#Tía callida the lost hero
the-sadcowboy · 9 months
Leo Valdez and Tía Callidas realationship:
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angelsodreamy-no2 · 3 years
can we take the time to appreciate some of the art in the lost hero & mark of athena novels :o
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pic 1 : jason slaying dylan, pic 2 : leo and festus, pic 3 : leo and tía callida, pic 4 : that moment where annabeth threw her dagger into the ocean and percy rose up from the ocean to come save her, pic 5 : annabeth and the lost hero trio meeting reyna, hazel, and frank + percy but he's not shown in the drawing, pic 6 : annabeth existing because she's just too iconic.
pictures are taken from the drawings in the lost hero, mark of thena novel by rick riordan (bahasa indonesia version)
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the fact that Leo keeps calling Hera “tía Callida” on The Lost Hero is such a power move!
nothing but respect for my king
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greatneedtotakeanap · 4 years
i binge read
episode 6 - the lost hero
New series! My thoughts are as follows.
I didn’t get a good enough sense of Jason’s personality. Partially because he himself doesn’t remember it and therefore can’t showcase it. That’s why I think people think he’s bland - our first impression of him is that he doesn’t remember what kind of person he is. Unlike Percy, who we’ve seen in the first series, and can’t remember anything besides Annabeth in Son of Neptune. Even though he’s forgotten his old life, we know him already, so we can’t call him bland.
But I digress. Continuing with Jason. He seemed quite powerful and lonely - an interesting combination, one that we haven’t seen in a protagonist in these books yet. I like how blunt he is in his narrative though. He gets straight to the point, which is helpful from a reader perspective. Rereading this book, I like him more than I originally did - not sure what did it this time, the flight maybe, or how we can see that his amnesia is seriously messing him up. The feeling of almost-knowing-but-not-quite was a consistent theme of Jason’s throughout this book and it was sad to see how anguished it made him.
Piper I liked a lot more than I did the first time. She’s far more powerful than even she knows. I appreciated the tough spot she was in - how she felt guilty making friends because she knew she had to betray them to get her father back. It was a guilt that weighed harder and harder on her, especially as she gained more and more of her friends’ trust. Two things I didn’t like: her consistent I’m-not-like-other-girls attitude was frankly annoying to see. How she hated being a daughter of Aphrodite because she didn’t wear dresses, she liked boyish things, blah blah blah. I understood it, but she talked about it so often it wore me down. Second thing: her constant talk about Jason got irritating after a while. I understand that as well, as she thought she had a relationship with him, but still. She talked about him constantly. Like the amount of times they were in mortal danger and she still had something to say about Jason’s arms or whatever got me upset. Girl you’ve got bigger problems. Otherwise, she was an interesting and refreshing character to read.
There will never be a time when I don’t love Leo Valdez. Some (okay, most) of his jokes were kind of annoying and cringey, but some of them genuinely made me laugh in the middle of tense scenes. His viewpoint is absolutely hysterical. I literally cheered out loud when he saved Piper and Jason from the Cyclopes and revealed that he had fire powers - it must have been driving him crazy, hiding it. Not to mention that he totally CARRIED their team, what with building Festus (their ride to Hera) and being the one to make all the food with his magic tool belt - he seriously carried them. All of the layers of his character intrigued me too - tragic backstory (!!!!!!), old meeting with Gaea, Tía Callida, childhood drawing of the Argo II that would end up being real. The way the pieces of his character knit together so well was fantastic. My one problem with him was that he wouldn’t quit simping for Khoine, which I knew was a bad idea before I even knew she was evil. (You’re a fire boy. She’s literally the goddess of snow. What could go wrong there, I wonder?) He redeemed himself in that aspect in the end though, which I liked.
I couldn’t decide whether I liked Hera or not. I understood her point, but did she really need to erase their memories to do it??? Not to mention she was hella rude to the demigods saving her life for no reason. Plus she sort of cursed Annabeth. Net negative for me.
Chiron was maybe the most intriguing character in this equation. The position he must have been put in, having sworn on the River Styx to not say anything about this other camp,,, must have worn on him.
I’m excited to see Percy next book!! Even if he has lost his memory, he’s still Percy Jackson, and I’m always ready for that.
(One last side note. Where on earth is Nico???? We didn’t hear anything from him all book. Hmmm...)
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