#Ⅰ. ⸻ / 𝑹.𝑨.𝑩. ( 𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒕. bexley ) .
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princeblack · 10 months ago
cleaning the fan switches takes forever, using a rag that’s quickly becoming too greasy for the job. the winds of tatooine are heavy today, making the sand sting his eyes as he works. he pulls his scarf up over his face, squinting as he reaches to clean the last switch.
no one bothers him in his work because he belongs to watto, resident toydarian, junk dealer and human trafficker. regulus grew up in slavery, being put to work as soon as he was old enough to pick up a wrench. his mother always told him he was a miracle, her gift from above when she was purchased by the hutts. she said she was given him to save her; her one and only joy in a bleak, unforgiving life.
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and regulus tried to be a good son, despite how difficult it was sometimes surviving the harsh weather of tatooine, bringing food home for his mother and learning tasks most would consider too complex for his age. but he became an expert pilot as young as eight years old, building droids on the side. watto found out about most of them, selling them so he couldn’t make any money. but he managed to get compensation for at least a few he built in creative places, slowly stockpiling his family’s meager savings. if it weren’t for the transmitters he needed to disable, he could’ve escaped this planet by now.
he’s almost done with his task, letting the scarf fall from his face. just then he’s interrupted by the rumbling voice of watto, beckoning him into the shop in huttese. regulus begrudgingly gets up, hurrying back into the dusty junkshop. it’s empty except for watto and two figures; an older man with dark brown hair, dressed in a poncho, and a young girl around his age. her beauty makes him do a double take, surprised by the sight of the prettiest face he’s ever seen. people aren’t often beautiful like this; in fact, they never are. she’s almost ethereal, from her soft auburn braids to her perfectly sculpted features. she has big blue eyes, full lips and a delicate bone structure. there’s almost an innocent, clean look about her, as if she doesn’t belong on this planet. regulus has seen many traders and pilots and sometimes their children, but none looked like like her.
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“coona tee-tocky malia?” watto demands angrily in huttese, asking regulus what took so long.
“mel tassa cho-passa,” regulus responds, assuring him he was cleaning like he was tasked.
"chut! chut! gando doe wallya. me dwana no bata." he practically barks the words, demanding regulus watch the shop so he can do business out back. his yellow eyes are narrowed almost greedily at the man in the poncho, who regulus assumes is about to be swindled out of whatever money he owns. the blue toydarian’s wings flap as he leads the older man from the building, a nasty smirk revealing those yellowed tusks jutting from his mouth.
regulus wonders if the princess still standing in the junkshop has ever seen a toydarian before. he strides over to the counter, taking a seat on it and fixing curious green eyes on her. “you must be from one of the moons of iego. i heard from a space pilot once that angels live there– the most beautiful creatures anyone's seen in the known universe.” his tone is light-hearted, although he means every word. she’s the most gorgeous person he’s ever met, and there’s something angelic about her. 
he doesn’t know that she’s the naboo queen undercover, anonymously trying to help a jedi find parts to repair their ship so they can make it to coruscant and report on an invasion on her planet from the trade federation. he only knows that she’s beautiful and far too clean for tatooine, seeming like a fish out of water. he’s drawn to her; some tug that he can’t ignore. he knows better than to ask for details about her business or how she wound up in the outer rim, because one of the first lessons he learned as a slave was not to ask customers for details. it was bad for business. / @devcted
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princeblack · 1 year ago
it’s difficult not to think of her and how it felt to have her so close, her nose nudging his as she breathed that they should save their energy, as if she had something dirty in mind. it made him feel hot in places he’d never experienced before, more intense than any feeling he’s ever had.
he glances over at her for just a moment, when there’s a pause between songs. she’s the picture of perfect, just like always, with her pretty loose curls and angelic face. he wonders how anyone could be so pretty and yet equally charming and kind. he’s fairly certain she doesn’t even know it, which drives him crazier, as if he needs to show her.
he thinks about daphne, who was always so serious, wanting to sit within her wealth and privilege and do everything to cement it. she was cool in a way, but bee was warm and full of heart, as if she didn’t care about pretenses and instead cared about other people and animals. she’s the opposite of what he was raised around, which makes her pull even stronger.
the next song starts and regulus swoops down to pick teddy up, lifting him towards the sky and spinning. the toddler giggles, his flower crown almost falling off. “your royal crown!” regulus exclaims, gently placing the toddler back down. bending over, he fixes it on top of the baby’s head, making sure it’s snug in his hair. “is that better?”
“crown!” the toddler cheers, his chubby fingers closing around some of the flowers. “i’m prince, too.” his words are incomplete in the way that only a baby’s are and it’s so endearing that it brings a smile to regulus’s face. “that’s right,” regulus agrees softly. “princes get crowns, don’t they? just like your mama, the prettiest princess in any kingdom.”
“mama is pretty,” teddy agrees wisely, and holds his hands out in a grabby motion so regulus will take them again. this time he lifts the baby up gently, allowing his little feet to rest over his own. they dance to the music again, regulus occasionally lifting him up to make the toddler burst into a squeal of laughter. it’s so amusing that the two of them dance like that for a long while, losing track of time until finally the music changes to something slower. regulus gently lets go of the toddler’s hands, who has just seemed to notice his mother again, bounding over excitedly to tell her about his dancing. “mama, i danced like reklos!”
“you’re an even better dancer than me now, prince teddy,” he teases, leaning down to place a kiss on the toddler’s head. “i’m going to ask mama to dance too, okay?”
“okay!” the toddler exclaims, already moving to hug his mother’s leg. regulus smiles, standing straight again, green gaze moving to meet bee’s blue one. “forgive me for keeping you waiting, princess.” he holds a hand out, expecting her to take it.
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he called her a princess while looking at her with those eyes and it kind of drives her crazy and it's almost frustrating that she has to be on her best behavior when there's so much she wants to say...or do right now but they're in public and also her son is standing right next to them looking up at regulus like he's the prettiest star I the galaxy and bee cant blame the youngest diggory, because regulus is so bright and shiny that she knows why her son was so drawn to him. "thank you reg." she giggles, biting down on her lower lip as she offers a smile.
teddy giggles that cute laugh of his hearing that regulus would be part of working on the farm. it was teddy's favorite place in the world getting to be with his animals but the boy nods eagerly. "we will feed my baby goats!" he says happily. "the goats, the pigs, our cows..." she giggles adding onto the list of animals they get to take care of as teddy laughs, the young toddler is having a blast and she's sure she's never seen the toddler so happy before that it's just another sign to bee that she needs him.
he agrees to the playdate but also with a date for bee, including the sleepover. "sounds like a plan doesn't it teddy? regulus staying with us..." she teases. "yes please!!" he hops up and down excitedly.
bee knows she probably shouldn't, they only just met but kissing like this makes her feel things she's desperately wanted for so long, only able to find it in him. she nudges her nose against his, wanting to kiss him again but not wanting to keep teddy waiting. "I think we should save our energy." she teasess kissing his cheek before giving teddy a gentle lay on the head. "you be a good boy for reggie okay?" she says gently. "yes mama." teddy responds before handing his mom the flower he'd been holding for safe keeping.
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she stands back and watches the male with the sweet baby, the pair playfully hopping around slightly off beat to the music that's playing. they really do look like father and son and though normally she wouldn't think that way about a guy she'd only known for a short time regulus told her that he wanted this which only makes it more beautiful how happy both of her boys look. she knows all eyes are on regulus and teddy, some flickering back to bee in possible judgment but she doesn't mind it because she would take all the dirty stares in the world if it meant seeing that look on teddy's face again and if it also meant she would get a lot more time with regulus.
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princeblack · 11 months ago
it’s sunday mass and daphne’s friend, samantha birkin, is telling regulus all about a mission trip her family has planned, but she keeps laughing even when nothing is funny and he very quickly realizes what she’s actually doing.
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he has no romantic or sexual interest in samantha, the same way he isn’t actually interested in daphne. but he and daphne’s families have been friends his entire life, both of their parents encouraging them to start dating because they would be a ‘good fit’ in their community. regulus is pretty sure his mother only wants him to date daphne because she’s a ‘good catholic girl’ and can be easily controlled and molded by their family, but he’s too tired to argue anymore, wanting to be a good son and succeed in every aspect he can.
maybe to others it’s strange that regulus hasn’t had much interest in girls, but he’s busy most of the time, focused on grades, football or his family. his brother had a falling out with his parents before he was born, but they reconnected recently after their uncle died and left the house with sirius. he wanted to offer his brother a home away from their parents, which regulus was grateful for but confused by.
unlike sirius, he still loves his parents, despite how awful the arguments can be. he doesn’t want to disappoint them, even if his mother triggers his temper occasionally. truthfully, regulus only wants to be the best at everything, even being a son. which is why he’s in AP classes, plays quarterback and never misses sunday mass.
he even attends bible studies during the weekdays, which is one of reasons why samantha birkin won’t leave him alone now. her mother ran them and samantha gave him heart eyes the moment he began attending.
none of the girls that kept flirting with him respected that daphne was his girlfriend— maybe because he didn’t seem into it, or maybe because there was no promise ring yet. 
that, or the real reason is because these people only worry about themselves. the most selfish people he knows go to this church, including his mother, who subjected everyone to her whims.
but there was one girl here who was different from the others– he could already tell and he had only known her for a month and a half. she moved here for the start of the new semester and everyone was talking about her because of her beauty. regulus shared biology and astronomy with her, quickly noticing that she was far more than just her looks. she seemed kind and gentle as well as smart; three traits that not many had around here. but of course no one talked about those things; only about her face and body, which he couldn’t deny were just as perfect as everyone claimed.
she and her family had started to attend his church since moving to town. regulus heard from his parents that the diggorys had suffered a loss recently through their oldest son’s death– it was apparently why they were here again, returning to catholicism.
bee, the girl, seems incredibly strong to shoulder such a loss and still remain warm to so many strangers. especially because the other girls didn’t seem to like her in church– most of them were daphne’s friends, who noticed that regulus’s attention was solely focused on bee.
in fact, regulus is already thinking about her again, barely hearing a word samantha is saying when bee happens to suddenly walk past them. he smells flowers in her wake; a soft scent of peonies and roses lingering in the air. swallowing, he says to daphne’s friend, “sorry, excuse me,” before turning to go after the auburnette.
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“wait,” he says, stopping her. he can feel samantha glaring daggers at them, but he doesn’t care. bee has turned to look at him, her beautiful slender face lighting up. her eyes are the prettiest blue he’s ever seen, like the sky on a sunny day. she’s wearing a beautiful floral printed dress, a shade of white that matches the bow in her hair. he’s never seen anyone so stunning before, down to her perfectly shaped nose and lips. he feels a surge of heated desire, wanting her. the warmth reaches his green eyes, glancing down at her lips before speaking. “i know mass starts in like thirty minutes, but i was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me. i haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since we were partners in biology.” he loves the sound of her laugh and the way her blue eyes light up; it’s like nothing he’s ever seen before. besides, daphne and her family are running late and what they don’t know couldn’t hurt them. / @devcted
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princeblack · 1 year ago
Regulus wakes to a knock at the door, followed by a creaking sound as it opens immediately. Blinking bleary green eyes open, he doesn’t see anyone standing in the doorway, so he knows it’s Kreacher. Sure enough, the house elf’s voice follows. “Good morning, Young Master… Kreacher is here to wake you on behalf of Mistress’s orders. She requests you are ready to depart for King’s Cross by nine o’clock, so you must dress and eat now–”
“Yes, good morning, Kreacher…” Regulus’s voice is groggy and his patience thin, because despite how endearing it always was that the house elf took his job very seriously, it also quickly became exhausting when at the crack of dawn. “Tell Mother I’ll be down in ten minutes.”
Kreacher walks to the edge of his room, folding his hands together as big pale eyes gaze up at Regulus, who’s still in his pajamas. “Yes, Young Master. Kreacher is happy to serve…”
Sitting up, he glances down thoughtfully at the house elf. “Go make yourself some tea and have some eggs and toast, okay?” 
Sometimes his mother would ‘forget’ to give the loyal house elf his breaks, something that Regulus made sure to command him to take. “That’s an order, so you must.”
The house elf sniffs a little, the way he always does when he thinks someone might be contradicting Regulus’s mother in any way, but he ultimately agrees. “Yes, Young Master… Master Regulus is generous and will make his mother proud when he’s sorted into the noble house of Slytherin.”
Regulus smiles, unable to contain his natural reaction to the elf. “And I’m looking forward to it. Now, get out of my room so I can change.”
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The small house elf bows before leaving, closing the door on his way out. It leaves Regulus in silence, contemplating the future. He’s sixteen and finally going to attend Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, just like his predecessors. He would no doubt be sorted into the same house as the rest of his family, and if his home-schooling grades were to be trusted, he would be even more talented in an official academic setting. Everyone expected him to succeed, from his parents to his extended family, including Lucius and Bellatrix. They had already placed their trust and expectations in him, allowing him to attend secret and lavish meetings with the Dark Lord at the Lestrange mansion and various hidden places. Lucius would often say that Draco had much to learn from Regulus, only ‘hoping’ his son would amount to as much both magically and academically. Draco wasn’t allowed to attend the parties or meetings yet, with Lucius claiming he had maturing to do, but Regulus had met Lord Voldemort. Lucius explained he was in a specter form after Harry Potter’s ‘defeat’, in a weakened state and requiring a body to fully walk in their realm again. From what Regulus could tell, Voldemort was smart and well-spoken, only wanting to protect the wizarding world from outsiders and even itself.
It was hard for Regulus to imagine, after living in a wizard’s village the entirety of his life, why muggles would be allowed into their society when they wanted them dead for most of recorded history. Would anyone who wasn’t brought up in their ways truly understand them, or would they be biased to their muggle roots, always defending them even when the magical world was at risk? His father always said that despite the Black family’s riches, their heritage and family was the most important valuable of them all, and they were to protect their magical blood with their lives or it would bring shame upon their fathers and their fathers before them.
He’s heard from his family about the state of muggleborns at Hogwarts, being admitted in just the same as those from wizarding families. Every student was even designated to use muggle transportation to get to the school, in the name of cohesion (“That crackpot old fool doesn’t want to admit he’s boot-licking the muggles”, as Lucius had said to his father). Regulus thought it was an overreaction on his relative’s part, but he did see the fear beneath, and he felt it all around him as muggles were integrated into their society more and more. What if their secret was to be found out, and they were hunted to extinction when their numbers were already dwindled to so few? What if magic was bred out of their bloodlines completely? Even the paintings of Grimmauld Place talked about it and it was never far from the back of Regulus’s mind.
But something else that never left his mind was Sirius’s dusty room, still untouched at the topmost landing of the mansion. There were Permanent Sticking Charms on a lot of the decorations on the wall, including the Gryffindor banners hanging everywhere. Regulus had often wondered how Sirius was the only one in the family to become sorted into Gryffindor, and what exactly had happened between him and their parents that led to his disownment. But his mother and father were tight-lipped, telling Regulus he’s a murderer and a blood traitor. This didn’t quite match up with Regulus’s research, which indicated that Sirius was immediately escorted to Azkaban upon the murder of muggles in broad daylight, all because of his maddened support for the Dark Lord. But none of his family was willing to talk of the incident, and none of the death eaters either. If Sirius ever supported Lord Voldemort or if he was a fraud who de-famed their organization with careless murder in the streets, Regulus never knew. All he knew was his brother’s image was burned from the family tree and the remains of his life here were frozen in time in his bedroom at the top of the stairs.
He thinks about all of these things as he gets dressed, wearing a dark brown cable knit sweater and a black cashmere coat. It isn’t until he finishes getting ready, stopping by his bathroom, before he finally goes downstairs to greet his mother at the dining room table.
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There are two plates of food already placed, his mother waiting, giving him a thin smile as he approaches. ”Well, go on. Hurry and eat up before you make your father late. He’s leaving work to pick us up in the ministry car to see you off, but he needs to get back to the office in a timely manner. There was a duel between two goblins in downtown London that needs cover-up… Blew out the side of a residential building and the muggles are in an uproar.”
A portrait of Regulus’s great grandmother, who was positioned near the entrance to the dining room, gives a derisive cough. “I say leave it blown up… The Muggle scum deserved it.”
“I quite agree, Hesper,” Regulus’s mother says, starting to eat her eggs. “But they can’t know of us, so Orion does his job dutifully.”
“I don’t have much left to pack, anyways,” Regulus says, moving to sit down. “I’ve been waiting for this day my entire life, so I’m a little over prepared…” It’s hard to even worry, he’s so prepared. He knows exactly what happens when he gets to Hogwarts and he’s positive he’ll be in Slytherin.
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“Nonsense,” his mother shakes her head. “There’s no such thing as over prepared. But, Regulus, we need to talk about your priorities when you get there. I don’t want any distractions, or assosiacting with blood traitors. I hope to be able to trust you, and not lose you like we did with your brother.” Her tone is brittle, but he can see in her eyes that even the thought of Sirius has made her upset. “If I hear of you fraternizing with any of those muggle-loving fools, I’ll bring you straight back home. Do you understand?”
Regulus stiffens, not eating for a moment as he glances up at his mother. “I understand. I’m only interested in my studies, anyway.” Truth be told, he’s never liked her iron grip, telling him what he can and can’t do. But he respects his family and doesn’t want to end up alone (or worse, in Azkaban) like Sirius. Besides, she knew better, didn’t she? And the Dark Lord was a powerful wizard with influence and a community; someone he wanted to be like.
So he finishes his breakfast as his mother rattles on about his first semester, thinking about all of the belongings he needs to put in his trunk before they depart.
His father arrives late in the ministry car afforded to him by being Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. His mother ushers them all in, bickering with his father the entire way to King’s Cross. They just barely make it to the platform in time, his mother planting a kiss on his cheek and his father giving him an encouraging pat on the back before sending him on his way.
Regulus already knows what to do; pushing his trolley to the bricked barrier and running through it, magically appearing onto platform nine and three-quarters. The Hogwarts Express is exactly as he expected it to look; a large, red steam engine with billowing steam. There was a chattering crowd around him as other students said last minute goodbyes to their parents closer to the train, something that made Regulus jealous as he passed by. Instead, his father had been more concerned with his job, rushing back to the car to return to the ministry, as usual.
Compared to his family, formal and strictly business, a lot of these families seemed close almost. One girl clung to her mother in tears, as if she couldn’t bear to let her go for the term. There were animals everywhere, from cats wandering the platform to owls hooting in cages. Most everyone was starting to file onto the train, Regulus finally bringing in the rear.
Just as he reaches the stairs, he notices someone else struggling with their trunk, trying to get it up the steps. He can only see her back, but she’s wearing an orange sweater and a dark plaid skirt, matching her small brown boots. She has auburn curls and he can see flowers woven into them, which catches his interest. 
Finally seeming to realize she was standing in the entrance for too long, she turns to look at him and he’s stunned into silence for a moment. She has the prettiest face he’s ever seen; a small, delicate chin, high cheek bones and big blue eyes that almost sparkle. Remembering he should probably say something, he quickly tries to cover up his reaction. “Hello,” he starts, almost nervously. This is the first person he’s spoken to that’s going to Hogwarts and isn’t from Grimswood like the Malfoys or Greengrasses or Rosiers. How was he supposed to know if she was from a pureblood family? He pushes aside the thought of his family, instead focusing on the present. “Let me help you with that,” he offers, stepping forward to take the trunk from her. His hand brushes hers as he takes the handle. Lifting it, he puts it on the top step before turning to get his own luggage so he can follow behind her. / @devcted
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princeblack · 8 months ago
Regulus knew he’d made a mistake joining the Death Eaters when blood supremacy had almost killed Bee Skywalker in second year, petrifying her. It was something he would never forget; the sight of her in the hospital wing, the fear etched on her perfect face, frozen that way for presumably the rest of time. 
Eventually he knew they would reverse the petrification once the mandrakes were fully grown, but for many months he stayed at Bee’s bedside, worrying he’d never get the chance to tell her how he feels.
Uncle Lucius bragged about the diary he’d offloaded onto Ginny Weasley; how it was the Dark Lord’s and his will would work itself at Hogwarts through the artifact. Lord Voldemort’s cruelty didn’t end there; he used Kreacher to test defenses of his horcruxes, almost killing him in the process. When Regulus first joined the organization, he knew they would go to war for their own kind. He wasn’t completely naive; he understood lives would be taken. But his own ancestors were almost wiped out during the witch hunts, when wizards had attempted to integrate and survive amongst muggle society.
So, then, it was sound reasoning to him what his family always believed— that muggleborns shouldn’t be brought into the wizarding world. How much danger would that pose to them all? And even further than that, how many muggles could you marry until your magical bloodline was stamped out?
But Regulus was never particularly good at being cruel unless someone deserved it. And Bee Skywalker is the kindest person he’s ever met, only ever deserving kindness back. She didn’t deserve to be ‘cleansed’ along with the muggleborns just because she was walking with one when the basilisk attacked. Lucius would call him weak for faltering; for not having the stomach to stand by his convictions. But Regulus isn’t so sure he cares what Lucius thinks anymore, after watching how cruelly he plotted the demise of so many of his peers.
And then in third year, Sirius escaped Azkaban. He arrived at Hogwarts, looking for Peter Pettigrew, the man who had framed him for the murders. Harry Potter, of all people, had defended him, convincing Dumbledore to demand a trial with the use of Veritaserum. The difference, this time, was that they also had Peter Pettigrew, who finally confessed to the murders and set Sirius free.
Reconnecting with his brother was strange but welcome, especially after learning that Sirius was innocent and never on the Dark Lord’s side. He’d had his suspicions, especially since the other Death Eaters were hush about it, never wanting to speak of what Sirius had ‘done’.
With Sirius’s help, Regulus had finished the fake horcrux– something he’d been working on since Kreacher almost died defending the real one. Sirius expected Regulus to let him help, but instead he had bided his time, never telling his brother when he finally stole away to go steal the Dark Lord’s horcrux. After all, it was his fate to face. It was his price to pay, for everything he’d done. Only he could be Voldemort’s undoing by taking and destroying that piece of his soul. Only Kreacher accompanied him, to take the real locket and apparate away.
It was only because of Bee that he survived, being pulled out of the water. It was then that they discovered her ancient magic, a force so powerful it was able to destroy the inferi and save them both so they could escape.
It wasn’t until this year, year four, that Regulus turned in the real horcrux to Dumbledore in exchange for a pardon, offering all knowledge he had of the Dark Lord’s activities. They then performed the fidelius charm once more, hiding Sirius’s new home with Remus Lupin as the designated secret-keeper. Regulus decided then that he wouldn’t return home ever again, instead vowing to move in with Sirius once the school year was up once more. Being at the school or under Sirius’s care were his only options to avoid repercussions for leaving his post as a Death Eater. He’s sure his parents wouldn’t protect him, if faced with questions from Death Eaters.
But even after all of this preparation, Regulus isn’t sure he’ll survive the year. Because to top it off, his name was drawn in the Goblet of Fire. There were only supposed to be three names expelled from the goblet; one for Hogwarts, one for Durmstrang Institute and one for Beauxbatons Academy. Instead, two other names that weren’t submitted had emerged; Harry’s and Regulus’s. There had been uproar at first; many outraged, especially the teachers and students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. After all, with three champions, Hogwarts was mostly likely to win and it didn’t help that it was their school hosting the event. It looked every bit like cheating.
But Regulus knows better. His dark mark burns more frequently every week and he’s aware the Dark Lord is gaining power; he’s likely to enact his ritual to regain a body soon, although Regulus wasn’t given the details of what that ritual would entail. He wonders distantly if it’s possible the Triwizard Tournament is somehow apart of his plans.
He hopes more than anything that he’s wrong, not just because he’s left the Death Eaters but because he wants to tell Bee how he truly feels without worrying for her safety. The first task is looming ahead and not long after it is the Yule ball; students all over the school are already talking about who they’ll take. It almost feels trivial to Regulus, who is already steeped in a war that most students his age know nothing about. 
But he also can’t imagine Bee going with someone else and just the thought makes his stomach churn. She probably has no idea he cares about such a thing, because it’s not like he’s been honest with her. She found out his dark secret about being a death eater when she saw his arm, coincidentally on the same night he helped her with a werewolf transformation. They traded one secret for another, both outcasts at Hogwarts for very different reasons. In a sense, he’s lucky he shared his secrets about the cave and the horcrux, because how would she have known where to go when she caught him sneaking out? He would be dead without her.
But even still, after everything he’s done, how could she possibly like him the same way he likes her? Especially after being petrified in their second year; he doesn’t expect her to ever forgive him for the part he’s played in it all.
But they’re still friends somehow, and she hasn’t told anyone his secret. No one knows besides Bee, Sirius and Dumbledore. He’s not even sure that Sirius has mentioned it to Harry yet, who is also coming to live with them, being officially adopted by his god-father.
Regulus has a lot to say to her and for once it feels as if he’s incapable of stringing the words together. He’s been taught eloquence all of his life, charming teachers and important wizards, but he’s a little afraid of the most beautiful girl at the school. What if she didn’t feel the same way? What if she saw him as a friend, or worse, held some resentment for how things have gone? Not that Bee has a resentful bone in her body.
He decides to write a note in a feeble attempt to organize his thoughts, but he only manages to scribble a few words:
Dear Bee,
I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but it’s difficult for me to breathe whenever you’re near. Truthfully, I don’t know how to ask this after so long of being careful not to hurt you, so I’m just going to say it.
Please go with me to the ball. I know I’m being selfish by asking, especially after everything I’ve put you through. You deserve someone kinder — more like you. But you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known and I can’t keep up this pretense anymore.
He takes the parchment with him after classes are over, carrying it in his things when they meet in the Potions dungeon for personal tutoring. Professor Snape is gone, leaving the classroom dark, cool and empty. The dark-bricked castle walls are lined with glass jars of pickled animals, something he knows Bee had never liked. They feel even more eerie in a quiet, near-empty classroom. He feels guilty for having left her alone in here, waiting on him to arrive. But she’s as kind and forgiving as she always is— maybe more than Regulus would ever deserve from her.
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When they get started on brewing the Calming Draught, he gathers the ingredients from the supply cupboard; some lavender, a crocodile heart and peppermint. When he returns to Bee’s cauldron he sits down, laying out the herbs. The crocodile heart is conserved in a charmed bottle to keep it at the right temperature, and rather than removing it, Regulus tilts it out and into her cauldron. “Luckily, the heart doesn’t have to be cut or smashed in any particular way. It’s enough to just place it inside.” He glances at the Hufflepuff sideways, a little worried for her. He knows how soft and sweet she is; using animal parts isn’t in her nature. And then, realizing her thoughts, he adds, “You don’t have to worry about them harvesting the hearts unethically, if it’s any consolation. These are used for calming draughts, so the crocodiles had to die peacefully in order for their hearts to be of any use in the potion.” It’s something he knows only because he cared enough to research it. In that way, maybe he and Bee are more alike than he thinks. His mother would hate the thought, but for Regulus it gives him a little bit of comfort. But then he remembers what he’s done and sobers again, starting to get to work on chopping the peppermint. He uses Bee’s dagger to do so, slender fingers wrapped around the black handle.
The youngest Skywalker had requested tutoring on her potion making technique, wanting to score better grades on tests. Regulus was happy to comply because he enjoyed helping her as much as he loved spending time with her.
He tries to focus on how he can help– he knows how nervous she gets when working around Professor Snape, too. “Try to have a firm grip on the dagger when you’re cutting. You want to chop the herbs as finely as possible so they’re easier to combine with the rest of the potion.” Pushing the lavender towards her on the table, he hands her the dagger. “Go ahead and chop these for me.”
He wonders, silently to himself, if he’ll gather the courage to hand her the note. Maybe when they’re done and leaving the Potions dungeon, he would summon the courage. Or maybe it should be burned to save Bee from the fate of dating someone such as him. / @devcted
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princeblack · 2 years ago
it's the second quidditch match of the year for slytherin and it's against hufflepuff, which should ease his mind since he at least gets to see one of his best friends, but he still finds himself on edge. things have been difficult recently, between trying to stay on top of his usual academics while also trying to hide his correspondences with sirius from both his parents and the other death eaters. sirius was outside of europe and in hiding, but sending notes when he could, each time from a different bird and with a new fake name scribbled at the bottom in his now familiar handwriting.
sirius occupies a lot of his thoughts lately, right next to what lord voldemort's been doing and then bee diggory. he's plagued with nightmares a lot of the time, scenarios ranging between the ministry finding sirius to the death eaters realizing that regulus is switching sides. most of his dreams end in death for either him or someone he loves... especially bee.
she's been his main source of happiness for a long time now, ever since she wrote him the letter at the start of last year saying she didn't think his brother was a murderer or that he and his family were evil. she told him to ignore people like justin finch-fletchley, even complimenting regulus and trying to make friends, to which he immediately accepted.
he had a crush on bee even before this, admiring her for her beauty from a distance and even trying to distract himself from it in second year when he dated daphne greengrass. it hadn't lasted long, mostly because it didn't seem to work and regulus never felt anything he should for daphne. she was the type of girl his parents would want him to date, but it felt wrong continuing the relationship when he didn't like her like she liked him. especially when he started to realize that he didn't necessarily want what his parents wanted for him.
in contrast, his relationship with bee only seemed to blossom after the note, the two of them hanging out in class and outside of it, becoming friends and subsequently worsening his crush on her again. they're happy together, even if he's not sure if she likes him like that. it's one of the only things in his life he feels is going right and that makes him happy, but the worst part is knowing he'll most likely lose her when she finds out the truth about him. and even worse, there are the nightmares that lord voldemort will hurt her when he finds out about regulus switching sides. the dark lord shouldn't care about something petty like that, but something regulus is learning is that tom is angry and vengeful, and if he knew for any reason that regulus loved bee, he would certainly hurt her.
the thought plagues his nightmares along with all of the other ones, usually involving an alternate outcome of the night voldemort had sent kreacher to test one of his horcrux defenses, but this time it resulted in the house elf actually being killed instead of injured within an inch of his life. that night sticks with regulus, making him so angry that his nails dig into his palms. that black void of hatred only grew when voldemort ordered barty to kill an innocent who had stumbled upon one of their meetings and he had actually done it.
all of regulus's notions about what being a death eater meant were shattered. it wasn't like his parents had said when he was young-- there was no prophecy saying wizardkind was in danger of extinction, and lord voldemort didn’t have to kill lily and james potter. regulus had learned from professor trelawney that it was her prophecy; that all the prophecy even indicated to begin with was that a baby born in harry’s certain circumstances would somehow bring the end of lord voldemort.
all of his lord's actions were selfish– regulus knows that now. he knows that the talk about preserving their culture and loving pure, magical blood was just an excuse to kill others and manipulate a select few to always do his bidding.
regulus was one of those ones manipulated. and it all became worse when he realized that sirius was never in azkaban for killing twelve muggles-- that was peter pettigrew the entire time. regulus's life feels like a joke with no punchline, especially when he finally meets his brother and has him ripped away once more. all he wonders now are what other lies his parents told him, that the death eaters perpetuated.
focusing on quidditch feels like an impossible task, especially with bee present and beautiful. but he gets dressed in his green slytherin robes as quickly as he can, meeting the team out on the field with his nimbus 2001 before the match starts.
marcus flint gives a speech reminding them the key points of their training, encouraging them to do well against their opponents and not let their guard down just because of lucius's generous donation of nimbus 2001s to the entire team.
regulus is only partly listening, allowing his gaze to drift over to the hufflepuffs, immediately picking out bee. his heart feels warmer as soon as he sees her, like it always does every single time he lays eyes on her. she looks beautiful, a radiant smile on her lips at something her teammate says. her braids make his heart race a little because they're so cute, flopping over her shoulders as she mounts her broom. regulus smiles at her when she looks in his direction, raising a hand to wave. they're too far away for him to say anything, so he just gives her a lingering gaze before finally looking away. his stomach feels tight for some reason, like it's hard to even witness how perfect she is this morning when he knows he'll never be able to tell her how he really feels.
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madam hooch makes marcus shake hands with cedric, then she counts down before blowing her whistle to start the game, causing all fourteen players to kick off the ground. regulus follows suit, raising high into the air above the other players. he needs to focus on looking for the snitch, but he can already tell it's going to be more difficult than usual as he feels the droplets of rain start to pelt his face, cold and icy. his gaze moves over to bee again, watching as she flies for the quaffle, trying to catch it as adrian pucey tosses it over to marcus.
he tries not to focus on watching her, realizing he's the seeker and he's responsible for making his team win. he dodges a bludger, swinging his broom around to start flying in the other direction. the rain is starting to pour, making his curls plaster to his forehead as the water gets in his eyes. squinting, he looks for the snitch, all too aware of the way bee is flying past him again as marcus takes the quaffle towards the goal posts. / @devcted
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princeblack · 1 year ago
As a prince, Regulus’s schedule was crammed from dawn to dusk. There was his royal etiquette training, his academic tutoring, attending meetings of the council, his arcane studies and even military training.
The military training was last on the schedule, a couple hours before dinner so he had time to train and still wash up afterward. He was to be meeting with a newly assigned handmaid when he was finished being tutored in swordsmanship by Lucius, the King’s Hand. The swords were wooden but his uncle still managed to bruise him, hitting him with the weapon when his guard was down during a lunge. He can feel it blooming on his abs beneath his tunic as he leaves the training room, cursing under his breath because he can’t stand his uncle. Holding a hand over his midsection, he mutters a healing incantation– one he had learned from the family grimoire’s for smaller injuries. His skin feels warm, the air shimmering around his palm.
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He’s so focused that he almost runs into Sirius in the corridor of the palace, who’s holding a silver goblet as he exits the great hall. “Apologies— I know you’re very busy, being as important as you are.” He’s being sarcastic, his dark eyes sparkling with humor. The two of them had been arguing recently, ever since King Orion appointed Regulus as the crown prince, citing that he was ‘more suited’ than his eldest son. “My prince,” he adds, giving a curtsy.
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Certainly more important than the town drunk, yes. Are you truly already wasted in the afternoon? You don’t have to try so hard to make me look better than you— I already do.” Even as he says it, he doesn’t think it’s true, deep down— he admires his brother, especially for how little he cares for what their parents think. And because he has so many close companions who care for him; so much to live for outside of House Black. The truth is that Regulus is desperately lonely, when he’s not on the back of his dragon. 
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“It’s called having fun; I expect you’ll learn about it as soon as you unwedge yourself from our father’s backside,” Sirius retorts, but his eyes are darker now because of his sibling’s words.
The younger prince’s brow furrows, frowning. Sirius knew it was a sensitive spot for Regulus; not getting to have his own life because of his dedication to their house. Or maybe he genuinely thought his brother didn’t want those things– he’s never been able to tell, throughout all of their arguments. “At least there are benefits to being wedged to the King’s backside. What are the benefits of being wedged into James’s Potter’s? Having a court jester at your beck and call? He’s a clown and you’ve always been better than him.” 
Sirius frowns, almost a cold and distant look passing across his features as his grip on the goblet tightens. “Don’t speak of him again. You should worry about yourself, brother, because the things our father will make you do for that crown will make you wish you were day-drinking with James instead.”
Regulus is fairly certain he would prefer death to hanging out with the youngest Potter, hating both him and his family. Once, Serafim had almost burned James alive for carrying some House Black jewelry in his pocket as he was leaving. It was then that Regulus knew James had no respect for Sirius’s family, even if he did have some for Sirius himself. It irked him, the way the male carried himself, thinking he was above law and had some kind of infallible luck always on his side. He seemed narcissistic, and Regulus was sure that his brother deserved more than that.
“Anyways, Father was searching for you. He wants to meet in the Tower of the Hand– something about a new maid.” Then he turns, leaving with a flourish before Regulus can say much else. He knows Sirius is probably on his way to a night out, skipping dinner again to rebel against their family, shirking his ‘duties’.
Regulus thinks about his brother on the way to the tower, ruminating on the way Sirius had never seemed to fit in or understand anything about their way of life. He doesn’t even have a dragon; never imprinting upon one when they were young. Regulus can’t imagine not having Serafim, certain that he would’ve given up years ago if not for the love of his draconic partner. But somehow he excels less when it comes to people, nothing like his brother in that regard. He’s skilled enough at talking to them and making them like him, but he never formed a close group of friends like Sirius and he certainly doesn’t visit the brothel every other night to flirt with the women there. It seems to be expected of him almost– some of the Kingsguard had joked with him the other night about how they’re sure he and Sirius have been through most of the eligible bachelorettes in King’s Landing. He allows them to think that, choosing not to correct them, but privately Regulus doesn’t have any interest in fucking half of the city.
He doesn’t even have any interest in his arranged fiance, Daphne from House Greengrass. She’s the daughter of the Lord and Lady of the North, and as such would foster a stronger alliance between the two houses, were he to marry her. That’s what his mother wants, after all, and so Regulus agreed to it. He didn’t have any interest in anyone else and it was his duty as crown prince, so he accepted it. But something is missing in their relationship, because despite how pretty she is, he doesn’t feel much for her. She’s formal and pompous, and maybe it’s because that was how she was taught to be and she cares more about duty and securing her spot beside him on the throne than opening up to Regulus on a deeper level. She seems to be genuinely passionate about status, especially the idea of becoming queen.
But despite what Sirius seemed to think, Regulus’s heart wasn’t completely in it, instead wishing he had someone who seemed to care past his title or looks. Or at least someone who made him laugh, that he enjoyed being around. But many people would call him a fool for it, because love didn’t exist in real life; only fairytales read to children at bedtime. His job is to marry for politics, so he knows he must fulfill that role. But secretly he’s almost more of a child, wanting to play with his dragon and find a girl he really loves.
Which is why he’s taken aback by the way his mind goes completely blank when he first walks into the tower and sees the girl on the other side of the room. All of his ponderings about duty leave his mind, instead filled with thoughts about how she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, even prettier than the sights he’s seen from dragonback. Her auburnette hair is woven into a beautiful hairstyle with braids, loose curls framing her perfect face. She has big blue eyes and soft, pink lips, and such delicate bone structure that she looks like she was sculpted carefully by the gods, even down to her dainty nose and little chin. Looking at her for a moment isn’t long enough, so he gazes at her, trying to remember how to speak English.
Then he realizes his father is in the room because he clears his throat, so Regulus’s green gaze leaves her, centering on the King himself. “Sirius said you called,” is all he can manage.
“I know we spoke of it this morning, but I’ve made arrangements to replace the previous handmaiden,” he says matter-of-factly, standing from the seat he was in. “This is Bexley Diggory and she’s to attend to you as you wish. Her chambers are in the servant quarters, her things already put away. She’s free to start now.” He glances out the window, at the setting sun. “I have some matters to attend before dinner, so I’ll see you when one of the servants fetches you. Take a bath; you reek of dragon and sweat.”
“Immediately, your grace. Thank you.” He’s short with his father, as he always is, waiting until the man sweeps out of the chamber before he finally exhales, glancing over at the beautiful girl again. “You must’ve traveled a long way to get here… are you well rested?” Green eyes glance over her figure, taking in the beautiful, sweeping fabric of her taupe colored dress. The material is thin and looks soft, hugging big breasts that he can’t help but glance at. He swallows a little, feeling a heat in the bottom of his stomach that he’s never felt before, traveling downwards. Is this what all of those men talked about, when they went on for ages about women? The sensation is alien to him, but he likes it, shifting a little closer to her without thinking.
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“I hope you’ll be comfortable here; I sorely needed the help, after the last handmaid tragically passed… She wasn’t young and pretty like you, though.” He says it like it’s a fact, because it is. “She belonged to someone else in my family and was already working in the castle, so she tended to me when I needed it… I’ve never had someone hired specifically to be mine.” His gaze wanders her perfect body before reaching her face again, already happy with his father’s choice. He could spend all night looking at her, if he truly wanted.
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/ @devcted
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princeblack · 1 year ago
he feels a rush and then there’s hard ground beneath him and a breeze on his bare skin, caressing his body and making him shiver. his memories come in fragments, almost unclear beneath the surface of his mind. his body feels stiff, as if he’s been asleep for months, and he’s so cold that the first thing he does is hug himself, rubbing his arms with his palms.
his eyes have fluttered open, seeing he’s surrounded by trees in a forest that looks  familiar. the air feels different, like even the energies of the place have shifted in some way. but when he looks around he recognizes the same enchanted stones,  the ones he carved himself with a symbol he found in one of his family’s dark arts grimoires. his memories start to trickle back, remembering the incantation he muttered while drinking the painful potion in the cave, binding himself to both the horcrux and the magical circle. his link to the horcrux was established via that potion, the spell dictating that he could be brought back if he died with it in his system.
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if he’s waking up here, it must mean he did die… and someone finally destroyed the horcrux, powering the resurrection spell that summoned him here, in the center of this circle.
he glances around, taking in the sight of the moss covering the rocks, as if it’s been awhile since they were placed there. they’ve become a natural part of the landscape of the forest, the ecosystem itself seeming to have moved on around regulus’s dormant spell.
the next emotion that clenches his chest is fear— fear of his death, and if it was worth anything after all. fear that something happened to kreacher, back in the cave. he must be okay, if the locket was destroyed, right? but regulus doesn’t know anything, not even the day or the year. what if the dark lord is still alive, despite his efforts?
he feels dizzy and also cold, realizing he’s naked and maybe in shock. he doesn’t remember anything about his last moments or what happened after, wondering if that’s a blessing or a curse. what else is he not remembering? is sirius okay? the last time he saw him was when he graduated hogwarts, their lives taking completely different paths as regulus tried to fix what he’d done while juggling sixth year. his mind is going a thousand miles an hour, panic setting in as he realizes anything could have happened while he was dead. what if voldemort still won the war? what if his entire family was dead, and he had nowhere left to go? would andromeda still be alive?
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he’s shivering a little, slowly sitting up as he tries to wrack his brain for what to do next. it isn’t until he looks around more that he sees her, making him start a little as green eyes flutter in surprise. it’s a girl, standing at the edge of the clearing, wearing a beautiful red cloak. he immediately feels shy, because even though she’s farther away he can make out how pretty her features are, the most gorgeous face he’d ever laid eyes on. he feels vulnerable in more ways than one, having just come back to life and being disoriented, but also completely naked. he doesn’t move to cover himself, though, instead staring right at her. “hello,” he calls weakly. his voice is strained and he feels weak, as if he’s barely hanging on by a thread. “i’m sorry if i scared you,” he says weakly, hoping she can hear him even from where she’s standing. his voice isn’t projecting very far due to his weakness. “i’m naked because of a spell… can you tell me what year it is?”
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/ @devcted
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princeblack · 2 years ago
it's a shitty night and even shittier week, reg having more homework than usual but unable to do it because he's working overtime to scrape together enough money for bills this month. it's been over a year now since he moved out of his parents' house, cutting them off to escape his arranged marriage and avoid living in their commune. for most of his life their approval was his everything, but the pressure grew and grew until he finally couldn't take it anymore. he doesn't want to be apart of their cult, or be in an arranged marriage with a distant cousin-- what he wants is to pursue higher education and make his own decisions, even if it means living a life like this.
he has one client come in that's been a regular for a couple weeks and he entertains her until she leaves, fortunately early enough for him to prepare for the bachelorette party scheduled tonight. after taking a break and getting some water, he returns to work around the time the party starts filing in. it seems like a few college friends at first, spotting hannah and luna, but then he sees astoria and behind her is the future bride, immediately recognizing her as bee diggory. 
he’s trying to focus on the dance, hands gripped tight around the pole as he lifts his legs, upside down for a moment. as soon as he sees bee, his eyes are glued to her, barely even smiling at the patron who tosses him a big tip because he’s so preoccupied with his crush walking into the club.
he’s liked bee since he met her at the beginning of the semester in biology I, seeing how beautiful and charming she was, watching her answer questions on the material with ease. they haven’t spoken much outside of class yet, despite that he’s seen her in passing at their apartment complex because they’re next door neighbors. usually theo nott is at her side, meeting her after class or going home with her.
he knows they’re engaged because bee mentioned it in class once, but the tiara and ribbon around her body make it obvious that this is her bachelorette party. reg can’t help but feel slightly jealous, thinking it’s a shame that a girl as incredible as she is wound up with someone like theo who probably didn’t know what to do with her to begin with. 
he’s twisting around the pole, arching his back the way he knows clients like, when astoria approaches and tosses him a tip. she seems to want to talk, gesturing him over, so he pauses the dance and starts to get down from the stage. collecting his tips, he turns to face her, green eyes looking her over curiously.
“hey, astoria. you can call me leo here. private dance?” he knows most of his co-workers would be uncomfortable seeing people from their personal lives at work, but reg has never minded it, as long as they didn’t treat him differently because of it. it’s only happened one other time outside of this, with another peer from a different class, but she seemed nice enough and not judgemental.
astoria is also too nice to judge him for it, and he knows bee is too. the girl is smiling mischievously though, as if she knows what she’s about to ask will cause problems. “not for me, no… but for the bride? i’ll pay for it, just make sure she has a good time.” her wallet still in hand, she pulls the money out.
he’s impressed to see she already knew the cost of the private dances and there’s more on top of it as a tip, so he takes it and slips it into his waistband. “happy to,” he says, appreciative of the payment but also secretly glad he has an excuse to dance for bee. “i’ll be right back.”
he makes a stop at his locker in the back room to deposit the money he collected, already knowing he might be naked for her (if that’s what she wants, anyway).
when he returns, he spots bee over by the bar, laughing at something hannah is saying. she looks beautiful, already making his heart race a little even before he reaches her. he’s always admired her pretty face and big blue eyes, and the way her auburn hair curls in soft waves. she looks even more beautiful than usual tonight, wearing a two piece skin tight pink outfit, the fabric shimmering in the neon lights of the club. her body looks perfect, the skirt and top accentuating her curves. it’s hard not to stare at the slit in the skirt showing off her thigh, or the way her breasts look in the top.
he feels more naked than usual when her eyes land on him, suddenly hyper aware of the fact he’s wearing nothing but jewelry and a scrap of leather for bottoms. he smiles when they make eye contact, leaning against the counter beside her. he realizes for the first time how much taller he is than her, and how small she looks even in her heels and tiara.
“hey,” he says, almost shyly despite the fact he never gets shy. “come here often?” he pauses, smiling a little. “kidding. your friend astoria just paid me to give you a private dance…” he leans a little closer to her, gently brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. green eyes flicker to her lips and back, smoldering a little as he holds her gaze. “i think we could have fun together,” he purrs, dropping his hand. “if you want.” / @devcted
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princeblack · 2 years ago
regulus starts to realize he's failing to suppress his crush on bee diggory as soon as draco invites her to accompany the slytherins to hogsmeade over the weekend. he should be worried, either about her safety and well being or even about daphne's feelings. but instead his first emotion is excitement, thinking about how much he wants to spend time with her and listen to the warm sound of her voice as she talks about her day.
it's been almost exhausting, how much he's struggled with his crush on her, ever since he first laid eyes on her in first year. bee had started hanging out with the slytherins more the past year and a half, befriending draco and spending a lot of her time with astoria (who is now attached to draco's hip). it surprised him at first, how easily bee fit into their group of friends, just because many people seemed to be put off by his cousin's sense of humor and rudeness. but bee is sweet even to draco, charming him because it's impossible, even for him, not to like her. regulus still remembers when draco said he would sooner leave hogwarts than be sorted into hufflepuff, but nowadays he's close to bee and even friendly with cedric.
he's not so sure that daphne is charmed by bee, though, especially after last week when she deliberately asked regulus if he was attracted to the hufflepuff. he told her not to start, calmly redirecting the conversation because he didn't want to talk about something that was pointless to discuss. he already knew he couldn't control his crush on bee, and at this point it might be a mercy to break up with the slytherin girl. but his parents wanted it to work out, his mother still writing him letters asking about daphne on a weekly basis. he doesn't know why her opinion still has any hold over him, when he's already planning on leaving the death eaters and making her hate him eventually.
on saturday they all meet up, dressed in muggle clothing as if they're going out into the world and not just to the wizard village outside of hogwarts. both regulus and draco are wearing sweaters, but regulus's is earthy toned and casual, and draco's is decorated with a dress shirt beneath. the girls show up in dresses, both astoria and daphne wearing sweater dresses.
bee's is a dress too, but it's blue and short, showing off her thighs and cleavage, making regulus feel a little warm when he first sees her. "you look pretty," he tells her, giving a soft smile that reaches his eyes.
daphne doesn't seem to like it, clinging to his arm afterward as the group of friends go to various shops. he doesn't feel bad about complimenting bee; after all, regardless of his crush they're still friends and she does look beautiful.
it isn't until they reach the three broomsticks that things get more tense, daphne quickly drinking too much butterbeer. astoria tries to tell her to slow down, but pretty soon she's trying to crawl into regulus's lap at the table, causing him to gently turn her down. "daphne, stop," he murmurs, shifting her off of him. "hey, drink some water, okay?" he flags down the waiter, asking for some until they have a pitcher of it at the table.
draco smirks a little, like he thinks it's funny. "it's the middle of the day, daphne. you're going to have to join that hagrid in his hut if you're seriously getting wasted at this hour. have a contest over who can set his house on fire first..."
"don't be a dick, draco," regulus says, but his tone is too dull for it to be much of a jab. he's used to draco's comments like this, getting his superiority complex from his attempts to please his father. he doesn't take it too seriously, but he also understands that some do, including harry potter (which he hears a lot about, from draco).
his cousin rolls his eyes, but doesn't fight back. their friendship has always been like this, especially since regulus was given the death eater title and started commanding more respect with draco and the rest of the slytherins who knew. "whatever. i still think he's a bit of a savage."
regulus looks over at bee, meeting her eyes as if to share a knowing gaze, a flicker of a smile tugging at his lips. it's not the first time today he's caught himself looking at bee and talking to her over his own girlfriend, who is currently chugging a glass of water. "are you gonna finish that?" he asks softly, bumping his knee against bee's as he nods down to her glass, which still has a bit of golden liquid in it. "because, if not..." in the background he can hear astoria explaining to draco why hagrid is actually good at teaching care of magical creatures, which makes him smile again. / @devcted
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princeblack · 2 years ago
on sunday he leaves the castle at dawn, carrying some clothes and water in his bag as he crosses the courtyard. he made sure to pack a sweater and a jacket as well as a set of his slytherin robes, wanting to find bee and at least keep her warm and covered enough to make it to a building. he had been watching her the past two months, noticing she was always missing at breakfast on days after the full moon. what’s more than that, she’d shared with him that the new professor remus lupin is her biological father, who also disappeared on days of the moon. it doesn’t take long to notice the pattern, particularly because regulus is a little obsessed with her.
she may not know it but bee is the love of his life, someone he’s been pining for since he met her at the start of first year when they were just fifteen. even just meeting her, he’d never felt those feelings before, like he was looking at a shining star just listening to her speak about what she loved. she inspired him, not just because of her enthusiasm and interest in creatures but also her beauty. it seemed unrealistic that someone could be so gorgeous, with the prettiest face and smile he’d ever seen. he was told from a young age that he would be sorted into slytherin and sit with the pureblood families, witches and wizards who had been prominent for centuries. he never anticipated befriending a hufflepuff, especially not when his cousin draco had spoken so ill of them, repeating what lucius had told him about the house. he even joked about just leaving hogwarts if he was sorted into hufflepuff, which regulus ignored. his own father orion had said at least hufflepuffs were hard-workers, citing gryffindor as the worst house because of the house’s history of siding against ‘their culture’ and the way they valued the old ways.
regulus knows how wrong that is now, after he watched people attacked and almost killed last year when the chamber of secrets was opened. it was all in the name of blood supremacy, even draco saying that he hoped hermione granger was the ‘mudblood’ to die. tension was high and it was the first time regulus really saw the full extent of what pureblood supremacy could cause, many of the people around him repeating that muggleborns deserved to be killed. regulus realizes he’s a fool now for ever thinking that there was a way to remove muggleborns from their society without killing them. but lord voldemort made it seem like it would be possible at first, seeming as if he had answers about keeping their kind safe and powerful enough to defend themselves so the witch hunts didn’t drive them to near extinction again.
but everything changed when bee was paralyzed, being attacked by the basilisk as it targeted hermione, who was the muggleborn it wanted. realizing bee could’ve died, it angered him that his family seemed to make excuses for the chamber. it almost ruined his relationship with draco until he became quiet on the matter after bee’s attack, seeming to actually agree that all of it had gone too far. he never really believed draco wanted hermione dead to begin with, knowing his cousin well enough to deduce that draco wouldn’t ever actually harm someone or truly wish that on them. instead he was all talk, trying to please lucius to an extent that even regulus didn’t reach with orion.
he starts to hate lucius and even his parents to an extent, finding that his entire world view is being destroyed as bee’s petrified body sits in the infirmary. but then came the summer, when he finally witnessed voldemort kill innocent muggles, claiming it was time for everyone to become comfortable with what they have to do to fully seize power and help him get a new body. they then had to wach him re-animate the corpses for the purpose of adding to his inferi army. 
even with months passed, regulus still has nightmares about the deaths he’d seen. voldemort seems to sense his confusion and anger, asking if he could use kreacher to secure a horcrux defense. knowing he was unable to say no and that it was a test of loyalty, regulus agreed reluctantly.
what regulus doesn’t anticipate is kreacher being left to die, barely making it back to him in one piece. it makes him angry more than anything, that he was betrayed in more ways than one, made out to be a complete fool. he was lied to and pressured from all sides, and all it had gotten him was more trauma and the near loss of the girl he loves as well as kreacher, someone he loves like family.
so he works on the decoy locket, wanting to return to the cave and retrieve the real one so he can destroy it and consequentially kill voldemort before he’s even able to get his new body. he hides his mark, trying to get through the school year, but something that made it undoubtedly worse was his brother’s recent escape from azkaban. neither of his parents would ever talk very much about their first son (whose image was burned off of the family tree), but from what his mother said regulus had always thought sirius was the same as andromeda, disavowing the family beliefs for blood purity. it doesn’t make sense, then, that he was secretly a supporter of lord voldemort, killing thirteen muggles in broad daylight. despite this, voldemort has never spoken of it and regulus was taught not to ask questions, so he didn’t.
all he knows is there are rumors that his brother is insane and could be doing anything now that he’s on the loose. it’s been difficult, particularly because he was already struggling with hating himself for what happened to kreacher and how his family had led him down this path (presumably the same one sirius wound up on, even when he tried to resist). the only person who spoke against the rumors was bee, even writing him a sweet letter with gifts attached. if he wasn’t already in love with her (he was), he would’ve fallen for her right then, reading her words over and over each night for comfort. he even wrote his own love letter back, leaving it unsigned. he hasn’t gathered the courage to send it, knowing how big his words are and how wrong it is to pursue her to begin with when he can’t be honest about who he is. what would she say, if she saw his mark? what would happen to her, if his plan with voldemort went wrong? and even more than all of that, what if she didn’t feel the same way?
none of those fears matter when it comes to their friendship, though, and all he wants to do when he learns of her lycanthropy is to help her. he goes to talk to her father, making him aware that he’ll be searching for her this morning and not to look for her himself. he even confessed how he feels about her so that remus knew he was serious, convincing him surprisingly easily that he could handle this. he’s not afraid of bee’s lycanthropy and he would gladly take it on himself if it meant showing her that someone cares for her and has her back always. he would do anything for the girl who showed him a glimpse of her bright world, making things a little less grim and serious in his. it was only because of her that he felt safe to pursue his own passion more, reading about creatures and particularly dragons when he wasn’t supposed to because of his mother. he’s not sure how to thank her for making him want to fight and actually survive the war that’s coming, and even doing this doesn’t seem to be enough.
but he traipses through the courtyard, finally reaching the entrance to the forbidden forest. he pulls his scarf more tightly around him, adjusting it so it isn’t caught beneath his dark brown jacket, one of his favorite ones that’s a tweed material. it’s silly that he cares about his appearance when he’s looking for his friend who’s probably disheveled after being a werewolf right now, but he already knows she’s going to be beautiful and take his breath away completely.
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he finds her in a patch of flowers in a clearing, laying there with no clothes on, dirt smeared across her body. he flushes, feeling warmth spread through him at the sight of her naked curves, beautiful skin and hips and breasts. he tries to avert his eyes as he approaches but it’s difficult not to look at all of her when he has to look at her face too. it feels especially strange because she’s still passed out, her eyes shut and her pretty face almost peaceful looking. she has no idea that he's looking at her right now, or that he had planned to come out here at all.
he takes off his bag, placing it in the grass. starting to tug the clothing out, he grabs his robe first, stepping forward to lay it across her body and cover her with it. then he gently touches her shoulder, his voice quiet as he tries to wake her. “bee… wake up. i told professor lupin i was going to help you today.”  / @devcted
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princeblack · 2 years ago
it's only the second week into the semester and regulus is still trying to fit in, not quite used to any of it. it's been a year since he escaped the cult he was raised in and he's only had those twelve months to get a job and figure out how to be a functioning member of society, finding some support from his brother sirius. it's only thanks to his grades that he's made it into this university, but since he was home schooled for his entire life, he's not used to the social aspect of it all.
he feels like a completely different person, with dyed red hair, working as a stripper (his mother would have a heart attack if she knew) and covering his body in tattoos depicting nature. he has art of dandelions, peonies, insects and animals decorating his arms. some of the peonies are tattooed on his chest as well, not having much reason for getting them besides thinking the at is beautiful and loving peonies. nature and its animals were always comforting to him, giving him an interest to study and find solace in when the rest of his life was a nightmare. that's the only reason why he fought to go to university-- his desire to return the favor and do something with all of his knowledge.
so he's in the marine biology program, which is how he meets bexley, who's in the veterinary track. she goes by bee and she's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, with a smile that lights up the whole room. he loves the way she talks about animals, and how pleased she looks whenever the professor gives her praise for knowing something. she also makes him laugh, and it definitely helps that she's hot. he hasn't been able to take his eyes off of her, even when her boyfriend theo shows up after their last class of the day to pick her up. he's noticed theo is kind of a dick, from the rude comments he makes to the overly possessive attitude he seems to have about his girlfriend. what doesn't sit right with regulus is that he seems to take it out on bee.
regulus can't stand theo, but he decides to go to the football party he's throwing tonight anyway, mostly because his friend blaise invites him and he knows bee will be there because theo is. worst case scenario, if he doesn't get to talk to her, he'll just leave. he doesn't like football, anyway.
he shows up at eight o'clock (he's fairly certain theo usually wouldn't have a party this early, if not for the time of the football game) and when he goes in, everyone seems to be wasted already. there's loud cheering coming from the living room and there's even music playing, which he's sure is drowning out some of the game. not that he cares, since he has no interest in it anyway.
he runs into blaise in the hall, who tells him there's spiked punch in the kitchen. he smiles and thanks him but decides to look for bee first instead. as soon as he enters the living room he sees her fleeing it, looking like she's upset.
following her, he ducks into the kitchen after her. she's facing away from him but he can hear her crying, which makes him frown. "bee? hey, are you okay? did something happen?" they've only known each other for two weeks, but he would at least call her his friend. he doesn't like seeing her upset like this and his chest aches because of it. he wonders if it's theo's fault, and part of him wants to go back out and ask. / @devcted
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princeblack · 1 year ago
He walks her back to her dorm after a long evening in one of the greenhouses, Bee teaching Regulus how to care for the venomous tentaculas, from feeding them chizpurfles to singing to them and stroking their vines just the right way. It was a delicate process since they had a habit of grabbing onto students to try and strangle them. Professor Sprout encouraged younger students to whack them, but Bee didn’t believe in that, instead taming the creatures through patience and gentle care.
She was amazing to watch, and even more soothing to listen to as she tended to each plant and kept them in good health. She did it of her own accord, volunteering to help Professor Sprout (who forced the extra credit on her, despite her not asking for it). Regulus helped her de-weed their soil and fertilize it, as well as sing each of them lullabies.
He truly thought his girlfriend was the smartest in the school, walking alongside her proudly when they finally left the greenhouse to head towards the Hufflepuff common room. On the way there, he held her hand as they winded through the castle, despite the eyes on them from both paintings and other students. Out of all of the Slytherin prefects, Regulus was the most popular, being the Seeker on their Quidditch team and having plenty of friends from other houses, too. People still gossiped about his relationship with the younger Diggory, especially the nights they almost broke curfew.
By the time they reach the Hufflepuff common room, Maeve has found them and winds through Regulus’s legs, eagerly awaiting for when he sits down. They all sit by the fire, Mae curling up on Regulus’s chest as his long legs go over Bee’s lap. Getting some of their homework done before finally retiring to her room, they leave Mae by the fire where she’s fast asleep.
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He’s tired from the long day, hoping none of the girls notice him slip into the dorm room to stay the night with her. The lights are off aside from one of the torches by Bee’s empty bed and everyone appears to already be asleep, so he follows her to her little bed, placing his things down at the end. Removing his shoes first and then his robes, he unbuttons his vest and pants. Pulling his tie out and then his belt, he quickly removes all articles of clothing until he’s in his boxers. Climbing into her bed, he slips under the fluffy comforter, covering his almost naked body from view.
“Please hurry and get in,” he pouts like a spoiled prince, glancing over at Bee expectantly. His messy curls are hanging in his face, having grown a little too long because he’s in dire need of a haircut. He feels vulnerable because of the lack of curtains on the Hufflepuff beds, so he waves his hand to magically extinguish the fire on the torch beside her end table, making the room darker. / @devcted
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princeblack · 2 years ago
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princeblack · 1 year ago
She claims she would rather the world end than lose him and he understands, because if their roles were reversed and he had no evil to make up for, he would stay right here without a second thought. But how could he take up residence in her life without attempting to be good enough for her, and keep her safe? Without fixing what he contributed to— the same problematic beliefs that nearly took her life last year. Besides, no one else knew about the horcrux and none of the other death eaters would ever betray Voldemort. 
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“You’re my whole world and part of the reason why I want to be a good person is because of you,” he says quietly, leaning down to plant a kiss on her head. “I’ve loved you forever.” He feels like he’s loved her his entire life, even if he’s only known her for a couple years now. It’s like they’re meant to be… or that’s what he tells himself anyway, wanting to believe they’re supposed to be together even if he did awful things. “We’re going to win against him,” he adds, because they have to. They have to win the war, to stay with each other and grow older and have a family. Her saddened eyes hurt him, because he never wants her to be afraid he isn’t coming back to her when it’s the only thing he wants. He would kill Voldemort with his bare hands before leaving her here, all alone.
Her giggle lights up his heart, making him at ease again. Regulus has never adored anyone or anything as much as Bee— her beautiful voice, soft like velvet and her pretty little face tilting up to keep looking at him. He likes that she calls him sexy, but it also gives him butterflies that she continues on to call him smart, suggesting he would be the one with more knowledge on the topic eventually. “Maybe I’ll become an expert, then, just to hear your praises.” She would sound good telling him how smart he is, maybe while she’s jerking him off, if he’s lucky. The two haven’t been able to stop having sex since they finally started dating, being inseparable in a literal sense. Every empty room at Hogwarts has probably seen them by now, and school ghosts had ‘walked in’ on them at least twice. “I like hearing your knowledge about muggle things… Despite what my parents say, I think it’s interesting how they managed to create these devices.” 
She compliments him further and it makes his stomach warm, an intense affection mixed with lust spreading through him. When she leans up to kiss his chin again, he uses the hand that’s not between her legs to take hold of her neck, holding her still so he can lean in, pressing his lips to hers in a desperate kiss, interrupting her words. She’s so cute that he can’t control himself any longer, giving her a wet kiss as lips move against hers, his hand tightening around her neck. Her mouth is soft beneath his and he doesn’t want to stop, but he also doesn’t want to miss the movie. Gently touching his tongue to her lips for entry, he allows it to brush against hers before breaking the kiss, pulling back a little. 
“I would love to play with you in the garden… and at the lake.” The idea of a summer completely wrapped up in each other has him a little giddy, already imagining getting to wake up next to his pretty girlfriend every morning, instead of in his quiet mansion.
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Her soft moan makes him ache, he’s so turned on by her pretty voice. It makes him rub her clit with a little more pressure, moving his fingertips in slow strokes. The fabric is completely soaked, wet to the touch. She whimpers, telling him how much she wants to be his Emily, unraveling under his fingertips already. It’s hot, making him shiver against her, a quiet moan caught in his throat. It shouldn’t turn him on so much how desperately she moans, even as she’s trying to explain how important the scene on the screen is. 
Regulus makes sure to watch, turning green eyes toward the screen as his hand is in Bee’s panties, fingers slowly sliding against her wet folds. “So important,” he agrees softly, his fingers moving back up to her clit, gently grazing it. “Her story is sad, but her true love is here now.” He hums in approval at how she wants to be his bride, pressing his fingertips against her clit. “With this hand, I will lift your sorrows,” he recites, allowing his fingers to slide against her cunt again, stroking her. “Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine… With this ring, I ask you to be mine. Will you be mine forever, Bee?” His breath is against her ear, reciting the words of the marriage recital from the movie as he plays with her cunt. His head is hazy, only thinking about the whimper of her voice as she said she wanted to take his last name.
She kisses him and he kisses back, chasing her lips and tasting them for a moment. She asks if he really means what he said, but is quickly interrupted as her eyes roll, cursing because of the way he moves his fingers against her clit again, this time in a circular motion. “Yes… you’ve always made me feel safe; like I belong.” Regulus can imagine maybe Victor will feel that with Emily; someone who loves him this deeply, giving him a place when he seemed out of sorts in his life above ground. 
Regulus moves his fingers faster, listening to the wet sound her cunt makes, his length throbbing from it. She only makes him more turned on by playing along with his dirty game, calling him Victor and begging for him to go inside of her. “Yes, dear,” he murmurs obediently, sliding both fingers into her slick entrance, dipping in a little. Starting to play with her hole, he fucks her gently, in and out until finally starting to push them in deeper. “Does that feel good, sweet Emily? Would you like another?” His rings are sliding inside of her, her cum gushing around his fingers as he strokes them in and out of her at a steady pace.
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she hated the idea of him being put in harms way, he didn't deserve it, to be hurt like that, to take on so much responsibility and literally put his life on the line, it scares her to think he might leave and never come back one day what would she do? who would she go to when she needed comfort? nobody would understand and she knows the only person she would want to be with would be gone. it doesn't help that he's so bluntly honest with her, telling her he can't promise anything and as much as she wants to appreciate his honesty she wishes he would've just lied to her instead. she looks up at him with slightly sad eyes, holding onto his arm. "you better come home to me." she says softly. "part of me would be fine if the world was ending because then at least it would be ending with you...instead of my world ending because I lost you." she knows that's dramatic especially for a relationship that only just started but she means it, she'd rather die without him in fact, he's her everything.
she knows he probably isn't too happy over not knowing but she finds that kind of endearing, she likes that he's smart and teaches her things but she also likes that he still has things to learn about the world. she giggles softly shaking her head at his words with a smile. "I like that you're a know-it-all, I think it's sexy." she purrs. "but I do like that for once I get to teach you something. not that you probably won't eventually know more about this than I do one day." she beams.
she giggles at his comment about draco. "he's allowed to be a coward when he has an awesome cousin like you to keep him together." she hums. "he looks up to you you know? and I think he's lucky to have someone like you in his life maybe one day he'll even be half as amazing as you are. even though that's kind of impossible considering you're the best." she purrs leaning in to kiss his chin once more. bee gets excited by the idea of regulus staying with her all summer, she can't imagine why he's rather stay in a small cottage than whatever gothic mansion he probably had but she was happy he did nonetheless, nodding excitedly at his proposal. "I'll ask my parents over the week, or I guess tell them that my amazing boyfriend will be staying with us all summer, oh I can teach you how to tend to the garden and we can go swimming at the lake." she was excited, the idea of having him all summer long and all to herself while he also gets to know her parents? that's like paradise.
she still is tempted to ask, mostly because professor lupin seemed to hold a lot of secrets, however she would leave it there for now and that's mostly because she's far too distracted by the way he's touching her to think very much at all let alone argue, his hands feel good on her body going from her sensitive nipples to her needy cunt as her eyes roll back just a little out of pleasure. "oh..." she moans in a gasp. his touch was also far more interesting than any muggle technology. he continues to touch her as she continues to try hard to focus on the movie and now the fact she's soaked through her pj bottoms already when regulus mentions dressing up as victor for her and she dress up as emily while calling him by the name of her old childhood crush. it shouldn't turn her on the way it does, making her moist as she bites down on her lower lip. "y-es please...I wanna fuck you while I'm dressed like your emily." she whimpers. "I want to call you my victor and moan your name so loud." she mumbles blushing a little at the idea of it, feeling her heart racing even more.
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she doesn't want to talk about daphne and that fantasy she lived in anymore either, all she wanted to do was focus on being touched by regulus, be in the reality that she belongs to him and he's finally hers, tha not even daphne could ruin the high she's in right now with his hand between her legs as he rubs his fingers against her clit meanwhile the most important part of the movie is happening right now and she can barely keep her eyes focused on the screen as a shaky moan leaves her. "this part is s-so important." she whimpers, trying to regain her control and look at the screen. emily had just finished chasing after her new husband, now the movie was going into detail of her tragic backstory of foolishly falling in love with the wrong man and it costs her life. thankfully for bee that wasn't a detail she related too because the first and only boy she ever loved currently was slipping his hand inside shorts comparing her beauty to that of emily and asking her to be his bride. her hips jolt a little, fingers digging into his pants leg as his hand touches his bare cunt. she's not sure she will ever get used to his touch, driving she crazy and making her feel like she's going dizzy. "o-oh god...yes." she gasps. "it's all I've ever wanted....to be your pretty bride and take your last name."
she's half paying attention to the movie now, eyes half lidded as she thinks about how amazing his ringed fingers feel against her bare pussy even though this is one of her favorite parts. where emily gifts him his old childhood dog, helping victor feel a little more at ease. her heart is racing quick but she can't help but smile at the scene, and also at the words of her boyfriend as he tells her she gives him the same comfort. she lifts her head a little, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips as she smiles warmly. "hmm, do I really?" she says hopefully, smiling softly as she bites down on her lower lip, the circular motion of his fingers making her eyes roll back. "that's so fucking good." she gasps as he starts to go faster, needing more to the point it almost feels greedy asking while they're trying to enjoy a movie together. "please put your fingers in.... victor."
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princeblack · 8 months ago
“i know,” he answers in amusement. “you’re unusually kind, even to those you would call an enemy. which is why i was being sarcastic when i said i’d hate to be your enemy.” it’s cute to him, seeing her insist on something when she didn’t need to. he understood her completely, which was a strange thing in and of itself considering they’d only just met.
the warmth of her body is making him sleepy, paired with the comforting sound of her giggles. her words make him focus again, bringing him back to her. “why wouldn’t it be a good thing?” he asks, genuinely surprised by the implication. “if more politicians were kind, i guarantee everyone in the outer rim would be better off by now. too many people only care about their own best interest…the problem is no one wants to help each other.” they’re words he really believes, which is partially why he’s racing for her and the jedi tomorrow. “if there are any men around you that need insulting, i’ll be sure to do it for you,” he adds teasingly.
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he can’t seem to stop gazing at her with loving green eyes, as if she had hung the stars. “so i don’t have any competition, then?” he teases in response to her explaining she’s only ever around politicians and jedi. “ah, so you only find me handsome because you’re around those stuffy politicians too much?” he knows it’s not what she meant but he likes making her squirm, amusement lingering in his eyes. “what a shame…”
she points out he’s cocky and he can’t be offended by it, both because it’s true and because she’s so cute saying it. “haven’t i earned it, my lady?” he asks innocently, even though he’s not so innocent at all. regulus has been taking advantage of his good looks and capabilities since he was old enough to– each of his assets helped him survive on this planet, so maybe he is cocky about them and maybe that’s okay.
she grows upset at his teasing, frowning and pouting as she asks why he would want to date another girl. it touches him that she has such an honest reaction, even directly asking him why he would do such a thing. she had given him exactly what he wanted; a response that matches how crazy he feels about her already. it makes him giddy, even if it shouldn’t. would they even know each other after tomorrow? or would he become some half forgotten memory of a slave she had once met on tatooine? “no, i don’t want to date anyone else,” he answers earnestly. “i just wanted you to be jealous at the thought of it because i’m greedy and selfish.” he already knows he is and he doesn’t have a problem with it in this instance.
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she seems confused when he tells her to shush him, but she’s also blushing, so maybe she has some idea of what he meant. his gaze flickers away, momentarily discouraged. “nevermind,” he mumbles. “forgive me.” why would a queen want to do such a thing, especially in his bed?
he listens to her words about him and his mother, finding them sweet. “i know you would. but just let me help you for now, okay? one thing at a time.” they could hardly end slavery in a night, could they? he wonders again if she’ll remember him in the future.
he’s stopped playing with her hair, pulling his face away from her neck to lay back against the pillow. her face is against his chest, though, and he wonders if she can hear his heart racing at her nearness. his arm is still around her, and he wonders if he should move it, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
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"I would never make you an enemy." bexley says gently, her brows knitting together as she looks up at him. she knows he's only teasing but she truly couldn't imagine hating him, not even being upset with him. it would break her heart to ever see him upset. "but watto is just an awful little creature, to hurt so many, especially a boy as sweet as you." she frowns, her blue eyes meeting his gaze.
bexley giggles softly at his words, a soft smile curling on the corners of her soft lips. "I've never been so grateful to be a queen in my life." she giggles softly, she's only teasing. being a queen was one of the greatest honors for a girl on naboo, an achievement many dreamed of but not many would ever get to see especially when she was chosen by the people themselves.
it's almost like a strange little date, talking to him about silly childish things like her favorite color and foods. it's not something a queen often gets to talk about, nobody cares if she likes pink and hates the colors gray or brown or she likes cloud drops but hates carrots. what does that matter? people didn't care to know who she was, nobody could know. but regulus was special, now he knew her deepest secret and seemingly was taking it very well which means she could probably tell him everything and he would listen while looking at her with his intense eyes. "do I?" she giggles shyly. "not sure if it's a good thing or not, sometimes being a queen you must be tough but I'm not so sure that I am...I can barely insult a man properly." she blushes, feeling a bit embarrassed that she is sharing so much of herself but his arm feels nice around her waist, pulling her body close to his own almost protectively.
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a shy giggle falls from her lips, her cheeks flushing as she avoids his gaze for a moment. normally bexley wouldn't assume she was this special person with a bright smile and beautiful hair, it's almost like he's describing an angel, like the ones he spoke of earlier. "I do, find you more handsome than anyone I've ever met." she giggles softly, gaze meeting his lips. "I'm usually surrounded by politicians and recently old jedi...but I've never met anyone who looks like you before." she bites down on her lower lip. "but you are rather cocky aren't you?" she teases.
bexley feels like her heart is all in knots, her cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink. "I-i..." she pouts a little. she hated the idea of him saying some pretty tatoonie girl, even if he was within his right to do as he pleased...it's not like he owed her anything. "why would you want to date another girl?" she frowns a little. "do you really want to date another girl?" her blue eyes filling with fear. "It's not that...I don't care...I do care, I like you a lot." she mumbles nervously.
bee feels like she's on fire, her cheeks a bright shade of pink but she feels like she's sweating too. he's so close and flirting with her. it was so tempting to just lean in and kiss him but she knows that she can't take it that far yet, not right now when everything in her life is falling apart and adding on feelings for someone just seemed intense and it's worse than she can't seem to help herself. "make you?"
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"yet you are much kinder than a lot of people, I understand your situation is rough and if there was more I could do right at this moment I would do everything...i could because you and your mom have shown me more kindness than anyone ever has." she says as her fingers move to cup his cheeks, her fingers brushing against his soft skin. his fingers move through her hair, tracing against her braid and it makes her blush softly. "she's lucky to have you." bexley hums.
his touch is as close to heaven as she'll ever get, her eyes fluttered closed as she snuggles in closer and taking in his scent. a warm smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she feels herself growing more and more tired....but then he says something that makes her heart flutter, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she's nuzzling her face into his chest. "I like you too." she giggles.
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