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hcourageous · 1 year ago
i would pay real money for someone to animate the scene where ricky matsui says “i need a fucking weapon” and his beloved esther’s bat, sparking with radiance and lightning, slams into his hands
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thelesbianluthor · 4 months ago
Done with The Unsleeping city II and what a beautiful season it was.
TUC was the first ever d20 campaign I have watched and I loved chapter II so much. I was honestly a bit nervous about the whole zoom thing but I am just so grateful that we got to see this story at all. And the art was really beautiful.
It was so touching to see Kingston and Sofia's journey especially.
The final big roll being a joint effort from Kingston and Pete for a divine intervention? That's poetry
I am so glad I finally got around to watch this season because it really is a wonderful sequel for an incredible beautiful story. It reminded me of how much I love and cherish the dream team and this universe.
Tuc will always have a special place in my heart.
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takaraphoenix · 2 years ago
Favorite Intrepid Heroes Characters:
Now that I have finished watching all of the Dimension 20 campaigns (currently running one notwithstanding, obviously), I want to talk about my favorite characters played by the Intrepid Heroes!
Emily Axford:
Okay, listen, Emily is a very talented player who knows how to make a character work, but this was the easiest call for me. I am in love with Unsleeping City's Sofia Bicicleta Lee, she is one of my favorite PCs overall.
The badass martial arts wife of the ultimate wife guy, whose best friend is a talking rat. Plus, she looks like Fran Drescher and I mean, c'mon, I'm just a lesbian born in the early 90s. How could I not.
I'm afraid I don't have a 'close' second for Emily, because all her characters are great and close together, but Sofia shoots out for me.
Lou Wilson:
It's kind of funny how Lou and Emily are inherently linked for me in this, because until I watched ACoFaF, I thought I'd be putting Unsleeping City's Kingston Brown down here.
However, absolutely everything A Court of Fey and Flowers' Squak Airavis has going on is so utterly impeccable. He is such a queer mess, it's amazing. (And it's linked to Emily, because something very important about him is his dynamic with his dear cousin Chirp.)
Zac Oyama:
I'm glad that ACoFaF made me pick Squak for Lou, because otherwise, this would feel like just a list of Unsleeping City characters, because for Zac, it's so very clearly and definitely Ricky Matsui.
The ultimate himbo. The courageous firefighter with his good boy puppy. Absolute wife guy even though he takes too damn long to figure that getting-married-part out. I love Ricky so, so, so much.
Though, second place shout-out to Colin Provolone from Ravening War, that lil cheese knight was so much fun to enjoy and he had so much tension, it was incredible.
Brian Murphy:
My favorite Fantasy High PC - Riz 'The Ball' Gukgak, hands down. That wanna be detective boy is too precious, plus, as an ace I was so, so, so hyped and excited about the rep in him.
Second place shout-out, once more, to Unsleeping City and... surprisingly, to Cody Walsh. I love Kugrash a whole lot, but there was something utterly hilarious to Cody.
Siobhan Thompson:
Hers was my favorite character on A Starstruck Odyssey - I love Riva. They were also such a refreshing flavor for Siobhan, honestly? They were utterly precious and adorable and sweet.
Second place... okay, look, it's Unsleeping City again, yeah. But out of the two characters she played, I actually loved Iga Lisowski more. The Polish mom who guards the dragon. Amazing character pitch, honestly.
Ally Beardsley:
Actually genuinely the hardest choice because Ally is amazing at creating characters. But as a lesbian with a certain type, I am obliged to say A Starstruck Odyssey's Margaret Encino. A hot lady with a purpose and a load of money. When they started calling her Mommy? Oh boy fans self. It was also so much fun to see a character who didn't really do combat but actually got so much done with business calls. Competence is sexy, y'all.
Second place goes to Lars Vandenchomp from Mice and Murder though. Love me a loyal himbo and they were such a good puppy? Amazing.
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theunsleepinghimbo · 4 years ago
So anyways you guys after today’s episode watch out for my new homebrew Oath of the Wife Guy and mr. dale lee im so sorry please step on m
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crazyness-overpowers · 4 years ago
ricky and sof are now in the wife guy aura.... esther should end up in there next lmao
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spokes-pc · 4 years ago
日期:2020年12月3日, 下午3:42 To Warden 1. Ricky borrowed p5,000 this May and p6,000 this June. African Bush bought 4 boxes of cigirattes p1,000 this June. Total was p12,000. Before, Ricky said "Bush will sell bed to pay p12,000." this July. But, African Bush can't get any beds to sell and be depoted this October. Ricky ordered Swede Mike (floor manager) to sell bed to pay P12,000. But, Swede Mike said, "Before, Britush Kevin's case still has p2,000 need to pay. He can't sell bed to pay p12,000." Ricky said "He will report warden to order Korean Mr. Lee ( floor manager) to pay p12,000. No problem". But, I don't get any money until now. PS: Chief Ricky is a BI officer to manage market of cigirattes here.PS : Bush is a detainee that Ricky appointed him to assist management of cigirattes inside. Because, Ricky has problem and trouble with Chinese inside. 2. Warden and Ricky called me to report business of cigirattes this May. I said "Chinese Lee Long and African Bush had no license and illegal selling cigirattes. Many people buy cigirattes on credit and don't pay money more 3 months. But, they have money to buy food, drink, cigirattes everyday. I asked them to pay money. They always told me ´no money and later pay'. It enough to prove they don't want to pay money and intent to cheat cigirattes." Warden said, "Ricky will handle illegal selling and help you ... You write a detail report to him." I writed report to Ricky. Ricky said, "He ordered Bush to stop selling cigirattes himself already. He appointed Bush to manager illegal selling cigirattes inside." Bush said, "He told Chinese Lee Long stop selling cigirattes many times, but no use. Only Ricky can take Lee Long's cigirattes out. But, Ricky has problem and trouble with Chinese inside. If he go to take Chinese Lee Long's inside, maybe many Chinese will angry and fight him." So, nobody handle illegal selling cigirattes until now. Ricky said, "About balance of credit. Japanese boss Satoh handle all Japanese. Korean Mr. Lee handle all Korean. African Bush handle all other foreign. Give them 1 month to pay money. If they still don't pay money, you only file complaint to push them to pay by rules and laws." 3. Japanese Boss Satoh pushed Japanese to pay balance on credit. Most of Japanese all paid and others paid partial money. 3-1. Japanese Satoh P17,850. This is Matsui's balance of credit from Feburay to June this year. Matsui told warden "Satoh got his money P10,000 this July, but don't pay his balance of credit to me." this August. Then, Satoh agreed to pay all balance P17,850 to me this August. But, he doesn't pay any money until now. 3-2. Japanese Matsui P10,450. This is Matsui's balance of credit from August to September this year. Matsui agreed to pay all balance. 3-3. Japanese Toda P4,500. This is Toda's balance of credit from August to September this year. Matsui agreed to pay all balance this November. But, he doesn't pay any money until now. 3-4. Japanese old guy P8,000. He said, "He wait his wife transfer money to him now and will pay all money this November or December." 4. Bush do nothing. So, he can't get anyone's balance of credit and Ricky is angry him. So,Ricky ordered me to file them complaints. 4-1. Romanian Peter (no hair) P6,000. He said " Ricky took p15,000 to help him to buy tattu tools, but don't give him that. Before, he put tattoos on someone be complained to warden and be punished to lock isolation 2 weeks. Romania Peter and shot guy had the same case in the court and came here together. They said " If they won the case already, everyone can get more p100,000....". He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 4-2. Romanian (short guy) P4,000. He said "Bush told him to say no money, don't need to pay any money". So, he always answered me "No money" and rejected to pay any money. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 4-3. Foreigner (braid) P1,750. He is the good friend of Romaian Peter and short guy. They are smoking and talking together everyday. He always answered me "No money" to reject payment like Romania Peter and short guy. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 4-4. Chinese (19 years-old sick Epilepsy guy) P1,900. He said "He is sick to get free medecine from BI or other sponcer and free food from Taiwanese cooking store. Why does he need to pay me money? He just has money but doesn't pay me...". He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 4-5. Chinese (Shijiazhuang fat guy) P3,500. He just has money but doesn't pay me...Because, he is 19 years-old sick Epilepsy guy' friend to follow him". He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 4-6. Austrian Tony (old guy) P840. His boss are Spy and Kiwi. He has business of repair electrical fan to make money inside. But, he always told me "No money" and rejected to pay. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 4-7. Foreigner (beard) P800. His good friends are Korean Peter and Nan. He joined and followed them to challenge warden and Ricky before. '' He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 4-8. Indian tall guy P3,500. He has lundry and clean room business inside. He said, "He wait his customer Korean pay him money." 4-9. African Guy (wear chain) P600. He said, "No money!" He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 4-10. Singaporean (old guy) P900. He said, "Singapore embassy will give him money on August and December." But, BI detention center reject visitor in Bicutan Detention Center now. 4-11. Foreigner Elmer P2,000. He said, "He wait his family transfer money to him now, then all pay." 4-12. Italian Paolo has P40,000. He said "He will get money from bank to pay " this July. He called his friend Swede Mike to help him to get money. Swede Mike said " Paolo will transfer p250,000 from his Italian bank account to BPI bank Magallanes South Branch, then transfer to bank account of Swede Mike's girl friend to bring money to Italian Paolo." this July. I wait 5 months until now, Italian Paolo still does not get any money. Italian Paolo's good friend British guy said "Rich guy, Paolo borrowed a lot of money from other people and bought his food on credit p10,000 this year, but all no pay..." "Before, he is a rich guy to buy and pay." "So, many people borrowed him money or give him buying on credit like you and me." I reported to Ricky. Ricky said, " Italian bank transfer money to BPI bank only 1 or 2 months enough. So, Mike and Paolo had some mistakes or problems.... ". Ricky told me to file complaint for Italian Paolo and he will report warden to understand and help him to get money. 4-13. Swede Mike (floor manager) P2,000. Before, British Kevin had no money to pay cigirattes on credit. So, warden ordered Swede Mike to pay me. Swede only paid partial money this year. Ricky said," He has problem to do anything." 4-14. Taiwanese (fat guy) P14,000. He bought my OPPO A5s (black color) last October. He paid p1000 cash and p14000 balance on credit (after 1 week all pay) to get the phone. But, he didn't pay any money and said " No money! Later pay!" I rejected him and said "You return the cellphone, then I return you p1,000." "Because, you have no money to pay p14,000 balance." He said, "Guards searched the room and took out." Taiwanses old fishman ( his roomate ) told me " He looked Taiwanese fat guy still using the cellphone on the bed at night." last November. So, I told Spy all about the cellphone and went to his room to search it. But, we didn't find it. I and Spy asked him, " Where is the cellphone?" He still answered, "Guards took out, he will pay me money later." But, he doesn't pay any money or return the cellphone until now. He buys cellphone on credit, doedn't pay money more one year. He uses cash to buy cellphones from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cellphone. 5.Korean Mr. Lee (floor manager) told Korean to pay balance on credit. Many Korean paid all balance, some Korean pay partial money, but others rejected to pay any money. 5-1. Korean Peter P1,500. He rejected to pay any money and tried to get more cigirattes on credit. He still challanged warden and Rickey until now. Romaian short guy is his good friend. They are always smoking and talking together. Romania short guy said "Bush told him to say no money, don't need to pay any money". So, they always answered me "No money" and rejected to pay any money. He buys cigirattes on credit, doedn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 5-2. Korean Mr. Se P1,900. He paid partial balance on credit this November. He said,"He will all pay this November or December." 5-3. Korean Mr. Jun P4,500. He still said,"No money, later pay." But, he didn't pay any money until now. Maybe he reject to pay any money. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 5-4. Korean Mr. ol P3,500. He still said,"No money, later pay." But, he didn't pay any money until now. Maybe he reject to pay any money. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 5-5. Korean Mr. Ying(Korean store staff) P5,900. He paid partial balance on credit this October and November. 5-6. Korean Mr. SaYang P1,300. He paid partial balance on credit this October and November. He said, "He will all pay this November." 5-7. Korean No hair (Korean coffee shop staff) P2,500. He paid partial balance on credit this October. He said, "He can't get money to pay now, because no visitor to come here." 5-8. Korean Mr. Lee(old guy) P5,100. He said, "He will pay all balance on credit this November and wait his family to transfer money to him. 5-9. Korean Mr. Park P23,450. He paid partial balance on credit this October. He said, "He wait his friend to transfer money to him now. 5-10. Korean Mr. Wo P12,950. He paid partial balance on credit this October and November. He said, "He will pay all balance on credit this December and wait his family to transfer money to him. 5-11. Korean Mr. Wo's brother P1,600. He said, "He will pay all balance on credit this December and wait his family to transfer money to him. 5-12. Korean black glasses(Korean store staff) P13,150. He paid partial balance on credit this October and November. He said, "He will pay all balance on credit this November and December. 5-13. Korean Repair Aircon P8,900. He paid partial balance on credit this October. He said, "He will pay all balance on credit this November and December. 5-14. Korean store P2,400. The white face staff(midnight duty) took total 8 boxes cigirattes divided 5 times that all used Mr. Se on credit. But, Mr. Se said "He never talk store staff to take any cigirattes and use his name on credit". (ARTICLE 1236. The creditor is not bound to accept payment or performance by a third person who has no interest in the fulfillment of the obligation, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. Whoever pays for another may demand from the debtor what he has paid, except that if he paid without the knowledge or against the will of the debtor, he can recover only insofar as the payment has been beneficial to the debtor. (1158a)) 6. Filed criminal complaints. 6-1. Korean Peter and Mr. Kim (Article 282 RPC therein). 6-2. Korean Peter, Mr. Kim and American Spy (Article 282 RPC therein). 6-3. New Zealanders Kiwi (Article 308 RPC theft). 6-4. Nigerian Black guy (Article 308 RPC theft). 日期:2020年11月30日, 下午6:32 Dear Sir/Ma'am, Good day! This is to respectfully acknowledge receipt of your email. This will be forwarded to our Central Receiving Unit (CRU) for proper disposition. Thank you. 日期:2020年12月10日, 上午9:00 I against following defandants cheated cigirattes ( Principle of good faith ) and outstanding payment ( REPUBLIC ACT NO. 386 AN ACT TO ORDAIN AND INSTITUTE THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES CHAPTER 4 Extinguishment of Obligations SECTION 1 Payment or Performance ) : 1. Sudanese tall guy has P30,750 balance no pay. He said "His brother transfered money to guard already, he wait guard to give him now..." on last week of November. He said " The guard still tell him wait, when I get money to pay you immediately..." on first week of December. His family transfered money to him every month, when he got money to pay all balance about p10,000~p20,000 before. He is a rich gentleman of good credit in my record. It is enough to prove that he has money to pay balance. 2. I looked he got a bag at 17:00 on Dec. 8. Hongkonger told me "He looked guards catched Swedenese tall guy to isolated room last night. Because, guards inspected drug in the bag." on Dec. 9. His good friend told me " Never looked or listened him to use or sell drug inside .... " He has big trouble, so I can't contact him to get money now. He promised to pay me money last week. I against following defandants theft : Legal basis : 1. Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) : Who are liable for theft. Theft is committed by any person who, with i awayntent to gain but without violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall take personal property of another without the latter's consent. 2. Gaviola v. People, 516 Phil. 228, 237 (2006). Be that as it may, for the crime of theft to prosper, it must be established beyond doubt that the accused had the intent to steal personal property. This animus furandi pertains to the intent to deprive another of his or her ownership or possession of personal property, apart from but concurrent with the general criminal intent which is an essential element of dolo malus. 3. Supra at 238. The intent to steal is presumed from the taking of personal property without the consent of the owner or its lawful possessor. As in all presumptions, this may be rebutted by evidence showing that the accused took the personal property under a bona fide belief that he owns the property. The fact : 1. Dec. 29 about 11:30 Kiwi tell me need paid water p50. I said, "I paid p100 last Tuesday, but you didn't change p50 until now. He paid, " You need to pay p50 now or stop to drink water. I said, "I need to check the registered book..." I checked the registered book only writed "Pd" 4 times, before I paid p100 only writing "Pd" 3 times. He said," You paid p100 last week, but you need to pay p50..." I asked," Where is my p50 change?" He said, "WaLa" 2. Comprehensively stated enough to prove Kiwi that violated theft. 日期:2021年1月5日, 上午8:00 I against following defandants cheated cigirattes ( Principle of good faith ) and outstanding payment ( REPUBLIC ACT NO. 386 AN ACT TO ORDAIN AND INSTITUTE THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES CHAPTER 4 Extinguishment of Obligations SECTION 1 Payment or Performance ) : 1. Japanese Satoh P17,850. This is Matsui's balance of credit from Feburay to June this year. Matsui told warden "Satoh got his money P10,000 this July, but don't pay his balance of credit to me." this August. Then, Satoh agreed to pay all balance P17,850 to me this August. But, he doesn't pay any money until now. It is enough to prove that he has money to pay balance and cheat cigirattes. 2. Japanese Matsui P10,450. This is Matsui's balance of credit from August to September this year. Matsui agreed to pay all balance. But, he always told me "No money... wait". It is enough to prove that he has money to pay balance and cheat cigirattes. 3. Japanese Toda P4,500. This is Toda's balance of credit from August to September this year. Matsui agreed to pay all balance this November. But, he doesn't pay any money until now. He always told me "No money... wait". It is enough to prove that he has money to pay balance and cheat cigirattes. 4. Japanese old guy P8,000. He said, "He wait his wife transfer money to him now and will pay all money this November or December." It is enough to prove that he has money to pay balance and cheat cigirattes. 日期:2021年2月2日, 上午9:00 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT I against following defandants cheated cigirattes ( Principle of good faith ) and outstanding payment ( REPUBLIC ACT NO. 386 AN ACT TO ORDAIN AND INSTITUTE THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES CHAPTER 4 Extinguishment of Obligations SECTION 1 Payment or Performance ) : 1.BI officer Ricky borrowed p5,000 last May and p6,000 last June. He promised to pay African Bush bought 4 boxes of cigirattes p1,000 last June. Total was p12,000. Before, Ricky said "Bush will sell bed to pay p12,000." this July. But, African Bush can't get any beds to sell and be depoted last October. Ricky ordered Swede Mike (floor manager) to sell bed to pay P12,000. But, Swede Mike said, "Before, Britush Kevin's case still has p2,000 need to pay. He can't sell bed to pay p12,000." Ricky said "He will report warden to order Korean Mr. Lee ( floor manager) to pay p12,000. No problem". But, I don't get any money until now. PS: Chief Ricky is a BI officer to manage market of cigirattes here. PS : Bush is a detainee that Ricky appointed him to assist management of cigirattes inside. Because, Ricky has problem and trouble with Chinese inside. 2. Japanese Satoh P17,850. This is Matsui's balance of credit from Feburay to June this year. Matsui told warden "Satoh got his money P10,000 this July, but don't pay his balance of credit to me." last August. Then, Satoh agreed to pay all balance P17,850 to me last August. But, he doesn't pay any money until now. 3. Japanese Matsui P9,000. This is Matsui's balance of credit from August to September last year. Matsui agreed to pay all balance. 4. Japanese Toda P4,500. This is Toda's balance of credit from August to September last year. Matsui agreed to pay all balance last November. But, he doesn't pay any money until now. 5. Japanese old guy P8,000. He said, "He wait his wife transfer money to him now and will pay all money last November or December." 6. Romanian Peter (no hair) P6,000. He said " Ricky took p15,000 to help him to buy tattu tools, but don't give him that. Before, he put tattoos on someone be complained to warden and be punished to lock isolation 2 weeks. Romania Peter and shot guy had the same case in the court and came here together. They said " If they won the case already, everyone can get more p100,000....". He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 7. Romanian (tall guy) P4,000. Romanian (short guy) was deported this January. He said "He has no money to pay p4,000 now. His best friend Romanian tall guy will help him to pay p4,000. Team leader and guard said his friend Romania tall guy will help him to pay, so agreed him to leave. But, Romania tall guy doesn't pay any money until now. 8. Foreigner (braid) P1,750. He is the good friend of Romaian Peter and short guy. They are smoking and talking together everyday. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 9. Chinese (19 years-old sick Epilepsy guy) P1,900. He said "He is sick to get free medecine from BI or other sponcer and free food from Taiwanese cooking store. Why does he need to pay me money? He just has money but doesn't pay me...". He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 10.Chinese (Shijiazhuang fat guy) P3,500. He just has money but doesn't pay me ...Because, he is 19 years-old sick Epilepsy guy' friend to follow him". He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 11.Austrian Tony (old guy) P840. His boss are Spy and Kiwi. He has business of repair electrical fan to make money inside. But, he always told me "No money" and rejected to pay. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 12.Foreigner (beard) P600. His good friends are Korean Peter and Nan. He joined and followed them to challenge warden and Ricky before. '' He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 13.Indian tall guy P2,000. He has lundry and clean room business inside. He said, "He wait his customer Korean pay him money." 14.African Guy (wear chain) P600. He said, "No money!" He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 15.Singaporean (old guy) P800. He said, "Singapore embassy will give him money on August and December." But, BI detention center reject visitor in Bicutan Detention Center now. 16.Foreigner Elmer P1,500. He said, "He wait his family transfer money to him now, then all pay." 17.Italian Paolo has P40,000. He said "He will get money from bank to pay " this July. He called his friend Swede Mike to help him to get money. Swede Mike said " Paolo will transfer p250,000 from his Italian bank account to BPI bank Magallanes South Branch, then transfer to bank account of Swede Mike's girl friend to bring money to Italian Paolo." this July. I wait 5 months until now, Italian Paolo still does not get any money. Italian Paolo's good friend British guy said "Rich guy, Paolo borrowed a lot of money from other people and bought his food on credit p10,000 this year, but all no pay..." "Before, he is a rich guy to buy and pay." "So, many people borrowed him money or give him buying on credit like you and me." I reported to Ricky. Ricky said, " Italian bank transfer money to BPI bank only 1 or 2 months enough. So, Mike and Paolo has some mistakes or problems.... ". Ricky told me to file complaint for Italian Paolo and he will report warden to understand and help him to get money. 18.Swede Mike (floor manager) P2,000. Before, British Kevin had no money to pay cigirattes on credit. So, warden ordered Swede Mike to pay me. Swede only paid partial money this year. Ricky said," He has problem to do anything." 19.Taiwanese (fat guy) P14,000. He bought my OPPO A5s (black color) last October. He paid p1000 cash and p14000 balance on credit (after 1 week all pay) to get the phone. But, he didn't pay any money and said " No money! Later pay!" I rejected him and said "You return the cellphone, then I return you p1,000." "Because, you have no money to pay p14,000 balance." He said, "Guards searched the room and took out." Taiwanses old fishman ( his roomate ) told me " He looked Taiwanese fat guy still using the cellphone on the bed at night." last November. So, I told Spy all about the cellphone and went to his room to search it. But, we didn't find it. I and Spy asked him, " Where is the cellphone?" He still answered, "Guards took out, he will pay me money later." But, he doesn't pay any money or return the cellphone until now. He buys cellphone on credit, doedn't pay money more one year. He uses cash to buy cellphones from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cellphone. 20.Korean Peter P1,500. He rejected to pay any money and tried to get more cigirattes on credit. He still challanged warden and Rickey until now. Romaian short guy is his good friend. They are always smoking and talking together. Romania short guy said "Bush told him to say no money, don't need to pay any money". So, they always answered me "No money" and rejected to pay any money. He buys cigirattes on credit, doedn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 21.Korean Mr. Se P1,900. He paid partial balance on credit this November. He said,"He will all pay this November or December." 22.Korean Mr. Jun P4,500. He still said,"No money, later pay." But, he didn't pay any money until now. Maybe he reject to pay any money. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 23.Korean Mr. ol P3,500. He still said,"No money, later pay." But, he didn't pay any money until now. Maybe he reject to pay any money. He buys cigirattes on credit, doesn't pay money more half year. He uses cash to buy cigirattes from other sellers. It is enough to prove, he cheats cigirattes. 24.Korean No hair (Korean coffee shop staff) P2,500. He paid partial balance on credit this October. He said, "He can't get money to pay now, because no visitor to come here." 25.Korean Mr. Lee(old guy) P5,000. He said, "He will pay all balance on credit this November and wait his family to transfer money to him. 26.Korean black glasses(Korean store staff) P13,150. He paid partial balance on credit this October and November. He said, "He will pay all balance on credit this November and December. 27.Korean store P2,400. The white face staff(midnight duty) took total 8 boxes cigirattes divided 5 times that all used Mr. Se on credit. But, Mr. Se said "He never talk store staff to take any cigirattes and use his name on credit". (ARTICLE 1236. The creditor is not bound to accept payment or performance by a third person who has no interest in the fulfillment of the obligation, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. Whoever pays for another may demand from the debtor what he has paid, except that if he paid without the knowledge or against the will of the debtor, he can recover only insofar as the payment has been beneficial to the debtor. (1158a)) 6. Filed criminal complaints. 6-1. Korean Peter and Mr. Kim (Article 282 RPC therein). 6-2. Korean Peter, Mr. Kim and American Spy (Article 282 RPC therein). 6-3. New Zealanders Kiwi (Article 308 RPC theft). 6-4. Nigerian Black guy (Article 308 RPC theft). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this day of Feb. 2 , 2021, in the City of Taguig, Metro Manila.
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bejeweledbuckley · 3 years ago
the vast entirety of d20, all of it, every main cast campaign pc and npc, every side campaign pc and npc, every live show blorbos
technically already did this for just fantasy high but like, some of the are worth repeating so i will fsdjfks. also my memory is SO BAD i am definitely going to forget characters left right and center, even PCs fskdfhsl
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): again,, riz and ayda. also I'm lightly obsessed with sidney and barry syx this campaign ohh my gosh, murph and em create the greatest characters ALWAYS.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): again, obviously boggy but also maybe ricky matsui. 
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): ESTHER SINCLAIR. MY WIFE.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): can i just say the entire tiny heist crew? most underrated campaign its literally what got me into d20!! cargo jones my dearest!!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): cody. he’s ridiculous and i love him. (don’t think hes problematic or unpopular but i just think hes a funky guy. i love that mall goth)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): again, gilear is the perfect answer and i can’t say another else. 
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): ROBERT MOSES. the real dude angers me greatly so like, the fact that brennan made him a villian gave me life via rage lkfdjsdkf
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r0sebutch · 4 years ago
okay finished tuc2 and first of all, let me reiterate, dale lee my beloved ricky matsui my beloved wife guys my beloveds. the bi guys and their bi wives are the center of my universe and i love them so much. second of all, maddie park i am in love with you when ally said dream girl they were fuckin RIGHT maddie you are gorgeous and i would die for u. hot trans hacker girl with a keyboard in her hoodie sleeve holsters i love you I LOVE YOUU
also ester canon milf and sofia canon milf supremacy. i love them
also KINGSTON MY BELOVED i cant believe i havent mentioned him yet but the pure WARMTH and DELIGHT he radiates when he meets langston will literally fuel me for the next ten years of my life i love him and i love his wife and i love his adorable dragon son
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filmgnistan · 8 years ago
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100. Suspiria (1977, Dario Argento) 99. Yeelen (1987, Souleymane Cissé) 98. Strike (1925, Sergei Eisenstein) 97. The Man Who Sleeps (1974, Bernard Queysanne) 96. A Field in England (2013, Ben Wheatley) 95. Platform (2000, Jia Zhangke) 94. Seven (1995, David Fincher) 93. Death by Hanging (1968, Nagisa Oshima) 92. The Wicker Man (1973, Robin Hardy) 91. Begotten (1991, E. Elias Merhige) 90. Encounters of the Spooky Kind (1980, Sammo Hung) 89. F for Fake (1973, Orson Welles) 88. Possession (1981, Andrzej Zulawski) 87. M (1931, Fritz Lang) 86. The Dante Quartet (1987, Stan Brakhage) 85. A Colt Is My Passport (1967, Takashi Nomura) 84. Stroszek (1977, Werner Herzog) 83. Kill Bill Vol. I & II (2003 / 2004, Quentin Tarantino) 82. Heroic Purgatory (1970, Yoshishige Yoshida) 81. The Hole (1998, Tsai Ming-liang) 80. The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh (1971, Sergio Martino) 79. The 'Burbs (1989, Joe Dante) 78. Le Samouraï (1967, Jean-Pierre Melville) 77. Riki Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991, Lam Nai-choi) 76. Burst City (1982, Sogo Ishii) 75. A Woman Under the Influence (1974, John Cassavetes) 74. The Shout (1978, Jerzy Skolimowski) 73. Go, Go Second Time Virgin (1969, Kōji Wakamatsu) 72. Deadbeat at Dawn (1988, Jim van Bebber) 71. Phase IV (1974, Saul Bass) 70. Spring in a Small Town (1948, Fei Mu) 69. Hausu (1977, Nobuhiko Ôbayashi) 68. Walkabout (1971, Nicolas Roeg) 67. Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965, Russ Meyer) 66. Pastoral: To Die in the Country (1974, Shūji Terayama) 65. Point Break (1991, Kathryn Bigelow) 64. Side/Walk/Shuttle (1991, Ernie Gehr) 63. The Thing (1982, John Carpenter) 62. Wake in Fright (1971, Ted Kotcheff) 61. The Seasons (1974, Artavazd Peleshian) 60. Noisy Requiem (1988, Yoshihiko Matsui) 59. Maborosi (1995, Hirokazu Koreeda) 58. Femmes de Sade (1976, Alex de Renzy) 57. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974, Tobe Hooper) 56. Daisies (1966, Vera Chytilová) 55. Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975, Chantal Akerman) 54. Viy (1967, Konstantin Yershov & Georgi Kropachyov) 53. Black Narcissus (1947, Powell & Pressburger) 52. Broadway Danny Rose (1984, Woody Allen) 51. Taxi Driver (1976, Martin Scorsese) 50. My Winnipeg (2007, Guy Maddin) 49. Come and See (1985, Elem Klimov) 48. Persona (1966, Ingmar Bergman) 47. A Scene at the Sea (1991, Takeshi Kitano) 46. The Mirror (1997, Jafar Panahi) 45. Inland Empire (2006, David Lynch) 44. Eden and After (1970, Alain Robbe-Grillet) 43. Only Yesterday (1991, Isao Takahata) 42. Blow Out (1981, Brian De Palma) 41. Funeral Parade of Roses (1969, Toshio Matsumoto) 40. Cannibal Holocaust (1980, Ruggero Deodato) 39. Le Pont du Nord (1981, Jacques Rivette) 38. She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps (1985, Philippe Garrel) 37. The 400 Blows (1959, François Truffaut) 36. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, Stanley Kubrick) 35. Unfaithful Wife: Shameful Torture (1992, Hisayau Sato) 34. Playtime (1967, Jacques Tati) 33. Palms (1993, Artur Aristakisyan) 32. Akira (1988, Katsuhiro Otomo) 31. City Lights (1931, Charlie Chaplin) 30. Upstream Color (2013, Shane Carruth) 29. Singapore Sling (1990, Nikos Nikolaidis) 28. Few of Us (1996, Šarūnas Bartas) 27. A Summer at Grandpa's (1984, Hou Hsiao-Hsien) 26. Crumb (1994, Terry Zwigoff) 25. Late Spring (1949, Yasujiro Ozu) 24. Man with a Movie Camera (1929, Dziga Vertov) 23. Lemonade Joe (1964, Oldřich Lipský) 22. Woman in the Dunes (1964, Hiroshi Teshigahara) 21. Out 1, noli me tangere (1971, Jacques Rivette) 20. Zerkalo (1975, Andrei Tarkovsky) 19. Taste of Cherry (1997, Abbas Kiarostami) 18. Hard Boiled (1992, John Woo) 17. Before Sunset (2004, Richard Linklater) 16. This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse (1967, Jose Mojica Marins) 15. The Beyond (1981, Lucio Fulci) 14. Drunken Master II (1994, Lau Kar-leung)  13. It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012, Don Hertzfeldt) 12. Evil Dead II (1987, Sam Raimi) 11. Baraka (1992, Ron Fricke) 10. Evolution of a Filipino Family (2004, Lav Diaz) 09. Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989, Shinya Tsukamoto) 08. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928, Carl Theodor Dreyer) 07. Chungking Express (1994, Wong Kar-wai) 06. El Topo (1970, Alejandro Jodorowsky) 05. Soy Cuba (1964, Mikhail Kalatozov) 04. Fight Club (1999, David Fincher) 03. Seven Samurai (1954, Akira Kurosawa) 02. Ere Erera Baleibu Icik Subua Aruaren (1970, Jose Antonio Sistiaga) 01. Sátántangó (1994, Bela Tarr)
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