#WOOOO- [disappears]
the-kipsabian · 2 months
going through it today, please dont perceive me rn
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seagullcharmer · 8 months
ack! took off my glasses but still scrumbling. i cannot see
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zhxngii · 1 year
What a bad time to hit 2k followers... 😭😭 listen! I will be taking a short break and then I'll come back with a steamy little smut post for my milestone :*
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pinkiepig · 1 year
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wholewitch-a · 2 years
im so normal
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victarin · 8 months
> enter bedroom (52%)
it’s been a while, sorry !
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[VD: text reading “warning: flashing lights, eyestrain, & unreality / headphones recommended”. faced with two doorways in a nighttime living room, the option “enter bedroom” is selected. inside the room, you see the corner of your bed, the closet, and the open bedroom door. the following text reads “i should try to get some sleep.” lights off, loading screen into the dream. you see an empty room with checkered floors. an arrow to the right lets you see behind you. after clicking it, you see the room is still plain except for three dark, skinny hallways. an arrow to the left lets you turn back around. after clicking it, you see original room. after the error sound, a party room appears with three arcade machines in the center. the light of the middle one flickers before going dark. as the music and announcement begins, all three arcade machines light up blue. the text captioning the announcement glitches near the end before the screen cuts to black. in the center of the black screen, the middle red arcade machine appears for a second, featuring a red screen with something blurry in the center. back to bedroom. cut to the left side of the room, where there is a window, a desk, and a computer that has turned on to show a blue screen with the security breach freddy symbol. it turns off, shutting off the audio. text reads: “… i don’t think i can sleep after that.” cut back to the bed. three options appear: investigate computer, leave bedroom, stay in bed. while choosing between the options, moon crawls into the room and crouches before disappearing. he appears at your bedside. he looks similar to in-game, but his faceplate features two wide white eyes with black pupils. he twitches and four options appear: say hello, pretend to sleep, call for help, run. cut to black. / end VD.]
woooo this one took a hot minute. genuinely really really sorry for that.
would like to note two things: 1) all sound effects are from the capcut library except for the announcement voice (that was me with a filter on top yay) and the breathing! and 2) on the breathing, that was unintentionally inspired by @/etc.etcetera on tiktok (that One mlp infection au..) whose videos inspired me to try pushing thru finishing this video :’) and this was a rough one ouch
thanks for being so patient with this au!! im sure most ppl have fallen out of interest lolz but im still planning on continuing it :) given that ep4 isnt as draining to make .with all hope
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bambisnc · 4 months
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i'm like some kind of supernova [ft. u.ae]
⤷ pov : literally all of the clocks of your house stop working and a random girl falls into your house?? she says she's like .. a goddess?? and now you've agreed to help her find her colleagues that disappeared?? or else she might torment you for all your life???
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pairing : timekeeper!giselle x reader genre : serious codedish + crack cw/tw : talks about dying/not dying + giselle talks old timey-ish for a couple mins + lowk this is a fever dream + uneditted womp womp wc : 914 woooo !!
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the strange quiet should’ve tipped you off.
when you woke up from an (unusually) dreamless sleep, your first instinct was to fight the urge to look at your phone and instead focus on the digital clock situated to the left of your bed. 
you were trying to make a conscious effort to “stop being dependent on your phone” and metaphorically touch grass.
and, obviously, that was your first mistake. 
the flashing numbers of the screen looked back at you, almost defiantly. 00.30.
one look at the sunlight streaming in through a conveniently located window proved that incorrect immediately. 
the clock appears to be broken.
pretty normal occurrence, could happen to anyone.
but when you venture out to the dining room, another clock, one of the analog variety, proudly displays the hour hand at 1 and the minute hand at 8. 
the clocks in the living room, guest room and kitchen all respectively seem to believe it’s around 2.45, 3.06 and 4.58 am respectively.
you can no longer put this off to a coincidence and the realization that there may be some foul play at work shakes you to the core. 
until, of course, there is a loud BANG! and a girl falls right on top of you. 
by then, your only coherent thought is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
the girl groans, likely in pain from the fall (where did she fall from??? is she a neighbour and did your ceiling just … break down??). she’s quick to regain composure however.
“greetings mortal. be not afraid for i am merely a being that most humans desire to have control over, despite knowing how utterly unattainable it is.
i am giselle; the keeper of time, in its purest essence.”
“your name tag says uchinaga aeri though.” you gesture with your eyes as she still has your arms pinned down with just enough strength to render them completely immovable.
“and also,” your fight or flight reaction shows itself by a means of ceaseless curiosity, “isn’t time supposed to be .. an old bearded man holding an hourglass? wasn’t he called father time?
the time keeper/uchinaga aeri/giselle/ looks pissed. or is she just flustered??
“the name tag is just a slight error, okay?! and i actually DO have an hourglass. also assuming that time is “male” is sexist.”
“no that’s not what i meant-” you try to defend yourself, but she brushes it off with practiced ease.
“my colleagues and i recently faced a … misfortunate incident. they all disappeared soon after.  the thorough investigations i carried out right after lead me nowhere for quite a while. 
but now… my sources have led me to you, mortal.”
the way aeri giselle speaks is enough to show you that she would not hesitate to resort to any means necessary to bring back the people she’s lost. they are obviously much more to her than just “colleagues.” 
you admire that. but also … according to her “sources” doesn’t she think that you are the one responsible for the disappearances? 
giselle’s grip on your hands eases only slightly while your brain busily tries to make sense of the events; wondering if she perhaps terrified you into silence. 
you do not let that opportunity go to waste.
with a slightly awkward, not as suave movement as you would have liked it to be, you flip over so that the timekeeper is now below you. 
“mortal?!” she gasps out, “you dare manhandle one of the 4 Supernovas, the guardians of the universe?! why i should-”
“hear me out please, before you burn me to a crisp or whatever you’d like” 
giselle’s eyes twinkle. 
she snaps her fingers. and all the lights blink out.
you find yourself … in your bedroom? almost like you’ve been sent back in time to earlier the same day…
the time keeper sits at the edge of the bed, rather nonchalantly, for someone who looked like they were merely seconds away from..
“letting you age and age and age some more, until all that’s left of you is a shriveled husk and all you can think of is the sweet release of death; but alas you’ll never find respite, because i will simply ensure that you remain undying. i think that’s what i’ll do to you if you don’t cooperate <3 arson’s not really my thing, ningning however,-”
you interrupt her once more, probably not the best decision but you need to make your offer as soon as possible if you have any hopes of getting out of this alive, “i’ll help you.”
you ramble on about how all the clocks had stopped working and how you were 99% sure that this meant you were definitely a key part in helping to find the people who had disappeared.
it almost feels like an interview; trying to convince giselle to hire you as a helper and also, as a side bonus, not torment you for all of eternity. 
and surprisingly, it works.
as you’re ending your pitch, she suddenly leans forward so that her forehead almost touches yours. 
“rest up for now, then.” she says, “you need all the energy you can get for our mission. and if you even think of backing out…”
“i won’t!!” you affirm quickly, which makes her smile and
god she’s really pretty isn’t she? 
beep. beep. beep.
the digital clock on your bedside says it’s 00.30. 
you grab your phone.
the Contacts app opens up. the first saved number is of a certain timekeeper.
o giselle (NOT aeri.) xxxxxxxxxx
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notes : I HATE THE TITLEEE IM MIGHT CHANGE IT IDK THO + [m.list] song rec : man idk i was js watching danny gonzales videos/horror video game playthroughs + supernova - aespa???
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𐙚 . regulars : @skriri ⋆
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mumms-the-word · 6 months
Choosing to Live
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Pairing: Gale x Tav (you/reader POV) Summary: Shortly after Gale decides to defy his goddess and not self-destruct in the caverns below Moonrise Towers, you turn and see him struggling with the conflicting emotional fallout of his decision. CW: death, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, survivor's guilt (implied), coercion (implied) A/N: I was inspired by @gangstagandalf's emotional fanart of Gale and Tav just after Moonrise. It's not quite the same scene as their art but I just couldn't resist writing my own angst version. Check them out, their art is lovely! @gangstagandalf I hope you don't mind if I borrowed a few of your lines from your original post! (Pic is of my tav Dani because that’s all I got) UPDATE: Now on AO3 woooo
You watch as the husk of Ketheric Thorm collapses at your feet, a hollow shell of dessicated flesh and heavy armor. You’ve done it at last—you’ve defeated the Bone Lord’s Chosen, the first of three enemies who have enslaved an Elder Brain through the power of some sort of crown it bears. 
At the thought of the crown, you turn your head, seeking out the person who had first pointed out the crown to you. It was the thing that seemed to wake him from his reluctant obedience to his goddess’s command. There had been hunger in his eyes, more than you’d ever seen in him before, and for a brief moment you had thought yourself and him safe from the commands of the goddess of magic and mysteries.
But then he’d steeled himself. You’d watched as he physically and mentally struggled with the weight of the goddess’s demands, preparing himself for what he thought was inevitable.
Death. Destruction. Catastrophe. But one that would supposedly thwart mass enslavement at the whims of an elder brain and three evil Chosen. A noble sacrifice, but one that would kill dozens of innocent lives, too.
You don’t remember what all you said in those panicked seconds between him making his decision and you being dragged into a battle against Ketheric. You recall, vaguely, that you had clutched his robe in your hands and told him you loved him. There had been other words, too, but they were lost to your memory. Whatever it was, it had been enough. Because as of this moment, the elder brain has disappeared, Ketheric is dead, and you are not.
Your eyes find him, your love, your Gale, standing on a far platform where he had climbed to better aim and prepare his spells. He stands, leaning against his staff, panting, staring at the lifeless and inert body of Ketheric at your feet, and then his gaze shifts to you. You, covered in your blood and Ketheric’s black, fetid ichor, in bone dust and illithid matter. You probably look horrible, you think. You know you should bend down to examine Ketheric’s body and see what the glowing stone in his chest is all about, but you can’t look away from your love. Not now.
Not when you were so close to losing him to his goddess’s arbitrary and cold demand. 
But you didn’t. He’s alive. He’s alive. The thought pumps outward from your heart, warm and reassuring like the blood rushing through your own veins, reminding you that you too are alive. Your only thoughts now are of closing the distance between the two of you and peppering his face with kisses, telling him how proud you are of him, how brave he’s been, how much you love him. But as you take a step toward his platform, a shift in him gives you pause.
He slowly kneels down, still leaning heavily on his staff, and for a moment you think he’s praying, in the same way Shadowheart kneels to pray to her goddess. But no, his eyes are wide, staring, unfixed, not closed and reverent. After a moment, he sits fully on the ground, his staff falling with a clatter against the surface of the platform, and he buries his face in his hands.
You go to him immediately, using a last rare scrap of magic to misty step directly onto his platform. He’s shaking with fine, shuddering tremors as you approach, your steps cautious and soft but your heart aching and yearning to rush over. You reach out a hand, your own fingers trembling as they hover suspended above him, and you whisper his name uncertainly.
You hear his voice but his words are muffled by his hands. You bend closer, making out fragments as his words tumble forth in a soft, whispered babble.
“Oh gods, oh gods,” he gasps. “I nearly—I almost—I could have—the orb. What have I done—”
“Gale,” you say again, finally kneeling in front of him and laying a hand on his shoulder. He jolts at the touch, stiff and startled by you, but you don’t let it deter you. You squeeze his shoulder in what you hope is a reassuring touch, even as the tears threaten to choke you as you watch and feel him tremble. “It’s all right. We’re safe. My love, you’re safe.”
He lowers his hands, one clenching the fabric of his robe over his chest, his breaths coming shallow and quick. His gaze on you is so different than before, all the warmth and steadiness and gentle, shy uncertainty that came with looking at you replaced with abject horror and unfocused panic. You get the sense he isn’t really seeing you, but staring through you to some theoretical what-if nightmare. One where you didn’t make it out alive. 
“I very nearly killed us all,” he mumbles, still clutching his chest. "I nearly killed you."
“But you didn’t—”
“I was so close to—to—th-the orb, I could feel it stirring, like it wanted me to—” He breaks off, his hand tightening in the fabric of his robe. The mark of the orb glows faintly, the barest hint of illuminated magic threading upward toward his eye, casting an orchid-purple sheen to his dark iris. He bends forward slightly, combing a hand roughly through his hair and clutching brown and gray strands tightly in his fist, his eyes wide. You half-expect him to be sick as he presses his other hand flat against his chest, breathing heavily. “And now I’ve defied my goddess. I—”
He turns suddenly, sharply, twisting to prop himself up on hands and knees away from you as his body rebels against him and he retches. Very little comes up—he hasn’t been eating well since you first stepped into Moonrise and he found himself faced with the very real possibility of sacrificing his life—but his body shudders and bucks violently as it attempts to dispel everything inside him. Not just the contents of his empty stomach but the fear and loathing and terror too. 
You don’t shy away from him. You shift closer, sitting on your knees at his side as his body settles into little shivers, his hands pressed flat into the surface of the platform. Your eyes are burning with tears now and you want to sob, your heart shattering for this man, your love, your heart’s song, but you have to be strong for him. You smooth his hair from his face, fingers brushing against his sweat-slick skin, and you cradle his feverish cheek in your palm. You say the only words you know to say and you repeat them as many times as you have to before they break through the haze of his clouded mind and resonate within him.
“Shh. You’re safe, my love. I’m here. I’m here with you. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, my love. You are safe.”
He leans into you and you gather him in your arms, rocking you both gently as he rests his head on your shoulder and wraps his arms around one of your arms. His shoulder is awkwardly pressed into your chest and he’s half-curled into your lap, weighing your knees uncomfortably down into ground, but you don’t mind. Discomfort and awkwardness don’t matter. What matters is that he is alive and so are you. You remind him of that in words, in your stream of murmured comforts, along with all the rest. 
It takes several long moments for his breathing to even out again, and another few for him to finally rest against you without an errant shiver wracking his body. But he calms at last. The tears on your face have since dried, but your heart aches no less than before. To think that your love would suffer so for making the right choice—the choice to live—but to suffer nonetheless out of a sense of guilt and fealty to a goddess that had thrown him aside like a broken toy.
It fills you with an uncommon rage. The gods are ever cruel, but the goddess of magic—you dare not even give her the honor of her name in your own thoughts—she is among the worst in your eyes. Even now, as your love struggles to compose himself, it isn’t a goddess’s arms or a goddess’s blessing that are there to comfort him.
The arms that are wrapped around him are your own. The comfort you have to offer is that of warm flesh and soft breath, mortal and precious. And it is better—better, you tell yourself with all the prideful conviction of a mortal soul—than anything an immortal, unfeeling goddess could offer.
He finally stirs, straightening up to look at you. Or look at your shoulder, rather, unable to meet your gaze. His expression is hollow, sorrowful, but calm. You know the road to him accepting and finding joy in his decision to defy his goddess is not yet over, and the path ahead may still be thorny.
But at least he has the chance to try and walk that path, rather than ending it all here.
"Forgive me," he says softly. He seems to want to say more, but the words don't come easily. You shake your head, not caring what he's trying to apologize for.
"There's nothing to forgive, my love. You made the right choice." You caress his cheek, wiping away the grime and the tear tracks that have collected there. “I love you, Gale.”
He finally meets your gaze and oh, your love, he looks so exhausted. But there is a flicker of his old self still there, a warmth that is familiar in his dark eyes. You press your forehead to his, still caressing his cheek, and close your eyes. 
He’s alive. That’s all that matters. You can figure out the rest as you go.
“I love you, too,” he whispers.
You have to get out of here, out of this cavern of flesh and stone and brine. You have to face the problems of the world at large, the threat of the elder brain and more. You know that. But you steal a few more moments for yourself, breathing softly with Gale, treasuring every breath as though they were more precious than diamonds.
You set out to leave the shadow-cursed lands at what you think is dawn the next day. Even with the curse waning, it’s hard to tell the time with the sun still obscured. But the hope is that as the land fades away behind you, you’ll be walking forward into sunlight and not more night.
You and Gale walk at the back of your little group, your companions moving on ahead. With each step, the shadow curse lightens. There are hints and signs of new life all around, tiny green leaves fluttering against once-dead branches, thin shoots of grass poking upward from the cold, dry ground. It restores your hope for good things to come. Not just for these lands, but for you. For your love.
He’s been quiet since the fight against Ketheric. Contemplative. Thoughtful. You had spent the night wrapped in each other's arms, counting his every heartbeat and breath until you were pulled into slumber, suspecting that he had done the same for you. When you woke you both pretended that sleep had cured you of the previous day’s torments and used the task of breaking up the camp to travel onward as your distraction from your concerns. But you watched him across the camp anyway, a knot of worry in your stomach.
Sometimes, both this morning and in the moments traveling now, you see that hunger in his eyes as you did when he first saw the crown atop the elder brain. But sometimes you just see a lingering sorrow. You haven’t been able to bring yourself to ask him about it. Not yet. It’s enough that he’s here with you, and you trust him to speak to you about what weighs on his heart in his own time. But you still worry.
Just up ahead, the shadow curse seems to fizzle out entirely, like a fog that dissipates as the sun burns it away. Beyond the threshold is sun-warmed landscape. Though scarred by the smoldering and abandoned remains of the Absolute army’s campfires and shelters, nothing has ever looked so inviting to you before. You rush ahead, eager to feel the sun on your skin again.
The difference in temperature alone is enough to reassure you that the shadow curse is behind you at last. One second you are enveloped in the chill and dimness of the shadows, and the next you are warm and bright in the light of the sun. You pause just a few steps into the sunlight, stretching out your arms and lifting your face toward the sky, drinking in the warmth. At last. You feel as though you can breathe freely again.
You turn to smile at Gale, but he is not at your side. He lingers in the shadows, watching you. The shadow curse is like a sheer black veil between you, obscuring his expression slightly, but as you step closer you realize his eyes are glimmering with unshed tears.
He blinks, as if awakening from the depths of his thoughts, and quickly rubs his eyes. “Ah…my apologies. Lost in thought, I suppose.”
You hesitate to leave the warmth of the sun, but you sense this is more important than sunlight. You step onto the threshold of the curse, reaching out a hand to him. You want to pull him out of the shadows and into the light with you. He stares at your hand a moment before taking it, but he doesn’t move. Like he isn’t ready yet. 
“Tell me what’s on your mind, my love,” you say gently. “Tell me how I can help.”
He opens his mouth to respond, but for the first time, words seem to utterly fail him. He swallows, gazing at you with a stricken expression, and tightens his hold on your hand.
“It’s simply…I am…in awe,” he says at last. “Of you. And I am mortified with myself. No, more than mortified. I nearly…”
You sense the flow of his thoughts instantly, your minds connecting via the tadpole, his thoughts unconsciously opening up to you. At first he resists, his mind shutting down like a trap to spare you, but then the shields waver and fall away, and you are pulled into his memories. You feel the struggle within him as he stares at the elder brain. You feel the heat and pain of the orb inside, as if reminding him of his purpose. You see yourself through his gaze, the fear and love warring in your expression as you beg him not to go through with his sacrifice. You feel the moment he makes his decision, his resolve hardening like steel in flame, only to shatter, brittle and broken, the moment the brain disappears, the pieces transforming into needles of doubt that bury themselves in his psyche, his heart, his body.
As the familiar, terrifying sight of the colossal avatar of Myrkul rises into your vision once more, for one fleeting moment, you sense the desperate desire to end it all now, to end the storm of uncertainty in your mind, the pain of the orb, the fear of disobedience, the exhaustion of facing another battle with impossible odds. For one fleeting moment, you consider letting go and letting the orb obliterate you and everything around you.
And then the connection ends, and you are left standing at the threshold of the shadows with Gale’s hand in yours.
“I nearly killed us all with one rash thought,” he murmurs quietly. “The thought of my sacrifice never left my mind, even as I swore to you I wouldn’t go through with it.”
He takes a shuddering breath and a tear drips down his cheek. You catch it with your fingertips as you cradle his face with your free hand, your heart breaking for him all over again. His tears prompt your own and you struggle to hold them back, for his sake.
“And now,” he says, his voice altered, thick with tears. He swallows. “And now I see what I fool I was to doubt. To doubt you and your wisdom. To wish for death so quickly.” 
He meets your gaze and you see a thousand words he hasn’t said yet there in his brown eyes. A hundred apologies, a hundred ways to beg forgiveness, a hundred confessions of love, a hundred praises, all about and for you. It’s a torrent of love and longing and guilt in his eyes and your knees nearly buckle at the sight of it.
“I would have condemned the brightest of stars to death,” he says. “I would have robbed the world of its greatest treasure. And for what?”
“Oh, Gale,” you whisper. You abandon the sunlight to join him in the shadows and embrace him, holding him tightly as he struggles to regain his composure. “No more. You made the right decision. You’re here with me. I’m here with you. We’re alive, my love, because of you.”
“But I could have—“
“But you didn’t.” You pull back to cradle his face in both your hands and wait until he’s looking you full in the face. You want him to see your own resolve, but also your love, your faith in him, your pride for him. “You chose to live, my love. That is the most important thing. That is all that matters right now.”
He stares at you, letting your words sink in, until at last he smiles. Though it’s still tinged with sadness and guilt, it’s genuine. It soothes your spirit and settles some of your worries. 
“I don’t deserve you, you know.”
You shake your head. This isn’t about deserving, but you know that’s a battle you won’t win here. Instead you kiss him, your lips soft against his, and you let that suffice for words for a moment.
When you finally pull away, he seems a little restored. The love is back in his eyes and his smile isn’t weighed down as it was before.
“I love you,“ you say.
“And I love you,” he responds. “Immensely. More than I scarce dreamed I could love anyone.”
“We will find another way to deal with the brain and quiet the orb inside you. Some way that keeps us both alive and together. I swear it.“
“I believe you.” There isn't a trace of uncertainty in his voice when he says it. “I want that more than anything.”
“Want what?”
“To live. With you. To see the dawn of a new day with you, the dawns of a thousand more days. To know that the road ahead, whatever it holds, won't be spent alone, because I'll have you by my side.” He pauses, as if a thought is only just now coming to him. “I can...I can have that hope, now. Thanks to you.”
You smile. You take both of his hands in yours and step back, placing yourself once more on the threshold between shadows and sun. “Then will you join me in the sunlight?”
He looks at you, then at the sunlit road beyond, and then back at you. He nods, letting go of one of your hands but tightening his hold on the other. “Yes. I’d love to.”
Without another word, he keeps his hand in yours as you lead him forward step by step.
Away from the darkness and into the light.
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maeum-your · 2 months
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pairing: park jongseong x fem!reader
synopsis: life with all its unexpected twists and turns decides it hates you big time. your best friend ends up taking you on a trip to italy to help you escape the cruelties of your existence for at least a couple of days.
when a handsome stranger saves you from some intimate time with the airport floor and you later happen to bump into him again at your hotel, you decide to spend more time together. is it wise to open up your heart to him?
starring: enhypen jay & sunghoon, ningning (aespa), soobin (txt)
genre: one-shot, fluff, angst, slightly humorous (to some) (perhaps)
warnings: no smut but there definitely is talk about the omegaverse (idk how that happened either), harmless making out, quite a bit of cursing, dysfunctional families, my restrained need to talk about my hero academia so mc mentions todoroki quite a bit lmaoo my bad
word count: 14.1k
a/n: happy comeback day 🎉🎉🎉
my first fic in two years woooo! i started writing this two summers ago but never ended up getting past the first draft. it took a lot of editing and revising to get it to where it is now and i hope you enjoy 🫶🏻
the location where this is taking place holds a very special place in my heart 💞
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“and above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.” - roald dahl
you had your palms pressed against the cool glass, mouth hanging wide open in wonder as you gazed through the window. wings broke through the cotton candy field of clouds, your final destination becoming visible at long last.
stiff limbs from flying for so long were quickly forgotten as you took in the scenery from above. a breathtaking tapestry of vineyards and olive groves stretched across the landscape, the late afternoon sun illuminating the waters of the serpentine river slithering through the city below.
everything just looked so very different from what you were used to. the skyscrapers and gray monotony of your own life disappeared to the far back of your mind.
“i knew you’d love it, but you literally have heart eyes right now. you better close your mouth before you start catching flies.“
the redhead next to you nudged you in the ribs, giggling at the wonderstruck expression on your face. “mission accomplished. just what i was hoping for.“
you rolled your eyes at ningning’s teasing smirk but couldn‘t stop your mouth from stretching into a big smile, eyes gleaming with excitement.
“oh, shut it, you.“
soon, you‘d made your way through security and headed to pick up your luggage. you hadn‘t really brought much—a single suitcase sufficed for the short stay ningning had planned. yet, you already found yourself wishing for more time in this special little corner of the world.
completely exhausted after a full day of flying and five layovers, yet brimming with anticipation, you stood waiting at the baggage carousel. it seemed to take forever, though you didn‘t mind, not much, whistling a jolly tune while tapping your feet, watching bags and suitcases of all sizes, shapes and colors get picked up by people just as varied as their belongings.
as you finally laid eyes on your rosé gold suitcase and moved to retrieve it, a collision sent you staggering. if not for a stranger with superhuman reflexes who had reached out and pulled you back by the waist after someone’s shoulder had slammed into yours with unexpected force, you might have ended up greeting the grimy verona airport floor with your face.
a silver-haired young man at a distance waved apologetically. “my bad!“ he yelled and then, addressing the mysterious stranger who still had his arm wrapped snugly around your waist, “come on, dude. our cab‘s waitin‘.“
your savior was donning a pair of gray joggers and a zip hoodie, the hood drawn up, sunglasses hiding his eyes as he bent his head to look at you. concern lined the features that weren‘t being concealed, lending him a mysterious air amidst the casual attire.
“is your shoulder okay? sorry about my friend; we‘re in a little bit of a rush and he’s a little… well, let’s just call him a high energy individual.“ with a quick bow, he darted off after the silver-haired man, leaving before you could utter a word in response. the kind stranger had gone before you could get a proper look at his face.
lucky for you, ningning had maintained her composure amidst the chaos and had swiftly retrieved both your suitcases from the carousel in the meantime. it was exactly what you expected from the hyper-focused and detail-oriented woman. you wouldn‘t be surprised if she could read an academic paper and understand all its concepts without struggling even in the middle of attending a death metal concert or riding a rollercoaster. she had always been nothing short of amazing.
with her hand on her waist, the redhead sighed as she glanced after the two men responsible for the commotion.
“that was one hell of a main character moment, huh?“
you felt a blush creeping up your cheeks, still feeling the lingering touch of the stranger and the faint scent of his cologne in the air.
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after picking up the keys for the rental car you had pre-booked through the company's website, you set off from verona airport. inside the shark blue volkswagen golf, the windows remained down to combat the stifling, humid air. normally, you would have minded—the hair sticking to your forehead and the beads of sweat forming—but here in verona, one of italy’s most historically and culturally significant cities, it felt liberating. it felt like freedom.
the breeze that flowed through the open windows swept away all the pent-up frustrations and stresses of the past weeks, carrying them far into the distance. in its wake, it left a sense of tranquility that you weren’t sure you had ever experienced.
ningning had a white scarf draped elegantly around her head and neck, its thin fabric fluttering in the wind. She wore stylish louis vuitton sunglasses perched on her nose and sported bright red lips that shimmered in the sunlight. ningning was the embodiment of the phrase "to go in fashion," effortlessly turning heads wherever she went.
you closed your eyes and let the crisp air tickle your skin.
passing through several charming villages, you eventually arrived at lago di garda. mesmerized by the lake of shining waters, you decided to take a leisurely drive around its perimeter.
a few windsurfers skillfully glided across the water, harnessing the wind's power, while most people were beginning to depart as the sun dipped low, casting an orange glow over everything. high-pitched calls echoed as seagulls swooped and scavenged. you couldn't help but burst into laughter as you watched one bold seagull snatch a sandwich right out of a tourist's hand, prompting a comical chase that ended in a flurry of french profanities.
by the time you completed your circuit around the lake, darkness had nearly enveloped the landscape. the sun had slipped behind the mountains, cooling the air. above, the moon shone brightly, casting a silvery glow that danced across the lake's surface.
the way up the winding road of the mountain might not have taken long but it sure wasn‘t relaxing either. your knuckles turned white from gripping the sides of your seat so hard as your best friend navigated the curves and twists of the road in the near dark. the hillside wasn’t secured at all and, if you were being completely honest, you didn‘t necessarily trust your best friend’s driving skills.
her reckless mode of driving stemmed less from any daredevil traits the redhead didn‘t possess and more from an earnest lack of skill. not that the overachiever didn‘t try to make up for it with rigorous practice.
a car came racing down the road at full speed, blinding you with its headlights. you squeezed your eyes shut. so this is how it would end? you were still so young and there was so much you still wanted to do… oh, no—would your mother throw away your psychologically large manga collection? you didn‘t want todoroki living inside a trash can.
through some miraculous maneuvering, ningning steered the car close enough to the edge that the speeding vehicle narrowly missed you. perhaps you needed to give her driving skills more credit after all. with a heavy sigh, you slumped back into your seat. todoroki was safe.
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“soobin, my man. how nice to see you! how's the family?”
checking in at the hotel took a little longer than it might have usually. ningning was happily chatting away with the blue-haired receptionist, whom she‘d known ever since he‘d started working there five years ago. her family had been coming up there for the past ten summers or so, enjoying a few quiet weeks together in the mountains. it was quite strange, actually, that you‘d never come there with them, but then again, your own parents had always liked to keep you where they could see you. you'd spent your high school summers with your nose in a textbook, as they forced you to attend summer school and other extra study sessions because anything less than a perfect grade was unacceptable.
with heavy eyelids and throbbing heads, the two of you headed straight to bed without having dinner at the hotel restaurant. you had bought a sandwich each at the airport to snack on during the ride, so you weren‘t really all that hungry. besides, there were still a couple of days ahead of you to enjoy all the delicious mediterranean specialties italy had to offer.
the mattress of the king-size bed was soft and bouncy as you flopped down on it. you sprawled out your tired limbs, feeling as if you were lying on top of a cloud.
ningning had immediately refused the idea of getting separate rooms or even separate beds. she had always been the clingy one, hanging onto your arm or cuddling up to you while watching tv. you didn’t mind; you enjoyed the feeling of someone actually wanting to be in your presence.
being apart even for just the night would probably not have been the smartest idea anyway. attached at the hip since the ripe age of five, ningning knew you as well as the back of her hand. if left alone for even a moment too long, she feared you might fall apart. and girls who fly together, cry together! or at least that’s what she‘d said. no solitary weeping for you.
sharing beds had been as much a regular occurrence throughout your friendship as drunkenly reading juicy omegaverse stories out loud at 3 a.m.
from the time she befriended you on your first day of kindergarten, when she'd scared off a boy who‘d been chasing after you with a worm, until now, you‘d been having weekly sleepovers.
as teens, there had occasionally been the unscheduled visit too, whenever having to deal with your controlling parents had gotten too difficult.
it just so happened that skillfully climbing out of your window and sneaking over to cuddle close under her soft duvets was the only way to calm the anguish tearing you apart like a feral beast. ningning would let you cry in her arms while you told her, in between broken sobs, all about what you had apparently done this time to garner your parents‘ disapproval. the arguments usually revolved around you not wearing the right clothes, not reading the right books, not getting the right grades, not having the right friends—you get the gist. nothing you ever did was right.
even so, within the next hour, you’d usually end up giggling uncontrollably as ningning made you watch an episode of how i met your mother or funny cat videos she‘d saved just for occasions like that. she was like a witch who could spirit away your worries with a wave of her hand.
what had happened this time, however, could not be solved by some simple quality time and extensive skinship. it had forced you to escape together, to run off to another country, even if just temporarily, taking a holiday in the comune of tenno situated near the foothills of the italian alps.
it was as if the majestic peaks of the surrounding mountains had put their protective arms around you, and the soothing breeze, carrying the earthy scent of nearby forests, lulled you to sleep. for once, you slept soundly, with no nightmares coming to plague you at night, nothing to disturb your peaceful slumber.
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soft rays of sunlight danced along your skin, gently rousing you from sleep the next morning. as consciousness returned, you fluttered your eyes open.
beside you, the redhead stirred, grumbling something unintelligible before burying her face in the gigantic pillow. she was sprawled out across her mattress, clinging to the covers more than they clung to her. her tousled hair, evidence of a night filled with tossing and turning, revealed her to be an unexpectedly messy sleeper.
you patted her head with a fond smile before slipping away to take a shower. the cold water jolted you awake, breathing new life into your senses. today promised to be a good day—you could feel it in your bones.
squeaky clean and feeling refreshed, you opened the bathroom door, expecting to breathe in the calm morning air drifting through the open window. instead, you were greeted with a horrendous stench that made your eyes water.
ningning was holding up a spray bottle and waved it frantically, filling the room with a cloud of mosquito repellant that made you cough violently. you buried your nose in your shirt, shooting daggers at her with your eyes. your friend pointed to the dozen bites covering her legs and arms with a grimace. holy cow.
how had you not noticed them earlier? but then again, you‘d felt a little groggy and disoriented right after waking up, vision still blurry and that lightbulb up there not fully functioning yet.
throats all irritated and scratchy, you both struggled to catch your breaths between bouts of coughing. it was clear ningning had used way too much.
you gestured urgently toward the door, but ningning was preoccupied battling a tiny mosquito buzzing around her head. insects always turned your usually rational friend into a bit of a hysterical mess.
without hesitation, you grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room.
before you could breathe in the fresh, fume-free air, however, your body collided with something hard. the girl who had been just inches behind you crashed into you, knocking you over.
“oh, for fuck’s sake,” you muttered, frustration bubbling up. why did your intuition about the trajectory of today have to be so far off?
your fall was cushioned by something soft and very much alive. holding your spinning head, you tried to push ningning off your back while simultaneously struggling to get up from whoever you had just taken down with you.
the frantic apology you were preparing got stuck in your throat as you looked down at the gorgeous adonis underneath you.
silky black strands of hair framed his sunkissed face, and his eyes were sharp and narrow. in theory, their design should‘ve made him look angry and serious, especially after being tackled to the ground so forcefully.
instead, he stared at you in wide-eyed surprise. “wait, aren‘t you the girl from the airport? i remember you. yeah, you were wearing a blue babydoll top, weren‘t you? you almost got knocked over.“
your eyes fell to the heart-shaped birthmark on his neck. realization dawned on you. you remembered catching a glimpse of that peculiar spot on his neck under the gray hood he‘d been wearing just a day prior.
“you‘re the one who saved me from falling.“
“i guess you came to take revenge on us.“ much to your surprise, he appeared completely indifferent to finding himself intimately acquainted with the floor. his laugh was rich and infectious, his eyes twinkling merrily. god, he was cute.
he promptly got up off the floor and extended a chivalrous hand to you, helping you up in one swift motion, the muscles in his arms flexing deliciously.
the strong grip on your hand and the gentle pull willed your face to stop mere inches away from his. you could feel his warmth radiating and caught a faint scent of his cologne. your eyes locked for a moment, and it was hard to keep a neutral facade—to act like this hadn’t just completely derailed your train of thought.
his surprise at the sudden proximity faded into something softer, the twinkling of his eyes reminiscent of the glimmering water of lago di garda underneath the evening sun.
this man had you writing poetry about him, and you didn‘t even know his name.
a cough interrupted the moment, drawing your attention. "i hate to interrupt, but technically, i’m on the floor because of you. so, can someone lend a hand before you two carry on with the romancing?“
heat seared across your face. you hurried to assist ningning, who had just borne witness to you drooling over some handsome stranger after you'd pushed her so callously to the ground. this man was undeniably good-looking, though, so you hoped she’d understand.
forget bros before hoes. as far as ningning was concerned, the more hoes for y/n, the better. you really were that bitchless. it wasn’t like you hadn‘t had your fair share of what you affectionately referred to as your gentleman callers, but unfortunately the only men you were attracted to were either fictional and/or two dimensional (literally). so you ogling at a living, breathing specimen of the opposite sex truly called for celebration.
another hand beat you to helping ningning up, belonging to a man slightly taller than the stranger you’d collided with. he possessed slender limbs, an elegant face with a mole beneath his right eye, and a rosy blush tinting his cheeks against silver hair.
he pointed to himself with a cheeky grin. “and i‘m the culprit of the hit and run. glad my man jay here,“ he draped an arm around the other man, “took such good care of you.“
although his words were aimed at you, his gaze remained fixed on ningning as if she were a rare gem on display. the object of his attention couldn’t help but laugh incredulously at the absurdity of the situation.
his friend, jay, freed himself from his grasp. “that’s not really something to brag about,“ he chided his friend with an exasperated sigh. “well, this is sunghoon, my idiotic best friend but i swear he‘s alright?“ the last bit came out more like a question.
was he really alright, like mentally, jay wondered as he watched his friend unabashedly checking out ningning from head to toe, the grin on his face growing impossibly wider, giving off an air of mischief jay had grown accustomed to over the years.
“and who might you be?“ sunghoon incquired in a sultry tone, eyes lingering a tad too long on the pink pajama shorts your best friend was still wearing.
“if i tell you, will you promise to finally stop doing that,“ she gestured to his face with a frown, “weird eyebrow thing you have going on?“
sunghoon, who had indeed been wiggling his eyebrows while squinting and puckering his lips, attempted to defend himself. "i was aiming for 'man of your dreams' but i'll take the feedback," he grumbled, straightening up and relaxing his features. when he wasn‘t contorting his face, he didn‘t look half bad—he was almost as handsome as his companion, though you were clearly biased in that regard.
ningning breathed a sigh of relief, as if finally cured of a long period of intense suffering. “much, much better. and, as promised, i‘m ningning. and,“ shifting the attention to you as she nodded in your direction affectionately, “this is y/n.“
“sorry, for earlier,“ sunghoon apologized impishly, rubbing the back of his neck after receiving a warning glare from ningning.
“no harm done.“
“a lovely name for a lovely lady,“ jay remarked with a charming smile. if he was indeed flirting, you were relieved that his approach was far more refined compared to his friend’s antics. a true gentleman caller indeed.
wait—he was flirting with you? the tingling sensation that swept through your body embarrassed you enough to avert your eyes at record speed. who would’ve thought that not only would you one day find a man you actually found sorta attractive, but that he’d also be trying to woo you with his irresistible charms?
lovely, lovely ningning, the incarnation of cupid herself, someone who knew you inside out, backwards and forwards, immediately picked up on the vibes. a cunning smile tugged at her lips.
“so,“ she clapped her hands together, “would you guys,“ stare lingering on jay specifically, “like to join us for breakfast? we,“ glancing at you, “would be glad for some company.“
you weren‘t quite sure whether to strangle ningning or kiss her. if she wanted to play matchmaker, right now wasn‘t really an appropriate time. a summer fling, or, god forbid, a summer romance wasn't really what you were looking for. you thought about the reason that had necessitated your escape in the first place and shuddered. 2d men would be a much safer option.
the redhead, noticing this, gave you an encouraging smile as she touched your arm. it‘s going to be alright, she seemed to say. the tension in your body relaxed slightly.
sunghoon, completely oblivious to the very obvious scheme ningning was planning, swung his arm around jay‘s shoulder, squeezing him way too tight. he stared him down with huge, unsettling orbs and an over-the-top smile. “we would love to. right, jay?“
not a single person in this hallway was being very subtle about their intentions. it all felt a little too bizarre to be real.
jay regarded you with an unreadable expression. his gaze lingered, unwavering and deep, as if trying to read you.
finally, his face relaxed into a pleasant smile. “right, sunghoon.“
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“i like women with opinions. so hot.“
ningning glanced at you discreetly, her face a silent cry for help.
sunghoon had his head resting on his arms, looking dreamily at the redhead sitting in front of him. it wasn‘t that your best friend wasn‘t accustomed to attention from both boys and girls, but no one had ever been so weird about it. his excessive fluttering eyelashes and exaggerated sighs made it difficult to take him seriously, as if he were a man who'd just experienced the most mind-blowing orgasm of his life and was now asking for another round.
even jay seemed lost for words, shooting sunghoon some serious side-eyes, unable to flatten his facial expression into anything other than a mix of mortified amusement and concern for his friend‘s mental state.
“has anyone told you that you‘re a bit peculiar?“ ningning asked, taking a sip from her orange juice, her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized sunghoon.
“oh yeah, all the time, but it sounds so much sexier when you say it,“ sunghoon replied with a playful grin.
“okay, time to switch the subject.“ jay needed to cut off sunghoon before he‘d start spouting even more unhinged nonsense. “we‘ve established ningning is a pre-law student who can kick ass. so, y/n, how do you go about insulting stupid people?“
“oh, i might not say it to your face but i will use you for inspiration as a villain in one of my stories and make you suffer. like, a lot.“ you shrugged nonchalantly, as if that was a completely normal thing to say.
“creative, i like that,“ jay chuckled. “so i take it you‘re a writer then?“
wildly embarrassed all of a sudden, you played with the fresh strawberries on your plate. “not exactly. i‘m an english major and, well, i do enjoy writing in my spare time. but it‘s nothing to write home about, really.“
in truth, you had a few short stories published online and plenty of my hero academia fanfics on ao3, but revealing that would literally shatter your dignity into a million tiny, irreparable pieces.
“what about you?“ you quickly asked jay, shifting the spotlight away from yourself. you were accustomed to avoiding attention, fearing that someone (usually your parents) might uncover and critique your flaws. “let me guess. you’re obviously very knowledgeable when it comes to fashion, so… fashion design, perhaps!“
jay was impeccably dressed and styled. at the airport, he had sported a more relaxed and comfortable look, but today he was wearing a dark blue polo shirt, white shorts, and wristwatch that caught the sunlight. the golden earrings added a touch of chic to his ensemble.
what had really given you the notion in the first place, however, was the fact that he started meticulously analyzing the outfit of every single person in the room the moment you entered, providing a long-winded commentary about the latest fashion trends from all across the globe. you could only hope that the white shirt dress you had on was jay-approved.
“sooo close,“ he chuckled ironically. “it‘s actually business administration and management.“
this revelation made you tilt your head curiously. jay did exude a hint of businesslike demeanor at first glance, but his personality was far from aloof. you had expected something different, something more tailored to his personality, that‘s all.
it was nice to get to know what the two strangers at the table were like, and you listened fondly to the stories ningning was telling, even though you‘d already heard them hundreds of times. you starred in most of them anyway.
the only issue was that jay seemed very interested in you. why would this be an issue, a sane person might ask. a hot, fashionable man with good manners showing interest in you. boo hoo. go jump off a cliff.
you internally scolded yourself for being so tense, but it wasn‘t easy to just let go and relax. just how much of yourself could you give away without going from a hot mess to just straight-up professional problem collector? if only you had the superpower to come up with half-truths on the spot that could make you sound way cooler than you were, but you weren‘t ningning. you were creative, yes, as illustrated by your artistic pursuits, but that creativity needed to simmer and only came loose when it wanted to. you couldn‘t summon it in an instant. you probably came across like a proper snooze-fest with the way all of your answers were as specific as a fortune cookie.
if jay was deterred by this, it didn‘t show. he was like a gold digger searching for the treasure. in this case, something you could talk about without restraint. he sensed an active inner world and was convinced he just needed to show enough genuine interest to coax it out of you. if only he knew the right things to say—
“don‘t ignore me.“ sunghoon crossed his arms in front of his chest, pouting like a kicked puppy. “if i don‘t get attention, i‘ll die.“
“much better,“ he said solemnly, when everyone turned to him, swiftly ignoring the raised eyebrows.
“ningning. i need one of your sexy opinions. hotdogs? are they a sandwich?“
the redhead blinked blankly, momentarily forgetting to chew on her food. “excuse me, what?“
“is a hotdog a sandwich,“ he repeated as if it were the most normal question in the world.
“no? yes. no! what?“ you‘d never seen your best friend so lost for words. she opened and closed her mouth, spluttering in confusion.
“shouldn‘t it be though? there‘s bread on two opposite sides.“
“but a hotdog is just a hotdog, and a sandwich is just a sandwich,“ she contemplated, treating the question with more seriousness than the situation required.
“look,“ she said, pointing the fork at him, “one has two separate pieces of bread, and the other is a sliced bun.“
“yeah, they don‘t have the same shape either,“ you chimed in. “and a hot dog has the bread on the sides, but a sandwich has it on the top and bottom.“
“would you then agree that a hot dog is a taco?“
say what now?
he shrugged. “they‘re the same shape, so according to your logic, a hotdog would be a taco.“
ningning thought about this. “i guess it would be more of a taco than a sandwich.“
“that wasn‘t the point i was trying to make.“ sunghoon muttered displeased.
“actually,“ jay had pulled out his phone, “according to merriam-webster, a sandwich is defined as having two or more slices of bread or a split roll with a filling in between. this would mean that a hotdog is, in fact, a sandwich. however—“
“ha, i told you so. guess i know more than you after all, mon chéri,“ sunghoon taunted ningning, relishing in riling her up. did he know whom he was messing with? arguing with the redhead was as safe as juggling chainsaws.
ningning folded her arms. “that‘s literally complete bullshit. have they literally never seen a sandwich before?“
“if you would let me finish,“ jay raised his voice, lips pressed into a tight line, unamused by their bickering, “the washington post argues that classification can be done by applying the cube rule, which categorizes food by the placement of starch. and hot dogs are defined by starch on the bottom and on two opposing sides.“
“so basically, what you‘re trying to say is—actually, i have no idea what you just said. i guess we just have to agree to disagree, sweetheart.“ sunghoon winked at ningning. she looked like she was about to jump at him and stab him with her fork.
ningning didn‘t lose. that was a fact. as a middle schooler, she‘d had a reputation for obliterating even the most raunchy, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, everything-phobic boys into submission. then, during high school, she‘d been known as the undefeated wrecking ball at every debate tournament, serving up verbal beatdowns like they were free samples at costco.
winning pointless discussions was what she did best.
the back-and-forth continued, phones were pulled out, receipts shown.
“yeah, i don‘t think i‘m as invested in this as they are.“ you said to jay, accompanied by a wry sigh.
“me neither.“
he was secretly glad it gave him the chance to return to the earlier conversation. what should he focus on? what moved you? you‘d been so humble about your writing; he was sure there must be more.
“you said you liked to write? any plans on becoming a published author then?“
a bitter laugh escaped you before you could stop it. you scrambled to cover it up by putting on a totally-not-forced smile. definitely not the best choice of topic.
you were the only daughter of an affluent family and expected successor to a big hotel chain. your parents had nearly combusted when you‘d chosen to study english at a smallish public university instead of sticking to the meticulously mapped-out 200-step life plan for you.
step one: no room for defiance.
step two: exceed perfection.
the arts were only ever desirable when they were being consumed, not pursued. they didn‘t understand that someone had to create that art in the first place for others to appreciate it.
writing fiction was akin to attending a formal dinner party butt-nacked, as far as your parents were concerned anyway. they judged your devotion to made-up stories as disgraceful.
despite all of your attempts to escape your so-called destiny, your parents never gave up trying to mold you into someone you weren‘t—an impossible version of yourself they expected you to eventually accept. your true personality was dismissed as “just a phase.“
desperately clinging onto your dreams, you knew that what had transpired right before your escape had the power to alter the trajectory of your entire life.
the room was quieter than a mime convention as you contemplated your life choices, wondering why there couldn’t have been an instruction manual for when shit like this happens.
jay furrowed his eyebrows. “parental issues, i assume?“
good thing your jaw was securely attached to your skull because— “how on earth? are you some kind of psychic or what?”
he gave an unperturbed shrug. “isn‘t it always parental issues, though?“
“true.“ you sipped on your water, eyeing him suspiciously. you couldn‘t believe you were that easy to read, more transparent than a freshly cleaned windowpane. mastering the art of hiding your true thoughts and feelings was the one superpower you had to learn in order to avoid nuclear-level arguments with your parents.
jay regarded you with an unreadable expression before his lips curled into a gentle smile, making you almost forget that you were supposed to be in full-on panic mode.
“so i guess you‘re here to forget all about that? tenno really is a beautiful place. it‘s so easy to put aside all of your worries once you‘re up here.“
“i think so too,“ you nodded enthusiastically, relieved that he wasn‘t going to press on about the whole parental issues thing. “it was all ningning‘s idea to come. she said she knew just the right spot, so here we are. i gather you‘ve been here before?“
“hundreds of times,“ he said. you noticed he had a tendency to trail off into laughter the end of his sentences.
“actually, i’ve been wondering—have you made any plans yet? sunghoon and i were going to walk to the art colony not far from here. not only is the route is lovely, but i think it might speak to your artistic side. what do you say?“
hell yes, you thought, but then remembered it was probably embarrassing to be so excited about spending time with someone you literally didn‘t even know.
“ningning?“ you tapped your friend on the elbow, prompting her to abrubtly cease arguing with sunghoon, leaving the silver-haired man to sulk.
“do you want to go with them today? they‘re visiting an art colony. we haven‘t planned anything, right?“
you tried to keep the pleading puppy eyes in check, hoping she hadn‘t secretly arranged any plans yet. looking at art? sounds perfect. looking at art with a hot guy? fucking amazing.
“as long as he admits that i am right,“ ningning rolled her eyes at sunghoon who regarded her with a scoff.
“you wish, mon chér—ouch.“
you had enough tact to pretend not to have noticed jay kicking sunghoon under the table.
“fine. you win this round, sweetheart.“
ningning stuck out her tongue at him and did a little victory dance. seemed like you weren‘t the only one in a good mood.
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the art colony was a medieval village named canale di tenno. as you strolled through its cobblestone streets, you immediately noticed the unusually tall stone houses, some four or even five stories high, every wall slanted and crooked. you admired their rustic facades and flower-adorned balconies.
you moved under archways and through narrow alleys, all leading to the piazzetta, the village square, where a few cozy restaurants were located. especially for someone from a big city, this small and rural village with its forty residents and handful of art galleries and shops felt like a 180 degree switch to the skyscrapers and anonymous crowds of seoul. vibrant artwork was displayed on most of the windowsills and you were welcomed with genuine enthusiasm everywhere you entered.
jay grew more and more attractive with each passing minute, acting as a tour guide and sharing his extensive knowledge about the village and its people with you.
he was now leading you through the historic house museum, known as the casa degli artisti, dedicated to the renowned italian artist giacomo vittone. the museum not only paid homage to his contribution to the arts, but the collection also featured works by other artists who‘d been inspired by the region.
the owner greeted jay like an old friend, patting him on his back as he gave him a hug followed by a kiss on each cheek. jay conversed in fluent italian, gushing over the new pieces of art that had been added since his last visit. your handsome stranger seemed to know a lot about many of the individual artworks and personally guided you through the exhibitions.
meanwhile, ningning and sunghoon seemed to be in their own little bubble, bickering for the majority of the time, but you could tell it was all in good fun. if you weren’t mistaken, and you rarely were when it came to your best friend, ningning had taken a liking to the silver-haired man. she did like being challenged, though not as much as she liked to win, and she was definitely more than capable of dealing with all the teasing and pestering he made use of to secure her attention.
you weren’t really focused on the pair, if you were being honest. you’d always been a fan of the arts, fascinated by the way literature and art intersected in many places.
you eagerly bombarded jay with question after question about the pieces, any traces of shyness had vanished, replaced by a thirst for knowledge. he smiled to himself and did his best to answer, happily delving into discussions about the color palettes and artistic forms with you, delighted to see you coming out of your shell.
after having gone through each piece in extensive length, you went into a tiny store selling art goods.
the moment you stepped in, your eyes darted from one corner to the other, heart swelling with joy, unsure where to look first. if you could have, you would have bought everything they were selling. each and every piece had been crafted by hand, none of that factory-produced stuff. all the goods were unique to the village, to that store. how you wished you could’ve properly supported the local community and all its artists.
fleeing home in a hurry meant you hadn‘t been able to exchange your korean wons to euros, and most places here didn’t have card readers.
besides, you were sick and tired of being reliant on mommy‘s and daddy‘s money. all you‘d ever wanted was to support yourself by writing novels. being dependent on your parents was one thing, but the thought of being dependent on… well, him. you shook your head to rid yourself of that painful feeling. real life could wait.
everyone ventured off on their own, taking their time to absorb the treasures inside the room for as long or as little as they liked.
at a table just behind the corner stood an army of little frog figurines made of clay, painted a muddy green. the whimsical creatures with their silly little faces warmed your heart. it was a bit strange; they were only frogs after all, yet you couldn’t help but feel an immediate attachment to them.
“they‘re beautiful, aren‘t they?“ jay appeared soundlessly by your side.
you nodded. he gently lifted one to his eyes and inspected it closely, focusing on a peculiar spot under its eye. “this one kinda looks a bit like sunghoon.“
“oh, i see it.“
you picked up another one. “and this one‘s you.“ the paint had chipped off a little at the neck in exactly the shape of a heart.
jay pointed to another one and said it looked like you.
you tilted your head to the side, staring at the frog with a puzzled expression. “how come?“
“it‘s cute.“
heat rushed to your cheeks. he looked straight at you, face completely serious.
you quickly averted your eyes. the intensity in which he studied you was too much. it made you feel a little self-conscious.
ignoring your erratic heartbeat, you continued going through the frogs, the perfect excuse not to look back up at jay. rather coincidentally, since you weren‘t really focusing on the task at hand, you found the remaining missing member of your little frog community. a tiny amphibian with lovely wide eyes bore a striking resemblance to your best friend. give her a wig and voilá—amphibian ningning.
not only did jay end up buying the four frogs, but he also insisted on getting lunch for all of you. ningning and you tried to protest, but sunghoon, already used to his friend‘s generous spending sprees, ordered an obscene amount of food as if it were the last time he would eat ever. ningning and you still felt bad about leeching off jay when both of your families were rolling in dough, but there was no point arguing with the man.
by the time everyone had finished, you felt like you were about to burst any minute. despite having to soothe your aching tummies, it was worth it. the polenta e funghi you‘d had… fucking hell.
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the way back to the hotel felt much more tedious than when you‘d walked to canale di tenno. the blisters on your feet screamed for mercy, unwilling to continue trotting under the glistening sun. your full bellies dragged you down, inviting you to lie down on the grass and close your eyes for a moment.
“how come you knew the owner of the museum so well?“ you inquired, curious to learn more about jay. you walked side by side, with ningning and sunghoon a little ahead.
“oh, i thought i mentioned it. he’s actually a distant relative of mine. i‘m not quite sure. i think he is my great aunt‘s husband‘s sister‘s husband or something like that? yeah, sounds about right.“ he rubbed the back of his neck. “he and his wife rejected the luxury of our family name and she moved here to live with him, where they'd first met and fallen in love. we haven‘t been here since they got married; i'm barely even allowed to mention him to my parents. we‘re not known for being very tolerant.“
he clenched his teeth. he hated how his family had acted. was acting. he liked his great-great-uncle, admired him even.
“i wish i had the courage to be more like him, to bravely go against expectation.“
you nodded thoughtfully. “sometimes our hearts don‘t want what others have picked out for us.“
he gave you a meaningful look, but you couldn‘t decipher it.
you were walking uphill now, labored breaths escaping you with every step. ningning and sunghoon appeared to be immersed in some conversation that required a lot of gestures, judging by their constant arm movements, but they were too far ahead, fueled by their competitive energy, for you to hear.
you watched their backs as you listened to the birdsong accompanying your journey. you closed your eyes for just a second, enjoying the lovely melody, but that was all it took. you misstepped.
jay‘s reflexes kicked in just a tick too late, and there you were, crouching on the ground, face contorted in pain, clutching your ankle. you tried to stand, but the sharp pain that shot up your foot forced you back down with a yelp. the pair ahead of you quickly rushed back to you upon hearing your agonized howl.
“let me take a look,” jay said gently.
reluctantly, you allowed him to examine your ankle, wincing as the prodded it with a gentle touch. “it hurts like a bitch.”
“it‘s swollen; i think you sprained it. you shouldn‘t walk on it, or it‘ll get worse.“
“oh, my sweet little darling! i’ll get you back safely, don’t worry. hop on.“ ningning stood with a slight forward lean, ready to receive the weight.
sunghoon affectionately tapped her head and chuckled. "it’s nice that you’re so concerned, but don’t you think it would be much easier if either jay or i carried her? not to brag or anything, but i'm pretty strong."
sunghoon‘s enthusiasm faded into mortification as he caught the warning in jay's eyes.
"or… jay can carry y/n since he is much, much stronger than i am. yes, big biceps and all that good stuff. loads of muscle. umm, if you know, you know.“
you probably had no choice but to continue the journey on jay’s back. putting pressure on your foot hurt so bad and bruises already started to form a purplish-red hue.
before you could even think about protesting, he effortlessly scooped you up and adjusted you onto his back. hands secured around his neck and shoulders, you could feel his strong muscles at work as he resumed walking.
despite the situation, you couldn‘t help but feel a little flustered being so close to him. ningning winking at you from the side probably didn‘t help much either.
jay didn't complain even once about the extra weight. on the contrary, he continued talking so effortlessly, as if he weren’t carrying an entire person on his back.
“you know, this reminds me of a hike i did in the rockies last year,“ he began, voice calm and steady. “except it was sunghoon who twisted his ankle, and i had to carry him.“
you laughed softly. “it‘s insane that you‘re not even breaking a sweat, especially, in this heat,“ you said, shaking your head in disbelief.
you felt him shrug. “years of hiking and a bit of gym time,“ he replied nonchalantly. “plus, i think carrying a beautiful girl might be giving me an extra burst of energy.“
it sure was a good thing that he couldn't see your face at that moment. your cheeks burned hot as he continued making light conversation.
jay‘s relaxed demeanor helped you forget the throbbing pain in your ankle for the most part, allowing you to genuinely enjoy the rest of the walk. with no need to focus on where you were stepping anymore, you could fully take in the view, catching glimpses of a lake glimmering through the trees.
when you reached the hotel, you experienced a confusing mix of relief and disappointment as jay gently set you down. “there you go, safe and sound.“
jay went to find some ice for your ankle, and ningning retrieved painkillers from her suitcase.
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for dinner, you indulged in strangolapreti—spinach and ricotta dumplings served with a sage and butter sauce—and some pollo alla cacciatora, hunter‘s chicken cooked in a tomato and herb sauce. jay used his perfect italian to inquire about the restaurant’s finest wines, settling on a bottle of teroldego rotaliano, made from grapes native to the trentino region. because of your stupid ankle and reliance on painkillers, however, you didn't have more than just a sip or two.
after a second bottle, some gelato and more ibuprofen for your ankle, the group decided to spend the rest of the evening playing card games, which led to some rather… let‘s say interesting bets.
"i’ll let you bleach my eyebrows and dye them pink if i lose."
"if i win, i‘m going to draw dicks on your faces."
“you have to do a hundred push-ups wearing a maid costume.“
none of the bets— or so you thought— ended up being actualized since you were far too gone far too soon. the moment your head hit the pillow, you drifted off to dreamland, the sharpie shlong on your chin moving with every soft snore.
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stupid, fucking ankle. why won’t you work the way you’re supposed to?!
you felt bad beyond measure. the last thing you wanted was to spoil your friends’ fun just because your ankle decided to act like a major bitch right now.
during lunch the day before, ningning had suggested a drive down to lago di garda to explore the towns there, and you wished they would just go do exactly that today.
ignoring your pleading looks, they insisted on staying at the hotel with you but what kind of shitty friend would you be if you were to allow that.
“please just go and don‘t worry about me. i‘ll be fine here on my own. there’s plenty to enjoy—good food and maybe i’ll go chill by the pool or whatever.“
ningning, whose cheeks were stuffed with strawberries, making her look like a cute little chipmunk, shook her head vehemently. “how could we just leave you here? girl, i didn’t drag you all across the globe just to abandon you. nope, i‘m staying.” she motioned vaguely toward the guys. “these two can go, but i’m not leaving you, especially not when you‘re in such a vulnerable position right now. i really don't—“
you shot her a sharp look, halting her mid-sentence. you didn’t want to be rude, but your current predicament really was none of their business.
“yo, we‘re not heartless (well, not completely)… if you‘re stayin’, we‘re stayin‘.“ what sunghoon meant by that was that he was going to follow wherever ningning would go. probably.
you nervously looked between the three of them. “but ningning, i know you‘ve been wanting to visit sirmione. you‘ve been talking about finding that restaurant your grandma used to take you to as a kid, right?“
ningning pouted. it was true. in recent years, her grandma’s illness had prevented her from making the trip with the rest of the family and her passing still weighed heavily on ningning, who had cherished her dearly. the old lady had been your best friend‘s favorite person in the whole world. next to you, goes without saying.
“and sunghoon,“ you turned to him, “you were so excited when we made these plans yesterday. it’s your first time here so you haven‘t had the chance to explore the region either.“
jay hummed thoughtfully. “what about this: ningning and sunghoon take the drive down to the lake. i’ll stay with you. i‘ve been here countless times and have seen everything there is to see.“
now, see, you wanted to protest, you really did, but he did have a valid point. you were less concerned about him missing out than you were with sunghoon and ningning, and let's face it, the selfish desire to have him all to yourself was enough to make you waver. not only was he the most handsome man you‘d ever laid eyes on, including your 2d crushes—okay, maybe not as good-looking as todoroki—, but there was also something else simmering beneath the surface that you just couldn‘t wrap your mind around. you wanted to know what it was.
ningning caught your eye and smirked knowingly. yes, this was perfect. now she could leave you in good conscience. there was no way she‘d let you refuse now.
“have fun, you two,“ she hollered over her shoulder as she practically dragged a bewildered sunghoon away.
“poor ningning. i kinda feel bad for leaving her alone with sunghoon. again.“
you waved off his concern. “you should be worried for sunghoon‘s sake. trust me when i say ningning can handle herself.“
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“guess you‘re stuck here with me now.”
you were both lying on sun loungers by the pool, enjoying the gentle breeze that swirled around you. you had brought a book with you, anne of green gables to be exact (one of your favorites), expecting jay to swim a couple of laps, but instead, he stayed glued to your side.
“poor me,” he said with a teasing smile, placing his hand on his chest in fake agony. “spending my time with a beautiful girl. life really gives the toughest battles to its strongest soldiers.”
you bit the inside of your cheek to keep you from grinning. “whatever.”
“what about this? we have some lunch and then—do you remember the lake you saw through the trees yesterday?—we can walk down there. it only takes five to ten minutes, so carrying you won‘t be a problem.”
“please don‘t! if you want to go, don't mind me. i‘ll be fine here.”
he wouldn‘t hear of it. “ah, ah, ah, no way! i‘m the one who really wants to show you the lake, so don‘t feel bad. besides, i’m a hundred percent confident you‘ve never seen anything that beautiful.“
“not even lago di garda?”
“not even close.”
he spoke with such confidence and self-assurance you felt it would be an insult to refuse.
the path to lago di tenno was a winding descent, flanked by dense greenery and the distant murmur of water. despite the uneven terrain and the extra weight he was bearing, jay‘s pace was unhurried and smooth.
as you approached the lake, the path leveled out and the view opened up to the sparkling water, an almost surreal shade of turquoise glistening under the midday sun. the lake‘s surface was remarkably still, only disturbed by the occasional ripple from a fish darting below. surrounded by the unbelievably clear water was a small landmass featuring lush greenery, known as isola di tenno.
standing there and taking it all in, you felt peace settle within you. the fir and pine trees of the surrounding forests climbing the steep hillsides lent an earthy aroma to the crisp air.
it was as if time had slowed down, the distant chirping of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves adding to the harmonious symphony of nature.
jay‘s lips curved into a smile at the sight of your awestruck face. “i‘m glad i was right.“
you stayed at the shore and watched him wade into the lake. the cool water rose slowly up his legs, glistening as it clung to his sunkissed skin. you had to force yourself to look away, feeling like some kind of creepy stalker.
you let him enjoy the tranquility of the lake as you sat on the blanket you had brought with you. opening your trusty sketchbook, you scanned the landscape, wondering how you could capture its divine beauty on paper. your hand started moving on its own, inspiration from all around filling your heart and soul.
a sudden voice made you jump. “i didn‘t know you could draw so well. but i guess i shouldn’t be so surprised. you really did seem to be into all the art stuff yesterday.“
jay was bending down next to you, water dripping from his hair onto the blanket, looking at the page. “this is really good.“
“you think so?“ you asked. he hummed as he dried his hair with a towel.
“i‘ve always enjoyed drawing and painting. when i was younger, i used to write short stories about my childhood dog, a bearded collie named conan—yes, i named him after watching detective conan. such a good show, by the way. have you ever watched it? i don‘t know if i‘m allowed to say this as an english major, but it‘s sooo much better than the original sherlock holmes stories. i mean, there are very different, but i guess what i‘m trying to say is that they really don‘t hit the same, you know. they‘re kinda boring, actually. all the media inspired by the original sherlock holmes is so much better. bbc‘s sherlock—“
you only realized you were rambling big time when you ran out of breath. the amused smile on jay‘s face made you wish the ground would swallow you whole.
“anyways, what i was going to say was that as i tried to bring conan alive on the pages, i thought it would be much better if you could see this silly little furball at the same time. so i started incorporating little illustrations of him every now and then.“
“i’ve never read the sherlock holmes books so i can’t really say much about them, but i did use to watch detective conan a lot as a kid (though i used to be kind of scared). conan always looked so cool fighting crime. i think it‘s an awesome name for a dog! do you,“ the eagerness in his voice surprised you, ”do you have anything you can show me?“
your hands were shaking. this felt a little too intimate, if you were being honest. still, he‘d been showing genuine interest—and hadn’t minded your ramblings—and you were in the mood to rave about your adorable dog.
“those are so cute. aww, look at his little scarf.“ he was swiping through your phone‘s gallery (a precarious situation considering the many bakudeku fanarts you had saved in your gallery) giving enthusiastic oohs and aahs when appropriate. there were so many drawings of conan. conan with his dotted red scarf. conan wearing yellow boots. conan chasing his tail. a leaf landing on conan‘s broad snout.
“i really think these are awesome. they seem to capture this little rascal‘s personality very well, and, oh my god, he is just so damn adorable. i wanna squish his fluffy butt cheeks.“
seeing this grown man get so excited about your doodles made you happier than you could‘ve ever imagined. this was exactly the feeling you wanted to evoke with your work. sure, most of your stories were primarily aimed at kids, but you believed that good children‘s books should be just as valuable to an adult, and illustrations played a big underrated role in that.
the fond, childlike look on his face as he studied your drawings started to overwhelm you. you didn‘t know how to react to praise, especially coming from someone who didn‘t know you very well so they had no reason to lie to make you happy.
you had to change the topic or you were legit going to cry. how embarrassing would that be, just straight up bawling because someone liked your drawings.
“what about you?“ you asked to push the attention away from you. “you said you were studying business administration. how‘s that?“
the mood shifted so quickly, it was like someone had flipped a switch. jay didn‘t look up from your phone, now looking at conan in a superhero costume with a serious, almost dejected expression.
giving the phone back, he blinked a couple of times as if trying to blink away unwanted thoughts.
“i mean, there are interesting concepts to learn about.“ he ran a hand through his still damp strands of hair and paused for a moment. “it’s okay, but that’s it, really. but i think you guessed that already.“ he smiled, but it didn‘t quite reach his eyes.
his gaze fixed on something far off into the distance. “there are quite a few jobs i can think of that i‘d rather do. fashion design, professional chef, hip-hop dancer... but unlike you or my great-great-uncle, i‘m not brave. if i‘d really wanted to, i could‘ve defied my parents and chosen a different path. i‘m a coward, y/n.“
you put a hand on his arm. “i don‘t know your circumstances in detail, but i understand that standing up for yourself can be more difficult than it seems. i‘m not sure what gave you the impression that i'm brave because i'm really not. despite everything, i‘m still nothing more than my parents‘ marionette.“
his sigh betrayed an uncharacteristically sorrowful heaviness.
“yet you still decided to pursue writing and drawing even though i can tell that decision must’ve not been an easy one. i know they mean well, my parents. they certainly think their plans will make me happy. i don’t think they understand. i’m not sure if i‘ve tried hard enough to make them… after all, how could they—“ his voice rose as he looked up at you with a furious expression, but he cut himself off, a horrified look on his face. he quickly collected himself again. “you know what? it doesn‘t matter. i don‘t want to think about it.“
you didn‘t press on. while you did want to comfort the inner child hurting so obviously inside him, to hug him and tell him he wasn‘t a coward and that he could be strong too, you felt like it wasn‘t your place to do so. he had set boundaries and you, practically only a stranger, weren‘t going to cross them.
it was interesting to see that your seemingly perfect stranger was not leading such a perfect life after all. you felt a little guilty, but it was reassuring in a way.
the silence that followed wasn‘t particularly uncomfortable though, both of you lost in your own thoughts.
the natural beauty and quietude all around you elicited a dreamy sigh from you.
"oh, why didn‘t i think of bringing a canvas and some paint down here with me? i guess i wasn't expecting to fall in love with this place so much. i just want to capture this moment for eternity, you know?"
"you mean like a picture?" he teased. you playfully glared at him. he held up both his hands. "kidding, just kidding. let me go grab one for you!"
as he began to rise, you placed a hand on his arm to prevent him from standing. his skin was cold under your fingers and the unexpected contact sent shivers down your spine.
"oh no, stay! please, i don't want you to have to walk all the way up there. we can just bring it tomorrow."
jay quirked an eyebrow. it took you a few seconds to understand that you had just insinuated he would have to carry you down here again the next day.
"ah, no, i‘m sorry. i kind of already forgot about my little handicap. you should definitely go do something nice instead.“
"but this is nice,“ he insisted. “something about the water and watching you draw so peacefully makes me feel at ease. life is going to be stressful enough when i have to return home. and simply said, i like sitting here and looking at the view." he winked at you and you suddenly felt a little braver.
"what was that? are you flirting with me, park?" you held your head high as you said this.
"and what if i am?"
your cheeks felt uncomfortably hot. even though you‘d responded to his wooing, you now had your tail between your legs and pretended to immerse yourself in your drawing again, doing your best to ignore the foreign feeling bubbling up inside your chest.
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late that evening, you lay in bed talking to ningning about your day.
she animatedly recounted the story of how they‘d found the restaurant she used to visit with her grandmother so many years ago. the owner had still recognized her, despite so much time having passed, and had prepared the most delicious lunch for them. sunghoon waited patiently—and surprisingly quietly—as the two ladies shared stories about ningning‘s grandmother. he even tried to cheer her up afterward by making a fool of himself in public (“he looked like he was doing a rendition of the ‘there‘s squirrels in my pants’ dance“) when she‘d started crying, suddenly overwhelmed by grief.
“he can be really nice when he wants to be. i think he‘s just a little,“ she drew out the last word, “bonkers, but our energies kind of match, if you know what i mean? he attacks, i strike back. he talks shit, i tell him why he's wrong. it’s like a game. there’s definitely never a boring moment when he’s around, i’ll give him that. oh, stop looking at me like that!“ she dismissed the smirk on your face. “it‘s really not like that. man, i saw him picking his nose, that shit turns you off. and when he came back from the bathroom, his fly was open. nothing romantic‘s going on here, i promise! but i do think we could be friends.“
she clapped her hands together, super excited all of a sudden. “enough about me. how‘s it going with your handsome stranger?“ she wiggled her eyebrows at you.
your handsome stranger. right. because that‘s what he was. no matter that your heart went into overdrive whenever he‘d look at you, and no matter how much he’d made you feel seen and appreciated, you had to remind yourself that you couldn‘t really know someone after only two days. sharing only carefully selected pieces of your stories with each other didn‘t make you close.
"i mean he is really cute," you admitted with a shrug, “but you know i can‘t. i am ‘promised‘ to someone after all.“ there. you finally said it. the issue you‘d been trying so hard to forget.
"so what? it’s not like you’re dating that dude. heck, you don’t even know him yet. i wouldn’t call it cheating if you were to have something going on with jay.“
"i know but it just seems… so pointless. you know i don't do flings but it's not like i can go on dates with him either."
when you‘d come back home, you‘d likely be getting married to someone you didn‘t know and there was not much you could do about it. you wanted to say no, heck you‘d said no plenty of times already, but it was more complicated than that.
“y/n, you can always just refuse.“
“you know it‘s not that easy…“ you clenched your fists. if only you‘d been born into a different family. or maybe if you‘d actually adhered to their life plan, you wouldn‘t be in this mess right now at all.
ningning placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "i’m sorry, i do know. i promise we’ll find a way for you to take advantage of his fucked-up situation but can‘t you still have a little fun before shit goes down? a kiss or two won't be the end of the world."
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bearing that in mind, you came to sit by the lake the next day, trying to steal sneaky glances at jay while you worked on your canvas.
he was wearing a sleeveless shirt that clung to his toned frame, revealing muscular arms and broad shoulders. he had swept his hair back from his forehead, which highlighted his devilishly chiseled jawline and the intensity of his sharp eyes. every sane person would ogle at him, y/n, you told yourself. he was literally the dictionary definition of handsome and sexy, so of course you‘d stare. it was only natural. haha.
the majority of your afternoon was spent transferring your previous day‘s sketch onto the canvas and then painting over the delicate lines. jay kept you entertained, reading to you from his book, and discussing it with you.
while this might not have been a date it definitely felt like one. you read a lot of jane austen, for fuck‘s sake—you realized when something was romantic as hell. painting, reading, yapping, and all that with a hot guy. what a cruel joke. the universe seemed to have its fun taunting you, like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey.
do not be mistaken, you knew this wasn‘t love. something as silly as love at first sight did simply not exist, no matter what many of your favorite fanfics seemed to say. even suggesting you had a crush would be a crude exaggeration. but it was mutual attraction, that you were sure of, and it might have grown into something more, if not for the less-than-ideal circumstances.
what was strange was that after yesterday, jay seemed more restrained. after your little heart-to-heart, if you could even call it that, you‘d started noticing things. if you didn’t look away when his intense gaze fixed on you, you found something else there, lingering in the depths of his dark eyes. hesitancy. sadness. something that felt like… guilt?
you didn‘t know what it was, but this should‘ve been a relief. not that he was potentially struggling with something, of course, but if he‘d been flirting with you without restraint, you might have caved eventually, even though you knew it was wrong.
it was possible you might have just been misreading the signs. you had a more than vivid imagination, after all, which activated mostly in situations where more thinking wasn’t necessarily productive.
he might have just not liked the idea of getting too attached to someone he wasn‘t going to see again. with each stroke of your brush capturing the lake‘s incredible turquoise hue, you pondered whether to give him your phone number or not. the promise of a reunion might soften the unease in jay‘s eyes, you thought, but then again, would you even be able to keep it?
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day four of your trip followed a similar pattern to the previous two. ningning and sunghoon ventured off on their own, though still lively “arguing“ with each other (they weren't fooling you), while you and jay walked down to the lake. talking and painting seemed to become your version of wining and dining.
that day, you had packed a second canvas, determined to teach jay the basics of painting.
“theory is important, but practice is where you bring it to life.“
you guided his shaky hands as he made his first stroke.
“start with broad strokes,“ you explained, demonstrating a sweeping motion. “don‘t worry about adding details yet.“
you kneeled behind him, arm draped around his shoulder for support as you leaned forward to place your hand over his.
he tried his best, but despite your brilliant guidance, his inexperience showed. years of looking into the theoretical aspects of art weren’t nearly enough to effectively apply all his knowledge in practice. he gained a newfound appreciation for painting after experiencing firsthand how challenging it could be. though he had to admit that you holding his hand so delicately was certainly distracting him as well.
if you hadn’t been so focused on keeping your racing heart under control, you might have picked up on the way he swallowed nervously.
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on the fifth day, you managed to convince the group that your ankle was already much better.
you weren‘t exactly lying, but you weren’t being completely honest either. with rest, ice, and compression, the pain had improved significantly, but walking still wasn‘t as easy as you would‘ve liked.
the thing was, you just couldn‘t trust yourself around jay anymore. the urge to kiss him had completely spiraled out of control. it felt like what you imagined an omega would experience during their heat (not that you had any experience in that regard).
it was hard to keep up the facade of a calm, collected intellectual that was definitely not going insane over a man you’d met not even a week ago. to be fair, that facade had already started crumbling the moment you had outed yourself as a massive nerd, but still. this was worse.
showing him your drawings had been intimate enough, but then painting together—literally your own idea—the day before had been overwhelmingly, unbearably so. being so close to him, it had taken all your willpower not to seize him by his collar, pull him near, and passionately make out with him. but consent and having functioning brain cells were definitely more important, so you held yourself back—just barely.
his ridiculously charming smile, this sunkissed skin, his kind words—they had haunted you in your dreams that night. like okay, we get it. you want him. rein it in, cowboy.
so, for jay‘s own safety and also your sanity, you chose to endure the ache in your ankle as the group explored several towns surrounding lago di garda together.
for lunch, you grabbed fries from a booth and enjoyed them by the lakeside. that was until a seagull came swooping down with a squawk, startling you and causing you to drop your fries. ningning and you left the boys behind on the bench and hurried back to the stall for fresh, dirt-free fries.
"you still haven't kissed her?" sunghoon asked incredulously.
jay shook his head grimly. "i've already told you, i really shouldn't."
“but you want to?“ sunghoon pressed.
jay’s face contorted as if he were in pain. “yeah.“
"we‘re leaving in two days. if you want to kiss the girl, then kiss the girl, my dude. don‘t overthink it. it‘s not like you‘re pretending to be in love with her just to get your dick wet.“
"i didn‘t want to come here in the first place,“ jay said, choosing not to comment on sunghoon‘s blunt choice of words. “i wish i could take her out properly. buy her flowers. a kiss on the third date, if everything goes well and she likes me enough. not… whatever this is."
sunghoon seemed about to say more but quickly closed his mouth when he saw you and ningning approaching.
you stayed by ningning‘s side for most of the day, like a child hiding behind its mother, avoiding interacting with jay as much as possible. you could feel his eyes boring into your back as you walked ahead of him at a safe distance.
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the sky that evening was a canvas painted with the most breathtaking array of colors, transitioning from deep oranges and fiery reds near the horizon to softer pinks and purples higher up. you had dinner back at the hotel and were now sitting outside on the patio, drinking wine.
“oh, just imagine what the lake must look like right now,“ you mused dreamily, resting your head on your hands.
"why don‘t you go and see for yourself?" asked ningning, busy playing sudoku on her phone.
"i don't want to walk back alone in the dark. unless," you draped an arm around her shoulder, "you want to come with me."
ningning chuckled as she removed your arm. "do you know how many blisters i have from all the walking i've been doing?“
"i could come with you," came the suggestion from jay. all heads turned to him. sunghoon smirked at his friend. had he finally grown some balls?
you hesitated. was this really a good idea? you‘d been avoiding him all day for a very good reason.
but the sunset was so exceptionally beautiful; it might not be like this again before you left! oh, you‘d be fine.
so the two of you began the descent down to the lake once more—though you maintained a respectful distance to your companion. the scene was more beautiful than you could’ve ever imagined. the tranquil water of the lake mirrored the spectacular explosion of color in the sky. each ripple on the surface created by the evening breeze seemed to capture a fragment of the sunset, turning the water into a shimmering expanse of gold, pink, and lavender.
you were so entranced by the magical sunset that you momentarily forgot you were supposed to go absolutely feral for the man by your side.
it wasn‘t until the first stars began to twinkle faintly in the night sky, that you stopped walking along the shore taking pictures. the pebbles were cold against your skin as you settled down. siting there, you scrolled through the pictures you‘d taken, fireflies dancing around your heads as you admired what had just been lost to the horizon.
"back home, there is nothing nearly as pretty as this," you said softly.
"back home there is no one as pretty as you either."
you turned your head in surprise. now way you‘d heard him correctly. jay wore a serious expression, his gaze unwavering as he reached to cup your face, brushing a loose strand of hair to the side with his thumb. his eyes dropped to your lips.
“i know this is soon, but i’ll go insane if i don’t ask. can i kiss you?“
you blinked at him, your mind momentarily blank. there were things to be considered here but your brain did not seem to want to produce any thoughts, distracted by the sight of his plump lips and his soft touch. his thumb gently grazed your cheek.
"i only want to do this if you do too. i was trying to resist, but whenever i look at you, my heart starts pounding like crazy, and i keep on wondering if you taste just as sweet as you are."
"okay," you whispered against his lips, almost touching but not quite.
"i need a definite yes," he insisted.
"yes," you breathed out. "kiss me. please,” the last word came out almost pleadingly.
with that, he closed the gap and pressed his lips to yours. his movements were gentle, almost shy at first. jay moved his other hand to your cheek, holding your face delicately.
he let his forehead rest against yours, noses brushing against each other.
"wow," he breathed. you hummed in response, eyes still closed, trying to savor the moment.
you kissed him again, this time tangling your hands in jay's soft black strands while he let his wander down to respectfully rest on your waist. he responded to your kiss almost immediately, deepening it with much enthusiasm. lips parted and met with more vigor than before. the sounds that escaped your lips were all sorts of desperate as he caressed the soft curves of your body.
“finally, my omega is getting what it wants.“
you hadn‘t even realized you‘d said it until he pulled away, confusion in his eyes.
“what?“ he asked, still dazed from the kiss.
“oh, uh… have you ever heard of the omegaverse? a/b/o fics? well, how do i put it? humans are divided into alphas, betas, and omegas. and like omegas have these heat cycles, and when they go into heat, they need a lot of… um, GDDing or they‘ll go insane. good deep dicking? no? so, when they go into heat, they release all those pheromones which the alphas can smell and like they‘ll lose their minds if they don‘t do the GDDing immediately. and then there‘s knotting. that‘s when the alpha‘s penis swells and becomes engorged and then—“
“y/n,“ jay interrupted gently, rubbing his nose against yours affectionately, “i love your ramblings, i really do, and i promise you can tell me all about it later if you’d like. but right now, there‘s something else we could be doing instead?“
you swallowed nervously. “right.“
your own inner omega in heat activated again as soon as he started nibbling on your lower lip. you clung to him desperately, afraid he might let go, eagerly chasing his lips the moment he pulled away even just a little. he tugged you closer, positioning you to straddle him, allowing for a more comfortable angle to kiss. your head was quiet for once, allowing you to simply enjoy the sensation of being touched.
with his mouth on yours and his hands clawing at your waist, you never wanted this moment to end. the heat between you intensified, the world fading into a distant background. every touch, every desperate caress fueled a fire within you, igniting a longing that was almost scary, so intense and foreign was it.
eventually, though, you had to part to catch your breaths. jay rubbed soothing circles on your back with one hand, holding your face in his other as he stared into your eyes, whispering sweet nothings.
there were so many things you wanted to say, but didn't. thoughts of your fiancé back home flooded your mind.
jay continued to whisper sweet nothings as he held you in his arms, but there was so much that was left unspoken between you.
you needed to tell him. maybe he‘d know what to do, how to make this work. not now though; it‘d only ruin this sweet moment. you‘d do it tomorrow.
when each other's bodies were no longer enough to keep you warm, you decided to return to the hotel. he held your hand as you walked up the winding path, each squeeze communicating unspoken words, a silent exchange of emotions.
he bid you goodnight, his lips grazing your forehead. you were left a blushing mess as you went to sleep. ningning's light snores accompanied you as you were gradually transported to dreamland.
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"what do you mean they're gone? how can they just be gone? they weren‘t supposed to leave until tomorrow." ningning said, her voice tinged with disbelief. soobin gulped nervously.
“i’m sorry, i don’t know the details. it seemed like an emergency,“ he replied, conveying what little information he had.
gone. they had left without a word. you felt your chest tighten as the reality of their sudden disappearance set in. the abruptness of his departure felt like a slap, leaving a raw, aching void where his presence had been.
“jay did ask me to give you these, though.“ soobin handed you the little frog figurines jay had bought on the first day. a small note was stuck to the underside of the one that resembled you.
i am sorry, please do not hate me. thank you for everything. you truly are special.
ningning and you had no choice but to spend the remainder of your last day alone. sulking by the pool, you lamented the short time spent together. one more day wouldn‘t have been much, but they hadn‘t even left their numbers or any other way to contact them. it was like a punch to the gut, not only to you but to ningning as well.
you wondered if there really had been an emergency. maybe you‘d managed to scare him away with your omagaverse talk. “you truly are special,“ you muttered to yourself bitterly. he probably meant special as in a fucking lunatic. god, who talked about knotting in the middle of making out? at least you hadn‘t gotten to mpreg yet or he'd have bolted immediately.
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the next day you boarded an early flight back to seoul. you held onto a faint hope that maybe, just maybe, your mother would at least be relieved you returned safely. any normal parent would be concerned when their child disappeared for a couple of days without a word. only you didn’t have normal parents.
instead of relief, you were greeted with cold fury as your mother watched you enter through the front door. she barely spoke a word, grinding her teeth as she commanded you to go to your room, treating you as if you weren‘t a grown adult.
your room was your sanctuary, your safe space amidst the chaos that was your family. four large shelves divided into regular novels and manga held your literary treasures alongside funko pops of your favorite fictional characters (lots of todoroki and sailor moon). there had been instances where your mother had tried to throw everything out, hell, she’d even torn up some of your books, but you refused to let that force you into submission.
in one last desperate attempt to escape your situation, you chopped off most of your hair. if your “fiancé“ was anything like your, and presumably his, parents then he might just straight up refuse to marry you the moment he‘d see you. you thought the short hair suited you, but people could be incredibly shallow in such matters. you hoped this was one of those times.
“what have you done?“ your mother‘s sharp tone was a mixture of disappointment and outrage. she paced back and forth, gesturing to the remnants of hair strewn across the bathroom floor. “you knew how important today was!“
your mother took a step forward, her face flushed with anger. “you never listen, do you?“ she barked, her voice trembling. “you never consider anyone but yourself.“
you squared your shoulders, meeting her gaze defiantly. “maybe i‘m tired of trying to please you, mother.“
"i‘m trying to protect our family‘s interests,” she retorted, “and sometimes that means making sacrifices for the greater good. this merger with their family‘s hotel chain is crucial for our future. can‘t you see that?“
no matter how you pleaded or reasoned, nothing could sway your mother. you understood how important this merger was to your family‘s business empire, and you weren‘t so ignorant that you couldn‘t acknowledge the potential benefits. yet, you didn‘t understand why you were the one who had to sacrifice their own happiness for the sake of the family. one that had never cared about you, at that.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
the restaurant picked out for this pivotal first meeting with the chosen family exuded opulence and refinement, its interior bathed in the warm glow of chandeliers that reflected off polished wood and marble accents. as you arrived, the other family was already seated at a table near a large window overlooking a serene garden.
the mother of your fiancé greeted yours with a firm handshake, her slender figure clad in a tailored designer suit and exquisite diamonds dangling from her ears. she stood up gracefully upon your entrance, obscuring your view to the man seated behind her.
"park jiyoung, meet y/n, my daughter,” your mother introduced, her tone awfully chippy. “unfortunately, there was an accident at the hairdresser‘s, so please excuse the hair. i‘m sure it will grow out soon.“
under mrs. park’s scrutinizing gaze, which rivaled your own mother’s, discomfort pierced you like a dagger.
"welcome, y/n, to our family. it's nice to finally meet you.“ the fake smile on her lips suggested she hadn’t yet quite approved of you as the most suitable match for her son.
“and this is the pride of our family, park jongseong. i believe you‘ve met."
she stepped to the side, revealing the man sitting behind her. he stood up and reluctantly stepped forward.
he was wearing a dark blue suit that elegantly emphasized his broad shoulders, while his neatly styled black hair gleamed under the soft chandelier lights. his eyes, dark and narrow, were cast downward toward the natural stone flooring. there, discreetly nestled against the skin of his neck, you saw a detail that momentarily froze time for you.
a heart-shaped birthmark.
memories flooded your mind — turquoise waters, steep mountainsides, fireflies swirling around your head, fingers digging into the softness of your skin. standing before you now as park jongseong, the man chosen to be your husband, was unmistakably your jay. the one who had kissed you and told you you were special.
the same jay now seemed less surprised than you felt. he avoided meeting your eyes, looking like a guilty puppy caught in the act, and a suspicion stirred within you that made your stomach churn. you felt sick. impossible, you thought. but looking at the man, no, the stranger in front of you, you weren‘t so sure.
his gaze darted around the room, landing everywhere but on you, as if unable to face the weight of your shared history and the unspoken questions hanging between you. every instinct in you yearned to reach out, to demand answers, to plead with him to acknowledge the bond that had once felt so real. yet, his avoidance spoke louder than words, filling the air with a painful silence that echoed the betrayal you felt.
had it all been just an act?
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a/n: omg i love you sm if you made it to the end! reblogs, likes & feedback are always highly appreciated 🫶🏻 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ngl i hope y'all don't hate me for not making this a cute simple love story LMAOO i'm already working on a part 2
here are pictures of lago di tenno btw! i didn’t lie about the color
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
pairing: jenna ortega x reader
summary: in which an accident occurs after your dinner with jenna
warnings: mentions of blood
word count: 1200+
author's note: another request for the books (find here)! also, i couldn't resist the end references. they're just too good. also x2, 100th post woooo!
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"There she is!"
"Jenna! Jenna!"
"Over here!"
What had started as a quiet dinner in celebration of your two-year anniversary had quickly descended into chaos when a few paps caught wind of the fact that America's newest 'it girl', a.k.a your lovely girlfriend, was seen in public after having disappeared off the face of the Earth for the past month (the two of you had been vacationing, and then you got sick, and then she got sick from taking care of you, so you had been homebodies while trying to recover).
The moment you stepped outside of the restaurant, hand intertwined with Jenna's and body pulled close into her back so that she wouldn't lose you amongst the crowd, you were swarmed by flashing lights that blinded your eyes, shouts of your girlfriend's name that were almost deafening, and people, people, people.
Jenna had an iron-clad grip on your hand, but people were shoving you in the opposite direction as they tried to get a close-up shot of your girlfriend, and your body couldn't take the struggle of being pulled in two different ways. Before you knew it, you had lost your hold on the actress and were left drowning in the sea of photographers.
"Y/N?" Jenna's voice rang clear above the commotion. You stretched your neck to try and look for her, but it was no use: she was too crowded.
If we ever get separated, just meet me at the car, okay? she had told you when the two of you first began dating, back when you hadn't yet realized what you were getting yourself into.
Just meet at the car, you thought. Simple enough.
You tried to maneuver past people, keeping your head down and your eyes trained on your feet so that you wouldn't step on any toes. However, it was much easier said than done as the spaces between bodies grew smaller and smaller, making it nearly impossible for you to get by.
"Sorry. 'Scuse me, could I just--" you tried, but to no avail. You had barely moved an inch when you heard her voice again.
"Y/N?!" She sounded closer this time, like she was moving toward you. You still had no visuals on her, but if she was trying to make her way to you, then you could make it easier on her and try to find her as well, right?
Guess we're jumping in, you thought with a huff.
You pushed against people, having much less care for their toes this time around, and used your arms to try spreading them apart, creating little gaps for you to slip through. It took you a few minutes, but finally, finally, you could see a head of brunette hair and a pair of wide, frantic eyes as they flitted from one person to the next, undoubtedly looking for you.
"Jenna!" you called, and her head snapped in your direction. There was still a line of people separating the two of you, but as her eyes softened and the crease between her brows disappeared, you knew that she could see you.
"Y/N!" she shouted in relief as her arm shot toward you, her fingers wiggling in desperation.
You reached for her, hand brushing over peoples' shoulders and past their faces, and just as her finger skimmed over the metal of your ring, you were thrown sideways by a photographer, hitting the concrete hard.
Your vision blacked, your ears rang, and you could feel liquid pooling beneath your head. Is that...? You blinked your eyes open and sat up slightly, the pads of your fingers dipping into the puddle. You cringed when you saw they were red. Oh, that's my blood.
You looked up when you noticed people were parting quickly, their feet shuffling to the side and creating a large circle around you. Jenna rushed into the middle, her arms extended toward you. She kneeled down, taking your cheeks in her hand.
"Oh my god," she said. She pulled you closer to inspect your injury. "You're bleeding."
The cameras never stopped clicking.
"I'm okay," you said, even though she sounded a bit muffled to you and she was a little blurrier than normal.
"You're bleeding," she repeated, like you hadn't heard her the first time.
You placed your hand over her own, palm pressed against her knuckles. "I'm fine, baby."
She huffed, and you watched as her eyes turned from worried to enraged. She looked up at the paps, her lip turned up in disgust. "Look at what you guys did! She's bleeding and you guys are still taking your goddamn pictures?!"
Oh shit, you thought. This is gonna be everywhere tomorrow. You could already imagine the headlines: Jenna Ortega -- America's It Girl, or America's Bitch Girl?
"Jenna, baby," you cooed, calling her attention back to you before any more damage could be done to her 'good girl' reputation. "I'm alright, see?" You stood, albeit on shaky legs, and the woman was quick to wrap her arm around your waist, helping to hold you steady. "Let's just go home."
Jenna pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, a million different emotions flickering through her eyes. "I have half a mind to shove their damn cameras up their asses," she muttered, loud enough for only you to hear. Her grip tightened. "Or better yet, beat them all over their heads with their stupid fucking--"
"J, come on." You started ushering her toward where the car was parked, and she sighed, annoyed.
"Fine." She used her body to shield you from any photographers that dared to follow, which, to your surprise, there were plenty. "But if one of them so much as looks at you the wrong way, I swear I'll--"
"Do something involving their cameras up their asses, I know," you said, chuckling.
"Damn right I will," she grumbled, reaching out to open the passenger's side door for you. You offered her a grateful smile before slipping into the car and watching as she rounded the hood. She gave one last Kubrick-like stare to the remaining paps before joining you, huffing as she sat behind the wheel.
The two of you sat in silence for most of the ride home, with Jenna grumbling and mumbling to herself, and you trying to ignore the pounding in your head. It wasn't until you were on the street of your shared apartment that she spoke up.
"I should sue them all," she said. "Sue every last one of them."
You giggled. "Oh yeah? And what's that gonna do?" you asked lightly.
"Teach them a damn lesson about personal space." She clenched her jaw. "Clearly they didn't learn anything about it in preschool."
"Baby, I'm fine." You placed a hand on her thigh, your thumb rubbing at the hem of her dress. "There's no need for suing or beating any of them up."
She parked the car and turned to you, eyes glowing in the light of the parking lot. "They hurt you." She reached up and placed her fingers on your jaw, tilting your head upward slightly. "You have blood on your forehead."
You shrugged. "'Tis but a scratch," you said, grinning as you quoted a line from one of your favorite movies. Jenna rolled her eyes, though the smallest of smirks was beginning to show.
"Whatever, nerd." She leaned over the center console and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. "Let's just get you cleaned up."
You smiled. "I'm invincible!"
"Stop quoting Monty Python!"
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sugar-omi · 1 year
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY N ITS FINALLY HERE WOOOO!!! i'm so insane abt this idea that you can prbly expect more of it...
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*kinktober masterlist | *ao3
tags : NSFW, gn + bottom reader, between step 3-4?, outdoor/beach sex, multiple choice dialogue, use of toys, bonus funny bit at the end <333
synopsis : you and cove don't get along like your parents hoped. at least.. not as friends.
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you and cove can be around each other when hanging out with your friends or family, and exchange the occasional neighborly wave. but other than that, you can't stand each other.
but somehow you end up like this, time and time again.
with both of you exchanging horny gazes from across the room, suggestive or obscene gestures (sucking that popsicle so lewdly rewarded you, well cove actually, the best throat fucking of your life.)
or sneaking out to the others room because one of you sent a text to open the window or a nude...
and before you can think twice, cove is pushing you up against the nearest surface and kissing you breathless…
even though you can't stand how selfish he is half the time, and how he doesn't think things through and says and does whatever he wants… well you must not hate it that much since you've nearly ripped his shirt in half trying to get him naked.
or like that time you begrudgingly went with him to his mom's house to pick up his things, and fucked him in the car behind the gas station.
yeah, you definitely don't like him. you just.. like him sometimes. although sometimes, seems to be more like most of the time.. all the time…
but that's tomorrow y/n's problem. right now you're trying to keep your composure in front of all these people.
cove comes up behind you, pretending to grab some snacks from the table. but in actuality, he's whispering in your ear, his hand hot on your hip.
"follow me in 5 minutes…"
you tense, feeling a rush of adrenaline run through you. you nod, trying not to spill your drink.
then he disappears, fading into the crowd.
fuck, this man has ruined you.
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that was the longest 5 minutes of your life, and you almost missed cove disappearing behind the lifeguard shed.
finally breaking free from your sister and cousin trying to keep you on the dance floor, you rush up the beach and try to find cove.
it's a bit hard since it's so dark out here, and you have to stop yourself from shouting when someone yanks you into a dark corner.
"shh, it's just me.." cove whispers.
you go to scold him for scaring you, but he pushes you up against the side of the building, his hips grinding into yours.
your head spins, you can feel his bulge through his shorts and his lips slot with yours, his tongue taking control of your mouth.
resigning that you can't tell him off, you bite his tongue, making him hiss and pull away.
"ow- what was that f-" cove's compliant is interrupted by your lips on his neck, your hands moving from his shoulders to grab his butt.
he groans, panting as you pull down his collar to leave more marks. "shit… don't.. leave marks…" he gasps out, his hands trembling on your shoulders.
you pull off his neck, a nice red hickey blooming on his collarbone. "why? y'know you left marks on me last time."
you got the most embarrassing talk of your life when your mom's saw the hickey under your jaw. keeping the secret of who left it didn't help either…
cove gasps, his breath shaking. "i-i told you i was sorry…"
you roll your eyes, tugging his tank top off. you don't know why he was wearing it anyway, you're at a beach party and cove never covers up, no matter how cold he is.
"shut up and fuck me before someone comes looking for us."
cove doesn't say anything, tugging down your shorts and underwear.
"fuck.. you actually wore it." cove says in disbelief, his fingers brushing against the vibrator inside you that he asked you to wear so he could control it, since you barred sex after the hickey scandal.
"well duh, didn't you get my text?" you ask, referring to the photo you sent him.
cove flushes, thinking. ".. i didn't charge my phone."
you roll your eyes, "you're so spacey. stop gaping, you asked for it so take it out and fuck me, holden."
cove grits his teeth, your eyes zeroing in on the veins in his hand and forearm.
he's too sexy for his own good…
cove's lips are on you before you can come back to reality, the kiss is messy and wet, your moans muffled by his eager lips.
begrudgingly, he breaks up the kiss and flips you around, falling to his knees and spreading your cheeks to get a full view of your hole, pulling out the vibe.
he can't help himself from leaning forward and licking at your hole, unable to resist how it clenched around nothing.
"ahh.." you breath out, pushing your ass back on cove's face.
fuck, as much as you'd love him to eat you out / rim you, you don't have time.
"hu-ohhh fuck.." his tongue dips into your hole, trying to scoop out your insides with his tongue. "hurry.. up!" you bark.
cove detaches himself from your sex, taking a condom from his pants pocket and hurrying to unbutton his shorts and rolling it over his dick.
he hisses, biting his lip.
he tried to get off by himself since you still sent him the occasional nude or dirty text. he even looked back at some of his favorite photos of you… but it's just not the same now that he's had you under him.
cove lines himself with your entrance, sinking easily into your wet insides.
you slap a hand over your mouth, muffins the loud moan about to burst from your throat.
cove's cock hits the deepest spot inside you, the vein on the underside of his dick pulsing and rubbing against a tender spot inside you.
your eyes roll back, and you close them, panting I to your hand.
even though you tried to get off by yourself. it wasn't the same as cove's dick. your fingers just didn't feel the same and the couple of toys you had hidden in your room aren't the same as his dick or when he controls your vibe…
cove's head rests between your shoulder blades, panting as he tries to wait for you to adjust.
you're so tight and warm around him, and he can't tell if it's because you haven't done it in awhile or because he missed this.
you lick your lips, swallowing. "move… c'mon.."
cove laughs breathily, strained if anything. "you're desperate…"
you bark at him, "you're the one who put it in in one thrust!"
cove doesn't say anything, holding your hips and removing his sweaty forehead from your back to watch his dick pull out your clingy hole, enjoying the way your hole wraps around him so nicely, almost not wanting to let go.
"yeah yeah…" he says dismissively, ignoring anymore bickering you're trying to start.
"hey, are you listeni-nnng!" your question turns into a moan. cove's tip slamming right against your g-spot.
cove huffs through his nose. the sound of skin against skin is too loud, someone would definitely try and find what's making that sound..
he wraps his arms around your waist, his lips against your shoulder, planting light kisses and nips but not leaving marks.
you gasp, sucking in air.
cove's thrust are more like a dog humping your leg, and as much as you want to make fun of him for being a horny bastard, you can't deny that you love how deep he is, and how he's never too far away.
"whaa- what are you…" you can't even finish the words out. his tip grinding against your willing insides and his hand coming around to stroke your dick / clit has you breathless.
"someone will hear.. just shhh." cove shushes you, tilting your head to face him, capturing your moans in a kiss, pushing them down with his tongue.
you feel irritated by the pressure building in your stomach. damn cove and damn him for making you be able to finish so quickly from doing half of nothing.
"are you..?" cove mutters, not straying too far from your lips.
you hum, trying to nod.
"me too…" and it's your turn to laugh. cove glares at you, a playful grin on his face and narrowed eyes. "what's so funny, huh?"
you press your lips together to stop from moaning, cove's hips grinding into yours. "cause- you're.. you're such a minute man…"
cove pulls you against his chest, your nails scraping down the side of the building. "me? i'm bot the one who came just from putting it in."
you bristle, "that's! that's because you were, ahh-"
cove mocks you, fake stuttering and he has a wicked smirk on his stupid face. "what? i finger blasted you and ate you out so good you came just from the tip? it was that good, huh."
you're so irritated by that damn smile on his face and his smug voice, but you can't deny it.
your parents went on a day trip and with your sister off at college, and cove's dad at the shop… it was too perfect to not have cove over.
and yeah, maybe you think about that day a lot but what does he know?
you go to bite back, you don't even know what you could say since he already exposed and roasted you with one comment.
but that dies on your tongue before the words can even come to you, cove's pace on your sex picking up, wanting you to finish first.
"that's it… just cum for me." cove groans, babbling a bit since you're not listening, one of your hands holding his scared forearm for support, your fingers and hole quivering as you near your end.
you hiss out his name, your legs shaking and if it wasn't for cove holding you up, you would fall into the sand.
cove groans, finishing soon after you, his fingers holding onto your waist tightly.
you both enjoy the afterglow for a bit before cove removes himself from your sweaty body, carefully pulling himself out from your hole.
cove kindly helps you get dressed, pulling your bottoms up your quivering legs.
but not before stuffing your vibrator back inside you and giving your butt a couple nice smacks with his fingers.
you scold him but he just laughs, stealing a kiss before he starts to part. "want me to drive you home?"
your eyes switch between his lips and his eyes before you shake your head. "gotta get back to liz an-"
"there you are!"
you both startle, whipping around to see your cousin running towards you, her and liz locked arm and arm. derek trails behind them, chatting animatedly with terri.
they're giggling, a bit tipsy. well, maybe more than a bit…
"what're you doing here?" lee asks in a sing-song voice, almost knowing. but you roll your eyes, she's more drunk than anything.
"nothing. cove was just wondering if i needed help pulling you off that poor guy you were latched onto earlier." you smirk, joking with your cousin.
"hey! jokes on you, i got his number!" lee announces triumphantly.
terri throws her arm around you and cove, startling you both again. "hey! let's stop and get burgers- liz's treat!"
"hey, why do i have to pay?"
terri laughs, dragging you and cove to the car with her hands locked with yours and cove's, swinging together. "cause you're the oldest, duh!"
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cove goes to the kitchen, rubbing his hair with a towel.
he mindlessly floats about the kitchen, snagging a bit of everything his dad made.
he's humming happily, pouring a nice glass of juice in his favorite glass and turns with his winnings in hand.
"mm- oh!" cove startles, almost dropping his plate.
his dad was standing behind him, a stern look on his face and arms tightly folded. cove doesn't miss his fingers flexing and gripping his bicep.
"uh.. dad?"
"cove. what are those marks on your back." it's not a question, per say.. he knows what they are. he's just seeing if cove knows.
he swallows, cursing his carelessness that costed you get revenge.
"um.. dad, wait. i- i can explain?" cove shrugs, his lip curling up awkwardly. there is no explaining this away…
before either of them can say something, cove's phone beeps from its place on the counter, finally charged up.
both of them look at the phone and cove gulps, instinctively looking at his dad for his reaction…
Y/N: yesterday 6:37pm *see attachment* find me beforehand for the remote 💋
Y/N: today 1:49am *see attachment* i guess you can have your privileges back. cya soon holden;)
oh yeah.. you're both fucked.
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pixiecaps · 1 year
mr mustard missing arc ending recap
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after following the orange trail to the middle of a desert there was a dirt area with a sign pointing to the sky so foolish, fit, and tubbo built up.
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they were greeted with abuelito on a wooden platform he then gave foolish this book. foolish already had all items related to mr mustard on him so he asked if tubbo and fit could tag along and abuelito said yes. and they stepped on the warp plate.
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they arrived to what appeared to be a capybara village with every single capybara we’ve met except mr mustard.
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we then learned mr mustard had been in an accident. and that the other capybaras had been searching for him as well. they then explained their discovery that mr mustard had accidentally made himself invisible from the potion explosion. and that foolish had a strong pull to him. and despite all their tries and solutions the capybaras believed that foolish’s bond with mr mustard was the one thing that could save mr mustard. they needed him to conduct a ritual involving a blue fire and throwing items in. foolish threw in the pool water, oranges, and mr mustards wizard hat. and to our surprise it worked!
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foolish is now with his dearest capybaras and asked them if they’d accept him as KOC. they seemed to have a positive reaction throwing fireworks and clapping so! WOOOO YIPPEE
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vnzndt · 9 months
what are your thoughts on dream not being behind dream fanart for most of the time 🤔 i have been rotating that around in my head for a bit so i would love to know your thoughts
i won’t lie it was a little upsetting but it makes sense to me. he doesn’t owe us transparency when it comes to things as minuscule (at least in the grand scheme of the video & his controversies) as his fanart account and while it feels less personal than it used to a lot has changed since it was created :’) i was down over it for a bit but i realized pretty quick that these little bits and pieces that have always placed us “closer” to dream in comparison to other fandoms/their content creators have been disappearing for a long time now and in the end it’s definitely for the better as he said himself. i get why people feel disheartened though. i will hold onto his little replies to artists forever and ever and i’ll definitely miss the twitter activity but im much more excited for him to get a breath of fresh air than i am upset that we’ll miss out on liking sprees or spaces or priv tweets or whatever it be
i will say i feel very lucky to have witnessed the creation of the fanart acc & got to experience it while (i’m assuming) it was still only run by him back in 2020. and i feel even more lucky to be his first ever reply on the fanart acc and the first ever shoutout WOOOO (subtle brag im sorry i feel like now is the time to reminisce more than ever)
for a minute i was (selfishly lol) a little demotivated because there’s such a high in chasing a dranart like/rt and so much reward in the thought of dream himself seeing your art but i took a step back and realized it’s probably for the better (especially because, on a more personal level, i think it’s unintentionally created some insecurity & jealousy in the fanartist community, which isn’t dream’s fault whatsoever but it’s definitely something i’ve noticed & struggled with in the past)
all in all it’s been a good run :’) he’s still the same dream we’ve always known with all the same appreciation he’s always expressed for the creatives in his community and i will love him always for the opportunities he’s granted to so many of us just by simply supporting artists in the way he has
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myreallovelymind · 2 months
Advice Needed
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone could help me with how I'm feeling. Has anyone had a scene which didn't go to plan and has struggled to get back into kink?
I'm not really horny, I haven't had the desire to edge (when edging is my biggest kink) and in general just struggling to reconnect with my subby self.
I split myself into Lola and Pet. Pet is subby me and it's like she's disappeared or gone into hibernation. Lola has completed her tasks and obviously still obeys.
I'm seeing Daddy on Wednesday for over a week (woooo) which I'm so so excited about. I'm just so worried pet will still not come out as the last time she was out was when our CNC scene went wrong.
Anyway, I would appreciate any advice or if someone has gone through similar and would be okay sharing it with me.
I'm a little lost and I really want to come back
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eggybug · 3 months
guess what time it is! its end of season 4 thoughts time!!!!
they are going to be a lot more insane and outta order than in the past
1. the entire season they were yelling at us that lilith was the final seal and it pissed me off jfc
2. i forgot what it was like to lowkey hate sam, i hate it.
3. so cas was in love the whole time, right? RIGHT. like i know ive been ranting about it all season but are you KIDDING me
4. ruby is a bitch and i hate her so bad. but she was in it for the long game thats for damn sure
5. im REALLY not looking forward to the whole "sam gets haunted by lucifer" bit
6. i love cas, i really do, but he looked right in deans eyes, knew that he was doing this shit to him, and did it anyway. like he was probably tortured by the legions of heaven, but goddamn it
7. when i start making cain and abel comparisons all next season, i don't wanna hear shit about it. itll be my bout of insanity and i apologize in advance
8. i fuckin LOVE bobby
9. no body liked john winchester, they loved him, but they hated the son of a bitch
10. i never got to the point where chuck became TRULY the worst guy ever, but i know we as a fandom hate him, so i hate him.
11. i think demons eat babies and i don't know how i feel about that
12. i don't know who i hate more, uriel or zachariah. maybe im glad cas killed all the angels
13. like i get it but HOW did it take dean so long to realize heaven wanted the war too. they disappeared for weeks while lilith was breaking seals like a bull in a damn china shop
14. they keep doing that thing where one of the capital A angels does something shameful to dean, or dean questions his faith in the "Plan" and the camera cuts to cas looking like a sad puppy
15. ik ive said it 1000 times but goddamn those stupid lil boys need therapy
17. hey, in the last episode they killed a bunch of nuns, which like damn
18. back to sam, his dumbass really fell for the devil on his shoulder bit jfc
19. like i understand camera work, but two straight men don't stand that close to have a conversation. they just don't.
20. hey sammy, you throw a lady in a trunk, you stop being the good guy
21. at any point did they just consider... not doing that. maybe perhaps, waiting a week?
22. there was a thing with the mirrors and zachariah in the last ep, wasn't there? like that wasn't unintentional. mirrors are notoriously terrible to work with, that can't be unintentional.
23. i love that biblical fanfiction always somehow ends with an angel, a demon, and a human coming together to stop heaven and hell playing out a war on earth.
24. spn just proved you can't leave a bunch of corporate assholes in charge of a planet.
26. im really not looking forward to sam whining about starting the apocalypse for a whole season.
27. dean fighting tooth and nail for cas to see the truth in humanity. to find faith outside of heaven. cas seeing that and it breaking his morale a little bit more and more every time. cas repeatedly seeing dean, perfect vessel, perfect soldier, dean be willing to lose the promise of heaven, of peace for his little bit of humanity. it broke cas. and dean keeps begging cas to see it too. and they're going to drive. me. INSANE.
28. "we're done" those were the exact words dean said to cas.
29. so cas and dean can talk without saying anything, and i hate to say that means they're in love... but thats exactly what that means.
30. cas did it! he broke his faith, he sacrificed himself for dean. and now they're gonna kiss (ik they don't kiss but a boy can dream)
31. have i mentioned that sam pisses me the FUCK off! like yeah i blame ruby but goddamn.
32. this season was hell in a handbasket, jfc (no ounce intended)
omg! season for is done!! woooo! onto the most annoying and lowkey painful season ever! my takes and thoughts for season 5 are going to be annoying, so be prepared !
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mixes-archive · 2 years
hello gorgeous! love your works! tbh, it's just a thought and you can do anything you want with it. do you think konig would get rid of insects for his gf? i'm not the softest lady but bugs? spiders? cockroaches? i freeze, cry and just hope they'll disappear. thank u in advance! take care!
KÄFER! (König x Reader)
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A/N: I’m back!!! I never got notifications for stuff sent to my inbox, so I just kind of thought that everyone collectively forgot about the archive, but I checked today and woooo am I glad I did! Some of these are dated back to november, and I’m so sorry to those of you who’ve been waiting for months!!! Also happy new years lmao
Honestly, I think he would try to coax you into getting rid of the bug. Not because he’s scared or anything, but he just thinks it’s funny to see you struggling to take care of a small, eensy-weensy insect.
If you literally can’t bear to look at it without fainting or getting sick, König will take care of them for you!
That being said, I don’t even think he’d let it get to that point. König (like most other Austrians) would probably actually enjoy the process of cleaning a lot and get rid of bugs before you could ever even notice they were there.
But he doesn’t, never ever, kill them. Always either picks them up and throws them outside, or just uses the cup method. Soft giant iykwim.
He will absolutely laugh at you if you jump onto furniture (or him) when you see a bug.
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