apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
did tommyinnit fucking. canonize himself. do i have to update the family tree now.
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keline11 · 6 months
Missa and Tallulah day <tres
(A very loooooooooooong post)
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Missa first day in the new island.
Missa: "Tallulah! little one! How are you? It's good to see you, mi niña. It's so ^nice that the first thing I see is you."
(^He said "lindo" that also means pretty <tres)
(Everytime tallulah's dads call her "mi niña" I melt <tres)
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After Missa watched the new money sistem(?
Tallulah: "Don't worry apa, chayanne, papa phil and me are really poor"
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Bbh was telling missa the places he could live in.
Tallulah: "In my house we also made you a little space apa :D"
Missa: "Thank you bbh but it seems like tallulah has a little space for me on her house so probably I'll be near to her"
Tallulah: "Well duh you're my apa :D of course we have a place for you"
Missa: "Thank you so much tallulah"
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Bbh give him some iron and diamond.
Tallulah: "Apa you are already richer than papa phil, chayanne and me together"
Missa: "No no no this is ours, I'm not even going to use it, we're going to give this to philza so he can make better use of it than me, because I'm going to waste it I'm sure."
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My boy was getting distracted colecting flowers for the house. <tres
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He got jumpscared by a sheep.
Tallulah: "I'll protect you apa :D it doesn't matter if is a zombie or a sheep"
Missa: "Thank you so much tallulah, *To chat* my children, my dear children are going to be there to defend me, when I'm old, all wrinkled and old I won't be afaird of they taking me to a nursing home, because my little eggs are going to take me to eat ground vegetables.."
Chat: Skeletons grow old?
MIssa: "No, but those are details, I can pretend ok? I can pretend that I am an old man"
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Tallulah: "That's the house of uncle cellbit, he is our neighbor"
Missa: *to chat* "I don't know, I was waiting for something more terrifying, look it has the hair dyed like an e-girl, you know?...wait Late?" (Late is a streamer that has his hair like that, half red half dark)
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Tallulah: "welcome home :D"
Missa: "this place is beautiful"
Missa:*sees chayanne* "chayanne, my son"
Tallulah: "we are poor but our house is perfect for 4four"
Missa: "It's really beautiful, we don't need money when we have each other"
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Tallulah: "this is your bed"
Missa: *gasp* "it's perfect, it has memory foam, it's like that ones that you can put an egg on the side- literaly! the kind where you put an egg on the side and nothing happens to it (to the egg)"
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They went to get materials to do a painting, and they were attack by a skeleton and a zombie.
Tallulah: "are you ok?"
Missa: "I am- are YOU ok? you have arrows everywhere! you look like a porcupine!"
Tallulah: "I am really strong"
Missa: "Oh! I can see that! perfect! you are prepared for everything"
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Let's look at the glow up of that drawing.
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They showed their drawings. (I just remembered that day were missa and chayanne also draw something for philza...pipipippipi)
Tallulah: *about missa's* "It's so good"
Missa: *about tallulah's* "Its beautiful"
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They went to the museum, tallulah explained when the atm was bugged and they could get infinite money.
Missa: "Tallulah I am going to tell you a story I used to be in a team, of people really talented and nice, they teach me to play, I didn't learn much, but that team was called "Vacio Legal", they were the best, they were what formed who I am, a disaster"
Tallulah: "Did you also steal money?"
Missa: "No, not necessary, but let's say that we were on the edge of the law. those were good times."
Tallulah: "Later you tell me about them"
Missa: "Sure, sure, there are a lot of stories I could tell you about them"
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Tallulah gaslighting missa.
Tallulah: "apa you are giant, you didn't know that? :o"
Missa explained the context that he knew, the reference of the picture, but chat told im that there were 2 contexts so he say to not tell him, because metagaming.
Tallulah: "It's just that you are giant"
Missa: "...There is something hiden that I am not understanding, philza and I have the same high, I think"
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Missa: "look at him(maximus) I would also marry, kiss and kill, at the same time- no just kidding, it's not true you didn't heard that, it's a joke tallulah! IT'S A JOKE!!!
Tallulah: "a poco si tilin" (really?...)
Missa: *Laughing* It's not true, it's not true, maximus is my friend, my bro... Everything romantic and nice that they have said has already gone to shit." (I don't know of who he was talking)
Talllulah: "yyyyyy I am going to tell my papa"
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Outside the museum, missa got hiccups.
Missa: "Tallulah did you know, fun fact about Missa Sinfonia: I have hiccups 90% of the time"
Tallula: "apa missa's lore :o"
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Mobs attacking again.
Missa: "Tallulah, are you ok?" *tallulah says yes* "It's because you are really strong, you endure everything!"
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Missa: *almost dying* "Tallulah i want to let you know that I always love you"*he doesn't die*"oh"
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Missa: "BIRD... noo, tallulah can we take another one? i don't want to bother him"
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More mobs attack.
Missa: "let's go home tallulah, I don't want to be here anymore tallulah, lets go home... no, no, no, why it sounds like you are dying? why? are you ok?"
Missa: *down at two hits* tell me you are not gonna die, please, please, you are not gona die, right?"
Missa: *now ok* "tallulah you are really strong and a good fighter, you are awesome"
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At home
Tallulah: "Apa I have a gift for you before you go *gives him a Aster flower* I grabbed it because even though you are a skeleton, you are a sun/sunny with everyone and you shine a lot."
Missa: *Cries* Look tallulah, in the way here I was collecting flowers, but then I notice that all our house was packed with flowers, so it's one flower among many... this family is like a flower, there are many and many types but this one is the most beautiful"
Tallulah: "But this ones are yours so they are more beautiful"
Missa: *Crying* "tallullah I love you so much... I want the day I die, to be buried with these flowers... I can't die I am a skeleton, but I can bury myself the day I want and it is valid"
Tallulah: "JASADASJDSJ Don't say those things... You are not going to die :("
Missa: "No, don't worry, just like you I am inmortal, we are inmortals"
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Tallulah: "Good nigth apa :D I liked seeing you and spending time with you <3 love you, see you soon :D"
Missa: "I love you too tallulah, see you soon then, my daughter, rest well and have sweet dreams"
END (8
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q-starhalo · 1 year
I never thought about it til just now but you can literally tell that Bad did lose 7 children.
Chayanne - While yes, as of recent there hasn't been much interaction between the two, you can tell Chayanne trusts his uncle Bad just like Phil does. I mean, Phil literally said that a big reason why Bad has access to the bunker was because Bad always keeps an eye out for the egg and will do anything to protect them. And Chayanne and Bad spent a lot of time together! Bad had made a dungeon for Chayanne and was planning on making another one. If Phil can't make, he'll just go to Bad and get his quests done. So if anything happened to Chayanne, Bad would feel highly guilty because Phil and Chayanne trusted him to keep him safe.
Tallulah - Tallulah and Bad are just really sweet (and sad) whenever they're together. Heck, Tallulah mentioned how she sees him and Phil as father figures. Whenever Tallulah feels bad and Phil isn't there, she goes to Bad. She asks him for a hug, for him to tuck her into bed, for him to read one of her papa's letters. She trusts him oh so much that if Bad loses her....oh the guilt he'd have
Ramon - This one, if anything, is pretty self-explanatory. Dapper and Ramon are close to the hip. No questions asked. Bad and Fit would spend a lot of time together babysitting them to the point that if Fit wasn't around, Ramon would follow Bad and Dapper. If I remember correctly, Ramon mentioned how Bad was like a father to him. And somewhat recently! Ramon was on and Bad saw he was alone and Ramon showed him the improvements he's done and any cool machine! So yeah, he'd feel guilty because Ramon saw him as a father figure and Bad just let him down
Leo - I don't care what you think, Leo and Bad always have the best interactions DESPITE the language barrier. With Bad only knowing English and Leo knowing mostly Spanish, they still make it work! If Bad says anything in English, he'd make sure to repeat some keywords in Spanish that he knows to make sure Leo understands what he's trying to say and Leo uses the translation bubbles (I assume) as well! Even in the early days, Bad and Leo spent a good amount of time with each other due to bothering mostly Foolish. There's a reason why Dapper, Leo, and Ramon are considered the triplets of the group. Bad and Leo just have that good dynamic. And Bad losing his niece that would teach him some Spanish and was fun to have around....yeah, he'd feel so much guilt
Richarlyson - Don't know what to tell you. They have spent so many nights together that Richas had a crazy amount of time on the server, only beaten by Bad because he is also crazy. Bad considers him like a son and if anything happened to him, he'd feel so empty without the egg that would just run around.
Pomme - That's his daughter. That's his daughter. He'd do almost anything to protect her. And it's incredible to see Bad's paranoia and anger rub off on Pomme like when Bad was angry at Quackity for kidnapping Dapper. If anything happened to her he'd go feral yet feel so hopeless because that was his daughter.
Dapper - That's his porcupine. His sunshine. His everything. They joke but they're still together. Bad would sing "You are my Sunshine" to Dapper anytime he felt down or he made a mistake. Dapper would always hit her father's head with a shovel but hit someone else's once they speak badly about him. They're each other's lights. It's them against the world always. And if his sunshine is gone, he'd be angry, yes, but he'd be so lost. He failed them.
He failed them all. He failed to protect them. He failed to take care of them. He failed. He failed. Sorry sorry sorry sorry. He failed them and he's so sorry
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hockybish · 11 months
A Second First Date
l West Winds au l dad!trevor l masterlist l
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October 16th 2023
"Dada me beft friend" Zephyr tightly hugged his father's neck and placed a slobbery kiss on Trevor's face.
"What? I'm your best friend?" Trevor gasped fending shock as Zephyr shook his head yes. He knew it wasn't true but he could surely play along with the three year old.
"Not uncle Lex or uncle Coley or even Winny? " The father of the little boy asked. Zephyr shook his head no this time and tapped Trevor's cheek, indicating his answer remained the same.
“Okay. Okay.” Trevor gave one of his full body laughs. There was one other person who could possibly dethrone him as best friend. “What about Mommy?”
Zephyr had to think about it for a second. "Sowy Dada, Momma me beft friend."
"That's what I thought, you want to know something bud?" Zephyr shook his head yes, wanting to know what daddy had to say. "Mommy's so pretty and nice, she's my best friend too."
"What are you two laughing about? Do I have something on my face?" Bean looked up from her schoolwork for a second to look at her boys.
"No momma! You pity" Zephyr exclaimed, worming his way out of his father's arms, making his way to his mother.
A funny bubbly feeling started rising in his chest. A goofy smiled on his face as his beautiful friend interacted with their son. Trevor had had these feelings towards Bean since their summer together in Connecticut.
"You good over there Z?" Bean asked noticing he was zoning out.
"I think we should go on a date." Trevor blurted out, shaking his head out of the trance he was in. Bean's voiced was caught in the back of her throat, but she was able to give him a soft yes.
November 4th 2023
"Alright he has Bunbun and blanky, and don't forget no milk and no strawberries." Bean rattled off a list of things to remember to Jamie who was their babysitter for the evening.
"Yes. Yes. We'll be fine Bean. I promise to not give him an allergic reaction like last time." Jamie reassured her. Bean gave him a look letting him know it wasn't funny.
"Okay okay. Love you Zeph, be good for uncle Jamie, Momma and Dada will see you tomorrow." Bean blew one last kiss to Zephyr, who giggled and buried his face into Jamie's shoulder.
"Bye Mommy, go have fun with Daddy, please give me a brother or sister to play with." Jamie took the three year old and waved his hand goodbye.
Bean waved one last time making the short walk over to Trevor's, thinking about the first first date they had. How it didn't quite go as planned when she threw up over the smell of his food and ended the date early.
Trevor wiped his hands on towel that was on the table. Checking over the kitchen to make sure everything was just right. This time was going to be different. They already knew each other and had a kid together, there wasn't any need to go over the top and impress Bean.
The hockey player was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door.
"Hi Tallulah Bean" He greeted the pretty lady at the door with her first name. He was so nervous. He shouldn't be nervous this was Bean after all.
"Hello Trevor" Bean returned the smile as Trevor opened the door further so she could come in.
The date wasn't anything over the top. They made homemade pizzas and found a movie to put on in the background while they talked about anything and everything except for the baby.
"So what do you want?" Bean posed the question. They had just finished the pizza they made and were going to start in on the next movie.
"What do you mean?" He frowned.
"From this, from us?" She pointed from him to her in the space between them.
Trevor studied Bean for a moment, really looking at her and thinking about everything they had just talked about. What did he want?
He wanted to go to bed next to her every evening, only to be woken up by every Zephyr plus whatever other kiddos they may have. He wanted to love her for as long as he could. He wanted it all.
"Everything." He leaned over and kissed her.
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trickstertox · 8 hours
Hi Toxxxxx your staring worked because I'm here to ask you your comfort character! So 1!!
Hiiiiiii Ranchhhhh. This took me... Three or so hours to write? A long time, regardless. Enjoyyyyy. <3 (/p)
Who is/are your comfort character(s)?
It depends on any given day! I have a good mix of OCs and media characters that bring me joy and love and safety. I'll start with media characters, and then go into OCs. I'm very Normal about my own OCs, m'kay? Let's see, who first...
Chayanne and Tallulah from QSMP. All the eggs make me happy, they're all very interesting and cute, but these two bring me comfort. I see myself in both of them. Growing up I was always trying to protect other people, and holding my emotions in, and blaming myself for everything and anything because I was supposed to be the one looking out for everyone. But I was a kid, like Chayanne, and while I have an older sibling, I was usually the oldest in my friend groups, or one of the oldest, except for one time when I was the youngest. Even though my sister is much older than me, I always felt this need to protect her. Chayanne is the one that takes all the blame, and protects everyone, and the oldest egg, and he's a kid. He also gradually starts opening up, and tries to understand and relate to others, and he's not perfect, but he tries. He's a better listener, but he tries to talk about himself, and gods that's me. I listened, I tried to understand, I didn't speak up. I still don't speak up, but I do more than I ever did growing up. I ask for things now and then, but still get the "Oh he doesn't mind if less effort is put in" every now and then, but I'm trying to voice how wrong it is. I like when I'm considered and not dismissed, even if it's not intentionally malicious! It's something boys and men get treated like and it's not fair. Eating off the cutting board is different from not wanting to ruin a shirt, you know what I mean?
And I haven't gotten to talking about Tallulah! Do you know what it's like to see this little egg grow up with a dad who made promises he never kept? But you put your whole heart into keeping up your side of the bargain? Yeah. And I don't want him erased from her story because then her story doesn't make sense! She grows as a person from holding out hope for someone who only ever lets her down to seeing she has everything she would ever need and want right in front of her (the love and support of Phil and everyone else). Every now and then she gets upset because she doesn't have what she wants, but she's a little kid, you can't fault her for that. The fact she even gives up eventually is a miracle, and I'm proud of her. My dad was never absent, but he still fucked over my life. I live every day hoping I never end up like him, and try my damnedest to not be. I have everything I could ever need and want in my mom and friends, and even aunts and uncles. There's also the fact she's often described as dramatic when she isn't, she feels very strongly and expresses it. I was always described as overdramatic, and at first I was okay with it because it was when I was being sassy and having fun. But it quickly turns to hurtful when you ask for bandaids on paper cuts and have your feelings hurt, especially when it's years and years of being told it. I don't even consider myself as feeling strongly, but I must if it makes everyone say I'm overreacting. So I feel for her when others don't get that she's not acting, she really does feel the way she does, and I'm glad she has at least one person who understands that; someone she can be genuine and silly with.
Another thing more general about the eggs is the fact they communicate explicitly through body language, signs, and books. It gives me hope that so many people can love these characters that write and move to talk, as someone with an unreliable voice. I learned how to speak a bit late, and I don't know if that played a part in it, but I stammer. I trip over words, even common ones. When I speak too fast, I slip back into "d" for "th," something my elementary school tried to fix. Talking can be tiring because I get caught in a loop of trying to say just one word, and just can't, so I give up. I do talk just fine a lot, but once it starts, it's game over. Others may try to say it's a social thing, but it isn't. It's not like being too nervous to speak up, it's your mouth not doing words right. It's much easier to type than it is to speak, but not enough people read when in a voice call, especially when there's more than, like, three or four people. I get left in the dust, like when everyone is talking and an egg places a sign that gets unintentionally ignored as everyone moves on to another place.
Uhhh. I don't actually find comfort in too many characters from media. I have favourite characters and whatnot, but nothing quite, like, bringing me comfort, if that makes sense. I mean, there are characters that make me feel happy and safe, but I don't have the ability to ramble about them like I did above. So I'll just list these other characters:
Slimecicle in QSMP; for some reason.
Philza in QSMP; birdman make brain brrr.
PuppyCat from Bee & PuppyCat; I don't know where to begin with objectively cute animal that wants to be taken seriously, and that whole space princess and outlaw story. Also just the general colour palette and art style of the series is very soothing.
Brainiac-5 from Supergirl; I'm just going to gesture to the multiple versions of Brainiac-5 and the different appearances be takes on, in general, and hope you get it.
Emmet and Benny from The Lego Movie series; You don't know me if I've never been like Benny in your presence.
Diesel from Robots; Oh look, another character with an unreliable voice, but considered a treasured friend.
Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds; Take a look at this intelligent and troubled man.
June Egbert from Homestuck; I never actually finished reading, and maybe good I didn't? Anyway, here we are.
I didn't include everyone because I should go back through and remove characters. But guess what? It's time for my OCs. I find more comfort in my own characters than already existing ones probably because I made them. I can dictate what they go through and have it be true or headcanon or AU. And intentionally or not, pieces of yourself end up in your characters, because you try to make them real, and that means applying things that come from you, even if it's subverting (ex. I have a fear of bugs, but have characters who absolutely love bugs, to try to get over my fear). I feel like it's less putting yourself into a character in terms of personality and appearance, and more of how you feel about the character. People can tell when you love a character or if you don't really care for them. So here are the characters that I made and find solace in, even if that's won't why I made them.
Beau is a character I made when I was 17-18. I've been reworking his story, and I told you all about him and Hercules in DMs! Their friendship means everything to me. They're very good for each other and I love their friendship. <3
Now for miscellaneous comfort OCs:
Autumn; cat anthro; They're just really cute and give me Grian vibes for no real reason. The red sweater and orange cat with long dot eyes is him to me. They're not meant to be, just coincidentally happened that way.
Tommy aka Beloved Son; Furby furry; He's my son! My boy! He's pale yellow and white, and one of my favourite colours is yellow. I love my angry son.
Oliver; canine-dino anthro & feral; He has soft colours that are nice to look at, and generally very cute. For when I want a cute character or dino-centric character. Generally just makes me happy.
Stevie; rat anthro; Sometimes you feel like a heartless villain, and need a way to feel okay about your negative feelings because you're not.
Wandering Comet; draconic goat anthro; Ey're my beloved little guy living in a lighthouse and telescope. Not much else to say, just look at em.
0 notes
sylphidine · 2 years
[NDU] Ecdysis, Chapter 2 - Larva
Chapters 1 and 2 on AO3.
On the trip south to New York City, Piki was peppered with the oddest questions from both godparents.
From Uncle Anton: "Are you familiar with Murphy's Oil Soap?"
From Aunt Tallulah: "Or a Murphy bed?"
"Would you use WD-40 on something with plastic joints?"
"Would you know the difference between the smell of coal, the smell of heating oil, and the smell of natural gas?"
Piki answered, "I didn't know there was going to be a pop quiz, but… Murphy's Oil Soap is to clean wood, a Murphy bed is one of those contraptions that folds into the wall like you see in old movies, I have no idea about WD-40, and I know that natural gas has no smell. What on earth do any of those things have to do with me?"
He saw the other two exchange significant looks in the rear-view mirror.
He was so tired of people exchanging significant looks in front of him.  They could at least have the decency to do it behind his back, where he wouldn't have to see it.
“WHAT,” Piki bit out when the silence stretched from seconds to minutes.  He was surprised when his uncle chuckled from the seat behind him.
“Good.  Anger’s good.  At least it’s better than self-pity,” his uncle said. “Now you just need to focus that anger on something productive. You’ll be doing both me and 'Cruella' here a great service if you say yes.”
Piki felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach. He falteringly asked, “Service?”
Aunt Tallulah slightly inclined her head towards him as she spoke, although she kept her hands firmly on the wheel of the unaccustomed car. Piki knew she was used to driving her Packard, which was a much larger vehicle. “Yes, darling, service. I may not always agree with your father’s side of the family, but I do believe that having wealth means that it needs to be invested properly, rather than hoarded.  And investments need to be looked after.  That’s where you come in, Piki dear.”
“Get to the point, Tallulah,” Uncle Anton interjected from the backseat.
“I’m trying, you insufferable egotist.”
She continued. "You may not be aware of this, but when you graduated high school and bypassed the usual university route, I had the expectation that you would eventually be moving to Manhattan! So I thought, as your godmother, I'd help you along, and since Michael and Teddy were selling their brownstone with all its furnishings, I thought I'd buy it for you."
Piki blinked. He couldn't think of a thing to say. Other people he knew, even some of the richer kids in prep school, got a car or a trip to Europe as a graduation present. Being gifted with a prime piece of New York City real estate, not to mention a prime piece of real estate owned by two Broadway legends, seemed excessive even to Piki's mind. 
He regained his focus to realize that Aunt Tallulah had kept talking and the name "Jack" had been in there somewhere. Trying to keep an even tone, not wanting to show how desperately he wanted to hear any mention of his beloved, he said, "I'm sorry, I missed that bit?"
"I said, I was planning to turn the house over to you when you turned twenty-one, but by then you were well entrenched in that quaint little regional playhouse, a big fish in your little pond,  so I thought I'd bide my time until you got tired of being damned with faint praise and felt ready to stretch your wings. And then you got entangled with that Jack, and the one time I made the merest suggestion that you might want to look into relocating somewhere nearer to the city, well…" She paused to concentrate on navigating  a tricky curve. "Well, you snarled at me, darling, and said you couldn't POSSIBLY leave your Jack. So I bided my time.  But the house is empty now, and needs some new tenants. And you need a change."
"As do I," said Uncle Anton. "I'm overdue for a sabbatical, and I've been approached to write a book. On the Chronicle's dime, of course, so I can pay you a decent rent. If you'll have me for a few months, Piki."
Piki couldn’t even remember the conversation that his godmother had described, but his guilty conscience assured him that those words sounded an awful lot like something he’d say, so wrapped up he’d been in his Jack. 
Not your Jack anymore he was never your Jack, hissed the oily voice that still would not leave him alone.  Piki firmly squelched it, although he couldn’t resist a small flinch.
And he could read between the lines of his godfather’s statement.  Uncle Anton had expressed it as a supplication, rather than as a demand or a done deal, to give Piki some choice, some control.  
His Aunt Tallulah, too, had a point to make, even if she was being oblique about it.  Piki’s life had spiraled out of control; his world had narrowed to nothing but himself and Jack. And with Jack gone, there was nothing left but himself.  
He remembered a scene from a favorite movie in his and Pitch’s childhood, where a Nowhere Man sat in the middle of a white void, circling the last revolution of a record groove, sobbing disconsolately.  Piki as an adult could now see the painful parallels to himself, and he didn’t like what he saw.
He could either keep spiraling, or he could take the lifelines he was being thrown.
“Thank you, Aunt Tallulah,” he said now. “I’ll be happy to settle into new digs.  And yes, Uncle Anton, I’d love to have you stay with me a while. I’m sure there’s room."
Piki closed his eyes behind his sunglasses and retreated into sleep. His last thought before drifting off, as they passed the exit for Ardsley, was that he would have to talk to Pitch about having his mail forwarded.
When he opened his eyes again, Aunt Tallulah was inching the car through the stops and starts of Manhattan traffic, and Uncle Anton had placed one sharp-knuckled hand on Piki's shoulder. 
"Know where you are yet?"
"Philosophically or geographically?" Piki couldn't help but throw that bit out. By the looks of things, they were on 72nd Street, heading east through Central Park.
“Oh, well done. Anyway, we’ll soon be there. Up to you as to when, if ever, you want to call it home.”
The brownstone had five levels, four above ground accessible through the front door and a separate basement level with its own entrance via a ramp wide enough and smooth enough for a motorized wheelchair.
Aunt Tallulah adroitly pulled the sedan into the alley between buildings and parked. Piki got out slowly and opened the door to the backseat to check on Brunhilde. She looked up at him with her serene blue eyes and gave a soft “meow”. 
“Just a few more minutes, and I’ll have you out of there, and we can explore together,” he told her in reply. 
On the other side of the car Uncle Anton uncoiled himself and groaned as he got out, standing up with audible pops of his shoulders and knees. He asked in an acerbic voice, “Are you planning on getting us ticketed, Tallulah?” 
“Nonsense, darling, we’ve got two-hour parking here. That should be plenty of time for us to bring in our bags.” 
Piki looked over the top of the sedan at his godmother as she too got out of the car, and she frowned back at him. “What’s that expression for? You seem shocked by the thought that I might be able to carry luggage? Darling, I had to do all my own setup at fashion shows when I was starting out, and I’m not past it yet. I can manage a bit of physical labor.  Besides which, there’s an elevator.”
Aunt Tallulah matched deeds to words and pulled the bag she’d packed for Piki out of the trunk. She handed it and another suitcase to Uncle Anton, then took the remaining two suitcases herself before locking the car with the remote.  Piki picked up Brunhilde’s carrier and followed his godparents down the ramp into the mews.
The garden level opened into a kitchen that seemed to be set up for someone who absolutely adored cooking. Beyond it Piki caught a glimpse of a den decorated in all whites, creams and browns.
Aunt Tallulah charged forward, not paying much attention to the surroundings, and headed straight for the elevator that would get them to the ground floor.
Uncle Anton stopped to look back at Piki, who was trailing behind as he gazed all around him, and the older man’s smile was a lot softer than Piki was used to seeing.
“What?” asked Piki. “ It’s really nice! Comfortable, even. I’d be quite happy to camp out here. Unless you want it, of course.”
“I think your godmother has other plans for this level,” replied Uncle Anton. “In any case, why don’t we see the other floors before you make up your mind?”
Piki shrugged.
They both joined Aunt Tallulah in the elevator, where she’d been tapping her foot impatiently. She asked, “Will your cat follow us if we release her from her cage? I want to leave the bags while I give you the tour.”
“I honestly don’t know. I’ve never traveled with her before. She might try to hide somewhere.”
The elevator opened onto the parlor level, and the three humans stepped into a living room with all the furniture covered in sheets. It opened out into a formal dining room, with a staircase running alongside one wall. The dining room furniture was swathed in white fabric as well.
His godparents put their suitcases down and went in different directions to pull coverings off lamps so they could be lit.  From what Piki could see, this part of the townhouse was decorated in a much less modern style than the den downstairs, judging from the shapes of chairs, tables, and loveseats, as well as the dark jewel tones of the walls.
He put the pet carrier down on the carpeted floor and knelt to open the latches. Crooning Brunhilde’s name softly, he held his hand, palm up, in front of her face. She sniffed it delicately and then slowly emerged from the cage, looking right and left as she did so. The Siamese cat seemed to like what she saw, because she flomped over on her side, showing just a bit of belly, and gave a trilling little purr.
The sound gave Piki a warm feeling in his chest, the first even slightly happy sensation he’d had in a long, long time.
“I think that the lady has made up her mind to make herself comfortable,” said Uncle Anton from behind him. 
“Yes,” Piki agreed as he straightened up. “I think we can leave her here safely. You wanted to show me the other two floors, Aunt Tallulah?”
“If you’re ready, darling.” She waved her hand, her ruby-and-onyx ring catching the light, towards the staircase. “There are four bedrooms and four bathrooms, plus PLENTY of closet space.”
The other two followed her, while Brunhilde curled in upon herself and went to sleep.
An hour later, Uncle Anton had settled into the third floor master bedroom, and Piki was unpacking his suitcase and putting clothes in dresser drawers on the fourth floor. Aunt Tallulah had taken her leave to return the rental car, and the three agreed to meet for dinner later at Jardino’s, a few blocks away. Piki had fed Brunhilde in the kitchen downstairs, and had set up a litter box for her in the bathroom en suite in his bedroom. His uncle had already announced his plans to turn the second bedroom on his floor into an office, since this was to be a working sabbatical. Piki supposed he’d be doing the same, although he was starting to feel mentally fogged and emotionally exhausted.
He managed to stay awake through dinner, and felt genuine fondness for his godmother as he kissed her cheek when he and Uncle Anton put her in a cab to take her home at the end of the evening. As they walked back to the brownstone, Piki’s godfather said in a casual tone, “The rest of my things will be arriving by courier tomorrow. I've told them to deliver them at the kitchen entrance. So if you’re awake before I am in the morning, can you please supervise?”
“Of course, Uncle Anton.”
The next morning, just after ten o’clock, Piki was having his first cup of coffee when the doorbell rang. Still a bit disoriented by his new surroundings, it took him a moment to head to the right door. He opened it to find a stocky woman with a head of iron-gray curls leaning forward in her wheelchair, fist raised as though ready to start pounding to get someone's attention. 
Startled and delighted, Piki blurted out, “Nanny Phoebe?”
She grinned up at him. “Hello, beanpole. Let’s get down to business.”
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Could you tell us more about your headcanon next gen kittens? I loved their appearances in that older!Munkustrap story you wrote, and I'd love to know more about them!
Anthea and Charon: Hestia and Tumblebrutus’ kittens
- Charon’s older by a year, and he’s very protective over his little sister. Anthea loves her big brother very much, and the two of them are absolutely inseparable. 
- Anthea definitely takes after her dad, and loves learning how to do all the acrobatic flips and tumbles that he does, and she’s very bubbly and happy!
- Charon takes more after his mom, and he’s a bit quieter than his sister and is more introverted. He loves his cuddles though, and as a kitten, he would refuse to leave his mother and father’s sides. He’d always have to be carried around, and if it was Hestia or Tumble holding him, it was most likely Tugger, because his mane is ideal for kittens to snuggle into.
- Tumble is absolutely the best dad, and he always takes time for both his kittens, because he loves them both so much and wants to spend as much time as he can with his family. He takes them on adventures around the Junkyard, and Hestia brings them to Bustopher’s clubs to visit their great-uncle. 
- Charon and Anthea are very in tune with each other, and since they both have their mom’s magic, they’re able to know each other’s feelings. They’re not as magically in tune as Coricopat and Tantomile, but they know each other well enough without having to talk to each other. 
Tate and Ramona: Jemima’s kittens
- Ramona was the first kitten that Jemima found on the street. She was hunting through some garbage, and Jemima brought her back to the Junkyard. Demeter nearly cried because SHE HAS A GRANDDAUGHTER NOW and Jemima became very happy with her little girl.
- Not long after, she found Tate. He was sick, tossed out by his humans once they found out that one of the children had an allergy. Jemima brought him back to the Junkyard, and, with the help of Jenny, helped him get better.
- Ramona really loves her brother, but Tate is a very distrusting cat. After what happened with his humans, he’s hesitant to interact with others, so he really only talks to his mom and sister. He does talk to Charon and Anthea, and occasionally with Evangeline and Felicity, but he prefers to stay quiet.
- Jemima really loves being a mom, and she sings her kittens to sleep every night, which always helps to soothe Ramona’s nightmares. She gets nightmares from being on the streets, so this actually helps her form a bond with her Auntie Jojo! She really likes Jubilee.
- Tate forms a close bond with Hestia, and Hestia loves her nephew very much. Jubilee and Hestia are just the best aunts to the twins (even though they’re not really twins, that’s what everyone calls them!)
Kace, Tallulah, Rhiannon: Tantomile and Rumpleteazer’s kittens
- After the “Seven Kittens in a Hat” event, Mistoffelees realized that he could help Jellicles who couldn’t have kittens of their own.
- He took a bit of Tanto’s fur and a bit of Teazer’s, and put it into his hat. He then pulled out a tom kitten who was a copy of Tanto, a queen kitten who was a copy of Teazer, and a final queen kitten who was a perfect mix of them both. 
- Kace, even though he looks identical to Tantomille, actually takes after Teazer the most, and he loves spending time with his Uncle Jerrie. He’s a very chaotic boy, and Tantomile’s the only one who can get him to calm down.
- Tallulah is a mix of both her moms, just like her fur. She’s got Teazer’s chaotic streak, but she’s also got the braincell of the triplets, so she knows when to not make chaos in the Junkyard. 
- Of course, Rhiannon takes after Tantomile. She’s the calmest of her siblings and cousins, and prefers to meditate with her mom and Uncle Cori. She loves spending time at the library with her Auntie Jojo.
Jax: George and Etcetera’s kitten
- Jax is a sweet angel baby boy and 10/10 would die for him. 
- Etcetera loves her son with all her heart, and George is the proudest dad in the entire world. Jax loves his mom and dad, and he’s just such a sweetheart. He’s the best kitten, and is happy just to have his mom and dad spending time with him.
- Like George, Jax is very excitable, and he is a very friendly boy. He can and will run and hug absolutely anyone who comes into the Junkyard. He gives Munkustrap heart attacks when he just runs off to hug any random cat (or dog).
- He may or may not have a ridiculously massive crush on Zephyr, and he just turns into an absolutely stuttering mess whenever Zephyr looks his way. 
- He really loves spending time with his cousins and his Auntie Hestia, but he really, really loves going on adventures with his granddad. Skimble sometimes takes him to the train station, and they ride the railway together. Skimble tells Jax stories, and he absolutely loves hearing about all the adventures he’s gone on. 
Zephyr: Cassandra and Alonzo’s kitten
- He looks a lot like Cassandra, with a bit of white mixed into his brown fur. 
- He’s very slinky, just like his father, but he has not graduated fully into the Slinky Bastard form. He’s getting there, though. 
- He’s very good at controlling his emotions and not letting them get the better of him. He’s very proper, and occasionally can come off as a bit aloof and mean before others get to know him.
- That being said, he’s absolutely HOPELESS when it comes to his feelings for Jax. He’s very stubborn, but as soon as he sees Jax jumping all over the place and just being his usual, excitable, adorable self, he’s a goner. He spends most nights venting to either his mom or his dad about “stupid Jax and his adorable laugh and his funny jokes and his warm hugs and DAD STOP LAUGHING AT ME”
- Zelda also teases him CONSTANTLY about it, but then he gets back at her by teasing her about her crush on Kace so it’s okay. 
Zelda and Thalia: Victoria and Plato’s kittens
- Zelda’s older than Thalia by two years, so she and Zephyr are attached at the hip. Both girls see Zephyr as another brother. 
- Zelda’s a bit better with her emotions, so she’s at least able to have a civil conversation with Kace, so she’s getting somewhere with her feelings!!
- Thalia is blind. But, to the surprise of her parents, she has magic, inherited from her grandmother on Victoria’s side, the same queen who is the reason for Mistoffelees having magic. 
- So, with the help of her magic, Thalia can “see” the auras of other cats, and that’s how she’s able to get around. This just makes Zelda a little extra protective of her, but Thalia knows that her sister loves her. 
- Plato is absolutely in love with his girls, and he cried when they were both born because he’s a dork. Victoria teaches them how to dance while Plato just watches proudly because he’s the best dad. 
(also whoops looks like I have a large amount of ocs now... did not mean for that to happen but oH WELL)
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mrsrcbinscn · 4 years
Wilbur Is Not Amused || The Robinsons
@wilbur-robinson​, @mrrcbinson​
Tl;DR: Franny and Cornelius tell Wilbur about the baby. It does not go well.
Date: August 23rd, 2020
 So about telling Cornelius she felt fine...turns out that was a lie. Once she got to her ninth week the morning (and noon, and night) sickness began. It got to the point she made excuses to be out during dinner time because she didn’t want to tell the family she was pregnant yet, but she couldn’t actually keep food down. Water and crackers were all that was on the menu these days. Even the foods she was craving she couldn’t actually enjoy! It was frustrating, but overall she was thrilled. 
 Due to her age and her history of miscarriages her doctor wanted weekly ultrasounds to keep an eye on the baby. Now at eleven weeks pregnant and rapidly approaching the second trimester, everything looked great. The baby had a strong heartbeat according to her doctor and that was all Franny had really hoped for. While eleven weeks wasn’t fully out of the danger zone for the most common window for miscarriage, she realized she couldn’t hide it much longer. They’d almost gotten caught already! 
 When Tallulah offered her a glass of wine at Wilbur’s birthday party — the fake one, the one with the family that they always did — she made up an excuse about being on a drinking hiatus to lose weight. Franny hoped her hands hadn’t instinctively gone to touch her abdomen like her brain had been telling her to do. 
 Eleven weeks with a strong heartbeat was already more than she had expected. It seemed like the right time to tell their family and Cornelius as ever took her lead on this. They told his parents first and Lucille squeezed Franny’s hand and reminded her that by loving their son, she’d already fulfilled all of their wishes for their family, and giving them Wilbur was just a pleasant bonus. Franny of course cried. What else could she do? Lucille was sometimes too ridiculously good to her. 
 Next it was Wilbur, and after Franny had stopped crying courtesy of Lucille being too damn wonderful, they called him into their bedroom to talk. Being on her feet was getting tiring, so talking at the window seat in their bedroom just felt more practical than sitting Wilbur down in his room. It was nap time right after this for the pregnant lady. 
 “Why am I nervous? Are you nervous? Am I freaking out again?” She leaned over to catch Cornelius in a kiss and tangled her fingers with his. 
 Cornelius was still in shock. He partly couldn’t believe it. Almost didn’t if it weren’t for Franny growing sicker and her weekly doctor appointments. It was weird to imagine that at their age - they might be parents again. Just as Wilbur was on the verge of graduation…
He had been caught up in these thoughts all day. Every time he saw Franny now, actually. But especially today because they were telling everyone. His mother had cried. Actually cried. And then hugged him tight while his father made a science pun about atoms - his mother’s crying in his ears had drowned out the rest, to be honest.
 But the kiss and her touch alone broke him out of his thoughts and he looked to Franny. “Oh! I - more like...well, I don’t know,” He admitted. “I mean, Wilbur’s almost an adult. Legally, at least. I know he can act childish sometimes, but he’s a good kid. I think he’ll be excited. He’ll probably teach them to be like his little sidekick and turn them against us at the age of two.”
 He laughed a little at the joke, honestly believing it to an extent though. But he could get where Franny was coming from. Still, he wasn’t nervous himself. 
 Not until Wilbur came in.
 “Hey, kiddo. Come have a seat, will you?”
 Wilbur and his parents didn’t really sit down for important talks often. There were a couple times when he was younger (like when they sat him down to say he might be a big brother, or when they sat him down and said actually no he wouldn’t be and his mum would cry). There were other memorable occasions of course, the last one being a dead relative.
 He started going down a list of relatives that could have kicked the bucket, because there were of course some older ones. But could he play guess who? Or was that entirely inappropriate? Wilbur wandered into his parents room with eyebrows furrowed, debating over whether tact was good or bad in this case?
 Wilbur eyed his mum first and then his dad, debating over who would spill the beans first. Then he shrugged and sat down in one of their chairs. “Okay what’s going on? Who died?”
 Franny had a brief spiel loosely prepared but Wilbur’s comment threw her off track. Died, huh? No this was the opposite hopefully. Next week would mark the longest she’d stayed pregnant and her OB/GYN said especially considering her risk factors, her pregnancy was healthy. She couldn’t believe her luck at last after nearly twenty years of marriage. 
 A decade and a half of trying to grow their family, until a few years ago, when Franny’s broken hearts couldn’t take it anymore. Cornelius had always been so good, so understanding, and never once blamed her. She couldn’t say the same for herself. 
 It felt too good to be true and too perfect but yet, here they were. Wilbur was going to (most likely, very likely, it seemed) be a big brother. He’d be so much older than his baby brother or sister but he’d be their superhero and the thought of that made Franny’s eyes prick with tears so she took care not to go there right now. 
 “No, your father and I just have to share some exciting news.” Franny began, tightening just barely her grip on one of Cornelius’s hands. “Wilbur, your father and I found out I’m pregnant. At our age, I know, I thought it was a mistake too but I really am. Twelve weeks; in March you’ll have a little minion to teach to get into trouble. Around your father’s birthday, too...everything looks good this time around. Looks perfect.”
 Franny’s grin almost hopped off her face, it was so wide! She reached for one of Wilbur’s hands and squeezed. “Isn’t that exciting?”
 There were a few different things Wilbur would have imagined that they’d have to say. Maybe some Great Uncle bit the dust, or they were planning another trip and they wanted him to give them input. Or maybe they were rethinking his request for a horse. You never knew. Wilbur was willing to be imaginative.
 But then his mum started talking, and Wilbur could feel his heart sink. Not sink, maybe it just fell right out of his body and fell into the sea. The bemused look changed so swiftly, any hint of a smile gone from his face as he paled. He could remember the last time his mum had told him she was pregnant. It was years ago, and Wilbur had just assumed (like an idiot apparently) that they wouldn’t try again.
 Why wasn’t he enough for them anyway?
 Wilbur sucked in a breath and let it out again, forcing himself to try not to blow up. He wanted to. He wanted to so badly, because his parents really didn’t think about him at all did they? Wilbur immediately tugged his hand away from his mother, arms wrapping around himself defensively as he glanced between Franny and Cornelius. He was still waiting for one of them to say ‘just kidding’ but...well his parents wouldn’t pull that kind of a stunt with him.
 Which meant no matter how improbable, no matter how horrible, it must be the truth. “Are you serious? Why would I be excited about this? In what world does ‘my mum could possibly kill herself again trying to have a real baby’ sound exciting?” Okay, maybe he couldn’t contain it.
 Of all reactions, Cornelius didn’t expect this one from Wilbur. Especially faced with the beaming face of his mother right now. But the moment his face changed, he knew something was wrong. And - 
 Real baby? What did that even…
 “Wilbur, what do you by real baby? You’re our real son,” Cornelius began slowly, his mind trying to process everything. Something that was so exciting and joyous suddenly turned sour and was about to become a fight. One that would not be easily fixed either. “Its….you’re not be replaced, if that’s what you’re getting at. Or forgotten or any of that.”
 Considering both of them were orphans, he could put himself in Wilbur’s mindset in a way. But not much. Because this reaction was just - shocking. Were they being selfish though? Were they bad parents to bring this up at Wilbur’s age? He turned to look at Franny, his brows coming together in concern.
 Franny first felt white hot anger at her son’s reaction. It was as if for a brief moment she resented him as much as she’d ever loved him. 
 (And briefly, she was angry at Cornelius for not at least gently chastising him for yelling at his mother, but she reminded herself that Cornelius was a better person than she was. He heard Wilbur’s hurt first, whereas Franny first tuned into the anger. Thank god Cornelius was here. She would have shouted right back if not for him.)
 How dare he, she thought though. Now, she expected her son to make a joke about how old she was. She wasn’t stupid enough to think Wilbur, a happy only child, would be thrilled. She expected, however, a quick ‘oh? Cool. Anyway is that all?’
 What she didn’t expect was such a reaction. 
 How dare he, in one instant, rob her of her joy. Franny’s heart sank as she thought to herself this is a mistake. 
 And as quickly as her anger appeared, it subsided, as it always did when she was angry with Wilbur. His words cut but after feeling the impact of those words it was as if she pressed pause on her hurt to instead focus on Wilbur’s, because that’s what moms are supposed to do. 
 She could cry to Cornelius later or perhaps her mother, but who could Wilbur go to? He usually sought her out for comfort but who now?
 “Wilbur…what are you saying?” Franny said quietly as her face fell, before for once in her obnoxious life, she struggled to find words. “You’re not...it...it was an accident, we didn’t mean—“ wait. Was she about to apologize for being pregnant? She sighed and her hand flinched to reach forward and hold Wilbur’s hand, play with his hair, anything, but he’d batted her hand away not a moment ago. “Wilbur, honey. You are our real baby. There is nothing we love more than you and being your parents. Nothing, honey.”
 Honestly, Wilbur thought it was pretty clear what he meant. He was being replaced. By a younger model that would probably be nicer than Wilbur and more likeable than Wilbur because they wouldn’t be as bratty as he could be. They’d probably “try to get it right” this time, and where would that leave Wilbur? Miserable.
 “Really?” He asked, and he couldn’t help but snort. Of course he’d be forgotten. A baby would demand all their attention, and when Wilbur would need them for college things or anything else, he’d probably get ignored. His whole family would probably coo at the baby and focus on what it wanted and needed and he’d be pushed by the wayside. Wilbur wasn’t stupid. He knew babies needed a ton of attention.
 “Why would you still care about having another baby? That’s what I just don’t get! Mum was always so messed up by this shit, and yet that’s always been it. ‘Why can’t I have a real baby to take care of?’ You didn’t say it in as many words, but the implication is pretty fucking clear.” So what if Wilbur was a bit spoiled? Who were the people that had spoiled him in the first place? Oh yeah, it was them.
 He didn’t look forward to watching the way his mum would try to do things differently so this baby, their actual biological one wouldn’t turn out like him. He hated it. He hated it he hated it. He was going to be sick. “I can’t believe you’d do this now! What, I’m going to go off to college soon so it doesn’t matter what I think? That’s great really. Have fun with your new family.” He stumbled to his feet. He needed to get out of here. He wanted to cry, but he was nothing if not determined to do that in the comfort of his own space, without the people who hurt him around.
 “Wilbur!” Franny exclaimed, springing out of her seat but not advancing toward her son. She wouldn’t force him to stay but he wasn’t going to storm out without one final attempt to reach him. 
 And, yeah, maybe she said his name in the ‘I’m gonna kick your ass’ tone but with the way he was speaking to his parents right now did he expect any different? His words were hurtful not only to her as his mother, but as a person in general. Franny kept her composure enough to keep from well and truly yelling at Wilbur but under the far too consistent volume of her voice was boiling anger.
 “What do you mean ‘new family?’ For once would it kill you to not be so over-dramatic. Like I just. I just wanna know. You know damn well, Wilbur, that plenty of families have more than one child in them. We wanted a big family because we just did, okay? We just did. There’s no other explanation. We just wanted that. But your father -” 
 Never slowed down. Never could press pause so we could adopt again so I had to try the old-fashioned way even though my body kept telling me I couldn’t do it.
 “- and I just kind of shelved that for the most part. We stopped tryin’ years ago, I didn’t get pregnant to piss you off. Believe it or not, the world doesn’t revolve around Wilbur Robinson. Sometimes it just happens. What was I supposed to do when I found out I was pregnant, huh? What would have made you happy?”
 A beat, and Franny pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. 
 “Get out. Go to bed. Or don’t, I don’t care, just get out.”
 So the world didn’t revolve around Wilbur. He knew that already. His mum made it even more clear that he wasn’t that special. He wasn’t enough for them. He’d never been enough for them. If he had, then his parents wouldn’t have cared about a big or a small family. They would have just let that baby stuff be and loved him. 
 Why did mum think he was overdramatic? It wasn’t overdramatic to realize he was being replaced! It would be different if they’d adopted or had another kid when he was still little, when it was a normal thing to do. This wasn’t normal. He’d never felt so unappreciated in his life, and he’d had his moments of doubt. 
 “Oh I know the world doesn’t revolve around me. And it never will, because that new baby’s just going to replace me and that’s just great. I’m glad you get a do over to have a better kid.” And since he was already in it, and he’d clearly already pissed off his mum too, Wilbur headed out, both middle fingers waving at them as he made his way out. He’d break down once he was alone. He wouldn’t cave until then.
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pixie88 · 4 years
 Never have I ever
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Chapter 3 - TNA - After the Wedding.
A/N: At the moment I’m editing all my work, tidying it, shorting down chapters and tiding up my tumblr. Let me know if you would like to be tagged!
Find previous chapters HERE under The Nanny Affair - After the Wedding.
Word count: 3394 Might be a lot but so worth it!
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Some adult language & sexual content.
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Pixelberry.
Pairings: Sam x MC - Olive.
Enjoy 😘
4 Weeks after leaving Italy and Sam behind. I take a job at Tallulah's while I wait for interviews for my dream job.
*21 Missed Calls from Sam Dalton*
*13 New Messages from Sam Dalton*
I open up his messages and read the last 3.
[Olive, please talk to me!]
[I need to talk to you! There's something you need to know! Will you just answer your phone.]
[We're back from Italy. I've seen you have cleared your room out. We all miss you. Please meet me. We need to talk, Please.]
After 2 weeks I got fed up and change my number so, he can't contact me anymore. Whatever it is I don't want to know he made his choice when he said I do.
It's Friday night one of Tallulah's busiest night and I'm working with Jace and Ben behind the bar.
Later, as we are locking up Jenny walks in "Hey guys, I thought I'd meet you so we can walk home together." I smile at her. "Awesome, while you are here you can help clean up!" I throw her a damp cloth, she catches it and starts to wipe over tables.
"Why don't we play never have I ever?" Ben asks us, I roll my eyes, "I'm in but there isn't a lot I haven't done." Jace tells the group, "OK, so this game will end up with me, Ben and Jenny sober and you finish the whole bottle?" I tell him before Jenny starts "OK, Never have I ever had sex at a party" Fuck! Parents party's doesn't count right.
Jace and Ben drinks before Jace turns to me "Come on, Olive surely you've sex at a party?" "Nope, don't think I have!" I shoot back at him. "It's can be any party like a high school one or a family member's one!" He's smiling at me and I drink.
"Olive!! Why am I just finding out about this now? What party? Who with?" Jenny asks me. Great, now I have to make up a fake hook up. Thanks, Jace!! "It was a party that you couldn't attend. Anyway, who's next?" I try to change the subject quickly.
It's Ben's go "Never have I ever kissed someone of the opposite sex?" me, Jenny and Jace drink I laugh, "Ben, that one was too easy!" "Hey, it was one way to get you guys to drink, where I didn't have to." he laughs.
"My turn, never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex." Jace says and me, Ben and Jenny drink he looks at Jenny "What? Who?" "Jenny points at me and Jace whips his head round, "It was a dare, when we were like 15?" I say as I laugh.
"Anyway, I believe it's my turn. Hmm, Never have I ever performed oral sex in the middle of a cinema!" I say, trying not to laugh as Jace's eye dart to mine, then he drinks. "Jace!" Jenny shouts at him then turns to me "Olive, How did you know?" she asks me.
Crap I didn't think about this! "Oh! I was there a few rows in front and I caught them as I went to the bathroom!" Jenny looks at me weirdly of course she does, as if I had seen it I would have told her? "Speaking of bathrooms I need to use it. I will be back in a minute" Jenny gets up and heads for the bathroom.
"OK, I know there is something going on with you two, definitely not just friends!" Ben says, "Nothing is going on! I don't know what you are talking about!" I tell him "Olive, I'm anything but stupid!" "OK, Olive and I have done things friends don't normally do, but Jenny doesn't know, and we would like to keep it that way." Jace whispers to him.
"Things meaning Olive was the girl in the cinema?" Ben asks, "OK, It was me!! We had a thing one summer about 10 years ago, but it was over before it began!" I tell Ben then I hear her "Olive, is that true?" Jace and I whip round and see Jenny 2 feet away from us.
No, no, no, no, no! "You and my brother slept together?" "Jen, you were never supposed to find out!" I tell her as I get up from my seat and walk towards her, but she takes a step back not wanting to be near me.
"YOU SLEPT WITH MY BROTHER!! WHEN?!" she shouts at me, "Jen, It doesn't matter, it was a long time ago!" I say, but she is having none of it! "Olive, just tell me how long you have been keeping this a secret?!!!" I can't deny it there's no point "Summer 2010. When you were at your Nan's."
"10 Years!! It all makes sense now! Whenever I called my mom, she would tell me how Jace was out all the time and how she thought maybe he had a girlfriend, then I would call you right after and you were always busy." Her face goes pale "Jen, please you have to listen to me!"
I step towards her before talking again "Things happened that summer, we were spending so much time together working, hanging out and stuff we grew closer and things went from there! I never meant to keep it from you, I just didn't know how to tell you." I step towards her again.
"You slept with my brother, then kept it a secret for 10 years! What kind of best friend does that!" "It's not like I could just drop it into a casual conversation like Jen would you like a coffee and Oh, by the way I lost my virginity to your brother!" "I rather that, then you never tell me and finding out by chance! You were supposed to be my best friend! No, wonder Sam chose Sofia!" Jace interrupts us.
"Jenny, this must be a shock, but what the big deal? Yes, she is your best friend and I'm your brother, but we did nothing wro..." He doesn't finish his sentence as Jenny slaps him before storming out.
I go to chase after her, but Jace pulls me back "I think it's best we let her cool off first!" I start to cry Jace tries to hug me, but I push him away and run off into the kitchen. Did I really just lose my best friend? In a month I lost my best friend and the man I love.
I'm sitting on the floor against the fridge door not sure how much time has passed before I hear the kitchen door open again. Jace wanders over to where I'm sitting on the floor before taking a seat next to me. "Olive, I'm so sorry! When Ben asked about us I shouldn't of said anything." I get up and run off into my uncle's office but Jace follows me in here to.
I'm sat at my uncle's desk Jace comes round and sits on the desk in front of me "Olive, I promise, once she calmed down and thought about it, she'll be fine!" He lifts my chin to look at him. "Don't cry! If, it will make things better with you two I'll tell her it was all my doing! I pursued you, I mean just look at me no wonder you gave into temptation!" I can't help laughing at him "Oh, shut up!" "Ah ah ah, I got you to smile Olive, so that's an achievement!" I roll my eyes before he continues "But seriously she won't be mad about it for long!".
"I know Jenny is mad and I'm sorry," he smiles as he downs his drink. I take a seat next to him on the desk.
"Here is to being free, single and not giving a damn." we clink glasses before downing our drinks again "Argh, does that taste ever gets better?" I ask him "Nope, you just get to drunk to care if you drink enough." I giggle it's hitting me already must be the vodka too.
I sit up to look at Jace, and he looks at me for some reason I feel drawn to him I want to kiss him. He runs his thumb over my lips, then his other hand cups the other side of my face, and he kisses me hard, pushing further on to the desk. His tongue dances with mine, I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer. The kiss turns more urgent, his hands slip under my jumper and up to my bra, where he unclips it.
My hands move to unzip his jacket and slip it off before slipping them under his t-shirt, feeling his chest, his abs and his back. He pulls away "Olive, we shouldn't!" "I know, but I don't want to stop.” His hands slip down from my breast and under my tights and into my underwear.
In this moment I need him, and he can tell that by how wet I am as I feel him smile against my lips as he touches me. He whispers on my lips "Feels like you've missed me as much as I've missed you!" I pull him back to my lips and bite his bottom lip. With that, he pulls my legs up around his waist and places me against the cold oak desk.
"I want you...." He says, "Then take me." I tell him without thinking. Then, he pulls down my tights and my underwear, I undo his belt and jeans as soon as he's free of his jeans, his pants are down, and he is inside me and I wrap around him adjusting to his size.
I start to move up to match his pace. His lips move to my collarbone, then back up to my earlobe before he whispers into my ear "God I've missed this!" "Me too!" I tell him.
He thrusts harder, each one making me cry out louder than the last. I can't hold back anymore, I call out his name as I hit my peak, he hits his own right after and my head collapses against the desk, he kisses me on the lips.
We get up and grab our clothes to redress, Jace looks at me "Olive, we should forget that happened with everything you have going on at the moment I think it's best." "Yeah, you are right! Nothing says sorry to your best friend for sleeping with her brother like sleeping with her brother again!" I say with a laugh, and he smiles at me.
The next day.
"Olive, wake up!" I feel someone poke me "Olive, come on wake up," I start to stir when I realize where I am. I turn to see its Jace pokes me "Morning, Did you sleep OK?" he asks me as I sit up "Yeah, I slept fine. I don't remember getting home." I then grab my phone to check the time.
He smiles at me "Must've been all that drink. I'm heading to the gym want to join me?" "OK, I guess" We grab our stuff and head to the gym. Jenny's bedroom door is shut, she's probably still asleep.
As we walk into the gym a lady behind the desk smiles as she spots Jace and it drops as she spots me with him "Jace, You just can't stay away from this place?" she says to him with a flirty tone, and he laughs as he leans on the desk to talk to her "Nah, I need my morning workout." he winks at her.
"So, is she with you? Are you PTing now?" the lady points at me "Yeah, she is. Olive this is Emma, Emma this is Olive," I just smile at her, but she doesn't return it "Olive huh? That's a weird name! So, you will need a membership?"
I go to speak, but Jace beat me to it, "Actually, it's Olivia, but she prefers Olive and no, she won't unless she wants one?" "Well, Olivia is a much nicer name I don't get why you would shorten it but each to their own I guess. Jace as for using the gym without a membership, I'm not sure I can today. Sneaking one in is easy but two." I roll my eyes.
"Oh, come on Emma, Olive won't be no bother? I promise to keep her out of your bosses view" her face goes red she doesn't like that idea one bit and looks round "Ermm...I guess I can let you both in but you have to be quick," she gets up from her desk and takes us down some stairs to the gym and uses her card to let us in.
"Olivia, the ladies showers are down there once you are done, clean towels in the lockers and soap on the shower wall, be quick" We head into the gym and start.
Later I head to the shower, grab a towel and undress to take a shower it's so warm on my skin, I start washing my hair and let the water run down my face.
I hear the door to the shower room, open "Olive, are you done yet?" Jace asks, "Oh, nearly! How are you done so quickly?" "When Emma means quick she means quick, I've learned otherwise she comes in to check on you" Of course she does! "OK, I'm coming out now I just need to dry off and get dressed." When I come out of the shower I see Jace sat on a bench I was expecting him to be at the door.
"Are you going to sit there while I get dressed?" he smirks "Olive, I've seen you naked plenty of times. But if it makes you feel better I'll turn my back?" "Yeah, if you could that would be great."
He turns and I start to dry myself "So, Emma, what's the deal with her?" I ask him "What do you mean, Olive?" "She seems erm...smitten with you." "Does she? I haven't noticed." He says with a laugh.
"You have! She seems to bend over backwards for you and she definitely doesn't like me." "What are you asking Olive? Why are you even bothered?" "I'm not bother I just thought she was rather rude to me and you can see who you like." "I did notice. There's nothing going on between me and her there never has and never will be." "So you flirt and slip her a few lines to get her to let you use the gym and shower? She's pretty." "Well, she might be pretty, but she's not my type at all. I do flirt with her to use the gym when I want yes, but doesn't everyone?" "I don't!" I shoot at him as I start to get my clothes on.
"Oh, you do Olive!" "What! No, I don't!" "You do! That's why last night happened. You had an itch you needed scratching!" I don't have an answer for that, so he doesn't say anymore about it. "Are you dressed yet?" "Nearly just my boots." he turns round.
We head out of the shower room and up the stairs at the top Emma looks up from her desk Jace smiles at her before saying "Thanks!" as we leave.
This shift goes by pretty quickly around 8pm it starts to quiet down, so I restock the snack bar as Jace comes over to me, "A bunch of suits just walked in Olive, I need a hand," I put down the crisp packet I have in my hand and turn to serve these guys and that's when I spot Robin the other side of the bar, he notices me straight away.
"Olive!! How are you? Where have you been?" "Robin, Hey. I'm great thanks. What about you? I've been here and staying at Jenny's. How was the rest of the Italy trip?" I smile at him "It was OK, I guess. I'm good thanks, in fact I'm excellent now I'm joint CEO of Dalton part of Dalton and Russo Enterprises with Sam!" "What? Joint? But I thought Sam was going to be sole CEO?" "Oh, Olive you missed so much. When is your break? I'll fill you in on everything!" I look at the clock.
"I could take one in 5 minutes once we've served this lot" "OK, come and find me in 5." He walks off and sits down we 4 other people. My head is spinning with questions. What happened? And why are they joint CEO's? I remember Sam's texts [There's something you need to know] [we need to talk] Now I'm more curious than ever I tell Jace I'm taking a break and go off to talk to Robin and suggests we sit away from everyone, so we walk over to a table in the corner.
"So, Olive why did you leave Italy so suddenly? Why did you quit?" Robin asks, "Don't act like you don't know why Robin! I never took you for stupid." "Olive, I told you that the only person that was going to get hurt in all this was you!" "I know. But enough about that. What has happened? Why are you and Sam joint CEO?".
"Well about a week after you left, Sam seemed pretty down, we were all at the villa and Sofia made a toast to her and Sam and their long happy marriage they were about to have. Sam just flipped told her it wasn't a happy marriage, and he didn't love her and never could. He pulled out an envelope and handed it to Sofia when she opened it was papers telling her he wanted an annulment." "What?" "Yeah, he wants out of their marriage, Dad wasn't happy but Sam managed to talk him round and convince him to let us be joint CEO's. Which is actually alright, I get the CEO title, but half the work load!" he laughs.
"What about the merger? Sofia?" "Well, apparently you can't unmerge companies once they are merged, so we run the Dalton side and Paolo runs the Russo side. Sofia, she stayed in Italy. I think she had a fancy man on the side." She definitely did! "Sam has been looking for you, he'll be happy when I tell him you're working here!" "No, Robin you can't tell him I work here or you've seen me!" "Olive, why?" "I need to move on with my life and as crappy as it is." "OK, but the boy's miss you and come on you've not done too bad! You landed a job pretty quick and a place to live." "It's my uncle's bar, hence why I got it so quick." "What about your parents? Jenny?" "My parents living in Dubai they moved there 3 years ago for my dad's job. Me and Jenny kinda had a falling out." "Oh! Not over anything serious I hope?" "Kinda, but I'm sure we'll work it out." OK, anyway I better get back to the guys. Hopefully see you round Olive and take care of yourself!" "Thanks, You too Robin".
I head back to the bar where Jace is "Who was that?" he asks, "Oh, That was Robin. Sam's brother" Jace's facial expression changes "Was he bothering you?" "No, not at all. He was just asking why I left so suddenly." I don't mention what else he told me. "OK, now you're back, I'm going for my break" "OK, see you in a bit."
It's the end of our shift, and we are locking up, and we take the subway home "Do you think she'll forgive me?" I ask Jace. "Olive, there's nothing to forgive. Jenny just needs to get over herself OK?" He smiles at me "OK, we better head in."
Jace opens the door with his key the flat is dark, maybe she's in bed it is pretty late. Jace turns on the lights, and we head to the living room she's not there as we walk to the kitchen her bedroom door is open. Jace turns on the light and her bed hasn't been slept in but there's a note on the bed. I go over and pick it up and read it out.
'Olive and Jace,
I've gone to stay with mom and dad please don't call or text. I need space from you both. I'll contact you when I'm ready to talk.
She's gone!
Jenny x'
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 4.
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imissthefire · 6 years
Kierarktina Kids Headcanons pt 2
You can find Part 1 of my Kierarktina kiddo HCs here
·         So in my last post, I didn’t give the baby a name because I was torn between a bunch, and also was unsure of what name would fit her best
·         They decided to name her Thalia, but they call her Lia for short
 ·         They also give her a Faerie name, even though it doesn’t hold any power over her
 ·         Her faerie name is Tallulah (which means jumping waters, or river, and is a slight nod to Kieran’s nixie heritage)
 ·         Anyway, she’s now three, and starting to look more and more like her (biological) father
 ·         When she was born, her ears were relatively rounded with only tiny indication of being pointed, but now they’re full on pointy and adorable
 ·         She refers to both Mark and Kieran as “daddy”, but sometimes refers to Mark as “papa” to differentiate
 ·         One day when Mark and Cristina are out doing work with the Alliance, they decide she can tag along with them because it’s small work and they’re missing Kieran because all three of them have been so submerged in their work
 ·         So, in the middle of a meeting little Lia’s just hanging out, sitting on Mark’s lap and idly playing with a fidget toy that her uncle Ty gave her for her birthday
 ·         It has all different parts on it that she can chew on, or spin, and even buttons that make different clicking noises
 ·         She’s just enjoying herself and then she hears someone at the table mention the idea of sending a team to Unseelie to investigate a Seelie knight that’s been taken
 ·         She looks up to Mark and asks if she can go, because she “wants to go see daddy”
 ·         He and Cristina smile at her, sadly saying that it’s an adult mission, but she will be able to go with them to see Kieran another time
 ·         She gets frustrated by this, and her hair flairs a bright green, before returning to its usual black
 ·         Cristina and Mark are stunned but this, they had only seen this happen once when she was only a few months old, but they thought it may have just been a trick of the light, or something she quickly grew out of
 ·         They also hadn’t really thought she had inherited many traits from Kieran aside from her looks, but now this opens up the possibility of having other fae magic
 ·         It was so wholesome for them, and everyone else at the meeting just stared at her, some a little bit freaked out by it
 ·         It wasn’t a new thing for them to bring her with them, but this was the first time she showed that she had inherited any powers from Kieran
 ·         Skip ahead a few weeks, and Cristina has to head on a mission for the Alliance, and can’t bring their kid, so obvs she leaves Lia with Mark
 ·         Mark was so sure he would know how to take care of her, he’d been doing it for two years and this wasn’t the first time he was left alone with her
 ·         But it was the longest, and one day she said that she “missed mommy, and daddy” and Mark just looked and said “me too”
 ·         So, in an attempt to distract themselves from feeling lonely, they decide to make an impromptu trip to the cabin
 ·         Since Tina’s away, they don’t have the Eternidad for smooth travel, so they decided it would be totally fine to try and portal there
 ·         Lia’s only ever travelled by portal a few times, Mark carries her, just to make sure there’s no off chance of a mishap of them being separated
 ·         When the step through, they can only get as far as the forest that surrounds the cabin
 ·         Their entry to the Unseelie land so suddenly sets off some warning alarms, and before they know it, they’re surrounded by redcap guards
 ·         Lia just wraps her arms tighter around Mark’s neck, staring at all the guards
 ·         The guards recognise them, but they still alert Kieran that there is a visitor for him and have him greet him at the edge of the forest before they even consider letting them pass
 ·         When Kieran comes out, Lia smiles, her hair flaring up bright green again, and reaches her arms out to Kieran, “daddy!” she exclaims, a huge smile on her face
·         Kieran walks over and takes her from Mark, kissing her forehead, ruffling her hair before making his flash a blue-green
 ·         The guards are sort of still standing there, weapons not yet drawn, but hands on hilts, still surrounding them
 ·         Kieran looks at the guards with an incredulous look
 ·         “This is my child,” he’s dumbfounded that they made such a big deal about their arrival
 ·         He gestures to Mark next, “and my partner whom you all should have been aquatinted with before”
 ·         The guards look down as awkwardly as fearsome warrior fae can, letting Mark and Lia pass through to Kieran
 ·         They get to the cottage, and the first thing Lia does is ask to go sleep
 ·         Portal travel is exhausting and nauseating
 ·         Mark and Kieran tuck her in, Kieran brushing her hair back from her face, staring down lovingly at her
 ·         “She’s starting to look a lot like you, you know,” Mark comments
 ·         “When did her hair start doing that?” Kieran had a sort of sad look on his face
 ·         “Only recently, it happened three weeks ago during a meeting,” Mark had said
 ·         He hated missing milestones for their kid
 ·         He missed a fair amount of her firsts
 ·         Luckily though, he had been there for her first word
 ·         They had been trying to teach her colours and letters and numbers, but nothing really stuck
 ·         Until one day when Kieran was playing with her, he was flaring his hair all colours of the sea, letting her play with it as he did
 ·         Out of nowhere, she just said “blue” while watching it go from black to blue to green and back
·         It went to a very pale blue when she said it, but that wasn’t voluntary, he was just super happy and excited
 ·         All three parents lowkey cried a little because it was so cute
 ·         Anyway, back to Kieran, Mark, and Lia at the cottage
·         So little Lia is put to bed, and Mark and Kieran are just kind of chilling, sitting out in the living room area by the fire
·         They talk about the Alliance, the courts, catching up with each other as it had been almost two weeks since they had seen each other
·         They talk about Lia, about how big she’s getting every day, all the changes
·         Mark brings up the idea of more kids, and Kieran stops him
·         “We cannot discuss this, not without having Cristina here,”
·         “I know, of course, but just the idea of another…”
·         Mark and Kieran reluctantly talk for a tiny bit about the idea of a kid before Lia wanders out, a blanket draped around her shoulders
·         “I want a baby too,” she adds in, coming to sit between her dads
·         They smile at her, her bright brown eyes just like her mother’s, radiating such love and warmth
·         Skip ahead a few days later, and Cristina arrives at the cottage, tired af from the mission she was on
·         Lia runs up to her and is all like “daddy and papa said we should have another baby!”
·         Cristina goes wide eyed and looks at Mark and Kieran, both of whom are just looking at Lia with an expression of “oh god why”
·         They can’t be mad at her though, she’s too sweet and is just saying what’s on her mind
·         Cristina smirks, “oh, is that so?”
·         Mark nods awkwardly, a half smile on his face
·         Kieran bows his head, “if it is not what you wish, we will cease any conversation of the matter, my Lady of Roses”
·         Lia just kind of watches her parents, laughing at the formality in Kieran’s tone as he addresses Tina
·         “You know what? I don’t think I’d be against another little one,” Cristina says, picking up little Lia
·         Later that night, when Lia is put to bed (she now has a little toddler bed in the other room in the cottage, though she often will sneak out of it and join her parents for cuddles) 
·         The three parents are enjoying just a soft wholesome night, Mark is in the middle (which has become a common occurrence as he is the last person to wake in the morning)
·         After some time of them just enjoying each other’s company, talking a bit more about another baby, Mark sheepishly asks, “do you think that…” but he trails off, too embarrassed to ask
 ·         Both Kieran and Cristina give him this look that encourages him to go on,
 ·         “Maybe this time…” he keeps trailing off
 ·         “Mark, speak your mind, you are at no judgement between the three of us,” Kieran says, trying to coax the question out
 ·         “Do you think I could be the father for our next child?” he spits out the question quickly, his face donning an unusual look of worry
 ·         Cristina gives him a sort of sad look, not because she doesn’t want that, but because she didn’t really consider much that Mark might not feel as connected to Lia because they aren’t biologically related.
 ·         “You know you’re Thalia’s father just as much as Kieran is, Mark”
 ·         “I know, but I just…” he’s at a loss for words, he feels bad for asking, but he still feels as though there’s more to experience being biological parent
 ·         Kieran leans over, resting his chin on Mark’s shoulder, his eyes understanding, “if it’s any consolation, I feel as though it would be lovely to see a little one much who bears resemblance to you as Thalia does to myself,”
 ·         Cristina smiles at this, seeing them both so fully immersed in the idea of a tiny Mark-lookalike
 ·         Mark looks over to Cristina, “would you be okay if we did it this way?”
 ·         She smiles at him, cuddling herself up closer to him, “I wouldn’t mind that, of course not,”
 ·         By the end of that night, they agree: her and Mark will start trying for a baby soon
 ·         As they all lull off to sleep, there’s a scream from the other room
 ·         Everyone is immediately alert, Kieran on his feet and already moving to the door
 ·         Mark follows him, and so does Cristina, the latter two standing in the doorway watching Kieran sit at the edge of Thalia’s bed, holding her to him tightly
 ·         When she notices her other parents in the room, she reaches out an arm, asking them to come over with the gesture
 ·         The four of them sit on the tiny bed together, listening to Lia tell them about a bad dream where a big scary thing came and took her daddies away from her and her mommy
 ·         They bring her with them back to their room, Thalia going to lay between her two dads, holding on to each of their hands, telling them to not go away as she falls back asleep
 ·         It breaks their hearts a tiny bit, just the idea that she may even have seen a shred of truth in the nightmare she had
 ·         But they hold together, wrapping themselves around their daughter, protecting her from all the evils that they can
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wilbur-robinson · 5 years
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Petrified Slytherin Primary, Slytherin Secondary. ESTP. Type 7. Leo Sun
Archetype — The Joker
Birthday — 8/10/2003
Zodiac Sign — Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aries Ascending
MBTI — ESTP - T (100% extroverted, 59% observant, 53% thinking, 83% prospecting, 57% turbulent)
Enneagram — Type 7 - The Enthusiast
Temperament — Sanguine
Hogwarts House — Petrified Slytherin Primary, Slytherin Secondary
Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral
Primary Vice — Envy
Primary Virtue — Courage
Element — Fire
Mother — Franny Robinson
Father — Cornelius Robinson
Mother’s Occupation — Jazz Musician, Professor at Pride University
Father’s Occupation — Scientist
Family Finances — Wealthy, Upper Class
Birth Order — Only Child, Adopted
Brothers —  None
Sisters — None
Other Close Family — Grandpa Bud and Grandma Lucille, Uncle Gaston, Uncle Art, Uncle Fritz, Aunt Petunia, Uncle Joe, Aunt Billie, Cousin Tallulah, Cousin Laszlo, Spike and Dimitri
Best Friend — tbd
Other Friends — the Ashleys potentially, cool kids
Enemies — tbd
Pets — dog named Oz
Home Life During Childhood — very good, privileged life living in the Robinson Mansion
Town or City Name(s) — Swynlake
What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — A typical teenage boy’s room mostly. Band posters and stuff, though he does also have a genuine Andy Warhol painting that his dad got him.
Any Sports or Clubs — Forward on the football team
Favorite Toy or Game — Skateboard
Schooling — Secondary Student
Favorite Subject — Science
Popular or Loner — Popular
Important Experiences or Events — realizing he’s adopted, some of his mum’s miscarriages (really shocked him), being convinced to join the football team  in primary school.
Nationality — Born Korean, but naturalized British citizen
Culture — A multicultural mish mash of things
Religion and beliefs — Atheist
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Complexion — tan skin
Hair Colour — brown
Eye Colour — brown
Height — 5’9”
Build — looks thin but is fairly muscular via his sports stuff
Tattoos — none yet (but it’s a coming)
Piercings — he has his ears pierced technically. He kind of wants an eyebrow piercing or a nose piercing.
Common Hairstyle — regular boy’s haircut. Idk. He doesn’t style his hair that much. Maybe occasionally dyes it.
Clothing Style — Skinny jeans, leather jacket, tight pants as a general rule, dark sunglasses, keychains that sort of go with the whole aesthetic
Mannerisms — tbd. To be honest I tend to discover that more as I write a character.
Usual Expression — Bemused or smiling. Sometimes suspicious
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Not usually, though he’s caught a few bad cases of the flu and he tends to be a little more susceptible to that.
Physical Ailments — None for now
Neurological Conditions — He’ll say none but he’s got some anxiety
Allergies —  milk
Grooming Habits — usually he just does the bare minimum: shower, brush teeth, brush hair done. He doesn’t do too much.
Sleeping Habits — Tends to stay up kind of late, wraps himself up in several blankets
Eating Habits — He eats a lot because he works out a lot for the team so it’s really like wolfing down a ton of food all the time
Exercise Habits —  Works out every day via scheduled football practice times, and extra off days to keep in shape.
Emotional Stability — Ehhh...not the most stable
Body Temperature — Normal?
Sociability — Social af
Addictions — None yet
Drug Use — None
Alcohol Use — He does drink yep
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — whining when given a task he doesn’t want to do
Good Habits — gets important things done as quickly as possible to get it over with though.
Best Characteristic — Courageous
Worst Characteristic — Envious, a little bit Greedy
Worst Memory — the first time mum miscarried that he can remember
Best Memory — Making a science project with dad
Proud of — his ability to improvise
Embarrassed by — his mum and dad
Driving Style — doesn’t drive
Strong Points — Confident, Friendly
Temperament — Sanguine
Attitude — a cocky one
Weakness — needs to be needed
Fears — that he’ll be replaced one day
Phobias — the dark. He still has a hard time getting to sleep without a little light on in his room
Secrets — he really resents his mum talking about having other kids
Regrets — not trying harder to be impressive sooner
Feels Vulnerable When — he shows emotion in front of someone.  Like sad emotions I mean
Pet Peeves — being interrupted while talking
Conflicts — mum’s need for biological kids
Motivation — Wanting to be special and different
Short Term Goals and Hopes — Graduate okay and make his parents happy
Long Term Goals and Hopes — Find a career path that’s unique and his own
Sexuality — he doesn’t know yet. I think he’s probably bi but we shall see
Exercise Routine  — Regular daily exercise
Day or Night Person — Night Person
Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist
Likes and Styles:
Music — Alternative/Hip Hop/Nearly everything other than Jazz
Books — Eragon books, The Hunger Games, Jurassic Park
Magazines — Eh he doesn’t care about them
Foods — Spicy food
Drinks — SODA - coke especially
Animals — Cats. Tigers
Sports — Football (Soccer)
Social Issues — tbd. He’s not very aware
Favorite Saying — Do what you want. Not what everyone else thinks you should.
Color — Black
Clothing — Jeans, skinny jeans, black and gray shirts, leather jacket
Jewelry — he has some simple earrings
Games — Halo, Skating video games, video games in general
Websites — twitter, instagram
TV Shows — Game of Thrones, the Flash, Prison Break, the 100, Lost
Movies — Marvel Movies, Into the Spiderverse, action movies as a general rule
Greatest Want — to do something important that his family hasn’t already done
Greatest Need — to be accepted and loved properly
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Robinson Mansion
Household furnishings — to be discussed
Favorite Possession — The Andy Warhol painting
Most Cherished Possession — a science creation Wilbur made with his dad
Neighborhood — The Woods
Town or City Name — Swynlake
Details of Town or City — we know what Swynlake is like ok
Married Before — No
Significant Other Before — No he’s a child
Children — No lol
Relationship with Family — Decent enough
Car — None
Career — Student
Dream Career — He has no idea. Movie star maybe? Or some hard hitting journalist?
Dream Life — Continuing to live it up like he has been
Love Life — Dating around and having fun. Nothing serious.
Talents or Skills — Can skateboard and do tricks, is actually good at science and can make little inventions too, play guitar, a little bit of singing ability
Intelligence Level — Highly intelligent (but he hides it well)
Finances — Rich
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — None, he’s a student
Past Lovers — Idk he’s probably had a few dates since he was 14 but not that much.
Biggest Mistakes — Acting more entitled than he actually feels
Biggest Achievements — Completing his own science project, learning to play guitar decently well, scoring the most goals on the team last year
0 notes
Really Long Character Survey
Rules: Repost, don’t reblog. Tag 10! Good luck!
Tagged by @themisfitmouse
Tagging: @genius-vondrake, @amadeus-aerinstat, @alphagearloose, @unclescrooge, @askflintheartglomgold, @thesmallestarchitect, @tempest-loupnoir, @the-queen-needs-us ...I can’t really think of two more people to tag who haven’t already been tagged by somebody else.
((Hoooo boy there's gonna be so many headcanons in this.))
FULL  NAME : Gyro Percival Gearloose
AGE : 28
BIRTHDAY : September 18th
ETHNIC  GROUP : Uh... chicken? I guess I kinda headcanon that he's got some Italian in him, but other than that, idek man.
LANGUAGE / S : English (possibly others, but that's woefully all the mun is fluent in)
CLASS : Uh... upper-middle, I guess? I mean, he's gotta afford all those parts somehow.
HOME  TOWN / AREA : Duckburg, Calisota
CURRENT  HOME : A workshop/barn on the south side of Duckburg, near the river
PROFESSION : Inventor/Repairman
HAIR : It has never been consistent. Like... in DuckTales and the related comics, it's orange. In some of the old comics, it's light brown. In the Italian comics, it's bright blonde. I just... I have no idea, my dudes. Gyro's addicted to hair dye or something.
EYES : Blue
NOSE : He's a bird. He has a beak.
FACE : Uh... round? Covered in feathers?
LIPS : Again, he is a bird.
COMPLEXION : Pristine white feathers.
BLEMISHES : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SCARS : He's got a good few nicks on his hands, and probably a couple of other random scars from miscellaneous lab accidents, but nothing major. Plus, it's not as if you could see most of them anyway.
TATTOOS : None. 
HEIGHT : 5'5"
WEIGHT : Uh... I dunno, probably around 130-140? Gotta take into account that his bones are probably hollow.
BUILD : It varies. In some comics he's kind of plump, and in others, he's like a scarecrow. I'm gonna tentatively put him at athletic, with a little bit of a paunch? 
FEATURES : Big blue eyes, (usually) bright orange hair, slightly curved beak, glasses.
ALLERGIES : Blueberries, but he doesn't bring it up unless he has to.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : He basically just rolls out of bed and runs his fingers through it a couple times.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Lost in thought
USUAL  CLOTHING : Hat (with chin strap), button up shirt (usually pink, red, blue, or yellow), open black vest, jeans or khakis, work boots.
FEAR / S : Failure, mostly.
ASPIRATION / S : He wants to discover as much as he can, for discovery's sake. To do things before believed to be impossible just to say he did.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Generally cheerful, independent thinker, kind, clever, creative
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Easily frustrated, bottles his feelings until he explodes, tends to run from his problems, occasionally forgets to take care of himself
MBTI : ENFP, but only just barely (x)
ZODIAC : Virgo
TEMPERAMENT : Sanguine (x)
SOUL  TYPE / S : Creator (no surprise there), followed closely by Educator and Helper (x)
ANIMALS : Apparently he's a Zebra (x), which is not necessarily something I would have chosen but I guess it fits? (x)
VICE  HABIT / S : Can be kind of lazy sometimes, major sweet tooth
FAITH : "The Powers that Be"
GHOSTS ? : Skeptical, but willing to be convinced
AFTERLIFE ? : Who knows?
REINCARNATION ? : He wouldn't discredit it.
POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : He doesn't really bother himself with politics.
SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : Everyone deserves to be treated with basic decency. Beyond that, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
EDUCATION  LEVEL : I'm gonna go ahead and say he's got a Master's in engineering, and then a bunch of random courses he thought would be interesting but don't actually add up to any kind of extra degree.
FATHER : Fulton Gearloose
MOTHER : ??? Gearloose (Until I find a canon name, I've called her Tallulah)
SIBLINGS : It's implied he has at least one sibling, since he's got a nephew in some of the comics, but I don't think they've ever actually been seen
EXTENDED  FAMILY : Ratchet Gearloose (Grandfather), Copernicus Gearloose (Great-grandfather), Descartes Gearloose (Great-uncle), Newton Gearloose (Nephew)
NAME  MEANING / S : Gyro, as in gyroscope or gyrosphere. Gearloose, as in a literal loose gear.
HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : His great-grandfather assisted a gentleman thief in the 1920s. Long standing family ties to Scrooge McDuck. Gyro himself is a knight of the kingdom of Quackalot thanks to time travel shenanigans.
BOOK : Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
MOVIE : Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
5  SONGS : 
Why Does the Sun Shine? by They Might Be Giants 
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by The Beatles
Poison by Alice Cooper (kind of a guilty pleasure)
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
DEITY : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HOLIDAY : New Years
MONTH : I don't think he really has a favorite month.
SEASON : Spring
PLACE : His workshop
WEATHER : Partly cloudy, 68F, low humidity, light breeze
SOUND : Clocks ticking, birds singing, keyboard clatter, that wobbly sound that laminated paper makes
SCENT / S : Freshly cut grass, sunscreen, baked goods
TASTE / S : Fresh fruit, anything sweet
FEEL / S : The weight of a wrench or a hammer, the texture of blueprint paper, working outdoors in the sunshine (or by a window), laying in a hammock
ANIMAL / S : Dogs, bees, butterflies, songbirds
COLOUR : Orange
TALENTS : Not sure if you'd really call it a talent, but he's canonically ambidextrous. 
BAD  AT : Cooking, singing
TURN  ONS : Not getting into that here.
TURN  OFFS : Not getting into this either.
HOBBIES : Baseball, soccer, fishing, bug catching
TROPES : Cloudcuckoolander, Gadgeteer Genius, Mr. Fixit, Identical Grandson,  and probably a whole lot more that I can't be bothered to keep looking for.
AESTHETIC  TAGS : Tools, metalworking, robotics, clockwork, spring and summer landscapes, baseball, soccer, orange, circuitry, beaches, Arthurian legends, medieval weaponry, castles, old sci-fi, space, cyberpunk, steampunk, science labs, dragons
MAIN  FC / S : Rick Moranis
ALT  FC / S : Don't have one
OLDER  FC / S : ...Older Rick Moranis?
YOUNGER  FC / S : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
VOICE  CLAIM / S : Well, his last voice actor was Chris Edgerly in the remastered game, but I don't think it's been confirmed yet who his new VA will be.
GENDERBENT  FC / S : Don't have one
Q1 : If  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?
A1 : I have no idea. It would probably be a campy, 80's style sci-fi though, like Honey I Shrunk The Kids or Weird Science.
Q2 : What  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?          
A2 : Lighthearted, but with a sense of wonder. It would make occasional use of odd instruments.
Q3 : Why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?          
A3 : I had just rediscovered DuckTales and Tumblr RP blogs were starting to become this big thing that everyone did so I just sort of jumped on the bandwagon.
Q4 : What  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?          
A4 : I've always loved nerdy, quirky characters. Being a ginger doesn't hurt either.
Q5 : Describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.          
A5 : He is usually portrayed as having human-like feet, which makes no gotdang sense. The ducks have duck feet. Cats and dogs have paws. Other chickens have chicken feet. BUT LET'S MAKE GYRO A WEIRD MUTANT, MWAHAHAHAHAHA! ...How about no? I'm just... completely disregarding that as canon unless there's an explanation for it. I'll even take a one off, throwaway comment. Otherwise, y'all can fight me.
Q6 : What  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?          
A6 :  A tendency to get way too invested in a project and forget to do things like sleeping or eating a reasonable meal.
Q7 : How  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?          
A7 : He doesn't know I'm there, and I intend to keep it that way for now.
Q8 : What  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?        
A8 : He has had some truly memorable relationships and interactions with other muses throughout my time playing him, and I don't think I could adequately cover all of them in just a little survey post.
Q9 : What  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         
A9 : I've got a playlist of songs that remind me of him that I listen to sometimes. Other than that, I find inspiration for Gyro in some of the weirdest places, like my history textbook the other day, or a particularly scientifically inaccurate episode of Danger Mouse I watched the other day.
Q10 : How  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?         
A10 : About two hours.
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The Returned: Chapter 10
I found Elijah outside the cabin Hayley had been in, looking over the peaceful water. With his expensive suit and regal posture, he looked out of place amongst the bodies and destruction.
‘‘Are you unharmed?’’ he asked without turning.
‘’I’m fine. I healed, but it left me hungry. I won’t be able to stay here for long. Are you ok, Elijah?’’ I crossed my arms over my chest. The white t-shirt I had been wearing was torn and stained with dirt and gore. My leather jacket had protected me from any serious damage but the few healed cuts I had sustained on my front had used up the last of my energy.
‘’I am uninjured.’’ He stated.
‘’But are you ok? I haven’t seen Hayley anywhere.’’
‘’She is on her way into New Orleans to alert Niklaus of the situation. The telephone reception out here is practically non-existent and we agreed that she would be safer there.’’
‘’Ok. Uh, Jackson wanted to talk to you.’’
Elijah nodded and I turned to leave.
‘’Alessandra.’’ Elijah called.
‘’Yes?’’ Elijah still was turned to the water, but his head tilted to the right, still not quite looking at me.
‘’I saw what you did for that woman. That was very kind of you.’’
‘’It was the right thing to do.’’ I shrugged.
Elijah made a sound of agreement then turned and followed me inside the cabin. I remained leaning against the wall while he walked to Jackson’s side.
‘’Is this the peace you promised?’’ Jackson hissed, gesturing to the dead and dying around us. Elijah remained silent.
‘’I gather my brother believes he can remove the curse.’’ Elijah said.
‘’Klaus was offering us freedom,’’ said Jackson.  ‘’Not just from the pain of Turning, but the contempt we’ve faced our whole lives.’’
‘’What about Hayley?’’ asked Elijah. I was distracted from their conversation when a hand reached out to brush against mine. A small child, no older that 5 or 6, was standing in front of me, a doll clutched under one arm. Her clothing was torn and dirty but I couldn’t smell or see any blood on her.
‘’Hello there.’’ I said, crouching down to his level.
‘’Hello, Miss.’’ She whispered, blushing. ‘’Play with me? My parents are busy.’’
I looked to Elijah, still deep in conversation with Jackson. ‘’I would love to.’’ I smiled, taking her offered hand. She led me outside and down to the river’s edge. The bodies of fallen wolves had been removed and I sent up a silent prayer; she shouldn’t see that much death at such a young age.
‘’What’s your name?’’ I asked.
‘’Jules. This is Celina.’’ She offered me the doll. I took it, running my hands over the cotton body. It was homemade and worn well, obviously very cherished. The small painted face was beginning to fade away.
‘’She’s very pretty.’’ I said, handing the doll back.
‘’My grandmamma made her for me. What’s your name?’’
‘’Tallulah, but everyone calls me Tallie.’’
‘’Is that you real name?’’ Jules asked.
‘’No. I changed it a few times since my parents gave it to me.’’ I admitted.
     ‘’How old are you?’’ she asked. She fiddled with the doll in her hands.
     ‘’Very old.’’ I paused. ‘’Do you know what I am?’’
     Jules nodded. ‘’We learn about you at school. When mommy and daddy are gone, Miss Eve teaches us about Math and writing and history. Then at night she tells us about all the different creatures; wolves, vampires, witches.’’
     ‘’And you’re not scared of me?’’ I asked.
Her eyes widened. ‘’You’re not going to kill me, are you?’’
     ‘Of course not! I was just wondering why are you so calm?’’
     ‘’Why should I be scared of you, if you’re not going to hurt me?’’ She continued on playing with doll and conversing with me. The hour drifted by and she grew more tired. She came and sat in my lap, leaning back against me; she was so light and so soft. I wrapped by arms around her, supporting her weight. When the sun started to lower I picked her up, cradling her in my arms. Underneath the stench of dirt and metal, I could smell her childlike scent; all sun and flowers. I walked us back inside the cabin.
     Inside, Elijah and Jackson still talking while some of the pack looked on.
     ‘’Jules! There you are!’’ a woman’s voice called. ‘’Put her down, you filth!’’
     Jules was taken from me by a woman, obviously her mother, her eyes glowing yellow in threat.
     ‘’She came to me. This was no place for a child.’’ I said. People were looking now and I could feel Elijah watching me.
     ‘’This is your fault! If you monsters hadn’t stirred up trouble nobody would’ve died!’’
     ‘’Enough!’’ Yelled Jackson. ‘’Marie, take your daughter outside.’’
The woman glared at me before shoving past. ‘’You abominations don’t even know what it’s like to have a child. You were human once, but that was ripped out of you.’’
She stalked off with Jules, who had miraculously stayed asleep through the ordeal.
‘‘Aless- ‘’ begun Elijah.
‘’I’m going for a walk.’’ I strode out of the cabin, then sped off into the woods.
By the time my tears dried and my emotions were under control, it was dark. I made my way back to the camp, following the smell of smoke. I found Elijah standing on a small rise, overlooking the bonfire.
‘’Are you ok?’’ he asked. ‘’That woman- ‘’
‘’I’m fine.’’
Oliver was walking around the inside of the circle, yelling to the people surrounding the fire. ‘’They are counting on our fear!’’ The wolves shouted in agreement.
There was the sound of someone approaching and I turned to see Hayley.
‘’You stayed.’’ She nodded to Elijah then she turned to me. ‘’I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met.’’
‘’Tallulah Rose. I’m with Elijah.’’ She took my offered hand.
‘’Hayley Marshall. Are you and Elijah...? ‘’
‘’No.’’ Elijah and I spoke at the same time. After a moment of awkward silence, we turned back to the fire where Oliver was still yelling.
‘’What is going on?’’ Hayley asked, looking to Elijah. ‘’What is he doing?’’
‘’He’s making a move for power in the wake of tragedy. There was another attack after you left,’’ said Elijah.
‘’What?’’ Breathed Hayley. She strode back down the rise, heading for the medical cabin, probably to talk to Jackson.
‘’We should go,’’ said Elijah. He turned to leave, and I followed, sparing the wolves one last look. I saw Marie staring at me, eyes glowing yellow. Jules was nowhere to be seen. I turned from her without a second glance. She had touched a nerve; I wasn’t going to let it happen again.
     It was late when we finally got back. We were greeted with the news of the local pastors’ passing. Elijah informed me that he had been working with Father Kieran to secure peace among the wolf, witch and vampire factions. He was instrumental in the peace negotiations for New Orleans. His niece was making funeral arrangements. She was sitting in a wicker chair in the courtyard, a white blanket wrapped around her shoulders.
     ‘’Camille?’’ I asked quietly. Her head jolted up at my approach. I gave her a small smile. ‘’I’m Tallulah. I just wanted to offer my condolences. I’m sorry for your Uncle’s passing.’’
     She nodded. ‘’Thank you.’’
     ‘’If you need help with anything… I know I didn’t meet Kieran but I’m happy to help with anything you need.’’
     ‘’Are you…’’
     ‘’An Original?’’ I looked towards where Elijah was watching us. He raised an empty glass towards me and I nodded, accepting his offer. ‘’Yep.’’
     ‘’How come they don’t talk about you?’’
     ‘’I left them 250 years ago. It wasn’t on the best of terms. Besides, they don’t like bragging about me; I’m not related to them and they stick close to family.’’
     She nodded. ‘’I think I’m going to go home. I need to try and sleep; I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. Thank you for your offer.’’
     I nodded and she stood up. ‘’I’m sure you mean something to them, they wouldn’t have let you come back if you didn’t.’’ She gave me a small smile before walking away.
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hockybish · 10 months
Christmas Plans
l West Winds au l dad!trevor l masterlist l part 1 l next l
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"So are we getting him a cat or dog?" Trevor mused scrolling through his phone one evening. He was looking at animals online from a local shelter, trying to find the right one for Zephyr.
"Neither. I'm not taking care of a kid and an animal while you're not here and I'm trying to graduate" Bean typed away on the computer in her lap. "I'm almost done with school, one more semester, we can think about it then."
"Well then what about giving Zeph a sister or brother?" he tossed his phone to the side, it seemed pointless once Bean said no to the animal. He started placing kisses all over her neck and shoulder.
"Trev, what did I just say?" Bean pushed her beau away. She loved the affection he was giving her, but not when she was trying to writing an important paper for a class.
"You said not to a pet. You said nothing about having another baby."
"No more kids until after graduation. Plus we don't even know what we are. And there are a million other things we need to think about, like where would we live? Because it's already difficult with our two homes as it is." she rambled “and not to mention your family hasn’t even met Zeph yet.”
"Tallulah Bean?" Trevor waited a second so he could have her full attention before continuing. "I love you more than anything, will you be my girlfriend?"
"You know what? Yes." She kissed him this time. Trevor deepened the kiss wanting something more from this happy moment, Bean could tell as much. "No more kids yet though."
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't at least start trying now." He closed her laptop, placing it off to the side. She wouldn't be needing it for the rest of the night.
"I think we should tell them." Bean ran her fingers through Trevor's hair, they were snuggling in bed after having some adult fun times.
"Who are we telling and why should we tell them this thing?" he leaned into her touch while his eyes remained closed.
"I just think it's time we tell our families about us and more importantly yours about Zeph" she moved on to braiding the longer bit of his hair that had grown out since he last had gotten it cut.
"He knows my family. I think it's time that he knows his other grandma and grandpa and auntie and uncle."
"That, is a great idea, because my mom's only been begging me to bring Zeph around for the better half of a year now."
"Excuse me she's been what now?" Bean was a bit shocked at his confession, but at the same time not surprised he told his mom.
"Yeah, I may or may not have sent her a picture of Zeph like a month after he was born and I guess she figured it out from that." Trevor told her about what he did. "And Ellen's been sending her pictures too."
He explained how it had really only been this past summer, when they had been in Connecticut and so close to his family, that she had been asking to meet her grandson, but he had told her that it was something he would have to discuss with Bean. And with all the contract stuff going on and them trying to mend the what he had broken, it just slipped his mind.
"It's settled then, we're going to New York for Christmas."
"It's gonna be a short trip. I have a game on the 23rd and another on the 27th. That's not a lot of time for him to get to know everyone properly."
"We'll make it work, we always do"
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norfolkrp · 7 years
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Congratulations Hillary, and welcome! You’ve been accepted as your original character Gabriel K’alyaan Kelley! Go ahead and set up your account, be sure to message the main from it.
Also, be sure to:
Make sure your ask and submit are open.
Follow everyone on the masterlist.
Track the tag norfolk: starter for open dash convos.
And tell us your initial reaction to Norfolk in the tag norfolk: talk!
Name/Alias: Hillary
Age: 25
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: EST
Personal tumblr: persephoning.tumblr.com
Activity level: 5-6
Triggers: Removed.
What’s the secret password?: Removed.
How did you find us?: Via referral from Rhi and Eva
What character are you applying for? An OC.
Writing sample:
“I’m just sayin’, it looks like a really nice dog, Uncle Gabe. I could probably pet it.”
His nephew was sitting on the bumper of the moving van, swinging his feet to some internal rhythm, and giving him the sort of puppy eyes that would have made anyone else capitulate immediately. However, those people didn’t live with him 24/7 and those people likely couldn’t sense the antsy anxiety that the boy was clearly trying to ease by begging to make friends with the neighbor’s golden retriever. Gabriel sat the box of kitchen utensils down on the sidewalk with a muffled thump, sighed loudly, and turned to look at the dog himself. His abilities didn’t extend to animals, but it did seem like a good natured dog, he supposed. That didn’t mean he was going to let Ezra rush over and invite himself into its good graces though, because he knew that would turn into another request to then meet every person on the block. Not what he wanted to do today after several hours of driving, navigating, and contending with a cheery eight year old who only stopped talking long enough to eat or sleep.
“You could, but you don’t know for sure, so you aren’t going to. Besides, don’t you have a box of stuff upstairs that you need to set out? Mr. Otter and all his friends probably don’t want to spend all day in that stuffy box.”
An expression midway between a pout and a frown crossed the boy’s face, and a staring match commenced not long afterwards. Ezra knew he was right, and he didn’t like it all that much. There were things to see, people to meet, and spending an hour making his new room more homey was the last thing such an outgoing child would like to do. Especially after Gabriel had pulled the ugly card by playing on his nephew’s devotion to his stuffed animal collection. Not cool, obviously. Arms folded, Ezra began to glare from his perch on the edge of the van floor, and so his uncle matched the gesture. His facial expression was more mocking than serious though, and he turned it into a smile a moment later.
“After we get all this put away, we can ask about the dog. And the lady across the street you keep telling me looks so nice.” Gabriel offered, letting his arms fall to his side once more.
Small capitulations, he thought. Ezra looked unimpressed by the offer, though he knew from experience that he would hold his uncle to it until they actually did both of those things.
“And I’ll let you get pizza tonight, any kind you want.”
Eyes narrowed, Ezra slid carefully to the ground without breaking eye contact. Something about that offer shifted his mood, but there was something more needed.
“With pineapple?”
Ezra gave him a tight nod and offered Gabriel a fist to bump, which he did a moment later. The boy then headed towards the house, pausing only to call over his shoulder once more.
“I want those cheesy bread things too though. And a brownie.”
It would be worth it for half an hour’s quiet, and so Gabriel nodded his assent before getting back to work on the boxes. Maybe it would mark a fresher, better start for them both, pineapple or no pineapple.
Full name: Gabriel K’alyaan Kelley
Age: 32
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Psychic
Psychic ability: Empathy
Occupation: Internist, with a subspeciality in infectious disease
Address: 13 Greengrass Grove, Edgewater
Quote: You never get over it. But you get to the point where it doesn’t bother you so much.
Positive traits (3): Meticulous, Kind, Disciplined
Negative traits (3): Self-Destructive, Blunt, Stubborn
Face claim: Martin Sensmeier
People have always expected some grand, Horatio Alger style story to explain his rise from unwanted child to medical school and beyond. Several of his scholarships practically demanded it of him, and were disappointed at the dispassionate way Gabriel regards his past. At first there were aunts, friends of his mother, and other sundry relatives willing to watch himself and his older sister, never the same person for more than a few months at a time. Sometimes they would see their mother between these shifts, sometimes they didn’t, but Tallulah was then more of a mother to her five years younger brother than any of the substitutes along the way. Sitka to Juneau to Anchorage, and then into the custody of the state, once their mother had entirely vanished from their lives. The authorities tried to separate them many times over, it was easier to place one child than two at once, but one would always run away to rejoin the other enough times that eventually they were forced to market the two as a package deal. Tallulah was sixteen when they went into their last foster home, Gabriel was nine, and it is unlikely that either would have made it to adulthood without the steadying influence of Virginia Kelley, a leftover hippie who treated them like the children they had never been allowed to be before.
Tallulah was encouraged to follow her interests, told for the first time that she could do something worthwhile with herself, and Gabriel was given the same encouragement, albeit in a different direction. His sister was artistic by nature, gifted in many ways, but the one way that she wasn’t was supernaturally gifted. Gabriel, for all his love of science, could sense the emotions of others in powerful waves, and he hid this from his new guardian for many months with Tallulah’s help. It was safer, it was always their way around others, and so it was only under duress that he admitted this talent to their foster mother. He expected disbelief, loathing, or something equally negative given past experiences, but all he felt as he explained his talent to her in the kitchen one night after school was…acceptance. Amusement too, especially after she demonstrated her own ability to Tallulah and Gabriel both by reading off both of their thoughts like so much text on a page. This revelation marked a shifting point in their dynamic, a proper trust for once, and as the years passed some of the early wounds they both had long carried began to scab over with all of the love their foster (later adoptive) mother gave them. Gabriel was able to finish high school, to head off to college and eventually medical school, all things that would have seemed impossible when he was a young child.
Things were steady, they were normal, they were everything that he had wanted in his life. A sister and a mother attended his graduation from medical school, Tallulah even moved south with him when he decided to seek work in Washington State instead of their native Alaska. Looking back at that time now, he wonders if he should have been more wary of that contentment. He became an uncle not long after moving south, but his sister then moved further away, and he saw Virginia even less frequently. Maybe if they had been closer, maybe if he had stayed, maybe none of what went wrong afterwards would have happened. It’s reductive thinking, and he knows it, but in the years since he still wonders. Stage four breast cancer carried off Virginia, which she hid from him until it was too late for him to try to find better doctors or more likely treatments for her. That had been the first blow, but the second came a little over a year ago when a call in the wee hours of the morning at work informed him that his sister had been killed in a car accident on her way home from work. In one swift move he was the only remaining member of his family, except for his seven year old nephew Ezra. Gabriel knew too well what the foster system was like, and with Ezra’s father long since out of the picture, he suddenly had to learn how to be a father and uncle at the same time. He and Ezra have only moved to Norfolk recently after Gabriel took a position at a local hospital, and he’s hoping that it might be the sort of place where he can rebuild the safe harbor that he so greatly misses.
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sylphidine · 3 years
[NDU] Ecdysis: Act Two, Scene One
On the trip south to New York City, Piki was peppered with the oddest questions from both godparents.
From Uncle Anton: "Are you familiar with Murphy's Oil Soap?"
From Aunt Tallulah: "Or a Murphy bed?"
"Would you use WD-40 on something with plastic joints?"
"Would you know the difference between the smell of coal, the smell of heating oil, and the smell of natural gas?"
Piki answered, "I didn't know there was going to be a pop quiz, but… Murphy's Oil Soap is to clean wood, a Murphy bed is one of those contraptions that folds into the wall like you see in old movies, I have no idea about WD-40, and I know that natural gas has no smell. What on earth do any of those things have to do with me?"
He saw the other two exchange significant looks in the rear-view mirror.
He was so tired of people exchanging significant looks in front of him.  They could at least have the decency to do it behind his back, where he wouldn't have to see it.
“WHAT??!!” Piki bit out when the silence stretched from seconds to minutes.  He was surprised when his uncle chuckled from the seat behind him.
“Good.  Anger’s good.  At least it’s better than self-pity,” his uncle said. “Now you just need to focus that anger on something productive. You’ll be doing both me and 'Cruella' here a great service if you say yes.”
Piki felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach. He falteringly asked, “Service?”
Aunt Tallulah slightly inclined her head towards him as she spoke, although she kept her hands firmly on the wheel of the unaccustomed car. Piki knew she was used to driving her Packard, which was a much larger vehicle. “Yes, darling, service. I may not always agree with your father’s side of the family, but I do believe that having wealth means that it needs to be invested properly, rather than hoarded.  And investments need to be looked after.  That’s where you come in, Piki dear.”
“Get to the point, Tallulah,” Uncle Anton interjected from the backseat.
“I’m trying, you insufferable egotist.”
She continued. "You may not be aware of this, but when you graduated high school and bypassed the usual university route, I had the expectation that you would eventually be moving to Manhattan! So I thought, as your godmother, I'd help you along, and since Michael and Teddy were selling their brownstone, I thought I'd buy it for you."
Piki blinked. He couldn't think of a thing to say. Other people he knew, even some of the richer kids in prep school, got a car or a trip to Europe as a graduation present. Being gifted with a prime piece of New York City real estate, not to mention a prime piece of real estate owned by two Broadway legends, seemed excessive even to Piki's mind. 
He regained his focus to realize that Aunt Tallulah had kept talking and the name "Jack" had been in there somewhere. Trying to keep an even tone, not wanting to show how desperately he wanted to hear any mention of his beloved, he said, "I'm sorry, I missed that bit?"
"I said, I was planning to turn the house over to you when you turned twenty-one, but by then you were well entrenched in that quaint little regional playhouse, a big fish in your little pond,  so I thought I'd bide my time until you got tired of being damned with faint praise and felt ready to stretch your wings. And then you got entangled with that Jack, and the one time I made the merest suggestion that you might want to look into relocating somewhere nearer to the city, well…" She paused to concentrate on navigating  a tricky curve. "Well, you snarled at me, darling, and said you couldn't POSSIBLY leave your Jack. So I bided my time.  But the house is empty now, and needs some new tenants. And you need a change."
"As do I," said Uncle Anton. "I'm overdue for a sabbatical, and I've been approached to write a book. On the Chronicle's dime, of course, so I can pay you a decent rent. If you'll have me for a few months, Piki."
Piki couldn’t even remember the conversation that his godmother had described, but his guilty conscience assured him that those words sounded an awful lot like something he’d say, so wrapped up he’d been in his Jack. 
Not your Jack anymore he was never your Jack, hissed the oily voice that still would not leave him alone.  Piki firmly squelched it, although he couldn’t resist a small flinch.
And he could read between the lines of his godfather’s statement.  Uncle Anton had expressed it as a supplication, rather than as a demand or a done deal, to give Piki some choice, some control.  
His Aunt Tallulah, too, had a point to make, even if she was being oblique about it.  Piki’s life had spiralled out of control; his world had narrowed to nothing but himself and Jack. And with Jack gone, there was nothing left but himself.  
He remembered a scene from a favourite movie in his and Pitch’s childhood, where a Nowhere Man sat in the middle of a white void, circling the last revolution of a record groove, sobbing disconsolately.  Piki as an adult could now see the painful parallels to himself, and he didn’t like what he saw.
He could either keep spiralling, or he could take the lifelines he was being thrown.
“Thank you, Aunt Tallulah,” he said now. “I’ll be happy to settle into new digs.  And yes, Uncle Anton, I’d love to have you stay with me a while. I’m sure there’s room.”
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