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siixkiing · 1 year ago
I completely forgot about the Sun Wukong inspired Sonic Character Monkey Khan XD
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really-fanny-longbottom · 10 months ago
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second chance
summary: rhysand tells feyre about his favorite person.
warnings: mentions of blood/abuse (nothing descriptive); reader doesn't make a appearance.
pairings: rhysand x reader (platonic), rhysand x feyre
words: 2.4k
a/n: hi! so this is my first fic ever. english is not my first language, so sorry if there's any misspelling. i've been wanting to publish this for a while but didn't have the courage but i finally got it, so here you go.
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it was her fourth day in velaris, and feyre still couldn't believe how beautiful and magical the city of starlight was.
it felt like a dream that she could not wake up from, too good to be real, but there she was, staring out the window one more time.
the little noise from her stomach made her break her gaze and remind her that she hadn't had breakfast yet.
feyre looked at the city one last time and then made her way to the dining room where rhysand was already waiting for her.
he was immaculate as always in his black attire and with his perfect styled hair.
rhysand was sipping on his tea as feyre made her way towards the table, took a seat, and started serving herself.
"how did you sleep?" rhysand asked while he looked at feyre pouring food on her plate like he was assessing if it was enough or not.
"very well," feyre responded while meeting his gaze. "the city is beautiful, i couldn't stop looking at the view." she admitted after a moment of silence.
"thank you. i take pride in it," he respondend while giving another sip on his tea.
geyre looked at his hand and noticed the little mark that lay in the space between his thumb and his index finger.
she had noticed that mark before but was never close enough to understand what it was.
now that she was sitting right next to him, she realized that it wasn't just a simple mark but tooth bites.
"are those tooth bites?" she asked while pointing at his hand.
rhys took a look at his hand, and a genuine smile appeared at his lips while setting his cup back on the table. "yes, they are."
feyre couldn't help her curiosity, and before she lost her courage, she asked, "how did you get them? pissed someone off?"
rhys chuckled, "actually, a little girl did it," he said with nothing but amusement in his voice while he stared at the mark.
shock and confusion settled on feyre's face at his words, but the love in rhys eyes and his smile while still looking at the mark, probably from remembering the memories from how he got them, didn't went unnoticed by her.
"a little girl bit you? what do you mean?" feyre asked him again.
she was so intrigued at this new information that she completely forgot about her breakfast.
never breaking his smile, rhys looked up again and met her gaze "well, she's not a little girl anymore but she was at the time she gave me these" he said while gesturing to his hand.
he chuckled again. "it's a long story."
feyre didn't even hesitate to respond, "i love stories, and now that i'm immortal, i have nothing but time, so please tell me about this little girl that bit you. i like her already." she finished with a smile playing on her lips.
rhys gave a big laugh that went around the room, and in that moment, feyre wanted to make him laugh more often just so she could hear that sound again.
still with a smile on his lips, rhys replied, "her name is y/n, she's my little sister."
another set of shock and confusion settled at her face.
he had another sister?
she remembers rhys telling about his mother and sister, about what happened to them at the hands of Tamlin's family, but he never mentioned your name before.
so why didn't she meet you yesterday at dinner with the rest of the inner circle?
feyre went through her memories from last night's dinner, trying to remember if at any point one of them had mentioned your name, but she came up with nothing.
seeing her confusion, rhys explained, "you didn't meet her yesterday because y/n it's not in velaris at the moment. she's in winter court taking care of some matters for me, but she returns today, so you will meet her in few hours."
"why didn't you mention her yesterday when you talked about your mother and your other sister?" feyre asked, trying to understand why were you kept a secret until now.
rhys smile faded, and a hint of sadness made his way into his features "y/n it's not my biological sister. when i met her, i was already high lord, and a century had passed since my family's deaths."
"how did you meet her then?" feyre asked, her voice a little more quiet after the mention of rhys family.
rhys gave a long sigh before answering. "me, cassian, and azriel found her one night. we were returning from one of the illyrian camp's, i don't know why but we decided to fly that night instead of winnowing like we always did but i'm glad we did otherwise we wouldn't have found her. on the flight back, one of Azriel's shadows detected movements near our border, so we decided to go check."
Feyre noticed that rhys got distant, like he was probably remembering that night as he spoke.
he looked at her before continuing, "when we got there, we immediately smell blood. there wasn't a lot, but there was enough for the scent to linger in the air. we followed the scent, and that's when we found her. laying on the floor, her eyes closed, not moving, and her dress had blood all over."
feyre gasped, and rhys continued. "she was so small and so skinny, we thought she was dead. but then, like she read our thoughts, she moved. So i tried to approach her, and when i touched her shoulder, she turned around so fast that i barely noticed and bit my hand." rhys laughed at that, and the air became lighter.
feyre couldn't help but laugh at the thought of a little girl biting the hand of the most powerful high lord in prythian's history.
"and after that?" feyre asked, amusement in her voice.
"after that," rhys said while laughing more, "she got up and started running. cassian tried to catch her, but she dogde and kicked him in the nuts."
"what?!" feyre said, disbelief all over her face and a big smile on her lips.
"yep," rhys confirmed, "she kicked him right there before passing beneath his legs and lauching at azriel. he tried to catch her too but also failed. she managed to grab az's leg and ripped truth teller from his hip right before pointing it at us." rhysand concluded with the biggest smile on his face.
for a split second, feyre could've swear he looked like a proud father.
feyre gasped again before replying, "no way! she actually did that?" she asked, shocked, and when he nodded, she asked again, "how old was she?"
rhys started laughing again and shaking his head. "seven. she was seven and was able to make three full-grown illyrians males feel like stupids."
still to this day, rhys couldn't believe how you managed to dumbfound the three of them.
feyre couldn't hold her laughter. "what happened after?"
rhys locked eyes with her, amusement written all over his features. "you mean after she humiliated us?" Feyre gave a big belly laughter while nodding her head. "i said we weren't going to hurt her. she didn't quite believe us, so i went inside her head and saw what led her there."
feyre's smile faded when she noticed how serious rhys got and how a flash of anger passed his face.
"what was it?" feyre asked, afraid of the answer but wanting to know any way.
rhys looked at his mark again, "she ran away from home. her stepfather was abusive and used to hit her. her mother died when she was just a baby, and she never met her father, so it was just the two of them. one day, she decided it was enough and ran."
by the cauldron, feyre couldn't even begin to imagine what you had to went through so young.
sure her life wasn't easier either but at least no one ever hited her. you must've been so scared.
"what happened to the male?" feyre needed to ask — she needed to know.
rhys didn't tear his eyes from her when he respondend firmly "me, cass and az took care of him, after we found out who that bastard was."
"good," feyre replied whitout a trace of regret from her words, "and the blood on her clothes? from that night?" feyre wondered, praying for that abusive male not be the caused of it.
"it was from the wounds she got while running away. we found her barefoot, and the dress she wore wasn't enough to protect her skin." rhys said.
feyre released a breath she didn't know she was holding, somehow relieved that the wounds weren't for a worse reason.
"how did you bring her here? you said she was pointing truth teller to the three of you." feyre said.
"she was," rhys said with a smile returning to his face. "i got into her mind again and put her to sleep. she had no mind shields at the time, so it was easy."
feyre noticed how he said 'at the time', so she had to ask, "did you teach her how to create mind shields?"
"i did." rhys smiled, a proud look in his face. "i also taught her how to read and write." rhys added with a sarcastic smile all over his lips while looking at her with amusement.
feyre laughed and reciprocated the look, "let me guess. you told her to write 'rhysand is the best high lord ever' and 'rhysand is the most handsome high lord ever'. am i right?"
rhys gave a big belly laughter "no."
feyre gave him a look telling him that she didn't believe him for a second.
rhys laughed again before saying "i told her to write 'rhysand is much stronger than cassian' and 'rhysand is much smarter than azriel', things like that." rhys concluded, still laughing.
feyre noticed the love and the pride in his eyes and couldn't help but look at him with admiration.
noticing the way she looked at him, he asked, "why are you looking at me like that?"
without a second thought, she said, "you really love her, don't you?"
surprise passed in his eyes before replying, "yes. Very much. i basically raised her. me and the rest of the inner circle, of course, but mostly me and cassian."
rhys paused for a moment looking at the window, a sad smile settled in his lips before returning his look to feyre.
"y/n is my second chance. losing my sister was one of the most painful things i ever had to go through but y/n," rhys paused, looking at the bite marks again "she helped me heal that part of me. she's the best thing that ever happened to me and to my inner circle. finding her that night feels like a blessing, like the mother gave me another chance, and i'm not going tolose her this time. she's cassian second chance too, you know? after losing his mother the way he did, y/n helped heal that part of him, too."
feyre nodded, somehow understanding his feelings. for a few moments, she wondered what it would be like to have a relationship like that with her sisters.
"so what is her position in your inner circle?" feyre questioned, thinking why were you in winter Court.
"she's my emissary. usually, she doesn't go to others' courts alone, azriel's always by her side," rhys said it with a certain amusement in his voice before he continued "but she was born in winter and has a very good relationship with kallias. i trust him and i know he would never hurt her," rhys scoffed, "gods help him if he did."
feyre noticed the amusement in his voice at mention of his brother's name, her curiosity speaking louder, "y/n and azriel?"
thys snorted, "honestly, i don't know. sometimes they flirt with each other but i don't know if it's just for fun or not. their relationship was never like ours. while me and cass always saw her as our little sister, azriel always saw her more like a friend and y/n too. she always saw him as a friend and as someone to run to when cass and i started acting too much like dads to her."
feyre snorted and caught rhys looking at his hand again.
she saw him caressing the mark and wondered, "why didn't it heal?"
rhys understood what she meant without taking his eyes from his hand.
"i don't know, but i'm glad it never did. this," he said while gesturing his hand in the air, "is what kept me sane and going during all those years under the rule of amarantha."
feyre gave him a small smile, and before she could say something again, cassian entered the room in a rush.
"am i interrupting something? he asked.
rhys was quick to reply, "no, you're not. what is it?"
cassian had the biggest smile on his face, "our little star is back. she decided to come home earlier and arrived a few minutes ago. she's at the house."
rhys face lights up at this new information and is quick to stand with the warmest smile on his lips."finally."
feyre notices his shoulders relaxing, like a pressure was taken of from them.
feyre asked, confused. "little star?"
cassian and rhysand answered at the same time, "y/n."
feyre let's a giggle escape her at the cute nickname they have for you.
"well," rhys held out a hand, and feyre was quick to grab it. "would you like to meet her?"
feyre snorted, "would i like to meet the girl who bit your hand, kick Cassian in the nuts, and stole azriel's precious dagger? yes. yes, i would." feyre replied like it was the obvious thing in the world.
cassian laughed. "seriously, rhys? out of all of the stories that there is about y/n. you had to tell that one?"
rhys could only laugh and shake his head. "i know, i know."
rhys looked at feyre again. "shall we? i don't want to stay one more minute without seeing her."
cassian snorted. "cauldron, you're such a dad. it's only been six days."
rhys gave him an unfazed look. "like you weren't acting the same."
cassian scoffed. "shut up. now let's go before mor drags her to go shopping."
rhys laughed, knowing very well that his cousin is absolutely doing that.
he looks at feyre one more time, love, and affection all over him. "ready to meet my favorite person?"
feyre nodded at him before answering, "ready."
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a/n: thank you for reading!
the beautiful dividers belong to @cafekitsune
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aperrywilliams · 2 years ago
Under the Rain (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader.
Summary: Reader is waiting for Spencer in a restaurant to celebrate their 2nd anniversary. What happens when Spencer doesn't show up?
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. Spencer fucked up but Reader loves him.
A/N: It's winter on this side of the world, and the rain makes me kind of sad.
Is there anything worse than your boyfriend standing you up in a fancy restaurant on your 2nd anniversary? Yes, being stood up by your boyfriend in a fancy restaurant on your 2nd anniversary day while outside it’s raining cats and dogs.
That's worse. And pathetic.
You feel pathetic, sitting in that chair, all dolled up and waiting. You arrived at 19:30, and now your watch reads 20:45. No sight of Spencer.
What the fuck?
He was the one who suggested a romantic dinner in this very restaurant. He was the one who told you to make reservations. How could he forget it? You knew there wasn’t an active case. The very Penelope told you it was paperwork day when you texted her in the afternoon.
In the past hour, you dialed his number several times. You were worried at some point: what if something terrible happened to him? But you know bad news travels fast, so you assumed he didn’t show up just because he forgot. Deep down, you wanted there to be another explanation because if he only forgot, that would strengthen the idea of how little you mean to him.
Sensing the pitiful looks the hostess and the waitress sent you occasionally, you only wanted to dig a hole and disappear.
When the clock marked 21:00, you gave up. You asked the hostess for your coat and left the place completely silent.
The rain pouring outside was the perfect scenario for your current mood. You thought about calling a cab in front of the restaurant, but you only wanted to be far from that place as soon as possible, so you started to walk in the rain.
Goodbye to the stylish hairstyle that took you hours to achieve. Goodbye to the makeup you put so much effort into doing.
Striding along the sidewalk, you made sure to step on each water puddle you found along the way as you recalled every moment in the past months you felt Spencer away from you. And not only physically as when he was in a case. It was more than that. It was each morning he didn’t say I love you before leaving your shared apartment. It was each text he didn’t send telling you he was coming home or leaving for a case. It was each coffee you didn't share in the morning. It was each animated chat in the middle of the night you didn't have.
Were you being dramatic? You knew Spencer’s tendency to distract and engage in whatever his job could present him. In any other circumstances, you could have understood. Not tonight, though. Not when it was supposed to be your night together celebrating this milestone. The two years of love you thought were strengthening your relationship. How blind you have been. How naive.
You kept wandering on the streets with no destination. You didn’t want to come back to the apartment. You didn’t know where else to go either. So you kept walking.
Spencer Reid is a man with an eidetic memory. Everybody knows that. He can remember every piece of information people usually wouldn’t recall. He knows almost everything about anything. But even with his big brain, he sometimes has trouble keeping track of his own life. Like today.
Engrossed in a pile of manila folders from old cases, he lost time. A task meant to take just an hour or so kept him occupied and entertained for almost four hours. Emily’s voice was the only thing that brought him back from those files to reality.
“You still here?” Emily asked with a frown. Spencer looked at her oddly.
“Yeah. I was looking for patterns in our last cases in the northwest. What Tara said about the mixed murder weapons sounded familiar to me,” he explained before rubbing his eyes. He didn't notice how tired he felt until Emily interrupted him.
“Spencer, it’s almost 10 pm. And there is no active case. You can resume this tomorrow. I even thought you had plans today?”
‘10 pm’ and ‘plans today’ was enough to bring Spencer to realization.
“Fuck!” He yelped, jumping from his seat and freezing immediately, not knowing what to do.
“What?” Emily asked, seeing the panic in Spencer’s eyes.
“Shit. Shit. Shit,” he repeated over and over as he reached for his phone in his satchel.
“What is it, Reid?”
“Emily. I was supposed to be in a restaurant with (Y/N) tonight! It’s - uh - it’s our second anniversary,” he, visibly embarrassed, finished the sentence.
Emily shut her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Reid? How on earth do you forget something like that?”
“I don’t know! I - I don’t really know. Fuck. I’m an asshole!” He checked the phone: twenty missing calls. Why he left it on mute?
“Stop complaining and do something! Come on! Move your ass out of here if you want a chance of not being precisely kicked in the ass by her,” Emily instructed. She knew Spencer needed directions when he was freaking out.
Spencer rechecked his watch. It read 10:05 pm.
Swearing under his breath, he dialed your number, which went straight to voicemail. Putting his coat on, he tried again while rushing to the elevator. Maybe you were still at the restaurant? Getting in the first cab he found, Spencer headed there.
Once he arrived, he asked the hostess about you. The girl told him you left after 9 pm.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
He called you again with no success. This time you turned off your phone. Spencer’s stomach was a knot, and his heart hurt imagining you sitting alone, waiting for him.
Were you at home? Spencer guessed you wouldn't want to see him, so it was less probable. Should he go there anyway and wait for you? No. You deserved better than that. He would look for you even if it could take all night. Taking a cab, he decided to check the apartment - just in case - and grab his car keys.
As expected, you weren’t in the apartment. Spencer faced the darkness and coldness of the place, and a chill ran down his spine—the fear of losing you forever.
In the car, he thought, where you could be. It was still raining, and Spencer feared you were getting soaked and frozen, God knows where.
It was at this kind of moment Spencer wanted his eidetic memory, and all the knowledge in his brain could help to compensate for the dose of common sense he lacked.
‘Come on, Spencer. Think. For once in your life, do it for what is really important for you.’
Spencer parked and rushed out of the car, hoping his hunch was correct. He was in a park. Not any park, though. It was where he met you three years ago—where his life changed forever and for the better for once.
You were in a swing, moving softly back and forth, your feet touching the ground. Your eyes focused on the rain collecting in the nook you created with your feet in the mud.
“(Y/N)!” Spencer called once he spotted you. The rain muffled the sound of his voice.
Your eyes didn’t leave the ground. At first, you thought you were imagining things. It could have been wishful thinking that your boyfriend really cared about you. He called again, and now your brain obliged your eyes to look toward the voice’s source.
Spencer was in a corner where the park's playground began. He was looking at you and wanted to run to you, but the fear you could run away made him stay there, as the rain dampened him.
The sight of you broke him. You were utterly soaked. Your coat and lovely black dress were ruined, and your face with traces of smeared makeup. He could even spot your bloodshot eyes, swollen from crying.
He caused that. And Spencer hated himself for it.
Seeing you didn't say anything, barely acknowledging his presence, Spencer dared to take some steps forward. Your numb body didn't even flinch.
“(Y/N). I’m sorry,” were his first words. Expectable but useless for you. “I fucked it up. I’m sorry. I should have been there. I wanted to be there with you,” he apologized, giving a few steps closer to you. Not looking at him, you mumbled.
“But you weren’t. And if you really wanted to have been there, you would have.” Your voice was low and husky. You sounded tired and defeated. It was worse for Spencer. For him, you should be yelling. Telling him how hurting you were. How an asshole he was.
“Baby, there is no excuse for what I did. The last thing I want in my life is to hurt you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Spencer’s voice broke with each word.
What had he done? Why? How can he be so stupid? He loves you. You’re the most important person in his life, so why did he do that to you? How can he fix it?
Still not looking at him, you spoke again.
“I can’t understand, Spencer. It was our anniversary. You were the one who suggested doing it,” you remind him. He nodded, kneeling in front of you. It didn’t matter the mud, and it didn’t matter the rain still falling. Spencer needed to look at your eyes to explain himself.
“I’m an idiot. I lost track of time and forgot,” he mumbled. You held up your head and finally looked at him.
“You forgot? So it's true I’m not that important to you,” you concluded sadly. Spencer’s eyes widened.
“No! Don’t say that!” he pleaded.
“Am I wrong? I don’t think so.” Your chin wobbled, but you needed to say it. “I know your job is important, Spencer. I do. And I never wanted to compete with that because I thought I didn’t have to. But after these past months, I think I need to get used to the idea I lost you already,” you acknowledged with a pained sob betraying you. It was the pang of the meaning behind your own words.
The memories of the past months flashed before Spencer's eyes. And there he saw it. The kisses he didn't give you, the 'I love you' he didn't tell you. The nights he didn't sleep by your side—all the things he has been missing.
He realized that although he never doubted his love for you, he stopped nurturing it and took it for granted.
Crying, he took your hands, and by divine grace, you didn't push him away.
No words he could say would be enough to convey how sorry he was. But he needed to try because he didn’t want to lose you. You needed to know he loved you and that you owned his heart. You needed to know he just realized he made a mistake, and he wants to fix it.
“The first time I saw you in this very place, you were slowly swaying in this exact spot with your eyes focused on the book in your hands. I was so mesmerized that I never thought I would get the nerve to talk to you, you know? But I did. And when I saw the warm look you gave me when I asked you if you had read the author's biography, I felt my heart warming as never before. And when I heard your laugh after I clumsily tried to flirt with you? I swear it was the sound I wanted to hear for the rest of my life,” Spencer confessed, eyes sparkling at the memory. You fondly recalled it too. You never liked to talk with strangers all of a sudden, but with Spencer? It felt natural and right.
“You let me in in your life. You opened your heart to me and taught me how to do that too. You realized I’m not the best student in those matters, though,” he chuckled, seeing your nod.
“Despite that, you believed in me. You gave me a chance to love you, and I swear loving you has been the most natural thing that has ever happened to me. You have made me so happy (Y/N). You have no idea. And that is the problem. I have not known how to love you the way you deserve. I hadn't realized what I was doing. I'm sorry. I spent much of my life fending alone, not walking with anyone by my side. And I know that does not excuse my behavior. Even so, I dare to ask for an opportunity to prove you do not have to compete with my job. Give me a chance to prove to you I can be better. I can be the man who deserves your love. Please let me gain back your love and the privilege to hear you laugh again."
Spencer was almost out of breath when he was done speaking. You mulled in his words as his hands enveloped yours, patiently awaiting your response. Would you give him a chance?
As the rain continued pouring down, your eyes focused on him, still kneeling before you with hopeful eyes.
You know he loves you. Even if he needs to be better at proving it to you. And you love him even if you feel hurt for what he did. You both would have to work to make it work. You both deserved the chance, though.
The answer to his question was clear then.
You hopped off the swing and kneeled, not releasing his hands grasp and pulling him to catch his lips with yours. He kissed you back with everything he had. When both parted, you smiled at him, and Spencer was trying to figure out what that meant. You spoke to make it clear.
“Please, just don't make me regret being in this same place three years ago.”
Spencer earnestly shook his head.
“I won’t. I promise,” he told you before kissing you again under the rain.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @disaster-in-waiting @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger
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mjr-acourtofdreams · 8 months ago
Didn't Love Me. I Ain't No Fool.
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Azriel x Y/N
warnings: angst...? I don't know if there is anything else?
summary: you meet Feyre at the paint studio you two clicked right away and became good friends, soon enough you got to meet the rest of the IC and started forming friendships with them. Azriel and you had a spark at the beginning or at least you thought you did... you two started seeing each other shortly after, keeping each other company in the deep hours of the night and telling each other the darkest parts of each other, he said he loved you but oh how things couldn't have been anymore different...
Winter Solstice a time where we gather with our family and friends to exchange gifts, drink and visit with each other it is a wonderful time of the year, it has always been my favorite time of the year... been.
Everyone has made their way back to their rooms for the night dinner went well lots of laughs and stories told. I am not exactly part of the inner circle but after becoming great friends with Feyre she invited me to a family dinner one time and the rest is history, these people are like my family now. I picked up my glass and took the last sallow. I was the last one in the living room making my way back to my room, I changed into some comfortable night clothes and was about ready to rest for the night when I remembered I forgot some gifts that I didn't put under the tree.
Making down the hallway with the arm full of gifts I stopped dead in my tracks has I heard hush talking coming from bottom of the stairs slowly making my way the top of the stairs I peeked down staircase my whole body teased, there standing was Azriel and Elain. They were so close oh so close to each bout ready to kiss, I can smell the arousal from here it was too much I took a step back feeling a hard body behind me glancing form the corner of my eye I seen Rhys then I felt him trying to get past my mental shields I drop them "go to you room y/n." I gave him a small nod and sped walked to my room and locked the door behind me.
I shouldn't be upset about what had happened I have seen the way he looked at Elain and how he started to get closer to her and seeing me less and less. We were never really an official thing I mean we talked a lot and we slept together, and I would be crazy not to say it wasn't the best sex I had in a while but with all of the bonding that we had and a strong friendship even if was with benefits I would be lying if I said I didn't form feelings for the shadow singer. The deal was sold one night after he snuck into my room after a mission, and we spent the night together we didn't just have sex we made love and after we cuddle close to each other before he drifted off to sleep, he told me he loved me I believed him. What a fool I was to let him break those walls of mine to let me fall for him, I know better now.
I stood in front of the mirror looking at the work I put into this outfit a smiling being bought on my face. I wore a black gown that had sparkles all the way through it that looked like starlight, with slits coming up both legs and stopping at my hips, the back was open while the straps gently wrapped around my neck with a soft chain then it drops down to a plugging neck line, my eyes were done with a smokey look and my hair was pinned off to one side and my natural waves danced across my back. Tonight, everyone is going out to Rita's it seems like it's been forever since I see them all together it will be nice to catch up with them all and with the news a heard from Feyre a couple weeks ago, she told me that Azriel and Elaine made it official to everyone. Since that night I caught them in the hall I decided to completely stop going over there and seeing them other than Feyre but that is going to change because I miss the friendships, I formed those amazing people and it look those weeks or months to build myself back up from the heart break if that was even worth calling what Azriel and I had it was just one siding but now since back to a better self and not going to go crawling back to a man that clearing never really truly wanted me, he is going to truly see what he is missing.
Short time passed and stood in front of the packed bar the music and laughter poured out to the empty streets taking a deep breath I made my way to the door. It didn't take me long to spot the whole inner circle in the booth they always sit at while here, looking them all over before I make my way to them, I seen Aziel and Elaine sitting to close together there wasn't room to even breath through and he had his arm flung around her shoulders she was resting her head in his side while he smiled down at her fondly I let a small hurt smile flash across my face and shake my head realizing right there that didn't love me and never did.
Azriel POV
Smiling down at Elaine while she leaned into my side I glance back up to where Cassin was going on about the building he destroyed in summer when my eyes landed on and focused on the figure that was making their way over to our table blinking and swallowing hard, I realized that it was y/n straighten up and slide my arm from Elaines side and sit up and looked me with questionable face but I couldn't take my eyes off of y/n as she comes to the table she looked absolutely divine, I haven't seen or heard from her since solstice and I haven't been able to seek her out busy with missions and well Elaine, oh Elaine glancing over to her on my side she was now talking to Mor on the other side of her.
"Hello everyone!" the sweet voice that was sweet has honey now sounds like it has been hardened. Feyre jumped up and pulled y/n into a hug. "I'm so glad you came!" Feyre's smiled beamed at her friend y/n's smile matched hers but there was less sparkle in those beautiful eyes, she slid into the booth right across from me I couldn't take my eyes off of her something felt like it was pulling me towards her even my shadows wanted to leave their master to go to her sides. I cleared my throat it all of a sudden feel dry, to dry. "Hello" she picked up her drink and slowly took a drink and looking down into the glass "How are you?" I tried again to get her attention one of my shadow flew over the tabletop and wrapped around her wrist she glanced up them looking straight into my eyes it felt like she was looking into my soul cutting right through me. "Hello, shadowsinger." there was ice in her voice I felt my body flinch at the coldness in it, this wasn't right I shake my head and looked her back in the eyes "what is going on with you, haven't seen you in weeks, months and you are so cold." I paused and looked her watching her face for any changes she let out a small low chuckle that sounded more like a huff like she hasn't laugh forever then she looked at me the hurt in her eyes were too much to bare to look at then she spoke with no emotion in her voice at all "well, that what happens when love lets you down." she stood from her spot and walked away through the crowded and I felt it then something shattered into a million pieces and I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
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masonmontz · 6 months ago
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hello :) everyone agrees that mason is a girl dad, right?
REMEMBER: english is not my first language
dad!mase, fluff word count: 1,2k
it was inspired by a tiktok i saw a few days ago, but i couldn't find the link for you :(
✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹
“Good morning sleeping beauty.” You picked Annie up when she appeared in the kitchen, she clung to you, still sleepy. “Did you sleep well?” 
“Yes mummy.” She yawned, and you smiled at her messy hair, the same color as Mason's. “I'm hungry.” 
You sat her down on the chair, and you were drinking tea and reading a book, like you used to do almost every morning while Annie was still sleeping and Mason had already left for training. 
“Do you want eggs? Or bread?” You asked her, and she spent a few seconds thinking. 
Annie is already four years old and she is the smartest little girl you'd ever seen. She is identical to Mason, the eyes, the mouth, the hair color and they even had a birthmark in the same place.
Mason is completely in love with her, she is the sparkle in his eyes. His little girl. 
You had a little chat with Annie for a bit while you made her breakfast, and she loved to talk, even when she didn't know all the words yet, anyone could communicate with her. 
“What day is it today?” She asked and you looked at her blankly, because Annie still has no idea of ​​days or hours. 
“Today is Saturday, honey. You don't have school today.” You placed the plate with eggs in front of her, sitting next to her in another chair to wait while she ate breakfast.
Her eyes welled up when you told her what day it was. 
“Daddy told me he was going to take me to training with him when Saturday came.” You sighed as you remembered the deal she made with Mason, but she was sleeping so soundly when Mason was changing for training that you didn't want to wake her up to say goodbye to him. The day was cold and it would be bad to take her out of the house to go to Carrington with Mason. 
“Oh, honey, daddy didn't want to wake you up.” You ran your hand over her face, noticing how upset she was that she hadn't gone with him. “It's so cold outside, you and daddy can have a movie afternoon when he gets home.” 
“But he promised he would take me with him to training.” Her voice was shaky and you felt sad for her, you just wanted to comfort your little girl.
“I know, but daddy goes to training almost every day, so he can take it when winter is over, what do you think?” You ran your hand through her hair and left a kiss on her cheek, seeing that she still wasn't convinced and was sad because her daddy didn't take her with him. 
“We can cook together today, what do you think? And then we can watch some movies. Would that cheer you up?” You asked as Annie went back to eating the eggs you made for her, and she nodded, still with a sad look on her face.
✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹
“You're in trouble, Mason Mount.” You told him as soon as you saw him, you were getting out of the shower and Mason came home from training. 
Annie fell asleep after lunch, and she was still sad with Mason, but you knew that the moment he talked to her, she would be happy again, because she is in love with Mason. Annie is a daddy's girl, but she wants your comfort as much as Mason's. But she's still your best friend, and you two usually have girls' day every week, ‘cause that's what best friends do, according to Annie.
You walked up to Mason and he smiled seeing that you were only wearing a towel wrapped around your body, so he pulled you by the waist, leaving a kiss on your lips and then on your neck.
“Hello, gorgeous.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, and Mason looked at you. “What did I do?” 
“You didn't take your daughter to training, and she remembered that today is Saturday.” Mason closed his eyes, disappointed as he remembered the deal with Annie.
“Shit, I actually forgot I said I'd take her, but I'm so nervous about tomorrow's game. Is she disappointed with me?” Mason whimpered when you nodded, and he placed his forehead in the crook of your neck, breathing in your after-shower scent. 
“I tried to talk to her and she pretended she was fine, but I know my girl, she's sad.” You walked to the closet to look for some comfortable clothes and Mason followed you. He had already showered in Carrington, so he just looked for some sweatpants to spend the rest of the day lying around. 
“Is she sleeping?” 
“Yes, she slept a little while ago.” 
“Should we just cuddle until she wakes up?” He asked and you agreed, so you and Mason went down to the living room to find a movie to watch. 
A little over an hour later you heard small footsteps coming down the stairs, and when you looked, Annie was coming down looking sleepy and wearing her warm unicorn pj’s. 
“Hey babe.” You said, but Annie just stared at Mason as she walked quickly to the couch.
“Daddy, you forgot me.” She spoke tearfully, and you felt your heart melt when you saw that she was so sad, thinking that Mason had forgotten about her. “I wanted to go with you to training.” 
Mason pouted, and you could tell he was blaming himself for not taking her.
“No, my love, don't talk like that, daddy will cry.” Mason pulled her into his lap, hugging her as he left a few kisses in her hair. 
“You said you were going to take me with you.” She spoke, still not accepting Mason's apology. She was looking at him with tears in her eyes, and you didn't know who was sadder, her or Mason.
“I know, but it was very cold and daddy didn't want to wake you up.” 
“I wanted to go with you.” She repeated and you smiled, because Mason was suffering at her hands.
“Don't say that, you'll break my heart.” Mason hugged her and looked at you, begging for help, because he didn't want his little girl to be hurt by him.
“Annie, how about we make some popcorn and the three of us can watch a movie together? Daddy is staying with us today.” She nodded, giving a smile and looking at Mason.
“I still want to go with you to training one day.” 
“I promise I'll take you my love, don't worry.” Mason got up from the couch, and the three of you went to the kitchen to make popcorn, which was Annie's favorite.
When Annie went to her room to get her doll, you and Mason hugged in the kitchen, waiting for her to come back.
“I felt like I was going through an endurance test.” You laughed, because you knew Mason was at Annie's mercy. 
“She'll give you trouble when she grows up, and you're so silly, you'll always be in her hands.” 
“I know, and I'm scared.” You kissed him, hearing Annie call you to help her, so Mason stayed in the kitchen to finish making the popcorn while you went to her.
They were your favorite days, and Mason's too, because nothing was more important to him than seeing his girls fine.
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sugawarassoulmate · 1 year ago
no nut november - nov 20
they put up a good fight but still couldn't make it...
(peachy had a very busy month so we're gonna ignore that this is late bc she wanted to finish it 😤)
farmer!ushijima & best friend!iwaizumi
word count: 330 & 531
cw: fem!reader, fingering, mutual masturbation, dubious consent (ushi and reader are drunk), infidelity (kind of), minors dni
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it might just be the alcohol in ushijima's veins telling him this isn't a bad idea but you're looking pretty in the dimly lit alley
he doesn't drink often but he'd thought he'd treat himself for a few at the bar after harvesting the last of his fall crops
it was a good season, one that exceeded his expectations, leaving him completely prepared for the cruelty of winter
you were already two shots in when you saw him, quickly challenging him to a drinking game and, uncharacteristically, ushijima accepted
and now the two of you are pawing at each other behind the saloon, ushijima's fingers already down your pants
and his fingers are so thick, filling you up more than your smaller digits would ever allow
"toshiii," you groaned, humping against his hand
you completely forgot about the stupid bet you made with your friends on a visit to the city last month
you were sure you could last the whole 30 days - you were single and aside from the occasional flirty jokes with a usually oblivious ushijima, there wasn't anyone else you were interested in
but now you're reaching into his jeans to pull his cock out
you're both gasping and breathing heavily into each other's mouths, desperate to get off
it feels nice to have ushijima, a massive, stoic man, groan with every flick of your wrist
you want him to cum first but once his thumb starts circling your clit, you don't stand a chance
even in the pleasure of your orgasm, you have enough sense to take care of ushijima, stroking him as the bliss racks through your body
within a few seconds, you can feel the warmth of his cum coating your hand
the two of you clean up as best as you can when ushijima mumbles, "sorry that you lost your game."
you can't help cracking up, finding it hilarious that he remembered the drunken conversation the two of you had earlier that night
best friend!iwaizumi
"uh huh," iwaizumi says, mindlessly tapping away at his controller. "no, you're so right, i can't believe he did that."
you're calling him again to complain about your boyfriend again
it was some stupid argument about whose family you were spending thanksgiving with - iwaizumi couldn't really care
"and then he just tells me to 'do whatever i want,' can you believe that?" you scoff
"no that's terrible, such a dick move," iwaizumi drones on, all of his focus on the game he's playing at the moment
every other week, you call up iwaizumi to have the same conversation with him - how much your boyfriend pissed you off and you want to break up
and, being the good friend that he is, iwaizumi lends his ear to listen (and his dick to comfort you after a breakup)
"i'm so done, he can spend thanksgiving alone. and the rest of his life for that matter," you huff but your threats hold no weight when the two of you are constantly getting back together
"can i come over? i don't want to be alone..." you ask after a few beats of silence
without thinking, iwaizumi agrees and you quickly end the phone call with a "okie dokie!! see you soon!"
it doesn't hit him for a few minutes but he suddenly remembers that he, oikawa, matsukawa, and hanamaki were doing that stupid no nut november thing again
you and your boyfriend seemed to be doing fine the whole month so and it wasn't like iwaizumi had any other prospects - not that he wanted any
but with you coming over (and being freshly single) there was no way he'd be able to keep his streak going
but iwaizumi is more disciplined than that and the two of you have been friends way before this weird....arrangement went down
he knows how to keep it in his pants and he can resist you no matter how hard you try
iwaizumi hajime is an idiot
it took less than half an hour for his dick to end up inside you
"fuck, haji, just like that!"
it was so embarrassing—your panties pushed to the side and iwaizumi's sweats scrunched only halfway down his legs
neither of you had enough patience to actually take the other's clothes off, like the moment was fleeting and could be ripped away at any time (and most of the time it felt that way)
"feels good? that's why you keep coming back, huh?" he grunts, pulling you into a kiss
you bite your lip, not wanting to admit that he was right but iwaizumi pins you to the mattress, plunging his cock deeper inside your cunt, forcing guttural moans from you
"not gonna admit it? that's fine, i already know, baby," he says, laughing when you cum around him
he follows soon after, not bothering to pull out cause he knows you enjoy the feeling of him filling you up
iwaizumi rolls off of you, taking a second to stare up at the ceiling. he knows the others will rip into him when they find out
reaching for his phone, he decides to get it over with before he helps you clean up.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2023 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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bambisworlds · 4 months ago
the winter soldier's weakness
bucky and y/n have been free from Hydra for two years, trying to make a life of their own. but that becomes a struggle when bucky is framed for a bombing (3,036 word count)
*I might make this into a series :)
content warnings, mdni 18+
both bucky and user are victims of hydra, violence, husband!bucky, telekinetic!reader, telepathic!reader, established relationship, PTSD struggles, brief mention of sexual assault, kidnapping, psychological and physical torture, angst, let me know if i forgot anything x
my masterlist
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Bucky and Y/n have been free from Hydra for nearly two years and are beginning to build their own lives. When Hydra took Bucky in the 1940s, they couldn't get him to break in the way they wanted. They weren't able to remove his humanity entirely. No matter how often they wiped his mind, Bucky never forgot his wife. His mind clung to her memory, and they knew they couldn't control him without her.
Growing up, Steve, Bucky, and Y/n were a trio—best friends. They were inseparable. But as time passed and they got older, Bucky and Y/n's friendship became romantic. Bucky and Y/n married shortly before Bucky was sent off to war.
Hydra kidnapped Y/n from her and Bucky's home in Brooklyn and began running experiments on her shortly after Bucky was brought into their containment. She developed similar abilities as Wanda Maximoff, but her power was inconsequential compared to what Wanda would come to be. Nevertheless, they used Y/n as a bargaining chip to get The Winter Soldier to cooperate; they made her his partner on his missions. Or, they would threaten to kill her if he didn't complete the missions he was sent on. Even in the dark ocean that was The Winter Soldier's mind, his subconscious still clung to his love for Y/n.
Y/n never became a hardened killer like Bucky; she, too, clung to her humanity. But she knew if she refused to complete her orders, she would be tortured or killed. Or worse, they would torture Bucky to punish her.
Y/n had been sent with Bucky when instructed to kill Steve Rogers and prevent him from stopping the Heli carrier launch. So, when all was said and done, Bucky dragged Steve and Y/n from the river. He left Steve behind but scooped Y/n up in his arms and set off with her. However, Steve doesn't know that the woman with Bucky is Y/n because she wears a mask like Bucky.
Ever since, the two have been trying to put the pieces of their new life together while overcoming their PTSD and mind control. They wanted to start over and be good people. The longer they went without getting their minds wiped, the more memories from their life together in the 1940s came back. All they wanted was to live a semi-normal life as husband and wife and leave their life with Hydra behind them.
Y/n and Bucky were having a typical day, or their version of normal, when they saw an article in the newspaper saying Bucky had bombed a building in Vienna. The two of them quickly returned to their apartment, preparing to flee and find somewhere off the grid to live, when Bucky stopped midstep, gripping Y/n's arm as his eyes landed on Steve Rogers, who stood in the middle of their apartment.
Steve turned to look at the two of them, and he flinched at the sight of Y/n, who was positioned protectively behind Bucky. "You're..." Steve muttered to himself as he looked at Y/n, blinking rapidly as if she would disappear. "You're alive." He gaped, and Y/n shifted on her feet nervously. "When I came out of the ice, I looked for you... they said you died of natural causes in 1998. But you're..." He swallowed roughly, trying to decipher if she even remembered him or if Bucky did, for that matter.
"Do you know me?" Steve asked the two of them. Bucky swallowed roughly, nudging Y/n further behind him. He wasn't sure of Steve's intentions. The last thing the two of them wanted was to be drug off to some facility and get their minds picked apart by doctors. Bucky would rather die than let Y/n be subjected to another form of captivity. She was struggling immensely with her PTSD, maybe more so than Bucky, and he refused to put her in a distressing environment like a psychiatric facility where the two of them would be separated. All they knew was each other.
"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum," Bucky says flatly, his metal hand resting possessively over Y/n's abdomen to keep her behind him.
"Is that all you know about me? What you read in the museum?" Steve asks, his voice trembling slightly as he looks between them. Y/n looked up at Bucky anxiously as they heard a voice say, 'They set the perimeter' in Steve's earpiece. An average person wouldn't have been able to catch it, but they both had enhanced hearing.
He's come to take us away. Y/n said telepathically to Bucky, jumping to conclusions. He's distracting us so they can trap us.
"The bombing... we didn't do it," Bucky says cautiously, his hand still blocking Y/n from moving closer to Steve.
"The people who think you did are coming here now, and they're not planning on taking you alive," Steve warns, and Bucky bristles.
"Nobody's laying a finger on her," Bucky says lowly, and Y/n shifts on her feet anxiously as she hears people outside their apartment.
Steve scrambles for something to say as the authorities surround the apartment, "You pulled me from the river, why?" he demands. Bucky ignores him, pulling Y/n against him in a protective gesture.
"We're getting out of here," Bucky mutters quietly to her, and she nods. Using her telekinetic abilities, she pulls her and Bucky's emergency bags across the room and into their hands. Bucky quickly puts on his backpack, and so does Y/n.
Y/n gasps, and Bucky cradles her head with his hands as two grenades get thrown through the window, but Steve quickly covers the grenades with his shield, stopping the blow.
Officers and agents begin to breach the apartment. Driven by pure instinct, Y/n begins to fling the men out of their way as Bucky leads her out, using his strength to force the men out of their path. "Stay behind me, baby," Bucky calls over his shoulder as he punches one of the men into the wall. Y/n glances back, catching a glimpse of Steve fighting off the men in her and Bucky's apartment.
Y/n takes Bucky's hand and uses her telekinetic powers to propel them flyingly down the many flights of stairs. Once they land on solid ground, Bucky takes her hand and hastily leads her towards the exit, punching his way through the row of men while Y/n shoves any other lingering threats out of the way with her powers.
The minute they step out of the apartment building, they're surrounded by hundreds of men with large guns and a helicopter hovering over them. In the middle of the wall of men was T'Challa. Bucky comes to a halt, Y/n bumping into his back. He spins around, grabbing Y/n's wrist to take her with him as he attempts to escape through the building, but Steve is blocking his way.
"If you fight it, you'll only make it worse," Steve tries to reason. Bucky's breathing was erratic, driven by the desire to keep Y/n out of harm's way. Y/n looked around at the people surrounding them, holding onto Bucky's jacket tightly.
"She's my wife, Steve," Bucky pleads with him, hoping he'll somehow give them a way to escape.
The agents close in on them, knocking Bucky and Y/n to their knees as they cuff them. The officers had unique cuffs designed to remove Y/n's mutant abilities so she couldn't use mind control on the men. She nearly fell forward once the cuffs were secure, growing weak from the debilitating handcuffs.
"Buck..." she mutters weakly.
"Take those cuffs off of her!" Bucky demands, fighting against the officers who were trying to subdue him. Hydra often used similar cuffs on Y/n so she couldn't escape, so he knew how weak they made her. Not to mention, they were a PTSD trigger for her.
"It's for our protection until you're both evaluated," one of the officers insists as they yank Y/n to her feet, her legs wobbling beneath her. Her breathing grows shallow as she realizes she cannot defend herself, panic brewing in her gut.
Seeing Y/n's distress, Bucky fights harder against the men as they restrain him. Bucky grunts angrily, realizing he can't fight off all these men, "I'm right here, doll. Just breathe, baby," Bucky calls to her, his voice shaking with barely contained rage, "You don't need to use those fucking cuffs on her," Bucky growls as they pull him to his feet.
"She's unstable. We can't risk her using her abilities on us," one of the men says as they start shoving Y/n and Bucky toward the transportation vehicles, tugging Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson behind them. Silent tears began to stream down Y/n's face as she tried to look over her shoulder at Bucky.
"I know, baby," Bucky said as he caught a glimpse of her face. "I'm right here, it's gonna be okay," he said, his voice tinged with desperation.
She nods slightly as she's shoved into the vehicle. She could see Steve, Sam, and T'Challa being put into a van behind theirs out of the corner of her eye.
The officers force Y/n and Bucky into the vehicle, strapping them into restraints so they could hardly move. Y/n's breathing was erratic, and her body trembled as they finished strapping her in. Hydra agents used to strap her down to partially keep her from escaping but also so she couldn't move when they did vile things to her.
They strapped Bucky into the seat opposite hers so they were facing each other. "Please, " Y/n whispered to herself, unsure of what she'd be pleading for.
Bucky's eyes bore into her face, "I'm right here with you, doll. I'm right here. Nothing's gonna happen while I'm here," he promised, his body trembling with the urge to touch her.
"I don't like this," Y/n says, her voice trembling. Bucky grimaced from her sob, the sound cutting through him like a knife.
"I know, but we're gonna be alright. We have each other. That's all we need," Bucky says to reassure her and himself. He knew he had to try to keep her calm.
"I heard them say they're going to separate us when we get there," she says shakily, "They're scared I'll influence your answers when they evaluate us."
When they arrived at the facility, the two were separated. Y/n was put in an office with Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson. Y/n sat at the table in the office, tapping her foot anxiously. She hasn't been away from Bucky for at least 70 years. Even when they were trapped in Hydra's facilities, they were still together.
"What happened? How are you alive?" Steve asks Y/n.
"Isn't it obvious?" she asks rhetorically as she watches the footage of Bucky getting evaluated.
"I'm sorry," Steve says earnestly. Y/n glances away from the screen, nodding in acknowledgment at Steve, before focusing back on the video of Bucky, "How did you end up with Hydra?" Steve asks cautiously.
Y/n sighs, fiddling with the cheap wedding band on her finger. She and Bucky got them not too long ago since they couldn't afford wedding rings. Hydra took their real ones away in the 40s, "After Bucky was subjected to all of the experiments, he became the perfect weapon. The only problem was he wouldn't obey them; even with his mind wiped, he kept trying to break free from where he was kept. To get to me," she says, "I guess they thought he would listen to them if I was under their control. So, they took me. The rest is history." she explains, looking back at the screen.
"Here's a receipt for your gear," Sharon Carter says as she enters the office, handing a paper to Sam.
"Bird costume? Come on," Sam scoffs.
"I didn't write it," Sharon says as she subtly turns the audio to the video on so they can hear. Y/n had tried to turn it on with her abilities, but the cuffs were still firmly placed on her wrists so that she couldn't access her powers. She was defenseless without them. She wasn't a skilled fighter like Bucky and didn't have super strength, either.
Y/n perks up in her seat as the audio comes through, "I'm not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James?" the interviewer asks, only to be meant with silence, "I can't help you if you don't talk to me, James."
"My name is Bucky," Bucky says weakly. Y/n fidgets in her seat. She wants to be with him and help him. She watches the screen intently, reading his every microexpression as Steve talks with Sharon and Sam.
"Why would Task Force release this photo to begin with?" Steve asks.
"Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?" Sharon suggests.
"Right. It's a good way to flush two people out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. You get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier." Steve says.
"He didn't bomb anything," Y/n says defensively.
"So, someone framed him to find him?" she asks.
"We looked for Bucky for two years and found nothing," Sam adds.
"We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads," Steve quips.
"Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would," Sharon says, and their heads turn toward the screen.
"You need to take these off me," Y/n begs Sharon as she rises from her seat, holding her wrists before her, "If Bucky turns into... him... I'll need to use my powers."
"I can't do that," Sharon says seconds before the building lights go off. Everyone freezes.
"Take them off!" Y/n demands shakily. Sharon sighs and types a code onto the cuffs, making them pop open. The minute the cuffs are off, Y/n's mind searches the facility for Bucky in an attempt to locate him. She knew he would be racked with guilt if he accidentally hurt someone. She wanted to stop that from happening.
"Sub-level five, East Wing," Sharon says, and Y/n immediately takes off in that direction. Steve and Sam are hot on her trail. While she runs through the halls and down flights of stairs, she tries to reach out to Bucky with her mind, but she's met with a mental wall. He wasn't Bucky anymore.
"I need to find him," Y/n says frantically as she rounds a corner, Steve and Sam trailing behind her, "And you can't be there when I do," she says firmly. Y/n stops in her tracks as she spots the interviewer lying on the floor, weakly asking for help. Rage boils up in her stomach, and she launches him up with her powers, yanking him over until he is hovering in front of her. He gasped for air, her powers cutting off his oxygen supply, "Where is he?" she demanded.
"Y/n, stop," Steve tries to reason, but he's thrown into the wall by The Winter Soldier. Y/n immediately drops the interviewer onto the floor with a thud and whirls around to face Bucky.
"Солдат! (soldier)," Y/n addressed Bucky. He froze at the sound of her voice, releasing Steve as he slowly turned to face her, "Он не наш враг. (he's not our enemy)," she said gently, approaching him cautiously.
"Y/n," Bucky mutters, standing like a statue as Y/n walks over to him.
She smiles softly, holding her hands up in a submissive gesture, "Ты знаешь, я бы никогда не причинил тебе вреда (you know I would never hurt you)," she says softly as she carefully takes one of his hands in hers, "Моя задача защитить тебя, а ты защитить меня (it's my task to protect you, and for you to protect me)," she says as she interlinks their fingers. Steve rose to his feet slowly, watching anxiously. Bucky's head snaps in Steve's direction, his hands quickly grabbing Y/n to yank her behind him.
"Нет, нет! Он не угроза (no, no! he's not a threat)," Y/n says quickly, tugging on the back of Bucky's shirt.
"Steve Rogers враг Гидры, угроза для вас (Steve Rogers is an enemy to Hydra, a threat to you)," Bucky says, his voice void of emotion.
"Нет (no)," Y/n says softly but firmly, turning Bucky to look at her, "Он твой друг (he's your friend)," she insists. Bucky's eyes scan over her face with an almost medical-grade sense. Y/n smiles softly, thinking he's understanding, until he lifts her and throws her over his shoulder. She yelps in surprise; Bucky punches Steve with his free arm, knocking him to the ground, "Bucky, stop!" Y/n says, fighting against his grip.
Bucky forces his way out of the building, holding Y/n firmly over his shoulder. In a moment of desperation, Y/n slips into Bucky's mind. She floods his thoughts with memories of them as children and teenagers, some including Steve, then memories of them together in Bucharest. Bucky stumbles slightly, still holding onto Y/n firmly.
Bucky shudders, letting out a shaky breath as he loosens his grip on Y/n so she can stand again. Bucky blinks rapidly as if he's trying to decipher what's real.
"It's okay," Y/n says gently, reaching up to rest her hand on the side of his face but he grabs her wrist roughly. His eyes snap to her face, and he lets out a puff of air. He realizes it's only her, and he releases her wrist. "You're safe," she says softly, resting her hand on his face.
"We're not safe as long as we're here," Bucky says gruffly, glancing around the building. Y/n lets out a shaky breath, rubbing the side of his face with her thumb, "I don't want to be a weapon anymore," he says with a tremble in his voice, "I want to live a life. With you," he swallows roughly.
Y/n smiles and stands on her tiptoes to rest her forehead against his, "We can live whatever life we want." she whispers. Bucky shuts his eyes, exhaling shakily.
Steve approaches the two of them cautiously, clutching his side from the harsh blow he received when Bucky knocked him to the ground, "I can help you," he says shakily, "I can help you hide. Please."
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if you have any requests including the people on my masterlist please comment them below any of my posts or in my submissions!! (check here: about my blog  to see what things i'm not comfortable with in regards to requests <3)
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bettymylove · 1 year ago
hi so i want to ask something like mattho x reader fluff and she has major depression issues and her mind wanders a lot when she is having a hard time with it? like she cant keep long conversations at all and forgets some of them?
im dealing with it and i have problems like this :') if you wrote something like this i would be so happy
Winter blues
pairing: Mattheo Riddle x reader
a/n: I totally relate to you, I have adhd as well depression and I go through bad phases like these, sorry for making you wait<33
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You knew you came in the library to do something, something you can't quite remember now that you've entered the room.
It agitated you to no end, how you knew not even a moment ago but now your mind was blank. You knew why this happened, the winter blues had started to hit and you knew the repurcussions of it.
Holding conversations were never easy, given that you wanted to have one, you stumbled over your words and quite often forgot what you were saying but your friends understood and so did mattheo, in fact he was the only one with the enough patience to deal with you.
You returned from the library that evening and after some time you saw pansy enter the room as well. "Why did you blow me off? I waited for you at the library for at least an hour"
She didn't yell though her tone was sharp, and now you could very well remember the conversation you had with her where you confirmed that you will be at the library.
You apologized profusely and hoped it made her feel a little because you sure didn't. Heading up to your dorm you could only think how much you burdened and disturbed other people.
Your dorm was unfortunately not empty, your boyfriend, Mattheo was sitting on your bed when you realised you hadn't even talked to him all day.
"Alright, darling?" He got up from the bed heading towards you, you slowly fell into his embrace, his tight hold making you feel secure, making you feel something.
"No-I'm not alright, I'm such a bad friend, I try so hard and still I can't seem to help it" He looked at your face confused as if you've said something completely diabolical.
"It's not your fault, I hope you know that, You're a wonderful person and your friends don't blame you, no one does" He hugged you tighter and it made you feel just a little bit better.
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ducktoo · 5 months ago
Syncing Dream [Aespa x M!Reader]
4. Day off…not?
Note: just fluff
Masterlist here
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Y/n woke up to the sound of nothing. No buzzing alarms, no frantic phone calls about schedules, and no urgent notifications lighting up his screen. For the first time in what felt like forever, it was quiet. He stretched lazily, savouring the peace. It took him a moment to remember what was so special about today—his first day off in weeks.
"Finally," he muttered with a smile, sinking deeper into his pillow. No errands, no last-minute crises, just a day to himself. Maybe he’d stay in bed all day, watch some TV, or—
Ding. The unmistakable sound of a text message cut through the silence.
“Please don’t be whoever I think it is..” Y/n groaned and lazily reached for his phone on the nightstand. It couldn’t be work; the staff knew he was off today. Still, out of habit, he checked the screen.
Oppa, can you do me a huuuge favor?
“Yizhuo, u kidding me…”
Y/n rubbed his eyes, blinking at the message. He hesitated, half-considering ignoring it, but something told him that wasn’t an option. His thumbs hovered over the screen before he typed a quick reply.
Ning, it’s my day off.
He felt a small surge of pride for setting boundaries. Today was about him. He wouldn’t get sucked into their usual chaos—
But I forgot to pick up my laundryyyyy 🥺 Please, Oppa, I’ll owe you big time!
Y/n sighed, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. Of course, Ningning had a way of getting what she wanted. He typed out a reluctant, “fine,” and tossed the phone aside. Maybe he could do just this one thing. How hard could it be?
As he moved to get dressed, his phone buzzed again.
Y/n, I think I lost my keys… help?
Y/n stopped mid-motion.
“Seriously?” He thought, staring at the screen. This was supposed to be his day off. He shook his head and responded.
Aeri, it’s my day off.
I knooow, but it’s an emergency!
Sighing deeply, Y/n realised the quiet, relaxing day he had envisioned was rapidly slipping away. He grabbed his jacket and keys, already resigned to his fate. First stop, laundry for Ningning.
The laundromat wasn’t far from aespa’s dorm, so Y/n made quick work of grabbing Ningning’s clothes and heading to drop them off. On the way, his phone buzzed again. He didn’t even need to check the notification to know who it was.
As always, the comedy (pain) comes in 3 acts.
Pabooo, can you get me some snacks? You know the ones I eat all the time. Pleaseee?
You do realise I’m not working today, right?
That’s why I’m asking! You’ll be free later, right?
You dipsh-
Y/n sighed. He couldn’t win with these girls. After dropping off Ningning’s laundry and being thanked with a bright grin and a peace sign, he made his way to the convenience store. If he was going to spend his day off like this, he might as well commit.
By the time Y/n reached aespa’s dorm, bags in hand, he felt more like a delivery boy than a manager. He pushed open the door, greeted by a mix of tired-but-not-really faces and a familiar tension in the air—mostly from Karina, who barely acknowledged him with a curt nod.
"Didn’t expect you here on your day off," Karina said, arms crossed, her tone neutral, but Y/n could feel the underlying coolness. She still wasn’t completely over the fact that he had been thrust into the role of their manager with little experience.
"Yeah, well, apparently days off don’t exist when you’re the manager," Y/n replied dryly, his eyes briefly meeting hers before shifting to Winter, who was eagerly waiting for her snacks.
Winter popped her head out of the practice room and grinned. "Let’s goooo, good job, Y/n!” she chirped, grabbing the snacks he had brought. "I knew you couldn’t resist helping your best friend."
"I had a flipping choice?" Y/n quipped, though he couldn’t help but smile. He watched Winter tear into the bag like a kid on Christmas, feeling the warmth of their friendship creep in. Despite the tension with Karina, Winter’s presence always brought a sense of ease.
Karina, though, stayed reserved. Even now, after weeks of working together, there was still a quiet unease between them. It wasn’t like they openly disliked each other, but there was something unsaid lingering between every glance and conversation.
Later that day, Y/n had finally managed to leave the girls alone and get some semblance of quiet when his phone buzzed again.
Any update on my keys?
Y/n rolled his eyes. He had scoured half the dorm for those stupid keys, and they were nowhere to be found. He groaned, heading back to the practice room where Giselle was crouching on the floor.
"Aeri" he sighed, "Where did you even lose them?”
"If I knew, I wouldn’t have lost them, would I?” she replied with a grin, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Karina, who came to help out, leaning against the wall with her arms folded, shot Y/n a look, as if to say, “You see what I deal with?”
"Let’s retrace your steps, I guess," Y/n said, rubbing his temples, though he couldn’t help but smirk at Giselle’s casual attitude. Karina reluctantly followed suit.
As Y/n sat up from the couch he accidentally crashed in aespa’s dorm, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the sound of giggling caught his attention. Ningning, Winter, and Giselle stood over him, smirking in a way that made him feel a little uneasy.
"Good morning, oppa," Ningning teased, barely containing her laughter as she nudged him lightly.
Y/n frowned, still groggy. "What time is it?” he groaned, trying to shake off the fog in his brain.
"Late," Winter replied, tossing him a water bottle. "Didn’t know you’d stay all day.”
"Neither did I," he muttered, taking a sip of water.
Something felt….off. The way they were all staring at him, the mischievous grins they were failing to hide—it didn’t sit right with him, but he was too tired to dig into it.
Just then, Karina appeared at the doorway, arms crossed as usual. "Go home," she said, her voice softer than usual. There was an unfamiliar warmth in her tone. "You’ve done enough for today. Sorry that you have to deal with these children even on your day off.”
Y/n blinked, a little thrown off by the sudden kindness, but he wasn’t about to question it. "Don’t have to tell me twice,” he mumbled, getting to his feet.
"Y/n, you look... different," Giselle said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Ningning and Winter tried to stifle their laughter, looking away.
"What are you talking about?” Y/n asked, confused. He glanced down at his clothes—everything looked normal. Shrugging, he grabbed his jacket and started to head out the door.
"Nothing! See you tomorrow, Oppa!” Ningning called out, bursting into giggles.
"Yeah, see you...idiot” Winter added, her voice trembling from trying to hold back her laughter.
Y/n gave them a suspicious look but didn’t press further. He was too tired to deal with their antics tonight. He left the building, heading out into the cool night air, finally ready to go home and get some real rest.
As Y/n made his way through the convenience store to grab a drink before heading home, he noticed a few people staring at him strangely. A cashier gave him a weird look as he paid for his drink, and a couple of girls passing by couldn’t stop giggling when they saw him.
“What’s their problem?” he thought, feeling a little paranoid. Shrugging it off, he pulled out his phone to check the time. But as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the dark screen, his eyes widened in horror.
There, scribbled all over his face in colourful marker, were ridiculous doodles: a poorly drawn moustache, cat whiskers, and the words “Manager Oppa” and “Best Idiot” written across his forehead.
Y/n stood frozen for a moment, processing the full extent of what had happened. Those friggin devils! No wonder they’d been giggling! He must have looked like a complete idiot walking around with his face like this.
With a sigh, Y/n rubbed his temples—thankfully, the markers weren't permanent. Grabbing a napkin from his bag, he tried wiping it off, but some of the ink had already settled too deep for a quick clean-up.
“I can’t believe I didn’t notice…of course Kim Minjeong was the mastermind of this crime…”
As he walked out of the store, trying to hide his face from any more passersby, his phone buzzed. A message from the group chat appeared on his screen.
You looked soooo cute with your new look today, oppa! 😂
We’re so proud of you, “Best Idiot” 😸
Thanks for being such a good sport!
Y/n groaned, but couldn’t help the smile tugging at his lips. Sure, they’d tricked him, but it was harmless fun—typical aespa chaos. Tomorrow, though? He was going to make sure they paid for it.
With that thought, Y/n trudged home, already mentally planning his revenge…after he had his sleep.
The next day, after washing off the colourful madness on his face since he was too tired to do so last night, Y/n was just about to fully enjoy his day off on his bed when his phone buzzed again.
He sighed, part of him tempted to just throw it under the pillow and pretend the world didn’t exist for a few hours. But when he glanced at the screen, he saw three unread messages, all from the aespa group chat.
Y/n, I lost my keys again...
I tried washing my clothes but messed up the detergent ratios. Now there’s foam everywhere.
Please get some snack. Thanks lol
Y/n rubbed his temples. “Day off?” He scoffed to himself. “Yeah, right.”
Despite his fatigue, he found himself grabbing his jacket again and heading back out. He figured he could at least get Giselle’s keys sorted, swing by Ningning’s place to fix the laundry disaster, and grab Winter’s snack in one go.
But first, he made a quick stop at a nearby convenience store.
By the time Y/n got to Ningning’s place, it looked like a small laundry soap apocalypse had occurred. She stood in the middle of the room, her hands covered in suds, giving him a sheepish grin.
"Help..." she pleaded, pointing to the washing machine, which was overflowing with bubbles. "I thought more detergent would make it cleaner, but now it’s like this.”
“Well, they clearly not, Ning.”
“I know! Help me out please!”
Y/n let out a deep sigh, but couldn’t help smiling at her cluelessness. "Alright, step back." He quickly adjusted the machine’s settings, drained some of the excess water, and cleaned up the foam. "Next time, use less detergent, okay?”
"Thanks, oppa!" Ningning beamed, but before Y/n could leave, she added, "Oh, and can you fix my bed too? It keeps creaking loudly for some reason."
After taking care of Ningning’s detergent disaster and bed crisis, Y/n swung by Giselle at the practice room to help her find her keys. They were wedged between the couch cushions—again.
"You really need a keychain or something, Aeri" Y/n sighed as he handed the keys to her.
"I know, I know... I keep losing them," Giselle admitted with a grin. "But hey, you’re always there to help, so thanks Y/n!”
Y/n chuckled. "Yeah, maybe I should start charging."
“Aren't you already charged from the company?”
“Yes, but I’ll get my overtime from you all.” Y/n joked.
With those dilemmas sorted, Y/n made his final stop: Winter’s room. She greeted him at the door with an eager smile, immediately grabbing the bags of snacks from his hands.
"Finally! I was starving." She didn’t waste any time ripping open the snacks.
Y/n rolled his eyes. "You could’ve just walked out and bought them yourself, you know.”
"But then what’s the point of having you around?" Winter teased with a grin. "Besides, you do the whole manager thing so well now. It’s almost like you're used to dealing with all our nonsense."
"Am I now?" Y/n muttered, though he couldn’t deny that things had become somewhat smoother lately. "But seriously, don’t call me on my day off unless it’s an emergency."
"Is snack hunger not an emergency? Is your best friend wanting to snack not one at all?” Winter retorted, eyes sparkling with mischief.
Y/n shook his head with a sigh. “You’re lucky you’re a small bean, Minjeong.”
“I know, I’m abusing it.” Winter snorted.
As he walked out of Winter’s dorm, he hesitated before making one final stop. Karina’s room was next on his mental checklist, though she hadn’t messaged him today. Their tension had been palpable for a while, and he figured it couldn’t hurt to try and lighten the mood.
Knocking lightly, he waited a moment before Karina opened the door. She looked surprised to see him, after he fully declared he will enjoy his day off.
"Uh, hey," Y/n began, rubbing the back of his neck. "I... uh... didn’t get any distress signals from you, but I brought you something anyway."
Karina raised an eyebrow, curious. Y/n handed her a small bag containing her favourite snack. "Just... you know, a peace offering or whatever," he added awkwardly, not quite sure how to approach the tension between them.
She stared at the bag for a moment, then back at him. A small, almost imperceptible smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"Thanks," she said quietly, taking the bag from him. The awkwardness between them hung in the air, but something in her expression softened.
"Karina," Y/n continued, fidgeting a little. "I know we’ve been... off lately, and I just wanted to... you know, make sure we’re cool. I mean, I’m still figuring this whole manager thing out, but I don’t want us to be at odds all the time."
Karina looked down at the snack in her hands, then back at Y/n. "It’s not that I don’t appreciate what you’re doing," she said slowly. "You’ve improved a lot since the beginning... it’s just..."
She hesitated, as if searching for the right words.
"I guess it’s hard to adjust to someone new in the group. Especially someone who used to be a trainee, like us, with skills that does and does not correlate with the role" she finally admitted. "But I don’t hate you or anything. It’s just... a weird transition."
Y/n nodded, understanding. "Ahhh, I get you.”
Karina took a deep breath, then gave him a rare, genuine smile. "Thanks for the snack, though. It helps."
Y/n chuckled softly, feeling a bit of the weight between them lift. "No problem…Jimin. Just... don’t let the others know I’m handing out free snacks. They’ll start demanding a whole shop."
Karina laughed lightly, the sound easing the remaining tension between them. "Deal."
As Y/n turned to leave, he felt a little more hopeful about where things stood between him and Karina. Small steps, but steps nonetheless.
Heading home after the day’s unexpected chaos, Y/n finally felt like he might actually get that day off... tomorrow, maybe. But for now, he’d settle for some well-deserved rest. He pulled out his phone one last time and texted the group chat:
Next time, I’m charging you all for manager duties on my day off.
$50 USD per hour. Take it or leave it, suckers.
Unknowingly, Winter replied.
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lina-lovebug · 1 year ago
USM characters dating an Avengers daughter
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- you knew his about his not-so-subtle crush on your dad when you first met, and decided not to tell him
- you adore him but whose to say he won't just use you as an excuse to hang out with your philanthropist billionaire playboy dad?
- but you'd been dating awhile, and had met Aunt May (who adored you), so why were you avoiding the subject of your dad?
- that was until you were fixing your suit and Peter walked in, gave you a kiss and offered to help. You forgot the little engraving your dad left you on your suit, "be careful and kick ass, love dad"
- "aw, that's sweet," he smiled, "when can I meet him?"
- "you. . .already have," you said, trying to gage his reaction, "he made me my first suit. . .and yours"
- it took him a few seconds but then it all clicked. His super amazing genius girlfriend whose dad bought her a Porsche at fifteen was Tony Stark
- his idol
- "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, but you idolize him and I was scared and-"
- he understood - completely shocked but understood
- he does ask if that means he can drive the Porsche now tho
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- you and your mom? Best friends
- danny and your mom? Not so much
- being the daughter of Black Widow herself came with a lot of trust, and many secrets so you never intended on dating because of it
- but then this handsome motherfucker gentleman comes along and you're on cloud nine
- you told him you have a complicated past and he respected that, waiting until you were ready
- but he's Iron Fist, King of K'un L'un and an Agent of SHIELD so he took notice when you'd disappear from team sessions
- he admits he got curious and followed one day, and there you were: training with Black Widow herself, and doing it flawlessly
- and at the end of it, his suspicions were confirmed once you hugged and said, "thanks, mom"
- "So are you gonna introduce us or does he always do that?" She made DIRECT eye contact with him and it honestly sent a shiver down his spine
- he introduced himself, remaining calm and collected, which impressed her but she also knows that people can hide how they rlly feel
- "where'd you grow up?" "K'un L'un" "who are your parents?" "Heather and Wendell Rand" "if you're a billionaire, why do you wear five dollar flip flops?"
- you knew she approved of him, but she liked to keep him on his toes
- "beloved, I love you, but your mother scares me"
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- oh how does one BEGIN to explain to their bullet proof boyfriend that their dad is Thor?
- he knew you had to be other worldly, and not just because he thinks you're a Goddess you accidentally struck him with lightning one time
- you wanted to keep it a secret for a bit before the Almighty Thor comes in and demands to know Luke's intentions
- "babe, why is Thor asking me when I'm proposing?"
- being a God came with perks, so Thor knew not long after you guys started dating that something was amiss with his daughter
- (you stopped remembering to being him poptarts and he got upset)
- "how do I know if he is worthy of your hand?"
- "He makes me laugh :) and he's bulletproof so. . ."
- they get along great
- his first trip to Asgard was a bit intimidating but seeing as you're half human, your mom reminded him that love between you guys was possible
- "I recommend a traditional Asgardian ceremony-"
- "dad we're sixteen"
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- o h b o i
- talk about overprotective father
- you're a minute late, who were you with? What were you doing? I want their names, addresses, social security-
- if you guessed Winter Soldier a.k.a Bucky then you guessed right
- he knew something was up the moment you two lingered for a bit after training, and watching from the top deck this man SPOTTED your hands brush and asked Fury for Novas' personal file
- but knowing your dad, you were actually able to keep your relationship a secret for two months before he put the pieces together himself
- you both were out on a picnic date, Sam having made a cute cake, and a very threatening man with a metal arm came up sat down, smiled at him, held his hand out and said, "Samuel Alexander, sixteen, last Nova, grew up in Carefree, and 5'8, correct?"
- you were LIVID
- meanwhile Sam was like "omg he knows my name :0!!"
- you had told Sam long before dating that your dad was extremely overprotective, but Sam being Sam was just excited that his badass girlfriend has a badass dad!!
- and Buckys like "wtf this kid isn't even remotely terrified"
- Sam asks question after question, and it even turns into a third wheel - as in they're bonding and you're just there
- Bucky likes him but still tries to be somewhat intimidating, being the infamous Winter Soldier and all
- "Babe. . .baabe. . .when's your dad gonna be back? I wanna ask him if he likes my new helmet look"
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- so like where do I even start
- you and Ava had been dating for a couple of months before she started to realize that she hadn't met your family
- you told her that they were just really intense and you didn't wanna scare her
- but who could scare White Tiger? So she insisted and you said "your funeral"
- also how does one explain to their partner that they technically shouldn't exist because your dad is a robot and your mom is a witch?
- your brothers LOVE her
- Billy and Tommy immediately recognized Ava, seeing as they'd work with the team from time to time and said "ooh our sisters dating the smart one"
- and Ava like, "babe I think I kicked one of their asses in training"
- Wanda adores Ava, she thinks she's good for you and might as well have someone mentally stable in your life
- Meanwhile in Avas' mind, "omg omg her mom is Scarlet Witch, her dad is Vision - wait is that why she's so smart? Is my girlfriend a robot?"
- no you're not a robot
- Vision likes her, and he knew about you two before you two even started dating. Why? You rambled about White Tiger during dinner once and Vision CLOCKED that look in your eyes
- needless to say, Sunday dinners with your family are now mandatory with Ava
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holylulusworld · 1 year ago
The cabin in the woods - Kinktober 15
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Summary: You only wanted to clean out the family cabin...
Written for @darkficsyouneveraskedfor’s Roo's HalloCream Extravaganza writing challenge. I totally forgot I signed up for the challenge. Sorry, this one took me so long.
My prompt was: While cleaning out the old family cabin, you begin to suspect that someone else has been living there...
Square filled for @buckybarnesbingo: C3: Winter Soldier
Pairing: Winter Soldier x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, creepy vibes, fear, choking (non-sexual), dark winter soldier, no happy ending, implied kidnapping/keeping the reader, irresponsible behavior (driving while being tired)
Trope/Kink: non-sexual choking
Words: 1,3k+
A/N: We are halfway through kinktober. So, we are getting a creepy little story today.
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Exhaustion is taking a toll on you. For days you are traveling across the country to clean your family cabin out. Of course, no one else from your family wanted to help you.
“Fuck,” you struggle to keep your eyes open, while you fight the overwhelming tiredness you are experiencing from driving for too long.
Close to reaching the cabin you don’t want to stop and pay for a rat-infested motel and dirty sheets. Why waste money on something you can have at your family’s cabin too?
“So close,” you yawn and rub your eyes with one hand. Just a few more minutes and you can lay down. Tomorrow you’ll clean out the cabin and be on your way back to civilization and away from memories leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
You shudder at the memory of your last encounter with your grandfather.
Something was wrong with him at that time. Until that day, you remember your grandfather was the most caring person you could imagine. Suddenly he was a completely different person.
Your grandfather yelled at your father, blaming him for a failure. He pushed your father against a wall and almost hit you when you tried to stop him from hurting your father.
Honestly, you didn’t understand half of the things they were talking about. You were barely eight years old.
Another yawn escapes your mouth when you take the small path leading to your family’s cabin. It’s a miracle you made it to the cabin in one piece. “Almost there.”
Slowing the car down you try to park it close to the cabin. It’s already pitch-black, and your eyes are burning from driving for so long.
You kill the engine when you see the front door, illuminated by the headlights of your car.
“Home sweet…whatever.” 
Before you get out of the car, you crack your neck. It’s past midnight and you are ready to fall asleep in your seat.
You force yourself to get out of the car and open your trunk to get your bag out.
After a good night's sleep, you’ll start cleaning out the cabin.
Hopefully, it will only take you one or two days. You can hardly wait to drive back home and spend some quality time with your boyfriend.
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Stepping inside the dark cabin you use your phone, instead of looking for the flashlight in your trunk. You’re too tired to do more than lock the door behind you and walk straight toward the small bedroom in the back of the cabin.
You drop your bag to the floor and shove your jacket down your shoulders. The last thing you are capable of is kicking your shoes off before lying down on the bed.
Sleep consumes you only minutes later.
The cabin is silent, except for the creaking of the floor, indicating you are not alone…
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“No, Mickey…wait,” you groan as your boyfriend refuses to help you clean out the cabin. “The bedroom doesn’t look so bad. It’s rather clean.”
Frowning you look around the room. It’s not a lie. The room looks clean, almost sterile. Now that you think about it, the sheets smelled clean too. There is no dust on the nightstand, and there is a carpet on the floor you have never seen before.
“Wait, I…” your boyfriend hangs up, ending the call before you can talk him into helping you. “Asshole.”
You slowly get up from the bed to have a look around the room. You didn’t imagine things. It should be covered with dust and filth after not having seen any visitors for over ten years.
“Maybe they try to fuck with me. I bet Cara was here with one of her loser boyfriends without telling us so,” you huff. “But they couldn’t clean out the cabin. Great.”
There is no use in moping around. No one will help you clean out the cabin. You’re on your own as so often since your grandparents died in an accident.
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After you hastily redressed, you decided to clean out the bedroom first. There wasn’t much you wanted to keep. Only the picture frame from the nightstand and a broken pocket watch you found under the bed. You never saw the watch before, but assume it belonged to your grandfather.
“All done here, let’s get to the other rooms,” you grumble under your breath. You’re still angry at your family, boyfriend, and friends. Everyone let you down this weekend.
As you step inside the living room, you wonder again. It’s as clean as the bedroom. Even the old sheets you put over the couch and armchair are gone.
“I don’t get it. They all said no one was here for years.”
Walking further inside the living room you frown deeply. The picture frames on the shelf above the fireplace are empty. All the pictures of your grandparents and parents are gone.  
A cold shiver runs down your spine. Something doesn’t feel right. The cabin is clean, and many things you wanted to take with you are gone.
But there are also new things. Like the carpet in the bedroom and the pocket watch you found under the bed.
Now there is a knife on the coffee table. Not a normal knife. No. This one looks like a combat knife from one of those cheap action movies Mickey loves watching.
“This can’t be,” you try to assure yourself, but your racing heart tells you otherwise. Your flight or fight instinct kicks in. It’s not your imagination. Someone was at your family’s cabin or still is.
“You’re imagining things.” You say a little louder. “I should get the other moving boxes and pack things up.”
Your car keys and phone are in the pocket of your jeans. If only you could make it to the door without running into whoever is hiding at the cabin, you’re out of the woods.
Glancing around the room you try to even your breathing. If you imagined things, so be it. You can come back here with Mickey and your friends next weekend and never tell them you panicked.
If not…
Before you can decide against it, you go for a sprint, running toward the front door. You grab the door handle, tugging at it only to find it still locked.
“Fuck,” fishing the keys out of your pocket you pray that you lost your mind. If not, you just saw a man storm toward you.
“Don’t move!” His hand is around your throat before you get the chance to unlock the door. “What are you doing at my home?”
You claw at his hand, but it’s no use. The hand holding your throat in a tight grip is made of metal. Tears spring from your eyes as his hold on your throat tightens. If only he presses a little tighter, he’ll break your windpipe.
“P-lease,” you trash around, fighting with all you’ve got. “P-“
“Who are you?” He leans closer, cold blue eyes searching your scared face. “Are you with them? Did you come here to kill me?”
You try to shake your head and tell him you’re only here to clean out the cabin, but he won’t listen. “Who are you?”
“Cabi-n…grandpa,” it hurts fighting him. You’re in severe pain, but he won’t let up. He holds your life in his hand, still demanding answers as your ears begin to ring.
You try to scratch his face, neck, or any part of his skin you can reach. You’re dizzy and your head feels like it’s going to explode. The fight is lost. You know it’s only a matter of seconds before you'll lose consciousness.
Breathing feels impossible, and your eyes roll back as he leans closer again to sniff at your hair. “It doesn’t matter who you are, doll.” The man whispers lowly.
The hold on your neck loosens the moment you drift into darkness.
Your body falls against his chest, and he smiles darkly. “I’m going to keep you. It gets lonely up here. I could use some company...”
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slytherinshua · 2 months ago
◍  CARING HANDS  ( 최상엽 )
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genre fluff , established marriage , pregnancy au , husband!sangyeop x pregnant!fem!reader   cw mention of dry and bleeding skin due to cold weather , pregnancy symptoms , overall just cute and fluffy , not proofread   wc 566   request @completely-zoned-out for sangyeop + scarred hands for the 3k event   note originally i wasn't gonna make this a pregnancy fic but i was running out of ideas to write for the prompt and i did rly want to include what you said in the req so i thought this would be a good way to do all of it?? i hope you don't mind skdjsk but the dad sangyeop agenda goes absolutely insane in my mind. the way he's always wanted to be a father and a good dad :(   net @kstrucknet
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“You forgot to use your lotion again,” Sangyeop pointed out gently. He was never harsh when scolding you, especially during the past few months. 
You had never been this forgetful, but pregnancy symptoms had made you extremely absentminded. It was hard to adjust to along with the other struggles and pains pregnancy brought. Your skin had never been too kind to you even before you got pregnant, but back then, you at least remembered to take care of it before it got too bad. This year had been brutal— hormones making your skin even more sensitive to the weather changes than usual. You’d spent weeks with dry skin and bleeding hands, a very sad sight to look at. 
Luckily, your husband was there to remind you of everything you were prone to forget. He liked taking care of you, and your pregnancy gave him even more of an excuse to do it.
“My skin really doesn’t like the winter, I guess,” you said sheepishly, letting Sangyeop guide you to sit down. He grabbed a small bottle of hand cream that he had produced somehow. You were never quite sure how he always seemed to have anything you needed. 
“Give me your hands. You always miss spots,” he said, intent on applying it for you. You bit back commenting on the ridiculousness of his motherlike attitude towards you and let him do as he pleased. It was true that he was more thorough with it than you.
“You’ve been playing my guitar too. Your fingertips are sore,” Sangyeop noticed, frowning. 
“I need to teach the little one when you’re not around, although I can’t sing like you,” you smiled as your husband massaged the lotion into your hands. The warmth of his palms helped to soften it, and it was soothing against the soreness of your skin. 
Now almost seven months pregnant, Sangyeop’s favourite activity was singing to your bump and feeling your baby girl kick in response. He was currently busier than usual with shows, though, finishing up festivals and a few tour dates with the band. You liked to pick up his guitar when he was gone. 
It was all in hopes your daughter would develop the same love for music as you and your husband shared. Sangyeop had already thought extensively about what instrument to start her on. You thought piano seemed like a good option for when she was little. Sangyeop had images of teaching her guitar himself, picturing how big his acoustics would be in comparison to her little size at 3 or 4. It was an adorable thought. 
“All done,” Sangyeop said, bringing one of your hands up to press a quick kiss to it.
“I’ll try to remember next time,” you muttered. “I make you work so much to take care of me.” Sangyeop shushed you before you could say any more words to feel worse about your forgetfulness. 
“You are already doing all the hard work growing our baby. I am more than happy to take care of you. Let me do my part in this,” he defended. You let up quickly, supposing that he had a fair point. 
Sangyeop bent down until he was at eye level with your stomach, pressing a hand to your belly with a smile. 
“Remind your mama to take care of herself too, okay?” he whispered. He felt a little kick in response.
lucy taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @evalevaeva,, @weird-bookworm,, @seunghancore,,
@chenleszone,, @chewryy,, @hursheys,, @loserlvrss,, @lexeees
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year ago
Fun While it Lasted
Part 2 of Is It Fun?
Pairing: Dalton Lambert x fem!reader
Summary: Months after Dalton hurts you, Chris finds out why.
Warnings: spoiler for all Insidious movies (Parker Crane's story line), angst, fluff, brief mentions of harm against reader, Specs and Tucker
Word Count: 2.1k+ words
A/N: So... this was requested 3 months ago during Fic-tober 2023. And then I forgot I agreed to write it. I am so sorry for the long wait, but I think this is better than anything I could have written at the time. Sorry again, but I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!🤍
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It’s been three months since you saw Dalton. Losing him hurts, and his voice has been a constant echo in your mind.
“It is fun.”
Even after all this time, surviving winter break without him, returning to school knowing it will be different without his welcome, you still miss him. Dalton Lambert hurt you, and in the process, you lost everything you had grown to love.
Someone knocks on your door, and you open it without asking who it is, too lost in your memories to consider who it is or what they could want.
“Chris?” you ask, looking down the hall quickly.
“I’m sorry,” she begins, pushing you inside and closing the door behind you. “I don’t know what else to say other than I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Ignoring you. For believing Dalton, I guess?”
You furrow your brows and shake your head, keeping room between yourself and Chris.
“He told me that you two broke things off and I just assumed that if things were amicable, I’d see you around, you know? And when I didn’t, I thought you were mad and decided that seeing me would include seeing him too. I don’t know what I thought, but I was wrong and I’m sorry.”
You rub the space between your eyebrows, trying to remove the crease Dalton and Chris seem determined to make permanent. The simple mention of Dalton’s name takes you back to that day in October. After months of crying yourself to sleep and tearing yourself apart to find what made him want to hurt you, you thought you were beginning to move on. Yet a few words from Chris make you ready to break down again.
The worst nights are when you think the red door opened again, which could be why he pushed you away. Remembering that movement in the shadows after you returned to your dorm haunts you. You try to forget or convince yourself it was a trick to lessen the hurt.
“So, why are you here?” you ask Chris.
“I think it’s happening again,” she confesses.
You look up at her quickly, shocked but not completely surprised.
“That’s not possible, Chris. He’s been with his mom and dad for weeks; they would have noticed.”
“He hasn’t been the same. If I’m right and there’s something going on, he’s doing a really good job of keeping it covered up.”
“Then what happened that made you come here and try to convince me to help you? That’s why you’re here right?”
“Because this is about you!” Chris exclaims, gesturing with her arms. “This started in October, as far as I can tell, right after whatever happened between you two.”
“What did he tell you?” you whisper.
“Just that he broke it off with you. Every time I asked why, he dodged the question or told me to stop being nosy.”
You chuckle as you imagine Dalton saying that. Shaking your head, you sit against your bed and decide to tell Chris the truth.
“That’s not exactly how it happened. He had been making plans with me and then never showing up, avoiding me, and I got worried.”
Chris nods, moving to sit beside you.
“So I went to his dorm to check on him, and he basically told me that he didn’t want to see me anymore and that I should have taken the hint.”
“What else?” Chris presses after you fall silent.
“He told me it was fun to see me hurt,” you answer quietly, fiddling with your fingers as you stare at your hands. “I wanted to stay and make sure he was okay, but I ran.”
“Was there anything off or unusual?” Chris lays her hand over yours, an understanding and friendship in her eyes that you missed.
“I- it was probably nothing.”
“When it comes to Dalton Lambert, the smallest things are usually something,” Chris reminds you.
“After I got back here, I thought I saw something move in the shadows. I’ve wondered pretty much daily if that was really Dalton.”
“The last time he was possessed it was obvious. But seeing things moving in the shadows isn’t a typical response to getting dumped.”
“We weren’t even together,” you remind her with a sad chuckle.
“But you were going to be. You both cared about each other, and I know you still care about him.”
“You really think he needs help?”
“I do.”
“Then what do we do?”
“I have an idea. But it requires you seeing him again.”
“I think I would have noticed,” Josh argues.
“Just hear them out,” Renai says, placing a hand on Josh’s arm. “What exactly makes you think something is wrong?”
“Did Dalton mention her?” Chris asks, gesturing toward you.
“No. Not really, I mean, he mentioned they broke up and I thought it best not to pry,” Renai answers.
Josh’s gaze is on you as he answers, “You were all he could talk about in the Further. I thought it was strange that he’d let you go after that, but what do I know?”
You smile at him, tugging on your fingers as you think.
“Have you dealt with something like this before?” you ask.
“Yes,” Renai answers. “When Dalton was younger; well, you saw the picture with the hammer. That seems similar. Whatever possessed Josh made him so different and wanted to kill me and the kids.”
“Parker Crane,” Josh adds. “He was banished, but the Further is a- a strange place.”
You glance over at Chris, who takes the lead.
“Could you find out what, if anything, is happening?”
Josh sighs but nods. “If something is in Dalton’s mind though, it may know I’m digging. It’ll come after the people closest to him.”
“We need him back,” you whisper. “No matter what it costs.”
“We’ll get him,” Josh promises, resting a hand on your shoulder. “He escaped the Further for you once, the two of you can survive whatever this is.”
Assuming there is something, of course, and Dalton isn’t just here to hurt you.
Your heart is racing. Even though you know Chris, Josh, and Renai are standing by, you are terrified. The Further doesn’t scare you, but the idea that Chris is wrong and that Dalton truly hates you creates pure fear within you.
“What do you want?” Dalton asks when he sees you, blocking the door with his body.
“Answers,” you reply, forcing your voice to stay steady. “Tell me why.”
He laughs before asking, “Why what?”
“Why did you treat me the way you did?”
He moves forward so his face is mere inches from yours, smiling as he says, “Because it was fun. While it lasted, at least.”
“Is that the truth?” You’re going off script, but now that you can see him so closely, you know this isn’t your Dalton. “Or do strong women just scare you, Parker?”
Chris and Josh yell your name as Dalton – or his body, at least – pulls you into his room and slams the door.
“Go find them!” Renai tells Josh.
He nods, running toward Chris’s room to enter the Further uninterrupted. Saving Dalton is something he doesn’t mind doing; he loves his son but knows Dalton is just as tired of this as he is.
The fight against and within the Further was supposed to be over, not extending to people he loves.
“Dalton, if you’re in there, I’m sorry it took me so long,” you pant, clawing against the hands on your shoulders. “But we’re here now.”
“You should know by now that Dalton doesn’t care when you show up, because he won’t come at all!”
“Dalton!” Josh yells.
“Dad?” Dalton whispers, looking up with weary, glassy eyes. “How’d you find me?”
“Chris and your girl figured it out. Sorry it took us so long.”
“That’s what she said.” Dalton looks up, his eyes wild as he searches his dad’s face. “How long has it been?”
Josh swallows and takes a deep breath before answering, “At least three months.”
“What did I do?”
“You didn’t do anything, you know that,” Josh soothes as he pulls Dalton’s restraints off. “I don’t know how he got out, though.”
“We have to help her. Parker’s going to kill her.”
“No, he isn’t. He’s not strong enough to take all seven of us.”
Josh pulls Dalton to his feet, hooking his arm under Dalton’s shoulders to support him.
“Seven?” Dalton repeats.
✯✯ Yesterday ✯✯
“It seems that Parker just fell back into his old ways,” Specs answers.
“His mother’s spirit is still gone, so there’s a chance that talking sense into Parker could work,” Tucker adds.
“How do I do that?” you ask.
“Remind him of who he is – just Parker Crane, not the creature his mother created or wanted him to be.”
“And if that doesn’t work?” No one answers; you’re sure that is better than the truth. “I’ll try to talk him out of it, then. I do have one more question though: can Dalton hear me?”
“Most likely,” Tucker answers solemnly.
“Can he fight from within the Further?”
“Yeah,” Josh answers. “I’ll fill him in as soon as I find him, and we’ll go for Parker’s spirit.”
“How likely is it that this will work?” Chris inquires.
“50/50,” Tucker answers. After a stern look from Specs, he corrects, “60/40.”
✯✯ Today ✯✯
“Dalton, we have to find Parker’s spirit and remind him that the bride in black doesn’t have to kill anymore, that he’s free,” Josh says.
“Okay. He usually stays over there.” Dalton points to a small area filled with toys from Dalton’s memories. “But he gets grumpy.”
“Sounds familiar.”
“You don’t have to do this, Parker. Everything that your mother said and did was wrong. You are your own person, and you can choose to stop!” you cry.
“She’s in my head!” he grunts, smacking his knuckles across your cheekbone.
“Then stop listening.”
Tears build in your eyes as he yells again.
“Dalton, tell him that parents give us life, but they don’t define it,” you say quietly. “Take your life back, Parker, and don’t prove her right.”
Parker takes a step back at your words, his eyes dropping.
“I can choose,” Parker repeats quietly. “How do I stop?”
“Surrender,” Josh answers. “Give Dalton here his mind back.”
Patrick nods, handing Dalton the toy in his grasp before fading.
“Get to her. Right now,” Josh says. “I’m right behind you.”
Dalton blinks rapidly above you, his hands resting on either side of your head as he hovers over you.
“Dalton?” you whisper.
“Hey,” he replies, his eyes clearing as he smiles.
Dalton begins to stand up, but you wrap your arms over his shoulders, joining your hands behind his neck as you pull him down into a hug. He takes a deep breath as he returns the hug, sliding his arms under your waist as he leans against you.
“I’m so sorry,” he says against your neck. “I didn’t mean it. It was terrible to hear you hurting and I wish I could have stopped it.”
“Not your fault, Dalton.”
Loosening your grip on him, you let Dalton pull you up. His eyes search your face, gentle fingertips grazing over your bruising cheekbone.
“Can we go on another date?” you ask quietly. “I missed a bunch. I missed you.”
Dalton leans in, his lips brushing yours. 
“We can go on a million. Thank you for saving me.”
“It wasn’t just me.”
Someone knocks on the door, and you move out of Dalton’s lap, settling under his arm as you invite everyone in.
“I should have known it was you two,” Dalton says, shaking his head as Specs and Tucker (re)introduce themselves. “Thank you, Chris.”
“What are saviors for?” she asks with a roll of her eyes. “Glad to see you back to yourself, Dalton.”
“Me too,” Renai adds, pulling you and Dalton into a quick hug.
“Is it over?” Dalton asks.
“Never truly,” Specs answers. “But we’re learning more every day.”
“Just keep a steady stride,” they say at the same time as Josh and Dalton.
“Well, you’ve missed a lot, so we’ll get out of your way, bud,” Josh says, attempting to herd everyone out of the dorm. “Call us when you’re ready to visit. We’ll redo Christmas.”
“I forgot about that!” Renai exclaims as the door closes.
Chris winks at you, and you send her a silent thank you before she exits. Dalton pulls you close, kissing the top of your head.
“Tell me everything I missed.”
“I don’t want to relive it, and I’m not sure you really want to know.”
“Well, then, let’s just have some fun to make up for it?”
You laugh at the idea of something being fun with Dalton again. “Fun sounds good,” you answer, pulling him into another kiss, the first of many to make up for.
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maximoff-forevermore · 1 year ago
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Summary: You and your fiancé, Frankie "Catfish" Morales, get into a car accident.
Warnings: No use of Y/N, mentions of SA, child abuse, child SA, mentions of abusive relationship (not between Frankie and reader), mentions of drug use, allusions to murder (self-defence), mentions of military, mentions of divorce, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, mentions of anxiety, drugs, no happy ending, barely edited, I think that's all? If I've missed something, let me know
A/N: I kind of stole this idea from a friend of mine, @/ramblers-let's-get-ramblin. She said she sort of dumped all of her trauma into a google doc and made it a fic, and I did the same thing. This is kind of a mopefest, and I've never written anything and posted it before, so I hope you enjoy, as much as you can, anyway.
Word Count: 2.5k
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader
You remember sitting in front of a fireplace.
Winter had come in the lashing of wind on the windows, glass shaking and a roof made of heartbreak and filth barely withstanding the cold it had withstood many times before.
You had held your sister close, your blood, your only love, to your chest, whispering in her ear as she cried over her first breakup.
When her sobs had eased, and the spot of your skin her shoulder dug into had grown numb, you whispered, “You will find the right one.”
You whispered those words a lot.
Whispered them into your pillow, into the mirror, into your own hand to muffle your cries as the second, then third and fourth stepfather took what he wanted from you.
You needed to remember those words.
If you were being completely honest, the first time you let a man put a ring on your finger, you knew he had not been the right one.
You knew because you did not know him.
All you knew was that he had a house without the echo of your mother’s vicious screams and a bed for you to sleep in that would not be tainted with the hands of men who never asked.
At least marrying him was something akin to permission.
At least a wedding ring would stave anyone else off.
And so, you married him.
The man you did not know, the man who believed to love you but truly wanted to possess you, you married him.
With time, you came to love him.
Professionals would have called it something like Stockholm Syndrome, but for you, then, it had been love.
You never left the house—simply were not allowed to.
You studied online, but only in the dark, hiding your laptop screen from the man you loved.
You justified it, merely saying he would support you when the time came.
He worked, he slept, he ate, he fucked, though not always you, and it hurt when it wasn’t you, but in the darker part of your mind, you knew it was best.
You forgot what it was like to leave the house, to live under a sun and to live with love and laughter and friends.
Your sister stayed in touch, but she was the only one.
Eventually, through a sequence of unspeakable events, of bruises all over your body and blood on a nightgown that barely fit, you would sit in a courtroom for months, and, finally, listen to the judge call it “self-defence”.
The judge said a lot of things, as did the lawyers.
You didn’t listen to any of them.
There was this harrowing silence within you, it drew in the things of everyone around you, melting them, turning them into puddles of distance, where their faces blurred and their words, sometimes accusations and sometimes comforts, fell on ears that weren’t yours because surely if they were yours you would be able to use them?
You had thought, during those months, that perhaps no pain or silence would ever live up to that.
You had been wrong.
Now, you lie in a hospital bed, a few years later.
Years spent healing, loving, learning, studying, and now, finally, dying.
Your sister had said it with such relief.
“You won’t die. You’re going to be fine.”
No. Lie.
You were dying. That’s what this feeling was.
It had to be death.
You had not answered, staring ahead, waiting for one person to step into your line of vision.
Frankie. Your Frankie.
It was a coma.
Your Frankie locked in a coma.
How he would hate to ever be such a thing.
You knew it, because you knew him.
Loved him, as he knew and loved you.
You had healed together, learned together, loved together, grown together.
You had met when he and a horrid, filthy drug pierced his system, and he needed it to.
You had “cut right through his bullshit”, as he always said when he told the story, refusing to go out with him.
He always said he changed because you didn’t ask him to.
You had not given him conditions, you had not asked him to grow or be someone new, you had looked at him, seen him for what he was, and denied him.
You had needed him to be someone he wasn’t, so you had said no, instead of asking him to be different.
And thus, he had changed.
Changed because he had needed you, exactly as you were, and would not stop until you could be his as much as he was already yours.
He joked in the years after the first kiss, joked that his heart had buried itself behind your ear the first time his fingers had brushed yours as he handed you a drink.
For Halloween, you had asked to go as Morticia and Gomez Addams.
“It fits us,” you said, grinning broadly, wooden spoon in your hand as you stirred his favourite.
You always made his favourite, he always whispered that anything you made was his favourite, so maybe you were cheating.
But still, it was his favourite.
That was all that mattered.
Frankie shook his head. “No.”
You were dumbfounded. He never said no to you.
The first few months you’d scolded him for it, telling him he needed to tell you when he wasn’t okay, when he needed to say no.
He promised he would, but he never said no.
This might have been the first time, so you nodded. “Okay. Sure.”
He shrugged, moving around the kitchen island, coming up behind you, his arms like puzzle pieces fitting around your waist.
The two of you were perfect together.
He pressed a kiss to the back of your head. “I just think we should save Morticia and Gomez for when we get married.”
You leaned back into his words, smiling a smile you thought your lips would never be capable of. “When we get married?”
“When,” he promised into your scalp, smile matching yours.
The ring wasn’t on your finger now.
Someone else was keeping it, you weren’t sure who, but it wouldn’t fit on your left hand, aching and swollen and bandaged.
The doctors would not say anything to you at first, then they said he was in a coma.
When they finally told you his condition, you had screamed.
Screamed so loud you knew the sleep of some of the other patients had been disturbed.
You had sobbed and wailed and one of the nurses had tried to calm you, explaining that the vicious pain all throughout your torso was from your injuries, but you deserved it.
Deserved the cuts and scrapes and stabs and stitches because you were here and he was not and there was nothing that could right that wrong but the pain of your body was a step.
Eventually, they called your sister, and your other sister who was not yours by blood but yours all the same and they had held you.
Flowers sat at your bedside table, flowers for the wounds, oh, but the wounds meant nothing.
Nothing next to the pain inside.
The injuries, you supposed, were a happy coincidence.
Because they kept you bedridden, and the only thing that had kept you from suicide was the fact that you simply had not the muscles nor movement to do so.
The nurse had come in later, when the tears had stopped but not dried, when the screaming had stopped coming from your mouth but still echoed in your mind, and told you to sleep.
You didn’t.
Your eyelids were so heavy, your body so stiff, your head aching.
You didn’t close your eyes, lest you miss it.
People talked about hallucinations, about losing a loved one and seeing them afterwards.
So you kept your eyes open.
Waiting. Looking. Watching.
You needed to see him.
You needed it.
Craved it.
But he wasn’t there.
And that wasn’t fair.
You had been through so much, so many hands, so many locked doors, so many tears, surely you were insane?
Surely you saw things that weren’t there?
He wasn’t here.
So you had to see him.
You didn’t, though.
You didn’t see anyone.
Your sisters came again the following morning, with soft smiles and softer words and the softest hands.
They said your mother wanted to visit.
Your chest was too tight to say anything, but your sister who shared your soul and not your blood touched your hand—not gripped it, for fear of broken bones and split skin—and promised she would never let that happen.
Frankie’s brothers, his military brothers, came to visit you, too.
You cried when you saw them, they cried with you.
Santiago had sat next to you as everyone else began to filter out.
He’d opened his mouth, and you knew what he’d been about to say.
“Don’t,” you whispered, tears burning their way up your throat. “I don’t care. I just—I can’t, please. Not—not right now.”
He had nodded, tears in his own eyes, holding you to his shoulder carefully as sobs so violent they ripped stitches wracked your broken body.
Santiago had gone with Frankie that day, many days ago, now, to change his will and leave everything to you.
Frankie and Santiago had both thought it a secret, but Frankie’s beautiful, little girl had come running to you, and you had known for months.
You didn’t want to hear about the will. Not now.
Not ever.
You talked about it often, the money Frankie had come into when his absent, Scrooge McDuck–type of father had died, and, for some unknown reason, left it all to Frankie.
It was a running joke; the rich, older man you’d swindled, the money you’d ultimately have because of the ring he was always planning to put on your finger.
Truthfully, the money had always meant shit to you.
Growing up poor as dirt, money had been a luxury, and you would never take it for granted.
But around Frankie?
Money meant nothing.
There was no richness to compare to the richness of the laughter he gave you when you cracked a foul joke, no amount of swimming in pools of gold to compare to swimming in pools of water with his arms around you and your legs around him.
Money was four letters short of happiness, because you needed nine letters to spell Francisco.
When Santiago left, Frankie’s ex trundled in, having stayed good friends with Frankie after the divorce and hitting it off with you.
There had been something special about it, exchanging stories and tears and memories with her, while Frankie’s daughter napped with her head painfully digging into the ruin the car had left of your thigh.
Then the nurse had ushered them out, and you’d asked if your sister could come back.
The nurse couldn’t say no, not to you, not with a ruined body and a worse heart, so your sister had come back briefly.
You had asked her to bring your laptop.
“You can barely type,” she had said.
You shook your head. “I need to. Please. Please let me put this somewhere.”
Your words slurred, either from the drugs coming through the IV in your hand or the cuts on your face.
Your sister had nodded, kissing your forehead, avoiding your damage, and the nurse handed you the laptop about an hour later.
She was right.
You could barely type.
Still, you had to write something.
Something broken. Something unfinished. Something sad. Something lonely.
Something like you.
Writing was never your thing, it was just something you did.
In your room, in between school and homework and nights you didn’t speak of, you wrote.
You wrote a lot in the time you spent locked in a house with a ring on your finger and not a soul who knew you but a sister you couldn’t see.
You’d lost it, getting out, turning to studies that consumed your time, turning to Frankie.
You found it again now, with hands that can barely type, a body in pain but barely noticeable.
You know you don’t really feel it.
Not yet.
The realising will come later.
You doubt you’ll survive.
You won’t have to leave the hospital, not for a good long while, and that’s the biggest relief you could possibly get.
You don’t have to eat. You don’t have to think.
You can just lie here, pain eating away at every muscle you own, half-curled into yourself as your tears refuse to let your pillow dry, thinking about Frankie.
Every memory you have, every smile he gave you, every moment, you lie there and stare at nothing while you think about him.
You may never think about anything else ever again.
You don’t know if you have the strength.
Everyone around you is waiting for you to snap. For the ball to drop and for you to start screaming and throwing blame.
You can’t.
Anger takes energy, anger requires for there to be something within you.
There’s nothing left.
You’re a hollow shell of a creature, the only thing you’re capable of doing is remembering.
You messaged a few friends online. You’re grateful for all of them. There’s this understanding between you, that you’re going to act like a normal person with a normal life, and they’re going to let you. They don’t avoid it, but they don’t mention it, not unless you do.
That means more than they think. For them to let you pretend, for them to pretend with you.
Sometimes they help bring you back to reality, telling you it’s going to suck and nothing will feel right.
That helps.
You don’t know what else could possibly help you, but you think you might have a suspicion.
So you get someone to bring you a pillow, put it on your lap and place your laptop on top, like a makeshift desk.
You start typing.
Stories, memories, Frankie.
You’ve heard of people who avoid the names of their spouses but you can’t. Won’t.
You can’t stop saying it, writing it.
He needs to be alive, he has to be, or else whatever remains of you will fade into nothing.
He has to be alive somewhere.
So you write.
Tomorrow, you don’t think you’ll have the energy to do such a thing.
You find you don’t have much energy, not anymore.
For now, you write.
It’s all you can do.
Someday, what’s left of your resolve will drip away into the hollowness of where Frankie should be.
Then you’ll wither away into a shadow, into a broken doll forgotten under the bed.
Either that shadow will regrow into a person, or it won’t.
You have no idea which it might be, and you’re scared.
You wrap yourself in memories and tears so you might continue to feel, but wrapping yourself is so tiring.
You’re so tired.
You’ve been hospitalised for four days, awake for two, maybe three.
You have no idea how you’re supposed to live past midnight tonight.
Maybe you won’t.
Maybe your injuries and your hurt and your hollowness will carry you away in the night, never to be seen again.
Maybe all that’s left of you will be the words on paper that you give to Frankie.
Maybe that’s all you want.
To be with Frankie.
Whether in his arms, or two words on a page, or in the ground, you just want to be with him.
Maybe you’ll live.
Maybe you won’t.
The doctors had come into your room three times.
The first, they refused to tell you anything.
The second, they said he was in a coma.
The third time—
True happiness was nine letters long, while death only four.
But four had been enough.
Tags: @planet-marz1 @catchallfangirl @pamasaur @janaispunk
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randomshipperhere · 5 months ago
Ai Mikaze Song Rant
!!🧹CLEANING OUT DRAFTS WRITTEN IN LIKE 2021. Posted as is last written🧹!!
that may or may not be an essay but since its structure is completely off, I opted to call it a rant.
Also Ai looks mighty fine in that outfit. Ver. A has him sticking his tongue out. So cute!!
Note: this is a long overdue post that was made prior to the release of the album, I have not changed anything within this because dammit my past self worked her ass off on this and just left it on the backburner for so long.
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Before the next batch of Quartet Night Solo Songs get released this year (oh my god its been 3-4 years since the last ones) I wanted to write down the charm of Ai's songs and I hope the trend somewhat continues.
There are a total of 6 songs released since 2012 and each song also has it's own take on love.
There are a total of 6 songs released since 2012 and each song also has it's own take on love.
Winter Blossom: Parting of a loved one
A.I: Being and feeling loved
Futari no Monogram: Understanding oneself
Innocent Wind: The Warmth of Love
Mune no Kodou: Understanding Love
Synchronism: Playful, and a smidge bit sensual. Looks like the love arc is complete if you catch my drift
And now let's look at the song list:
うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ アイドルソング嶺二&藍
Uta no☆Purinsu-sama♪ Aidoru Songu Reiji & Ai
Track 02: Winter Blossom
August 22, 2012
Idol Song: Mikaze Ai
01: A. I
02: Futari no Monogram
June 25, 2014
マジLOVEレボリューションズアイドルソング 美風 藍
Maji LOVE Reboryuushonzu Aidoru Songu Mikaze Ai
01: Innocent Wind
02: Mune no Kodou
April 29, 2015
うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ アイドルソング蘭丸&藍
Uta no☆Purinsu-sama♪ Aidoru Songu Ranmaru & Ai
03: Synchronism
May 24, 2017
Now why does the second part matter? Well to me, if you put them together. Arrange by release date and track number, it almost sounds like a story on its own.
A person who has lost a loved one and forgot what the feeling felt like (Winter Blossom) until they discovered someone who could possibly mend their broken heart and understand the concept of "Ai" (A. I).
After finding this someone, they want to better themselves, become more reliable, someone who could be deserving of that love (Futari no Monogram). That love is returned to them and it feels a bit too much, but they're grateful that this person continues to stay by their side, despite being "broken" (Innocent Wind).
Like any relationship though, it was not just meant to be a sunshine filled story, they got into fights and arguements but that never deterred them from loving each other. Even during the moments they felt down or when he was scared of the passage of time, still uncertain about love, they still stuck with each other through thick and thin. And to understand these overflowing emotions, he wrote it into a song, a ballad, that sung the wishes of normal lovers and how with them, he can understand love. That he too, has that "something" on his chest (Mune no Kodou).
This emotional beat is followed by a happy and relaxing, definitely no underlying desires song about love (Synchronism).
being vague about the last one since I'll explain in each solo segment.
I think you guys get what I mean about the songs tying together to form a story by now right? Which is amazing to me, even if they most likely didn't do it on purpose, it gives a new meaning to listening to Ai's songs. Which make it even more fun to listen to.
So now onto each song and it's significance.
Winter Blossom
The first song by Ai is still as sad and beautiful as the first time I read the english translation~ I cried. This is a very straightforward song. They shared their last moments in winter.
To hide our kiss, we draw closer together to share warmth
and he wishes to God that he could feel the same emotions as her. She's about to go and he knows this, and he doesn't want to forget so he tries to stop his tears. He wants to remember this. Timeskip and he's all alone now with these memories. He doesn't think it's bad, no matter how sad it was, and yet he could only think about what else he could've done. He feels like he understands now, and he tells the words "I love you" even if she wasn't there, and his voice is only heard by the wind. He remembers the moment one last time, and makes a promise.
It's a tragedy that he only figured out what love is after she died. The song really moves me to tears. The hopeful message at the end is really nice and gives the listener a sense of encouragement.
A. I
Just lovers out on a vacation by the seaside. It starts off with him asking
“At what percentage does it become ‘love’?”
The night grows nearer, as you two get closer, and yet all he can feel is uncertainty. Unsure whether his feelings would reach or if he could ever truly express what he feels. Insecure about his own name, one he even called poor, you show him that there is a meaning to "AI". This fills him with happiness and he sees you as someone he can turn to, his warmth. He gives you a kiss. For now, in this moment, you will enjoy the time spent together, even if in the future you may fight. For now, even if he can't express to you all his feelings, the one word you taught him is enough. I love you.
I've always loved the play on words for A.I (artificial intelligence), Ai (love), and Ai (name) used for the song. See I don't understand Japanese writing much but I really wish I did. From what little I know it's amazing to see that Ai uses katakana アイ throughout the song. Katakana is used for loan words or when you want to emphasize something. So him using アイ instead of 愛 emphasizes that he REALLY doesn't understand "Ai". If you look through the wiki, there are like, 5 instances of the katakana being used. First is in the line highlighted above. Another is in "I want to confirm it, this thing you call ‘love’/tashikametai yo kimi no iu 'ai'" and the most important one. The last line of the song.
I ‘love’ you… I love you
AI shiteru... aishiteru
He actually learns what it means you guys. I'm proud of him. Another line that really got me in this song is when he keeps peppering you kisses because he was anxious. Baby, no, I won't leave you. I swear! Even if it takes time for you to understand, I won't let go!
Futari no Monogram
Innocent Wind
Mune no Kodou
Actually, while I was writing this down, I realized that most of his songs have an emphasis on warmth and the sun.
Winter Blossom
To hide our kiss, we draw closer together to share warmth
These memories aren’t bad, they transform into warmth
A. I
Your hand held in mine is so warm
Your warmth, this tender sunny spot is my gentle place to return to
Innocent Wind
By the tenderness of your warmth
This warmth is beyond even words…
Also the word embrace
(Winter Blossom, Futari no Monogram, Innocent Wind)
and hand holding
he's cold you guys
Rant over!
Waaaaa I'm not sure I even did him justice since half the time I couldn't word out what I want to say but hopefully it made some sort of sense???? I just really love him and his songs that I just kinda word vomitted everything.
Also was it super obvious that I adore Mune no Kodou to bits?! I could talk about how that's my favorite song all day because FUCK it's just THAT good.
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minakooo · 17 days ago
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Was it worth it?
Previous chapter - Next chapter
A.N : Finally after so long I'm posting chapter 3 😭. I was so busy with classes and exams I completely forgot I am so sorry everyone. If there are any mistakes please tell me! I also don't mind constructive criticism or any suggestions.
Also please note there will be a time skip because I don't want to slow down the story
Some scenes aren't properly proofread!
It was so cold. It felt like my hands and feet were frozen. Even if I held my hands in front of this burning fire they remained cold. Seonghwa had suggested I stay near the fireplace since the weather here was different from the warm environment I grew up in. Yunho followed along to keep me company. "Are you still cold?" Yunho asked me to take my thoughts. His eyes held a slight bit of concern as he noticed me zoning out.
"Yeah, this fire doesn't help much." I sighed as I pulled my hands away and looked back at Yunho.
He sat on the chair while I sat on the carpet, directly in front of the fire. It made me wonder why I couldn't get over the cold but then I'm reminded that Heaven was warm and never once have I experienced winter. At least not like this.
"Here let me help." He spoke getting up from his seat and sitting down next to me. In a careful manner he had took my hands and held them tightly. I wondered what he was doing but suddenly my hands felt warm? When I looked back at him I saw how he mumbled something, something I couldn't understand. His eyes shut before he opened them and met my gaze.
"Just like angels, we demons have our own spells. Though they're different from the ones you learned." He let go of my hands and leaned back before speaking up again. "Maybe one day I'll teach you the basics."
When I first met Yunho it was my second day here in hell. I still can't grasp everything here in hell but Hongjoong has asked Yunho to take care of me and help. It's my fourth day here and it only took Yunho a few tricks to get close to me. It is surprising but he isn't so bad. -----------------------------------------------------------------When I first met Yunho he had made me breakfast, I remember Seonghwa and Hongjoong didn't come that day. After I was done they came downstairs and it didn't take a genius to tell they were quite busy.
"Ah, you're awake." Seonghwa spoke a bit surprised to see me but Hongjoong didn't care and went to sit on his chair. He didn't have the decency to ask if I was okay or even look in my direction to check if I was okay. When Seonghwa came closer he smiled warmly, but that smile didn't feel warm. More like he was teasing. "I see you freshened up as well."
He leaned down next to me and his fingers grazed over my hair before he tucked my hair behind my ear. "You look beautiful." His nails were so long yet they didn't look disgusting. It was obvious he took great care of them.
"Did you enjoy breakfast?" Hongjoong's tone wasn't harsh or scary like before instead it seemed like he was genuinely curious. "I did, it was very different from the food I used to have." Your gaze fell on him and to your surprise he wasn't looking at you. Instead he stared daggers at Seonghwa as he hummed at your response.
"You haven't told us why you were banished you know." Silence filled the room, Seonghwa glared at Hongjoong, it was obvious Hongjoong didn't care about 'basic manners'. Both knew that it would take time for the truth to be revealed. Yet Hongjoong couldn't help but test the waters.
"I couldn't care less, but you'll have to tell us eventually." He looked away from me and he reached out for his cup of tea. "Yunho." The moment that name fell out of Hongjoong's lips it was like Yunho teleported. "Yes, my Lord?" Yunho bowed in respect before standing straight. "From now on, you will take care of our guest here. Make sure to teach them everything about our culture and also I want you to go shopping. Take my card and get clothes for them." Hongjoong spoke so casually as he gave Yunho his card without a care.
He was the king of hell after all, who knows how much money he has. "I'll go with you Yunho." Seonghwa spoke up and my head turned to look at him. He looked at me for a few seconds before he went away to sit in his chair. Breakfast was interesting?
"I'm not sure why you aren't warming up. But I have a feeling it might be an aftereffect of some sort. Do you remember feeling any body changes after your fall?" Yunho spoke in a blunt tone as he straightened himself. He seemed a bit hesitant to ask, he wasn't sure if you would be pleased with such a question. Through my time with him I've realised that he has a habit of acting so formal like I haven't told him millions of times to relax when he's around me. But then again, he's been a butler for millions of years.
"No, I didn't feel any different. Besides my wings. I'm fine so don't worry, but you have to tell me this spell you used." A chuckle left my lips as I joked with him. The butler simply nodded in agreement as he flashed his poker face smile.
It didn't take long before Yunho had left to manage the castle, leaving me alone to either explore or stay near the fire. The four days I've spent here I've only seen my room, the library, the kitchen and the drawing room. It wouldn't hurt to explore the other rooms. Seonghwa did tell me that there was a ballroom here.
So I left the warm comfort of the fire and went downstairs, walking straight to the ballroom. They were a bit mix-up but after a good 10 minutes I finally found the ballroom.
I slowly opened the door to the ballroom and it was exactly what I expected but better. Heaven was a beautiful place but all the angels were so focused on dealing with earth and making sure Hell wasn't overpopulated, that events never happened. There was a ballroom but it never had any balls. The ceiling was covered with floral patterns, large windows revealing the dark blue sky, the walls all looked freshly painted and the marble floor completed the room. It came straight from a fairy tail!
The more I walked inside the more I was amazed. This whole place was truly beautiful, too beautiful to leave alone. Hongjoong and Seonghwa must have a lot of events right? They are the rulers of Hell after all they have a reputation to take care of.
After I explored the ballroom, I left for the balcony, Yunho had mentioned how beautiful the view of Hell is when you're at the castle.
The gentle breeze hit my face as I stepped onto the cold hard floor. He wasn't lying when he said the view was beautiful. I leaned against the edge as I looked down at all the demons roaming around. It felt weird to see this many demons. I spent my whole life as an angel and now I have to get used to seeing my enemy. The very kind I once hated with a burning passion. Angels never attacked Demons, but in their eyes, Demons were disgusting creatures only knowing the feeling of lust and greed. But coming down here in hell, I find not everyone is greedy or lustful. It feels awkward to be around Demons though, especially Yunho, if he knew the things I had said about his kind when I was an angel he wouldn't be pleased.
But I realise something the longer I stay in Hell, the more I felt this nagging feeling of missing Heaven wash away. It felt wrong. Heaven was once my home yet all the memories I had there feel like a dream. Like I was always living here in Hell. Maybe this was normal? Maybe I was just overthinking it?
"Enjoying the view?" A voice spoke in a rather condescending tone, it belonged to the one person I didn't want to deal with at the moment. "It's nice. Not the one I'm used to seeing." It was true, I wasn't used to seeing the plain blue sky. No I wasn't. Heaven was bright and I still remember how every inch of Heaven was filled with light.
Hongjoong didn't say much other than scoff, before he stood next to me, leaning against the edge. It was obvious he wasn't here for the view or to play nice. I knew he had an issue with me but I wouldn't lie and say I didn't get why. He didn't hide his curiosity about my banishment, no, but he didn't hide his jealousy either. Every time Seonghwa looked at me, talked to me, touched me, Hongjoong would be there seeing it all happen while giving me a glare. He hates it so much sometimes I feel like he's gonna pop with anger.
"Seonghwa thinks that you need to get out. Explore your new home and learn the basics." Explore my new home? But I'm already exploring the castle? Before I could even ask what he meant Hongjoong had already read my mind and continued. "It means you'll have to find a job. If you're going to stay here you need to do something." A job? Sure in Heaven I did help around by doing the tasks that were given. But I wouldn't call it a job but it was except it would change daily. One day I was looking over humans and the next I helped with dealing with the dead.
"Personally, I think you wouldn't survive. If you remember what I said earlier you know that people will try to harm you. Send you off and sell you for the highest price, maybe take your pretty little wings and rip them apart." Hongjoong spoke in a blunt tone not even trying to sugar-coat his words before he left. He seemed like a dick sometimes. He changed his attitude around me so often it was confusing.
Was it wrong that I wanted to punch him? Absolutely NOT. A groan left my lips, he was so bothersome. Did he want me to die? Probably. In his eyes I must be a challenge, a challenge he must beat.
As the wind continued something caught my eye. The castle's garden. Yunho's mentioned I could go there but to be careful. Extremely careful. It wouldn't hurt to take a peak right?
What is it with Seonghwa? Why does he even think it's a good idea to let this angel out in the open? You were meant to be a toy not a kid to babysit. You weren't supposed to feel this welcomed, the only reason Hongjoong brought you was because he thought Seonghwa wanted to use you for pleasure only! He knows it was asshole behaviour for him to assume such a thing but he genuinely thought you were only staying with them so you could get better and then become their slave, be it sex toy or just a maid. It was so stupid! It was so stupid the way Seonghwa would play with your hair, the way he looked at you, his tone, his fucking smirk. Hongjoong was only allowed that, only him. What's so special about some broken angel anyway? If Hongjoong knew that Seonghwa wanted more he wouldn't have allowed this angel here.
He was pulled from his thoughts once he realised he broke a perfectly good cigarette all because of his jealousy. After this Seonghwa was definitely going to have a talk with him. He knows 'sharing is caring' but his husband is off limits. He gets it, you're beautiful and you're pathetic.
"Hongjoong?" A voice chirruped. His eyes darted at the door and his tongue poked the inside of the cheek as he saw who it was. "Yeosang." His gaze followed Yeosang like a hawk as he quickly flicked away the broken cigarette. He watched patiently as Yeosang went and sat down on the seat in front of his desk.
"What's the issue? I assumed after your ceremony you would have forgotten I had ever existed." Yeosang joked a slight frown on his face as he spoke. Hongjoong couldn't help but chuckle at Yeosang's words but he wasn't denying it. He hasn't been in touch with Yeosang probably because he's the King of Hell but like yeah other reasons too. During his time as Prince, Yeosang and Hongjoong were quite close. Hongjoong was close with Yunho as well but before everyone else it was Yeosang who became Hongjoong's own personal butler.
"I know, but we can have our reunion later." Yeosang shrugged not surprised by Hongjoong quickly dismissing Yeosang's words and heading straight to the point. Hongjoong was a pretty straightforward man. "Business, I've heard you've had an issue with staff, yes?" Hongjoong looked at him with his eyebrows raised before he continued once Yeosang nodded in agreement. "I have a guest with me. I have no idea how long they are to stay but let's just say they're special. Seonghwa's thinking it's best to find work for them.."
Hongjoong didn't have to continue before Yeosang raised his hand to stop Hongjoong from talking. "Sure, I don't mind interviewing this 'guest'. But you don't usually come to me for such things. Who are they, might I ask? And special? In your eyes no one's special. Not even me." Yeosang was curious and leaned against the desk as he looked at Hongjoong waiting for an answer he was sure he wouldn't get.
Yeosang was right Hongjoong would never call him for work. Nor did he leave him in the bush. Yeosang wasn't dumb, he's been with Hongjoong long enough to know when he's hiding something but no pushing or begging would get Hongjoong to tell him what's going on.
Hongjoong shakes his head and waved his hand dismissing Yeosang's words yet again. "No one, Seonghwa just likes them." Hiding his annoyance with a smile before as he spoke. "I think they'll manage working with you. But I want you to look after them, like I said they're special."
Special. Special? What was Hongjoong on about now? Oh god he is having an affair and getting the affair partner a job?! Yeosang shook his head before he face palmed at the thought and clicked his tongue. No no, Hongjoong loved Seonghwa too much to cheat. Plus if he did Seonghwa wouldn't let the demon live, it didn't matter if he was the King. There's obviously something Hongjoong wasn't telling him and it hurt. Hongjoong and Yeosang have been friends for a long time, hell Yeosang was Hongjoong's butler!
Even if that was hundreds of years ago it meant that Hongjoong could trust Yeosang but yet it seemed like he didn't. Sometimes Yeosang wishes he could read minds, especially Hongjoong's.
"Yeosang!" The sudden voice caught him off guard. But once Yeosang realised who it was he calmed down.
"Wooyoung, I didn't expect to see you here." Yeosang and Wooyoung have been friends for a long time. Best friends actually. Besides Hongjoong, Wooyoung was Yeosang's first friend. Hell this was the demon that hid Yeosang away before the previous demon lord found out. They got along and Yeosang enjoyed Wooyoung's presence. The only issue was they couldn't meet a lot due to Yeosang's work and Wooyoung's life as the castles cook. "Guess we're on the same page! But what are you doing here? Did you miss me that much?" Wooyoung smirked teasingly as he saw the eye roll Yeosang gave in response to his words.
"You know well I was called by Hongjoong, Woo."
"Just another excuse to say you missed me."
Yeosang wasn't surprised by Wooyoung's attitude. How could he be surprised? They've been friends for so long that Yeosang has gotten used to his teasing. "Okay I'm just joking. But what's up with you? You look worried." Now he did want to tell Wooyoung what just happened but chose not to. He didn't want to upset Hongjoong because whatever is said in Hongjoong's office, stays in Hongjoong's office.
"Nothing, just some official business stuff, you know, work." Work? Wooyoung didn't understand why the King of hell needed to know about his old butlers work life but whatever the reason Yeosang wouldn't exactly tell Wooyoung. "Huh, well must be important." Yeosang nodded at Wooyoung before he bid his goodbye and left without saying anything else. He was a bit relieved that he wouldn't have to continue to lie or explain what 'work' him and Hongjoong were talking about to Wooyoung.
He just just had to focus on getting this special guest a role in his office. They better know how to count at least, after all counting all the souls that get sent to hell isn't easy.
"My poor darlings." A whisper left Seonghwa's lips as looked at his decaying flowers. Winter was always so difficult, Seonghwa would get busy and his roses would die. It's a common thing but he loved roses. So elegant and beautiful, they were loved by all.
Seonghwa took his time in his green house liking the space he would get here. It also allows him to actually focus, to think about everything that's happened so far. Every day new issues rise and it doesn't help that the castle has a fallen angel now. If other demons were to find out they wouldn't be supportive and demand 'it' be killed.
The same never happened to Yeosang, only because the demon king himself, Hongjoong's father, was the one who allowed Yeosang to stay.
As for you.. the same can't be said.
It wasn't like Hongjoong would let you rot in hell, by the demon lord no. Even if he wanted to do so Seonghwa wouldn't allow it, at first when he saw you he would let you stay and use you as a toy for pleasure. But a nagging feeling grew in him at that thought. You weren't in the right state to be left alone nor were you in the shape to use for sex. You were weak to put it simply. Plus he would feel horrible if he put such a role upon you, from what he has observed you clearly wouldn't enjoy being used for the pleasure of the king of hell and his lover.
Hongjoong would have to allow you to stay, he is the King. But the demons of hell wouldn't be so keen to his decision.
The moment Hongjoong had become King every demon made it clear he wasn't worth it. Without any evidence or reason they pushed him away not accepting him as the rightful King of hell. Hongjoong's father knew this yet still decided his son would become King.
In Seonghwa's eyes, Hongjoong has been fighting battles since birth. He was seen as a weakling in the eyes of others. Seonghwa knew why, he's always known why people look at Hongjoong with disgust and anger. After all who would want a half breed to be the King of hell?
A frown emitted on Seonghwa's face as he cut off the dying roses but what threw him off guard was the sound of pots breaking. "What?" He whipped his head back in shock, did someone break in? No that couldn't be possible, it was too foolish and the guards wouldn't let anyone escape their sight.
That sounded familiar. Was it Wooyoung? Or Yunho? Seonghwa quickly left what he was doing and leaving the green house. His eyes widened as he was met with you, laying on the floor with a broken pot next to you.
Why the hell was there a random pot in the way? Which idiot thought it was a good idea to put it there?!
"Ow!" I bit my lip to make sure I stayed silent, but shit. Looks like that simple pot did more damage than expected.
"Why hello there?"
My eyes darted up to see Seonghwa, why was he here?! Though I didn't have much time to question before he got and pulled my leg. "Hey!" I shouted about to kick him but I stopped once I realised what he was looking at. "You should be more careful, look at what happened." My gaze went from his concerned look to my knee. It was bruised pretty badly. It didn't hurt a lot but it stung, especially when Seonghwa decided to lay his hand on top of it, applying pressure on the bruise.
I wanted to shout at him for doing that but I kept quiet as I watched him. It was quiet and all I could do was watch Seonghwa close his eyes and his eyebrows narrow.
"What are you-" He cut me off by raising his finger up and shushing me. "There. I healed you." Healed!? My eyes darted to my knee and he wasn't joking. He actually healed it? Was this a sign to learn magic?
"Now, I wonder why you decided to come down here. Didn't Yunho warn you to be careful if you were to come in the garden?" He spoke in a scolding tone as he stood up and then pulled me up carefully. Seonghwa's concern seemed genuine, not something I expected from him but at the same time I wasn't that surprised.
Seonghwa has been the only person nagging me about safety, even if he didn't directly say it I noticed how attentive his eyes were whenever I walked by. I remember that Hongjoong was glaring at Seonghwa for staring, the relationship between the two was interesting.
"He did, I just didn't expect there to be random pots." I tried to cover up the embarrassment I felt at the fact he saw me this way. No one wants to be in a situation like this. "That doesn't answer my first question. Why are you here?" He raised an eyebrow looking at me like some strict parent. "Yunho told me about this place and I was curious. I've been exploring the castle." I mumbled avoiding his gaze, he definitely had a staring problem. But my response satisfied him and he hummed before he went away.
That was weird, usually he would try and tease but this time he didn't. I couldn't help but want to follow him though and it was obvious he was expecting me to.
"The garden is a special place to me. That's also why there aren't many butlers or maids here." He spoke as he walked into his green house. It was beautiful, they were roses and jasmine placed neatly and a few plants I didn't recognise. "Not even Hongjoong comes down here." Seonghwa spoke taking me out of my thoughts as he chuckled at the thought. Hongjoong didn't seem like the type to plant roses or do gardening. If he did have a garden the plants would be dead mainly because he's so indulged in his work he would simply forget he had plants to water or take care of.
"So you stay here for hours simply watering plants?" I questioned and to my question Seonghwa's gaze shifted between me and one of the many roses'. "I wouldn't say just watering plants. Down here we don't have much sunlight, plants have a more complex system. Winter is the most difficult." He sighed, it wasn't until I looked at the rose he was holding that I realised why. They were dying. The harsh weather was too much and would kill them if not taken care of properly.
"Back in Heaven this would never happen." That was obvious but I couldn't help but blurt it out. "There was this big tree and I remember most angels would hide from the superiors there. I was one of those angels, I loved my work but sometimes it was too much. The human world was too much." I hadn't realised Seonghwa was looking at me with curious eyes, listening to everything I said carefully. His gaze was distracting but it felt different. Maybe because this was the first time, ever since I came down here, that I actually talked to Seonghwa. Not just simple plain sentences, this was an actual conversation.
"Superiors?" He asked tilting his head slightly as he spoke. "Yeah, I remember there being a time where I got caught. Hmm, his name was Yeosang. The toughest out of everyone. He found me hiding and snatched me down!" A chuckle left my lips as I remembered the shock I felt. I didn't expect to see him and man the glare he gave me was terrifying.
"Though, he disappeared. I was never told what happened to him, no one but the court knows. Some say he was sent to the human realm."
Seonghwa wasn't listening when you spoke. Instead he was replaying that name, Yeosang. You knew Yeosang. Did you really think he was sent to earth? Did Yeosang know you? Did he even know you were down here?
"Uhm Seonghwa? Are you listening?" He was pulled out of thoughts as he saw your confused look. "Yes, I'm listening." He was definitely listening to you, making sure to keep everything in mind.
Okay this was a bit longer and had more scenes but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I will try and post chapter 4 quicker as I have an idea on what I want to post for that chapter.
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