#WW1 History
tenebrare · 2 days
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When you are a Hellraiser fan and have absolutely no idea about British WW1 era tank vs human scales - that tiny human indeed is our captain Spencer and one of his 4 WW1 era outfits I have managed to wiggle on him as apparently in trenches they did wear one kind of stuff and whatver he had in film was... different kind of stuff and apparently our mister Spencer was quite decorated and given command over about 100 to 150 dudes... Not kind of Hellraiser fan art people usually post, I know. (I did not do the 3D model for the tank, I believe Raul Gonzales did, when i am to believe ArtStation).
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stillnaomi · 21 days
during WW1, the British government was so scared of socialism that it decided to build 500,000 spacious and good quality homes for the higher strata of blue collar workers, in order to avert any chance of revolution. this would give jobs to many of the demobilised troops and would stop a large section of the proletariat agitating about their living conditions. previously, the government had steadfastly refused to interfere in the freedom of the housing market, despite large sections of the population living in slum housing
as Major Astor of the Local Government Board told parliament during a debate on the scheme:
“When we talk of expense and cost let us realise that everything is comparative, and let us measure the cost of our housing proposals by the cost of Bolshevism to the country and the cost of revolution. The money we propose to spend on housing is an insurance against Bolshevism and revolution. What is the cost to the country of industrial unrest and strikes? You have only to realise the conditions under which many men and women live to realise that unrest is fully justified.”
believe it or not, revolution was seen as a serious threat. this is how the minutes record the PM, David Lloyd George, speaking in a Cabinet meeting on March 3rd 1919:
“In Europe we were now faced with very serious conditions. Russia had gone almost completely over to Bolshevism, and we had consoled ourselves with the thought that they were only a half-civilised race; but now even in Germany, whose people were without exception the best educated in Europe, prospects are very black.
“Bavaria was already in chaos, and the same fate might await Prussia. Spain seemed to be on the edge of upheaval. In a short time we might have three-quarters of Europe converted to Bolshevism. None would be left but France and Great Britain.
“He believed that Great Britain would hold out, but only if the people were given a sense of confidence—only if they were made to believe that things were being done for them. We had promised them reforms time and again, but little had been done. We must give them the conviction this time that we meant it, and we must give them that conviction quickly.”
this is what communists mean when we say that the capitalist state only gives out concessions when its power is under threat
read more about the Homes Fit for Heroes initiative and its politics
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cirr0stratus · 2 months
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Siegfried Sassoon, counter attack
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blackisdivine · 7 months
Black History Month
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A member of the Harlem Hellfighters (369th Infantry Regiment) poses for the camera while holding a puppy he saved during World War 1, 1918.
The Harlem Hellfighters was a regiment made up of decorated Black soldiers who fought as part of the French army because the U.S. did not allow Black soldiers to fight alongside white soldiers. The French accepted the Harlem Hellfighters with open arms and did not racially segregate them.
During World War 1, they fought on the front lines for 191 days, longer than any other American unit. And as a result, suffered the most casualties of any American regiment—losing approximately 1,500 men. Despite the heavy death toll and the poor replacement system, the Harlem Hellfighters never lost a trench or a foot of ground to the enemy; none of them became prisoners of war. Not only were they one of the most successful regiments of World War 1, but they also helped bring Jazz to France.
Upon returning home, the Harlem Hellfighters received a welcome parade in New York City; a privilege that was denied to them before they had left for war. However, the celebrations were short lived as the summer of 1919 became known as the Red Summer, in which the country saw some of the worst racial violence since the Civil War.
The Harlem Hellfighters who dreamed of returning home to a place that would finally treat them with respect and as equal human beings, quickly realized that nothing had changed at all.
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theworldofwars · 3 months
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Highland Dance by men of the 8/10th (Service) Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders outside Arras Cathedral, 24 January 1918.
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fuwbuki · 30 days
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The sun and son of Arabia
Watched "Lawrence of Arabia" for the first time and i had to make something. I had a vision but dont know if i executed it correctly
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cid5 · 16 days
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WWI, 1 May 1918; A Machine Gun Corps post in a barn near Haverskerque, The Battle of the Lys (Operation Georgette).
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theworldatwar · 1 month
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British soldiers from the Oxford & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry use a wall for cover as they rest - Ypres, 1914 CREDIT : IWM
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dronescapesvideos · 9 months
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The Red Baron, WWI. Soldiers examine what remains of Manfred von Richthofen's aircraft after he was shot down, and killed over Vaux-sur-Somme, France, just days before his 26th birthday, but by then already an aviation legend.
➤➤ HIGHER RESOLUTION IMAGE: https://dronescapes.video/RedBaron
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hansjoachimarseille · 1 month
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Manfred Von Richthofen and his brother Lothar von Richthofen, 1916
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whereshadowslive · 5 months
Because one thing has become clear to me: you can cope with all the horror as long as you simply duck thinking about it – but it will kill you if you try to come to terms with it.
— Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front
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er1chartmann · 5 months
Erwin Rommel during WW1
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These are some facts and curiosities about Erwin Rommel during WW1:
When the First World War broke out, Rommel was employed on the Western Front in the offensive led by the German army against the joint French and British armies.
Rommel earned his first decoration on 24 September 1914, when he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class following an individual attack on five French soldiers in a forest near Varennes.
He was awarded the highest German military honour, the Order Pour le Mérite, which he received for the leadership skills demonstrated, with the rank of lieutenant, on the Italian front especially during the Battle of Caporetto in autumn 1917.
He  was promoted to the rank of captain in January 1918.
For a time, Rommel served in the same infantry regiment as Friedrich Paulus, who, like Rommel, rose to the rank of Field Marshal during World War II.
He was wounded three times during the war
Wikipedia: Erwin Rommel
Military Wiki: Erwin Rommel
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From clockwise right, we have:
Hellreigel 9mm submachine gun (text via IMFDB: "As of current knowledge, there was only ever one example of the Hellriegel and it did not survive the war. Its caliber, capacity, operating method, and whether or not it was even a functional weapon are conjecture based on analysis of the photographs and historical context. It is assumed to have been blowback operated with the projections at the rear being a pair of recoil springs, and the large structure over the barrel is thought to have been a leather-wrapped water or oil jacket for cooling. From what little could be known about the weapon from the three images, it appears that the Hellriegel is a large-capacity submachine gun, firing what seems to be a 9mm cartridge. It would make the Hellriegel one of the first submachine guns made in the world by definition of a submachine gun. It wouldn't be referred as a submachine gun at the time, as the term "submachine gun" was first coined in 1921 to advertise the Thompson Submachine Gun; the Hellriegel was referred to as a machine gun (Maschinengewehr) on the image caption. It could feed from straight box magazines, or from a large drum magazine which was not actually connected to the weapon and instead fed the cartridges through a flexible chute. The unusual appearance of this drum magazine led to some assumptions that it was belt fed, however this is not the case with the rounds being unconnected from one another and are propelled along the drum and feed chute by a spring in a similar manner to the Trommelmagazin snail drum used by the Luger pistol. The drum magazine is believed to be able to hold up to 160 rounds while the box mag is limited to 20 or so. It seems to be crew-served, as one image depicts an ammo bearer with a backpack for drum magazines, and its seeming intention to be used as a stationary weapon given its weighted base for the drum and its machine gun name (making it a "heavy" submachine gun of sorts). The provision for a drum but not a bipod however, means it is unclear what exactly the weapon was intended to be used for. All three pictures were taken from the right side of the gun, so what the left side looked like is a complete mystery."
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Tsar tank (absolutely bonkers Russian experimental wheeled tank):
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Hand-dropped bomb runs (commonplace during the war until bomb racks were invented for small aircraft):
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German cavalry with pikes (note the horse gas masks).
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Also this happened:
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cirr0stratus · 3 months
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thewartoendwars · 4 months
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Australian soldier holding a little bit of home.
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theworldofwars · 4 months
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A British padre saying a prayer over a dying German, near Epehy - France, 18th September 1918.
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