#WHEW that's a lotta characters
clarkgriffon · 6 months
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fashion in rosewood in every episode → the mirror has three faces (4x10)
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whitherwanderer · 8 months
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- N I N E T Y -
💎💥 - 🗡️🏹 🌸⛏️ - 💀🥀
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sloaaaa · 4 months
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realjem-art · 3 days
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sometimes you gotta sit down and think about the evolution of The Character
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havockingboo · 1 year
Grrrhrhrr I love ur art so much I wanna put it under my pillow
Also what's monkey wrench? 👁
And oh?
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Well well well i’m SOOOO GLAD YOU ASKED my dear friend.
Monkey Wrench is an indie animation cartoon created by Zeurel, an amazing animator that came from newgrounds and is known mainly for his vinesauce animation!! Monkey Wrench story focuses on a team of two mercenaries: ‘Beebs’ and Shrike Sánchez! The series followings them on their many merc adventures in *space*!
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YES this wonderful little cartoon is a sci-fi adventure FILLED WITH ACTION PACKED SEQUENCED AND INCREDIBLE ANIMATION it’s humorous!! It’s got witty and dumb humor that makes me laugh!
Not convinced enough yet? Did you know there’s gonna be a whole lotta LORE to be seen? Little hints and puzzle pieces in dialogue and scenes that says “oh? well isn’t That interesting hmm??” So far there’s only 2 episodes up on the main youtube channel but ITS SO SO GOOD!! It’s Zeurel’s and NeatoTito (the lovely co-creator and writer of the series✨) first series that they’ve just put out into the world!! They’re learning along the way of how to make each episode better than the last and MAAAN me being the animation fan i am, I just love seeing this series just being made!! In real time!!
But whew ahah yeah!! It’s a show worth watching!
If you love space hi-jinks, charming and lovable characters, ANIMATION, unique character designs, Action!! And a story driven show—then this little web series should be on your watchlist!
And heeeey if you got a few bucks to spare toooo, this show ain’t easy to make! Like anything else, it costs a whole lotta moola!! Money!! There’s a link in the description of the video to the Monkey Wrench patreon and let me tell you as a patreon myself there—it’s worth every penny man.
If you want to support a small indie animation like this one, or just wanna see more of this show like behind the scenes! heck! even get your name in the credits, go on and throw a buck! They need all the support they can get! (This of course if you’re able to!! Support the show any means as you can!! By spreading the word or just watching it over and over haha!)
Soooo in short!!
Watch Monkey Watch 🔧
(I need more episodes guys PLEASE)
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I've always very much bought the reasons why Sanchez would be reclusive and unfriendly and I quite like her myself so I write off any of her sins, lol. I wouldn't compare the behavior of the two (not at all the same imo) still from a storytelling perspective I think the Maureen girlies are valid in longing for other anons to give her a fair shake, to see if there might be a reason for her behavior - everybody cites her as spoiled and privileged but I do see less mention of the dark seedy underbelly of that lifestyle that can totally corrupt people. I grew up in a poor farm family (kinda like my baby Lu) and when I started to rub elbows with ppl from those backgrounds I wouldn't have traded my very impoverished childhood for any of that because some of those people were awful - the sins hidden in wealthy and affluent communities such as abuse and dv etc, whew. Knowing that she grows to where she wants to break out of that cycle is what's made me want to give Maureen a chance. Also like the fact that she is unapologetically sexually liberated and open minded. Anyway, all this to say if Marina has one sucker, it's me, I love all these oc's because their backgrounds and motivations are believable and fascinating. As someone who loves Lu and Maureen and Ida and Sanchez AND the MOTA men who brought me here in the first place, I love it when we can discuss these girlies with good vibes and respect to the hardcore fans of either camp
Babe, tumblr kept crashing every time I tried to scroll down to where this ask has laid in darkness, I’m glad to have uncovered you but so sorry for how tardy this response is!
Anyways. I’m always so down for hearing a personal take on how the characters are coming across and your love for Sanchez and ability to understand why she is the way she is, personality irregardless, is so gratifying, thank youuuuuu
And I appreciate and adhere to your points regarding Maureen and her upbringing, which did include privilege, but I’m not sure that’s why she acts the way she acts, most of the time. And if someone had been treated the way she was growing up, if her abuse, grooming, or isolation didn’t happen on a yacht, and instead in a middle-class home, she would be very sympathetic… sympathetic, not always justified. Like you, when I grew up and started to mingle with people I had otherwise considered annoyingly lucky in their privilege, etc, I realized how fortunate I was in fact. There were a lotta things I took for granted, and as a result required of peoples behavior, simply because i didn’t know any different. Not everyone is so fortunate.
Thank you for such a nice ask and if you are my sucker, I am your devotee, I appreciate you so much and I want to kiss your forehead 💋
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spd-magenta-ranger · 1 year
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So you know those comparisons of how things started versus how they are now? Behold: the circa 2021 versions of the Chimeras....and my drawing skills >_>
I had a Prime-based Transformers AU where Echo was the main character, and the sequel that was NOT RID15 involved her gathering the others, who were part of a Decepticon project and leading them to stop Unicron as the "Heralds of Primus", a group chosen by the Primes themselves as their avatars in this reality. And almost all of them were adults... As you may have noticed, THIS IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CHIMERAS PRESENT DAY AT ALL. A lot has changed, some things have stayed the same, but I'm a lot more happy with where I am with them now than I was. You love to see improvement.
Here's an overview of their characters then and now: Echo: Echo was a medic in addition to a medic and was a Seeker. She was also a lot more naturally kinder and compassionate. She was a good person that had to learn to be a leader. In Rez, she's a leader that has to be a good person. She also isn't a medic, leans more into the shinobi motif, and turns into a helicopter. Also she wields salves, and not razorangs as a default weapon, and isn't sparkbonded to anyone....(Come hell or high water, I WILL find a way...)
Dawnbringer: Dawn was the naive, lady like little sister who grew up and became a force to be reckoned with, but still feminine. She controlled light instead of fire and wielded a sun-shaped shield....say that 5 times fast. In Rez, she's a sexy tomboy who's aggressive, ready for a fight, and turns into a motorcycle. She's really childish about it, too. Kinda like a younger Prime Arcee for a comparison. She wields a napalm blaster and fire infused blades as well.
Sideeye: Sideeye was originally supposed to be transgender and turned into a motorcycle as a hint to this. He was already with Circuit Breaker long before we met them, and was a kind big brother figure; humble but not afraid to show his skills as a sniper. And he was the second shortest Herald. Here, the ego is turned up to eleven and they are nonbinary. They turn into a muscle car and are competitive with Bumblebee rather than another OC of mine who you may see later (Wink wink). They are still a darn good sniper and electrokinetic though, and a big ol nerd. Oh, and they're the THIRD shortest now.
Riptide: Essentially Riptide and Dawnbringer swapped roles in this incarnation. Riptide is now a demure, quiet, ladylike ocean princess that also can snap into an aggressive monster at the drop of a hat. Originally she was from a colony of water dwelling Cybertronians and a chief's daughter that was in a tragic love situation that made her distant. She LOATHED dresses. Here, she wants to find love but is scared of herself hurting anyone. She's also a big eater, wields a trident instead of a scythe, has a second alt mode in a jet to circumvent the design flaw of having a waterlocked vehicle mode (Lampshaded FREQUENTLY by her).
Circuit Breaker: Arguably, he has changed the least. He still has a combination of brains and brawn, but even more colder and less talkative. You know what else changed? Frag a Swat vehicle, my thoughts are on TANK!! And BIG FRAGGING GUN!! He's also more of a schemer, but a soft side still comes through, especially with Echo and Sideeye. Also he can control all earth rather than just metal, which means yes, he's a metalbender too. Just...don't make him angry, you won't like him when he's angry.
Whew, dassa lotta info! But I'm proud of myself and all my hard work on them. I hope you enjoy!
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lionbearfox · 2 years
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not sure exactly which dots i'm connecting but i'm definitely connecting them
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mysteriesdelved · 5 years
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ft. muses from dc comics, bioshock, dragon age, a series of unfortunate events, the magnus archives, saints row, far cry, stardew valley, pokemon + more. template by freerps
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reikeip · 2 years
Crossroad ♱ Chaos 8
Location: Underground Livehouse
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Koga: (Whew, I knew Sakuma-senpai was super cool~!)
(I can only hear little bits of what he’s saying because of how loud it is, but~ I bet he’s saying something really exciting!)
(You’re shinin’, Sakuma-senpai! One day, I’ll be a rockstar just like you...☆)
Rei: (Huh~ That kid’s sure got an impressive leer, eyes all blazin’ like that... is he some kinda beast?)
(Ain’t easy settlin’ down when I’m being watched~ An’ I can’t stand bein’ worshipped, I ain’t no god~)
(I’ll distract him. There’s a lotta other things worth seein’ in this world, after all.)
Ey kid~… You there, ya busy?
Koga: ? Oh, me?! W-w-what the hell is wrong with ya, don’t talk to me so casually~!
Rei: ...Uh huh. You’re always carryin’ that guitar around like it’s the most important thing in the world—So can ya play somethin’ off-the-cuff?
I’m gonna step out for a sec, think ya can be my sub?
Koga: Eh…? Oh, I’ll be Sakuma-senpai’s substitute? What an honor!
No, I mean—Of course I can, ya goddamn idiot! I’ll show ya just what I can do!
Rei:I dunno what kinda character you’re aimin’ for at all~ Whatever, I’ll just leave it to ya, ‘kay?
If ya give us a sloppy show, I’ll beat your ass ♪
Koga: Hah! Cut the nonsense! I’m representin’ ya here, I’m gonna play the best rock ‘n roll on Earth!
Rei: Yep. Well, cya. Bouzu an’ Morisawa-kun, keep doin’ your best. I’mma go talk to some fans.
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Keito: Huh? Hey, don’t move of your own accord! Give a sound explanation! Are you just doing as you please…!?
Rei: Ahaha. An’ what’s the harm in that? Doin’ stupid shit is a youngster’s privelage. You’re thinkin’ way too hard, just have fun in the moment~
Keito: ...The only reason you can flounce about all free-willed is because you’re so strong.
Rei: If you’re jealous just get strong, Bouzu.
...Oopsies ♪
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Kaoru: My bad. ...Can I help you, Sakuma-san?
Rei: Yep. No need to chat all polite with me~ We’re guys from the same school~
Kaoru: Is that so? I don’t go to school very much, so I wouldn’t know~♪
Rei: We’ve seen each other ‘round school a few times. C’mon, I won’t let ya say ya haven’t committed me to your memory~
Kaoru: Ahaha, have you made the mistake of thinking everyone knows you? Sorry~ I don’t really remember guy’s faces or names ♪
Rei: That so? Uhh, you’re Hakaze-kun, aint’cha?
You’re the manager of this underground livehouse, yea? I mean, that’s what I can gather followin’ everyone’s gaze.
My apologies, I came in and laid waste to your fun lil’ hangout spot.
Kaoru: Laid waste? Not at all, you actually kinda helped by livening this place up.
I’d actually like to request that you do this on a regular basis~ I’ll pay you properly, so can I formally request a gig?
Rei: I’ll think about it. I’m goin’ overseas after this, and I’m not too keen on stoppin’ in one place. How about I appear on stage as my mood dictates, ya good with that condition?
Kaoru: That isn’t a condition, that’s selfishness~ But, I guess so. If that’s how to get your service, then I’ll listen to your demands.
Rei: Ah, there’s one more thing. Ya see that kid playin’ guitar? Bet if ya trained him up I bet he’ll see some real improvement…
Can ya stick him in a suitable band and raise him up?
Kaoru: Why don’t you do that yourself? I think you’ve got the wrong idea about me, I’m not really the manager of this underground livehouse or anything.
I’m just the son of a local kingfish, so I got a lot of clout around here.
But that means if some issue arises, I’m in a position where it’s me who eventually gets relied on.
But it’s surely a hassle~ I was told that if I act like some big-shot then girls would flock to me, and that I’d get some good life prep.
And so my father said he’d entrusted this area to me, and left all the decision-making to someone else.
And now that Yumenosaki Academy’s on the decline, the land around here is practically worthless. Fitting a job for a prodigal son, right?
In exchange, I’ve asked him to shade his eyes and give me a little nightlife. ...Kidding~ I don’t know why I’m even telling you this story.
Rei: Nah, it’s very interestin’, so talk some more. C’mon, don’t be shy.
Kaoru: I don’t like the idea of presuming upon men~ But more importantly, shouldn’t you be going back on stage instead of worrying about me?
Everyone else is inexperienced, so without you they’ll be a mess.
The majority of the people at Yumenosaki, including myself, are pretty disappointing—But you’re a part of the geniuses, that minority who sustains Yumenosaki academy.
I bet you’re super busy, but keep at it.
Ordinary people are just ordinary people, so I’ll just sit on the sidelines~ I’ll cheer you on from there.
Rei: No need to get all self-depricatin’~ Ya just need to try harder, all of ya.
Kaoru: Ahaha. If we could all become Sakuma Rei just by working hard, we’d try our best, though. Unfortunately, the world just isn’t fair like that.
It’s the kind of world where good, kind people are made to suffer and die, for no reason at all.
Honestly, you’re just making a fool out of yourself if you go and believe you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.
Rei: ……
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twopoppies · 4 years
Gina pleaseee you NEED to make an "overstimulation" fic list..pretty pleasee🥺🥺🥺
Hi sugar. Well, you’ve come to the right place. I definitely have some to share!
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horizontal like a quarter to three by orphan_account (E, 9K) I always love fics that do kink discovery well, and this one is a favorite. Gentle, loving Louis realizing he wants to get rough with his sweet boyfriend? Gimme that.
Only Write By The Moon by orphan_account (E, 5K) This is basically pure smut, but this author has such a beautiful way with words…even smut sounds poetic.
Champagne by fanshae / @blueylouie (E, 3K) Super smutty, super sexy. A little but of everything in under 3K. Whew! 🥵
down by sky_reid (E, 4K) What more can I say about a fic whose summary is “sometimes all harry really wants is to play with louis' arse.“ I mean... it’s really dirty, and really hot. And it’s a whole lotta rimming.
leave you drowning until you reach for my hand by orphan_account (E, 17K) The psychological exploration of how and why this sort pf play works (or doesn’t work) for these characters is so well done in this one. Plus, it’s just hot af.
It's My Pleasure To Introduce You by LoadedGunn (E, 8K) This is the first part of the Sex Dice Fic and it’s sex shop owner Louis meets Harry as he’s trying to buy his first dildo. Need I say more?
redder than the devil by mercutionotromeo (E, 5K) This short fic has so many kinks and so much smut that I probably could add it to 10 different rec lists. I love this author and hope they keep gifting us with their writing.
Never Never Never Stop for Anyone (Sheylinsonverse) by aimmyarrowshigh, spibsy (lucy_and_ramona) (E, 10 work series, 439K) Yes, here I am again, putting this series on a list. Probably 10 people in this fandom like it as much as I do, but I don’t care. I have read all 440K words more than once, and will likely do it a few more times. Yes, it needs editing, but even so…really well written, super sexy (if you like reading BDSM and can handle Larry + someone else), and such interesting character development. One of my favorite things about this fic is how the authors differentiate between the ways the different characters inhabit their Dom and Sub personalities.
in the rough by karamelised (E, 7K) This is part of a 5-part series and while it’s not necessary to read the first two, it would make it better. However, this one is the only one bookmarked with overstimulation and it’s sexy and smart and this author just always writes a great fic. 
do you know me by heart by HappyPrincess / @pattern-pals (E, 7K) Read the tags on this one because it’s really visceral, raw, and real. The writing was intense in the best of ways, but this is not a fluffy fic.
come and lay down your shoulder by HappyPrincess / @pattern-pals (E, 4K) This was such a nice mix of sadness, neediness, and being with someone who understands you and whom you understand. Like, you know them so well, even if you’re not together anymore.
No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin by Teumessian (E, 14K) Harry, Louis, Zayn. I read this so long ago that I don’t recall specifics, but I like a few fics from this author and my original notes sum it up as, “Um. Holy shit. So fucking hot.“ HAHAHAHA!
trusting things beyond mistake by sarcasticfluentry (E, 10K) This author is always a sure bet for me, and their smut is always super hot. I love the way Louis gets pulled in to "helping" Harry in this one
You'll Breathe Me In (You Won't Release) by LoadedGunn (E, 95K) Also known as The Driving Instructor fic. This has some of the best pacing I’ve read in a fic, some really well written BDSM smut, and characters I just really enjoy. I know it’s not for everyone. Read the tags.
know you got that thing (that i like) by lightseep (E, 16K) This is moody and so well-written and really fucking sexy. 
kiss with a fist (is better than none) by orphan_account (E, 7K) Although it’s been orphaned, it was originally written by Ashtarok whose work I always have liked. I really enjoyed the dynamic in this one and the smut is top notch. 
2012 'Verse by ashavahishta (E, 5-part series, 102K) This is a canon series all set and written in 2012. The overstimulation takes place in the 5th chapter, but this author is just good and especially if you like canon, it’s worth a read. 
my one and own (i wanna get you alone) by beautlouis (E, 6K) My notes are completely unhelpful because all they say is, “hot af”. So, I took one for the team and reread it. I was right. Hot af. LOL! But really, I love how Louis gently teases an absolutely wrecked Harry throughout this.
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
Thank you for answering my q ♥️. The thing about Bingqiu is, you're probably right about LBH having many possibilities for love interests although it saddens me a little that in this aspect Bingqiu aren't like Hualian or Wangxian because no matter what circumstances or AU, you could hardly find a better partner for either of them. Wangxian and Hualian are IT for eo while SY is replaceable. Wangxian and Hualian are inevitable while Bingqiu is not. Idk, I love them that's why it makes me sad.
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I had a long response on mobile, and then the app closed on me without saving. :’) *cries*
Happy to reply to your asks, anon! 💗 That’s a very interesting perspective actually. Although while some could find it disconcerting, I personally think it’s amazing to see such variety. I also think Bingqiu is less of a “one-time deal” than you think, OP (at least, I like to headcanon in every universe or timeline, there is a Shen Yuan for Luo Binghe—because that’s a romantic thought so long as it’s not a terrible AU LBH). Or as the more extreme diehard Bingjiu fans put it, a SJ for every Luo Binghe. The other ships like Bingjiu (this could be argued) and LQG/LBH are fanon, but Bingqiu is presented in SVSSS as a fated match (it just took a whole lotta misunderstandings to reach that point; whew, what a huge “love trial!”)
Hmm, so these are just some more of my personal thoughts on the MXTX ship(s): I wish Bingqiu was as popular and accepted as Hualian and Wangxian, but SVSSS is supposedly the least well-known out of the three despite its seniority. Out of all her works so far (at the time of this post, we have not yet heard more information of her upcoming fourth novel), I think the Bingqiu ship is a little less clear cut because, and this is no fault of her own, one party is a modern man who’d transmigrated into another man’s body. This identity theft/body snatching muddles somethings and raises questions for a few readers; furthermore, MXTX did not write a scene revealing the truth of SY’s transmigration in the main story and in the extras—which I feel could help this couple feel “authentic” and “deserved.” In MDZS and TGCF, there is no imposter syndrome or transmigration throwing a monkey wrench into the relationship. It’s pretty clear cut. In SVSSS, the relationship thusly can feel a little...I hate to use this word, but it can come across as “disingenuous.” Which is a shame because we see Shen Yuan as SQQ say such romantic lines like these near the end of the book (ugh, my heart 💘):
The second he flipped open ‘Proud Immortal Demon Way,’ the story officially began; the moment he closed ‘Proud Immortal Demon Way,’ the story still remained unfinished.
Or, in other words, the story that circulated among the people of the world has already come to an end. But, the story between you and me has only just begun. (—SVSSS)
But, for context though, under the assumption some of you guys aren’t super familiar with transmigration trope (I’d binged almost the entire genre of transmigration stories from translated light novels to transmigration manhuas/manhwa/and isekai manga at the height of my obsession...it’s literally one of my new favorite genre tags), there are only a handful of works where the main character admits to being a modern wo/man who’d transmigrated into another person’s body in whichever fictional work belonging to the premise. It’s unusual to see them reveal that information. Why?
Because the main character knows they would be called crazy or be looked at with worried/ sympathetic looks (if you tell someone who’s alive and breathing that you came from a different world from another time, and that they were fictional characters or NPCs in your previous world, they would naturally think you’ve either gone mad or are temporarily delusional/confused or have a wild imagination and are playing a joke on them)
Revealing such info could lead to dangerous situations like an unstable universe or to its collapse (some other transmigration works have done this), or their own lives being threatened (like the fear of the character’s loved ones realizing their child/lover/whomever was replaced by the soul of a stranger) in a strange and unfamiliar world that they were uprooted into
Sometimes the System strictly forbids it
Sometimes the MC is willing to discard their previous identity (oftentimes plain or boring or overworked/ stressed or financially troubled) and start over as a new identity, so they essentially disown their mundane past and wholeheartedly embrace their new role
It’s more of the norm to see the main character embrace their new role aka this new identity in the new world. So it’s not so strange to me that Shen Qingqiu never admitted to being Shen Yuan in canon to Luo Binghe. (Plus, I doubt the System would even allow him to, because his true identity and the knowledge that there is another world out there is confidential fourth-wall-breaking information that a book character like the protagonist should not be privy to.)
Another thing that is different is that in TGCF, we find out Hua Cheng/ San Lang was head over heels for Xie Lian from start to finish (my gosh, all time biggest simp & the world record holder for the most patient love and devotion that has lasted for practically so long 😭 he really is his most devoted believer). In MDZS, the romance between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian is also pretty clearcut (oh gosh, Lan Wangji, when we find out how much he cares for WWX, ugh, my heeeeeart). In SVSSS, Luo Binghe started out as a sweet, devoted disciple in the first half of the story (embodying the “white lotus” archetype) who then blackened in the second half of the story (I know some people don’t like to see LBH being typecast as a yandere, but his actions—while influenced by Xin Mo—highkey reminded me of a yandere at that time) and we nervously read his interactions with Shen Qingqiu until the penultimate conclusion. And then in the extras we see them bonding and even getting married! MXTX was definitely trying to show post-main story that Bingqiu is a happy relationship and is OTP.
And another thing I’ve noticed is there is no real alt. ship competition compared to the canon ship in both MDZS (although technically it can be argued JC/WWX is one such competition, but...I mean, it’s easy to see why people ship it, especially since fanfiction allows us to play with so many different possibilities) and TGCF (I mean, technically I can see Xie Lian with...oh god, I’ve also seen quite a few alternative ships (as you can see, anon, I’m quite the open-minded reader, even if I do have my favorites...which tend to be the canon couple of whichever fictional work) and some of them were intriguing, but I ship Hualian hardcore. For SVSSS, while I also ship Bingqiu hardcore, I also like Bingyuan (Binggeyuan), but it’s also interesting to see the other alternative ships in the fandom. Bingqiu still dominates the fandom in the end (as do all canon couples in all fandoms).
Since it’s canon OTP, I personally don’t see SY as “replaceable.” MXTX is pretty clear about her couples all having their red strings of fate (Wangxian, Hualian, and Bingqiu). Bingqiu was still the canon endgame OTP in SVSSS. SVSSS is indeed MXTX’s first work (I could see why it’s considered rough around the edges), but the build up to the romance, to the “Oh” moment, are different from the setup in MDZS and TGCF where the main characters had good romantic sexual chemistry. LWJ and WWX were mutually in love with each other (the subtle gestures and the overt ones). Xie Lian also wasn’t afraid to bond and inevitably reciprocate Hua Cheng’s/San Lang’s affections. With SY!SQQ...in SVSSS, SY spends a good first half and almost half of the second half of the book oblivious to LBH’s crush on him, and we read SY vehemently declaring himself a straight man. Yet it’s the littlest actions he does that show how much he cares for LBH. He’s also an unreliable narrator, lol. But that’s where the humor comes from: the misunderstandings. SVSSS is mostly comedy and satire/parody/genre deconstruction imo making fun of established Chinese fan culture norms; romance is included but I don’t think it’s SVSSS’ focus. The romance here is so much less...”overt” (I’m not sure what word would work here) than MXTX’s other works and we have to rely on subtext (like how SY, himself, a man, poetically describing another man’s eyes—LBH—as obsidian starry night skies SY, so hella romantic 🙄 and him mentioning over and over again how attractive LBH is like, SY, we get it, LOL, and him throwing himself into life-threatening situations for LBH like saving his life even though he knows LBH has plot armor from his protagonist’s halo). I really like the first half of SVSSS and chapter(s) near the end, and the extras personally. I think they show more of the happy ship dynamic (the tragic middle is hard for me to reread multiple times without me feeling like an incurable M).
I do appreciate that MXTX must have belatedly instinctively realized with her writer’s instincts (or she heard feedback) that she needed to show a bit more of the Bingqiu relationship after the main story was done to show that, yes, troublesome things did happen but this is the endgame couple for a reason and they’re happy together. So I’m appreciative for the extras.
While she does leave things a bit open to interpretation (lol, such as LQG’s misunderstanding in the succubus extra; I joke that LQG is like the typical second ML—since the 2nd ML in Chinese works never gets “the girl” over the protagonist despite being qualified), she did write the succubus extra where Madam Meiyin checked Shen Qingqiu’s love fortune. While it could be argued that since this was Shen Qingqiu’s body, her divination was Shen Jiu’s life story essentially—particularly the past—but you also see ambiguous passages like this:
Madam Meiyin examined it for quite some time, and her expression became increasingly solemn as time passed.
Perplexed, she said, “Immortal Master, my learnings must’ve been too shallow, for this red line of your past seemed a little… …unclear. When I first observed it, it seemed like you were destined to be alone. However, when I take a closer look, I can see a very faint line of marriage.” (—SVSSS)
I always like writers who leave things open to interpretation^. In this case, Madam Meiyin made a weird expression when she was reading out Shen Qingqiu’s love fortune. I headcanon this was the System interfering with her divination, because this is an NPC. Shen Yuan, a modern man, transmigrated into the cannon fodder villainous NPC. She of course wouldn’t be able to see Shen Yuan’s past (that’d be breaking the fourth wall) so the muddling is essentially the System’s censorship in play. But she does hint at Shen Qingqiu’s (SY) destined lover essentially—and her descriptions seems to be pretty clear to the audience that she’s talking about Luo Binghe being the person at the other end of the red string of fate. (Although, lol, LQG’s misunderstanding, hahaha. And SY’s obliviousness, dear lord. I want to facepalm and laugh simultaneously.)
Haha, don’t worry. I think we’re pretty much all suckers for lifetime romances. I think it’s also fun to see all the different fanon ships in all of MXTX’s works (that’s the beauty of fanfiction) but the canon ship is canon.
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liyawritesss · 4 years
A-A Black BNHA account with open requests?! Ya damn skippy I hopped my ass in here! I had this head cannon in mind for a while and I wanted this to be done specifically for a black reader (female if you don’t mind) and she has a panther quirk (eyes, ears, tail, claws, hell even sharp teeth). She’s agile, strong, roars/growls like a panther, and she can even fully turn into one. Side effects will leave a short feral effect on her if used too long or she’ll be naked since fully shape shifting shreds whatever clothes she had on. I wanna see how Shinsou, Bakugo, and even Mirio (Lotta O’s lol) react to seeing and even crushing on someone like that. Imagine a whole panther turning into a hot black queen with gold piercing eyes staring into your soul? Whew 🥵
MHA Boys Reaction to a Black Panther Quirk
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Genre: n/a
Synopsis: you've got a quirk that makes people turn heads. Let's see how some MHA Boys react to it!
Warnings: some cursing, aged up!2nd years, insults by bakugo but what else is new, Midoriya/Shinsou/Togata/Bakugo x fem!black/poc!reader
A/N: Honestly my mind was constantly going "period💅🏽" as I read this ask. Like oh my god how have I not even thought of this, this is gold! Now I've only vaguely seen Mirio having just finished S3 of My Hero, so I will try my best to write him but if I write him out of character I am so sorry in adnvance!
Shinsou Hitoshi
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He first saw you at the entrance ceremony for 2nd years on the first day of school
He had just been transfered into the hero course, and if anything he expected to see the more rowdy bunch of class 2A, the likes of Denki and Bakugo.
However the fact that you were one of very few who were quiet piqued his interest.
Yet as soon as he saw you, you were gone. The entrance ceremony became dull without your presence in his peripheral.
After the ceremony Shinsou walked to class alone to see most of class 2A already there, as loud as usual
And then there you were, sat quietly in the back near the window.
Next thing he knows he's going to sit next to you, and the sudden sound makes you turn your head to face Shinsou and he's taken aback by your eyes
They're a bright golden hue that absolutely stuns him, so much so that he misses the first half of your sentence asking him if he was okay since you caught him staring at you during the entrance ceremony
"Oh- yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that."
He then proceeds to tell you that he was just looking for friends earlier and that he didn't mean to make you uncomfortable
You say its fine when Aizawa walks in to start homeroom, having you introduce yourself since you were the only new student besides shinsou who went after you
You introduced yourself to the class and explained your quirk, and albeit while the rest of the class was definitely interested in how it worked in combat, Shinsou became more intrigued by you.
Perhaps it was because you were similar to him in ways that the rest of the class couldn't muster
You were quiet and had an aura that was both intimidating and alluring,
He would like to be friends with you, so maybe sitting next to you in class would give him the courage to do so
The first time he actually sees your quirk in action he's just as amazing
Its something he's never heard of, and best partially glad that he's not fighting against you because he's definitely sure you'd beat him before he has the chance to do anything
The exercise was a covert rescue operation, and you were paired with Shinsou to infiltrate your opposing teams hideout to save a kidnapped child.
Being a black panther you blended in well to the darkness, and your stealth fit perfectly with the situation
You passed the exercise with good marks and you congratulated eachother on it.
"Your quirk is really amazing. I uh, hope we can be friends."
Bakugo Katsuki
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First time Bakugo encounters you is during a surprise joint class training between 2A and 2B.
Students in each class were anonymously paired up so that they could practice quick thinking and how to use each quirk to the best of your abilities despite not being the perfect fit for one another. The students were notified the day of the training and had to find their partners who were scattered across the training course
But of course, Bakugo didn't look for his partner and instead ran off to fight targets on his own.
Surprisingly he was jumped by Kirishima, who had been paired with a student from 2B. The two put up a good fight and while Kirishima got Bakugo down, he called out for you to deliver the "final blow" - in this case, it would be taking off a white sash to signify defeating your opponent
All bakugo sees is a Panther pouncing off of Kirishima's back and onto him, ripping off the white sash around his neck and pouncing right back off of him.
One of the proctors, Present Mic, call it out in his loud obnoxious voice, while you and Kirishima celebrated your victory
Bakugo is just staring at the two of you like what the fuck just happened
"What the actual fuck? I didn't just get beat by an overgrown house cat!"
Your senses picked up on the anger that Bakugo was exuding, and feeling threatened by the blonde you took a defensive stand
Kirishima stood between you two, explaining to you to not take heed to Bakugo's words. You, having grown a bond with the red head, trusted Kiri's words and back off.
You dropped the sash from your mouth in Kirishimas hand and went off to the entrance of the practice ground
Bakugo's obviously fuming, and Kirishima's trying to calm him down while walking back with him to the entrance point where some of the students were rounded up again since they had either defeated their opponent or had been defeated.
Bakugo's vigorously looking around to spot the overgrown cat that pounced on him, while doing so he walks right into you
You had shifted back into your human form, adorning the UA training uniform, so when Kirishima points out that your quirk allows you to shape-shift into a black panther, it only adds to his frustration
Kirishima goes to congratulate you on the joint training, and you remark on how his friend looks like he's about to blow a fuse
"Hey if you have something to say, say it to my damn face extra!"
So you look at him with your piercing golden eyes, the intensity of your stare making Bakugo grumble and grunt because he's to taken aback to say anything.
"For your information, this 'overgrown house cat' has claws and fangs sharper than your friends here. If you don't want to get a first hand experience of how they feel, don't antagonize me,"
The feralness was an effect of your quirk - although you weren't in panther form for long, there were still lingering side affects of it such as being able to sense anger, and because of the feeling of being threatened by Bakugo's insults, it often caused you to say things that wouldn't normally come out of your mouth
Bakugo watches you leave after bidding goodbye to kirishima, ready to blow a fuse. Whether he's found a new sense of respect for you for being able to bite back at his anger, or an new rival he has to crush, no one will ever know.
Midoriya Izuku
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Baby izuku has been watching you for a while
He convinces himself its because he wants to analyze your quirk since its one he's never seen before
But he can't deny the butterflies he gets when you come into 2A, or how pretty you are when the sun hits your skin just right
Oh baby izuku has a crushie crush 😍
In the first few months of knowing you he was all about observing your quirk
Asking you questions about it on the daily
The first time he experiences your quirk is during a rescue training exercise.
You were no where to be seen at first until he saw a panther with a sleek black coat dashing towards the fake screams that signified someone was in trouble
He saw how you effortlessly saved the dummies by maneuvering their bodies onto your back and clawed your way up the landscape to deliver them to the infirmary tent
He thought you were so cool, the way that you seemed fully adapted to your panther form and how you knew how to use it even in a rescue mission.
In his mind if you were in a rescue mission, you'd want to stick to the infirmary tent in your panther form since you'd help calm down any kids who were injured.
Though he was probably projecting since he thought you were extremely cuddly in your panther form
Then after getting to have a full conversation with you he found you really fun and nice to talk to
Although your eyes do intimidate him a whole lot, they were a bright, fiery gold that made you look like a goddess piercing into his soul
He could go on and on about you all day long, whether it's your quirk or you in general
He cherishes the friendly hugs you give him bc omg a girl is hugging him!! And its you!!! His crush!!!
He will burn as red as a tomato, save this child
"(Y/N)'s quirk is super cool! It May look like she has a lot of drawbacks because of it, but she knows how to use it so well! I think she'll be a great hero one day! And if not, I'd like her to be my sidekick if possible!"
Mans is so in love with you pls give him kisses and all the love
Togata Mirio
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After graduation Mirio was asked to come back to speak to class 2A, and remembering the rambunctious kids they were he offered to battle them once again to see their improvements
He didn't expect to see a new member of the class but never the less he performed his original tactic on the group to see how they would react. Similar to Midoriya, he was a bit surprised to see you counter his attacks using predictions
He was was even more pleased with how keen you were, considering the average humans eyes, ears and sense of touch were not that strong
That was until he understood your quirk, seeing you disappear behind the rocky structure to come out as a panther ready to attack
He had to be particularly careful of you, now knowing that your senses were heightened he couldn't have you gaining the upper hand.
All in all class 2A were able to actually hold off against him this time, which he was fairly proud of!
He sent direct props to you, applauding how you seem to have an expert grasp of your quirk, saying that it was something he'd never seen before
He also made a remark about your eyes, which was something very different than what other people would tell you.
"Your eyes! They're so mysterious and can pierce the soul with one glance! Even something as simple as that can be used as a weapon against your opponents; it sure worked on me for a split second!"
With that ego boost you were definitely going to train hard to be able to use your quirk to the best of your abilities!
I did not expect bakugos to be the longest? Lmaooo but this was so amazing to write i absolutely loved every minute of it! I do apologize for Mirio's being the shortest, I've only seen like 8 minutes of him so far but I hope to be able to get a better grasp of his character to write him better! I hope you enjoyed this anon!
If you enjoyed,please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don't be shy to send a request!
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halflingkima · 3 years
about me meme
Thank you @flitwickslittlebrotha for tagging me! sorry it took a bit, got a little buried in my drafts lol.
what color are your eyes? blue
what little thing instantly tells you that a person is good? oh i have no clue. i suppose the first thing i evaluate is their sense of humor? like obviously that doesn’t immediately pick out the good apples, but it can sift through some bad ones, like if their “humor” is just bullying.
do you have a recurring dream? not coherently recurring, but i have a lotta recurring anxiety dreams, like being late, being naked, being visually different/deformed/disguised, being chased.... i should analyze these but I Do Not Want To
how often do you find yourself daydreaming? not a lot, really? I feel like at somepoint in the last few years, my imagination switched off. I’ve been throwing myself back into others’ stories to sort of repair those brain pathways.
name/nickname? any variation on Madeline works, tbh you’ll catch my attention w “Ma–” so. Most commonly used is Maddy, but I have been trying to get a surname nickname going lol
zodiac? aries 😎
languages? I can only functionally use English :(( (I know some rudimentary vocab in Spanish, German, and Gaeilge, and I did study ancient latin for five years 😅)
favorite season? winter in theory (for the holidays and meals and stuff), but spring if i have to be out in it, bc spring is more like our autumn, where it’s nicely chilly and often overcast (i sunburn very easily)
favorite color? green ☘️
favorite animals? rabbits, i suppose
favorite character? My go-to is Ginny Weasley and I’ve yet to update that, though I should. James Flint is quite a banger of a character, and I adore Ted Lasso, but I’d rly like to pick out a woman lol
tea, coffee, or hot chocolate? coffee
average hours of sleep? I... genuinely don’t know. the house i’ve lived in for the majority of my life gets absolutely ZERO natural light so my circadian rhythm has always been haywire. In college I started waking up naturally for the first time in my LIFE and that was about six-eight hours depending on how much I’d worn myself out lol.
cat or dog? dog, i guess
number of blankets slept with? usually just one fluffy one, but 3 max
place ancestors are from? Ireland, Scotland, Chickasaw, and I think Germany are ones we actually track generations back to, but I think we’re also English and French? and tbf i only know my mom’s side of the family lol
dream trip? Ireland, always. I’d love to travel elsewhere, but that’s always the top of the list.
blog established? 2010 apparently. whew.
random fact about yourself? I learned to spell my middle name in preschool (bc I so quickly had my first and last name down) but then forgot how to spell it bc you never rly use ur middle name and then re-taught myself by sounding it out around second/third grade lol
three ships? I’ve been strangely quite into Ted/Trent (Ted Lasso) lately. Before that Fjord/Jester was/is pretty prevalent, and my glee-watch club has revived my Rachel/Jesse(+Quinn) interest lol. I’ve been into a lotta shortform stuff lately, so not a lotta lasting/perma ships
last song? Eden by Battle Beast
last movie? hehe The Kissing Booth 3
currently reading? Peaces by Helen Oyeyemi
currently watching? uhh I suppose I’m technically in the middle of Dynasty (s9), Haikyuu (s4), and Glee (s3)
currently craving? idk like... a really good sandwich
I’ll tag @waitingforarthur @waynedrake @jozukejoestar & @kmaksimovich
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franzmasc · 3 years
2 4 9 19 & 26 from the ask game!!
2. favorite case? always remains farewell, my turnabout. farewell, my turnabout beloved. insane character moments. understands exactly what it wants to do. nothing is redundant or unlikeable i love it !!
4. any witnesses you find particularly memorable? i like lotta and regina a lot :) also the kitakis and the de fammes and armie
9. biggest “oh shit” moment? definitely definitely the dhurke reveal towards the end of aa6 i won't specify for spoiler reasons but if you know. whew. it's so visceral and the foreshadowing etc so so good
19. what color are phoenix’s eyes? brown . i understand the heterochromia thing but he doesn't need to have it really he's not meant to be super special unique and there are racist undertones in certain depictions in terms of needing to give your characters of color eurocentric features in order to make them "visually interesting" etc
26. level with me, which murder plot in the series was the most stupid? i read this and thought oh probably an aa5 one. yeah definitely turnabout academy what was going on <3
(ask game)
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hostess-of-horror · 3 years
The Stranger
[This is a retcon of my previous story, "An Unexpected Guest." I wanted to start all over because I didn't know where to take the story and it felt rather fast and sloppily written. It will have a similar plotline but approached in a different (and better) way. Also, M.B. is my self-insert OC, the character Jawaii belongs to @strawbunniiee and Phantom belongs to Nintendo/Ubisoft.]
For @strawbunniiee, @salamifuposey, @kindpopstar, and everyone else who wants to read it!
Jawaii: "Again, again!"
[Jawaii laughed as she is lifted up and thrown into the air. After a few seconds of airtime, she falls right back into Phantom's mitten-like paws. Her tiny frame perfectly fits into his palms like a little doll. Phantom giggles along with her, and hugs her into his chest.]
Phantom: "Whew! My arms are getting tired. How about we head on over to my theater?"
Jawaii: "Okay!"
[They begin to venture back into the theater. A dense, eerie fog looms over the land of Spooky Trails. The further they went, the thicker the fog became.]
Jawaii: "It's so foggy! I can't see anything."
Phantom: "Every now and then, Spooky Trails would become hidden by fog. And by the looks of things, it appears to be a full moon out tonight. What perfect timing, and how awfully fitting!"
Jawaii: "Yeah, it makes sense, considering how creepy the place is. I'm not scared though."
Phantom: "Heh... For many travelers, nights like this are the reason why so many of them often get lost. Some of them just head back to where they came from. But for me and the other inhabitants, a foggy night is normal. Think of it as like a rainy day for the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom."
Jawaii: "I think it's cool! It's like we're floating on clouds!"
[Jawaii reaches out and waves her hand into the fog. A cool breeze chills her skin as white wisps pass through her fingers.]
Phantom: "It certainly does. I love the fog. It brings such a wonderful atmosphere for whenever I sing. Ethereal and otherworldly. I can blend easily amongst the fog and no one could see me!"
Jawaii: "Really?"
Phantom: "Yes! Despite my, well, rather massive size."
Jawaii: "You would be the ultimate champion of hide-and-seek!"
Phantom: "Oh well, I wouldn't say that... unless the competition is in Spooky Trails."
[Jawaii giggles. Suddenly, their conversation is cut short as Phantom abruptly stops.]
Jawaii: "What is it?"
Phantom: "The gate... I thought I closed it."
[Jawaii turns to see the silver gate that stands guard in front of Phantom's theater. She notices it has been left opened. Phantom gently lets her down to investigate.]
Phantom: "Someone must have pried it open." *turns to Jawaii* "Stay here."
[Phantom floats over through the gate and into his theater. Jawaii watches as he looks around, searching for any more signs of trespassing. She inches forward to investigate as well.]
Phantom: "Thieves... whoever opened the gate must be a thief! I don't know how they did it, though, it's a very heavy gate."
Jawaii: "There aren't any scratches, at least so far. Maybe they... crawled over the gate and opened it on the other side?"
Phantom: "Hmmm... Whatever happened, I do hope they didn't steal anything of value."
????: "Looking for this?"
[Phantom spins around to look behind. Standing across from him is a trio of thieves, grinning and chuckling menacingly. The shortest one in the front of the other two is holding a vinyl, spinning it in his hand. Jawaii runs over to Phantom to stand guard.]
Phantom: "Jawaii, no!"
Short Thief (#1): "Awww, look at dis, fellas! The big guy's gotta lil' baby doll to save his big behind! I think she wants to meet the Bandit Boys in person!"
Tall Thief (#2): "Yeah!"
Middle Thief (#3): "Hehehe, yeah, boss!"
Thief (#1): *mockingly* "Why hello there, little girl! Do you wanna play tea party with us and your friend over there?"
[The Bandit Boys cackle in unison. Jawaii growls and prepares her battle stance. Her hands shapeshifting into long sharp swords, glistening underneath the moonlight. The thieves immediately stop as they notice. Phantom prepares to fight alongside Jawaii.]
Thief (#3): "Da fuq?"
Jawaii: "I... don't..... LIKE TEA!!!"
[As she screeches, Jawaii leaps towards the Bandit Boys in an attack. She lands on the tall thief (#3) and the other two separate in defense. Thief (#1) holds the vinyl close and Thief (#2) goes to attack Phantom, but is immediately met with a musical sonic wave as Phantom belts out a hig note. He goes flying and lands farther back into the ground.]
Thief (#1): "You knucklehead! Get the girl!"
Thief (#3): "Get her offa me! She's poking me!"
Jawaii: *stabbing* "Give! Phantom! Back! His! Vinyl! THINGY!!!" *more stabbing*
[Thief (#1) groans and runs towards Jawaii. He flings her off of Thief (#3), sending her falling on the ground. Jawaii winced in pain; Phantom immediately picks her up to protect her. Thief (#2) gets up and joins the other two. Thief (#3) is covered in wounds but he still stands.]
Thief (#1): "Alright... you two can put up a fight.... Heh, but not for long... We still got our loot!"
Thief (#2): "Hehehe, yeah, we got it!"
Thief (#3): "Hehe... heh... owww...."
Phantom: "Leave this place now!
Thief (#1): "Or what? You're gonna put on a performance? Sing a musical number like some Disney princess? Nah. I don't think so. In fact, you've got something else. Something that is very, very valuable. Inside that belly of yours... is a gramophone. A very expensive gramophone."
[Thief (#1) pulls out a knife. Phantom is taken aback and backs off slowly.]
Phantom: "How... do you know?"
Thief (#1): "I know a lotta things. That's why I'm the leader. Now... where to cut..."
[Before Thief (#1) gets a chance to do any damage, an explosion of shimmering light blinds him. After regaining his sight, he finds himself and the other two thieves surrounded by a strange aura. A magical curse was cast, trapping the Bandit Boys within its barrier. The barrier appears to be strange smoke, fading in between the colors neon purple and neon green.]
Jawaii: "Woah..."
Phantom: "What... on earth?"
[The silver gate creaks. Everyone turns. There standing at the entrance is an unfamiliar face, with her right hand lifted up in the air. In her hand is the same kind of aura the magical circle was emitting. She continues to walk towards the Bandit Boys.]
Jawaii: "Phantom, do you know who that is?"
Phantom: "I've never seen her before in my entire life."
[As the stranger continues to walk, she twirls her hands, bending the aura to her will. As she does, the magical circle twists and contorts into a mass of skeletal spirits. The Bandit Boys huddle together, avoiding their bony grasp. The spirits moan and wail into an anguished cacophony, cornering the thieves as they reach out and crawl towards them. The stranger laughs at their fear. She then bends the aura again, this time having the spirits hold them down while she walks up to them. Soon, raspy voices begin to call out.]
Spirits: "Cut them.... cut them open.... dissect them.... dissect them all.... their insides are valuable.....!"
Thief (#1): "W-wait a minute! Hold on there, now! We're just thieves! And it's only one measly vinyl! Isn't this all a bit extreme?"
Thief (#3): "Y-yeah! W-we.... we can give you money! You can have all of it!"
Thief (#2): *whimpering* "Just... just don't hurt us!"
[The stranger stares at the Bandit Boys, saying nothing. She then motions her hand, allowing herself to walk through the magical circle. The spirits all look at her and bow one by one. The Bandit Boys watch as each one respectfully worship her. Who is this woman, and what kind of sorcery is this? She walks up to Thief (#1) and kneels down, looking at him eye to eye.]
Stranger: "Do you really think apologizing or bribery is going to work?"
Thief (#1): "...."
Stranger: "I'm going to give you a choice. I want you and your 'gang' to leave. Not just them, but everyone. I suggest you give up your greedy ways and actually get a life for once. Or, if you'd rather not..."
[The stranger motions her hand again and the spirits transform into an amalgamation of monsters. They writhe and contort, baring their teeth, clawing their flesh, their eyes wild with hunger. Their howling echoes throughout the theater.]
Stranger: "... then take a chance. I dare you..."
[The Bandit Boys suddenly scurry away in fear. Thief (#1) hand over the vinyl and follows behind, never looking back once. The stranger sighs and stands up, examining the vinyl.]
Stranger: "I hope there aren't any scratches on it."
[She turns around and sees Phantom and Jawaii staring at her with wide eyes. A moment of silence between them all passes.]
Jawaii: "That was... AWESOME! How did you do that?! Tell me, tell me!"
Phantom: "...."
[Phantom remains speechless as Jawaii hops out from his arms and approaches the stranger. The stranger looks at Phantom, her excitement getting the best of her.]
Stranger: "I can't believe it... it's you! You're still here after all this time!"
Phantom: "Excuse me?"
Stranger: "I was looking for you! I heard in the Mushroom Kingdom many stories about you. Some say you were gone after Mario defeated you, and some say you were still around. A few believe that you're nothing but a ghost story. I had to find out for myself."
Jawaii: "A ghost story? But he's as real as I am!"
Phantom: "Madamoiselle, I greatly appreciate your help and for saving me and my friend, Jawaii, here. But, do forgive me, who are you?"
Jawaii: "Oh yeah! What's your name?"
Stranger: "Oh, uh... my bad! Should've introduced myself first... my name is M.B. Consider me as a really big fan." *smiles*
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