wisteriander · 1 year
“this is not about edgar. it’s about vivian. it’s always been about vivian.” methinks i smell a clue 👃🏻
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katzkinder · 6 months
Servamp headcanons, ice cream edition! Because my grandma got an ice cream maker and we’re all super eager to try it out but then she broke her back (she’s fine, don’t worry)
Mahiru: plain old vanilla. Misono introduced him to vanilla BEAN ice cream though and he’s feeling a little guilty about wanting to splurge a bit for the more expensive, creamier stuff… Kuro is an enabler and his encouragement is the only reason he’s still managing to resist. Just do it Mahi!
Kuro: Cookies and Cream is his favorite, but he’s also partial to cookie dough, or crumbled chocolate mint cookies as topping. He likes both the taste and the texture
Misono: chocolate lol. He’s predictable. His absolute favorite though are those ultra decadent brownie batter type of chocolate ice creams. Yknow the ones. Chocolate pieces, brownie bits, hot fudge swirl… He gets sick off the stuff easily though, so even though he loves it, self control is everything
Lily: vanilla bean with strawberry topping and cheese cake bites! He loves fresh strawberries in his desserts, and often he and Misono will trade bites if they’re getting flavor fatigue. Also very rich but the strawberry helps cuts through the sweetness
Tetsu: a Basic Boi who loves GariGariKun the most. Prefers popsicles over dairy treats. Yeah technically this isn’t ice cream but like. It’s the taste of summer and after bath refreshments. I’m not taking that from him
Hugh: vanilla with hot fudge sauce (and/or blood). He still prefers his chocolate parfaits, or better yet for this scenario, a milkshake
Licht: yknow those ultra sweet cotton candy flavors? If it’s ice cream by itself, he loves that. But if it’s a float, it’s gotta be vanilla in melon soda. If you take him to marble slab or similar place that lets you mix in a bunch of toppings, he will make a beeline for the gummy bears. Gets disappointed every time that they turn hard and unpleasant to eat, even though he already knows the outcome
Lawless: he has two favorites. Coffee bean (distinct from just plain coffee flavor) and moose tracks. I’m not sure what that’s called in other places? Basically it’s vanilla with peanut butter cups and fudge. Only goes for this when he’s depressed, if I’m honest. Otherwise it’s too sweet.
Mikuni: haagen daz amaretto almond crunch and their hojicha latte flavor. Forever sad that the former was limited edition and doesn’t make seasonal returns. It was absolutely perfect for his and jeje’s terrible Netflix movie nights (with the occasional appearance by johannes so they could make fun of the bad science together)
Jeje: since Mikuni only buys haagen daz (spoiled pretentious shit) he’s grateful they a rich pumpkin flavor that becomes available during autumn. He also really likes horchata milkshakes for the comforting taste of cinnamon.
Iduna: Tried butter pecan once and was hooked. The crunchiness of the pecans is her favorite part. It’s her go to for when Haagen Daz Creamy Vanilla Pudding flavor isn’t in season. Back home, though, it’s got to be the rather… Unique. Salty licorice flavor. She gave some to shuuhei one time just to watch him gag. She knows what she’s doing to that poor boy.
Freya: the simple freshness of strawberry ice cream is her guilty pleasure. She been thinking of making her own with an old hand churner. It would be fun, right? And it’s not like it would be difficult to get the ingredients she needs.
Nicco: Pistachio gelato, though he also enjoys the tartness and slight bitter aftertaste of limoncello flavor. He likes taking Ildio with him whenever there’s a new flavor he wants to try but isn’t sure he’ll like. Even if he doesn’t care for it, his servamp probably will. Does that make him mean?
Ildio: No preference as of yet. He’s still figuring this whole… Tasting your food thing out
Tsubaki: as expected, he loves matcha and red bean flavors. REALLY excited some of the Hagen daz hanamochi series is becoming a permanent flavor
Sakuya: rocky road. Sweet, crunchy, and a little bitter on the back end from the chocolate. Refuses to admit it but he also enjoys the hanamochi series. He’s stubborn. Whenever he wins a free popsicle he gives the stick to Mahiru, so inevitably when they hang out, that’s what he buys if they stop at the konbini, just for the chance to maybe earn some good boy points with his best friend and crush. And he thinks he’s subtle—
Reblog with your own headcanons! I love seeing what people add to my posts :3
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moutainrusing · 4 months
In literally every ride at the Hogwarts Theme Park, Remus fell asleep. Even in the fastest roller coasters, the tallest drop towers, the soaking water rides… nothing. He peacefully kept his eyes closed, and Sirius kept having to shake him whenever they had to get out. He, James, Peter: all screaming their lungs out. But Remus? His lungs had never been more at rest.
It was infuriating. Sirius was pissed because how could he be more scared than Remus, and was Remus really not enjoying the trip? Was it so boring for him that he was falling asleep at every opportunity?
He decided to make things more interesting. Instead of obsessively following the map as James and Peter were doing, he plucked it from their hands, chucked it in the nearest bin, grabbed their wrists, and sprinted in whatever direction available, giving James enough time to grab the dazed Remus, who was utterly out of it. They hurtled down cobbled paths, laughing hysterically as the four of them barged into pissed off strangers, but really? They should expect reckless teens causing trouble. It was a theme park, after all.
He paused at an ice cream stall, where he threw more than enough money needed at the workers, before dragging them into the cart, and making the most obnoxious flavour combinations known to human.
“Oi!” The workers yelled, while Sirius took over, scooping a glob of mango onto a cone which was already piled high with mint chocolate and pistachio. Exotic. James stared at him incredulously, apologised to the workers, before digging right in. And Peter kept apologising to the workers, while Remus blinked dopily.
“Here,” Sirius shoved the ice cream into his face, and Remus took it with a frown.
“I don’t—”
And Sirius proceeded to shove it right onto Remus’s goody-good face. Which in turn made Remus go from goody-good to trouble-making when he scooped up a massive glob of vanilla ice cream and smeared it over Sirius’s hair.
“Aw, man, wish my hair had taste buds,” Sirius whined, winking at Remus. He then made a normal-sized ice cream (chocolate, Remus’s favourite), and rapidly manoeuvred them to the Gryffindor drop tower. Only the bravest souls dared to go on, because it was dangerous, fast, and incredibly tall.
“Sit down boys!” Sirius commanded.
“This’ll make me sick,” Peter grumbled, sitting down anyway.
James laughed. “You didn’t even eat any ice cream!”
“Trying to reduce my chances,” Peter sighed. “But all that running…”
“Mate, you loved it, and you’re gonna love this,” Sirius declared, pulling Remus to sit and passing him the cone. “Dare you to eat this while on the ride.”
Remus raised a brow, took the cone, and took Sirius up on the dare. And he ate like he was on perfectly level ground. “MATE, WHAT THE FUCK?!” He yelled, while the ride did funny things to his stomach.
Remus merely smirked, saying, “I find rides rather relaxing. It’s always easier to eat or sleep on them.”
Peter simply kept screaming, giving Remus a shaky thumbs up before clinging to Sirius for dear life. Sirius gritted his teeth and tried to understand how this ride could possibly be comforting.
“Want a bite?” Remus waved the cone in his face.
Sirius glared, defiantly taking a bite of the cone and crunching it loudly in Remus’s ear.
“Alright, next ride!” He announced, jumping off his seat as soon as they hit the ground.
“‘M gonna puke…” Peter mumbled.
“Nah, you’re not,” James grinned, lifting Peter up and placing him on Sirius’s shoulders. He smirked, “Where d’you wanna run next, Sirius?”
Sirius glared, hiking Peter up his back, and continuing his run. Admittedly, it was less fast. In fact, Remus and James merely strode beside him, hand-in-hand because Remus had somehow reached a record-breaking level of calm from the record-breaking levels of speed that was the Gryffindor drop tower, in a meditative state of mind, completely directionless and oblivious, requiring James to pull him along.
“Oh, this is nice,” Peter sighed. “Thanks, James.”
“Oi, I’m the one carrying you.”
“…Thanks, Sirius.”
“That wasn’t very sincere.”
“You’re the one trying to kill us!”
Sirius grumbled. “Remus could never be killed.”
James laughed, “Oh, so you’re trying to kill Remus? I think you’ll die first, mate.”
Sirius glared, dumping Peter onto James and pointing at the Ravenclaw roller coaster. “We’re getting on.”
“Oh God,” Peter grimaced, mumbling words of encouragement to himself as they got into the lift, which sent them to the highest point of the mountain, where the roller coaster’s journey would begin.
James joined in with the encouragement, loudly and mockingly, “YES, PETE! YOU CAN DO IT! MAMA WILL BE PROUD! REMEMBER, IT’S OKAY IF YOU PISS YOURSELF!”
Peter glared at him. “The mountain is literally as high as the highest height ravens and eagles and all sorts of stupid clever birds live! And the ride goes all over the place! I’m gonna die!”
Sirius snorted, “Stupid clever birds.”
“Yes.” Peter said decisively.
“For that, I think you need to get on,” Sirius gestured to the seats.
“Alright, I’m holding Remus’s hand,” Peter grabbed Remus and pulled him in next to him.
Sirius frowned, and James cackled. “Aw, jealous, are we?”
“No, I just really want to get to Remus.”
James grinned. “I have an idea.” They slid into the seats behind, but as soon as the ride began, instead of purely yelling, James began scream-singing, “OHHH I WISH IT COULD BE CHRISTMAS—”
“JAMES, IT’S NOT—” Sirius began.
“EVERY DAY!” James screamed into Sirius’s ear.
Sirius rolled his eyes, and joined in at full volume. “WHEN THE KIDS START SINGING AND THE BAND BEGINS TO PLAYYYY!”
“REMUS, JOIN THE FUCK IN!” James leaned forward, yelling into Remus’s ear.
Remus rolled his eyes, before muttering in a deadpan, “I wish it could be Christmas every day.” Apparently, this calmed Peter down, and they proceeded to both enjoy the ride serenely. Sirius was gobsmacked. So now Remus’s composure was contagious?!
Although James decided that screeching Christmas songs was the best way to go about surviving a roller coaster, so he carried on scream-singing, forcing Sirius to sing too. Sirius says forcing. But he wasn’t really forced.
This time, when the ride finished, he grabbed Remus’s hand, and raced to the Gringotts vaults. This ride was bound to break Remus. It involved a cart lurching and jouncing and zigzagging abruptly through a maze of endlessly twisting passages, dark and gloomy and musty. And decidedly not affecting Remus in the slightest.
Sirius felt himself go green in the face, and in an attempt to stop Remus falling asleep, he pointed a finger at the stalactites and stalagmites growing from the ceiling and floor around them. “Urgh… wha’s the differ…ugh?”
Remus mused thoughtfully, “Stalactites grow from the ceiling, and stalagmites from the ground. I find an easy way to remember this is that the ‘g’ in stalagmite stands for ground, and as stalactite doesn’t have a ‘g’, it doesn’t grow from the ground.”
Peter, who was somehow managing to hold onto his tranquillity, nodded agreeably, while James cut off his screaming to look at Remus attentively. “That’s actually clever,” he noted.
“WHAT?!” Sirius yelled. So now James had also caught Remus’s composure?
“Um,” he mumbled, stumbling off the cart once it stopped. “Next ride…”
James looked at him in amusement. “Need a break?”
“No!” Sirius denied vehemently. “Onwards!” He cried, marching toward the Shrieking Shack, the haunted house. Maybe he could scare Remus.
Although as soon as the ride began, they all burst out laughing. Since when were giant spiders with too-big eyes scary?! They were embarrassments, that’s what they were. Furry and awkward, with too many gangly limbs. And since when were clowns with too-long tongues, and ugly, lumpy trolls, and adorable old werewolves scary?! Even when the ride finished, none of them could stop laughing.
“That was awesome,” Remus said, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. And Sirius grinned, because part of his mission was to at least make Remus enjoy the rides.
He decided to find another supposedly ‘scary’ ride: how about the Slytherin dungeons? They clambered into a cart, which sent them hurtling speedily through a glowing green tunnel, the spooky sound of ghosts filling their ears. Sirius mockingly imitated the wails, which sent them into fits of laughter.
“I am the ghoOoOOohhhhst of SalazaRrrrRRr,” he drawled.
“I am the fOoooOOuUnderRRrr of this ride,” James added.
“And now I haAAauuUUnt it,” Peter continued.
“FOoOOOReVeRRr!” Remus finished, looking at them all like they were entirely composed of idiocy.
Sirius was so lost in grinning stupidly at Remus that he didn’t realise they’d entered the Giant Squid passage. The green glow faded into a darker, mossy green, as the slimy, rubber tentacles of the squid swept across their faces. Sirius screamed, and because they all laughed at him, he grabbed the dangling tentacles and flung them at his friends, who echoed his screams as they were doused in slime. He laughed triumphantly, and when Remus shot him the middle finger, he’d never felt more accomplished.
The ride ended as they were splashed with buckets of green-tinted water from the squid’s lake, washing away the tentacle slime and leaving them damp, but weirdly happy. He saluted Salazar as they walked away, trailing water in their wake. “Thank you, Salazar, founder of my soggy socks!”
They laughed, all running in the same direction, the Hufflepuff ferris wheel. Yes, it wasn’t fast, but it was warm, and would heat them up with the smoke machines attached to the wheel’s centre, which released sweet, candy-smelling wafts of steam at each open carriage.
However, the ferris wheel only consisted of two-seaters, which meant that for the duration of the ride, the inseparable, thick-as-thieves group of four would have to… split up. The thought was torturous. But then Sirius had an idea. He knew how to break Remus. And on the most easy-going ride as well.
He pulled Remus onto a carriage, while James and Peter took the next one, smirking and raising brows at him. Remus simply sat back contentedly, ready to close his eyes, but Sirius shook him, and began pointing at all the sights as they rose into the air.
“Look, the ice cream stall! Oh, those workers are still trying to fix our mess.” Sirius shook his head at them in disappointment.
Remus grinned, and Sirius’s stomach flipped, even though this ride was supposed to be the slowest. He pointed, “Gryffindor tower, where I ate the poisonous concoction you dumped on me.”
“Oi, I gave you your favourite!”
“Yeah,” Remus smiled, softer, and Sirius’s stomach flipped again, on the safest ride. “Thank you.”
They were reaching the top. “Look,” Sirius pointed at Remus’s face. “The prettiest face I’ve seen.”
Remus’s eyes widened. Sirius smirked and leaned forward. “I’m going to kiss you.” Remus didn’t move back. He almost didn’t move at all, except for the slight nod of his head. So at the highest point of the ferris wheel, Sirius closed the gap between their lips. It was just a short press, yet Remus looked like his heart had jumped out of his chest. In all honesty, so had Sirius’s.
He leaned back to catch his breath on the slowest ride of all time, and instead of sleeping, Remus was panicked, lively, on the verge of screaming. And Sirius whispered in Remus’s ear, “Scream with me?”
So on the slowest, safest, most relaxing ride in the world, Remus, who was normally relaxed on the fastest rides in the world, screamed his lungs out, and Sirius followed suit.
“AHHHHHHH!” All the way until the ride stopped.
“I think I just died,” Remus mumbled, collapsing into Sirius.
Although, like James said, it was impossible to break Remus without breaking first, and so Sirius was also dead. He brought his lips to Remus’s, and kissed him again. And they didn’t need to stop for air, because they were so, so dead. Although, eventually, they did have to stop, and Sirius assumed the kiss had revived each of them. Kisses did that.
“Alright, enough,” James said, clapping them on the back and pulling them apart.
Sirius frowned at him.
Peter grimaced. “We’ve been banned from the park.”
“For kissing?!” Sirius asked in outrage.
Remus rolled his eyes, and as they were forced to exit the gates, began listing every single rule they’d broken, “For running into other customers, for harassing workers, for eating on rides, for swearing in front of customers, for harassing customers…” He continued for at least ten minutes before Sirius decided to snog him into oblivion.
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madschiavelique · 1 year
i randomly hc miguel being a vanilla ice cream lover who occasionally likes sprinkles — 🍰
okay so idk i really wasn't sure if you mean literal vanilla icecream or if this was a code for smth else DFSKFDS SO i picked the literal vanilla icecream in hopes this is what you requested <33
headcanon : why vanilla ice cream with occasional sprinkles is miguel's favourite flavour
content warnings : absolutely none, just ice cream topics word count : 547
tag list : @fandom-ash
status of my requests according to the date of this post : CLOSED (asks are open though)
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Vanilla ice-cream is absolute stability to Miguel, because most of the time, whether it's on its own or served with something, he loves it.
he doesn't really like ice cream that he calls 'artificial', or other basic ice creams for some reason
chocolate ice cream? He doesn't like it, he simply feels that of all the culinary derivatives that cocoa could offer, this is by far one of the least enjoyable. And let's be honest, if you don't know how to eat properly, you're going to look pretty ridiculous with the moustache that would be formed by this dessert.
Strawberry ice cream? Very childish, very sweet and he doesn't necessarily appreciate the base fruit, or at least not enough to pick it if it is offered to him.
Pistachio ice cream? It's not bad, but he'd rather eat the shelled fruit as an aperitif than find it in his ice cream.
Peppermint ice cream? He finds it very refreshing, but the part he likes best about it is the crunchy chocolate flakes, which contrast perfectly with the creaminess of the ice cream.
Coffee ice cream? He already likes that a bit more. It has to be said that Miguel drinks so much coffee that he wonders whether the blood in his veins isn't actually the drink itself. However, he was drinking it simply out of addiction to stay awake, not necessarily for the taste, which he finds bitter. So he could find a little satisfaction in its ice-cream version. Bonus point if it has the little sweet coffee beans that crunch under your teeth
Lemon ice cream? He might like acidity, but he is extremely meticulous about his sorbet preferences.
In fact, he much prefers smooth textures where you can really feel the cream, apart of course, as mentioned earlier, from those with little crunchy bits. He doesn't like coconut ice cream, passion fruit or other sorbets, but he does like mango, yoghurt and hazelnut sorbets/ice creams.
His favourite, above all, remains vanilla ice cream
Vanilla pecan, vanilla caramel, everything just gets better and better with it.
It's true, the potential and diversity of flavours that can be achieved with vanilla ice cream is truly varied.
take the belle hélène pears for example, the warmth of the chocolate covering the pear combined with the freshness of the vanilla is superb
a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a coffee, a scoop of vanilla ice cream with a crêpe, or even a dame blanche
everything about vanilla ice cream is delicious to him, and he likes the fact that he could add little extras if he feels like it.
the list of coulis could be added, of course. Caramel coulis, chocolate coulis, red fruit coulis and all the others are a sure bet with vanilla ice cream.
As for the side ingredients, he likes peanuts, chocolate chips and sugar crystals.
But his favourite by far is sprinkles. It isn't necessarily for the aesthetics of the thing, but rather for the sensation of contrast that is brought to it. It's not so big that he has to spend all his time chewing on it, nor is it so thin as to be imperceptible, it's just the right size, with just the right amount of added flavour: the perfect balance.
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ohthatstragic · 2 years
Confessions - p.m
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a/n: this will be my first request after my break, so i apologise if it's not up to par, i'm just going through a tough time rn rip, but things will get better. i hope i executed this right, anon! forgive me it not ;(
also pls don’t repost or translate any of my work.. i don’t give you permission to do that.
pairings: maverick x reader
warnings: age gap, angst, alcohol, swearing
wc: 4,576
the request: 'Would you write one in which she has a huge crush on Maverick for so long but she never had the guts to say anything, she doesn't even flirts with him because she's very shy and all, until one day they are at hard deck & she gets drunk & a little sad so she confesses her feelings to him?'
You had a habit of developing feelings for people you could never have. Every time you got close to someone, you couldn't help but fall for them at some point - it was like some curse that a higher being had hexed you with. You never dared to tell them how you truly felt, for the fear of not having love returned. The one time you did cross that line, it changed everything and left a huge scar on your heart. So, now you choose to keep these unwelcome feelings to yourself, hopelessly guarding the sleeve that you wore your heart on.
Sitting quietly across the bar beside Bob, your Y/E/C eyes were glued to Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell who was currently stood chatting with Rooster, the corners of his eyes creasing as he threw his head back in a hearty laugh at something Rooster said. It was never intentional when you fell for someone, especially Maverick. You were well aware of the fact that there was a significant age gap between you and the decorated captain, and that was another reason as to why you would never tell him. He'd never look at you in that way, in your mind he probably saw you as a daughter. 
Maverick's familiar and heart-warming laugh echoed out as you continued to watch the pair, your eyes darting to his hand as he clutched his stomach, laughing. Rooster sported an amused open-mouthed grin on his face and you felt your eyes fall to the ground for a split second, your stomach suddenly twisting in what felt like envy. 
The sharp sound of Bob's jaw crunching down on some peanuts pulled you out of your daze and you looked at him, slightly peeved. You and Bob got along like a house on fire, considering both of you were shy, quiet people. "Every time I see you, you're crunching down on some nuts, be it pistachios or peanuts, Bob." You laughed, leaning back into your seat and letting yourself slide down a little with your hands in your lap. There was an empty booth just to the right of the pool table, so of course, being the introvert you are, you chose to sit there for the night. Bob smiled widely at your comment, his goofy face making you hum in amusement. 
"My mom used to eat them all the time," He smiled at you before bringing a hand up to brush some crumbs off of his uniform. "That's probably where I got the taste for them." Bob added with a soft chuckle, glancing away from you for a moment. You copied him, your eyes running back to find Maverick. This time he wasn't stood with Rooster, he was chatting to Penny at the bar. You felt your heart sink as you watched the two of them share smiles and laughter, and finally hearing it break when you saw Penny place her hand atop of Maverick's. Bob looked back at you, his curious eyes widening when he saw your heart-broken face. "Hey, you okay?" He quietly asked, his fingertips softly brushing against your forearm to catch your attention.
Your gaze darted to Bob, and you quickly sat up in your seat, throwing a reassuring fake smile onto your lips to settle the RIO's nerves. "Yeah, yeah," You chuckled awkwardly, glancing between the table in front of you as you brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "I'm good, I just zoned out, I think." You nodded slowly, smacking your lips. Bob wasn't too convinced, but he let the weird moment slide, not really wanting to push you any further. He knew he wasn't good at comforting people when they were upset - let alone when they cried. "I think I'm gonna go get a drink." You announced with a huff, quickly standing up as you cleared your throat, trying to get rid of the lump that was slowly building at the back of it.
"O-okay." Bob said, evidently taken aback at your sudden statement. "I'll be with Phoenix." He added, throwing you a supportive smile, despite your obvious malaise. You nodded at him with another fake smile, not trusting your trembling voice to reply verbally. The two of you stood up from your seats and parted ways, your feet taking you to the bar. You chastised yourself for falling for yet another person that you definitely could not have. How could you be so reckless again?
As you reached the bar, your hand reached out to land on the wooden edge, your knuckles whitening as you gripped it. You didn't have the confidence or courage to look to your right to glance at Penny and Maverick. You knew it would hurt too much. So you kept your eyes locked ahead as a new bartender walked towards you with a happy smile. "What can I getcha?" He beamed, leaning against the side of the bar with his hip.
"Double coke and vodka, and two shots please. Strongest shit you have, it doesn't matter." A small smile reached your lips as you looked up at the young man who was serving you. He was tall but well-built, a messy mop of light brown hair sitting atop his head and some thick stubble coating his jaw and cheeks. Couldn't be older than twenty-two.
"Rough night?" He awkwardly joked, hoping you'd see it like that and not him trying to push your buttons. Relief washed over him as he watched an amused grin spread across your cheeks.
"Yeah, you could say that." You replied, sighing, fighting the urge to think about the man a few feet to the side of you. "It's not a night to be remembered, you know what I mean?" You laughed dryly and stupidly cast your gaze to the right, spotting Maverick and Penny with big grins on their faces. Fighting the scoff that threatened to leave your throat, you looked back to the bartender, your tired eyes following the clear liquid as it spilled from the glass bottle that was enveloped delicately by his slender fingers and into your glass of coke.
"Been there, done that, sweetie." He smiled back at you as he finished pouring your shots, sliding them towards you with his fingers, a soft sigh leaving his chest.
"Thanks." You said and quickly threw the two shots back with a grimace as the amber liquor burned down your throat. "Shit, what the hell was that?" You choked out through a cough, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you fought to regain control of your lungs. The bartender let out an amused chuckle as he watched you, his hands reaching out to collect your empty shot glasses.
"That was three wise men," He answered with a smirk, making you frown at him. "Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam in one. Well, two, in your case." The bartender couldn't help the snort that escaped him and you groaned. God, you were definitely gonna feel the effects of that sooner than later.
"Well, I can say for sure that I'm not gonna remember tonight, so thank you." You joked, laughing.
"That's what I'm here for." He said with a kind smile. "I'm Alex by the way." Alex smiled at you, folding his arms against his chest.
"Y/N. Have a good night, Alex, I'm sure I'll be back later on." You said with a dry chuckle. Pursing your lips, you gave him a small smile before you wrapped your fingers around the cold, wet glass of vodka and coke in front of you, walking off in the direction of the squad who were currently creating a ruckus by the pool table.
"It's about time you joined us, Y/C/S," Phoenix grinned, leaning up from the pool table as the loud clack of pool balls echoed from her shot. "Where've you been?" She pried, narrowing her eyes at your blank face.
"Getting drunk." You answered simply, holding back a pitiful laugh. Phoenix eyed you suspiciously, her eyes quickly darting to the new bartender. You quickly put the pieces together and read her mind. "No! No, no, I was not chatting up the new bartender." You affirmed with a laugh, taking a big swig of your drink. Phoenix watched you, her eyes widening and brows twitching upwards in surprise at your unusual behaviour.
"Drunk? You never get drunk, Y/N." She said quietly, glancing between the tight grip you had on your glass and your tired eyes. You let out a small groan and glanced at Hangman and Coyote who were staring at the two of you from the pool table, curious about the conversation you were having with Phoenix. "You good?" She chuckled, a hint of concern evident in her voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just don't want to remember tonight." You stated with a careless shrug, taking another long sip of your drink. The room started to look a little different - you were sure it was because of the alcohol. Phoenix stared at you, but she didn't dare tell you off, she knew that you could handle yourself and you never made mistakes. Well...
"Alright, we're here if you need us, you know you can always come to me if you need a talk, Y/N/N." Phoenix added, raising her hand to place it on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. A lazy smile worked it's way onto your face as you stared up at your friend, your teeth poking out from underneath your lips as it grew into a grin.
"I know, thanks Phoenix, now let's get fucked up." You giggled, your body feeling hot from the alcohol. An amused open-mouthed grin slipped onto Phoenix's face as she slung an arm around your shoulders, walking with you toward a confused Hangman and Coyote.
There were a few more drinks in you when a familiar voice perked up behind you.
"Hey, I haven't seen you at all tonight, Y/C/S," Maverick said from behind you with a concerned smile on his face. Admittedly, you had been avoiding him - mainly because it hurt you too much. You didn't want to keep seeing the image of him and Penny together in your mind every time you looked at him. "Are you avoiding me?" He joked, a toothy grin spreading across his cheeks. Being drunk, you interpreted his joke as a serious question.
"What- No!" You replied a little too quickly, earning a confused frown from the older pilot. Your heart started to hammer against your ribcage and you nibbled on your bottom lip - a nervous habit you developed when you were a small child. "No, I've just err, been with Phoenix and Bob most of the night." You quietly said, trying to control your lips so you didn't slur your words. Although, that was a lost cause.
"Are you drunk, sweetheart?" Maverick asked teasingly. He noticed the weird twang in your voice and his brows knitted together, an amused chuckle leaving his lips. You held back the groan that threatened to slip out, the use of the pet name making you go weak in the knees.
"Err, no..." You slurred, shaking your head vigorously, the strands of your hair dangling over your eyes. "Maybe.." You added quietly, looking away from the captain with an awkward, guilty look on your face. A lopsided smile picked at the corner of his mouth as he stared at you.
"Never thought I'd see the day." Maverick joked, raising the bottle of beer to his lips to take a sip. "What's the occasion?" He asked, swallowing the rest of his beer with a hiss.
"Just a bad night." You shrugged as an awkward laugh or hiccup escaped you. Maverick looked at you with a frown; concern painting his features. "It's nothing, really. I'd rather not get into it." You assured the captain, your heart twisting in your chest as a sea of sorrow took hold. Maverick didn't say anything, he only nodded slowly, his eyes still attached to you. He wasn't one to push someone about their problems, he had his own and he would rather them be willing to talk about it.
"I'm gonna go find Phoenix, we agreed to be toilet buddies tonight." You said, quickly standing up like you were desperate to rid yourself of this situation. Deep down, you were. You weren't sure how long you'd be able to handle this tonight. Maverick gave you another silent nod, pursing his lips as he smiled at you. Internally, you groaned - you've definitely ruined that, then.
With a quiet 'okay', you walked from Maverick with a shaky breath, eyes shooting up to search for Phoenix's figure. Throwing your hazy gaze around the bar, you found her stood at the bar with Rooster, his classic Hawaiian shirt hanging loosely on his body. Phoenix caught sight of you and poked her head above Rooster's tall shoulder, a bright smile reaching her lips.
You forced a smile onto your face as you looked back at her. "Hey!" Rooster noticed Phoenix's change in attention and he twisted his body around to where she was looking, his big, brown eyes falling onto your smaller body. A grin quickly spread across his cheeks, shining white teeth poking out.
"Y/C/S," Rooster chuckled, the corners of his eyes creasing out of happiness. "How-"
"Down for some shots? They're on me." You quickly said, avoiding his question. Quite obviously, you were not well equipped to answer that question - you were just about holding onto your tears and sobs with a thinning string. Rooster bit down on his bottom lip with a frown, glancing at his squad-mate, Phoenix. She stared at him and shook her head, silently telling him to go along with it.
"Uhh. Yeah, sure, Y/N." Rooster swallowed, feigning a happy smile. Deep down he was itching to know what had gotten into you - after all you were like his little sister, the two of you shared a lot of common interests. However, he would never dare to press you for information. The pilot knew how it felt. "What're you getting?"
"A mix of whiskies." You replied nonchalantly like it was the normal thing you'd order. "Alex said it's called Three Blind Men, or something like that." A frustrated sigh made your chest heave, and Rooster knew right then that something was definitely bothering you. As if Phoenix was psychic, she placed a firm hand on Rooster's arm to halt him from going any further. His head whipped around to face her as his wide eyes dipped into Phoenix's cautious brown ones, distress and concern evident on his worn features. In the background, he could hear you ordering for the three of you.
Reluctantly, Rooster clenched his jaw as he stepped back, staring at the carpeted floor. "It's for the best, Bradshaw." Phoenix muttered to him, making his worried brown eyes flick up to meet hers. He acknowledged Phoenix's words with a gentle nod, the helpless look on his face switching to a grin as you turned around, your hands adorned with shot glasses spilling over with alcohol.
"Let me know what you think of this." You grinned despite the harrowing empty feeling growing inside you. Rooster and Phoenix hesitantly accepted the shots, watching you throw back two- three in a row. Their mouths hung agape at your abnormal behaviour. "The burn really hits you at the end." You giggled, hissing through your teeth. Phoenix and Rooster cheers'd each other and repeated your previous action, swallowing the amber liquid with a cough.
"Jesus," Phoenix choked out, setting the glass down with a heavy thud. Rooster was coughing in an attempt to compose himself as he recovered from the heavy alcohol. "Have you been drinking this all night?!" She exclaimed, brows shooting up in shock like a bullet.
Your body suddenly felt wavy, and a wave of heat rushed over you. "Yep." You proudly hiccupped, a sloppy smile spreading across your face as you stared between the two pilots. Being drunk, you didn't notice their very concerned expressions, and mistook them for happy ones, so you threw two thumbs up in the air with an open-mouthed grin, wobbling on your feet.
"Hey, why don't we go sit down?" Rooster suggested, quickly walking over to grab you by the arms to lead you to the closest table. Phoenix swiftly followed. You grumbled at Rooster, your fingers flying to fumble against his strong grip on your arms.
"No, I don't wanna sit," You groaned and your lips pouted as you stared up at your friends, thudding down onto the booth's seat. "Rooster play Balls of Fire!" You suddenly exclaimed as you caught sight of the piano, your eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree. Phoenix had to bite back her laugh as she looked at your child-like expression - your eyes had widened like a fruit bat and your mouth was open in a joyful grin, your cheeks pinkening from either the excitement that was suddenly jolting through your body, or the alcohol you'd just consumed. She decided it was a mixture of the two.
"Rooster will play later on, Y/N, won't you?" Phoenix smiled, brushing a hand over your head in an attempt to soothe you. Rooster threw a confused look at his friend, but he quickly nodded in agreement, matching her happy tone.
"Yeah, and you can help me, don't worry, Y/N." He grinned down at you, despite the painful worry that was seeping into his chest. The man was worried about you - what the hell was making you drink so heavily? He knew you'd tell him when you were ready, but this was a little concerning.
As you stared up at your two squad-mates, your ears began to buzz and you felt your vision blurring as you zoned out, your mind soon painting a picture of the reason why you were acting so recklessly. The familiar mop of dark, brown hair sat atop tanned skinned appeared in your mind; the silhouette of a green aviator jacket suddenly materialising. Soon enough, Maverick had overtaken your brain.
"Y/N!" Rooster's stern voice ripped you from your daydream daze, your eyes twitching as you were brought back to the reality you'd began to hate. "You good?" He asked, his hand firmly grasping your shoulder. The happy grin that once claimed your face had melted away, and a subtle frown replaced it. Your eyes fell to the table as you thought back to the moment you saw Maverick and Penny hold hands at the bar.
"Yeah, yeah," You blinked, quickly throwing a convincing smile Rooster's way. "Can I be alone for a bit? I don't feel so good." You admitted, letting your head rest lazily against your hand. A groan left your throat as Rooster sighed - a sign of defeat.
"Sure, Y/N." He replied quietly, reluctantly walking away as he gave you one last look, the worried look on his face never leaving. Phoenix followed him and placed a supportive hand on his back, throwing you a sympathetic smile.
"Christ," You let your head fall onto the table with a gentle thud, the pain numbed by the amount of alcohol running through your system. "Can this get any worse?" You mumbled to yourself as you slowly raised your head, squinting your eyes at an approaching, blurry figure. A familiar one, at that...
"May I?" The voice asked as you closed your eyes, drunkenly humming in reply to it. A chuckle reached your ears and your body flinched at it, suddenly realising who the hell had come to see you.
"Mav...?" You quietly asked, praying to the heavens above that it wasn't.
"Yeah?" He answered. You felt your heart drop and your stomach knot together.
"Hi, Mav." You sat up, feeling slightly uneasy. Running a hand through your dishevelled hair, you swallowed thickly before meeting his amused eyes. Internally you cringed, you were mortified to have him see you like this - this was not the plan at all. "So, how are you and Penny?" You blurted out, a hint of jealousy sprinkled in your voice. Maverick's brow cocked up in curiosity.
"Me and Penny?" He repeated, obviously confused.
"Yeaaah," You slurred, clumsily staring at him. "I saw you and her hold hands earlier, aren't you a thing?" You stated with a huff, clearly effected by it. The captain frowned at your confrontational behaviour, wholly confused as to why you seemed so effected by what you had seen. To him, it was a friendly gesture - there were no romantic intentions behind it.
"I think you have it wrong, Y/N." Maverick smiled, trying to defuse the growing tense situation.
"No, I'm never wrong, especially with things.. like this.." You shrugged, tearing your gaze from his to have it land on the table you shared. "The two of you have history anyway, so it'd make sense, you know? You're pretty much perfect for each other, I don't know why you haven't made a move yet, Mav, you must be blind or something." You laughed as you rambled on, never once looking up at the man in front of you. It would hurt too much, and you definitely knew you wouldn't be able to handle the immense emotion that'd overcome you.
"Y/N, what's gotten into you?" Maverick asked quietly, his voice laced with worry.
"Nothing, it's nothing," You wrinkled your nose up as you felt a lump begin to form in the back of your throat. Swallowing, you picked up all the courage you could to look at Maverick. Boy, did you regret that. Almost instantly you felt your eyes burn with tears, and you rushed to bite down on your lip in a feeble attempt to stop them.
Maverick quickly noticed your brimming eyes and he sat forward, his once happy eyes softening into an obvious show of worry. "You can tell me anything, what's wrong, Y/N?" He softly said, a kind smile falling onto his lips. You squeezed your eyes shut as you looked down at the table, your heart bursting at the seams.
"No, I can't tell you this." You choked out, inhaling a sharp breath through your teeth as the tears - along with the alcohol - blurred your vision. "It's complicated." You added with a quiet sob.
"Y/N," Maverick gently said, making your stomach do flips. "Let me help, what is it?" The captain blinked at you, his eyes gazing into your own with a soft look on his face.
You went silent for a while, and inside of you, you were calculating all the possible outcomes if you told Maverick how you truly felt about him - how it tortured you to look at him and Penny like that. You would never wish that pain on anyone, even your worst enemy. That broke you. If you told him how you felt, it would change things forever, and you weren't sure if you could go through that immense pain again, you already knew how it would go. Then again, what were the chances if he felt the same way about you? Slim, probably. The tiny voice inside you was willing you to tell him, to just rip the band-aid off and do it. It would hurt less if you told Maverick - if he didn't feel the same way, fine. You could move on. But if he did...?
"Mav, the next thing I tell you..." You mumbled, voice slurring as you were unsure of how to navigate such a thing. "It's going to change everything bet-ween us." You said with a deep inhale, your vision going slightly blurry as you blinked. You didn't give him a chance to reply as you blurted out the thing you'd been keeping to yourself for so goddamn long. "I, err, I've fallen for you, Maverick, and I understand if you don't... feel the same..." You hiccupped, eyes rolling as you sat back in your seat, feeling the room begin to spin. You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or the anxiety bubbling in you currently.
Maverick was silent as he stared at you, slowly making sense of what you had just said. You had feelings for him? Unsure of what to do, Maverick chuckled awkwardly, his hand coming up to scratch at his jawline. "I think that's the alcohol talking, sweetheart." He said with a soft smile, trying to work out whether you were just drunk, or actually being serious.
"No, no it's not-" You shook your head vigorously at him, still not making eye contact with him as your cheeks were wet with tears. "It's true, I promise, I- it's true. I know how crazy it must sound to you." Maverick was staring at you with a small smile present on his lips. All this time, he was blind to what he truly wanted. You. As soon as he'd walked into the first briefing, you'd caught his eye. Maverick knew the age gap between you two was quite... significant in so many words. So, he never sought to act on his feelings, let alone tell you.
"No, actually it doesn't sound too crazy." Maverick replied slowly, tapping his nail on the beer bottle in his hand. You looked up at him with your glossy, reddened eyes as they widened with shock at what he had just said.
"You.. what?" You breathed out, feeling the like the room was closing in on you.
"I feel the same way, Y/N." Maverick couldn't help the signature toothy smile that slipped onto his lips as he stared at you. Despite your clearly dishevelled look, he still thought you looked absolutely beautiful, your beauty really did radiate from within, too. Everything about you was perfect to him. Everything.
"Are... are you sure?" You muttered, utterly shell-shocked at Maverick's reply. Where was the 'I'm sorry, Y/N, I don't feel the same' or the 'I think we're better off as friends'? This was not what you were bracing yourself for, and your surprised eyes showed that.
"Yes," Maverick laughed quietly at your response. He found amusement in your surprise as he watched you slowly sway from side to side in your seat, obviously still very intoxicated. "Why don't we get you home, sweetheart? I think a sleep would benefit you greatly." He laughed again, nodding at your drunken state. You groaned and nodded lazily, feeling your eyes beginning to close.
"Wait!" You suddenly perked up, the captain flinching in fright as he stood up to move toward you. "Can you stay with me? For tonight? Please?" You begged with a wide smile, your fingers flopping together in an sloppy attempt to make a praying gesture. Maverick sighed at you with a soppy smile on his lips, and he pretended to think about the offer, earning a whiny-groan from you.
"I guess someone will need to hold your hair back tonight." He teased with a smirk, holding out his hand for you to take. "C'mere." He mumbled as you took his hand to stand up, Maverick's other hand coming to settle on your waist to steady your wobbly self. The two of you were impossibly close and you felt your heart jump into your throat, a shiver running down your spine.
'Mhm' was the only thing you could muster up in reply to him as Maverick lead you out of the bar carefully and cautiously, his thumb gently caressing the side your waist to comfort you. How did you start the night by getting drunk and sad about this man, to ending it with him taking you home? You threw a quick glance over your shoulder at the squad who were currently staring at the two of you in shock -mainly Hangman and Rooster, who were sharing a look of open-mouth surprise. You grinned at them, giving them a small wave as Maverick opened the bar doors for you.
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Hii random ask but. What do you think your characters would be as sweets/candy? Yiu can answer for anyone you'd like but let's say Mel Salt and Lucio for funsies
Melaine would be either one of those red little lollipops doctors give out for children post-vaccines, or those healthy gummy candies that have tons of vitamins in them. She's sweet but not overly so in a way that's bad for you, and in the first case you have to break down her layers to properly reach her real core. I think she'd taste either very minty or like cherries, but specifically the cherries that are really cold and sweet :]
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Salt is a tricky one. I'd say sweet popcorn is a good choice though for the fact it explodes, gets coated in salt and caramel and crunches all the way down your throat. He's a really sticky fellow too so the texture also really fits ! Definetly an acquired taste since tons of people don't like salty-dessert and it can get old pretty fast the more you have it, but for the people that do like it, it's perfect for them. Either that or that one black death bitter candy that makes you convulse in pain because I think he would love that shit <3
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Lucio is a tricky one, because I don't think he Likes candy or sweet things at all (aside from his wife). He gets tired of tastes really quickly and tends to jump around in terma of favorite foods pretty often, so he'd probably be some obscure ass candy that changes flavour mid-way through or some old people candy from 90 years ago that disappeared because it kept giving people headaches after they ate it. He'd probably really like Altoids sours (discontinued candy from the 2000s that literally no one else liked) or just the regular mints.
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And as a bonus, here's some of the other guys as well because I actually had a ton of fun researching for this !
Jonah is Dark chocolate. I can't imagine him being anything else honestly, he's just the typa guy who only eats anti-matter levels of bitter chocolate because anything sweeter gives him headaches.
Archer is probably White chocolate with pistachios. He thinks it's good and would gladly be that flavour for the rest of his life. It you try to fight him on it he'll debate you until the sun goes out. Don't do that for your own sake. [I think both Jo and Archie are knockoff chocolates also they are NOT loyal to brands]
Maria is 100% Peanut butter chocolate reese's cups. If Pandora had these you bet your ass Maria would have a stash of them, which she would also distribute around the neighborhood during special events. But unfortunately they don't </3
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Radha... she just a scoopfull of this /j
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Such a fun ask !!! Thank you !!
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mealmindset · 9 days
Mix and Match your salads
Ever found it hard to eat your vegetables without absolutely hating them? Me too. That is until I discovered salads, and I'm not talking about salads with pieces of lettuce, and a whole lot of sauce to cover that grassy flavor. I summarized the best things to add for you to mix and match. So you don't ever have to worry about your vegetable consumption and can LOVE eating fresh greens. 1) Avocados, Tuna, Soft cheese Not only are they healthy, they also contain fats, protein, and good bacteria. They offer a wet, mushy texture while keeping the natural crunch of the greens, unlike most salad dressings. Make sure your avocados are ripe, drain out the tuna water, and pick the right cheese (burrata, feta, etc), if you dislike the taste of cheese, you can consider adding Greek yogurt, it has the same health properties and a similar texture.
2) dried fruit, fresh fruit, anything tangy Salads are typically thought of as a combination of vegetables. But adding fruits doubles the fibre and offers a nice tangy or sweet flavor that complements salads nicely. I recommend adding cranberries, cut-up apricots, raisins, pomegranates, or tomatos. They offer all kinds of vitamins. When adding dried fruits, most people like to avoid preservatives and sugar, you could make your own! By slicing your favourite fruit into thin pieces and baking them on a lined baking sheet at 250°F (121°C) for two to three hours.
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3) Nuts, seeds, chopped vegetables Since we added some mushy ingredients, it is only reasonable to add something crunchy to it. Nuts and seeds offer proteins; Chopped vegetables provide extra fibre. Nuts and seeds like pistachios, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts, and macadamia nuts; vegetables like chopped carrots, onions, cucumbers, celery, mushrooms, corn, and broccoli. My favourite is chopped-up roasted kale chips. Make it by drizzling olive oil and salt, and put in the air frying till crunchy. Then cut the leaves off and sprinkle them onto the salad.
4) Tofu, chicken, boiled eggs, chickpeas, Humus, beans Our bodies need more than healthy greens, for example, protein. It makes you a lot more full and provides energy. Especially for people who work out and are looking to build muscle. For a better texture, shred the chicken or any meat. drain the beans well. I recommend making soft-boiled eggs instead of hard. The dripping soft yolk adds moisture to your salad.
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5) Potatoes, pita chips, Croutons, Quinoa, Pasta Carbs are also essential to a healthy diet, to incorporate them into your salads, adding carbs could be considered as a bigger meal since the carbs will become the main ingredients instead of the vegetables. Hence, there are names like pasta salad and potato salad. If you are always hungry after a salad, mixing in carbs may be your solution.
6) Lemon, Salsa, Olives, pickles, kimchi, Herbs To add flavor, instead of salt and vinegar. You could add anything that has a strong and overpowering flavor. Whether it's salty, spicy, bitter, or sour, they make a great addition to the salad and makes it the perfect salad.
Salads are all about the mix and match (hence the title). It is important to know what you like and add ingredients accordingly. Some may like their salads moist, some like more texture, and some like it with more protein. But I can assure you that when you find what you like, you will start to crave salads and be the healthy person you aspire to be.
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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Oops. Maybe speeding joyriding out of Park 5th and out into the Burroughs at night wasn’t so smart...At least when this latest prototype wasn’t fully approved for road use. She just couldn’t wait for them to run it at the airbase, she HAD to take it from the factory hangar and zip out on her own. 
Besides, she ALWAYS tested the machinery at Future Industries. And no one in Brooklyn knew who she was. Which...is not an advantage when your top-secret sleek little car runs out of steam in the middle of a neighborhood you DON’T frequent. 
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A quick call back to HQ, and daddy will send 2 suits to haul her home and tow the sensitive ‘property’ of F.I. to be dismantled and hidden away until everyone out here forgets they saw her drive it.
No. She’s not calling for help. She just needs to get it running again, and then she’s out of here, unscathed. She hopes. Asami checks the dash for the diagnostics and frowns.
If her father wasn’t so busy schmoozing with his investors, he’d have noticed her stepping out. Of course, they had both been playing this little game of pretending they never noticed when the other was missing for a time since she was 12. Years of being surrounded by ONLY adults and nobody her own age--outside of formal gatherings--had made her very adept at working around older people. With her refined background and all her training, she could play anyone older than her like a fiddle...
But now, none of that mattered. Sighing in resignation, she readies herself for having to fend off the worst. But until then, she flicks off the door lock, and the hydraulics lift open, letting her out of the tiny, speedy vehicle. “Better get this handled...fast.”
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Pistachio eyes dart around her surroundings, looking for any witnesses--none she can see so far. She opens the hood with a loud HISSSS, more pressure from the top secret power source giving off its location. “Wonderful...Can’t imagine anyone hearing THAT.” Grimacing, she yanks a tool out of the hidden compartment beneath the hood, and goes to work...until she hears a crunch on the pavement behind her. Spinning on her heels, she darts her attention behind her. “Who’s there!?”
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krysta-cross · 2 years
MK men as ice cream flavors:
Fujin: Rocky Road - sweet as chocolate, with soft mushy marshmallows and nuts. Just like his personality, he is sweet, caring and soft to people he cares about the most but can be tough to crack like the nuts when it comes to defending them.
Raiden: Mint Chocolate- sweet but you'll taste that tingy mint spice before you appreciate that part. He cares but doesn't openly show it, the cold demeanor isnhis defense but getting close to him will make you discover he isn't that stingy (minty)
Scorpion: Mangoes and Grahams- aside from his favorite color yellow, Hanzo seems like the guy who will enjoy fruit flavors miced with the texture of the crushed grahams like his opponents dusts after he toast them 😆
Sub Zero: Blueberries and Cream- He's cold thats a given but I'm sure grandmaster blueberry ice would still enjoy having ice cream especially now he's friends with toasty 🔥 must keep his cool all the time 😊
Rain: Black Forest- Not so sweet but the cherries make up for it. Rain has this personality and black forest flavor suits him as he might not be sweet but for sure he will try and also cherries are like his royalty ego, he's common like chocolate but cherries makes him special 🍒
Noob Saibot: Dark Chocolate- Cold as death, not so sweet but will still take you for a ride on brainfreeze if you got too much. Perfect flavor not only for his color of choice but his personality as well. Dark chocolate might have a really low sweetness level but it's still sweet.
Erron Black: Pistachios and Cashews- As a cowboy who is a master of the rough roads and dry lands, he will surely enjoy ice cream with many nuts but not overly sweet like this. The crunch on every bite excites him, reminds him of his horse rides on stone riddled rough roads.
Johnny Cage: Cheese- Sounds simple but JC would surely like this as of course he needs to always smile for the camera and paparazzi (lol) also I can see him modeling for an ice cream brand and he would slay the "cheese" part as his life is basically under glitz and glamour.
Kabal: Double dutch- Vanilla with marshmallows and cashews, even though how rough he depicts his personality as, Kabal would still have this soft (marshmallow) side and hard as a rock attitude (cashews). Vanilla isn't really sweet but it has chocolate drizzles that make up for it.
Kano: Licorice- He would definitely enjoy alcohol flavored ice cream, Kano may look like he doesn't even eat one but he is still interested in things that have the flavor of the drinks he likes so he will surely try.
Jax: Vanilla- Jax seems like the man who will enjoy the simple things in life, also having a daughter would make him very familiar with vanilla ice cream as it's commonly sold anywhere and eating it will take him back to his good memories with Jacqui.
Rambo- Cookies and Cream- being a soldier is tough but why cookies and cream? Rambo is tough as a cookie, has battled so many and is the type to sit down and eat ice cream just to reminisce some good times with his comrades. Cookies and cream have both sweetness and rough texture due to the cookies just like him.
These are just random thoughts, don't mind them so much haha I might be inaccurate but that might just mean I haven't tasted much ice cream in my life yet 😆
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wistfulcynic · 1 year
last december my friend Kayoko came to visit and now, six months later, husband prime and i have finally got round to trying the collection of Japanese Kit-Kats she brought us. Here are our findings. 
First, the subjects: 
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the flavours aren’t clear on all of them, but with the aid of google translate we have, starting at the top left and going across
top row: strawberry, milk tea, coffee 
middle row: orange, standard kit kat, cheesecake 
bottom row: pistachio, whole wheat, matcha (green) and dark chocolate (”adult sweetness” is the translation of the label, lol) 
tastings below the cut
the first one we tried was milk tea. Japanese milk tea is black tea brewed in milk and sweetened with plenty of sugar. Slightly reminiscent of builder’s tea in the UK in that it’s strong and sweet, but milk tea is creamier. 
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the milk tea kit kat was very sweet to start, but the tea flavour was definitely noticeable at the end and lent a richness and depth to the white chocolate (which i generally don’t care for). Very good. 9/10 would eat again. 
kit kat two was pistachio.
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now, i love pistachio in all its forms so i was looking forward to this one. Sadly, the pistachio flavour was very mild, almost undetectable. Still very tasty but a slight disappointment. 6/10
next is strawberry
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another white (or rather pink) chocolate version. This one was very aromatic with a strong strawberry punch. Definitely artificial strawberry but a light and fresh one, not at all cloying. Personally i love fruit flavours in candy and so i really enjoyed this. 8/10
cheesecake is next
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not super strong in the cheese flavour, but light and pleasant. It would be good paired with the strawberry actually. 5/10
next, orange
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if you’ve ever had a Terry’s Chocolate Orange the flavour of this kit kat will be familiar to you. They’re almost exactly the same. So, delicious. Nice to have a bit of light crunch with the Terry’s flavour actually. 7/10
next, coffee
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we weren’t certain at first if this was coffee flavour or just “coffee break” and it was a pretty strong chocolate flavour to start but with a definite hint of coffee at the end. Very nice, and probably would be good with a cup of coffee. 7/10
next is what google translate concluded was whole wheat
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this one was fantastic. Very light and crunchy but with texture to the crunch, not too sweet with a caramelly, biscuity flavour in the chocolate. i thought it was a bit like a white chocolate digestive might be, husband prime likened it to a custard cream. Either way, fab. 10/10 i am going to be craving this one. 
next, dark chocolate
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or “adult sweetness” according to the translation app. Saucy 😏. Dark chocolate isn’t my favourite but this was very good. Had a nice bitter edge without being overwhelming and also very rich. Good stuff. 8/10
standard kit kat
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it’s a classic for a reason, and the japanese version has richer chocolate than you get in either the UK or US, with a lot of depth of flavour. Hard to go wrong. 7/10
last and definitely least, matcha
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look, i know matcha has its adherents but you’re all wrong and have terrible taste. i tried proper matcha prepared by trained experts when i lived in japan and it was good, if a bit grassy for me personally. Very good when paired with some of their traditional sweets (sweet bean paste my beloved) but when it comes to flavouring other things? Ugh. No. Gross. Why do you want your ice cream to taste like lawn clippings? 
this kit kat did not taste like lawn clippings. It tasted, in husband prime’s words, like fish food (DON’T ASK ME HOW I KNOW THIS he made sure to add). Anyway, it was nasty. If you like matcha you might like it, idk, who can say what horrors your palate will tolerate. But for me it was only redeemed by the sweet crunch and the fact that the matcha flavour only came out at the end. 1/10.
the scores out of 10 obviously are based on my personal taste though i tried to be objective, hence the high rating of the dark chocolate. The following is my preference ranking, from first to worst
1. whole wheat
2. milk tea
3. strawberry
4. pistachio 
5. orange 
6. coffee
7. dark
8. standard 
9. cheesecake 
sir not appearing in this ranking, it knows what it did: matcha 
this was fun, and if anyone has a source for black market whole wheat kit kats... call me. 
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Discover 7 Most Irresistible Flavors Of Moon Chocolate Bar
Chocolate is one of the world’s most beloved indulgences, and when it comes to satisfying your sweet cravings, the Moon Chocolate Bar takes the experience to a whole new level. With its impeccable craftsmanship and innovative approach to flavors combinations, moon chocolate offers a tantalizing array of options that are simply irresistible to chocolate enthusiasts.
1. Sea Salt Caramel Bliss
If you're a fan of the perfect balance between sweet and salty, the Sea Salt Caramel Moon Chocolate Bar is sure to captivate your taste buds. The Sea Salt Caramel Moon Chocolate Bar combines velvety milk chocolate, luscious caramel, and a touch of sea salt for a divine sweet and salty balance that is instantly classic.
2. Lavender Honey Dream
For those with a penchant for the exotic, the Lavender Honey moon chocolate offers a dreamy escape into a world of floral elegance. The combination of rich dark chocolate infused with fragrant lavender and sweet honey results in a unique and enchanting flavors profile. It's a sophisticated choice for those looking to indulge in a touch of luxury.
3. Raspberry Rose Romance
Experience the allure of romance with the Raspberry Rose moon chocolate. This delightful creation marries the tartness of ripe raspberries with the subtle essence of rose petals, all enveloped in velvety dark chocolate. The result is a flavour that is as vibrant and passionate as a summer love affair, leaving you longing for more with each bite.
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4. Cardamom Pistachio Delight
Spice lovers will revel in the Cardamom Pistachio Moon Bar. The warm and aromatic notes of cardamom blend seamlessly with the nutty richness of pistachios, creating a symphony of flavors that transport you to distant lands. The texture of the pistachios adds a delightful crunch to the smooth milk chocolate canvas.
5. Classic Dark Elegance
The timeless creation of classic dark flavour showcases the pure essence of dark chocolate in all its glory. The rich and intense cocoa flavour of these Moon Bars is a testament to the quality of bar’s craftsmanship. It's the perfect choice for purists who appreciate the essence of unadulterated chocolate.
6. Coconut Almond Bliss
Escape to a tropical paradise with the Coconut Almond Moon Chocolate Bar. The fusion of sweet coconut and crunchy almonds nestled within silky milk chocolate is a celebration of texture and flavour. It is a delightful treat that evokes the feeling of basking in the sun on a pristine beach.
7. Espresso Caramel Wake-Up Call
For coffee lovers, the Espresso Caramel Moon Chocolate Bar is a true wake-up call for the senses. The bold and robust flavour of espresso melds seamlessly with the luscious caramel and rich dark chocolate, creating an indulgent experience reminiscent of your favourite coffeehouse treat.
In conclusion, the Moon Chocolate Bar is a testament to the art of crafting extraordinary chocolate flavors. Whether you are drawn to the classic elegance of dark chocolate or the exotic allure of lavender honey, these chocolatey bars offer an array of irresistible options that cater to every palate.
Treat yourself to a sensorial journey and savor the captivating flavors that make Moon Bar a true masterpiece in the world of gourmet chocolates. Each bar is a work of art, waiting to be unwrapped and enjoyed, one delectable bite at a time.
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lovethephotoo · 2 years
Smart Travel Hack and Underrated NYC Food/Drink Guide
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Traveling to the USA? Don’t want to pay international fees? Have an unlocked Apple iPhone or Samsung Galaxy? 
Invest in a T-Mobile Prepaid SIM Card which has Unlimited Talk, Text, and Data in the USA for 30 days. The price is about 50 dollars. The link is in the sources section. Therefore, post that selfie or video chat your family/friends while enjoying a bite to eat/drink in the USA. 
New York City is one of the most popular cities to travel within the United States. But there is a saturation of entertainment options and it can be overwhelming. As someone who likes to plan ahead and willing to try anything, please see below for the food/drink items that anyone should experience once in their lifetime. It would satisfy anyone’s palette. Also, it is important to support local and small businesses. 
Many of these items are underrated!
This dish is a staple in many cultures and extremely popular. The seafood which can be shrimp or fish is cured in citrus juices like lemon or lime. Therefore, it is safe to eat! Afterwards, it is tossed and spiced with red onions, tomatoes, cilantro, salt/pepper, and red pepper flakes. There are flavors of acidity, salty, and spicy mixed into one.
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It is the ultimate French pastry. These cute sized treats are great to eat with afternoon tea. They have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor. Macarons are made from meringue. There are many flavors from lemon, coffee, pistachio, and etc. Laduree makes the best ones and they make great gifts for the holidays. It is worth every penny.
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Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup
The best comfort food on a fall/winter day. The soup is spiced with Chinese five spice and it has the perfect flavor that is not too spicy. The scallions add an allium bite. There are huge pieces of beef that is tender and fall right off the bone. 
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Flat White
The best alternative to an Americano that is not too bitter/acidic. There is not too much steamed milk and the flavor is still silky. It is easy to drink and the caffeine count is not too high. But, the coffee art is beautiful.
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Soup Dumplings
They are usually referred to as the little pocket of joy. As the name states, there is soup in the dumpling shell. The flavor is umami and it is important to air out the dumpling before consuming or you will burn your entire mouth! The best added condiments to the dumplings are pickled ginger and black vinegar. 
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Pan Fried Seafood Noodles
The crunch of these egg noodles are the best. They are fried and slathered with a seafood stir fry surrounding Chinese Broccoli. The dish is originally from Hong Kong and served in many Cantonese/Chinese gatherings with family and friends.
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Shaved Ice
A hidden secret that is very well liked on the West coast especially Hawaii. The texture is like snow and doused with fruit syrups that have a sweet flavor. The sweetness is not sickly and the fresh fruit is a good addition. My favorite is always mango and strawberry!
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Another item that is favored on the West Coast and is competitive to sushi. Poke is a type of sashimi dish that is usually made from tuna or salmon. It is usually cured with some soy sauce or shoyu. It can be made for lunch or dinner and be eaten anytime of the year. The best toppings to a Poke bowl consists of seaweed salad, cucumbers, radish, pineapple, roe, and sriracha mayo sauce.
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The Afterparty Season 2: Midseason Theories
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We are almost halfway through season two of The Afterparty and while I do have my theories I still feel as if I know nothing. I'm not even going to get into the mechanics of the puzzles because that's the subreddit's lane, but let's start with the solved "Not the ___" puzzles:
Ep 1: Not the Snorer
Ep 2: Not the Skater
Ep 3: Not Ey Suicide
Ep 4: Not Colonel
So what we do know is that Edgar did not commit suicide or fake his death. I honestly didn't think he did because from what we've seen he hasn't acted in a way that made it appear as if he would do so. But as I'm typing this I can't help but wonder if there will be another death before the season is over that will be another murder and this clue is a foreshadowing of that. I didn't realize Colonel was a suspect and I'm not going to lie that took me out because as aggressive as that dog is, it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever. I think Isabel is the snorer. She was drinking the whole time and on some substance that had her speaking gibberish at some point so I can see her crashing at the end of the night and being in a deep sleep. Skater is such a broad term that it can mean anything. Are they ice skating, in-line skating skateboarding or roller skating? Or do they play hockey? Hopefully next week will give us some answers. Until then, here are my theories and thoughts of each character in order of mind movies and since only four episodes are out, any character beyond Hannah is just speculation until I can see the episode and decide otherwise.
Aniq (The Sequel)
I see a lot of people suspecting Aniq and while it would be quite the twist I don't see this happening. I also really don't want him to be involved because he's the main character and I want to see him for many more seasons to come. When I rewatched his episode I noticed that in the brief moment he had a conversation with Jon Gemberling's character, Roxana disappeared. There's a theory that the staff are in on Sebastian's heist so I would not be surprised at all if Sebastian walked by and snatched Roxana while the waiter distracted Aniq.
2. Grace (Period Piece)
I think Grace is guilty. She's being painted as this naïve, fragile woman that has to be rescued and characters like these tend to be the main one pulling the strings. Her asking Zoë how she and Aniq solved the first murder was very suspicious to me and the reveal that she has an affair with Grace up until the last minute before the wedding shows that she is not only selfish but she keeps secrets. I feel like she's playing helpless so they can clear her of murder.
3. Travis (Noir Detective)
Travis is cleared as a suspect for me. I think he genuinely wanted to do the right thing and Edgar is worth more to him alive than he is dead. What I'm stuck on is who struck him when he tried to follow Edgar into the house. It could have been Isabel trying to protect her son or it could have been Sebastian not wanting Travis to get in the way of whatever was happening. When he was woken by Grace's screams there was no sound of the pistachios crunching so either the killer was very silent or he's a heavy sleeper. Wait, could he be the snorer???
4. Hannah (Wes Anderson)
I am a firm believer that Hannah is a red herring character. I know some people still suspect her but I think it would just be too obvious. Her quirkiness and love for the macabre makes her so fascinating and her stepping back and deciding to leave instead of crashing the wedding was so sad to me. Is her garden a death trap? Yes. But that doesn't mean she's the only one who knows how dangerous some of the plants are. Grace knew of some because she told Zoë to be careful when they snuck out of Hannah's yurt. Sebastian was around since Edgar and Hannah were children so he could also be aware of which plants are poisonous or not.
5. Sebastian (Heist)
It's clear that Sebastian is shady af. This man is really out here pretending that Edgar is still alive and trying to keep business deals going which is stupid considering that all of his lies will be easily debunked once the news comes out. All it will take is one google search by an investor to see that Edgar died sometime during the night after getting married. But I digress. We know that at some point in the night before the wedding, he went to Hannah's yurt with champagne. While Hannah did reject him and send him on his way I doubt he chose to retire early and I do believe in the theory that he is the naked man that ran by. By the end of the episode we learn that Edgar had fired Sebastian and while it's a strong motive, I don't think that he killed him over it. Sebastian gives me blackmailer vibes and if the fan theory about him being the one that actually was falsely inflating their bitcoin company is revealed to be true, it would be the perfect thing to blackmail him over in order to get his job back. Plus his episode is centered on a heist so his main focus was getting into that safe and running away with the money. The fact that he was drunk at the afterparty means he must have failed and was probably already scheming on how to move forward from there. Edgar's speech about devils could refer to him knowing that Sebastian was being shady and tried to steal from him.
6. Danner (Erotic Thriller)
There's not much to say about Danner. She needs to solve this case for more press despite not even finishing writing her current book about Xavier's murder. I'm curious as to what kind of erotic thriller they're going with for her episode but I also don't really care at the end of the day. I can see her flirting with Sebastian in order to get evidence though.
7. Ulysses (Epic Romance)
I'm not the only person who thinks this, but I think Funcle Ulysses is the biological father of Grace, Zoë, or both. Some people think that he may be just the father of Grace and I can see that happening as well. The strongest evidence for me is that conversation between him Feng, and Vivian about whether it was "too late" to reveal something and if it would ruin the family. A secret like that would definitely ruin relationships within the family. The fact that he was away so long could be a result of Feng forcing him to leave after discovering the affair between him and Vivian. I read a theory that the reason he took so long in the shower is that maybe Vivian was in there as well and if so that would be SCANDALOUS! Edgar is the one who tracked down Ulysses to be in the wedding and as far as everyone knew, Grace and Edgar were in love so I don't see any murder motive atm.
8. Feng (Found Footage)
Feng is an interesting character but a murderer? I'm just not sure. As of right now there just isn't a motive that's making sense. When he and Travis interacted, he was put off and went to talk to someone else so I don't think he would have known about the bitcoin scam. I guess there is a possibility that he tried to kill Ulysses and killed Edgar by accident. Ulysses was manning the bar so he could have spiked the drink, it somehow got mixed up and Edgar took drank it instead. He is definitely clever though as seen during the phone conversation to convince Sebastian he would be a good partner.
9. Isabel (Suspence)
Isabel is annoying to me and I think she's really odd but I still don't feel like she killed Edgar. She is emotionally disattached from her children but she's already wealthy so there would have to be some other motive that we have yet to see. It could be a case of an accidental poisoning meant for another person but she doesn't seem to care enough about anyone to want to poison the other guests. I wonder if she witnessed something without realizing it though. If I'm right about the Not Ey Suicide clue being foreshadowing maybe someone will try to poison her and she'll survive but they'll think that she tried to off herself out of guilt?
10. Zoë & Vivian (Camp Horror & Soap Opera)
Vivian is such a wallflower that I can see why people suspect her. Someone pointed out that she changed clothes between the wedding and the afterparty which could be a clue but I'm not sure. She is very vigilant and is always observing everyone so there's no doubt her mind movie will give away who did it. Zoë has been such a busybody this season and while extremely frustrating I don't think it's out of guilt but just her being overprotective. She's so blinded by her love for Grace that she's going to overlook something I can see it now. If she turned out to be the killer that would be really sad and I'd hate for this to be her final season so I'm hoping that's not the case.
One last thing I want to point out is that when Hannah is talking about the flowers at the rehearsal dinner, everyone is in attendance minus Grace who sneaks away to meet up with her later. Grace already knows about the flowers so her not being there doesn't matter, but anyone at that table could have been mentally taking notes or happened to remember enough of that info to use it as the murder weapon later. So either they at that moment decided they would kill Edgar (or someone else but killed Edgar by mistake), or something happened between the rehearsal dinner and the wedding night that made them snap. We've got six episodes left so I will post updates as my theories change. What do you all think happened?
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Vegan Baklava – The New delicious version sweet
                               Vegan Baklava – The New delicious version sweet
Vegan baklava is a delicious variation of the traditional Middle Eastern dessert designed for those following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle. It captures all the flavours and textures of classic baklava sweet without animal products. As plant-based diets gain traction, the demand for vegan options has increased, making vegan baklava a popular choice for those seeking a cruelty-free baklava dessert.
the growing popularity for vegan alternatives
With the rise in plant-based diets, there is a growing demand for vegan alternatives to traditional dishes, including desserts. Vegan baklava caters to this demand by offering a cruelty-free and sustainable version of the beloved dessert. Using plant-based ingredients and innovative substitutions, vegan baklava provides a guilt-free indulgence for those following a vegan lifestyle. Increasing awareness of dietary choices' environmental, ethical, and health impacts drives its popularity. Whether you are a vegan or simply curious about trying new desserts, vegan baklava offers a delightful and compassionate culinary experience, which is provided by The Baklava company (TBC & co.) online, who provide one of the best baklavas in India and best baklava in bangalore.
II. Understanding Vegan Baklava
what is vegan baklava?
Vegan baklava is a plant-based version of the classic Middle Eastern dessert, offering the same flavours and textures without animal products. It caters to those following a vegan lifestyle and provides a compassionate and cruelty-free alternative to traditional baklava.
the traditional items used in baklava and their vegan substitutes:
Vegan baklava replaces animal-based ingredients in traditional recipes with plant-based alternatives. Vegan butter or margarine is used instead of dairy butter, while a vegan-friendly syrup replaces honey. Nuts remain a key ingredient, providing a delicious crunch and flavour.
By understanding the traditional ingredients used in baklava and their vegan substitutes, individuals can recreate this iconic dessert in a compassionate and plant-based way. Vegan baklava allows for enjoying a beloved sweet treat while staying true to vegan principles and accommodating dietary preferences and restrictions.
You can buy Baklava online in bangalore from the baklava company (TBC & co.) which one of the best Baklava store in India.
III. Making Vegan Baklava
 a step-by-step guide on how to make vegan baklava
Prepare the phyllo dough: Start by thawing vegan phyllo dough according to the package instructions. Keep it covered with a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out.
Make the nut filling: Finely chop your choice of nuts, such as walnuts, pistachios, or almonds. Mix them with sugar, ground cinnamon, and a pinch of salt in a bowl.
Layer the phyllo dough:
Brush a baking dish with vegan butter or margarine.
Place a sheet of phyllo dough in the container and brush it with melted vegan butter.
Repeat this process, layering multiple sheets of phyllo dough and brushing each layer with butter.
Add the nut filling: Spread evenly over the phyllo dough layers. Press it gently to ensure even distribution.
Continue layering: Repeat the process of layering phyllo dough sheets, brushing with butter, and adding the nut filling until you have used all the ingredients. Make sure to finish with a few layers of phyllo dough on top.
Cut and bake: Using a sharp knife cut the baklava into desired shapes, such as squares or diamonds. Bake in a preheated oven at a specified temperature until golden brown and crispy.
the key ingredients and techniques used in vegan baklava:
Vegan baklava uses vegan phyllo dough, vegan butter, a nut mixture, sugar, cinnamon, and a vegan-friendly syrup.
The process involves:
Layering the phyllo dough with melted vegan butter.
Spreading the nut filling.
Baking until golden and crispy.
By following this step-by-step guide and using the key ingredients and techniques, anyone can create a delicious batch of vegan baklava that maintains the essence and flavours of the traditional dessert while being entirely plant-based.
IV. Enjoying Vegan Baklava
vegan baklava vs traditional baklava:
Vegan baklava resembles traditional baklava in taste and texture, with a slightly lighter and less buttery flavour due to the absence of animal-based ingredients. The flaky and crispy phyllo dough and nut filling still offer a delightful experience.
suggestions and ways to enjoy vegan baklava:
Vegan baklava is best enjoyed as a dessert or sweet treat. Serve it at room temperature to allow the flavours to develop fully. Consider garnishing with chopped nuts, powdered sugar, or a drizzle of vegan-friendly syrup for an added touch of sweetness. Pair it with a hot tea or coffee to complement the flavours and provide a delightful contrast.
vegan baklava and how it can be customized:
One of the exciting aspects of vegan baklava is its versatility. While traditional baklava primarily features nuts like walnuts or pistachios, vegan baklava allows for various creative fillings. Experiment with different combinations of nuts, such as almonds, cashews, or pecans. For added sweetness and texture, you can also incorporate dried fruits, like raisins or dates. Additionally, consider incorporating spices such as cardamom or nutmeg to enhance the flavour profile.
In conclusion,
Vegan baklava provides a delicious and ethical alternative to the traditional dessert, accommodating the growing demand for vegan options. It retains the flavours and essence of the original treat while offering creative possibilities for fillings and flavours. Whether you follow a vegan lifestyle or enjoy exploring new desserts, vegan baklava is a delightful and satisfying choice that aligns with your ethical and dietary preferences.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
Time to toast up some bread math and crunch some delicous numbers
total takers: 18 (one is double taker but i respect the hustle)
Berry Mix: 4 Apricots: 3 Cranberries: 3 Onion: 3 Dark Rye: 2 Raisins: 2 Golden Raisins: 1
Oats: 5 Pumpkin seed: 5 Sunflower seeds: 4 Walnuts: 3 Almonds: 1
Honey: 7 Brown sugar: 7 White sugar: 3 Molasses
Which then makes the unlovables Cashews, Pistachios, Wheat Bran, Golden syrup, maple syrup, and corn syrup
Unsure if all four takers understood I have a mystery berry mix in my pantry that vexes and confuses me and just want me to suffer, or just thought you know, you know, a mix of berries.
Oats as the winner tracks for all those who dont like seeds and nuts in their bread, of which i was once one. or possibly, just allergy havers? the exclusion of by pistachios and cashews, MY FAVS, hurts, but its okay for ppl to be wrong i guess...
Honey and brown sugar tie, delightful, delicious, on it boss o7.
Things I was reccomended anise (not your life otherwise very sweet person), apples (autumnal...), olive (ive only had black olives as I dont like them but maybe green are better?), raspberries (or as they typed it radp berry :>), sundried tomatoes (this would be delicious in a flat bread i think), herbs (ditto)
combos advocated for Apricots and cranberry, pumpkin and sunflower seed, onion and dark rye (as an alternative from onion and cranberry, which, well i guess thats just a turkey stuffing in a loaf), dark and marble rye, and finally, from the same rasperberry and lemon (delightful) sand and raspberry. which i suppose i respect giving a junk answer and real answer?
So, a mixed berry and oats, sweetened with honey and brown sugar is what the people have decided. so ill make that at some point this month. But of course there are no actual rules and i can do what i want, I will also be making a caramelized onion, dark rye molasses loaf, and i guess ill have to see if herbs and cranberries can work together....
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hookerspage · 2 months
More significant Investigation on Call boy's everyday work-out: Call boy jobs around India
A healthy eating routine is important for everyone, no matter how they live their lives. It's even more important for people who live busy and active lives, like a playboy who asks for a shorter work week. A diet that is both healthy and well-balanced improves overall performance and mental clarity. While fostering a working day smart dieting plan for a playboy, it is vital to find some kind of harmony between taste, some type of solace, and significant advantage. A playboy in a hurry needs to eat a healthy breakfast because it gets them ready for a productive day. Consider having a substantial breakfast that includes a healthy combination of solid fats, lean proteins, and complex sugars. An incredible decision could be made with new ordinary food varieties like cut bananas and berries, which give a rich wellspring of fibre, improvements, and cell strength. Add some nuts or seeds to your grain for a delicious crunch and potent fats that make you feel fuller for longer and give you more energy throughout the day. callboy job.
To guarantee a reasonable function, consolidate a protein source into your morning dinner. This can be accomplished by placing bubbled eggs or Greek yoghurt close to the oats. Greek yoghurt not only has a lot of protein in it, but it also has probiotics that help bacteria grow and die. Sunk eggs naturally contain essential amino acids for muscle maintenance and repair. For those searching for a plant-based other option, a tofu and vegetable scramble can be a tasty and protein-rich choice. Amidst a clamouring typical working day, immediately in the day snacks expect a fundamental part in extra mindfulness of energy levels and impeding the enticement of miserable food decisions. Choose small, nutrient-packed bites that are nutritious. In a small serving, mixed nuts like almonds, pecans, and pistachios provide the majority of omega-3 unsaturated fats and cell strongholds. A unique fruit or vegetable, like an apple or a lot of grapes, can be paired with the nuts to improve stomach health and provide common pleasure. call boy job.
For faster daytime combat and improved mental health, think about making a small serving of weak chocolate into a nibble. The dull chocolate's flavonoids, caffeine, and theobromine all aid in enhancing mental capacity and perspective. Regardless, moderation is essential due to the possibility of consuming an excessive amount of calories. Vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins should all be included in a balanced lunch. Barbecued chicken or tofu salad, various greens, chime peppers, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers can all provide a filling and nutritious meal. When an entire grain is combined with quinoa or generously tinted rice, complex sugars, fibre, and additional protein are added. In a bespoke vinaigrette, sprinkle olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a few flavours over the serving of leafy greens for an explosion of flavour without compromising health. call boy service.
A wrap made of entire grains, lean protein like turkey or hummus, and various vegetables is a decent and simple choice for individuals who need something else for lunch. Whole grain wraps are a respectable wellspring of fibre, further creating stomach-related prosperity and staying aware of energy. When given hummus, cut carrots, celery sticks, or cherry tomatoes give a great crunch and lift the improvement content. In the early evening, when energy levels may drop, an incredible and nutritious body can revive the body and the brain. Make a protein-rich choice to help energy all through the rest of the overall typical working day. Sweet cravings are satisfied, protein and healthy fats are delivered, and chia seeds and honey are sprinkled on top of Greek yoghurt. Naturally, a rehydrating and supplement-rich option is a protein smoothie made with common ingredients like spinach, protein powder, and almond milk. Hydration is sometimes overlooked despite its central role in overall prosperity and well-being. Focus on drinking water over the course of the day to remain hydrated. call boy job salary. It is possible to combine average teas, such as peppermint or green tea, for enhanced flavour and potential clinical benefits. Instead of sweet beverages, choose water or unsweetened standard teas to maintain ideal hydration levels without the empty calories associated with sweet rewards. As the workday continues into the night, dinner ought to be a sensible and filling meal that keeps recuperation going and gets the body ready for sleep. Salmon prepared on the barbecue is a good source of protein and omega-3 unsaturated fats and can serve as the focal point of a grand event. For a satisfying and substantial meal, select the salmon and serve it with stewed sweet potatoes and broccoli. There is a lot of complexity in sweet potatoes. carbs, supplements, and fibre, and broccoli is a decent wellspring of significant micronutrients. A hearty vegetarian meal that is rich in protein and delicious is a chickpea and vegetable curry served over coarse rice or quinoa. In addition to chickpeas, which are an important plant protein source, the curry contains a variety of vegetables. call boy job part time
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