#Water Damage Restoration New York
magnadrycleaning · 5 months
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Magna Dry Cleaning and Restoration
When fire, water, smoke, or mold and mildew damage your clients’ homes or office building, speed is essential and you need to use a restoration company to minimize any further loss. Magna Dry Cleaning and Restoration's reputation has been built on superior performance, integrity, and client satisfaction with our cleaning and restoration services. Because large and small fire damage, smoke damage, and mold and mildew damage disasters can occur at any time, Magna Dry is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Address: 453 N MacQuesten Pkwy, Mt Vernon, NY 10552, USA Phone: 914-685-8013 Website: https://www.magnadrycleaningandrestoration.com
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Know The Types Of Mold. Which Type Of Mold Do You Have In Your Home?
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Mold is a type of fungus that can grow in damp, dark environments. It can be a serious problem in your home, as it can cause health problems and damage to your property. In this blog post, we discuss the different types of mold, how to identify them, and what to do if you find mold in your home. We also provide tips on how to prevent mold growth in the first place.
Mold can grow in any damp, dark environment, so it's important to be aware of the signs of mold growth. Some common signs of mold include:
Musty odor
Water damage
Discoloration on walls or ceilings
Black spots
If you think you have mold in your home, it's important to have it tested by a professional. Mold can be harmful to your health, so it's important to take steps to remove it as soon as possible.
In this blog post, we provide you with the information you need to know about mold, so you can take action to protect your health and your home.
Here are some of the key takeaways from this blog post:
There are many different types of mold, but some of the most common types include Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Cladosporium.
Mold can grow in any damp, dark environment, so it's important to be aware of the signs of mold growth.
If you think you have mold in your home, it's important to have it tested by a professional.
Mold can be harmful to your health, so it's important to take steps to remove it as soon as possible.
There are a number of things you can do to prevent mold growth in your home, such as fixing leaks, ventilating damp areas, and using dehumidifiers.
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Storm Damage Insurance Claims
Storm Damage Insurance Claims
Are you ready for the storms?
As licensed public adjusters we represent you in property damage claims for any type of covered loss.
If you do suffer property damage, call us at 1-516-499-7502 for help. FREE review of your property damage, residential or commercial, as well as your policy coverage!
Storms can cause all types of property damage, from trees into structures, water damage both from below and above, wind damage and frozen pipes if it’s cold enough. We handle all these types of property damage insurance claims and any other type of covered loss.
It’s best to call us before you call your insurance company, but we take new claims, claims in process as well as denied claims.
Our job is to negotiate with your insurance company knowing the games they play and get you the maximum settlement possible and getting the insurance claim settled as quickly as possible.
As licensed Public Insurance Adjusters we handle the whole claim for you, both structure and contents taking care of all the meetings, emails and phone calls to get your claim settled.
The insurance companies look to do three things, they try to deny, under pay and delay claims. Our job as your local Public Adjuster is to get you the maximum amount of money for your damages in the shortest amount of time. We handle the whole claim for you, all the inspections with your claims adjuster, the hours of phone calls and emails and whatever else is necessary to get your claim settled.
After you get paid, we will receive a small fee.  Knowing the games and tricks the carriers use we usually get 20 to over 100 percent more than if you try to handle the claim yourself. Don't be fooled; your carrier's adjuster as well as anyone they send in are friendly, however they work for the carrier. We only work for you. We never work for insurance companies.
With our years of experience handling claims in Nassau County, Suffolk County, all of New York City and Westchester County, we know what it takes to maximize your insurance claim.
Residential and commercial, we come to your damaged property to review the damages and your policy for FREE. If you decide to retain us, we will get paid once you are paid.
For help with any type of storm damage property insurance claims or any other type of covered peril call us at 1-516-499-7502 for help or with any questions.
Some of the things you should do to prepare for a storm or hurricane.
Talk to your family and develop an evacuation plan.
Have a disaster supply kit ready: food, water, cash, credit cards, radio, batteries, charger and any medications a family member will need.
Document the complete interior as well as exterior of your property using both video and pictures.
Tie down or store any loose items around your property.
Cut down any large branches or trees already leaning towards your property.
Depending on the strength of the storm you might want to consider boarding up your windows.
Have a plan for your pets.
Move your vehicle to higher ground.
Once again if your property does suffer damage call us as soon as possible at 1-516-499-7502 for help.
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furryunknowntree · 9 months
Carpet Repair & Flood Water Restoration Services
Living on Long Island has its charms, but sometimes, nature throws a curveball our way. Dealing with flood water damage can be overwhelming, but fear not – with the right help, your home can bounce back to its cozy, comfortable self. In this blog, we’ll dive into the importance of Carpet Repair & Flood Water Restoration in Long Island and how dependable Long Island Carpet Cleaning Experts can work magic on your home.
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conradscrime · 1 year
The Mystery of the Mary Celeste
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May 11, 2023
The Mary Celeste ship was built in Spencer’s Island, Nova Scotia and was launched under British registration as Amazon on May 18, 1861. On the registration documents the ship was 99.3 feet long, 25.5 feet broad, with a depth of 11.7 feet. 
She had previously been in a wreck in Cape Breton and was very damaged. In November 1868, a man named Richard W. Haines, from New York paid $1,750 (US) for the wrecked ship and spent $8,825 to restore it. In December 1868, the ship was registered to the Collector of the Port of New York as an American vessel under the name, Mary Celeste. Haines also became the captain of her. 
In October 1869, the ship was seized from Haines and sold to a New York consortium. For at least three years there is no record of Mary Celeste’s trading activities. In 1872, she underwent a refit that cost $10,000 and her size was increased, and the new captain’s name was Benjamin Spooner Briggs. 
In October 1872, Briggs, his wife, and infant daughter took Mary Celeste on her first voyage, after her New York refit, to Genoa, Italy. Briggs had left his school aged son behind to be taken care of by his grandmother. 
Briggs chose the crew for the voyage himself, including first mate Albert G. Richardson, second mate Andrew Gilling, 25 years old, the steward was Edward William Head, and four seamen who were German from the Frisian Islands: brothers Volkert and Boz Lorenzen, Arian Martens, and Gottlieb Goudschaal. Briggs and his wife were extremely satisfied with the crew. 
On October 20, 1872, Briggs went to Pier 50 on the East River in New York City to supervise the ship loading 1,701 barrels of alcohol. Briggs’ wife and infant joined him a week later. 
On Tuesday, November 5, 1872, Mary Celeste left Pier 50 and went into New York Harbor. The weather was uncertain, so they waited for better conditions. After two days, the weather was good enough to begin the voyage, and so Mary Celeste sailed into the Atlantic. 
A Canadian ship, Dei Gratia was nearby in Hoboken, New Jersey, waiting on cargo before they set sail. The Captain, David Morehouse, and first mate Oliver Deveau were Nova Scotians who were highly experienced. It was even rumoured that Captain Morehouse and Briggs were friends and had dined together the night before Mary Celeste departed, however the evidence of this comes from Morehouses’ widow 50 years after the event. 
Dei Gratia departed for Gibraltar on November 15, 1872, following the same route as Mary Celeste had seven days earlier. 
On December 4, 1872, between the Azores and the coast of Portugal, Captain Morehouse on the Dei Gratia was made aware that there was a vessel heading unsteadily towards them about 6 miles away. The ship appeared to be making erratic movements, leading Morehouse to believe something must be wrong. 
Captain Morehouse noticed there was nobody on deck when the ship came closer, and they were receiving no replies from their signals. Captain Morehouse sent Deveau and his second mate John Wright in a boat to investigate the strange vessel. 
The two men discovered that this vessel was indeed the Mary Celeste, as the name was on her stern, so they climbed onto the ship and found that it had been completely deserted; there was not one person around. The sails were partly set and in poor condition, some were completely missing and a lot of the rigging had been damaged, with ropes hanging over the sides. The ship had a single lifeboat that was missing. The binnacle that had the ship’s compass in it was out of place and the glass cover was broken. 
There was 3.5 feet of water in the hold, however that was not suspicious for a ship of that size. A makeshift sounding rod which measures the water in the hold was found abandoned on the deck. 
The Mary Celestes’ daily log was in the mate’s cabin, and the final entry date had been at 8 am on November 25, nine days before the ship was discovered. The position was recorded to be about 400 nautical miles from the point where Dei Gratia had found her.
Deveau reported that the inside of the cabin had been wet and untidy from water that had come in through doorways and skylights, however it was mostly in order. There were personal items scattered in Captain Briggs’ cabin, however most of the ship’s papers were missing, along with navigational instruments. 
There was no obvious signs of fire or violence, and there was no food prepared or being prepared. It appeared that there had been an orderly departure from the Mary Celeste, the crew using the missing lifeboat. 
Captain Morehouse decided to bring Mary Celeste to Gibraltar, which was 600 nautical miles away. Under maritime law, a salvor could get a decent amount of money of a rescued vessel and cargo. 
Morehouse divided his crew, and sent 3 members on the Mary Celeste, which he and four other members stayed on the Dei Gratia; however this meant that each ship was very under crewed. Dei Gratia arrived at Gibraltar on December 12, while Mary Celeste arrived the next day due to fog. 
The salvage court hearings began on December 17, 1872, Captain Morehouse had written to his wife that he believed he would be paid well for the Mary Celeste salvage. Testimony from Deveau and Wright convinced the court that a crime had been committed, foul play was involved.
On December 23, 1872, there was an examination of Mary Celeste, which reported that there were cuts on each side of the bow, caused by what they thought a sharp instrument. There was also what appeared to be possible traces of blood on Captain Briggs’ sword. 
The report stated that the ship did not appear to have been struck by heavy weather, or been involved in a collision. A group of Royal Naval captains also examined the ship and said the cuts on the bow seemed to be caused deliberately. There was also stains on one of the ship’s rails that might have been blood, with a deep mark possibly caused by an axe. 
On January 22, 1873, the reports from the court hearings were sent to the Board of Trade in London, with Frederick Solly-Flood, the Attorney General of Gibraltar concluded that the crew on the Dei Gratia had wanted to steal the alcohol on the Mary Celeste, and murdered Captain Briggs’ and his crew in a drunken frenzy. Flood believed that Captain Morehouse and his men were hiding something, that the daily log of where the Mary Celeste had been had been doctored. Flood did not believe that the ship could have travelled 400 nautical miles while being uncrewed.
It was discovered that what appeared to be “blood stains” were in fact not blood, which setback Flood’s theory of murder. Another blow was when Captain Shufeldt of the US Navy reported the marks on the bow were not man-made, but came from natural actions of the sea. 
There was nothing concrete, so Flood had to release the Mary Celeste from the court’s jurisdiction on February 25, 1873. The salvage payment was decided on April 8, 1873, the award was about one-fifth of the total value of ship and cargo, far lower than what was expected. 
While Flood’s theories of murder were not very convincing, there was still suspicion that the ship had met foul play of some sort. Some believed that Briggs and Morehouse were involved together, wanting the money, but it doesn’t make sense that they would have planned such an attention drawing event. Others also comment that if Briggs wanted to disappear permanently he wouldn’t of left his young son behind with his mother. 
Some believed the Mary Celeste was attacked by Riffian pirates who were active off the coast of Morocco in the 1870′s, however this has been largely dismissed because pirates would have looted the ship, yet the captain’s personal possessions were found; some which had significant value. 
A New York insurance appraiser named Arthur N. Putman, was a leading investigator in sea mysteries in the early 20th century. He proposed a lifeboat theory, stating that only one single lifeboat had been missing, the rope had been cut, not untied, which meant that when the Mary Celeste was abandoned, it happened very quickly. 
There was multiple times in the ship’s logs where it was mentioned there was ominous rumbling and small explosions from the hold. Putman believed that the alcohol on ship gave off explosive gas and one day there was a more intense explosion of this. A sailor perhaps went below deck with a light or a lit cigar which set off fumes causing an explosion that was violent enough to blow off the top covering on the hatch, explaining why it was found in an unusual position. Putman believes Briggs and the crew were in a panic and piled into one lifeboat, abandoning Mary Celeste. 
Deveau, who was one of the men who examined the abandoned ship on sea, proposed that Briggs abandoned the ship after false sounding, there might of been a malfunction of the pumps or another mishap, giving the impression the ship was taking on water at a rapid pace, the crew might have assumed the ship was in danger of sinking. 
Mary Celeste made her way to Genoa, and then left on June 26, 1873. She arrived in New York on September 19, 1873. Due to the Gibraltar hearings and newspaper stories she became quite unpopular, nobody wanted her. In February 1874, Mary Celeste was sold at a considerable loss to a partnership of New York businessmen. 
Mary Celeste sailed mainly in the West Indian and Indian Ocean routes, but was losing a lot of money. In February 1879, her captain was a man named Edgar Tuthill, who had fallen ill. Tuthill died and some believed the ship was cursed, as he was the third captain who had died prematurely. 
In August 1884, a new captain named Gilman C. Parker took on the ship. On January 3, 1885, Mary Celeste approached a large coral reef, the Rochelois Bank, where she purposely ran into it, ripping out the bottom and wrecking her beyond repair. The crew then rowed themselves ashore, and sold what was left of the cargo for $500. 
In July 1885, Parker and his shippers were tried in Boston for conspiracy to commit insurance fraud, with Parker also being charged with “wilfully casting away the ship” which was known as barratry, which you could be sentenced to death for. 
On August 15, 1885, the jury could not agree on a verdict. Instead of having another trial, which cost a lot of money, the judge negotiated an arrangement where Parker and his crew withdrew their insurance claims and repaid what they got. The barratry charge was deferred and Parker was set free, though his reputation was ruined. 
Parker died in poverty three months later, one of the co-defendants went mad and another ended his life. This further caused people to believe Mary Celeste was cursed. 
At Spencer’s Island, Mary Celeste and her lost crew are commemorated by a monument, and by a memorial outdoor cinema built in the shape of the vessel’s hull. The fate of the crew of the Mary Celeste have never been discovered, and over 150 years later, it is unlikely we will ever discover the truth. 
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alexracheltravel · 3 months
Day Three: It's Aboat Time
You would think by now we might have settled into the time difference, but you'd be wrong. We slept in, like, really slept in, waking up at 10:45! But we needed the sleep and with it, were turbo charged to make the most of the day.
Since Rachel's working during the week, we have limited time, and the weekends are for seeing the bigger museums. We decided to see some of Stockholm's most famous ones: the Vasa Museum and the outdoor Skansen.
These two spots are out in a neighborhood called Djurgården, and to get there we took the subway to Central Station, and the tram over to an island on the East side of the city. We were amazed by the greenery! Imagine New York had an entire neighborhood devoted to Central Park, and all the museums. Wait, it kind of does already.
If you Google museums in Stockholm, the Vasa Museum is located on or around the top of everyone's list. It's a museum devoted to a perfectly-restored boat from the 17th century. As the legend goes (and it's not a real legend, it's actual history) the Vasa was a military vessel set to sail the Baltic. It only made it one kilometer before a strong wind hit it over and the ship took in water, quickly sinking. Of the 150+ passengers, 30 died. James Cameron could make this movie if he wanted to take a break from the blue aliens. But what was more miraculous was that due to the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea, the Vasa was not very damaged, and much of its contents were salvaged, restored and preserved.
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At first you might think: what's the point? At least that's what Alex thought. But there are a few reasons that made this museum special. First, you get to see a restored ship from almost 400 years ago. It looks like the big ships of pirate fantasies. But it's also an important piece of archaeology and anthropology, providing insight into Swedish and European history, of the people who lived here, and how they worked. The museum had sections devoted to the (poor) construction of the boat, which sank due to the lack of ballast for the length, and its narrowness. We saw the inside of the ship, which was recreated almost perfectly, from the ship guns on the inside to the orate carvings along the side. It was similar to some of the temples we had seen in the past
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It was very fun to see this ship and learn about these people's lives. Was it a must see? We don't know. But it was very cool!
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Djurgården is also home to the Nordic Museum. We didn't go there. Instead, we did go the a place called the Skansen, an "open-air" museum that was one part zoo, one part historic Sweden! There were antique recreations of old Swedish homes, models of Swedish festivals, and enclosures with Swedish animals. We saw reindeer, moose, wolverines, and an Arctic fox!
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It was a beautiful day, so we kept it going by biking along Djurgården. We rented eBikes, which made the trek so easy!
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After all that walking and biking (we got a little lost), we headed back to Vasastan to relax. We bought some mineral water and candy at the store, and went home.
Oh, and we did eat today. Breakfast was at the AirBnB, lunch were yummy sandwiches, and dinner we had some burgers with a Swedish twist. Halloumi cheese on a veggie burger! Yum!
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b2-ar19 · 3 months
Semper Fidelis
Semper Fidelis
A Captain America/Star Wars crossover fanfic (Werewolf AU)
Chapter 1: Always free
The wind whipped and howled, sounding like a pack of hungry wolves, the icy air coming from the shattered windows of the wrecked plane. Steve’s blue eyes where focused and settled on the snowy hell-scape that was the Artic, yet his mind was on Peggy, Logan, Victor, Dugan, Monty, Jim, Denier, Gabe Jones, Colonel Phillips, Howard Stark, Dr. Erskine, Bucky Barnes, and lastly his mother, Sarah Rodgers. He knew he would never see the Howling Commandos again, but there was a small silver of hope. He would see his mother and best friend, his brother in all but blood again. He would see the father he never met, and he would see Erskine again. The man was the father he never had; in the brief time he had known him. He stared out the window, eyes locked in a frozen fear. In a quick moment of agency, he flipped the switch to on, turning the radio from off to on. Then he pressed the button that was on the radio. 
“Anyone copy? This is Captain Rodgers!” 
“Come in Captain Rodgers, this is Jim Mortia,” 
            “I’m here. Schmidt’s dead. I repeat Schmidt’s dead!” A loud cheer went up on the other end of the radio, revealing one of the reasons the most (in)famous infantry unit in recorded military history, was called the Howling Commandos. The other was a well-maintained secret that only Phillips, Howard and Erskine had privy to. And one of them was dead. Phillips will die to protect that secret, and Howard had made it into a confidential Military record. No one will dare to open it as long Stark continued to breathe.  
            “Where are you?” Peggy’s voice broke out, shattering the cheer and joy of the Red Skull’s death. 
“I’m not sure, but the plane is heading to fast to New York,” 
            “I’ll get Howard on the line,”
“Peggy, there isn’t time, I have to put her in the water. This is my choice,” 
            “Steve…don’t talk like that, we’ll find you, just hold on,” 
“Peggy, remember, Semper Liber and Semper Fortis,” 
            “Always free and always brave. Oh, and Steve, remember to always be Semper Fidelis. Stay true to your beliefs, no matter where you are,” 
            Steve was oblivious to the whirring and whining of the leftover energy of the Cube that surrounded the airplane like a thick, heavy blanket. What he didn’t expect was for the cosmic energy to continue to whirr and whine, as it turned into a glowing portal of blues and purples. His face morphed into one of confusion, as the energy swirled and surrounded the airplane, pulling it across time and space itself. 
When the portal closed, the plane was heading to a planet covered in snowy pines and tall, snow-capped mountains. The cockpit of the plane rattled, as Steve pushed the stick downwards to an icy covered lake. He didn’t know if this planet was inhabited by humans, but if it was, they didn’t need to know the horrors of Schmidt and of Hitler. He had no idea he was crash-landing on a planet gripped in a lover’s quarrel that de-evolved into a full-blown civil war. The plane continued to rattle and creak, as the damage it took from the Howling Commandos and the 107th, as well the fury of a Leader who lost his second. His brother in all but blood, his most trusted. He looked out the window, and saw the wing fly off, causing the plane to spiral down into the lake. Steve sent a silent prayer to anyone who was listening, fully knowing that he can’t reach the Howling Commandos, he was way out of radio range.
He also had no idea that he was being watched by one Jaster Mereel, who was curious about the falling object, and who knew that Death Watch would love get their claws all over it. He couldn’t focus on it for long, as his dar’riduur, Tor Vizsla, hanged on the outside of his tank, ranting about how he was going to restore kote and ijaat to all Mando’ade. Jaster knew better, one doesn’t go around to win glory for oneself, glory was bestowed on you through acts of honor, true honor. Not honor that was soiled through acts of deception. That was what he was taught through his buire. Clearly, Tor forgotten that, despite hailing from the same clan that produced Tarre Vizsla, a Mando’Jetti’ade, and the creator of the dha’kad’au. Possibility one of the most, if not, the most important relics of their culture and history. And now, the New Mandalorians want to destroy their history, for fear of repeating the past. While he agreed that their past was a bloody one, there was a chance to start over, and rebuild a better future for all Mando’ade. Not destroy it. What was the point of history, if one can’t learn from it? 
Through his helmet, he looked at his former riduur, while trying to fight the tears in his eyes. His heart still loved him, while his mind screamed at him to move on, and find someone else who will love him, and truly love him for what he stands for. Jaster quickly looked down, and saw his left kneecap was completely blown off, from the blast of Vizsla’s ion cannon. How long has that been bleeding? The blast torn off the armor there, shattered the bone in his knee and torn it to shreds. He knew his unique biology will take care of it. 
Jaster was fully aware he wasn’t fully human. No true Mando’ade was fully human, especially those that hailed from the Old Clans. Jango, his ad wasn’t even human, he was a Lupain, through and through. Jaster had Lupain blood, he can shape-shift into their wolven forms, he has their healing factor, heightened senses, slightly pointed ears, but he lacks their claws. He also has Tuang blood running through his veins, and Tuangs, while they were humanoid, were known for their dual-sexuality. Meaning they were born with both male and female reproductive parts. Jaster theorized because of that dual nature, is why mando’a does not include gender in their language, and because Lupains where an androgynous species and their home planet, Lupal, was once a colony of the Mandalorian empire. Their language was also similar to mando’a in the fact it does not include gender. 
He saw the canon turn slowly towards him, and he wondered if Tor had forgotten him, truly, during his bloody rampage against the New Mandalorians. He didn’t blame him for his anger, but this had gone too far. It was time to put an end for it, once and for all. He tried to stand on his feet, his beskar kad drawn from its scabbard that sited next to his jet-pack. His left leg threatened to give out on him, without his kneecap to hold it in place. Jaster couldn’t fight back the tears in his eyes, as he watched his former lover point the canon at him, with no remorse in his gaze. A gaze that once held so much warmth and love for him, and then their son, Pre, had suddenly turned cold. 
A circular blur of something, came flying directly at the canon, embedding itself into the duralsteel siding. A shadow soon followed, landing in front of him. Jaster looked up, and saw a massive canine like creature looming over him. It resembled the wolven forms of Lupains, but it was bigger, and covered in gold-tawny fur. Lupains only had solid-colored coats in their wolven forms, and where smaller, adapted to their forested planet. This one was big enough to compete with the fabled Loth-wolves from Lothal, but it was not as lean as them. Then he looked at the front-paws, they were vaguely shaped like human hands. 
The wolf-like creature growled, a deep resounding sound from its chest. The thick fur on its neck bristled, as it raised its tail high in a show of dominance. Was it challenging Tor? If it was, Jaster knew he was in no shape to challenge Tor for the title of Mand’alor, despite him having the backing of the Old Clans. He knew deep down he needed the dha’kad’au to firmly cement his rule as the ‘alor, the symbol of his people. This will create a migraine inducing nightmare if the wolf-like creature won. He wouldn’t challenge his savior. 
“Back off, aruetii, this does not concern you,” Tor barked. 
“Stay away,” the canine-like creature growled back, the words garbled, but the threat was clear. Tor ignored the threat, and swung the canon directly at it. Jaster blamed the pain from having his entire kneecap shorn off, for what he heard next. “I hate bullies. Picking on the little guys just to feel big and powerful, good news for you, my fangs and claws are not dulled, and I’ve been itching for a fight. Give me one!” 
            “Challenge accepted!” Tor answered the challenge with a self-assured smirk on his face. He turned and faced the challenger with the dha’kad’au drawn and ignited, the black blade hissing and humming. It suddenly felt heavy in his hands, and something nagged the back of Tor’s mind, back when his buire where telling him his family’s legacy. But he had forgotten one single important story about the dha’kad’au. One that will be his downfall. 
            Jaster felt his heart lurch. On one hand, he still loved Tor despite what he became, but his mind screamed at him to let him go. His Lupain/Tuang instincts roared at him to claim the other as his new mate, for the wolf-like creature had changed into a humanoid form, who was fighting Tor with everything he has, despite being stabbed in the gut by the dha’kad’au, by biting on Tor’s arm, not caring the man was wearing a full beskar set of armor. Then he topped Tor into the ground, pinning him into the mud. 
“Yield,” the man growled, his voice sending warm shivers down Jaster’s spine. Then he heard something that rang in his heart, much like the clanging of hammers and tongs on beskar, Tor slamming his hand into the mud, signaling his defeat. 
“BUIR!” Jango yelled, running through the battle-grounds as fast as he can, worry fogging his scent. 
“Jango! Ad, what are you doing here?” Jaster asked, trying to stand on his legs. 
But before he fell face-first on the muddy ground, someone grabbed him. He quickly realized he was in the stranger’s arms. He turned to face his rescuer’s face, and was greeted by a warm smile and dazzling sky-blue eyes with a tint of green in them. Dirty blond hair was plastered to his scalp, messed up as if he just took a helmet off. Jaster caught a whiff of the man’s scent, it was a combination of warmly baked bread, cooking flavoring, and something else, building smoke, and the fainter scent of animal musk. It was pleasant. 
“You, okay? I wasn’ goin’ to let ‘im kill ya, and I hate bullies,” the man asked, in the strangest accent Jaster had ever heard. 
“Yes, I’m fine,” he answered, trying to control his blushing. 
“HEY! You are not fine, Mereel, your karking knee just got blown off by your dar’riduur!” a voice yelled, sounding cross. 
“I am perfectly fine, I can stand, and therefore, I can walk myself to the Med bay,” 
            “Oi, verd! Can you drag him to the Med bay for me, he is literally in your arms right now?”
“Yes, Sir, also I have a glow-y sword stuck in my guts right now, is there any way for me to remove it?”
“Manda preserve me, there are two of them. I am dragging you both to the Med bay, and there is no complaining. Got it?” 
“Yes, sir,” 
            “Good, now, get on this stretcher, and don’t do anything stupid,” 
Jango watched as his buir and the unknown verd where escorted to the Med bay. He sensed something was going to change, but for better or for worse, who can tell? His inner wolf growled when he saw the stranger attempt to court his buir and who was the Mand’alor! It was not right, and he will figure out the stranger.
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devashivam1699 · 4 months
How to Properly Clean and Care for Your Jewelry Collection
Jewelry is extra than simply an accessory, it holds sentimental fee, represents good sized milestones,  and provides a touch of beauty to our lives. Whether it is a loved heirloom, a gift from a loved one, or a chunk you've chosen for yourself,
Each object in your moissanite rings for women series deserves  care to preserve its beauty and sturdiness. Over time, publicity to elements consisting of dust, oils, and chemical substances can diminish the luster and brilliance of your rings. Proper cleansing and renovation are crucial to keep those treasured objects.
This manual will offer you with practical and effective guidelines on how to smooth and take care of various styles of jewelry, from gold and silver to diamonds and pearls. You'll research the nice practices for ordinary cleaning, safe garage, and managing to save you damage. 
Whether you're coping with the jewelry collection or gown pieces, these pointers will assist you maintain your collection glowing and in pinnacle situations for years yet to come. Let's dive into the world of jewelry care and find out how to hold your treasured pieces searching their high-quality
How to Clean a Diamond Ring at Home
Cleaning Diamonds jewelry At home are taken into consideration as the toughest hardest on the earth. However, this does not mean that they should not be worn, so it is important to understand. how to clean a diamond ring easily at home if you want to keep it in shape. 
Daily put on regularly results within the accumulation of unwanted oil and particles that may affect the shine and luster of your new appearance. Also undesirable discoloration and scratches. (Spoiler alert: Most fine jewelry is easy to maintain as long as you follow the proper steps.) And let me just say that, as an editor and bride-to-be, I can attest that there's nothing more pleasurable than seeing my freshly cleansed glow and shine.
Your new sparkle will probably be one of the most expensive pieces of jewelry you own, so you'll definitely want to know how to clean the ring at home.
That's why I contacted Christina Gandia Gamble, professional gemologist and owner of Greenwich St. That's why I contacted Christina Gandia Gamble, professional gemologist and owner of Greenwich St in New York. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, 
General Tips for your jewelry clean
1. Regular Cleaning: Clean your jewelry regularly to avoid buildup of dirt and oils.
2. Proper Storage: Store each piece one by one to avoid scratches and tangling.
3. Avoid chemicals: Keep your jewelry away from harsh chemical compounds, perfumes and creams.
4. Handle with care: Use caution when carrying and cleaning your rings to avoid damage.
Cleaning Different Types of Jewelry
Gold Jewelry Cleaning:- 
1. Mix a few drops of dish soap with warm water.
2. Soak the jewelry for 15-20 mins.
3. Gently scrub with a soft-bristle toothbrush.
4. Rinse with heat water and dry with a tender cloth.
Silver Jewelry Cleaning:
1. Mix baking soda and water to form a paste.
2. Apply the paste to the jewelry using a soft cloth.
3. Rub gently, then rinse with warm water.
4. Dry thoroughly with a soft cloth.
Importance For Cleaning The Jewelry 
It is important to clean your jewelry properly to maintain its aesthetic appeal, ensure strength and maintain its cost. Regular cleaning restores shine and prevents stains, dust and dirt that can cause wear and tear. It also maintains hygiene by getting rid of microorganisms and allergens, And protects your wealth by preserving the market value of the Jewelry. Regular inspections at some of cleansing can detect harm early, Jewelry retains its  sentimental value, enhances its leisure and preserves memories.
Proper cleaning and care of your jewelry is important to maintain its beauty, value, and longevity. Regular cleaning not only restores its shine but also prevents damage. Making sure your pieces stay in good condition. By dedicating time to cleaning and checking your jewelry. You can enjoy its aesthetic appeal and best value for years to come, Preserving both your investment and cherished memories. Little maintenance goes a long way in keeping your jewelry collection radiant and timeless.
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magnadrycleaning · 5 months
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Magna Dry Cleaning and Restoration
When fire, water, smoke, or mold and mildew damage your clients’ homes or office building, speed is essential and you need to use a restoration company to minimize any further loss. Magna Dry Cleaning and Restoration's reputation has been built on superior performance, integrity, and client satisfaction with our cleaning and restoration services. Because large and small fire damage, smoke damage, and mold and mildew damage disasters can occur at any time, Magna Dry is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Address: 453 N MacQuesten Pkwy, Mt Vernon, NY 10552, USA Phone: 914-685-8013 Website: https://www.magnadrycleaningandrestoration.com
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"Blue Bear Restoration is a Rochester-based website offering comprehensive restoration services for plumbing, water damage, fire damage, mold removal, and sewage cleanup. With a team of experts and a commitment to excellence, we restore properties to their pre-damage condition. Trust us for reliable and efficient restoration solutions."
Detailed Description: "Welcome to Blue Bear Restoration, a leading restoration website based in Rochester, USA. We specialize in a wide range of restoration services, including plumbing, water damage restoration, fire damage restoration, mold removal, and sewage cleanup. Our dedicated team of professionals is equipped with the expertise and advanced equipment to handle restoration projects of all sizes.
At Blue Bear Restoration, we understand the importance of prompt and efficient restoration services to minimize further damage and restore your property to its pre-damage condition. Whether you're dealing with a burst pipe, flooded basement, fire damage, or mold infestation, our skilled technicians are ready to assist you.
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lonestarbattleship · 2 years
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Damage report of USS Houston (CL-81) from the two torpedo hits on October 14 and 16, 1944, off of Formaso (present day Taiwan).
The first torpedo hit at midships and caused enough flooding to cause the order to remove topside weight. It was bad enough to cause the main deck to dip slightly in the water as she rolled. The second torpedo hit under the hanger bay. This caused her to take on more water and weaken her internal structure. 7 men were killed during these attacks.
She was towed to Ulithi island, arriving on 27 October 27. The damage was inspected and temporary repairs were made to allow her make her way to Manus Island, in Papa New Guinea and to be drydocked in the ABSD-2, arriving on December 20. Plates were welded on her external hull to make watertight and girders were installed to restore some of her structure integrity for her voyage stateside for permanent repairs. She arrived at the New York Navy Yard on March 25, 1945. All of the west coast facilities were already occupied.
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Matt Davies :: Newsday Opinion
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July 26, 2023
Yesterday a team of international researchers confirmed that human-caused climate change is driving the life-threatening heat waves in the U.S. and Europe. The U.S. has broken more than 2,000 high temperature records in the past month, and it looks like July will be the hottest month on Earth since scientists have kept records. 
Another study published yesterday warns that the Atlantic currents that transport warm water from the tropics north are in danger of collapsing as early as 2025 and as late as 2095, with a central estimate of 2050. As Arctic ice melts, the cold water that sinks and pulls the current northward is warming, slowing the mechanism that moves the currents. The collapse of that system would disrupt rain patterns in India, South America, and West Africa, endangering the food supplies for billions of people. It would also raise sea levels on the North American east coast and create storms and colder temperatures in Europe.
On Sunday and Monday, the ocean water off the tip of Florida reached temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius), the same temperature as an average hot tub. According to the Coral Restoration Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Florida’s Key Largo that works to protect coral reefs, the hot water has created “a severe and urgent crisis,” with mortality up to 100%. The Mediterranean Sea also hit a record high this week, reaching 83.1 degrees Fahrenheit (28.4 Celsius).
An op-ed by David Wallace-Wells in the New York Times today noted that more land burned in Quebec in June than in the previous 20 years combined; across Canada, more than 25 million acres burned. And most of Canada’s fire season is still ahead. 
Professor Ian Lowe of Australia’s Griffith University told The Guardian that he recalled reading the 1985 report that identified the link between greenhouse gasses and climate change, and worked to draw public attention to it. “Now all the projected changes are happening,” he said. “I reflect on how much needless environmental damage and human suffering will result from the work of those politicians, business leaders and public figures who have prevented concerted action. History will judge them very harshly.”
Former vice president Mike Pence, who is running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, today unveiled his economic proposal. It calls for eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency and the Biden administration’s incentives designed to address climate change. 
In that, he is in line with Republican lawmakers. Earlier this month, Mike Magner in Roll Call noted that at least four of the bills released so far by the House Appropriations Committee for 2024 include cutting funding to address climate change that Congress appropriated in the Inflation Reduction Act. Project 2025, which has provided the blueprint for a Trump presidency, says “the Biden Administration’s climate fanaticism will need a whole-of-government unwinding,” and calls for more use of fossil fuels. 
A new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Columbia University says that court cases related to climate change have more than doubled in five years. Thirty-four of the 2,180 lawsuits have been brought forward on behalf of children, teens, and young adults.  
And therein lies a huge problem for today’s Republican Party. A recent poll of young voters shows they care deeply about gun violence, economic inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, and climate change. All of those issues are only becoming more prominent. 
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paintworksny · 9 months
Unveiling the Beauty: A Deep Dive into Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan by Paintworks NY
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Manhattan, the heartbeat of New York City, is home to a myriad of historic buildings and contemporary spaces, each with its unique charm. Amidst the diverse architectural tapestry, wood floors stand as timeless elements of elegance. In this detailed exploration, we'll delve into the intricate world of wood floor repair in Manhattan, spotlighting the expertise of Paintworks NY and their commitment to preserving the beauty of these iconic surfaces.
I. The Allure of Wood Floors in Manhattan:
From classic brownstones to modern penthouses, Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan have been a staple of Manhattan's interior design for decades. The warmth, character, and versatility of wood make it a preferred choice for homeowners and businesses alike. However, with the passage of time, these floors may succumb to wear and tear, prompting the need for expert repair services.
II. Challenges in Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan:
Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan's dynamic climate, foot traffic, and the inevitable impacts of daily life pose unique challenges to wood floors. Scratches, dents, water damage, and structural issues can mar the surface, requiring specialized attention for restoration. Paintworks NY, a trusted name in the industry, excels in identifying and addressing these challenges, employing advanced techniques to breathe new life into worn wood floors.
III. The Paintworks NY Approach:
1. Comprehensive Assessment:
   Before initiating any repair project, Paintworks NY conducts a thorough assessment of the wood floor's condition. This includes identifying the type of wood, assessing damage, and understanding the underlying causes to formulate a tailored repair plan.
2. Precision Craftsmanship:
   The team at Paintworks NY consists of skilled craftsmen with a wealth of experience in wood floor repair. Their expertise spans everything from repairing minor surface scratches to addressing more complex structural issues, ensuring a meticulous restoration process.
3. State-of-the-Art Equipment:
   Utilizing cutting-edge equipment and technology, Paintworks NY enhances the efficiency and precision of wood floor repairs. This includes dustless sanding techniques, minimizing disruption and maintaining a clean environment during the repair process.
4. Customized Finishes of Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan:
Recognizing the importance of aesthetic cohesion, Paintworks NY Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan offers a range of finishes to match the client's preferences. From glossy finishes that exude modern sophistication to matte finishes for a more rustic appeal, the team ensures that the repaired wood floor seamlessly integrates with the overall design.
IV. Case Studies: Exemplifying Paintworks NY's Expertise:
1. Reviving Historic Parquet Flooring:
   Explore the restoration of a historic brownstone's parquet flooring, where Paintworks NY skillfully repaired intricate patterns and revived the original beauty of the space.
2. Contemporary Loft Floor Transformation:
Journey through the transformation of a modern loft's distressed wood floor, showcasing Paintworks NY's ability to blend contemporary design with meticulous repair techniques.
V. Tips for Wood Floor Maintenance:
To prolong the life of wood floors, Paintworks NY provides practical maintenance tips, including regular cleaning, protective measures against furniture, and the importance of addressing issues promptly.
VI. The Future of Wood Floor Restoration:
As sustainability becomes integral to design practices, the blog explores Paintworks NY's perspective on eco-friendly wood floor restoration methods, shedding light on the evolving landscape of the industry.
In the heart of Manhattan, where history meets innovation, Paintworks NY emerges as a guardian of wood floor elegance. This blog serves as a comprehensive guide, offering readers a glimpse into the artistry, precision, and dedication involved in wood floor repair. Through a commitment to craftsmanship and a fusion of tradition and technology, Paintworks NY ensures that the timeless allure of wood floors continues to grace the interiors of Manhattan's architectural gems for years to come.
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visitdropshop · 2 years
Every year more and more people turn to professionals for removing difficult stains. There are different types of dry cleaning. They differ in the method of implementation (dry and water), as well as the type of solvents and cleaning agents used.
What is dry cleaning? 
Dry cleaning - professional cleaning of textiles using organic solvents. Dry cleaning uses special chemicals that are not available to ordinary consumers. They dissolve fat, blood, sweat, and stains from fruits and coffee and do not violate the integrity of the tissue (skin, fur). The procedure is much more effective than regular washing and helps to remove even old stains. This method of treatment is especially in demand in case of contamination of products that are undesirable to wet and wash: fur coats, hats, wedding dresses, coats, sheepskin coats, leather jackets, and down jackets.
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High quality dry cleaning in New York is carried out in several stages:
Acceptance of clothes: Before cleaning with chemicals, it is important to identify the type of contaminants and whether they have been treated with something before. On this basis, the dry cleaner gives or does not give a guarantee for the work performed. The client is first sent to the studio if the product is damaged. All jewelry, belts, buckles, and other elements are removed from clothing.
Sorting: Clothes that arrive at the dry cleaners are sorted according to material and color. As with normal washing, colored and white items are treated with chemicals separately.
Pre-cleansing: To improve the quality of dry cleaning, complex stains and heavily soiled areas are first treated with specially selected reagents. Things are cleaned on special tables with good lighting. They are also equipped with guns that supply compressed air and steam.
Chemical cleaning: The basic process of cleaning clothes. Things are placed in a machine that resembles a washing machine. But instead of a powder, a special solvent is used, and all processes in the device are individually configured. During dry cleaning, dirt is pulled out of the fibers of the fabric. Further drying is carried out at a temperature of 25-50 degrees.
Finishing operations: In the final stage, clothes are looked at on an ironing table or a mannequin. For this, presses, professional irons, and steam generators are used. If stains remain, they are again treated with reagents, or the clothes are sent for re-dry cleaning. If, after 2-3 cycles, the contamination does not disappear, the specialist makes a note in the receipt.
Types of dry cleaning clothes
Dry cleaning is often understood as chemical cleaning with chemicals, i.e., without water. However, it was not so long ago that the so-called water purification, which is considered more gentle, won. This is not entirely true, but many attribute this to the type of dry cleaning.
Dry cleaning, also called cleaning, takes place using organic solvents without the use of water. Depending on the solvent used, there are the following types of dry cleaning:
Perchlorethylene (Perchloroethylene, "P"). 
Perchloroethylene is a commonly used, readily available type of solvent. Particularly effective in removing grease stains. It cleans even heavily soiled clothes. At the same time, the chemical does not change the texture of the product - the thing retains its shape and softness. But this type of dry cleaning cannot be called gentle. During processing, the water-repellent and protective impregnation may deteriorate. Then you need to restore them.
Hydrocarbon (Flammable, "F"). 
A more gentle way to dry clean. After treatment with hydrocarbon chemicals, tissues and skin become soft. Things are guaranteed to retain the brightness of the color and have no foreign smell. However, this dry cleaning type is not suitable for heavily soiled garments or stubborn stains.
The main advantage of dry chemicals is the ability to clean clothes without water. Things do not shrink, do not stretch, and do not deform. Dry cleaning is especially in demand for materials that are afraid of getting wet: fur, wool, leather, suede, and others. So, what are you waiting for? Contact professionals for high-quality Leather cleaning in NYC .
What type of dry cleaning is best? 
It is impossible to say unequivocally which type of dry cleaning is more effective. The processing method is negotiated individually and depends on the clothing material and the type of contamination. The most important selection criteria are the manufacturer's recommendations for product care. Relevant information can be found on the label on the wrong side of the garment. The symbols determine the admissibility of a particular processing method.
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Uncertain about who to turn to for fire and flood damage in the bustling city of New York? Fear not, for New York Mold Specialist is here to save the day! Our comprehensive range of services is designed to tackle any restoration challenge, leaving your property looking as good as new.
When faced with the aftermath of a fire, the damage may go beyond what meets the eye. That's where our expert team comes in, trained to handle every aspect of fire damage restoration with precision and care. From eradicating stubborn smoke and soot to ensuring a thorough and odor-free restoration, we've got you covered with top-of-the-line equipment and advanced techniques.
And when it comes to flooding, we understand the urgency of the situation. That's why we waste no time in extracting water and drying out your property to prevent further damage, followed by repairing any structural issues and thorough cleaning and sanitization. Our goal of providing flood damage New York in New York is to get your space back to its pre-flood state as quickly as possible, so you can get back to living your life without disruptions.
At New York Mold Specialist, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive care for your peace of mind. Our certified technicians take care of everything, from the initial assessment to the final cleanup, with utmost professionalism and attention to detail. Trust us to handle any restoration challenge with expertise, giving you the reassurance that your property is in capable hands.
Don't let fire or flood damage get you down. Let New York Mold Specialist take the weight off your shoulders with our fast and dependable restoration services in the city that never sleeps. Our fire damage services in New York guide you through the process seamlessly, helping you get back to normal life in the blink of an eye.
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