#Warcraft III: Reforged
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Warcraft celebra 30 anos com novidades para WoW, Hearthstone e mais
A franquia Warcraft completa três décadas de aventuras e, para marcar a data, a Blizzard apresentou diversas novidades em uma transmissão especial nesta quarta-feira (13). A celebração abrange os principais jogos do universo Warcraft, incluindo World of Warcraft (WoW), WoW Classic, Hearthstone e Warcraft Rumble. World of Warcraft Moderno ganhará, no início de 2025, a primeira grande atualização…
#atualização The War Within#Burning Crusade Classic#Cratera Un’Goro#gráficos personalizáveis#Hearthstone 2025#Líderes Duplos#Malfurion Tempesfúria#Mists of Pandaria#moradia dos jogadores#Orgrim Martelo da Perdição#Os Heróis do Tempo#Reinos da Edição de 20º Aniversário#Starcraft Protoss Terranos Zergs#Warcraft 30 anos#Warcraft Battle Chest#Warcraft II: Tides of War Remastered#Warcraft III: Reforged#Warcraft Rumble#Warcraft: Orcs & Humans Remastered#WoW Classic
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Night Elf Campaign Menu Art Artist: ? Game: Warcraft III reforged (2019)
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#games#gaming#gamer#chile#youtube#pc#gameplay#juegos#videojuegos#small youtuber#warcraft#warcraft 3#reforged#warcraft iii#Arthas#kel'thuzad#scourge#español#espanol#spanish#latino#latam#Latinoamerica#Chilean#tumblr chilenito#tumblr chilensis#Rts#real time strategy#blizzard#Battlenet
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Downloading Warcraft III Reforged to play on stream later. I’ve never played a Warcraft game, only World of Warcraft, so I’m excited to try it out.
#world of warcraft#wow#Warcraft#Warcraft 3#Warcraft III#Warcraft III reforged#Warcraft 3 reforged#steamer#Twitch#Twitch steamer
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day 1600: still mad about it
day 86: still mad about it
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I was tagged by @thecrimsonknight @vmplvr1977 and @hevkomlezkru to to post my lockscreen, the last song I listened to, last picture I took, and the last movie I watched. Thanks for the tag 💜
My lockscreen is a couple selfie of my wife and me with Mount Fuji in the background. Even though we don't live in Japan anymore, that's where we met, so it has a special place in our hearts and we try to go back from time to time.
The last song I listened to was Say (All I Need) by OneRepublic. It's part of a "Vampire Diaries Best Songs" playlist on Spotify, because I secretly like that show and the soundtrack is pretty awesome.
The last picture I took... Great now I'll look like a geek 😅. It's a picture of the intro of Warcraft III Reforged that I sent to my brother to let him know I bought it a couple of days ago. I played the original A LOT when I was in high school, and he played it even more, so it's one of the many things that connect us. He recognized it instantly btw, so he's an even bigger geek.
And the last movie I watched was Un Homme à la Hauteur (Up for Love in English) on Netflix. A French comedy about a woman who hits off on the phone with a charming man and decides to meet him, but when they do, she finds out he's very short (1m36, I'll let my American friends convert that hehe). It's predictable but nice, and I like the two main actors. I barely watched any French movie for years when I lived abroad, so it's nice to catch up from time to time with what I've missed.
Tagging @sassymajesty , @anonymous-red-506 and @butmakeitgayblog
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Warcraft III: Reforged - No commentary longplay [016]
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This is Warcraft III: Reforged all over again. Activision/Blizzard pulled this exact same stunt with this remaster, AND IT WAS AWFUL!
Aside from delivering a less than stellar product (a lot of promised features like new in-game cinematics and improved mechanics that were never delivered) They went after moders and slapped them with either cease and desists, or took their mods whole sale saying they OWNED them.
They also did the extra scummy thing of auto wiping their old versions of Warcraft III off peoples hard drives when they installed the remaster. I don't think Hasbro would go to the extent of hunting down peoples boards from their homes - But I wouldn't put it past them.
thoughts on the huge OGL debacle around DnD at the moment?
I was going to be holding off on commenting until something was confirmed by WotC because I hoped to get more info but. I think we basically got what we need.
For those who don’t know - the CONTEXT:
Earlier last month there was a leak that made the DnD community peek up out of their little holes like a bunch of meerkats hearing a stampede. Y’see, currently, Wizards of the Coast (a company owned by Hasbro, a corporate giant in board-games) is working on a new DnD version that is meant to replace 5e (5th edition of DnD, the most current one). They’re calling it One DnD, and it’s in play-test right now. But there’s a problem. Along with new stuff, they were apparently planning to revise the OGL - the Open Gaming License which had been a staple of the DnD Era since 2000.
The OGL 1.0 was essentially an open world ticket for third-party creators to use DnD game mechanics to build worlds, create monsters, and expand upon the creative base that was DnD. In 2008 they attempted to publish 4th edition DnD under a different, less open gaming license, which ended up severely hurting their overall standing with the community. When they published 5e, they returned to the OGL and DnD has gained traction with the public thanks to various gaming groups (such as Critical Role) rising to fame. Because of the OGL, many people have made adventures for 5e DnD, making monster manuals compatible with the game, and basically expanding on a huge, growing world. There have been kickstarters for new adventures, new compendiums, etc, which were an incredible creative sandbox for just about anyone who wanted to try their hand at creating.
And now it seems like they fucked it up.
A leak made it clear that WotC is working on OGL 1.1 - which is basically a giant middle finger to everything the original was. They are now demanding royalties from anyone creating new content if they make over 50kᶜᵒʳʳᵉᶜᵗᵉᵈ 750k a year from their creations - which in and of itself isn’t super unreasonable.... except for the fact that they can lower this number at any point.
ALSO with the new OGL (1.1) WotC would OWN the rights to anything made using any of their content (including homebrew made by creators - yes, they would own settings/character just because those adventures use their system) indefinitely, demand they receive financial reports from anyone making 50k or more.
What’s more, they reserve the right to change their own license at any point, with only 30 days notice. (Which basically means that if at any point they decide to demand recompense from people making more than, say, 20k from their little homebrewed setting in 5e, they can do that with nary a month’s warning.)
“...according to attorneys consulted for this article, the new language may indicate that Wizards of the Coast is rendering any future use of the original OGL void, and asserting that if anyone wants to continue to use Open Game Content of any kind, they will need to abide by the terms of the updated OGL, which is a far more restrictive agreement than the original OGL..." (source)
So as you can imagine, for the past few weeks, the entire DnD community and the ttrpg community at large have been gearing up for either a fight, a mass exodus, or both. It would not be the first time.
And then, just recently, we had another comment, this time from inside. An email was sent out, which has been evidently confirmed by one of the recipients as true, describing what is happening inside of WotC.
[I'm an employee at WotC currently working on and with business leaders on the health of the product line. If you want I can provide proof of this.I'm sending this message because I fear for the health of a community I love, and I know what the leaders at WOTC are looking at:
They are briefly delaying rollout of OGL changes due to the backlash.
Their decision making is based entirely on the provable impact to their bottom line
Specifically they are looking at DDB subscriptions and cancellations as it is the quickest financial data they currently have.
They are still hoping the community forgets, moves on, and they can still push this through
I have decided to reach out because at my time in WotC I have never once heard management refer to customers in a positive manner, their communication gives me the impression they see customers as obstacles between them and their money, the DDB team was first told to prepare to support the new OGL changes and online portal when they got back from the holidays, and leadership doesn’t take any responsibility for the pain and stress they cause others. Leadership's first communication to the rank and file on the OGL was 30 minutes on 1/11/23, This was the first time they even tried to communicate their intentions about the OGL to employees, and even in this meeting they blamed the community for over-reacting.I will repeat, the main thing this leadership is looking at is DDB subscription cancellations.Hope your day goes well,PS will be copying and pasting this message to other community leaders]
As for my comment in all of this?
I won’t pretend to be a local expert in legal terminology. Others can probably parse the full leak far better, and I don’t think there is anything to be gained by running around in a panic and screaming...
The fact of the matter is, Hasbro/WotC are shooting themselves in the foot. I don’t believe they have the right to destroy the original license. Make a new one for OneDnD? Sure, knock yourself out. Try it, see how popular it’ll be. But destroying the community-driven 5e will do only that - destroy it. They will not be gaining any money from the fans which are already plenty used to supporting small-level creators first and large companies second. It’s a supremely counter-culture move which will eat them from the inside out.
The only ones that I feel for are Critical Role - who originally played in Pathfinder and then switched to 5e and paired up with DnD Beyond.............and are now being screwed over because they’re likely locked in a contract with WotC and are contractually obligated to not speak out negatively against the changes.
In my heart of hearts, I kinda hope that their tablets all mysteriously ‘break’ for the next few games and they go back to pen and paper instead of barking out DnD Beyond ads as they’re expected to do. But I don’t know if that’s something they can afford to risk.
(.....though hell, I hope they try to afford it. They have a community that will stand behind them, and that community has MONEY. We won’t know until we know, though, and I know that there are legal repercussions that may go beyond a simple income slap on the wrist.)
Personally, here’s my two cents:
I think people should cast a vote with their money.
Cancel your DnD Beyond subscription.
Don’t give any more money to Hasbro or Wizards. Keep playing whatever 5e games you want, but do it using third-party digital character sheets, OR just go old school and do pen and paper. Let me know if you need sources for it.
Don’t buy the Players Handbook, leave DnD Beyond behind, don’t engage with One DnD. There are resources out there that let you play the game that also don’t require you giving money to corporations that are only here to fuck around and find out. You want an adventure module but don’t want to bow down to the dragon sitting on its hoard? Hit me up. I’ll give you some alternatives.
Hell, I myself will be looking into Pathfinder 2e because I’ve heard good things, and if I need to switch any future games to a different system because Fountry VTT or Roll20 will stop offering the 5e presents, it’ll be a very good alternative. Paizo just came out with a statement that they will write their own version of the OGL which will keep the spirit of the open game alive, and Kobold Press is gearing up with their own stuff.
I won’t be throwing out my own games, and I don’t feel there’s a need to stop playing 5e. I have a Curse of Strahd game to finish, and that game belongs to me and my group now. We don’t need the module - it needs us.
... all that is simply to say - Wizards may soon be realizing that when you live on the Coast... pirates are never far.
(edited thanks to corrections from @magpiesarefluffy )
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Warcraft III: Reforged | Full Game | All Campaigns | Longplay Walkthrough No Commentary
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Warcraft I and II get a new remaster that’s available now
Blizzard just released Warcraft Remastered Battle Chest, which collects remasters of realtime strategy classics Warcraft I and II, as well as a 2.0 update for Warcraft III: Reforged. The company announced the collection, which is $39.99 on Battle.net, during today’s Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct livestream. The first two games have been updated much the same way that Starcraft was in 2017,…
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Berita Hari Ini di Hanabi99: Game Online Terburuk Versi PC
Selamat datang di Hanabi99, tempat di mana para gamer dapat menemukan berita terbaru seputar dunia game! Dalam artikel kali ini, kita akan membahas beberapa game online yang dianggap terburuk versi PC. Meskipun ada banyak game hebat di luar sana, beberapa di antaranya gagal memenuhi ekspektasi dan mengecewakan para pemain. Mari kita lihat game-game tersebut dan alasan mengapa mereka mendapatkan kritik yang negatif.
1. No Man’s Sky (Awal Peluncuran)
Ketika No Man’s Sky diluncurkan pada tahun 2016, game ini mendapatkan banyak harapan sebagai petualangan luar angkasa yang revolusioner. Namun, saat rilis, banyak pemain merasa tertipu karena game ini tidak sesuai dengan janji yang diiklankan. Konten yang minim, bug yang mengganggu, dan gameplay yang repetitif membuat banyak pemain kecewa. Meskipun pengembang akhirnya melakukan banyak pembaruan untuk memperbaiki game ini, awal peluncurannya tetap diingat sebagai salah satu yang terburuk.
2. Aliens: Colonial Marines
Dikenal sebagai salah satu kegagalan terbesar dalam sejarah game, Aliens: Colonial Marines mengecewakan penggemar franchise Aliens. Dengan AI musuh yang bodoh, grafis yang ketinggalan zaman, dan bug yang merusak pengalaman, game ini tidak pernah memenuhi harapan penggemar. Banyak pemain merasa bahwa game ini tidak layak untuk dijadikan bagian dari warisan Aliens yang kuat.
3. Fallout 76
Fallout 76 merupakan game yang sangat dinanti, tetapi saat diluncurkan, banyak bug dan masalah teknis yang mengganggu pengalaman bermain. Dunia terbuka yang luas terasa sepi tanpa NPC, dan banyak fitur yang dijanjikan tidak ada dalam rilis awal. Meskipun Bethesda telah berusaha keras untuk memperbaiki game ini melalui pembaruan, kenangan pahit dari peluncurannya tetap menghantui banyak pemain.
4. Warcraft III: Reforged
Setelah bertahun-tahun dinantikan, Warcraft III: Reforged tidak hanya mengecewakan, tetapi juga merusak reputasi salah satu franchise legendaris. Banyak fitur yang diiklankan tidak hadir, dan penggantian grafis tidak sebanding dengan ekspektasi pemain. Masalah teknis dan penghapusan konten dari versi sebelumnya semakin memperburuk keadaan, membuat banyak penggemar merasa dikhianati.
5. Cyberpunk 2077 (Awal Peluncuran)
Cyberpunk 2077 adalah salah satu game yang paling dinantikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, tetapi saat rilis pada akhir 2020, game ini penuh dengan bug dan masalah kinerja, terutama di konsol generasi sebelumnya. Meskipun game ini menawarkan cerita yang menarik dan dunia yang luas, pengalaman bermain yang buruk membuat banyak pemain frustrasi. Pengembang, CD Projekt Red, akhirnya mengeluarkan beberapa pembaruan untuk memperbaiki masalah ini, tetapi awalnya meninggalkan kesan negatif di kalangan gamer.
Meskipun dunia game PC dipenuhi dengan banyak judul hebat, tidak jarang kita menemukan beberapa game yang gagal memenuhi ekspektasi. Di Hanabi99, penting untuk membahas kedua sisi dari industri ini. Dengan mengetahui pengalaman buruk yang dialami oleh pemain, kita dapat lebih bijaksana dalam memilih game yang akan dimainkan di masa depan.
Terus ikuti Hanabi99 untuk berita terbaru, tips, dan rekomendasi game yang menarik! Selamat bermain!
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#games#gaming#gamer#chile#youtube#pc#gameplay#juegos#videojuegos#rts#real time strategy#estrategia en tiempo real#warcraft#warcraft 3#warcraft iii#grommash hellscream#mannoroth#tichondrius#cenarius#orc#orc campaign#reforged#chilean#small youtuber#latino#latam#latinoamerica#español#spanish#espanol
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Watch "Warcraft III: Reforged Cinematic Trailer" on YouTube
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All Activision Blizzard Titles To Hit Xbox Game Pass

In an exciting development for gamers, Microsoft has announced that Activision Blizzard titles are set to join the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription service. This move comes after Microsoft acquires the gaming giant, promising an influx of beloved games to the impressive Game Pass library. Here’s what you need to know: - Diablo IV: The dark and epic world of Diablo IV will be the first to grace Game Pass on both console and PC. Get ready to battle demons, explore dungeons, and uncover ancient secrets starting March 28. - Call of Duty: The iconic Call of Duty franchise is also on its way. Whether you’re a fan of intense multiplayer battles or gripping single-player campaigns, expect to see Call of Duty games hitting Game Pass soon. - Crash Bandicoot: Our favorite marsupial is making a comeback! Crash Bandicoot’s wacky adventures will soon be available for subscribers to enjoy. - Spyro: The Dragon: Get ready to relive the nostalgia with Spyro’s fiery escapades. The purple dragon is set to join the Game Pass lineup. - StarCraft Remastered and StarCraft II: Strategy enthusiasts, rejoice! The classic StarCraft titles are coming to Game Pass, offering deep space battles and intricate gameplay. - Warcraft III: Reforged: Dive into the fantasy world of Azeroth with this remastered version of Warcraft III. Build armies, command heroes, and shape the fate of the realm. While we eagerly await more details on the full list of titles, one thing is certain: Xbox Game Pass is about to become an even more irresistible deal for gamers. So, keep your subscription active and get ready to embark on epic quests, engage in thrilling battles, and explore magical worlds—all with the power of Game Pass! 🎮✨

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Capturing the ambience of Warcraft 3′s Maps

Warcraft III's deeply-realized fantasy universe offers players an endless variety of virtual lands to explore. Its ambient sound design would undergo a couple of revisions over the years, culminating in all-new tracks for the Reforged remaster. This guide will focus on capturing the final update to classic WC3, v1.26.
Understanding WC3's evolving ambiences
As mentioned, different versions and releases of WC3 implement ambient sounds differently. Early releases (1.26a and below) use MIDI sequences with a custom DLS soundfont to render their soundscapes. From 1.27 to 1.31, WC3 uses simple streams loosely based on the original MIDIs. And from 1.32 onward, these streams were recreated completely to fit Reforged.
From MIDI to streams
The transition from MIDI to stream wasn't smooth for Blizzard. From 1.27 to 1.30, ambience was disabled as the team migrated WC3's sound engine to FMOD (to quote the patch notes, "Disabled ambient sound while a MIDI issue is being resolved"). The MIDIs still exist in the game files of these versions but aren't played in-game.
By abandoning MIDI, the new development team was able to standardize on FMOD and better support Mac clients. It's a minor shame, as those earlier versions' support for MIDI lead to some fun modding possibilities.
The pre-baked WAVs of "modern" often sound qualitatively different than the "classic" MIDI. It's unclear if these differences are intended or simply the result of inaccurate MIDI rendering.
Across modern versions (1.30.4 to 1.36.0), I noticed that the audio team also shifted from the crossfading used by the "classic" MIDIs to simple loops.
From streams to Reforged
Users who purchase Reforged they will gain access to a remastered set of ambient streams which are again qualitatively different from anything that came before. You can still listen to these even if you don't own Reforged - just use CascView v2.4 to open the "HD" archives found starting in version 1.32.
Reforged curiosities
Reforged exclusively has ambient for a "dungeoncave" tileset. Its World Editor's sound editor window lists three LorderonSummerDay assets for some reason.
Rendering MIDI sequences
First, let's export the MIDI sequences and DLS sound fonts. We'll need an MPQ editor like Ladiks MPQ Editor v3.5, as World Editor's sound editor only handles WAV assets.
Best MIDI renderer: Miles Sound Tools
Miles Sound Tools includes an application which can play back a MIDI/DLS pair with seemingly perfect accuracy. This makes sense, as WC3 is built on Miles technology (according to the choices in the game's sound options menu).
However Miles Sound Player cannot direct the results to a WAV file, so we'll need to record its output in real-time. I found the results to be a little quiet, so you may want to boost your recordings.
Next-best renderer: FL Studio

FL Studio's Fruity LSD effect can render MIDI/DLS pairs to a WAV files. Open your MIDI file first, making sure to select MIDI Out with Fruity LSD. Most tracks can be rendered at 100% volume without any artifacts. For some reason, I sometimes found incorrect export results unless I played the MIDI in FL Studio at least once - so I recommend clicking play first.
However, Fruity LSD incorrectly renders situations where a note is repeated during the first note's decay. Rather than let the first note finish fading, it immediately stops it in favor of the second note's attack. This can be heard, for example, in the overlapping wind sounds late into Barrens Day. I tried disabling Cut itself and Cut playing notes for the relevant channels, but it didn't help. I also verified that Polyphony was set to unlimited inside misc channel settings and experimented with Mono and Slide settings.
Manually placing the overlapping notes on separate channels solved it. Create a new MIDI output channel, copy-paste from the channel with overlapping notes, manually copy the volume and panning settings for the channel, assign the correct melodic patch from the DLS, and edit the notes in Piano Roll.
Runner-up: Winamp
Winamp also offers paired MIDI/DLS playback, and can render results directly to WAV files though its Disk Writer output plugin. However, you'll need an older version of the program, as recent ones contain a bug that prevents specifying a DLS file.
Specify the DirectSound (with output) in the MIDI plugin settings in order to support rendering to WAV. Set the sample rate to 44.1kHz for good measure.
Finally, disable all options related to missing instruments. These are good defaults when playing back music, but in our case we strictly want to employ the samples in our DLS font. Otherwise, you'll get random snare drum hits during tracks e.g. Barrens night.
I noticed, however, that even with these settings I still heard random instruments in certain tracks, like Northrend night.
Other options: Foobar2000 and XMPlay
You can add MIDI support to each of these players via the plugins linked above. However, these only support SF2 fonts, so we'll need to convert our DLS using a tool like Awave, Viena, or Extreme Sample Converter. Both plugins expect your MIDI and SF2 files to share a name in order to pair them.
I tried a few combinations of these DLS -> SF2 tools and audio plugins, but I still ended up with errors such as imperfect sample looping in the more challenging sequences e.g. DalaranRuinsNight.
VLC also claims to support MIDI/DLS pairs, configured under FluidSynth in advanced settings. However this crashed when I tried to play WC3's assets.
Recording sound in-game
You can modify MIDISounds.slk (AmbienceSounds.slk controls doodad sounds) to adjust the volume of ambience playback. Just open the file in a text editor and change all volume values to at least K100.
I'm not sure whether there is a maximum value is, or what scale this setting uses (logarithmic?). WC3 seemingly has some built-in protection against clipping s.t. maxing out this value can result in some of the louder samples (e.g. Black Citadel) not being played.
I recommend modifying War3x.mpq's MIDISounds.slk in-place rather than adding an edited MIDISounds.slk to War3Patch.mpq.
WC3's MIDIs engine seems to apply a (low-pass?) filter that's apparently common among MIDI players. Miles has this filter as an option, while Foobar/XMPlay/Winamp seemingly apply it by default. To my ears, WC3 doesn't apply reverb or chorus to its MIDI renders.
Capturing footage
For footage, we can capture the game in an open World Editor window. This tool features correct FoV even in older versions - compared to the main game client which didn't implement widescreen FoVs until v1.28. Be sure to use World Editor v1.31 or below - otherwise your renders will include Reforged graphical changes.
Speaking of graphics, be sure to open WC3 and max out your settings before recording in WE. Toggle View Entire Map to get rid of the viewer's aggressive culling. You'll also want to hide Info display from View settings. If you like, you can lock time of day from scenario settings.

While in World Editor, press Ctrl + right-click and drag to tilt the camera. Right-click and drag to pan. Press shift + right-click and drag to finely adjust zoom, or scroll the mouse wheel to coarsely zoom. Be sure to resizes all editor windows to their minimal size - you should be able to get at least a 1600x900 crop out of a 1080p recording.
World Editor alternatives
HiveWE is a fan-made WC3 editor with a different HUD and feature set. However, unlike the stock World Editor its graphics don't match what players would see in-game: for example, unit animations don't run.
Perhaps we could capture full-screen renders using Warsmash. The creator has demonstrations of alternate HUD layouts on his YouTube channel. I trust this project's rendering solution to be very accurate as it is built atop the best-available community projects for terrain and unit rendering. However, I couldn't get Warsmash running for myself due to an error loading BLPs.
It may be possible to mod away the UI using the vanilla game engine and competent JASS scripting. I'm not sure whether the game world would be rendered underneath the UI areas however.
Managing multiple WC3 installs
WC3 isn't designed to handle multiple installations on the same machine. The different versions will all attempt to read/write to common Windows registry entries, resulting in conflicts. We can try fixing this incoherence by re-installing the game, or by simply deleting registry entries e.g. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\WorldEdit.
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