#Warlock Good Omens
sapphic-bats · 4 months
Warlock asks Nanny about it once.
She’s cutting apples for him, just the way he likes, and he’s gazing out of the window at the lush, green gardens that his mother so proudly upholds. Among the waxy leaves and spindly saplings, Brother Francis tends to the flora carefully, though Warlock’s quite sure he’s just taking certain leaves between his finger and his thumb, and studying them closely. But what did Warlock know about gardening?
He notices Nanny looking out those windows, too. Though she always gazes and stares with a deep intent, as if she only cares when she does, and it so happens that she never looks upon the garden empty.
What was that funny thing Nanny and Brother Francis had taught him? The thing that Nanny discouraged, to which Brother Francis promoted quite devoutly?
“Nanny, have you ever been married?”
Warlock knows what marriage is. After all, his parents are married, if you can call it that. They married, once, out of love. But it’s since faded. It’s more traditional, now. Out of convenience and a general apathy to trying again.
Nanny’s quick hand stills, blade edge flat against the cutting board. With her back turned to the young boy, he cannot make out her expression. He never can, what with her poised shades she wears pointedly upon her nose. But she speaks soon again.
“No,” she replies, simply.
Warlock considers this. “Do you ever want to be?”
Nanny, who had taken up the cutting again, pauses once more. She sets the knife against the board and tilts her chin towards Warlock. “Wherever have you learned such personal questions, dear?”
She’s not refusing to answer him. She never has. She just asks in true curiosity, and perhaps a slight avoidance. But Warlock’s eight, now, and he knows how to navigate her tricks.
“Where do you think?”
At that, she pauses, lips pursed with their consistent purple tint. The lipstick she wears, that faintly stains Warlock’s forehead when she kisses him goodnight and tucks him in after a bedtime story: often about a garden, or a bird that chirped too loudly, and was cast down to the ground by the other birds. One who became the kind bird of the grounds, and took in other reject birds that had fallen similarly.
She considers his answer a moment more, satisfied with the obvious influence she’s had on him. She turns back to the apple slices.
“Perhaps,” she answers.
There is quiet for a moment. He doesn’t mind, he’s grown up with Nanny at his side, and has become quite fond of the silence. It is where thoughts are made, she said once.
She finishes cutting the apples, and plates the sweet snack to serve to the boy. “What troubles you, dear? You seem awfully curious, all of the sudden.”
Not that she minds. Nanny never rejects curiosity.
“Nothing’s wrong, Nanny, it’s just—” he pauses, considers his next words and how to place them. “You look at Brother Francis a lot, and—”
Nanny interrupts him after an audible, suspicious gulp. “Who?”
He frowns, eyes boring into the back of her head. “You know Brother Francis.”
She seems quite comically nervous, like she’s pressed a wax-seal act over her true thoughts. “Oh, yes,” she decides, too much breath coming with her words. “The gardener.”
“You like him, Nanny.”
She turns, abruptly. “I most certainly do not!” Her voice comes out a tad shrill, though perhaps it’s just outrage and scandal.
Warlock narrows his eyes, perplexed. “But you look at him all of the time.”
“When has that ever had anything to do with- with love?” She struggles with the word.
The boy shrugs. “Mum and Dad don’t look at each other,” Warlock observes. “But Brother Francis looks for you, too.”
Nanny’s mouth, ready with a retort, or perhaps a counter-argument, flicks towards a different shape. One that might be, he does? Or perhaps Warlock is mistaken. She pauses, lips pursed again, and sets her teeth.
“I’m sure he does, love.”
The plate is set before him, and Warlock soon forgets his questions. He never asks Nanny again.
But he’s reminded of it when her eyes, barely visible in the light, flick towards the window into the dazzling garden.
Years later, Warlock is nearly sixteen, and has since let the thoughts from half his lifetime ago fade. They never die, just sort of… wait. Wait to be plucked again, notes of memory leaping from their tinny strings. Like a harp.
His mother takes him into town. Soho, where he has no interest in seeing, but his mother so desperately needs a new vinyl, a coffee, and though she never says it: a moment to get away from the house, or more specifically, her husband within it.
She agrees to let him wander. She trusts him, for all she hasn’t before. And perhaps, she says, the fresh, un-televised air could do him some good.
He’s only taken two steps out of the coffee shop, where his mother remains to await her tea, before he almost runs smack into two pedestrians, arm in arm. He takes a surprised jump back, tongue set with an angry scolding, when he gets a good look at them from behind.
They both freeze in unison, as if they both know the name, and the voice that has conjured it forth once more for the first time in five years. Warlock notices something else.
“Brother Francis?” He prods, shocked. “Izzat you?”
Both of the two now turn, and everything around the three fades into blurring colors and churning noises.
Warlock would be a rotten liar if he had said he hadn’t missed them dearly. He would also be a lousy boy if he didn’t recognize them by the backs of their heads alone, he thinks. Because he would know them anywhere. They’d always done a much better job at raising him than his own parents.
They both look different now. Brother Francis seems to have had dental work done, and has cleaned up quite nicely. Nanny, though, appears to have changed her style completely. Her- his? Their? Who knows. But she still sports a fine pair of shades upon the bridge of her nose.
The pair seem to stutter, splutter with a little awestruck surprise. It’s as if they’d never expected to see him again.
“Oh- Warlock,” Nanny Ashtoreth begins, feigning a cool-headed surprise. “How good to see you.”
She sounds different too. Less of a high strain on her voice, more natural.
But Warlock seems to finally feel a gear shift, and a puzzle piece clicks into place. He glances down to the space between the two, where their arms are linked.
In his dumbfounded state, he feels a smile split the trance.
They both see it at the same time, chins tilting to follow his gaze. When they catch where his eyes are, their stares mingle together in concern. It’s a look that wonders aloud whether or not they should be worried, or blatant.
Warlock looks back up to their faces. “I see now why you two left,” he adds, grinning wider.
He can’t help it. He was right all along.
Warlock remembers something, then. It takes all of his power not to burst out into a triumphant laugh.
“I’m sure he does,” he says, slyly.
Nanny’s eyes, illuminated from behind with daylight, widen. She remembers, too. Of course she does.
And she bites back a twinning smile.
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sarosthewizarddude · 9 months
Crowley is such a dad he adopts every kid he finds
Oh you're the antichrist? Adopted.
Oh we had the wrong one? You're the right one? I'm adopting you too then. Yeah, I tried to kill you five minutes ago but you know how it is. Big misunderstanding.
You made a pot? Lovely. Adopted.
You're digging up bodies? Doing Wicked? Wonderful. Adopted. I will risk my existence to keep you alive.
Oh, so you're technically an immortal angel, but you act like a kid? Close enough, adopted.
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oldpossumkingz · 1 year
So many hate on Warlock but hear me out.
In the series, Warlock Dowling is a right little shit (as we all agree?) and acts as the typical spoiled pre-teen. He believes that learning is stupid, he argues with his mother about his birthday not being cool and is disrespectful to his mother and other adults in general. But. Warlock was nothing like this as a young boy and attitudes like his don't spawn out of nowhere.
When we first meet Warlock, we see him run up to Brother Francis (Aziraphale) and be told that he must be kind to all creatures and he seems to believe this as well but tells Aziraphale that Nanny Azareth (Crowley) tells him the opposite. In this scene, we also see that Crowley and Zira both tell Warlock explicitly not to listen to the other and this visibly confuses him. Much like a child with argumentative parents would be. This could not only harm his mental state, feeling like he has to pick a side, but also will affect how he sees things when he's older. But that's not the main problem.
We are shown multiple times that Warlock's father is not the best family man. He wasn't there for his son's birth, we don't see him as a part of his son's life at all really. He is also quite dismissive of his wife which could add to Warlock's disrespect towards his mother (who as we've seen has always been kind towards Warlock). And we also see his friends, all spoiled rich kids who boast about how much better their birthdays were than Warlock's. 11 is one of the prime ages where kids fear not fitting in, and among such openly judgmental children, I bet Warlock feared it more than anyone.
So yes, he's a little shit but he's a little shit with depth and I love it.
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ineffable-ezra · 3 months
I like the idea of Nanny Ashtoreth's gender identity and presentation being fluid while she raised Warlock. I like the idea of Warlock accepting this, and trying his best to call his Nanny by the pronouns they preffered that week. I want him to grow up (even if he is a bit of a brat as a teen) to accept people of all gender identities and sexualities. Who knows, Warlock may be nonbinary, too
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solar-kidd · 2 years
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bowtiepastabitch · 6 months
Warlock Dowling: Disabled Icon?
Okay so this is all based on like five seconds of the show and has no real bearing on the plot, but I'm intrigued and wanted to look into it so here we go:)
When asked how old he is, Warlock signs when he speaks:
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I don't know how this carries over to BSL, simply because this is not technically the correct way to indicate age in either ASL or BSL according to my brief research, but this is a sign for "I am" in ASL (Source) which is simpler and age appropriate.*
So did Warlock pick this up from someone? The most straight-forward explanation would be that he's been exposed to someone hard of hearing or deaf that uses ASL and picked it up, which isn't entirely uncommon for children and it's a pretty easy sign. This is nice to imagine, simply because it fleshes out the world beyond what's shown onscreen.
There's another explanation, one I quite favor, though there's not a ton of textual evidence for it. Total, pure speculation based on what cannot technically be proven wrong. This would be that Warlock himself is hard of hearing.
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At his birthday, he totally talks right over this girl in pigtails and doesn't really seem to have processed or responded to anything she says.
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But he turns around to look at this kid when he's talking, and then responds. One explanation for his behavior is of course that he's a little shit. And he is, yeah. But also, it could be used, if one was as insane as me, as evidence that he relies at least partially on lip-reading to fully process things being said to him. We also literally never see this kid's ears, so we can't prove he's not wearing hearing aids.
On a more down to earth note, his signing is not mentioned in the script book, and there's very little information about the child actor on the internet to determine if he himself might be deaf or hard of hearing. There's almost certainly a boring explanation of course, but it's kind of fun to imagine. Either way, it's neat that sign language is used onscreen, and it definitely implies that canonically Warlock himself or someone in his caretaking sphere is deaf/hoh. Hopefully in the future we'll see more openly disabled characters on screen, but until then, we have headcanon. <3
*I am not an expert in this and base this off my minimal research. It is always best to learn sign from actual deaf/hoh educators when at all possible!
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yetrop · 6 months
I know I’m like four years late to the party, but here’s a season 1 based animatic of Crowley as Nanny Astoreth trying to entertain Warlock!
(Basically, I watched an old Will Wood stand up set, and it fit the show way too fitting not to animate.)
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secondstar-acorn · 10 months
aziraphale and crowley’s list of children so far
• warlock
• adam & the Them
• jim
• muriel
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ponk-fonk · 6 months
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Movie poster redraw for my Nanny McPhee Good Omens au
I have a bunch of unfinished drawings for this au with more characters 👀
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0hd3mon · 6 months
Azira with Warlock!! I had this as a rough sketch because I really love warlock, he's their kid tbh and it was important to me that they had him in some way in this small AU I'm making, so! This is them when she had just turned 25 and at this point in the story they're really close to making a Big decision regarding Warlock, him being 8 there.
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Some backstory would be that Crowley was sneaking out to go see Azira one night when she was 17, finding a small thing in the background of the orphanage she's in, slightly hidden, and hearing a stifle cry she got closer and saw it was a baby, so she took it inside and got the approval of Lilith (the one who runs the orphanage) to keep it bc obviously they can't leave it elsewhere. Azira was slightly against Crowley taking care of him since she's really young but she ends up being as much as a mother as Crowley to him, and as he grows he keeps rejecting families that want to adopt him making a scene or acting up in general so they wouldn't want to take him in bc he wants to stay with them.
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enelica · 2 years
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Day 7 : Antichrist
Baby Warlock and his nanny 🥺
#ineffableinktober by koko_iep in twitter
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latestan · 10 months
what happened to warlock after the first season? azi and crowley fully raised that child together and i wasn't in the fandom for any discussion of it and am So curious about what people had to say and just, especially with everything muriel rn, what happened to their son?
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egg-scramped · 10 months
anyway. nonbinary warlock is such a funny concept to me because? their name is warlock??
"oh why did you choose the name warlock?"
"I didn't."
"what does that-"
"my parents named me warlock."
and then the parents are American fucking diplomats,, funniest shit ever I think
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sky-neverending · 7 months
alright! thanks for the ask <3 every note i get on this post will be another sentence I need to write for this wip! here’s a little snippet:
Aziraphale was about to speak when Warlock gasped, peering out the door. “Is that a dog?”
“Yeah,” Adam said with a smile. “That’s Dog.”
“Your dog's name is Dog?” Warlock asked, and Adam nodded. “Can I meet him?”
“Sure,” Adam shrugged. The two boys raced out into the yard toward a sleek black Bentley, swinging open the passengers side door to let Dog the dog out. Warlock immediately fell to his knees, running his fingers through Dog’s fur.
A cough drew Aziraphale attention back to where he stood. “I’m sorry about interrupting your afternoon,” Crowley said. “And for calling Warlock a brat. He seems like a very… nice young boy. We can go now, if you want us to.”
“No!” Aziraphale exclaimed, a bit too quickly. “No, I mean. We were about to go get ice cream, you see, and Warlock seems particularly attached to Dog at the moment.” He took a breath. “You could join us?”
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ineffable-ezra · 2 hours
I love all the trans/enby warlock HCs but i dont think mr dowling is transphobic. He hired nanny ashtoreth for someone's sake
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the-sadcowboy · 9 months
Leo Valdez and Tía Callidas realationship:
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