#Wally you are so foul for that
dollwritesarchive · 2 years
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hal panels that just give me a feeling ™️ part one of a thousand
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home again ; yandere!wally darling
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requested by ; anonymous (09/05/23)
word count ; 2031
content ; platonic yanderes, memory loss (the puppets all had their memories forcibly wiped), references to child/teen reader, obsessive protectiveness, author’s first time writing something platonic so… yeah
note ; i haven’t written anything like this before (sfw yandere stuff) so apologies if it seems a tad off. similarly i’m still adjusting to writing wally’s character in terms of dialogue and such, so that may also seem a smidge ooc.
fandom ; welcome home
pairing ; platonic wally darling x gender neutral!reader
read also on ; ao3
It was a beautifully melancholy evening: the stars and moon were obscured with thick, grey clouds that loomed overhead like ragged old curtains; the air was thick with dust and pollen that clung to your skin and clothes like a man hanging onto the edge of a steep cliff, digging their claws in and holding on with all the relentless might you’d come to hate; your room was only dimly illuminated by the pale blue light emanating from your monitor, the low hum of the vents the only sound to compliment the clicking of keys and the tapping of the mouse. Quiet, drab and dull; how very typical of spring.
But at the very least it gave you all the excuse you needed to sit behind a screen and doomscroll. Tired eyes skimming over articles and activists decrying the latest tragedy, thousands of crabs in the metaphorical bucket of social media all fighting for the attention of bystanders — only taking pause when you came across something all too familiar, yet at the same time entirely new.
‘Does anyone else remember Welcome Home? It was pretty popular when it aired back in the 70s and my friends and I are trying to create a complete archive for it’ — the caption read. Below it was a highlighted link and a picture that had been burned into your brain since childhood: bright swatches of paint adorning every surface, all seeing eyes as big as can be, and in front of it, that permanent smile carved into yellow felt. Wally Darling and Home, you remembered them both clearly enough — clearer than you’d have liked, even.
It had been decades since you’d actively thought back on Welcome Home, on your brief stint in stardom, and frankly you’d have rather it’d been kept that way. You still held a bit of a grudge over getting axed: ‘too mature’, yeah right! Every kid loves astrology and nobody is too old to talk about their feelings… you were only 14 for crying out loud! Too mature, your ass.
But perhaps, you reasoned, it wouldn’t be too bad to take a quick trip down memory lane. Sure you’d loved the show when it aired, but you stopped watching after your section was cut, so maybe it would be cool to see what changed in the interim — and, either way, your experiences would probably be helpful to the archivists. So no harm, no foul.
The site was easy enough to navigate but man you didn’t expect to get so emotional when you went looking through the recovered art. They looked exactly the same as you remembered, all of them — which is kind of silly to think about since puppets and tv show characters in general tend not to change since, well, they were meant to stay consistent. Frank was always going to look terribly stern, and Julie was always going to come onto scene with a new fabulous hairdo, and Eddie was always going to trip over his own feet on his rounds, and Wally was always going to open and close each episode with a nod to the audience. These things were staples of the characters and the show’s structure so of course they’d be the same.
But, still, you somehow felt like they should have changed in your absence. A small part of your mind, an irrational part surely, crying out that they were alive and that living things were made to change — which was silly. And, frankly, a little embarrassing that you’d even had that thought at all.
So you pushed that idea to the very back of your mind where it belonged and continued to scroll through the various pages of the website. Art from official books (you were sure you even owned the ‘ask Wally’ type book and that it was still at your parents’ place), merchandise like pop up figures (the sort that were found only in cereal boxes and magazines), promotional posters and even one piece from your short tenure on the show. You remembered posing for that photograph, being told to smile and to wrap your arms around Eddie and Wally — but for some reason you couldn’t quite recall what their puppeteers were called.
Or if they even had any puppeteers in the first place.
No. That can’t be right. They were puppets, characters, they had to have someone controlling and voicing them — but none of the promotional art nor your memories supported that basic truth. It didn’t make sense.
None of it made sense. This was why you’d tried to forget that show so desperately after you left. It messed with your head far too much to be worth the effort so why bother burning out over questions that could be explained by a faulty memory.
A memory that could, in picture perfect detail, recall the route from Howdy’s store to Home as clear as crystal — as if it were your own route to-and-from primary school. A memory that could replay patchy conversations between Wally and Julie, bittersweet bickering over hairspray and hairpins that you could only recall in pieces, but that still rang clearly as if you were thinking of childhood friends. A memory that was imprinted with the feeling of warm felt embraces and puffs of warm air from stencil cut mouths that would have been impossible if they weren’t alive. Moving eyes, small bodies, freely walking, freely talking — alive and well and clear as day in your mind as normally as recalling your parents arguing over a cup of freshly brewed coffee on the mornings of each shoot.
The distinctly strong smell of the synthetic hairspray Wally used that would hang around him and mixed with the scent of oil paint like a cologne — that burned your nose if you hung around too close to him in the early morning. The sheer joy of Howdy picking you up and tossing you in the air as a congratulations for your first scene done well — caterpillar fuzz that stuck to your clothes for days, as strong as velcro. The way you and Julie squealed when Barnaby shook back and forth and sent droplets of muddy water raining down on you and on her freshly done up hair — and the joke that followed her exasperated tirade as you, through giggles, explained frustration to the audience through a camera they seemed to not be able to see.
Memories that kept unearthing themselves the deeper you went into the site, eventually culminating with you tearing up at the sight of old friends you’d been forced to leave behind. Silly, perhaps, but you recall telling the audience that it was healthy to cry and to let it all go — so at least your teenage self would be proud of your emotional vulnerability.
After a good hour of this, and more than in need of a break, you finally clicked on the attached message board and typed up a simple few sentences. A greeting and a farewell all in one before you closed down your computer and went to bed.
‘I used to have a segment on Welcome Home when I was a kid. I was meant to do astrology and emotions, before I got cut for being too old lol. This brought back so many memories. Thank you, all.’
Wally hadn’t meant to linger — really, he hadn’t — but there had been something oddly familiar about his latest visitor that he couldn’t quite place. Even from behind the screen he was trapped within, even as he watched their message load in, he could tell that they were different. It was their eyes, those tearful knowing eyes — he was sure he’d seen them before in that somewhere different, somewhere brighter, that came before the end he and his neighbours were trapped in.
When he saw their eyes he saw himself, a twisted altered reflection of himself that was filled to bursting with the warmth and awareness that he was created to hold within himself. A child’s eyes in the form of someone who he didn’t know yet he knew he must have once. A lingering, niggling feeling in the back of his skull, like fingertips brushing and scratching and digging into his fabric brain — rearranging and scouring and destroying and reaching for something that he couldn’t quite find.
He winced and squinted and stared through the screen to no avail, tilting his head and watching them as they flicked from screen to screen to screen desperate for a sign that he could use to place this familiar stranger. Unable to do so until finally — finally — their note came through and he was able to read the short greeting they’d left behind.
Then, and only then, did those forbidden memories come flooding back. A formidable tidal wave, a whirling rapid, of bright lights and experiences and conversations that had been torn from him and shredded in the writer’s room of their long gone creators.
He knew you, he’d always known you; the child too old for their youth that visited their neighbourhood in the beginning. Who always wore a beaming smile and treated them all with a grace beyond their years, spreading kindness and joy to his friends and to the audience only the two of you knew about. Who was far taller than his measly 12 apples of verticality but who never made him feel small. Who spoke eagerly of the constellations and painted the most wonderful pictures of stars and moons and planets far beyond their reach that he did his best to capture in his paintings. Who was only 14 but felt more like an adult than he did sometimes — he, who was crafted and sewn without a childhood — but who wasn’t above play and foley.
The child who was the absolute most; his favourite transient neighbour. All of their’s, actually.
How could he possibly have forgotten you?
You with your broad toothy grins, and your warm eyes that shone brighter than the stars you loved, and your arms that were big enough to carry even more apples than he could have ever dreamed of. You, who he promised to protect and keep away from the horrors of the world, theirs and your own. You, who never turned down a favour or plea from his neighbours.
You. Just you.
Wonderful, lovable, unforgettable you. His child of flesh, not felt, but he loved you all the same.
And he didn’t get to see you grow up, because his creators deemed you unbefitting of their world and cut you from their memories as ruthlessly as they’d cut your segments from their show. Welcome Home didn’t feel very much like a home after that — even if they didn’t quite recall what was missing.
Wally didn’t even want to think about all of the horrors and harms you’d faced throughout the years you’d been apart — he could see the wear hanging heavily in the downwards quirk of your lips and the dampened glint in your eye. He knew he’d sooner kill someone than let them hurt you, he’d threatened it plenty alongside Howdy and Eddie and Frank — they all loved you as dearly as him, once.
But in his current predicament he couldn’t do much to protect you. Couldn’t coddle you, couldn’t warm you, couldn’t sooth you with those sweets you used to love (if you even loved them anymore, it had clearly been quite some time), couldn’t do anything to help. He couldn’t even communicate with you, to apologise, to tell you he still loved you and that you were still welcome in their neighbourhood.
So he did the only thing he could; he drew you a picture. A silly little simplistic drawing, scratchy and crude, depicting a strong memory he had of you. The two of you, hand in hand, with your arms overflowing with apples you’d managed to steal from Howdy (oh how he missed such trivial things) — he hoped you remembered these moments as fondly as he did. Then, to the illustration, he attached a small message, a plea just for you, before settling back down behind the screen and hoping — praying — that you’d come back.
‘I’m sorry for forgetting you, friend, please come home’
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chaostroberry1 · 4 months
A heavenly body that isn't from outerspace (Imagines)
Lookism, blue lock, death note, seven deadly sins, Tokyo revengers, blood of zues, welcome home, viral hit/how to fight, obey me
Like this man is so foul to other people yet when it comes to you, all that just goes straight into the trash.
When it comes to stuff like violence, you only get the innie Winnie tiny bit of it, or almost none at all. But the other person? Well...that's a whole different story.
He'd pull someones hair back so disrespectfully, but you, who was right beside that certain someone—he'd just pull you by your clothes, without inflicting any harm to you.
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Like bro. (Art by me btw)
Yeah he may have teased you or offended you in a little way, but comparing it to what he does to other people? Are you his own deity or something? Fucking someone up mentally/physically while you just stay there, completely unscratched and clean. Worshipping you and your body like it were heaven sent.
Nobody leaving the place if he ever found out you were harmed in any way. Like I can just imagine this man looking at a bunch of beaten up dudes groaning on the ground in pain, beaten to a pulp, but the moment he turns his head and sees you, he's immediately rushing towards you to check for any scratches, literally no fucks given to the "not very important" people who were bloodied up or beaten up.
—James lee lookism—Michael kaiser bllk—Alexis ness bllk—hades RoR—Poseidon RoR—Shidou Ryusei bllk, —Gun park lookism—Vin Jin lookism—Zack lee lookism—jaegyeon na lookism—taesoo ma lookism—Mello death note—meliodas SDS—draken Tokyo revengers—Apollo BoZ, —Hermes BoZ—Ares BoZ—wally darling welcome home, —Nathaniel killer peter—Taehun seong viral hit—Satan obey me—Solomon obey me—Hades BoZ
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krasytoonz · 1 year
Speech Examples!
King Wally
“What’s a Peasant like YOU doing here! Goodness, you STINK!”
“No, I don’t like this. I don’t like this one either. You are supposed to READ my MIND! Can’t you already figure out what I like and don’t like?”
“I was a bit rude. I know that. But I will not apologize for it. Because I am King.”
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Jester Barnaby
“What do you call Tea that doesn’t have (T)ea?… Just Ea.”
“Hey, don’t go about and hang your head down like that! You did great, buddy. What matters is the effort you put in!”
“I know a place where we can go and relax. Maybe daydream or take a nap! Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“I actually got some tricks up my sleeves!… Well, I don’t got any sleeves. But you get it!”
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Castle’s Greatest Knight
“Do you think that maybe he might like me back?”
“Being a Knight doesn’t mean you have to just ‘be’. You’ve got to act and look like one too!”
“Stand STRAIGHT! What are you even worthy of if you can’t even do one simple thing!!”
“I may be merciful, but do not take me for a Fool. So do not treat me like one.”
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The Advisor
“That is so funny, because the last time I remember you was… Never. I don’t think you are even good enough to be in the storage of my memories.”
“You see, because ‘pie’ is a consumable good, but ‘pi’ is a maths symbolism that equals to 3.14, it is the reason why you are DUMB. Those are NOT THE SAME THINGS.”
“This is NOT how ECONOMY WORKS, Your Majesty. The people are starving and YOU KNOW THAT!”
“For the love of God I will literally burn you ALIVE if you say one more thing out of that stupid mouth of yours!”
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Castle’s Maid
“GAWK!! THE voices.. The noises.. Oh, they’re SPEAKING to me again!”
“No, no no, it isn’t the Castle this time, I know it! Please, believe me! There are things wrong with this Kingdom — HORRIBLY WRONG!”
“It’s a CURSE!! I knew that because I went to this Fortune-Teller and she told me that THIS WILL HAPPEN! GAWK!!”
“Breathe in.. Breathe out.. No, this wouldn’t work! This is silly! Let’s get out of here and run away elsewhere while we still can!”
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The Anarchist
“Boasting will do you no good. I don’t like ‘mysteries’ or ‘surprises’ either. Show it to me and I’ll believe you.”
“Somebody who only talks big, but not ‘walk the talk’, is not to be respected. I hope you understand what that means.”
“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to walk alone in the Alleyway?! Are you out of your mind?!! Stick beside me, I know a shortcut.”
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Julie Joyful (in Disguise Name: King-Queen-Royal Julien the III)
“AAHHHH!! I AM SO SO SO EXCITED! Let’s go and look for more Mushrooms. Did you KNOW that Sally can cook really good Mushroom soup?”
“Uhhh… Uhhhhheeeerrrrmmmm… I forgot. I’m sorry, but, I’ll try my best to remember. I promise! PINKIE PROMISE!”
“If you want a hug, just know that I am always here. Don’t you waste your tears, my Friend!”
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Bounty Hunter Sally
“So we got Buggy and Pinkie on the team. You in or you out?”
“HA! No one can EVER come between ME and Pinkie! You can try all you want but you CAN’T ever separate the two of us!”
“Determination is my greatest Skill! Test me if you like but I WON’T back down from a good ramble! Bring it on! Wahhahaa!!”
“These monsters aren’t actually monsters, but they are just sensitive to Fire and Light and all that stuff. Best you put it away.”
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Royal Courtier Sunny
“Yes, very very informative…! Uh, so, when is the festival again?”
“Oooh! That looks DASHING on you! Totally cute and fashionable! Wear it!”
“Morals are very important! You see, without them, people will become violent!”
“Do not fear! I will sacrifice myself if needed! You can rely on me!”
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Castle (speaks in onomatopoeia)
“CREEK! THUMP! CRRRRAAAACKKK!” (Fuck u and ur dad and ur mom and ur siblings)
“Thump. Thump. THUMP.” (Thump thump thump.)
“Creek!” (Flowers! I love flowers!)
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kodared · 1 year
☆ Welcome home Neighbor~! ☆
Human Reader x Welcome Home!
Frank tries his best to guide you, but Home sees all.
Chapter 12/?
Word Count: 6,129 out of 41,493
 You and Frank sat together on the hard and cold synthetic wood flooring of Homes replica for what felt like hours before Frank was finished removing all of Homes twine from underneath your skin. By the time he finished, you noticed tears had started to stream down your face and your teeth bit down on his bowtie hard enough to give you a headache.
After you were able to control your breathing a bit better, you raised a shaky hand to remove Frank's bowtie from your mouth and set it on the ground, you looked at Frank, giving a silent apology for messing up his tie before he gave a pity chuckle and spoke,
“Don't worry about it. I have plenty of others just like it, Now. What happened Y/N?..”
    His voice sounded warm and comforting as he moved out of his crouching position to sit beside you, his hand resting in the center of your back in a way that told you he was there to listen.
Your eyes tried to look anywhere but him as you recalled the memories of being trapped for what felt like an eternity, hell, it may have been eternity. You had no concept of puppet aging anyways, Frank could have literally spent years looking for you and you wouldn't know the difference.
   “...How long have I been here?..”           Frank took a deep breath and made a pensive face as he thought,
     “If I had to guess I would say a few Hours at least. Why do you ask?” You groaned and pulled your aching knees up to rest your head on them, your arms shaking as you desperately tried to will your body to obey what you were pleading it to do.
                          “Because I feel like I’ve been here for fucking years.”
You could feel Frank's hand stop moving on your back for a moment at your swearing, if he was going to tell you off for your foul language he clearly stopped himself. If you could find the strength to do so you would laugh at his reaction.
“..In all seriousness. Time doesn't feel real here. One minute I was in Wallys' living room feeling my skin seething, and the next minute, I'm here. Stuck to a chair with a body that won't even move when I want it to.”
Your hands moved to hold your head as you repositioned yourself to be turned more to face Frank, you desperately needed his logical comfort right about now, but he even seemed to be at a loss for words.
Frank, however, kept his hand moving in comforting circles on your back despite his lack of words for a minute, before speaking again.
“...So you don't know how you got here either?..”
You removed your hands from your face as you looked up at him finally, only to see his face as a mixture of confusion as he was lost in thought. “If I had to guess, I would say Home brought me here. They said something about making me a part of the neighborhood, and they went to a different room. Then I felt dizzy, and woke up here.”
    You groaned as you kept speaking,
“...But I would also have to guess they left me here as a punishment of some sort. This was the building I originally… broke into.. That made me appear in your neighborhood to begin with.”
You turned your gaze to Frank again, now curious how he got here. “...How’d you get here anyways?.. Did Home send you?”
You couldn't help the way your eyebrows furrowed in slight distrust, while you doubt Home sent Frank to get you, it didn't hurt to be suspicious. Especially given your circumstances. If Frank was offended at your slightly distrustful look, he hid it well, he even seemed angry at the mention of Homes name.
“Absolutely not. I was actually sent on a Rescue mission of sorts for you, And got transported here Somehow.”
His story made sense, especially since he and Eddie were the last to see you before you marched off to Home yourself, what a mistake that was. With a sigh you pushed yourself to stand, your shaky legs not doing you any favors.
“Well, we’re not gonna get anywhere sitting here, I think I'm good to walk now anyways..”       Frank still looked concerned despite you assuring him you could walk, but he let it be for the time being. He nodded reluctantly and stood to his feet, making sure to grab the flashlight he had propped up before leaving with you leading the way.             As Frank expected, when he went to open the front door from the inside it didn’t budge. He turned to face you,
                  “I got in through a Broken window, looks like that will be our Exit.”
        You didn’t have much say in the matter so you nodded and followed Frank out of the shattered window. Your shoes grind against the glass on the floor before hoisting yourself out with Frank's help.
                Once you both were safely out of the Replica Home, Frank quickly shined the light at your hands to make sure you didn’t get scraped before speaking and focusing forward,
          “…So you’ve been here before, any ideas on how to get out?.. Eddie and the others should be waiting for us,”  
You followed closely beside Frank as he spoke, looking around at the scattered papers and various boxes idly to occupy your mind.
                “Well… When I first came to the neighborhood it was like.. I fell?.. It was weird, everything felt like it was spinning and I felt the floor cave in,”
    You left out the feeling of being watched as you felt a shiver go down your spine just thinking of it. Frank seemed none the wiser to your discomfort as he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts before speaking again.     
     “Do you remember where exactly you felt this way?..”
       You thought long and hard before looking at your surroundings to see if you recognized anything, which was proving to be hard to do with Frank holding the one and only flashlight you both had.
       “It would help if I could actually see, and while I'm thinking about it Frank, where did you get that Flashlight?”
         Last time you were here you found no sign of Lights, much less a flashlight. Even if Home could alter and warp memories you feel like Home wouldn't wipe something from your memory as small as a flashlight.
     Frank looked a bit confused from what you could see in the light reflecting off of his face before he had a look of realization cross his mind as he moved to hand you the flashlight.
        “I found it when I first entered, I tripped on a box and opened it to reveal a few others along with it.”
    You gave Frank a hum of acknowledgment and shined the light near a wall instead of in Infront of you where it once was pointing. If there were going to be any clues as to where you where, they would be on the walls. You distinctly remember being in the director's office before you ran and passed out, so that would be what you looked for first.
       You kept a close eye on Frank to make sure he was following you as you walked closer and along the walls of the building, only rarely having to deviate from the path if there was a stray box in front of you.
          Before long your shoes ground against what felt to be shattered glass, which raised suspicion inside of you, making you stop in your tracks. Frank was quick to catch onto your concern,
        “What's wrong?.. Why did we stop, do you recognize anything?”
            …You didn't respond.
     Your memories felt hazy as you desperately clamored for your memories. Broken glass should signal the entrance of the building or at least a window.
       …But there was nothing in front of you but more concrete floors and walls engulfed in a sea of black.
          “…This feels wrong.”
     You finally turned to look over your shoulder to see Frank, his eyes meeting yours as he looked confused as to what you meant, you continued without him having to ask.  
        “..The front of the building, when I entered originally, had broken glass at the entrance. But as we can both see..”
      You shined the flashlight forward once more, only emphasizing the pitch-black space that surrounded you both, and seemed to stretch on forever.
         “There is no exit in sight, hell there isn't even a window or skyligh..-”
    Pointing the flashlight up towards the ceiling you cut yourself off in shock, Frank hadn't seemed to look up yet as he moved to put his hand on your shoulder,
           “Y/N..? Whats..-”
            “Be quiet.”
       You shushed him quickly as you motioned your head for him to look up, the sight making him take a sharp inhale.
   The ceiling wasn't normal, anyone could notice that, especially you and Frank. While there were still studio lights and rafters, it seemed they weren't held on by any old wires or scaffolding left around.
         Red threads were holding them.
     All with varying colors and sizes, they twisted around the broken electronics pathetically. Some looked as if they had rusted around the threads from how long they had been neglected. 
“...We need to get out of here, and fast.” 
You spoke quietly and urgently as you began slowly backing up, your other hand motioning for Frank to do the same. The red threads overtook the majority of the ceiling as you looked repulsed at how they overtook the old lights. 
Homes influence must have spread to this place after you left, or maybe you never left Home at all. In your mind this could all very well be another one of Homes tricks, but if it was why was Frank here?.. 
Your thoughts came to a halt as you were caught up in staring at the ceiling, you failed to notice the threads that now snaked their way to the floor. Successfully tripping Frank and making you stumble. 
Frank suppressed a yelp as he watched the thread that was once pulled taught to trip him wrapped around his ankle like a boa constrictor. 
Frank didn't have to call for your help for long before you quickly pivoted on your heel to pull him up, your other foot stomping at the thread that came from the ceiling all the way to the floor, aiming to snap it. 
Frank winced as he felt the string merge deeper with his fabric skin before it stopped and finally broke free from his ankle. You held Frank's hand tightly as you quickly ran away from the threads. 
The threads spread through the facility for miles it seemed, with you and Frank stumbling as you both tripped on various strings and papers scattered on the floor. 
Right when your running seemed all for nothing, you quickly felt a feeling of deja vu hit you like a truck as you passed a wall. Shining your light you could see a door that read,
“Directors Office.” 
Without a second thought, you stopped running. Making Frank trip for a second before you quickly pulled him steady, turning around to see the threads that hung from the ceiling, they swayed like loose spider silk. 
“Frank. This is where it happened,” 
Frank looked panicked and confused, his breath frantic as he desperately tried to speak, his hand tugged at yours, beckoning you to keep running.
“Wh-.. What are you talking about?!.. We-.. We need to get away from the threads,” 
You squeezed Frank's hand in an attempt to calm his anxiety, you could feel him growing more and more anxious, but you knew this was where you originally fell into the neighborhood. 
Now you just needed a Spark to get you there. 
Without much thought, you let go of Frank's hand and unscrewed the lens from the Flashlight. The small bulb inside felt warm against your hand as you held the top of the flashlight and dropped to your knees, Frank looked confused and downright sick as he stared at the threads that now snaked their way over to you both. 
You looked up at the strings and grabbed Frank's hand, you readjusted your grip on the cheap flashlight as you slammed the lightbulb directly onto the concrete with a few papers nearby.
A small spark flew from the broken bulb and the glass shattered with a sickening crunch. Thankfully, it doesn't take much for old papers to catch fire. The fire quickly spread to the threads that were now inches away from you and Frank and you both watched as they recoiled and the floor suddenly felt weak. 
“...What just happe..!-” 
Before Frank could speak, the floor released below the both of you. The last thing you saw was Frank holding tightly onto your hand as you both fell and hit something soft. 
The only sound that could be heard over your ringing ears was your own heavy breathing. So you kept your eyes shut and continued to squeeze Frank's hand. 
After a few minutes, you finally opened your eyes and you felt Frank's hand still intertwined with yours, and his heavy breathing was now slowed down. You both were calming down and coming to terms with reality. 
Frank was the first to sit up, not that you particularly minded. You kept your tired eyes on the dim sky, it seemed to be nighttime, Frank also was looking at the sky thoughtfully as he calmed down. 
“...So that was.. Your world?” 
You chuckled softly as you sat up and finally let go of Frank's hand, you both seemed to be in a field, much similar to the one you found yourself in when you first arrived. 
“Pretty much, though there weren't as many threads last time,” 
Frank gave a hum of an acknowledgment as he turned to look at you, his frown now being a small smile as he seemed to try to lighten the mood. 
“I don't think I like it as much as my world to be honest,” 
You let out a laugh and stood on your shaky legs, offering Frank a hand as you helped him get up. 
“You could say that again, now, didn't you say Eddie and them were waiting for us?..” 
Frank looked embarrassed that he of all people had forgotten, he quickly began walking in the direction of the neighborhood. 
“Indeed I did, we must tell them you are safe. Wouldnt want to keep them worried.” 
The dim moonlight lit your path as you followed Frank, not wanting to get lost in the forest this late. Thankfully Frank seemed to be quite knowledgeable on how to traverse the terrain, he led you back to the entrance of town with no problems. 
…However, one thing struck you as concerning. 
All of the lights were off. Granted there weren't many to begin with, but Howdy almost always kept the porch light on, even if the shop was closed, as did Eddie. 
But both were off. 
Even Frank looked a bit shocked as you glanced over at him. He stared at Eddie's shop before shaking his head and looking toward his house. 
“Eddie probably just went back to my house for the night. I'm sure he's alright,” 
You nodded and followed Frank in the direction of his house, keeping your eyes averted from Home and sticking ever so slightly closer to Frank due to your anxiety. 
Frank didn't seem to mind. But as you looked over at Home out of sheer curiosity, you saw Homes eyes were shut. Similar to the way they were in your world. 
You felt uneasy. So without much thought, you walked into Frank's house and practically collapsed onto the couch, Frank just stood in the doorway. 
“...Normally Eddie would be asleep on the couch by now..” 
You watched as Frank closed the door and looked at his coat rack beside the door, seeing no sign of Eddie's mailbag or Hat. 
“...Maybe he's with Barnaby or the others,”
You tried to provide any consolation to where he went, you tried not to think or mention how he could be with Wally right now. You both knew Wally was under Homes control. 
Before Frank could respond to you, someone knocked at the door. Making you flinch and Frank even jumped a little before composing himself and opening the door. 
“Ah.. Hello Sally.” 
Frank spoke with a small smile, and as you leaned on the couch to get a glimpse of Sally, something didn't feel right. 
You could have sworn her Blue eye wasn't always open. 
“Hello Hello, Frank!.. I just came to invite you and Y/N to the Play that's happening tonight!” 
Frank's smile slowly drooped back into his usual frown, looks like he also knew something was wrong with Sally. 
“...I thought you normally give a Weeks Notice to your plays?.. Wally scolded you last time for ruining his painting schedule.” 
Sally seemed to stall for a moment, like a computer that lost its connection before speaking through stuttered words. 
“W..Well!.. I just wanted to throw a surprise Play for the new neighbor!” 
Sally pointed in your direction, making you sink further into the plush couch cushions as Frank looked at you and scowled a little at Sally. 
“They’re not staying Sally, you and I both know we have to get them home. Now, if you'll excuse..-” 
As Frank moved to shut his door, Sallys' shoe stood in the way of the door shutting fully. Her eyes wide now with her smile only growing, as she stepped further into Frank's house, you could both see the swirls that overtook her eyes. Your breath caught in your throat as Sally looked right at you and pushed past Frank. 
“Oh don't be Silly!.. They're even wearing the proper clothes for the occasion.” 
You quickly stood from the couch and moved to put distance between yourself and the eccentric theatre fanatic. You knew very well that your outfit was similar to Wallys', you never changed out of the pants Howdy had given you. 
You were starting to feel as if that was intentional. 
You looked at Frank with a pleading expression, silently begging him to help before he grabbed Sallys' shoulder and stopped her from walking any closer. 
“Home. This is no way to go about things.” 
Sallys' breath caught in her throat as she craned her neck uncomfortably to the side to glare at Frank, her smile now looking strained and fake as her eye twitched. 
“Home? How silly Frank. Im, not Home.” 
Frank flinched as Sally slapped his hand off of his shoulder before briskly walking out of his house. Her shoes clicked against the brick porch Frank had. 
“I expect you both to be at the Play in 10 minutes. You wouldn't want to leave the Cast with an empty house would you?” 
At her final words, you and Frank both watched as the door seemed to close on its own. You didn't notice it but Frank did, Frank saw the red strings that came from Sallys' fingers and pulled the door shut. 
Frank now knew where Eddie and the others were. 
“Y/N... We need to get some things from Howdys shop. We wouldn't want to go to the play without Flowers?.. Right?” 
You were confused for a moment before Frank did an ever so subtle wink and opened his front door to go to howdys store, Home was eavesdropping and Frank knew it. 
“Uh... Yeah, I think I remember Howdy getting more.. Tulips and roses in a few days ago..” 
You followed Frank out of the house and walked to Howdys shop, the porch light being off still shaking you to your core. You hoped Howdy was okay. 
Frank didn't say anything as he moved to an aisle containing different scissors and wire cutters. He motioned for you to gather a few items yourself, you of course listened. 
You walked down a few aisles, you felt bad you couldn't pay Howdy, but you guessed helping him out was just as much of a payment as anything else. So without much thought, you picked up a pair of scissors. 
Just as you were about to exit the aisle, you saw something that caught your eye. 
A small spindle of Red thread, one similar to Homes own, just without the sentience attached to it of course. 
You grabbed it and shoved it in your pocket before meeting back up with Frank at the entrance. 
“Are you ready to go see Sallys' play?” 
Frank had a worried look on his face despite his voice sounding confident with a tinge of joyful energy behind it. You could tell his voice was a facade, but his eyes told you everything. 
“As ready as ill ever be.” 
Frank hummed in acknowledgment and left Howdys shop, you followed closely behind as you approached Sallys' house. 
Her studio lights in front of the house were on, you assumed it was a signal there was a play in progress as you heard various laughs and music playing inside. 
Frank looked sick to his stomach as he moved to knock on Sallys' door, Frank's knuckles hadnt even touched the wooden door before it swung open revealing Eddie. 
Eddie slumped over and engulfed Frank in a tight hug as Frank let out a happy gasp, 
“Eddie!.. Why are you at Sallys?.. Your normally asle-..”
As Frank moved to pull away from Eddies hug, he found that Eddie wasn't letting go. You and Frank looked at Eddie as he slowly lifted his head, 
His smile looked strained and his eyes bore swirls. 
Frank's breath caught in his throat in fear as he desperately tried to squirm out of Eddies tight grip, to no avail. From Eddie's hands emerged Bright Red threads that quickly wrapped around Franks arms successfully restraining him like a spider. 
Before you could move to help Frank, you felt two sets of hands on your shoulders and arms. 
You didn't dare to look up before you felt your consciousness fade. 
—------------- - - -  - - -  -   -  - - - -  -= -= - -  - - -
Your head throbbed as you slowly woke, waking with a gasp as you tried to stand from the chair you had been placed in, only to find your arms and legs bound by a tight Red Rope. 
Raising your aching head you could see a large theatre stage in front of you, most definitely belonging to Sally and her play that you had been invited to go see. 
Which posed a bigger question, where was Frank?.. 
Looking around your general area it was hard to see anything but darkness. The room was empty apart from you and the folding chair that you had been strapped to. The dim lights that hung from the ceiling that pointed to the stage provided an ominous hum in the otherwise deadly quiet room. 
Craning your neck back you tried desperately to see if there was any Exit, but before you could even get the chance. A loud squealing of metal was heard from the stage making your attention snap back to the large stage. 
The loud squealing you heard was followed by the wooshing of the large red curtains that hung from the roof on a pulley system. 
In the center of the Stage was the star of the Show. Wally Darling. Who stood bowing at you. 
Wally rose slowly from his bow and clasped his hands together before he walked closer to you at the edge of the stage. His shoes clicked against the hardwood floors and echoed around the dark theater. 
“Welcome Home Neighbor! So happy to see you could join us,” 
You squirmed against the ropes that held tightly against your skin as you lurched forward towards Wally. Your face in a scowl as you practically seethed with anger. 
“What did you do Home?! Wheres Frank!..” 
Wally only laughed at your anger. A soft, melodic, and robotic laugh bounced off the walls and made the feelings of a headache blossom behind your eyes. 
“My!.. You are quite good at jokes Neighbor. Maybe we could use that as your new passion!.. Yes, Yes I see it now! A comical jokester to go beside Barnaby! Oh how lovely,” 
Wallys' words made no sense to you, other than a clear underlying message that you needed to escape and find the others. It was clear you were the only one with common sense and free will... 
…You just hoped you could keep it. 
Wally continued to mumble quietly to himself as he thought, you took advantage of his distraction as you tried to shuffle and see if you could reach your pockets, to no success. 
Wally snapped out of his trance almost as quickly as it appeared, his hand motioning for someone behind you to move as he spoke. 
“Ah well, that can all be settled in Due time!.. For now, We must prepare the next Scene for your arrival! Julie can assist with your Costuming!” 
You felt a familiar hand on your arm as you felt your ropes being loosened, bracing yourself to take off running Wally seemed to think of this before you had the chance to put it into action. 
His hand shoots out towards you and red threads quickly burned into your ankles making your head snap back as you bit back a groan from the pain. Your legs now felt asleep and numb, you assumed you couldn't move them. 
Looking up as your ropes fell to the ground you could see Eddie and Julie, their faces blank apart from the pained smile they had and their blank eyes looking down at you. 
“And of course, Eddie will assist in getting you there. Wouldnt want our new Neighbor running off would we?..” 
Julie nodded as she moved out of the way and let Eddie lift you up bridal style. If you weren't in the current situation, you would say being held by Eddie felt somewhat comforting. 
Eddie carried you out of the main theatre room, taking you to a small dressing room on the second floor of Sallys house before setting you down in a chair, he moved out of the way after he set you down while Julie looked through a few outfits. 
“Julie.. Eddie?.. C'mon, help me out here..” 
You tried so hard to move your legs, but they wouldn't budge. Whatever Home had used in his threading rendered them useless to your own commands. 
Eddie looked down at you, and for a split second, you could have sworn you saw an ounce of guilt in his eyes before it was gone as quickly as it came. 
Julie walked over to you with a few outfits before she moved to pick up a hairbrush and brush your hair from your face. You don't remember it getting messed up but it did come with the whole ‘kidnapped’ territory didn't it? 
A memory of Julie quickly popped into your mind. Your hand moved to grab Julies wrist before she could brush your hair as you spoke to get her full attention. 
“Julie.. Remember the Spa day you, me, and Wally had? Remember how you brushed my hair then too?..” 
Julie's hand froze as she looked at you, her smile dropping a little bit as she zoned out at the memory, if Julie's mind could just break free of Homes grasp for one moment you might be able to free yourself. 
Eddie's eyebrows creased as he moved to put a hand on Julie's shoulder to snap her out of it, but you stopped Eddie's movement as you spoke to him now. 
“Eddie. Remember when you first met me and you had to grab me to stop my Running?.. Remember how confused you were?”
Eddie's hand stayed in the air for a moment above Julie's shoulder before he let out a small, barely audible chuckle. Your spirits quickly rose as you heard Eddie speak too, 
“Ha... You.. Bumped into me.. Was late to deliver Poppys mail..” 
You felt ecstatic. Your plan was working, and it was working well. You just had to speed up the process a bit before Home noticed and tried to put a stop to it. 
“Yes!.. You both remember me.. Why are we here? How did you both get to Sallys?” 
Julies hand went relaxed and the hairbrush clattered to the ground with a resounding clatter as the swirls in her eyes slowly blended into her naturally black eyes. 
“..We were… Looking for..” 
You felt like you could cry as Eddie looked at you with small tears in his eyes, Julie looked shocked as her hand went to her mouth. 
“Y/N… Oh my god Y/N!..” 
Julie practically fell on top of you as she hugged you, you tried your best to hug her back. Eddie put a comforting hand on your shoulder since Julie was taking up all the hugging room. 
“Y/N.. Are you alright? What happened? Where we?..” 
You wiggled one of your arms out of Julies suffocating grip as she giggled in delight so you could put it over Eddies. You nodded to confirm Eddie's question, 
“Yeah... You both were under Homes… Spell? Whatever it is. You know what I'm talking about..” 
You let out an airy chuckle as you looked up at Eddie, he still looked worried but he seemed happy to see you were doing alright. 
“...Are the others alright’?..” 
You gave Eddie a sad shrug, 
“I don't know… I just woke up a few minutes ago in a theater with Wally telling me how I had to get ready for… Something?.. He sent the two of you to get my ‘costume’” 
Julies giggling must have stopped sometime during you and Eddie talking because now she pushed herself away from you finally as she spoke,
“...And by Wally you mean Home?.. Right?” 
You nodded, 
“Well, then we oughta go find ‘em... There's no tellin’ what Homes got planned..” 
You watched as Eddie and Julie took a few steps towards the door before glancing back at you, clearly confused why you weren't following, 
You let out a small chuckle, 
“Yeah well… One problem with that… I can't move my legs, Home did something with their thread things and now I can't even feel them..” 
Eddie looked worried as he walked over and carefully picked up one of your ankles, sure enough, it went completely limp after he dropped it to the floor. You really don't know what he expected to happen but it's not like you assumed he knew much about human anatomy anyways. 
“Well, that just won't do… Lemme see if I can..” 
Eddie once again picked you up, this time in a much more comforting scenario than before, and you let him. You would happily take being carried by Eddie over stumbling around any day. These puppets were like big stuffed pillows when it came to hugs and such. 
…How was he so strong though?..
“This should do until we can get those Threads outta ya!” 
You nodded and looked at Julie who was now beside you and Eddie as you all walked out of the dressing room. 
“...Thank you, Eddie” 
You mumbled quietly for only him to hear, it's not that you were shy by any means, you were just trying to be quiet in case Home could hear. 
“.. It's no problem Neighb..- Y/N,” 
Eddie corrected himself once he accidentally called you Neighbor, not that you minded being called neighbor much. If it wasn't for Home being controlling as all hell, you may even consider becoming an official neighbor here. 
…Not that you would ever admit that of course. 
Julie spoke up from the silence quietly, seeming to pick up on the fact that Home could be listening as you traversed down a hallway on the upper floor of Sallys' house. 
“..Where should we look first?” 
Eddie seemed to have an idea as he looked down the upcoming staircase, 
“...We should go back to the Theater, Y/N, You said Home was trying to do some sort of Play?..” 
You gave Eddie a confirming nod and he sighed before continuing to speak, 
“Well then, looks like that's where we gotta go. Keep yer’ eyes peeled for Frank, he knows the most about Homes threads.” 
With one final confirmation from both you and Sally, you all began walking down the stairs before taking a sharp turn and facing the broad doors of the theater she had in her home. 
You could feel Eddie take a shaky breath, and disregarding your wonder about how a puppet can breathe, you also prepared yourself for what lay ahead. 
Eddie pushed the heavy doors open, and almost as if a wire had been tripped the large lights that hung from the ceiling brightened the stage ahead. 
…And in the middle stood Wally. 
The scene that lay behind him looked to be a repurposed Romeo and Juliet set, with a large Moon in the corner that was hung with scaffolding where Sally currently lay atop of. 
Despite your concern for Sally, you focused on Wally and watched as his smile looked wider at the entrance of you and the others. 
“Ah!.. My esteemed guests have returned!.. StageHands?.. Do show them to their seats.” 
Before you could even think about his words, Eddie stumbled forward and you all turned around to see Frank and Poppy ushering Eddie, Julie, and of course, you, inside. 
The doors snapped shut as you all backed up with a resounding boom, only furthering your feelings of anxiety until you felt a few items almost fall out of your pocket. 
Your hand quickly reached to grab them before they fell. You could feel the spindle of thread and your small pair of scissors, Home didn't seem to notice them yet thankfully. 
In the commotion you tuned out Eddies panicked words that he spoke to Frank in a desperate attempt to free him from Homes control. Julie as well looked like she was about to cry as Poppy ushered her inside with a blank face, which was eerie coming from the usually happy mother hen. 
Wally spoke from the stage. 
“Haha, What a lively audience we have today!.. Now. Neighbor,” 
You could feel your wrists burning as you felt something wrap around them from the ceiling. Quickly hoisting you up from Eddie's grip as he fumbled and desperately tried to protect you from Home. His arms however were quickly restrained by Frank.
You didn't have much time to focus on the others due to the fact you were rapidly approaching the stage. Wally dropped you on the stage with a thump before he moved back two steps and bowed, his face looking serious. 
But also ecstatic. 
“I'm positively thrilled to invite you to our Neighborhood, However, I must ask.. Do you have a preferred color?..” 
You moved your hair from your eyes as you looked up from your crouched position. Your legs still not listening to your aching pleas to run. 
“What the hell are yo..- I want to go Home. To my Home.” 
You felt angry. You felt wronged. All you wanted was to go and have some fun with your friends, and now youve been caught in a different world, with a demonic house. 
Home seemed to underestimate your anger issues. 
“Well no matter, I suppose green is just as good of a color as any.. Sally!.. Could you grab the Needl-..” 
Home couldnt get out another word as you quickly grabbed the scissors from your pocket, 
And threw them at his arm. 
The room was silent apart from your panting. You felt so tired. If Home really wanted to try and forcefully make you a part of his hivemind, he would have to learn very fast just how determined humans could be when it came to free will. 
Home stared at you with wide eyes before slowly reaching to grab the scissors that lodged into his arm, pulling it out in one swift motion. Stuffing fell on the floor, and as you looked up you could see that Sally now no longer had her wide smile. 
Turning around you saw Frank and Poppy looking at Wally with a almost horrified expression. It seemed that worked to snap them out of Homes trance. 
You felt a hand on your neck before you could fully turn around. Threads quickly came from the ceiling to suspend you in the air as Home pulled back his hand, and now held a small Build-a-bear type, plush heart. 
“Nice try Neighbor.” 
You clamped your eyes shut and braced for anything. You could hear Frank and the others behind you quickly standing to try to stop Home… 
…You also heard two sets of feet rapidly approaching from one of the side wings of the stage. 
Opening your eyes you were met with the sight of Howdy landing a swift punch to Wallys' face. Sending him to the other side of the stage, the threads seemed to glitch for a moment before dropping you, Howdy was quick to catch you and help you up with his other hands. 
“Don't you dare lay a hand on them.”  ----------
oh my god. this chapter is by far the longest out of this whole fanfic, and rightfully so Theres so much content in this one and im so happy with how it turned out, next chapter is the conclusion you've all been waiting for
As always im on Ao3! I cant wait to write the finales for this fanfic insert devious smile
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laughroditee · 3 months
Your Ghost | Part 3 - Three of Swords
Pairing: Simon Riley x female OC x Johnny MacTavish (as a ghost) Content Warnings: SMUT, minor injury, foul language, grief, reference to alcohol abuse, reference to attempted self-waterboarding, implied attempted self-harm, depression, despair, survivor’s guilt, implied suicidal ideation (no details), consensual possession, unprotected piv sex (pls use protection irl), MMF threesome (sort of?), mildly dubious consent (I tried to lessen this as much as possible), angst, crying, angst/comfort, heartbreak, emotional sex, butchering of the Scottish language. Word Count: 5.1k
18+ for smut. MDNI!
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Part 1 // Previous Part // A03
Mood music:
Simon’s eyes widened, and he dropped me like I burned him, my ass hitting the floor hard enough that I knew I would be dealing with the pain for a while.  He took several steps backward, staring at me in disbelief.
Shifting the weight off of my bruised bum, I whimpered, cursing under my breath.
”Ye alright, lass?”  Johnny knelt by me, ghost hands hovering around my arms as if he wanted to help me up.
“Yeah,” I said.  “Guess I won’t be sending anyone any butt pictures for a while.”
“If ye can make jokes, you’ll be just fine.”  Despite saying that, he still looked worried.  “He’s not usually like this, Evangeline, I promise ye.”
I nodded.  While I believed him, it didn’t make the situation easy to stomach.  “I get it, he’s grieving.  Or more like actively avoiding it,” I muttered.  My eyes flicked up to the man in question where he stood, still half naked and covered in scars, with that wild skull mask on his face, his eyes wide.
Johnny put his hand on my shoulder and spoke through me again.  Being used like a ventriloquist dummy felt slightly like vomiting, though marginally less unpleasant.  Still, compulsion felt very weird.  “Simon, this is Evangeline, my li’l American kinswoman.  Take care of ‘er, yeah?”  
Even though I could only see the skin around Simon’s eyes, it visibly paled.
Johnny was having too much fun to cede control of my vocals just yet, though.  “Och, yer lookin’ a wee bit peely wally, love.  Maybe ye should stop fuckin’ drownin’ yerself in drink, ya bawbag!”
“This is fuckin’ mad,” Simon said, sinking onto the sofa and staring at us.  Rather, at me specifically, since Johnny was a ghost and couldn’t be seen by anyone but me for whatever reason.  How lucky.  Simon reached up and pulled off his balaclava, revealing a dazed oval-shaped face peppered with scars and about three days' worth of stubble.  His short, sandy blonde hair went every which way on his head, fair lashes blinking absently over his dark, glassy eyes.  He looked like his world had just been turned upside down again, or maybe he was considering the possibility that he was losing his mind.  Both were valid thoughts, to be fair.
With Johnny’s hands on me, I could sense a mixture of emotions coming from him as he looked at his boyfriend, ranging from love and relief at seeing Simon’s face to worry at seeing how much the alcohol messed him up.  His emotional tone shifted back to “nag,” but before he could say anything else, I scooted away, breaking contact.
Johnny had the nerve to roll his eyes.  “Fine, can I please borrow yer mouth to yell at my boyfriend?”
“No, it feels weird.  I'll do it for you.  Just tell me what you want to say.” He then proceeded to say a string of words that were definitely not English, and I wasn't sure I could even replicate the sounds by myself; I was never good with accents.  “You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?”
The bastard grinned. “Och, aye.  I just want a chance to use that pretty li’l mouth of yours again, hen.”
“That sounds all sorts of wrong.”
“Not wrong if everyone consents.”
“What?  At least make him tell you where he’s hidin’ his drink.  If he hasn’t pissed it all away already.”
“You are so bossy!  Was he always this bossy?”  I directed the question toward Simon, and the weird atmosphere made me forget to be afraid of him.  It was challenging to stay scared of him when he looked like a confused kid who just woke up from a nightmare.  Unfortunately for him, this nightmare was real.
“I prefer the term ‘persistent,’ lass,” Johnny said.
“Maybe we should work on getting Simon sober,” I suggested to Johnny as I pushed myself to my feet, wincing slightly.  Though I knew I’d be fine in the long run, it didn’t change the fact that I had been hauled into the air and then dropped on my ass like a sack of potatoes by a man more than a foot taller than me and probably ten times as strong.  To say I was mildly apprehensive about being here would be an understatement.  I approached the sofa warily, edging toward Simon slowly as if he were a wounded animal.  Which… the comparison wasn’t too far off.  “Can I get you some water, Simon?”
He just stared at me.
Alrighty then.  “Johnny?  Show me where the glasses are?”
“Copy that,” he said, leading the way through the kitchen and stopping before the designated cabinet.
Ignoring the feel of Simon's eyes on me, I moved through his kitchen to grab a glass.  “The floor is sticky,” I observed.  Small puddles of drying alcohol decorated the ground like forgotten watercolor paintings of amber hues.
“Had a spill,” Simon explained simply, raking a large hand over his face.
“Spill my arse,” Johnny spat.  “He was waterboarding himself.  Pouring bourbon over his fucking face with that bloody mask on.  Yer oot yer face ya twat!” he yelled at his boyfriend, though Simon couldn’t hear him.
Water filled the glass as I turned to Simon, my face horrified.  “You were waterboarding yourself?  With bourbon?”
Simon stared back at me with a suspicious, bewildered look, which may have been funny if not for the context.  The expression melted into a sullen frown; it was all I needed as confirmation.  He looked like he wanted to ask me how I knew.
“Johnny told me,” I explained without waiting for him to ask.  I came back and handed him the glass of water.  “Here.  Drink up.”
Accepting the glass numbly, Simon kept his eyes on me, examining me in a way that was downright uncomfortable for a person who doesn't like to be perceived.  I was relieved when he glanced around me, presumably trying to see his late lover.  “He’s talkin’ shite again, is he?”
I scoffed fondly.  “Isn’t he always?”
Simon grunted.
Johnny came to sit next to Simon on the sofa, leaving me to stand over them both.  “Make him drink it,” he murmured as he stared at his boyfriend.  I could feel the pain and yearning radiating off of him, and it was enough to make me turn away.
Simon was still staring at me when I looked at him again.
“He wants you to drink the water, Simon,” I said gently, gesturing to the glass in his hand.  
He dutifully drank the water, looking around the room again.  “Where…?”
“Where is he?”
Simon nodded.
“He’s next to you on the couch over here.”  I pointed to where Johnny sat beside a tartan pillow with a Scottish flag.  Johnny stared intently at him as if willing his boyfriend to be able to see him.
Simon’s eyes searched the seat, but with no hint of recognition, he didn’t know exactly where he was.
Covering his pain with a smirk, Johnny said, “Tell ‘im to stop starin’ at my cock.”
“I’d rather not tell him that, actually, thank you.”
Unfortunately, that got Simon’s attention.  “Tell me what?”
“Fucking Johnny…,” I sighed.
The mischief-maker laughed while Simon waited for me to deliver the message. 
“Fine, he said to ‘stop staring at his cock.’”
Two seconds passed before Simon let out a single, loud laugh, a startled smile on his face that said that, until this moment, he had been so sure he would never be able to smile again.  “He would say that, wouldn’t he?”  He looked back to the spot next to him with unbridled affection.  “Fuckin’ wanker.”
Johnny chuckled, the sound muted by an underlying melancholy.  It made me wish that I could do something more for him.  For both of them.  Of all the people to ask for help, Johnny had to get stuck with me.  I wondered if there were other blood ties he could have followed, maybe to a more skilled person than myself.  A love this strong had to go somewhere, right?
And then an idea took me.  It was a stupid idea, of course, and I didn't know if it would work, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt like it could be the only thing I could contribute.  Kneeling by where Johnny sat on the couch, I rested my elbow on the cushion with my hand up, almost like I was threatening to arm wrestle Simon. 
Johnny smirked.  “Afraid yer gonna be a wee bit disappointed with the results there, chum.”
I returned his smirk.  “No, I want to try something.  Put your hand here,” I told him, gesturing to my hand and wiggling my fingers.
Looking curious, Johnny obliged and played along, placing his hand on mine.  It passed right through, making him frown.
“Hmm, try thinking like you’re putting on a glove,” I suggested, not that I knew what I was doing.   
“Alright,” he said.  While Johnny concentrated a little more, I focused on opening up my hand metaphysically until I could feel his presence filling the space.  It was cold and alien — feeling someone else’s spirit inside me — and I shivered.
Pushing the physical sensation aside, I reached my other hand out to Simon.  “Your turn.”
His wary gaze had a calculating edge, which I was beginning to understand was Simon’s default mode, at least around strangers. 
“Take my hand.  I just want to try something.”  When he didn’t move, I added, “Johnny’s cooperating with me.”  I may or may not have sounded mildly tart when I said it.
Callused skin engulfed mine as Simon smothered my hand with his, and I brought it to the hand Johnny was occupying.  Next to me, Johnny’s breath caught in his throat.
“I can feel that,” he whispered, and all at once, I was filled with an overwhelming maelstrom of his emotions.  The pain of loss, the guilt over dying, the sheer yearning for life and love pouring out of him caused me to pull back, gasping, and I pushed Johnny’s spirit out of me.
Both men looked at me as I tried to catch my breath, my eyes blinking away tears.  “S-sorry…. That was a little overwhelming.”  But, my God, to be loved that much.  To be loved the way these two love each other, I could only hope to be that lucky one day.
“Ye alright?”
“What happened?”  They spoke at once, waiting for me to answer.  
“I’m alright,” I told Johnny.  Taking a deep breath, I turned to Simon and said, “I had Johnny try to possess my hand.” At his eyebrow raise, I rushed to say, “It worked though!”  Shifting so that I was sitting instead of kneeling, I leaned forward toward Simon.  “He felt you, Simon.  Johnny could feel you through my hand.”  I waited for that to sink in, watching the emotions pass through his eyes like a kaleidoscope until he had to look away.  “With his spirit touching mine, I could feel everything that Johnny felt, emotionally speaking.”  Glancing at Johnny showed me that he wasn’t surprised.  Maybe it was a two-way connection.  “Everything kind of bled together, and it was a lot all at once, so I pushed him out.”
Johnny and I watched Simon process the information. His eyes stared down at the empty hand that previously held mine, balling it into a fist and opening it again.
“Can I…?” he asked hesitantly, pointedly not looking at me.
“Can we try again?” Johnny asked, knowing what his boyfriend wanted.
“We can try again if you want.  Johnny wants to try again,” I tell Simon.
“He does?” Simon asked, finally looking at me, his eyes flicking to the empty couch cushion where he knew his boyfriend’s spirit was.
I was about to answer when Johnny asked, “And what do you want, Evangeline?” 
I looked back at him in surprise.  “What do I want?” I repeated for Simon’s sake.  “I just want to help.”
“Why?”  Simon’s low voice was guarded but curious.  “It’s hardly your business, is it?”
“You’re right, it’s not.”  I met his examining gaze with an open one of my own.  “I’m a stranger here.  I don’t know either of you or what you were like together.”  The memory of Johnny’s emotions was so fresh inside me that the thought brought a fresh wave of feeling.  “I just know that if I loved someone the way Johnny loves you… I would want to be able to tell them.  I would want that chance to say goodbye.”  My voice broke on the last word as I looked into Simon’s eyes.  “Wouldn’t you want that?”
He frowned bitterly.  “You can’t save people from their pain.”
“No, I can’t.  But maybe I can help them to face it instead of trying to drown it out with alcohol.”
Johnny blew out a long whistle next to me, but my eyes were still focused on Simon. We stared at each other, locked in a war of grimaces, our brows drawn down tight.  “Alright, ya numpties, set’le down,” he said.
That broke the staring contest.  I blinked.  “What the hell is a ‘numpty?’”
“He’s calling us idiots,” Simon informed me.
“Ah, fair.  So, are we going for round two?  We can go bigger this time.”
“Bigger?  Are ye sure ye want to do this, lass?” Johnny asked with a hint of concern.
“Yeah, I'm sure.  Go big or go home, right?  It's really the only thing I can do for you, and I want to do it.”
He smiled at that.  “Did I ever tell ye yer an angel Evangeline?”
“I’m definitely not an angel, Johnny,” I laughed awkwardly, but the sentiment warmed my heart.
Standing up, I took a deep breath.  “I'm ready, Johnny.  All aboard, let’s go.”  Holding my arms out in welcome, he got off the couch and stepped into my body, overlapping me as I stood there.  It didn’t happen right away.  Johnny was much bigger than me in life, so he had to concentrate on inhabiting a smaller space, filling my physical body as if filling up a glass or a glove and squishing in all of the extra.  Luckily, spirits are flexible and can fill any space if they put their minds to it.  
As I’d done earlier, I concentrated on relaxing and opening up my energetic walls, accepting his presence into me.  But let me just say that it was fucking weird.  Alternating waves of heat and chills rolled through my body as he settled inside me, my limbs jerking and twitching occasionally in a manner that probably looked like I needed an exorcist.  Not now, but maybe later.
And I could feel him, the essence of who and what he was.  Every emotion and emotional memory that passed through Johnny also passed through me; his warm, strong energy made me feel steady and safe.  He feels just like love.  And it was bittersweet.
“Well, isn’t she a wee bonnie thing?” Johnny said as he looked down at my body, moving my arms about, sliding my hands over my hips.  “Told you I’d lose my dick on the battlefield one day, LT,” his laugh made our blue eyes twinkle as we looked up at Simon, whose gaze was complicated.
Johnny and I both could read Simon’s confusion at seeing us this way, and our smile faded.  I didn’t know what I looked like with Johnny’s facial mannerisms showing through on my face — the particular way your eyebrows moved, your lips curled when you smirked, and your eyes squinted when you laughed or smiled.  From Simon’s pained expression, he clearly saw all this on my face.  That, through me, he could see Johnny.
“Ye see me, don’t you, love?” Johnny asked for confirmation as if he could read my thoughts.  Maybe he could.
“I see you,” Simon said quietly, his hands squeezing reflexively at his sides.  “I see you, Johnny.”
We smiled softly, relief flooding our system.  Every emotion was enhanced twofold with the two of us fully in here, and it was a challenge to keep from being overwhelmed and losing myself completely.  Johnny was aching with need, making my fingers itch to touch Simon, to feel his skin on mine — on ours.  I had to take a few cleansing breaths to separate his thoughts and compulsions from mine.  Possession is weird.  
And yet, he didn’t make a move; I could tell that Johnny wanted to give Simon time to adjust.  There was some kind of feeling — something that’s difficult to put into words — almost like trying to coax an abused animal with food and love but accepting that it will come on its own terms.  You leave the door open and wait for them to approach because you don’t want to scare them away.  That was the feeling I got as Simon looked down at us.  Conflict was written all over his face as he lifted his hand near our head, wanting to touch but afraid to.
“It’s alright, love, it’s just me,” Johnny said softly.  “There’s no rush.”
But I knew he was lying.  In the back of our shared consciousness lurked the oppressive shadow of time, and it was only running out. There was only this moment, and never again, not for Johnny, and my heart clenched in my chest.
Something passed through Simon’s eyes, and I wondered if he could pick up on his boyfriend’s bluff because his control slipped.  He trailed his fingers down our cheek to our jaw, tipping our head up and cupping our face like we were something precious.  “Johnny,” he whispered.  “It’s really you.”
We smirked at him, covering his hands with our own.  “Don’t go cryin’ on me now, LT,” Johnny said.
“It should have been me.”
I could feel Johnny’s anguish at hearing Simon’s tormented thoughts out loud, and our brows drew down.  “You hush yerself now, love.  There is no ‘should,’ there’s only what is.  Can’t go back and change anything.  Ye’ll have to keep moving forward.”
“Yes,” Johnny insisted, and our hearts broke all together.
Simon shook his head.
“Ye have to.  I want ye to.”  We reached a hand up to his face, the stubble grating at our fingertips as we caressed his cheek.  “Let me be selfish, love.  I want ye to live.”
I could sense Simon's conflicting emotions as we stayed in skin contact.  Wanting to honor your lover’s last wishes while being condemned to what felt like a literal life sentence in the process was no easy thing to stomach.  He looked down at us with such a pained expression that it was difficult to look at him, but Johnny was far braver than I and wouldn’t look away.
“It’s because I love ye, Simon.  And I know ye can take it.”  He knows he can take the pain of existence without him, which is what he meant.  “Ye can move past it.”  Johnny's emotions roiled inside me, his yearning and desperation building to a breaking point. So much love. So much it was almost blinding.  
“Kiss me like yer missin’ me,” Johnny said suddenly, voice low and demanding, hands trailing down Simon's chest.
Simon’s pupils blew wide, and he responded to the demand with a “Fuckin’ hell” before his mouth came crashing down on ours, his large hands pulling our face close, his lips moving with bruising insistence against ours.  Johnny growled into the kiss at the same time that I gasped, and Simon took advantage of our open mouth by invading it with his tongue, desperate to taste every last inch of us.
As the kiss deepened, it felt like he wanted to devour us.  Simon became more frantic, his movements rougher, more urgent.  His hands roamed over our body, exploring every curve as if he was trying to savor the feel of us.  His hands slid down our hips and pulled us against his body, and — oh my god, he’s hard.
That was the exact moment that the careful hold on my metaphysical shields separating me from Johnny — tentative and unskilled though they were — shattered, and Johnny and I dissolved into one another, becoming a mass of hungry hands and mouths, desires and libido.  We pulled at Simon, and, without even breaking the kiss, he lifted us into his arms, our legs wrapping around his waist automatically as his hands went to our ass, squeezing the soft flesh roughly.  He inadvertently squeezed the bruise on our butt from earlier, and we hissed into the kiss, biting his bottom lip.
The responding growl that came out of Simon’s throat gave us chills.  Something low in our belly clenched, and we were instantly wet.  Backing us up against a wall, he kept us pinned with his body between our legs as he trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses down our neck, grazing our flesh with his teeth.  
We hummed as a shiver passed through us, and our greedy hands snaked under his shirt, sliding up his sides, relishing the feel of every inch: skin, muscles, and scars indiscriminately.  Simon pulled back from the kiss to tear his shirt off, tossing it aside before giving our shirt the same treatment.  His tongue traced the length of our collarbone before sucking the skin there, the pinpricks of pain telling us that there would be marks left behind, and we were satisfied by this.  Maybe he could make us a lovely little necklace of cherry bruises to remember this day.
The air was chill without our shirt on, and Johnny’s momentary amusement at having breasts was drowned out as Simon squeezed one of them, and we moaned, “Oh, fuck.”  We felt his lips quirk up against our skin in a smile, and then he rolled his hips against us, and we saw stars.  “Bed!” we gasped, and we didn’t need to say it twice.  Still holding onto us, Simon carried us down the hall, and we could feel his heart pounding against us.  “Tha gaol agam ort, bidh mi an-còmhnaidh. Gu bràth agus gu bràth,” we breathed against his ear, and his shoulders trembled.  I love you, I always will. Forever and always.
As he laid us down on the bed, Simon seemed to register for a moment that this was not the body he knew before, but he pressed on in curious reverence, dragging our jeans off of our legs and discarding them onto the floor.
“Let us have it, LT,” Johnny said, our voice thick with desire as we unclasped our bra and threw it somewhere in the room, spilling our naked breasts to his gaze.  “I want ye to fuck us like yer life depends on it.”  
Simon’s breath caught in his throat at our words, eyes darkening as he looked down at us splayed on the bed, hands fumbling with his belt, not moving fast enough.  He shed his pants, his cock straining against his boxers, and came to cover our body with his own.  We basked in the warmth of his skin, the prickly sensation of his chest hairs on our breasts, the satisfying weight of him as he pressed us into the mattress.  Capturing our lips again, he fed at our mouth as if it would keep him alive.  We could feel his erection pressing against our thigh, hard and insistent as he ground against us, and we purred, running our hands up his broad back.
"I’ve been missin’ you, love," he whispered hoarsely, his hands roaming over our body as he kissed us again.  His hands were everywhere — running through our hair, exploring every inch of our body. We could feel his desperation, his need for us overwhelming him, and it was a heady mix of emotions that left us breathless.  
“I know, LT,” we said, “but I’m here with ye now.”  And now was all that mattered.
Simon ran his hand lightly over the front of our panties and paused, looking at us with a questioning gaze, unable to keep the longing out of his eyes.
“Please,” we whispered as we looked up at him.  Just one last time.  Though that part remained unsaid, Simon heard it in our voice.
He hooked his thumbs into our panties, dragging them down our legs slowly, his hands trembling slightly with emotion.  Trailing a finger up our slit, he watched our face as we sighed, and he gathered the wetness there before kissing us again.  Running his tongue along our bottom lip, we opened for him, and he plundered our mouth at the same time that he plunged a finger into our pussy, making us gasp.
We moaned into his mouth as he added a second finger and started to pump them in time with our heartbeat.  Threading our fingers through his short hair, he hummed against our neck, feeling our pulse jump against his tongue as he added a third finger, preparing us to take his cock.
Our body was on fire.  We squirmed beneath him, mewling as his fingers fucked into us, consumed by the intensity of it all.  But it wasn’t what we needed.  “Simon, please,” we gasped, unable to find the words to finish our sentence.
But he knew, just like always.  Withdrawing his fingers, he spread our wetness over our folds and stripped off his underwear, settling between our legs.  Because of the size difference, we found ourselves on our sides, his body curled around us slightly, our leg draped over his hip.  He dragged the tip of his dick up our slit, coating it with our wetness before pushing forward slowly, watching our face as we took him into our slickened cunt.  
Our body stretched wide around him, and we whimpered, our fingernails making half-moons on his tattooed forearm.  He paused, gathering us close to kiss our hair and whisper sweet words into our ear until we finally relaxed enough to take more of him.  And we took every fucking inch.  Once his cock was buried inside of us, he closed his eyes, and we stayed like that for a moment.  We felt impossibly full, not just physically, but our heart felt like it would burst.  He opened his eyes, and we knew from the raw emotion on his face that he felt it, too.  So much love.  
Digging his fingers into the plush of our hip to steady us, he drew back, his shaft sliding out slightly before snapping his hips and thrusting it back in, finding a slow, firm rhythm that had us moaning as we tried — and failed — not to melt.
“Sweet bloody Jesus, LT,” we said, looping our arms around his neck.
“Praying again, Johnny?” Simon murmured, a small smile touching his lips.
“Someone has to, ye bastart.”
He kissed us, increasing his pace, fucking into us harder.  Reaching down between us, he drew circles around our clit with a gentle insistence that had our toes curling.  “Come for me, love,” he said in a low rumble that did things to us, and we could feel our pleasure building, coiling like a spring deep within us.
With every thrust, we thought, I want to stay. I want to stay. I want to stay.  But we knew we couldn't.  So we let him drink us in through his skin, and we left our imprint there, another scar among many.  It hurt to feel this good, and we closed our eyes.  We wanted him, wanted to keep him forever, but we don’t have that.  It's not fair.  He was ours, and now he has to face this alone.  We didn't want to leave him.  
“Look at me,” Simon commanded softly.  “Let me see you.”
Our eyelids fluttered open again.  One look into the dark pools of his eyes, and we were drowning, and this great and terrible love broke us, and we were undone.  The orgasm that coiled deep in our belly ripped through us, and we cried out as our pussy tightened around him.  He groaned, the sound vibrating against us as he plunged his cock deep inside one final time before spilling himself into us.
We panted together, our breaths mingling as he rested his sweaty forehead against ours and finally closed his eyes.  As our heartbeats slowed, we looked up at him, a bittersweet expression on our face.
“I love ye, Simon Riley,” Johnny said softly.  We gently caressed his face with our hands. “Always will.  Don't be an arse, and take care of yerself.  Stay alive.  I'll see ye again in the end.”  
“Johnny,” Simon said as his eyes shot open, a flash of panic moving through them as he pulled his face back.  He knew it was time to say goodbye.  “Johnny,” he said again.  I could tell he wanted to say don’t go, but you can’t stop death; Simon knew that better than anyone.  “I love you,” he said, his voice breaking as he smoothed the hair out of our face.
Johnny looked up at him through my eyes and kissed him with everything he had left. When Simon pulled back, my connection with Johnny had been severed, leaving only me behind.  
I cried out in sudden pain, the psychic wound in my soul raging and raw, feeling the empty void where Johnny had been so loud and strong only seconds before.  Tears filled my eyes and poured down my cheeks as if they would never stop.
“What is it?” Simon asked with alarm, freezing above me.
“He’s gone!” I wailed, and it was like I was split open by grief, feeling Johnny’s loss so strongly despite never knowing him in life.  Being deprived of his presence, his essence, his warmth inside me left me bereft in a way I didn’t even think was possible, and I was powerless against this onslaught of feelings.  How could I feel like this when Simon, who knew and loved Johnny, was here with the pain of time and experience?
Simon stared down at my face, his expression contorted by the anguish of this second loss.  I could feel his pain like a second skin, its heavy weight oppressive and harsh.  Tears filled his eyes, and he buried his face in the crook of my neck, his arms coming tighter around me, and we wept together, trying to coax comfort out of each other as the world broke apart around us.
Only then did I realize that the final card in my initial reading, the Three of Swords, represented the three of us sharing our grief with hearts still freshly broken—three people, one heart, and a love that bleeds.
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random-things-of-mine · 5 months
𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦
Rainbow Factory Wally x GN Reader
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"Smoking is disgusting-"
Y/n mumbled, gagging loudly as they smelled the stench of cigarettes. Searching for the one responsible for the offense.
They where outside the factory, on the parking compounds to get some fresh air, as it could feel suffocating inside.
With a tired sigh Y/n plopped down on the rocky pavement, leaning against their own car, sitting in the shade.
Dust began gathering on their lab coat but they didn't care to much. With one hand they rummaged through their jacket trying to find the candy they stashed.
But apparently everything was already gone, eaten earlier.
You internally cried, yearning for something sweet.
They tried some other pockets, hoping to find something good. Their fingers wrapped something small and plastic.
It was their vape, mango passion flavor. They had bought it a long time ago, truly only using it at parties.
It had been ages since they've had been a actual party tho (this job didn't allow much free time) and therefore ages since they used a vape.
It was very tempting to put it to use, to inhale the toxic smoke.
"Vaping is rather unhealthy too."
Y/n's eyes widened as Rainbow was hovering over them. They stared up at him like a deer caught in headlights. Not expecting him here, overhearing them.
Both figures where holding onto their own form of addiction, a cigarette loosely held in his metallic hand while a vape was being uphold by them with only two fingers.
There was a moment of silence while Y/n regained their composure, using this chance to sneak a few glances at Rainbow.
He had the smart thing of leaving his lab coat inside so it wouldn't get dirty. The black turtle neck sweater looked quite good on him.
His hair was loosely hanging past his shoulder, giving them the urge to touch it.
Without a warning the boss sat down next to his employee, leaning his head against their car. He let out a tired sigh, clearly having a bad day.
"You smell foul."
"And there goes your bonus for this year."
Y/n couldn't help but comment on the smell he carried thanks for the cigarettes, at least vapes smelled sweet.
Rainbows lips nearly formed a smile as he heard the others complaints about how it was unfair of him to deny them something like that.
"You smell sweet." He remarked in return, inhaling the scent they carried from the vape.
"Obviously as I have good taste in things, here wanna try what I'm having?" They offered, half jokingly.
He eyed up their hand, putting out his cigarette on the ground before reaching out his metallic claw of a hand. His hand brushed against theirs, a bit longer than necessary.
Rainbow took the vape inhaling deep, blowing out the smoke contently. Tasting the mango passion flavor on his tongue, nodding in approval.
Y/n mourned the loss their fruity af inhaler, they where quick to motion to him to give it back.
"I'm confiscating this, as your boss I think it's better for your health to keep it away from you."
"You’re abusing your power, I payed for that. If you take it I demand a refund of some sort."
The tall puppet raised a eye, letting out a low chuckle. He leaned his head closer to the human, almost threateningly.
"I don't think you are in a position to demand things but to humor you I can hear you out."
"I want... I want..."
Y/n's brain was working hard to come up with a smart or witty anwser. It was just more difficult to focus as their boss 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 was extremely close plus the nicotine kick was not helping.
"I want a kiss~" It came out of Y/n's mouth, as the intrusive thoughts had taken over.
"Mmh consider this a one time thing." Was the smooth reply of Rainbow as they inched closed pressing a surprisingly soft kiss on their lips.
The employee was simply in shock, not expecting their boss to go along with it.
"That's a lovely color of red on your face. I'll be going back to work now, I suggest you do the same. Don't be late."
"Y-Yeah.... See you in a bit."
They nodded their head, too embarrassed to look him in his eyes.
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killakalx · 5 months
i also need to catch up on all that i missed. first of all, play fighting w bsf!dick. i am convinced you were targeting me with that kal. biting his bicep, the casual touchiness, casual display of strength. genuinely had me thinking foul, nasty emotions. DINAH LANCE OWNS A STRAP SHE OWNS ONE I WORSHIP IT. she’s so fine just you saying that had me weak in the knees. roy harper. i’m scared to start talking abt this man because my obsession w him is so, so far from healthy. lazy sex on the couch w roy? pure evil. SUGGESTING U THINK HES A TITTY LOVER? kal ur actually doing irreparable damage to my sanity. i have so many nasty things to say about that man i don’t know how i’ve contained myself this far. also also the batboys being munches — if anybody saw the way i reacted to that i would’ve been locked away. ROY AND WALLY please kal i rly am going to need u to have mercy on me.
— 😵‍💫
i love how this is all just smushed together 😭 a lot of what i write for bsf!dick is loosely based on one of my guy friends so i’m glad it sends you into orbit the way he does me… like his casual touchiness is insane but i’m not gonna dive into that 😝 jus know if he was a lil (a lot) taller then he wouldn’t be a ‘friend’… but n e way Dinah Lance save me pls pls pls. idc if the dick is fake lemme suck the soul out of it!!!
roy’s in love with your boobs i swear he is. i was planning on doing a drabble for the couch sex whenever i got a good amount of free time but i’m impatient and you mentioned having an unhealthy obsession with him saurrrr scenario time! you’re laying on your back and he’s between your legs, all his upper weight on you like he’s your girl. his hands just gravitate to your chest yk? it gets so bad that you’re positive he’s paying no mind to the movie. you ask if he has any clue what’s going on and his simple ‘nope’ is followed by a light pinch with obvious intentions. then he’s sucking on your tits after pulling the neckline of your tank top under them. then he’s grinding on you through sweats and sleeping shorts until you can feel a wet patch, but you’re not too sure if it’s him leaking through fabric or you. he gets you so impatient that you remind him he could just fuck you instead of acting like he shouldn’t, and he obviously listens. boom. lazy couch sex that consists of deep strokes and him moaning and slobbering all over your tits <333
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Wait holdup what’s this about Howdy’s shop burning down and nearly taking him with it?? (talking about human au)
oh yeah lmfao it caught fire
it wasn't like... foul play or anything. in my mind it was some sort of electrical failure or bizarre accident. like a lightning strike! actually wait i like that lightning strike idea bc then it could be Raining for this very dramatic scene and i do love me some rain juxtaposing fire <3
and Howdy would've been fine! he got all of his employees and customers out of the building, including himself. he handed them off to Barnaby & Wally, who had been swinging by for dinner with fantastic timing (the fire department was just then arriving). then, like an idiot, Howdy went right back inside the Very On Fire building!
bc, ok, he lives in his store. specifically, above it. the ground floor is the store, then there's a staircase going up to an apartment. and naturally, Howdy was not gonna abandon all of his / the store's legal documents (also his coupon stash) to burn.
so in his mind he was like "yeah ill just pop in, grab these very important files, and then get out. easy!". babe, you're giving Barnaby & Wally a heart attack. that's what you're doing. dumbass (affectionate)
but yeah he's in there, in the burning building, smoke everywhere. meanwhile outside firefighters (and Wally) have to physically hold Barnaby back from going in after Howdy, even though a few more firefighters already went in to find him. its all very dramatic! blah blah blah the front door becomes unusable, blah blah blah the apartment windows explode due to thermal stress & also bc i want them to, etc etc
long story short the firefighters get Howdy out through the back, and mostly unscathed at that! ofc smoke inhalation is a thing, he's got some minor cuts and burns, but it's really not that bad! lucky bastard! he gets taken to the hospital to get treated & make sure he's fine, and he is.
naturally he stays with Barnaby & Wally for a while. he doesn't have a say in the matter lol he was planning on getting a motel room or somethin, but Barnaby picked him up from the hospital, took him home, and went "alright the guest room is ready for you we can go shopping tomorrow for anything you need, you live here now". good thing Howdy rescued his coupons!
the fire damage to the building is, thankfully, mostly cosmetic. it takes a while to clean & fix it, but Howdy has great friends and a wonderful community to help out! everyone chips in, some fundraisers happen, Wally sells some Darling™️ Exclusives™️, etc. long story short they get the store back up & running, and with some new bells and whistles to go with it!
#the scene is Very Vivid in my head#i had to sneak some action drama in there somewhere!!!!#what better than a building fire!! what can i say! im a sucker for the#'character watches person they love run straight into danger & is unable to follow them'#'and so is forced to watch in terror unsure if the loved one will make it out alive'#trope!!! its damn good!!! ill never tire of it!!!#the rain glittering in the firelight! the red-blue of emergency lights! glass raining down! wet pavement & black smoke!#its about The Visuals!!#i think my favorite part of the Brain Scene is when they get howdy out & he's like. half collapsed on the curb w/ an oxygen mask#and barnaby is Hovering! very freaked out but also immensely relieved! as soon as he learns theyre taking howdy to the hospital#he sprints to his car to go follow the ambulance!!#(in my mind julie eddie and sally had shown up & wally stayed with them to answer questions / keep an eye on things)#but yeah! drama Babey!!!#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#i feel so bad for howdy lmfao#like... that store is his Everything and it got crispied. so did his home. and pretty much all his possessions#i also feel very bad for barnaby! he has a bad year bc of Two Incidents!#barnaby 'if one more person i love winds up injured in the hospital im going to Lose It' b. beagle#barnaby: well that whole fire thing was a disaster but we're all okay <3 with any luck there'll be no more hospital visits <3#wally: im about to end this mans whole career-#ough and the arc of howdy living with them for a bit.... ougggghhhh#bc he & barns are in that 'our mutual feelings are unspoken but we both Know' inbetween state#its like a trial run for their future lmfao#except. a depressed trial run. bc howdy is very fucking upset about losing his Home & Possessions#a piece of the world he'd carved out for himself that was His and no one else's#he has a period of pushing through with an 'everything is fine i can work w this' pained grin and emotional avoidance#until obviously he hits a wall and Crashes. depressy spaghetti time!#he'll be fine but he doesn't feel like it for a while <3 good thing he's got awesome friends to keep him afloat <3
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year
Hey dude this is a lovely au
Anyways does fionn ever get frustrated or sad about how his strict parents were? If so how do the puppets react if they even know?
Thank you so much!! ;0;
He does get upset, because while drunk he’ll rant and vent about how he tried to not be like his parents (strict, foul tempers, high expectations) yet he feels like he’s just like them,, it would be an insight into Fionn’s mind for the puppets, mainly Poppy, Wally, Barnaby and Julie, so they try and cheer him up and try to get him to forget his parents.
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picafreesita · 7 months
Sally knocked on the door as she called him
"Wallyford, come play with us along with the new girl!" She exclaimed.
The door opened. Wally seemed ready to spend the day with us.
"Hello, dear neighbors"
"Hello, Wally" each one responded.
"Jolly, you look very pretty today," she told me, giving me a "friendly" smile… I guess.
I still found that guy disturbing, I felt like he was different from the rest, I don't know how to describe it but something in me told me that I should be alert when I was around him.
"Thank you, Julie lent me some clothes while mine is being recommended by Poppy"
"Poppy is amazing with needle and thread" He responded.
"Oh, great" I didn't know what else to say.
"So do you have in mind that you want to play today?" He turned to address the others.
"Well… How about we jump rope?…or hide and seek? no no no... "Let's play Capture the Flag!" Julie answered.
Wally clapped his hands and then said:
"Let's play capture the flag, it sounds fun and I have a good place in mind to do it"
"Well, what are we waiting for. Let's go!" Sally exclaimed.
"Alright, follow me," Wally said.
He started walking at a brisk pace, but looked back after walking a few steps to make sure we were following him.
We passed between the Barnaby and Frank houses to ask them if they wanted to join the game, the big blue dog accepted easily but the man in gray almost reluctantly did so after Julie insisted several times. As a group we walked to the outskirts of the neighborhood, passing through trees and bushes until we stopped near a stream.
"It's here," Wally announced.
It seemed to be an open field under a clear sky along with a pleasant wind. Every so often I could see various birds, butterflies, and bees hanging around us.
"Very well, we need to choose our flags and form our teams," Frank said.
Barnaby suggested we use one blue and one red. Wally nodded in approval and as if by magic he pulled out two flags of those shades.
"Now we divide into teams. The red team will be…" I turn to look at us all.
"Jolly, Frank and Julie"
Wally gave Frank our flag
"and the blue team will be Barnaby, Sally, and I"
The next thing was to choose who would be the leaders. Frank suggested that I be the leader, I didn't think I was the best one and that it was better to choose Julie but he mentioned that it's not a good idea, as for him, he just said that he didn't want to do it. A few meters away I heard how the other team had already chosen their leader, Wally.
Without having long accepted to be the leader of the red team.
To make the game more interesting they created several rules such as freezing the enemy with stickers and only one member of the same team can unfreeze them in addition to having a time limit of 10 minutes between each round.
They began to decorate (at Julie's suggestion) the flags and then place them on a tree on two opposite sides, on branches that are not too high or too low so anyone has the opportunity to take the opposing team's flag.
With nothing to do, I walked around waiting for them to finish. I took a long breath, which was interrupted by…that smell that reached me again, I walked to some bushes and I couldn't believe it.
There were many of them, multiple bushes arranged in a defined circle.
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"How rare they are," I commented into the air.
I walked a little closer to them while covering my nose, it was surprising.
A force pulled my feet, I fell in the circle, as I tried to get up the flowers began to move and I can swear it looked as if… They were laughing? They laughed at me?
They looked at me
Yes, they were looking at me.
The smell was getting stronger
Staying with my knees and palms stuck to the ground, the smell permeated me, for a couple of seconds I stayed in that position, I couldn't even scream for help, it was as if I were paralyzed and all I had to do was inhale that foul smell until I was finally able to get up.
"Jolly? Where are you?" Julie calls me.
I hurried to return, when they saw me they seemed strangely relieved.
"There you are," She said
"Where have you been?" Frank asked.
"Well, I…"
"You went to look at the flowers, right?"
Julie looking me with curiosity about the new fact that she already knew about me.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Isn't it why you have a flower crown on your head?" Frank pointed out.
I deliberately touched my head, several flowers were tangled in my hair, and several petals fell to my shoulders.
"After we win, we will make flower crowns" Julie happily proposed. Who helped me remove as many as possible.
After that, we knew that it was time to start the game.
We got into our positions. Frank protected our flag and Barnaby protected his. Julie and I were attackers while Sally and Wally were our enemies. Everything was left in the tension of the game… and I couldn't stop smelling the flowers.
Wally looked around to make sure everyone was completely focused before starting the countdown.
His smile grew more intense.
He was genuinely excited to start the game.
"3, 2, 1…Now!"
Wally, Julie, Sally, and I were running towards the flag, the two girls ran in circles to the point that they both froze without realizing each other. It was only me against Wally.
Although at first I thought that he was somewhat clumsy in his movements, little by little, I was able to notice that this was not the case. He could chase me without a problem I could even tell he was just holding back.
We ran across the wide meadow while the others cheered us on from their places, it felt strange and I didn't really have the attitude for games. I wanted to stop, take my things, and leave but at that…
I heard them again, they were the same ones that came from the disgusting flowers, I quickly looked around. I looked for them without stopping and without realizing it, a soft blow came to my back.
It was wally, he had stuck a sticker on me.
We lost the game.
I heard shouts of joy and disappointment, everyone gathered around us
"We will win in the next round, you'll see!" Julie exclaimed.
"I don't think so, we will win again! Luck is on our side, Juliet!" Sally answered, proud of her victory.
We start a new round,
…Something wasn't right, suddenly my head was spinning, it was as if my thoughts were immersed in a chaotic dance where my surroundings began to fade. Only different ideas came to me:
The game My Clothes Flowers
Breakfast friends Flowers
Pink House Flowers Danger
Flowers play
...yes, just play
I didn't understand what was happening to me, why I suddenly felt… happy?… no worries, I just had to play… I was already unable to think about anything other than the fun of the moment, I could feel like in myself.
There was a smile on his face from which only laughing sounds came out of me. It was in harmony with everything like a great symphony.
I ran with all my strength chasing the star girl, we went around, and I took one of the stickers that I kept in my vest pocket and stuck it with a little force on her back.
"You're frozen~," I said between small laughs.
My body felt very light when I stayed still, small dizziness appeared but was not a bother.
Sally only pouted a little in response while behind me Julie approached to celebrate the "capture" of the enemy.
There are only three runners left.
After a couple of minutes Julie froze Wally, the only thing left to do was take the team flag from Barnaby. It wasn't until I was a few centimeters in front of him that I could understand how tall he was.
What I had in my head made everything look even more distorted at that moment, it was a kaleidoscope of hypnotic colors, and the sounds merged, leaving me in a trance.
I'm still not sure how I was able to climb the tree and take the flag because the moment I regained some clarity it made me realize that I was lying under the tree, several leaves were falling around me while everyone surrounded me worried.
"We won!" I said in a happy whisper as I raised the flag.
That was enough to make everyone start laughing and help me up. We stayed a while longer enjoying the day, Julie even made flower crowns, the same ones that have eyes between her petals.
When I placed it on my head, the nauseating smell suddenly became more and more pleasant and sweet.
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darlinggeorgiedear · 9 months
do you think prince Edward regretted treating his father George V so disrespectfully and for saying that he was a terrible father? In few words, did he ever mature and apology for his wrongdoings?
He definitely didn't publicly apologize, so it's all just speculation. In Pope Hennessy notes for his biography of Queen Mary, which was commissioned in 1959, David is still pretty upset, but does say some nice things.
Wallis insists that Queen Mother wouldn't actually be helpful for the biography (after Pope Hennessy said she was), and explained that Mary and Queen Mother weren't close. David called his mother a "cold woman" many times, while showing letters of her "begging" David to not abdicate. Then David said how his father was "foul" to his mother and she would often get up and leave the table in response to his temper, and all the children would follow her in protest. Lastly, both Wallis and David separately say that only him, his sister, and his brother are the only real royals alive.
Yet, Wallis also said how close David was to his mother, and David talks about how kind and carefree Mary could be (when not with his father who he claimed had a negative influence on her).
All that they said was somewhat factual (yet unfair), but shows David and Wallis still were critical of David's family in the late 50s. Maybe he matured at this point and wasn't as rude as he had been before (nickname, rude comments about appearances etc.), but in my opinion, since he truly felt abandoned from his family, he had no intentions of making up with them.
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Pink Ladies Ep 8 Thoughts.. 
Episode 8.. Was rough.
Here are my thoughts.... Not that anyone asked for them.
The fact that Jane has to run away from both Buddy and Richie made me shake my head, and the fact that the Pink Ladies mention that she has 2 potential dates to worry about whereas they don't gave me the best of friends vibes.
Richie looking hurt, but still understanding of Janes decision about going to the Ball with the Pink Ladies. God. Man.
The internalized lecture she gave herself after he left. Say what you will, we've all had a moment like that. Like 'why did I say that?"
Gil coming in to the Frost Palace like a force and even after trying to shake the nerves out, him smacking books out of some persons hands never fails to make me laugh.
I gotta say that I FREAKING LOVE THE FACT!! That Gil respected both Richie and Olivia enough to WAIT UNTIL he got the brothers blessing to move in and ask her out. And as soon as he has an opportunity to do it, he goes straight for it! Atta boy! Get your girl! 
Olivia making him WORK for it with his hunt for nickels.
Hazel. And Wally.
Buddy looking visually a little rougher pleases me. Takes Jane's news well enough on the chin.
Gil being nervous and kinda skirting how he feels about her. .. My sweet boy..
Making nickels outta dimes... All I could think of.
Lydia walking by and Cynthia TRACKING here.
Nancy having a meltdown over her infatuation.
Nancy dropping a big C and Cynthia sounding so concerned.
"Its worse than cancer... Its inside of me. Growing. Spreading."
"A child?'- My roommate.
Cynthia being shook that Nancy has a thing for Potato. Both are probably shocked as hell..
Crushing Me is a western bop.
Potato looking thrilled and kinda scared of Nancy never fails to make me laugh...
Dot looking crushed..
Shy Guy looking subtly thrilled and SLIDING to go sit with the gang and tell them.
Classic Pink Ladies. Put their mind to it, they got dates in 5 minutes.
Richie chilling in the TBird, jacket off, looking at a lighter... Mmm. Yum.
Richie comforting Dot and deciding to go the the ball together is just... so pure. But what he says to her about how the person he likes going with someone else... "I know how that one HITS." And for Richie, they just keep on coming.. Then again, he's used to it. And Dot recognizing pain, offers him a lolly like someone does a drink or a cigg. And her lighting up at going together.
The whole PTA meeting... Just. Don't even get me started. Spelling in front of high schoolers? Are you kidding me? What about the others who's ears aren't covered?!
The more the girls are together, the more I love their dynamics. Jane and Olivia gushing together over the décor, the way they boost Nancy up in all her... Nancyness intensity. And the way Jane reacts when Cynthia comes into view. In a dress.. Just.. sweet girl.
Olivia and Mr. Daniels... GoFUCKYourself. No. Everything. About. You. NO!
Olivia almost using 'I have a date' like a goddamn shield...
Wally being charming AF when Hazel is nervous is just.. Daw.
Buddy looking FOUL and guilty to his dad who tries to dismisses it.
I thought it would pan over to Jane but the fact that it was Richie! Hooo boy!
And the look he sends over his shoulder before it softens in Jane's vague direction... God. Add in the fact that Richie was at a casino acting out when Jane got the news that she lost, and then to hear that after she lost, she didn't even lose fairly because Buddy's dad cheated... My first thought was that he couldn't go an tell her or even comfort her.. And the anger he must've felt to hear that his girl got cheated out and that Buddy hasn't come clean when he 'wants too'.... Lot to process.
The Pink Ladies hyping up eachother. The Birds being awkward around them..
Gil's comment about being a cartoon wolf around Olivia killed me! 
Gil being nervous when he hands her the corsage... YOU CAN SEE HIS HANDS TREMBLE! 
Richie keeping his reactions to Dot pleasantly neutral. He only livens up with Jane. 
Dots Sandy Reference! 
In my opinion, Richie's (Jonathan Neives) performance this episode seemed.... I dunno... weaker? than previous episodes, but when he was with Jane, he seemed to really be himself. Am I just being crazy?
Susan taking the Pink Ladies side in both the dance counsel and when talking to her mother made my opinion of her lift up a little. 
The conversation between Susan and her mother.. And the doctor... 'Buddy had a right to know...'  
Holy. Shit. 
Like, it makes sense and it does check off the classic box of head cheerleader and top quarterback... That is how you say something without saying something. 
Richie cant miss an opportunity to even subtly flirt with Jane. And the way she smiles back at him... Just.. My babies!
Dot picking up on vibes. They are kind hard to miss
Gil being a 'respectful dancing distance away' from Olivia until she pulls him in and the way he melts against her. And her giggle!
Cynthia and Shy guy.. The whole scene is (as weird and bad as this is gonna sound) a good kind of cringe. But Shy guy... My sweet boy.
Richie and Jane having 'ideas'!
Breaking my hear kid! Fly free!
Fly free!
It'll probably be an unpopular opinion but I'm glad we didn't get a kiss between Richie and Jane, especially right after Dot took 'one for the road.' And how he looked at Jane when she did it like... 
He wiped his mouth with his hand. I was both pleased and kinda offended in a good way.. 
"What about Buddy?"/"What about him?" The way his face subtly changes! AND THEY PLAYED THEIR SONG! I started humming 'Carelessly' and then FREAKED OUT!
Olivia going after Susan.. is justified but scorpions can still sting eachother.. And dishing out poison like its shots goes out to anyone and everyone she can.
S.O.A.B.. Buddy didn't even come out and say it himself... But when it's already out there, he caves. 
Richie just trying to keep things calm... I felt kinda robbed that we didn't get a.. bigger reaction out of him.. And how he just pushes Buddy away..
Oh DOT! Damn! Dot! 
Wally and Hazel knowing that shits about to go down and need to GTFO. 
When we see Richie and Buddy.. I won't call it fighting.. It's more like a decent tousle.  "GeT him Richie!" 
Wally and Hazel. The Stars and the Sea. Cuties.
"That's. Not. Fair." I swear, that saying makes my eye twitch.
"If you would just Pick a side. Pick a boy." AND THE FACT THAT JANE doesnt respond. Say what you will, but Richie and Olivia make solid points, even when they are hurt/mad.
Nancy looking as broken as the window....
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irlnumbuh3 · 1 year
more knd middle school headcanons!
shoutout to @irldonniee they are so real WE ARE MOOTS HERE AND ON TIKTOK ITS CRAZY!!! :00 ILY MOOT
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- wally picks ceramics as his elective and holy shit it is so cute😭
- all that aggression , he’s able to put into working with clay. and maybe certain days he does slam the clay harder on the table than others… but it’s a good stress reliever ! we know wally feels a LOT, and that only intensified in middle school
- kuki does ceramics with him, she’s really gentle with her work unlike… someone else… she’s almost too gentle, but when she’s had a bad day, STAY AWAY because that clay is gonna be fucked up by her LMFAO. her speciality is the glazing/painting part of the class
- hoagie and abby do band together! hoagie attempts the saxophone, and abby plays the flute
- nigel feels stuck between picking electives but ultimately goes the art route because there was no way in hell he was going to be asked to play the sousaphone by his father AGAIN
- these 5 play ninja at recess it gets crazy
- at some point in time boxball gets banned for a little bit bc of them mostly wally…. the other kids weren’t too thrilled with them… the glares were deadly i’m telling u middle schoolers are serious about boxball at least i was
- it was finally able to be unbanned when wally threatened to make his own boxball game but instead of a light ball, u used a 10 lb weighted ball ………..
- they all decorate eachothers lockers for their birthdays
- kuki and abby are the two girls who gossip and walk the mile together
- the boys try and outrun eachother in said mile hoagie nearly had an asthma attack
- there’s a shower in the boys locker room and all of the boys were told to never turn it on because it hadn’t been turned on in 20 years. it becomes a game to see which boy in the locker room can get the closest to turning it on
- hoagie holds the record currently . wally is not thrilled by it
- thus wally gets in school suspension for turning on said shower. 3 DAYS OF ISS LMFAO
- wally goes through an axe phase and thinks he smells amazing and tough and masculine. he gets humbled by abby at lunch one random tuesday
- hoagie and wally buy lunch from the school and will play with their food by trying to make the most disgusting combinations. one day they make the entire cafeteria smell so foul that there’s an evacuation 💀
- nigel gets back together with lizzie in 6th grade and they’re the infamous middle school couple. she sits with them at lunch and brings her friends. she beefs with everyone occasionally 😭
- she plays messenger and makes her friends deliver her orders/comments to nigel at recess and throughout the day LOOL
- you know yaga? where you pull someone’s hair and say yaga? wally does that to kuki all of the time. especially during assemblies
- oh but she gets back at him in 8th grade when he starts growing his hair out to be shaggier
- meaning she literally GRABS his entire head of hair to yank back…. the group doesn’t think she knows how to actually play yaga….
- when walking around at recess, everyone likes to stuff random shit in wally’s hood
- kuki eventually drops her elective to switch to chorus. she’s a soprano!
- abby realizes she hates band and changes her elective too. she joins wally and nigel in ceramics. and wow do they TALK in that class
- the only class they all have together is study hall. and the teacher umm… she’s not the most patient. it’s a silent study hall
- and these 5 are awful at being silent -_- the teacher doesn’t even want pure silence she just wants peace. and they’re bad at that
- and because they got to pick their seats in the beginning of the year , hoagie and wally are next to one another, then abby and nigel are next to one another behind them, and kuki is directly in front of hoagie’s desk
- there’s an empty chair next to kuki, and this girl is a social butterfly, people come and sit next to her all of the time
- usually just “girly girls” but occasionally some boys… like maybe Ace or some loser who calls himself “30C” like “who even calls themselves that??”
- the antics are usually fine in study hall i mean it’s the last period of the day, everyone just wants to go home right!!
- wrong there is so much energy in one class
- some kids from their elementary are even in that class, like an irish girl named fanny and joe balooka, the instigator himself… he plays with his yipper cards with hoagie occasionally and so kuki and hoagie swap seats
- they all help wally with his homework
- sometimes they all play uno in study hall
- but everyone typically tries to do their homework, so they don’t have to after school. keyword: TYPICALLY. when all ur friends are in one class together, u don’t always wanna do ur work🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
- the note passing is crazy in there. and they’re usually slick with it, but sometimes it’s so much more fun to just be as obvious as possible
- one day wally started it by crumpling up his note, walking to the garbage, pretending to throw it out, and then turning around and throwing it in hoagie’s face
- was it impressive? 100%.…
- to get back at him, hoagie walked around the room only to come back to his desk and to slam the note on wally’s desk and FUCK is it funny for no reason
- and of course this turns into a competition…. kuki is determined to win whatever this game is, nigel rolls his eyes but oh he’s planning something, and abby just keeps covering her mouth to laugh while thinking she’s about to eat this shit up
- it’s kuki’s turn. she writes on the paper and gracefully gets up to the front of the room, and the very first person to the front all the way to right, she says, “pass this to wally please”
- and that note makes it to every single kid in that class LMFAOAOAOAO
- impressive yes. but abby’s up next. she leaves the room, where the hell is she going??? then next thing you know, she’s back, and kuki’s homeroom teacher is calling her to the office 😭😭
- “kuki, honey!! this note was left for me to give to you. it was slid into my mailbox. it says it’s from your counselor.”
- then nigel’s turn.. oh and does he have the best one yet. he grabs the paper and he writes his message and then… wait why is miss thompson walking over here? guys? wait plz hide the note somewhere oh no she looks mad oh my god guys-
- “nigel uno! a student i’d never expect to be passing notes, why don’t we tell everyone what’s on your mind?” “nonono miss thompson that’s a project we are all working on pls-“
- “fuck u” and some obscene doodles… “fuck u x2 >:)” “ur mouths are filthy. wash them please ♡ xoxo kuki! ps. hi abby!!!!! ily!” “hey kuki. ily2. and ur move, nigel. unless you chicken out now… :P” “who do i look like i am? do i look li”
- they all kinda got separated for the week
- kuki asks everyone to play MASH with her
- she 100% had a slime business in school
- said it before and i’ll say it again, her and hoagie are theatre kids. her and hoagie share a love for be more chill LMFAOAOAO
- no one else understands their obsession
- wally starts playing soccer in 7th grade. and for starting late, this kid is GOOD
- the boys fieldgoal one another. it’s awful (fieldgoaling: kicking eachother right up the ass when ur behind them. u also have to scream field goal. my middle school friends did this to eachother. highlight of middle tbh)
- especially wally he will field goal u in the middle of fucking no where it should be illegal. hoagie hides out in the bathrooms one day after teasing wally about kuki a little too much. as soon as he heard the start of the word “fiel-!” he ran
- they all carpool home together on fridays to hang out
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Last Bastion of Honor
“C’mon, Kid, I promise it’ll be fine.” Len ruffled his hair, and Wally couldn’t help but lean into the gesture, both because it felt nice and he wanted more reassurance. “After a couple of days spent hanging out with the others, you won’t even want to come home by the time we’re finished moving house.”
The teen gave his mentor a flat look at that, making Len chuckle. Even so, they continued heading down the passageway to the zeta tunnel, which had already been adjusted to accept Wally’s entry. Normally, he wasn’t even allowed in this part of the Merry Men’s underground network - they liked to keep their Sprint Kid close and safe, after all. But with Slipstream literally digging out their base of operations, the protectors of Central City were relocating, and figured hiding Wally halfway across the country while they did so would be worth adding him to the teleportation system.
“Recognized, Citizen Cold, Zero-Four. Recognized, Sprint Kid, B-One-Zero.”
“Kid, welcome to Mount Honor.”
Impressed in spite of himself, Wally took a couple of steps forward to better peer around the massive cave. Hologram projectors dotted the walls, along with screens playing news stations, data feeds, assorted tracking stats, and so on. One side of the room had a modified floor with Mister Mirror’s hard-light projectors, probably for training purposes. Through open doorways around the perimeter, Wally could see a lounge, a kitchen, an armory, a robotics lab, a chemical workshop - all good things for an underground superhero base. There were also a couple of hallways leading elsewhere in the mountain, and he nearly set off to check them out before Len’s hand gently grasped his shoulder.
Jumping, Wally turned to glance up at his mentor’s face. “I know you want to explore, kiddo, but at least wait for your tour guide to show up, okay?” Wally nodded... and frowned, when a second glance around proved that there was not, in fact, anyone else present. He raised an eyebrow at Len.
The delay at least didn’t seem to be intentional, as the man frowned as well. Len raised a hand to tap at his earpiece, the other moving instinctively to the ice gun on his hip. “Citizen Cold to Mount Honor, anyone home?”
Wally couldn’t hear anything from the little piece of communications equipment, but judging by the way Len relaxed again, he guessed the man got a reply. A few moments later, he could hear the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps.
“Citizen, sir! Kid!” Out from one of the hallways, a dark-skinned teenager with pale dreadlocks appeared, looking apologetic. “I am so sorry, I meant to be waiting when you arrived-”
“S’okay, Kaldur’ahm, no harm no foul,” Len reassured him. The tall boy nodded, but didn’t change his expression. “Alright kiddo, you want me to stick around while you settle in, or shall we make this a drop and run?”
Wally rolled his eyes and made a shoo gesture at his mentor. Snorting, Len ruffled his hair again, said goodbye to Kaldur, and headed back through the zeta tunnel. After a pause to shift the strap of his duffel bag, Wally glanced at the half-Atlantean he’d met twice before, who offered him a smile.
“It is good to see you, Kid,” he said. “Do you want to stow your things before I show you around?”
Considering it, the younger teen shook his head. Unperturbed, Kaldur just nodded.
“Well, as you can see, this is the main hub, where all matters of importance take place. Down this hall are the permanent bedrooms for the people stationed here regularly, and that one is the guest quarters and meditation rooms, and this way,” Kaldur pointed to the opening he’d emerged from, “Are the pool, the hangar bay, the external exits, and the garage. We also have a proper work-out room, a library, an observatory, and my favorite, the Grotto.”
Wally raised his eyebrows inquiringly.
“Come, I’ll show you.”
The Grotto, as it turned out, was insanely cool. Located in the deepest part of the mountain, it had a dry sandy floor dotted with the occasional seashell, glittering walls glowing with aurora-esqe lights, and some kind of sound system piping in soft echoes of the nearby ocean’s waves. There were also private little nooks and side rooms hidden in practically every corner. Seriously, someone could hide a couple dozen people in the Grotto, and unless an invader knew exactly where to look, they’d never be found.
“The whole mountain is shielded and lead-lined, of course,” Kaldur murmured as he and Wally wandered through the winding passageways. “But down here, there’s a concentration of the more delicate tech and passive magic, which makes it next to impossible to run a scan to find anyone. The ultimate hiding place, so to speak, if running isn’t an option.”
Probably a bad sign that Wally found that as comforting as he did.
When they headed back up, Kaldur showed him some of the other rooms he liked, including a viewing hall with magic windows that looked out onto beaches around the world, and finally back to the main hub with its attached kitchen.
“I was in a different timezone with my father before he sent me over to help you settle in,” the older teen explained when he started pulling things out of the cabinets and pantry. “So I feel past ready for dinner - would you like anything?”
A small part of him that was still Wallace Rudolph West wanted to shake his head, to avoid imposing, avoid being a nuisance. Wally firmly squashed it down, though, and nodded.
Kaldur turned out to be a pretty good cook, if his fish filets and grilled veggies were anything to go by. He also, by the end of their meal, somehow managed to get Wally completely at ease, sharing ridiculous stories about the shenanigans he used to get up to as a kid.
“-and of course, by the time my father got back, I’d managed to not only beach the submarine above the high water mark, but also cover it in blue and green paint!” Wally burst out laughing as Kaldur grinned, leaning so far over in his chair he nearly fell out of it. After getting his breath back, the younger teen straightened and wiped away the tears gathered at the corners of his eyes, then pointed at his host.
“Funny guy,” he said in a hoarse whisper. Kaldur’s eyebrows just about flew off his face, and he smiled so widely it had to hurt.
“Helps to have a receptive audience,” he replied. “Which, my father definitely was not.”
Snorting, Wally shook his head with a grin. A moment later he stiffened, when they heard the zeta tunnel power up.
“Recognized, Cheshire Cat, B-Zero-Two, Tigress, B-Zero-Three, Brave Bow, B-Zero-Four.”
“I wondered when they’d be getting back,” Kaldur murmured, getting to his feet. “Have you met the Hunter’s Trio, Kid?”
Wally shook his head, and warily followed the older teen out into the hub. Three newcomers were standing by the zeta tunnel entrance: a blonde girl his age arguing with a dark-haired young woman in a language he didn’t recognize, plus a red-headed dude who looked content to stay out of it.
“You are both terrible at making first impressions,” called Kaldur, striding towards them with Wally on his heels. The girls instantly cut off their argument, braids flying as they whipped their heads around to stare.
“Oh!” The older one exclaimed. “You must be the Sprint Kid - I’m sorry, we didn’t realize you’d already arrived.”
She held out a hand to him, which Wally gingerly grasped to shake, as Kaldur made introductions. “Kid, this is Jade, also known as the biggest mom-friend in the universe; her little sister Artemis, and their, erm, Roy.”
Wally blinked at the guy, who shook his hand after Jade. “Don’t mind Fish Boy, he’s still not sure how to say right off the bat that I’m Jade’s boyfriend and her sister’s brother.” That earned another blink.
“Ugh, you’re all ridiculous.” The second girl shouldered her way forward to also grab Wally’s hand, which made him feel inexplicably warm. “We’re all Huntsman and Challenger’s kids, and it’s nice to meet you, Sprint.”
Mustering his courage, as well as bracing for the pain, he coughed and whispered, “Wally.”
Bright gray eyes stared into his own, and then Artemis smiled, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. The warmth turned into a pleasant tingle. “It’s nice to meet you, Wally.”
“First rule of Mount Honor,” Artemis told him when she led Wally over to the lounge, as Kaldur went to clean up the remains of their meal and the other two young adults disappeared towards the guest rooms. “Never, ever set a prank that could be triggered by someone other than your intended target - no one will save you from the wrath of the accidental victim, and Lady Light keeps a running tally of who’s in trouble to pick her sparring partners from.”
Wally couldn’t help but wince automatically. He’d met the terrifying woman once when she came to collect Silver Skater for a girls night with Leopard and Harlequin, and knew she absolutely deserved her reputation as the fiercest hand to hand combatant of the Honor League. Perks of having a mostly-immortal father who’d mastered a bunch of fighting techniques over the centuries, or so he supposed.
“Second rule - prank wars are in fact allowed, but they can’t interfere with the Job, and you have to follow Jester’s code of conduct; the man’s got, like, an actual list he hashed out with Luthor, I’ll make sure you get a copy.”
Nodding, Wally wondered how long such a list must be - even people who didn’t buy into the Crime Syndicate’s propaganda knew the Jester had at least a few screws loose, and that Lex Luthor very rarely if ever managed to reign in the other man’s more... eccentric ideas.
“Oh, and second rule part two: don’t mess with Trick. Don’t prank him, don’t tease him, etcetera, etcetera.” Artemis gave a half shrug in reply to Wally’s questioning glance. “Jester’s orders, he doesn’t want anyone who isn’t him or Harlequin poking at his kid. Which, honestly, would seem reasonable to me, except that it’s coming from the guy who actively encourages us to have fun even at his own expense.”
That just made Wally frown deeper. He didn’t know much about the elusive Trick, who could best be described as Jester’s grim-faced shadow, and the desire to know why pranking him was off-limits piqued the boy’s curiosity.
Artemis distracted him from thinking about it, though, by going on. “Anyway, the third and final official rule is just to respect other people’s space. A lot of the folks who pass through or stay here have had more than their fair share of traumas, and everyone’s expected to be patient with them.” Her eyes glanced briefly to Wally’s neck, hidden by the high collar of his jacket, and softened. “I don’t think you’ll have any trouble with that one.”
Smiling bitterly, Wally shook his head. He blinked when Artemis reached to grab his hand, the warm feeling from earlier quickly returning.
“That means other people have to give you whatever space you need too, Wally,” she said softly. “So if anybody steps out of line, or it all just gets to be too much, let me know, okay? We can go hide in my room or the Grotto or something.”
He offered her a genuine smile at that, and got one back in return. Then the mountain’s electronic voice rang out, causing them to both jump and making Artemis retreat back to her own spot on the couch.
*Recognized, Bioship, C-One, Miss White, B-Zero-Six, Ultraboy, B-Zero-Seven.*
Wally frowned when the zeta tunnel didn’t ignite. Artemis clearly read the question on his face, because she stood and jerked her chin towards one of the hallways.
“Hangar bay,” the girl explained. “You want to go see an alien spaceship?”
Grinning, Wally hopped to his feet. And then, in a moment of daring, he turned and crouched, peering at Artemis over his shoulder to rasp, “Wanna run?”
She tilted her head, puzzled, before understanding dawned, and a delighted expression appeared on her face. Carefully, Artemis moved to hold onto him, her arms curling over Wally’s shoulders and collarbone while her legs wrapped around his waist. She held on perfectly fine as he straightened, but he tucked his hands down to brace her thighs regardless.
“Hold on,” he croaked.
And they were off.
Out of the main hub and down the hallways Wally ran, retracing the path he’d followed Kaldur on earlier. The trip only lasted a handful of moments, ten seconds at the most, but Artemis was laughing by the time they stopped in the hangar. She uncurled and dropped from Wally’s back, hands coming up to pat at her wind-ruffled braid.
“That,” the girl breathed, “Was awesome.”
Wally ducked his head with a grin. His throat started hurting something awful with just a few words, but the combined high of letting loose with his inner lightning and causing Artemis to laugh more than made up for it.
“Well, I don’t think I can top that, but this ought to be okay, huh?” He looked up at her words, and then followed her gaze to the white and red ship sitting on the other side of the room, a ramp just descending from its underside. Wally whistled, walking closer for a better look with Artemis right on his heels.
That forward progress came to a halt when he heard the sounds of an argument emerging from the ship.
“Oh, for crying out loud,” Artemis muttered, “Can those two seriously not get along for one morning?” Down the ramp came two teenagers, one walking, one floating, both carrying assorted bags of groceries. The boy looked human, wearing a light blue shirt and black cargo shorts; the girl, decidedly less so, with her chalk-white skin and solid red eyes. Wally shuddered as the volume increased.
Artemis clearly noticed, because she gently squeezed his shoulder, before letting loose a shrill whistle.
The argument stopped mid-sentence, as the boy tripped and nearly fell flat on his face, while the girl shot higher into the air, her red cape flaring out like a cat puffing up its fur. Completely involuntarily, Wally snorted.
He regretted it when both the newcomers focused their attention on him.
“Guys,” Artemis said calmly, “This is Wally, the Sprint Kid. Citizen Cold mentioned he has anxiety issues, remember? So will you kindly shut the heck up.”
“My apologies,” the alien girl muttered, settling with both feet on the ground.
“Same here,” the boy added, shooting her a brief glare before focusing back on Wally and offering him a sheepish smile. “Uh, nice to meet you, Wally. I’m Conner, and this is-”
“M’gann M'orzz of Mars,” she interrupted, chin lifted in what could be called an arrogant manner - but Wally glanced briefly at her cape, wrapped close, and took it to be a defensive gesture instead.
“Hi,” he whispered, before coughing and rubbing at his throat. M’gann frowned, and a moment later, what felt like a cold hand brushed against the front of his brain.
*Is verbal communication painful for you?* The martian said without speaking. *I can establish a mental link, if that would make things easier-*
Wally’s widened eyes were apparently all Conner needed to guess at what M’gann was doing, because he immediately rounded on the girl, arms folded. “What did we say about not invading people’s heads until they’ve given their permission?”
“I’m not invading,” she snapped back, “I’m just asking him a question, you overbearing twit.”
“Oh, I’m the overbearing one? That’s rich coming from you-”
Artemis groaned as they launched into another argument, but shook her head when Wally bumped her shoulder, an apologetic look on his face. “Not your fault, dude, they’re just- like this.” He grimaced, and she let out a harsh bark of laughter, nothing at all like the earlier cheerful sound. “Yeah, I know. C’mon, let’s head back to the main hub, and hopefully these two will have gotten it all out of their systems by the time they follow us.”
Wally nodded, and they carefully tip-toed out of the hangar. He tried to offer to run them back again, but Artemis turned him down, taking hold of his hand instead as they walked back at normal speed. And, honestly, Wally liked that just fine too.
There were two girls hanging out with Kaldur in the kitchen when they got back, and Wally felt relieved to recognize one of them.
Raquel happened to glance up and catch his eye first, and promptly moved from where she was leaning against the countertop to come give him a fist bump. “Hey, little Sprinter! Nice to finally see you away from your entourage of mother hens.”
He grinned, shrugging, and she took a moment to ruffle his hair. Artemis continued past them to snag the other girl and tug her over for introductions. “Wally, meet Annataz; she comes over whenever her mentor’s busy with big magic stuff. Anna, this is Wally, he’s the Sprint Kid from Central City.”
“Hello,” Annataz greeted him, her face almost completely hidden behind a curtain of white hair. Wally smiled back, and nodded at her shawl with a thumbs-up. Besides the woven cloth looking incredibly soft, it changed color constantly, gently shifting through the entire visible spectrum.
“Oh, you think that’s cool,” Raquel beamed, “Just wait ‘til you see Anna’s wardrobe - an actual, literal wardrobe, enchanted to spontaneously produce whatever it is she feels like wearing.”
“It’s not that impressive...”
Artemis promptly reached up a hand to tweak the shorter girl’s ear. “Yes, it is, and you should be proud of making it,” she stated. Annataz just ducked her head further, but Wally managed to briefly spot her smile.
Kaldur ended up heading out after his third yawn, practically chased off by Raquel, who threatened to chuck her combat boot at his head if the boy didn’t go get some sleep. Artemis took the opportunity to throw together a couple plates of apple slices with peanut butter on top, which Wally restrained himself from taking too many of. He and Annataz made for quiet companions as Artemis and Raquel chatted, Jade popping in briefly to snag some sodas from the pantry and steal an apple slice. It... didn’t seem awkward though. Len had been right - Wally couldn’t help but feel comfortable in the relaxed setting.
But then an alarm went off.
Raquel was the first up and off the couch, making a beeline out the open doorway and across the main hall towards the suddenly glowing zeta tunnel. Artemis swiftly followed, and after sharing a wide-eyed glance, Wally and Annataz hurried after.
*Recognized, Trick, B-Zero-One.*
A much smaller figure than Wally would’ve expected came staggering through the tunnel entrance, bent almost double and clutching at his stomach. Raquel got there right as he dropped to his knees, catching the kid’s shoulders to keep him from falling over. “Trick, what happened?”
“Owl,” he coughed, blood dripping from between his fingers. “Owlman f-found the warehouse.”
Raquel swore, worse than Digger on the rare occasion he got into the good alcohol. “How bad did he get you? Where are Jester and Harlequin?”
“Not- not awful- he’s done worse.” A bitter little laugh slipped out as Raquel leaned the kid back to pick him up, her thick arms barely flexing as they slipped around thin shoulders and knobby knees. “I was the- only one at home- set the self- self-destruct, on, my way out-” His stilted words cut off with a pained groan.
“Crap,” Artemis breathed, typing furiously on an old-school flip phone. “That’s another League base gone - those bastards are getting way too good at finding us.” Wally hovered anxiously at her shoulder, uncertain of what he should be doing. Annataz had somehow already gotten to the infirmary station, pulling out a first aid kit for Trick as Raquel carried him over. Jade and Roy appeared, grim-faced and armed with a spear and bow respectively. They quickly checked in on the situation, before moving to take up positions on either side of the zeta tunnel entrance - Conner and M’gann and a no longer yawning Kaldur joined them, when those three showed up as well. Artemis, in the meantime, finished with her phone and moved to access some kind of computer built into the wall.
After a moment’s hesitation, Wally followed her.
“First they torched Leopard’s main safe house in DC,” the girl muttered to herself, “Then there’s a countdown on the Merry Men getting found, and now Jester’s place is gone...” Wally nudged her shoulder, and gestured to the base around them with a concerned expression. Artemis immediately went from furious to reassuring. “No, they won’t find us next. We’re in the middle of nowhere up here, no major cities or industry centers for them to want to dig their fingers into. And if the Syndicate isn’t actively working in an area, they don’t pay much attention to it.”
Even so, Wally nervously drummed his fingers against his thigh, unconsciously tapping into his speed without meaning to. Artemis caught him by surprise when she finished typing and reached to hold his hand with her own.
Maybe a minute later, the computer let out a soft chime, and the screen flickered to display a dude with some severely impressive scars slashed across his face. “Tigress,” the dude greeted, dark eyes flicking between the two teenagers. “And Cold’s young charge, I believe. What is the emergency?”
“Trick showed up about five minutes ago, bleeding and winded. He said Owlman found the Jester’s warehouse in Gotham - kid hit the self-destruct on his way out the zeta, but we don’t know if it successfully went off or not. The others are guarding this side in case any uninvited guests hack their way through.”
The dude’s face shifted from stoic to thunderous. “I shall inform Jester, and ask Luthor to check on the warehouse’s status. What is Trick’s current condition?”
“Stable,” Artemis answered, glancing over towards the infirmary. “Firework and Annataz are fixing him up. It didn’t look too bad, though, and he said he’s gotten worse before.”
“An unfortunately true statement for that child. Very well, then. Expect reinforcements shortly.”
“Thanks, Might.” The screen flickered back off, and Artemis shared a wry smile at Wally’s curious expression. “Valor Might. Guy’s even older than Ra’s al Malak. He used to be one of Superwoman’s prisoners before the League accidentally rescued him a few years back, and now he’s, like, the coolest history professor ever.”
As promised, more Honor League members soon showed up. Red Avalanche rumbled in with mechanical encouragement, followed shortly by Gold Lantern, and then Talia al Malak, the Lady Light, came striding through the zeta tunnel and took charge with brisk efficiency. She and Owlman were personal enemies almost as much as him and Jester - if anyone could manage to prevent the Gotham crime lord from getting inside Mount Honor, it would be her.
As more League members showed up, the kids drifted towards the edges of the room, and then closer to the infirmary. After getting his wounds bandaged, Trick had curled into a ball on the edge of the medical bunk, the slitted eyes of his domino mask giving no sign of where the kid was looking. Raquel kept up her post beside him, one hand on his shoulder, with Annataz tucked against her other side. Wally kept glancing between them and the main action in the center of the hub.
Once, when he looked back again, the smaller boy’s head shifted just enough to indicate he was studying Wally. The redhead offered a small, cautious smile, one hand coming up to tap briefly at the base of his covered throat. Trick apparently knew enough about him to recognize the indication of his hidden scars, the ones picked up when Slipstream nearly murdered Wally two years before, because something in his wary expression softened. They exchanged tiny nods, and went back to observing the League members adding new defensive measures to the mountain’s security.
When the zeta tunnel next activated, everyone breathed a sigh of relief as Jester and Harlequin tumbled through without injury. Both Gotham heroes made an immediate beeline for the infirmary, prompting all the teenagers gathered there to back off a bit. Trick partially uncurled from his bunk in order to reach for them, hands shaking even as Jester gathered him up into a hug. Harlequin took a moment to check him over, thanking Raquel for the well-done bandages before she pretty much glomped on to her partner and their kid.
Something inside of Wally ached a little at the sight.
The next adult to approach was Huntsman, dressed in a uniform that looked just like the one Artemis wore, except different colors. His hair was the same light shade of blonde, too, and his eyes swept over the girl and her sister before doing a headcount of the others present.
“Alright, everybody,” the man announced, “It looks like we’re all clear for the moment. Luthor’s satellite confirmed the loss of Jester’s warehouse in Gotham, but there were no casualties, and no breach in security here, either.”
Several shoulders slumped with relief, Wally’s included.
“Considering that, and the fact we’ve been losing bases to the Syndicate at an alarming rate recently, the League wants to keep all of you here for the time being. If those bastards haven’t caught on to Mount Honor yet, it’s safer than anywhere else.”
Artemis took a step forward. “But Dad-”
“Don’t argue with me on this one, baby girl, we don’t know where they’re going to hit next.”
Jade moved to stand next to her sister, arms folded and gaze sharpened into a glare. “And how are we going to stop them?”
Huntsman sighed, pulling off his mask in order to rub at his forehead. “We’re working on it. Luthor’s got- I can’t call it a plan yet, but an idea. We need to steal something from the Syndicate first, and that’s going to take time and patience.”
“Stealing from the biggest crooks in the world,” Raquel hummed. “Sounds good to me. What is it?”
“Nothing you need concern yourself with, Firework.” Gold Lantern floated over to join them, and despite being a literal alien, his tired expression matched any other overworked human on planet Earth.
“Sinestro, come on.”
“No. This endeavor isn’t something we’re going to discuss anywhere but secure briefing rooms, and no one beyond those directly involved will have anything other than the sparsest of details.” His eyes slid oh so briefly towards M’gann. “The Martian Manslayer is no longer isolating himself, apparently fully recovered from the injuries Psidney and Madam Hornet were able to inflict last fall.”
If Wally thought the girl’s tightly wrapped cloak earlier had been an indication of her feeling defensive, it was nothing compared to how tight the fabric pulled at Lantern’s words - it even visibly hardened into an actual shell. Standing behind her and slightly to one side, Conner’s face spasmed, and he started to lift a hand towards her shoulder, only to pause and awkwardly pull it back down before actually touching the girl.
“Stingray’s been contacted,” Huntsman spoke up again. “As soon as repairs to the Atlantean refugee camp are finished he’s going to zeta in and look over the mountain’s underwater entrance for us. Clarion and the Coven are still busy dismantling the Spire of Fate to get rid of that cursed helmet, but once that’s done they’ll come here to rest and check in with you, Annataz.” The girl nodded, appearing relieved, as did Kaldur beside her. Then Wally straightened when Huntsman looked in his direction. “We were only briefly able to get in touch with the Merry Men, enough to let them know the disturbance has been handled, but there’s no telling how soon they’ll be in a position to cut someone loose to come over.”
Wally grimaced, shaking his head. He gestured to himself and gave a thumb’s up, then pointed towards the zeta tunnel entrance and made a slashing motion. Off to one side, Roy snorted. “Pretty sure the Kid thinks he’s fine, old man.”
Huntsman’s lips twitched into a small smirk. “Be that as it may, they are going to send someone eventually.” Wally huffed.
After that, everybody began to slowly disperse. Artemis and Jade both cornered their dad against a wall to speak with him in low tones; M’gann took off for the hangar with Conner watching her go, whereas Kaldur wandered back towards the bedrooms, yawning once again. Raquel activated her space-tech flight suit in order to help Lantern adjust some things inside the ceiling of the main hub, and Roy headed for the armory, a pensive expression on his face as he counted through the arrows in his quiver.
Trick of course stayed put in the infirmary, Harlequin running her fingers through his short hair and Jester laughingly telling a story about some corrupt police officer he pantsed on live tv. Wally didn’t really want to hang around them just by himself, so he ended up following Annataz into the kitchen.
She spent a minute rummaging through some cabinets, before turning around and jumping. “Oh! S-sorry. Didn’t see you. Um.”
Wally just waved off the apology, then pointed to the supplies cradled in her arms. “Want help?” He managed to rasp.
Annataz pulled out a shaky smile. “Um, sure. Thanks. Have you ever made apple pie before...?”
Life, as always, went on.
Various Honor League members came and went from the Mountain, including Jade, which Wally could see bugged Artemis to no end. Roy apparently also had permission to leave, being eighteen, but the most he ever did was make snack runs down to Harpy Harbor for different kinds of junk food. Wally managed to catch the older redhead alone after one such trip, and hesitantly asked him about it.
“...I used to work for the Crimson Archer,” Roy eventually said, standing in the pantry with a jar of peanut butter still in his hands. “I’m not- obviously, it’s not something I’m proud of. But I was living on the street, and he- he seemed like a better option than the low-level gangs or- other things.”
Wally waited as the guy struggled to put his words together.
Finally, the jar went onto a shelf with a thunk, and Roy turned around to fully face him. “It’s not because I’m still afraid of him, okay? When the League needs some extra long distance support, I’m there. But if they don’t ask, then I- I feel like I need to keep an eye on Artemis.” Something in his tense expression softened. “It was her and Jade’s mom who got me out. Challenger. She gave me something to want more than always flinching under Oliver’s thumb.”
Slowly, Wally nodded. “I get it,” he whispered.
Roy studied him for a long moment, before slowly nodding. “Yeah. I guess you would. You, me, Trick, Annataz - we all started out on the wrong side, before someone here managed to bring us back to the light.”
From the hints Artemis dropped into their conversations, Wally had learned that Trick used to be ‘Talon’, one of Owlman’s pet assassins. But she hadn’t said a word about- “Anna?”
“Mmhm. Her father’s Giovanni Arataz, Kid; the Witchdoctor.”
Oh. No wonder Annataz stayed so quiet all the time. If he had a parent dedicated to dark magic and blood rituals, Wally probably wouldn’t have spoken up to draw attention to himself even before his throat got cut.
“I guess we could add Conner to the list too,” Roy mused, returning to his bags of groceries. “Ultraman technically was making clones of himself to become new lieutenants, until Luthor sabotaged the whole thing and stole the last one.”
“But it’s not like I ever actually did anything for that sociopath.” Wally jumped in his seat as Conner himself walked into the kitchen, a bemused expression on the tall boy’s face.
“Yeah, okay, fair enough. Want something? We’ve got graham crackers and cinnamon sticks, dried jerky, mixed nuts, I think I grabbed a bag of marshmallows-”
Roy’s eyebrows went up, but he nodded towards a bag on the end of the counter. Conner thanked him, took out one of two packages, and walked back out the door. Wally made a questioning noise. “...if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s taking those straight to M’gann. I always get a second thing of Oreos for her, and the other one stays in the pantry for the rest of us.”
Wally thought back to Huntsman’s mention of the Manslayer, when Conner almost but not quite reached for the martian girl’s shoulder, and figured it to be a pretty decent assumption. She’d barely emerged from her bio-ship at all since then, causing Artemis and Raquel to frown with concern every time they passed the hangar.
A single package of cookies might be a small thing, but maybe it would be enough to draw her out some more.
Trick first managed to scare the snot out of him when Wally was in the gym early one morning, stretching out his kinked muscles following a hundred-lap run. “I have a question.”
Wally immediately sucked in a sharp, startled breath, freezing partway through the act of standing up. His heart rate, slowing down after the run, instantly leapt back to full sprinting power, and it took a long moment for him to wrestle down the impulse to bolt out the nearest exit. Once back in full control of his faculties, Wally oh so cautiously tipped his head back, to stare at the figure perched on one of the overhead trapeze swings.
Several questions of his own leapt to mind: how long have you been up there; how are you keeping that swing so perfectly still; how did I completely fail to notice you, like, at ALL-
And yet, he only managed to croak out a very wheezy “What?”
Smooth as a bird taking flight, Trick tipped off his swing to drop towards another, hands outstretched. From that he jumped to the nearby bar set, did a couple of loop-de-loops with his whole body, then flipped off to land silently next to Wally. “The League files say Slipstream has a serum he needs to take every day to maintain his super speed; but you don’t, according to the Merry Men. Why?”
Wally forced himself to gulp a couple of times before answering. “Stole, a sample. Lightning. Coma. Woke up, ran.” That said, his throat immediately erupted into a coughing fit.
Trick hummed, swaying slightly as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, waiting for the coughs to subside. “So the combination of lightning hitting the serum either mutated you, or woke up a dormant metagene. Very asterous. Hey, as long as you’re here, want to spar?” Wally’s eyes dropped from the other boy’s masked eyes to his stomach, and the bandages barely discernible underneath the dark blue tank top. He frowned, and Trick huffed. “It’s fine. I sparred with Jester yesterday!”
A single eyebrow went up, because Wally very much doubted that, or at least doubted how much strength Jester actually put into his hits. He rubbed at his sore throat, glanced at the nearby mats, and lifted one shoulder in a small half-shrug.
Trick promptly grinned, just wide enough to look creepy rather than reassuring. “Thanks! I promise you won’t regret it.”
...fifteen minutes later, Wally very much did regret it, because even while injured Trick managed to kick his butt six ways to Sunday. Seriously, the smaller boy barely seemed to move at all, yet Wally repeatedly found himself with a foot in his face, or two slamming into his chest, or a leg sweeping his own feet out from under him. Possibly the most embarrassing was the final take-down, when Trick did, literally, kick Wally in the butt to knock him over, before jumping onto his back as he fell and curling an arm around the redhead’s throat when they hit the ground.
Wally froze. Trick paused, his limb almost but not quite touching scarred skin. “...if I was who I used to be, this is probably how I’d kill you.”
Yeah. Wally didn’t doubt that. According to what he’d heard about Gotham, one didn’t become a member of Owlman’s Made Men without being trained in the most gut-punching, trauma-filled ways to kill individual targets: someone with a fear of heights, dropped off the side of a building. An alcoholic drowned with their drink of choice, or a hacker electrocuted by their own equipment. 
Somebody who survived a debilitating injury, wounded in the exact same place to finish the job.
He took a small, shallow breath. Then, Wally reached up behind his shoulder, pinched at the tip of Trick’s nose, and pulled his hand away with his thumb tucked in between the index and middle fingers.
After a startled beat, Trick snorted. “Did you just steal my nose?”
Wally grinned, tipping his head enough to make sure the smaller boy could see. Trick started to giggle, which escalated into a full blown evil cackle, and he dramatically rolled off Wally’s back to flop onto the mat beside him. “How could you! Such betrayal! I will never recover from this, why, SK?”
Snickering softly, Wally turned onto his side and dramatically held the pilfered ‘nose’ aloft. “Souvenir.”
Trick wheezed, curling up into a ball as he shook with laughter.
Later that same day, Wally almost suffered a second heart attack when Harlequin cornered him in a hallway. The warning Artemis gave about don’t mess with Trick suddenly leapt to mind, and the teen winced, very aware he’d likely overstepped in the gym.
And yet, once she’d double-checked that they were alone, Harlequin beamed at him. “You’re a good kid, ya know that Sprinty? Avalanche showed me the security footage of ya playin’ with my little Trick this mornin’, and- he ain’t laughed like that with anybody ‘sides me and my Jay in a long time.”
...oh. Surprised, Wally could only offer a small shrug. Then he oofed when Harlequin grabbed him in a tight hug that could rival Grodd Gorilla’s for sheer arm strength.
“He’s had a hard time, our Trick,” the woman sniffed, when she stepped back again. “Jester tells everyone not t’ mess with him, ‘cause we don’t want somethin’ happening to make him snap, but- when folks find out he used to be Talon, they get scared, and wary. ‘S good to see somebody else act normal with him, though. So thank you. Anything you need, Sprinty, just let your Aunt Harleen know, okay?”
Wally nodded, and accepted another short hug, before Harlequin left him alone to enter the kitchen.
Three weeks following his arrival at Mount Honor, Wally finally got to see one of the Merry Men again. With their zeta tunnel out of commission for the time being, Digger apparently slipped out of Central City on foot and hitched a ride to El Paso, where Madam Hornet maintained a small base in order to keep in touch with a community of Bialyan refugees located there.
“OY,” the Australian hollered as he came through the teleportation device, duffel bag slung over one shoulder and hat tilted to a jaunty angle, “What’s this I hear about the Kid making a nuisance of himself?”
In the chemical lab, Wally groaned, letting his head drop to thunk against the metal table.
Raquel sniggered at him as she passed on her way to greet the new arrival. “Hi, Major Nuisance. You gonna be staying long?”
“Well, either until the week’s up, or our new digs are finished, whichever comes first. Come on out Wallaby, your favorite uncle needs a hug!” Rather than stand, or even lift his head off the table, Wally stretched a single hand up into the air and flipped the bird. Digger promptly roared with laughter. “Atta boy, Kid, stick it to the old people!”
Eventually Wally did, of course, set aside the formula he’d been tinkering with and come out into the main Hub, so Digger could wrap an arm around his shoulders and ruffle his hair into complete disarray. Raquel led the way to a guest room, where Wally hung around as the man settled his handful of clothes and gear. “All good?”
“Yeah, all good on the homefront,” Digger reassured him. “Hartley’s already working on plans for his next Underground Concert, and Lisa’s takin’ advantage of the move to expand her space for housing runaways. Jesse’s drivin’ Mick and Sam up the wall, same as usual, and would very much like to know when we’re gonna get our Sprint Kid back home safe ‘n sound.”
Wally rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help grinning. “Len? Mark?”
“Our good old Citizen in Chief is down to five hours sleep a night, but aside from that he’s doin’ alright, and I fully expect his dear sister’s gonna sit on him one day this week to make the drongo take a long nap. As for the one and only Storm Sage...” the man’s grin took on a distinctly predatory gleam, “Let’s just say Slipstream’s havin’ a heck of a time trying to crack open our old hideout without homemade lightning nippin’ at his heels.”
That deserved a double thumbs up, which made Digger chuckle.
Two days after the Major’s arrival, Luthor called everyone together in the Hub for an informal briefing.
Wally found himself standing with Digger on one side, Artemis on the other; the man’s hand rested reassuringly on his shoulder, and the girl interlaced their fingers, a gesture that sent electric tingles racing through his body. Several other mentors gathered with their kids and students around the large room, the few murmurs falling silent as Luthor took center stage to activate the hologram projectors.
First, an image of Earth. Followed by a second, which doubled into four, then eight, sixteen, and so on. “To begin: our world is but one of many. This is a simplified illustration of the multiverse - an infinite chain of separate realities. Some are different only in the subtlety of a few details, while others appear utterly unrecognizable. Earths that never developed the human race, or suffered massive extinction events to wipe all life away entirely. Places where technology is far more advanced, and others where magic remains the predominant power behind civilization. There are even worlds, such as on this Earth here-” Luthor selected a single image to highlight, “-with a complete inverse of heroes and villains.”
Wally blinked, not quite sure he understood.
“It’s pure chance our research into other universes turned this one up,” the inventor went on, “And we’ve decided to make the most of an available opportunity. A few of our allies have recently completed work on a device capable of transporting several people between universes, so long as it’s fueled by the correct power source. We’re planning to steal something called the Quantum Trigger, tonight, from the Syndicate. With it, I, Jester, and Lady Light, will travel to this nearby Earth, and request the local Justice League come back with us for a joint assault on the Crime Syndicate.”
Alright, then.
To be continued...
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trashcanplant · 9 months
Two More Mobsters
Raising tensions requires a boost in the ranks.
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With Paulette and Antoni, you can’t go wrong.
In the family, Paulette has found confidence and control in his life. She’s helping Frank manage finances and is frankly quite good at it. They also get out occasionally to be a Birds Eye view, and boy howdy is her aim good. Paulette finds purpose, and family, with Wally and the mob. Though his entrance into it was sketchy, it’s safe to say that Paulette is incredibly loyal to the Darling clan.
With Antoni, we find a simple man with rage issues taken for a ride. He now has nearly unlimited access to guns in an environment where his quick temper is rewarded. One would think that Antoni prosper in the mob, correct? Unfortunately for him, there’s a certain scarecrow who keeps fouling his chances. Antoni hates Grover even more in the mob, blaming him for Wally’s disdain towards the sea slug. But there’s not much he can do about that, now is there? Doodles under the cut!
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Dear God please click for quality. But here we see a little bit of everyone! Polly frequently joins Wally on financial deals. He ended up in the mob on account of an outstanding balance with poor loans and gambling. If losing three of their fingers didn’t get the point across, joining the family definitely did.
Antoni can’t help but feel that something is missing. (@cherrythepuppet)
Jonesy makes a friend in Ashton! (@ashchoo) Unfortunately, he has no experience in being a kid or playing with kids his age. So Ashton finds him rather off-putting.
Oh, Marnie, that silly songbird! Going around warning people. Don’t worry. She won’t tell anyone anything anymore.
Councilwoman Deirdre Dewmoore seems to have a bit of an issue on her hooves.
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