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sigithermawan · 5 months ago
Jadwal Kapal Pelni KM Leuser November 2024, Semua Rute
Travel.biz.id – Jadwal Lengkap Kapal Pelni KM Leuser November 2024+ Harga Tiket Kapal Pelni Leuser Kapal Pelni Leuser, Jadwal Kapal Pelni KM Leuser Bulan November 2024 Ini Mempunyai Rute Perjalanan Manokwari, Sorong, Ambon, Wanci, Bau-bau, Maumere, Lewoleba, Kupang, Kalabahi, Saumlaki, Tual, Dobo, Timika, Agats, dan Merauke, Apakah Anda bermaksud pergi ke pulau atau tempat tempat tersebut? Semoga…
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discarded-replica · 11 months ago
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Unsorted mlp art I've made over the last few weeks :3c
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animatedshortoftheday · 1 year ago
AKI (2022) [4 min] by Wanci Hua | USA
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chuwush · 3 months ago
Lancy wancy, everyone's favorite emo boy.
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bloodymiso · 10 months ago
★ library gossip! anthony lockwood x gn!reader
in which you discuss the latest magazine gossip with the world’s best drama queen—apples at hand.
notes: idk how the farts i whipped this up faster than my haikyuu hcs but whatever🔥🔥. | warnings: granny apple haters dni/j
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imagine discussing the latest gossip with LOCKWOOD. his eyes were glued to his newly arrived gossip magazine as he took a bite of an apple, which he often forgets on the chair—something you noticed after sitting on a 2 day old rotten apple a few days ago.
you popped into the library, a book in hand. as you walked, you hit the shelf, too focused on your book to care. lockwood’s ears perked up and he tilted his head up to face you.
“woah, you okay there?” he chuckled. “anyhoo, did you know gina—yes, gina, got a divorce with her husband. crazy, right?” he said almost immediately after his last sentence, completely brushing off the past “topic” that he brought up. you listened in, closing your book, making sure you had the bookmark in the right place.
you couldnt help but be pretty well informed with whatever cock and bull lockwood read in his magazines, he talked about it all day, everyday. even on missions. ah, the mission on king’s road, you remembered it very clearly.
the type 2 visitor approached your figures, lockwood with his rapier up, doing his fancy wancy twirly wirly shit. it attacked and as it did so, you could see it’s features, rather clearly at that. his face was structured, his jawline rather clear, and his hair was pulled back neatly, like your average london rich kid—just ugly with half the flesh on his body burned off. both of you jumped out the way and as lockwood landed on the floor, you could practically see the lightbulb beside his head.
“merlin’s beard that guy is exactly how my magazine described the man martha had an affair with!”
“bloody hell lockwood, shut up!”
remembering that past mission, you chuckled, resting your arms on lockwood’s armchair(haha armchair for arms) , leaning on it. “why is everything about relationships and marriage in that magazine?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair. “your hair is so thin.” “come on lad don’t change the subject.” he rolled his eyes and continued.
“apparently, jeffrey—gina’s husband was having an affair with gerlie, the girl next door.”
“why is everyone having affairs?”
“dunno, adults are weird. anyway—oh do you want an apple?” he asked, grabbing a light green granny apple from his little basket. you nodded, relieving it from his hands, taking a bite.
your conversation lasted over an hour, and lockwood had devoured over 3 apples in that time period. if you were standing outside the door in that said hour like a weirdo(*cough* george*cough*) you would have heard laughter almost every 5 seconds.
his smile was so contagious, even a simple sneer caused your own lips to curve up in response. you loved moments like this, laughing your asses off over stupid stuff. you loved all the shits and giggles you and lockwood had.
you giggled as you looked through the pages, stopping at a picture of a couple—the man on the left weirdly resembling lockwood. you looked at him, and he looked at you. a cheeky smile rose to his face as you playfully slapped his cheek.
“are you thinking what im thinking?” he smirked, before he could continue the thought, you slapped him again.
“this is abuse! that could be us if you werent such a meanie.” he rolled his eyes like the drama queen he is, closing the magazine and crossing his arms. you chuckled, he was pouting.
“hey im not a meanie.” you pouted back, ruffling his hair. the smirk on lockwood’s lips never fading.
“guess thats us then.” he said, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his legs.
“i—nevermind, im a meanie.”
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(><) wanna support? reblog with tags pookie!! (ps. check out my may 2024 event:3 )
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100percent-shell-oil · 10 months ago
@france-unofficial FRANCY-WANCY!!!! I got two more people possessed :D!!! Are you #happy??
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somnolancee · 2 years ago
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Wancy Wancy
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kittiestcarpet · 5 months ago
what is ur opinion on luther x nana ???
Well... Nana IS my wife already, meow. But I'll give it a chancie-wancie since it's Master Luther, haa〜.
I think they'd look good in, like—a married 70s couple context or somethin', mrow. Maybe if I still remained as their pet too, 'cept Nana would also be my Master then. Hnn... yeah, I do like how that sounds... nnnyaaa... purr, purr.
Uh, just kidding. I mean, uhm... I like it a lot, Nonnie! I hope this suffices as an answer, meow...♡
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numbaoneflaya · 1 year ago
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Karlach Dancy wancy
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inthedespell · 9 months ago
Lena: What! No! Your mom isn't going out with my uncle! have you seen my uncle! Look at the trimming of his coat! The fact he has a fancy wancy coat. His name! And he uses magic for not entertainment!
Huey: Okay. I get it.
Lena: The fact that he curses the sun for raising in the morning before going into a dramatic pose to weep about his days outside his former glory.
Huey: Okay. I get it.
Lena:He lives in a haunted class and says it is filled with the spirits of his despair.
Poe: That's not true. I like women too... I think... I honestly know if I tried.
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scarletmilkfrancis · 11 months ago
haiaiiiiaii ^^ want sum of my very special scarlet malk?
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sigithermawan · 5 months ago
Jadwal Kapal Pelni KFC Jetliner November 2024
Travel.biz.id – Jadwal Kapal KFC Jetliner Bulan November 2024 dan Harga Tiket – Berikut Jadwal Kapal Pelni KFC Jetliner November 2024 yang memiliki perjalanan ke Kendari, Wanci, Bau-bau, dan Raha dan harga tiket dan fasilitasnya. Untuk masyarakat Sulawesi Kapal KFC Jetliner bukan satu perihal asing karena kapal ini layani lajur masih yaitu dari kota kendari ke Wanci. PT Pelni saat ini lakukan…
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discarded-replica · 2 months ago
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Ninja! :3
New ninja
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thatsnotmymilkman · 9 months ago
francy wancy can i get a bottle please? 🥺 i promise i wont use it to throw at people 🥺
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arch-whatscanon · 2 years ago
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where should you be kissed?
you are made of light. your cheeks hurt from grinning, sun-kissed and lifting in a bubbling laugh. you should be kissed there. and often. a reminder that you are a joy to be around, and that your smiling face is a gift.
tagging: @snaptwice ( nancy wancy ), @willowdied ( slauter ), @thefvrious ( coooop ), @forwardmoved ( pspank ), @risingmccns ( benji the bean boy )
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heyajesposts · 2 years ago
Lila Pisan
Poe ayeuna, wanci teh sugan nyerelek jiga poe-poe ka tukang. Nya eta tea, urang teh geus kumaha kurang pakepukna, pas nenjo arloji jarum jam teh masih keneh aya di angka sapuluh. padahal beuteung teh geus lapar, nya hayang seblak, hayang pais kuda.... 
tapi teu nanaon, da urang mah someah keneh kanu jadi beuteung. Moal maksakeun dahar ai can waktuna mah. da gening ai sagala dipaksakeun mah ngkena teh sok jadi teu baleg.
contona naon? naon cik?
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