#Wake Forest Pet Training
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audreysbarkyard07 · 2 months ago
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Keep your pets looking and feeling their best with Audrey’s Barkyard’s professional grooming services in Wake Forest. From bathing and nail trimming to breed-specific cuts, their experienced groomers provide personalized care to suit your pet’s unique needs. Audrey’s Barkyard ensures a stress-free grooming experience in a safe and welcoming environment. Treat your furry friend to the ultimate grooming session by booking an appointment with Audrey’s Barkyard today.
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jazzyoranges · 1 year ago
Wednesday Addams x fem!shapeshifter!reader
Summary: based on this ask!
Words: 1.4k
A/n: this kinda doesn’t have a plot 😭 whoopsies
Warnings: blood, wounds, i swear it’s not angsty R just takes a small tumble lol
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“Did it hurt?”
“What, when I fell from heaven?” You crack a smile at your very hilarious joke, but Wednesday does her version of a huff and an eye-roll
“Apologies, I should have elaborated better.” You wince a little in pain as Wednesday disinfects the open wound on your knee and the smaller cuts around your body
The Addams girl was taking Thing and her pet bird, aka you, for a walk outside Nevermore in the forest that surrounded the academy as she watched you loop around in circles. She’d assume you were training for some competition if she didn’t know your personality enough, but Wednesday ultimately came to the conclusion you just had the bird equivalent of zoomies
You squawked at other birds as you passed them by in their trees, and Wednesday made a mental note to ask you if you could actually talk and understand them. Her hypothesis was that you couldn’t and you were just making animal noises for your own amusement
Either her hypothesis was true and you had no idea what you said, or you knowingly called a bird a slur. The previous was probably true due to the horrified expression on your face as a murder of crows you were “talking” to started chasing you down. You must’ve squawked something real bad for all of them to come after you.
You miss the smirk Wednesday has on her face.
The crows must’ve overwhelmed you pretty bad, because next thing she knew you were hitting every single branch of a tree in human form. Was that intentional? She’d have to ask you about it later. After she made sure you weren’t dead, of course
Wednesday arrived just in time for you to almost slam straight into her head, but a simple side step caused you to eat shit instead. There was a very noticeable and loud thump when your head hit a tree root. Wednesday would’ve been more concerned if you didn’t immediately curl into the fetal position, mumbling about how you’d take a nap right then and there
Either shapeshifters were gods, or you just had a really fucking thick skull. Wednesday internally smiled at the thought.
The Addams girl was well aware of the smelling salts in her backpack for times like these, but she looked at Thing for what he wanted to do to get you up. You could wait… probably.
After some inspection, Thing decided it was best to call Enid to carry you back to their dorm. The wound on your knee would only make you limp and cause more pain.
Wednesday made sure to keep you alive, though. She poked you with a stick here and there and gave you reassurance, which she saw you smile at.
You were prone to accidents. Both of the Addams knew you were fine. Truly, it was just another Tuesday. Wake up, go to class, take girlfriend and Thing on a walk, you break a bone, it was all a part of the schedule
It wasn’t even a shapeshifter thing either, you just refused to die. Which the Addams was ultimately grateful for, but your ability to visit death like a close friend had Wednesday just a little jealous
A groan of pain from the back of your throat brings the shorter girl back to the present
“Why did you turn human in the middle of the sky?”
“Whenever I shift I have to really concentrate on it the entire time, so I guess those crows just really fucked me up and messed with my focus” You sigh
“Is it hard? To keep concentration, I mean.” Wednesday starts to wrap the bigger wound on your knee with a bandage wrap
“I’ve been doing it forever, so it’s kinda easy. Not when you’re getting jumped by crows, though…”
“Could you not just shift a pair of wings for yourself?”
“I was already focusing on having the thick skull of a ram.” You knock on your head for effect. “How do you think I haven’t died yet?”
Oh so it was a shapeshifter thing. She was right about your thick skull, though
“Perhaps you should tell Enid that,” Wednesday gets up from her kneeling position in front of you. “She almost fainted carrying you on the way here and I have reason to believe it isn’t because you’re heavy.”
“Maybe I should get her something as compensation…” You mumble to yourself as Wednesday helps you out of the bathroom, using her as a crutch so you can flop onto her bed
The Addams girl sits beside you, your face buried in her sheets. Both of you fall into a comfortable silence as Wednesday continues to stare at you, her mind coming up with endless questions about your abilities.
If concentration was a constant concern, was Wednesday not giving you not enough credit? To focus on multiple tasks at once, surely it was hard for someone as air-headed as you. But then again, you have been doing this for your entire life. Did your concentration come as easy as breathing? Was it so natural you barely noticed it?
And surely the process hurt, right? Your molecules were repositioning themselves to fit the look of an entirely different being. What was there a difference between you and Weems?
What were your limitations? Wednesday would like to test them. Maybe if she’d ask kindly enough you’d-
“Ask your questions, Wens” You mumble into her soft bedsheets, your voice snapping Wednesday out of her thoughts
“We’re girlfriends. You can read my mind as much as I can read yours”
“And your logical explanation for that, is..?”
“Girlfriend magic.” You hold up your hands while shaking them, and Wednesday immediately recognizes the jazz hands you had quite an addiction to
“Another day, it’s best you rest.”
This makes you turn your head to look at Wednesday, a smile threatening to take over your face
“I don’t understand why people don’t believe me when I say you’re the romantic one” You gush
“Unless you want me to bombard you with questions until morning rises, I’d suggest you stay quiet.”
“Yes ma’am” You pull down Wednesday on her bed, shoving your face into the shorter girls collar.
From that day forward Wednesday asks you one question a day about your abilities, and you make sure to answer them as best as you can. It was something Wednesday appreciated about you.
Answers would span from 15 minutes to almost 2 hours long. There were some days you had to pull out the whiteboard that was collecting dust in the bee shed, writing and drawing out key information
At first it was casual, it really was. But a month later it was almost like class with how the Addams had a book and a half filled with information about you. A class Wednesday could actually get behind.
She’s learned every shapeshifter is different. Some turn into people, some turn into animals, and others can turn into both. So the book and a half was really just information about you, which Wednesday wasn’t exactly opposed to
Meditation seemed to be a pretty big thing to you. Whenever Wednesday was writing, you’d be meditating. At first the Addams questioned if you were compatible being in a room with her loud typewriter, but you insisted the noise was necessary for you to tune out
Another thing Wednesday learned is that you couldn’t exceed four limbs. Which, you made sure to voice your opinion on. The dreams of being a four-legged and two-winged western dragon was impossible, so unfortunately you’d have to make your peace with being a wyvern instead
Small snores came from you curled around Wednesday under a tree as a tiger. She could only focus on how you always somehow resembled your human face
Turning to a new page of her journal, the Addams girl starts to sketch the face of your tiger next to the one of your lion. No matter what form you’d take, Wednesday would be able to recognize it.
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lethalchiralium · 4 months ago
The Death of Peace of Mind | Happiness Series
a/n: i love u, have some escapism (also PLEASE roast the shit out of this like you’re in my creative writing class, thank u love u)
warnings: violence, blood
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There’s a stark difference in the snow on the ground in this forest than the snow back home in Maine. When you were little, you used to sit on the stoop of your parents’ house, bundled to the nines and your little hand holding fistfuls of powdery snow. You could look around and see saplings for miles, ready to be chopped and loaded onto a truck that would merrily lead you back to the main city - needles greener than the grass in summer, full of life and dusted with the white snow. Your dad would gently pet your head before sauntering down the steps, getting ready to head to the markets for the day. You waved, snow decorating your hand as you’d watch the old truck hobble down the driveway and disappear into the grown trees.
You used to find the snow beautiful, something to look forward to seeing every year so your mom could decorate for Christmas with the colorful lights you always liked.
All these memories seemed to cling like maggots to rotting flesh, only coming to surface when it finds a new wound to sink its teeth into.
This snow is bitter here, clinging like cigarette smoke to the jacket you snatched from the floor. It danced on your lashes, made its home in your hair, settled softly on your daughter’s head. Your stomach felt like lead, legs ready to give out at any second as you kept going as fast as you could. You used to be able to run efficiently in the snow, but now, you struggled. You ran and dodged low limbs, tried not to tumble down small hills as fear held a tight grasp on your throat.
Lloyd would wake up soon, he would see you gone and raise the alarm. You only had so little time to find some sort of shelter that wasn’t the decrepit cabin you were held in, you had to find a phone that wasn’t busted, you had to just get as far from that fuck as you could. You couldn’t even spend any energy on what almost happened thirty minutes earlier, couldn’t think of anything but hurting your kidnapper; the only strength you had was to make sure Mellie would live. You glanced down at her, her little brown eyes looking up at you with a weak glare that could send you to your knees at home. But this wasn’t home, this was miles from it, and you and your child were only a few hundred yards escaped from death’s door - not under your comforter at home, nursing her high fever. You were desperate for your husband at that moment, begging God with every second breath to bring him to you. He would know what to do, he would take your daughter away from this place.
Snow crackled underneath your feet as you kept going, the brunt of the wind hit your face like a train but you kept going. Your arms were taut around Mellie, keeping the oversized jacket around her whimpering frame. The sky was a light shade of blue, the trees danced beneath its breath, the only shelter you could find was down the mountain. You already felt like you’ve scale half of it, but you were far from close - you coming up to a sloped edge now, your feet slowed so you could peer over the edge. It was steep but you could slide down, there was another ledge, then another stretch of snow covered hills as you descended. You had no idea where you were, but you knew this had to be hell.
Tree after tree, boulder after iced over creek, your exhaustion was catching up but there was no way you would stop. There is no stop. There is no slowing down. There is only your daughter’s escape, even if means you don’t make it out.
Stop it. Winnie and Simon need you too.
What little path you had began to narrow, your fingers felt even colder than before as you came to a split in the road. You went right, knowing any trick you could play now wouldn’t work out because of the damn snow. Breathing harder every second, your vision seemed to fade in and out - Keep going.
The sound of your name being screamed at the top of Lloyd’s lungs felt like a gunshot to the chest.
Every muscle in your body seemed to roar to life, even with the snow slowing you down, you kept pushing on. Mellie whined into your collarbone, your hands burned. There was barely any indication of where the road was, you couldn’t follow the asshole’s car path because they would have been able to catch up quickly. The path was running out of terrain as another edge appeared, this one seemed like a steep drop off. You skidded to a stop, looking to a thick pine tree nearby, looking down at your daughter and making a quick decision to hide her. Ripping off your jacket, you bundled her up, and moved into the tree - digging out a small hole in the small heap of pine needles, you kissed Mellie’s face and sat her there.
There was no way out, you knew that. You would have to fight your way out - the thought clawed at your stomach the same way betrayal felt. Because you were here alone, the promise your husband made left shards of glass in your face and hands.
You will stand your ground if it meant Lloyd couldn’t have your daughter.
“Princess, you need t’sit.”
Simon pushed your frantic body towards the park bench, his guiding hand seemed too warm against your lower back. Sobs kept escaping your lips, even as you were trying desperately to silence them. “I don’t- I don’t know what’s- what’s- happening-“
“Sit.” Following his lead, you found yourself hyperventilating on a park bench after dark with your husband. He tore off his face mask, his hand cupping your cheek to make you look at him. “You feel m’hand, yeah?”
You nodded, a hiccup left your hips before another sob escaped too, your eyes closed as you tried to stop these random tears.
“No, you need to look at me, I can’t help you if you don’t look at me, love.” His voice was calm, a nudge to help you, you opened your eyes with a quickness - lashes fluttering to fight the salty tears. “Good girl. Tell me somethin’ about m’face.”
“Do it.”
You sniffled, trying to take a deeper breath but your chest only seemed to constrict itself. More tears fell as you whispered, “You- You have pretty eyes.”
“Tell me something about m’clothes.”
A glance down, leather jacket, black t-shirt, blue jeans. “Leather jacket.”
“Good girl. How does my hand feel?”
Warm. Comforting. Like if you’d let go, he’d still be there, keeping you afloat. More tears fell. “Like home.”
“What do you hear?”
Dogs howling down the street, the brakes of the tram you two were trying to catch, Simon’s voice.
“Good.” His other hand took one of yours, squeezing it. “Doin’ so well f’me. Can you take a deep breath now?”
You followed his command, a sob rattled around your ribcage as you exhaled.
“You can cry, baby, but you need to calm down. Gotta think straight before we get you home, yeah?”
You wondered how Simon would feel, seeing you like this. Back rested on the forest floor, heaving, coughing up blood as your knuckles felt singed by fire - if only it was fire, but it was from beating your father-in-law off of you. The fall down the steep hill onto the plateau hurt a lot more now than it did ten seconds ago, and the man now clambering to get on top of you felt like the bringer of death. Claws made of your bloodied hands, scraping them against his face as he gripped your neck - it seized, pulling up from the snow as you hit and clawed more at him, his hands remained steadfast. Air escaped your body, and no breath could be taken in - panic began to buzz throughout your body as anger fueled it.
Heavy hands that felt like paws, that felt like boulders, that felt like God abandoning you.
Not yet.
You know what to do.
A swift kick from your knee made the bastard wheeze, loosen his grip, and it left only a moment’s notice to grasp the opportunity. You slammed your fist into his nose, feeling the sickening crack before he leaned backwards, you bucked your hips before punching again. He went backwards. Again. He went backwards. Again. He’s on his back. Again. Again. He’s screaming. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again.
It hasn’t even been twenty minutes since you escaped with Mellie, and now you find yourself pumped full of adrenaline, beating your captor’s face in for even daring to try and take your child.
Your hands felt blood. You couldn’t tell if he was dead yet. Make sure he will be.
Three days you spent in that basement. Two hours you spent carefully laying a plan, and one moment to swing that broken bookshelf into your father-in-law’s skull. And you were choosing to ignore the beating you had received when protecting your baby, the beating both of you took as you tossed each other down a steep hill. Brawling like mountain lions - a mother protecting her cub, the other looking to devour you whole.
A scream of pain escaped your lungs, another punch to the bloody face. Another. Another. Another, until you couldn’t tell the man beneath you was the monster who fucked up your husband.
Another hard punch for Simon.
Another for Mellie.
And five more for yourself.
A laceration on your head began to throb as you could finally feel your hand, turning off of the beaten man and onto your back and into the bloodied snow. Facing the sky felt like freedom, the pain in your hand felt like the flames in your fireplace back home, your ringing ears felt like knives inside your skull - but your heart beat without fail, through the agony, through the rage and fear.
A cough escaped your chest, blood leaving with it as you turned onto your one hand and knees, looking up the steep hill which would lead you back to Mellie. The tree peaked over the crest of the ledge, your hands - through excruciating pain - gripped the mud, snow, and ice as you began to push yourself up.
“Melody, Melody Ivy,” Her name groaned from your broken voice, every handful of ice and push from your foot made your head throb more, your balance growing weaker with every push. “Mama’s comin’, Mama’s on her way, fuck.” Your whining eardrums couldn’t hear her, fear and panic still rampant in your veins, your breathing barely escaping your lips without a wheeze.
What would he do if he saw you now? The thought felt bitter, the anger leaving your throat in decibels, a few more feet and you would have to pull yourself up and over. Hike your foot up, pull yourself up with your broken hand.
He wouldn’t be here. A growl escaped you. He would be here already if he cared, if he knew. Does he know?
Does he know where you are? Does he think you’re safe at home, under your favorite blanket with Winnie asleep on your lap, your show playing on the TV? Does he think König and Roach are standing guard, Laswell talking on her phone at the table?
Does he truly believe that?
Do you?
You didn’t even notice that you had fallen further down the hill to the bottom, past Lloyd’s body, into a bed of snow and ice. The sky, grey like the ashes in your childhood home’s fireplace, blocked the sun and blue sky above. Your hands were numb, spine tingled with every breath, and your chest roared as it expanded. Maybe you lost your footing, or your hand slipped, or God just believed it was funny to let you fall farther from your child. You were going to die here, Mellie too, and it hurt. It blossomed like a rose, decaying your chest with every brush of a petal, the waves washing ashore and flooding your body with angry salt water. Your body would be found here, bones picked clean by mountain lions or foxes, and she would be safe, nestled beside the tree.
There was no peace here. No mornings in snowsuits on the porch, watching Christmas trees be hauled down the lane, squealing because of the fresh snow. No afternoons sitting by the fire with your daughters, watching an animated movie as they both napped on your lap. No evenings with your husband, talking about some meaningless memory as he brushed your hair cautiously. There was only the sky, the blood that came from your head, chest, back, and hand, and the cries of a mother who can’t do more than cry for her child.
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thehistoriccemetery · 1 year ago
Companions Find Tav Wounded
Thank you to everyone who suggested a prompt! #3 (Tav is kidnapped) was definitely the top suggestion, and I will probably do that one eventually, but I’ve already seen it done a couple of times. So I decided to do this one instead. Mostly y’all just like when I torture poor Tav and it gets real angsty in here. I hope this fills all your angst needs.
I kinda rushed Lae’zel and Jaheira’s bits, so that’s why they’re so much shorter.
Anyway, Tav goes out to the forest to gather some supplies and is unexpectedly attacked. The companions find them beaten close to camp.
You hear her calling your name into the surrounding forest. You try to scream, but nothing but a quiet groan leaves your lips.
The next moments are hazy and fragmented, like small shards of glass glued together to make a fuller picture.
Shadowheart is kneeling over you, whispering a prayer that seals your veins closed and makes your skin feel cool. It is not enough. She screams desperately for help.
When none comes, you feel her arms under yours, dragging you across a clearing till you are resting slumped against a tree. You hear her speaking to you but the words do not register.
You try to fight the darkness that seeks to overtake your vision, but it is no use. You lose consciousness.
When you wake up, you are back at camp, laid carefully across a bedroll. Your entire body screams with pain as a wet cloth gently cleans your wounds.
You squirm, instinctively trying to move away from the stinging cloth.
A gentle hand strokes your head. “You’re doing great, love. Just try to stay as still as you can.” She continues to pet your hair softly as she works.
Her hands glow blue as she runs them over your hemorrhaged skin. You feel lightheaded and the darkness creeps into your sight again. Your eyes flutter.
“Just a little longer, love,” she coos. “Just stay with me a little longer. You’re doing so well.”
Your entire body radiates with pain, but you focus your energy on staying awake. Your vision blurs and you grind your teeth together. “Can you… talk to me while you heal me?” You ask. “Keep me distracted.”
Shadowheart looks at you sheepishly. She’s not sure how to fill the silence on her own, but she wants to help. She does the only things she knows to do, and begins to sing a hymn.
You grip the bedroll, attempting to steady yourself. Her song makes your muscles relax and the healing begins to hurt less and less.
“Okay, love, it’s over. You did wonderfully,” she kisses your forehead and positions your head into her lap. She gently starts to untangle your blood crusted hair. “Rest now.”
You smile. Your body is still excruciatingly sore, but you nuzzle her thigh and kiss it gently before lulling off to sleep.
You’re already unconscious when Lae’zel finds you beaten and broken in the forest clearing. You’re jolted awake by the pain that comes from your broken bones being slung over her shoulder.
You groan pitifully. She ignores you, running back to camp with the agility of a cat. It’s almost impossibly quick for someone who is carrying a whole person.
Despite her seemingly careless demeanor, she is incredibly gentle when she lays you down at camp. She gathers every person in camp to help you.
Despite her training being based heavily in self-reliance, Lae’zel was also taught to work well with a team. She knows her strengths and she knows how to delegate her weakness.
Healing is not her strong suit. So she leaves that to the professionals and instead turns to what she is good at: hunting.
She gathers Karlach, Minsc, and Scratch and they set out into the forest. Scratch and Boo were pretty quick to catch a trail.
Lae’zel charged ahead of the others. As soon as the perpetrators were visible, she rushed in, sword slashing so fast they were dead before they hit the ground.
“… wow” Minsc says as he approaches the scene. All three culprits were on the ground faster than he could even run after Lae’zel.
Lae’zel severed one of their heads and threw it into her pack. It would be drop at your feet when she got back. You would be alive and well when she got back. She repeated the words to herself all the way back to camp.
“Hey bub! It’s dinner time!” She shouted into the forest, playfully tramping through leaves. “Where did you go?” She asks surprised not to find you in the clearing you usually went to to gather ingredients.
It wasn’t until she heard a groan and the rustle of leaves that she turned to find you, broken and bleeding on the ground.
“No! Nononono!” She stammered, running over and kneeling on the ground beside you. It couldn’t be you. This must be a nightmare. A trick of the imagination.
She wiped your hair from your blood crusted face. “Soldier? Darling? Wake up, come on wake up, please,” she pleaded, tears stinging her eyes.
“…Karlach?” You mumbled weakly. You tried to reach your hand out to her but found yourself unable to move. Your legs were wrapped in something resembling barbed wire.
“Yes! Yes it’s me baby,” she says, so relieved that you’re alive. “We’re gonna get you outta here okay? Um…” her hands work cautiously at the wire around your legs. When you yelped at the pain she realized she had no clue what she was doing.
“Okay. I’m gonna pick you up and we’ll get you back to camp, okay?” She gingerly took you into her arms, carefully not to jostle your legs too much. She didn’t even flinch as the barbs tore into her own arm.
As she approached camp, she shouted for Halsin and Shadowheart. They came running, meeting the two of you at the edge of camp.
“I-I don’t know what happened I just found them like this,” Karlach says, tears starting to fall down her cheeks.
“It’s okay. They’ll be okay just lay them right here,” Halsin soothed, leading you both to a bedroll. They started with a couple of healing spells, leaving you feeling rejuvenated enough to speak and move your upper body. Your bound legs are a different matter though.
Shadowheart went in with a knife, slicing through the wire with some effort. You screamed and thrashed in pain as the barbs tore further through your skin.
“Do you think you could keep them still?” Shadowheart asked Karlach. Karlach wrapped her arms around you from behind, pinning your arms against your chest.
She kissed your temple and whispered into your ear. “You’re gonna be okay, alright? I’ve got you.”
Both Shadowheart and Halsin started to wrestle the wire from your legs, leaving you wailing in agony and thrashing against Karlach’s strong embrace. Your cries shattered her heart. She felt like she was torturing you herself.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she muttered over and over again, nuzzling her teary face into the back of your shoulder.
When it was finally over, you relaxed and slumped against Karlach. She cradled you, rocking you back and forth in her arms. Your legs were shredded, but you would be okay. You weren’t going to leave her.
Minthara steps gingerly through the clearing in the forest. Her footsteps are hardly audible as she walks through the brush. It isn’t until she sees you slumped against a tree with an arrow through your chest that she breaks out in a sprint.
She is by your side in seconds weapons drawn and scouting for the hidden enemy that shot you. She takes a good look around, but it only takes a moment for her to realize the enemies fled. She’ll take care of them later, but you needed healing.
She sheathed her weapon and got down on a knee next to you, whispering a prayer of healing that brought you back to consciousness.
Your breathing was erratic and labored. She needed to take you back. Now.
Typically, she’s the type that would throw you over her shoulder, but the arrow in your chest meant she’d have to go for a gentler princess carry.
When she has you back at camp you are approached Shadowheart, who was quickly tailed by Lae’zel.
“This arrow has to come out,” Shadowheart observed. “It’s pressing against their lung. Be gentle and don’t try to pull it out with the head still attached.” She jogs off to her tent for supplies.
Minthara straddled your legs, motioning for Lae’zel to brace you sitting up. She took your chin in her hand. “Listen to me,” she commands. “I’m going to make this as quick as I can, but don’t pass out on me.”
You nod weakly, head filled with only her words and confusion. “I mean it,” she repeats. “You cannot die. Understand?” You nod again.
With one swift movement, she shoves the arrow out your back. You shriek and your vision spots with white dots. You’re sure that hurt more than being pierced by the actual arrow. But you stay awake.
She gently carves off the arrowhead and lets it fall to the ground. Then, she pulls the rod of wood out of your chest. Your head spins, and you vomit onto the ground next to you. But you stay awake.
Shadowheart returns with cool water and a rag, which Minthara uses to wipe your face and head. “You did very well.” She states plainly, allowing Shadowheart to cast a spell to heal the wound.
Minthara does not allow you to be out in the middle of camp with the others for much longer. She picks you up again and brings you to her tent.
She spends the rest of the evening lecturing you about your foolishness. What were you thinking going out alone? She wouldn’t let it happen again. You’ll be at her side until you can prove you’re able to keep yourself safe.
Meanwhile she’s also tending to your every need, making sure you’re comfortable and you have blankets to keep you warm and you have a little pillow to prop up on. She even makes sure you have the stuffed animal you keep hidden away from the companions in embarrassment.
You remember the clearing, and the attack, and the silence that followed. You remember Jaheira standing over you, telling you were okay and you needed to stay alive.
You don’t remember how you ended up in her tent, though. Regardless now you are here and she’s pressing some bottle to your lips. “Drink.”
She forces your lower jaw open with one hand and pours the liquid downward your throat with the other. The mixture is chunky and disgusting, but you have no choice but to swallow every drop.
The effect it has on your body is immediate. The pain fades and a numbness spreads throughout your limbs. Your head is foggy and you feel like the room is spinning.
You attempt to sit up on the table Jaheira seems to have you on, but you end up almost falling off of it. She steadies you with a hand. “Still yourself. Lay down.”
You lay back down and allow her to work her magic. Your wounds are packed with a combination of magic, herbs, and bandages. Watching her dress your wounds, you are grateful for the liquid she gave you to start. This probably would’ve hurt otherwise.
“Rest now, cub. You must regain your strength.” She says, kissing you on the forehead and gently laying a blanket down over top of you.
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h0neysp1ce · 7 months ago
❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀ Tιɠԋɳαɾι
⋆˚✿˖° Character Parings : Tighanri , Fem! Reader Constellation: Head canons / series Warnings: Spoilers for Sumeru Archon Quests (small mentions) Spoilers for Tighnari's Character and Personality? Tags: Fluff, Romance, Established Relationship, Relationship Dynamics A/N: Next Fontaine Men?? No specific pronouns for reader, But I started the head canons series, with it being fem! reader so that's why its labeled that way. ⋆˚✿˖° (proof read sorta ) (edited sorta)
Word count: 955
✧˖°🌷⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚✧˖°🌷⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚✧˖°🌷⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚✧˖°🌷⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚✧˖°🌷⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Nicknames he gives you include: Marigold, My Marigold, Dear, Daffoldi, Dandelion, Buttercup.
As a Forest Ranger, he definitely takes you on his forest watches and duties sometimes.
Tighnari knows his herbs like the back of his hand (he probably has a whole book on them that he keeps with him at all times).
He drinks tea and brews herbal tea for the two of you, such as mint, ginger, or peppermint flavors.
He's all about safety 100%. He will give you a lecture beforehand and a review lecture during the outings you both go on.
His love languages are Words of Affirmation . He'll verbally express his love and show it in every way he can, every day. <3
He has a sarcastic side and a serious side, a mix similar to Cyno’s but distinct in its own way.
Tighnari is both a compliment giver and receiver. <3
Tighnari: "You look as beautiful as ever, my Marigold."
You:  "Thank you, Love."
He is a respectful gentleman, a sweetheart, and a total sweetie to you.
You listen to him ramble on and on; it's comforting and kind of funny when he goes off on his usual tangents.
Your boyfriend has a Mom/Bodyguard Mode (he only does it to protect his most beloved, which is you :3).
He remembers the smallest details about you—favorite foods, colors, everything. He's that dedicated to knowing you, memorizing it all with ease because you are that important to him.
You two share his place in Gandarvaville and live together. <3
Collei was the first person to know about your relationship.
Sometimes you help Collei with tasks or act as an alternative if Tighnari is out on his travels and wants you to stay put until he returns. It varies honestly.
You are allowed to pet/touch his ears with his permission (you're the only person he lets do this).
He knows how to make medicine and herbal remedies for just about everything.
He loves kissing your forehead, hands, nose (and sometimes your neck), and leaves behind marks here and there as a way of marking you (all with permission, of course).
You are bonded for life, as his species (fennec fox) mates for life, so you are paired forever. <3
Like Kaveh, Tighnari would definitely bring a banquet of flowers home to you from all the places he visits each time he goes on his travels. He’s also gotten you jewelry before, like necklaces, earrings, or bracelets (Sumeru style??).
Tighnari: "Daffoldi, could you come in for a moment? Yes, come here please."
(He gifts you a flower-shaped necklace that resembles the flower on his outfit, almost matching.)
"Name": "I love it so much, thank you, sweetheart!"
He trained you how to use a bow and arrows (with his bow) and also taught you self-defense and various other skills.
He acknowledges you every chance he gets, always impressed and proud of your achievements.
Like the other Sumeru men, he knows more than one language.
He teases you sometimes and makes lots of funny jokes that make you crack up.
He’ll be that shoulder to lean on if you fall asleep.
Nap time is a thing for you both whenever you get the chance.
Hand holding, kissing, cuddling—he’s all for it.
He’s clingy right before you two go to bed, when waking up in the morning, or when he's about to leave on a trip. He always clings to you and gives you lots of kisses and compliments before he leaves, assuring you he’ll be back soon.
Like Kaveh, he’s always glad when his duties as a forest ranger wrap up or pause so he can return to you because he tends to miss you.
He finds his work as a forest watcher/ranger very important but always makes time for you in between (dates, quality time, etc.).
He also gifted you a locket necklace with a picture of both of you inside it.
He definitely picks you up bridal style or gives you piggyback rides when your feet get tired on a trip.
"Name": "Tighnari, I’m fine, you can put me down."
Tighnari: "I’m just letting your legs rest for a while, silly. We’ve been walking for a bit, and I can clearly tell you need a break."
"Name" "But—"
Tighnari: "Ah, ah, no buts. I’ve got you." He gently pulls you closer to his chest while carrying you, placing a kiss on your forehead.
Passionate and soft kisser, trailing kisses on your face, neck, etc.
When you walk together, he likes wrapping one of his arms around you, placing it on your side.
As serious as this fennec fox can be, sometimes he can be a bit goofy and silly.
He’s dedicated to protecting you, and no one will ever try anything while he’s around. :)
That time he got struck by lightning was a real scare. You scolded him a lot for it.
"Name" "You could have seriously gotten hurt worse!"
Tighnari: "Buttercup, I’m fine—ow, ow."
"Name": "Don’t move."
Tighnari: "I’m  really sorry, Marigold."
He loves to cup your face with his hands from time to time, thinking you’re just cute and adorable up close with his hands cupping your face.
You have dinner together almost every night unless he’s away on his job as a forest ranger.
You two take walks when it’s raining (not thundering or lightning), just when it’s raining with a leaf umbrella (I know that doesn’t exist, just bear with me).
At some point, he got you a piece of jewelry like a promise ring or a matching bracelet for both of you, as a sign of your union and how important your relationship is.
He’ll eventually ask you to marry him. Don’t worry—this fox sees a future with you.
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naeverse · 6 months ago
Fortis Et Liber (1/2)
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A/N: Hi guys, this is my first story back from my 'hiatus', I guess I'd call it, lol. But I hope you all enjoy it, I enjoyed writing this a lot and was heavily inspired by my recent binge watching of Game of Thrones and now partaking in watching it's prequel, House of Dragons. After finishing watching GOT, I knew I had to write Miguel as a Kingsguard. I hope the story is enjoyable, and thank you once again for your patience!
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👑⚔️staring: Kingsguard!Miguel x Fem!princess Reader
    🔷 Preview:  You were the future of Valoria, and he was but a Kingsguard sworn to protect you—the very duty he had accepted when he was given his cloak.
His hidden desires and thoughts for you needed to cease. 
They must…
“Let us…put our swords away, Your Grace,” Miguel stated, his voice hoarse, deep, and strained, but unable to break his gaze from yours. He waited for you to remove his sword from his neck, his body tense, heart pounding in his chest, with a silent plea to the gods to keep him from making a grave error here—far from the Kingdom and in the seclusion of this very forest.
You gulped, almost missing his suggestion. Nodding slowly, you drew his blade away from his throat, setting it on the grass nearby; but you found yourself incapable of moving from the spot atop him.
Your eyes roamed his face once more, finding the Kingsguard of age eight-and-thirty years old to be exceptionally alluring. You’d always found him attractive, often marveling that this was the man chosen to protect you until the end of your days.
Yet, despite your constant fascination, he seemed to have a new glow to him—a glow that made you meet his conflicted amber orbs, and your own eyes to flood with desire.
“I-I believe…I deserve a reward for my victory, Sir Miguel,”
💜summary:  Being the Princess of Valoria comes with expectations of being proper, respectful, caring, and, above all, perfect. However, such a title is one you detest. You seek escape to your hidden meadow in the forest to indulge in your favorite yet forbidden pastime—swordfighting—a hobby you grew to love from observing your Kingsguard, Sir Miguel O’Hara, practice in the training yard. With this adoration for the blade, nevertheless, come taboo feelings towards the one meant to safeguard and protect you until the end of his days.
Sir Miguel O’Hara, since his early days as a knight, has learned the importance of remaining dedicated to his duties and keeping his cloak unsullied. With a raging temper, brooding aura, and an undefeated reputation in combat, the Kingsguard takes his duty seriously and handles any misdeeds with an iron fist. Yet, he harbors improper feelings for his charge, you, the Princess of Valoria. Upon discovering you training once again in your secret glade in the nearby forest, Sir Miguel finds himself torn between his duty and his own desires once more.
💎tw/cw: Age Gap, Body Worship, Cockbulge, Class differences, Cunnilingus, Desperation, First time (kinda), Forbidden love, Oral Sex, Outdoors Sex, Power Difference, Virgin Y/N
🪻Pet names: Cariño (Darling), Querida (Dear), Mi Amor (my love), Alteza (Your highness), Princesa (princess) 
    💙 Rating: 18+ explicit I SMUT I
💜 Word Count: 5.8k
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Heavy footsteps and the clank of metal rang through the quiet castle of Valoria, a scowl adorning the always stern Kingsguard, Miguel O’Hara. But this morning, he was angrier, more furious than usual.
Like normal, Miguel awoke at the hour of the bird, the sun just rising to kiss the peak of the tallest tower of his glorious kingdom where he began his morning routine. Waking up from his bed, stretching accompanied by a few strength exercises and combat training, a quick bath, inspection of weapons, application of his armor, and lastly, to check upon you, the Princess of Valoria, his charge until the end of his days. However, upon reaching your chambers, knocking on the door, and asking if you were awake, he didn’t hear a reply.
Miguel’s jaw clenched, his mind wandering to the possibility that your adventurous spirit had grasped you once more this morning, as he called out to you again, only to be met with silence.
A growl escaped the Kingsguard, announcing his intent to force entry before kicking the door open with his metal boot. As he feared, you weren’t there.His amber eyes narrowed upon the sight of your disheveled sheets that were missing your presence. With a huff, he spun on his heel and charged down the hall.
“Out of my way! Mudarse!” he shouted, roughly pushing servants from his path, annoyed that no one had noticed the princess’ disappearance. When his eyes made contact with the guard standing duty at the front entrance, his fury blinded him.
“You.” The word was a growl as in two long strides, Miguel grasped the collar of the man’s armor, hoisting him off the ground like a ragdoll. A surprised yelp escaped the lad as the Latino’s infamous temper engulfed him.
“The princess is missing, and here you are oblivious to it. A damn jackass could guard better than you,” Miguel gritted out, his jaw clenched harshly. The man’s stammered excuses went unnoticed as Miguel couldn’t bother himself to listen.
How could he when his sacred charge, the fucking princess, was the one missing?
With a snarl, Miguel slammed the guard against the pillar behind him, knocking the air out of him and instantly silencing the male. Harshly, the Kingsguard yanked the man close, his metal hands tightening on the collar of the younger lad's armor.
“I want six guards searching every nook and cranny of Valoria for the princess, or I’ll have you thrown into the dungeons for your incompetence. Is that clear!?” Miguel shouted, his anger getting the best of him as his gaze alone was enough to melt wax.
Hurriedly, the distressed guard nodded, his body shaking in fear in the eight-and-thirty-year-old man’s grasp. Miguel’s stern amber eyes glared at the trembling man for a moment longer before dropping him to the ground at his feet.
“Good,” The Latino muttered, turning on his heel, not sparing the troubled knight a glance, his blue cloak swaying behind him.
The older man hastily transverse outside of the castle, the morning sun beaming down upon his face and only stoking the hot scorching ball of rage that was rampaging inside of him. He moved down the stairs of the kingdom, his mind spinning with a tumultuous mix of emotions: fear, concern, irritation, and anger.
‘The King is going to be furious if I don’t find her,’ Miguel could only think. 
The mere image of the troubled and disappointed face of his Highness hastened the Kingsguard’s pace, his metal boots leading him to the stables of the castle where his horse resided.
Secretly, Miguel already knew where his princess had run off to. You were an adventurous woman who hated the life of royalty and the suffocating vice it seemed to have on you. The Latino knew your troubles well as you spoke of them often; but he’d prefer if you didn’t cause such an uproar in the kingdom every time you decided to play the role of daring rogue.
“You better be there, princess. I don’t know what I’ll do if you’re not,” Miguel whispered under his breath, knowing you’d surely hear a mouthful from him when he found you.
Slinging a leg over the saddle and snapping the reins, Miguel’s black stallion raced through Valoria’s gates, into the city, and beyond to hopefully find you.
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In the heart of a secluded forest, the clear swish of steel and the occasional sigh of exertion could be heard, accompanying the natural melody of chirping birds and rustling leaves. In the clearing, bathed in dappled sunlight, stood you, the princess, defying all laws of royalty, titles, and societal expectations. However, this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence.
You detested the lavish life of being a princess, from dancing with suitors to kissing babes and even the simple act of donning a corset. The entire castle knew of your disdain, especially your father, the King.
Your father despised your rebelliousness, always desiring you to be what the Princess of Valoria was meant to be: kind, respectful, well-mannered, ladylike, an inspiration and hope for the people, and most importantly, perfect.
Perfection wasn’t exactly an expected trait of being the Princess of Valoria, but you figured it should be, as one slouched back, faltered smile, or ignored suitor would instantly bring scandal upon you from the court. And you were certain any scandal would ruin your father, turning him into a madman. You always believed that in his deranged state, he might do something he’d never believed himself capable of doing to you, his beloved daughter: enforcing abdication upon you—leading you to give up your royal birthright and heir to his throne to become a mere commoner in Valoria.
The idea always made you shiver in terror; but you also deemed it quite vast, hoping your father’s love for you would overcome his need to erase the soot upon his once shiny reputation if a scandal did arise.
But one would believe the fear of abdication would deter you from sword fighting— from running away from your duties to chase a dream that was truly of imagination and fairytales.
But, honestly, you could not…
Cutting arcs of silver through the air, the wind brushing through your hair, and the exhilaration you felt with each precise stroke of your sword was everything to you. Although you had been training with your sword for only two years, the weapon felt like an extension of you—taking it away would leave you hollow, dull, and lifeless.
You were sure of it…
At the age of seven and ten, you encountered sword fighting for the first time when venturing down to the training yard of the castle, your adventurous spirit leading you all the while. At the time, you were merely escaping your handmaiden, Lady Mary Jane, who was seeking to fetch you to begin your early piano lessons; so seeking refuge behind the nearby wall of the training yard would be the least likely place you’d be found.
Peeking around to check if the coast was clear, you saw a duel—a battle between Sir Miguel O’Hara, your Kingsguard, and four soldiers. What seemed initially like a serious sparring match between four exceptional guards quickly turned into a farcical display.
Your Kingsguard, a man known for his raging temper, ability to strike fear into any being—man or beast—with just a glance, and always holding a deadly red glint in his amber orbs when his longsword was in his grip, easily evaded, parried, and played the three guards like fools.
Like playthings, the three men were handled just as quickly as the battle began, ending with them in beaten heaps on the ground all without Sir Miguel moving an inch out of his initial position.
From that day onward, your protector awakened something inside of you, but you were unable to figure out what; so every day, at the hour of the bird, you watched your Kingsguard train with the guards. And after training, which was your favorite, was the dueling with Sir Miguel O’Hara.
During these matches, you became engrossed in your Kingsguard’s strategies and fighting techniques. And slowly, you fell more in love with sword fighting and the idea of defending oneself.
But there was one memory of observing your guardian fight that was held closer to your heart than others.
Mostly because that time was different…
Sir Miguel was always known for challenging himself, pushing his very limits to ensure his capability of protecting you. You had never seen him sleep and if he did, it was only a little, as he was always glued to your side like a hornet’s nest to a branch.
At times, you found the older Kingsguard’s presence overbearing, until that night when you discovered him in  secret.
It was long past since the final birds tweeted their final messages for the night and the stars rose in the darkened sky when you heard Sir Miguel leave his rooted post outside your bedchambers. You knew your Kingsguard slept at some time of the night, but he never just…left.
Not this soon. 
It felt…odd.
Being awake due to restlessness, you decided to discover the mystery of where your Kingsguard had wandered off to. Slipping out of your bed, you adorned your royal slippers, slung a thin cardigan over your nightgown, and followed him.
It wasn’t surprising that you found him in the training yard, sword in hand and cutting invisible intricate patterns into the air; but it was how he looked that shocked you.
Taking your usual hiding spot behind the wall when spying on the guards’ training, your innocent eyes took in your shirtless Kingsguard in the yard, practicing in his mere trousers under the moonlight.
His burly muscular arms wielded his large longsword with ease, and his pecs adorned with a pair of dark nipples seemed to tighten with his every swift and powerful jab. The massive male moved in a manner similar to a dance, however, different from when he sparred with the other guards.
Despite taking in the sparring methods of your protector like you normally did, you found yourself noticing everything else. His flexing olive abs of eight, sharp jawline of stubble, concentrated gaze, deep and occasional grunts of exertion, parted lips, and the happy trail of coarse hair that descended from his perfect navel to slip under his trousers like a cunning serpent.
A shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding while admiring your Kingsguard escaped you. Your face flushed a deep red at the mere thought of how long Sir Miguel had been hiding such a sculpted form underneath his layers of armor.
You couldn’t help yourself, continuing your spying, but this time, peeking your head out further than before, needing to see more.
Your Kingsguard swung his sword again, his footsteps light yet purposeful upon the gravel. His every movement calculated in taking down his invisible opponent. Following his counter, he swiftly dodged, his dark brown hair flapping in the wind.
Every gulp caused his defined adam's apple to bob, and your Kingsguard’s slender waist twisted to evade with practiced ease. The sheen of sweat coating his muscular chest and backside shimmered under the moonlight, causing you to begin to find your Kingsguard rather attractive…
This memorable moment was a complete shock to you as you had never seen a man so…exposed before. Your father was certain to remove any paintings and stories that expressed erotic or sensual displays of any sort with the intention of keeping his royal daughter pure for any eligible suitors. So seeing him like this was as if you were taking a bite of a forbidden fruit that opened your eyes to the wonders of man and…
Seeing Sir Miguel in such a state, practically unclothed before you made you feel things—feelings that you hadn’t noticed but felt familiar in a way.
Perhaps, being the same sensation that engulfed your being when seeing Sir Miguel spar for the first time—his ability to fight, defend, and protect in such a powerful and courageous manner being what led you back here, each and every time to see him train again and again.
Perhaps these feelings were love like in fairytales?
Did you hold affections for Sir Miguel?
The idea felt absurd, especially with him being a member of the royal guard—meant to protect and serve Valoria until the end of his days. Indeed, love between a Kingsguard and a princess would be a grand scandal, so why did your heart palpitate at the possibility?
Why did your body heat up at the thought of the older man kissing your knuckles, not in respect for your title, but in adoration for you?
Why did your stomach stir with butterflies at the desire to know what your Kingsguard’s torso would feel like under your fingertips? His bulging arms? His chiseled face? Perhaps…
But, it didn’t matter what you felt—what heinous and disgraceful ideas plagued your mind just from that one memorable moment.
It was forbidden.
You, the Princess of Valoria, could not fall in love with your Kingsguard.
Since seeing him in such a manner for the first time, your respect for your Kingsguard grew. From that day forward, you greatly admired your protector and most importantly, the thrill of fighting; so instead of simply watching Valoria’s knights spar from your hiding place, you began to take notes. Engrossing yourself in the techniques of wielding a sword, and weaknesses and strengths in opponents, and how to outwit them.
After nine moons of observation, you waited until the castle was asleep and the last bell for midnight to chime before donning your commoner’s attire, to blend in with the people of Valoria and sneak off to the local blacksmith.
You desired to purchase the creation of your sword, believing it was time to put your knowledge of sword fighting into action. After some bribing, you paid for the requested price from the blacksmith and handed in an additional gold coin pouch for speedy labor and your desired stylization list of your masterpiece of defense.
Due to this being your first sword, you wished it to be the grandest, so you wanted it to be perfect. You had thought of the blade for moons, considering how the steel would be decorated, the comfortable hilt, and how light yet balanced the sword would feel in your palm.
You wanted it to be the finest and precisely how you’d envisioned it.
The next day, you waited in anticipation, and when night fell, you traversed to the blacksmith in town once more. There, you were able to hold your sacred weapon in the palm of your hands and see it styled just as you had requested.
To ensure a firm grip, the hilt was skillfully wrapped in dark leather, with a crossguard intricately designed with floral motifs and blue gemstones that caught the light with every movement. At the end of the hilt, the pommel was shaped like a blooming rose, crafted from polished silver that was as beautiful as you had imagined.
Reaching approximately thirty inches, the blade itself was made from high-quality Damascus steel, renowned for its durability and distinctive wavy patterns along the length. The edge was razor-sharp and honed to perfection, capable of slicing through even the toughest material with ease.
Yet, your eyes lingered upon the engraving elegantly inscribed along the fuller of the blade, near the hilt. The words, written in an ancient language of Latin, resonated deeply with you: ‘Fortis et Liber,’ or ‘Strong and Free.’ This flowing script was a mantra personal to you, symbolizing your inner strength and desire for freedom from your constricting royal life.
Indeed, the blade was a masterpiece…
In that moment, holding the sword, you felt a surge of empowerment. The weapon was not merely an instrument of defense but a manifestation of your will and determination. Each detail, from the rose-shaped pommel to the shimmering Damascus patterns, spoke of the silent promise you had made to yourself: to fight for your freedom and protect yourself and those you held dear.
Just like Sir Miguel does…
From there, with sword in hand, you traversed to the forest on horseback—your desired destination just on the outskirts of Valoria that you used to run off to in your younger years before watching the guards spar. There, in the hidden clearing of your sanctuary, you began your training in secret.
Like all things, initially, you weren’t good at it, but after endless training and some assistance, you became what you are today…
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Holding your sword lightly in your palm, you moved gracefully, each step and turn like a waltz that your father ensured you knew to perfection. Your blade’s soft swish through the air was like music to your ears, the whispers of steel guiding you further in your dance.
Whipping your blade through the air, your unladylike boots moved featherlight upon the grass. Your form of elegance and determination, along with your focus, never wavered, staying engrossed in your training until the rustling of bushes behind you disrupted the usual chatter of the forest and the crunch of leaves under your boot heels.
Despite the interruption, you continued practicing. A smirk adorned your lips, already knowing the identity of such a disturbance. Spinning in your morning gown, the blue hem twirling with your movement, and your unrestricted breasts underneath swaying with the motion, you turned to face the newcomer, your blade aimed at their throat. 
“Here to lecture me again, Sir Miguel?” You asked with a grin, the playful tone in your voice contrasting greatly with your raised sword.
Miguel O’Hara, your Kingsguard, who had raced here on horseback as swiftly as possible, stood before you. Miguel knew where his princess' secret training ground was, as he was the only one with the knowledge of it. He always found your desire to sword fight like some commoner conflicting, but he knew where he stood when you decided to escape your royal duties to partake in the forbidden activity.
Your protector’s height and build always made him appear massive compared to you; perhaps he truly was. His metal armor only brought more width to his being as you peered up at your Kingsguard. Despite always holding a scowl, the evident glare upon his features was simply hard not to notice.
“Scolding, perhaps.” He agreed, his voice a low rumble, pushing the blade of your sword away from his neck with a shove of two fingers. “You’re not in the castle, I found your bedchambers empty, and you’ve done all this before the morning bells of the Kingdom have rung.” He stated sharply, his anger clinging to every word. “You’ve no idea the trouble you’ve caused by vanishing like this. I’ve had the entire city turned upside down in search of you.” He scowled in irritation down at the Princess of Valoria, whom he surely knew didn’t care how much he would rip the city apart for you, as your adventurousness would never cease.
“And I not only find you in this secluded glade once more, sword in hand, but clothed—” Miguel’s eyes drifted down your body, taking in your mere sleeping gown that you didn’t bother asking the servants to undress you out of and into proper clothing before escaping here. But what really caught the older male’s eyes was your lack of a corset.
It wasn’t the first time the Kingsguard had seen his princess without a corset. It was practically something one must become acquainted with inside of the castle. You detested the constricting undergarment, choosing to not wear it even outside of your chambers, which was greatly improper but not uncommon to the Kingsguard.
Yet, every time his amber orbs caught sight of those beautiful, perky tits practically begging for one’s attention through the fabric of your dress, the Latino felt somewhat similar to a starved beast.
Clearing his throat and shifting his narrowed eyes back onto your face, he continued the scolding that he had thought of on his travels here. “—But clothed less than appropriately,” he continued, making sure your eyes were on his, his face moving with your wandering one whenever you turned your head.
“This forest is no place for a princess, much less the future of Valoria, and you are hardly dressed as one should be for combat of any sort,” Miguel lectured, searching the princess' gaze for any sign of defiance, only to find bucketfuls of it.
His attention faltered down to your distracting breasts once more before quickly looking away, heaving a sigh of exhaustion. “Your Grace, I only implore you to think of your safety. What have I incessantly told you about that?” Miguel inquired, looking down at the princess, hoping to not hear any words of rebuttal, but simply a straightforward answer.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, lowering your sword to your side. “You’ve always told me that my safety is top priority, but you and I both know I despise being locked up in the castle, dancing and conversing with individuals that only wish to be in my place.” You retorted, sheathing your sword to your hip, the soft hiss satisfying to your ears.
“As you've stated time and time again, Your Grace,” Miguel muttered in irritation as you pressed on. “And I will not be forced to endure the torture of the corset. Women of Valoria do not wear one, why must I?”
“But you are not a mere woman of Valoria, princesa, you are Valoria!” the older man of eight-and-thirty- years shouted.
Miguel ran a hand through his dark brown curls, trying to control his temper at the sight of furrowed brows and slight jump at his sudden outburst. He had frightened many people countless times because of his temper, but never did he desire to scare his charge, you, his beloved princess. 
After taking a deep breath and recollecting himself, the Latino spoke once more. “The corset is a symbol of your station, a reminder that you are Valoria’s future. It’s not for your enjoyment—nor discomfort, but it is necessary for the protection of your person, and indeed… your honor.” Miguel stated, unable to stop himself from glancing down at your free bosom. The breeze of the clearing seemed to make your nipples more prominent—noticeable, seen.
An annoyed snarl escaped the Kingsguard, mostly in anger with himself for his insistent and dishonorable staring. “Please, simply tell me what I can do to assist? What must be changed to make things better suited for you in Valoria, because this,” he growled, pointing at the blade on your side, “this cannot be your outlet, Princesa.” He insisted with a shake of his head, his wavy curls swaying with the motion.
You always found your protector’s voice to be deep and soothing to you, but currently it was only causing the burning feeling of frustration to bubble up inside. “Why must everything be so… constricting?!” You exclaimed in agitation.
“Why must I feel content in a garment meant to tightly squeeze me like a grape whilst damaging the very bosom it’s meant to conceal?” You asked, running your disheartened fingers through your wild hair, free from the usual royal styles of Valoria to take on a more free look—a look you adored.
You met eyes with the alluring amber orbs of your guardian, your gaze begging for acceptance. “Everything in Valoria only further distresses me—only this helps, Sir Miguel. Please, I implore you to understand that.” You tried to get him to see, a soft sigh escaping your lips. You hated arguing with your Kingsguard, as it always led to doubt.
You very much respected Sir Miguel, always finding him wise, and his dislike of your ‘hobby,’ as he called it, constantly made you believe it wasn’t right to choose it over your life in the palace, no matter how despicable it was to you.
Silence filled the space between the two of you, the chatter of animal life and the rush of the passing wind replacing the lack of words. However, to your surprise, this time it wasn’t you who broke the silence.
Miguel stepped up to you, his heavy boots crunching the soft grass underneath him as he closed the distance. His hand rested on the pommel of his sword, and his normally hardened face softened upon seeing your troubled expression.
“I’m glad to see you haven’t forgotten everything I’ve taught you, alteza.” He uttered, wishing to calm the situation. A rare smile graced Miguel's lips as he cupped your chin to lift it, wishing to meet your gaze.
When you reluctantly did, Miguel’s eyes roamed your soft features, his metal thumb giving your chin and cheek a stroke. “You are strong, Y/N, no doubt about that, but you must be wise as well.” He advised, his gruff tone a tender rumble throughout the clearing.
“Your safety and our kingdom’s security should be your utmost concern, not the… discomforts, no matter how hard they might be.” Miguel stated, his thumb lingering longer than it should upon your face, tracing the line of your jaw slowly as if trying to imprint it to memory. “You are Valoria's future, after all, princesa. I implore you to behave as such.”
You thickly gulped, his words and touch striking your heart sharply. When his hand left your cheek, the coldness of his gauntlet seemed to leave a cold handprint upon your skin, ensuring your remembrance.
Despite how crucial Miguel’s advice was, it just didn’t settle correctly in your mind, in your skin, nor your bones.
Valoria’s future.
This title was the cause of your escapes—the reason you sought refuge outside of the castle. That title was too much to bear—too much for one to hold, especially a princess like you.
Slowly, you shook your head, watching the handsome features of your Kingsguard fall. “I did not request nor ask for such a title, Sir Miguel.” You admitted. “I do not wish to live the boring life that has been planned out for me. I desire fun, freedom, and happiness—something that isn’t of attending balls nor forcing a smile at every suitor my father brings me!” You exclaimed in exasperation, heaving a sigh and turning away from him.
“I am Valoria’s future. I am Princess of Valoria, yet, I am never, simply Y/N.” You whispered, feeling like it had been forever since you had uttered your own name. “My father, the people of Valoria, and even you want perfection, someone to hope for, but that is something that I cannot give.” You confessed, grasping the hilt of your sword tightly for comfort.
“And I try, goodness, I try. I wear a smile, I try to go to gatherings, luncheons, gosh, I even try going on simple walks through Valoria just so the people may see me, and I…can’t handle the pressure.” You declared sadly. “The need to be perfect, to always smile, stand straight, speak properly—it's too much.” You said, shaking your head as your Kingsguard was so quiet, one would believe his presence behind you nonexistent.
“But this,” you said, tapping a thumb upon the rose pommel of your sword, “this doesn’t require me to be Valoria’s future. This doesn't require me to be Princess of Valoria—to be perfect. It just needs me…
You acknowledged aloud, the thought making you smile. “And sword fighting isn’t structured; it can be wild and free, and that’s what I yearn for.” You concluded softly, running your finger along the ridges of the perfectly shaped flower of your sheathed sword, the action always calming you.
Miguel’s gaze roamed along your backside, your being showcasing a blend of sadness and delight that he’d never seen in any other being; but he couldn’t shake his annoyance with you.
He felt for you, his princess, he truly did. The Kingsguard always believed your duties were too much for you—too demanding on anyone who must hold such standards upon their shoulders.
But what you desired instead wasn't any better. 
It was his duty to protect you, the Princess of Valoria, and what you wanted would only get you hurt… 
Or worse.
With the clanks of his metal boots, Miguel approached you, placing his hands on your shoulders and turning you to face him once more. “You do not want sword fighting, Y/N, you want adventure—that’s what you truly seek.” The Latino told you sternly, his features returning to their usual stoicness.
“And adventure comes with a price, Your Grace. There are dangers in the world, and I won’t have you waltzing into them without a thought.” He said, his piercing eyes holding a silent plea behind them, hands caressing your shoulders under your ruffled sleeves.
“Your safety is the most precious thing I guard. I’ve seen men die from a well-placed dagger, women kidnapped into slavery, children left alone in this world without a mother nor father to protect them.” The Kingsguard stated, hands moving to brush a strand of your hair behind your ear, the idea of anything happening to you tugging greatly at his cold heart.
“The life of a commoner—the one you seek when you run off with your blade—is a harsh one, and one no being with their right wits would go seeking if they knew it well.” The older male told you in a sharp tone, wanting you to understand that his duty was to protect you, even if that meant protecting you from yourself.
Your lips trembled, your frustration and overbearing feeling of entrapment engulfing you like smoke filling a pair of lungs. “Then why teach me even a quarter of sword fighting if I am never to use the skill?” You demanded. “Tell me, Sir Miguel? Why broaden my knowledge on a skill you deem dangerous?”
Your protector’s jaw clenched, hating to see you in this way. Eyebrows knitted together, nostrils flared, fury found in your beautiful eyes. This wasn’t a look he liked upon his princess' features, always finding himself wishing to erase it as swiftly as possible.
“Your tutelage in combat is to ensure that if someone wanted to harm you, you’d have a fighting chance, not for you to run into battle with a head of iron.” He scolded, letting the gravity of his words settle. “And I would remind you, I’ve only taught you the basics, so while you’re skilled, you are not of high standard. Not like a normal guard. Not like a soldier.
Not like I.”
Your guardian emphasized, needing you to know the hard truth, hoping to ease the hurt of his words with a gentle squeeze of your shoulders. “And I advise you that it goes against my cloak to teach anything of the sword to a woman of royalty—especially, the princess,” He reminded. “If the King so happens to discover your fascination in the sword and further knows I had a hand in it, my head would be upon a spike by next sunrise,” The older male warned, his last words cutting you deep, your hand tightening upon the pommel of your sword.
“I…acknowledge the reasons and importance of my learning of the sword isn’t for entertainment, and that it is dangerous for both of us to be here, but I can't help but want more, Sir Miguel.” You implored, looking up to him with furrowed brows.
“You said so yourself, the adrenaline one feels from danger is exhilarating, did you not?” You asked, watching a flash of regret cross his features for a moment before disappearing as you continued. “I understand the danger of adventure, and like you, I wish to feel the same, even just a mere moment of it.” You tried to coax, the wind lapping up at your disarrayed strands of hair.
Your guardian’s lips twitched at your recollection of his own words, feeling like a fool for saying such a thing in front of you. “Adventure…does have its allure, my lady, but that thrill of danger pales in comparison to the terror of losing the one I swore to protect.” He said, pulling away from you with a final stroke to your shoulders.
You scoffed, shaking your head in defiance. “A small trip to a neighboring village to purchase mere trinkets is too much?”
“Sί, I cannot and will not risk putting you in harm’s way, my lady. You being in this meadow so far from the kingdom is already too much a risk.” Your protector replied sternly, his words bothering you further.
You couldn’t help feeling upset—upset that your skills felt like a waste. Upset that you’d never be able to use them truly, and even further upset that the man you secretly adored was the one to tell you these things.
As you stood there in silence, his scolding of the day resting heavy upon your chest like a boulder. The highlights of the lecturing on danger, scandal, trouble, entrapment, duties, and being Valoria’s future came rushing in like a tidal wave. And once more, you clung to sword fighting as your escape. Hand gripping the handle of your sword, you allowed your mind to wander.
All the memories of your secret retreats here, your discreet practices with your blade filled your head.
You knew you were an exceptional fighter, believed so anyway. You just had to get your Kingsguard to see that too.
‘One small adventure, that’s all I wish. If he witnesses my skills in person, perhaps he’d feel more comfortable joining me in just a small task.’ You pondered, meeting his gaze that was already staring back at you. Giving the rose pommel of your sheathed sword a final squeeze for good luck, you expressed your proposal.
“I do wish to express that despite your teachings of the basics, sword fighting is extensive, Sir Miguel.” You explained with a small smile, eyes tracking every feature upon the older male’s face. “One can learn uniquely and expand upon the skill on their own, and with the many times I ran off to practice…
I have no doubt that I can take you, Sir Miguel.”
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A/N: I know, I know, cliffhangers are the worst, but I promise it's worth it! I hope you all enjoyed the first part of Fortis Et Liber, like mentioned previously, it was quite fun to write and I adore the two characters so very much!
If you also found this part just as delightful as l did reading and writing it, comment down below some of your favorite parts or what you liked most about it! I adore reading all of your wonderful comments!
Make sure to like, comment, reblog, and follow! If you'd like to add a request to the kink series, Entangled Desire, or have an idea in general, just message or submit an ask! Don't be nervous, your idea could be really good!
I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe!!
Want to read the second part of Fortis et Liber? >> Click here
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year ago
I love ur writing so much like 😻 ur stories are like the best I’ve seen.
Anywaysss simple request I think ?
Human female hunter , is a part of a clan on yautja prime, known for their skill with staffs/spears, is respected amongst many other hunters, while also owning a rather big snake that hangs out on readers neck/body a lot, good use for poisoning the prey, Gawtin caught word of the said reader is rather curious of her. Later on Gawtin runs into reader hunting on a planet that reader kills a queen xeno. (Reader wears xenomorph skin as armor to protect themselves from their acidic blood) and Gawtin has catched feeling for said reader
Pairing: Gawtin (female Yautja) x F!Reader
Word Count: 3755 (not ten but seven, close enough)
Summary: Born to human parents yet found by a female Yautja who raised you as her own wasn't destiny. Life finds away. Raised to be a hunter from the moment you could crawl, you sought out the life as a warrior. You grew to the top and live amongst other hunters. Gawtin hears your name in rumors and couldn't help her curious nature to hunt you down.
Author Note: Even if it was a simple request, I never make it easy on myself. I'll write ten pages for a two sentence ask.
P.s. Heads up, I'm on the other side of the US right now for a vacation. I'll try to get another post out this week but I can't promise anything. I'll be sipping soda and relaxing in either a pool or a beach. Thanks for your patience!
Different clans will specialize in different fighting styles. They have to. They have to adapt to the path craved for them in this universe. Spears are known mostly along the fishing and jungle clans. Bows are also used within the jungle clans and the forest. Machetes for the forest. As for those who live on the freezing poles, traps are their chosen weapon.
In the one of the clans that resides in along the coasts, a ooman lives within a species that hunts them. To hear of such news was jolting. Yet intrigued the moss green Yautja. Let alone, rumor has it the ooman has a pet of their own.
Though, not from Yautja Prime, the creature was rather deadly with one single bite. Enough venom could take down a fully grown Yautja. No wonder the ooman has such a pet under its care. Yautja Prime was a dangerous place, even to its native inhabitants. Everyone is born with the instinct to sleep with one eye open. The ooman had to use what it had to survive on such a planet.
This ooman, from word of mouth, is respected amongst her clan. A ooman with respect from a Yautja, let alone a clan size. However did she accomplish this? Gawtin prayed to Paya for the chance their paths to cross.
Paya is merciful to answer a prayer once in a while.
The atmosphere that struck you in the face was similar to the lands you called home. Warm, hot, high humidity barreled down on your form the moment the ramp lowered. You breathed in through your mask for the semi fresh air that filtered in.
This was a hunt you’ve trained long and hard for. Years upon years of harsh, tiring workouts that had you collapsing onto furs at the end of it. Only to wake up hours later to rinse and repeat.
In the clan you call home, you are a respected, blooded warrior that has earned their title like any other Yautja who hunts. But this, this here will change things back home. The head of a Queen Xenomorph will forever have your name in their scrolls. With the addition of the skull, you will be have a better status, further upholding your mother’s name.
From the bits and pieces you remember so long ago, she had to fight tooth and nail to keep you. You knew you weren’t like them. It was a quick realization that stung as a child. You were treated different, nothing more a worm that didn’t offer much besides being bait.
Those that once looked down on you will now have to look up at you. The skull of a Queen will be strapped to your back and carried off your ship. Your head held-you stopped yourself from getting ahead. Don’t count the skulls before they are obtained. Or else it’ll be your downfall. Cocky Yautjas usually either lose their personality trait in two different ways: death or they learn.
Your name won’t join the ever-growing pile. It’ll be a name Yautjas will learn about in history scrolls.
From the weeks you’ve done your fair share of research about this hive alone, there’s a reason no one has taken it. Tucked away in tight tunnels that a Yautja wouldn’t dare attempt to squeeze themselves into, hid away a smaller species of Xenomorph. They’ve evolved this way in a short span of a year by what you’ve read.
Yet, the queen hasn’t been seen ever. No one knows if she’s also changed in size due to this evolutionary trait or if she’s the original queen who dug her way into this tunnel system.
Many have tried with solo teams and hunting parties of twenty to bring down this hive. No one has succeeded. Yautjas are just too stocky and large to fit in these narrow holes.
But you? Are the perfect size to get past the first entrance and fight your way to the queen. This was a fight you had to plan every step, every breath, every thought carefully or else you could die. No one wanted this hive, but you did. You will succeed and return home. You will.
With your gear strapped secure to different parts of your body, you strode out of the ship and stepped along the dark, volcanic rocks. It crunched at every step you made, alerting enemies to your position.
The sharp rocks clawed at the bottom of your durable shoes but couldn’t pierce the finely woven material. You’ve done your research and for every needed supply to have a fighting chance of surviving.
From the ship and up to the closest recorded entrance, it was only a short ten-minute hike up. You wanted your ship close in case of a retreat and reform of a new plan. Said entrance was small. A manageable size for you to crawl into on your hands and knees. Just enough space for you to sit back on your haunches and use the collapsible spear attached to your hip when you’re attacked.
In the quite warm, morning, you stood still, tilted your head back. The sounds of an empty location echoed back at you. A gentle breeze ruffled your hair but didn’t bring any concerning scents with it. That didn’t mean you could relax. Anytime you were on a hunt, you had to be ready for anything to come your way. The only time you’ve been able to receive some peace and quiet is traveling in your craft. The hum of the engines always lured you to sleep.
A few buttons were activated on your wrist gauntlet. The hunt begins.
The trek from base of your ship to a hole further up the mountain would’ve proven difficult for a novice. You planned every step of the way up, mapping what ways were easier to get to what was thought to be the main chamber. The least you knew about the inside was that it opened back up. The mountain hollow from once being an ancient volcano that once blew.
Your ears strained for every little sound, every pebble that shifts in what looked to be a wasteland. The coast was clear. You knelt down and inspected the hole thoroughly before starting the crawl inside.
Every muscle in your body is prepared to launch if the need arises. Your hand ready to spring three moderate sized blades out from your gauntlet. All of it coated in a mixture that protected it from the acid spray of a Xenomorph.
About fifty feet into this tunnel, you had to flick up a HUD from your mask to cover your eyes. The area that once was blanketed in darkness turned all different shades of green.
No movement ahead of you. A good sign in your eyes.
Before you left the tunnel, you paused and timidly peeked out to scan the larger tunnel. It reeked of recent activity. You didn’t like that but knew it was part of the situation and adapted to it.
Slick, sticky substance coated the walls. You peered at it and knew instantly what was. A helper in the situation. You used a hand to scoop some of it off and began to cover every inch of your body. It was disgusting to feel this latch onto your skin but it was a necessary evil to keep yourself alive. You gave a quiet huff and followed the mental map of areas known to the archives. These tunnels larger and allowed you the chance to stand fully.
No one knew where the Queen’s chamber was. You were here not only to find it but destroy it in the process. Everything was planned up till then. From there, as you’ve learned, your species is well known for: adapting. You were to adapt the plan at the end and claim the skull as your own.
Skittering of claws had you pausing and lowered yourself, ears picking up every little sound. Something was coming up behind you. You fought the urge to instantly go into fighting mode and pressed yourself against the sticky walls.
Hard meats aren’t technically blind but they don’t have eyes to see the way you see. Smell and hearing is a large factor to finding prey. Also, a use of echolocation helps them perceive the area in a different light. You’ve learned that the imagine they create in their mind is a general picture. Still blurry and unclear but enough information to move about. That’s why you took to smooshing yourself against a wall.
On your HUD, a bright, hard meat shape patrolled past you, tail posed. You stayed calm and watched the creature move on and down the tunnel you traversed through. With a breath of relief, you continued onward in the same direction. The gunk stuck to your skin was a horrible feeling that was hard to ignore. For the sake of your life, you are able to push the thought down and focus on your predicament: finding the Queen’s chamber. If only you had more information…
The longer you trekked through the tunnels, the more uneasy you grew. At any point, one of the Xenomorphs could catch you slacking. Then, you would lose all the hard work you’ve put into this life and join Cetanu. That’s something you refused to let happen.
This didn’t seem like a large hive with numbers but the amount of tunnels that led to the outside world or to different chambers was astonishing. In its prime, this place would’ve been amazing to see and study.
Today, it would fall.
Some time later, you stumbled across the largest of the chambers. Instantly, you knew this was the Queen’s chamber. Not only the size of the place itself but due to all the drones gathered here. Then, a massive form appeared on your HUD, slow in movement.
The Queen herself.
Your eyes widened behind the screen covering them. You could confidently answer the fact this Queen was the original queen from when the hive was established around a year ago. Her large body easily dwarfed her smaller than average drones that cared for her.
For a moment, you heart thundered in your ears. Not from fear. No, from the adrenaline beginning to filling your veins. You may not have been born a Yautja but the love for the hunt still exists in your blood. A grin grew on your features, hidden behind the mask that covers the lower portion of your face.
Careful, calculated, controlled movements allowed you to grasp the collapsible spear at your side. Any closer to the would draw the attention of a drone to you. You held the shrunken weapon in your hand and watched the group.
From what you could speculate in a language you didn’t understand, they were none the wiser to your presence. The goop used to hide your scent worked wonders to keep the hive calm.
You prepared for when the hive would be alerted to your presence the moment you stepped closer. A drone paused and turned its head towards you. It tilted its elongated skull and made a short screeching noise. Not alerting, just curious. You paused once more and could only wait.
When it opened its mouth again, you instinctively opened your spear and threw it at the hard meat. Before it could release a horrifying call, the sound died with it. The weapon now out of your hand and pierced into the skull of your prey. You unleashed the three blades attached to your gauntlet and rushed forward to gather the lost spear. You wrenched it free and began the berate of relentless attacks on the newly alerted hive.
A screech sounded from the largest of the beasts that lived within the quarters. You sliced the throat of a Xenomorph. A spray of acidic blood arching out and landing straight on the armor that protected you. A mixture between past battled against the very species you aimed to kill today and metal shielded the weaker parts of your body. The blood hit in varies areas, landing mostly on the armor. The pain that flared to blazing life only fueled your instinct for the hunt.
Claws raked across the air you stood a second before. You were moving and swung out the three blades to slice the thickly scaled beast the towered over you. More blood threatened to sear off your skin and dripped off the armor that kept you free. The Queen roared out and wiped its deadly tail around. Her long legs stepping back to get you withing biting range.
Drones came to her aid. In swift, deadly waves, you used your trusted weapons to keep the drones at safe distance away that didn’t have you ending up dead.
One of the tinier ones was able to push past your defenses and latched onto the break of your armor. A joint in your elbow and slightly above it was free from either the hard scales or metal that shielded you. Teeth bit harshly into the free chunk and flesh. You yowled in pain and immediately ran your three blades through its skull. The little vermin died with its fangs still buried deep into your arm.
Anger fueled you.
The distraction brought the group closer than you possibly could deal with. Claws raked at armor and exposed skin. Red blood crying from the spilt skin. You gritted your teeth. The spear in your hand was used in a terrifying arch.
Those that pushed past your defenses were battered and sliced by the deadly end of your weapon. They retreated and were already testing what they could do to get through again.
You tore the small creature off of your arm and threw it at one of the larger ones. Blood poured freely from the newly created wound. The worst one of them all.
Above you, the Queen snarled swiped at you with one of her spindly hands. You narrowly dodged a killing blow and rolled. Out of the roll, you reared your spear up into the exposed belly of the Queen. She choked out a roar and moved faster than you could perceive.
Once on your feet, the very next second, you found your back to a wall. All of the air rushed out of your lungs. You sputtered to gain new oxygen through your mask. It left you vulnerable for a second too long.
A massive hand pressed your firmly to the ground. You snarled once you gained enough air and glared at the hide crown of the Queen’s head came into view. She opened her mouth. The inner mouth slithered out. She hissed a deadly tone into the space that could be your last.
The raging drones behind her slowed down in their vicious actions since the threat had been contained. But, you weren’t going down.
It some strength but you were able to shimmy your forearms underneath your chest. With your legs, you started to push against her bony hand. It worked. Just enough to rest on your elbow and jab your three blades into her wrist. The Queen howled and reared back, opening you back to the battle.
Your discarded spear was snatched from the ground and wielded once more. You pinned a glare on all the drones that surrounded you. They all sounded their cried of offence at you attacking their queen. You brushed off the calls and returned to battle.
In a mess of acid blood and red blood yourself, you returned your attention back to the Queen. Behind her, her tail snapped wildly. You twirled your spear and pointed it at the largest of them all. She swiped at the air before her, challenging your dominance in hand. You cared less about the challenge before sprinting forward, thrusting the spear forward.
It left your hand and soared through the air. It pierced the thick hide that protected her upper shoulder and rendered the limb useless now. You stayed moving in full force and leaped up. Your other weapon rammed into spot lower than the spear. You kept the same momentum upwards and used the spear as leverage.
Now on top of the Queen, you shoved the same three blades drenched in acid blood into her back. She gave another cry. You turned the blades a certain direction and pulled them through her scales more. Then, her body fell to the ground.
A special spot along her spine had been severed, rendering her paralyzed to the spot. You grinned once more behind the mask and leaped off of her back. A new wave of hard meats came to intercept you.
The battle ended. You stood victorious, surrounded by a sea of dead Xenomoprhs and a Queen who would not move. You knelt before the large beast and placed a hand on her expanse crest. “I thank you for your skull and what new titles it will bring me,” I praised the creature before moving around and driving the spear into her throat.
The life in her body fading until her heart beat one last time.
A new silence entered the chambers and left you feeling… watched. The hairs on the back of your neck rose as you scanned the area, changing the different vision modes on your HUD.
Up top in one of the larger tunnels, a blazing yellow figure appeared. From the overwhelming scent of the dead Xenomorphs and their smell alone, you couldn’t tell what this thing was. You growled and positioned yourself into a fighting stance, ready to take it on. Anything to defend the trophy you had earned fair and square.
The figure stood up, forced to hunch over. It dropped down into the chamber with barely a sound and stood a safe distance away. The form itself you recognized as a Yautja but not the being itself. Still on end, you kept your weapons up.
She, you got a whiff of her scent, stopped and held her head a respectful distance up. Not in a challenging way nor submissive. She had to be observing you the same way you did to her.
This new Yautja was average sized for a female. Tresses hung from her head freely. Your eyes darted without moving any other muscle to the recent kill at your side. Was she here for this? Was she mad that you had gotten the kill before her? And the fact she was in here. No other Yautja has ventured this far without meeting a terrible end.
Yet, here she stood.
Due to the fact all you could see was her body heat, you couldn’t tell what clan she represents. You didn’t trust her, already knowledgeable about how many Yautjas feel about oomans. The weapons in your hold never turning away from the possible threat.
She took a step forward. Only one. “Paya has answered my prayer to allow me to meet such a creature as yourself,” her voice velvety but with a harsh undertone. Your skin pebbled with bumps. “I have heard of your existence on Yautja Prime.”
It was an infamous situation of your existence. Some clans allow oomans such as yourself to live amongst them. Some offer better treatments than others. Yours, clearly, allows you life but only if you live as one of them. Since you could remember, that’s all you’ve known. But it’s a lifestyle you would never give up. You felt born with the need to hunt like many of your clan.
To ensure she didn’t see you either as a threat or submissive, you kept your chin level and eyes neutral pinned on her. “Who are you?” You wanted an introduction. Some sort of clue on who she was and why she was here. From her first words to you, it seems like this was planned in her eyes.
“My name is Gawtin, ooman,” she answered freely. You felt a smidge better at her willingness to answer your questions. But you refused to let your guard fall.
“And why are you here?” You also wanted to ask how she got in here. You’re the only survivor to get in here. You could only reason with the fact you had distracted the group for her to make her through one of the larger tunnels towards the top of the mountain.
Her mandibles clicked together. “You are infamous on Yautja Prime. Your name is whispered among clans both in good and bad tones. A Yautja grows curious to meet such a creature to capture a rumor.” You already knew yourself to be known on Yautja Prime. Oomans aren’t a rarity but to live on their planet was. Either as a pet or a warrior.
“What is it to you?” you snapped, unsure of her intentions still. Even around those in your clan, you knew you had to keep your guard up. Any of them would be more than willing to claim your skull for their own collection.
This time, Gawtin stepped closer into your space. You hunkered down, muscles taut as you readied your weapon. She didn’t react and stayed that step closer to you. “I would like to offer a chance to hunt with you.”
Now, that took you off guard. “You want to hunt with me?” you reiterate for her. Puzzlement filled your voice. You stood up taller and tilted your head at her.
“Yes. That is what I said.” You kept your gaze on her, studying all the details possible with what the HUD allowed you to see. She showed no challenge, no sign of a threat towards you. She was polite and calm. Plus, the opportunity to hunt with someone outside of your clan was a chance you didn’t dare give up.
You dipped your head. “I’m willing to let you join in on one of my hunts.” You didn’t want to sound excited and kept it cool and level. Don’t act like an unblooded.
“Good. I shall meet you outside once you’ve collected your trophies to discuss our hunt.” With the ended, she turned on her heel and strutted to a nearby tunnel. You watched her get down and crawl her way in before disappearing. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
With her gone, you returned your gaze on the dead Queen at your feet. Not only was this a turning point in your life, but the fact a Yautja from a different clan asked for you to go on a hunt with her. Your life was becoming ten times more interesting now.
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bktempted · 18 days ago
hiiii its intox anon :) what will you do with me once you’re done with me? leave me in an alley or the forest so i can wake up cold and confused, or maybe keep me tied up in your basement to be your drugged out sex pet? whatever you want really (not like i have a choice!)
You wake to the sound of chains clinking softly, the cold metal biting into your wrists and ankles. The room is dark, the only light seeping in from under a heavy door, casting eerie shadows that dance across the walls. Your heart races, but the drugs in your system keep panic at bay, turning fear into a dull ache of anticipation, a strange thrill that snakes through your veins.
I'm there, looming over you, my silhouette imposing against the dim light. "Welcome to your new home, pet," Without preamble, I take you, right there on the cold floor, the chains limiting your movement, making you a passive participant in my lust. My thrusts are hard, punishing, designed to remind you of who you belong to, who controls your every breath.
"I'm your new owner," I snarl, each word punctuated by a deep, claiming thrust. "And you've never been so lucky." You feel the heat rise, your body responding to my threats, a flush of pleasure mingling with the pain.
After, I drag you to a new apparatus – a steel frame that suspends you, legs spread wide, arms above your head, exposing you completely. I circle you, admiring my work, the vulnerability of your position. "Your training starts now, pet."
I begin with pain, using clamps on your nipples, the sharp bite making you gasp. Then pleasure, as I introduce a vibrating wand, pressing it against you until your body betrays you, until you can't deny the moisture, the heat. "That's right, enjoy it," I taunt. And you do; you're starting to crave the next touch, the next sensation.
I'm your owner in every way - you’re fed by me, kept clean by my hand. I'm the one who decides your fate. I’m the one who pushes you further into the abyss.
"Your old life is gone," I tell you, my breath hot against your ear as I fuck you again from behind. "This is your purpose now. To serve. To be used. To be mine." And as I speak, you feel the corruption settle in, the acceptance of this new reality where pleasure is twisted into something dark yet undeniably intoxicating.
In this basement, you're not just kept; you're remade.
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baji-sideblog · 2 months ago
Fairytale Yans
A prince’s beginning
Born as the eldest and only child, Caspian knew he had huge expectations on trust onto him. He had to study, train, and repeat but he honestly didn’t mind the routine was comforting. It was nice knowing what he was to do to not have any surprises. But if there was one thing he truly loved to do was studying magic. He didn’t have any ties to a magical bloodline, but he did study day and night.
He worked so hard and managed to use small spells, but Caspian was never fully satisfied with it. He wanted more he wanted to excel in it like his other studies, due to a lack of magical blood he’d never achieved it. And that angered him he’s the prince perfection is expected of him by everyone especially by himself. He would take his frustration out during sword practice hitting his opponents fast and hard like flames of a raging forest fire.
His parents worried for him seeing his frustration grow more and more. Especially his mother Vivian she was the one who Caspian came to talk, since she was always the most patient with him and more understanding than his father. His father Louis did his best, but he didn’t understand his son’s interest in magic to him it was as simple as ‘you don’t have the blood for it, so therefore work on other aspects to improve.’
When Lance gave Arthur to them as a knight the two parents especially Vivian hoped having someone his age would help him. Caspian wasn’t too much of a fan of Arthur at first finding him annoying like a lost dog following him. But he grew to tolerant him seeing as how Arthur listened to every command and didn’t question him. He appreciated it, Caspian wasn’t a fan of idle chit chat. He grew to trust the knight to do his job well plus him being good at fighting was a bonus for Caspian when he trained.
When he found you during his hunting trip he was surprised. Caspian had seen cursed folk before, but they were always running away from the capital scared to stay close. Plus he couldn’t lie you were gorgeous to him like that of an old renaissance painting. He figured it would be good to take you in he’d get to study you which could hopefully lead to him gaining more magical skills. And well he won’t lie having a beauty like you around would be nice.
The morning when Arthur brought you into his study while you were in your swan form, wasn’t really the best for him. He had spent all night researching trying to find answer to your curse and just transfiguration magic in general. But since it was still relatively new there wasn’t much on it. Caspian wasn’t please he was tired and frustrated he could toss the couch out of the window with how he was feeling. But seeing you soothed his presence a bit, he couldn’t talk to you much since you were a swan. Though he didn’t mind it too much since he couldn’t see too well with how heavy his eyelids felt.
Laying down on the couch and holding you close the prince couldn’t help but drift away into a deep sleep. It was peaceful his dreams were filled with clouds, feathers, and you. Waking up hours later Caspian was a blushing mess, he never had such sweet dreams like that he didn’t know how to process it. He was grateful you were asleep he didn’t want you seeing him like this. Looking down at you he saw your swan form moving in your sleep you looked troubled.
Caspian sighs and gently grabs your form sitting up and starts to pet your head. He thinks for a second before he starts to hum before singing a lullaby his mother use to sing to him when he was young.
“Dragons rise, and kingdom falls. Out comes the knight to save them all. With a slash and a dash peace soon came. So hush and close your eyes, for you’ll always be protected under my light.”
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actuallysaiyan · 2 months ago
Howling Storm(Shape-shifter!Toshinori Yagi x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: mentions of abuse, arranged marriage, fantasy au word count: 1k pairings: Shape-shifter!Toshinori Yagi x Fem!Reader summary: despite you being promised to the prince of Starquake, your knight allows you to run off. you make connections with the wolves, especially the golden leader. and when you're kidnapped by the prince, a golden dragon comes to save you. a/n: for Prominence Smash's first challenge! found the banner picture on google, I don't own it.
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The air is cold as you make your way along the path. At your side is Sir Yamada. He looks at you with that classic smile on his face, ushering you to continue walking.
You felt nervous. You’ve never left your kingdom before. Your betrothed lived in the kingdom closest to yours, but you had to make your way there first. The man in question, Prince of Starquake, was rumored to be unkind and malicious. You weren’t happy to be promised to him, but to make the land happy, you decided to go forth with it.
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Just as you're about to turn the bend, Sir Yamada pulls you into the shrubs. He clamps his hand on your mouth to keep you quiet. You rest easy against him, having known him your entire life. He’s been your knight forever. He would never hurt you.
“Listen to me, princess.” He whispers in your ear. It’s a stark contrast to his usually loud and boisterous self. “Run away. I will give you my dagger. Please, run away.”
You nod, tears filling your eyes. He was saving you from a nasty future. A future where you’d be kept locked up in the palace and used as a breeding cow. The kind of future where you’d never know happiness.
Sir Yamada hands you a sack of coins and his dagger. Then he hugs you tightly, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“Be brave for me, princess. I know you can.”
He watches as you run off into the forest, and he knows that he has to make up some excuse for you. Even if it costs him his life, Sir Yamada will make sure you do not end up married to that damn prince. 
You run and run until you collapse on a pile of leaves. The forest floor smells of pine and dead leaves and moss. Somehow, it comforts you. Within realizing it, you just close your eyes and you let the sounds of the birds in the trees lull you to sleep.
You dream of wolves. Wolves racing to get to you. But the wolves, they do not hurt you. They pile on top of you, kissing you and licking your cheeks. They whine and howl for your attention.
When you wake up, you feel your cheeks a little wet. You touch them, wondering if maybe you cried in your sleep. But there’s a little voice inside you that says maybe those dreams were real.
With renewed courage, you continue running. You aren’t really sure where you’ll go, but you know you’ll be better off just being on the run. The sun shines so brightly and it feels so freeing to be out here for the first time.
You happen upon a den of wolves and you watch them carefully. They are all so beautiful. They play with one another. There’s a clear leader here, and you admire him.
His fur is golden and his eyes are so blue. You are thankful for your vantage point right now. They cannot see you, but you are able to observe them.
So you do this for a few days. You follow them on their hunt, thankful that you’re able to snag a few rabbits for yourself. Without any prior training, you think to yourself that you’re doing well to keep yourself safe and alive.
One night, you feel warmth next to you. You roll over to find the leader of the wolf pack nestled next to you. You reach out to pet his fur, loving the way he smells of flowers. He keeps you warm.
The following morning, you wake up to find the pack of wolves has gone. You do your best to try and track them down, but it’s almost to no use. They’ve left you.
You walk tirelessly through the forest. Eventually, you do collapse in exhaustion. You pray that someone will find you and take pity on you.
The moment you wake up, you regret that you prayed for someone to find you. You’re locked away in a room, and you recognize the insignia on the wall. You’re in the Starquake palace. The one place you didn’t want to find yourself in again.
The doors are pushed open and you see the prince. He looks furious. He berates you for going back on your word and abandoning him. You desperately beg for forgiveness, which he begrudgingly gives. But it’s not without consequence. 
From your room in the palace, you look out the window. You begin to imagine the wolves running around. How desperately you wish to see them again. Especially the leader. You felt such a deep connection to him.
The days and nights go by and you find yourself falling into a deep depression. You should have been smarter. Maybe if you had just gone to this palace in the first place, you’d have more freedom. And now without anyone you know or trust by your side, you’re even more isolated.
A big storm covers the kingdom with rain and wind. You look out your window, hoping for someone or something to save you. The prince grows even more weary and impatient, finding himself wanting to produce an heir even more despite you wanting to wait longer.
The windows are broken as a giant golden wing pushes through it. Then you see the snout of a golden dragon. It roars loudly at the prince, then picks him up by the scruff of his shirt. You should be horrified but this is what you wanted. You desperately needed to be saved from the abuse and the torture he put you through.
And like something calling you forth, you climb onto the dragon’s back. It flies off with you, and you can smell that flowery smell once more. It lands in an open field and you gasp when there’s a bright light.
There’s a hand reaching out to you from above. It’s connected to a muscular arm. The man has beautiful blue eyes, like the wolf. He smiles charmingly.
“There you are, my princess. I’ve been waiting.”
reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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hikarimiyanaga · 1 year ago
Forget Me (Part 3)
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Part 3. I really didn't plan this ahead of time. Forgive me. T_T Taglist : @letssayless
You hum as you get to the mountain in the east of Inameru. You see the lightning gathering at the core and hum.
“No need for me to intervene then. Seems like my remedy finally worked!” You fist pump and grin.
During the whole year that you’ve trained in Inameru. This was the one problem that you really wanted to solve.
You use geppo to quickly get to your base. You hum as you dive through the air and land perfectly without any noise.
“YES! Stealth mode of Geppo, unlocked!” You check it on your notebook and hum in satisfaction.
During your whole year on Inameru, you had five goals only.
One was to research the unusual thunderstorms. Two was to collect seeds and herbs. Three was to tame animals.
You hear a roar from your left and see Shishiro. The leader of the lions in the forest. You grin at him as you pet his head.
“Shishiro, you better be a good leader when I leave, okay?” Shishiro roars in agreement and you smile as you pack up your things.
Four was to train yourself and five was to not think about Hancock at all.
In between trying to solve the lightning mountain problem, trying to tame animals and also trying not to get eaten by them, researching herbs, fruits and plants, preparing food for yourself and Pyhia, you had no time to think about her at all.
You hum as you drag your sacks of seeds and herbs. Your bag full of meat. And your tent that you’ve slept on for the past year. As you were walking to your boat, various animals that you’ve befriended comes out of the forest to see you off. As you load your things on both the boat and the raft, Pyhia shows up and squeals at you. You grin at her.
“Pyhia! You’ve grown up so much.” She splashes you with water and you smile. You look back at Inameru and smirk at all the animals just looking at you.
“Bye, everyone! Get along well with each other, okay?” The animals roar in agreement and you get on the boat.
“Let’s go, Pyhia! Time to go home!” Pyhia squeals in agreement and she swims through the calm belt. At an alarming speed. You quickly hold onto the boat and pale.
“WAIT! PYHIA! You’re going too fast!” You scream.
Hancock wakes up and looks at the time. 8 am again.
She’s been trying to wake up at exactly 7 am for the past year to no avail.
“I still can’t do it.” She mumbles as she gets off her bed.
She bathes herself and changes into her usual wardrobe.
She sits through her usual meetings and reports.
She smiles appreciatively at every gift she gets.
She makes sure to do all the things that you’ve always reprimanded her for. At lunch, she eats with both Mari and Sonia with almost no energy left.
It’s been a year. A year since you left. A year since you confessed through a letter.
Hancock can’t even think about Luffy as she was too worried about you.
She’s asked Elder Nyon so many times to have your Vivre Card to possibly find you but the elder wouldn’t budge at all.
“She needs time to find herself. Time for her alone. DO NOT DISTURB HER.” Gloriosa has said this countless times to everyone who wanted to find you.
It seemed that every Kuja member has come to find you at least once.
As Hancock finishes her day up. She goes to Elder Nyon’s house. She knocks at the door and the older woman sighs at her.
“What do you want?” Hancock was about to speak up when Elder Nyon intercepts. “AND DO NOT SAY VIVRE CARD. I’m not above punching you.” Gloriosa can see that Hancock is just tired so she back off a little. Hancock shakes her head.
“Can I go in her room?” Elder Nyon gets surprised at that. She has been cleaning your room for the past year so it was preserved the way you left it. Gloriosa is surprised that the first one who wanted to get inside was Hancock.
“Sure. Come in.” Hancock gets inside and makes a beeline to your room. She opens the door and hums. She sits on your bed and looks around, realizing that it was the first time she’s been inside since she met you.
This was your sanctuary, the one place you didn’t invite anyone into.
Hancock looks at the books on your shelves, the closet with your clothes, the various gifts that you’ve gotten. One thing particularly catches her eye. She stands and gets closer to it.
It was a doll of Hancock.
Hancock picks it up and there was a note on it’s back.
“Birthday gift from Sweet Pea. I have to thank her.”
Hancock tears up. Your birthdays. She never missed one since you met her. Always claiming that her presence was a present enough and you just laugh it off and agree with her. She makes sure to always throw you a banquet and you always grin at her.
“Belated Happy Birthday, Y/N.” She sobs. “Please come back.” She clutches the doll and hugs it.
You puke your guts out into the sea while Pyhia watches you.
What used to be a few days of travel became 12 hours.
"I get that you've grown but damn it!" You lie down on the beach and pant.
"That was too fast!" You complain and sigh.
You wanted to use those few days to resolve yourself. To see if you were still in love.
You sigh and look as Pyhia releases herself.
"Go home. Come visit and roar at me, okay?" Pyhia squeals in agreement then swims away.
You unload all of the things that was on the boat and raft. You hum to yourself as you drag all of them to Elder Nyon's house.
Hancock was still in your room, fast asleep and clutching one of your clothes and her doll.
While Gloriosa was having her evening tea.
"Elder Nyon!" Two of the people in the house far from the castle get startled at your shout. You put down your things and grin. "I'm home!" Elder Nyon pops her head out of the window and tearily smiles as she sees you.
Although she was tough on others who are always itching to know where you were. Gloriosa cried almost every night the month that you left.
Hancock quickly runs outside, even passing Elder Nyon and opens the door to see you. She cries silently. You see Hancock and you feel your heart beat faster.
Oh. That answers that question.
You were still in love with her.
"Y/N!" Hancock calls out then runs to you. You grin and bear the pain that just clutches your heart.
"Hancock!" You hug her as she tackles you. You stand your ground and prevent the both of you from lying down on the ground.
"I missed you so much!" You smile and just hug her silently. Elder Nyon finally gets out of the house and glares at Hancock for stealing your first hug home. You chuckle as you release Hancock, who whines at the loss of your warmth, then hug Elder Nyon.
"I missed you, Elder Nyon!" You hug your grandmother tighter and Hancock pouts, did you not miss her?
Gloriosa smirks at Hancock who glares at her.
You release Elder Nyon, not knowing that you were in between glares then look around.
"Did anything change while I was gone?"
"Some things!" Hancock steps in, preventing Gloriosa from answering you, and clings to your arm as she says all of the things that happened during your absence. You were listening intently but want to get out of her hold. 'Why is she clinging on!?'
"What is all this?" Elder Nyon asks and you look back at her. You release yourself from Hancock and grin as you get your things.
"Oh! Seeds, herbs, and meat! I brought some back from the island south of here!"
"South?" Hancock asks and you nod.
"I named it Inameru!"
You were sitting by yourself in the living room while Elder Nyon and Hancock were at the sofa, listening to you. You tell them everything you did for the past year and everything you know about Inameru.
“Oh, yeah! I actually drew a map!” You exclaim and get the said map from your bag. You grin as the two marvel at it.
They both didn’t know that you knew how to draw maps. After all, you never got the chance to show this talent.
“Oh, yeah. All the meats should be given away. Seeds should be planted. And herbs should be prepared.” You mumble as you take out your notebook.
“What’s that for?” You look at Hancock and hum.
“Notes. Everything that I know about Inameru is in here.” You grin then yawn. Gloriosa tactfully closes the map and the notebook in your hand, if she let you to your devices, she was sure that you were going to do everything you just said with no rest.
“You must be tired. You should go rest.”
“Got it. Thanks, grandma. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Of course. Rest well.” Hancock stands and is about to go into your room as well when Gloriosa stops her. “AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING??”
“I want to sleep with her! I’ve been missing her for a year!” That made you flinch. Did they not realize that the walls in this house were thin?
“What?” Elder Nyon glares at Hancock. “You didn’t even notice when she was gone for over a week!” That made you tear up. Oh. Huh. You clutch your heart as the pain settles in. She didn’t even notice. You plop down on your bed and wear your noise-cancelling ear muffs.
“What- Why can’t you just forget about that?” That pisses Elder Nyon even more.
“She went over there to forget about you! Leave her alone!”
“She’s my best friend too, Elder Nyon!”
“And she’s my granddaughter! OUT!”
Hancock grumbles as she looks at the house.
She smiles though as she walks to the castle.
You were finally back.
Hancock wakes up groggily as she looks at the clock.
“The hell?” She grumbles as she sees that it’s already 8 am. “She’s already back, right? I didn’t dream last night, did I?”
You look over at Amazon Lily as you eat your lunch by yourself.
You already did everything that you were supposed to do.
Distributed the meat, planted the seeds and prepared the herbs.
All that was left to do is avoid Hancock even more whilst trying to find a job. Staying by her side didn’t mean that you had to see her everyday did it?
You shake your head.
"I might not have gotten over her but I should at least get my head together!"
You were humming to yourself as you catch some fish when you see a shadow overcast over you. You turn your head and sweat as you see Hancock glaring at you.
You've been back for three days and not once have you even visited the castle.
You just ate and trained together with Sonia and Mari outside the castle.
Hancock hasn't even seen you at all since the night you returned.
"Um. Hi?" Hancock's eye twitches at that.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HI!?" She grabs your collar and you look away from her. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?"
"Um. Trying to find a job?" You say, unsure of what Hancock's problem was.
"YOU HAVE A JOB. REMEMBER?" Hancock's eye twitches yet again as she releases you.
"But I quit a year ago? Did no one take over?"
As a matter of fact, Sonia and Mari did but Hancock would rather have you by her side.
"I never said that I accepted your resignation did I?" You realize that she was telling the truth.
"Huh." Was that how jobs worked, thou-
Before you could think more about it. Hancock holds your hand and drags you to the castle.
"Let's go!"
You were yawning as you finish all the paperworks for today. After Hancock dragged you to the castle to be her assistant again, she wasted no time just to order you around.
Even the most mundane tasks that you never did before was now yours to do.
"You tired?" Kikyo asks from the door and Hancock eavesdrops as she pretends sleeping.
"Yeah. You?" You yawn for the fifth time that evening.
"Not really. I think you did most of my job." You chuckle at that. "The Empress really did a number on you." You hum. "Not going to complain?" You shake your head.
"What's the use? She even dragged me here just to order me around."
"I think she missed you." You chuckle at that.
"No, she did not." You wipe away the lone tear that escaped your eye. "If she did then she would've noticed that I was gone the moment I left."
"But she didn't." You nod as you clutch your chest.
"She didn't." You wipe your tears away. "I should go home."
Hancock opens her eyes as Kikyo exits her office as well. She was crying as she realizes that she was hurting you. She picks up your letter and sigh.
"I need to let her go."
"You're fired." Was the first thing you hear as you were going to wake Hancock up. You notice that she was already awake and sitting on her throne. You raise your eyebrow at Kikyo.
"What?" You glance at Hancock but she doesn't even spare you a glance. "Hancock dragged me in here! I-"
"That's Empress for you." Hancock interrupts and you tremble.
Oh. She was even taking that back.
"Empress, huh?" You clutch your necklace and break it's cord. "I'm so sorry, Your Majesty. Here." You throw the clay pendant at her feet. "I'm breaking my promise to you." You turn around. "You'll never see me again."
You quickly get out of the castle. Everyone around Hancock were on pins and needles as Hancock picks up the pendant. She immediately notices the engraving at the back of the heart-shaped pendant.
BH + Y/N
Before Hancock even realizes it, her tears were already flowing down her face.
What is this pendant?
Sorry that I've been gone for a few days. I had to repair my monitor T_T.
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brainrotgoverner · 11 months ago
Cinderella boy pokemon AU; #1
Liepard ♀️
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Starter. Ex Libris gives a pokemon egg to everyone once they hit the age of 10, the same age they are allowed to start collecting narratonin, so the pokemon can assist the key bearer. Buddy hatched a purrloin which later evolved into a Liepard.
Liepard's are elegant and sleek pokemon with gorgeous fur, despite their apperences, Liepard's are generally vicious and moody.
Buddy's own liepard isn't any different with generally unfriendly attitude towards strangers. She doesn't shy away from scratching her own trainer if he happens to displease him yet will act like a kicked lillipup if she doesn't get hourly kisses and pets from Buddy.
She is also Buddy's stylist and personal trainer as every morning she spends 15 minutes grooming his hair to perfection and all the excersize Buddy really needs is carrying that spoiled apex predator, which is almost the same height as him, around when she feels like getting babied.
Arbok ♀️
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Tamed pokemon. Ekans is a regular pokemon in the abondened corners of the ex libris dungeon, before he got his first pokemon, Buddy used to spend hours trying to befriend this one. Getting poisoned countless times in the progress. The second Buddy got his first pokemon and pokeballs, he ran to the dungeon to finally catch her. He was so excited that he fumbled the pokeballs so the Ekans headbutted one herself.
She enjoys eating lots of treats, getting tiny scratches with a tiny toothbrush and regularly committing to Buddy's life by wrapping around him as he sleeps.
In her defence, she really loves cuddling and doesn't realize she is squeezing too hard in her sleep. Buddy doesn't mind it one bit.
Ariados ♀️✨
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Shiny (I couldn't miss the chance to make her purple) and Buddy's first catch. The abondened corners of the dungeons of ex libris attract many small wild pokemon and makes it a prime spot to train. Spinarak's prefer forests so Buddy never saw one before catching her.
It wasn't until a whole month later that he learned his spinarak was shiny.
She enjoy creating eleborate patterned lace webs to decorate with and seeing his trainer add them to his clothing. Ariados' has extremly sturdy webs so Buddy regularly wears them and uses them to accessorise. (And, well, she gets sad when he doesn't.)
Salazzle ♀️
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Rescued pokemon. Buddy found her as an injured salandit and sneaked her inside the Ex Libris headquarters until she healed.
But she never left and now Buddy has a giant poisonous lizards bigger than him.
Salazzle is an extremely affectionate pokemon. Combined with her natural strength, you get a pokemon who can easily pick Buddy up and carry him around despite his protests.
Nidoking ♂️
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Caught pokemon. When Buddy first met him, he was an unnaturally large Nidoran that he first mistook as a Nidorino that had a knack for knocking down trees. It took three hours and countless pokeballs before Buddy finally added him to the team and learned that he was still just a Nidoran.
His unnaturally large proportion continued on as he evolved, allowing Buddy to ride him when he was just a Nidorino with no trouble. As a Nidoking, he can easily tower over other of his kind when he is on two feet. But because of his mass, he can't support his weight for too long and always walks around in 4 feet. He almost always has at least one of his teammates hitching a ride on his back.
He is extremely aggressive and territorial. Lashes out easily at strangers which forces Buddy to spend every waking hour keeping him in check. Thankfully, he seems to accept his trainer and teammates as his pack. Showing incredible patience to their shenigans.
Galarian Slowking ♂️
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Stolen pokemon. Buddy saw him at a night fair he snuck out to. He was dangerously underweight and overworked as his trainer used him for 'shows' and neglected to give him breaks or water. After seeing the Slowking pass out from exhaustion, Buddy sneaked backstage and stole him.
After feeding and tending to him, Buddy released the pokemon and went back to ex libris. Around 2 months later, he woke up to his Liepard snarling up a storm and the same Galarian Slowking standing in his room. After that, he never left.
He generally prefers to do his own stuff but hates to be left alone. Carrying his stuff to whatever room Buddy is in so he can tinker with his stuff and bask in his trainers presence. He also enjoy getting fed by hand and claimed the end of Buddy's bed as his own.
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abeinginsand · 1 year ago
You're adorable like this (Glennry)
For wip wednesday! Title: You're adorable like this
Relationships: Glennry, Background Hencedes Other info: AU where Glenn had the prison arc, but never died, the doodler wasn't released, and both Glenn and Nicky are still human.
“You're adorable like this." Those are the first words Glenn hears after waking up. He blinks groggily and blows a silver strand of hair out of his face. It joins the rest of his hair splayed against the colorful pillows and sheets. “Ah geez, sorry, Glenn. Didn’t mean to wake you.” The blonde haired man above him smiles, chuckling in a way that rumbles through his body. The sound makes it clear this guy’s not that sorry at all. The tension in his shoulders lessens as he recognizes the voice and feels the warm, sweaty, weight leaning on his chest. It’s Henry. Of course, it’s Henry. Why wouldn’t it be?
‘Cause Glenn’s been spending the week at the Oak-Garcia’s keeping his pal company with Mercedes’ thrilled permission while she’s at some conference out of town. The arrangement isn’t the part the ex-rockstar’s still stalling over. It’s all the other kinks he hasn’t managed to shake off from the past. Always takes him a minute to an hour everyday to fully believe he’s not in that cell and in chains again. Doesn’t help that the aches from back then, especially in that arm, never left either.
“You’re making a face. Need some space? I can get started on breakfast–” “Nah, stay.” “Are you sure? I really don’t mind.” “Yeah, m’ good.” The words get Henry to stop his half-way move to get off the bed and he opts to flop down to the dark-haired man’s side with a hand resting on his chest instead. The feeling of Henry’s fingers swirling circles over his scars tickles too much not to get a laugh out of him. He has his gaze on the ceiling but moves a hand to rest over Henry’s. He pretends it’s to get him to stop with the tickling instead of wanting something more to remind him how real this cozy moment is. “You're adorable like this, all sleepy and soft…” “You said that earlier. How come I’m not cool or handsome?” “Those words aren’t mutually exclusive, Glenn. You’re all of them to me.” Henry squeezes his hand once and,with a glance, he can see the geologist is ready to launch into a passionate lecture about toxic masculinity. But he seems to lose steam when the DJ squeezes his hand back and smirks. “Heh, yeah, I’m an all in one package, baby. Don’t forget it.” The other man makes a face at that familiar cocky tone, frowning some, and shaking his head. “I should watch my words. Looks like it's already going to your head!”
“My head, huh?”
“Don’t make me throw a pillow. You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
“Ugh, you’re a menace.”
Glenn shifts under the thin blanket to turn to face Henry. He admires the stray wrinkles around the druid’s forest green eyes as he so clearly pouts back at the cause.
“You love me, anyway~”
There’s the feeling of hot breath on the bard’s skin as Henry leans more into his side with a grumble and gives him a kiss on the cheek. The other man whispers a soft:
“Yes, I do, mi amor.”
The long-haired man’s heart squeezes at that response. He knew that both Henry and Mercedes had talked at length with each other and with him about all this stuff. Yet being called one of the same pet names as Henry’s life-long partner, his wife, felt–
His train of thought is interrupted by the sound of several things clattering and crashing to the ground. Seems like the kids were awake, them or the various animals anyways. Or the horrible possibility of both at once.
This week of such noisy living was leading to plenty of revelations. One of the easier ones to accept being that maybe his parents had a point when they only let him have a goldfish as a kid.
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cupcakestreets · 2 years ago
For the Werevelvet thing, how about werewolf cookie waking up from a nap, only to realise he's covered in cake hounds, because???? Cookie?? Is dog??? Is dog!!! And joined him in the nap
Red Velvet comes along some time later and discovers the dog-pile up with his sweetie at the bottom, trying to get him to help him out
Red velvet either helps, doesn't help, or joins the dog-pile
Another warm and peaceful day graced the fields near the Cookie Kingdom. Red Velvet Cookie was taking some of his cake hounds out for a training session. Red Velvet Cookie has been training all of his pups nonstop for the past couple of weeks, making sure all of his soldiers were taken care of and prepared. This was all in between watching over the cake tray towers. This week's training was scouting. They have been training for about an hour now and Red Velvet Cookie hyped himself up for another round. He called his pups to attention, trying to hold back a yawn, and then held up a bone.
"ATTENTION! Alright soldiers, let's go one more round! Your mission is to retrieve this bone! The first one back gets an extra treat after training!"
Red Velvet Cookie walked down the line of the 6 pups so they got a whiff of the bone. They all bark excitedly to indicate to their commander that they were ready. Red Velvet holds up the bone high with his monster arm, waving it around to make sure they were focused on their target. He then reels his arm back before tossing the bone into the forested area. The cake hounds dash straight into the forest going straight for the bone. Red Velvet Cookie started the clock and waited for their return.
Time passed and zero of the cake hounds have returned. Red Velvet Cookie looked at his clock becoming more worried as each second passed.
"5 minutes? That's far too long... Did I throw the bone too far?..."
Red Velvet Cookie begins to walk in the direction he remembers throwing the bone in. He did not have to walk too far to find his Cake hounds.
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The Cake hounds were gathered around a dark large shape. It looks like...cloth? Red Velvet Cookie walked around to see that the shape was a cookie wrapped in a black cloak. It was Werewolf Cookie, sleeping on the forest floor. Werewolf Cookie was undisturbed by the Cake hounds laying around him. He unconsciously wrapped an arm around one of the pups and mumbled gibberish under his breath.
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Red Velvet Cookie was in awe at this display. He can't deny how adorable this was. Werewolf Cookie's usual stoic expression was now one that resembled the pups, his tongue poked from his mouth making this cute "blep" expression. Red Velvet Cookie's heart bumped looking at him and the pups. He took a quick look around at their surroundings and pulls out his smartphone to take as many pictures as he could in under a minute. After that Red Velvet Cookie took a second glance around and realized that his pups were defenseless in this state! The forest was crawling with unknown horrors, and it would be worse if a hunter cookie came across them. He could not stand for this and takes it upon himself to be on lookout duty!
Red Velvet Cookie pets all of his precious pups and gently caressed Werewolf Cookie's cheek, he was so handsome... A bit rugged and a mess however Red Velvet Cookie was attracted to that sort of thing. Despite how Werewolf Cookie viewed himself as a danger to those around him, Red Velvet Cookie knew he was never a threat to himself or others. His timid nature and his want to do good for others restrained him from causing real damage to the cookies or animals around him. Red Velvet Cookie recognizes how much of a threat he could be if he was pushed to his limits. Werewolf Cookie was truly a fearsome foe and Red Velvet Cookie is honored that he sees him as an ally. There was so much about Werewolf Cookie he loved but it would be irresponsible to get in a relationship with him... Especially knowing he will not have time for one whilst making sure the cake hounds were trained and the cake tray tower was functional for those who dare take up the challenge. If it was hell they wanted, it was something they would happily give. He sighs as he stares longingly at Werewolf Cookie's face. He could not resist kissing him on the forehead, it was a moment of weakness he allowed this one time. The kiss was not without its consequences. Werewolf Cookie’s pepper filled hair managed to float into his nostrils, and he quickly had to pull away feeling a sneeze coming on. He moved far away to make sure to sneeze into his arm as quietly as possible. He looks back to make sure they were not woken up by it. They were still sleeping soundly to his relief.
Red Velvet Cookie goes to a tree and begins his duties of watching out for any dangers that the forest may throw their way.
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Time passes, and nothing of note has come by Red Velvet Cookie. He noted a squirrel, a couple of birds tweeting by, and the trees rustled from the gentle winds blowing through them. The sun was beginning to set and the temperature starts to cool down and the sounds of nature were ever so soothing. Red Velvet Cookie's eyes grew heavy, the hours of lost sleep were starting to catch up on him and he was starting to doze off. He tries his best to keep himself awake but it was useless.
Werewolf Cookie eventually wakes up and notices the cake hounds around him. He slowly rises and feels something fall from him. He did not realize a pup was on his back. He recognizes this puppy, however.
Chiffon barks at Werewolf Cookie happily and he grabs something that was underneath him. It was the bone that was thrown earlier. Chiffon runs over to a body that was leaning against a tree.
Werewolf Cookie follows Chiffon to the body and sees that Red Velvet Cookie is sleeping against it. Werewolf Cookie looks around the area to see if anyone else was around. There was nothing, and he noticed that it was starting to get cold.
Werewolf Cookie takes off his cloak and leans down to wrap it around Red Velvet Cookie. Their faces were close... Werewolf Cookie does think about kissing him for a moment, he looked so at ease, and his face was so soft compared to his usual stern expressions... However, Werewolf Cookie decides against it and goes to sit in front of Red Velvet Cookie and watch over the now-awake pups.
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He did not understand the feeling Red Velvet Cookie gave him. It felt like a painful reminder that he can never get close to anyone. Although Red Velvet has treated him with nothing but kindness before and has also shown he can handle himself in a battle he still has haunting thoughts of hurting him somehow... He like Red Velvet Cookie but he knows he can not want more than the friendship they have now... He can't hurt another friend...
Chiffon barks to Werewolf Cookie taking him out of his thoughts. Chiffon holds up the bone and Werewolf Cookie takes it with a small smile on his face.
"We can play while your owners rest..."
Werewolf Cookie plays with the puppies happily and allows their commander to get the full rest he deserves.
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(151 Follower Special!) Would A Pikachu Be A Good Pet?
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(I just hit 151 followers! Thank you all so much for your support! I hope to continue making the blog better in the coming months, especially after I recover from this sickness. I figured there was no better way to mark the occasion than covering the main little guy themself! There's a whole lot of pokédex entries to look over, so I better get right to it!)
Tragically, I can't really recommend a pikachu to anyone but the most experienced electric-type pet owners! They're famous for being cute and friendly, and by all appearances they would be a great little buddy: they're are just the right size to be a good pet, which gets them some good points. They are known to be intelligent (Gold) and social, living in groups with other Pikachus in the forest (Diamond). But the electrocution risk is just plainly too high for me to comfortably recommend them. Pikachus passively generate electricity in their cheek pouches (Crystal), which they use to prepare food, protect themselves, etc. They don't seem to be able to control the electricity that they generate/gather, however, meaning that even the best trained Pikachu can cause you harm at any given moment.
If you come across a colony of Pikachus in the woods, I would recommend taking a wide berth, as groups of the pokémon can generate so much passive electricity that it can cause intense lightning storms (Red/Blue, Ultra Moon). Even a single Pikachu can cause lightning strikes: their tails, which they use to "monitor their surroundings", are natural lightning rods (Yellow, Silver). Pikachus generate electricity even as they sleep, which they often discharge accidentally when they wake up (Sapphire).
Pikachu's use the electricity they generate for controlled purposes as well, of course. For one, they use electric shocks to roast berries to eat (Gold). They aren't always the best at judging how much electricity to use on berries, and have been observed as blasting any new thing they come across with electricity in the same way they would food (Ruby). Pikachus use electric shocks to greet each other in the wild (Shield) and to help out other Pikachus that need a recharge for whatever reason (Black/White). Finally, Pikachus use the electricity they generate to defend themselves, giving them access to a decent selection of moves that pose an electrocution risk and inflict paralysis. You definitely don't want to get on a Pikachu's bad side.
The major issue with Pikachus is that even if you do your best to train your Pikachu to not attack you with their dangerous electric-type moves, they will need to discharge their passive electricity in some way. Pikachus get stressed when they are unable to fully discharge periodically (Moon). A stressed pet is an unpredictable pet. Certain emotional states can drive a Pikachu to recklessly discharge on a whim: when they are angry (Crystal) or wary (Pearl) they "immediately" release their electricity, shocking anything around them.
Caring for a Pikachu would require a keen attention to their need to discharge the electricity that they generate in their day-to-day life. You would need to constantly provide safe outlets (pun intended) for your Pikachu to comfortably discharge. One would need to be aware of the risk that their furry friend constantly presents, which something that only experienced electric-type trainers may be equipped to do. All this being said, I gotta be realistic. It's Pikachu. The main little guy! Even I would want a pet Pikachu! If they had a chance, I'd guess most people would go for it. Who could say no to that face?
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where-pain-is-so-pretty · 1 year ago
The Stars In Your Eyes
Pairing: Olli x Reader
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1,443 Notes:
This is the first full fic I wrote since Feburary It's rather short and surely not my best work but I'm still proud of myself for finishing it. Also, I'm grateful to be part of this fandom project, thank you for the opportunity and thx for kinda getting me back into writing <3 Can't wait to see what you all came up with!)
"Let's go home." you are already half asleep when you hear your boyfriend's suggestions. His hand softly caresses your arm to wake you up, and when you feel him kiss the top of your hair you force yourself to open your tired eyes.
You had spent the night at Niko's place with some friends, eating dinner, drinking wine, and sharing old and new stories. And you would have loved to take part in the conversations for longer but at some point sleep had taken over, turning your brain into much, and working too slowly to form a coherent sentence or understand references. Olli had noticed half an hour ago and suggested going home but you had shrugged it off, he was deep into a conversation with Joonas and you were cuddled to his side, your head resting on his shoulder. You listened to their nerd talk about guitar pedals and tunings, none of their words reached your brain but you found comfort in Olli's voice and his calming presence made you feel safe. So, you didn't fight it when your heavy eyes closed on their own accord.
You nod as an answer, throwing Joonas, across from you an apologetic look. Olli takes the last gulp of red wine from his glass before standing up and offering you a hand, which you accept gladly. Your bones are heavy and your head is drowsy with sleep. You said your goodbyes to the remaining guests and slipped into your coats before stepping outside. The nightly air is crispy and you press yourself closer to Olli, who has wrapped an arm around you.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you,". The cold brought your mind back to life, and you wished you could have stayed for longer but every cell in your body was screaming for sleep now. "Don't be, I'm pretty tired as well.", he remarks in a soft voice. You are about to make a joke about him being always tired but that is when something else catches your attention. The bright Christmas decorations of the mall across from you. Fairy lights in different colors, blinking snowflakes and stars. Stars. You stop in your tracks and raise your head to the sky. A hollow feeling builds in your chest when you a greeted by an empty yellowish-grey canvas instead of a sky full of twinkling stars. Sometimes you forget you moved into the city. "What's wrong, love?" your boyfriend asks beside you, slipping his hand into yours. "No stars," you reply and the realization leaves you empty for a moment." Olli squeezes your hand tighter. "It's sad that they are completely swallowed by light pollution." You nod, agreeing with his statement, and start to walk on again silently.
Olli and you had moved to Helsinki two months ago, leaving your small hometowns hadn't been easy for either of you but in the long term you both knew it was the right decision. No long train or car rides to see each other, no stressful travel days for him to meet with his band or to travel abroad. Also, almost all your friends lived around here and the city had already become a second home for the two of you. And with Olli by your side, starting a new life had been quite the opposite of being difficult or scary. He was the love of your life after all and waking up next to him every morning was worth all the trouble you had to face while moving.
In the past weeks you hadn't had much time to miss your old town, you had been too busy with your new job, building your home, exploring the city, and settling in. But thinking about it now, you mostly missed the small things about living in the countryside, like taking a walk through the forest nearby, passing cows on your way home, petting stray cats, and gazing at the night sky after a long shift or night out.
It's a few meters away from your apartment building when you break the silence: "You know, this might sound silly, but I really miss seeing the stars every night, they somehow always grounded me."
"It's not silly, babe. I miss them too." Olli kisses your cheek, it's a quick peck but you still can feel his beard rub against your soft skin.
It's the next Friday when you come home to Olli already awaiting you at the door. He has a mischievous grin on his lips and his eyes sparkle when he takes your coat off. "What's up with you?" you ask him lifting one of your brows as you examine him. "Nothiiiing." You know by the tone of his voice and the gleaming in his blue eyes he's lying, but you still greet him with a kiss. His smile is even wider when you part. "Oh, what have you done this time?". You are sure this is going to be one of his surprises and you can't help but find it cute how badly he always fails to hide his own excitement. "No more questions. Come change, then follow me to the bedroom to find out yourself." He hands you over a pile of clothes. You take them but not without studying each piece, in hopes of finding a clue. It's one of his hoodies (you stole it months ago so it's officially yours now) a pair of sweatpants and a pair of fluffy socks. The usual comfy clothes you wear around the house. You change quickly, now fueled by excitement yourself and eager to find out what your boyfriend has set up in your bedroom. Olli can't help but follow your every move, his gaze lingering on you when you are stripped down to your underwear. "So, is it something kinky?" you ask, assuming by the way he looks at you. "No, not this time."
Once you are fully dressed he offers you his hand to lead you to the bedroom, he stops right in front of the door. "Close your eyes!" By now you are used to his little game, so you comply and close your eyes shut. You know how much effort he puts into these surprises and you love him a little more each time. And even though you don't know what he has come up with this time, you are already sure you are going to love it.
He opens the door for you and leads you through it, stopping behind you. He's still holding your hand when you hear his low voice close to your ear. "Open your eyes, love." (In another scenario, it wouldn't have sent more than a shiver down your spine.)
When you open your eyes you can't quite believe what you are seeing. Your shared bedroom is illuminated in violet light, coming from a small projector on Ollis's bedside table. It displays a galaxy and stars on your ceiling. And for a second you lose yourself in the soothing movements of the twinkling stars and waves the projector paints onto your walls. Then you take a closer look around. There is a fuming cup of tea and a bowl of snacks on your nightstand, next to a small bouquet of favorite flowers. On the wall right above your bed, are more stars, glow-in-the-dark stickers, in different shapes and sizes. You follow their trail from the headboard up to the ceiling and now you see them between the lights too. It must have taken hours to put these on your walls. And your bedding now matched the galaxy theme of the room as well.
"What do you think?" Olli is standing in front of the bed now, fumbling with his hands and you can see the light of the projector reflecting in his eyes. You haven't said anything since you entered the room, he had left you speechless once again. And there wasn't much you could respond with other than: "I love you!" and pulling him into a tight hug. You can feel a happy giggle resonate from his chest as he holds you close. "I'm glad you like it. It's not the real stars, you know...but I tried" he said letting go of you. "Don't be so modest! You outdid yourself!" Even in the dim light of the projector, you can see the red in his cheeks. You pull him close again, this time for a kiss. A kiss that tells him everything you can't find the words for right now.
"Wanna gaze at the stars together?" "Nothing more than that!", you softly push him onto the bed and let yourself fall into the sheets next to him.
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