuckle, taking it and following him to join the others.
I don't know for how long we've been dancing and singing, but I do know that I am having the time of my life. Maybe because I've had a few more beers than what I am used to and I am a bit tipsy, maybe because the dj is playing hit after hit.
I've sung my heart out with Silvia, Alicia and Sara, we've had a battle of boys dancing vs. girls, Alicia made her dream of being all over Ferran come true while they danced together and we all cheered for them, and now… now it is him and I the ones who are dancing together, barely any space between us.
My back is against his chest, his arms around my waist, mine around his neck. And his lips are leaving small kisses on my jawline, making me giggle while we just move to the rhythm of the music. 
When it changes, he pulls me closer towards him, moving his head to kiss my neck. At first I barely notice it, but as he gets closer to the spot that makes my knees feel like jelly, I can feel my body tensing, one of my hands moving up and down the back of his neck. And then, he finds it.
A gasp escapes my lips, goosebumps going down my spine as the hand that is on his hair looks for something to hold to like it is used to. But it finds nothing. Because this is Ferran. He isn't…
"Val" he whispers into my ear, the feeling sending another wave of goosebumps over my body and making me forget about what I was thinking before he quickly turns me around, the movement making me feel a bit dizzy. His hands still are on my waist, pulling me even closer to him and then… then his lips meet mine.
He is kissing me. Ferran is kissing me again.
But unlike that day at the school, I don't freak out. This time I find myself wrapping my arms around his neck, letting him take control over the kiss and be the one in charge while I just let go.
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