vyragosa · 2 years
hope this helps
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kpoptarotvibes · 1 year
What's more disturbing to me to be honest is that apparently over there in Korea they can't seem to explore what's outside their circle and everyone is setting everyone up with their besties. Not me, too many people up in my business and then everyone has an opinion on what's going on in the relationship lol. I am honestly disappointed i thought Jk would venture out to find all kinds of people but well i guess in the end he chose the safe route (well not so much apparently they out here climbing on who knows what to film such angles) but well we really don't know these people. I am more perplexed with the amount of people he was seeing than anything else, and no I am not going to applaud him for being easy sorry, cause with this amount of people in such sort period of time, your standards can't be that decent. You best believe hybe ain't gonna comment on this but am honestly glad this came out, not for me to know his business but more so it shows character a lot, boy what?? titanic?? ride or die type of love?? get out here with them lies, and then not being satisfied with that attention and going on lives flirting with fans pretending to be together for 1 minute..i laughed so hard lol that's why i say it's better to portray your self as a 'bad' person and actually end up being pretty decent than striving to look like an angel and turn sour like expired milk like this...i probably sounded more mad than i actually i am about this, sorry but i can't with the kpop industry and them clean images when you're just like the boy next door but in fact worse cause you lie to millions lolll
Yes, Korean culture is very exclusive they only really talk to people who they know or grew up with in school or the neighborhood. Or they worked some years together. They really don't talk to strangers or people they don't know. I remember that being the one complaint when Americans were first moving to Korea. That no one talks to you.
Jungkook is still young and he has a lot more different experiences than other Koreans who have never been outside of Korea. So he still has time to date outside of Korean. I don't understand how this is a disappointment. Yall want him to date outside of Korea so bad. Like what if he don't want yall. What if he wants someone close to his culture where he doesn't have to explain everything culture-wise to them like he would if someone was outside of his culture. These are things yall love to skip over when it comes to BTS dating foreigners. Maybe they want someone they are comfortable with, with the same background as them. Maybe they don't enjoy staying up at night with you trying to explain why Korea is the way it is.
Plus why are you jumping to assumptions that he dating these girls and going from girl to girl? Like these girls could be his industry friends. Like we don't really know him or his circle. We just know what he shows us. Plus he is young he can date around most men do at his age. Hell everyone does so by your logic people who are trying to date and see what is right for them have low standards? Doesn't make sense to me if you live in the real world. And I don't know if you are aware but Korea is not big on the hook-up culture like America.
I'm not happy this came out because yall are invading his privacy. He in front the camera for yall 24/7 barely has a personal life. And when he does get some what of a personal life. Yall spy and video him. Damn he can't have one thing to himself.
And you keep forgetting Kpop is a business. Every company including Hybe manufactures images for their idols to have to draw you in for you to spend money on them. And guess what it works every fucking time. That's why half the fans are obsessed with him he plays his part well and gets his bills paid. Welcome to Kpop. Where very few idols are real and have control of their image. And most don't.
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oh-no-a-whovian · 3 years
Two more lonely people Part 5
NSFW 18+
Summary: “should we fight this?” “Si.” “I don’t know if I can” “neither do I”
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x fem werewolf! reader
Warnings: age gap (Y/N is 24 and Bruno is 50) Hope yall are ready for those lemons. PinV. Wrap it up! Some self-hate. Any others let me know please.
Word count: 5030
Masterlist PT1 Next
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You feel refreshed and lively as you wake in the grass near casa Madrigal, not far from Bruno’s tent. You couldn’t exactly have exactly gone home still in wolf form. You couldn’t risk being spotted, not when the gift from casita excuse won’t hold while the others don’t have theirs.
You stretch your arms above your head, arching your back so only your head and butt are touching the ground, moaning in pleasure at the stretch. The early morning birds fly above as you stare at the blue sky as the sun starts to rise. Good thing no one from town has come up to casita for another day of building yet. God knows what they would have said if they caught you napping in the grass, especially if you were still in wolf form.
It felt amazing to run again after two weeks of barely leaving your bed. The feeling of wind in your fur and dirt under your paws again was amazing. And the fact that shifting seemed to fix what was broken is a bonus, you can actually help rebuild now. You had to fight yourself though, when the urge came to just howl into the jungle.
“Not sure lying in the grass is the best idea.” Bruno’s voice rings out, drawing your attention back to the ground, making you sit up to look at him, a big smile on your lips. “Fire ants aren’t pleasant.”
“I got a face full of them a couple years ago, so I’ll have to agree with you.” You laugh, taking his offered hand to stand.
“Oh heh… how’d you manage that?”
“let’s just say running recklessly through a jungle isn’t the smartest thing.” You tell him brushing a few leaves from your hair and skirts.
“are you… feeling better?” he asks, his little chuckle at your words making you smile.
“yeah. It almost feels like nothing was broken in the first place.” You explain. “should have shifted two weeks ago.” You yawn as you rub the sleep from your eyes.
“W-why are you here so early?” he asks, squinting as he realises no one else working yet. To be honest, you’re surprised he’s even awake, most won’t wake for another hour. The only reason you are is because your body had shifted back into human form. Dios you’re glad you keep your clothes unlike in some werewolf stories, otherwise this encounter would have been awkward.
“didn’t leave.” You shrug, wandering off toward the construction, spotting the rat that seems obsessed with you, cleaning itself on some rubble. It’s not the first time you’ve slept under the stars.
“Wait you slept here?”
“couldn’t risk being spotted by anyone in town. They think it’s a part of the gift after all.” You roll your eyes, lifting the rat to put on your shoulder and turning to the man. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t fond of the rat that keeps climbing onto your head. “It was either here, or somewhere among the trees.”
“oh” he replies as he fiddles with his fingers.
You stand together in silence for a moment. Would it be weird if you asked him if wants to get breakfast together? What way would he take it? what way would you mean it?
“I was gonna go and get something for breakfast…” you start “would you… maybe like to join me?”
“Uh mmm. I think it’d be better if I just get started for the day.” He tells you, pointing to the structure with his thumbs as he starts to back away. “Y-you know, there’s still a lot of work to be done and it isn’t going to do itself.” He laughs nervously.
“ok” you try to ignore the disappointment as he rambles on about why he can’t. “Maybe I’ll bring something back.” You nod, your smile disappearing once he turns the corner.
You’re really starting to hate this pull you have toward him, especially when you think he might feel it too just to literally run away.
You breathe out a sigh, squeezing your eyes shut as you try to push away the feeling welling inside. Your mind keeps telling you that you’re being too much. That he doesn’t actually want the attention you’ve been giving. You get it though, you’ve been told many times that you show affection like a dog, jumping on and cuddling your friends like you hadn’t seen them in years. Doll and Isa have been perfectly happy with adopting it, but others have simply told you to calm down.
The rat on your squeaks in your ear, watching you curiously as it sniffs at the air. “Looks like it’s just you and me huh?” you say to the rat as you start your trek home.
Bruno POV
‘She was just being nice. She was just being nice’ Bruno mutters to himself for the thousandth time as he works on fixing some of the broken pictures, retrieving them from the rubble and making sure they’re preserved until the house is fixed. She was just being nice, but his lonely mind had once again tried to read something into it.
“Tio Bruno.” Mirabel calls out, making him jump. “[Y/N] brought some arepas, made them herself. Said she had something to do though so she asked me to bring you a couple.” He stares at the cloth covered arepas as his niece places them into his hand. “They might be a good as mama’s but don’t tell her I said that.” The girl jokes before wandering off.
She made these? He thought she was just planning to buy some things from the market, but she went home and made them… four little arepas, wrapped in a nice cloth and still warm to the touch.
He hums as he takes a bite of the first. Mirabel was right, even though Julieta’s would normally have come with healing, [Y/N]’s is just as good. She probably learnt how to make them from his sister after all.
As he lifts the second one to eat, he notices a note placed between the middle two and he pauses, glancing around to see if anyone is looking.
‘Sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable in some way, I promise it’s not my intent. I forget not everyone likes so much attention. I can’t really help it, but I’ll try to be a little less. Enjoy the arepas :)’
He feels bad as he reads her words. He didn’t realise how his avoiding would look to her. He’s been in the walls for ten years and he’s been realising slowly that it hasn’t done great things to his social skills. He just wanted to keep a distance so his mind would stop doing what it’s been doing.
She thinks it’s her fault. She thinks that the way she’s been acting around him has made him uncomfortable and he feels like shit for letting her think that. He can’t just tell her that’s not the case though… what would he say? ‘you’re not making me uncomfortable. The truth is that I fucking love your attention far more than I should and every little thing you do sets my body on fire and turns my mind into the sand that used to fill my room. the very thought of you being near me is driving me wild but you’re the best friend of my nieces, so I’m desperately trying not to think about it.’ that doesn’t exactly sound great. And there’s the fact he’s only been out of the walls for two weeks and is already feeling this way. That’s maybe a bit too fast to be developing these thoughts.
He wants to make it up to her, but he’s stuck. If he starts talking to her, acting like he would with anyone else and not running away, he’s sure he’ll be too far gone for her. But he doesn’t want to hurt her by letting her think she’s the problem.
He sighs as he eats the last arepa, tucking the cloth and note into his pocket. He’ll act like himself for her and pretend he doesn’t want her the way he does. He’s doomed.
[Y/N]’s POV
“It’s a shame you don’t still have your gift, [Y/N]. The herd is starting to miss you.” Arturo, the farmer you work with the most says as he places another stack of the floor tiles by you.
“Mmmhmmm.” You hum, placing more tiles on the ground in the old pattern, not even looking up at him as he wanders off. You swear it’s the fifth time he’s said it and it’s starting to get on your last nerve. Especially since you still very much have your ‘gift’, and you couldn’t care less about his herd. You were doing what you were told by herding them and you’re glad to have a break.
“he-hey.” You hear to your right where Arturo was standing, glancing up to see Bruno has taken his place. “I was umm told you need more cement for the tiles.” He smiles, lifting the bucket of freshly made liquid cement to show you.
“Oh thanks” you smile gesturing to where he can put it and going back to placing the tiles. When he continues to stand there, shuffling nervously, you look back up at him. His hands are twisting together and he’s staring at the tiles, his mouth open like he wants to say something. “was there something else?”
“um ye- would… do you need any help?” he stutters as he rubs the back of his neck with one hand while gesturing to the tiles with the other.
“I don’t need help…” you start “but! I wouldn’t mind the company.” You smile, stopping him before he tries to race off with a bunch of apologies on his tongue. He smiles as he breathes out a sigh of relief, kneeling beside you and handing you a few of the tiles for you to place.
“thank you… for the arepas. They were really nice.” He says quietly as he starts to place other tiles on the fresh cement, making sure to keep with the pattern.
“I’m glad you liked them” you blush, knowing he read your note that you hid in the middle of them. It was the only thing you could think of doing, since he seemed to want to run away otherwise. You just wanted him to know that you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. Even if he doesn’t want what your mind and body have been craving, you’re willing to be a friend. “they’re probably not as good as Julieta’s though.’
“without the expectation of healing, I think they might be better.” He whispers, “though heh might be a good idea not to let mi hermana know.”
“mmm best not” you laugh. “you ever get the urge to do something dumb?” you ask him.
“uh no, no, no… I tend to um avoid doing dumb things on purpose.”
“can’t relate” you giggle. “I keep getting this urge to just place a wrong tile. Like right here I’d place this colour instead of the one it’s supposed to be.” You explain, holding up on of the tiles. “I keep thinking how funny it would be to see how many people would get annoyed at the single out of place tile.” You laugh “but then I’d remember that I would also get annoyed at it”
“and there’s the fact that if the magic returns when casita is finished, it would probably fix it itself.” He huffs in amusement, a gentle smile on his lips.
“yeah, that too” clearly something about your note had calmed something in his mind, as he seems to relax beside you. Though as you look at him, you can still hear his heart race and see tension in the way he’s sitting. “you’re not just… forcing yourself to pretend I don’t make you uncomfortable because of the note, are you? If you are because you felt guilty or something… I’d prefer it if you didn’t. I’m a grown woman, Bruno, I can handle it…” you say quietly, watching his fidgeting hands. You don’t want others to hear.
“I-I’m not” he stutters, and you glance at him like you don’t believe him. “It’s just I’ve only been around people again for two weeks…”
“I get that, but you don’t have to force yourself…”
“I promise, [Y/N], I’m not” he smiles, the way he said your name sending a buzz throughout your body. As you nod, he breathes a sigh of relief and starts telling you about his telenovela ideas. You know it’s to distract from the awkwardness, but you let him do it, smiling and laughing. His eyes light up as you smile and listen to the stories he came up with. He’s amazing. His characters, his ideas, you listen to all of it.
Bruno’s POV
She’s amazing. He’s been trying so hard to pretend that she’s just a friend, telling himself that it will never go further. But as the week went on, spending hours by her side, laughing with her, trying to be a friend, his heart and body demanded more. He hasn’t tried avoiding her again though, he couldn’t stand to see her sad again.
On Miércoles (Wednesday) she’d made a comment about how she was glad to see more colour in his skin and he melted, eating whatever piece of fruit she’d brought him at the time while he stared at her in awe.
He’d shown her his stories, and watched in nervous dread, scared that she’d laugh at him, but she’d smiled. She read through it all as they sat on the grass during a break, and he couldn’t help but stare. A gentle smile on her lips, a glow in her eyes and the wave of her loose hair in the wind, how could he not take a moment to just admire her?
The thing that has his mind racing though, making him walk along the path toward the river for fresh air, is that there were so many moments that he swore was unmistakeable flirting. He’s sure he just misunderstood, but no matter how many times he replayed each event, there was no other explanation. What else could the things she said and did possibly mean? And if there really is some innocent meaning to them that he’s completely missed then he must be depraved for getting so excited about them that he had to take care of himself just to keep some semblance of sanity.
It way have been a long time ago for him but he’s not a complete idiot when it comes to women… right?
Running water cools your bare skin, removing all aches from the work you’ve been doing. After the full moon had healed your broken bones fully, you had dived into helping rebuild casita. You helped the artisans, the builders and brick layers, pretty much anyone who’d take you. Though you spent the most time with Bruno, laughing at his little impressions, helping him move his spackle wherever it needed to go. It has been an amazing week.
You couldn’t help yourself as the week went on. He was so sweet, so kind, you just had to gauge his reaction. you’d spent hours a day by his side, how could there be nothing there?
You dive your head under the water, soaking your hair, gasping for breath as you rise back up. This is the best spot in the river, predators seem to just avoid it, the most dangerous thing near you would probably be the capybaras relaxing on the opposite bank, munching on river grass with complete indifference. A snapping sound fills the air making you spin to face the stone covered shore line, your heart racing and your body ready to shift to defend yourself.
“¡Lo siento mucho! No sabía que nadie estaría aquí.” Bruno screeches, covering his eyes and spinning away from you. (I am so sorry! I didn’t know anyone would be here!) you smile and relax at the sight of the man, knowing there’s no danger.
“Está bien… what are you doing by the river?” you ask him, admiring his curly hair at the back of his neck as you gently splash the water.
“I ummm wanted som-somewhere quiet to sit. Still getting used to being around people again, y’know?” He tells you. You can hear the pebbles beneath his feet as he shifts on the spot, and you can see the draped cloth of his ruana shift as you’re sure he’s fidgeting with his hands again.
“Hmmm, well I don’t mind the company, if you don’t…” you tell him, your heart racing. This is the first time you’ve really been alone with him and you’re not even wearing clothes. You’re not sure if you should chase or berate your body for the excitement stirring inside. He didn’t react badly to your flirting but what if he didn’t even realise? You just want to know…
“y-you… you’re not exactly wearing any… anything.” He struggles to say. You can hear his heart racing and his breathing becoming heavier, as he stands there, not leaving.
“I don’t mind that either…” you hum.
“I umm don’t think… I just… I’m not sure…” he stutters, trying to figure out the right words for his thoughts.
‘Fuck it’ you breathe deeply and rise from the river, ignoring any sharp stone as you approach him. He spins to look at you when he hears the sound of shifting stones under your feet, but he looks away again. Locking his eyes down to his left to stop himself from looking at your bare body. You pause before him, your whole body on display, begging for him to want you as much as want him.
“do you feel what I feel?” you whisper, barely able to raise your voice as your chest seems to tighten. “All you have to do is tell me you don’t feel this, and I will fight it. I’ll ignore it, distance myself until this feeling goes away.” You explain, your heart aching at the thought that he will tell you to stop, tell you he doesn’t want you like that. “You just have to tell me to stop.”
You wait for him to say something, anything but he doesn’t, just remains silent as he keeps his eyes locked on the ground. He’s not running away or screaming at you though… surely that means something?
“Bruno?” you ask as you lift his chin, the only thing you know works. Your hand is shaking and your head is tilted when he finally meets your eyes. You would stop if he asked you to but that doesn’t mean it’s not gonna hurt. “please say something…”
“you’re all I can think about.” He finally blurts out, his face turning red, making your heart stutter and a knot of excitement form in your stomach. You were so sure he’d say no, don’t keep trying I don’t want that. You knew that would hurt but you wanted to try.
You can’t help the joy that shows on your face at his words. Without another thought you press your lips to his, cupping his cheeks as you kiss him. He melts into your touch, sighing into your kiss as his eyes fall shut. He feels so warm as your press your body against his, wanting to feel every inch of him. You can feel his hands hovering over your hips, not sure where to place them. It feels like this was always meant to be, your racing heart against his, the soothing sound of the racing river. Has perfection ever felt so sweet?
You lift your left hand up into his hair, tugging at the curly locks, smiling into the kiss as he moans into your mouth. He finally finds the courage to place his hands on your hips, pulling you closer if that’s even possible, gripping your ass to press you flush against himself as his courage grows. You run your tongue along his lips, begging entry as you taste the sweet papaya he’d had earlier.
You can feel another thing growing, firm against your tummy, obvious even with his ruana and pants in the way, lust filling your body making you more wet than the water ever could.
His eyes are hooded and dark when you finally pull away for air, breathing heavily as you press your forehead against his. The wind cools your damp skin, mixing with the warmth of him, sending perfect shivers across your body and you gasp for air.
You wish you could stay in this moment forever. The feeling of his curly hair between your fingers, his breath mixing with yours as he refuses to let you go, your body bare against him. You hope so desperately that it’s not another dream, that the feeling of him pressed against you is one hundred percent real.
“I tried to fight it” you whisper as you slowly drift your right hand down his body, wanting to feel more. “But every time I saw you, I couldn’t stop my body from wanting more. I was so scared you’d hate me if I tried” you admit as you slip your fingers under his ruana and shirt, his warm stomach flexing at the touch of your cool hand.
“I couldn’t ignore it either, no matter how hard I-I tried.” His eyes drift closed as you touch his skin, teasing the edge of his waist band with your thumb, feeling the dip of his hip leading down to what you want.
You lift at his ruana and shirt, asking silent permission to pull them off of him. You can see the warfare behind his eyes as he looks back into yours. the desperation to chase what you now know he’s been craving and every little thing he believes should be stopping him, creating a battlefield in his mind.
“I want you” you breathe, your breasts pressing against his chest, the cloth of his clothes rubbing against your sensitive nibs. His grip on your ass loosens, his hands lifting to finally give you permission. You lift it over his head, throwing it onto the pile of your clothes, safe from the water. When you reach for his belt he stops you, breathing heavily.
“I-I just ne-ed a moment” he explains. You wish you knew what was going through his mind, what little thing is stopping him from claiming you. Stopping him from taking what he needs and letting you take in return. You want him desperately, but you can be patient, so you nod, stepping away from him.
“when you’re ready, come join me.” You tell him, gesturing your head to the river behind you, easing the panic that starting burning in his green eyes at you pulling away.
The water ripples as you step back into it, the river flowing around you to continue its path. You keep your back to him as you make your way into the water, giving him privacy as he fights with himself. Your mind keeps telling you he’s gonna run, grab his clothes and leave you here, deciding he doesn’t want you after all. You think you’d understand if he did run. Perhaps he was just lost in the moment, and he’ll remember that you spend half your time as a six-foot-tall wolf with massive teeth and he’ll run for it. maybe he thought it’s what he wanted but once you tried, he realised that wasn’t the case.
Your mind runs circles until you finally hear the gentle splash of him joining you, relief washing over you. You squeak in surprise as he turns you, his lips crashing into yours as he wraps his right arm around your back, making sure you’re pressed fully to his body, able to feel him completely. His hardened member presses against your hip bone, unable to shift with how close he is holding you. He feels perfect.
He seems surprised at himself when he pulls back to look at you. Though the face he’s making could just mean that you look like a flustered horny mess. Even in the water you feel warm, your face and between your legs feeling like furnaces surrounded by a snow filled landscape.
Your right-hand drifts down his body again, appraising the feeling of his skin against yours as you move to where you want to touch him. He reluctantly lets you separate your bodies as you pause your hand, so close but needing space between you to touch him. He seems frozen in place again, the courage that had pulled you into his arms vanishing as you reach the proof of his attraction.
His breath hitches as your fingers brush against his hard member, his mouth falling open, and his eyes fluttering shut. He’s so warm as you explore his size with the tips of your fingers, the skin soft as velvet even under water. You want to feel every inch of him, get to know everything that drives him wild. Taste him on your tongue and feel him fall apart in every way.
His cock twitches under your ministrations and he moans when you finally wrap your hand around him, moving up and down his length slowly to tease out every noise you can. His head falls onto your shoulder, panting into the curve of your neck as he thrusts into your hand, and you lock your left hand into his curls again. You’re barely doing anything and he’s falling apart before you.
“I need you.” You whisper into his ear and kiss down his neck. He pulls back to meet your eyes, his hands sliding down your body, dipping into each curve until he reaches the back of your thighs. His eyes are wide, betraying a nervousness as his helps lift you for you to wrap your legs around his waist. You can feel how badly he wants you now but he’s not taking charge, just making it easier for you.
The water surrounding you makes you feel light as you lift yourself over him, your eyes locked with his as you line him up with your entrance. His brows are drawn together as he concentrates on the feeling of you lowering onto him, trying not to lose himself too soon in the feeling of you enveloping him. Your slick allowing him easy entry between your folds. No amount of the clear river water would be capable of washing away your lust.
It feels so right as you lower your body, the stretch of him inside setting your body alight, creating a knot in your gut and butterflies in your chest. You moan together as you move, lifting yourself up just to sink back down, his cock filling you to the hilt over and over. So fucking perfect.
You dare not to look away from his beautiful green eyes. You can’t risk breaking whatever enchantment has befallen you as you build upon the extasy on him inside you, his arms around you.
“you feel so good, Bruno” you moan, your mouth falling open and your brows furrowing as you move faster, desperate for more. Wanting to feel only the drag of his cock against your walls and the squeeze of his hands on your thighs as he guides you.
“please, please.” He begs, his voice so quiet as his head falls onto your chest, pressing his lips to your breasts. “[Y/N].” he moans “Te necesito, tanto. tan apretado a mi alrededor. joder. Estoy tan cerca.”
“I’m so close.” Your stomach tightens as you draw closer and closer to release, the band so ready to snap and send ecstasy through your blood. You know it’s a bad idea to allow him to finish inside of you but the idea of him filling you with his seed, painting your walls in warm liquid, nearly sends you over the edge. “do you want me to pull off?” you ask breathlessly, never stopping your pace.
At your words he looks up at you, questioning for a moment, red filling his face when he realises what you’re asking. but His grip grows tighter, his fingers pressing deep into your thighs, bound to leave marks. Your surprise at his decision turns to fiery euphoria and your body launches over the edge, clenching tight around him. You can see the reflection of your glowing eyes in his, the cyan mixing with his green.
“fuck [Y/N].” He curses, his mouth falling open as your pussy squeezes his cock, pulling him over the edge with you. Hot cum spurts from him in ropes and you feel each one coating your walls, somehow keeping the fire alive inside you as you take every last drop.
“that was…” you breathe out after a few moments of being unable to move, your feet meeting the smooth stones at the bottom of the river when he finally lets you go, your hands pressed against his chest and a smile on your lips.
“A mistake” he says, your smile dropping as he looks away from you in shame but not pulling away, keeping his hands on your hips. “I shouldn’t have don-done that. An-any of it, I knew it was wrong.” He mumbles shaking his head, ashamed and disgusted with himself. “I want you so badly. I lost myself in knowing you want me too, but it isn’t right. You’re half my age, I shouldn’t…” He tries to pull away as he spirals into self-hatred.
“No” you growl, pulling him back to you and gripping his jaw to make him look into your glowing eyes, the scruff on his chin stabbing into your fingers. “you will not say things like that. I am a grown woman; I know what I want and that does not make it wrong. And you have a right to want things too. That is not wrong either.” You release your tight grip on his jaw and move your hand around to the back of his neck, pressing his forehead to yours once more. “I want you”
“you’ll regret it” he mumbles, and you swear his eyes are watering.
“never” you smile, kissing him once more.
A/N: looong spicy chapter! Hope you all loved it ;) remember like and reblog to share the love!!!
two more lonely people tags: if your tag failed I’m sorry.
@pink-hufflepuff @kyriekurokami @goblinenby @fraujar @ducks118 @lemonbaby @sylum @life-hater39 @abelbai000 @sarashitposts @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings @elysiadjarin @multifandombtch @insanitybyanothername @inthewindsomehow @gloryekaterina @anactualvelociraptor @originalsoulcollector @hlxoos @tangerine-kitten @psychomanias @nectamburne @mary-wolf @wo1fwitch @jesuisravenclaw @shaddow-darkcloud @ryou-cosmos @puck-the-puppy @totofranken @butchcupid @mintymonicalei @azeret-mirror @a-gay-cryptid @cl0vr @tigreost @kenzi-woycehoski
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falling-heights · 4 years
I was wondering if you can do a yandere goku hc, but like goku who didn’t get hit in the head so he’s kinda more aggressive, violent, and not so child like? basically he didn’t hit his head as a child so his personality doesn’t switch?
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Okay so like, a straight answer would be for me to just tell you that this is just Turles, because that’s exactly why Turles was introduced, to be the kinda “what-if?” with Goku. But I’m not, because I love Turles too much to admit such tomfoolery. The man’s got thunder thighs that you just can’t question, alright? 
Taking Turles out of the equation makes this a much more complicated matter, and so that everyone can understand my reasonings about this set-up, I’ll explain a bit about his rewritten past first. 
 What might be surprising to you is that I don’t believe Goku’s journey would change as much. Grandpa Gohan would still find and raise him, and it’s likely that he’d still die by the same reasons. 
At this point it should be established that when Goku hit his head, he probably suffered amnesia as well, hence why he can’t remember Bardock or Gine, so by not suffering that injury, he’ll still know some their faces at the least and his own name, which would remain Kakarot.
He would still be taught about morals and honor, taking on Gohan Sr. as more of a martial arts master than a parental figure, and when Gohan died, Kakarot would want to seek out a new master. Curiously enough, he’d never have the need to destroy earth, because as it was discovered in the Broly movie, he was never sent there for that purpose. If anything, it’d be better to compare him to an orphaned and estranged young boy with no set purpose and no way to find out where he came from.
And this is why he’d go the most likely route of seeking the martial arts. Saiyans are a fighting breed, so it would make sense that he’d want to get stronger just by following his blood instinct. 
It’s unlikely that he’ll ever meet Bulma, and if he ever met Yamcha.... well, poor yamcha. 
From adolescence to late teens, he’d be taking on a multitude of masters, and learning from them until he felt that they had nothing left to offer him. His skills would be much sharper than the other goku because of how serious he takes fighting. 
A sense of pride and cockiness may develop from this over-powered strength. He thinks himself to be superior to everything else considering he’ll still know of his saiyan heritage. The only way someone would then be able to earn his respect would be by having equal strength or skill.
In his free time, when he isn’t training, he tests his battle smarts in tournaments, plus the money earned isn’t half bad. 
And this is when you come into the equation, Dearest. 
As we’ve established, Goku can only respect someone if they’re respectively strong. The same will be said about you. You’ll have to impress his ego before he’ll even consider something. 
You’d meet him as a late teen, the best bet being a World Tournament, with you as a contestant. Even something as small as landing a single punch will pique his interest, and he’ll want to push your skills to reflect his. Instead of being the student, he’ll become the teacher, whether you want his guidance or not. 
His intentions are good by default, however he’ll discover kindling desires for you the more your relationship develops, and he’ll soon be too attached to let you go.
But not to worry, Darling, he may be possessive and obsessed with you, but Kakarot is a tad more refined than his amnesiac counterpart. You’ll be happy with him. 
He’s not a traditional romantic, but let’s say... he has a more open imagination. You’ll be able to do so much more with him than regular Goku.
Just don’t make him angry. His fuse will be shorter, more things will set him off, particularly if it pertains to you. 
You see, my dear, the biggest distinction between Kakarot and Goku is guilt. Kakarot has no desire to be a merciful or kind person unlike Goku, which translates to how he treats anything that may be deemed a threat to your safety. 
If someone tries to advance on you, he’ll be there to protect you. But he’s a sadistic man, and he’ll want to teach them a good lesson on their behavior before putting them out of their misery for good. 
So, when Raditz arrives to recruit Kakarot, whatever Raditz expects to be done with you will decide if he lives or not. But the more likely outcome will be that he doesn’t care if Kakarot wants to bring a plaything. He may even recruit you if your skills hold up. The alignment won’t last, however. Goku and Vegeta have too much in common, too much to clash with, and considering Kakarot isn’t his old friendly self, you can imagine what Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz’s fates will be. 
You’ll be free to roam the universe, Kakarot’s draw to power will lead him to eventually ruling it, most likely, and you’ll be there with him every step of the way. He has no need to prove his undying love to you because he knows just how hopeless your chances of escape are. And so do you, he’ll see to reminding you every so often.
Okay, i don’t know how this one really turned out, but more Piccolo is coming out next! Maybe later today, I haven’t decided yet...
Also! I’ve been thinking about situational hcs or snippets of actual writing instead of hcs, what do yall think?
Check out my other stuff!
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kingarmorking · 3 years
any more thoughts to share about the extended family in the hon au? do any of them live nearby? does anyone notice when danny starts acting strangely? what do they think of dani/how is she introduced?
Danny's the only one in his family that lives in amity park! hes got a few aunts/uncles/cousins that live relatively close by (driving distance at least! though some are longer drives than others see maddie's sister) they get together on the Lunar New Year and talk with the rest of his family over (…fuck whats relevant now. zoom? facetime?? discord??? yall know what i mean) in Korea, which include other aunts/uncles/cousins and his grandparents!
Danny's family (everyone who lives in America anyway) have an annual trip to go to Korea around Chuuseok and they spend about a month there or so to spend time with his entire family ("My, my look at how you've grown young man!" "Thanks halmoni but I really haven't grown much since last year")
OK SO THIS. DO ANYONE NOTICE DANNY ACTING STRANGELY. I'm of the belief that Danny was pretty quiet and didn't interact a lot with his extended family at first (lots of people who youre just suddenly thrust into meeting can be A Lot) but they let him keep to himself and when he felt comfortable enough is when he would seek out the rest of the kids his age to talk to (though maddie's side of the family don't quite approve of jack and his obsession with ghosts) so if he avoided them for a little bit no they didn't really notice
HOWEVER. on jack's side of the family he's got two older twin cousins (i literally just made them up as i type this and i really like the idea so ill draw them later) who straight up know that he's Phantom ("Wait you two know!?" "Your alias's name is Danny Phantom. That's not exactly subtle.") they don't really care though, they keep his secret and while they like learning about ghosts similar to the rest of the family, actually keeping tradition? eh theyre indifferent. theyre about 18-19
hes got a younger cousin on Maddie's side of the family (who lives in Korea) and thinks that Danny's side of the family is one of the coolest things on the planet but her parents do not share the same opinion unfortunately
theres an uncle on Maddie's side that thinks Jack is hilarious, the two drink during family gatherings while jack spouts all the stories hes got about fighting ghosts in amity park. in that same vein hes got an aunt on Jack's side that's always competing with him and Maddie about how much progress shes made in terms of inventions or studies regarding ghosts of differing cultures
when it comes to Ellie… theyre all understandably confused ("You had another child and didn't ever tell us?? Let alone bring them to meet us??") after an abridged version of what happened with Ellie (and subsequently with Danny) there's… a lot of mixed feelings at first.
the two twin cousins are angry at Jack and Maddie on Danny's behalf ("You tried to kill your son so you could dissect him!" "Did you not ever think about why they look so damn similar?!") honestly a majority of the family (esp on Maddie's side) feel that way but are more subdued, the cousins are the ones who are most vocal about it
Danny's younger cousin isn't allowed to interact with his family that year and his uncle doesn't drink with Jack. Chuuseok is… awkward that year, everyone actually leaves earlier than the month. they spend the 3 days and then go back their separate ways to take in everything that happened
things don't go back to normal right away, not even for the Lunar New Year a few months after. Ellie feels bad cause she thinks she may have caused the shift so Danny and Jazz take it into their own hands to orchestrate Chuuseok the following year with their grandparents
when everyone goes back to Korea the next year (cause it's still tradition, they don't want to miss out on it) they all basically say that what's done is done, they can't change it but are taking the steps to heal and get better. their grandparents agree and say that through it all they have a new member of the family who should get the chance to learn about everything she missed
things start getting better; the twins still avoid Jack and Maddie but they talk with Ellie and help her get more relaxed being amongst so many new people, the younger cousin ends up being super close to Ellie and they talk over messengers. His uncle starts to drink with Jack again and his aunt brings up her inventions again
Danny and Jazz are happy, things are still awkward but it's getting better at least
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wienerbarnes · 5 years
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 3,127
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, self-deprecation, Bucky cooking
A/N: yall wanted some extended stories of cheek to cheek so i will deliver as long as the ideas come :) also the gif has absolutely no correlation to the oneshot im just obsessed with the new content we got today LOL anywayyyy if yall have any requests for this pair lmk!
Bubbles and foam stick to the curves of his palms, both flesh and metal, as Bucky finishes washing his dishes from dinner. He’s gotten closer and closer to perfecting his bao buns; he only tore open one dumpling when twisting them closed and he remembered to oil the parchment paper that lined the bamboo steamer Sharon got him for his birthday.
He shuts the water off and moves to the left side of his sink to begin drying his now clean china. It’s been a peaceful night in his apartment. Alpine shared the seat with him on the couch while Bucky ate his dinner, hoping some pork would slip out of Bucky’s mouth so he could catch the treat. He started watching some cheesy rom-com before getting bored and just shutting off the television altogether, opting to play some music while he completed his chores instead.
Ella Fitzgerald’s voice fades out and Bucky waits for the small silence in between songs to end. The towel pauses on the plate for a moment as the beginning tunes of Cheek to Cheek echo in his apartment. 
“Heaven, I’m in heaven…”
Bucky continues drying off his glass and remaining silverware as you flash in his mind. He hasn’t seen anything about you nor have you left him any other notes or clues since that day he saw you at the fresh market. He hopes you’re okay. Truly. You were thrown into a life you surely weren’t meant to live at such a young age, barely an adult, and then almost put to death for acting out due to trauma that was out of your control.
Almost immediately after Bucky puts the final dry glass in the cupboard, his ears perk up. He’s not entirely sure what the sound was; he pokes head out from the doorway of his kitchen to see a ball of white fluff still unmoving on his couch, the same position as he was ten minutes ago except tiny ears are standing tall and proud now.
Bucky glances at the windows that are visible and they all still have the lock in tact, the door is still locked as well. Bucky quickly examines the mental map in his head and realizes the only other spot having access to the alleyway next to the apartment building besides his living room windows is the large window in his bedroom. He steps back to the kitchen to grab ahold of one of the knives in the drawer.
As he slowly and silently creeps towards his slightly ajar bedroom door, his ears pick up another heartbeat. Quick, stressed beats hit his ears as he draws closer and closer to the door. He pushes the door open quickly to see his window still half open, lock broken and hanging on the sill, and his eyes meet your heaving frame on his carpeted bedroom floor.
Bucky lets out a sigh and tosses the knife onto his bed before crouching down to help you up.
“Geez, you couldn’t have left some sort of ominous note or another friendship bracelet before breaking into my place?” Bucky scolds as he rests his hands on the tops of your shoulders.
You flinch roughly and cough out a “Help,” that quickly catches Bucky’s attention. He’s able to twist your body slightly so your weight is on your bottom instead of your legs and his eyes immediately catch onto the deep gash along your ribs and the blood pouring around your hands. The blood is coming out of the cut so fast, Bucky can almost hear the gushes. Squirts of blood make there way out from in between your fingers and Bucky notices then just how pale you are. 
He stands and runs to his bathroom to grab his spare bath towels along with a first aid kit. You blood ruins his fluffy white towels and soaks them almost instantly as he pops open the first aid kid and grabs the bottle to sterilize your wound along with a needle and surgical thread to stitch you up. It won’t be the best, but it’ll be enough until he can get you to a hospital.
“N-no hospital.” You whimper. Did I say that out loud?
“Stop talking. Ignore me, just-just stop talking and don’t move.” Bucky stutters and soaks the other towel in alcohol to replace the now blood soaked one. 
This back and forth continues until the blood slows down enough for Bucky to get in there and cut away at your shirt to expose your rib area. 
“Christ, were you mauled by a fucking bear?” Bucky mumbles. The cut is bad. Really bad. He’s sorry for the nasty scar that the combination of this cut and his horrible stitching skills are about to leave on your smooth skin.
“I-I saw it coming, too. I saw it, and I-I still c-came over here…” You trail off, voice ragged and wet. He spares a glance at your face; your skin is wet with a mixture of sweat and tears and your brows are turned upwards in both exhaustion and defeat.
“And-and then I noticed this was your building,” A deep breath, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I couldn’t go to a, to a hospital, I’m sorry,” You voice gets more and more panicked with what little energy you have left.
“Hey, relax, alright? I’m gonna fix it, I just need you to relax, okay? Just relax for me, doll.” Bucky reassures you as he threads the needle. This is gonna fucking suck, I’m so sorry.
Bucky plunges the needle through your skin at one end of the cut and you merely tense; he can tell you’re using everything within you to stay as still as possible. 
The torture continues as Bucky tries to sew you up as quickly and delicately as possible. He finally finishes and goes to grab another towel to clean up any leftover blood that’s glued itself dry to your soft skin.
Bucky dabs gently at your skin and the color slowly comes back to your face. You’re staring straight at his ceiling, face seemingly emotionless, but he can sense the anger radiating off your body.  
“You gonna tell me what happened?”
“Stupid Hydra cunts; what the fuck do you think happened?” You snap. The emotion finally comes out in your voice and he glances at you once more. Your eyes are more wet than usual and his heart breaks for you. God, let this fucking girl rest.
“They get away?” 
“Fucking assholes.” You mumble to yourself, as though you didn’t hear him. Bucky watches a small tear exit through the corner of your eyes and he doesn’t need to ask you again to know that they did.
Bucky grabs your hands and pulls you up slowly as to not let you get lightheaded and his metal hand rises to push stray hairs out of your face. You flinch a little bit, but he continues anyway. Now that you’re sitting up on your own, he reaches his arms behind your head and pulls your hair into a loose ponytail with the hair-tie that’s stayed on his wrist even after his haircut.
He can feel you watching him with wide eyes, probably confused as to why he’s treating you with such caution and care when you’re a serial murderer and kidnapper wanted by the entire planet and you’ve just ruined his window and his carpet.
“I’ll give you some clothes to change into. When was the last time you ate?” Bucky whispers to you, voice remaining sweet and so, so, so gentle.
“What?” You ask, mouth twisting into a small, confused frown. Bucky scoffs and pulls you up by the tops of your arms and helps walk with you towards his bathroom. You lean against the wall and he disappears back into his bedroom and returns with a giant long sleeve shirt and soft pajama pants, a pair of socks rolled into a tight ball resting atop the stack of clothes. He rests the stack on the counter and says, “Holler if you need anything.” before closing the door behind him as he exits. 
Bucky likes the modern look, that’s for sure. Simple, grey and white tones with pops of gold to highlight different spots of the bathroom.You don’t even know when it was the last time you were in a bathroom this nice looking.  Definitely before Hydra, but everything good in your life was before Hydra. 
You take a deep breath and remove your clothes before staring at your reflection in the mirror. Your hair, that you’ve dyed a muted purple since the last time you saw Bucky, is faded towards the tips and your dark brown roots have grown out to your ears. You observe the scars and dark freckles that decorate your skin, spending a few extra seconds the new one you’ve collected tonight.
You did this on purpose. You didn’t see you getting stabbed, but you saw Bucky getting stabbed tonight in his apartment. You don’t know why you traveled two hours into this part of New York to rescue him, or whatever it is you think you did tonight. 
That was fucking stupid. You could’ve gotten yourself killed, or worse, caught. All for what, some fucking Avenger who showed you a little kindness while you were on death row? You’re so fucking dumb, you know that? You think you’re some big hero now or something? That this makes up for everything you’ve done? You’re no hero, you’re the farthest thing away from a hero. Who would even-
“Hey, you alright in there? You didn’t pass out on me did you?” Your self-deprecation is interrupted by a certain soldier’s deep voice coming through the door.
“Yea, I’m fine.” You reassure as you grab the clothes and begin pulling them on one by one.
When you exit the bathroom, you come face to face with the soldier himself. Noses are almost touching and you can smell the sweet and tangy scent of whatever he was cooking on his body. You can’t help but lick your lips at the delicious thought of something to eat and you notice his eyes flicker down to see your tongue poke out between your lips. His eyes meet yours again and he clears his throat before turning and returning back to the kitchen. You don’t waste time in following quickly behind.
Bucky slowly stirs the sweet and spicy sauce with the leftover pork from his bao. He didn’t have the patience to sit for an hour twist small dumpling balls, but the least he could do was warm up what remains of the meat. He also threw in a small bag of frozen vegetables in the microwave, which have about three more minutes to them. Sure, definitely not as good as fresh vegetables, but he doubts you’ll care, or even notice for that matter.
It’s when the microwave beeps that he realizes you’ve been in his bathroom for too long. Maybe your stitches popped. Maybe you passed out from what a shitty job he did on your cut. Maybe you’ve been bleeding out on his bathroom floor this entire time and he’s been too busy stirring pork to notice. Maybe you snuck back out the window. Maybe you snuck back out the window but didn’t jump right and now you’re more hurt on the ground of a dirty alleyway.
Bucky switches the heat off and goes to the bathroom to check on you. 
As he nears the door he softly presses his ear against the wood and he relaxes when he can hear the rapid thump of your heart on the other side. He lifts his right middle finger knuckle to tap on the door, “Hey, you alright in there? You didn’t pass out on me did you?” Bucky teases, hoping to God that you didn’t. 
“Yea, I’m fine.” Comes your voice through the door and Bucky lets out a breath of relief.
The door opens and he feels a bit of heat on the back of his neck at the sight of his oversized clothes on you. He sees the stretch of your collarbones above the large head hole of the shirt he gave you and he sees the tips of your now bright yellow painted toes poking out from the sweatpants you’re wearing, which can confidently assume have the waistband string tied incredibly tight to keep from slipping down. His eyes catch your tongue slip out to wet your lips and his throat is suddenly very dry. He clears it and looks back up at your eyes. Jesus, you’ve just been blatantly staring and checking her out for who knows how long, you creep. Bucky turns and returns back to the kitchen to prepare your bowl of pork and vegetables.
He’s never seen someone eat so much so fast. Shoveling food into your mouth, small dribbles of saliva leaking out of the corners every once in a while, your tastebuds overwhelmed by the amount of flavor. You’re on your third serving already, glass of water barely touched and you continue to eat and eat and eat.
When you finally put the last forkful of pork and vegetables in your mouth is when you finally reach for the water and gulp down almost the entire thing. Bucky would be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed. Reminds him of himself when he had his first real meal after Hydra.
Bucky smiles as you let out a loud burp and he reaches to take your bowl and silverware. 
“Thanks, uh, for everything.” You say. Bucky looks over his shoulder from where he stands at the sink to see you looking at the ground.
“Don’t mention it. I, of all people, know what it’s like after, well, you know.” Bucky stumbles on his words.
“Yeah, well, it’s what I got to do, so,” You stand and he notices you look for anything you might’ve brought, even though you both know you had nothing on you.
“You goin’ somewhere? Got a place you’re staying at?” Bucky asks, shutting off the water and follows you as you pass through the living room and back into his bedroom.
“Is that a joke?”
You step back into the bathroom to grab your bloody clothes from the ground and you go back near the window to grab your shoes that you’re pretty sure flew off your feet when you flung yourself through Bucky’s window. Bucky’s hand stops your movement as it rests on your shoulder. He gently spins you around to face him.
“You nearly got yourself cut in half. With all the blood you lost, you should spend the night here.”
“Don’t you think it’s kinda dangerous to have two of America’s Most Wanted in the same apartment building?” You question, trying to find any excuse to get yourself out of here. You did what you wanted to here, even if it was stupid. Don’t go from stupid to moronic by getting comfortable. No matter how inviting those blue eyes are.
“Technically, I was pardoned by the government, so I'm no longer wanted. I can’t speak on your behalf though. But I’m sure two military trained killers can take care of themselves and each other.” 
“You take the guest room and I’ll take the couch. I’ll lock up the bedroom in case those baddies come back ‘round here and I’ll fix up the lock tomorrow.” Bucky walks over to his closet door and slides it open to grab two fluffy blankets from the very top shelf above his rack of clothes.
He turns back to face you and stares at you until you finally drop your shoes back on the ground. He gives you a small smile before walking out of his bedroom. You hear him lock his bedroom door after you exit and stand awkwardly until he can show you where his guest bedroom is.
Bucky can’t help the grin that spreads across his face when he turns around to see you, looking so small in his oversized clothes, folding your hands together, looking around the room, waiting for him to finish up. He chews on his lip hard to make the smile go away as he steps forward and down the hall to the guest bedroom door. He opens it for you and lets you step inside and glance around the room.
He notices the way you look around the room, making a mental note of everything in it, what can be used as a weapon, what can’t, as well as your eyebrow twitch at the realization that there’s no windows and no other means of emergency escape except through the main door. He doesn’t say anything about it, though. 
“I’ll, uh, be out in the living room, if you need anything. Uh, goodnight.” Bucky says awkwardly as you give him an equally awkward smile in return. 
Sleep comes easy to you that night, but you’re sure it has nothing to do with the supersoldier cuddled up with a little white kitten in the living room outside your door.
Bucky wakes up later than usual the next morning. Small claws stretch across his large chest as a very hungry kitten is awake and upset that there’s no food automatically in his bowl that morning. Bucky rubs his hands roughly against his face before swinging his feet over the edge of the couch and standing up. 
After peeling open a can of cat tuna and plopping it in Alpine’s cat dish, he leaves the now satisfied kitty to go see how you’re doing.
He gently knocks on the door and opts to slowly move it open when there’s no response. He opens it completely when he realizes the room is completely unoccupied. The bed is completely made and Bucky feels the sheets to feel them cold. He walks back across the apartment to his bedroom to see your shoes gone as well. 
Bucky won’t lie and say he’s not at least a little bummed out. He was hoping you’d stay a bit longer. So that your wound can heal up, of course. He’s not sure if Hydra experimented on you to make you super but everyone needs some good rest every once in a while. 
Bucky lets out a sigh before moving back into the kitchen to begin preparing his own breakfast. 
“Hey, uh, Alexa? Can you shuffle my music library, please?” Bucky asks politely.
He watches the blue circle shift around before familiar trumpets begin to fill the room. Bucky rolls his eyes and breathes out a humorless laugh as he reaches into the cabinet by his legs to take out a pan.
“Heaven, I’m in heaven,”
“And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak…” Bucky sings along softly.
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
bro..... im sooo tired of ppl being whiny freaks about ppl liking fictional shit ‘~too much~’. like bitches are literally fully convinced if you prefer acting out certain ideas in fiction but not irl, thats not your normal preferential boundaries but rather your brain is a mental illness BOMB and you need to be fucking hospitalized for being imaginative and having autonomy. like yall if its not taboo or smth shut uuuuhp man you’re not ‘concerned for their health’ or w/e you’re fully just tryna get away with being a nihilistic asshole who lacks sympathetic reasoning skills. listen to me. fiction is valuable. the thoughts we have on it are important. the personal lack of value you happen to put on a media is next to worthless. its not a fuckin waste of time dude, creators are people, who live in the real world, they experience it and have ideas through it and about it, they form and tweak their ideas while still definitely existing in the real world, and then put that back into the world with a new angle and new perspective, to share with other people definitely encountering it in , you guessed it , the real world. thats not disconnected. its not nothing. these things do not magically appear from fairytale land, they are created. stories mean smth, people tell them for a reason, its ok to feel smth for any story, why would we even tell them if not with the intention to impact others emotionally somehow i mean??? fiction does not Just affect reality, it is valuable to real life society, it is a functioning thriving part OF reality. 
humans have told stories since the dawn of our existence. it is literally all but an inherent species trait for us to imagine things, its tied to each and every one of us, and to reject ‘fantasy’ as smth worthless to human life is frankly just fuckin wrong and weird of you. bitch we are Supposed to get outside the box, the fandom ppl you cringe your pants over arent thinking abt fake shit too much, you guys very often just arent exercising abstract thought and imagination enough, which actually hurts your ability to engage with it critically in all the ways its meant to be. if you dont see the value in fiction its because you put in no effort to form the analysis skills. in other words, you idiots dont get the hype bc you’re too stupid to get how you're supposed to compare a book to the real world it came from. ‘uu but cmon not everythings valuable what about [tumblr designated cringe media]-’ 1. ok! somehow you havent come to this conclusion yourself yet but thats not real, whatever ppl get to enjoy is not all abt you, your bias means less than dirt to others outside of hivemind social medias, you can keep it to yourself, ppl shouldnt care about it bc it means nothing outside of ur own space, its literally funny to me that you’re so elitist you want me to cater my interests to you, Your Standard Of Quality Isnt Universal, 2. ranking the values of fiction is the waste of time here, if you compare mlp to pride and prejudice ill dissect your teeth, different emotional impacts from tragic to funny to Just A Vibe are all able to be assessed as ‘valuable to somebody else so leave well enough alone’ if you dont have 2010+ funnyman brainrot disease that makes you incapable of reflecting on anything you can find a way to joke abt first.
i mean seriously like. whenever randos start engaging with medias you ppl dont like or in ways you dont get, the strawmans yall make up to get to be cringe culture vultures abt such benign shit, and almost Always at the expense of neurodivergent people with a deeply rooted undertone of extreme ableism might i add..... its just so selfish. u have a brain ok, you’re manipulative but we both know you dont Actually think ppl automatically default to being a waifu obsessed incel rotting away at their basement computer, stagnating their social skills and straying further and further from reality with each passing day, a poor disturbed wretch that you just HAVE to save from themselves, all bc they say they. prefer fictional porn or w/e to having sex irl. buddy thats not a big deal, theyre normal, just different from you. theyre fine, you’re just uncomfortable. as a functioning adult you’re gonna have to try and recognize that sometimes that feelings gonna be 100% on you, and you cant always just lie abt the validity of it to make ppl feel obligated into agreeing with you. this is gonna be one fragment of their personhood and your self obsessed brain imploding over how unrelatable that is doesnt fucking matter, grow up bitch like. how detached do you have to be to think thats so unstable or morally wrong.... its just a completely inconsequential preferential decision that only affects them and isnt a wrong choice at all cuz nobody has to get their dick wet if they dont wanna for any reason ever and thats gotta be that tbh.... and it kills me cuz they still inherently experience the real world and are capable of thinking abt it critically,,, even tho they... masturbate to drawings or w/e the fuck ppl think is unhealthy ???? like? imagination is just fun we dont need to moderate it anymore than we moderate other fun activities i mean lol ksdjfsd this is the DEFINITION of ‘just vibing’ no one FUCKING cares and it deosnt fucking matter the way you desperately try to make ppl think it does just so u get to be loud abt ur shortcomings as a decent understanding person. 
‘uuuuuu im sorry but thats unhealthy :///’ you sound like a goddamn maniac dude stories are not unhealthy having feelings abt them is not unhealthy thinking some anime bitch that was DRAWN TO BE HOT , IS HOT, is not UNHEALTHY and you clowns arent convincing anybody you ‘care’ abt that concept anyways !! im losign my mind here skdlsdfsd medias are literally DESIGNED TO DO THIS TO PEOPLE... WE’RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL THINGS FOR IT.... IT IS WHAT MAKES THE ART WE’VE TAKEN PART IN FOR CENTURIES, “ART”.... ITS JUST... HAVING IDEAS AND EXPERIENCING IMAGINATION..... whats wildly unhealthy actually is yalls toxic obsession with ‘harsh truth’ and validating your stupid ass cwinge feewings to the point where everything that gives your underdeveloped selfish ass hives has to be a matter of health and morals and whats ‘best’ for everyone. u dont know that shit!!!! ur a petty brat and im not ur mommy ok i wont baby you so u dont feel like the shitty whiny person you are, you need to grow and do better and think outside urself already, dont put the responsibility of making u feel right for judging somebodies benign hobbies on me. i wont bc its wrong and unnecessary. you’re not a savior no ones falling for that lmao you’re just a bitch girl xoxo get over it shit truly does not matter. let them write nsfw self insert fics instead of banging !! 
to make it real do yall really not Get that basic consent kinda doesnt just mean ‘no when im not in the mood at the time’ but it means ‘no if i just dont fuckin feel like having sex ever for literally any reason at all bc i choose what i do’ and pressuring them, even with what your warped brain translates as the best of intentions, is inherently disgusting? especially with the ‘i know how to help you’ attitude like......... ohhh die soonly ew lmao! lay off this nasty shit already please it doesnt matter! stop trying to make it matter!! its not hurting you or them you stupid tumblr phd ass!! and like again yeah some media shits just truly gross but tbr now its like even That kind of shit, the Real social issues caused by Actually problematic media that ppl should discuss Genuinely without ulterior motives, is being used more and more rampantly as just a stepping stone to get to the needless mockery of other harmless things in the media they want an excuse to bag on.......... like a bitch cant just be grown and talk about problems at face value without getting a bully jab in. smhhhhh you all fuckin suck please just stop talking already. so anyways yeah being attracted to fictional characters instead of real people or w/e IS funny, funny how many boyfriends they have when u have none xoxo theyre having fun and you can die sad abt it they get to die 5 times in an angsty fantasy fic and be brought back with mouth to mouth by fuckin kakashi every time and then they go get lunch irl while ur updating tinder bitch ... different fucking strokes ig !
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missorgana · 4 years
some kind of love story
pairing: finn/poe dameron
fandom: star wars (sequel trilogy)
rating: general
word count: 2282
summary: Finn might have met a real life Disney prince. And he forgot his jacket. (coffee shop AU)
(it’s midnight so,, technically day 5 BUT this is my fic for day 4 of my finnpoe week uwu. this is not beta read and kind of stupid but i was having cinderella thoughts for some reason?? hope yall enjoy this!)
read on ao3
Out of all things that could happen on Finn’s part time job, meeting a cute guy wasn’t one he anticipated.
Of course, he meets people here all the time. There’s a steady stream of new students coming and going, working for a few months and quitting because of stress, or because they quit their studies altogether.
Finn’s been here for almost half a year now, though, and found it a comforting place, as sleep deprived as he may be on his shifts.
He mostly works alongside Rey, who became his best friend in less than a week of the two meeting, and Rose, who was more quiet but utterly charming once they opened up to each other.
So work can’t be that bad with them around, is his point.
But when it comes to the customers, it’s unusual that he’ll talk this much to any of them, even fellow students, really.
Obvious pleasantries are always exchanged when his classmates happen to stop by, but again, when Finn’s working, his mind usually stays behind the counter.
He can’t possibly pinpoint the reason why this guy is special.
Well, okay, that’s a lie, because the curly haired stranger who walks in that morning looks like a Disney prince, thick brows and calloused knuckles once he grabs the cappuccino Finn made him.
That’s probably why. Truth be told, this person also seemed interested in much more conversation than the usual lot, and his subjects of conversation are probably also a factor in what drew him towards him.
It’s when Finn writes his order down on the cup, as one does, and the handsome man on the other side of the counter says, “Woah, buddy! You drew that?”
Typical of him to leave his notepad laying around for everyone to see.
Finn blushed, because it’s such a rare, personal thing for him to show his art, pretty much the only ones outside his teacher and fellow art students who’s seen it is Rey. And even that took a lot of begging on her part.
But he nods, the other man having to move aside for customers, but soon enough, this stranger approaches him when he’s finally free, at least for five minutes, and they may accidently longer than allowed when Finn is, you know, working.
“You study art?” is what he asks next, and suddenly, he’s complimenting him on the way he drew the features on the face of Taylor Swift, and telling Finn about music, the one he’s studying himself.
Of course, he looks taken out of an indie band, Finn ponders.
Also, yes, he likes Taylor Swift. The stranger laughs warmly, which might’ve been a bad sign, only he’s asking for his favorite album.
This conversation takes him out of everything he was thinking about.
Finn comes back to that thought when Rey calls him a nerd and urges him to help her out with the machine, so sadly, he’ll excuse himself.
Something inside his head makes him watch whoever this man is. Small peeks.
He’s typing away, headphones in, wearing bracelets on the right hand, tapping his chin, presumably when he’s thinking.
Alright, maybe that’s quite enough observation.
He’s wearing a red scarf, though, and a jacket that has definitely seen better days, and Finn might feel funny about all the times this guy fixes his hair, blowing strands out of his face.
He finds himself hoping he never gets a haircut, because God, there’s something about it.
The man almost looks golden in the morning light.
And he even catches Finn glancing over one time, which, embarrassing, if he didn’t wink back at him.
Okay, that definitely sparked something under his skin. In his brain, or his heart, or something.
Finn is far from a poet, clearly.
This chance encounter can’t possibly stir up something like a crush in him, he tells himself, someone he’s met for approximately half an hour, and yet, his attention keeps going back to him.
He’s captivating, and not just because Finn thinks he could definitely be a heartthrob folksinger if he wanted to. Maybe he’s already working on that, who knows.
So imagine the halt when he turns his gaze towards this mystery, who he definitely felt the eyes of when his back was turn, not that he can confirm it or anything, and finds an ever so empty chair staring back.
Oh well, business as usual.
Rey’s rants of her history professor, and discussions of their visit to Han and Leia’s next week easily take his mind off it.
Maybe he just imagined this too beautiful to be true stranger, Finn reasons, although Rey definitely told him to “Quit staring at the customers!”
He’s got a suspicion she definitely knows there was only one customer, in this scenario, she laughs at him like it, anyway.
It’s by 4pm, end of Finn’s shift and time for him to press some sketching in before a late dinner, his usual Sunday night, that he finds it.
A remnant of whatever happened this morning, and proof that no, he definitely didn’t imagine a dreamy customer admiring a simple doodle he left unsupervised.
Red patches on lapels and sleeves practically points the jacket out for him, still placed neatly over the back of the dark leather armchair.
The mystery man forgot his jacket.
Well, Finn can’t just leave it here, can he? 
So maybe he reluctantly places it in their shit yall forgot box, title proudly credited to Rey, strangely hoping he’ll be there when it gets picked up.
Rose’s obsession with romantic novels might be rubbing off on him, he assumes.
Only explanation.
Finn solely drinks iced latte, but for some reason, he surprises Rose and himself by trying out that cappuccino they sell so many of.
It’s alright. He’s been accustomed to cold coffee for forever, now.
The stranger who was here last week is not a cause of this random change, of course. It’s not wrong to expand your horizons, after all, like his professor’s told them.
But speaking of that stranger, his jacket’s still in the box.
He would find it strange, someone not urging to get their stuff back, but at the same time, Finn doesn’t know if he’s studying at the same university, or area.
Probably not.
He’s got to admit to himself that he would have noticed. Or he thinks so, at least.
Thinking of this guy somehow makes him fidget with his notes, and furrow his brow, just slightly, when thinking about their meeting.
Not something repeated to Rose, albeit she’ll love a story like this.
It’s like this, Finn thinks, some love stories start. He’s being kind of cheesy right now. But they have that intimacy of the other seeing his art already, not on purpose, but he can’t find the annoyance he’d usually feel.
Instead, the compliments rack up everything else inside his brain.
Rey will definitely bug him about this if he tells her. Demand an extended version of the tale, or possibly sigh at the tragedy of her girlfriend and best friend both being hopeless romantics.
Might as well call it what it is.
The Disney prince, that’s what he names him in his head, he doesn’t return this weekend.
It’s a stupid thing to focus on, Finn knows.
But the jacket’s still lying there, which is honestly too bad. He’s got a feeling about those patches, the thread, the rainbow pin on the chest pocket.
Some kind of secret history.
Maybe he’s hyperfixating, but he’d like to know more.
Or maybe Finn just wants the damn jacket to be picked up.
Another week passes by until Finn lets his thoughts slip to Rey.
She’s amused and thrilled, which is just about what he expected. Told him to “Check the damn jacket for a label of ownership, a phone number, something.” but he’s almost scared to break his fantasy if he touches it.
Very similar observation he’s doing to when they met.
Rose asks him about it, of course, it was only a matter of time.
“Weird he hasn’t come back for it?”
Echoing his thoughts. This prince Charming figure he has in head keeps expanding, Finn making up theories of what he could be doing.
Is this fantasizing normal?
Rey just laughs when he asks, Rose wholeheartedly approves, exactly like it’s done in Hollywood films, Han mumbles about something about the youth.
Leia tells him Han was exactly the same, so that’s some relief.
Finn’s thinks he’s got whatever this streak of thought is under control, figuring it’ll pass, figuring he’ll find the jacket gone one morning, that this obsession doesn’t mean anything. Couldn’t mean anything.
Only he decides to sketch a new face, one he recognizes as a man he’s only met once, and Finn just has to finish it once he started.
Okay, now it might be getting embarrassing.
Also, hot coffee might not be too bad, he confirms. Rey’s shocked, to say the least, even the boss bats an eye.
It’s significantly less sweet than his usual, which is huge minus in his mind, but somehow, there’s still a charm about it.
Finn is scared he might be consumed with the idea of this guy. He’s really not a damsel in distress, as much as he feels like one.
He wonders what the man’s voice sounds like, when he sings that is.
And why he doesn’t get his jacket back, already.
Is Finn getting impatient? 
Rey even asks him, after three weeks with no sign, “Your eye candy’s still not back?”
He can’t quite glare at her, but a pout she should see, it’s what she deserves, because he can’t really help it.
Finn doesn’t dare to touch the jacket, no, because it’s personal property, and he’ll feel gross about it.
Is this anticipation the same as in those fairytales? Like, did Cinderella feel this after meeting a prince? Prickling hands, a knot in the stomach, biting the bottom lip?
What a silly thing. But he can’t pretend he doesn’t enjoy it, a little bit. This isn’t like the first date he was on, in any way, weirdly.
A tad more magical.
The drawing is almost finished, though.
It doesn’t have a name. That’s another thing Finn’s missing, a name.
And suddenly, Finn’s fantasy gets thrown out the window, for something more real.
That is, after those three weeks without a clue, his thoughts straying towards things he’s never thought of before, mind buzzing for almost anything, the proclaimed Disney prince finally shows up.
Thoroughly unexpected, by now, he was starting to make peace with the scenario of the jacket being forgotten.
Yet, here the perfect stranger with the perfect hair is.
Okay, perfect might be a strong word, he’s only seen him twice, after all. But Finn’s running out of words.
The guy’s standing there in all his glory, seemingly recognizing him, with eyebrows shooting up and a smile spreading on his features.
That made him feel something too, because of course it did.
This is why Rose nudges his shoulder, telling him she’ll handle the next couple of orders. That’s just a lot.
Finn doesn’t get time to think it over, because cute guy’s here, and before he can even ask for it, the jacket’s handed to him.
He laughs. Almost a glorious sound, Finn scolds himself since it’s just a laugh, but somehow, he’s feeling deprived of this sound.
Whatever this total stranger did to him, it’s clearly not going away anytime soon.
Good thing cute guy seems just as hesitant to leave as Finn feels about turning his back to this.
He thanks him, sincerely, and he replies with no problem, because it really wasn’t a problem, except this new thing in his mind that won’t go away is kind of a problem.
Now, he gets a name. Poe.
Finn doesn’t really know how he imagined the name to sound, but this is, also, perfect. He didn’t make up any names prior, because not many seemed to fit.
To be honest, the words glide off the tongue of real life Disney prince in front of him, telling Finn he was out of state and would have picked it up sooner.
That explains it.
Doesn’t explain Finn’s, uh, pining, as Rose called it. Seems irrational to himself.
This new acquaintance, Poe, does ask about that drawing he saw, if he’s finished it.
Well that’s embarrassing, because he’s worked on that portrait of a certain someone, instead.
Finn hates his brain.
That is, until, “I’ve kind of been thinking about you, so.”
He swears to his heart, to his whole body not to blush. He probably does, anyway.
They don’t really know what to do with each other, at this point, least of all since Rose calls for his help, but her voice sounds like she probably wants him to hurry and make a move, like they do in the movies.
Finn’s not a Disney princess, he’s never tried this before.
Not in this way, where he feels like this is once in a lifetime, a crush, he knows now, that might grow inside him to something more.
Poe does get the last word, telling him he has a concert coming up this Friday. Just as surprising as their previous encounter.
“I can play some Taylor Swift, if you wanna come?”
Okay, how can he turn that down, though?
That’s maybe going to settle this warm feeling in gut. The words in his throat. Who knows.
Rose makes him promise to tell him everything, and she wants to come to the concert for support, and Rey too, and the giddiness is all over her face.
You know what? Finn’s pretty excited, too.
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mar-bluu · 4 years
so this is the fic i wrote and am going to submit to my school’s creative writing comp! please tell me what yall think! :3 The ‘theme’ of the comp was: “our 2020 vision is a bit blurred” Ship: javid or jarah (depending on what you want/how you read it) Words: 1595 Warnings: Mentions of death
“Hi, my name is [REDACTED], and this is my younger brother, Les! We’re a little lost and were wondering if you could help?” Jack had flipped down the top of the newspaper as the person before him pulled him from his reading. They were fiddling with the bottom of their shirt nervously as the person Jack assumed was Les poked at a stray tin can with a wooden sword. He looked between the two. An interesting looking pair. Jack closed and folded the newspaper and tucked it under his arm, only the headline and date were visible. 1899. “[REDACTED], huh?” He had rolled the name around his mouth, it was sweet like honey, warm and enveloping everything in a strange, sticky-sugary sweetness. Jack had smiled to himself then, and grasped the hand of the other person in front of him, greeting them with an odd sense of affection he hadn’t felt once in his many, many, many years. “Well, what can I do ya for?”
It was different now. That sense of warmth had faded long ago and a name that once filled him with an essence of life and vivacity was now cold and hollow. Time had passed, as it always did, and if Jack had expected one thing to come from that first fateful meeting it certainly wasn’t what had happened. Love, if it could even be called that. At first, Jack had written it off as mere infatuation, in his time he’d had many a fancier, but those illegitimate declarations of devotion and obsessive lust had melted and dropped away like the dead flies on a bedroom window. And he was alone again in the world. But that time? That time, something had been different. That awkwardly nervous figure that had so bravely asked for his help, was different. Jack couldn’t explain it. He’d spent hours of his time pacing back and forth in his room running over that interaction again and again and again, but he couldn’t figure it out. Weeks and months he’d spent, either with them or coddled away from the outside world wondering why? What was it about this person that was so different? So unique? And why, god why couldn’t he draw himself away?
Then time passed, as it always did, and months, became years, which in turn became decades, and not once did they leave. There was no selfish desire, no false, fanatical addiction. Just love. In all of his time, Jack had never felt anything like it, and as much as he hated to admit it, he was hooked. In the summer of 1913, they were married. It was a life Jack had never expected, but one that he came to love and one he never wanted to let go. But time passed, as it always did, and as they began to age, wrinkles appearing at the corners of their eyes and mouth, their hair greying, and body becoming weak and fragile, they began to ask questions about why Jack never seemed to follow suit. It had been easy to dismiss at first, loose jokes about great genetics, creams and ointments, deals with the devil, but it became increasingly more difficult to explain away their differences when the two of them were mistaken for parent and child. They knew, at least Jack thought they knew, that there was something about him; that they may have mistaken who they married as entirely human, but never once did they say anything.
1946. Jack had lost the first and only love he had ever felt. He hadn’t been expecting it in the slightest. Truth be told, he’d forgotten humans were such fragile beings with lifespans only a fraction of his own. He’d never experienced a pain quite like that. A sharp stinging blade that bit into his heart and pulsed through his body, spewing poison into his veins, one that, when it finally left, gifted a permanent, dull, toxic throbbing. Jack had seen his fair share of death, of overturned, rotting corpses piled in hallways or decaying in shallow graves, but he had never been around anyone long enough to experience a loss firsthand. It was cruel, Jack thought, so horribly cruel that a person with that much love in their heart was taken from a world that needed them. But no matter how much he scorned the universe, cursed it for its callous apathy, or screamed to the heavens that it wasn’t right, that it wasn’t fair! His lover did not return. And time passed, as it always did.
So it was quite the surprise, at least for Jack, when they next met again. 1966. A cool April’s day and Jack sat in a coffee shop, sipping on his lukewarm tea when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. ““Hi! My name’s [REDACTED], and this is my younger brother, Les!” Les. That name sounded familiar, but at this point, he’d probably met a million and one Les’s. He shrugged it off. “We were seated here a few hours ago, and Les lost his toy sword; it’s wooden and about yea big.” Jack felt a weird sense of déjà vu wash over him. “We’ve been through almost the whole town, and this is the last place we have left to check.” They scratched the back of their neck bashfully. “We’ve already spoken to the owner but what’s the harm in asking you too right?” they laughed to themselves. Les stood dejectedly to the side, kicking his feet against the ground sullenly. “Anyway,” they reached into their pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. “This is our phone number and address. Please let us know if you find it!” Jack gave a curt nod and reached for the paper. Their fingers brushed. He felt it like lightning crackling through his body, a jolting sting of pain that stirred up agonizing emotions Jack had tried valiantly to bury. He felt his stomach drop and tears spring to his eyes as he jerked back, snatching the paper out of the other person’s grip. It was them. Oh god, it was them. The person in front of him was different, younger, for starters. Their clothes were different, their hair, lips, skin, and body were all different, only their eyes were the same. Jack stared, an intense storm of emotions broiling inside of him, their eyes were the only thing that seemed to calm him. They held the same kindness, the same understanding and compassion, the same love that Jack had known only once before. It was them. Jack calmed himself, willing his shaking hands to still, as he slid the paper into his pocket and slipped out of the seat, moving quickly past the siblings. “Uh, yeah, I’ll- I’ll let you know.”
He had tried to avoid them, he really did, but just like last time, he was inexplicably drawn to them. And just like last time, he had spent a lifetime with them, laughing, crying, just enjoying being together. Living again. Then he lost. He lost again, just like last time… And so, Jack had run. He had turned tail and fled like a frightened child, hopping between worlds and universes, desperately trying to hide himself from the only person who could bring him such elation and yet unknowingly cause him unbearable pain.
But no matter where Jack went, where he ran to, they were there. Different faces, different voices, different bodies, always the same eyes. Always the same person. So he came back, tail between his legs, he slunk back to his world, the place where it all started. He couldn’t avoid them no matter where he went or what he did, so what was the use in continuing to run? He knew how it would end, as it always did. With them. He still tried to avoid them, every lost dog, every stuck kite, and every accidental bump. Jack ignored them, brushed them off with a quick apology or promise to keep an eye out. And it worked. Slowly, he began to forget. The name he couldn’t bring himself to say, and the pure bliss of their first life together were the last remaining memories Jack had. The interactions began to die down. It had been almost 13,000 years -give or take a century- since he’d last run into them, but there was an unshakable hankering, a powerful yearning to see them again. For no matter how much they hurt him, the longing for that joy, that fleeting second of pure euphoria was causing him more harm than the thousands of years of pain that he had been carrying since that first meeting.
And so here he stood, looking at a face that he had never seen before but was so achingly familiar, a blurry mass of every mouth they’d ever had, fuzzy noses and misshapen cheekbones, standing under the celebratory banner. ‘Welcome Class of 2020!’ And without having to hear it, almost as if it was pure instinct, Jack rolled that name around his mouth. But now, it felt heavy on his tongue, it tasted of rotting flesh and decaying bones. It made Jack want to vomit, and every voice in his head told him to run, to flee, to spare himself the inevitable pain of watching the one he loved die again. However, he stilled himself, quieted the noise in his head and put on a brave face as he gazed at the figure in front of him, holding a young boy’s hand. “Hi! My name’s [REDACTED], and this is my younger brother, Les!”
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tillman · 6 years
hi i ranked every single dark souls 1 character by who i think is the most kissable . its 79 characters all with a description of why theyre at the place theyre at with images for reference :-) its all under cut for u to enjoy.. thank u
this is all my opinion cus hehe im making the list but also im god so this is fact now . 
counting down because u know what ! buildup is fun and i have to start off with everyones most favorite:
GWYN - 79
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im kidding. fuck gwyn and everything he stands for. he wouldnt even be a good kisser he doesnt have FUCKING LIPS
SEATH - 78
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oh you really wanna kiss the incel dragon who kidnaps ladies for his weird experiements?? yeah?? who are you, big hat logan?
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heres one i wont get hate for: this fucking asshole . die bastard . he cant even kiss his face is all infected and gross!
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he sucks.
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not only is he too big to kiss! hes a cannibal!! hed eat you!!!! thats no kiss i want!
MANUS - 74
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listen i know yall love daddies and all that but hes manipulative and not a nice person so id watch out. i GUESS hes kissable as he was a human before but def not a good kiss
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its just some vines that sometimes set on fire!! If it were still the witch of izalith she would be probally in the 20s as shes a good person who tried very hard to help the world but in this state... u cant even kiss her!
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better than kaathe but the whole no lips and being a manipulative snake monster really throws me off and shoves him down at the bottom
(mentioned character - no image sorry :-( )
Listen as much as im all for love, this is love u dont want ! just trust me dont be lautrec dont do it you dont want to kiss fina listen to me. please dont kiss fina.
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way of the white members are NOTABLY unkissable but these guys. are just so boring. theyll be your white bread boyfriend as neil would say... bad kissers and bad people!
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aw fuck wait can i make another character 69 he doesnt deserve it. anyways not only is he not over his ex (fina) hed probally gut you and steal your lunch money half way through the kiss anyways so whats the point . thats not how u treat a lover idiot
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it eats your face and you die. next pleaaase
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another way of the white cleric. he at least starts off nice and he says fuck rich people but also he let that happen to rhea and i fucking hate his guts so no.
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out of all the way of the white idiots hes the best in that he wears armor and seems cool but its the way of the white man.  i cant get past that. sorry leeroy at least your armor is cool. he probably hasnt kissed someone in hundreds of years anyways 
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delicate ... but beautiful! i dunno how to smooch it but i def would if i could ! i dont think it can kiss back but, o well! we all have flaws
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it cant kiss back but its COOL and can throw me like a javelin so like . yeehaw id smooch its little face place 
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between moss and yulia i think they got enough on their plates! plus since theyre so hollowed, i dont think they have any lips to kiss back with! 
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hes not like . bad persay but also i dont trust him after he helped with new londo. cool design tho. i wanna kiss that bird beak mask
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was a bullfrog, and never took off his crown long enough to kiss another person...... i feel like if he did though! oh boy!!!
Asylum Demon + Demon Firesage + Stray Demon - 60
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more kissable than some bosses, but still not the greatest lips. good butts though on all of them.... so i guess thats fr u kinky people 
(no image shes a crow) 
please stop drawing her as an anime girl shes literally just a grow that likes warm things oh my god you freaks be nice to her
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hes hard to kiss around the hat! and on that note hes pretty much taken with his obsession with seath. good luck! hes nice though so better than most of this list so far
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ranked so high because past its giant underbelly of teeth and destruction is this very tiny head which i think is so funny i cant help but want to kiss its little snoot.... hehe baby
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oh now were actually getting into kissable range! ricard is a prince (maybe even of astora... kissability increase.) so his high ranking might get you some kissability points, but the hollowing is gonna lower that. 4/10 no kissable lips!
4 KINGS - 55
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whats better than a prince..... a king... whats better than a king..................  4 KINGS! just watch out for their overly anime spiky armor and the fact their in a never ending void nightmare but they do have faces so thats points above the rest!
(mentioned character only! sorry!)
hmmmm we dont learn much about him other than he was close with quelana and he was ............ hot!  hes a pyromancer.  being of the great swamp pushes him down a bit because he prolly smells like his name sake but u know what ! maybe hes cute! we cant be sure! hes in the running at least!
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hmm... bad lover.... good kisser................................................... the things i do for big beefy demon love.
GOUGH - 52
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While you cant kiss gough cus all the sap in his helmet i cant bare to put him lower than he is hes just so sweet. a kiss on his helmet because i love him so much
NITO - 51
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while he cant kiss back, nito deserves a kiss or two! plus he has a lot of hands so u can hold his hands and be hugged at the same time and u know what that might be just as good as a nice kiss. good on you nito!
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again a non kisser........ damn beaks! the stone dragon does need a kiss though. they havent seen another living soul in years down in ash lake! so im giving them points on that alone.
VAMOS - 49
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like the last two.... no lips! vamos though makes up for it in his charm and wit, and his exceptional skill in smithing! so even without lips to kiss, you still should kiss vamos! hes a good friend
(mentioned !)
wow... a painter! and a skilled one at that! this man created the painted world used to keep priscilla safe and that is so noble it gives him points right off the bat! i feel like though, as an artist, he might be a bit weird about it. so watch out and be safe, but in the end, get free art and some free smooches out of him!
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thats my mom ... of course she gets a good cheek smooch for all her hard work keeping dusk safe!
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i love domhnall hes a good guy whos trying his best but also his mask is so fucking goofy i dunno if i can do it .
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as much as i think rickert would be a good kiss (hes smart, cute, and skilled!) he is trapped behind some bars willingly and probably wont let you in. i can dream though!
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if theres any boss that NEEDS a kiss its him. poor dude lost all his family and was turned into this laughing stock of a creature. youd probably burn your lips but .... please just be nice to him :-(
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ooo a strong yet silent type.... hes even cute under his mask! good kiss, but i feel like he might just care more about his actual job than a kiss ! hes dedicated !
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putting aside me knowing shed be a good kisser, i just understand she probably doesnt want a kiss right now, shes grieving over the loss of her friend and i respect her comfort. maybe a good pat on the shoulder and a cup of nice tea with her would be nice though! 
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may seem like a weird choice to put a necromancer up so high on the list but.... honestly pinwheel needs some love. dude lost his whole family and in trying to revive them accidentally fused them to himself. while he might not be the best kisser, i honestly just wanna tell him everythings gonna be ok.
KIRK - 40
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ok if you know me you KNOW how much it pains me to put kirk so low but. hes a busy guy! not only is he doing so much work to help out where he can with the fair lady, but you might just get pricked by his spiky armor while youre going in for the smooch! so, as much as he deserves a kiss for all his hard work, maybe pass until another time!
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were getting there! she is just so strong... and so brave........ she may not even be undead! sieglinde is so strong and wonderful doing all that just to deliver a message to her unruly father, she deserves so many kisses! Shes got a lot on her plate though so please respect her......
(just mentioned!)
implied to be a huge strong knight who made it to even sens fortress! yes please ! 
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hmmmmm,.......... if u can get past the whole lighting your face on fire, these are two loyal gargoyles! that seems pretty good to me!
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a wonderful helpful witch friend! she is so nice to help you defeat flying bosses with her magic!! i love her so much! shes even cute to boot! 
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HE HELP ANYTIME................... I HAVE TO GIVE HIM A KISS FOR ALL HIS HARD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEGALLY I HAVE TO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RHEA - 34
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putting aside my hatred of the way of white.... rhea really is just a babey.... shes adorable and kind and just wants everyone to be ok so im won over. maybe a little forehead smooch for being such a good person!
OSCAR - 33
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oh oscar. a noble, heroic, and cute knight but in the end. would he be a good kisser........ i feel yes, but maybe not so much so! hes busy focusing on being a hero you know! hes a good friend and i cant help but fall in love with nice guys
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she deserves the entire world and all i can give her is my humanity and a kiss........... sobs. i wish i could do more to ease her pain but she is so strong and wonderful! please give her a nice smooch! 
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i didnt wanna separate them ........ her wonderful sister! who even taught humans pyromancies! shes smart and nice, and honestly probably needs a kiss. 
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uh my notes from last night are just
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so yeah! thats mildred!
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hes sad as fuck but also... kinda handsome! he was a knight of berenike and made it almost all of the way through sens fortress showing how skilled he is! a strong man like this (inspired by maybe the best kisser in demons souls, boirr) has to be a good kiss!
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hes going through a lot right now but... how could u not think siegmeyer is kissable. thats on you man. thats your own character flaw.
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ok this might be slightly controversial but i feel like oswald would be a good kisser. if you got past his slightly weird love for velka who well get to (thats just carimites (carimians? carimfolk???)) hes nice and kind and maybe the funkiest character in dark souls
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another cant kiss you but.... kalameet is just so cool ! very shadow the hedgehog and u know what that is NOT a bad thing. you might have a rough time trying to get there, but..... aww whos a good dragon.....
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alright the final stretch! the darkmoon knightess is the anor londo firekeeper, and a friend of gwyndolin! shes supposed to be “ugly and shit” (real quote. i would never lie to you) but her model is so cute! defiantly kissable as fuck!
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DUSK - 22
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oh yes!! the princess of a lost land...... will you be her knight in shining armor.......... oh i just love her so much. shes sweet and nice and cute and deserves a kiss or two!! please be nice to my daughter!
SHIVA - 21
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hottie with cool armor and a cooler sword. since they cut his whole sidequest i can with all certianty say YES he is super kissable and is probably a great kisser 
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im putting griggs so high cus hes kissable in a factor unseen before...... baby factor. hes soft and nice and is just trying to find his dad! just tuck him into bed and kiss him goodnight! its what he deserves! 
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everyone already KNOWS why artorias is a good kisser. hes nice, strong, brave, and most importantly. cool as FUCKING HELL ! HE DOES SICK ANIME FLIPS!! if you can look past the abyss slowly taking him over, youll find a good good boy who deserves a good kiss.
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the good firekeeper who we spend most of our time with in 1! YES of COURSE Shes kissable. she deserves SO MANY kisses for all of her hard work in keeping the firekeep shrine lit! good job anastacia im sorry lautrec is like that
(just mentioned!)
if her title alone doesnt bring you in, youll be pleased to know shes implied to help watch over priscilla (who well get to hold your horses) and keep the poor girl safe! a strong sense of justice and a love of crows, shes probably an amazing kiss if you can find her! 
ANDRE - 15
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were closing in on #1 and i just have to throw andre in here. hes so nice and strong! just . please kiss andre! he deserves some he does so much work! 
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poor priscilla. called a monstrous crossbreed and has to hide in a painted world to stay safe from those who would hurt her. including the internet! leave her alone you freaks shes not your fetish fuel!!! she deserves a good kiss on the cheek and a hug for all she has to put up with
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its my list i get to put the crestfallen warrior where i want. and u know what? he would honestly be a good kiss. hes kind and helpful and never once wishes you harm, he just needs to be held tightly and kissed passionately and u know what. dont we all. 
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she is beautiful but .... 1 shes married and 2 shes not even real! whatever. her husband the flame god flann is at least.......... hot! haahgdaefshdfcdhswfe im so fucking funny
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listen i see a big beefy dude i go “hey thats hot please kiss me” so of course tarkus is this high up hes the beefiest dude around.... right?? anyways all knights of berenike are kissable hes just the MOST kissable of the 3 named ones!
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this dude kisses the son of gwyn you KNOW hes a good kiss. the golden lion armor just helps so much. we love you ornstein .....
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HERE HE IS ... THE BEEFIEST GUY AROUND ... this bitch uses a DRAGONS TOOTH as a huge club to bash people with if that isnt big dick energy i dont know what is. armor made of stone. heart made of gold. havel the rock please god kiss me passionately under the moonlight .
SIF - 8
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oghfoghfohg puppey..................................... SMOOCHIE THE PUPPY>...........
(hes just mentioned in ds1!!) 
I KNOW HES A DS3 BOSS BUT LISTEN TO ME THEY TALK ABOUT HIM SO MUCH IM ALLOWING THIS.  he defected from his awful dads team to go help the DRAGONS!! thats so cool hes so kissable. would be more kissable if he wasnt kissing ornstein but thats ok . i respect them both.
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this MAY just because i have a huge crush on him but also here are some good kissable things about him: his fasion, his voice that sounds like a purr, his laugh, his malice, his funny mask, him. thank you for your time.
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FINAL FIVE! heres gwyndolin. the most kissable of all of gwyns children for the sheer fact of how much work they put in to making sure people stay safe and happy. they are so kind and wonderful they deserve SO MANY kisses! good on you gwyndolin....
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now heres a fun one! laurentius is one of the nicest guys u will EVER meet in any souls game. he genuinely cares about you, he loves and respects u even if u dont respect him or his skills, hes nice cute and above all: i love him . please kiss laurentius he is a nice guy who just wants the best for u..... dont be mean to him.....................
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the highest one that cant kiss back and thats for the capra demons SHEER HORNY ENERGIES. this is a demon you can fuck! thats it i have nothing else to say i just think the capra demon is funny
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do i seriously have to explain why solaire is so high up. not only is he nice and cares about you, hes handsome, passionate, and just a good fucking person. he is hands down one of the most kissable characters in any souls game ever! fuck yeah! go off you funky little lover boy! 
and finally.
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its patches.
170 notes · View notes
naernon · 6 years
for the ask meme (TES, obvs): 3,9, 13 (for naemon), 23!
thank you!! i wrote this all last night and i havent checked for coherency or errors so forgive me if it’s a bit scatterbrained at times (although yall should be used to incoherency coming from me ghhgfg.)
3.) Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
someone said that they didn’t like serana and i was already sitting on the decision to unfollow them for other reasons and that. that was just the Final Straw.
but i think that’s it…? im so petty + impulsive (deadly combo) at times that maybe i did unfollow over a TES opinion another time but i can’t remember hgufuhfhxdfh
9.) Most disliked character(s)? Why?
OOF this is a hard one, ill list the ones that come to mind rn;
molag bal. needs no explanation
darren guitar or whatever his name is. im sorry to anyone who likes him but i just.. can’t. he’s so obnoxious. he was toned down in summerset, probably because different people were writing him if i had to guess but in the main and daggerfall covenant questline? awful. his goddamn womanizing jokes at every second of the day was “kim, there’s people that are dying” at its finest.literally one or two “haha ladies amirite fellow man ;)/haha ladies amirite……… lady ;)” jokes can be.. bearable albeit still annoying but there was so much more than that. or they were so obnoxiously written that it seemed to be more frequent than in actuality, either way, darren guitar? 0/10also my view of him hasnt gotten better since someone sent me a rude ask about how darren had more personality than prince naemon in-game due to me joking about how i don’t like him and then subsequently blocked me for being irritated about the rudeness of the ask + the fact that im 99% sure they were the anon that appeared in my fucking inbox defending darren guitar every single time i breathed a single word about him
i completely forgot he existed until you listed him as disliked and now i hate him even more. that fucking. bard from the bannered mare. the one that harassed carlotta until you told him to fuck off. i hate that dude. always have
abnur tharn. mildly obnoxious with some amusing lines until you find out what he did to queen ayrenn like. small dick mannimarco joke is now renounced, little man. Perish.my view on Estre is Complicated because she’s a really neat character and villain and ranks as a favorite in the latter department but from like, a moral standpoint i loathe her.also while it wasn’t like. pelidil levels of shittiness i’m not fond of how she hurt naemon– but then again……. now that i think of it, i really don’t know what’d she COULD do other than keep him in the absolute dark until he inevitably gets caught up in the Shitshow otherwise. i wouldn’t suppose naemon to be 100% willing to join in her efforts or even keep completely quiet about them if she did decide to talk to him about it or let him know; and for all we know, she could’ve planned to do so eventually in some way– but the suddenness of the AD hero’s infiltration of the veiled heritance probably ruined any semblance of a plan she could’ve had. so on second thought, even from a “naemon is a perfect being and i will protect him with my life and loathe all who hurt him” standpoint, i don’t dislike her too much. let’s just reduce estre to like.. honorable mentions on my “disliked characters” list then lmao(also “moral standpoint” as if queen ayrenn is anything close to the pinnacle of absolute morality. estre is objectively worse on that front, though, so i suppose i still stand by that)
speaking of which i really… don’t like pelidil. again, moral standpoint. and “naemon is a perfect being and i will protect him with my life and loathe all who hurt him” standpoint. otherwise, he’s a neat villain and the quest in which you cut him down was one of the more impressive quests in the game IMO, or even in the entire game series. good build-up.
this is getting too long so i’ll cut it there, that’s all the characters that come to mind rn anyways hfhgdhg
10.) Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
i guess if you view it in such a way, liking him is kind of unpopular– while there’s still a lot of those who even if not actively talking about him as a character, have praised his character/took his side/whatever, there’s also a good amount who don’t. not really in considering him a poorly written character, but rather from a (sorry to bring this phrase up so much so far) moral standpoint.
also, considering him in a semi-unironic “he did nothing wrong” way, which i do, is kind of unpopular– and i can understand that, in some ways. i dont think him snapping at the scene of the orrery was under his 100% control nor was anything subsequent, but there’s still the fact that he still is in an “i deserve the throne, fuck off” mindset in coldharbour, which, unless he’s STILL affected by the mantle and/or the orrery, is obviously a negative change in viewpoint compared to the “i’ll swallow my bitterness and remain loyal to my sister and the dominion, she is the rightful queen and i am just her shadow” you saw prior.
granted, i’d argue that even then, you have to consider the influence that pelidil had over him prior (as some have accurately put it before– whispered poison into his ear). especially with the fact that naemon’s quite young for an elf at… 26? around that age-range. i dont think altmer’s minds work in the way that, say, hobbits do, in that they age slower and this includes their mental capability, decision-making, etc.. (they obviously don’t) BUT, compared to an elf with more experience, there’s a bit of an… imbalance there. pelidil WAS the one who served naemon instead of the other way around so you’d figure the opposite if anything, but again, naemon = impressionable and emotionally vulnerable at the time.
anyways, got off-topic; my point was that naemon, when you consider the influence that pelidil and any other secretly heritance people that interacted with him, even when you use the fact that he still seems “corrupted” in coldharbour to frame him as bad… that ain’t it. there’s also the fact that he is being tortured, at that moment. big part of it. he PROBABLY isn’t in the right state of mind, to put it simply. but then again, i mean, one could still argue a whole “cool motive, still murder” take on it, so whatever. i dont know man ghfghduhbdfg
YIKES i rambled, holy shit. sorry. but otherwise, i dont think i have too many? there’s not much in the prince naemon…. sub-fandom, at least not enough to be able to render one opinion as unpopular compared to the next
(and i. Guess that headcanoning him as trans definitely has the potential to be unpopular. but i dont really talk about it or “enforce” it much other than off-hand comments that might imply such, drawing him with top surgery scars, etc.. so it hasn’t exactly been given any room to be considered remotely unpopular. haven’t gotten anon hate, snide comments, etc.. about any of it at all so it’s cool. but i’ve brought it up because… you know how fandoms are; if there was more to the prince naemon “fandom”, theoretically, it would be and therefore kind of IS an unpopular opinion. “does your arm hurt from reaching cassius” ok look, i just felt like i needed to provide one more unpopular opinion about naemon and i couldn’t figure out any other than that. but yes. yes, hurts a little)
23.) Unpopular character you love?
unpopular as in commonly disliked, or unpopular in… amount of people that like them? with the latter, it’s def naemon. i love him with all my heart gfigufhgdugdfh but then again who didn’t know that
with the former… hm. the thing is a lot of characters disliked in this fandom are disliked with good reason IMO– nevermind. almalexia. not to open any #diskhorse wounds but almalexia’s one of them ghdfhguhg jot that down
and i’ve heard some talk that veya is kind of unpopular, what with the recent summerset developments? yeah, fuck that, veya’s one of my favorites. this fandom (or. any fandom lets be real) has an awful tendency to praise any goddamn male character’s flaws or “negative” depth as redeemable character complexity and something that can be looked past, and yet, you see even REMOTELY the same amount if not more character depth in a female character and they’re hated. pointing this out is nothing new but it’s truly just…. something to behold.
and on that note im just going to renounce my prior statement of “a lot of characters disliked in this fandom are disliked with good reason” that’s the dumbest shit i’ve ever said. or perhaps an addendum stating that it’s only applicable to male characters is more in order? or that it’s the opposite for male characters: liked with bad reason. or… liked with over-exaggerated reason disproportionate to the actual amount of depth, complexity, and/or likeability said character actually has, paired with hatred for female characters with the same amount of complexity. “bruh don’t you obsess over prince naemon–” Yeah And What the Fuck Of It
anyways moving on sorry i got distracted hgdfgyfgh. that’s all the characters that come to mind? disregarding characters that are unpopular in an unappreciated sort of way rather than a disliked way, i really dont have a lot
salty fandom (elder scrolls) opinions
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missklou · 7 years
Bts reaction {Mommy kink}
(for people that make gifs/gifsets, I absolutely adore your work, if you do not approve the use of your gifs please let me know and I’ll stop)
(Currently taking requests)
Request:  Pls bts reaction to their gf having a mommy kink and calling them baby boy :) make it nsfw
(I made little adjustments to the ask that I hope you don’t mind, like instead of the reaction of finding out about your kink, actually performing it, and various pet names other than “baby boy”, I hope it’s okay)
Mini scenarios with each member. If you like it, please check the masterlist for more.
Warnings: Sexual content, NSFW as it was asked, filth, if you are easily triggered you should probably not read this, mentions of: dom female, bondage, public play, overstimulation, orgasm denial, food play and even fuckboy jungkook.
Seokjin did not know how to act upon your kink, the only thing he was sure of was that he liked it very much. 
He wasn’t the biggest fan of being a sub but he was the biggest fan of you being a dom, which is why he happily took place in your often roleplay. 
However, there were days where you acted like a brat and Jin -that wasn’t particularly domish- wanted to control you just to see you swallow your words. 
Today was one of those days, but this time it was intentional. 
You muffle a giggle when you see Jin wiggle in his seat and then is pleased when he gets one of his hands around yours on his crouch to try an stop you. What Jin doesn’t know yet is that the action only makes it even more innocent as it looks like he’s holding your hand under the table. 
You stay still for one second, right hand palming him through his jeans but eyes glowing with fake interest to the rest of the boys, that are engaged in vivid conversation. 
When he attempts to pull your hand away, you cough, drawing attention to the both of you. Jin freezes, terrified of being caught by the members.
-Sorry, I have been feeling kinda sick. -You apologize, they brush it off as nothing and you smik at Seokjin, that is now looking at you with murderer's eyes. 
Your smile grows cheekier as you unbuckle his belt and in one swift movement pull his cock out of the confines of his jeans, he’s pale and now whispering for you to stop. 
Boys turn their heads, you pump him slowly. 
-Everything okay? You don’t look good hyung. -Says Taehyung. 
-I’m afraid Jinie got sick too, he hasn’t been feeling very good tonight. -You answer instead of your boyfriend, that could only mumble incoherent words with your soft hand going up and down on his dick. -We should wait for dessert and then head to bed. -You inform, Jin interrupts. 
-We are going now, I’m not feeling good. -His eyes are dark and threatening, you almost laugh because you know what is going through his head right now. 
You let go of him and wipe the precum on the inside of your skirt. 
-Okay, let’s do as you want. -But your words mean nothing because as soon as you get to the apartment Jin holds you against the closed door, body pressing into yours, lips attaching. 
-You are so screwed. -He informs and then looks utterly confused when a loud laugh erupts from your small figure. 
-What do you think you are doing? -You ask him, eyes getting dangerously serious, the way he loves. -Is this how you are supposed to talk to mommy? -It’s easy to change positions because he’s caught off guard, you pressed him against the wall and held his face with one hand, squeezing his cheeks. -Why are you ordering me around like you are a big boy? Is my little prince getting rebellious?
You see the glow in Jin’s eyes and that makes your panties wetter than they already were.
-Cat got your tongue prince? I believe I made you a question. -Your hand leaves his cheek to trail his body until it reaches his crouch, his bulge is so satisfying. 
-I only did it because mommy teased me in public. -He pouts in the cutest way and rests his head on the door, gulping at your administrations on his dick. 
-So what? Mommy can do just whatever she wants with you -You wet his neck with soft kisses and make sure to leave hickeys, your breasts pressing against his own chest because you are in your tiptoes. -If I want to play with your prince parts in front of your friends I can and you know why? -He tenses up when you pull his member out of his pants for the second time in the night and squeeze him in your palm. -Because this is all mine.
He huffed in agreement and closed his eyes, you take in the overwhelming sight of a horny Seokjin while your hands catch speed. 
-Why are you keeping your moans to yourself? 
In seconds he gets very verbal about his pleasure, delighting your ears with moans of your name and needy requests for you to go faster. 
He is twitching on your hand when you let go, his eyes shot open immediately with a whine on how he was about to cum. 
-And do you think you can cum after behaving like that baby boy? -His face is so wrathful you laugh again after petting his head. -You can watch mama touch herself, maybe I’ll let you do the same. 
And he wouldn't have followed you to your room if all of his blood wasn't on his dick.
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(By imaslutforwords) 
Yoongi would pretend that he didn’t care. What betrayed his unimpressed facade was the fact that he was obsessed with pleasuring you. If using him got you off, he would let you, even against every logical part of him. 
After telling him about your kink, you even think he’s teasing you more lately. He wears a cute beany and even responses “Yes mommy” in a grumpy tone when you ask him to do laundry today. 
You have had enough of his teasing and daring eyes. 
When you get home from work you find your boyfriend in your bedroom, folding clothes, back facing you and he doesn’t turn when you walk in so you don’t hesitate in pushing him to the bed. 
Yoongi is grumpy about it and turns with a sharp expression but you won’t back away this time. You kneel in front of him in bed and spread his legs for you. 
-Y/n what are you...
-Quiet now baby, mommy is tired and she needs to use her naughty boy to relax again. -You take his pants off, not without hearing his complains. When he begins to turn to get out of bed you slap his ass. -I said quiet now didn’t I? Do I have to punish you? -You stare at each other until he gives up and shakes his head no. 
You palm him through his boxers and is pleased to find out that he is completely hard for you.
-It seems like my baby boy likes being a good boy after all. -You kiss the insides of his thighs, eyes never leaving his, he rolls his eyes with a sarcastic grin and you strip him out of his underwear. 
To your boyfriend’s surprise, you lick the length of his shaft and give his precum covered head a light suck. 
His grin instantly turns into a delicious moan, with closed eyes and hands grabbing the sheets. 
-That’s it, that’s better. -It’s your turn to give him a sarcastic side smile. -You look beautiful when you are squirming under my touch. 
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(by jiminwhyyougotnojams)
Hoseok has never talked about his kink with you because he was embarrassed about it, afraid you would find it weird. 
What he did was give you hints here and there to see if you would figure it out by yourself, oblivious to the fact you were trying to hide your own kink for the same reasons. 
One day it becomes too much. 
He’s walking around the house with a hoodie and white boxers, his nice thighs and plump ass provoking you to the breaking point. 
Your boyfriend sits on the couch next to you with a Pikachu plushie, his baby blue blanket and his phone, you gag on your coffee from how cute he looks with a pout on his face as he checks his social media.
-Could you sit on my lap? -You rest your drink on the little table beside the couch, his head snaps at your direction. 
-W-What? -His eyes are huge on his face, mouth hanging open, you were afraid of that reaction but you can’t hide it anymore. 
-You have been teasing me for the past year, always getting me on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t admit it but I can’t deal with it like this anymore Hoseok. -You open your legs, he stands up and just stares at you. -I want you to sit on my lap, I want to call you my baby boy, want to get you all flushed as I make you cum on my hand, I want you to make a mess on yourself, I want you to moan and whimper as I overstimulate you for as long as I want to, I want you to act like a brat because you know I’ll get you bending on my knees and fucking spanking your fine ass until you have tears in your eyes. -You stare back at his shocked reaction, not wanting to move and scare him away. 
The first movement comes several seconds later, and it’s Hoseok seating on your lap, one leg on either side of you, his erection as hard as a rock against your front. 
His smile could blind someone, you are sure of it. 
You don’t waste time on more words, pulling him out of his boxers and enjoying his face as you give him a handjob. 
-Take off your hoodie and grab at my knees to steady yourself cutie, lean back so mommy can see your beautiful body. 
He only moans in response, following your instructions. Hoseok’s body is fully on display now, tensing and relaxing, abs contracting, firm tighs around you, his neckline exposed, sharp jawline deliciously glowing with sweat. 
He bucks his hips against your hand, you realize your boyfriend is desperate to cum. 
-You are so beautiful like this Hoseok, you are such a good boy. -His ears pierce at the words, he moves even faster, breathing becoming erratic, moans becoming high pitched in whines. 
-Mommy I’m going to cum. -He warns and you feel your panties getting unbearably sticky. 
-You can cum baby, cum all over yourself for mommy. 
And he does, squirming in your lap, his face when he cums like that is so nice you think someone should paint it in a wall. 
Actually, you think someone should paint Hoseok as he is right now: Fucked out, sweaty, breathless, spread wide, abs covered in his own pleasure. 
He grunts when you praise him and lick the warm cum on your fingers.
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(By btsumari)
Namjoon had been a bad boy and for that would be punished. 
He is now standing up in the middle of your “fun” room, arms tied above his head and attached to a ring on the ceiling, the white social shirt he wore earlier, a corset you love, a choker and a beautiful cock ring. 
He’s also blindfolded and trembling from the struggle of being in the tips of his feet in order to not hurt his hands further. It’s the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your life. 
You deny him his second orgasm and sweat run down his forehead, he’s trying hard not to make noises and you just love it. 
-Why are you all tied up? -You ask him, whispering in his ear. 
-I have been naughty -He tells you, grinding his teeth. 
-What have you done?
-I have teased mommy in public. -He’s getting out of breath, you start pumping his length again, he whines from the overstimulation. 
-And now what is your punishment? 
-To obey mommy! -Namjoon, your usually dominant boyfriend is squirming over your touches and you grunt from pleasure. 
-You endured your punishment like a big boy, it’s time to get your reward. -He sighs in relieve, you untie his hands and take off the cock ring and the blindfold. -Now you are going to get in between mommy’s legs and make it nice and wet with your pretty mouth okay? Give me a kiss. 
He kisses you and gets on his knees, eyes burning your skin. 
-What are these manners? What should you say?
-Thank you mommy. -His eyes look big and glowy and you pet his head. 
-Good puppy. -Your smile being the trigger, he grabs onto your hips and in seconds his mouth is on your clit, turning you into a moaning mess. 
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(By choke-me-namjoon)
Jimin’s flexibility and dancing skills were no joke. 
Noticing how much you loved it, Jimin put some effort into stretching in the best ways possible to put up a good show to you. 
Jimin was the perfect little for you. Always so obedient, always so committed to satisfying you, you couldn’t have asked for a better little. 
You got home after a work trip to find your angel wrapped in your favorite blanket with swollen eyes and a plushie by his side, as soon as you walk in he jumps to stand and runs over to your open arms. 
You hug him tightly and it feels like recharging after a tiring day. 
-Mommy -He whines in his crying voice. 
-Why is my baby crying? -You ask him with your lips against his forehead, he sobs and backs away to face you. 
-You were out for a week! You said it would only be for a few days! -He pouts and you giggle at how cute he looks. 
-I’m sorry Kitten, I was dealing with grown-up things, did you miss me?
He nods immediately and you get close to your boyfriend to palm him through his trousers, you give him light kisses on his neck and his breath catches.
-And you didn’t touch yourself just like mommy asked you right? 
Silence, his breathing is now erratic because he’s nervous, you stop your hand and raise your head slowly to meet his eyes, he’s too scared to look at you so he stares at his own socks. 
-Jiminie? Did you touch yourself?
He tries to shake his head no but his eyes say otherwise. 
-Mochi are you lying to mommy? -You suddenly grab his cock way harder, he grabs your wrist but does not try to stop you, eyes rolling to the back of his head, mouth open in a silent moan. 
-I-I’m sorry m-mommy. 
You snap your tongue in disapproval two times before letting go of him. 
-Mommy does not like it when you disobey kitten... Go to your room, you better be undressed and in position by the time I get there.
And in fact when you get to the room, after getting your stuff inside and getting out of your shoes, Jimin is completely naked, exposing his beautiful body in an upward plank position, abs contracting to keep him balanced on his hands and feet.
Approximately one minute has passed, his muscles are trembling now. 
-Do you think you can keep it up for another minute while mommy plays with your thick cock? -You ask him but the answer is not important as your hands are already enveloping his member. 
You stroke him slowly and he’s panting. 
-Did you touch yourself like this while mommy was away? Did you touch yourself like a nasty boy even tho you were prohibited? 
He nods faintly and your hand comes to a stop. 
-Use your big boy words kitten, you were a big boy when you decided to misbehave. 
-I’m sorry mommy. -He tries bucking his hips into your hand but his muscles are too worn out and he grunts after one attempt. 
-Answer me kitten!
-Yes! Yes I did! -He whines and you let go of him. 
-You can bend over my lap now, ass nice and up for me. 
Jimin, with trembling legs and the most beautiful red face in the world, bends over your knees, following your every command. 
-Good kitten.
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(By jjks) 
Taehyung was very open with his desires and kinks, he did not try to hide things he didn’t think should be hidden and was not shy about what turned him on what so ever. 
So ever since he told you about his mommy kink he has been a devoted sub. 
-Oh, it’s too quiet... -You say suspicious and get up from your chair in the home office. -Is my baby up to something? -You speak louder this time so he can hear it from the other room, you hear giggles coming from the kitchen. -Taehyungie?
When you find the end of the hallway you can see your boyfriend in the kitchen with a bowl of white cream -that by the record he spread all over the counter, on the floor and even on his hair. -giggling and mixing it with chocolate. 
-Taehyungie? -He raises his head and gives you one of his boxy smiles. 
-Mommy! You are not supposed to see now! It’s a surprise! -He tries to hide the bowl but you only laugh and approach him. 
-Taehyungie look at the mess you made! -You pet his head and take the bowl from him, then you see the knife in the sink. -Baby, did you use a knife? -Your eyes grow dark, he get’s serious as well. 
-Yes... -He admits, already knowing what comes next. 
-That is very dangerous baby! You can not play with sharp objects, you know better! 
Since he looks sorry you soften your eyes. 
-But mommy I didn’t hurt myself this time! -He shows his hands and you sigh. 
-Love, I understand you want to please mommy but that’s not the way to do it. 
You rest the bowl on the counter and turn to leave, then you realize Tae is actually upset. 
You approach him again and lick the cream in the corner of his mouth, smiling to reassure him that you are not mad anymore.  
His eyes widen, you turn for the second time and Tae is quick in stopping you. 
-Mommy, I’m dirty here too! -He spreads cream on his lips, you laugh out loud, he smiles too. 
You kiss him, the sweet taste of his lips is pleasing and the kiss goes from a jokingly tone to a sensual one when Taehyung deepens it, pressing you against the sink. 
-Show me how should I please you right mommy.
You grab his hand and kiss the tip of his cream covered finger, sucking from the base to the tip of it next, your baby boy watches with amazed eyes as his finger is enveloped in your mouth. 
In a matter of minutes, Taehyung is lying on the floor squirming and humping as you blow him, his delicious desperate low groans fill the small kitchen, you are both sticky from playing with the sweet and his hair is wet on his forehead. 
-That’s how you pleasure mommy love, there’s nothing that I like more than to see you spread like that just for me, so beautiful.
-Thank you mommy. -He moans in a shaky voice.
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(By mvssmedia)
You had the secret desire to destroy boys. 
Jungkookie wasn’t the first but certainly the most willing one when it came to it. 
Your sexual nights were a secret except for the infamous rumors circulating campus, all of them stating it to be great. As rumors work, a lot of fake stories were added to the real ones to the point where it was unbelievable, so Jungkook had to see it for himself. 
He thought taking you to bed would be an easy task, him being the fuckboy he is, what he didn’t know was that sharing a bed with you implied following YOUR rules, and that was something new to his game. 
-You know what I love? -You ask him, your lips pressing against his ear gently, you can practically see the goosebumps spreading through his naked body. -I love seeing fuckboys like yourself bending to my will literally. -You smile and walk away to grab his phone and snap photos of his beautiful figure tied up to the bed frame, a pacifier on his mouth, legs shaking from the vibrator on the tip of his cock. 
You bring the phone closer to his face and sit by his side on the bed, he moans, eyes glowing. 
-Mommy loves to see you like this baby boy, you look so beautiful, so so beautiful... -You pet his face, bringing the phone to get the blush on his cheeks in the video. -Does it feel good? 
He immediately hums in response.
-I want to hear you saying how good I’m making you feel bunny. -One of your hands reach his red hard cock to pump him slowly, his moan fills the room. -Just like that, now apologize for all the rude things you said you would do with mommy with that fuckboy attitude earlier in the party.
-I’m sorry mommy. -He says with a shaky voice from all the overstimulation and the pacifier still in his mouth. -I-I promise not t-to do it again. 
-Thank you Baby, now do you want to cum? -Once again he shakes his head desperately, you increase the speed of your movements and lower yourself to kiss the tip of his dick, he throws his head back. -Then cum bunny. 
And so he does. 
Jungkook can’t think of anything else for the next month, everytime a girl smiles at him he remembers how you turned him into a submissive whimpering mess. After finally admitting to himself that he is a kinky bastard, he goes looking for you to turn your one night stand into long frequent play time sections.
For the past year, Jungkook has been the best and cutest little you have ever seen and you are proud to call him yours.
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(by armythreej)
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todoiibaku · 7 years
-who cries when someone dies in a moviebakugou… he gets attached to the tough character and then when they die he Breaks Down
-who wears the ugly holiday garbadshfkjg todoroki… his issue is that he doesnt get why theyre bad tho like “no look its cool it lights up. it even has bells. its cool stop laughing”
-who pays for the mealsprobably both but mainly cause bakugou is too prideful to let him pay for him all the time lmao
-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombonebakugou slams the door and breaks it
-who brings home stray animalstodoroki…. but it gets worse when he realizes that bakugou isn’t fighting him on it as much. in the two years they lived together they probably have two dogs and At Least two cats
-who leaves the bathroom door openbakugou has…. no concept of privacy. he leaves the door open when he’s using it and todoroki just happens to walk by and get scarred… poor kid
-who tells the ‘dad jokes’todoroki… but he thinks theyre funny jokes and gets mad when bakugou doesn’t laugh
-who wants kids morei can’t see them as having too many kids??? but i think bakugou would want a son
-who travels moretodoroki’s that famous all star boy ya catch him interviewing in hollywood and shit
-who spends more cashcash?? probably bakugou,, todoroki is a card boy but bakugou thinks cash is more convenient most of the time
-who buys the things in infomercialstodoroki,, he didn’t watch a lot of tv as a kid so he’s always like “??? a pillow and a pet in one??? im getting it”
-who draws in the dust on their carsfjdlgk bakugou writes bad words on todoroki’s car and todoroki just draws like. a smiley face
-who starts the snowball fightstodoroki. yall already know… he starts them in june
-who throws away the directions to thingsjfkg bakugou.. he likes to insist he already knows how to do things but then when they get stuck todoroki has to dig them out of the garbage
-who puts up holiday decortodoroki but bakugou has to help cause todoroki has No eye for design or basic style… he’d be the kinda guy to put like five red ornaments right next to each other
-who is more likely to forget to bathetheyre both busy so they probably both do pretty often (but don’t worry, they definitely remind each other dfkgh.. “bitch you stinky”)
-who gets more obsessed about thingstodoroki probably goes through phases of discovering things like. he’ll find a New Thing and do it nonstop and then move on to the next New Thing.. his ‘hobby corner’ is a mess 
-who sings in the shower more oftenim?? pretty sure todoroki’s va is a singer so probably him,,, i can’t imagine either of them really take long showers tho so maybe just a quick jingle gfdjkhf
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fred-harrell · 7 years
A Sermon on John 2 - Water to Wine
I re-read The Brothers Karamozov last summer. On my Kindle. It can be done. I read the translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky.  The first time I could hardly get through it years ago. This time was seemingly easy. Because I read Pevear’s excellent introduction to the book. The context in which Dostoevsky wrote it, the style, the way in which names are used, the characters, etc.  The book came alive. I devoured it.
In this book, the gospel of John, we have a similar opportunity. John tells us the purpose of his book at the end of John, in chapter 20:30-31:
“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.”  Noice.
Signs: something unique to John. There are 7 of them..doesn’t call them miracles but signs. Signs point. You don’t see a sign that says “San Francisco, 30 miles” and say, ‘well it’s good to be in the City by the Bay!’  Although I learned when I moved here that people in Livermore, for instance, tell their friends that they lived in the ‘San Francisco area”.  Sorry Livermore. You live in Livermore!  But I digress into my San Francisco snobbiness.
The point John is making is to have you asking this question when you see these ‘signs’: What do they tell you about Jesus and the Reign of God he brings. And John do so artistically and intentionally.
So… when John says, “On the third day…” this is both practical and theological. Practical, because the 3rd day is Tuesday, and this IS the day (sort of like our Saturday) when people in Ancient and Present day Israel get married! This is also theological.  The 3rd day in the creation story of Genesis is a day where God blesses and calls it good 2 times. A doubly blessed day.  Something else happened on the 3rd day as well… the resurrection of Jesus.  John wants you to connect this ‘sign’ with the resurrection of Jesus.
So let’s talk about the wedding. First, it’s in Cana. About 9 or so miles northwest of Nazareth. Jesus was invited because simply Jesus was known. Which is it’s own lesson if we’ll see it. Jesus shows up where he is invited. Invite him into your mess, marriage, life, business, party...whatever. He tends to show if invited.  Disciples were also invited. 6 attend… Nathaneal who just a day earlier had joined them, and was told he would see amazing things. Isn’t that the truth.  Jewish weddings were a feast that would last for days. Vows, ceremony, bride and groom disappear to consummate the marriage… and the feast begins!
I’ve done, I don’t know, 250 weddings?  More or less?  It’s close. Nothing like it.  Brings out the absolute best and (sometimes) the absolute worst in people! For some, it’s a high stakes game of saving face. There is usually, not always, a powder keg person who is obsessed with every detail going perfectly. But life happens. At outdoor weddings, I’ve seen flash torrential downpours where everyone had to just sit in the rain in a field. I’ve seen ring bearer meltdowns of epic proportions. And fainting. LOTS of fainting.
The wine however has never run out. But it does here. In a culture where wine is seen as ‘the joy of the feast’ this is a horrific reality for the hosts of this wedding. Shame will come to the family. This is a social catastrophe, a catering disaster.
And here’s where the fun begins.  In this first ‘sign’.
So first, a lesson from the mother of Jesus.  (Seen here, and not again in John’s gospel until chapter 19 when Jesus is hanging on a cross.)
The first exchange here goes like this:
Mother: “They have no wine.”  Jesus: “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.”
So on one hand, Jesus’ ‘hour’ which in John always means his crucifixion and death, hasn’t come, it’s not time for this kind of miracle yet.  Fair enough.
On the other hand… does this strike you as scandalous? The scandal of ‘divine reluctance’ as Princeton theologian Carol Lakey Hess puts it? If Jesus is God, why is God holding out? And of course, that leads to further questions. In a world where there is no clean water, much less wine, where is the extravagance of God? As Hess puts it, “In a world where children play in bomb craters the size of thirty-gallon wine jugs, why the divine reluctance? In a world where desperate mothers must say to their small children, “We have no food,” why has the hour not yet come? No matter how we rationalize divine activity, we still want to tug at Jesus’ sleeve and say: “they have no wine.”
In a world of need, does God continue to have what seems like an attitude of “what is that to me?”  I want to suggest that the provision of wine here, which is always portrayed in the prophets as a symbol of God’s grace, generosity, and abundance, should nudge us to say the very same thing to God if our prayers are honest.  “They have no wine.  They have no food. They have no home. They have no security. They have no country. They have no money. They have no citizenship…”  
Fitting for MLK day tomorrow. We are called to be like Mary, voicing the concerns of the people with confidence that God will make it right. And in particular that God would provide enough!  And we must do what is in our power to make it so. And you must insist on it!  You must march for it! (See you next Saturday at City Hall).  We must be what MLK called “The Beloved Community”.
From a Commentary I read this week:
Martin Luther King Jr. often spoke of his vision of a “Beloved Community.” For King, the Beloved Community is “...a realistic, achievable goal . . . [it] is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth.”* King grounded his vision in the belief that “...it was God’s intention that everyone should have the physical and spiritual necessities of life. He could not envision the Beloved Community apart from the alleviation of economic inequity and the achievement of economic justice.”** For King, members of what he called “The Beloved Community” would know how to equitably share God’s abundance and, with a delight that mirrors God’s own, they would stop at nothing to do so. Members would know the reality proclaimed in the Psalm: “O LORD. ...All people*** feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights” (emphasis added). For the sake of the Beloved Community, its prophets would “not keep silent” and “will not rest” (Isa. 62:1) in the face of a status quo that was content with unjust hoarding of God’s abundant gifts of life. The Beloved Community’s prophets, like King, would name this hoarding of God’s abundant gifts of life  in all of its malignant forms: segregation (one race hoarding the physical and spiritual necessities of life from another), violence (one powerful entity forcefully denying the Imago Dei – the image of God – within another), economic injustice (“the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society”****), and countless others.
The prophet, God’s mouthpiece, would settle for neither soul-crushing captivity nor soul-numbing complacency from the rebuilding community. This renewed, beloved community – God’s “bride” – would be so much more: the opposite of a “forsaken” and “desolate” community, it would be a community that radiantly reflected God’s own abundance.
Mary nudges Jesus based on what she knows of God’s intentions for this world, that everyone has enough. She lives out of a theology of abundance, not scarcity. Mary is not content with the status quo, nor should we ever be.  We must live with a vision for living into God’s intended future right now.  Why do we risk greatly as a community?  Why do we make room for everyone? Why do we start City Hope Community Center in the Tenderloin, Counseling Center? Why do we entrepreneur new ministries? Because God’s intended future is for everyone to have enough, to be known and loved, to know God loves everyone extravagantly, and that we are designed to be conduits of that love and mercy to the world around us. Mary.  Nevertheless, she persisted.
Secondly, a  lesson from the water pots.
John 2: 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 6 Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. 7 Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.”
These water pots had a purpose, “Jewish rites of purification”.  It was for filling up the mikvahs.  These were stone pools with steps that led down into them, and several times a week the observant Jew would go down into the water that was blessed by the Rabbis and repeat the prayer and dunk themselves 7 times so they could be ceremoniously pure. Filling up the mikvahs was a lot of work… 6 pots would hold some 150 gallons of water.
After filling them, Jesus tells the servants to draw some out and take it to the chief steward. Turns out Jesus makes good wine yall.
But they nor anyone else yet could know the massive shift going on with Jesus choosing the ritual water pots as the vehicles through which he would give us this first sign.  It’s more than a miracle of water to wine. Though, that in itself is not to be overlooked.  Sometimes the church has forgotten Jesus once attended a wedding feast and said yes to gladness and joy, revealing to us a God who loves to hear the laughter of people celebrating people and to see our job as toasting the world with the amazing good news of grace.
What else do the water pots teach us? There is about to be a huge shift in how we understand our relationship with God. Instead of always washing and never really feeling clean… now the reign of God  is going to be like eating and drinking with close friends with nothing to prove...because you know you belong.  You know you are welcome. To be involved with God will not be like always bathing and never clean. It���s going to be like eating and drinking with friends with nothing to prove...sitting at table with your best friends. From obsession with purity rites to shared table delight.  
Jesus doesn’t ask you if you are you clean enough, holy enough, pure enough, kosher enough?  He simply asks “will you come to the table and feast? Will you know that you are welcomed here, loved here, invited here… and come just as you are!”  
Next week Pastor Julie will be preaching on what John places next in his gospel. It’s something from the end of Jesus ministry, because John is not concerned with chronology, but theology.  
Jesus will protest the temple in Jerusalem, with all of its ritual sacrifice, purity codes, and carefully guarded borders with Temple Police telling everyone where their place is… “women over here… Gentiles?  You are in parking lot double Z WAY over there!  
Jesus is announcing with the water pots and the temple cleansing: We will now do the God thing family style.  Everybody… men, women, gentiles, sex workers, good people, bad people, tax collectors, everybody!  Come sit at the table! It's the difference between performing purity rites under the judgmental gaze of religious gatekeepers… and sitting at a table with nothing to prove and enjoying a meal together. Where you don’t have to be someone you are not, where you bring your whole self to the meal, pull up a chair, sit down, and eat with friends.  Jesus says “THAT’S what the Reign of God is like!”
Our welcome statement: “As a community of Jesus followers, we welcome all persons, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental capacity, education, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and socioeconomic or marital status”  - we are not trying to be au courant… we are trying to set a table the way Jesus would set it!   Will you come to the table Jesus sets? Will you believe the good news is this good? However you have seen or understood God up to this point in your life, let this ‘sign’ begin to adjust the narrative in your head about God. God is like Jesus. Who makes hundreds of gallons of apparently great wine for a party… who when the joy runs out, and it always does, provides the joy of the feast.
Third, a lesson from the servants.  I do love verse 9 so much. The chief steward is amazed and clueless as to where this wine came from.  And then, “though the servants who had drawn the water knew”.   The servants always know. The little people. The forgotten. The struggling. The worker. The ones who make it all happen. The ones who work in hotels, restaurants, and a thousand other places that no one else wants. The ones this country is supposed to be famous for welcoming.
As they did my own mother in law who worked the night shift at glass bottling plant after coming here as a Cuban refugee. Who had (and still has)  to bite her tongue many times as the powerful and wealthy and mostly white people around her see dimly through their privilege, as she sees so clearly through her position of lowliness. The servants knew. They always know.  The wisdom from the bottom is always overlooked.
But something else here I want you to notice. How Jesus did this miracle. Not by making a grand show.  “Step right up and watch what I’ll do for you!”  Or just dipping his hand in the water to make it wine. Making sure he made a show of it.  None of that. Jesus “said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.” So they took it.”  So. They. Took. It.  They did what Jesus told them to do.  They became the vessels through which God’s abundance flows. They get to know who did this before anyone else does.  As Lesslie Newbigin writes, “Only the servants who obeyed the strange command get to know the secret, they and Jesus’ disciples. Those who have put themselves under Jesus’ orders know the secret.”
So here are our marching orders for 2018.  I get to say that throughout January. 
From Mary - learn to cry out on behalf of people in need with confidence God will make it right. And so we must cry out together. We must use any power and privilege we have to give voice to those who don’t have enough. We must live into God’s intended future now and insist with our lives, our pocketbooks, and our prayers, that in a world of plenty, there is no reason for anyone to go without.
From the Water Pots - learn that God is about inviting everyone to the table and give yourselves to making that welcome a reality here.  Jesus today invites you into this new reality where through his death and resurrection he begins a new creation in the midst of the old where we can finally know we are loved, where the wine never runs out, where the joy of the feast is found in union with God. Who will on another day take wine, and say “ this is my blood, which is poured out for you for the forgiveness of sins” and lay down his life of his own accord for you and this world, so that instead of spending our lives desperately and anxiously trying to meet God’s approval, we might know and  live now under the loving gaze of God who simply invites us, each day, to sit at the table and feast.
From the Servants - learn that you are designed and called by God to be vessels of God’s abundance in this world and it starts with simple obedience to the way of Jesus.  
“So they took it” it says of the servants- what does that mean for you today?  Get serious about answering your questions as you explore faith? Step out and begin to trust Jesus with your life? Follow Jesus with your life choices? An exhausted world needs the wine of God’s joy.   Let’s spread the word that God, who is perfectly revealed in Jesus, is the kind of God that makes sure the party continues, because God is doing a beautiful thing in the world. And God aims to do this beautiful thing through you. Through us.
Let’s together toast the world with the good news of God’s abundant grace.
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muypersonalblog · 5 years
imagine you’re you and you’re smart you’re talented you’re the end all be all you’re infamous for your intelligence because that’s all the matters in this school and you’ve sat with the same people for years and you’ve all laughed together but you know deep down none of y’all like each other and you only stick together because of yalls mutal suffering but y’all aren’t even friends these people are your competition but you have no other options of people to talk to and you push yourself you drive your self to the limit everyday because you have to be the best you have to be the best you’re 2 classes ahead by the time you get to highschool and you’re in a bigger fish bowl but it’s a fish bowl nonetheless and you’re suffering more with more people friendlier people maybe you can make a friend maybe you can (escape this) and you’re trying hard you’re trying hard you’re doing well you’re doing (well?) your best friend leaves but maybe she wasn’t your best friend at all and so you push on you push on you push on suffering everyday for the A on the test, the top grade of the class a 4.0 GPA so you can leave everything behind and look at the stars like you’ve always wanted to and study them and see how they move because they’re so beautiful (and so far from this) and everything stops for a second when a girl you barely know pulls you out of the robotics lab (you like it (? Suffer for Yale)) and she tells you she likes you and you don’t know her you don’t know her at all but you don’t know what to do so you lie and you smile and you say I do too and she runs down the hallway jumping for how before running back and kissing you on the cheek and you’ve dug yourself a pit and oh no it’s that guy that asshole who won’t leave you alone well she’s a scapegoat we’re dating leave me alone you lie and she looks at you and asks if y’all are and you nod (why did you nod) but you’re a girl you can’t tell your mom she’ll kill you she already suffocates you for that A that A do better you can do better be better (SUFFER MORE FOR ME) and she’s crazy you went too far so you sit and you wait for her to get tired you wait for her to get tired (but waiting is tiring because you have to think about getting that A and dealing with Him, and trying to breath when you’re home, trying to leave this planet and escape into the stars and your drawings (that you show no one) [she loves them] and months go by months go by she won’t leave (why won’t she leave you’re obviously not interested) and so you wait and you wait and you don’t do anything but she still chases you around and forces you to be affectionate (you ask her to tone it down and she obliges, ever oblivious ever obedient [ever OBSESSED] ) she puts you on a pedestal (like everyone does) and it makes you uncomfortable but you don’t want to be the asshole (she’s crazy she’s crazy) so you wait and you wait crushing yourself burying yourself more and more in paperwork (school work, home work, you work, do you exist outside of these realms?) and she wants to go on a date and you oblige and she’s silly she’s stupid she makes a mess of herself with frozen yogurt (after y’all saw a movie) and you laugh and it’s nice [she thinks you’re so pretty, she likes you, she thinks] (but was it nice you’re lying to her you’re lying to her) the summer passes and you’re working and working there’s no rest everything requires 110 you have to get there you have to get there you have to be the best (you’re falling apart) and it’s junior year you have to pay attention (more so now, this is the most important year (YALE) they will all be watching) and you’re pressing you’re pushing you’re going hard (she won’t leave you alone nothing is god you’re surrounded you’re surrounded) you’ve found a friend you’ve finally found a friend (a real one oh god a real one) and 2 months in she (?) breaks it off and she’s fine(?) no she’s not she’s livid I have to make this right I have to be (NICE) and you wait for her to stop being sour
But she’s back to the crazy she’s back to the obsessed (you told her to stop, you told her that she’s crazy and she was angry she didn’t hear anything she made excuses what kind of insanity) she’s starting to be bitter but you can’t think about that right now (you don’t want to) there’s the overlooming (THREAT) (DOOM) you have to be perfect you have to get the best grades all your friends hate you (you hate them right back you were nice why are they like this) and so you suffer and grind and scream and cry (on the inside on the inside no one can see) and you’re falling apart so fast and now you’re dating your best (friend) and this is not how you wanted it to be it’s suffering (do you like him?) [she doesn’t want to know she’s angry she’s been cut out she’s hurt so Shes pretending it’s okay and not paying attention] you go and you’re working hard you get good scores on the (ALL IMPORTANT) exams (nothing less than the best nothing less than the best SUFFER FOR IT SUFFER FOR IT) and you’re at Yale oh god it’s summer so you can’t rest but you’re at Yale oh god this is a dream (?is IT?) it’s all going great you’ve made friends (people who like you for you oh god no one has seen me in so long) he’s angry he thinks you’re cheating on him (distance is a cold hard bitch) with your friend (a real one) or with her (why her I don’t want to be near her what a sad case what a sob story I don’t want to deal with her anymore) you break up with him (at senior orientation) [she hears about it, she agrees that you were the asshole there, how could you do that?] (you tell her your relationship taught you not to lie to people, she says that that’s good [she thinks it’s should’ve been obvious] (you’re still lying to her everytime she asks if you care about her though) ) she reports in he’s angry and your friends have turned even further on you your alone your alone (you have a boyfriend, no one knows about him) everything is so much worse oh god it’s all a nightmare she tells a teacher you’re not okay and you talk to her [she thinks you do, she’s so worried she’s so concerned, she loves you] (WHY DOES SHE STILL LOVE YOU) everything is going down hill there’s no Yale you don’t make it this is the worst thing you’re destroyed you have real friends (a teacher, another teacher, a good kind person, and someone who seems nice) [she thinks she’s iffy, she isn’t a big fan of her, she’s jealous why do you love them why do you talk to them why do you smile at them why do YOU LIKE THEM IVE BEEN HERE FOR LONGER IM ANGRY IM ANGRY] (oh god she’s angry) her grandpa dies she tries to kill her self (Again and she messaged you the whole time you can’t take it you tell someone else so they can deal with it instead) and everything is dying down nothing turned out how you want it you’re starting to (pity her more) (have a mild positive feeling towards her) you try to comfort her (she’s really angry) [shes BITTER she despises you and its come to now that you like her? she still loves you she still depends on you you’re the only one she has <her friends all tell her you don’t care about her as much as she does you and she knows she’s known the whole time but she persisted then and now> she gives you her feelings and get angrier] it’s all winding down you’re so close to the finish line it’s almost it you’ve almost escaped this hell hole and she leaves you a note (she’s ending it thank god) you go to talk to her about it (she runs away) [she regrets this and she wishes she had heard you out] (probably would have told her what you tell her almost a year later) and it’s pep rally going to (not Yale) it’s graduation (no prom, you never liked dances) [she wonders if you remembered her birthday, as she prances around the prom dance floor as the DJ announces it’s May 20th] and you take that diploma you’re not valedictorian (or salutatorian) but you cross that stage you take that paper [she does the same and she hates this day] she hugs you and tell you she’ll miss you (WHY WHY WHY WHY) and you tell her it doesn’t have to end (W H Y D I D Y O U L I E)
she got lipstick on your NHS collar (you don’t care it’s over) and it’s summer no rest I guess and she messages you on and off and you’re at Penn State (pretty good but not ya*le) and she’s still talking to you (why won’t she leave you alone) and you’re trying to figure everything out you’re the physics girl the star girl why are you failing your physics class this is who you are why isn’t this working why isn’t this working this is who I am and I can’t function anymore (she tries to kill herself again and she messages you again and you give the same reason you always do) you continue on in something else [she never hears what it is but she’s pretty sure it’s a humanities study] and she calls you the next year in the early spring (her phone dies thank god you don’t want to see her face) and she wants to talk she’s angry at you (not a shocker, did she finally take you off that pedestal?) and you tell her the truth [the jaw dropping bombshell truth that she still think about everytime you’re brought up] , that you never really loved or even cared for her until near the end near the end when she was angry and bitter and you say good bye for ever and ever and ever (she told you she still loves you and you cringe) (if she tries to talk to you again you don’t acknowledge it) and you move on because you never want to have to face anyone from that building again anyone from that school again you’re traumatized and you don’t want to think about any of it anymore it’s onto the future for you
[shes stuck there forever]
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petalstripe · 7 years
Good Advice Part 1
(hey! so this is the thing i’ve been writing. i wanted to get it done today, but i doubt that’s gonna happen. but i stopped at a pretty good point, so i’m just gonna post what I have so far, the post the rest later. i’m also gonna try to draw a thing related to this part, so look forward to that. thanks for 101 followers yall! i appreciate all of you! :3)
Kanaya sat on the couch on the meteor with a book open, and Rose leaned on her shoulder, reading with her. She muttered the words quietly to herself as she read, trying to ignore Karkat loudly pacing behind the couch. Every so often she’d glance back at him to find him looking at her and Rose. But when he noticed her looking at him, he’d quickly glance away and start muttering to himself. Kanaya glanced back again, watching Karkat pace with narrowed eyes. What on Alternia did he want?
She felt Rose nudge her and mumble, “Are you done yet? Turn the page.” Kanaya didn’t answer, to focused on Karkat to acknowledge her request. Rose looked where Kanaya was looking and laughed quietly. “He’s still pacing there?”
Kanaya nodded. “He Is. Should I Ask What He Wants?” She asked, glancing down at Rose.
“No. I’ve found that if you ask someone what they want while they’re contemplating whether to speak with you, it discourages them more then pushes them to do it,” Rose said, “Give him time. If he decides to talk to us, good for him. If not, so be it.”
Kanaya sighed. “Yes, I Suppose You’re Right.” And went back to reading.
It took a lot of willpower, but Kanaya managed to ignore Karkat, until finally-
Kanaya took a deep breath and slammed her book closed. “Yes Karkat? What Do You Need?”
“CAN I UH, ASK YOU GUYS SOMETHING?” He asked nervously.
“Of course,” Rose said, smiling. She sat up and moved closer to Kanaya, patting the spot on the couch next to her. “Why don’t you sit down and tell us about your issue?”
“WOW, WAY TO MAKE IT FUCKING AWKWARD,” Karkat huffed, sitting down. He was silent for a few moments, trying to find the right words. As he thought, Rose and Kanaya stared at him in anticipation. When he noticed the pair looking at him, he frowned and stood up. “WELL I INSTANTLY REGRET THIS. I’M JUST GONNA GO-”
Kanaya quickly grabbed his arm and yanked him back. “Karkat, You Cannot Just Interrupt Us While We’re Reading-Among Other Things-For Nothing. Tell Us What You Need.”
Karkat pushed himself away from Kanaya and back onto his previous place on the couch. “OK FINE! JEGUS FUCK KANAYA.” He sighed. “ALRIGHT, SO THERE’S THIS PERSON.”
“A person?” Rose questioned, crossing her legs and folding her hands together.
Kanaya and Rose exchanged a glance, then looked back at Karkat, who was fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. “Karkat, can you give us a minute?” Rose asked.
“UH, YEAH. SURE,” Karkat nodded, and Rose stood up, pulling Kanaya along with her.
“Kanaya, do you think he’s talking about Terezi?” Rose asked, once they were out of the room.
“Most Likely. There Aren’t Many Options On This Meteor. It Couldn’t Possibly Be Gamzee, And I Really Cannot Imagine Him Talking About Dave,” Kanaya said, putting her hands together in thought.
“That’s what I was thinking too. Not to mention he’s been pining after her for a while now. It just makes sense,” Rose said.
“Yes. But, Should We Help Him Is What I’m Wondering. Poor Terezi Has Had To Deal With This Kind Of Thing From Him For Over A Sweep Now, I Wouldn’t Want To Add To That.”
Rose frowned and nodded. “Yes, that is something to consider. However, if he’s asking us for help on this matter, perhaps it means he’s seen the error in his previous methods and is looking to change them?” Rose suggested, “I think we should help him. If it doesn’t work, then it’ll send a very clear message to him about Terezi’s disinterest, and we may not hear this sort of thing from him anymore.”
Kanaya nodded. “Yes, I Suppose. It Would Be Good For Him Too I Think. If This Is His Sort Of “Last Resort” And Terezi Rejects Him Still, It Will Teach Him Not To Obsess Over Someone Who’s Clearly Uninterested. Yes, Let’s Do It. Let’s Help Him Out!” Kanaya said, grinning.
Rose lead them back into the room where Karkat was still slouching on the couch, tapping his fingers on the armrest impatiently. He glanced up when Rose and Kanaya entered the room and sat up. Rose and Kanaya sat next to him and Rose folded her hands in her lap.
“Alright, so what you need to do is…”
Kanaya and Rose had been giving Karkat tips about how to win Terezi over for a couple of days. They made sure to suggest things Terezi would like-such as giving her certain foods, keeping color schemes simple if using visuals, ect-but without directly mentioning Terezi. The fact that he didn’t directly say it was her when she was the only person it could be meant that he didn’t want them to make a big deal out of it, so they didn’t. He took the advice without question, especially when it came from Rose. Both of them found this odd, since Rose didn’t know Terezi as well as Kanaya did, but they went with it.
Kanaya beamed down at him. “Really? That’s Wonderful Karkat! I Wish You Luck.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, don’t worry to much,” Rose said, smiling.
“THANKS. I, UH, I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU TWO HELPING ME OUT. SERIOUSLY, YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO. THANKS A LOT.” Karkat said, awkwardly looking down at his flashcards.
“It’s no problem. We’re happy to help. Now, go get ‘em!” Rose encouraged, patting Karkat on the back.
Karkat nodded. “ALRIGHT. THIS IS HAPPENING.” He took a deep breath, and started walking towards Terezi, who was sitting nearby. Kanaya and Rose watched him as he approached, and then-
He walked right past her. They both gave each other a confused look, then looked back at Karkat. Dave was standing by himself, and Karkat stopped in front of him and began searching through his cards.
Kanaya and Rose looked at each other again, exchanging horrified expressions. “I Believe We May Have Fucked Up.”
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