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cuteniarose · 12 days ago
So… are we gonna talk about how the Kuvira Ultimate AU Suiren falls for has THIS level of baby face or-???
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germesthegenie · 2 months ago
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What can I say? Give me a lady with a cool power and/or silly outfit and I’ll probably draw them
Finished the rest of Arc 5, thoughts below:
As expected, big cape fight was very cool
Neat to essentially see, again, something we saw a lot in Worm but from a different perspective (and being executed by more morally questionable people). Hollow Point and the Undersiders mobilizing against the Fallen isn’t too different from things like the Somer’s Rock alliance against the ABB, but now we’re seeing a lot more collateral, and how the heroes have to respond to situations like that where villains are fighting each other with varying regard for civilian life
Little V and Big V reunited! Nice little reunion scene before things went to hell.
Valefor’s shard deserves to be talked about alongside Broadcast when it comes to playing favorites. He got heavily nerfed and just got his power reworked to be arguably stronger (with less control). Is this technically a second trigger or did the shard just give him this as a treat? And I guess what will it figure out next? Mind control through interpretative dance?
Jokes aside, Valefor’s scenes were terrifying and brought back the fear we briefly got from his Worm Arc 21 appearance. Victoria’s flashbacks were sad to see, and I do have another drawing idea based on that scene where she instinctively releases the Wretch. I do find it funny how the temporary solution to him was malicious compliance though lol
Speaking of the Wretch, nice to see Vicky getting more used to using it and learning to cooperate with it. Wonder what she can do with it if/when she gets full control? Bigger forcefield that can fight will be a lot more useful once it’s not fighting everything that gets too close.
Chris’ forms are certainly… something. He’s like Beast Boy except the shard used eldritch horror and books like All Tomorrows as a catalog for the forms. I’d try drawing them but I’m not even that great at regular animals, much less… banana thing.
Beast of Burden when he provokes the girl who blasts holes in people and she blasts a hole in him 🤯
Nice scenes with Ashley all around, lots of complexity to that one. She’s like Goth flavor Rachel (and now I’m seeing why the ship of her and Victoria is popular)
March! Still not sure what to make of her yet. Helped Rain, sure. But also, nemesis of Foil and kidnapped Parian one time. But also also, really cool power in terms of visuals. Imagine if Foil got the anime version of Sting and Worm ended with Scion getting depression-stunned into a Judgement Cut instead of a bolt.
What’s with the trend in cape names in Ward? Like we’ve got people who sound like names/subtitles for Dark Souls bosses (“Lord of Loss”, “End of Days”, etc.). Not opposed to it, just wonder if the post-apocalypse got people to break out the dramatic names.
Quick little detour away from the Fallen to let us know Cauldron’s still kicking, though seems Teacher’s taking over while actual founding Cauldron members were on “break”. Congrats to Citrine and Number Man on the marriage and their family of a couple identical clones of himself.
“Someone’s gotta represent the fourth”. Great twist, but also poor Tohu and Bohu. Who’s gonna rep them? Would they get a shared cult or individual ones?
And so one of four in the Mall Cluster falls. It’s interesting we get a sort of afterlife scene, with Snag free from the cluster/shard influence and still able to communicate to some degree with his clustermates (though muted whenever he tried to tell them not to kill each other lmao). And an ominous ending damn
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 5 months ago
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Remember those other 3 times I turned sekai characters into dinos (L/N MMJ VBS) I'm back with more of that crap i know Wanshow fans just looove their AUs so maybe this will appeal to a whole 3 people instead of 2 people this time
explanation for my picks below the cut
Tsukasa is a Styracosaurus because I made Saki a Stellosaurus which is another ceratopsian and also its frill is like vaguely star shaped kinda sorta not really
I don't have much to say about him so can i just mention how awful that Stellasaurus drawing is.
Yeah only recently did i start figuring out how the fuck to draw decent ceratopsians I am so sorry (the struggle is real i almost accidentally gave tsukasa 2 left feet here i swear i know what i'm doing)
I should redo that Saki at some point, girl deserves so much better than that wonkey crap. speaking of ceratopsians i opted out of giving him protofeathers unlike Saki idk they just didn't look right on him you can kinda go either way with most ceratopsians so i just do it when the vibe fits and don't when the vibe doesn't fit
Rui is a Troodon because Troodons are often associated with intelligence because they have the biggest brain to skull ratio of any dino, there's kinda no real way to know how intelligent dinos were but troodon just has the reputation of the smart dinosaur and people often depict them using tools like how crows do and that's like kinda like how rui does robot stuff, he also just fits the raptor shape sorta i feel like raptors have that sorta look to them that is like a similar vibe to the one Rui has, even tho Rui is the tallest character in sekai I feel like he's a mid sized dinosaur, does that make sense? no, but it does to me and i make the rules he's also 100% a feathered dino so it fits
Speaking of Troodon all you 2 paleo nerds reading this are getting war flashbacks from the name Troodon because Troodon itself has a interesting history of being a "wastebasket taxon" which is nerd talk for "scientists just threw a bunch of vaguely similar animals into this one category and didn't consider that maybe this was like 5 different animals and what would be the long term consequences of doing that" yes this is a thing that has happened enough times that there is a word for it
that shit still as of now isn't sorted out I don't think, I at least based my Troodon off the big one from Alaska that literally does not have a fucking name and is just like "the Alaska Troodon". I feel like the size fits and imma be real its the Troodon you see everywhere in media these days because its big and cool and it lived with Pachyrhinosaurus and Nanuqsaurus and also people like it cuz drawing dinosaurs in the snow is fucking awesome (boom i just tricked you into learning paleontology history)
Emu is an Archeopteryx because Emu is supposed to be like a phoenix and Archeopteryx could probably fly or glide or smth it's general considered like "the first bird" so like yeah (now that i think about it i could've made her pyroraptor cuz of the name but also she doesn't fit the vibes of a raptor at all i guess pyroraptor has the whole fire bird thing from its name) Emu would also be a small feathered dinosaur for sure so it fits in that sense too.
Nene is a Stegosaurus because the plates kinda look like her hair thing and her outfit in general and i feel like nene would have those tail spikes for some reason idk it just fits her energy, she'd def be a herbivore as well i feel. Also i personally just associate stegosaurus with the color green personally idk why (at first i was thinking she would be iguanodon because that's another dinosaur that's green in my head but she has like nothing in common with iguanodon lmao)
I guess nenerobo would be an Ankylosaurus than because that would like probably be the logical robot version of a stegosaurus maybe idk would nenerobo exist in this universe, you decide idk
i guess next one is that last one unless i wanna redo the vocaloids in this style or redraw saki at some point or whatever see you whenever that happens in however long it takes
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How did Riv find out about Saint's third eye? Also I find it kind of wild how they think the colony would care about their 'unusual features' when Riv is literally some kind of salamander hybrid slugcat or something like that lmao (not that I blame Saint for it, given their anxiety) ... though hypnotizing their way into the colony on the otherhand...
The first question will be answered later, (I’m too lazy to draw rn sorry lol) but I’m gonna ramble about the second thing you said now! I love rambling ✨
They think that the colony would hate them for not looking like normal slugcats because of things like in these two examples (from an old comic featuring one of Inv’s flashbacks) that were said to them when they were younger.
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In the comic (don’t go look at it the art is so old lol) Inv says that they’re going to run away and find a nice slugcat family to adopt them, and Bountiful’s response is to basically call them a freak. When the thought of being driven out or killed for their odd appearance doesn’t scare Inv enough, she turns to posing the question of if Inv will leave Saint alone with her (not safe) or take them out into a dangerous world that will hate them (also not safe). By making Inv think that running away will get Saint hurt just as much as leaving them unprotected with her would, she makes it so both Inv and Saint stay with her.
Of course, eventually they both ran away anyways, but the idea that they’ll be hated for their appearances is still firmly implanted in their heads. Despite the colony’s obvious diversity, they’re still scared that they’re too different.
But, they’re starting to grow away from that internalized idea of “we’re not normal (derogatory)” and are heading more in a “nobody’s normal (positive)” direction! Inv’s best friend, Riv, was the first to know about the siblings’ true appearances, and had the polar opposite reaction to what Bountiful had said would happen. Riv though that they both looked very cool, and was confused as to why they’d ever hide that. The siblings are starting to question what they were taught, but still think it’s too risky to be themselves.
The growth is visible in the banner change btw! In the current banner, Saint is wearing a bandanna instead of a hat. The bandanna shows a lot more of their face, but it still hides their third eye. Inv’s wearing their sunglasses on their forehead in the new banner, not covering their eyes. It isn’t that big of a change, but you can still see that they’re not hiding quite so much of themselves anymore. :3
(Inv doesn’t realize they were ever manipulated by Bountiful, by the way. They think that Bountiful was crazy manipulative with Saint, but never bothered with them. While it’s true that she manipulated Saint more, Inv wasn’t spared from her influence. It’s definitely something that will be part of their arc later, so I thought I’d throw this part of their character out there, since I’m not sure if people have picked up on it yet lmao)
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zhuoyichenpretty · 3 months ago
Eps 30-33 Commentary
No meta, just reactions! I have less to say about some eps so I'm combining several episodes worth. To make up for my head-emptiness and lack of meta, I've included more pictures lmao. Spoilers under the cut!
Ep 30:
"You really are pitiful." Li Lun waking up thinking of ZYC's words oooh they did that opening line for Li Lun/ZYC lovers (me)
What a homoerotic way to give the Truth Eye
ZYC and ZYZ having their first drink(s) together here, ZYZ and Li Lun having one last game of chess here. Gay ppl will go “I know a place” and take you to a damp cave and a little stone table in the Wilderness
Oof. The apparent inherence of winning/losing in their activity of choice compared to the drinks that took place here between ZYC and ZYZ. Even with a draw, it’s competitive by nature. If Li Lun knew about the three (very intense, very intimate) toasts that came before in this very spot, I wonder how aggrieved he’d feel.
Ah well there goes the date spot /:
I’m so happy to see LZY (Bai Jiu’s actor) get to fight! His fight scenes in MTJY were awesome and he continues to impress here as well. It’s so fun to watch!
………..to revisit my question from previous commentary about when the grievances against Ying Lei will end, the answer is never ;-;
Damn…For ZYC to promise to spare Li Lun after all that Li Lun has put him through specifically and personally. ZYC really fucking loves ZYZ doesn’t he.
I’m so fucked up over Ying Lei’s last words jesus christ.
ZYC sobbing and feeling the fleeting warmth of the rock Ying Lei was just leaning against…when will the world stop taking away his family members??? His brothers???
That scene of everyone looking at Bai Jiu after Ying Lei dissipates. The fact that he's right there. And it’s like they traded one life for another. The two babies of the group. Goddammit.
Do NOT hit me with Bai Jiu’s actor singing “Broken-Tailed Bird” right now oh my god
So like…regarding ZYZ losing his demonic power, does he still count as the most evil demon of ZYC’s time? Can someone ring Ying Long and ask?
ZYC crybaby oh no I can’t believe he’s crying over ZYZ being so weakened aw I love him
My god, Bai Jiu running after Ying Lei and into ZYC’s arms has to be one of my favorite sequences in the whole show. So so good. So so painful. Between this scene, all the flashbacks, and ZYC’s reaction when he died, I’m at least glad the show is spending so much screen time and significance on Ying Lei’s send-off, even if I’m heartbroken that he’s gone. We couldn’t even have the whole family reunited for one moment.
Also have you ever seen a man so mother?
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No but seriously "Cry if you want...[tears] have to do with our hearts" ZYC my healthy masculinity king!!!
This song fucking hurtssssssssss this cheese (it's buttermilk) hurts everything hurts
I’m glad PSJ gets time and space to react. Her lines about being a mortal and not being needed are so good but also ow!!! And oh WX always knows exactly what to say to her 🥹
I love everything ZYC says to Bai Jiu about each family member (like yeahhh WX is unlucky 😭 and yeaahHH PSJ does need support too) but MAN the way he says ZYZ’s name is so fucking good. The fact that it gets so much emotion across without saying a single word further as he gets interrupted. His voice and his expression both collapsing a little in that moment. Efficiency of acting strikes again.
Is it even possible for ZYC to cherish this little family more?
Yo this dramatic ass lighting on ZYZ and ZYC standing in the doorway. Why y’all need so much drama just to talk? Also oughhhh ZYC’s gaze is a mess looking every which way while discussing WX’s poison. He is such a bad liar (but he looks so good doing it). Is that why they gotta talk about this like ten feet apart so ZYZ can’t see him lying? Lmao
Okay also tho if ZYC's coming around looking like this I am not hearing a single thing he's saying:
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They flashed back to the previous time ZYC held his hand out but cut away from ZYZ taking it this time. Is it bc the absolutely unfettered tension between them can’t pass censors anymore? Haha god but that shot of ZYC slowly meeting ZYZ’s eyes from ZYZ’s POV whewwww we don’t got the skinship but their gazes are kind of insane??? TJR in blue contacts is too powerful I'm shaking somebody needs to stop him.
Ep 31:
Trying so hard not to be driven a little crazy by the lapses in continuity in this show (‘: It’s just tonal and costuming stuff that are a little difficult for me to ignore, just the fact that it’s kind of apparent which scenes were filmed in what order based on their costume/styling changes + the sets, and how sometimes the tone from the previous events don’t smoothly carry over because of this. But it's momentary, I just gotta. Power through.
YO the Pei siblings sparring was so cool and for what. They should have had WX spectating instead of staring at nothing in the previous scene (-:
Damn how long has it been since they played the fun music. Also feels kind of wrong without Ying Lei though fml
Awwww Qing Geng I missed her she’s so cute!! I wasn't doing ep commentaries during her arc so I gotta make up for it here. Her actress is so talented and adorable, and her costuming in this show is stunning!! Her lashes!! Her colors!!
THE TREE BRANCHES lmfaooo ZYC what happened to being worried for ZYZ’s weak body?? We really haven't had a moment like this in so long though (':
Well I do like the reason why WZY had a fake out death, that’s pretty clever and narratively sound, but also oh god what in the AOT??? The inner cores hidden in the medicine is some odious fucking work dear lord
I also like that the endgame is coming about from what initially seemed like another small-time case. Of course the evil physician's huge scheme at the end weaponizes plague and poison and medicine.
Ayeee fun that they used the teleporter on WZY instead of as a getaway
Lmfao ZYC just standing there taking a huge hit of the poison smoke. Poor baby doesn’t watch movies and doesn’t know smoke from a bad guy always means some kind of poison
Why does poisoned!ZYC have such an incredible smokey-eye siren look I’m shook
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After knowing the poison is about indulging in your greatest wishes, the first moment ZYC woke up and approached ZYZ they sure looked like they were about to indulge in something sorry ignore me
The way this is so similar to ZYZ’s imaginings where he and WX always turn around and look at the camera. The show wants censors to believe they’re looking at ZYZ but we've known all along who the third POV is here
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Also why aren’t ZYC’s bro and dad in the wish illusion?
Ohh the eerie instrumental rendition of the OST when ZYC draws his sword is too good. And yesss we were so due for some more crazy dream fuckery like is this real? Is this real??
Ep 32:
The team is spread so thin )-: One man (mountain god) down and a whole town to save and an immortal villain to vanquish.
WZY's eagerness in trying to goad ZYC into killing himself while poisoned is so so sinister goddamn. I love how disturbing it is to slowly realize what he wants without any lines at all
ZYZ shielding ZYC from a huge fucking fireball with just his hand is adorable and sad:
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I already normally love Li Lun's whole leaf-swirly entrances and exits but you know I cheered when he deus ex machina-ed his way here!!! With that bgm too!!!
Li Lun came back to accept ZYC into their throuple. He's had some time to think and yeah he's decided ZYC's kinda hot and maybe shouldn't die or else ZYZ will be sad.
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ZYC's soft and anguished, "Qing Geng" when he realizes she gave him her inner core. That's my bleeding heart hero ;-;
Throuple of the fucking yearrrrrr:
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Spoiler for ep 33/34 but—watching Bai Jiu watch the three of them and realize he can't do anything to help here... It would have been dangerous for him to stay, but I wonder if things could have ended differently ):
Ep 33:
Oughhhhh Pei Siheng ))): The cruel fucking poetry of PSJ, the most emotionally closed-off character, having her heart, her brother, made into her armor. And then to lose him once more.
ZYC proving time and again that his heart is entirely boundless and he'll shelter anyone from the rain and he just wants everyone to live:
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Did not expect MORE ZYC choking now that they're on the same side but yeah Li Lun is not one to let go of a good thing I get it. I'm screaming but I get it. "I'm giving you half my demonic power" yeah right just admit you like doing this dw Li Lun this is a safe space.
Literally what am I watching and also no don't mind me, keep going. Feral over ZYC dropping his hand and letting it happen.
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But lmfao the way Li Lun did not need to be doing all that, like he sends his power out to ZYZ without even making physical contact. He could've just grabbed ZYC by the shoulder.
Can't believe I just keep winning:
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ZYC didn't even know what Li Lun was doing putting his arms around him and he just let it happen. That's some next level trust.
Ah goodbye Li Lun, presumably another victim of the "(ex-)villains can't have good endings" brand of censorship
Oof I love that the initial horror after the seeming victory is reserved first for the simple fact that ZYC and ZYZ are separated, that ZYC can't go to him the way he was intending to. Even when it's unclear yet that WZY is still alive, just the wrongness of them being divided this way is so poignant. ZYC has such a helpless look about him when he says ZYZ's name.
Goddammit WZY saw Li Lun choke ZYC and got ideas.
Oh I love the uncertainty of whether the One-Word Spell works on ZYC or not. ZYZ's sudden and intense fear. Also though WZY tries to use ZYC dying as a deterrent for ZYZ blowing up the barrier but he's literally choking the life out of ZYC as we speak
Bai Jiu's completely unrestrained screaming and crying in pain is so brutal to listen to. His scenes go on forever. Also, the choice of having some of his flashbacks be blurred and vague in the background, once again something privately kept for the character
ZYC holding out his hand to ZYZ a third time ;-; The utter relief of being able to reach each other again paralleling that previous horror of separation.
ZYC physically feeling Bai Jiu's death oh god. We do not get a single moment of happiness and victory in this drama everything is bought with pain and returns pain I hate it here.
Also another post-finale thought (spoilers for the end of the drama)—If ZYZ remained in his weakened state, I really am curious if he would have still met the conditions of the prophecy (ZYC being cursed to kill the most evil demon of his time, if the prophecy is indeed conditional like that, of course). If that could have been a technical loophole, did Li Lun giving both of them his power and then ZYC giving ZYZ his as well basically fulfill it again? I mean, logistically speaking, without that extra power, I'm not sure if ZYZ would have been able to trigger the Baize cycle again (or whatever it is he did to save the town). So the show's final tragedy can be traced all the way back to these moments of giving out of love and protection, just as Bai Jiu being in the perfect place for his final sacrifice came about because ZYC, ZYZ, and Li Lun were trying to protect him and get him out of danger. The way love and grief are so helplessly, inevitably intertwined that one begets the other. They were all just trying to save each other.
On that completely painful note, that's 30-33! And it'll be downhill from here for the next one (-:
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erikiara80 · 2 years ago
Hint in S3 that Joyce and Hopper were probably a couple in the original timeline
At the beginning of S3, Hopper asks Joyce out, but she declines. That evening, she watches an episode of the sitcom Cheers where a woman named Diane (like Hopper’s wife), tells her friend that a man, Frasier, asked her to marry him after he drank some Chianti. 
Screenshots credits to @chirpsythismorning​ Tagging you too @lilitblaukatz​ and @shippingfangirl013​ 
In the sitcom, Diane leaves Frasier at the altar. Joyce never shows up at the restaurant. And she and Hopper have been separated by everything, from evil scientists to time manipulation. 
But it’s the name Diane and the mention of Chianti, imo, the hint that Hopper and Joyce were together, and that they were a family at some point in the past.
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Then there’s a flashback of Joyce and Bob. When I rewatched this scene, knowing what we know now about Vecna and timelines/time loop theories, I nearly spat out my tea.
Bob: They’re funny. I just wish they’d just get back together again already (Joyce: Me too)
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He doesn’t say I hope they get together soon. They were a couple in the past. And Diane and Hopper had a child...
Also, in 3x02 Hop gets really drunk with Chianti. 
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But there are many other hints.
Some of my favorite
This one is insane, lmao.
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Joyce’s line in one of the S1 flashbacks: I don’t know who’s been raising you. Then the transition from Will’s drawing (the fireballs/cabbages) to a close up of Hopper’s eyes.
All the Will-Sara parallels in S1. But especially this one. It’s like Hopper is watching Will dying here.
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Joyce calling Will, then Hopper. It’s interesting, because it really seems like she’s saying Will Hopper.
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In 2x04, Will tells Joyce and Hopper that now he knows things that he never did before, and has memories that aren’t his memories. He’s talking about the possession, but if Jopper were together and then they were separated because of a time loop or brainwashing, this scene could be another way to hinting at the truth.
Also: My theory is that Sara is an altered memory and is actually Will or the combination of Will and El, Hopper’s kids, that the lab made him believe he lost. MKUltra was known for this kind of brainwashing.
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Twin imagery. In every season. And always connected to Will, El, Joyce and Hopper. I think Jon is really Lonnie’s son-the reason he’s the only one who mentions him. And that Lonnie is the “Biff” of Stranger Things.
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I also love that in S3 and S4 Hoppr and Joyce keep saying things like Let’s call our children, our kids are in danger... I mean, it makes sense, but IF Joyce and Hopper are Will and El’s parents, when we’ll rewatch the show, we’ll realize that the truth has always been there, from the beginning, like David said. And it’s beautiful.
Not a Willel twin post, but here some gifs of those moments: Joyce, Jim and their kids
The school scenes have so many hidden hints
Like the Wright Bros visual aid. So, Will and El are the (W)right bros. But we already know that they’re siblings. El lives with the Byers. Nothing new. So why these hidden hints if it’s something we already know? 
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Another very interesting visual aid. Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the father of microbiology. One of his main discoveries: spermatozoa. But there’s more. The shirt of the kid behind Will. Maybe I’m delusional, but doesn’t it look like a DNA filament? 
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So, the (W)right Bros, DNA filaments, the father of microbiology, Will and El, all in the same shot. 
More hints because, why not?
A hidden hint at Will and Hopper connection at the end of S3 and S4
And after another mention of Chianti in 4x09, Joyce and Hopper almost make out in Russia and then they’re twinning.
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This post about MKUltra, Joyce and Terry 
Also this post  
This one about El and the blonde sisters, or this one
March 22. Will’s birthday. Joyce says it twice. This could be a reference to Henry, who’s possessing Will in S2. But maybe it’s also a hint that another kid was born on that day? El?
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Twin imagery everywhere. I’m sure it’s also related to the Martin/Richard Brenner and Henry/Edward mystery, and maybe a hint at different timelines. But Hopper, Joyce and their kids have been front and center from episode one. So this is about them too. It’s all connected.
And speaking of Russia and making out, lol.
At the beginning of S4, Joyce opens the doll that Murray says could be pregnant with an explosive device. A mom with her kids, a boy and a girl, stare at her, confused. 
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A few episodes later, Owens says this: 
‘It’s a fancy bomb. We used to store them in these silos, but we haven’t used this one in years. In fact, there is no bomb here at all. So we repurposed it to hold something much more powerful than a missile. You.’ Oh, after jokes about working out of a shed.
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So, Joyce has a doll that could be pregnant with a bomb but isn’t. And then we learn that one of the silos that were used to store bombs has been repurposed for El, who’s not a bomb but something more powerful.
Here the post
And the doll is actually “pregnant” with the proof that Hopper is alive. 
Imo, the mention of pregnancy connects Joyce, Hopper and El. And the boy and the girl that stare at Joyce when she breaks the doll could mean that Joyce was pregnant with two powerful children.
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tashacee · 1 year ago
Adding onto the AoC idea, the Chain ending up in the actual AoC universe (rather than just the same era from his own past) and Wild going to explain that look! baby him!, only to realise that this is some weird parallel version of his world where things just aren't quite the same (his own mildly tragic backstory, tampered with? An outrage?) And so he abandons Mission Explain Self entirely just to figure out how this version of him won the first time around
It takes a while of madly sprinting around playing tragic charades (and Wild internally screeching because why is sign just slightly different enough here that communication is still a struggle???) to figure out the key differences between their worlds:
1. Age didn't find the Master Sword in AoC until he was an adult, days before the Calamity and after all the Champions were chosen (Wild freaks out because how did Age miss it??? It was yelling at him for weeks from that random scary forest when he was 12???)
2. Zelda never hated Link because he didn't have the sword until they were already basically friends (Wild is visibly offended Age never had to deal with this too but also happy they could be friends immediately)
3. EVERYONE IS ALIVE??? (Wild starts sobbing as soon as he sees one of the champions. He seriously considers murdering the King. The Chain is Concerned)
4. (Optional angst) Guardians
5. (Optional angst pt. 2) It's only when they're leaving, literally stepping through the portal, that Wild realises there's probably also an ancient Ganondorf sealed away under Hyrule here, too. It's too late to warn them by then, even if he could communicate effectively, so once through to the other side he ends up just praying to whoever will listen that the other stories of Ganon are true, the ones where the Calamity is just an echo of a king long dead, from the era of the Hero of Time (he doesn't scream after praying for once and now the Chain is even more worried)
Sorry for the long ask! The differences in canon between BotW's backstory and AoC's fascinate me because it isn't even a regular timeline split, Terrako really was just out here creating weird alternate realities with the perfect new backstory that would make his mission work (and let the devs make a cool Master Sword cutscene they wouldn't be able to do with the actual BotW backstory without flashbacks to even tinier Link lmao. I can and will talk about the time travel in this series for way too long if anyone lets me).
Age never had to deal with the level of pressure Wild did as a result, and everyone was just way nicer to each other because they all had each other from the beginning of this little adventure for support (ignoring the ten years before that where Zelda was Struggling, her dad still sucks)
Also of course you can use the screaming after praying thing if you like! -Farosh :D
Age is seventeen, I reckon, and in comparison to Wild, is tiny. Even though he is a legitimate, fully fledged Hero in his own right, Wild goes out of his way to protect him, to the extent that it almost starts to chafe.
Still, Age can't bring himself to be mad when he finally starts to understand Wild and gets to know him better. Here is this Random Cat Boi who just is weirdly delighted that he didn't draw the sword until (in his opinion) it was almost too late? That he is just so happy that Age is friends with Zelda? And he looks at the Champions like they're walking miracles?
He'd almost be embarrassed if he wasn't so fond of Wild and if he wasn't so very good to him. He figures that Wild must be from the Sheikah Golden Age, given how much he knows about their technology - although it's more than a little alarming to see how violently he reacts when he sees a guardian.
(Age notices how Wild's hand drifts to the scars on his chest as it patrols past him and wonders if they could have lost control of their armies in the ancient times, if they could have turned against their hero)
(He doesn't bring it up because he's not rude, but he does go out of his way to quietly make sure Wild doesn't have to see the guardians (which is hard because Wild seems determined to show him all the best ways to kill one (they manage)))
As they leave Wild begins to pray harder than he ever has prayed before, begging the goddess to protect Age, to keep him safe. The Chain don't know how to respond to his sudden change in demeanour, but Wild just finishes his prayer and moves on.
A few months later they end up back in Age's era and he immediately runs up to greet Wild, pulling him into a huge hug. "Thank you!" he whispers into his ear.
Turns out that in his panic as he left through the portal, he turned around and managed to knock something over. Something old and ancient, and it revealed a passage. A passage into an old room full of a lot of tablets in ancient Zonai tablets. Enough for them to piece together what is underneath the castle, to prepare and to destroy it before it can hope to rise again.
And somehow, although it is an accident, Age knows that it is nothing short of divine intervention, and knows that Wild is behind it.
Happy endings all round I love these boys so much
...okay i may have an Age chapter now
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richonnesbitch · 11 months ago
I wish both TWD back in the day and now TOWL would also acknowledge Andre a bit/a bit more. Like, why not have a portrait of Andre drawn by Jadis (I know, I know, f*ck her - but since it was something she was doing in those 5min she was Anne…)? Or what if we saw that Michonne also got a (phone) drawing of Andre? Or what if Andre was included in the flashbacks in ep6? She sees her kids after picking up that teddy bear. Why not Andre? I fully understand not using Andre too much because we, the audience, didn’t know him so it’s not the same emotional connection and doesn’t have the same effect as invoking Carl for example. And it does go with the character of Michonne. She isn’t the type to talk constantly about her dead son(s). But I do find the almost complete lack of acknowledgment a bit… bizarre. (And I wouldn’t need for it to be something explicit, it could be that we see in the background of a scene that there’s a portrait of Andre for example. But nothing…?)
I was thinking the same thing!!! Like Andre use to be a huge part of Michonne and it seems like they completely forgot about him. I'm sure there were some mentions of him, but maybe those mentions got deleted. Regardless, it's really weird???? Like that's just as much her son as the other kids are but we only ever hear about Carl. And that's no disrespect to Carl because obviously I love him but Andre was her firstborn you know? You would figure she said SOMETHING about him.
Also, I do think TWD did a decent job of acknowledging Andre. The way they did it I sometimes didn't agree with (I'm talking about her telling Negan about him 🤢) at least he got mentioned. It really pisses me off we got to see Michonne talk about Andre with Negan of all people instead of her husband. TWD was so fucked up for a lot of reasons. I need to stop now before I give my spiel about how awful Michonne was treated on there lmao. Tbh, it's the reason I quit the show.
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seafearing · 2 months ago
ahh watched small things like these, spoilers, long rambles and such under
i really loved it; a small indie, understated and with a lot of tension to it. pretty much what i expected from an irish indie after having read the book as well. loved the childhood flashbacks, the child actor looked so alike older bill. it was really excellent casting, especially on a film like this with the allusions to how alike he looks to ned both as a child and older. i'll probably have to rewatch some point to take in all the details since i was watching pretty tired with my eye hurting lmao, but i still enjoyed it a lot. i loved the family dynamics and how they were shown with so little along with bill and eileen's relationship. it felt very lifelike, like a coat worn a thousand times. looved eileen walsh in this.
and the end where bill took back to the coal shed with the bag of fancy new shoes in his hand, implied that it's paid by the Mother since she paid for their christmas as manipulation to shut him up, it's the details like that that i really enjoyed, that bag in his hand is understated but says a lot
what i wasn't the hugest fan of was emily watson tbh, i didn't think her accent work the best, though she brought in a great presence. i read a review which implied that it's a bit of a cop out to have the part of the villain be played by a british actor and the inherent distancing to what irish people did in irish society in that. i can't say from the pov of the irish obviously, but her voice stuck out to me as less natural in the sea of irish voices in the film and took me out a bit. surprised she was longlisted for a bafta for this role
i loved cillian's acting in this but also i had the sense from reading the book that bill is more subterfuged, his thoughts not as visible on his face, but more underwater, under several layers of suppression. and i know cillian can do that, so ig it's a difference in interpretation. i am a book fan first after all. the stuttered, slow speech was at times a bit slower than felt natural in some way, idk, or maybe i'm just responding to how unnerved the film made me. since it did pack a punch as well though and it did make me tear up and remind me of the kind of quiet men from my childhood. i'll have to rewatch and see if i think differently
some things could have been more understated for me as well, like the mirroring of bill's mother sarah and the sarah in the coal shed. we already found out early on that bill's mother was called sarah and the scene where we find out the name of the girl in the coal shed was impactful for drawing the comparison, so i thought having the shot of the name on the grave wasn't needed. just stuff like that i'd prefer to be left more subtle because they pack more of a punch like that or give the viewer something more to discover on a second viewing
but i also appreciate that not everyone will notice details like that, and im not saying that im the absolute sharpest tool in the shed, but just judging by some reviews, some people didn't understand what i thought very straightforward and clear narratives in the film
like one reviewer said they didn't understand why the film just dropped the storyline with bill's oldest daughter and what happened to her and called the film disjointed for that. the scenes with bill's oldest daughter belied his fears from his pov; we don't know if something might have happened to her or would happen to her, and we're not supposed to know as the tension of him fearing for his daughters is a part of the film
i loved that the movie so clearly didn't portray him as a hero. he was processing being born out of wedlock and the death of his mother along with the absence of his father, a disjointed childhood that makes him dissociate through the film, and not saying that the compassion he felt for sarah redmond wasn't true, and yes, she's the only one who directly asks for him to help her, but the film clearly presents another layer as to why she is the only one in the convent that he hones in on. she mirrors his mother, they even have the same name. he thinks, if his mother wasn't helped, where would i be. (and what a thought that is looking through the lense of 2025 and the discoveries of the hundreds of buried babies and children in Tuam's convent's septic tanks etc) like there's altruism and compassion, following a sense of what's right and personal morality, but also a kind of self-centeredness to that, and i thought it mirrors how men are being told to relate to women: what if it was your mother, your daughter, your wife, because "what if this woman was a human being" isn't accessible enough. and that's really what i enjoy about the movie as well, because i took it as commentary on that, mirrored from 1980s to this day. and kind of sad how this is so important even today to see a man not be able to take a woman being abused in society, even if it's then through the literal lense of: what if this was your mother and in your breakdown this is your mother
i thought it ended perfectly as well in that silence as bill brings sarah out. you just know it won't end well for her and after the film mainly focusing on his breakdown, finally at the end we are faced with reality, and that's when the story ends. pretty perfect.
did have my stomach kind of drop at that uncharasteristic silence in the lively house full of girls being the end. and then the text of the movie being dedicated to so many women's suffering in the convents. fade to black indeed.
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strqyr · 2 years ago
I've been sooo back and forth on Summer willingly joining Salem tbh. I mean, given what Salem said to Ruby in v7 ("your mother said those words to me etc") it doesn't make a ton of sense? UNLESS Summer did go there to stop her but was defeated or tortured a bunch or Salem threatened her family, idk
Even with the v9 flashback there's still so much mystery to Summer that it could literally go either way. Raven give us answers I'm frothing at the mouth over here
i completely understand the feeling. there's definitely a bunch of arrows pointing at all kinds of directions, so what it really comes down to for me is figuring out 1. which ones are potential red herrings, and 2. would they spell out the answer before the big reveal?
it was the same with 'is this alyx?' i read a lot of theories about who might have been ascended alyx, and i could see the logic behind them all, if some more than the others... and then it turns out that alyx was just alyx, never ascending and becoming someone else.
that alone makes me lean towards the option that if summer is alive—which is looking likely, i don't think they would avoid saying she's dead for so long only for her to actually be dead—she's going to be recognizably herself. then there's also like. the way the writers do mysteries is less about drawing attention to things that need explanation and more about introducing something and leaving it to stew in the background while distracting the audience with something else.
and that gets me to the questions like 1. why does salem have two extra seats at the table? 2. who at beacon was she talking to via a seer, a method of communication we've only seen happen between two people? and 3. salem wants ruby brought to her alive (despite cinder wanting her dead, and tyrian thought she was sending him to kill her at first) and let's yang and her friends go (despite the grimm arms holding through hazel punching her!! it's one thing if the punch had caused them to disappear but that's not what happened!!) after yang identifies summer as her mom. why?
i think the biggest stumbling block people have over summer working for salem willingly is that they see it as summer being suddenly Evil™ when that's. not the point lol. i mean i wouldn't complain if it was, i love my evil ladies very much, but to me it's more about summer learning what salem's end goal actually is, making a choice for what she considers a better option, while also holding to her morals as much as she can: she has not partaken in any of the destruction directly, if she's commanding the grimm at beacon she's keeping them there instead of letting them spread to vale after the initial attack, and would have made a deal with salem that her family comes to no harm.
what you end up is a character with complexities, who has made difficult choices and stuck with them. sure, her lying and keeping secrets already covers some of that but also... it would be kind of boring if those are her biggest flaws narratively like c'mon, that's the whole cast right there, that's like the bare minimum lmao give me more to chew on.
i'm so ready for raven to gives us answers but i'm also fully prepared to spam the 'where's the rest of it' gif right after cos i bet she bailed right before summer's fate was sealed.
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nicoappreciation · 2 years ago
thots on tsats
okay this is gonna be very long and extremely rambly and not very planned out ok? ok. spoilers under the cut
FINE. I LIKED IT. WHATEVER. hit me with a car.
obviously there were parts of it that i didn't like. obviously there were moments that i felt were out of character. nevertheless, i had a lot of fucking fun while reading it. i love nico and overall i'd say i'm happy with where the story leaves him. yes, this book's existence is extremely unnecessary. but i appreciate it for what it is.
okay let's get the main things i didn't like out of the way:
nico would NOT know who lil nas x is. also why was the montero music video mentioned in a book for middle schoolers.
i understand the role that nyx is meant to play in the story and the message of it but idk i kinda wish they did her character a bit differently. she really reminded me of white diamond from steven universe i'm so sorry.
speaking of nyx that WHOOOLE weird "our children" thing with nico and the cacodemons. that made me very uncomfortable.
last nyx complaint the final confrontation with her ended pretty anticlimactically. kinda like with gaea, it felt like the way to defeat her was a little too simple. but y'know i haven't really been satisfied by a final battle since tlo so. that's just how it is.
it felt like will was kiiiiinda useless for a lot of it. obviously he was important for the story but i wish they had let him do some more cool stuff besides occasionally shooting some light lasers. i get he's a healer but why didn't he bring a WEAPON??? like at the very least he could have had a bow or a knife. y'know we haven't really had a character who uses a blunt force weapon as their main one besides hedge. i would've liked to see will with just a baseball bat or something LMAO.
kind of an add-on to the last one i think that will was nerfed wayyy too much. it makes sense that the underworld would weaken him, but it sometimes felt like they were stopping every five minutes to let him rest. we've seen before that he's quite strong and athletic, i just feel like he should've had a bit more stamina.
there were a few dialogue moments that sounded like they came from some extremely online gay teenager and not nico and will. "bisexual chaos" haunts me. he would not fucking say that.
NO HAZEL APPEARANCE and NO REYNA MENTION. this is the worst one.
i feel like tartarus should've been more physically dangerous. like they fought some monsters here and there and the terrain was hard to navigate but most of the dangers that they dealt with were more mental/emotional. you could argue that we got the physical danger from percy and annabeth's journey so that's why this one focuses more on the mental danger and i could see why you'd think that. but idk sometimes it felt like it was a little toooo easy y'know.
there were some parts of the backstories and flashbacks that were inconsistent with the previous books, like nico saying he spent weeks at camp half blood when he first arrived when he was actually there for only one. but continuity errors are just par for the course with these books at this point so it honestly doesn't bother me too much. we make our own canon.
i'm not a fan of the name cocoa puffs. i feel like they could've come up with something better.
i'm sure there are more that i'm forgetting, but those are my main gripes. okay now onto the things that i liked!!!!
the book was fun. it was just fun. there were some jokes that i genuinely laughed at and there weren't really any points that felt like a slog to read through. i was pretty consistently entertained the whole time.
WILL AND NICO WERE CUTE OKAY. THEY WERE CUTE. maybe this is just 12-year-old me talking but i sincerely found their relationship very sweet. it's abundantly clear how much they both care about each other and what they're willing to do to protect each other. they mean a lot to me okay.
i want to specifically draw attention to the part where it was revealed that nico gave will his skull ring and now he wears it on a necklace. absolutely devastated me. changed my life. people died. in a good way.
I LOVEDDDD the tension and conflict that will and nico had between them for most of the book. it made their relationship so much more believable to me! they haven't even been together for a year! they're complete opposites! they had very different upbringings! they're in an INCREDIBLY STRESSFUL AND DANGEROUS SITUATION in an environment that is literally designed to dig up their biggest frustrations and insecurities! they're going to clash and have fights and have very different worldviews that they need to work through. that doesn't make them a bad couple like i've seen some people say. tell me you've never had a loved one say something hurtful or ignorant to you. tell me you've never said something hurtful or ignorant to a loved one. you can't! because you have! but if you love each other you talk about it and work through it and try your best to understand each other!!!!!!
adding to the last one i like how the conflict got resolved by will realizing he needs to put in more effort to understand nico and nico realizing he needs to open up more to allow will to understand him. open and honest communication and a willingness to be vulnerable babey!!! if you want to be loved you have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known!!!!!!!
I LOVED. THE DREAM SEQUENCES. they all went so hard. some of them were downright disturbing. good shit.
even if they had some continuity errors, i enjoyed the flashback scenes and the backstories. we got quite a lot more than i thought we would. i was not expecting to see the entirety of nico's first journey through tartarus. it hurt me a lot.
i think it's cute they're making it canon that nico and will knew of each other since pjo. they were in each other's orbit before they even knew it. it actually got me thinking about some of my own relationships. i have a friend i knew back when i was 4 who i completely forgot about for years, only for us to reconnect by chance when we were 12 and be best friends ever since. i have a friend who was a vague acquaintance of mine for years, but then one day we somehow started talking more and now they're one of the closest friends i've ever had. idk. something about meeting someone once at the wrong time and then again at the right one.
nico was very cool. he was also a massive dweeb. he can do both. i love him.
i like the cacodemons as a very literal metaphor for learning to live with your trauma and the "worst" parts of yourself. celeste vibes dare i say. also nico just has a bunch of lil guys following him around now and i think that's neat.
fuck man. i like seeing nico be happy. i like seeing him in a happy relationship with someone he loves and who loves him just as much. i like that he's still learning to let go of his grief and move on. i like that he's hopeful at the end of the book that he can actually find happiness. he's always been one of the most tragic characters in the pjo-verse and it's so nice to see him just being HAPPY.
despite how hard to believe it was i did really like the little dream scene with the whole di angelo family. nico got to talk to bianca and maria one last time, he got to hug his dad, he finally got to rest for a bit. it was very cathartic and i maybe cried.
this book's message was very clearly for young queer kids who don't have everything figured out yet. you're allowed to change. you don't have to always be one thing. your past doesn't define you. you can find love. you can have hope. no matter how badly written you believe the story is, no matter how inconsistent you believe the characterization is, it's hard to deny how important these messages are and how badly some kids need to hear them. if the book has one redeeming quality, it's this.
so. yeah. i liked it. i had a good time. there's more that i could say but i would honestly just end up adding onto this forever. people who don't like the book have plenty of valid reasons to feel that way, even if i may not agree with some of them. at the end of the day, this story and these characters are not real. please be nice to each other and try not to take things too seriously. we're all just a bunch of late teens and young adults reading a book series for middle schoolers, and i think that's beautiful. thank you for reading if you actually made it this far, i know it was a lot. peace and love on planet earth.
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calciumcryptid · 8 months ago
CalciumWatches: Wandee Goodday Episode Four Live Reactions
No sexy opening? Damn.
No! Yak! Begone nightmares!
The whiplash of going from that to the ass-shaking intro.
Ter? Why are you thinking about Dee?
Get away from him, you bastard. >:|
Ter, why would you engage in a verbal battle with a psychiatrist?
Kwan, you are too good for him. >:|
Good for you Yak, bragging about fucking your "boyfriend".
Go away Ter! You had your chance.
Wait, I thought "The Devil" was a fandom nickname. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS MAN LIVES AT 666??? LMAO.
Go away Ter! You had your chance!
I forgot weight classes are a thing in boxing.
Taemrak mention! <3
Wandee helping Yak with his crush. This won't go wrong.
Did Wandee just hand Yak a knife? Lol.
Wandee is getting distracted. Please pay attention.
Cher! Yei! CherYei!
Wait, why isn't Yei participating in boxing competitions anymore?
Oh, brotherly tension, my favorite.
Cher clocked the necklace!
These two need to stop having sexy flashbacks of each other.
Yak. Buddy. Are you okay?
Taem! <3
Jealousy. Jealousy.
I love the musical humor in Thai media.
Sorry Yak, I don't think she is into you.
Ohm seems like a good guy.
Taem clocked the necklace.
Seriously Yak, you have to take back the necklace.
Wandee, Taem's job seems like tutoring. Of course she would help Yak with his assignments if she tutors in her spare time.
Oh my gods, they are in a sauna together.
These two are so bad at being friends with benefits.
Why does it seem like Wandee is gearing up for a panic attack?
LMAO! Not CherYei peeking in on them.
CherYei my favorite married couple.
Please fuck on the pool table.
A shower is good too.
Kao really is the asexual of all time.
Kao drawing lingerie is so real. I love him.
KaoDee Friendship <3
Kao gives the best advice. Wandee, you got your heart broken. Try to hold off your heart as you work to recover from Ter's rejection.
GO AWAY TER-Oh wait that is Yak. Nevermind. Give me a moment, Ter and Yak look similar when their hair is pulled back like that.
Dee, what did Kao just say?
I hate to give a point to the devil here, but it is a little suspicious Yak showed up when Wandee was having rumors circle.
Ter? What bullshit is this? Wandee, don't fall for it. You've got a boxer on your arm. You don't need him. Where is Kao when you need him, some on my funky asexual-
Yes! You go Wandee! Kick him to the curb!
Oh no, did your charms not work? Boo hoo. Piss off Ter.
I love this gym, they're so fun. <3
Wandee, guys like Ter aren't smart or sneaky they're just used to being handed things they didn't work for.
Please tell me they're going to do a fake psychiatrist visit to Kao, and Kao is going to recommend the furry stuff. Please.
Honestly, so valid of the gym members to let Dee stay.
They're staging photos. <3
Cute photos, not staring into space.
Yak, you need to stop nearly kissing him.
Ter, why must you curse every moment?
I will say, Thailand doesn't fuck around when it comes to casting siblings. I totally believe Thor and Great could be siblings.
CherYei's silent conversations.
Yei: Don't go overboard with your late nigh activities. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.
Oh, cute little study session together. <3
Ter. He isn't even your ex. Why are you asking like this?
Kwam. Run. Run far, far, far away.
Actually, Kwam. I know a great university student-
I forgot about the boxing competition side of this.
Wandee. You are so bad at this friends with benefits thing.
Kao is the best character in this series.
The fucking animal accessories.
Doctor Plakao you will always be famous.
I'm glad this series portrays sex as fun, as it should be.
Damn, already proposing?
Oh, we are talking about HPV! Cool.
What is this? A condom commercial?
Oh wow, this is a full on psa.
Lmao. It is a vaccine, Yak.
P'Golf, you will always be famous.
The preview is looking a little fruity. :/
Hell yeah, theme song again!
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songofstrawhats · 1 year ago
Okay I just finished reading Alabasta and here are my thoughts!!!
Okay I see why people like Vivi so much, and also why people ship her with Nami, they are extremely cute. Reading about her in fic I was a little like 'idk why people consider her part of the crew so much if she's not with them??' but no I get it now I love her. I'm gonna miss her!!
Usopp!!!! Had so many cool parts!!!!! He's really a very slapstick character and I'm impressed they got him in live action as well as they did even tho I think he was the most changed one. I loved his bit with the hammer, and also the flashback where Nami was getting him to make the climate staff..... where you see him building the hammer before hand!!
Zoro going into a fight like 'cool this'll be a great chance to learn to cut steel' HOW IS HE SO COOL AND ALSO RIDICULOUS and also is this observation haki?? Perhaps???? Idk idk. Also I want an AU where Zoro ate the sword fruit I'm just saying
Chopper is so good and any time any of the crew is interacting with him is so good. Love Zoro scrubbing his fur in the bath!!!!!
Okay so Crocodile is literally just Captain Hook with all the Crocs and the clock shots and the hook, does this make Luffy Peter Pan? Because accurate tbh
Also rip bird guy you were so cool bird guy idk your name but I love your style
Also all their outfits were so cute this arc!!! Esp Luffy!!!!! I wanna draw himmmm
I fucking love the den den mushis and also the running gag with them and Sanji, good stuff. I kept forgetting who was and wasn't with the group so when he called while everyone else was stuck in the cage I was like OH RIGHT lmao
The Supersonic Duck Squad are absolutely not making it into live action but I love them and also their new camel buddy SO MUCH
ALSO shout-out to Smoker omg I now see why people were so excited about the teaser at the end of opla, although I def agree with my sister that 'he is going to invent new kinds of lung cancer' lmao
There is so much more politics than I expected there to be in one piece!!!! The diagrams of where all the different factions were at all the different times were EXTREMELY necessary
okay so I knew from fic that Robin just sort of shows up on the ship and Luffy is like 'yeah sure you can join our crew'. NOT ONE PERSON MENTIONED THE MUTUAL LIFESAVING BEFOREHAND!!!!! SHE SAVED HIM AND HE SAVED HER AND THEIR FATES ARE ALIGNED SHE HAS THROWN IN HER LOT WITH THEIRS!!!! Like idk what her deal is but I'm willing to see where this goes!!!!!
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sleepis4theweak · 1 year ago
FLASHBACK AU QUESTIONS, YOU SAY? FLASHBACK AU QUESTIONS YOU SHALL RECEIVE (Or at least somewhat related to the au questions...)!!
How did you originally come up with the story? Have you planned it out? Have you made any changes since you first thought of it?
What's your fav Mikey dynamic? Do you think it shows in the comic? My personal fav is PB & J duo :>>
Who's your least favorite character in the comic to draw?
Who's your favorite character to draw?
Where did Madame Bishop (I forgot her name- she had one didn't she?..was it Joanne? MAN I HAVE AMNESIA) get that scar from?
Can we have a sneak peek by any chance? :3
What do you think Madame Bishop (...yeah might be Joanne...) would have been like in the doomed timeline?
ALRIGHT THAT'S ALL I CAN THINK OF, I'LL LEAVE YOU OFF WITH A PUN : Have you heard of the theory that no two people see color the same? I guess that would mean color is just a pigment of our imagination 🤔
1- This was honestly supposed to be a two part comic. The entire au is based off of experiences I have had (minus the whole dying part of course) with my cousins and or brother. The first part was about Donnie and Mikey- and Mikey having the puppy dog eyes that Donnie couldn't do. That was about my cousin! It was supposed to just be like oh look Mikey can do puppy eyes. And then I saw something about how kids that struggle with understanding emotions can practice expressions in the mirror sometimes* and was like haha I should add this since it's actually something I used to do as well! THEN I wrote the line about him wanting to be the youngest and I mean... my brain went straight to "now what if Mikey dies"...
I didn't expect people to like it as much as they did tbh... so when people started to really comment on it I was like okay I should bring Mikey back to life... But then it turned into a whole au...
It's almost entirely planned out now! And most comics are still based off of stories of things that have happened with my cousins or brother! (Like how I smashed my cousins legos because I was angry at him.... its a long story lol).
*(It can also be something that kids with autism do... and someone actually pointed it out! ->)
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2- Thats a really hard one... I think my fav has to do with the situation I guess? Or how I'm feeling? But Donnie and Mikey are probably my favorite overall! But only by a teensy tiny bit.
Raph and Mikey are my favorite angst wise, and the ones I can relate to the most. Leo and Mikey are really fun, and I really like using it to explore responsibility.
I think it does show in the comic! I mean I went straight to the PB & J duo- and then with Leo and Mikey I really explored responsibility. With Raph and Mikey it was shorter, but it was a lot more emotional for me personally. And right now Raph and Mikey are really getting the spotlight. Though Leo and Mikey are the main ones in the next update! :)
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4- I think Leo is the easiest to draw, with Mikey coming in second! My favorite to draw though is definitely Mikey. I like his mask tails :) Also he's my favorite in general hehehe
She got that scar from an experiment! Idk which one... but she was experimenting on something and it freaked and scratched her! :3
It isn't too important to the story, but it may add some depth/explanation to some of her reactions later on.
6- ... lemme tell you, I have gotten this ask so many times... BUT CONGRATS I WONT DELETE THE ASK THIS TIME JUST FOR YOU <3
Usually I answer the ask, wait until I'm sure the person sending it saw my response and delete it to keep the mystery alive hehe... but I won't delete this one.
No. Mikey is not gonna stay dead. I mentioned it in the first one, but the comic was supposed to end with him maybe dead maybe not... but since the au is continuing... I don't like it when characters die :( Its sad so he was never gonna be actually dead. So yes, he will come back! Its just gonna take a bit...
7- YOU MAY! I was considering which spoiler to give you... but I've decided to give you a big spoiler... just cropped. :) Because I'm evil like that :))
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8- Hmmm.... idk to be honest, I haven't thought about it... I think she would be just... even crazier. Like batshit insane.
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trashlie · 2 years ago
I've thought about that group member being Amy and what it would mean for Alyssa. Both girls were first introduced in the same flashback.
They were pressured to do other's homework, specifically English, in exchange for popularity. Neither girl seems confrontational and able to stand up for themselves. They also avoid being associated with Shinae when she tries to stop the bullies.
Imagine she recognizes Shinae and is friendly, grateful for her actions back then, all in front of Alyssa whom she ostracizes.
It would be an interesting foil, if the girls took a liking to Shinae over Alyssa. Just pouring more salt into the wound for her 😢
I never did take note that they were both pressured with English homework - that's a really interesting similarity, right?
To be fair, I don't think we're going to see a lot between Shinae and Alyssa's groupmates - especially with what we're seeing in ep 234 and what I think it means for Alyssa's future. But that said - the fact that Amy was given a name and her note said she'll never forget Shinae's help.... I can't help but wonder what role she'll have. Much like quimchee doesn't put a lot of detail into background characters, she definitely doesn't give them names if they don't have a reason, right? It's why I can't shake the similarity to how Amy looks to one of Alyssa's group mates.
But also.... it's difficult to guess what I think they'll have to do with Shinae, too, at this point. While we know the names of 2 out of 3 of Alyssa's group mates only one has been shown to us with face AND name AND details and it makes me wonder.... like they've got to reappear somewhere, right? Maybe????
I think we're going to see Alyssa follow a trajectory where she gets a solo career, whether she does it by leaving the group or still as a member of the group, so will we see more of her groupmates and how they react to that? AAAHHHHHH idk!
But if Amy IS a member of the group - a. what a wild coincidence lmao in a story where nothing is really a coincidence lmao and b. WHAT DO WE DO WITH THAT?
But you have an interesting point because something I've been talking with my friends about a lot is how we are very likely going to see Shinae becoming everything Alyssa wishes she could, similar to how we are probably going to watch Nol become everything Kousuke feared. To some degree, Alyssa has been spending her life trying to become Shinae, possibly without realizing it. She puts on a fake smile, much like Shinae's bright smile she wore when she told Alyssa how she deals with bullies. She tries to fake it, to emulate this long lost friend without remembering the rest of what Shinae told her. It's a lot like how Kousuke heard what Nol told him his mom said about Rand, but never really took in the part that Nol had never met that version of Rand. They're both so caught up on something about their foil and they never really get to grow because of it.
Shinae has a light that shines so bright, and it draws people to her. Her strong convictions, her sense of empathy, and her courage to do what she believes is right rather than what is easy attracts people to her. She has Nol's attention, Kousuke's attention, even Yui's attention. Shinae will continue to attract the attention of the people Alyssa is trying to attract, will continue to find a sense of self by being authentic in a way Alyssa is yet afraid to be. So while I'm unsure what kind of interactions Shinae might have with possibly-Amy-Alyssa's-group-member, you definitely bring up something that heavily relates to the dynamic I anticipate we'll be seeing: that even the group members Alyssa is unable to win over might be drawn to Shinae instead.
And god, that must feel SO bitter ;________;
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borreloadsavagedragon · 2 years ago
Give Kaito essay (for the character meme)
Oh god, I’ll read more this because it’s gonna be a journey and that's also why it took so long gjdaslgk-
And the standard zexal and arc v spoilers warning message-
1. how long have i known about them A LONG time though it didn’t get to like he’s my whole world status until pandemic era-- MalindaChan did her cosplay for him back when I was still a certified Yugiboomer who entertained GX and 5DS because "lol abridged series jokes" and that’s when I first remember seeing his design? I tried watching Zexal briefly when it was actively airing but just couldn’t get far bc Boomer Brain ™, but I remember him being cool but the "Kaiba-likeness but not being Kaiba" Yugiboomer wall couldn't be overcome right away, I had to train my skills Then 2020 happened, I watched Vrains to understand Link Summoning, got SUCKED into it, and was like wow past me was dumb, ALL of the spinoffs are GREAT Zexal reached a hand back out to me when I was kinda struggling with the Vrains community and I'd decided to start writing more spinoff muses with some mutual friends and that's also when I realized I’d be subconsciously collecting Galaxy and Photon monsters since they’re pretty + space themed but also because they were inside of ALL of the Kaiba support sets(because DUH) so it was like,,, well, let’s try that again
Now I’m In Hell And It’s All His Fault Do you think I ENJOY playing Photon competitively? Well yes, but also NO. It means learning new decks is HARD because I can't look at dragons and knights in SPACE.
2. whether or not they’ve ever made me cry Moon duel? W,, what Moon duel,,, I don’t,,, remember any space dueling, ahaha, isn’t that another yugioh, the rush of the go,,,,,,, In all serious though, yes lmao The duel against Zexal when he tells you his reasoning for why he’s the Number Hunter and he looks so broken, that got a solid few tears The flashback of him trying to break Haruto out of the city got some tears  The duel with Chris is also really good show of his character at the root, the thing that gets him back to his feet is the moment Chris even considers Haruto as part of his suffering, g o d The moon duel of course. That’s. That one was brutal. Yeah. 
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There’s a wall scroll behind my work desk that sneaks into my Zoom calls, there’s a canvas print he’s on that sits at my work desk, my ita bag has a handful of charms, pins, and buttons for him(still hunting for artists who draw him with merch wink wink)
I guess my Photon tcg deck counts? The tcg is just one big merch machine if you squint enough-
My Book of Moon themed binder is literally just all of my collector Photon and Galaxy/references to Kaito cards + a small page for Miza since Tachyon is a Galaxy Eyes
Do cosplays count? Because I’ve got all but his space suit basically done + his duel disk 
4. what about their personality i like How seriously he takes himself despite literally everything else about his character 
He’s often off to the side with his arms crossed, pouting or frowning, having the cool guy edge lord behavior But also he’s screaming in the rain, jumping through a window on a kite glider he made himself that also doubles as his robo-butler, flying to the whole ass moon because a rock told him to, and beefing 14 yr olds, he’s just a legend 
I also love that he's like... very clear about himself and on how you should treat him. He straight up says he's going to hell for what he's done and just continues to be there because that's how he'll atone because atonement isn't forgiveness, like he's not ours to forgive. Love him so much.
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional Honestly, most of it
Watching Kaito slowly lose his autonomy (his brother whose been his responsibility for what could be read as since birth, his father just becoming a figure head in his life versus an actual parent, Chris walking out on him with no closure until they duel, being watched by and trained under brutal conditions by the government, failed escape attempts, getting lied to and used, etc) and then knowing one of the people who he attributes half of that loss and suffering to is someone he never gets closure against is very hard to watch
Even in Arc V, he loses his entire family in a way that makes him cut ties with every single person left in a desolate city and hunt his enemies down one by one to pay them back for his suffering, and it happened before we finally actually get to see him or hear of him for the first time so god knows the details
He really just gets put through it time and time again, yugioh be nice to that onion challenge
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest there was no duel on the moon in yugioh zexal
But actually, Kaito dying is tragic for a few reasons
He was... ok with it happening-
He was killed off before the final duel and before he could reunite with Yuma and Ryouga again, and even though he came back as a spirit, it felt like a such a cop out
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest The pure look of joy on his face reuniting with his brother after they defeat Vector the first time, it’s so good The first time Prime Photon is summoned, goated, perfect, all boss monsters should be willed into existence like that But also Arc V, Kaito watching Dennis duel Yuya after everything with Zarc and clapping for him is so sweet omg
8. something about them that made me laugh HIS ONE LINERS, yugioh really gives the rivals the best solo lines I swear to god
Ok listen, dub and sun debate aside, I watched both because I’m a mess and need as much Kaito as I can get, but the dub has some heaters and Kaito’s got a few good ones, ESPECIALLY when he's talking to Mizael
The one to Shark, “You’re quite the romanticist”, who the fuck says that out loud to another person Kaito talking to Dennis is also a fever dream, the dub especially is so jarring, I love them
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs White coat with the gazer tattoo, you can never go wrong with the Photon coat Numeral Hunter is also based, I know that's not like HIS look in any show, but... I HC that would be his Vrains Avatar, he could go to Vrains very easily, Solflare is an exploitable card in his deck
10. my favorite moment with them in canon UUUUGGHHHH CHOOSING ONE IS HARD
Uhhh, episode wise Shark Hunter is prooobably my favorite(for obvious reason but besides those LOL) because it’s such a tone setter for who Kaito is and also I could listen to these two bicker all day long, we really didn’t get nearly enough of their side rivalry as opposed to like Kaiba and Joey or Takeru and Ryoken
And then the Moon Duel is like my second favorite duel in the whole franchise, only outclassed by Soba and Revo in Vrains, you really get to see just how strong he is because he's half blind, still actively dying by dueling, and gets his helmet cracked in the vacuum of space, and he's still able to win
Character moment, the duel against Chris comes to mind again because it shows a lot of Kaito to his core, but also Kaito hauling ASS to get Yuma to Astral world to reunite with Astral is iconic, Kaito's always ready to take the plunge when everyone else says not to because he just KNOWS he's right
11. my favorite relationship they have with another character sweats profusely, I said it above somewhere I think- removing shipping from the equation entirely, I REALLY like all of the bff / rival dynamics across all of the shows, I love how well done they are and I fully find them more interesting than the standard protag/rival ones, even with KaiRyo having like the least amount of time dedicated to theirs comparatively. Ryouga and Kaito being treated so similarly by the hands dealt to them to where they'd understand the other one like looking in a mirror and yet they cannot stand each other, I eat that shit up. But also knowing the other person so well that they don't even have to talk and also realizing that person is their one of their only option to success? Give me MORE of that I also really love the foil between Mizael and Kaito a lot, I REALLY wish it got the time it was rumored to get, guess I gotta do everything myself In Arc V, Kaito and Shun's dynamic is really good for the little bit we're allowed the time to see it, Shun being one of the only characters who actually goes back for him after leaving so abruptly between Arc V and Zexal... tugs on the heart strings I also love that Kaito took ONE look at Edo in the safe house and decided to speed run the enemies part of the enemies to lovers arc they were going to have, I wish they could have spoken in canon more, hell GX Edo and Zexal Kaito would also be such an interesting dymamic
12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them Everyone drawing him like >:D all of the time, keep doing that The white lab coat look too? Like not the Photon one, like a standard white lab coat? Perfect, DO NOT change that
nsfw next but also just how everyone knows he's a bottom no matter which ship it is lmao
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them that no one talks about him except in “WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE RIVAL” polls fndhxjshxbs
I’m going insane in my thoughts alone over here, I need to convert everyone to watch Zexal
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them Ok here we can get heated for a bit because I’ve seen an argument somewhere that Kaito didn’t develop at all from season 1 to 2 of Zexal but he 100000% did and I honestly like how it's done
Season 1 Kaito was purposefully talking to the air Astral could be in to avoid even looking at Yuma because he thought so little of him despite how much clawing to get on the same level as him Yuma did
Season 2 Kaito is jumping in to keep Mizael from killing Yuma without a second thought, he's going to the arctic despite ALL of the protests to build the bridge to Astral
His development is subtle, but it's very there, not to mention he can now stomach being in the same room as Faker, gave Chris a second chance, his dying words to Yuma are all the more apparent how important Yuma became to him Like the ONLY person we should have seen an actual conversation touching on Kaito's actions with WAS Ryouga but... be honest, Ryouga's not accepting that from Kaito, they're both very much people of action and they established their bond through the snark and bickering, that's how they communicate Plus Kaito's also outward about not being a good person, telling Yuma he sold his soul to the devil, telling the gang in the first episodes of Zexal II he's already going to hell because that's what his guilty soul deserves Ryoken and Kaito would be SUCH an interesting duo, I'm just saying
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them Oh boy now here we go LOL
The duel against Mr Heartland. - This one's unbelievably bad for so many reasons, mostly because there’s no universe where Kaito struggles against Heartland of all people in a duel, but also this is the person who’s been THE symbol for most of his trauma and trials up until that point. There is no chance in hell he struggles, gets crippled by him, and has to have Yuma take over. That was and always should have been his duel to win, but Yugioh has the unfortunate "this is a story through the protag's eyes" shonen protag bug at its core (Yuma sweetie you’re lovely and wonderful, it’s literally not your fault) 
Arc V giving him literally no time for their version of Kaito to have a more satisfactory character arc because of how long and bad the Synchro Dimension/Friendship Cup arc was. Just another victim of the Synchro Arc, sighs. The dub also puts this weird and bad attempted joking line about how Kaito doesn't do family and like have you literally watched any of Zexal, you're the whole ass studio Kaito just doesn't feel very Kaito the same way in Arc V, it's very sad, lots of shit you know og Kaito wouldn't let fly that just goes by in Arc V, but different versions, dimensions, stories, etc etc, it's just such a whiplash coming from Zexal where he's just so much more
OCG Structures was a coward and didn’t want to play with dimensional physics because Kaito 110% could find a way into that timeline I haven't read the Zexal manga in full just yet because I wanna collect them all physically so that'll be later- And a little bit for the games since Konami wanted at least one of those to be canon thanks to Vrains world-
Cross Duel literally had you consider killing kids for him but honestly this one is more funny than infuriating, everyone's a worst version of themselves in Cross Duel agjdaslkgj Duel Links is usually pretty good, but since Kaito’s first launch event where he's hunting you down, he’s been very much more like an NPC for the Zexal world events, just seems weird to me, I'm sure that'll get thrown out once Chris' unlock event actually happens coming up here and when Miza gets added... then that digital world won't know WHAT to do
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