#Walter Wink
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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Our Lady of Lament :: digital icon written by me :: [Janice Nihill]
May we beat our swords into plowshares. May we learn war no more. May we become repairers of the breach: restorers of streets to live in.
Kyrie eleison
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It cannot be stressed too much: love of enemies has, for our time, become the litmus test of authentic Christian faith. Commitment to justice, liberation or the overthrow of opposition is not enough, for all too often the means used have brought in their wake new injustices and oppressions. Love of enemies is the recognition that the enemy, too, is a child of God. The enemy too believes he or she is in the right, and fears us because we represent a threat against his or her values, lifestyle, or affluence. When we demonize our enemies, calling them names and identifying them with absolute evil, we deny that they have that of God within them that makes transformation possible. Instead, we play God. We write them out of the Book of Life. We conclude that our enemy has drifted beyond the redemptive hand of God. 
I submit that the ultimate religious question today is no longer the Reformation's 'How can I find a gracious God?' It is instead, 'How can I find God in my enemy?' What guilt was for Luther, the enemy has become for us: the goad that can drive us to God. What has formerly been a purely private affair — justification by faith through grace — has now, in our age, grown to embrace the world. As John Stoner comments, we can no more save ourselves from our enemies than we can save ourselves from sin, but God's amazing grace offers to save us from both. There is, in fact, no other way to God for our time but through the enemy, for loving the enemy has become the key both to human survival in the age of terror and to personal transformation. Either we find the God who causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, or we may have no more sunrises. Walter Wink
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digitaldion · 2 months ago
How might Christians respond with ‘militant non-violence’ (instead of aggression, or passivity) to violence and injustice? This article may offer something to reflect upon: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.16196.23684
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firstumcschenectady · 8 months ago
“God's Subversive Tactics” based on Matthew 5:38-42 (please read!)
The groundbreaking scholarship on this Matthew passage isn't new, it was published in 1992 by Walter Wink in his book “Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination.” I remember hearing it in High School, I've preached it before – here – and some of you have ridiculously good memories. But also, not all of you have heard me preach it before, and it is SUCH GOOD STUFF and so central to how we understand the entire Jesus movement. So, anyway, if you already know this stuff, prepare for an excellent review. And if you don't, hold on to your pew – this is going to be fun.
Those of us who have heard this passage without Wink's scholarship have probably heard it as an invitation to be doormats, right? “Don't resist. Let someone hit you repeatedly. Be passive. Be... weak.” And, heavens that's concerning, that anyone would teach such things in a church. What a way to empower domestic violence, maintain the status quo, and teach those in positions of less power (women, racial and ethnic minorities, children) that the Godly way is to accept the harm that comes their way.
However, if you accept a perspective that the choices are violence or nonviolence, I can see how you might conclude that following Jesus is NOT a violent way, so you have to pick passivity. BUT, this passage doesn't mean that AT ALL, this passage is about a third way. This is about how to engage in nonviolent resistance to undermine the powers that oppress. This is Jesus speaking to people who lived lives of oppression. This is the way called nonviolent ENGAGEMENT.
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It seems especially fitting on this day when we are also thinking about Juneteenth because when we celebrate the freeing of those who had been enslaved, it also makes sense to talk about the ways that people who were enslaved resisted. We sometimes read in history about slave rebellions, but there were lots of ways that people engaged in regular, consistent resistance of the oppressive power of slave holders too. They pretended to be ill. They worked slowly, and badly. They “lost” or “accidentally damaged” equipment. They took what they needed, or just what they wanted. Papers were displaced. Things caught on fire. I suspect a lot of individuals were geniuses at such work, engaging in subversive actions that created immense disruptions without ever seeming to be fault.
Slave holders tried to break the spirits of those they enslaved, but the core human dignity, the reality of imago dei (that we are all made in the image of God – ALL OF US), seems to be quite resilient. And I think that's the core of what Jesus was talking about too.
Let's unpack each of Jesus's suggestions. “Turn the other cheek.” First thing to know – you didn't use your left hand for anything in ancient society because toilet paper wasn't a thing yet and left hands were used for “unclean tasks.” This was a hard and fast rule, even gesturing with the left hand was illegal and carried a strict punishment. So, we are talking only about right hand hits. Which means that a person who is hit on the right cheek has been backhanded, which was ALWAYS AND ONLY diminutive. It was a common and normal way of putting people in their place. “A backhanded slap was the usual way of admonishing inferiors. Masters backhanded slaves, husbands, wives; parents, children; men , women; Romans, Jews.”1 Most people would cower.
One did NOT backhand a peer, it was actually illegal.
But if people can only hit with their right hands, and one has already been backhanded on the RIGHT cheek, then to turn the other cheek – to invite another hit – is NOT to passively accept violence. It is to invite the person who is trying to humiliate you to either back down, or treat you like an equal. “This action robs the oppressor of the power to humiliate. The person who turns the other cheek is saying, in effect, 'Try again, Your first blow has failed to achieve its intended affect. I deny you the power to humiliate me. I am a human being just like you. Your status does not alter that fact. You cannot demean me.'”2
Which, then, puts the one who hit into a conundrum. Which is EXACTLY Jesus's point. (Can you now see how this advice fits the one who also told parables?) “In that world of honor and shame, he has been rendered impotent to instill shame in a subordinate. He has been stripped of his power to dehumanize the other.”3
The second image is to give cloak along with coat, right? We are going to call them the outer-garment and the inner-garment so we can track it. Note that impoverished people only had those two garments, their were not backups. And, Hebrew Scriptures provide for someone to be sued for their outer-garment:
If you lend money to my people, to the poor among you, you shall not deal with them as a creditor; you shall not exact interest from them. If you take your neighbor’s cloak in pawn, you shall restore it before the sun goes down; for it may be your neighbor’s only clothing to use as cover; in what else shall that person sleep? And if your neighbor cries out to me, I will listen, for I am compassionate. - Exodus 22:25-27
Note that even in this passage it is clear that only a poor person would be in this situation, and it is so tenuous that you can't even take the outer-garment consistently, you have to take it for only the day so they can sleep with it at night. It seems, even in this passage, that the creditor is being pretty severely demonized for deciding to demand retribution on the poor, right? (Matthew's language is wrong in implying it is the inner-garment, just ignore that – Luke gets it right, it is the outer-garment.)
Back to Wink, “Indebtedness was endemic in first-century Palestine. Jesus' parables are full of debtors struggling to salvage their lives. Heavy debt was not, however, a natural calamity that had overtaken the incompetent. It was the direct consequence of Roman imperial policy.... By the time of Jesus we see this process already far advanced: large estates owned by absentee landlords, managed by stewards, and worked by tenant farers, day laborers, and slaves. It is no accident that the first act of the Jewish revolutionaries in 66 C.E. Was to burn the Temple treasury, where the records of debts was kept.”4 And Jesus is talking to people at the bottom of this system. “Why then does Jesus counsel them to give over their undergarments as well? This would mean stripping off all their clothing and marching out of court stark naked! Imagine the guffaws that must have evoked. There stands a creditor, covered with shame, the poor debtor's outer garment in one hand, his undergarment in the other. The tables have already been turned on the creditor. The debtor had no hope of winning the case; the law was already entirely in the creditor's favor. But the poor man has transcended this attempt to humiliate him. He has risen above the shame.” You may remember that there was a taboo against nakedness in ancient Judaism, but it turns out the larger taboo was against SEEING someone's nakedness, not being naked.
“Jesus provides here a hint of how to take on the entire system by unmasking its essential cruelty and burlesquing its pretensions to justice. Here is a poor man who will not longer be treated as a sponge to be squeezed dry by the rich. He accepts the laws as they stand, pushes them to absurdity, and reveals them for what they have become. He strips naked, walks out before his fellows, and leaves the creditor, and the whole economic edifice that he represents, stark naked.”5
The third one – the “second mile”. Roman soldiers had the right to require civilians to carry their heavy packs for a mile – a form of forced labor. People hated it. However, if they asked someone to carry it for MORE than a mile, they were subject to discipline, and the discipline could vary immensely, including really severe punishment. So the soldiers regularly demanded their packs be carried a mile, but ONLY a mile. As he has in the two prior examples, Jesus recommends to the disempowered that they reclaim their human dignity even in the midst of oppression.
Wink says, “Imagine the soldier's surprise when, at the next mile maker, he reluctantly reaches to assume his pack, and the civilian says, 'Oh no, let me carry it another mile.' Why would he want to do that? What is he up to? Normally , soldiers have to coerce people to carry their packs, but this Jew does it so cheerfully, and will not stop! Is this provocation? Is he insulting the legionnaire's strength? Being kind? Trying to get him disciplined for seeming to violate the rules of impressment? Will this civilian file a complaint? Create trouble?”6 By messing with the soldiers head, the pack-carrier has taken back their human dignity and reclaimed their own power to choose! Regarding the soldier “If he has enjoyed feeling superior to the vanquished, he will not enjoy it today. Imagine the situation of a Roman infantryman pleading with the Jew to give back his pack!”7
He continues, “Jesus does not encourage Jews to walk a second mile in order to build up merit in heaven, or to exercise a supererogatory piety, or to kill the soldier with kindness. He is helping an oppressed people find a way to protest and neutralize an onerous practice despised throughout the empire.” Now, one final note on these suggestions, all of them. “Such tactics can seldom be repeated. One can imagine that within days after the incidents that Jesus sought to provoke, the Powers That Be would pass new laws: penalties for nakedness in court, flogging for carrying a pack more than a mile! One must be creative, improvising new tactics to keep the opponent of balance. To those whose lifelong pattern has been to cringe before their masters, Jesus offers a way to liberate themselves from servile actions and a servile mentality. And he asserts that they can do this before there is a revolution.8”
That is, Jesus so deeply believed that everyone was created in the image of God and deserved to have utterly wonderful lives, that he took the time to assess the situations and come up with some really subversive answers to the problems people faced, solutions that restored their dignity. There is, you may have noticed, one more piece of advice, and it is one that is a challenge to many of us. “Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you.” Wink says, “Such radical egalitarian sharing would be necessary to rescue impoverished Palestinian peasants from their plight; one need not posit an imminent end of history as the cause for such astonishing generosity. And yet none of this is new; Jesus is merely issuing a prophetic summons to Israel to observe the commandments pertaining to the sabbatical year enshrined in Torah, adapted to a new situation.” That is, for those who were poor to break out of the realities of staggering interest and taxes, they need to work together and not apart. They needed to overcome the stragety of divide and conquer with radical sharing.
In each of these recommendations in this tiny little piece of the gospel, Jesus recommends third ways. Neither passively accepting the oppression that dehumanizes the people nor fighting violence with violence. He recommends, wit, humor, solidarity, and making visible the problems that the system created. We don't face exactly the same issues, but the SPIRIT of these commandments are a gift to us as a playbook for how to deal with oppression. Violence begets violence. Passivity in the face of violence changes nothing. But there are third ways, and I will say that I think God is really in favor of third ways and I've noticed that when I am stuck between two unacceptable options, and sit with them (and with God), God often nudges me toward a third way – a far more creative one that I could find on my own.
God calls the world from violence and oppression to peace and the radically embraced humanity of all. And the way from here to there, it turns out, involves creativity, wit, and humor. Let's go! Amen
1 Walter Wink, Engaging the Powers; Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992) p. 176.
2 176.
3 176-7.
4 178.
5 179.
6 182.
7 182.
8 182-3.
Rev. Sara E. Baron  First United Methodist Church of Schenectady  603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305  Pronouns: she/her/hers  http://fumcschenectady.org/  https://www.facebook.com/FUMCSchenectady
June 30, 2024
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relationaltherapist · 9 months ago
History belongs to the intercessors who believe the future into being. Walter Wink
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year ago
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dr-handballslector · 1 month ago
I’ve discovered I’m evil guys 😔
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saturday-byte · 11 months ago
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More shitty doodles (with bad lightning this time !!) bc apparently this is all I can do now
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godblessthisfuckingfandom · 3 months ago
words cannot describe how badly I wanna meet up with all of SPG tumblr and we all dress up as the bots and characters from the lore and go to a concert and all sit together
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blocosblr · 1 year ago
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Walter Bob commish for someone on the Guapitos&Gatinhos discord :D
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ruleofleft · 2 years ago
Hound is always soft when it comes to physical stuff with Walter, like light tapping to get his attention and trying to make noise so that he knows they’re there. Walter is actually a bit jumpy when it comes to sudden movements toward him, he never really realized it till Hound asked him one day, Walter was a bit confused till Hound pointed it out. Needless to said Walter got a little teary eyed, he never really expected his friends to try and accommodate to make sure he was comfortable. Hound tells him that if they ever do or say anything that makes him uncomfortable to please let them know so they can fix it. At that point Walter cries and Hound panics a bit while asking him if they said something to upset him.
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ask-cupbros-parents · 1 month ago
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Some sketches that I will never finish ...
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Mugs is winning
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Casino Cups reference if you know what I mean *wink*
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Walter's wand can turn into a staff is headcannon.
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Utena asked Walter to sleep on the couch after their argument, but she changed her mind after about a second and went to sleep with him together. They could never stay mad with each other.
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petew21-blog · 6 months ago
Spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine
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Deadpool and Wolverine aproached Cassandra while the others were battling her soldiers. Wolverine was suppressing his rage, Deadpool, on the other hand, was suppressing his words. He was still talking, just not as much as he would normally.
Cassandra Nova was ready for everything. After all, she was here for her whole life. She has seen everything. Even Loki escaping from the void. But now, these two basically immortal beings stood in front of her. One was a bigger paij in the ass than the other.
Deadpool:"Ok, Baldilocks slash wannabe Walter White in your kingdom. We know we had our ups and downs from the moment you killed Johnny, may he rest in peace. We loved him and will never forget him. But I gotta rain on your parade here, and I hope your bald head is not too sensitive for some cold rain drops, because now is the time to let us all go and end this drama show."
Wolverine:"You said you'll be holding back."
Deadpool:"Ohhh, this is holding back. I haven't even started."
Wolverine:"She has the power to kill you with a snap of her fingers, and you still think the best way to stop her is to insult her?"
Cassandra just stood in front of them, speechless.
Deadpool:"I think your X-men spoiled you with all the WE'RE-ALL-IN-THIS-TOGETHER attitude. Well, pal! This is my show, and here, we roast our enemies before we stab them after many unsuccessful attempts, moment of desperation and a collab with Madonna."
Cassandra:"I have no idea what he is on about, but the two of you look like a married couple after twenty years of hating each other's guts. And you know what couple therapists always say to the unfunctional couple?"
Deadpool:"Yep! They say, ‘You either learn to compromise… or one of you learns to hide the body really well.’ So, which one of us is digging tonight, Logan?!"
Cassandra:"I just... How do you put up with him?"
Logan:"I have known him for like 5 hours and killed him several times."
Deadpool:"And so did I! Cute, aren't we?"
Cassandra:"I can't... See each other's perspective and get out of my sight."
The two were now transported via portal back to one of the worlds to empty Xavier mansion.
Deadpool, now in Wolverine's body, stood up and looked down. "Ohhhhh, baby, yesss. Look at these!!!" Wade now popping his new claws. "Snikt! Yeaaaah. Oh, I could get used to this."
Deadpool turned his head to the audience and said:"Hey folks. Not to alarm you. Deadpool is still here, just a slightly broody and hairier version. Only now I got! Claaaaaws!!!" Wade sliced through a nearby painting that immediatelyfell down, destroying a statue on the table. "Whoopsie. Just normal Wolverine collateral damage, am I right?"
Logan:"What the hell is this? Why am I suddenly feeling... chatty? I need to get of this tight red spandex and this horrible mask."
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Deadpool is now doing ridiculous poses in the reflection of a mirror. Screaming and scratching the air. "Look at me, I'm like a Canadian action figure." Wink at the audience.
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Logan:"Stop this Wilson. We need to get Charles."
Deadpool:"Oh I don't know, I got this sudden urge to sing and get a circus. We shouldn't waste time."
They both search the house, but all the X-men are gone.
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Now in the privacy of a small bathroom. Deadpool, stands in front o the mirror, shirtless, flexing. "Ohhhh look at that". He pops out his claws again. "If only I had these babies during my last taco truck robbery .- I mena, purchase."
Deadpool grabs a comb on the sink. "The hair! What an untamed mane. I look like a mix between a badger and a bad scripted shampoo comercial." Then he leans closer to the mirror. "And check out this jawline. Ladies and gents, feast your eyes."
"One, two, three, four, five...six! Finally jackpot. It's really like a washboard for all my dirty clothes. I could do laundry on these bad boys, If I ever did laundry."
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"And what do we have here." Deadpool raises his furry eyebrows, following the hairy trail under, leading to the massive buldge. "Oh Logan, I knew you've been hiding some serious adamantium down here, but damn. No wonder all the X-men want to sleep with you. Pun intended. I mean... If I knew that you had this much heat packed in here, I would have switched with you sooner."
Wade strikes a final pose and blows a kiss to his reflection:"Wolvie, you beautiful, hairy beast, I may never give this body back to you."
Logan enters the bathroom with a scowl, freezing in horror at the sight before him.
Deadpool in Logan's body, completely naked and a little too pleased with his new situation.
"What the hell are you doing, Wade!!!"
"Hey, Wolvie. Just getting acquainted with the goods. Man, you've been holding out for me. Honestly, If there was a claw shooting out of this thing, I wouldn't even be surprised anymore." Wade said with a smile, gripping his hard dick in Logan's face
"Get your filthy hands off my...!" Logan fighting the urge to kill his own body
"Logan, it's your hands, don't forget that. So that means I did nothing wrong. Your body that touched yourself. I haven't touched anything, if you think about it." Towards the audience:"It's like flashbacks from puberty."
"Besides, I only wanted to take your body for a test drive, Logan. You know, making sure that all the gears work before returning the keys. Quality control!"
"If you don't stop now, I'll claw off that smug off your... your real face when we get back" Logan gets closer to his old body, now feeling a strange urge to want him to get closer. Both of the bodies pulling towards each other
Deadpool:"Logan? Did you pay Magneto to get us closer? Cause I feel a strange force pulling me to you and I have to say i don't mind it"
Logan:"I'm not doing anything. I... No way. I'm trying to go away from you"
Deadpool:"Oh yeah, it's happening, baby. My body can't resist this beautiful, hairy pile of muscles, and your body is controlled by one of the most perverted minds alive."
"YOU SICK BASTARD. This is all your twisted head. If you'll be enjoying even a second of this." Logan shouted
Deadpool:"Oh, come on. It's just chemistry. You can't fight it"
Logan:"Gotta get control of this."
Deadpool:"No need for that. Your body's got the hots for me. I'm a walking talking thirst trap now. Give in, big guy. Let's make it weird."
Logan now with his new hands still in spandex, touching his old body. "Wade... When this is over... I'm going to make you regret all of this."
Deadpool:"I'm counting on it. But until then, you're mine"
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Wade pulls of his old mask down from Logan's head:"Ohhh there is that crispy chipsy face I haven't seen for a while". Logan:"Please just shut up"
Their hands our now all over each other. Logan's burly figure standing above Deadpool's figure. Logan's body under Wade's control now pushes his old body towards the wall. Breaking it. They get to Cyclops and Jean's bedroom, now vacant, ready for their action. Dadpool starts making out with his body still on the ground from the collision. Logan wants to fight back, but gives up and makes out with his bearded face. It feels kind of nice, but he can't ever admit that to Wade.
Wade picks up Logan from the ground using his claws, and with their help, he rips of the spandex off of Logan. Scratching him in the process. Logan now moaning in pain, looking deeply into his old eyes. He now understands why many people called him a "beast." He did look like one. But sexy one at that.
Wade threw Logan on the bed. Turning him around. Logan was ready for immediate penetration, but suddenly he felt a moist thing pushing its way between Deadpool's hairy ass. Was he now experiencing rimming? "Wade, no...!"
Deadpool:"Don't worry, sweetpie. I know what my body likes. Just relax, enjoy and don't fart in my face"
Logan has never felt this feeling in such an intimate place. And it wasn't even his body.
Wade now turned Logan to his back. He positioned himself. "Ready? I know you're used to pain, but this might be a bit... unsettling."
Logan:"I can take a bit of pain... AHHHHHHH"
Deadpool."Sorry, boo. Haven't stretched out that thing for quite a while."
He started pushing more and more. At that moment, Logan tried to get up and leave. But something in Logan's body overtook Wade. He took both of his claws and pushed them through Deadpool's body's forearms, securing him in place. Logan screamed in pain. "Why???"
Deadpool:"Don't want you to give up during the best part when it stops hurting"
Sweat was dripping from Logan's body all over Deadpool's. All of Logan's hair were now glistening in sweat.
"Ohhhh moth.... This is so amazing. I feel like a Republican during the Fourth of July" Deadpool screamed out while his claws were still in place.
He picked up the pace, and when he saw that Logan was now moaning in pleasure and not in pain, he took out his claws and just enjoyed the ride.
"Oh Wolvie. I think I'm gonna get you pregnant now."
"Just fuck me!!!"
Now very close to the finish, Deadpool took out his dick and pointed it at his old face, cumming all over his old chest and hitting his body's eye. Logan came too, but on his stomach. He was still mesnerized. How come, through all these years, he never even thought about stimulating his prostate?
Both now watching each other, sweaty, out of breath.
Logan:"You won't tell a soul."
Deadpool looking at the audience, smirking:"Promise"
And at the corner of the room a quiet girly voice spoke out:"Promise". Kitty sunk into the wall leaving embarassed to the next room
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Message from Inbox :)
Yo, i love your writing. And with your last story with Hugh and Ryan....What about their characters?, Wolverine and Deadpool swapping bodies thanks to Cassandra Nova powers that also made them aroused for each other in order to distract them from stopping her. Wade can't help but to give into Logan's body urges to dominate, and Logan just want the voices gone.
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strawberryforks · 1 year ago
the cole walter effect // cole walter x reader
summary: you fall victim to the cole walter effect, then he, falls for you.
warnings: swearing
word count: 1850
a/n: requests/asks open and encouraged! <3
one look and you were a goner. two, and you were a blushing mess, sitting beside erin, your best friend. desks pushed up against each other, wondering what business letters had in maths class and what business cole walter had being so… so him, you toyed with the mechanical pencil in your hand, pushing the led in and out.
even acting like a jackass, cole had a sweet smile and was the king of gestures—grand or otherwise. hanging around him could light up you day (or darken it substantially depending on his mood) but mostly, cole walter made you feel special for however long you managed to keep his attention.
since he’d hurt his leg and lost his spot on the football team he’d been treating everyone awfully. you, erin, the dozens of other girls he led on, his parents, siblings, himself. it wasn’t like cole but it didn’t seem like there was much anyone could do…
you made a point to cherish the good moments even more.
when someone bumped into you in the hallways he scooped up your books and handed them to you. “sorry about that, y/n, some people don’t pay enough attention to their surroundings,” he watched the perpetrator retreat, glaring at their back all while helping you up.
when you two skipped school together and he brought you to his favourite spot. the sun beat down on the lake and reflected on your faces. “happiness looks good on you, sunshine,” he’d been trying out stupid nicknames all day and none of them stuck, not until then, you scrunched your nose and shook your head, laughing at him and he smiled back. you’d listen to that stupid nickname every day for the rest of your life if that was your reward.
and that time you got stuck walking in the rain. it was storming and you were supposed to be on your way to his house—to hangout with danny, but still. when you were late he cared enough to call your mom and when she said you’d left on foot fifteen minutes ago he was out the door in no time at all. he pulled up alongside you and let you climb into his truck even soaking wet. “sunshine, you’re shaking,” you were, you were drenched and chilled to the bone. “here.” he shrugged off his jacket, gave it to you, and cranked the heat. your teeth chattered while you thanked him and he brushed it off, said: “no worries; it’s nothing.” what he didn’t know is that it was everything.
you felt bad for cole walters and his devilish grin but you felt other things too. in that ooey gooey crush phase where a wink could turn you bright red and you treasured each and every conversation—dissected each word and then talked about it with your best friend.
“he’s pretty, i’ll give him that.” she said, giving you the sense that wasn’t all. “but?” you encouraged.
“but he’s kind of an ass and he stopped treating me right a long time ago. casual hookups are all he can offer, y/n.”
you’d be fine with that and you love erin but you don’t really believe her. no, it’s not that you don’t believe in her it’s just… you believe in cole. believe he can do better, be better, and be more.
still, her tone worries you. you know something’s up so you push a bit. you’ve known her since you were in diapers and cole was her off-and-on-again boyfriend for quite awhile. you have a crush on him but who doesn’t? falling prey to what dozens of your peers have dubbed the cole effect is almost easier than breathing in this tiny town. “are you sure you’re okay with—“ you gesture between you and then point out the window to where the eldest walter boy stands talking to his twin, danny. there’s no other way to explain it, really. there is no you and cole, you’re just hoping that one day there could be. erin looks out the window, “to clarify you’re talking about cole, right?”
you nod quick and when she seems relieved your mouth tumbles open. you gasp and erin’s hand flies to the back of her neck, cheeks turning red, “yeah,” she admits. “i’m suddenly only okay with you going after one of the walter boys.”
“you like danny!” you whisper-shout. “that’s fantastic, that’s just so great! i’ve known him for ages i can totally set you up. would it be okay if i gave him your number?” erin nods, grateful, and you can’t wipe the grin off of your face all day.
you see danny and rush over to him. you pluck his phone out of his hand and he messes up your hair with his hand, “i’m just putting erin’s number in!” you defend, “she’s interested in acting” and you, you omit, “and since you’re the best actor i know, i figured you could help her out!”
danny smiles and stuffs his hands into his pockets and shakes his head. he’s your other best friend, the one you tell all of your walter free drama. to spare his sanity, not once have you mentioned your massive crush or burdened him with your boy-problems. boy-problem, you corrected, seeing as there was only one. “you coming over after school?”
“only if you’ve got room!”
“we do. always. and see if your friend erin wants to come with.”
your excitement is palpable as you nod quickly. Then, you skip off to find erin, plans already forming in your mind.
You’re the first one to the car–you call shotgun and slide into the passenger seat, looking at cole. earlier, you’d slipped issac, lee, and nathan $10 bills to manoeuvre themselves so erin and danny would have to sit next to each other. To add insult to injury, or the cherry to your sundae of a master plan, you slip issac an extra $5. he sits with his legs spread and rests his elbows on his thighs hunched over. he sits his backpack beside him and when erin figured out where she had to sit–having only half a seat’s worth of space, you swear, she had a mini-aneurysm or something. you almost felt bad. erin glared but you played dumb you did feel bad. a little. until cole hit a bump and looking in the mirror you saw them holding hands. a victory, a smile, now it was your turn.
being cole walter’s friend was surprisingly easy. turns out, he just needed someone to really hear him. To really listen. Sure, to get to that point you had to push a little (but two shouting matches later and) “it’s just–there was all this pressure on me to make a comeback. I love footbal, i do, but it doesn’t change the fact that my foot is fucked. mom and dad spent all this money on my rehab and it’s still useless.” you hugged him tight, “but you’re not. Not useless.” he sighed, holding onto you, like the lifeline you allowed yourself to be. he didn’t believe you when you told him he was worthy, that he was good at things other than football, but maybe one day.
winning over cole took more attention to detail and care. care was the big thing–thoughtfulness, kindness, creativeness. cole walter does things for people and he doesn’t have to be asked or begged. you’re certain his love language is acts of service and yours is a combination of several. you like physical touch as much as the next person, gift giving, and quality time. when you combine all three? it’s his turn to blush.
you find field and pick a handful of flowers–all as close to his favourite colour you could find. you arrange them in a tinted and curved glass vase you found at the thrift and you write him a letter. when you deliver your gift, passing it over, your hands touch. “who’s this for?” he asks, confusion present on his face. He’s thinking maybe it’s for his mom, maybe parker?, when you tap your index finger against the envelope and he reads his own name. he’s caught off guard. he takes the gift, thanks you somewhat awkwardly and then walks off. (you think you failed until he returned the sentiment the next day and you found flowers in your locker)
the next thing that you do isn’t even intentional. you don’t do it to make cole like you more, it just happens that way. “Hey!” you shout, walking up to the new quarterback. “taking his number and flaunting it around like that–well that’s a real shit thing to do.” lake houses with colourful chairs aren’t made for confrontations like these. nor are you usually, not in front of your peers at least. but after a cup full of liquid confidence, well, you’re in the middle of a truth or dare game and things are about to get messy. you’re to his left and if he leans in the only kiss he’ll receive is from your knuckles. “i dare you,” he rolls his eyes, “i pick truth.” you scoff and when some of his friends laugh too, one crowing “what are you, scared?” he doesn’t budge. “truth, then. do you think you’re better than cole?” he gulps, “even with an injured leg he’s a better person and player than you could ever dream of being.” cole watches from the sidelines, ready to intervene if necessary but also… he’s thinking. thinking hard and wondering where the hell you came from.
he taught you how to ride horses, you taught him how to paint–painted him, actually, which his mom just thought was the best thing in the entire world. “she’s so sweet, george.” katherine told her husband, “she’s so good to him. just what he needed.”
you take the liberty of walking him to a few of his classes and he pays you back by driving you places–your home, his, issac jokingly called you cole’s passenger princess and the second eldest walter boy didn’t correct him. being cole’s anything gave you butterflies.
but still. the one step you wouldn’t take was the one that took him the longest–it was the label that stopped him, that scared him. the exclusivity (he hadn’t so much as flirted with anyone else since you two started hanging out more) and the fear of error, of messing up. a month later was when he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. the two of you went on a picnic (he cooked all of the food but didn’t tell you in case there was something there that you didn’t like) and brought you flowers and a letter. “who’s this for?” you asked, grinning. it was a full circle–one with a curved line and two dots inside of it. you were beaming and when you finished reading the letter you threw yourself into his arms. your hands found both sides of his face and you pressed your lips against his.
the cole walter effect got you, but you weren’t mad about it.
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r6s6r · 11 months ago
the walter brothers x jackie howard x reader
warning : swearing, 18+ DNI, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it always!), cursing, underage drinking, shower sex, public sex, loss of virginities, oral (f & m receiving), cussing, rough sex, soft sex, degrading, creampies and realism of how fast first times are.
in which y/n is a virginity snatcher in the walter household. y/n is friends with jackie and she makes her way through the house.
listen i have been non stop thinking about y/n taking all of the brothers and jackie’s virginities (other than danny (him and erin are together), lee, nathan and obvi the young babies)
tags : @sagittariusmoonlover @hvreticz @thefrontbottomsmademesad @phantompoguefangirl @wolflover384
y/n had become friends with jackie when she first moved here. jackie had no idea y/n knew the inside of the house already after sneaking out multiple times from the one and only cole walters bedroom.
it started about two years prior to jackie coming along, y/n had met the blonde haired boy at school and that’s when the secret meet ups began.
they started in the janitors closet, y/n would end up on her knees for the brother or his hand in her pants and the other over her mouth to keep her quiet. until he finally invited her over.
she had snuck in that night in the side door, as she went through the kitchen she got to peer into the living room, where her eyes met alex walters. she waved her fingers at him and winked, his face going flush. she smirked as she made her way up the stairs with cole.
as we made it into his room, danny lay on his twin size mattress across the room “danny, can you step out for a little while?” cole asked throwing a glance back at y/n and then to danny again
danny sighed as he grabbed his pillow and gave me a look “hi y/n” “hi danny sorry to kick you out”
he offered a warm smile “it’s okay as long as it doesn’t happen all the time”
“of course not, i’ll see you later” she smiled and patted his shoulder as he walked out. coke locked the door and got straight to business
he had y/n bent over the bed, her dress riding up over her ass. he landed a smack over her right cheek, a hand print beginning to form. he smirked at it. “cole please”
“shhh im taking my time with this, sweets. been to rushed in that closet at school” he leaned down and left kissed in the nape of her neck, hands roaming over her body until the met her clothed core.
she let out a soft moan as he began to move her panties to the side, one singular digit running through her folds and into her sopping core.
she let out another moan as he added another digit and pumping into her.
“god sweetheart you’re gonna be the death of me”
“cole before we do this, i need to know that this is okay,” she said standing up and turning to him as his hand found her pussy again. “i mean i’m taking your virginity, coley.”
he sighed looking down at her “i’m aware, y/n/n. yes this okay. i promise” she searched his eyes for any doubt and she found none. her lips crashed into his and he pushed her back onto the bed, landing on top of her. he pulled her panties down as she unblocked her pants and sliding the down along with his boxers, he reached to the side to grab a condom but y/n stopped him.
“i’m on birth control baby boy. no need for that plus it feels better without” she rubbed his face and he smiled flipping them over so she was on top of him.
“you ready coley?” she looked down at him, giving him the chance to back out now. “yes y/n. please. i need to feel you” he looked at her, his eyes dark and pupils blown with ecstasy.
“okay coley.” she kissed him softly on the lips and aligned his thick cock to her opening and slid down slowly, not being used to such a thick size.
she let out a gasp as he filled her to the brim, still more to go down onto. she could believe he was touching her in spots no one ever had before.
that’s when she heard it, something she knew she would only hear from someone who has never had such a velvet feeling around their cock before.
the gasp and head tilt made her inside explode. she felt prideful knowing her pussy was making THE cole walter feel good. she took a second to balance herself and looked down at him
his eyes screwed shut and mouth hung open “i’m gonna move now coley” she whispered to him and he nodded. she lifted herself up along his shaft and slowly brought herself back down. she wanted him to enjoy this and not feel bad if he came too fast, which was likely going to happen.
“y-y/n. please. faster, i need it” she nodded at him and began to bounce on his cock. she felt so full and satisfied. “oh god, cole. you feel so fucking good” “yeah baby?” he asked as his eyes opened he saw her for the first time since her cunt started hugging his cock so fierce. he was about to cum just looking at her face. he flipped them over and put her on her hands and knees and began drilling into her pussy. he watched as his dick glistening when pulling out of her, he watched as she gripped his cock and he swore he saw stars.
before he knew it, he was slumped over top of her pumping out his seed deep into her warm velvet walls. he rubbed her back as they both gained back their breath.
“that was… great.” he sighed
“yes it was coley but i do need to get going. we should do it again. maybe.” she said she grabbed her panties and gave cole a kiss to the temple. she shoved her panties into his hand and said “that’s just for the memory of tonight baby boy. see you later”
she made her way down the stairs trying her best not to leak out coles cum, she would wait till she got home to shower and decompress from the night
that’s when she signaled danny to go back uostairs and she caught a glimpse of alex and isaac sitting on the couch, staring at her. she walked into the room and saw they were playing a game
“we’ll i hope you both have a good night. i’ll see you two very, very soon” she winked at them and turned on her heels and out of the walter household
she made up her mind that night that eventually she would take isaacs and alex’s virginity too. she enjoyed it, the way it filled her with pride. it was better than an orgasm.
———— 2 years later ——————
y/n had been staying a few nights with jackie to go to school and they planned a girls weekend together, it was friday night and y/n had brought so many snacks and movies from her place to watch with jackie.
she also brought a bottle of bacardi zombie just incase she decided she wanted to play a drinking game with jackie and maybe some of the boys.
it was around 11:45 when y/n became bored with the rom coms and asked jackie to turn on a comedy movie, jackie picked Benchwarmers which y/n was okay with.
“i have an idea jacks” y/n smirked mischievously at her
“oh god. what?” jackie sighed and turned from her stomach to face y/n
“let’s play a drinking game” y/n said rather loud, hoping some of the boys would hear. which made jackie jump up and cover y/ns mouth “shhh mr. and mrs. walter might hear you!” she whispered at y/n but she shrugged and removed jackie’s hand from her mouth “come on, jacks. live a little”
that’s when cole, alex, isaac and nathan appeared in the doorway all at once. like they had been waiting to hear something come up between the girls.
“you guys wanna play a drinking game?” y/n asked pulling out the alcohol from her bag, still chilled from being in the freezer at her house.
everyone nodded but nathan just shook his head but then smiled at y/n “i’m good but i would love to sit and watch” he laughed. cole sat on the floor in between y/n and jackie, then alex on the right of y/n and issac next to alex and jackie, making a circle for them to drink.
“the game is, never have i ever..” y/n smiled looking at everyone
“the rules are simple. you say ‘never have i ever’ to something you’ve never done before and whoever has, has to drink. i’ll go first”
y/n unscrewed the top of the bottle and pulled out the stopper. “never have i ever had surgery”
cole stared hard at y/n and grabbed the bottle then passed it to issac and y/n looked at him surprised.
“i got my tonsils out when i was little.” he blushed at her
“okay my turn” jackie said and she thought hard for a second
“never have i ever uh… kissed anyone” she blushed hard. y/n couldn’t believe her own two ears, jackie had never kissed anyone ever?
y/n grabbed the bottle from the middle and took a big gulp, so did cole, alex and isaac. jackie flushed even more “how is that even possible” she shook her head.
“i’ll be your first kiss, jacks” y/n nudged her and she blushed even deeper. “don’t threaten me with a good time” jackie smiled back, snorting while she laughed but y/n wasn’t joking and she made that evident in the way she looked at jackie, jackie knew it too.
it was then coles turn and he looked at y/n with a giant smirk. “never have i ever given a blowjob in a public place” y/n literally choked on her own spit and glared at him hard knowing she has gone down on him in almost every space of their town
she took another big gulp while staring at cole.
alex sat up a little straighter and began “never have i ever been with the same gender” and her mouth gaped at him “i feel so personally attacked right now” y/n scoffed playfully and took another swig, she was feeling warm now.
“never have i ever had sex” isaac said softly
y/n and cole made slight eye contact as she reached for the bottle, their hands meeting “ladies first” he smiled and pushed her arm playfully
they both took their shots and everyone looked at them with wide eyes “what?” they said at the same time and everyone just shook theirs heads.
the game went on for a little while longer before jackie leaned back and fell asleep so cole said he’d take her upstairs to bed “hey be nice. don’t hit her head on anything” y/n giggled as he scooped jackie up off the ground and started up the stairs “y/n/n i would never. yk how many times i’ve done this with you? do you have any bumps or bruises?” which made her shake her head “goodnight cole” he nodded at her
y/n was a little tipsy, seeing as she was more experienced than most of the people playing the game.
“i’m gonna sleep down here if that’s cool with you guys” y/n yawned as she stood up and stretched her arms above her head
alex and isaac both watched as her tank top rode up her stomach, revealing a belly button piercing and tattoos on both hips. a moon on one and the sun on the other
they both felt like they were lightheaded, blood rushing to their cocks “g-goodnight, y/n” alex smiled at her “oh goodnight sweet, sweet alex.” y/n smiled and made her way to him and gave him a tight hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. his hands wrapped around her waist and he pulled away quickly before heading to his room “let me get some of that love” isaac smiled at her
“yes sir.” and she gave him a hug too but he held on just a little longer. praying it would never end, her hand found his hair and his found the round of her ass. he just had to feel it, he had to.
she didn’t stop him, this is exactly where she wanted him.
she wanted him to want her so bad he couldn’t help himself but to touch her. she pulled her head back and stared into his eyes “you know, issac. i could take-“ and before she could even finish isaac just nodded frantically “please. yes yes” she smiled at him, pulling his into her and onto the couch. their lips finally met and isaac became so excited. she felt his growing member against her thigh as their kisses got heavier.
she palmed isaac through his pants and he threw his head back and moaned “shhh we don’t wanna get caught, do we?” “no no no” issac shook his head and began to rut his hips against y/ns hand.
she flipped on top of him and pulled him out of his sweats and boxers. she began to pump his member. she then moved her shorts and panties to the side and slid his red and leaking member through her folds, he hissed at the feeling
that feeling started bubbling up in her again. pride. confidence. triumph. her ego swelled in her chest, her head spinning.
she finally sank down on him and she watched as he threw his head back and gasped, his hands flying to her hips like a lifeline. as if he would float away if he didn’t grab ahold of her. she leaned down and kissed his cheek and whispered “tell me when you’re ready for me to move” and biting his earlobe. his whole body shook at just that feeling alone
“o-okay..” he whimpered as she began to lift off of him and back down. his eyes stayed shut and he sighed as she felt her walls wrapped around him.
she only got about 6 bounces in before he was a complete mess underneath her. he was whimpering and her name leaving his lips in such a hushed town made her chest tighten, in a wonderful way. “i’m gonna cum, y/n”
“then do it sweet boy. be a good boy and cum in me” and those words alone sent him over the edge. moans slipped from his mouth like gods prayer.
finally she slipped off of him, gently putting him away in his sweats. she kissed his forehead and offered some snacks to him which he gladly took. she rubbed his arms as he snacked on some chips
“goodnight y/n” he smiled at her and she nodded back at him as he got up to go upstairs.
y/n grabbed her wash bag and went to the downstairs bathroom to shower.
her original plan was to skip with cole and jackie, she never thought she’d be in a game of truth or dare, having cole kiss her infront of everyone and y/n kissing jackie due to not telling anyone who she lost her virginity to, dylan giving her a warning look before she refused and kissed jackie.
but she actually liked jackie, a lot. jackie and y/n grew very close, so close that night when cole had brought y/n and jackie back from the party, jackie made a move on y/n. y/n would’ve never expected it but being under the influence, she had the liquid courage to return the kiss. it got heated fairly fast
jackie crawled on top of y/n as she gripped her hips, jackie was straddled across y/ns thigh which only fueled y/n to move her hips against it. jackie gasped and y/n took the chance to kiss down jackie’s neck “is this okay?” y/n asked
“yes. oh god yes” jackie’s sounded so desperate to be touched, like she had never been before. which she hadn’t, not by anyone else atleast. only herself
so when y/ns hands tore off jackie shirt and her lips made her way down jackie’s chest she moaned, loud. she covered jackie’s mouth and laid her down “shhh babygirl. we can’t be too loud or the boys will hear us. we don’t want cole to try and join” “why would cole try and join?”
“you didn’t know we have been fucking?” y/n sat up and jackie shook her head
“what if i want him to join?” jackie whispered
“oh baby girl i can make that happen. just gotta let me get a taste of you before he ruins you” she smirked as she pulled jackie’s panties off
jackie gasped at the cool air making contact with her most intimate parts
y/n couldn’t have put collect the wetness in her folds and getting a taste. she immediately knew she needed a taste, as her tongue made contact with jackie’s swollen bundle of nerves she gasped loudly. “fuck y/n” she moaned out
“shhh babygirl let me take good care of you”
“hey! how are you feel- oh wow” it was no other than cole himself. i looked at him and so did jackie. “jesus christ. that’s so sexy” he stepped in and shut the door, turning the lock.
“jackie it’s fate. still want him here to join or do you wanna make him watch?”
“i don’t care but if you don’t put your mouth back on me y/n i might lose it”
“okay baby girl. okay.” she smiled at her
“cole, i want you to fuck me while i eat her pretty pussy” i said looking at him and he wasted no time
i went back to devouring her sweetness as coke slid into my dripping cunt and began rocking into me like he never had before. my fingers met jackie entrance, sliding in with ease. she was a moaning mess and it turned me on even more.
soon jackie came and cole not long after.
“goodnight princess.” y/n said to her as her eyes began to get heavy “goodnight coley” she winked at him and he lets himself out.
‘man i need a shower’ y/n thought to herself as she grabbed her night gown and wash bag.
y/n went downstairs to shower so she didn’t wake anyone upstairs.
as she crept past alex and nathan’s room she saw alex was still up and nathan was passed out on his bed.
“alex” she whispered
his hand found his headset and he looked at y/n like he had been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to “oh hey, y/n” he looked at her
“just wanted to say hi. i’m going to shower” he nodded and stared at the back of her as she walked away
he heard y/ns name leave jackie’s mouth, only in the way he saw in porn. he couldn’t believe she had sex with almost everyone except him.
‘when was it his turn, when did he get to experience y/ns moans? when was it his turn to feel so good?’ he thought
he decided he would need to make the first move, he didn’t know when but he would.
unfortunately the more he thought about it, the harder he got. he couldn’t do it anymore.
before he knew it, his feet were taking him to where he knew she was.
he stood there, hand on the doorknob. he hoped it wasn’t locked. he prayed it wasn’t.
he turned the knob and thankfully it wasn’t.
he opened the door and heard y/n humming but as soon as the door creaked, it stopped. “hello?” she said in a scared voice.
he cleared his throat “it’s alex”
that was the first time y/n had ever heard his voice sound that way, deep and needy.
she pulled the shower curtain and looked at him
“are you.. are you okay?” she asked, concerned
his eyes traveled over her face and wet hair. he felt his mouth dry and his cock jump in his sweats. the words began to just fall out of his mouth
“how is it you’ve fucked almost everyone in this house and you still haven’t made a move on me. i’ve wanted you longer than anyone in this house. longer than anyone in school. longer than anyone in this fucking town, y/n/n… it’s not fair.”
“oh alex..” she sighed but before she could continue he stepped closer
his eyes held so much lust and need in them, her knees felt weak.
no one has ever made her feel so small yet so good at the same time
“hearing jackie moan your name, cole, and isaac. they all get to praise your name but it would never mean as much as it leaving my mouth. i would praise it, i would use it like a prayer. my vise. my lifeline. plus i know. i just know i can make you feel so much better” he was face to face with her name, feet just at the edge of the shower. he contemplated on just getting in, fully clothed he didn’t care. he wanted her so unbelievably bad.
she wanted him too. she could feel herself becoming wet at his words. her pussy clenching around nothing, which killed her.
“al-alex” she whispered
“i’ve been hearing cole fuck you into his mattress and against these walls for two years. now you fuck isaac and jackie? two years i’ve dreamt of getting to feel you, to kiss you, to taste you, to fuck you and take care of you. yet you fuck everyone who only is in it for themselves? pathetic” he spat
y/ns legs almost failed her.
“no. you don’t get to say anything, y/n/n. i’ve wanted you for so long. i remember the first time i watched you walk into this house, you were wearing that sundress with a jacket over your arm. you waved at us and i watched you go up those stairs and i prayed you’d come back down. i prayed and begged the universe to let you come back down but you didn’t for a while. i knew it was too late, i could only ask myself one question and it was ‘why not me?’ because i wanted it to be me so bad and then i had to wait. i’m done waiting. it’s too much, y/n. i keep myself up at night wondering when it’ll be MY turn.” he sighed rubbing his temples and dragging his hands down his face
“it’s just not fair” he whispered to her, putting his forehead against her wet one
so she did the only thing she could think to do and pulled him into the shower with her.
he held onto her hips tight and kept his forehead on hers, the warm water soaking his clothing.
“tell me this is okay, y/n. or i’ll get out right now and we can pretend this never happened. i’ll walk away and pretend i’m not dying to fuck you.”
y/n almost lost it
somehow no one had ever truly asked her if SHE was okay with it, if SHE felt good.
and it truly made a world of difference.
y/n felt something she hadn’t before, it was hunger. desire. a need penetrating so deep inside of her she thought she’d starve.
alex stared into her eyes waiting for something, anything.
“please, alex. this is okay, completely okay” she sighed brushing her lips against the shell of his ear.
he groaned and wasted no time dropping to his knees and wrapped her legs around his head and dove into her
he licked a strip through her cunt, tasting so much better than he could have ever dreamed
“a-alex” she moaned out
he thanked her music being on a speaker in the bathroom because he needed to hear her pretty moans.
he was devouring her like a man starved.
she could barely hold back her orgasm before she let out a shrill gasp
Alex felt such a pride in his chest knowing that in minutes he had her cumming on his face
he quickly stood up and discarded his clothes, throwing them to the back wall.
he wrapped his hand around y/ns throat and crashing his lips into hers.
the kiss was so needy and passionate. nothing y/n had ever felt before.
soon enough he turned her around, chest agains the wall of the shower. he let a hand glide over the curve of her ass before bringing his hand down onto it, leaving a perfect mark against it.
he did it again and again, y/n couldn’t help but squeal at the last one as it was the hardest one.
“and that’s for saving me for last, angel.” he smirked, kissing the back of her shoulder.
soon enough, he slid into y/ns velvet warmth
his groan couldn’t be contained no matter how hard he tried, he had never felt such a feeling against himself before
she moaned as she felt him slide in, inch by inch.
as soon as he bottomed out, she let out a loud moan “oh alex” she sighed, her head falling against the cold shower wall
her skin felt like it was on fire
alex felt the exact same
his hands found her hair, wrapping a makeshift ponytail around his fist and pulling back hard.
her head met his shoulder and he gave her a simple and sweet kiss to the cheek before pounding into her relentlessly
he held himself back from cumming right then and there as her mason slipped out with his name in between a few of them.
he didn’t let up as her moans became more high pitched
knowing she was close he kept his thrusts the same, soon enough he felt her clenching around him.
her whole body felt like it was being electrocuted, her legs began to shake and tremble.
y/n thought they would give out from underneath her, alex took notice of this and put his arms around her hips, holding her up.
his hand found her clit and her moans somehow grew louder
his relentless attack inside of her was beginning to slow and get sloppy
she knew he would cum soon, she wanted him to cum soon. she didn’t know if she could handle another orgasm but sure enough he brought it upon her
he went to pull out but y/n stopped him “cum in me, alex. come on baby boy, cum in me”
that itself sent alex in a tumble, y/n felt his hot ropes painting her walls.
she moaned at the feeling itself and before she knew it, she was cumming again.
how could just him cumming in her, make her orgasm? this orgasm was different too, it was heavy, it was stronger than anyone’s she’s ever had.
“you just squirted” alex laughed
“what? no i didn’t” she stood up and sure enough, beads of water sat on his thickness and pelvic bone (it wasn’t from the water of the shower either)
she gasped
“that’s never, uh, happened before”
“what did i tell you? hmm?” alex grabbed her hips and pulled her into a sweet kiss, which she just melted into.
“you’re right. you’re right” she smiled pushing her forehead against his
“come on let’s actually clean up” he replied grabbing the body wash for them.
they showered together, washing eachothers bodies and hair.
something so intimate that y/n had never experienced before, it was nice.
y/n ended up falling asleep in alex’s room that night with no consequences from the walter parents
to say the least, nights like those lasted for years.
and years.
and years.
until y/n and alex had their own little babies running around on farm land
just the way y/n imagined it would be.
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sgiandubh · 14 days ago
Not all kilts are created equal, either
At the rate things are drastically mutating, as far as cons and fan events are concerned, it would seem the most democratic way to meet, greet and grab an autograph from S is to swallow even the most remote idea of self-esteem and join the crowds on that Sassenach Winter Tour. Beat the pavement with the huddled masses and wait for Ginger Jesus to wink encouragingly, as your knees give way and you melt into a puddle of fuzzy love for... Ahem... no, let's hope not, my quill got the better of my reason, on this one.
This will go on and on and on, until the Last Living Woman on Earth ever to have been touched by JAMMF's self-evident charm will stop writing idiocies like this one:
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You would never be able to compare Glenmorangie and SS, just like you wouldn't do the same about S and Harrison Ford, excuse me. At least if you would like to keep some modicum of integrity, here.
I am sorry, Ford and Glenmorangie did not copy anything. They just used a beloved piece of garment, the kilt, to their advantage. The rugged (but sexy and ultimately interesting and kind) Highlander in a kilt was not invented by Diana Gabaldon, nor definitively embodied by Sam Roland Heughan.
'Erself explained many times over she could have chosen anything else (aliens immediately came to my sick mind, but perhaps not the best option, after all) when she first started writing that damned book. But an old Dr Who episode, featuring a Highlander named Jamie McCrimmon and then a punctual subplot detail in Eric Linklater's book Prince in the Heather, mentioning Clan Fraser's only survivor after Culloden sealed the deal. I did not invent these, even Wikipedia knows 😉. In doing so, she simply (and wisely profitably, it would seem) chose one of the most popular and intriguing cultural tropes - Scotland. The rest was easy enough, but never forget that on a different inspiration whim, we could be talking all the same about Jaime, the Impetuous Pirate of the Caribbean (Voyager trivia, anyone?) or even Jacques, the French fin-de-siècle gentleman thief. That she chose Scotland is our delight (I doubt Shipper Mom wouldn't have zapped over a pirate series, after all), and S's lifetime lucky strike, that's all.
Scotland has been immensely popular and fantasized about, from The Borders to the Kamchatka Peninsula, ever since Walter Scott published The Lay of the Last Minstrel, in 1805, to rousing success. And even more so, since Queen Victoria and Prince Albert first visited and fell in love with it, in 1842. All things Scottish, from the tartan to the sense of honor, never ceased to fascinate people all around the world. The Outlander universe is just one of Scotland's latest representations in popular culture and, forgive me for being blunt, not even the best known one.
And excuse me once more, men in kilts have been around ever since, too. John Brown, Victoria's morganatic spouse, included. For better, rather than for worse. My own mind doesn't have to travel very far just to immediately remember Sean Connery, but here is an updated list of celebrities who apparently think the kilt is fashionable as hell and tells a very interesting story of virility and fortitude: https://help.scottishkiltshop.com/hc/en-us/articles/18545441581069-How-Hollywood-Celebrities-Embrace-the-Kilt . It's pleasantly enough written and makes for quite an instructive, updated overview of what the kilt really means in popular culture and how it is being constantly used to ventilate above positive messages & values.
To write that Ford used Heughan's persona in that #ad is akin to uninformed blindness. To go even further and talk with confidence about associative marketing is adding insult to injury and proving the person does not have the remotest clue of what she is writing about.
To cut the story short, associative marketing is simply a sales' strategy directed to minority groups and/or fringe communities. A classic example is Tupperware selling its plastic tchotchkes to moms all around the world and by doing so, peddling the dream of gifting them extra time for themselves (finally!). In other words, the focus of the sales strategy is being mindful about a specific set of needs and priorities that must be addressed. You are selling a product alright, but you are selling it to a niche. Glenmorangie is the opposite of that, in fact: it is a worldwide known brand, appreciated and enjoyed, sometimes excessively, by men and women (and frat boys and girls), irrespective of age, cultural context (yes, even in Tehran!) or social status. I honestly fail to see where the associative marketing can be found in Glenmorangie's poster and would rather think of Sassenach Spirits' own strategy in those terms. Especially when you think again about those huddled masses beating the pavement in front of a non-descript liquor store, on Main Street, America (or Industrial Zone, America, to be more exact).
Oh, well, she probably wanted to say Glenmorangie is coat-tailing Norouzi's genius ideas, which would be disingenuous, if not ridiculous, above anything else. But it surely is my deepest, secret and probably naively altruistic wish for this cheap Sassenach Tour gimmick to be shelved aside, before things become truly, heartbreakingly pathetic.
Make no mistake. I am such a loyal idiot that I am still confident. But the clock is ticking, and not to their advantage. So, is that it, is this how things are going to happen, from now on: extortionate fan events and #silly bottle signing sessions?
What would JAMMF, aka Jamie Roy, the Edinburgh spirits' smuggler, think about all of this?
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panic-at-the-fiction · 3 months ago
A Problem to Work With part 2
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a problem to work with. He’s annoying, snarky, hot headed and you don’t get along. And this has absolutely nothing to do with your thoughts about how big his arms are, or how hot he is when he’s mad. No this is only about how difficultly annoying he is.
Warning: Tension, banter, eventual smut. Maybe some gun violence.
A/N: Ooh look at me go two in a row, I’m almost back in my groove. This is fun, I miss this. Hope y’all enjoy it as much as I did.
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You crossed the dance floor to the drinks table and leaned onto the counter beside Lestrade with a heavy sigh. “Now, I love these galas as much as the next person, but perhaps I wasn’t meant for all this dancing.” You gave a loud laugh signaling to the waiter to hand you water.
Lestrade waved off his previous group of friends and gave you a smile that made you want to take a step back, but you held up the persona you had created. “Someone as pretty as you, well, you were made to show off on the dance floor.”
“My thought exactly,” Bucky said with impeccable timing, stepping into the husband role with ease as he possessively placed a hand around your waist. He extended his right hand for Lestrade to shake, “Hi James Laker, seems you’ve met my wife here. You must be Walter Lestrade, I hear you're a big deal around here.” His face was cordial but his voice, that was sending chills down your spine.
“A pleasure to meet you both, and as for me being a big deal, I’m not so convinced of that. I own some important properties, a few stocks, and just the right amount of influence to be relevant. But hey, isn’t that what we’re all looking for in this line of work.” He laughed and gave you a wink.
You laughed with him and gave Bucky a slap on the shoulder. “Isn’t he just a laugh, dear.”
“Yes, isn't he just?”
“Me and my husband were so hoping to meet you tonight, I’ve been following your work in the Congo district. I admire the investments you’ve made in your developments.”
“Why thank you madam, I see you are fellow realtor investors then?”
“Yes, maybe not quite on your level, but we’ve made some good decisions over the years.”
You placed your hand on Bucky’s chest, feeling how warm he was. “My husband's just being modest, we actually just purchased a large development in the Hamptons. We just moved out here to oversee the project.”
“How lucky are you to have a business partner as pretty as your wife here. I mean, none of my shareholders are nearly as captivating.” Was his flirting actually starting to affect Bucky? His grip was tightening on your waist to the point his metal hand would certainly leave a bruise if he kept it up.
“Oh, I just love this song. Mrs. Laker you must join me on the dance floor, for a spin. That is, if it’s ok with your husband here?” He said with a grin wide on his face.
“I’m sure it’s ok, right, sweetie?” Bucky's jaw was clenched tight.
“Oh course.” He said, releasing the tight grip on your hip, allowing you to take Lestrade’s outstretched hand.
He pulled you out onto the dance floor and into a close hold that you couldn’t help yourself from comparing to Bucky. That moment had been intimate and close, this just felt structural.
“So, Mrs. Laker, tell me about yourself.”
“Oh, call me (y/n).”
“Ok (y/n), how does a pretty thing like you end up married and running a business.” You smiled pretending like you were flattered, but internally, you wondered if he was prone to flirt with married women. But then again you weren’t actually married and this could work to your benefit.
“Well, James and I married 8 years ago, thought it would be best for the business, put off having kids because we thought it would be best for the business, and now we’ve moved here because we thought it would be best for the business.”
“I see, well, what do you think might be best for your business now?”
“Well it seems that getting to know you would be what’s best, for the business I mean.”
“Excuse me, can I borrow my wife for a second?” Bucky was quick to grab Lestrade’s hand from where it sat on the small of your back before using his other hand to pull you away and off the dance floor. His grip on your wrist, bruising.
“Buck, what are you doing? I was gaining his trust just then.” You said as he dragged you out of the main ballroom into the hallways and towards the worker’s entrance.
“Oh no, I saw what you were doing,” He said through teeth that sounded as tightly clenched as his hold on you. “But no need for THAT, I know how to get what we came here for.”
“Really?” He didn't bother to answer. The servant's entrance led to the garage where they had parked the valeted cars. He stopped dragging you finally and dangled a set of keys from his hand.
“Lestrade car,” Realization dawned on you. “But how did you…?”
“I talked to some wait staff while you were dancing.”
You laughed, “You don’t think he’s dumb enough to have the plans here in his car, do you?”
“Actually, I do.” He clicked the car keys and a loud beep sounded from a bright red Aston Martin. You walked over thinking about how of course Lestrade, a man who had just a few moments ago shamefully hit on a supposedly married woman, drove such a gauche car.
Bucky held the front door open for you to get in. “Do your thing, doll.”
You tried not to let the heat in your face show as you got to work on the console of the car. He had an outrageous amount of technology in this thing.
“Well, I’ll be damned, even his car's software is deeply locked. I mean Buck, this is high security right here, he’s gotta be hiding something in this computer.”
“Well, what did I tell you, the ass face is that dumb.”
“Are you mad because I danced with him, my dear husband?” You teased as you worked on hacking into the car's computer system.
Bucky leaned his head down from outside the car. “No, I’m mad I ever let that damn fool even get close enough to learn your name, let alone place a hand on you.” His voice was low, and you stopped your work on the computer and slowly looked at him. His eyes were dark and hungry and hot and oh so close to yours. He looked as if he wanted to eat you and you would let him.
You thought for a moment he might lean in and kiss you here and now with his breath fanning so close to you, “Bucky.”
“Well now I knew someone might be coming here tonight to try and cause some trouble, but man was I hoping for a lot less bloodshed tonight.” Lestrade called from the parking garage. Bucky quickly snapped into soldier mode as you both took in the 5 or more security members with guns standing behind Lestrade.
“What makes you think there's going to be any bloodshed?” Bucky said with a straight face.
“Ha, please, now be serious here and step out of the car. We’re just going to go upstairs and have us a nice chat. I’ll even be nice and let the girl sit out of this one, no need to ruin that pretty face of hers.”
Bucky put his hand out to tell you to stay put, but in doing so, he slyly slipped you the car keys. “Now Lestrade if you have something to say we can just talk out here, anything you can say to me, you can say it in front of my wife.” He slowly backed around the door, moving subtly to the front of the car, further away from Lestrade and his men.
“See, I’m really starting to doubt the two of you are married.” He laughed, but you could tell he was on his last straw. Lestrade wasn’t afraid to start shooting and to leave without any answers from you two.
“Yeah, well, the thing about that is…” Bucky slammed the car door shut and took off running through the parking deck, using the cars to shield him partially as he did so.
“After him!” Lestrade shouted at his men.
You got the message and had the keys ready in the ignition and started the car up before throwing it into reverse and whipping the car out of its parking space. Lestrade barely jumped out of the way before pulling out his hand gun and attempting to aim at your tires, but apparently he wasn’t much of a sharpshooter.
You twisted through the parking garage looking for Bucky. You knew that Lestrade’s men had no chance of catching him on foot, but you needed to get out of here and fast.
Luckily, he found you first. He jumped onto the hood of the car, landing with a loud thud that nearly made you scream as he partially blocked your vision through the windshield.
“Oh my god Barnes, what are you thinking?!”
“Just drive!” He yelled.
You slammed your foot on the gas, heading for the exit, as Bucky slowly began to move his way across the hood to the passenger side door.
You reached across with one hand and threw it open as he slipped in feet first from the top of the car, slamming the door once he was inside.
“So much for a covert stealth mission.”
“Yeah well Stark should have known better than to send us in if he wanted this done the easy way.” You laughed at his sarcasm, causing him to laugh too, but you stopped when you heard him take a loud hiss as he clutched his ribs a bit.
“Shit are you hurt?” You reached over to check him, but he swatted you away.
“Well, I sort of just slammed myself into this car with you going like 50 miles an hour in a parking deck.”
“I was trying to find you, sorry if I wasn’t following speeding laws in this stolen car.”
“Please just focus on driving.” He sighed as he lean back in the passenger seat, letting go of his side. “We need to get a safe distance away, finish getting the information we need, and then ditch this car.”
Part 3 should be out next week
@preeyansha @mostlymarvelgirl @chimchoom @kedawg @littletomboy2 @hi172826
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