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"What it takes to lead."
Yan!Dictator x Fem!Reader x Yan!Next in line.
18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Non-con, mentions of violence, fascism, groping, p-in-v sex, sexism, questionable father son Dynamics, power dynamics, leather play.
AN: I recently began reading @yanderedrabbles works and they broke my brain, so when I saw they had a Yan!Dictator planned it inspired me. This is... meh.
You don't know how this could've happened.
It was supposed to be a routine visit. Your father was a well off oil baron, owning one of the largest refineries in America, not counting his export deals. You had gone with him, unaware of the tense political state of Dela Marina.
Admittedly, the American government was somewhat aware of the rulers less than conventional methods of maintaining control. Camps, strict surveillance, and a cutting off of outside media aside from those approved by the Dela Marina Media council, but for America's political interests, and more importantly your father's bank, the warnings signs went ignored.
It started off as just a nice, tropical vacation. White sand beaches, exotic meals, and a blaring tan from the sun. However, something soon seemed a bit off. The leader, El presidente Ramon Ballesteros, gave you chills. He said nice things, talked about his vision for Dela Marina, how he would shape the land and people to 'true culture'. It would be inspiring, if his faze didn't feel so dark, so imposing. It was as if hew was analyzing everything, every move you made.
Still, Féliz calmed you a bit. The son of Ramon, as close to a prince as you could be in this 'democracy'. He was nothing like his father. Quiet, more subdued, though just as analytical. His father takes thing in while he speaks, but Feliz stays behind, letting his father do the talking.
"Hello there, señorita." Feliz had approached you the night of the welcome dinner, a lavish affair with Del Marina's finest chefs on hand. "My father wanted me to welcome you personally, we are both youths, uh, leader of the future, he says. Your countries, and mine." He seems awkward repeating his father propaganda. Despite this, you like him. He's funny, he tells you about growing up in Del Marina, about the culture, the people. "You have to go to the beach with me, there all white sand. Is beautiful, and if we go early enough, we can see the starfish beach." You took him up on all his outings, you could tell he was deeply alone, at his core.
"Feliz?" You had asked once. "Do you... get out much? I mean, I'm one for decadence. Whole point of having a daddy with money is spending it." You laugh. You were privileged. You knew it, you embraced it. You had never had to worry about anything, never had a reason to loop beyond at the suffering of the others. Why focus on all that?
"No, I don't. It's tense, in Del Marina. Their are Terroristas, rebels. Mis padre would rather me be here, where its safer. Besides, partying isn't for me. I have to learn how to lead, to study and to help people. My people." He'd explained, fiddling with the white pressed uniform he so often wore, a less refined and adorned version of his fathers. "Loosen up." You had suggested. "We can have some fun, we're friends now, yeah? Let's go party!" Feliz had never wanted really to go to a club, to spend time with the privileged people while he knew others, those being exploitated, were suffering. But you were so, so pretty, and the only friend he felt he had. You made him feel special, not for bring the son of the president, or 'Del Marina's future'. You made him feel special for being him. He agreed.
He was terrified when you both snuck out, naturally it didn't take long for the guards to drag the both of you back to the palace, you kicked and yelled while he went quietly. He feared his father would turn his anger to you, he was ready to take the brunt of the anger. However, his father seems amused. You laugh along with his dad, not sensing the chilling undertone.
"Your son, and the american girl, Presidente." A guard said, bowing, hand over hid chest. "They were seen heading to a club on the north side."
"Ah, let them go." Ramon grins, waving a hand as the guards back off. "Kids, ey? Even at twenty, they still can't help.but wander off. It's good, independence. To think, to have fun. Kids behave this way, it's expected. Dismissed." The guards leave, and he steps down to you. "I ought to thank you, you know? No one has ever gotten my son quite so out of his shell. Feliz, I've tried to inspire that boldness in you, I suppose I didn't realize it would take such a lovely young lady to do so." Felix goes red, looking down. He knows this is a facade, and still can sense the danger in the room. Ramon takes your hand, kissing it. "But i should have known, he is his fathers son, and we are both red blooded men, yes?" He chuckles to himself.
"I didn't mean any harm, I just wanted to have some fun. And I thought maybe Feliz needed a friend." You mumble, heels scuffing the floor awkwardly. Still; you aren't sorry. "He needed a break. To live."
The president goes silent, but then nods, laughing with his arms going. "Of course! Dis boy of mine, always with the working, he wants to be like his papa. It's honorable, but a young man still needs to let loose while he's young. Next time, all I ask is you take an escort. These terroristas planning Del Marina won't care about your intentions, just the message hurting you would send." His gaze grows serious, and you gulps.
"Ah, y-yeah. I'll keep that in mind." You look down, stepping away. "I'll probably go to bed, I've had enough fun. Goodnight, Presidente." He smiles, watching as you turn to Feliz. The tan boy looks through his dark locks, trying to hide his obvious flush from his father. You didn't need any reason to be made to stay here, and he knew his dad. "Night, Feliz." You call, and he just sends you a weak wave. Worried you upset him, you scurry off. The moment you slip out of the heavy wooden door of the presidente's office; his happy and jovial expression falls, mask melting away.
"Why this sudden change in you?" "Papa, please, I didn't mean anything by it, it was all my idea-" His fathers raised hand silences him. "Enough, Feliz." Ramon sighs, strolling to his desk cabinets, hand running across the mahogany surface as he opens up a velvet box, pulling out a bottle of scotch. "I didn’t lie to you, I'm not angry. I wish that your judgment had not been blinded and you had simply brought a guard-" He pours to crystal glasses, the brown liquid filling the clear, ornate glasses. "But I'm proud none the less. You made a choice, a bold one. Hm, we drink, you're becoming a man!"
Feliz winces at the glass sliding towards him, but knows his father won't take no gore an answer. "It was nothing, Papa. Just a quick outing, she was bored and I went with."
"Oh-ho, it was more than that, my son. It's okay, I'm older, but I'm still a man. I'm not immune to the charms of a woman. She is beautiful, no?" Ramon takes a sip, relishing in the burn of the drink. "This is the real infatuation you've had, isn't it."
"Its not an infatuation, she's a friend and-" His father glares, he knows he hates liars. "I... I like her, of course. But its nothing serious, no more than a crush."
"Even a crush is serious for a stoic, quiet man like you, Feliz." His dad leans forward to lift his chin up a bit. "I've never seen you take to anyone like this, that's what makes it serious." Harshly patting the young man's cheek, he leans back. "Her Father is a great ally, a man willing to buy the vast amount of oil our country has. It would be incredible for Del Marina to seal a deal like this, to lock something down. And Feliz, I know you want what's best for the country." Once again, hisbfather cold demeanor returns, shifting from joviality frighteningly fast. "So, I tell you to pursue it."
"I don't even know if she feels that way about me, a-and I couldn't ask her to stay in some foreign country!" Feliz is spouting every excuse he can think of, to push you away, push his fathers implications away, to keep you safe from the truth. The dangers of Del Marina, of his father government and more importantly, his father. Another withering look makes him nod. "I'll... ask her out. See if she'll accompany me to the press gala." He mumbles obediently.
"Good boy. Go, get some rest." He pats his sons shoulder. "And remember, Feliz,-" He chides, turning away and taking another sip, back to the future of Del Marina. "Ballesteros's take what they want."
Lying in bed, the grandness of his room feels imposing. As cold and lonely as ever, his own oil portrait staring back at him. He never liked the commissioned piece. It felt... fake. An image of his, posed by a map, in his uniform, looking like his father. Just. Like. His. Father. The sound of a creaking door makes him sit-up, and he only feels the discomfort in his stomach grow as he sees your form slipping into his room, clad only in pajamas that cling to you. Despite the terror he feels, the pulse of arousal in his gut is prominent too. He grabs his silk pillow, covering up a growing problem as he sees you approach.
"You can't be here, w-what are you doing?" He asks.
You just shake your head and laugh. "Please, it's fine. Your dad made it clear he likes me, and I wanted to check on you." You plop down unceremoniously, groaning at the feeling of the luxurious sheets on your body. "Shit, that's good."
"Go, you have to go-"
"Are you mad at me?" You ask, pouting as you turn to face him. Hes cute when he's nervous, brows furrowed and dark hair tousled. His hands grip the sheets. "Cmon. I'm sorry if I upset you, I just wanted to have fun!"
"I know, I know." he shakes his head. "I'm not mad at you, I was excited. It's just that you don't know my papa like I do. He always has a plan, a motive, for anything he does. And i don't want you getting caught up in something you shouldn't."
You frown, but ignore his warning. "Nah, he likes me, it's fine. I'm not scared of some politician, no different than my dad-"
"No." Hes dead serious, seeing the soft, sweet man so serious makes you pale, gulping. "You have no idea what he's like. What our country is really like, I-" He puts a fist over his mouth, rubbing at his face. "Please. Just try to keep your head down. Okay?" Nodding, and cold at the severity of his sudden change, you scoot closer.
"Okay, okay." You put your hands up in mock defense. "I'm sorry, I'll keep in line. I just wanted to check on you." I pat his arm. "Didn't want you mad at me."
He relaxes at the feeling of your slumped, warm weight against him. "No, I couldn't be mad at you, amiga. You're one of the... few friends I have, even in the short time I've known you. I just don't want you hurt."
"I like you too, Feliz." You murmur, and the simple admission is enough to make his heart palpitate. He grips the sheets, before slowly putting a hand on you. "Go, you should get back to your room. I'll see you tomorrow."
Watching as you pad across the floor, he coughs. "And... there's a gala, coming up. A media event for father and yours to be shown getting along. If you... if you wanted to go. With me."
"Who else would I go with, Feliz?" You tease, making him just look down, nodding.
So how did it end up as this? You're stuck up in the room given to you at the Presidente's estate, it had once felt so grand but now felt suffocatingly small. A deal had been struck, something went wrong when you had been seen at the gala. Media went wild, rumors flew about the pretty new girl spotted alongside Dela Marina's darling prince. And Ramon approached your father with an offer. You don't know what it was, or why he'd agree to it, but it culminated in your father jetting off; leaving you behind.
"Please, please- I don't understand-" You whine, hands shaking and skin slicked with nervous sweat as you see guards sealing up the doors of your room. Trapped. "Presidente Ramon-"
"Shh." His gloved hand pressing a finger to your lips silences you, eyes wide. It is now you are beginning to see the side of the Dela Marina presidente you had heard of. Calculated, cruel. "There's no need to panic, little American darling. It's not like your losing any luxuries you had back home, perhaps you are even gaining some. Both me and your father think this is best, a joining of powers. Now, he was hesitant." Ramon rolls his eyes. "But you are a fierce little thing, and I told him you'd get a bit more discipline here. I doubt he was strict enough in your upbringing. Not that a spark isn't amusing, señora. It's charming at times." His smirk is that of a lion looking over it pray.
"You see," he intertwines his fingers together as he sits down at the foot of the four poster bed beside you. "My son. He loves you. He'll say it's a crush, but a father knows his son. He's always been good, my boy. Never asked for things, never taken what he wanted like he should. This is a push in the right direction for him. To make him make a move. I expect you like him as much?"
"I mean, I don't, I don't know-" You're stammering, hands shaking. It's all crashing down, overwhelming. The feeling of absolution in his town, of finality, is bone chilling. "He's my friend?"
"Ah, well, that's only his own fault. He has trouble taking initiative, and I dont fault you either." He sits up straighter. "Im a traditionalist, like my father and his before him. Of course it should be the man who propositions the young lady, but my son-" he waves his hand. "Has this idea in his head, silly notions about the changing of culture. I am fine with most of it, but a wife and children? Being the man for your family, for your country. No, that I will never budge on."
"Papa!" The heavy door slams open, with a frantic Feliz standing in the now open doorway. "What are you doing, why is she here-"
"Ah, my boy. Come, sit. Me and your friends father had been talking, she'll be staying for a bit. Good news, ay? Now, I'm sure you've got something you'd like to say-"
"Y-you can't do this, she doesn't belong here, papa-" Feliz juts his hands forward to help you, to try and think of a way out of this. "Are you okay? Did your father leave-"
"Feliz!" Ramon's voice booms across the room, causing both of you to still like deers caught in headlights. "Calm yourself, I'm helping you along in making a decision you are unable to make yourself. You will be grateful, and apologize."
It's shocking to see how Feliz shrinks, to see how his dad treats him behind closed doors. "I- I'm sorry, Papa. I just didn't want her in distress. I didn't want her feeling confused." He mutters, head down like an obedient hound.
"Of course, and that's admirable, but you should put more trust in your father to know I’ve already explained the situation. Now come here, come." He waves his son over, and the pair stand near you on the bed. "Tell her. Of your feelings, take charge."
"I-" Theyoung man is trying not to hyperventilate, hands gripping his white uniform short like he's staving off a seizure. "I like you, you know this. I feel emotions for you that no one else had made me feel, and-and if you'd have me-" he sounds like he's ready from a script, eyes clenched shut.
"Not if. Be assertive." His father hisses. "Tell her she is to be yours. Tell her your feelings are strong enough you won't be denied. Tell her what you can provide given your status." He's glaring like a schoolteacher scolding a naughty pupil, and the shaking boy nods.
"When- when you decide I am right for you, I'll provide what you need. Our country has vast resources, and wealth for you to enjoy. You would want for nothing." Its monotone, like an audio book, like it's pre-recorded. Seeing his fathers fist clench, he moves to kiss you lightly. As he approaches, he whispers a soft "I'm so sorry-" as he places warm, slightly chapped lips onto yours. Shocked, but to afraid to not play along, you kiss back. It's soft, it would be intoxicating if the sense of impending doom didn't weigh so heavy, being moved like dolls in a dollhouse.
"That was nice, Feliz." You can think only to reassure him, hand landlord on his neatly pressed shirt. "Very nice, I like you too, of course." You tuck his hair behind his ear, seeing the way his lip wobbles, his eyes water. He's so guilty, he never should have spoken to you.
"Wonderful." His body is jolted by a slap to the back, his father laughing. "Good man, now, shall I leave you kids alone? I'm sure you'll want time to yourself. Son, you understand what a man must take from his woman, yes?"
"I... our relationship is new, papa. I can't. I-I-" He pauses. "I won't, I won't do it. I can't, I wouldn't know how and I dont want her to do anything she doesn't want."
Ramon scoffs. "She's agreed to be yours son, go on! Of course she wants it, don't you, pequeña?" Ramon gestures to where you're laid, looking at you expectantly. When you say nothing, he raises his brows in suprise. "Unbelievable. I set the two of you up for every opportunity and you can't do that. Son," he grabs Feliz's shoulder roughly. "We are men. Conquerors, rulers. We take what we want, lions from lambs. How can you expect to lead, to protect this great country from terroristas if you cannot ask your woman for what all hot-blooded men desire!" He's growing angry, truly mad, his usual cool annoyance heating up. "You have to learn if you don't take what you want, someone else will. Your land, your power, your woman."
"Papa, please-"
"No. I have to do everything my self with you. I'm going to show you what happens if you don't take the first step." He changes his eyes to you, your cowering form. "Strip, girl." You're eyes widen, head shaking on instincts.
"What, no, no, I'm not going to-"
"The choice is not yours. I've got guards outside, you're in my country. In my home." He comes to the bedside, leaning down so he's practically nose to nose with you, dark brown eyes feel like a pool you're drowning in, swallowed whole. "The only thing you are in control of now is how gentle I am, sí?" You're still frozen, just shaking your head over and over again, resulting in him sighing. It's a minor annoyance to him, like he's not violating you but rather just dealing with a disobedient pup. "Everything by myself." He repeats.
Gloved hands brush across your collarbone, cool leather causing a trail of goosebumps to blossom on your skin. He jerks his hand back, tearing the buttons on your dress. The front pops open, buttons clattering to the floor with a 'tink-tink'. Feliz winces, hand to his mouth in horror.
"Papa, please, please don't..." He begs, voice as soft and light as he can make it. He was a good father when he was little. Doting, he'd comfort him when he cried, take him on little outings. A part of Feliz hopes that softer voice would remind him of the boy he once was, that he'd give in.
"This is what happens son, you don't take initiative, someone gets there before you." Ramon feels you squirm a bit and tightens the grip he's got on your left arm, gaze never leaving his son as he warns you. "Don't squirm, girl." He warns. "You're a lady, not some groveling worm, hold still, I'll get to you in a moment."
"Can I talk her through it?" Feliz asks. "Let me be by her side, or at least... I don't know!" He begs. Ramon tilts his head, then nods. "Alright. Second best option is getting in where you can. Rising through the ranks, get over here." Feliz scrambles to get to your other side. "Now, let's get this off." Ramon grabs the blade he keeps on his waistband at his side, pressing the cold still to your pretty skin while he cuts the lace straps of your bra off. "Aw, beautiful. Shame to hide such beautiful breasts away, without a man to reveal them." He coos. Rough lips place a kiss to your left nipple, making you whimper. "Just beautiful. Feliz, take it in. Your first woman."
Feliz is staring, both horrified at his biological reaction and awe struck at the sight of your newly revealed breasts. He'd stared many a time when they were covered, to see them exposed in front of him was a new feelings entirely. He reaches out, letting a breath he didn't know he was holding escape as he gropes your left tit.
"There we go, it's good, yeah? A woman's body is a miraculous thing." Groaning, he leans down and kisses up and down softly the nape of your neck. "Don't stay quiet, let me hear those pretty noises, girl." He whispers
"I don't, this can't happen, presidente. I don't want this." You whisper, and he just chuckles, looking up at you from his place on your chest. "Ah, amor, but you will."
A sudden pressure on your ass makes you squeak, his hands groping the meat of your ass firmly, sure to leave bruises. "Don't speak back to me, ey? Lay back and enjoy what a man in power can offer you, girl. And call me Ramone." He grins. "There's no need for formalities when I'm going to have you speared on my cock."
Feliz grimaces at the way your eyes water, so afraid. But not only can he not help, he's so horrendously turned on. Your heaving breasts, wide eyes and flushed cheeks. You're a picture of eroticism, and the hardening in his shorts is a clear sign that the part of him desiring you is winning him over. He watches his father roll you over, gloved fist kneading the cheeks of your ass.
"Just a short reminder to not talk back. To behave."
A sharp pain makes you yelps, a harsh slap to your ass. Immediately after delivering the blow, his gloved hand massages to red mark. "See? Even when in the throws of sex, you should exercise your control, my boy. Let her know you are in charge, regardless of their pleasure she is providing you." He scoots aside, petting half while looking at Feliz. Feliz swallows harshly, but hovers his hand lightly over your plump rear. Another squeak, as he delivers a softer, albeit still harsh spank. "Make sure she's okay now. A firm hand, not a cruel one."
Feliz shaky hand gently rubs the mark, mimicking Ramon's actions, and he leans down to whisper in your ear. "Not too much, right? It wasn't too much? You-" He's trying to justify himself, why he feels so aroused by all this, by you. "You liked it, right?"
You're shocked, but as you shake your head no, another slap. The gentle kneading afterwards does little to relieve the pain. You know not to protest. "It's fine." You whisper.
Feliz wouldn't normally believe you, he'd hear the pain in your voice, the tremble. He'd want to sooth you, but he was so unbelievably needy in those moment, for for relief and to believe you were happy with him. That this was a good, intimate moment between the two of you, without his fathers direction, without force. Thid was the moment he trusted himself, his virginity to you. He just smiles weakly at your statement that it's okay.
"So pretty, let's get these off of you, huh?" You can feel the gloves leather, once cool, now hot against your skin he snaps your pantie strap against your hip, making you flinch. "Hm, I bet you've had plenty of men. A rich privileged American girl, spending your papas money. Does he know, know that your a slut, or is he too busy?"
"I've only been with a few guys..." you weakly protest. "From... club and stuff."
"A few too many. If any proper man had had you, he'd be sure you only ever took his cock, allowed him inside of you." Once again grabbing that knife, he slides the blade across the strap he had previously snapped, the fabric tearing and loosening. "Beautiful..." he runs his finger over the lips of your pussy, puffy from arousal. He lets you feel each wrinkle in the leather of his gloves, before spreading your lips apart, strings of slick snapping.
Feliz feels his mouth is watering, your mouth watering, your most bare part vulnerable for him. He can't stop himself from cupping your mound, letting his fingers curiously trail up to your clit. You let out a reluctant moan at the feeling; and he just leans down to kiss your cheek. "You're so pretty. A-and you're doing so well..." Making sure his father is distracted, he whispers in your ear. "Im sorry our first time together had to be like this, but... its still nice, right?" He's still in denial about the horrors of his actions. "You still get to feel good, and you get to be with me. This... this is what we both want..."
"Feliz..." You whimper, but he just shakes his head. "No, don't tell me it's not. I can't handle that right now." Despite his good nature, Feliz has always been given what he wanted. He cant help but feel selfish, ask you not to hurt his feelings or overwhelm him while your the one being violated. He'll reflect on that later. His lips, slightly chapped, press hot against yours, once, then twice. "That was my first." He admits. "Wouldn't want it to be anyone but you."
Suddenly, his father grabs his collar, pulling me back a bit. "Come now, boy. Clear out, I need my time now."
Feliz pales. "Papa?" He's visibly confused. "You said... take what I want, be a leader, not a follower. I thought you'd be giving her to me, that I'd be having sex with her! You said a man should let his woman be only with him from the moment he decides he wants her?" His tan hands are shaking, flushed face a mix of embarrassment and frustration. All he wants is to tenderly relieve the pressure in his shorts with you, and as he sees his father let out a 'tsk', his frustration increases.
"But that doesn't apply, does it? She's had other men before, and she's not a true, proper woman of our country. If nothing else, it's better I be sure she's even worth it. It's not simply sex, this could be the woman you choose to lead alongside, boy." His father cold glare makes him shrink back, sliding off the bed.
"But, isn't it a test of my leadership that I take her first-"
"You wouldn't question your papa?" Ramom hisses, and Feliz wilts. He can't make eye contact with you as he leaves the room. When it's him violating you, he can at least pretend you feel safer because it's him, that you like it. But its his father, a ruthless dictator, and stranger. As he leaves and makes his way down the hall, he's determined to be ready to cater for you when it's all over.
Back in the room, you remain a trembling mess, watching the much older man removing his belt with a practiced speed. "Please don't, sir-" You ask. "I don't feel comfortable, I don't-"
"You should feel grateful." He reminds. "To have both the attentions of a leader and his son. I understand it might be frightening, you know the kind of man I am. How i stay in power, I've tricked your father but I've no doubt that boy of mine has admitted some things to you." As he removes white dress pants and dispenses of his gloves on the nightstand, he grips your chin with now-bare fingers. Calloused; from years of clawing his way to the top. "You aren't stupid. That's one of the things I admire about you, girl. Smart, if a bit spoiled. That's fine, respect can be taught, a place can be taught. Natural intelligence can be harder to develop."
"Why me?" You blurt. "Why are you forcing me into this, you could have any woman, I'm not even close to your age, a-and Feliz, Feliz likes me!" You hope to garner even a bit of sympathy for his son in this moment, hoping it would prevent him going all the way.
"He does not 'like' you, he loves you." He says matter-of-factly. "Which is precisely why this has to be done. You will be in the public eye, the first lady of this great country. I need to know you can be submissive, can provide as a wife should. But... I also need to know you can be taught, can take orders. My boy, he is-" Ramon shakes his head. "Meeker than I would like, despite my efforts. I need to know even with his less than firm hand that he can ensure you behave. And ones true colors come out in the bedroom, I find."
He pounces, baring down rather suddenly, grip on your jaw near crushing as his free hand strokes once, then twice over his cock; brown with a curve to it and a purple tip. "But, I am also not a liar. I admit the idea of having a beautiful young woman around my manhood isn't-" he nips are your ear, breath hot yet making you feel frigid with fear. "Intoxicating."
"It's been a long time." You whisper, and he feigns a caring pout. "Ah, I'm sure. Don't worry, I won't let you hurt. But remember, this is about taking orders. First, take me in your hands. I doubt you're inexperienced in this, so don't feign naivety." His voice is low, threatening. Despite the churning feeling of sickness, you take his length in one shaky hand, wrapping round the erect shaft, and refusing to meet his gaze.
"Good. Go on now, kiss it, just the tip. I want to see you practice restraint, just because you don't want this doesn't mean I will rush." He warns. Your plush lips gently press the bulbous tip, you can feel a shiver run up him as you do. Testing the waters and desperate to get it over with, you slowly slip in the tip, tongue pressing against the vein under his cock. He doesn't thrust, not allowing you to take hin in fully; but the clenching in his jaw shows the effect it's having.
"Wonderful..." He groans. "Very good, take a little more, yes? I know you can, shit-" He rolls his hips, the salty flavor of skin filling your mouth further as you take him in deeper. "Good, suckle. Suck the cock of El presidente-" He's beginning to get a bit lost in his praise of himself more than you.
Sloppy, wet sounds fill your ears, eyes screwed shut as a few tears slip from them. Ramon grunts, whispering another moan of pleasure before noticing and sighing. He wipes some tears with his thumb, licking up the salty water to your shock. "Don't cry, cariño. I'm not being cruel. I'm being rather gentle with your pretty mouth; no damaged goods here." He reminds. You can hear his grunts increasing in frequency, his cock twitching in your mouth, when he roughly threads his fingers in your hair and yanks you off his cock.
"Hands and knees, face away." He demands. "Don't make me wait." Your knees dig into the silk of the bed, assuming an easily mountable position. Once again, you make a final plea. "Please-" Your voice sounds as though it could shatter. "Don't hurt me."
To your suprise, you can feel him freezing behind you, and hear a deep sigh. You scre your eyes tight as you feel him assume position behind you, leaky cock pressing against your folds as his chest, still clad in his white dress shirt, presses against your bare spine. One hand holds himself up, while the other takes your chin from behind, gentler than his initially grip. He places a few small kisses mixed with nibbles against the flushed shell of your ear.
"Being a leader-" he begins, "Is not easy. Being the wife of one, even more so. There is danger, societal expectations, and constant decisions that must be made. But know this, my touch is not something you need to fear, cariño." He's uncharacteristically tender now, and that frightens you more.
He finishes his speech with a kiss to the back of your neck, before sighing as he eases his tip into your wet folds.
"Ah-" You whine, it's thick, but it doesn't fully hurt. He's tender, he kept his promise. "Feel that? The stretch of a true Dela Marinan man?" He asks, working his way in a bit deeper. His balls, heavy, slowly crawl closer to the lips of your cunt as he further enters, groaning.
"Beautiful. Mmph, you don't have the makings of a first lady." He firstly pulls out, before sheathing fully again. "You're practically sucking me in, girl. You were made to take a Dela Marinan man, god-" His pace increases, gripping your hips as the thrusts.
"Are you close?" He asks. "Can you feel that coil of pleasure within you? Go on, release. Cum when the man controlling you demands."
Letting out a final mewl mixed with a sob, you can feel yourself beginning to spasm, walls twitching as a gush of fluids coats his cock. In a display of impressive control, though not surprising for the cold blooded president, he removes his angry cock without finishing. Quickly tucking himself away, back into his boxers, he towels the sweat from his brows as he appraises your fucked-out form. "You have the makings of a good wife. There is more to teach certainly, but there will be time for that. Though-" He tilts his head as if in deep contemplation, before leaning down to press a rather full kiss to your sweat-soaked form. It's passionate, surprisingly so, and he had held back from something that intimate so far. "As much as I love that boy of mine, I wonder if he is man enough to deserve a woman like you." He whispers, before pulling away and rather curtly leaving.
You can hear what sounds like voices in the hall, and soon two female attendants come to wipe you up. You're took sore to protest, and as they scurry out, the hurried footsteps of Feliz replace the noise they made. A look of worry fades slowly when he sees you, looking tired but mostly unharmed. He's got a glass of water in hand, a piece of chocolate, and other random medicine cabinet items. It's clear he was unsure what a woman would need for aftercare, and just took everything.
"I'm here, it's okay now." You can't even bring yourself to tale comfort in the words of your friend. You wanted him to have saved you, yet the most emotion he showed during the ordeal was learning he couldn't have you first. You just lay silent, still. He lays down beside you, fully clothed, curling into your side like a child seeking their mother's comfort. He pulls the sheets over you, kissing your forehead before closing his eyes.
"It'll be better next time." He promises. "It'll be me." That hardly soothes the pain.
#yandere#yandere oc#tw.yandere#yandere fanfiction#x reader#tw.dark content#yandere boy#yandere x reader#yandere dictator#oc Ramon#oc Feliz#tw.noncon#yandere ruler
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summary. how your boyfriend feels about you, his barbie doll girlfriend
♡ barbie!reader masterlist

though he doesn’t outwardly say it, you boyfriend adores how much of a doll you are.
your perfect pedicures with your expensive acrylic nails that he always pays for, your picture perfect makeup that he can’t help but always stare at and all your girly habits that always bring a small smile to his face when he sees just how much you enjoy it.
he’s always calling you a barbie doll because of your appearance, it’s sorta become a nickname for you now.
he loves picking out the pink girly designs of your nails, always hinting at you to get his initial on them as he hands you however much money you need to pay for them. he especially loves the way they look wrapped around his—
what he really loves is when you give him little hauls and fashion shows of the new clothes you bought (with his card). the different tones of pink and white, the cute and sexy lace trimmings. you just look so good in everything, and he seems to have a hard time keeping his hands off you.
and don’t even get him started on the pretty lingerie you buy. the way it hugs your body, showing off you pretty skin that he can’t keep his eyes off. he definitely gets told off a few times for his wandering eyes but he can’t help himself! you’re just so pretty! and he’ll show you that by having you in for a very long, tiresome night.
he even remembers the first time he came into your room. the pink bedding and huge display of plushies on your bed that threw him off a little. like, would they be watching the two of you have sex?
he was super mesmerised by all your little trinkets dotted around your room, having to keep his hands to himself. though, he did feel super out of place as he sat on your pink bed, moving over a hello kitty plushie so he had some room.
but after a while he got used to it, even feeding into your habit by buying you even more stuffed animals and paying for your ridiculously overpriced makeup and clothing. he kinda likes the fact he can dress you up like his own little doll.
what he did notice though was the bratty attitude you started to get. the eye rolls and heavy sighs that escaped your glossy lips, the snarky comments you made in front of his friends. it was starting to get a little too much.
but don’t worry! he knows just the thing that’ll get you to drop that attitude of yours and have you resort back into your sweet, girly self that he knows and loves!!
. . . ♡ ⸝⸝
blue lock ! yoichi isagi , meguru bachira , seishiro nagi , oliver aiku, sae itoshi
jujutsu kaisen ! satoru gojo , toji fushiguro , ryomen sukuna
my hero academia ! katsuki bakugo , hawks | keigo takami , dabi | touya todoroki
demon slayer ! tengen uzui , sanemi shinazugawa , kyojuro rengoku

© dollbrbie | don’t plagiarise or translate any of my work
#⋆˚⟡ barbie!reader ♡#bllk x reader#blue lock x reader#bllk smut#blue lock smut#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen smut#bnha x reader#mha x reader#bnha smut#mha smut#demon slayer x reader#kny x reader#demon slayer smut#kny smut#gojo x reader#sukuna x reader#toji x reader#bakugou x reader#hawks x reader#dabi x reader#bachira x reader#isagi x reader#nagi x reader#sanemi x reader#tengen x reader#sae itoshi x reader
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Barry Allen was a pro at the hero gig at this point. He'd stopped Reverse Flash, he'd kind of adopted his child who time-jumped from the future with minimal anomalies, dealt with cross-dimensional gorillas, and had recently managed to secure himself a spot on the Justice League. He was confident that he was pretty good at all this.
He was not, however, confident about how this child (teenager?) managed to sneak into his apartment.
Said child (teen?) was currently lounging on his sofa, fiddling with the remote for the television, and pointedly not making eye contact with Barry.
And Barry had just come in using his powers.
"What- uh. What are you doing here?" Barry questioned, slowly putting down the bag of groceries containing the chips he was asked to bring for the cookout at the West's house later that night.
"Dude, why do you even pay for cable? There's literally nothing on to watch! Look at this: cooking channel, news, minor league sports, news, news, black and white movies, ugh! This is a waste of your money." The kid didn't move from his relaxed position on the couch.
"To be fair, I rarely have the time to sit and watch any shows nowadays, but I can take that into consideration." Barry calmly said as he started inching towards the seat beside the sofa.
The kid seemed to ponder that for a second, actually pausing his aimless flicking through the channels.
"I guess that would make sense. Can't save the world and watch soap operas at the same time, can you?" The kid smirked at him, finally looking his direction. Barry stilled at the edge of the sofa, shocked by the statement. Now that he was closer he saw several unsettling things. One, the kid wasn't actually laying on the sofa, he was floating about an inch above the cusions. Two, The kids shocking white hair was moving as though there was a breeze blowing through it, but there was no airflow in the apartment. The AC was not even running at that moment. Three, the kids eyes had lasered in on him, and those eyes were a vibrant, glowing green. It was unnatural. All of it was.
"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about kid." Barry stated. "Yeah, sure. Now you'll tell me that you aren't about to hit the panic button that Cisco and Caitlin installed in your earpiece."
Barry's hand, which had been coming up to his head to play off hitting his earpiece's panic alarm by pretending to rub at his neck and face out of stress, paused halfway up.
"How do you know about that?" Barry stuttered out.
"Oh, same way I know a lot of things. Not something you should worry about right now though." The kid shrugged and started flipping through the channels again.
Barry, admitting defeat somewhat, sunk into the armchair across from the sofa.
"Right now?" He sighed out.
"Oh no, definitely not right now." The kid smiled with teeth that were a little too sharp and a mouth a little too wide to be fully human. A meta, maybe?
"No, Flash, right now you should definitely be more concerned about what my friend ClockWork wants me to do with you if you don't STOP FUCKING WITH TIME!"
#danny fenton#danny phantom#dc crossover#dc universe#dp x dc crossover#dc x dp#dpxdc#dp crossover#barry allen#cw the flash#the flash#clockwork wants danny to scare barry into compliance#danny decided to have some fun messing with one of his favorite heroes
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Jupiter in the Ascendant Persona Chart - Houses
Jupiter show you what part of you is amplified and how you have fun, and relationship to abundance. This is my 14th part to my ascendant persona chart series so check out my masterlist if you're curious.
꩜ 1st house: You may have a huge personality and presence, when you interact with others it may have a large impact on them. Not to mention you're just full of life and your energy is naturally magnetic. Use that to your advantage and be more social. It'll serve you well.
꩜ 2nd house: You're abundance is found in your self worth and material objects, you may have a refined aura about you and people may even presume that you come from money and are abundant in resources. Fancy clothes and jewellery may suit you and you may even wear it like you've grown that way your whole life.
꩜ 3rd house: Naturally curious and dipping and dapping your foot into everything. this placement indicates to me that you come across very intelligent about a multitude of topics and matters. Since jupiter expands whatever it touches, so you may also come across a bit of a chatter box, with a vibrant social life.
꩜ 4th house: With this placement you may be known for your family or your roots. You could actually come across to be a from a beautiful home and from a great ancestral lineage. Not to mention you're very secure in yourself being that this is the part of you which is the deepest, and Jupiter brings luck to those area.s
꩜ 5th house - Just tell me you're an entrained. You bring life and joy to whatever you touch and may come across as having some artistic abilities and talents. A natural performer and people actually may look at you when you enter the room, since Jupiter is trining your 1st house.
꩜ 6th house: Talk about beating procrastination, you guys are seen as the masters of the morning routine. Very organised and you actually may be seen as a real go getter.This placement can bring an optimistic approach to work, a potential for abundance through employment, and a tendency to find joy in helping others. Very sweet
꩜ 7th house: You're seen for the company you bring in which you attract lucky people towards you or seen as always hanging out with someone. When people interact with you they just melt because of naturally attuned you are to them. Not to mention that this placement could be a good indicator of attracting powerful business partners.
꩜ 8th house: You may appear to be interested in the mysteries of life, such as psychology, metaphysics, or the occult. And are naturally attended to the harmony and frequency of all. Very beautiful placement to have. You guys could been seen as very generous attitude toward shared resources and might experience a great deal of growth through emotional connections or financial partnerships.
꩜ 9th house:You may be seen as an optimistic and open-minded, they often find joy in learning and sharing knowledge. There's a strong connection to higher ideals, spirituality, or a desire to understand the world on a grand scale is common, in the way you interact with others. Maybe you have a philosophical way of speaking. There's a bring abundance to you when you talk to others.
꩜ 10th house: Regal and powerful. That's a word others may describe you as. You could be seen as role models or mentors. Someone dependable and untouchable with such a strong presence that transcends you, as the 10th house represents legacy.
꩜ 11th house:Optimistic and open to new ideas, this person may often be the one to bring people together for a common cause. They could be an advocate for social justice or equality and have a natural ability to inspire others in group settings.
꩜ 12th house: Such a wise and introspective placement to have. You may naturally appear like you don't belong in this realm. You may find that you have an inclination to help others in a private, behind-the-scenes way, and others just sense this from the way you interact with the world.. This placement can bring a profound sense of inner wisdom or a calling to serve, very beautiful.
DISCLAIMER: this post is a great generalisation and may not resonate with you. I would recommend buying a reading from a professional astrologer (or me) to get more insight
If you want me to analyse your ascendant persona chart or what type of beauty you have Dm me for Paid Readings
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Astro Observations XI: North Node Edition ꒰ঌNatal Chart໒꒱
©uyuforu All Rights Reserved; Do not copy work.

Pictures found on Pinterest, Dividers from Tumblr; Credits go to owners.
꒰ঌ Felt like doing a little post about North Nodes, and how it manifested on some people I know around me. Thought it would be fun and just a small silly post. ໒꒱
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⋆˙⟡ The North Node in Natal Chart will often tell us our destiny and purpose, but do not think this is necessarily easy. The NN often is about what we are meant to achieve and learn in this life, but this is in fact a lot of times considered as a lesson. The thing is, what we already know is our South Node, and so we could tend to often feel safe where it is placed (opposite your North Node). In this life, you are so meant to do the total opposite of what you already know, meaning something you don't know already, and for most people this means it can be quite scary or uncomfortable. Though, you shouldn't worry about it, because life will always bring you to the right track to your North Node.
⋆˙⟡ Taurus 7H North Node makes you have a purpose here related to relationships, mostly creating a healthy, strong, stable and long term connection with your romantic connections. This could be a true challenge because you could attract people who aren't good for you, toxic, or you could also deal with a lot of fears when it comes to relationships. You could have a lot of easy time to be on your own, and in fact you could often think you are better alone. But this placement suggests that you can also find harmony and peace, and a grounded environment in a relationship.
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Groom (51029)/ Briede (19029) (for you) seems to be a sign you are meant to be a spouse, to get married. There is a lesson in being married for you in this life. Or being married will make you be close to your purpose here.
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Boda (1487) seems to be the same as the previous observation.
⋆˙⟡ Capricorn 5H North Node could be a purpose to be more creative in the work place, or just bring more assertiveness to your hobbies and creativity. You could also be destined to be a parent, but mostly to be more responsible and disciplined when having fun. It is knowing to balance your responsibilities and your hobbies. You could be so meant to have a fulfilling career but without forgetting your hobbies, or your children, or even be including creativity in your work.
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Groom/ Briede (for your Spouse) means your Spouse will play a major role in your purpose in this life.
⋆˙⟡ Aquarius 9H North Node is a North Node that implies having to detach from other people's beliefs and open up to spirituality. You could need to learn lessons on accepting to think different or accepting people who think in a different way from you. Your South Node Leo 3H could make you use to be seen as relatable or influencing others with your mind and ideas. But here you are not supposed to be heard or seen, you are supposed to accept and learn about a much more philosophical and vague theme. This is often a sign you'll need to be more open minded, focus more on intuition rather than facts.
⋆˙⟡ Aquarius 8H North Node means you'll have to detach from the money aspect of your life. This could be a quite stressful placement to have as a North Node since your South Node is in Leo 2H. You could be used or feel very safe when you have money, or living in a world where buying, possessing and consuming is what you prefer. But in this life, you are asked to detach from this, to give more than to receive. You could so need to detach from money, accepting money does not buy happiness. This is also a placement that suggests detaching from what society asked you to learn, and see beyond, make your own judgments and opinions.
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Mars could be a sign you'll have a strong ambition towards your North Node, and perhaps even aligning with your North Node can make you feel more energized and ambitious.
⋆˙⟡ Virgo 12H North Node is a quite deep and hard to understand to be honest. You could be meant to care and "organize" things in private, in the dark. Virgo is all about analyzing, thinking, finding out, the data caretaker, but the 12H is about the unseen, unheard, but also the spiritual realm, anything which is not from this world. To be honest, this is a hard placement to have since Virgo opposite Pisces (rules over the 12H). But your South Node is the same= Pisces 6H. In this case, you could be meant to look at what is hidden, spirituality, anything like this with a more analytical and grounded mind. This means that you could be more meant to use you rationality on this topic, while you could be used to bring a sense of dreaminess in the routine of the world (Pisces 6H South Node).
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Moon could make you have a sense of feeling comfortable the more you get closer to your destiny, you could feel like when you are out of touch to it, you could feel uneasy and sad, not feeling safe at all. But the more you are in touch with it, the more you feel safe, happy, good. Your emotions could also strongly depend on that as well. You could also be quite sensitive to the topic of your destiny.
⋆˙⟡ Leo 10H North Node, so this placement suggests that you'll have a destiny to be seen and noticed. You could be meant to be in front of the stage, to be a main character, to perhaps even have fame. Meant to have a success, to have money, but this may not be so easy for you. Your South Node being in Aquarius 4H, you are more used to be a free spirit, without caring much what people think of you. The 4H also suggests you are more comfortable in the private sphere, but here you are asked to be seen and to even perform and succeed in front of others. This can be a quite stressful thing for you, but you shouldn't be scared to be seen. This placement can also strongly attract jealous people, but do not be scared to shine. Moreover, you shouldn't feel bad for being meant to succeed.
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Part of Fortune is a very fortunate placement to have, often a sign the more you are aligned with your North Node, the happiest and luckiest you'll be. Things will align. more easily if you go according to your NN.
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Sun is a sign you'll have a strong self development when you are on the right track to your North Node. You could feel like life is asking you to accept to be seen, to be successful and to just be noticed.
⋆˙⟡ Scorpio 7H North Node could mean that you are perhaps feeling better on your own usually, in a sense that you could often think you are better alone, feeling often more grounded "on your own" (South Node Taurus 1H). But in this life, you'll be asked to in fact accept the deepness of connections. Perhaps you'll also need to live transformative experiences when it comes to relationships. You are asked to accept that you also need others to work out well, and being "on your own" all the time is not necessarily the solution. You could also perhaps have connections that will transform you and you'll need to also accept that being connected to others can have influence on you. You'll need connections to develop your trust in others, and accept you can indeed dive deep in a connection with someone and feel safe still.
⋆˙⟡ Taurus 1H North Node could mean you'll need to achieve a life where you feel comfortable on your own. This doesn't mean you'll be single this life, in fact with your South Node Scorpio 7H, you'll perhaps tend to have a hard time to let go of certain connections despite if they can be toxic. But you'll always have an easy time finding connections, friendships or romantic, but here, your life purpose is to accept and feel comfortable on your own. To not depend on anyone, to be grounded and happy even on your own. It means being comfortable with yourself.
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Pluto means you'll have to live a strong and powerful transformation through your purpose this life. You are most likely going to transform your life because of the house placement. Depends on the North Node and House placements.
⋆˙⟡ Capricorn 2H North Node could be a life path that is really focused on the material wealth and possessions. You could have a purpose in this life to focus on your wealth, perhaps even be mature and protective over your possessions, but also perhaps embrace having money and power. Your South Node being in Cancer 8H, you could tend to be too generous with your money, or not necessarily liking money that much, but this life could ask you to embrace money and accept it is not always bad to have it. You could also need to mature up with your possessions and be the one bringing money to your family in this life.
⋆˙⟡ North Node conjunct Neptune could mean your purpose in this life will require you to use or develop your imagination or your intuition. You could also have a destiny linked to spirituality, or develop it.
⋆˙⟡ Scorpio 2H North Node could be about you needing to focus on money and material wealth, possessions in this life, but perhaps also about the relationship you have with money. Your South Node in Taurus 8H could make you quite grounded but also dependent on others when it comes to money. While Scorpio 2H will ask you to develop an independence when it comes to your money. You'll be the one gaining money, you'll need to so depend on no one when it comes to money.
⋆˙⟡ Aries 3H North Node could be about you being more assertive in your words and thoughts, to not be scared to argue or to be bold with your opinions. Embrace your point of view and your thoughts. While this can be quite hard for you since the South Node in Libra 9H could be about you being a peace maker and being someone who under others a lot, and be quite open minded.
⋆˙⟡ Aries 4H North Node could be that you often feel quite comfortable with being a peace creator, being perhaps also seen and having a very good reputation. Though, in this life you'll be asked to be more private and to feel more secure within yourself. You could so need to be more confident with being yourself, without the need to please nor to make people life you. Do not focus on what others think of you, rather focus on the desire to please yourself with who you are.
⋆˙⟡ Leo 5H North Node is quite a fun North Node to have in my opinion, this could def be about embracing Leo's nature in my opinion, enjoying the fun in life, enjoying romance, and flirting as well. With the South Node in 11H, you could be more used to be friendly with everyone, and focus on friendships while in this life, you'll need to also accept flings, have more experiences in flirting and romance. You could perhaps found yourself being popular and very attractive to others, and this could be something you could have a hard time to understand or simply you could often mistaken friendship with romantic interactions.
⋆˙⟡ Pisces 2H North Node could ask you to be more self confident on your intuition. Perhaps you are used to be more logical with your South Node Virgo, more when it comes to your mind and decisions, perhaps thinking more about psychology in a logical way. This life, you'll need to def focus more on your intuition and perhaps even develop your creativity or intuition related to your money or related to your self worth and confidence. You'll need to fulfill your dreams related to money as well.
Thank you for Reading!
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The Queen of Romantasy and the Race Car Prince - Chapter 23
Pairing: Lando Norris x Elizabeth "Lizzie" Treshton (Original Character)
Elizabeth Treshton—bestselling romantasy author, queen of fae heartbreak, and sworn devotee of a carefully structured routine—never expected her service dog to abandon protocol and diagnose a Formula 1 driver with something. But that’s exactly what happens when Mara the wonder-dog ditches Lizzie’s side to aggressively alert to none other than Lando Norris in the middle of a coffee shop.
Warnings and Notes:
Mention of epilepsy and service animals. I don't myself suffer from epilepsy, so I asked my IRL friend, who thankfully was nice enough to let me ask her all the questions I could come up with. The rest I asked Reddit. So everything that's wrong...that's totally my fault and not on purpose.
We are wrapping up loose plot threads so: Hungary 2024, WHICH I FIXED (kinda). My questionable understanding of racing strategy? Crocheting.
As always big thanks to @llirawolf , who listens to me ramble

Lando had seen Lizzie nervous before—before a book signing, even before their first public appearance together—but this was an entirely new level. She was sitting in the passenger seat, gripping the hem of her sweater so tightly that he was surprised the fabric hadn’t ripped yet.
“Lizzie,” he said gently.
She exhaled sharply. “Lando, I don’t think you understand. Your sisters have read my books.”
“Yeah, they love them.”
“That’s the problem!” She turned to him, eyes wide with panic. “What if your mum has read them? What if she’s read the spicy parts? Lando, I wrote those scenes!”
He tried—he really did—to keep a straight face, but a laugh escaped before he could stop it. “Liz, I hate to break it to you, but my mum is a grown woman who had four kids. She’s not going to combust if she reads a bit of smut.”
Lizzie looked at him like he’d just blasphemed. “That’s your mum! God, Lando, you’re missing the point.”
“Oh, I have a point,” he said, still trying not to laugh. “And that point is, you’re making this way too big a deal.”
She scowled at him, whacking him with the back of her hand. “You’re being extremely unhelpful right now.”
He caught her hand, grinning. “Hey, I’m just providing perspective. But if you want to keep being nervous on your own, be my guest.”
Lizzie huffed but didn’t pull away from his grip. “Why do I feel like you’re enjoying my freaking out?”
He squeezed her hand, still amused. “Because it’s entertaining to watch.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, but the effect was diminished by the way she was worrying her bottom lip. “You’re enjoying this far too much.”
Lando bit back a smirk, bringing her hand to his mouth and pressing a small kiss to her knuckles. “Maybe I am.”
“Your dad is a millionaire, Lando,” she muttered as they pulled into the driveway. “What if he thinks I’m using you for your money?”
Lando couldn’t help himself. He laughed. “What?”
Lizzie huffed, glaring at him. “Don’t laugh at me! It’s a valid concern!”
He tried—and failed—to regain his composure. “You’re worried my dad is going to think you’re a gold digger?”
Lizzie nodded, looking at him with wide, earnest eyes. Lando bit back another laugh, shaking his head. “Liz, love, you really worry too much.”
“I’m serious, Lando!” she protested. “People talk, okay? And with your family’s background, I can’t blame them. How am I supposed to convince them that I’m not just some fangirl with a talent for writing dirty scenes?” Her eyes widened. “Oh my god, I am,“ she whispered.
“Come on,” he coaxed, reaching over to squeeze her knee. “They already love you.”
“They don’t know me.”
“They know of you. And they’re excited to meet you properly. Trust me, they’re more likely to make me uncomfortable than you.”
Lizzie lifted her head, narrowing her eyes. “Why?”
Lando smirked. “Because they’re probably going to tell you all the embarrassing things I did as a kid.”
That seemed to help—at least a little. She huffed a small laugh, shaking her head. “If they bring out baby photos, I’m taking pictures.”
He chuckled, shaking his head before unbuckling his seatbelt.
Lizzie did the same, taking a deep breath. When Lando walked over to her side of the car and held out his hand, she took it, gripping it tightly.
“Ready?” he asked.
“No,” she replied, but she climbed out of the car anyway.
Mara jumped out of the backseat with a wagging tail, immediately tucking herself against Lizzie's side.
Lizzie laughed, giving the dog a quick scratch on the head. Lando watched her intently, noticing how tense she still was.
He moved forward, placing a hand on the small of her back. “Breathe,” he told her softly.
She let out a shaky exhale, leaning into his touch. "I'm trying," she muttered, sounding a little less nervous.
They began the short walk toward the door, Mara trotting happily ahead of them. Lando could feel Lizzie trembling a little under his touch.
“Remember," he murmured against her ear, "they’re going to be just as nervous as you, if not more."
Lizzie shot him a disbelieving look but didn’t have time to say anything as the door swung open.
The front door opened before they even reached it. His mum stood there, beaming, and before Lizzie could get a word out, Cisca pulled her into a warm hug.
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s so good to finally meet you.”
Lizzie tensed for a split second, then melted. “You too, Mrs. Norris. Thank you for having me.”
“Cisca,” his mum corrected, stepping back. “And please, we’ve been waiting for ages to meet you. Lando keeps you all to himself.”
Lizzie shot Lando a look, and he just grinned. “Told you.”
His mother stepped back, still smiling. “Well, now that I’ve got you in person, it makes sense why Lando's been so distracted." She cast a sly glance in Lando's direction. He just rolled his eyes.
"Mum," he said, a warning tone to his voice.
His mother just laughed, patting his cheek affectionately. “Oh, don’t you mum me.” She turned back to Lizzie, linking their arms together. “Now, come on. We’ve got lunch ready.”
Lando let them walk ahead, watching how easily his mum settled Lizzie. Even when he was a kid, his mum had always had a way of making people feel comfortable. Now, it seemed Lizzie was on the receiving end of that skill.
They headed inside, the rest of the family waiting in the living room. They all stood when they entered, and though Lando wasn’t surprised to see the eager curiosity on their faces, he still shot them a warning look. His brother in particular looked like he was preparing to say or do anything to embarrass him.
“Finally!” Oliver stood , arms crossed, grinning like an idiot. “The Elizabeth Treshton, in the flesh. Lando has been hoarding you." His brother wasted no time. “Alright,, I have questions,” he announced brightly. “First of all, how did this idiot pull you? Second, how long did it take before you realized he’s an absolute menace? Third—”
Adam Norris appeared in the doorway, shaking his head fondly. “Leave her alone, Oliver.”
Oliver just grinned. “No can do, Dad. She willingly signed up for Lando. I need answers.”
Adam shot Lando a look. “You should’ve known bringing her here would be opening her up to interrogation.”
Lizzie was trying hard not to laugh, but her eyes were sparkling. Lando couldn’t tell if that was from nerves or amusement.
"I have questions!" And there was his youngest sister. He should have known that neither Flo or Cisca were going to be normal.
"Of course you do," Lando muttered.
Flo ignored him and beamed at Lizzie. “I have questions too!"
His mother rolled her eyes at her children, stepping forward. “How about we hold off on the interrogation until after lunch?” She placed a hand on Lizzie’s shoulder, offering the slightest bit of reprieve. “I think poor Lizzie here needs a moment to readjust before we barrage her with questions.”
"But I have book questions!" Flo said quickly.
"And you can ask those during lunch," His mother assured her, steering Lizzie away. "Give the girl a chance to breathe."
"Fine, fine," Oliver said, flopping back onto the couch like a disgruntled teenager.
Adam chuckled. “Maybe try not to scare the poor woman off in the first five minutes?”
"Oh, no worries there," Oliver drawled. "She put up with Lando, right? Everything else will be a breeze."
Lando just rolled his eyes.
Adam laughed, clapping Lando on the back. “Don’t act like that comment wasn’t 100% accurate.”
Lizzie slipped right in the midst of his family, like she always had belonged there. Keeping up with his sisters' rapid-fire Q and A, his very fascinated toddler niece who kept staring at Mara, who sat next to Lizzie, as well-behaved as always...
It was almost surreal to watch the scene unfold. Lizzie was already comfortable with his family, chatting and laughing, easily deflecting questions and answering others. Even his sisters had given up their attempts at embarrassing him, too interested in Lizzie to bother with him now.
He watched all this, trying to keep the smile off his face. It wasn’t until his dad walked over and stood next to him did Lando realize he hadn’t said anything in a while.
Adam clapped Lando on the back, his tone warm. “You picked a good one, son.”
Lando’s chest filled with quiet pride as he watched Lizzie laugh at something Flo had said.
“Yeah,” he said, smiling. “I really did.”
He should have known that something was going to go wrong.
It started with Mara.
She’d been lying calmly at Lizzie’s feet one second, then suddenly sprang up, ears perked, tail stiff. She nudged Lizzie’s leg with her nose, then her arm. Insistent. Focused.
Lizzie stilled.
Lando was already frowning. “Liz?”
She exhaled slowly, looking down at Mara before turning toward him. “I’m going to have a seizure.”
Just like that. Simple. Direct. As if she were telling him it might rain later.
Lando shot to his feet. “What—what do I—”
A tense silence fell across the room as the others picked up on the situation. Lizzie reached out, fingers skimming Mara’s head as she struggled to keep her breaths even. She was already pale, a thin sheen of sweat gleaming on her forehead.
His mum was the first to recover, her expression calm but her voice sharp. "How do you want to handle this, sweetheart?"
"I need to go lay down," Lizzie said, her voice careful. "I should have a few minutes until it hits."
Everyone else was still reeling, frozen in shock, but Lando’s mind snapped into focus. “Right. Yeah. Come on.”
He crossed the room, gently tugging Lizzie to her feet. She leaned on him, her weight a little heavier than usual.
“Lando,” Adam said, “we can—”
“I’ve got it,” he said, cutting his dad off. He shifted Lizzie’s weight, supporting her as best he could. “Just...give us some space, okay?”
His dad nodded, clearly wanting to say more, but holding back for Lizzie's sake. Lando appreciated the effort.
He half-carried Lizzie out the door, Mara sticking close to them. The dog knew as well as Lando did – something was wrong.
The walk to his old room felt like it took an eternity.
As soon as they reached it, Lizzie was already moving, sinking down to the floor like she’d done this a hundred times before. Maybe she had.
"What do you need?" he asked her, sawllowing.
“Nothing,” she said. “You don’t have to do anything.” She stretched out, lying flat on her side, arms loose, legs bent just slightly. Mara settled near her head, pressed close but not touching.
Lando hated how practiced it was.
His pulse hammered in his throat. He dropped down beside her, panic clawing at his ribs. “Lizzie—”
“If you can’t watch it, I get it,” she murmured, voice calm, even as something flickered in her expression. “But don’t touch me.”
Lando’s hands clenched into fists.
“I— I can watch,” he said, even though his entire body screamed otherwise. “I’m not leaving you.”
Lizzie managed a weak smile, but her eyes were already going glassy. "Okay," she whispered. "But don't blame yourself." And then her breath hitched, and her body began to tremble.
And then she was gone.
Her body tensed, jerking suddenly, violently. Her hands curled, fingers twitching erratically. Lando could hear her breathing shift—harsh, uneven. It was awful.
He dug his nails into his palms, forcing himself to stay still, to stay calm.
It felt like forever.
In reality, it was barely a minute.
Then, as quickly as it began, it ended.
Lizzie sagged against the floor, still, quiet except for her uneven breaths. Mara whined softly, nuzzling against her arm.
Lando moved carefully, shifting onto his knees.
“Liz?” he asked, voice tight. “Can you hear me?”
A long pause. Then, a weak murmur: “Mm. Hate that part.”
Relief hit him so hard he nearly choked on it. He exhaled sharply, pressing a shaking hand over his face. “Yeah,” he said, voice thick. “Me too.”
Lizzie cracked one eye open, exhausted but there. “You okay?”
Lando let out a strangled laugh. “Am I okay?”
Lizzie blinked at him like it was a genuine question.
“Jesus Christ, Lizzie.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “That was awful.”
She hummed, voice drowsy. “Yeah. Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Don’t—don’t apologize—”
“I’m fine,” she mumbled.
Lando swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Yeah. Okay. But I still hate it.”
Lizzie sighed, shifting slightly, her limbs sluggish. “Me too.”
He watched as Mara pressed in closer, her body warm against Lizzie’s side. Lando reached out slowly, brushing damp hair away from Lizzie’s forehead.
She leaned into the touch, just barely.
Lando swallowed hard. “You’re okay,” he murmured.
Lizzie didn’t answer—already half-asleep in the aftermath.
But she was breathing.
She was safe.
And he would make sure she always stayed that way.
He wasn't sure how much time went by, but eventually, soft footsteps sounded at the doorway. He glanced up to see his mum standing there, her face pale, expression carefully neutral. She took in the situation for a moment, her eyes lingering on Lizzie before looking to Lando. There was a silent question on her face, and Lando nodded to her. She exhaled softly, nodding to herself, before speaking quietly.
"Is she alright?"
Lando's voice felt like gravel in his throat. "She's fine. She'll probably sleep for awhile."
His mum stepped more into the room, taking in the sight of Lizzie on the floor. A deep frown pinched her brow, like she was trying to hold back her emotions.
Lando looked back at Lizzie, reaching out and brushing his fingers gently over her damp hair. Just the sight of her sleeping peacefully was enough to soothe some of the wild panic from earlier, but his heart still ached.
"Does...has this happened before?" His mum's voice was quiet and careful, as if she were worried about upsetting him.
"I've never seen it," he admitted weakly. "I knew she had epilepsy. I have seen her after a seizure...but I never saw her seize," Lando admitted, swallowing. "How can a mother see this and then decide to leave?"
"Lando..." his mum's voice was gentle, almost like she was bracing him for something.
Lando's heart felt heavy. "I just don't understand how someone could—" he cut himself off when his voice broke, trying again. "I don't understand how someone could just leave their child like that."
His mum crossed the room, sitting beside him and pressing a hand to his shoulder. "I don't think most people will ever be able to understand that, hon. I can't," she admitted freely. "If I imagine that it's Flo or Cisca in her place...nobody would have gotten me away from my daughter," his mother said fiercely.
He swallowed down a lump in his throat, his voice tight. "That's because you wouldn't leave her," he said, voice low. "You'd never go without her. You'd fight to stay every step of the way. And you sure as hell wouldn't give up on her."
There was a beat as he stared at the floor, and he barely registered his mum wrapping an arm around his shoulders. She pulled him into a tight hug, and he couldn't help but bury his face against her shoulder, eyes stinging.
His breath hitched. "I just... I can't imagine just walking away from her."
"Then don't," his mother said simply. "Don't be like her mother. Don't walk away. Talk with her and the next time it will happen, it will still feel horrid. You'll never get used to it. But you'll learn to live with it."
The words hit Lando like a weight to the chest. For a moment, he just sat there, absorbing them. His first instinct was to disagree. He would never, ever be like Lizzie’s mother. He could never abandon her like that.
But then...
His mum was right. He'd never get used to the idea of him just standing by and watching while she suffered. No matter how many times he would see her seize, it would still be torture for him.
But this wasn’t about him.
This was about Lizzie. Lizzie, who needed to live with an invisible illness that could be controlled to the best of modern medicine's knowledge, but never cured completely.
And Lando would rather live through the torture of seeing her have a seizure a hundred times than to let her go. To leave. To let her deal with it alone.
Lizzie woke up feeling like she’d been wrung out, every muscle sore and heavy, her head pounding with the dull, familiar ache of exhaustion. She blinked at the ceiling, willing herself to move, but even that felt like too much effort.
Then she remembered.
The seizure.
How he’d seen it—how he’d stayed.
Her stomach twisted.
Carefully, she turned her head.
Lando was lying on his side, facing her. He was awake. Had he even slept? His hair was an absolute mess, his expression unreadable, but his eyes were sharp, studying her closely.
Lizzie had always known this moment would come.
She’d warned Lando about it early on—matter-of-factly, no dramatics. She had epilepsy. She had seizures.
But knowing about something and seeing it were two very different things.
And she’d lost people to the latter before.
Her mother couldn’t handle it. The fear, the helplessness, the exhaustion of watching and not being able to do anything. It was too much. So she left.
Lizzie didn’t blame her.
But she also knew what it felt like to be too much for someone to love.
Lando held her gaze, the silence stretching painfully between them.
She swallowed hard, bracing for it - the looks of concern, the pity, the thinly veiled excuses.
Then Lando spoke, his voice rough and quiet.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I lost a fight with a freight train.”
Lando’s mouth pressed into a thin line. “Yeah,” he muttered. “I figured.”
The silence between them was heavy.
Lizzie forced herself to push up onto her elbows, ignoring the way her body protested. “Lando—”
He cut her off with a shake of his head, his eyes never leaving her. “Stop talking.”
She went silent, staring at him. His gaze was like a steady weight, pinning her in place.
He inhaled slowly, as if steeling himself.
“I’m not going anywhere, Liz.”
Her breath caught. She'd been bracing herself for rejection, for distance. For fear and confusion and pity.
But Lando was just...looking at her. Just like that. Not like she was broken. Not like she was different now. He was just looking at her.
“You’re not?” Her voice was a whisper, vulnerable and terrified in spite of herself.
He shook his head. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
Something stirred in her chest. Hope, maybe.
Or maybe it was something else.
She swallowed, trying to get control of her emotions. “Most people don’t stick around after they see it.”
Something flickered across his face—something sharp, something angry. “Well, they’re idiots.”
Lizzie huffed a small, tired laugh. “Maybe.”
Lando shifted closer, hesitating before reaching out. His fingers brushed lightly over her wrist, careful, almost hesitant.
“Did it scare you?” she asked softly.
He didn’t answer right away. Instead, his fingers curled around her hand, grounding both of them. “I hated seeing you like that,” he admitted, voice low. “Knowing and seeing aren’t the same thing.”
She sighed, exhaustion pressing against her bones. “No. They’re not.”
Lando shifted again, his thumb sweeping over the back of her hand. “Your mum couldn’t handle it.”
It wasn’t a question.
Lizzie swallowed. “No.”
He was quiet for a moment. Then—“I’m not her.”
Lizzie’s chest ached, and not from the seizure.
“I know.”
Lando’s fingers squeezed hers. “Do you?”
She let out a slow breath. “Yeah. I do.”
“Good.” His voice softened, but the weight of his words remained. “Because I need you to believe that I’m not going anywhere.”
Her eyes stung with held-back tears. She clenched her jaw, willing herself not to cry. “You can’t possibly know that.”
Lando’s expression remained steady, but she could see the determination in his eyes. "I do know that,” he said softly. “I know me, Liz. How I feel. What I can handle. And I can tell you with complete certainty that I’m not leaving. You can’t get rid of me now even if you tried.”
She tried to keep her voice steady, but her breath hitched on a stifled sob. “What if it changes though? What if one day you can’t—”
“Liz.” He cut her off, his tone firm but not unkind. “Stop it. Stop worrying about what-ifs. This is my choice. I’m staying. End of story.”
He cut her off again, his grip on her hand tightening, as if he could force her to believe him through touch alone. “No buts. This is a non-negotiable for me.” He took another deep breath, his voice growing even quieter. “I’m not your mother, Liz. You are not too much. And I’m not scared. Got it?”
Something crumbled inside her, some long-held piece of fear disintegrating in the face of his steady, certain gaze.
Her throat felt tight, and she could feel the tears threatening to spill over.
“Got it?” He repeated, his thumb rubbing softly over her knuckles.
There was something pleading in his voice—a silent plea for her to understand, to believe him.
And she realized in that moment, as he held her hand and looked at her with so much certainty...she did.
She believed him.
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hi @lizluvscupcakes! it's pretty simple and you're not an idiot. there's just a few different concepts that people are referring to here so,
in my very long post i am going to explain:
loans and collateral
margin calls
how this all relates to musk
how a stock price changes
the power people have and the action we can take
how to read the graph i posted
text in indents are side tours i've taken, although one could argue my whole writing style is "AND ANOTHER THING"
now if you get to the end of this, WOW THANK YOU. please let me know if this helped! i've always wanted to do this sort of thing. have a blog that explains finance stuff the simple way and empower people to stand up and use finance for good. there is strength in numbers!!! we have power. anyway, i guess i'm curious in knowing if you think there's people who'd like and read from that sorta blog
first of all, green is good is up and red is bad is down for the price of the shares.
Musk's Twitter Loan:
Elon Musk owns a huge bunch of Tesla stock. He has used Tesla stock as "collateral" for taking out a loan to buy Twitter.
Intro to loans and collateral:
Basically the bank said ok we'll give you a lot of cash that you have to use to buy Twitter but we're taking a risk by lending you money so we need insurance incase you can't pay us back.
The most common form of collateral is a house. For example, when you take a loan to buy a house, the house itself is collateral and if you miss enough loan repayments, they'd kick you out and sell the house, this is called foreclosure.
And, the basic premise is - the value of the collateral is always higher than the amount of loan you take. For example, to borrow $900,000 you have to provide a collateral of $1 million or more.
Musk's $44 billion collateral:
So, back to Musk.
He was like, I need to buy Twitter for $44 billion, I have some amount of money in my bank account the rest I can loan from the bank.
The bank obviously asked for collateral and agreed to take Tesla stock as collateral. Now this is where it gets a little complicated.
Unlike a house, a stock is much "riskier", because the price changes so frequently. A house's price will change but but not on a daily basis like stock prices do. So there is a chance that the price of the stock could fall so much, so quickly that the bank would lose all its money.
The thing that ticks me off about this, is that this is actually quite hard to get. Banks will not take stock as a collateral from a regular person. It's just way too risky. So Musk is able to use his already ginormous amount of wealth to get wealthier in ways that regular people would never be able to. Don't even get me started on the tax complications on all this. The system is broken. No, the system is rigged against the regular person.
$114 margin:
So, similar to a foreclosure, the bank adds a covenant to the loan, called a margin call.
If the value of the collateral falls below the agreed amount, the margin - in this case, $114, the bank will issue a "margin call". The bank will demand that Musk either pays them money to compensate for the decease in collateral value (remember; collateral $ > loan $) or sell some of the stock and pay them back.
this is what the second tweet meant by "Musk will get a margin call"
taking a step back first. let's look at -
Intro to stock pricing:
Stock prices move based on the ongoing push and pull of supply and demand. When more people want to buy a stock, demand increases, driving the price up. When more people want to sell, supply increases, pushing the price down.
People buy a company's stock when they believe the company is doing well and sell when they think it is or going to struggle.
This brings me to BYD. It’s a Chinese EV company, a major competitor and very bad news for Tesla. BYD has better technology. Bad for Tesla. BYD is more popular in certain markets. Bad for Tesla. BYD’s sales are growing faster than Tesla’s. Bad for Tesla.
Bad for Tesla means lower profits, which means investors lose confidence and sell. And when investors sell, the stock price drops
Although technically,
The system that determines stock prices doesn’t know why people are buying or selling - it only reacts to the numbers. More buyers push the price up, more sellers push it down. It’s that simple.
This is where
Our power
comes in.
Nothing bad has to happen to Tesla for its stock price to drop. If enough people decide to sell, the system will register a lack of demand and tank the price.
This is exactly what happened with GameStop- its price skyrocketed simply because enough people started buying.
We want the opposite here.
Bankrupt Elon Musk:
So wrapping that up,
Elon Musk used a bunch of Tesla stock to take a MASSIVE loan. If the price of Tesla stock drops, the bank will perform a margin call on Musk and this call will likely severely damage his wealth.
So, if we can bring the value of tesla and other musk owned companies stock low enough by exercising our right to trade stock. The hope is, once his wealth drops, he will have less influence and stop promoting harmful right wing ideologies.
Liz, you have my most sincere apologies if I went on explaining something you already knew. I just thought it was important to explain the mechanics behind this. Finance bros make this stuff sound WAAAAAAAY more complicated than it is and i think it might be my life's goal to educate people about this. Information is power and money is power. They're trying to hide the mechanics of money. They're taking away power from us and we can't let that happen. Anyway, this is finally what you actually asked for:
Reading a stock price graph.
this following graph will come up if you google "tesla stock price"
you can search for the stock price for any company listed on any exchange in the world. gotta love the internet.

key terms as shown in the google graph. most are explained, some are self explanatory.
Stock exchange: the market for the company's stock is listed on. there are multiple exchanges, many in a single country. For example, US has NASDAQ and NYSE among others. Here, you can see tesla is listed on NASDAQ
Company code: each company gets a unique code. the code is kinda like its username on the exchange
Current price and currency: The price of 1 stock and its expressed in the local currency of the exchange the stock is listed on. For example, BYD is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SHE) in China so its currency is Chinese Yuan (CNY)
Time frame buttons: you can change the view of the graph. I have selected year to date (YTD) which means the graph shows me the data from the beginning of the year to now.
Change in price for the selected time frame: -137.34 -> the absolute value it has decreased i.e, tesla stock has dropped $137.34 since the beginning of the year. -36.22% -> the percentage change for the year and a DOWN arrow mark in red to make it extra clear that the price dropped 😆
before i explain the numbers under the graph, it's important to know that the price of the stock changes every few minutes. if you open up this graph on google, you can select "1D" in the time frame button and see the price change as people buy and sell the stock. the system only does this when the markets are open which is like working hours for the market basically.
the following are shown under the graph (these won't change even if you change the time frame button)
open: the opening price for the day
high: the highest the price was during the day
low: the lowest the price was during the day
market capital: the total value of a company's shares, calculated as (current stock price X the number of shares) tesla's is $758.21 billion, holy shit.
p/e ratio - the price to earnings ratio, calculated as (share price / earnings per share).
P/e ratio is generally used to assess whether a stock is overvalued, undervalued, or fairly priced relative to its earnings. A lower ratio may indicate a bargain, while a higher one suggests overpricing. The entire market's average P/E ratio is 20–25. But, P/E ratios vary by industry—tech firms typically have higher ratios than utilities due to faster growth and higher margins. BYD's is 32. Tesla is 119. I would have to do more analysis to say this for sure but it's highly likely that Tesla is WAY overpriced.
Side note, I saw a dude when i was visiting new york a few weeks ago with a sign that said "tesla is worth $15 per share, here's my work" wish i took a picture lol.
the graph itself:
x axis - time
y axis - price of the stock
you can see as much detail as you want. if you go to 1D, you'll see prices for every 15mins or so and you can even select MAX, which will show you the price movement from the first day the stock was listed.

Here is your mission.
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Jailbirds - M. Luffy

The sunlight burned into your eyes, the screams and yells of your fellow prisoners rushing into your ears. Painful and exhausted tears forced your eyes to push open, squinting in the sunlight. You dragged your hands up to your patterned kimono and wiped them onto the fabric before bringing your hands up and rubbing your eyes, the iron shackles heavy on your lap and looping around your wrist.
“This is the boy who defied Kaido!”
“The one who attacked him?”
“I thought he'd be a bit larger!”
“I thought he'd be similar to Queen!”
You yawned, standing up and walking to the front of your cell-- cage, more like. You narrowed your eyes to find the boy that seemed to be the center of attention; it was rare for things to be lively here in Udon. Messy black hair and a bloodied and patched red kimono; but even more than that, his face was wrapped in blood stained bandages. His gray eyes glared up at everyone, the chain of the sea prism stone shackles slathered across the floor and connecting to the handcuffs wrapped around his wrist.
After a few more long, dragged steps, he was thrown into the jail cell next to you. “Looks like you've got company now, Missy.” One of the guards snarled, spitting onto your face as he spoke. For once, you were glad that the cell separated you from the guard. Otherwise, who knows what he’d be desperate enough to do to you?
“Piss off.” You snapped, walking to the back wall of your cell. “I’m not supposed to do work today.” The prison guard rolled his eyes, grubby hands gripping the beams of the cell.
“You’re lucky you’re a woman and Queen finds you attractive. Otherwise, you wouldn’t even be here.” He growled, before stalking off. You raised your middle finger from behind the bars once he was out of sight. You knew that two cells away from you were an angry and barbaric red haired man who was missing an arm. You silently wondered if he would get along with this newcomer.
You slid down the cold, wet wall, looking up at the mucky ceiling. You were here for no good reason; stealing food to help feed a starving little girl who you had found on the streets even though you had no money yourself definitely wasn't the best decision you've made in your life. You wondered what the newcomer was here for; you knew that he had defied Kaido in some way, but how so? And why?
The next day, you're released, expected to carry blocks of stone to the port…as usual. The newly captured prisoner was only supposed to start working a few hours later, but in the cell, he looked like he was starving. You had carried 30 blocks of stone so far, exchanging it for only 6 millet dumplings. But you sighed, pushing the bowl of dumplings into the narrow holes of his cell. “You're probably hungry, you've just been newly captured after all. Take off your bandages and eat.”
He stared at the bowl in front of him as if it were a gift given from his savior, and tearing off the partially red bandages on his face, he shoved the millet dumplings into his mouth. “Hank yew!” He exclaimed, his cheeks round with millet dumplings. You shook your hand around, shaking your head. Stay quiet, you wanted to say. You would both get in trouble if the prison guards had caught you.
A few hours later, he was released from his cell to do more prison work, and within just a few minutes--and with his sea prism stone cuffs--he had already carried hundreds of blocks. Well shit. So if he could have gotten bowls and bowls and hundreds and hundreds of dumplings so easily, then what was the point of your pity and generosity for him?
“Hey! Thank you for earlier!” He came over to you, smiling, a long stone over his shoulder. You narrowed your eyes, gripping the large stone over your shoulder as you continued to drag your feet to the port.
“You're awfully happy for someone who just got captured. But you're welcome…what's your name?” You asked, his delight almost making you want to grin along with him. These were the most dangerous kind of people: the one whose emotions were contagious.
“I'm Monkey D Luffy! And I'm gonna be the King of the--” He began, as if he were speaking on instinct. He came to his senses, and quickly changed his mind. “I'm Luffytaro!”
Your lips pressed into a thin line. “You're a foreigner, aren't you? A pirate? And I'm guessing your real name is Luffy.” It wasn't really a guess, considering how he says so himself.
“You're quite honest, aren't you? Well, I don't personally think that's a bad thing, but be careful about being so honest around here.” You muttered. “My name's (Y/n). Wano resident here; been here since birth. Welcome to Wano, and I hope you enjoy your time here…well, aside from being in jail and stuff. Udon is shit. How old are you? Just curious. I'm not creepy, I promise.”
“I'm 19.” Luffy said, beaming. Why was he smiling for no reason? How strange.
“You're older than me? Wow. I'm eighteen. Well, anyways, nice meeting you, Luffy.” You limped away, slipping another rock onto the port.
The sight in front of you was unbelievable.
Luffy, who has now been revealed as a pirate, leading all of the inmates out to freedom. You stiffened, unmoving and simply staring at him as he grinned and led. Finally, as all of the inmates were escaping, he turned to you. “Aren't you going to escape?”
Yes, yes, you wanted to. But your feet stayed planted on the ground; why weren't you moving? Haven't you always dreamed of this? Always dreamed of finally being free from this hell? Finally, your lips parted as you began to speak. “I'm from Okobore Town. Being let out of here…would it really be any different from being out there? What freedom would I be given? I'm still restricted from speaking my truth, still restricted from eating good food, still restricted to telling the truth about this country…”
Luffy looked up before putting a hand on his chin, thinking, before he looked down at you once more. “I'll defeat Kaido and I'll make this a place where you can say whatever you want to, eat as much as you want to, and you won't have to worry a thing!” He grinned at you, and he almost looked like the sun. So much that you could feel the corner of your lips quirking up, and when he looked into your eyes, it was almost as if the world had become more colorful.
He took your hand, and you both ran out of Udon, your first few steps towards freedom.
Following closely behind Kin’emon, Momonosuke, and Yamato, you huffed as you ran, your eyes finally meeting the port where the Heart Pirate, Kid Pirates, and Straw Hat pirates had their ships. Momonosuke instantly leaped onto Luffy, angry at first, but eventuall beginning to cry. You stood next to Yamato, your eyes lingering on Luffy as he said his farewells. You were a little surprised that Yamato wasn't going to join the Straw Hats, but perhaps he had other ideas.
Finally, Luffy reached you, and he handed you something.
His bounty poster.
“Hang it up on your wall, yeah? That way no one will want to hurt you!” Luffy said, beaming. Heat crawled up your neck and all the way to your eyes as you took the poster, lips trembling into a smile.
“I will. And visit anytime, okay? I'd love to have you here at Wano again.” You replied, tears stinging your eyes.
“Of course! Once I become the King of the Pirates, I'll visit you and we'll eat lots of meat!”
And finally, he hopped aboard the ship, the Sunny departing the Land of Wano. But as Luffy looked out on the open sea, he saw only your smile and the plethora of adventures and new islands awaiting him.
“I see you soon, (Y/n).”

#one piece#one piece x reader#monkey d luffy#luffy#luffy x reader#monkey d luffy x reader#one piece luffy#straw hat luffy#monkey d. luffy#op luffy#mugiwara no luffy#gear 5 luffy
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Casino Date
SUMMARY: You made a pact with Mammon and it gave you enough luck at gambling to win any and all games in the casinos. What would that be like? Would an incubus try to seduce you into replacing Mammon with him?
CHARACTERS: Mammon x Reader
TAGS: Fluff; Sexy; GN Reader
WORD COUNT: 1.900 words
COMMENTS: There are a lot of interesting things that were introduced in Obey Me that they never explored well or at all. One of them is the “amazing luck” that a human who makes a pact with Mammon has. So I wanted to explore these things a little bit.
'In Lesson 35-6 (NB), Belphegor brought up that Mammon's greed powers grant “amazing luck” to any human that has a pact with him.' Although I'm pretty sure they say this in the original game too, but I can't remember when.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy 💛
After you made the pact with Mammon, he started taking you to casinos with him. He convinced you to play and share the profits since your luck (that makes you win every single game you play) came from the pact with him. Thanks to you, he got a lot of money to the point where he was not only able to pay off all his debts but also buy a lot of things for you.
He loves giving you gifts. So much so that you were wearing a luxurious and expensive dress/suit that matched Mammon's own suit on this day.
But to maintain this you had to go to the casino several times to play and win. The problem is that some other demons started to notice this luck. They looked at you and Mammon, saw you sharing the money with him and thought that maybe if they seduced you, they could be the new recipient of your money and affection.
One of those incubus was watching you, waiting for you to be alone, but Mammon wouldn't let go of you. Like, AT ALL! He would make any excuse to put his arm around your waist to bring you closer to him. Whenever you won (which was always), he would kiss you on the cheek. (He was too embarrassed to kiss you on the lips in public).
He seductively convinces you to always play one game after another.
“Come on (Y/N), just one more.” he said in your ear and with his hand on your waist. “I promise we'll hit that VIP room you like after this one. The Great Mammon will order their best Demonus and we'll celebrate another day of riches.”
That's what you always did. The end of a day of winning big at the casino ended with the two of you in a private VIP room celebrating together.
But one thing you didn't do together was go to the bathroom. And this was the only moment the incubus found to approach you. You were sitting on a comfortable, luxurious sofa with your favorite drink while Mammon went to the bathroom.
The incubus sat down beside you. He wasn't touching you, but he was acting very similar to Mammon, sitting comfortably with his legs spread and taking up a lot of space. He greeted you and started talking to you as if he wanted to know more about you because you seemed like such an interesting person.
He didn't seem to be in a hurry, because he had devised a plan with another succubus for her to distract Mammon until he got your number or something like that.
When Mammon left the bathroom and started making his way back to where you were, the succubus got in front of him and started to flatter and flirt with him. She talked about how he was one of the most powerful demons, how good he looked in that suit, how she had all the magazines he posed for... And at first, Mammon took it as praise from a fan. It was only when she seductively grabbed his arm and tried to convince him to go with her to a more private place that he immediately made her let go of him.
“Yeah... Sorry, but I'm not that kinda demon. ‘Sides, I'm already taken. And speaking of which, I have to go, they're waiting for me.”
He says goodbye politely and returns to his original route when he is stopped again by the succubus.
“Aww, but you are the Great Mammon~ You don't deserve to settle for just one human just because you made a pact with them.”
"And what’s that suppos’ to mean?" he asks, clearly starting to get irritated.
“It means..." she moves closer to him. “that it's not because of a pact that you can't have fun with someone better~” she raised her hand to touch his chest but he stopped her, grabbing her wrist midair.
“Ya don't even know them to know if there’s someone better. But I'll spare ya the search: There is not!” He lets go of her wrist. “And if I hear ya bad mouthin’ them, I'll show ya why I'm the strongest demon here.”
He continues walking towards where he knew you were sitting, leaving the succubus behind, irritated at having been rejected and even threatened. Meanwhile, you had noticed the incubus' advances and stood up to get away from him, but he also stood up and stoped in front of you to block your path.
“I'm telling you, you won't regret investing in me.” He gets too close to you and caresses your face despite your uncomfortable expression. “I can make you feel much better than that failed ang-”
Suddenly a hand grabs his wrist that was caressing your face and turns him around to face an angry Mammon that made the incubus cower in fear as he groaned from the pain he felt in his wrist.
“Than that failed what?! ... Com’on. Say that to my face!”
The incubus was clearly scared, but thinking quickly he decided to defend himself by turning to you and say: “Is this the demon you made a pact with?! He is so aggressive! You must suffer so much being stuck with him.”
Mammon's confidence dissipated, replaced by uncertainty and shocked denial. He loosened his grip on the incubus' wrist, but in that instant you slapped the incubus across the face so hard that it left a mark.
“You know nothing about him!” you say to the incubus now scared of you. “And if you say anything like that about him again you'll find out that I can be much worse!”
Meanwhile, Mammon had already let go of the incubus' wrist, who began to slowly move away from the two of you until he started to run away. You look at Mammon's face, he's blushing a little and he's looking at you in surprise but also... with desire. But then he gets shy and tries to pull himself together.
“I, huh, that was, huh, kinda cool. B-but I had everything under control, ya didn't need to get involved.”
“Really?” You say. “Because you seemed affected by what he said.”
He looked away, embarrassed and still trying to deny that fact. You suggest playing just one more game and then requesting your VIP room. He accepts enthusiastically.
After winning another game, Mammon is the one who asks for a room for the two of you and to have some Demonus. When your VIP room is ready, you see the chaise longues, low lights, and a bottle of Demonus in an ice bucket between two menus with dinner options. As soon as he closes the door and you two are alone, he turns to you with a slightly worried expression and not being able to look you in the eyes.
“You... don't regret making the pact with me... do you?”
You say no and that you were right about what that incubus said affected Mammon.
“Well... maybe... it just made me think, that's all!... I...”
“You are not aggressive towards me.” You assure him. “In fact, of all your brothers, you were always the one who treated me the kindest. Even before you get to know me. And despite the things you said at the time.”
He smiles embarrassedly.
“Yeah... well... about that... I was just...”
“Protecting your loved ones.” you complete. “Just like you did to me today.”
You smile at each other and he finally attacks you with a hug and a kiss on your lips. One of the most loving kisses he could give you, and you can tell by the almost possessive way he holds you.
“I would never hurt you.” he whispers to you after the kiss, his forehead resting against yours.
“I know.” you reassure him. “Now, how about we try that Demonus before the ice melts?”
When Mammon drinks, he gets in a much higher spirit than usual.
“Your glass’s already empty?” He refills your glass of with a smile on his face and without asking you if you want more. “Are you tired of this Demonus? We can order another one!”
But the truth is that you were already getting tired, it was very late and that wasn't your first bottle of Demonus. You yawn.
“Aww, you're not tired already, are ya?”
He seemed full of energy and ready to start a party with everyone in the casino, but knowing how drunk Mammon was, you would give him another minute until his energy suddenly dropped to an even lower level than yours.
You had to make him stop before that because you needed to get home and he couldn't drive in that state. And even if he said he could, you would stop him even if you had to use ‘STAY’.
The best way to convince him to do what you want is to seduce him, especially when he’s in that state. You lean against him, running your hands over his chest and face to draw all of his attention to you. You lazily admit that you're tired and want to get out of there so you can both rest together, and you also show your concern because you don't want him to drive drunk.
“Oh, don't worry about it!” he says with a confident smile. “The Great Mammon can sober up in no time!”
You look at him clearly not believing it.
“Fine... maybe it will take a while...” he admits.
But then he seems to have an idea. He looks at you again with that desire in his eyes and holds you by the waist.
“Did ya know that this casino is part of a hotel?... We just need to ask for a room and go up in the elevator.”
He doesn't need you to say anything because your little grin gives you away. For a second he lost his balance as he stood up, but right after he regained it. He takes you with him to find the manager so he can ask for a bedroom for the two of you. No, not just any bedroom. A suite! No, better yet, the best suite there is, even if is the most expensive one! In fact, the best one they could find for the two of you was the most expensive one! The most luxurious one!
And that's exactly what he gets you. You really live like one of the richest couples in Devildom since you started winning every single game thanks to the luck that your pact with Mammon gives you. Your suite didn't just have a king size bed, it had armchairs, a chaise longue and, most obviously, a jacuzzi in the corner of the room.
As soon as you enter and he closes the door, he grabs you and starts kissing your lips until he starts going down to your neck.
“Did I already told ya how hot ya look today?” You could tell he was more relaxed and sincere because of the Demonus. “‘Specially when ya slapped the shit out of that fucker.” His voice changed, becoming more and more desirous.
Even though he likes to appear tough to others, you know he likes it when you are the tough one in the relationship. So you're going to turn him one even more if you gently grab him by the collar and pull him into bed with you.
If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
#Obey Me#obey me shall we date#obey me imagines#obey me one master to rule them all#obey me fluff#obey me x reader#Obey Me Mammon#Obey Me Mammon x Reader
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Too Young
Summary: Pre Apocalypse, you’re Daryl’s secret girlfriend and you find you’re self in a predicament at a young age
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader

Looking down at the positive pregnancy test my heart is racing, how could this have happened we were always so careful the few times we were together, no body knew of our relationship, too scared of what his brother and father would do, and what my family would think as they thought the Dixons were scum
Daryl always treated me like a angel from the moment we met on our first day of school and over time we grew closer than just friends and now here I am pregnant
What will he think? Will it be too much and he’ll leave? Should I just rip the bandaid off and just tell him to get it over with before my anxiety runs rampant? Yes I think that’s best
We already had a date to met at our usual spot at the dock along the lake, I get in some shorts and one of his hoodies and make my way, the pregnancy test in my pocket, feeling like a brick
As I get closer I see him stood at the end waiting for me, as he hears me approaching he turns and his face brightens immediately and it kills me this might be the reason everything will change between us, I feel my lip wobble and I wrap my arms around his waist feeling him hold me close
“Angel what’s wrong, ya okay?” I shake my head pulling back looking up at him
“I……I don’t wanna tell you, promise you won’t leave me D” he looks panicked now never seeing me like this before
“Ya know I wouldn’” he brushes my hair back and I can’t help but lean into his touch
“I thought we were careful but……I’m pregnant” he goes completely still and just stares at me
“Please say something” I suck in a sharp breath feeling faint as my knees shake
“It’ll be okay” he whispers pulling me back in, we sit in silence on the dock for an hour as he just holds me
“Should we tell people? Nobody even knows we are together” I say quietly still scared of I talk too much he’ll run away
“Why don’t we run away”
“We can’t Daryl, we have family and no money and I’m scared, my family will be mad at first but they’ll still help us”
“Will they after they know yer carrying a Dixon?” He lifts an eyebrows knowing how my family isn’t fond of his
I sigh placing my hand where a bump will soon be
“I don’t want you to resent me when we get older and you feel stuck to me and the baby, I don’t wanna become our parents”
“Ya never could get rid of me, we’ve been eachothers from the moment we met and this baby ain’t changin that”
“We can figure this out right?”
“It’ll be fine Angel, I love ya”
“I love you too Daryl”
It’s been 3 months and we still haven’t told anyone too scared of what could happen but he’s been extra sweet to me, bringing me wild flowers when we meet, extra touchy always wanting to hold my hand or just be able to have his hand somewhere on me like he was protecting me incase anything happens
I woke up this morning looking in the mirror and I’ve finally popped my bump was showing through my shirt a little more obviously a baby and not just fat
I pulled on Daryl’s hoodie again because it’s my favorite thing to wear like I always had him there with me, covering my bump as best I could I walk out into the living room and my parents and brother are sat on the couch quietly
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t know why don’t you tell us?” My dad says shooting daggers at me
“Merle Dixon had a lil chat with me and told me you’ve been messing around with his brother, that right?” My brother asks and I feel like my world is starting to crumble
“I wanted to tell you guys but you’ve made it pretty clear how you feel about them, but Daryl’s nice to me he cares about me”
“Don’t be so stupid sweetie he’s only using you” my mom says condescendingly
“He’s not like Merle or his father, he’s kind you know I wouldn’t be with someone like Merle” they all laugh in my face and I can’t take it, I run to my room packing a bag and leaving running out the front door before they could stop me and going straight to Daryl’s
I get to the trailer house and knock anxiously playing with my fingers
“And what’s a fine piece of ass like ya doin here” merle answers making me scoff
“Where’s Daryl” he opens the door wider and lets me in, I make my way to his room thankful his dad isn’t here, seeing him laid on his bed, I close the door behind me and slump down next to him
“Hey sunshine what’s goin on?”
“Merle told my brother that we’re together, my parents know I can’t be there anymore” he runs his hand up and down my arm calming me
“Dumb ass, imma kill him”
“What’re we gonna do?”
“I have an aunt down south, she’ll take us for a bit she’s a nice woman”
“Are you sure” he nods packing a bag and taking my hand leading me out to his truck
“We’ll be okay, I promise”
#twd fanfiction#twd daryl#twd x reader#daryl dixion imagine#daryl dixon#twd fluff#daryl dixon x reader#twd negan#twd rick#daryl dixon twd#daryl dixion smut#daryl imagines#daryl dixon smut#daryl x reader#daryl fanfiction#the walking dead daryl#daryl x female reader#daryl dixon x female reader#daryl dixon x pregnant reader
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marvel universe dashboard simulator: spideytorch ship war edition
🤟 spideyparktorchtruther Follow

🕷️ spideyslut22468
god i'm so fucking tired of hearing about johnny fucking storm's love life. it's always spideytorch this, stormparker that, and now i have to deal with this new monstrosity of a ship? have we considered maybe leaving them alone? these are real ass people, why are you even shipping them anyways? go find some anime twinks to thirst over
4,235 notes

🧟 avgnwyrkr Follow
so anyways i still haven't stopped thinking about that one tiktok where the person saw spider-man chilling eating a hot dog one day and went up to him to ask him what he thought about peter parker and it was so obvious the person was trying to start some drama or whatever but instead spidey just apparently went on for like ten minutes about how awesome peter parker is and how good he is at photography and how smart he is and how they've been friends for like ten years
guys, what if we've been wrong all along? what if spidey really isn't in love with johnny? what if he's in love with peter instead?
😏 shutterbugsupremacy Follow
that's what i've been saying!! i mean guys? peter parker is LITERALLY the only photographer that spidey ever allows to get proper photos of him? he's been taking photos of spidey since he was in high school! he literally put out a photobook that was entirely pictures of spider-man.
🕷️ spideyslut22468
y'all are reaching so hard i'm surprised you haven't pulled a muscle. if parker was really in love with spidey would he have sold his pictures to a newspaper that does nothing but slander spider-man's good name? from what i've heard, jjj pays parker pretty well for his spider-man photos. he's not taking pictures of spidey out of love or anything, it's all just for money. same with the book. he's a sellout.
😏 shutterbugsupremacy Follow
hey man, we all gotta eat somehow, and spidey has said in the past that he doesn't care about parker working for the bugle. also, see above about the video where spidey talks about how awesome parker is. maybe you need to cool your jets, yeah?
🕷️ spideyslut22468
spider-man has been friends with johnny storm literally since the fantastic four came onto the superhero scene, obviously he's gonna play nice when asked about his best friend's long-term boyfriend regardless of how he actually feels about parker. y'all are just looking for signs where there aren't any.
345 notes

🥰 stormparkerownsmysoul

look, i know that we've all had our differences in the past, but let us not think about what sets us apart, but rather what brings us all together.
16,345 notes

❎ superheroshipbrackets
310 notes

❤️🔥 spideytorchendgame Follow
me talking to anyone that will listen about my theory that peter parker is just a beard for johnny storm to help keep his actual relationship with spider-man a secret

❤️🔥 spideytorchendgame Follow
like guys just hear me out okay? spider-man obviously wouldn't want his real identity to be well known to the public, and publicly dating johnny would put him at constant risk of being found out. so that's why they have johnny fake date peter parker! he's the perfect candidate! i mean, we all know he has ties to, like, a ridiculous number of superheroes. he's worked for both reed richards and tony stark, and people have snapped pics of him hanging out with captain america and deadpool. he's even been spotted with daredevil and daredevil hates everyone! so him dating johnny wouldn't really put him at any more danger of being targeted by villains than he was already in. and what's in it for peter? i mean, he gets to live in the baxter building (he probably has his own secret apartment and doesn't actually live with johnny) and probably gets a bunch of expensive gifts and stuff to compensate for all the shit he has to put up with for being johnny's partner.
2,463 notes
#guys can you tell i had way too much fun with this#spideytorch#spider-man#peter parker#johnny storm#human torch#unreality#fake dashboard#dash simulator#marvel#long post
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may I request vi x reader who has a bunch of stuffed animals pls?
omg I have a hoarding problem especially when it comes to stuffed animals so I'll project
cw : slight mention of reader's shitty parents, reader hoards.
girlfriend!vi who was invited to your house, making you very nervous.
girlfriend!vi who upon entering your apartment immediately felt a comforting vibe.
girlfriend!vi who noticed your walls filled with photos of you and your friends and family, even people who you didn't talk to anymore. some pinned, some framed.
"damn babe, you sure your walls got space for us?"
"I already put us up."
girlfriend!vi who noticed the booth pictures you both took on your first day pinned to the wall, next to the pictures of your family and your family dog.
girlfriend!vi who noticed a shelf of used journals next to the couch and went to check it out while you went to bring water from the kitchen.
girlfriend!vi who cracked a smile when she realised each journal was completely dedicated to each person in your life, and she happened to open the one that was dedicated to her.
girlfriend!vi who opened a page with a dried flower taped in it, written on the side was, "vi picked this flower from my hair today, I think I love her."
girlfriend!vi who was dragged away by you so that you can hang out in your bedroom and definitely not because you didn't want her to read more cringe stuff you wrote about her.
girlfriend!vi who couldn't help but gawk at the amount of stuffed toys you owned, all spread around your room. some on the table, some on the shelves, some on the sitting on the floor, some sitting on your bed.
"...are you judging me ?"
"no babe I'm just curious."
girlfriend!vi who sat down on your bed while you explained what each stuffed toy meant to you.
like the blue rabbit was given by your father when you were 6 and it was the first stuffed toy you ever got, the giraffe one was given to you as an apology by your mother after she hit you for the first time, another one being the purple dog your high school friends got you by pooling up money when your dog passed away, there was one huge penguin doll you got as an apology from your parents after you screamed at them for fighting all the time, there was this narwhal one you were gifted by your mother on your birthday as an apology for missing your graduation, and there was one small pink bear stuffed toy you from those vending machines and it was the first time you ever got anything from those perpetually jammed machines.
girlfriend!vi who realised each and everything in your apartment held value which others may think is unreasonable to keep, but the emotions and memories attached to them is something you and only you knew.
girlfriend!vi who also opened up to you about her little stuffed bunny toy she passed onto her sister, the one she held on tight to when she was informed about her parents' demise.
girlfriend!vi who drew circles in your thighs as she spoke how she understood why it was difficult for you to part ways with the things you owned.
girlfriend!vi who immediately wrapped her arms around you as you broke down, telling her about how scared you were that she was gonna think that you were some creep or judge you for being a dumb girl with attachment issues-
girlfriend!vi who cut you off with a kiss and wiped away your tears.
"I'll never judge you babe, I love you."
note : oop did I project too hard (˘・_・˘)
#rey's 🫧#lesbian#wlw post#arcane#wlw#vi x you#vi arcane#vi x reader#vi#vi league of legends#vi angst#vi comfort#vi fanfic#vi fic#league of legends arcane#arcane angst#arcane x female reader#x reader#established relationship#hoarding#vi x fem reader#vi x female reader#vi x f!reader#girlfriend vi#dividers by toastray
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it doesn’t make me mad when you receive money, I said personally at the beginning of my statement, and I’m possibly more dedicated to my craft because I’m more focused on honing the skills that bring me joy than worrying about what will pay the best, it doesn’t make me proud to not demand compensation, it just further proves I’m not a sellout, who actually cares about what kind of media I share with the world.
support disabled PERFORMERS!!! not just visual artists who you can avoid actually seeing. support disabled singers, dancers, comedians, actors, drag artists, etc. experience us, look at our faces, listen to our stories, watch us move. make sure you tip us extra.
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"70 and—"

박 𝐬unghoon. 장르 (fluffy.) x ^᪲᪲᪲ 𝒻 em reader.
you offer to pay your boyfriend money to jump into a puddle of water.
⊹. established relationship ( 𝓦. 900+ ).
perched over the puddle, your eyes focused on the oscillating reflection of your amorphous interest painting over your hunched self—whispers of your long hair barely kissing the wavering body of water, gently stirring in the rain soaked breeze surrounded by the wet asphalt, emanating the sweet fragrance of petrichor. and beside you stood the picturesque image of your boyfriend in the shifting picture frame.
“you'll get your hair wet.” sunghoon exhaled; waning annoyance, and tender concern. without skipping a beat, he leaned towards you. his hands gently bringing those careless strands of your hair together and smoothing them out with a delicate caress of his warm palm to the small of your back, “now marvel all you want about the puddle.”
the snort was evident in his tune; you rolled your eyes, choosing not to entertain his attempt to tease you, instead focusing on the reflection of you two on the ripples.
“ill give you 50 if you jump in it. “ you offered, the excitement threaded around your voice as you enticed with him money to relive a precious childhood memory, but sunghoon remain unphased by your oddity for a few seconds before his bangs swayed slightly over his eyes his head in confusion, with his pretty lips pursued.
“50 won?”
“ay!” you elbowed him, finally standing straight with a chuckle as your eyes wrinkle at his attempt at deflecting, “you know what i meant!”
sunghoon shook his head, his arms coming up to cross against his chest. still playing the part of the clueless boyfriend, furrowing his brows with his bottom lips cradling his upper ones with nothing but pure uncertainty.
stormy clouds began to gather once again in the skies that were still clear a moments prior after the sudden shower that unruly march brought in tow. chilly winds with a promise of downpour blew the bangs out of his eyes, showing the glint he had hidden between the darkened pupils of his.
“50,000 won, ” you paid more attention to the thousand that rolled out of your tongue, “if you jump into the puddle, that is.”
you mirror his posture; allowing the breeze to mess up your bangs, and cross your arms. chin held up high before you decided it would be a better idea to bring the crisp note out to sweeten the deal for him: a gesture that sunghoon found so humorous and so adorable that he had to break character and turn to the side to let a laugh out.
“nope!” although he remained firm at his stance, bringing his feet forward to show the shoes that he had just bought a few weeks ago, “ this shoes are too sweet to spoil.”
“fine! take 60!” you yelled out—not too loud, just enough for the old couple sitting on the bench to give you a dirty look but you could they weren't that sane on the head either if they came to the park for a walk just after it rain, and hence their judgmental glances had no effect on you, “how about that?”
sunghoon tapped his forefinger on his chin pretending to think about it for a while to whirl you in an useless loop of hope, ultimately cutting the thread and letting you fall headfirst onto the concrete surface of his hardened heart, “still a no,” he dragged out, leaning down to meet you eye to eye, “how about I give you 65 to stop this and go home?”
you had half the mind to shove him down on the puddle and end it all, giving him a little taste of whimsy that he had forgotten from tending that sharpened thing he kept be each his expensive coat and cage of ribs, but you resisted: you were more adult than that, “66, and I will also pay for dry cleaning those stupid shoes.”
the rain clouds grumbled in the distance; the air between the two of you resembling the charged nature of the atmosphere, as the world held its breath in anticipation before the first drop of rain fell.
“67, and ill honey the deal with a kiss,”
you open your mouth to attack him with your own amazing skill of negotiation, but then his words that rang through your head finally form a coherent meaning in your mind, urging you to look at him with the biggest cheshire grin on his face as you furrowed your lips and your own cheekbones high up in the air.
“that's not how it works, “ you laughed, playfully hitting him on his arms but he grabbed your wrist gently in the nick of time pulling you closer to his chest.
“68, and two kisses, hmm?” he smiles against the softness of your cheeks, your face turned away in embarrassment. the redness running up your throat, almost reaching the expanse of your skin that was just a breath away from his lips, but his warmth evident, “we can go until 69.”
“shut up!” you tried to push him away, but he had captured your wrist into his hands in a feathery arrest; his hushed whisper sneaking between the lines of lazy smiles, and his downcast eyes penetrating through your soul, “70 and I will—”
before he could finish his audacious offer, you two felt water splashing over your lower body as some toddlers bicycled past you two—over the controversial puddle—almost drenching the two of you in the rain water, leaving sunghoon’s jaw hung open and a sardonic smile on your lips, “looks like i won…”
sunghoon closed his jaw and rotates his neck to look at you in a threatening slow pace, resembling a predator about to snag his prey; you realise that was the best time to run, and so you did, with sunghoon trying to catch up to you while his half soaked coat flowed in the air. his rhythm just a tad bit off as he avoided all the other puddles to save his shoes.
© ITGIRLGYU⠀⠀. feedbacks and reblogs are appreciated! TAGLiST @viesin @jisungsdaydreamer @wonioml @1921choi @forever-in-the-sky2 @beoms-sugar @full-sunnies
#sunghoon#enhypen#enhypen reactions#enhypen fluff#enhypen x reader#enhypen scenarios#enhypen headcanons#enhypen oneshots#enhypen imagines#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon fluff#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon scenarios#sunghoon oneshots#enhypen soft hours#enhypen thoughts#sunghoon soft hours#sunghoon thoughts#sunghoon x female reader#enhypen x female reader#sunghoon enhypen#sunghoon soft thoughts#enhypen drabbles#sunghoon drabbles#park sunghoon
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Sorry that I've been gone for a bit! School has been a bitch and I couldn't really think of any ideas :( But I'm gonna try to come back since I already have a few ideas in mind (as well as my drafts)
(P.S. this was inspired by ScribbleMama's Clara and Kree (you can find them only on youtube as far as I know))
WARNING: Soft yandere behaviour, male reader intended, co-depended like behaviour
It's Your Golden Hour
"You've healed the hurt inside me. Now, I will protect you from those hurts."
Moving to an old cabin, surrounded by the forest, was a long time coming. Surprisingly. Almost everyone in your family had left their city to move to a small town, disconnected from most of the human population. Either it being money problems or some breakdown because of the uncertainty of who they were—it all led to them moving.
Now it was your turn.
Arriving at the small town—if it could even be called that with how little people it held—you were greeted with smiling, welcoming faces and small treats from the elders. The people helped you get your things inside the old, but stable cabin, but didn't stick around. Which was probably for the best.
You spent the day putting things away and finding their place in your home. Yet, even after so many things found their homes, there were just as many boxes full of even more things.
That's tomorrow's problem.
So, with a tired, aching body and dull mind, you went to bed. Sleeping soundly before a rhythmic tapping awoke you.
Yan Harpy, who saw you when you first arrived and immediately knew he found the one. It's an old tale, one as old as the trees surrounding the half-bird/half-man creature. But it states that after meeting for the first time with your destiny, you will know in a lights flicker.
Yan Harpy, who spent the day preening and grooming himself so you wouldn't think he was some slob. Even surveying the forest for something to bring as the first gift (he settled on a handful of pine tree branches)
Yan Harpy, who was startled when you didn't welcome him with open arms, but loud screams and wacking. He spent so long preening himself! Was it not satisfactory??
Yan Harpy, who sulked for two days before coming up with a brilliant idea
Yan Harpy, who built his nest on your roof
Yan Harpy, who secretly (aka you know he's were very well) to make sure you don't get hurt
Yan Harpy, who brings you every find from the forest. Leaving it on your front door step and cawing when you come to pick it up so you know who gifted it (it's always him)
Yan Harpy, who soon starts to get closer. Not flying up to his nest after leaving his gift of the day, walking next to you when adventuring through the forest and even joining you in your back garden, where you take care of your crops
Yan Harpy, who, as it comes closer and closer to winter time, gets sadder and sadder. Harpies who don't have a secure, warm nest (which is practically just a larger version of a bird box) leave east to escape the cold. Even as a crow harpy, he couldn't stay the winter. He doesn't want to leave you, afraid that you would find a mate or move somewhere where he could never find you
Yan Harpy, who's filled with those types of thoughts. Each thought making him more depressed as the minutes ticked by
Yan Harpy, who was ecstatic when you offered for him to stay with you. He could stay! But not only that, you invited him into your nest. Your private space. He felt like he was going to faint
Yan Harpy, who built a nest made out of blankets and pillows in your bedroom (there is only one bedroom in the cabin). It was big enough for two people, which meant he would sit down inside it and pat it happily. Inviting you to sit beside him
Yan Harpy, who gets embarrassed by how quickly his winter coat grew in. It made him look like a puffball! That wasn't what he wanted!! He wanted to look distinguished for you...wait...you like it? Well... he guesses it isn't so bad
Yan Harpy, who is like a person heater, seeing as he runs hotter than humans (perfect for cuddling as the weather gets cooler)
Yan Harpy, who, you quickly learn, doesn't really have a name. Most harpies call themselves by their titles in their main family. And seeing as he's the youngest, that was what he was mainly called
Yan Harpy, who spends evenings going through baby name books, trying to find the perfect one (he picked out Circe. What a coincidence.)
Yan Harpy, who growls when anyone approaches you or the house. It doesn't matter if the person is married, single, old, young—he doesn't like them coming near his mate (except for little kids)
Yan Harpy, who, when jealous, just gets clingy and needy. He won't fight or yell. All he can do is think of all the ways he isn't good enough. His feathers aren't soft and neat enough, he isn't strong enough, he isn't a good provider. You'd have to spend a day or week (depending how jealous he feels) cuddling and assuring him that he's perfect the way he is
Yan Harpy, who slept in your bed for the first time during a particularly cold night. It was cold enough that even Circe was shivering. So, you invited him into your bed so both of you could get a night's rest without freezing to death
Yan Harpy, who adores spring. Yes, the shedding it... hectic. But seeing everything bloom once more, gaining back its vibrancy—oh, it makes him want to sing!
Yan Harpy, who let's you use his feathers as stuffing for pillows
Yan Harpy, who loves to hold you to his chest. Feeling your back press against his front makes him feel like time slows down.
Yan Harpy, who preens you every day. Let him brush your hair; he's begging you! On his hands and knees, begging
Yan Harpy, who speaks in chirps, caws and body language, but after some time learnt sign language to communicate better with your
Yan Harpy, who will be your mate forever. He will keep you warm and happy. Just pick take the mating feather and he'll be fully yours. Only yours.
#male reader#original character#soft yandere#x male reader#yandere#yandere x darling#yandere x male reader#yandere x reader#harpy oc#yandere harpy#harpy
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part one - part two - part three - part four - you're reading part five!!
You were being such a bitch.
simon had called endlessly, do you know how annoying getting a new number is? sent texts, sent emails and what did he get back? fuck all.
He knew he was in the dog house but you got a new phone so you couldnt dwell on past text messages anymore but simon knows he was shitty so he starts sending gifts. he can't really remember what you liked, he knows you wanted a fancy baking thing and he couldn't go couldn't go wrong with cash!
Too bad you already brought the thing, at least you something to sell.
Thanks to the the cameras simon also got a front row seat to see as you stuffed his letters into the bin, not even opening them, bit cold love:(

You sigh, closing your eyes as you take a sip of your drink. You've been feeling so bright lately, the last month was fucked, all the stuff with simon and his mohawk maned sidekick, followed by minor stalking and than losing your fuck. it all worked out though.
now you were here! so all that stuff was behind you, now you were focusing on your self, hitting the gym and eating good, deleting social media and focusing on your education, you were even looking forward to go for a food shop, maybe you'd treat your self to a pack of cookies from m&s. While you were with he who shall not be named you felt so insecure, simon had a comment for all it from mocking your avocados and bringing up your failed stint a veganism. just couldn't breathe properly around him.
you're so glad he's gone.
now? peace. bliss.
You knew better now, casual was something you couldn't do. At least simon taught you that.
now your sat in a cafe typing away, sipping on a drink you thought was pretty, everything so perfect!
Until the new barista taps on your shoulder, he explains that your card payments be declined, which is fine! you just got paid, you have money!
your heart beat spikes as it declines, and then again. all you can do is excuse yourself as you check your banking app.
it's all gone. All your wages just disappear.
Definitely Simon's fault, not sure how but you're sure Simon or Johnny will come in and save the day, playing knight. You watch the door but Simon's behemoth form never shows and johnny's jackal like laugh never cuts through the tense silence.
no, they watch from a van outside. both pushing each other to get a better a view, but their effects are fruitless, they can see the outline of you, they're pretty sure it's you anyway. It's not enough to satisfy them.
you stew in panic a little while longer until the barista interrupts you once again. "my mistake love, looks like ya had a free drink on the app." you blink up at him, did this place even have an app? you wanna question but he's already retreated to the counter.
you begin to pack up your shit, you to get this shit sorted. You're grabbed, it's the new barista. at least he's friendly usually the workers are so cool here, it makes you stumble.
"can't forget breakfast love, most important meal 'nd that." you nod, force a smile it doesn't cover the anxiousness and thank him, you're on auto-drive. You wished you be more, you, but can't. you need to figure this shit out.
Soon enough you're on the phone to the bank and they're just saying its been frozen. for fucking fraud.
you cant spend money, withdraw money. literally your money locked away and your bank is useless.
what are you supposed to do?
you were fucked. Up shits creek and fasting being pulled under

they watch as your hands run over your face, you're crying.
Kyle is uncomfortable at the sight, the others are indifferent, Kyle knows it apart of the greater goal but you were glowing this morning, now you were sobbing on your couch, on the verge of having a panic attack.
you scroll through your phone, but theres no one you can call, your closest friend had just stopped talking to you all together and your parents weren't gonna help you, barely being able to afford their mortgage, never mind whatever you were being charged in London, calling them would also just allow them to use it against you in the future.
they watch as you finally open the take out box, hunger and anxiety screaming at you to eat, what the barista had slipped you?, a pastry! score, and a number signed sabre.
sabre. you read it aloud
that a cool name you think to yourself before texting him, you need to thank him for saving your ass earlier and it'll be nice to talk to someone.
simon can't help the jealously that bubbles up. as a phone pings and he knows its not here

taglist: @skeletonsucker @supernova2205 @wh0re4-alexademi @grr457 @gh0st-spid3r @sweetlittleblackrose @aceywaycy @mooievis @theadultoedge @cheese-pull @imtherain@h0e-02 @misscaller06 @lucilleifer @cherryflavoredguts @junitries @aneternallyexhaustedpigeon @drewsphswife @just-lilita @bvrnxy @crempuffie @erintaro @skyfire93 @my-little-evil-blog @alexalix-z @littlemiss-it-girl
#call of duty#yandere cod mw#yandere cod#call of duty x reader#yandere john price#john price#john price x reader#yandere ghost#yandere john price x reader#yandere gaz x reader#yandere gaz#yandere simon ghost riley#yandere simon riley#simon riley x reader#john soap mactavish#yandere#cod soap#soap x reader#johnny mactavish#john mactavish#johnny soap mactavish#soap cod#captain john price#john price cod#cod gaz#gaz cod#gaz call of duty
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