#WOO i am COOKING yall
athina-blaine · 7 months
you can’t carry it with you if you want to survive (Nimona 2023) - Chapter 3 (Preview #1)
(Note: this is not the finalized draft; anything featured is subject to edits or deletion)
Chapter 2 (Recap)
As Ambrosius edged towards unconsciousness, he vaguely registered a harsh scratching noise, like nails scrambling against tile. Above him, someone yelled, followed by terrified screams and a mix of pained yelps and animal-like snarls. "Monster!" "Fucking hell–!" "It's got me, man, it's got my leg–!" The next thing he knew, the cadet's pinning weight disappeared, the shadows looming over him gone. The cadets had vanished, leaving Ambrosius alone on the hard floor, chest rattling as he struggled to breathe through the saliva and blood pooling in his mouth. Exhaustion enveloped him like a thick, suffocating fog. His body, heavy and sluggish, refused to cooperate as the adrenaline wore off. Despite his best efforts, his eyes started drifting closed. The last thing he saw was the muzzle of some creature as it stepped into his line of sight, its hot breath rustling his hair as it stared down at him with black, glittering eyes. Everything went dark.
Chapter 3 (Preview #1)
As Ambrosius regained consciousness, he gradually became aware that he was being slowly crushed.
Groaning, he writhed in discomfort, a dull, throbbing pain pulsating through his head. Prying his eyes open, he tried looking around, squinting underneath the harsh glare from bright lights above him. When he recognized nothing, panic squeezed his chest.
Before he could make sense of anything, however, a figure emerged above him, flashing a smile filled with impossibly sharp, jagged teeth.
Ambrosius lurched upright, gasping as a wave of dizziness crashed over him and sent him toppling back down. Bile rose in the back of his throat and he had to screw his lips shut—the only thing that saved him from being sick was the fact that there was nothing in his stomach left to empty.
Struggling to keep his eyes open, he turned back towards the figure. “You …”
The shapeshifter’s grin widened. 
“Me,” she said. "Good to know your head isn’t completely meat-soup, nemesis. I was putting it at 3 to 1 against, personally.”
With a forceful swallow, Ambrosius attempted to lift himself once more, slower this time. The shapeshifter’s scarlet eyes remained fixed on him, shimmering with both curiosity and amusement. Human eyes, he noted. And yet, he had to fight back a surge of unease as he cast his gaze around the room, trying to take in his surroundings.
Instead of the trashed hotel lobby, he found himself inside a shabby, rundown shack of some kind. He was lying on a threadbare couch and had been buried under a truly staggering number of thick, fuzzy blankets. A fabric ice bag lay on the ground, melting in a small puddle of its own condensation; it must have fallen off his head just when he'd been shifting around.
He tried recalling those last few moments in the lobby, but his memory was a blur. There had been the cadets. Some kind of a commotion. The muzzle of a beast. And then, nothing.
Countless questions burned his tongue. When he opened his mouth, however, the shapeshifter shot out her hand.
“I already know what you’re going to ask,” she said, “and the answers are, in order: Here, there, don't know and don’t care, and, yes, this is a new top, thank you so much for noticing.”
Ambrosius blinked, wondering if perhaps his head had indeed been turned into meat-soup. She shot him an unimpressed look.
“Tough crowd. What, you hit your head or something?”
Laughing, she doubled over, slapping her knee. Ambrosius drew in a slow, deep breath, summoning all of his patience, and decided that it wasn't his head that was the issue here.
“Where are we?” he asked.
“Oh, nowhere in particular.” Leaning forward, she dropped her voice to a low whisper. “Just the hellscape that haunts the dreams of good men. Where hope goes to die.” Straightening, she threw her hands over her head. “Welcome to the evil lair, nemesis.”
From the corner of his eye, Ambrosius took in the shack’s dilapidated walls and the junk scattered across the floor. An old board game sat abandoned on the coffee table, surrounded by dirty dishes and an almost empty jug of soda. A pizza box lay tipped over on its side, a few forgotten pieces of crust still inside.
He scrunched up his nose. Well. It certainly wasn’t like any evil lair he'd ever imagined when he was a kid. 
“Where are the cadets?" he asked, turning back to the shapeshifter. "Where’s Officer Laurel?”
Pinky digging into her ear, she lifted a brow. “Officer who now?”
“She was with me at the scene. Dark hair? Wearing a uniform? ”
“Oh, her!” she said, wiping her finger on her pants leg. “Yeah. I ate her.”
Ambrosius’ jaw slackened. Her sharp smile didn’t abate. His eyes widened. “You–”
She shoved his arm. “Freakin' relax, dude, you’re as gullible as the boss, you know that?” Shrugging, she started picking at her teeth. “Eh, she took one look at me and hit the deck. Like, fainted, like in an old movie or something.” Her eyes grew thoughtful. “Wouldn’t it be funny if she thought I was trying to eat you? That’d be pretty messed up, right?”
Ambrosius grimaced. Poor Officer Laurel; he'd need to check in with her as soon as possible. “And the cadets?”
“Those guys? Had them screaming for the hills. I’m pretty sure one of them peed his pants. Always, always funny.” Her eyes jumped to something over Ambrosius’ shoulder. “Oops, hold that thought.”
Ambrosius' eyes followed the shapeshifter as she rounded the couch before they dropped to his hands, his head still trying to process everything. Feeling dangerously close to overheating, he wriggled out from under the mountain of blankets, tossing them aside before sitting up. As he pulled out his phone, however, he scowled; the device had been crushed. Most likely a result of the fight. Another issue on his ever-growing list of problems to deal with later.
Thankfully, the screen still lit up for him at his touch. Dialing the most recent number, mindful of the cracks in the glass, he gingerly brought his phone to his ear.
“Sir!” said a voice as soon as the call connected. “Thank Gloreth, I didn’t know– I saw the cadets scampering off and I went inside and I saw this– this–” 
“Sir, I saw this wolf-bear thing standing over you!” she exclaimed, her voice sharp with panic. “I think I must’ve passed out because when I woke up you were gone–”
“I’m okay, Officer,” Ambrosius said. “The wolf-bear thing is a …” 
But the word fell apart on his tongue. “… It was trying to help.”
“Oh! Well, that’s– That’s good, then!” She let out a forceful exhale, the sound crackling through the receiver. “I’m not sure what I would have done if something had happened to you, sir.”
Embarrassment crashed over him, sinking to the pits of his roiling stomach. He still couldn't believe he'd let a bunch of academy rookies get the better of him. How utterly disgraceful. “I’m okay. I just wanted to check in with you, Officer, make sure you weren’t hurt.”
“Forget about me, sir, it was five of those bastards against one of you! Are you sure you’re alright?”
For the first time since regaining consciousness, Ambrosius took a moment to assess how he was feeling. The side of his face was stinging, his knee aching as if it were being stabbed with a hot poker. He ran his tongue over a gash in his bottom lip, nausea rising at the metallic taste that burst in his mouth. Dizziness teased the edges of his vision, the room rocking gently on its side. Likely the results of a concussion.
The old injury in his shoulder was throbbing, pulses of dull, tingling pain shooting down his arm. He must have pulled it when he’d been throwing his weight around. He hadn’t even noticed. 
“I’ll live,” was all he said. Sighing, he lowered his head into his hand, wincing as he brushed his nose. Broken. “I'm sorry for frightening you, Officer, it wasn’t my intention. For now, you should just try and put all this behind you and return to your regular duties. I’ll take care of everything from here.”
He’d need to file a report first thing in the morning, and he tried keeping his pessimism at bay at the thought of the uphill battle that awaited him. Rarely had the objectionable behavior of cadets resulted in more than a terse reprimand during his academy days, and he knew things would only be more difficult in the kingdom’s current frenzied, emotional state. After the events of tonight, he’d likely just be seen as chasing a vendetta; the disgraced knight, in cahoots with monsters and villains, seeking revenge against the youths entrusted to protect the realm. He ran the very real risk of blessing those drunk, violent clowns with martyrdom. In fact, it felt inevitable.
His one consolation was that perhaps it would smooth things over with Starcrest's CEO if he’d already completed the bulk of the paperwork necessary for an insurance claim. A paltry comfort after a disastrous day—but it was something.
It took a moment for him to realize he’d yet to hear a response from the patrolwoman. He frowned. “Officer?”
A watery sniffle sounded on the other end of the phone. Alarm shot through him. “Officer Laurel?”
“I’m so sorry, sir,” she said, her voice thick with misery. “I shouldn't have gotten you involved. None of this would have happened if I'd just tried harder sorting this out on my own."
His heart dropped, exhaustion settling over him like a heavy, smothering fog. “None of this is your fault. Your captain was wrong to put you in that situation in the first place. Rest assured, I’ll be filing a complaint with your senior staff first thing–”
"Frankly, sir, I don't give a rat's arse about my captain right now," she said, drawing in a deep, shuddering breath. "They hurt you. You could have … you could have been … And it would've been all my fault.”
Ambrosius squeezed his eyes shut, guilt clawing at his chest. Of all the regrettable things to happen tonight, upsetting the patrolwoman might be the thing he regretted the most. “You did the best you could with the situation you were put in, Officer. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
She sniffled. “I'm sorry, sir. I just wisssshhhhzzzzzzztttt–”
Ambrosius flinched at the abrupt, strident static. “Hello? Officer?”
The line went dead. Ambrosius blinked, pulling his phone forward. The screen remained dark, however, and refused to respond to his attempts to turn it back on.
Cursing, he threw the device onto the coffee table and lowered his head, cradling his face. The patrolwoman’s melancholic words bounced around his skull, juxtaposed with the memory of the almost childlike delight in her eyes from earlier that night. It already felt like eons ago since he'd teasingly offered her an autograph—he should have known that he was setting himself up for disaster showboating like that. How would she look upon him now, if she saw him in this sorry, defeated state?
A dusty hand mirror rested on the coffee table. With a morbid curiosity, he picked it up, and, at the sight that greeted him, recoiled.
A furious, purpling bruise bled along the contour of his cheekbone and jawline, accompanying a bluish-black ring circling his now grotesquely swollen eye. Smaller bruises and cuts marred his lips and lower face from where the cadet had struck him, and the line of his nose had a slight crook to it. Broken, as he'd suspected.
The shadows beneath his eyes, a familiar sight in recent months and easily dismissed, now hollowed out his gaze with a stark, gaunt emptiness. He looked like a skeleton. A tired skeleton.
Tracing the discolored ring around his eye, Ambrosius tried to stamp down the hot, burning hopelessness constricting his chest. All the coverup in the world wasn’t going to fix this. He had no idea what he was going to do for the cabinet meeting tomorrow. He didn’t even want to think what Ballister was going to say.
Bal …
Amidst his brooding, he didn’t see the figure looming over him until it had leaned well into his personal space. When he noticed, he suppressed his urge to flinch. The shapeshifter grinned.
“You see a mirror and you just can't help yourself, can you?” she said, elbow resting on the arm of the couch. “I gotta hand it to you, though; you can really pull off a shiner.”
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justcallmesakira · 7 months
HIII OMG I haven’t had a good laugh in a while until i came across your fyodor’s sis dating dazai hcs IT GOT ME ROLLING ON THE FLOOR 😭 can i request for dazai’s sister dating fyodor if you’re up for it? fluff crack make it silly if you want i’ll enjoy anything from you for sure!!
"Dazai with a sister dating Fyodor!"
Sypnosis: Uh oh! Looks like Dazais one and only sister he grew up with is dating a rat who the entirety of yokohama is after!
Genre: crack, suggestive? (idk sth is wrong with me)
Warning: More blasting, bombing, terrorrist, rizz,
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nahhh like brother like sister :/
NO BCS i feel like fyodor just wanted to temper dazai by using his ugly breedable charms on you
But it backfired terribly! (like his posture)
Though you were his one and oNlY eNeMyS blood relative he just couldnt help but flirt with you and perhaps ykyk do those romantic stuff ppl do
This is so ooc rn ;skull emoji 69x;
However you were extremly LIKE extremly careful to not let your brother know
You literly sneaked off the house as if you were sneaking inthe kitchen to cook a whole buffet at 3am!!
Except you were sneaking off to EAT a whole buffet😏😏
Even the rat himself helped you to sneak to his rusty ahh apartment
Wow! The first thing he actually did for others!!!!!
Honestly dazai would be chill though-
Like oh his sister is dating someone? welp sure! i have exes all around the city hope its not one of them though hehe...HeHe
You took the risk of rizzing fyodor up infront of him though like:
"I am crime, I am punishment" you: "I know something else you can punish :3"
Dazai woke back from the dead with em bones fish eye when u said that
When he find out though.....oh god hes going to give you that light skin stare, with his eyes turning into nothing but a pitch black void
One day you met up with fyodor and you were so excited that you nearly threw his anemic ass to the ground
"Yaaaah fedya,!! we finally met! dont give me that face do u know how hard it is to come and meet you when my lazy ahh brother puts trackers on me!" "Malyshka, please calm down---''
All of a sudden u could hear shuffling which instantly cautions the both of you only for your eyes to be meeted with your brothers eye turning into nothing but pitch black like the face he gave when he saw mori
your getting grounded <3
"Out of all people...out of 8 billion people, sister😀" "I-i-i-i i can explain"
damn.. dazai become eminem
the shift mood between to u then to fyodor was so funny
fyodor honestly only glared at him with a smile that said "If they annoy you, go for their sibling"
dazai YANKED Your arm taking you back to you apartment and just stared at you as if you got a B in maths
uh oh...
So YEAH after hours of not being able to calm him down he finally accepted!
Dazai gifted fyodor a dead rat in a helicopter after he accepted you guys😍😍😍
No bcz i think u and nikolai would have matching energy--
Nikolai: "Dos-kun bites his nails!" You: "Real except he bites my neck!"
one day ranpo jolted up from his seat with fisheye and slowly turned to you as if you ate his (dead)mother
"Dazai Y/N, you did not..." "Oh yes yes i just did :3"
everybody was so confused like did you steal his snacks or sth???
"like brother like sister i guess...." -ranpo after finding out his bestie is doing unholy things to his enemy
Dazai acted so overdramatic omg- ugh hes so babygirl
dramatic gossip girlie fr
like its literly like
"I took your victory😈" "I took your sisters viriginty😈😈😈"
i am so sorry-WAHHHHHHHHHH- *gets shot in the head by reader for being so dirty*
during gatherings, they just smile at each other protesting in their minds who can take care of u better while your in a chair rollin around and going :3
kuro kuro kuro kuroooo kuro kuro kuro kuro ding luro kuro ding~
until your silly ahh falls! :D
And its just a second of time to see who can cath you first-
Dazais going to turn your wedding into an arson commitment!
"Breaking news!, Depressed man who half the fandom slanders burns down his sisters wdding venue with soy sauce!"
Well... its a funky ride! but hey its fyodor
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A/N: i know its short but i tried okay- ENJOY!! i love doing crack if i cant laugh or be happy i will make others happy!! <33
Divider crds: @nikolaismasquerade
tags! @silverbladexyz @riiwrites @chuuyasboner @heartsfourdazai @atlasnessie @atsquie @tojifile @biscuits-lovely-corner @darling--angst
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1racoon7trenchcoats · 2 years
On today's episode of 'what did I put in my notes at 3 am': rtc and video games!
Ocean hates horror games (and horror in general)
Girl will straight up piss herself
She used to play those math racing games and printed out the certificates
I don't think she was allowed to play games at home so all she knew for a long time was school-promoted games
She likes puzzle games but gets frustrated at them and complains when there's leaps in logic
Ricky loved newgrounds
Riddle school was his shit
Constance and Noel both have neon cat ear headphones
Constance used to play girlgogames and stuff even though she hated them because that's what the popular girls did
That was fully projection btw
Ricky is a beast at guitar hero
Mischa will freestyle while he does
He also likes the drumset
Ricky also likes dating sims
He likes the alien girls from Pico Sim date and mr massagy
You know the girl from Mr massagy that's just immediately like 'have my babies'
They all play the Sims
They play wildly differently though
Ocean just tries to work her way to the top of every job and max out every skill
I feel like a vampire would get her and she cries that her life is over
She forgets to save often
Constance just tries to live a nice lil life
Probable marry a neighbor and max out cooking
Has far too many mods
Would make Sims of her and her crush
And her friends and their crushes
Noel never gets to the actual game because he spends so long on the character creator
He will then go through the community made stuff and roast it
He has absolutely crashed his PC trying to get custom content
Everyone thinks Mischa is going to be a menace but he ends up making him and talia and just woo-hoo constantly
He accidentally hit try for baby once and just sat there with a blank stare for ten minutes
He snapped out of it when the name your baby thing popped up
He calls talia after that
Penny does the relatable thing and just drowns everyone
Especially if Ezra is involved
They will try to find the weirdest ways to kill them
She loves the cow plants
She tries to get all the collectible things
Like the frogs she loves the frogs
She has them all presented in her home
The Sim is just randomized
Or she let Noel do it
Ricky tries to test how long he can go without eating or pissing
He tries to max out the weirdest things
Like he'll be going for fishing, violin, and mischief all at the same time
Ocean is upset at all of them
"Why would you spend your life on that???"
"Its a game, you up-tight fuck"
A lot of people say this but it's a fact ricky was/is a fnaf kid
He makes jokes about it all the time but no one else understands them
He tries to introduce it to everyone
Ocean is terrified and just. So confused.
Ricky will try to explain the lore and she will just sit there like 😥👍
Mischa wants to fight back
Especially if they're doing vr
Boy is swinging
Noel is scared but tries to play it off
At one point he gets super tense it's like 4am (probably both irl and in game)
Penny lies back and accidentally brushes his back with her foot
He fucking squeals
Ricky played poptropica when he was younger
Constance still plays all the papa's restaurant games
Noel tried to get a boyfriend on club penguin
Ricky has an atari
He also likes speedrunning
Do yall remember Marvel Super Hero Squad Online? Ricky played that.
Also mischa Is weirdly good at claw games
Ik that's not a video game but I wanted it to be said
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berriesandjunnie · 2 years
dating jeon wonwoo [birthday special]
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happy wonwoo day, carats! here’s a celebratory wonwoo headcanon<3
wonwoo x afab!reader headcanon no translations needed what a man to date huh
lets start with how this man is in general yall!!
absolute simp
i said it
wonwoo is an undercover simp
he will do absolutely everything at the request of his partner
you want one of your cravings?
hold on sweetie he'll be there in 10
he's always been a lot quieter than you
perhaps one of those opposites attract vibes that somehow moulded together perfectly
some people like to doubt that the two of you even get along
but you love him literally who wouldn't
okay so his bday!
i can picture this is an early relationship and you've not made the first move of living together
this makes you a little sad bc you can't wake him up with birthday streamers but whatever
you do however! heavily decorate your little apartment in birthday things
you know he wont give a shit and probably wont like the colour but
you don't read minds and you are incorrect
he turns up at your house after spending breakfast with svt and dealing with their bullshit
he thought he'd escape it at yours but LOL
but as much as he perhaps isn't the type to plaster happy birthday banners to the walls and bunty above door frames
he can't help but smile and show his cute ass teeth when you turn around for a moment
doesn't despise the colour but he does think its questionable
you absolutely litter him in attention
he's always so attentive to you and your needs that sometimes its easy to get caught up in what the other may want
so when he moves to get a drink, you're up on your feet quicker than him and hurrying to the kitchen
wonwoo has to state like ten times during present opening that you do not need to do it for him
"but i want to"
"today does not immobilise me i can get stuff myself"
"well you're another year older grandpa don't hold your breath"
that's another thing like????
you two tease each other SO much
perhaps not as much as jeonghan would to his partner
but still you're a very playful couple behind the scenes and thats what the public will never understand
bc svt literally overloaded him on food for breakfast bc they simply love him that much he didn't really want to eat for a while
that is absolutely frickin fine to you
you do however drag him for some time in the sun, wandering seoul's streets and admiring small shops the two of you had never noticed before
and of course a cat cafe is involved why the fuck wouldn't it be
i'm sorry but the pure joy you get from seeing wonwoo quietly cooing over cats while sipping iced coffee is !!!!!!
even tho it's his bday he does get you some small things you like out of the stores you venture into
but he can't resist a book store and he gets a good few books for himself there that he's always wanted to read
you'd already stated you'd be borrowing them when he's done
anyways so you head back to your place and wonwoo is just like can we order takeaway?
and you was going to cook dinner for him but the heat lowkey ended you and you just wanted to sit down
so you agree!
and of course, gamer woo has a console at your place, obviously
he ropes you into playing minecraft and being his little flower collector
ofc you'll do that??? its his bday you can bring him flowers and shii
and plenty of tamed kitties!!
he names all of them a variation of your name and nickname
sorry but i am BAWLING what a man
wonwoo is so head over heels for you he never needs or wants anything extravagant from you
he appreciates your time and the effort you already subject into dating an idol
he always thinks you're the better partner for dating someone in the industry and he thinks you're very strong for it and hypes you up
he's even mentioned it in an interview before!
maybe in public the two of you aren't keen on pda - being an idol is a reason on wonwoo's behalf, it sucks to have media track you - but in private?
all this man wants is you curled up against him, a blanket draping over his and your legs and controllers in both of your hands
it's his absolute favourite thing in the world, to have you so close to him even if you don't play the game sometimes and just watch
he loves you
a lot
and he knows people think he's a super awkward quiet guy who probably isn't too fun to date
but you know otherwise as the two of you cuddle up on your couch and you request more cobblestone from him for your house
and in response he not only gives you a few stacks of cobblestone but a kiss on your head
"happy birthday wonwoo"
"thank you my love"
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader 
changbin x reader | part three of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff & angst for a lil bit woo
↬ warnings; talk of perinatal depression, cursing, n labor 
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u two had just freshly started an official, public relationship
ofc changbin was freaking out while he was chilling in the bathtub behind the curtain so u could pee on the test already
u two were looking at the line coming in, praying that there would be only o n e 😳
slowly the other line comes in, dark blue n clear alongside the other one
“holy fuck—“
“what do we do?” you asked, your voice wavering while setting the test back down
his hands cupped your face, giving u a soft kiss n hugging you
“we got this, we’re having a baby, baby!” he started to joke and yall burst out laughing while crying in the bathroom
the first few months were amazing
ur lil bump sprouted out n u two were so happy about it
changbin is just so attentive and excited about this pregnancy and his first born
u really couldn’t have been better with ur lil family that was starting to become realer with each day
u two r such bullies yall r like
“what happened? ur a softie now binnie!!”
n he’d say shit like, “well at least i don’t pee every hour on the clock!!”
he makes u cry one time n u use that against him everytime u want something bc he feels guilty >:)
cute lil things like asking the baby what they want to eat or talking to it before the bed
(changbin reads the baby goodnight moon one time and ur just so in love like wow 🥺)
he secretly talks to the baby when you sleep every night because hes waiting for when ur little bean will reply back with a kick or a hand
he is W H I P P E D for u n ur baby bump
nursery is already done at five months
he needs all of the boys to come over though to help him figure out the instructions 😳 these are co nfusi ngg
they notice how smiley n giggly he is when he talks about u two and looking at the finished crib hes just so proud
yall r so happy and content with ur baby that was an accident, but u guys are so happy this happened
but something changes within u
changbin notices your lack of interest in the pregnancy during ur sixth month
ur sleeping pattern was off n u would sleep for hours during the day and night
u were very irritable, not wanting changbin to cuddle with u or kiss u like he did everytime he came back from practice :(
u were always unhappy and always so moody, he just wanted u to be happy 🥺
he is so confused and worried ab u, some days ur not eating or some days u don’t even wake up in the mornings like u used to
sometimes— just sometimes he’d come back home to find u in the same spot, asleep
he’s so fucking scared when ur around seven months that he can’t hold it in anymore
“are—are you okay?” he questions u from the doorway, making u stop to look at him in the mirror
ur eyes were cold, setting down the towel u were drying ur hair with and leaving him by himself while heading into ur bedroom
“don’t you dare fucking walk away from me.”
ur s h oo k
he was really nice during the pregnancy everyday, super bubbly and kind so u were shocked to hear his upset tone
“i can and i will, i’ll just go sleep in another fuckin room.” u mumbled, changbin grabbing ur hands and turning u around to face him
u struggle for a bit while ur arguing with him and telling him to let go so u could go to sleep
“stop! i am your boyfriend, i am the only one who is going to care for you like this. i am the only one who is dying, seeing you like this. do you understand? we’ve been through seven months of this together, it was fine for awhile and now you’re fucking turning me away?”
hes shouting at this point, hes just so pissed after three months of not having answers and your attitudes and arguments, he cannot handle it
u start crying
hes quick to hold you, pulling u down to the bed so u don’t have to stand on ur tired feet anymore
“i don’t know what’s wrong with me.” 🥺🥺🥺
he insists u two will find out n u both will get thru this rough patch together
perinatal depression, they diagnosed u
changbin is so upset when he hears the doctors tell u
everything is making sense to him and he’s just so heartbroken he didn’t put two and two together earlier
he takes time off for the time being to make sure ur taking care of urself
hes watching u like a hawk but trying not to make it evident
the first time u ask him for a kiss, he gives u dozens
he hadn't been asked for kisses in so long he was so relieved 🥺
he’s constantly telling u how beautiful u r and talking to ur bump about how they have the best genes and their uncles
this man is a father already it seems
he is ur #1 face mask partner cause he buys the cute ones only because u deserve the cute ones that r ur favorite ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
cooking together is something that happens, not often but every once in awhile he will let u do small things
cut up some lettuce? sure! pour in the soup broth? of course u can! taste test his food? always.
he wants to make sure ur comfortable with him touching u or kissing u or what hes saying
“i love you.” he’s mumbling, quickly placing a kiss against the fabric of one of his own shirts that was worn by u and fit u like a dress still
he then goes up to ur cheek n presses a kiss to it, ur hand cupping his jaw and letting him kiss ur lips >.<
also u guys let out a quiet talk of pregnancy to the public, letting jyp release a notice on changbin’s absence from live-streams and posts with the boys
u two received a lot of positive feedback which changbin let u read the positive ones n loved when u smiled at each one
u were overdue by a week which was the worst, ur back hurt and u had migraines
u also were put on bed-rest for the next week before u could be inducted
u guys waited out the week and u got scheduled for an induction
the labor was really slow which sucked because u just wanted to hold ur baby already :(
rly intimate moments like chan just holding u n rocking u like a baby
u guys are given this position to move the baby down, your knees on the ground so u could kneel against the bed and changbin would hold ur hips n rock them
he just feels so bad he can’t do anything to help u with the pain 🥺
yall kinda vibing with the hospital food (idk bout yall but some food from hospitals smack chile)
“i just want to go home.” :(
u bet ur ass he scoots into ur hospital bed, holding ur hands n u just cry into his shoulder
he feels like his heart is being torn to pieces when he listens to u cry out of pain
his free hands holds your jaw, making u look up at him
“we’re almost done baby, okay? i know it hurts, if i could i would take your pain in a heartbeat. you are incredibly strong and i’m so proud of you. you just need to hang in here for a few more hours, yeah? you think you can do that?”
u give him the weakest smile ever but its better than nothing
u reach 10cm!!!
now the part that wasn’t fun was the pushing :/
u were hurting, u were tired, and u had been promised almost seven times that all u need was one more push but no matter what, it seemed like the baby wasnt budging
“the cord is wrapped around the neck, we need you to stop pushing. okay?”
ur too tired and stopping the pushing sounded good so u did as they said but when they told u they needed to actually reach in and unwrap it ur blood ran cold
u both were worried about how much u could take
u screamed, god it hurt and it felt like hours of them twisting but it was a mere minute
the labor progressed n there it was
“a girl!”
u two are like faucets or waterfalls
shes literally the perfect mixture of u both 🥺
he washed her hair n helped wrap her up in a blanket, giving her over to u for the first time
u both were just in love with her, she was absolutely perfect
he’s obsessed with her, taking in that baby scent, the scent of the light baby shampoo and the bit of baby powder that lingered throughout her onesie
her hair wooooww its so soft n fluffy
her little baby pout and her puffy cheeks
i can see him calling her bunny for awhile as a childhood nickname
he’ll just be like
“oh that’s my bunny!!”
weird look from u but ur heart melts while he bounces her in his arms n gives her some kissies and running his fingers thru her hair
he’s also rly soft, i don’t see him singing but i see him definitely whispering to her about how she’s gonna grow up and have the best life because thats his little girl
“ur gonna have eight uncles, they are crazy but it’s okay. u definitely lucked out on fathers though, i’m pretty good at lullaby's. u did get great genes too, u have a handsome daddy and a gorgeous mommy. we worked really hard on making u, please don’t hurt ur cute little face. u also have a storm coming, there’s a thing called stays, they are gonna adore you, i promise.”
omgomgomgomg jejejejeje im blushing at the thought of this i just adore dad changbin 
u guys may or may not be planning for another but it definitely would happen in a few years
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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wychive · 4 years
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𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨
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summary // you found your pile of ‘letters’ to hyunjin that contain thoughts that have never been said and decided to write to him one last time.
pairing(s) // hyunjin x gn!reader, hyunjin x oc, slight minho x reader
genre(s) // angst, letter fic 
warning(s) // mentions of food, themes of being forgotten, vulgar wording, humiliation, overthinking
word count // 2.0k
author's note // happy birthday @noya-sannnn​ !! im sorry this was so late hhh you know how i am irl,, but i hope you enjoy this! i love you so much, jane <3 i apologize for the many grammar mistakes gn. i recommend listening to iu’s ending scene while reading this! btw y/n/n means your nickname.
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[10/01/14, 3:55am]
dear jinnie,
hi there! it's y/n <3 i hope you're doing okay - i mean of course you are pfft anyways, just writing this short letter (more like paragraph)  sort of as a venting mechanism? for things i cant tell you about lol  im not so sure how you would call it, since you're so much better at words than i am. basically were like:
hyunjin: ow a brain freeze!
me: haha brain go brrrr
anyways haha yea <3 it's 4am so like,, ill see you at school!
your loser,
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[15/02/14, 12:34am]
yo heartthrob!
im back with this kinda stuff haha it's been a whole? week? since ive written one of these so like yes..hi! i just wanted to say thanks, for today. you really know how to cheer me up huh? you really outdid yourself by setting up that little picnic for us. congrats on making the strawberry cake so perfectly <3 this day will always stay as a core memory in the back of my brain. you're too caring sometimes,,, istg you'll pay for this [maybe hugs?] >:) 
your partner in crime,
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[30/02/15, 01:29am]
LMAO you hate me calling you that, doesn't change a thing though. hehe,, nways i hope you enjoyed your birthday present :) i got you that really cool skateboard that you wanted. i worked my ass off for that in my mother's garden so like,, you gotta thank me for that a thousand times :D nah jk, its a sincere gift, from me to you. i rarely do this for ANYONE so consider yourself lucky to have a best friend like me -3- also, seungmin is like….kinda the cutest person ever. introduce me to him pls, thank!
<your bestest friend3,
(p.s. you're kinda cute too,,,, ig,,, still stinkee tho)
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[13/04/15, 9:04pm]
hey 'baby' (HAHAHA ihy for this)
i hope your day was okay! i didn't see much of you today (which was sort of a bummer but wtv) so like…. uh yea. you told me you were doing okay over text, which kinda surprised me because like?? we always video call lol this is kinda the first time,, but its okay, i trust you! (i really hope youre doing alright tho, i'll beat anyone up if they make you sad >:( ) you also called me 'sweetheart' today which was like…. omg wtf haha????????? that was so weird to me for some reason… a good kind of weird :D we haven't done those kinds of nicknames in a while so…. happy to know that they're back in session <3 i talked to the new girl today, she's really cool! like she knows the bean song on tiktok so like its a total win heh, ill introduce you to her tomorrow! you'll love her a lot
your 'lover',
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[08/06/16, 10:23pm]
hey howl (hehe go back to that movie night we had)
this spring break sucks so much,, esp because youre not here (you still couldve brought me along :'[ ) but wtv i hope youre enjoying yourself. ive been hanging out with yeonnie lately and i found out she likes conan grey too like pls i love her sm. can we adopt her?? please???? she told me you guys have been video calling too and that makes me so happy!! you two are getting along so well aaa my precious babies </3 
what if you developed a crush on her? haha…..jk unless?? (no jk dont shes all mine, stay away >:) ) anyways, i hope the three of us hang out soon. maybe go to that ice cream parlour where they serve the best cookies and cream?  
your daisy,
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[19/07/15, 01:23am]
peepee poopoo hello
heyheyhey!! (heh, haikyuu thingz) i hope youre doing okay! i mean sure you are, with everything going so well. also i feel like you're not telling me something. maybe it's just me? is it? i hope it is because you tell me everything,, we've been talking less these days but its okay! i know how busy you are, especially with your dad always bugging you,,
also, i think yeonbin likes you :0,, she keeps talking about you whenever we hang out. don't get me wrong, its not bad that she likes you but...something doesn't feel right. i feel like i'm being the third wheeler here and like ugh idk. haha laughs yea i think its just me.. im sorry, i didnt mean to do you like this,, anyways, ill see you soon + her too ofc- yall are inseparable lmao
your moonlight,
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[23/07/15, 01:56am]
greetings, kind sir
lol more like mean sir but like aight KSKSK,, anyways,, how have you been? we haven't really talked in a while,, our convos are always so short with it being one-sided :/ i wish you were online more. yeonnie is ignoring me,, do you know why? i think you do,,, but when i asked you just said you didnt know. did i do something wrong? pls tell me.. 
she blocked my contact the other day and she won't even smile at me when i pass her in the hallways. its,, sad and stressful especially because she was the only one that would genuinely talk to me. i hate to say this,, but i miss you. us, hanging out like the best trio we are, yknow? but i dont think you miss me the same way. sorry, im getting out of hand. i know im just overreacting. im just gonna sleep ig,, good night! sweet dreams,,
your pink lemonade,
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[25/07/15, 03:25am]
hi there
i heard you and her got together?? congrats, jinnie! im so proud of you,, especially because you never had even considered getting a girlfriend a few months earlier lmaO you really woo the ladies huh? anyways,, i hope you've been well since we last talked,, how many days has it been?? i would say nearly a week or so but honestly it feels like a hundred years,, considering you and i used to talk every day. but you have her now to keep you company.
keep this a secret but can you possibly tell me why it hurts when i see her? or when i mention her or even think of her?? is it because she's connected to you? but.. you're my best friend, so why? is it because i miss you? is it because im alone now? is it because you left me with a simple 'i have to go now,, bye y/n/n.'? im not sure either. im being silly, i apologize. ill figure it out sooner or later. sweet dreams, jinnie
your asswipe,
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[25/07/15, 04:30am]
it's because i love you. 
your butterfly,
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[??/08/??, 05:??am]
i miss your lame jokes. i miss your smile. i miss your laughs. i miss your funny faces. i miss the way your eyes twinkle. i miss th way you would make me happy just by doing the bare minimum. i miss the disaster you made when cooking breakfast. i miss the night when you snuck me out just to go to that pretty lantern event. i miss when you would call out my name everytime we met. i miss when we would share earbuds in train rides. dont you get it, hyunjin? i miss you.
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[??/??/15, ??:??am]
please tell me that isn't true, please. you're too kind to do these kinds of things, right? + i was your best friend,, then, why, why did you hurt me like this. i didnt do anything wrong.. you couldve just told me you didnt like me,,, why did she have to tell me? out of all people. 
youre so pathetic for this,, i thought you were brave, bold - but youre just a fucking coward. i loved you, i really did. and i realised too late… im sorry. she,, i shouldn't have talked to her in the first place, right? i bet you knew she humiliated me, in front of everyone. of course you did, you were the only one that knew. you told her. fuck, i hate you so much (yet why do i long for you on a night like this?). you know how much that'll affect me and yet, there you are, laughing about it with her.
fuck off,
you know who i am.
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[31/08/15, 03:41am]
ah, jinnie
please tell me this is just a nightmare. please, please. stop just reading my texts, please answer them. jinnie. i miss you so much. i dont care bout her, please just let me be in your arms. i dont care if you love me back, please just talk to me at least. tell me what i did wrong,, jinnie,, please,,, clear these tear stains on my cheek with kisses.
your fuck-up,
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[15/09/15, 04:59am]
why do i keep crying because of you? its been a few weeks since everything has happened. please, nothing has changed. i still love you the same even with all the hatred i have pent up in this stupid brain of mine. i wish i could just walk back in time, to where it all began.
when i first met you in third grade and you pushed me while playing soccer or maybe when we took those ridiculous prom pictures, remember those? i hope you still have them,, because i do too. i hope the pictures of us on your wall still hang there,, it'll remind you of the happy times. hm,, maybe you don't need them. 
you already have millions of pictures with you and her,, i bet you printed some and replaced those with ours right? sly dog. 
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[04/02/16, 12:57am]
i went to the park today and saw both of you being happy. it's nice to see your smile again. im sorry i didnt go up to you,, i just thought it would be awkward. when i heard that adorable laugh of yours, it made me realise that i lost something special. but it's okay isnt it? as your happiness matters more than mine. 
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[06/01/20, 08:00pm]
dear hyunjin,
im doing fine here. how about you? gosh,, how long has it been? years? since we last talked to each other. i havent heard from you since. i would just like to say i still think of you sometimes, when watering the plants or dancing while making pancakes. sometimes i think you're here with me too, just being the pals we were. 
sometimes i'd see you out, just reading a book in the park or buying pasta sauce at the grocery store. it's nice to see you having a stable life. im not sure if you're still with her or not, but its good to know that you still have that large friend group. also! you're never gonna guess who im dating--
it's minho! do you remember him? the one that i used to hate,, uh yeah. he asked me out the other day- you may wonder how tf,,, i too do not know how tf but he gives the best hugs ever. he gave me the love i wanted from you. he stitched my heart back together after it broke,, i love him so much, jinnie..
it's snowing,, do you remember when we would skate on the frozen lake in front of your house? are your parents well? i wonder if your mother still has those earrings i bought for her birthday. i never told you this but your laugh and hers sound so similar. 
i would just like to say thank you, for everything. you were a big part of my life, up until now. when we see each other after this, we would just be strangers. maybe flash a little smile or give a little wave whenever we greet each other but nothing more. some memories of us would flow in every now and then but it'll just be a short teaser. well, i'll be going now. smile for me, okay?
the one that loved you the most,
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taglist // @/noya-sannnn, @crvgio​ , @neo-shitty​
reply to be in my gen taglist!
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astralhugs · 4 years
RFA with an MC who doesn’t sleep because she’s on her phone too much
There are two types of people in this world, one who goes on their gadgets too much and the other, liars.
Enjoy~! Sorry I didn’t post last week D:
requests open~
* okay aside his gaming addiction, this boy rarely goes on social media.
* Probably has a facebook account just to login to LOLOL easier or sumn.
* Would usually use his phone for cooking recipes and lolol
* But you were the opposite
* You were on the phone 24/7.
* When he’s asleep, you’re on your phone.
* You’re at a theatre with him? You’re on your phone.
* At first he was just doing some positive thinking like, “Oh, maybe she has work or something.”
* But then when you guys went to bed a bit late, you promise you’d go to bed right away.
* Woo its 3AM and you’re up.
* On your phone
* And guess who caught you.
* Dearest Kim Yoosung.
* “Mc, sleep. Going on your phone too much will damage your eyes.” he worriedly said.
* You pout but then he gave you those darn puppy eyes and you cant say no?????
* In the end you gave up and slept
* It honestly felt good.
* Yoosung tells you about how he feels like he’s being ignored whenever you’re on your phone too long.
* “I’m not saying to not go on your phone, but um...its not good to go on it too long, you know?” he says.
* To my lovely readers who are students, Yoosung has something to say to you~ (will be doing this for the whole RFA mwah)
* “Hiii!! Its Yoosung~~ I love you so much but please don’t go on your phone too much! You should study hard but also take breaks, not only study breaks but breaks from your phone as well, I’m a student as well so I get you TT, if you go on your phone less I’ll kiss you~ hehe, i love you stay safe~”
* He never really realized because of practice and stuff until he saw that you were up???
* Watching netflix???
* On your phone???
* “MC.” he grabs the phone gently, surprisingly you didn’t say anything to him. He then realized you were asleep.
* He was wondering how long you’ve been doing this.
* The next day he’d definitely ask you about it though.
* You’d explain your reason and stuff.
* “I understand but staying up until 3AM? Babe, do you know how bad the radiation from your phone is to your face?” he asks.
* Would try to make you go to sleep early with him.
* ‘No phone hour’ is set one hour before you both go to sleep.
* You both would just chat and have fun like maybe doing facemasks together and doing each others hair and such.
* Loves the attention he’s getting from you whenever you’re not on your phone.
* “Hey babe! Is it very late at your place? If yes then WHY ARE YOU STILL UP? LIKE I SAID ABOVE, DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD RADIATION IS FOR YOUR SKIN????? If its morning and you’re still in bed, get up and do some exercises! I would do some with you but I have practice, you know lying in bed all day isn’t healthy so you should try doing some stretches to keep your body healthy during all of this pandemic thing. I hope you take care, see you soon, love you, mwah<3”
* Stays up till 3AM
* Doesnt really mind
* She got coffee for both of you.
* You’re answering guest emails (secretly watching netflix oop) while she’s doing all of Jumin’s piled up work.
* Zen’s at the back frustrated about how both of yall aren’t getting sleep.
* But on Fridays, Jaehee and you would try to stay away from gadgets for at least an hour before bed.
* “MC, its almost 2 we should head to bed soon.”
* Its either her who reminds you about the time or the other way around.
* Yall got each others back its no problem lol
* But fr yall both seriously need sleep
* Who am I kidding its 11.42PM rn
* In the morning, she’d prepare coffee for both of you so yall good.
* “Hello MC, I hope you’re having a lovely day, I know that you‘re having trouble going to sleep and honestly, I can say the same, with all the piled work Mr. Han gave me, I’m suprised I’ve even gotten at least 3 hours of sleep, but please don’t be like me. Sleep is important, I’ll sleep right after you sleep, promise! Take care!”
* Its either he sleeps early as fuck or he doesnt sleep at all.
* Ya know being director of C&R tingz
* Anyways he sees that you’re still awake
* ‘I thought she finished replying to guests the other day?’ he thought to himself before entering her office
* Yes you have your own office in Jumin’s place, we been knew.
* “Darling, its almost 1AM why are you not asleep?” he asks worriedly.
* Well you explain it and if it was a stupid reason like about a series then he isn’t having any of your bullshit and takes you with him to bed.
* If it’s reasonable he’d understand but wouldn’t recommend you staying up at ungodly hours.
* Sometimes would see you popping up in chatrooms and he’s like??? tf???
* Would recommend you to see a doctor to see if there were any problems as to why you weren’t sleeping well.
* Would stay by your side when you’re in bed and is asleep.
* In the end, he’d definitely recommend you not to go on your phone half an hour before going to bed so thats that.
* My love, is it late there? If it is, please get some sleep soon. I wish I could cuddle with you right now and help you go to sleep but I’m out of country. I hope the body guards are keeping you safe and I hope you’re staying indoors. My love, please wait for me, I love you.”
* saeyoung ilysm
* nah he’d still scold you though.
* He doesn’t care if he stays up for 287373 hours
* But you????
* No.
* Its bed o’clock MC time for bed.
* Has robocat set up to put you to sleep.
* Like it would remind you to go to bed and once you’re in bed it would play some soft music.
* Sometimes, it would also play Seven talking like ASMR.
* If robocat sees you on your phone it would send a notif to Seven immediately so thats that.
* I still think hes not allowed to have a say in this.
* But wbk seven loves mc more than he loves himself :(
* “drum roll!!!! ITS ME! Your lovely 707! MC! Why are you not asleep? I know, coming from me it sounds stupid but you should be sleeping because its not good for your health! I wish I could cuddle you some more but I’m on a mission right now! But don’t worry~! I’ll go back soon and we’ll cuddle alot! Stay safe and I love you!!”
THANK YOU FOR READING!! If you guys like this, I’ll try post V’s, Saeran’s and Vanderwoods :)
Requests are open please send some~!
Have a great week <3
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derekmorganscrocs · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x7 Thoughts While Watching
I’m gonna cut down on how much I actually because I’m starting to find myself not enjoying the show as much. ANYWAY here we go:
Yo what’s up with the intro-
Ooh investigator Nancy! Oh, investigator Nancy... organizing files. Yay. Hole punching...
CHRIST ODETTE WTF- George really said be gone thot! Nick is so concerned. AW BESS KNOWS NICKS COFFEE ORDER, BFFS! He knows, HE KNOWS!!
Nancy is like wtf are these girls doing here, how did they find me. She has disappointed big sister energy
The towels omg “it’s a little embarrassing.” Ace is so chill. AMANDA- HES so nervous omg wait. IS NANCY JEALOUS??? There’s no way ace isn’t crushing on Amanda omfg that was so cute he was so nervous awe
Nick and Ryan are hanging!!! Omg no they’re not they are not vibing rn. Ryan actually looking into the fam is lowkey impressive. Nick panicking rn “just trust me a little while longer pls” HIS VPICE THERE WOO
“It’s like downtown abbey” does this imply that ace watches that- ACE BABYSITTING!!! ACE IS BABYSITTING AYE DONT OFFEND MY MAN (lol baby white boy smile) “he watches downtown abbey” sent me
NOT THE NICK/GEORGE ARGUMENT “your eye bags could carry groceries” odette go away ma’am. Your time here is done bye bye
“Gimme a dollar, to engage my services” PSH PLS SUPPORTIVE BOYFRIENDS! Caryan vibez <3 (satire, I ship them as a joke, but they’re co-parenting for sure) (Ryan flipping through his wallet pls) MY MAN CARSON GOING FOR THE FITTYS “btw that’s why my father is so... messed up.” espionage ryan! NO HES SO CONCERNED FOR NANCY OK DADDY RYAN! WAIT THAT CAME OUT WRONG
george is the voice of reason here omg “ghosts can’t be your go to.” YES LOGIC! OH RICH GIRL BESS COME THRU!
Sleuth sisters are my dream crew
Ace is failing at babysitting. “Help me” NICK AND ACE BRO-PARENTING COLLEGE GIRLS OMFG
creepy mini elevator- dumb waiter my bad. My hero girls! Pls the basement is scary. Sleuth sisters! I’m calling them that now. BLOOD
SERIAL KILLER I TOLD YALL I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! A WHITE MAN, NO! (Y’all see what I did there, yk where that’s from) Jk but men are pretty scary sometimes-
GHOST SCAM! Genius dude. lol heyyy Amanda remember that time we saved you??? “A thief not a hacker” I KNKW A HACKER
“You don’t cook pancakes in the oven, who raised you-“ SMOKE ALARM! “ACE pls don’t go, pls” STOP THE BRO-PARENTING FAILURE PLS-
THATS GEORGE OMFG WHAT THE FUCK GIRL WHAT oh she’s gonna have to tell them abt odette
George has voodoo powers or something I swear. “You did an exorcism without me?” I LOVE BESS’ GREEN SHIRT ONG ITS SO CUTE. “Odette can you hear us!?”
“Before you can say jawline” BESS STOP WE DONT LIKE TAMARA OR HIS EXCELLENT JAWLINE! FRENCH ACCENT OK WHAT “no, Bess. That’s odette” sassy Nancy omg. Not the hellhounds- SHES A MURDERER
SMORT NANCY! GPS tracking. A bus station? AW BIG SIS NANCY! aw this poor girl, and Nancy relation y’all me too. pls Nancy sharing her tragic backstory. If we don’t get updates on this girl and Nancy and Jen being friends I’ll be sad.
“you ran back to daddy the first chance you got” NICK OK “some sob story about max the bully” nick pls- RYAN SOB STORY HAS ME SOBBING. No I cannot bond with him he’s a bad guy. BUT HE CARES ABOUT NANCY. NICK AND RYAN DUO IS GOOD!! MORE.
GEORGE CRYING ONG “he wakes up every night screaming. He has nightmares of me dying in his arms” STOP. Bess standing up to odette es my girl bess coming in clutch.
ACE CHECKING ON HIS COMPUTER PATIENT. “The flirting wasn’t a ruse” why did I say ow. Like actually I said ow. I knkw he’s fictional but my brain doesn’t seem to comprehend.
“He’s going to his bfs house!” When Ryan ditches nick, she thinks he’s going to ask Carson for help
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She almost burned her hand off in the hot air from a bag of popcorn, I can’t with this bish
“Oh is that spider woobs!”
“Y’all gonna die- George already died once like this week too-“
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misterbitches · 3 years
i dont talk about to my star enough or at all but i like it even better than where your eyes linger and WYEL is like one of the few shows period that i thought was a nice little vehicle for some handy dandy class analysis escapist fun. 
also falling in love with jang eui soo (is that his name i hope i’m remembering it correctly.) all these korean webseries so far seem to also have woemn or teenage girls they actually respect and give them names and existence even as a romantic opposition (only sort of too!) and some great characters around them. short, sweet, pretty decently inoffensive and i am not distracted* by annoyances of the world while watching.
to my staaaar i think was good because these dudes aren’t first time actors or you can tell acting is like the job they want to pursue not just something to do. so they take the roles with even more gravity and have to leave the awkwardness at the door to get their job done. it’s evident that the gender matters for the characters but as actors getting paid (probably poorly but still we’re all here for a job man) TO ACT they have to eliminate the boundaries they have with genders and expressions to do their job which is why acting can be such a journey of self-discovery because you get to try new things and be all these people. 
everything is short and more rushes because of the webseries format and it genuinely feels like a mini film. i feel like these shows should approach them as films then split them up because imo it’s just a better flow but i digress. to my star wow idk man they were just a lot of fun to watch. i really love the subtlety on the more suggestive parts like how seo joon was telling him he liked him with saying, “i don’t want to be your friend though” to the ICONIC “are you jealous? can i kiss you?” which was so intimate smdh and han ji woo is perfect because he’s a gay chef with a dark cloud over his head. he is me except i hate cooking and i’m not a man. 
i can go through the best parts and i’m rewatching parts of it now but what a lot of shows really fail with is the intimacy parts. you don’t want to watch two people kiss just to kiss; it comes as a reward and a more visual representation of love or lust but we want to get there too which a lot of shows forget. there’s like steps and things people do that signify the connection that’s outside of the physical so we don’t always need the physical but when we get it with a good story it feels good, nice, rewarding. that’s why it’s good to have both but the biggest crux of the chemistry between people is the intimate parts, how they are individually and how that works together in love.
however! given that asian dramas in general and esp BL and the dead fish kissing (that has slowly been phasing out thank you lord) can’t deliver on either a lot of the times—good foundations like why are we here watching this and why are they together? is something we actually know the answer to. good set ups of their interactions and intimacy and the way they approach physicality. or we can see their first physical time as the viewer and to my star delivers because literally no one saw that kiss coming. i mean i knew the dudes were like professional actors and stuff but a good kiss or makeout scene in a mainstream kdrama isn’t as rare as it used to be but there’s still a ways to go so to my star said: we’re gonna do it. we’re. gonna. do it.
and it was like actually not cringe when ji woo went to play with the strings of seo joon’s hoody and was being ~sensual~ or when they were on top of each other even before they kissed. it’s like you can tell and see that there’s something there, that irl they have chemistry which is the beauty of bringing it out on screen, and you want those moments for them and you’re grateful you get to experience some of it!
*oh i hated the girl who could speak english i forgot how dumb that part was and unlistenable fucking a lmao enough WAP cosplay for all of yall
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
khun modern bf headcanons?
Hmm oof i am probably not the best person to be asking this cause I dont write fics or anything but I’ll do my best
So i realized that i just wrote plot stuff but im posting anyway cause i spent way too long on this ahaha 
apologies in advance for typos that I'm too lazy to go through and correct
Enjoy the headcanons that i wrote later + plots that i originally wrote and went on a long tangent on oops
Khun would be that subtle overprotective boyfriend 
He’d just kinda silently watch from afar but he’d totally kill anybody who hurt bam in any way, shape, or form
But he’d like be SUPER sweet with bam like
Pet names yall PET NAMES like khun and bam would prob both mutually melt when they call each other pet names
Khun would always help bam with hw and whatnot, let’s pretend bam’s a physics genius cause thats just how i imagine him in modern life, always has trouble with law class (he’s  taking it just for khun so he can understand what khun’s talking about) so khun helps him
Khun would be a super smooth talker, can woo a n y b o d y, exceptional at speeches, captain of speech and debate team
Khun would never admit he’s jealous but like the whole gang would know (except for bam who’s clueless as usual) 
Like bam is friendly with everybody so khun’d just be like ugh screw yall 
But then bam always confides in him and spends a crapload amt of time with him so he knows he’s just doubting himself and he’s mad at himself about it cause he knows bam is loyal to a fault and would never betray him
When bam gets older bam uses this against him hehe
Khun would also be that bf that everyones jealous of 
Everyone would want to be with khun but he only has eyes for bam
Ignores everybody else who hits on him
Side note i still stan top!bam and bottom!khun 
Khun would also be super thoughtful and goes out of his way to help make bam’s life easier whether its doing chores or smth etc, and each time bam smiles at him and expresses his gratitude khun’s heart would melt for the 1000th time
But like secretly khun really likes confident and sexy bam
They’d probably roleplay ngl (let ur imagination wonder~)
Khun would enjoy just spending time with bam :’) just cuddling and doing mundane things, they’d be super adorable together, hugs and kisses and ah just too cute-
Khun secretly likes bdsm and bam knows this 😏they switch roles from time to time, i cant decide who’s sub/dom
Khun would plan a super elaborate proposal to bam but then somehow bam would catch him off guard and then khun would just blurt it out when they’re together <3
Khun’d always be up early to cook for bam, they both morning ppl tho khun’s always sleep deprived bc hes also a night owl 
Khun is shy with pda in public but eventually he and bam decide they dont care anymore and just hold hands and act all lovey dovey to the point where shibisu cant decide if he’s a proud dad or if he wants to throw up, rak is always proud of his turtles, endorsi and hatz literally want to throw up all the time and would die before admitting that they secretly approve of khunbam
Khun is all around a model bf that i am sure half the fandom would be willing to date but im sorry guys khun’s taken cause he’s only got eyes for bam~
Plot things/idk what they’re called:
CEO!khun and intern!bam
Assassin!khun and assassin!bam who eventually get together and destroy the corrupt system
Gdi i thought of so many while having dinner but i forgot
Imagine bam as jue viole grace like forced to work in a gang or smth and then khun as the gang boss 
I totally dont have a thing for badass assassin themed things pls dont judge me
Teacher!khun and student!bam (ofc it’d be near graduation if u get my drift...😏)
Idk why i thought of this but imagine idol khun o.o wait YO idol khun + assistant bam
Tutor!khun and student!bam 
I feel like im literally just saying the same ideas
Theres a reason why im not a fic writer :’)
High school sweethearts -> angst bc parents dont approve, sad forced breakup, no contact -> get back together when older after a time-lapse when they’re more mature, heated reunion 
Best friends bam and khun since preschool, since they were in the womb, PINING, both of them scared to admit it cause they dont want to ruin their friendship, meanwhile the entire gang is betting on them getting together (aka mainly rak and shibisu betting, hatz, endorsi, anaak, (insert s2 and s3 gang dont wanna spoil) everybody etc)
Uni students with khun as a law major and bam as a cs major (both geniuses, nerd bam), roommates *insert smirk* lots of pining, blushes from them casually changing in front of each other...the rest is up to ur imagination
Khun and bam as rival sports teams coaches 
Age gap!khunbam (not a lot, somewhere between 5-8 yrs), with bam as the younger one who kept saying that he loves khun but khun just laughs it off bc bams a kid but then khun sees bam after he comes back from college and bam gets a massive glowup from clueless cinnamon roll to clueless cinnamon roll hottie who only has the hots for khun (still) and then khuns all like “fuck” *dies inside*
Single dad khun, bam as a daycare employee who keeps getting flustered by khun, khun takes interest in bam bc he doesn’t ask nosy questions like other ppl, and bam has these mesmerizing golden eyes
Tailor/dry cleaner owner!bam and office worker!khun who constantly needs his clothes to be altered so they fit exactly how he wants them to (this eventually results in awkward moments and blushing), and also dry cleans like his countless number of suits and dress shirts and whatnot
Author!khun and publishing assistant!bam (is it even called publishing assistant honestly i have no idea but u get what i mean right), khun never signs books but bam convinces him to 
Poet!khun and uni student!bam as a literature major who’s a big fan and wanted to meet khun at one of his signings but is too shy even though shibisu drags him there, accidentally bumps into khun in the bathroom, is all flustered, ends up talking to khun for super long, khun loves bam’s enthusiasm for the subject, offers to give feedback on bam’s poems, bam is literally about to combust, they have lots of meetings and khun flirts with bam who’s clueless but blushes a lot anyway, they kiss *ahem* the rest is history
Spy!khun and bam, khun realizing he doesn’t want to hurt bam, sends fake info back to his country (ruled by eduan and jahad), eduan finds out (sent khun out in the first place bc khun was a threat to him cause the ppl liked khun better), sends out an assassin to get khun, who knows this and escapes with bam somewhere, some complicated plot taht idk how to figure out but you get the drift, eventually khun rules the country with bam
Real estate agent khun and contractor bam, eventually start their own business together
Khun as student pres, also known as the ice king bc he’s turned down dating everyone who asked, bam as the transfer student who catches his attention  (bam with more of a jue viole grace complex), the silent physics genius who is also on par with khun when debating in speech and debate club 
Khun and bam as besties, always do their hw together and hang out after class (cause bam always needs help haha), something leads to them fake dating, eventually real dating 😏
Khun and bam as besties, always do their hw together and hang out after class (cause bam always needs help haha), someone (rachel, DO NOT KILL ME I HAVE A REASON) asks bam out and he doesn't know how to say no (the rest of the gang egging him to date cause they know khuns gonna be jelly) khun goes and sulks, eventually bam gets hurt and manipulated by her, khun is pissed off, rachel is reported for abuse, khun and the gang fight for bam, khun is there for bam all the time, after a while bam asks khun out of the blue if khun likes him (shibisu let it slip that khun is gay bc god knows bam is oblivious af), khun is shocked but says yes bc he cant hide it anymore, bam says he always loved khun but thought khun was straight (bc of some dumb rumor someone said) which was why he ignored his feelings and agreed to date rachel bc he just wanted to distract himself, lots of cuddling thereafter, they get together, rak wins the bet for when khunbam will get together, khunbam gets married
oh man that became way longer than i expected...anon i hope u enjoyed that? half of it prob made 0 sense ngl and idek if i answered the q properly?
kudos to you if you actually read like all my rambling :’)
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kaz11283 · 4 years
It took me forever just to sit down and write this.  Not gonna lie I hit a rock straight up, but if yall just bear with me through this part at least we will be back to smooth sailing.  It’s just been such a rough week with everything going on around the world.  Let’s use this as an escape even if it is just for a little bit.  I’m gonna start kinda having a certain day of the week when I release stuff, right now I am thinking maybe Tuesday and Friday?  Still bouncing things off in my head, but that will give me a time frame and give yall a day when to expect something.  Much love, and thank you to everyone that has started following this journey with me and has followed, liked, and reblogged!  I don’t know what I would do without the support and I am loving the feedback and I am over the moon by what recognition I have gotten.  It’s not big but every little thing makes me feel so special and I am so happy that I am getting to share a piece of me with all of yall!!!
Best Friends
Chapter 4
You 17, Sam 18, Dean 21
“He’s gone y/n,” Bobby said walking into the living room where you had taken up residence on the couch since you had gotten the call from John two days before. “He wouldn’t want you sulking around here like you are.  He would want you to get up off this couch and at least go take a shower.”  He popped the top on the beer he had in his hand and gave it to you.
“Uncle Bobby you know I don’t drink that stuff.”  You said pushing it away.  You wrapped the blanket around you tighter. “It just surprises me, ya know?  Everything that man has fought in his life, every monster, creature, everything and the man dies in a freakin car accident.”
“Fate has a weird scene of humor sometimes.  He was a good hunter, damn good brother, and a pretty ok father.  He did raise a pretty smart girl if you ask me, course I don’t know where you got it from.  Probably your mother’s side of the family along with her looks.”  He said leaning back and pulling you to his chest.  “I would love to tell you that it gets better, that the pain just slowly goes away until it’s not there anymore but it doesn’t.  You just learn to get use to it.  Some days are easier to get through than others, somedays it won’t even cross your mind, but you’re gonna have your bad days and on those days is when you’re gonna need to talk, let someone help.”  He said kissing the top of your head and getting up to stretch. “But really, go take a shower, I think that your funk is starting to seep into the couch.  Might have to burn it and get another one.”
“No!  I like this couch.  Its broken in just right.  Besides a new couch would just throw the whole room off, we would have to paint, get all new furniture, probably throw away a lot of your junk.  It just wouldn’t work out with a new one.” You got up and collected your blankets.  “Thank you Uncle Bobby for being here, helping raise me, teach me, letting me stay here when you didn’t have to.  Your probably the best thing that’s happened to me.” You said leaning up and kissing the old man on the cheek before you walked up the stairs.
 You woke to voices down stairs in the kitchen and the smell of bacon and coffee, your uncle didn’t normally cook unless-
You bolted up out of bed and hightailed it down stairs to see your favorite family sitting at the table idly chit chatting with Bobby. “Sammy! Dean!”  The two large men stood up and gave you a hug squeezing you between them like a sandwich.  “Oh I missed yall so much!”  You through your arms around both of their necks pulling them down to your level and squishing their cheeks to yours.
“Hey sweetheart, how you holdin’ up?”  John asked bending down to give you a hug.  You had somehow managed to weasel your way into the eldest Winchesters heart when you was young running around with Sam and Dean causing trouble.
“I’m doin good John.  It makes it a little easier knowing that he didn’t hurt, ya know.  It was quick.”  You shrugged taking your seat between the two brothers.
You all sat and ate breakfast talking about the latest hunt that the guys had been on, hearing John talk about hunts with your dad, listening to Bobby rant about having to bandage up the both of them more times than he cared to.  It had started out as a good day.
“So Sammy, any plans after you finally finish school?”  You asked over you cup of coffee.
“Yes and no.  I don’t know what I really want to do yet.  I got my acceptance letter from Stanford the other day but we haven’t really discussed it any further.”  Sam said looking down.
“Sammy here wants to be a lawyer.”  John laughed.  “Of all things.  Been training the boy his whole life to hunt and now he wants to throw it all away for a ‘higher education’.” John rolled his eyes.
“What’s wrong with that?  I got accepted into KCU working on getting my RN.”  You asked raising an eyebrow at the man.  “He doesn’t wanna follow the family business I don’t see where that’s a problem.  Besides, then you would have someone to get both your asses outta trouble if need be.”
“Y/n you always knew you didn’t wanna do this-“
“But Sammy did.  I think he should have a little bit of a say so in his future.”  You said leaning back and crossing your arms in front of you.  “Don’t worry Sammy, I’ll come visit you on weekends.”
“So you got accepted to KCU and didn’t tell me yet?”  Bobby asked trying to change the subject.
“Well a lot of stuff has happened since I got the letter.  Honestly I didn’t think I was gonna get in, I didn’t turn in all my stuff till last minute.”  KCU had only been a pipe dream for you, going into the medical field was kind of an easy choice; you had stitched, bandaged, and pulled out bullets from more than one hunter that had come through Bobby’s door on many occasions.
“So a collage girl now?”  Dean said winking at you.
“Gross no, you’re my brother.” You wrinkled your nose and made a disgusted look at him
“Ew NO!  Not you!  Trust me I’ve already seem more of you than I ever care about seeing-“ That earned a hard glare from both John and Bobby to both of you.
“Shut up Dean.”
“Like the time we had stayed out all night drinkin and went skinny dippin in the lake.”
“Shut up Dean.”
“Or the time that we had the bet that you wouldn’t walk out on the field during homecoming and moon everyone.”  Bobby crossed his arms, you hadn’t told him the reason you had been suspended from school that week
“Dean, I will hit you so hard that your kids will feel it.”
“Or the time-” You punched him hard “OW!”  He grabbed his arm holding it while Sam busted out laughing.
“There are certain things that you don’t say Dean.” You stared at him with wide eyes.  “Like the time that you begged me to come get you from whats her names house at like three in the morning so that you wouldn’t get caught sneaking back into the hotel that we were staying at, or the time that we had to get Sam to cover for us because we snuck out to go to that party, or ho-”
“OK! Grounded, both of you.  Till further notice.”  Bobby pointed at you and Dean.
“I’m 21 Bobby!”  Dean yelled looking at his dad for help, John simply shrugged his shoulders.
“Your joking me?  Uncle Bobby, you’ve never grounded me before!”
“Well y/n there’s a first time for everything.  Seems like I just didn’t’ know that you need to be grounded all the time.”  Bobby said shaking his head.
“Well thanks for taking the pressure off me guys.”  Sam said draping his arm around the back of your chair laughing.
“Sam, watch it, I’m sure you had your help in something too with these two bad influences around.” John warned.
The next week was spent going over information about the hunt the boys were about to do, gun training, and hanging out with the boys. With them getting older they werent able to come around as much as they use to so when you were together you made the most of your time. Sam had decided to hang back and go over some more books of Bobby's while you and Dean went for burgers.
"When are you gonna start huntin with us y/n?" Dean asked looking over his burger.
"Dean, we've went over this. I'm better behind a book looking up lore, or with a needle and thread in my hand. I dont do field work. I dont like having to chop heads or burn bodies."
"Your good with any weapon put in your hand, your freakin awesome at fighting. I'm just sayin I ever have to go off on my own your the first one I would call." He shrugged.
"Well I guess I'm lucky that you'll have Sammy then right?" You said whipping off your hands. "But you ever need any research done I'm your girl."
"Sammy's going to collage. Hes getting out." Dean said looking down. "I act all butt hurt and upset that hes leaving but I'm not, not really. I'm actually really proud. Proud of him and you. You both did something that I never imagined could happen."
"But I'm going to collage to learn how to help people when they get attacked Dean, I wouldnt say that was 'getting out'."
"But when this is over and you decide you dont wanna do this anymore you'll have a fall back. Sammy is going to be a lawyer, what can I do? I'm good at killing things."
"You can be a professional hunter," he snorted "ummm, oh, or a gun salesman, or a secret agent." You laughter with him on that one. "Hunters lives is a whole lie anyways I think you could pull it off. Wear a suit, woo a girl." You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Whatever. Let's go home, I heard theres a Hatchetman marathon tonight. Think we could get Sam to join us like old times?"
"I'll grab the snacks." You said throwing your arm around his middle.
Tag List
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jilliangclar · 3 years
hiii hope yall had a good day
slept 8 hrs last night woo, did daily routine, ate toasted bread w cream cheese and fried chicken, started writing my essays for my asian am midterm, talked on a zoom w friends, had a meeting, went back to writing essays, had to work on this other worksheet so i did that. im ab to eat pasta and cook some eggs then after that ill try to finish my essays by tn idk im rlly tired
overall: 2/10 stressed tired lots of work and writing feeling down bc lots of midterms but ik i’ll get it done idk im irritated
here’s me taking a water break: https://youtu.be/Krqfuk7GnXA
gnight everyone sleep well mwah
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furryowo · 7 years
tag game :)
tagged by @s-lay-ing!!!! asdjbakjbdsa tbh im kinda wanting to do all three games hehe lets do it 
(under cut btw its long)
Game number 1:
APPEARANCE: uh im RLLY short (4 ft 11 in rip) w shoulder length black hair, glasses n braces!!! N idk i have kind of a roundish face
PERSONALITY: daskdjhakjsn ughgugh uh im rlly shy w strangers? n i have no ability to make any decisions by myself n while im scared of talking to new ppl i get rlly fucking loud anyways idk its weird i talk a lot
ABILITY: uh i play viola n piano idk if im good but i play
HOBBIES: listening to music n watching cooking vids,,,, yes
RELATIONSHIPS: i don’t have one rn
RANDOM STUFF: i rlly wanna learn how to play guitar!!!!! n jbakjdbsa i signed up for english online n i still haven’t got an email im stress
Game number 2:
Nicknames: qiao gave me the nickname cookie but that’s it!
Gender: female
Star sign: taurus
Height: kjakdjabsn 4 ft 11 in (~149 cm)
Time: 08:10 pm
Birthday: may 11th!
Favorite Groups: seventeen is my main fave!!!
Favorite Solo Artists: me? still in love w utaites? more likely then u thin
Song stuck in my head: falling asleep again by gfriend
Last movie I watched: moana
Last show I watched: mixnine !
When did I create this blog: uhuhuhuh february 2016 i think
What do I post: reblogs of kpop, text posts, aes, n animals!
Last thing I googled: boxer beagle mix
Do I have any other blogs: lmao no
Do I get asks: yea! sometimes, my mutual r angels
Why I chose my url: my friend did bc my old one was ugly haha
Following: uhhh 431 haha
Average hours of sleep: 5 to 8 hours???? usually
Lucky Number: 19!!!!!!
Instruments: viola n piano!!!!!! :D
What am I wearing: pyjamas hehe
Dream job: florist wld b ideal but haha not getting that job
Dream trip: europe!!!!! pls n japan n korea n china n quebec n yes
Favorite food: cannolis!!! nom
Nationality: filipino born in america
Favorite song right now: heart shaker by twice is honestly the cutest song i cry
Game number 3:
Name: colleen :)
Gender: female
Star sign: taurus
Height: close to hell (4 ft 11 in)
What’s your middle name?: my moms maiden name!
Put your music library on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?
chuck - seventeen
who - seventeen (performance unit)
my i - seventeen (jun + minghao)
library - radwimps
council of war - radwimps
katawaredoki – radwimps
(i swear there’s more than seventeen n kimi no na wa,,,, it just didn’t show up)
Grab a book nearest you and turn to page 23. What is line 17?: “- to come from a-“ (the original illustrated sherlock holmes - arthur conan doyle
Ever had a poem or song written about you?: idk my guy not that i kno of???
When was the last time you played air guitar?: hmmm idk
Who is your celebrity crush?: gfriend’s umji!!!!!!!!!!
What is a sound you hate? Love?: if u bring velcro anywhere near me i will cut ur hands off o m g i hate velcro like once it took forever to sleep bc there was velcro on my blanket n the thought of it being that close was hella uncomfortable i cry just thinking abt velcro i hate
hmmmmmmm i love love love cooking asmr it helps me sleep its actually the best thing !!!!!
Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?: yes i crave death im too paranoid
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?: idk how to drive haha
Do you like the smell of gasoline?: its not bad yea ig i do
What was the last movie you saw?: moana i think
What’s the worst injury you’ve had: hnnnnggg idk my guy
Do you have any obsessions right now?: bts outcast (it ended im so confused kdjbkjkjsz) n twice’s heart shaker
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?: kashdkja maybe a bit
Are you in a relationship?: hahaha no
woo!!! i finished!!!! it was rlly fun hehe!!! not tagging anyone tho but if u wanna go ahead!!!! lmao id b surprised if u actually read down to here hehe have a good day yall ily!!!!!
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kingsarts · 7 years
TAGGED BY @novakcat WOO 1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you would like to know better (i'm not going to eCh u can do it if u want toooooooo) 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true --- im gonna do the lightning emoji bc im on mobile and lazy loL APPEARANCE:
I am 5'7" or taller (5'2")
I wear glasses ⚡️
I have at least one tattoo (i wiSH)
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair 
I have brown eyes ⚡️
I have short hair ⚡️
My abs are at least somewhat defined⚡️
I have or have had braces ⚡️ PERSONALITY:
I love meeting new people ⚡️
People tell me that I’m funny ⚡️
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me ⚡️
I enjoy physical challenges⚡️
I enjoy mental challenges 
I’m playfully rude with people I know well⚡️
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ⚡️(YALL YAINT WHOMSTVE and my personal favorite that i say nearly everyday- "binch lasagna")
There is something I would change about my personality⚡️ ABILITY: 
I can sing well ⚡️
I can play an instrument⚡️(cello, piano, vibraphone, marimba, some percussion (as in drums), uke, and my voice if it counts ee)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping⚡️
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well ⚡️
I have a good memory ⚡️
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute ⚡️(i'm a lifeguard yo)
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling⚡️
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch⚡️
I know how to throw a proper punch⚡️(i'm kickboxing currently!!) HOBBIES:
I enjoy playing sports ⚡️(does riding count???????? cuz if there's one thing i could do forever it's horseback)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (used to BUT TEAMS ARE STUPID EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF) I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (used to)
I have learned a new song in the past week ⚡️
I work out at least once a week⚡️
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months⚡️
I have drawn something in the past month ⚡️
I enjoy writing ⚡️(kinda depends tho)
I do or have done martial arts ⚡️ EXPERIENCES: 
I have had my first kiss 
I have had alcohol (does my mom letting me have champagne at christmas count,, i'm not 21 yet and i'm a good human being)
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game ⚡️(your girl was the starting offender way way back in middle school)
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting⚡️
I have been at an overnight event ⚡️
I have been in a taxi ⚡️
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year ⚡️(i can't remember how long ago it was?? idk maybe)
I have beaten a video game in one day⚡️
I have visited another country ⚡️
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (one day...) RELATIONSHIPS:
I’m in a relationship 
I have a crush on a celebrity (like,,, joke crushes???)
I have a crush on someone I know 
(not crushing rn my dude) I have been in at least 3 relationships ⚡️
I have never been in a relationship 
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them ⚡️
I get crushes easily (eeehhhhh kinda?)
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend ⚡️ MY LIFE:
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” ⚡️
I live close to my school⚡️
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling ⚡️
I live in the United States⚡️
There is snow right now where I live 
I have hung out with a friend in the past month ⚡️
I have a smartphone ⚡️
I have at least 15 CDs ⚡️
I share my room with someone (verrrry soon when i go off to school ;0) RANDOM SHIT:
I have breakdanced⚡️(prom 2k17)
I know a person named Jamie⚡️
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce ⚡️
I have dyed my hair (I WISH I WISH I WISH)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week 
I know someone who has gone to jail 
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today⚡️
I know what I want to do with my life ⚡️
I speak at least 2 languages 
I have made a new friend in the past year⚡️ THATS IT IF U WAnna kno more abt me or somethin just chat w me bc i am always up to talk aYE,, anyways u can do this if u want to so!! not taggin anyone /shrugs
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