lovedrruunk · 4 days
'Girl next door જ⁀➴♡ Prologue
In which Joel plays cupid in order to help a hopeless Ellie win over the cute girl next door.
Series Masterlist!
"Ain't lesbians s'pposed to date girls?"
not proof read :P
[silly awkward Ellie Williams x fem reader!]
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"How 'bout the Johnson's daughter? I heard she was um... sapphic... Is that the right term...?"
"God you're so bad at this!"
Ellie rolled her eyes as she continued to play with her food at the dinner table. For the past couple of weeks, Joel had been slowly encouraging Ellie to 'put herself out there,' whatever that meant. And so with the recent news of her two best friends becoming a thing, he'd only gotten more relentless. It's not like she didn't want a girlfriend; it was just complicated and definitely a lot harder than Joel thought it was. Jackson was a small town, and finding someone who clicked with her, who understood her, felt almost impossible.
"I'm just saying Ellie" he continued "She's smart, she's nice, and from what I heard she likes girls. Seems like a good match to me."
Ellie sighed stabbing a piece of broccoli with her fork. "It's not that simple Joel. You can't just put two lesbians in a room together and expect fireworks."
There was a short silence before Ellie looked up to see Joel furrowing his eyebrows looking at the wall behind her seemingly lost.
"Oh my god, Joel!"
"I mean c'mon are ya sure?" He said defensively. "That is how it usually seems to go."
"Ok- well- not all the time! Anyway that's not the point... Besides, she's barely gay. She only kisses girls as a party trick." Ellie murmurs looking back down at her food.
"Off the list." He mutters to himself just as quietly as he continues to eat.
"Not that I am endorsing this but just who else is on this 'list'?"
"Tracy, Mai, Kat, Y/N, Monet-"
"There's no way she's into girls." She says unimpressed.
"You seen her?"
Ellie was silent for a while as she imagined the girl in her head. Yeah no way. 'She's too perfect to be gay.' 'That sounds bad Ellie you can't say that.' You were just so... you. When Joel and Ellie had first arrived in Jackson you had been the first one to introduce her to the others your age. You showed her kindness and helped her get situated into her new life. She would remember how you would often invite her over for dinner with your family, making her feel welcome in a town where she initially felt like an outsider. You'd help her with chores, tell her about the best spots in Jackson as well as who to look out for and who to trust. But after the first couple of months, you two had slowly fallen out. Ellie had Dina and Jesse, and you had your own friends. But, of course, with you being next door neighbors the two of you would still interact from time to time. Ellie’s positive view of you never changed, you were still the sweet girl who had helped her years ago. She remembered the times you’d both sit on her porch, talking about dreams and plans for a future that always seemed so uncertain to her yet you were always so sure of it. All your hopes for the future, the places you wanted to visit, the things you wanted to study, Ellie had wondered if you still had all the same goals. And all this to say; you are not gay. If this was just a way to convince herself that she'd never have a chance or if it was a way to get Joel to back off, she didn't know or care.
"Gone quiet. You fond of her?" He said with an accusing smile.
"Nope." She stands abruptly, handling her plate before walking over to the kitchen to place it in the sink. "Thanks for dinner. I'm going to bed, goodnight."
"Goodnight." He replied watching her as she scurried up the stairs with a knowing smile.
Ellie laid in bed that night, staring at the ceiling. As much as she hated to admit it, Joel was right. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to talk to you more, to get to know you all over again. Maybe there was a chance, however small, that you would feel the same fondness towards her as she felt for you. But that was a problem for tomorrow.
. . .
Authors note!!! chat is this shocking? wdym u thought this was an Overwatch blog whaaat wdym idk what that is... FIRST SERIES U GUYS lets hope it doesn't end up discontinued ermmm if it does whoopsy. I am physically unable to post something more than 600 words so each chapter will kinda be one shot style! I was tired of all the serious modern AU smutty ellie fics (as good as they are!) i needed something silly so i had to take matters into my own hands im afraid
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okcoolthanks · 29 days
I really liked “I Saw The TV Glow” for a lot of reasons like the lighting and sound design and stuff
But I also really liked it because how similar I felt to it. Like you watch a show you love so much you want to Be In It and all you do is interact with That Show to the point where you start talking like it and you make everything you see like it because you don’t Know anything else
I really liked owens character because of how Stuck he is in his life. He says he doesn’t think about “that stuff” because it makes him feel gross so he doesnt. He takes a job at a place he doesn’t like and when it gets shut down he goes with the manager to the next place also doing a job he hates. When his parents die he lives in the same house he grew up in because he doesn’t want to leave. He had one friend and when she disappeared presumed dead he didn’t do anything but reminiscenced on his time with her and watching the show she helped him watch. You can also see how he starts taking care of himself less after his father died, in the last scenes of the movie he looks like he barely eats or drinks water, he doesn’t do anything but his job. “Years feel like seconds” because he isn’t doing anything of importance he lost everything that he looked forward too
He doesn’t talk above a normal speaking volume until he’s literally DYING and even after he apologizes still out of breath. He’s still dying then. No one responds to his apologies or responded to him when he was screaming
He gets a chance to leave and go with Maddie to The Pink Opaque and he gets scared, he gets a chance to leave with her when he was younger and he gets scared. He’s so unhappy with his life but he doesn’t want to change it because he doesn’t know what else to do
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barrowsteeth · 2 years
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Open casting call for Sahar Zahid!!
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tranzgayramblez · 29 days
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
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masterlist | ao3
here’s my kinktober announcement as well as a tentative timeline!!! this will also function as a masterlist once i begin posting!! everything is subject to change, but for now i don’t think it will! trigger warnings will be added as i write and before chapters. anyway, i hope you’re as excited about it as i am!!
synposis: a haunting was not included in your picture-perfect, odd-ball, antique store dream. it also wasn’t in the lease agreement. 
“after he leaves, you realize several things. the first is that he never asked you for your name. the second is that the clock on the mantle behind the counter has stopped just before 2:30 in the afternoon. the third is that tendou did not pass the window outside. you let all three roll off your shoulders while simultaneously taking back what you said about a haunting, with tendou living in the neighborhood, he should be enough.”
cw: afab!reader, monsterfucking, dubcon/noncon, taboo relationships, teasing, oral sex, fingering, penetrative sex, wet dreams, fingering, edging, lost orgasm, mentions and implications of death, somewhat unhealthy relationship, romance
october 1, 2022 wc: 9.7k
october 16, 2022 wc: 8k
delayed until further notice (sorry!) wc: tbd
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clearance-level-3 · 1 year
My take on Agent Ukulele
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This is what I imagine Agent Ukulele/Francis to look like in his early 20s, which I pin at around 1981!
My scanner surprised me with how high contrast this is and I think if he looks old we can blame that on the exaggerated lines courtesy of the scan...
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years
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Towards the end of the work week I'm always like 🥰 !!
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delightfulgalaxykid · 10 months
[this is @marioistrans] hi o/ thank u for taking the time to rb a bunch of my stuff n thank u for the nice words in the tags it means a lot thank u so much ,,,,,,
HIII!! Ur welcome!! yayhooo!! :]
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heathrly · 10 months
Hozier at the Iron Blossom Festival, Richmond VA, 8/27/23
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bisexualshadowheart · 11 months
okay, we're back to it w bg3. i got to level 5 finally last night. i'm still in the under dark though. not sure what else i have to go to BUT i think i'm almost done with it
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chickensoupbmc · 29 days
RIP Noel Gruber and Ricky Potts y'all would've made some STELLAR drag queens 😞♥️
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indigocloverr · 6 months
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spikyiwaizumi · 2 years
thank you to random shower for allowing me to figure out a plot block in tlk that I wasn’t even aware of
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demonic0angel · 1 month
Graduating (click for clarity)
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Take a crazy guess as to who graduated a few days ago (it was me 😌)
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sonicseagirls · 2 years
≅ Happy birthday to Open Up Your Head!! ≅
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