#Water Vision@2047
apacnewsnetwork0 · 7 months
Day 2 of All India Secretaries Conference on Water Vision@2047-Way Ahead concludes with the vow to strengthen water security
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Mahabalipuram: The ‘All India Secretaries’ conference on ‘Water Vision@2047-Way Ahead’ concluded on Wednesday at Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, with a primary focus on reinforcing the nation’s water security. The two-day event saw participation from 32 states and Union Territories, with 30 secretaries and over 300 delegates actively contributing to the discussions.
The conference addressed the 22 recommendations put forth during the ‘1st All India Annual State Ministers Conference on Water’ held in January 2023 in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. These recommendations emphasised prioritising drinking water, climate resilience, efficient water utilisation, water storage, technology application, interlinking rivers, flood management, and enhanced people’s participation.
Divided into five thematic sessions, the first day covered topics such as Climate Resilience & River Health and Water Governance. Minister of Jal Shakti, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, chaired a ministerial session, stressing the importance of collaboration and innovation for sustainable water management. He also reaffirmed the commitment to strengthen the Centre-state partnership for water security goals.
Read More here : https://apacnewsnetwork.com/2024/01/day-2-of-all-india-secretaries-conference-on-water-vision2047-way-ahead-concludes-with-the-vow-to-strengthen-water-security/
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tr4gictea · 2 months
hallooo !! Can I request a lyney, kaveh and Alhaitham x reader where reader is afraid of rain or gets extremely overwhelmed with the noise? Thank you sm and have a nice day !!
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Lyney, Kaveh, & Alahitham w/Scared of Rain!Reader
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Tags: fluff, scared reader, could be seen as romantic or platonic (Kaveh & Alhaitham), house of the hearth reader (lyney), orphan reader (lyney), teen reader (lyney), psychopathic reader (lyney), family dying (lyney), panic attack,
Including: Lyney, Kaveh, & Alhaitham
word count: 2,445 words
A/n: Thank you for the request @cheri-2047 ! And I would like to say that these episodes that the reader will have are based off of my experience of being overwhelmed so forgive me if they are not completely accurate.
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art: @ darkavey on twt
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You had always been sensitive to noises. The sound of dishes clattering, and the chatter of people at the market all made you wanna rip out your ears. But by far the worst of all the sounds was rain. The onslaught of water may have calmed most but to you it was a sensory assault.
On this particular day, you decided to head out into the forest for a walk. You had gotten pretty far from your house when the sky started to darken and clouds moved overhead.
Spinning on your heel you try to speed walk back to your home when the rain starts to pour harder. The droplets hitting the leaves next to you were like a gong getting hit right next to your ear. Your vision got blurry and you lost your ability to think straight. Gripping your ears you picked up the pace of your walking. It was getting hard to tell which way you were going. Your overstimulated mind made things go into a blur and every way you turned seemed familiar but you could tell where you were. Where's your house? Why is the rain getting louder? I can't see anything! Why is Alhaimtham putting his headphones on me?! And how-! Wait Alhaitham?
While lost in your train of thought you failed to notice the acting grand sage walking over to you and placing his headphones on your ears. The moment he puts his headphones on you the world goes silent. No loud patter of rain. No roaring wind assaulting your ear drums. Just nothing. Your vision is still blurry but you know Alhaitam walked you away from the rain cause you don't feel any water hitting your back.
"Breathe in," You hear the sound of Alhiathams voice through his headset. Attempting to follow his instructions you realize you how uneven your breathing has become. Trying to breathe in was met with hiccups and small cries. "Breathe out,"
Letting out that breathe made you feel a little calmer but water left on your back made you feel cold. Gradually you started to feel in control of yourself.
Taking in your surroundings you find yourself in a warm house with green and yellow glass windows. The couch you were sitting on matched the architecture of the table in front of you. Wrapped around you was a green towel. Next to you was Alahitham using a small cloth to pat the water off your arm.
You clear your throat before you speak. "Thank you Alhaitham, sorry about that. I have overly sensitive ears and they do not do well in the rain."
"It's alright (Y/n), I'm not the best in loud spaces either," Alhaitham admits. "That's why I made those headphones they drown out all the noises I don't want to hear."
You touch the device covering your ears "hm, these are very handy."
"They are," Alhaitham responds, There's an awkward pause before he speaks again. "Do you want to keep them?"
"What!" You lean back in surprise. These headphones are always on the same no matter what the occasion is. You can't believe he is offering his headphones up so freely to you. "I couldn't, you've had these ever since I met you I couldn't possibly take these from you!"
"I have no attachment to this device," He states. "And besides I have a few extra in my attic so don't worry about me."
"Thank you, this is so nice of you,"
"Don't mention it."
art: @ rinrenran_ on twt
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Your life had always been quiet and unbothered by the hustle of the outside world. That all changed when your family died in a fire set by your brother. He was trying to make cookies on his own in the middle of the night. You were smart enough to smell the smoke and get out of the house fast. But the rest of your family wasn't as lucky. None of them made it out to see the sunrise.
Though your family was well-mannered in public society, they were distant and absorbed in their own lives. They cared little for what you had to do or say. Family dinners were rare and conversations between each other were brief. This always left a numbness in you that cloaked you like a fog.
So when they had died in that fire you were expected to cry, deny that they died, scream to the heavens to bring them back. But instead, you looked at them with a neutral face, shrugged it off, and asked them to turn down the radio. It's as if they told you they lost a book, not the news of your family being burned alive.
And this is how you caught the eye of the director of the House of Hearth, Arrlecino. She had recently acquired some funds to bring more orphans in and you were top of the list in acceptance. With how many psychopathic symptoms you show, you could be a cold-blooded killer under her direction.
So after the deaths of your parents, you were thrust into a new life under the House of Hearth's wing. The solitary existence you were used to was gone, and in its place was filled with children talking your ear off about different types of poisons and traps you can use on animals.
This constant chatter and loud noises going on around you made you remember why you liked your life before. It was quiet, calm, and straightforward. Unlike here where everywhere you go there is noise and it causes you headaches every night. And cherishing every second you got alone.
One night, you are awoken by the sound of rain hitting the roof. Rain was one of your least favorite sounds in the world, it was loud, overstimulating, and headache-inducing. But the fact that you were inside made it ten times worse. The roof seems to amplify the sound, turning the rain into a roaring river pounding above your head. The glass windows also made it a hundred times worse as the rain sound seemed to echo off the glass every time it hit it. You tried to retreat under the pillows and blanket, hoping the sound would become more bearable. But it only seems to grow louder. Your thoughts started jumbling together and this hot achy feeling spread across your whole body.
As if someone took control of your body and made you watch frames of what was happening. You got up from the bed and stumbled your way out of the bedroom shared by other orphans and into the hallway.
Unbeknownst to you in your panic, a figure watched you make your way into an empty room with a concerned look spread across their face. Following you into the room he found you huddled in the corner rocking yourself back and forward as if to comfort yourself, gripping your ears, tears streaming down your face, and eyes having a distant look on them. He's dealt with panic attacks before from some of his other siblings. He gets down on his knees and pulls you close to him.
"Shush, it's alright," the boy says trying to comfort you. "Can you hear me?" After a moment of trying to control your breath, you give him a nod.
He gives you a small smile. "Good, can you tell me what you feel?"
You feel his sleeve "F-fabric," You answer.
"Good, now can you name five things in front of you?"
"Bookcase, carpet... lamp, book, and um chair." You feel your control over your body comes back. You slow down your breathing and sigh in relief that you can't hear the sound of the rain anymore. Pulling away from the mystery person you are faced with the right-hand man of 'father' in front of them, Lyney. Jumping back in surprise you let out a string of apologies. One of the rules of the house was to not cry. They would kick you out for this, would they?
"Hehe, it's alright (Y/n)," the magician says. "Now if you don't mind me asking, what were you crying about?"
"Um, I-i am not good with loud noises. They cause me to have headaches." You confess to the man. "And the rain sound is overwhelming for me and I can't think straight when I hear it."
"Has this been going on your whole life?"
"I suspect so but it has gotten worse since I got here. With all the screaming children and stuff."
Lyney hums under his breath and rests his chin on his hand as he thinks. After of while of none talking you wonder if you should break the silence.
"Hey Lyney, could you not tell 'father' about this?" Snapping him out of his train of thought he turns to you. "I just don't this to become a big problem."
"I'm afraid to disappoint you but I'm gonna have to." A worried look spread across your face causing Lyney to backtrack on his statement "Oh but don't worry! Nothing gonna happen to you this is just so we can get stuff for your hearing! Don't worry!"
That relaxes you a little. "And hey we're family now, right?"
You let out a small hum and a small smile spread across your face. "Yeah, I guess so..." Maybe this family will be different...
art: @ kongqingkoqi on twt
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It seems like the gods were against you today. You lost your final paper for your class, your uniform got caught on your foot and is now ripped on the side, and it's raining. You heard that dreaded sound when you stepped out of the lecture hall. The patter of raindrops sent a shiver down your back.
Deciding for the sake of your sanity you would stay in the Akademiya until the rain stopped. Even though the sound of rain was muffled by the walls there seemed to be an event happening at the same time. The sound of people talking echoed through the halls and rang through your ears. The room began to feel more suffocating by the minute. Even if you moved to a room far away from the nosies of the event the sound of rain became more prominent.
After half an hour of searching for a quiet room, you decided on a small lecture room with no windows. You could still hear the sound of people and rain but it was the best you could do now. Seating yourself in one of the lecture chairs you place your head on the desk and cover your ears trying to block out all sounds.
The sound of the rain combined with the talking of people made an uneasy feeling spread across your body. Your palms felt clammy and your uniform felt hot.
You were blessed with ten minutes of slight peace when you were stirred by the sound of people yelling outside. It sounded like two men arguing and one sounded oddly familiar. The doors of the lecture hall burst open to reveal a regular Akademiya student and the light of kshahrewar, Kaveh. You knew Kaveh on a personal level so it wasn't odd to see him debate scholars like this.
"-and for one, I know a lot of highly ranked scholars that would deny your proposal straight to your face!" Kaveh looked like he was scolding the student more than debating him. Neither of them took notice of you and the yelling continued. It was getting too much for you to bear and you tried to interrupt them.
"And for the relocation of the ancient artifacts will cost a lot..." You tried calling out to him but he just kept talking. They were too lost in conversation to hear you. The Akademiya student looked like he was trying to say something but Kaveh just kept talking.
"I sure as hell won't be paying for it..."
"KAVEH!" You shout at him while throwing your binder at him.
"OW! WHO TH- oh (Y/n)!" He finally lowered his voice and his prominent frown was replaced with a bright smile once he saw you. "So sorry about that I was just telling this young man how his proposal would never be approved by any scholar with a brain." His scowl appeared back on his face when he started talking about the other man in the room.
"Mhm..." All you could do now was nod and agree with him until he stopped talking. The pain in your head is getting worse and Kaveh was not helping it.
"How can you say that when you haven't even rea-,"
"Can you both please stop talking, I feel terrible right now and your talking isn't helping." You cut off the student.
"(Y/n), Are you alright!? What's wrong?" Kaveh rushes up to you and places a hand on your forehead.
"Sorry but I wasn't-," the student tried to talk but Kaveh cut him off quickly.
"I've told you this before in many ways already, your proposal won't make it through any kind of Akademiya scholar's desk." He speaks in a hushed but sharp tone. "And the fact that you keep pushing when there is someone in need of help in front of you says all I need to know about your moral values."
"I'm sorry but-,"
"Get out."
"Yes, sorry sir..." The embarrassed and slightly scared Akademiya student bows toward you then Kaveh and leaves in a hurry. Kaveh can be scary when he needs to be.
"Are you alright (Y/n)? I'm sorry about that some students think they know-"
"Right, sorry, off-topic, but what's wrong?"
"The rain and the people talking are loud and really overwhelming." You confess to him "And it's causing me a headache,"
He lets out a hum like he's thinking and looks around the room. His eyes land on a jacket that was probably left there by some student. Snatching it from the table he brings it over to you and places the jacket on top of your head then wrapping the sleeves over your ears tyes it under your chin.
"There!" He lifts his hands from your face looking proud of his work. "Does that help a little?"
The rain noises seem to have gone away under the jacket but the sound of people is still there. "Yeah, I think that's good."
"Now you just go back to taking a nap and I'll wake you when the rain has stopped."
"Thank you, Kaveh,"
"Oh, it's nothing." He says bashfully "And besides I was looking for a way to get out of that drowsy room. Did you know that most o-,"
"Oh sorry, forgot!" He scratches the back of his neck before letting out a breath. "But sleep (Y/n), don't worry I'll take care of you..."
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More Alhaitham Stories ˚ ༘ ୭ ˚.
More Lyney Stories ₊˚.༄
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nexdigm · 2 months
Empowering India: A Detailed Overview of the Union Budget 2024-25
The Union Budget 2024-25 presented by the Indian government marks a significant step towards realizing the vision of Viksit Bharat by 2047. With an ambitious theme of empowerment and inclusivity, the budget outlines a comprehensive roadmap for sustainable economic development, addressing key areas like agriculture, manufacturing, MSMEs, energy, and infrastructure.
Economic Overview and Fiscal Health
The budget estimates a fiscal deficit of 4.9% of GDP, aiming to reduce it below 4.5% by the next year. With low and stable inflation, moving towards a 4% target, the economic environment is conducive to growth. The capital expenditure outlay remains at 3.4% of GDP, consistent with the Interim Budget 2024. The focus is maintaining macroeconomic stability while fostering growth and development across various sectors.
Key Direct Tax Proposals
Direct tax proposals in the budget are designed to reduce the compliance burden and promote entrepreneurial spirit. Highlights include the rationalization of capital gains tax, abolition of angel tax for all investors, and a reduction in the corporate tax rate for foreign companies from 40% to 35%. The standard deduction for salaried employees is increased from INR 50,000 to INR 75,000, further simplifying the new tax regime.
Indirect Tax Proposals
Indirect tax proposals focus on simplifying the customs duty structure, removing duty inversion, and reducing disputes. Exemptions in customs duty are proposed for critical sectors such as cancer medicines, mobile industry, marine exports, and energy transition, aiming to enhance competitiveness and support strategic sectors.
Sectoral Focus and MSMEs
The budget places special emphasis on MSMEs and labour-intensive manufacturing, aiming to boost financing, regulatory changes, and technology support. Initiatives include the Credit Guarantee Scheme for MSMEs, new assessment models, and voluntary closure of LLPs. The focus on MSMEs is pivotal for generating employment and enhancing the sector’s global competitiveness.
Infrastructure and Urban Development
Infrastructure development is a cornerstone of the budget, with a provision of USD 1.35 trillion, constituting 3.4% of GDP. Significant investments are planned for rural connectivity, urban development, water management, and housing. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban 2.0 aims to address the housing needs of 10 million urban poor and middle-class families with an investment of USD 121.95 billion.
Energy Security and Innovation
Energy security is another critical area, with initiatives such as the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojna providing free electricity to 10 million households. The budget also emphasizes innovation and research, with operationalizing the Anusandhan National Research Fund and private sector-driven research initiatives.
Trade and Global Investment
The budget aims to promote trade and create an enabling environment for business by simplifying rules for foreign direct investment and overseas investments. The strategic focus is on attracting global investments while nurturing indigenous entrepreneurship, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and job creation.
The Union Budget 2024-25 is a comprehensive plan designed to propel India towards sustainable and inclusive economic development. With a clear focus on key sectors and strategic initiatives, the budget lays down a robust framework for achieving the goal of Viksit Bharat by 2047, positioning India as a strong and resilient economy on the global stage.
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novumtimes · 3 months
Revisit Congress signed Indus Water Treaty in larger interest of J&K: Rana
Excelsior CorrespondentBHALWAL NAGROTA, June 27: Senior BJP leader Devender Rana today called for revisiting the Indus Water Treaty signed in 1960 under the Congress rule saying it has been beneficial for Pakistan, having detrimental effects on the development and water security of Jammu and Kashmir.“Revisiting the IWT is imperative to address the longstanding issues of Jammu and Kashmir and earnest resolution holds key for faster development of this part of the country, especially in the power sector”, Rana told media-persons at the sidelines of a congregation at Peerbaba Jai Ali Badshah Rati Chappri Barn Bhalwal, under the aegis of Baba Chanchal Singh Darbar.He hoped that the Centre will intensify initiatives to terminate the treaty in the larger interests of the country in general and Jammu and Kashmir in particular.Earlier, addressing the congregation, Rana highlighted the huge contribution of Sages and Peerbabas in promoting harmony between different segments of society, saying that selfless spiritualists have always strived for creating a society based on universal brotherhood with dignified space for all.He also underscored the crucial need of promoting and sustaining the spirit of harmony and tranquility as preached by Sages and Peerbabas of all faiths from times immemorial.“All religions forge amity and do not divide and this should be the mantra for all to play their role in harmonious growth of the society”, he said while recalling the teachings of Gurus in spreading the message of love, compassion of peace. Their contribution have always inspired the generations and helped in transforming the society, making it conducive for various communities, irrespective of cast, creed and colour to live in harmony. He said the spiritualists have always emerged as beacon of light in the society ridden with hate and ill will for others.Interacting with the disciples, Rana stressed the crucial need of strengthening the bonds and amity and brotherhood, saying this has been the cornerstone of Indian ethos. He said the spiritual land of India has emanated the message of humanity from times immemorial and guided humanity to peace, prosperity and spiritual bliss. He urged the disciples, present in the congregation, to spread the message of love, peace and compassion, which, he said is imperative for national integration and promoting inclusiveness across the country and in Jammu and Kashmir. He hoped that everyone will play a role towards the growth of the society based on social justice and equality.Rana said the hallmark of these congregations is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. He made a special reference to various evils inflicted to the society and stressed the need for imparting values among the youngsters in particular. Previous articleDr Jitendra addresses IAS trainees 2022 batch, underlines Vision 2047 Source link via The Novum Times
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xasha777 · 6 months
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In the year 2047, amidst the whispering snowflakes of a brisk winter evening, Dr. Elara Vex stood against the frosted panes of her laboratory overlooking the Bristol Channel. The world outside was a blend of the ancient and the ultramodern; the timeless dance of the tides below harmonized with the blinking lights of the sub-aquatic AI hubs that dotted the channel's depths.
Elara was a vision of the future herself, with her gradient hair mirroring the iridescence of a rainbow and her eyes shining with the latest cybernetic enhancements. She was dressed in a coat spun from bio-fabricated threads that changed color with her mood, a technology born from the fashion revolution of the 2030s.
Her work, much like her style, was bold and unapologetically vibrant. She was a geneticist and an artist, blurring the lines between the two. In her hands, DNA was a canvas, and she painted with the palette of evolution itself. Her latest creation was something beyond the mundane, a living organism designed to thrive in the changing climates—a species that could photosynthesize pollutants, effectively cleansing the air and the waters of the Bristol Channel.
As Elara gazed out at the gently churning water, her creation was taking its first breaths in a controlled environment beneath the waves. Dubbed the "Aquaflora," these beings were part plant, part animal, designed to inhabit the space where the water met the sky. With the Channel as their cradle, they were set to revolutionize the ecosystem.
The first test was tonight. The Aquaflora would be released into the wild, their luminescent cells designed to collect and reflect light, creating a spectacle never before seen on Earth. The bio-luminescent glow would serve as a beacon of a new age, a signal to the universe that Earth was taking a stand against the decay of the past.
Elara, with a remote in hand, initiated the release sequence. The lab hummed with the low thrum of technology as signals were sent through the deep-sea cables. Miles away, in the heart of the Channel, capsules containing the Aquaflora began to open.
The scientist watched with bated breath as, slowly, the dark waters began to twinkle with a constellation of new life. Each Aquaflora, with tendrils unfurling like the arms of a celestial being, began to dance in the currents. They were beautiful, ethereal, and in that moment, Elara knew that she had not only created life but had crafted a hope for a future where technology and nature existed in a harmonious symphony.
And as the Bristol Channel illuminated with the light of her creations, the boundaries between science and fiction blurred. Elara Vex, the architect of the Aquaflora, had turned the pages of a science fiction novel into the annals of history.
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werindialive · 8 months
PM Modi addresses ‘Viksit Bharat Viksit Goa 2047’, appreciates the social diversity in the state
On Tuesday PM Modi addressed the ‘Viksit Bharat Viksit Goa 2047’ public meeting in South Goa’s Margao where he called the saturation of government welfare schemes as a mark of “true secularism and social justice”.
Addressing the meeting, the Prime Minister said, “In Goa, there is 100 percent coverage of water connections (har ghar jal se nal), electricity connections, domestic LPG coverage…The state is kerosene-free, open-defecation-free. In (implementation of) many schemes of the Central government, Goa has achieved 100 percent saturation.”
“…We know when there is saturation, discrimination ends and all the benefits are transferred to the beneficiaries. People do not have to pay bribes for their rights. I say this repeatedly that…saturation hi sacha secularism hai, saturation hi sacha saamajik nyaay hai, aur yehi saturation…Goa ko, desh ko…Modi ki guarantee hai (saturation is true secularism, saturation is real social justice and this saturation is Modi’s guarantee to Goa and the country),” he added.
Prime Minister also lauded the spirit of the people of Goa and said that despite being a small state in terms of population and area, Goa features great diversity, and “people of different societies and religions have been co-existing in peace for many generations”.
“So, when people of Goa repeatedly elect the BJP government, the message goes out to the entire country…That BJP’s mantra is ‘sabka saath, sabka vikaas’. Some parties in the country have always done politics of spreading fear and lies, but Goa has given a befitting reply to such parties and it has done so repeatedly,” he said.
The PM also accused the previous governments of not having the right vision to develop the coastal area and islands saying, “India has always been rich in terms of nature, culture, and heritage. People across the world travel to different countries for different types of tourism. Every form of tourism is available in our country, on a single visa. But the government that was in power before 2014 did not pay attention to these aspects. Several tourist places remained ‘gumnaam’ (unknown) because of lack of access to good roads, trains, and airports. We have made an attempt to remove these shortcomings in the last 10 years.”
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starfriday · 9 months
Prime Minister's Office
azadi ka amrit mahotsavg20-india-2023
PM to visit Maharashtra on 12th January
PM to inaugurate, dedicate to Nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects worth more than Rs. 30,500 crore in Maharashtra
In a significant step to enhance ease of mobility, PM to inaugurate Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari - Nhava Sheva Atal Setu
Built at cost of about Rs 17,840 crore, Atal Setu is the longest bridge in India and also the longest sea bridge in the country
PM to lay the foundation stone of underground road tunnel connecting Eastern Freeway's Orange Gate to Marine Drive
In a significant step to bolster the Gems and Jewellery sector, PM to inaugurate the 'Bharat Ratnam' and New Enterprises & Services Tower (NEST) 01 at SEEPZ SEZ
Multiple projects related to rail and drinking water to be dedicated to Nation
In yet another effort towards women empowerment, PM to also launch Namo Mahila Shashaktikaran Abhiyaan in Maharashtra
PM to inaugurate 27th National Youth Festival
Theme of the Festival - Viksit Bharat@ 2047: युवा के लिए, युवा के द्वारा
Posted On: 11 JAN 2024 11:12AM by PIB Delhi
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will visit Maharashtra on 12th January, 2024. At around 12:15 PM, Prime Minister will reach Nashik, where he will inaugurate the 27th National Youth Festival. At around 3:30 PM, in Mumbai, Prime Minister will inaugurate and travel on Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari - Nhava Sheva Atal Setu. At around 4:15 PM, Prime Minister will participate in a public programme at Navi Mumbai, where he will inaugurate, dedicate to the nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari - Nhava Sheva Atal Setu
Prime Minister’s vision is to improve ‘ease of mobility’ of citizens by strengthening urban transport infrastructure and connectivity. In line with this vision, Mumbai Transharbour link (MTHL), now named ‘Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari - Nhava Sheva Atal Setu’ has been built. The foundation stone of the bridge was also laid by the Prime Minister in December, 2016.
Atal Setu has been constructed at a total cost of more than Rs 17,840 crore. It is about 21.8 km long 6-lane bridge having about 16.5 km length over sea and about 5.5 km on the land. It is the longest bridge in India and also the longest sea bridge in India. It will provide faster connectivity to Mumbai International Airport and Navi Mumbai International Airport and will also reduce the travel time from Mumbai to Pune, Goa and South India. It will also improve connectivity between Mumbai Port & Jawaharlal Nehru Port.
Public programme at Navi Mumbai
Prime Minister will inaugurate, dedicate to the nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects worth more than Rs 12,700 crore in the public programme in Navi Mumbai.
Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone of the underground road tunnel connecting Eastern Freeway's Orange Gate to Marine Drive. The 9.2 Km tunnel will be built at a cost of more than Rs 8700 crore and will be a significant infrastructure development in Mumbai which will reduce travel time between Orange Gate and Marine Drive.
Prime Minister will dedicate phase 1 of the Surya regional bulk drinking water project to the Nation. The project, developed at a cost of more than Rs 1975 crore will provide drinking water supply to the Palghar and Thane district of Maharashtra, benefiting about 14 lakh population.
During the programme, Prime Minister will dedicate about Rs 2000 crore railway projects to the Nation. These include the dedication of ‘Phase 2 of Uran-Kharkopar railway line’ which will enhance connectivity to Navi Mumbai as suburban services running between Nerul/Belapur to Kharkopar will now be extended to Uran. Prime Minister will also flag off the inaugural run of the EMU train from Uran railway station to Kharkopar.
Other rail projects that will be dedicated to Nation include a new suburban station ‘Digha Gaon’ on the Thane-Vashi/Panvel Trans-harbour line and the new 6th Line between Khar Road & Goregaon railway station. The projects will benefit the thousands of daily commuters in Mumbai.
Prime Minister will inaugurate ‘Bharat Ratnam’ (Mega Common Facilitation Centre) for Gems and Jewellery sector at Santacruz Electronic Export Processing Zone- Special Economic Zone (SEEPZ SEZ), which is first of its kind in India with best available machines in world including 3D Metal printing. This will house a training school for skilling of workforce for this sector including specially abled students. The Mega CFC will transform the export sector in Gems and Jewellery trade and will help the domestic manufacturing also.
Prime Minister will also inaugurate the New Enterprises & Services Tower (NEST)- 01 at SEEPZ- SEZ. The NEST - 01 is primarily for Gem & Jewellery sector units which will be relocated from existing Standard Design Factory - I. The new tower has been designed for large scale production and as per the demand of the industry.
During the programme, Prime Minister will launch Namo Mahila Shashaktikaran Abhiyaan. The Abhiyaan aims to empower women in the state of Maharashtra by providing skill development training and exposure to entrepreneurship development. The Abhiyaan will also undertake the effort towards the convergence and saturation of women development programmes of the state and central governments.
27th National Youth Festival
It has been the constant endeavour of the Prime Minister to make youth a key part of the development journey of the country. In another effort in this endeavour, Prime MInister will inaugurate the 27th National Youth Festival (NYF) in Nashik.
The National Youth Festival is organised every year from 12th to 16th January, with 12th January being the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. The host state for the Festival this year is Maharashtra. The theme of this year’s Festival is Viksit Bharat@ 2047: युवा के लिए, युवा के द्वारा.
NYF seeks to create a forum where youth from different regions of India can share their experiences and strengthen foundations for a united nation, in the spirit of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. About 7500 youth delegates from across the country will be taking part in the Festival at Nasik. Various events including cultural performances, indigenous sports, Declamation & Thematic Based Presentation, Young Artist Camp, Poster Making, Story Writing, Youth Convention, Food Festival etc. will be organised.
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iasaspirationblog · 1 year
Who are the individuals best suited to play a critical role in achieving Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision for India in 2047?
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To realize Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of India as a developed nation by 2047, efficient operation of the entire machinery is essential. Bureaucrats play a pivotal role in ensuring this. One such exemplary IAS officer who exemplifies this crucial role is Hari Chandana. She embodies the qualities of an outstanding IAS officer and acts as a committed foot soldier in the pursuit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visionary objectives for India in 2047. With her remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication, she is ideally positioned to make substantial contributions to India’s progress and development, aligning seamlessly with the themes outlined.
1. Social Development: Hari Chandana’s work in sustainable urban development and her recognition with the FICCI F.L.O Award for Women Empowerment exemplify her commitment to social development. She can play a pivotal role in shaping social service delivery patterns and enhancing social security for all citizens.
2. Rural Infrastructure: Her innovative projects, such as the use of recycled plastic, indicate her focus on sustainable infrastructure. She can contribute to improving basic rural facilities like schools, water supply, sanitation, and renewable energy initiatives, aligning with India’s infrastructure goals.
3. Environmental Concerns: Hari Chandana’s environmental initiatives, including eco-friendly pet parks, demonstrate her commitment to environmental sustainability. She can contribute to strategies aimed at reducing greenhouse effects, carbon emissions, and preserving India’s natural resources.
4. Growing Population & Urbanization: With her background in urban development, Hari Chandana can contribute to managing population growth and promoting sustainable urbanization strategies for villages, aligning with the vision for balanced regional development.
5. Agriculture & Rural Industries: Her innovative mindset can be valuable in shaping the future of India’s agriculture sector. She can contribute to strategies that ensure the quality of agricultural produce and support traditional industries, fostering rural economic growth.
6. Employment & Changes in Occupational Structure: Hari Chandana can work on strategies to engage the rural workforce meaningfully, including imparting knowledge-based skills and encouraging female participation in employment sectors.
7. Technological Issues: With her understanding of the digital ecosystem, she can contribute to India’s goal of becoming a leading digital economy by 2047, especially in rural areas.
8. Energy: Hari Chandana’s experience in eco-friendly initiatives aligns with the objective of making alternative energy sources available in villages, such as wind and solar energy.
9. Balanced Regional Development: Her commitment to sustainability and rural development positions her well to contribute to reducing disparities across regions and states.
10. Research & Development: Hari Chandana’s innovative thinking and commitment to holistic development align with the need for increased R&D activities in rural areas.
Hari Chandana Dasari’s exceptional credentials, commitment to sustainability, and innovative mindset make her a valuable asset in achieving Prime Minister Modi’s vision for India in 2047. As an IAS officer, she can contribute to each of these themes, making significant strides toward India’s progress and prosperity. Her dedication to creating a positive social impact and her proven track record make her the best-suited foot soldier to realize this ambitious vision. Indeed #SheInspiresUs
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indiaepost · 2 years
Jimpa to participate in two-day national conference on "Water Vision@ 2047"
Jimpa to participate in two-day national conference on “Water Vision@ 2047”
IEP Chandigarh, January 4           Punjab Water Supply and Sanitation Minister Bram Shanker Jimpa will participate in national conference on “Water Vision@ 2047” on January 5 and 6 at Bhopal. This is a first of its kind conference in which ministers of many states will participate and discuss the efficient use of water and various other aspects connected with it.                 Divulging the…
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apacnewsnetwork0 · 8 months
Energy can be generated, but water cannot be produced: Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Minister of Jal Shakti, GoI, at the All India Secretaries’ Conference on Water Vision
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Mahabalipuram: The All India Secretaries’ Conference on Water Vision 2047 – Way Ahead in Mahabalipuram was held on January 23-24. Minister of Jal Shakti, Government of India, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, addressed the event. “Energy can be generated, but water cannot be produced,” he said.
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Shekhawat encouraged the exchange of best practices on water management and learning from failures. He further reported that at least 10% of the blocks (geographical units) have successfully reversed the trend of groundwater depletion in the last year.
Secretary of the Ministry of Jal Shakti Debashree Mukherjee, emphasised the core themes of water use efficiency and water governance, among other actions, as crucial factors for ensuring Jan Bhagidari (public participation).
Read More Here : https://apacnewsnetwork.com/2024/01/energy-can-be-generated-but-water-cannot-be-produced-gajendra-singh-shekhawat-minister-of-jal-shakti-goi-at-the-all-india-secretaries-conference-on-water-vision/
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thewrittenromance · 6 years
Business Card (skinny!Steve Rogers x reader)
Summary: Tony’s ‘medicine’ messed with Steve’s serum and now he has to deal with his insecurities and sudden company!
WordCount: 2047
Warnings: N/A
A/N: N/A
“What the hell is this Stark?” snapped Steve Rogers as he burst into the room. Tony looked up startled and his eyebrows raised even farther up.
“Whoa, what happened here, Rogers? Reverse growth spurt?” But despite his sarcasm, Tony was quite concerned. It could be from-
“That medicine you gave me! You said it should temporarily alter some of the serums affects so it can heal me with more ease and then this? Explain yourself!” Steve shouted, his small frame and his attempt to walk intimidatingly at Stark almost made Tony laugh. Instead he scoffed to cover up his laughter at the sight and focus on the ordeal.
“It should only alter some things, but not..this-” tony said standing, “Let me call Cho, she might be able to help. I’m not a doctor you know.”
Steve went red in the face at that comment, “Are you implying that you did not get medical advice on a medicinal invention you gave me?”
Stark paused, “Maybe- it was to help save your life, Cap!”
“It’s medical experimentation!”
“Oh yeah, like you had any problem with that in the 40’s!” Tony shouted.
Both men stared at each other, Tony was growling and glaring. Steve had his shoulders hunched and his fisted balled in anger. HIs fair complexion looked ruddy and red in his anger.
“Look, I’ll call Cho, we’ll talk, see what we can do. The others are going on the mission later tonight, Vision can stay with you,” Tony sighed going to grab his phone.
Steve crossed his arms and glared as Tony spoke on the phone to Helen Cho and he hung up as quickly as he called.
“I’m going to her lab, we’ll figure something out, Cap, stay in tonight, don’t do...anything stupid,” Tony advised grabbing his other supplies and something from a file cabinet. Who knew he could be organized?
“Oh,” Tony said as he raced out of the room.
“Where are you going?” Steve called going after him.
“I’ve got a designer coming in later today to get some measurement and stuff for the downstairs offices, let them in and show them around, should be coming around three-” Tony shouted already pressing the close doors button on the elevator. Steve slammed his small fist into the doors, “tony!” he shouted to no avail. He groaned, he’d have to hide in his room until they figured all this out. No one would stop asking questions or possibly even make fun of him if they found him like this.
But then there was the designing person, the designer. Steve touched his arm, frail and thin once more, he rubbed at it and quietly made his way to his room. The mirror in the hallway had his catch his reflection. He stared at himself. It was so strange. His clothes were gargantuan on his small body, hanging everywhere. There was probably no clothes anywhere that would fit him well. Even back in the forties, everything was loose on him. His hair flapped over his forehead and he pushed it back as he had always once done. It was all familiar.
Steve finally pulled himself away from the mirror and hid away in his room, doodling old memories the best he could. If he dwelled on his appearance any longer he just knew his old insecurities would come back. And they already were, he was DREADING having to speak with the designer.
Before he realized it, it was three, and Vision knocked on the door to inform him of the designer's arrival. Steve looked up and slowly went to the door. He had to brace himself.
Waiting in the lobby of the tower, stood a woman, dressed in a salmon dress that touched the floor, but it was casual, she had on a blazer and a toolbox in one hand and thick folders in the other.
“Hello, I’m (y/n), i’m here to inspect the offices, from (y/l/n)’s Design Work,” she said formally and shifted the weight of the paper to not get too heavy.
“Yes, of course, ma’am, right this way, would you like me to carry some of those papers for you?” Steve asked he felt his face heat up when the woman eyed him head to toe. Was he THAT skinny that the woman didn’t even think he could carry papers!?
“I-I can carry them,” he started to say firmly but he almost gasped when the papers came flying at them.
“Yes, please, thank you very much, they’re pretty heavy and I carried them two blocks cause that cabbie couldn’t get close enough to the building with parking and all. Hectic out there,” she said and switched the toolbox to her other hand. She looked at him again, he was a small man, blonde, with light colored eyes. She smiled, he must have been an intern or something. He was a much better improvement from the last intern she worked with who’d just been offered a job at the firm she’d been hired to design for. Rude, condescending, and disgustingly sexist.
“Is it?” Steve said attempting to hold the conversation. He struggled to click the elevator button when they got there, he was starting to feel out of breath, what papers did the woman have? Or was the loss of the serum’s effects?
“I got it,” (y/n) said quickly and smacked the button as she stood beside him, “you got the papers I got the buttons.” She smiled at him as the elevator dinged open and she stepped in. Steve stepped in beside her.
“What floor?” (y/n) asked, looking at him again, he was quite the shy one.
“Three,” Steve answered. (y/n) pressed the button and they stood there in comfortable silence. At least to her. Steve itched to make conversation.
“So um, what do you do?” He asked.
(y/n) looked right at him, “what do i do?” She couldn’t help but laugh, he was so awkward it was endearing so far!
“I’m a designer, as you know, I do interior design and graphic design, lots of art stuff, thank god it’s on the more practical side, i was going to do fine arts, but in this economy, yeah right!” (y/n) said her words like a fountain. It was only then that Steve realized she had an accent. He couldn’t place it though. It made sense though, she wasn’t white, she probably did speak a second language!
“I-I like to draw,” was Steve’s response, why did he have to say that? Peggy was right, he had NO idea how to talk to women, even in this day and age.
“Really? Cool, like what? Still life, portrait, anime?” (y/n) said as the elevators opened, she walked briskly out and Steve shuffled out after her from the weight of the papers. Damn the remnants of asthma.
“Portrait and still life mostly,” Steve said out of the breath and then gestured with his head toward one of the offices.
“Nice, I can’t paint a person to save my life, come out looking like a crappy clay sculpture,” (y/n) grinned and waltzed into the office, it was an empty grey room with one desk and chairs piled in a corner.
“Oh god, look at this place, ugh, no one he needed a designer, huh?” (y/n) laughed and pointed to the desk, “go ahead and put the files there, i’m going to start taking the room’s measurements. Wait- is there water around here? I knew i left that water bottle in the cab! Damn it-”
“I’ll go get you a water bottle ma’am,” Steve said quickly.
“(y/n),” She corrected, “call me (y/n), not ma’am, what am i? Fifty? I’m just as young as you honey.”
“Right okay, i’ll be right back,” Steve chuckled. He quickly made his way to the kitchen, this woman was funny and pretty laid back. He kinda liked her. He shook his head. He couldn’t think about that now. Especially not like this. Women never liked him then, he doubted they’d like him now.
He was quick to take the water to (y/n) who thanked him again and downed the bottle in a second. He stared.
“What? It’s warm out and i’m working!” (y/n) defended and grinned before crouching again to measure.
“So,” She asked then, “how do you like working for Stark? Or do you work with Ms. Potts?”
Steve was confused, “excuse me? I dont- work for?”
(y/n) looked up, “You don’t work here? Aren’t you an intern?”
An intern. She thought he was an intern. She didn’t even recognize him either! He had to cover his ass quick.
“Oh, I work with Pepper, she’s uh, much nicer,” Steve replied.
“I bet, she was the one who gave me all of Mr.Stark’s information and details, i wasn’t even able to talk to him on the phone. I thought I’d see him here today to get some more info but, hey what can you do.”
“He’s off doing some research actually, he left in the morning.” “Make sense, do me a favor and pass me the third folder please,” she said pointing to the file pile.
“Thank you,” she chirped as she grabbed the file from him and flipped through it quickly.
“Is that pink?” Steve asked peeking over her shoulder.
“Huh?” (y/n) said startled, she didn’t realize he was that close. She tried to stand but lost her balance and tipped over. She dropped the file, Steve grabbed the file, though its contents still spilled out, but much more importantly, he grabbed her. (y/n) gripped his arm tightly and gladly accepted his help in standing. “Whooph! That was crazy!” (y/n) exclaimed, “give a girl a heart attack will you!” But she was smiling so Steve knew it wasn’t that serious, just an expression.
“Thanks, but I think i’m gonna have to crouch again to pick up all this stuff, don’t leave I might fall again,” she teased and Steve laughed.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you ma’am,” Steve said sheepishly. Only to be met by her stern look as she stood up again. They stood nearly eye to eye, though he had to admit, she was still a tad smaller.
“(y/n)!” he nearly shouted. She was taken aback and they stared at one another for quite a long moment before (y/n) doubled over in laughter, it was contagious and they both were laughing uncontrollably now.
(y/n) wiped a tear from her eyes and grinned, “oh man- that was good, i haven’t had a laugh like that in forever.”
Steve was grinning from ear to ear with this woman and he felt genuinely happy. He all but forgot about his situation.
They went quiet again and Steve let her work instead of distracting her. It was barely five when she finished up and he led her quietly down to the lobby and the exit.
She bit her lip and paused as Steve opened the door for her.
“Hey, are you doing anything right? Like..it’s five, and work ends right? Or do you work like real late?”
Steve was surprised, why would she care?
“Um..till late,” he lied.
“Oh okay..well, uh, here, my business card,” she said scribbling something on it, juggling with her toolbox and papers. Steve took it politely, not that he might be in need of her services anytime soon.
“Well, have a good night (y/n),” Steve waved and (y/n) smiled back
“You too, mister- hey, i never got your name! All this time!” “Steve,” he said and she nodded.
“Nice to meet you Steve, may we meet again,” and with that she seemed to hail a cab out of nowhere and she climbed in, giving him one last wave from her seat.
Steve watched the cab go and then looked back to the business card. Her name, her number, her address, email, and hours. On the front side was her business name (y/l/n)’s Design Work and just below it ‘CALL/TEXT ME.’
Steve’s eyes boggled. He nearly fainted in the doorway. He made quick to his room to add her number to his phone. He was definitely going to call her.
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net4news · 3 years
PM Narendra Modi moves to carve a piece of $13 trillion green hydrogen pie for India - Net4News
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NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday formally announced the National Hydrogen Mission, putting a truly zero-carbon fuel – ‘green hydrogen’ – at the heart of India’s energy security as well as climate action and assuring investors of policy support. Setting the tone for rapid energy transition in his Independence Day speech, PM Modi set a 2047 deadline for becoming self-reliant in energy through a mix of electric mobility, 20% ethanol-blending of petrol and expanding city gas networks to raise the share of less-polluting natural gas in India’s energy basket. "For India to progress, for ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India)’, energy independence is necessary. India has to take a pledge that it will be energy independent by the year we celebrate the 100th year of Independence," PM Modi said in his address to the nation. "Green hydrogen will give India a quantum jump in achieving its climate targets," PM Modi said, unveiling his vision of turning India into a global green hydrogen production and export hub. He said faster transition to new-age fuels is needed to reduce the country’s dependence on energy imports entailing annual spending of Rs 12 lakh crore, or five times the current health budget. Currently all hydrogen consumed in India is extracted from fossil fuels, which emit CO2. Green hydrogen is produced by electrolysing water using electricity from renewable sources and expected to emerge as a $12-13 trillion global industry by 2050. "The Prime Minister’s initiative can help the industry build a domestic green hydrogen ecosystem worth $2-3 trillion in 20-25 years," Manoj K Upadhyay, chairman of solar player ACME Group, said. The intent for a national hydrogen mission was announced in Budget 2021. Since then, Reliance Industries Ltd, IndianOil, JSW Energy and NTPC have announced green hydrogen forays. NTPC has floated a tender for hydrogen blending of CNG. Renewable energy minister RK Singh said graded use of green hydrogen is to be made mandatory for refineries and fertiliser units to create a market. It will be expanded to other industries gradually. Energy, either in terms of access or transition, has been one of the leitmotifs of PM Modi’s I-Day speeches since taking over in 2014. The focus has so far been on access. Beginning with village and household electrification as well as providing clean cooking fuel to the poor, the focus of his discourse progressed to renewables. The hydrogen mission shifts the focus on new-age solutions, building upon the 100 gigawatts green energy capacity achieved recently. Source link Read the full article
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orbemnews · 4 years
Seven Hundred Leagues Beneath Titan’s Methane Seas What could be more exciting than flying a helicopter over the deserts of Mars? How about playing Captain Nemo on Saturn’s large, foggy moon Titan — plumbing the depths of a methane ocean, dodging hydrocarbon icebergs and exploring an ancient, frigid shoreline of organic goo a billion miles from the sun? Those are the visions that danced through my head recently. The eyes of humanity are on Mars these days. A convoy of robots, after a half-year in space, has been dropping, one after another, into orbit or straight to the ground on the Red Planet, like incoming jets at J.F.K. Among the cargo is a helicopter that armchair astronauts look forward to flying over the Martian sands. But my own attention was diverted to the farther reaches of the solar system by the news that Kraken Mare, an ocean of methane on Titan, had recently been gauged for depth and probably went at least 1,000 feet down. That as deep as nuclear submarines will admit to going. The news rekindled my dreams of what I think would be the most romantic of space missions: a voyage on, and ultimately even under, the oceans of Titan. “The depth and composition of each of Titan’s seas had already been measured, except for Titan’s largest sea, Kraken Mare — which not only has a great name but also contains about 80 percent of the moon’s surface liquids,” said Valerio Poggiali, research associate at the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science. Dr. Poggiali is the lead author of a paper describing the new depth measurements in The Journal of the American Geophysical Union. NASA recently announced that it would launch a drone called Dragonfly to the Saturnian moon in 2026. Proposals have also circulated for an orbiter, a floating probe that could splash down in a lake, even a robotic submarine. “The Titan submarine is still going,” Dr. Poggiali said in an email, although it is unlikely to happen before Titan’s next summer, around 2047. By then, he said, there will be more ambient light and the submarine conceivably could communicate on a direct line to Earth with no need of an orbiting radio relay. Titan is the weirdest place in the solar system, in some regards, and also the world most like our own. Like Earth, it has a thick atmosphere of mostly nitrogen (the only moon that has much of an atmosphere at all), and like Earth, it has weather, rain, rivers and seas. But on this world, when it rains, it rains gasoline. Hydrocarbon material drifts down like snow and is shaped into dunes by nitrogen winds. Rivers have carved canyons through mountains of frozen soot, and layers of ice float on subsurface oceans of ammonia. The prevailing surface temperature is minus 290 degrees Fahrenheit. A chemical sludge that optimistic astronomers call “prebiotic” creeps along under an oppressive brown sky. Besides Earth, Titan is the only world in the universe that is known to harbor liquid on its surface — with everything that could imply. Astrobiologists have been eager to get a closer look at this world ever since Voyager I swooped past it in 1980 and radioed back evidence that its smoggy atmosphere was four times as dense as our own. Time, technology and human ingenuity have since revealed that cloudy world to be a natural wonderland. The northern regions of Titan are laced with a network of lakes and rivers. The largest of them, called Kraken Mare, after a Norse monster, is bigger than all of North America’s Great Lakes combined. The Cassini orbiter spent 13 years buzzing around in the Saturnian system, mapping these features in detail. On Aug. 21, 2014, when Cassini passed about 600 miles above the northern realms of Titan, it used its radar altimeter to measure the depths in Kraken Mare and Moray Sinus, an estuary at the sea’s northern coastline. Engineers could measure the depths of the seas by noting the delay between when the radar bounced back from the surface and when it bounced off the seabeds. It turned out that Moray Sinus was about 280 feet deep, but there was no return echo from the Kraken bottom; either the lake was very, very deep, or it absorbed the radar signals so completely that they never escaped. “Thus, the central part of Kraken Mare must be deeper than 330 feet and likely more than 1,000 feet,” Dr. Poggiali concluded. Another major surprise, he said, was the composition of Kraken Mare. Scientists had expected it to contain relatively more ethane, which is denser than methane, than the northernmost sea on Titan, Ligeia Mare. In prevailing models of Titan hydrology, Dr. Poggiali said, the presence of methane-nitrogen rain increases with increasing latitude. That would cause the composition of the more “poleward seas” to be more methane rich. “In simple words, ethane behaves a little like salt in marine water on Earth,” he said. He added: “For sure, the composition we derived for the liquid filling the Moray Sinus, this large bay in the northern part of Kraken Mare, is quite surprising. We expected it to be definitely more ethane-rich. What we found out, instead, is that the Kraken is much more similar to the Ligeia Mare, the second largest sea on Titan. This has significant implications for how the hydrologic cycle works.” There could still be more ethane in the southern parts of the Kraken Mare, he added, but the existing data does not extend that far. This is of more than abstract planetary science. In the imagination of scientists like Dr. Poggiali Titan is a laboratory where, over millions of years, chemistry could have learned how to generate energy and store information. “These are processes that have happened on our planet too, but they left no traces! As you probably see, we need to get back to Titan to better understand the mystery of life.” he said. Like an old captain sitting on the dock, Dr. Poggiali rattled off the possible voyages of a proposed 20-foot-long NASA submarine. The trip would begin in the center of Kraken Mare and go up to Moray Sinus, where the submarine would spend three weeks measuring tides and compositions before cruising coastlines, crossing the strait of Bayta Fretum and heading south through a throatlike passage called Seldon Fretum. During these explorations, the vessel would map and periodically sample the sea bottom and gather detailed images of the shoreline where possible. Titan’s surface gravity is lower than Earth’s, so a small submarine could venture deeper without being crushed by pressure as it would be in a terrestrial ocean of salt water. Moreover, Dr. Poggiali said, because methane is transparent to radio waves, the submarine could perhaps transmit data directly to Earth while still submerged. In all, over the course of 90 days, the little submarine could travel 2,000 miles under the sea, at a speed of a foot per second, according to a NASA website describing the proposed submarine. Meanwhile, I can hardly be blamed for still dreaming of giant Titanic squid cavorting in that freezer-full cosmic fish tank of natural gas. Since the early days of the space program, cosmic visionaries have described space as a “new sea,” as President John F. Kennedy put it in a speech at Rice University in 1962. He never dreamed that we might actually sail under it. Source link Orbem News #beneath #Leagues #Methane #seas #Titans
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imwaterbee · 4 years
Are you an NGO working towards water security?
Are you an Individual looking to enterprise & create change through water?
Are you willing to contribute / volunteer towards the water problems?
Or you just want to be updated on the water problems and the new research to solve it?
….then this is for YOU!
Let's join hands & Reclaim Our Freedom to Water. We are passion driven people who are working on the vision of co-creating a WaterSecureWorld by 2047.
MISSION JAL SWARAJ is working to make INDIA a water secured country.
Although the mission is bigger than our current capacities, we have a way of achieving the same magically and we shall disclose how.
This is a discussion platform for those willing to learn about the movement and would like to learn more about how they can be a part of it.
A discussion on the MISSION and the story behind it will be shared.
The people present during the discussion will be the founders, and of course passionate people like you who are willing to make the change happen.
So, let’s join hands and co create a water secured India.
Join our whatsapp group and stay updated on the events & happenings.
Jai Hind!
#missionjalswaraj #groundwatersecurity #groundwaterquality #groundwater #water #waterscarcity #waterproblems #waterproblems #WaterIsLife #jalhaitokalhai #waterexperts #hydrologists #geologists #waterconservation #waterconsultant
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Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua
When man disappears from sight, the land remains
The creative vision of this piece is both timely and expansive. Rangimārie is set in the future and explores peoples relationship to the whenua (land), wai (water) and te moana (the sea), and considers our role as kaitiakitanga (guardians), the links that bind us to each other, and our past and future.
Materially, this 90-minute long piece of music theatre will run counter to traditional Western music performance norms. Rangimārie will blend new interactive sound technology and contemporary instrumental performance techniques with traditional Māori vocal, instrumental and dramatic performance practices.
Composer and songwriter, Tuirina Wehi and I have been composing music and lyrics for this piece on and off for the past few years. Planning has also begun to workshop and then record the whole piece with Steve Garden at Rattle Records and Joost and Chris at Big Pop Studios, aided by my wonderful colleagues at the University of Auckland, John Coulter and John Kim. The project has significantly expanded from its early beginnings as a short 25-minute work thanks to the excellent support and input from contributors Cameron Rhodes, Waimihi Hotere and Antonio Te Maioha.
Dramatic Setting:
2047. Aotearoa New Zealand. Not heeding the warnings four decades earlier, the human race is running out of time. Most of the Pacific is now all ocean. Great storms beat and batter the remaining land masses. Huge tides sweep inland and destructive storms are commonplace.
Aotearoa is no different. Nature has taken control and will decide our destiny. A date is predicted when it will be safe to return to the where the coast used to be.  As the night falls, on a hill, above the seas reach, two groups of people meet - one Pākehā, one Māori. This place has a strong significance to both groups—their histories are entwined.
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claustraphobic · 6 years
Here it is! Our New Zealand Music Month playlist for 2018. This is our largest, most in depth, and most diverse playlist to date.
We decided to showcase New Zealand artists from all genres, who we feel deserve more praise and support than they may have today. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it.
·      Lorde – Green Light [Montell2099 & Sachi Remix] ·      Quix – I’ll Give You the World (ft. JVMIE) ·      Lee Mvtthews & Bulletproof – Nothing to Lose (ft. Marino Mariner) ·      Nekolai – Ssselena * ·      Rich the Kid – Listen Up (Prod. By LMC) ·      Gladius James – Rich (ft. Wiz Khalifa) ·      Noah Slee – Radar ·      Chores – Surrender (ft. Abby Wolfe) ·      Thomston – Ride ·      Matthew Young – Collect ·      Baynk – Poolside ·      Maala – Crazy ·      SCARFɆ – Stay the Night (ft. VI NE) ·      Notorious B.I.G – Juicy [CORTR & SHMOOZY Remix] ·      Swrly – Aerosol* ·      Tapecut & T1R – Richbwoii ·      JessB – Set It Off ·      Kings – Kush Rolled X Cup Filled ·      Logistics & Thomas Oliver – Broken Light ·      ANKA – F R E A K 2.0 ·      Yancey - $A$$ ·      Chef b – Regular ·      PNC ft. Nylo – If It Wasn’t For Love [Mt Eden Remix] ·      Jawni – Reign ·      Tali, Melinki & Verva – Powerful (ft. Melodownz) ·      Troy Kete & HILLS – Awkward ·      Montell2099 – SUSU ·      Ashez – Baiji ·      Jeddy Beats – Rain (ft. no-one) ·      Blueprint & Marina Katerina – Dimes ·      Dreamer – Katana (ft. Arona) ·      TAPZ – Run Don’t Run ·      STUSS – Moody ·      A$AP Rocky – Lord Pretty Flacko Jodye 2 [Bahama Mama Remix] ·      Chalice – Fantasy ·      LATU x QUIET – OG ·      Katana x Nets – TYO2AK ·      Kamandi – Moorhouse* ·      Daniel Green 98 & Kings – Swiggin’ (Johnny Danger Tribute) ·      Bexfield & Motat – Here We Go ·      Balu Brigada – Could You Not ·      Eno x Dirty & Tom Scott – Nobody Knows [Hyan Remix] ·      LA Women – Count It Up (ft. Sachi) ·      High Hoops – Body ·      Mild Orange – Some Feeling ·      Leisure – Alone Together ·      Raiza Biza – Diamonds & Gold (Prod. By Ill Baz) ·      Mellodownz - $on Of A Queen ·      Chelsea Jade – Ride Or Cry ·      SWIDT – Little Did She Know ·      Meraki Soul – Geekin ·      Waldo & Haan808 – Walking On Water ·      Eli Grand & Wayvee – Hood Lambo ·      Omni Potent – LAWD (Prod. Joshxblair) ·      Bailey Wiley – Take It From Me (Prod. By Ben Esser) ·      Trashar – Scoop De Whoop ·      Abdul Kay – Right Now (Prod. By Drew Carter) ·      2047 – Red Opps ·      David Dallas – R U ft. Lukan Raisey, KidSeb & Trey Bond ·      Unchained XL – Do They Know (ft. JessB & Nuel Nonso) ·      Zaya – Finding Faith, Almost Anywhere ·      N eo – Ghost Girl (Prod. Elder) ·      Ngaroma – Escape* ·      Raka & LMC – Bleed ·      No Wylde x MEMBA – Off For The Night ·      Theia – Roam ·      So Below – Visions ·      Unknown Mortal Orchestra – Hunnybee ·      Soaked Oats – Avocado Aficionado ·      Mitch James – All The Ways To Say Goodbye ·      Summer Thieves – Coast Roads ·      Miss June – Twitch ·      Written by Wolves – To Tell You The Truth ·      City of Souls – Long Gone ·      Villainy – Tiny Little Island ·      The Beths – idea/Intent ·      Albion Place – If This Is How You Fell ·      Wax Chattels – Career ·      Coridian – Nonetheless ·      Ekko Park – Probable Cause ·      Dead Favours – Dig ·      Marlin’s Dreaming – Floating ·      Joel – Rockstar  ·      Tai Ramen – Medicine ·      Late June – Tied To Our Words (I Hate Mondays)
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