#Watto's Junkshop
sw5w · 1 year
I'm a Person and My Name is Anakin
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:33:14
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padawanlost · 6 months
Anakin's nightmare
“Do you know where [Shmi] is?” “Why, I should expect she’s at Watto’s junkshop. I’m afraid he’s had her doing quite a lot of work there, ever since you ran away.”
Anakin winced. “But I didn’t run away,” he said. “I left. To become a Jedi.”
“Oh, of course you did, sir,” said C-3PO, his voice filled with good cheer. “I never meant to suggest that you abandoned any responsibilities you might have had here, when you were just a child. After all, we’re so very proud of you and your achievements. Not that we actually know about what you’ve accomplished in the past nine years, since we’ve never received any messages from you, but I do get the distinct impression that your mother still cares very much about you. And she does have a vivid imagination, so she very easily assumed that you must be…”
The droid was still talking as Anakin ran out of the hovel and into the broiling radiance of Tatooine’s twin suns. Although it appeared to be afternoon, when the city of Mos Espa should have been teeming with street vendors and pedestrians, there was no sign of life.
Anakin felt a sense of panic. He ran as fast as he could through the empty streets until he arrived outside the tall, bell-shaped structure that was Watto’s junkshop.
Like his own hovel, the junkshop appeared to be exactly as Anakin remembered it. Yet when he ducked through the shop’s entrance portal and entered the cluttered interior, he found that Watto had added something new: In front of a workbench, there was a low cage with thick metal bars.
A filthy figure, clothed in dirty rags, was huddled within the cage.
It was Shmi Skywalker. Anakin’s mother.
She looked up at him with fear in her eyes. “Who are you?” she asked. Her voice sounded old and tired.
“It’s me, Mom,” Anakin said, dropping to his knees before the cage. “Anakin. Annie. I’m grown up now. I’ve come to rescue you.”
“Anakin?” Shmi said in disbelief. She slowly shook her head. “But you can’t be. You can’t be here. You’re gone.”
“I’ll get you out, Mom,” Anakin said as he gripped the bars. He looked around. There was no sign of Watto.
“It is you,” Shmi said. “It really is you.”
Anakin tugged at the bars with all his might, but they would not yield. Then he remembered he was a Jedi. He could do anything!
He reached to his belt, expecting to find his lightsaber, but his fingers slapped against his side. His lightsaber was gone. He tried to recall if he had clipped it to his belt before leaving his hovel, or if he had even brought it with him to Tatooine.
He tried to remember when and where he had seen it last. He felt confused. How had he arrived back on Tatooine? He could not remember.
Desperate, he glanced at Watto’s tool shelf and saw a fusion-cutter and power pry-bar. He grabbed for them, but he could not pick them up. He tried again, tearing at them, but the tools would not budge. It seemed they had been welded to the shelf.
Anakin collapsed beside the cage, his head smacking against the bars. “I swear, I’ll get you out!” he sobbed.
Shmi reached between the bars and pushed her oil-stained fingers through her son’s blond hair. “Oh, Annie,” she said. “Don’t cry. Please, don’t cry. I’m fine. Really, I’m fine.”
“Mom, look at you! Watto left you in a cage!” Anakin said, outraged.
“No, he didn’t, Annie,” Shmi said sadly. “Watto didn’t leave me. You did.”
Suddenly, Shmi, the junkshop, and all of Tatooine were swept away from Anakin’s vision, and he was engulfed in darkness. It wrapped around him like a cold, black shroud that cut him off from the entire galaxy.
Unable to see, his only awareness was of the steady rise and fall of his own breathing.
Something was wrong.
The breathing sounded mechanical and labored, as if it were being done through some kind of respirator. Anakin wondered if the breathing were his own, or if he had been mistaken about the sound’s origin. Perhaps, he thought, I’m not alone in this dark place. He held his breath and listened to the void. The sound of mechanized breathing stopped. And then Anakin felt his throat constricting.
The darkness coiled even tighter around him, working its way through his skin, seizing his lungs and veins and muscles and bones until he knew it was about to consume him.
Then the dream ended as it always did, with Anakin trying to shout but fearing that no one, not even he, would ever hear his cry. And then he awoke. [Ryder Windham. Star Wars Adventures - The Hostage Princess]
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exonerin · 8 days
So, Anakin calls Padmé an angel right? Or at least, he asks her. And that has me thinking. It has me thinking Obikin, to be precise.
There're two alternative here:
Option 1: Anakin meets Obi-Wan first.
Option 2: Stewjoni biology: slap wings on Obi-Wan and there we have an actual angel.
So, we know the angels Anakin refers to in the Phantom Menace look more akin to butterflies in CW2008. But I imagine Obi-Wan having fluffy wings. And because I'm cruel, he loses mobility over one wing in his fight with Maul. Listen, I have a plan here. A plan that includes Qui-Gon being Anakin's teacher and Anakin chasing after Obi-Wan because wings and angel.
Currently, it's more vibes than plot, though. So, if I were to write a fic, I would first need to sit down and work on an outline.
Either way, here's a snippet:
A girl, so pretty he was instantly enchanted -- charmed -- by her appearance and grace, stepped into Watto's store. Her presence was an incongruity, ill-fitting in the dingy junkshop.
Questions burnt on the tip of his tongue. Nevertheless, he waited until Watto left them in the shop.
"Are you an angel?" he asked, drawing the girl's attention to him.
"What?" she asked, amusement coloring her voice.
"An angel," Anakin repeated. "I heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe."
The girl approached him while he talked, her expression inquisitive.
"They live on the moons of Iego, I think," Anakin offered helpfully.
"No, I am not," she responded, her voice heavy with indulgence. "But one of my travel companions is, though I do not know whether he hails from Iego."
Anakin's gaze wandered the gungan inspecting their wares.
Definitely not him.
Then, he craned his neck to look at the yard, where Watto escorted a man dressed like a moisture farmer past rows of rickety spaceships and parts.
"Are you sure?" he asked the pretty girl.
She smiled warmly.
"He's not with us, currently. But all angels have wings, right?"
Anakin's brows furrowed as he tried to recall what he had overheard -- eavesdropped.
"I don't know," he admitted eventually. The angel's beauty and grace were the only reasons Anakin could begrudgingly force the admission past his unwilling lips.
The man dressed like a moisture farmer stepped into the shop again, and his angel lost all interest in Anakin. Her brown eye focused on the man instead. Anakin wilted, his shoulders hunching and his lips twisting into a morose moue. He had hoped his angel would praise his humility, but she had forgotten he existed!
Determined to set this right, Anakin followed them from a safe distance when the trio left the stop, their goal still unaccomplished. All the heroes in his mother's stories needed was an opportunity to woo their princesses.
Anakin would make sure he could showcase his talents to the pretty angel.
Panic had given him tunnel-vision, his being focused on the fight raging outside the cockpit. So, he didn't the realize the other man dressed like a moisture farmer possessed a set of large wings until he crouched by Qui-Gon's side.
When he closed his eyes, the clashing green and red plasma blades still danced on the insides of his eyelids, burnt into his retinas.
Briefly, he wondered whether this was the life he had signed up for, but the thought passed as quickly as it arrived.
"Anakin Skywalker," Qui-Gon said, "meet Obi-Wan Kenobi."
Anakin turned to face this Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had planned to make a good impression. Qui-Gon was watching, after all, and he looked like someone who would appreciate good manners. Anakin could put on an act.
Any notions of feigning politeness disappeared when wings filled his vision. A soft gasp escaped him, loud in the confined space of the ship's entrance bay. His gaze flitted from Obi-Wan Kenobi's kind eyes to his wings, where they remained glued. He was transfixed despite knowing it was rude to stare.
"Are you an angel?" he asked, his voice breathless in wonder. Fascinated he reached for this possibly an angel Obi-Wan Kenobi. In response, Obi-Wan Kenobi shucked a sleeve of his cloak back to offer Anakin his hand, but Anakin had aimed for the thick layer of feathers.
They were soft under his palm, and so large in comparison. Awed, he stroked the feathers, unintentionally ignoring the proffered hand.
"I… well, yes," Obi-Wan Kenobi responded, sounding bewildered. The wing shifted away from Anakin's hand, who retreated. His cheeks heated in embarrassment as he realized how uncool he had been.
"I'm sorry," he muttered.
"Your apologies are accepted, though I would much rather know what you're called," Obi-Wan replied kindly.
Anakin nodded before shaking Obi-Wan's hand. "Hi," he said, though no new greetings could erase his initial forwardness. "I'm Anakin Skywalker. Nice to meet you."
Obi-Wan smiled fondly.
Although Anakin wished to ask whether he could touch Obi-Wan's wings again, he didn't dare to. He wished he could tell his mother he had met an angel. Although he couldn't touch, he trailed after Obi-Wan, staring at the wings. The outer layer was russet, copper-colored feathers that were several shades redder than Obi-Wan's hair. The inside, on the other hand, was pure white down, and Anakin knew it would be soft.
Softer than fluffy bread or his mother's hug.
As you can probably imagine, Anakin doesn't want Padmé's blanket. No, when he gets cold on his first night on a spaceship, he'll shiver very obviously and pin Obi-Wan with hopeful puppy eyes.
Obi-Wan caves in. I mean, of course he does. And Anakin can just sleep under a wing. So, yes. This is something that exists. Not sure whether it has a future, though.
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princeblack · 5 months
cleaning the fan switches takes forever, using a rag that’s quickly becoming too greasy for the job. the winds of tatooine are heavy today, making the sand sting his eyes as he works. he pulls his scarf up over his face, squinting as he reaches to clean the last switch.
no one bothers him in his work because he belongs to watto, resident toydarian, junk dealer and human trafficker. regulus grew up in slavery, being put to work as soon as he was old enough to pick up a wrench. his mother always told him he was a miracle, her gift from above when she was purchased by the hutts. she said she was given him to save her; her one and only joy in a bleak, unforgiving life.
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and regulus tried to be a good son, despite how difficult it was sometimes surviving the harsh weather of tatooine, bringing food home for his mother and learning tasks most would consider too complex for his age. but he became an expert pilot as young as eight years old, building droids on the side. watto found out about most of them, selling them so he couldn’t make any money. but he managed to get compensation for at least a few he built in creative places, slowly stockpiling his family’s meager savings. if it weren’t for the transmitters he needed to disable, he could’ve escaped this planet by now.
he’s almost done with his task, letting the scarf fall from his face. just then he’s interrupted by the rumbling voice of watto, beckoning him into the shop in huttese. regulus begrudgingly gets up, hurrying back into the dusty junkshop. it’s empty except for watto and two figures; an older man with dark brown hair, dressed in a poncho, and a young girl around his age. her beauty makes him do a double take, surprised by the sight of the prettiest face he’s ever seen. people aren’t often beautiful like this; in fact, they never are. she’s almost ethereal, from her soft auburn braids to her perfectly sculpted features. she has big blue eyes, full lips and a delicate bone structure. there’s almost an innocent, clean look about her, as if she doesn’t belong on this planet. regulus has seen many traders and pilots and sometimes their children, but none looked like like her.
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“coona tee-tocky malia?” watto demands angrily in huttese, asking regulus what took so long.
“mel tassa cho-passa,” regulus responds, assuring him he was cleaning like he was tasked.
"chut! chut! gando doe wallya. me dwana no bata." he practically barks the words, demanding regulus watch the shop so he can do business out back. his yellow eyes are narrowed almost greedily at the man in the poncho, who regulus assumes is about to be swindled out of whatever money he owns. the blue toydarian’s wings flap as he leads the older man from the building, a nasty smirk revealing those yellowed tusks jutting from his mouth.
regulus wonders if the princess still standing in the junkshop has ever seen a toydarian before. he strides over to the counter, taking a seat on it and fixing curious green eyes on her. “you must be from one of the moons of iego. i heard from a space pilot once that angels live there– the most beautiful creatures anyone's seen in the known universe.” his tone is light-hearted, although he means every word. she’s the most gorgeous person he’s ever met, and there’s something angelic about her. 
he doesn’t know that she’s the naboo queen undercover, anonymously trying to help a jedi find parts to repair their ship so they can make it to coruscant and report on an invasion on her planet from the trade federation. he only knows that she’s beautiful and far too clean for tatooine, seeming like a fish out of water. he’s drawn to her; some tug that he can’t ignore. he knows better than to ask for details about her business or how she wound up in the outer rim, because one of the first lessons he learned as a slave was not to ask customers for details. it was bad for business. / @devcted
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marvelstars · 1 year
I am sucedenly fixated on child Anakin meeting Rex and the rest of the 501, they get along great because that´s their tiny general there and he´s so cute but then Ani starts talking casually about pod-racing and protecting himself from Sebulba by telling him how he can´t pay for him so he can´t kill him or joking with Watto about how he can´t make him explode because then, who´s going to take care of his junkshop? and Rex and his brothers decide, you know what, that kid is ours now, he´s their newly adopted little brother.
Then they tell him about how they were created to fight for the republic and little Ani gets sad and says, "I am so sorry but well at least you dont have bombs that´s something" and Rex doesn´t know what to answer.
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gffa · 3 years
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Star Wars Complete Locations (2005)
The Jedi Temple
Palpatine’s Office
Watto’s Junkshop
Anakin’s Hovel
Galactic Senate
Tipoca City on Kamino + Clone Military Education Complex
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anakinbun · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader & Watto Characters: Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Watto (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Father-Son Relationship, Tatooine (Star Wars), Luke/Vader Writers Challenge fic Summary:
Vader goes to Tatooine, where he sees Watto, who happens to have a very interesting slave. (A Luke/Vader Writers challenge fic entry.)
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Jedi of the Dune Sea pt 7
Anakin supposes he can just leave. He has been through each of the doors, spoken with each guide...but…
But the Force is telling him he should stay.
So he stays.
He settles back onto the stone and sand floor and he meditates on what he has seen here. What it all means. 
Should he leave the order? 
Should he try to change it from within? 
Should he tell the Council that he’s still going to be a Jedi, but he won’t follow their rules anymore? 
What freedom looks like is up to you.
Has Anakin Skywalker ever been truly free? 
He went from being Gardula’s slave, to Watto’s slave to being a Jedi Padawan learner under Obi-Wan. He’d never been on his own before. Never really let himself guide his own actions, though he’d chosen to become a Jedi. 
But the choice between leaving Tatooine and staying there as a slave wasn’t really a choice at all. He’d thought that before, when he was younger, though he now realized that was Palpetine’s meddling. He had eventually decided to stay with the Order, thanks to Obi-Wan’s influence, but those thoughts have continued to linger through the years. 
When Anakin opens his eyes again, he is not alone.
Or perhaps he is. But with himself.
Sitting in front of him is a tanned little blond boy with freckles and blue eyes, gazing at him curiously. 
“Hello, Ani,” he says to the little boy. 
“Hi, Anakin,” the little boy says. “Welcome home.” 
“Well, it’s not really home anymore,” Anakin tells him. 
The little boy rolls his eyes. “Sure it’s not.” 
Anakin chuckles softly. “You’ve come a long way from Watto’s junkshop.” 
“Have we seen all the stars yet?” Ani asks, tilting his head at his older self. 
“Not all,” Anakin admits. “Lots. Lots and lots. But not all.” 
Ani nods, looking thoughtful. “DId we ever see Padme again?” 
Anakin smiles sadly. “Yes. Plenty of times.” 
“Good. She makes us happy.” 
Anakin nods and swallows, staring at the little boy. “I’m sorry about Mom.” 
Ani looks equally sad. “But that wasn’t our fault. You know that, right? That that was something bad that happened to her that we couldn’t stop?”
“Yes,” Anakin agrees. “But we’ve learned much since then. We’ve learned control. We’ve learned temperance.” 
Ani frowns. “But we’re not very happy.” 
Anakin takes a breath. “No. I suppose we’re not. But Jedi are supposed to focus on making the galaxy a better place. That is where they are supposed to get happiness from.” 
“But if they’re not happy in the first place, how can they make the galaxy happier? Better? Don’t they need to be happy first?” Ani asks. 
“I wish I had the answers,” Anakin admits. “But I fear I’m just as confused now as when I first stepped into this place.” 
“I don’t think that’s true,” Ani says. “I just think you don’t want to do what you wanna do because you don’t wanna rock the boat anymore than you already have.” 
Anakin snorts. “What do you know about boats? You live on a sand planet.” 
“I’m you, dummy,” Ani tells him with a wrinkled nose.  
Anakin stares at his younger self and nods slowly. “That’s a good point.” He gazes at his younger self and sighs. “So. You think we should rock that boat.”
“We already do,” Ani shrugs. “What’s a little more? You know, if you listen to me, I’ve actually got a ton of good points,” Ani grins widely. “But you don’t listen to me much anymore, cuz I wasn’t a Jedi like you, and we keep thinking the Jedi have all the answers.” 
“They don’t,” Anakin acknowledges. “Not all of them.” 
“But maybe I have the ones that they don’t have,” Ani goes on. “Maybe Mom did, too.” 
Anakin swallows and looks away. 
“You should be more sorry about the Tuscans,” Ani tells him again. “Mom wasn’t our fault. But the killing…” 
“Yes,” Anakin agrees. “That was on us.” 
“No more of that, okay?” Ani asks. “That was bad.” 
“I promise,” Anakin tells him. “No more of that.” 
Ani holds out his hand, pinkie jutting out, and Anakin grins sadly as he hooks his pinkie with his younger self’s in a swear. 
When they touch, a bright light fills the Temple, and when it clears moments later, Anakin is alone again.
It’s time to go.
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weeklyhumorist · 6 years
Ethics Training for the Galactic Empire
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Welcome to the Galactic Empire Ethics Training. Upon completion of this learning module you will take an aptitude test graded by your managing Sith Lord. A failing score is punishable by a force-choke that may result in death, but what we’re really looking for here is effort!
  Ethics and the Dark Side of the Force
This means behaving with dishonesty, unfairness, and evil intent.
“I do my best to be deceitful every day. Plus, I’m 200% committed to supporting our military-industrial complex, which is also the truth.”
–Major Toby Floop, TIE Fighter Pilot
“I believe in treating everyone unjustly to remind the Resistance that we run the Galaxy, and I always ensure the stormtroopers under my command are treated poorly, but not so poorly that they stage a mutiny.”
–Buck Quasario, Stormtrooper Captain
  Evil Intent
“To me, being evil is showing no mercy and cutting off a head with my lightsaber first, then never asking questions. Sometimes I have to use Jedi Mind tricks to exploit people, even if I just discovered that I’m related to them.”
–Darth Paul, Sith apprentice
  Immediately Reportable Outer Space Work Incidents
You must immediately report the following events to Dark Side Compliance:
–          Sanctioned Bribery
–          Drunk Piloting Starfighters on the Clock
–          Fraud or Theft of Greater than $100,000 Imperial Credits
–          Exotic Creature Ownership (e.g. rancors, porgs, tauntauns, space slugs, etc.)
–          Sith Brand Reputation Risk
–          Death Star Information System Hacking
  Sanctioned Bribery
Is the receiving, offering, or giving anything of value (including Imperial Credits, blueprints of Starkiller bases, gifts of Corusca gems, discounts on Star Yachts, donations of captured Rebel spies, or favors from corrupt members of the New Republic) in order to obtain improper benefits for the Empire or influence anyone. All bribes are highly encouraged as long as they are recorded in your monthly Bribe Report. Without proper bookkeeping, you will mysteriously die by falling down a reactor shaft or publically, via Force Lightning. It’s easy to avoid!
  Agreements of Interest – Gifts & Entertainment
Imperial Employees should accept gifts of any kind from everyone and coerce the giving of gifts from those who do not offer them as tribute and pledge undying fealty to the New Order, unless it’s from a Gungan. Never accept gifts from a Gungan.
You’re invited to be the keynote speaker at an All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) event on Tatooine. The supplier offers to pay for all expenses, including an open bar from 6-10PM at Mos Eisley Cantina.
  Should you let them?
  A supplier of Mon Calamari cuisine has asked you out to dinner at Lando Calrissian’s restaurant in Cloud City and has offered to pay for your meal.
  Should you accept?
  A Gungan in front of you in line at a Watto’s Junkshop tells Watto to charge him for the parts you planned on buying and tells you to, “Passa itta onna.”
  Should you kill him?
  Manipulative Personal Relationships with Suppliers
We strive to never honor our deals and threaten those who complain with the complete obliteration of their planet (see: Alderaan) to demonstrate that we are the most powerful regime in the Galaxy with which no one must trifle. This also enables us to save money by purchasing things like Speeder Bikes, Probe Droids, and Star Destroyers at low, low prices!
A Clone Trooper supplier has offered me a glass of Green milk straight from the teat of a female thala-siren and a Gart Frozen Fruit Snack during a Tusken Raider business meeting.
  Can I accept?
  A former associate left 9 weeks ago to join the Rebel Alliance.
  Can I work directly with him?
  During a training session, one of our Imperial Navy Trooper uniform suppliers gives overlarge black open-blast helmets and key chains away to attendees.
  Can I accept one?
  I work in Sith Finance and received a birthday gift from Jabba the Hutt who happens to have hired Boba Fett (a Dark Side Freelancer) to kill a prominent Ewok Elder on Endor.
  Can I accept the gift?
  Death Star Information System Hacking
Involves conduct by an associate (e.g. a rogue Sith, a rogue stormtrooper, or a rogue Sith disguised as a stormtrooper) maliciously gaining unauthorized access to Death Star Information Systems. Suspected breaches should be reported to Emergency Space Defense Operations. All golden 3PO unit protocol droids and R2-series droids (especially silver ones with blue decals that produce cute, emotive beeps and boops) must be destroyed without question.
  Focused Harassment & Discrimination
Even though 81% of our workforce lives on moon-sized space stations in the cold, dead of space, it’s important that we make everyone feel even more unsafe to create an atmosphere of impending doom. You should always try to offend others to foster instability and remind your colleagues that any grievances will earn you a one-way ticket…to the nearest trash compactor!
  Can you correctly identify which of the following actions are acceptable, and which are preferred?
  – You comment that you like the way your coworker’s new blaster “hangs” on her body.
– You compliment a colleague’s new squash blossom haircut.
– A colleague shows you an inappropriate photo of a Wookie woman wearing a bikini on his personal transmitter at work.
– You offer a colleague to, “take her to hyperspace” repeatedly, even after they’ve declined.
– You say to a coworker, “I’ve noticed you got a tan; did you get that in the Dune Sea while watching people be sentenced to death in the Sarlacc pit?”
  You’ve reached the end of your Ethics training. Please report to Detention Block AA to take your exam under the watchful gaze of an IT-O Interrogator droid. Don’t worry, this is not a trap!
Ethics Training for the Galactic Empire was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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sw5w · 11 months
He Smashed Up My Pod in the Last Race
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:44:57
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padawanlost · 7 years
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Star Wars: Complete Locations: Watto’s Junkshop
Written by Kristin Lund, Simon Beecroft, Kerrie Dougherty and James Luceno/ llustrator(s): Richard Chasemore and Hans Jenssen.
“Fun” Facts:
His next door neighbor is a exclusive casino that fronts as arms dealership to keep out uninvited guests.
Whenever the shop is running smoothly Watto flies up to his nest to rest.
In the middle of the shop there's an unopened gift from an secret admirer.
The security is provided by two customized droids wielding motion detectors and blasters.
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sw5w · 1 year
Watto's Junkyard
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:33:41
Here is a behind the scenes view of Jake Lloyd as Anakin with the unidentified WEL-series welding droid seen above.
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And here’s a photo from page 57 of the Secret Life of Droids, showing what looks like the darker WEL-1708 droid in the lighter colored welding droid’s location in Watto’s Junkyard. WEL-1708 appears in a later scene outside the front entrance to Watto's Junkshop with R2-T0.
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sw5w · 1 year
This is a Strange Place to Me
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:33:18
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sw5w · 1 year
Watto's Droids
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:32:24
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sw5w · 1 year
Heading Out Back
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:32:21
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sw5w · 1 year
Hi Chuba Da Nago?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:31:47
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