hungharrington · 20 days
Wedding planning!steve would be his sassiest form I fear </3
oh my god wedding planning!steve… he’s constantly standing with his hands on his hips, eyes narrowed, bitchily staring as he tries to figure out what’s wrong with the table set-up— he politely takes over half of the jobs because he knows how you’d both like things done even tho you guys literally hired a person for those things lol like he juggles the seating plan for a whole month, trying to get it perfect because dustin can’t sit too close to eddie or they’ll get into cahoots but they need to be at the same table and max needs to be close to the wheelchair entrance and he just wants it to be perfect! and you guys go to at least FIVE different cake tastings because “we wanna make sure we get the best one, babe!” but you can tell he’s just really enjoying doing all the fiancé activities over and over- and when you like, sorta nervously ask him to promise not to smash the cake in your face because you’ve seen it happen countless times he’s all doe-eyed like “honey i would never- i don’t even want to do that to you oh my god, of course i promise not to,” and he’s so attentive with helping pick out the bridesmaids dresses even though you guys just get a lil tipsy on the champagne at the shop and he gets a little misty-eyed and you’re like “steve? what’s wrong?” and he’s like hiding his face in his hands all blushy from the alcohol and smiles giddily, “i’m so just excited to marry you,” and you have to force yourself not to have a silly makeout right then and there. he makes a thousand “can you believe they said yes?” jokes but in an utterly adoring way to every different planner involved and he’s somehow so sassy and yet so unbelievably sincere about how much he cares about the whole thing :’)
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itsrainingbubbles · 2 months
Law once got so drunk he showed up on the sunny, flowers in hand, and asked Luffy to be his boyfriend
They were already dating at this point
When told this he changed his question and asked Luffy to marry him
Luffy was about to say yes but Nami hit him on the head and told him he shouldn't accept when law is drunk off his ass and Luffy just pouted all night long as he waited for law to sober up so he could finally say yes
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tekitothemagpie · 6 months
Zoro : why does Doflamingo hate us so much?
Luffy : perhaps he's homophobic
Zoro : we aren't gay Luffy
Luffy : we're not?
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berrykis · 1 month
Another story of Ace x Sabo Badminton 🏸 AU by @februairy 🩷
Wedding planning + few bonuses edition :D
After Ace and Sabo had done their best in the Badminton Olympics and received their medals, they finally sought to plan their wedding. On the airplane ride home, they held hands, sharing a silent but profound connection. The medals they had won were tucked safely in their bags, but the real prize was the journey they were about to embark on together.
As the plane soared through the clouds, Ace gently took off his engagement ring from the chain around his neck. Sabo did the same, their fingers brushing against each other as they exchanged a meaningful glance. With a shared smile, they slid the rings onto their fingers, a symbolic gesture that felt even more significant in that quiet moment above the world.
the rings engraved their initials of each other. hmm.. A x S <33
Together they were sitting in the airplane seats. Shanks couldn’t do anything to separate them, which he shouldn’t ever, after that switching up their room partners instead of the engaged couple staying together as Sabo stomped his foot and pouted that it should’ve been done that way. He found no way to refuse them. They announced their engagement! won their tournament in the Olympics!
What more does shanks want to excuse from them not being together? LOL but it’s not like he’d get away with it if he does. A bratty blond princess would go out him way to fight him if he dares to separate him from Ace again.. Ace would just stare and stand from afar with a smirk and hands on his hips like, “yeah, You go babe! You tell em!”
Hehe, now back to the scenery and airplane back home with ace and sabo :)
Ace looked out the window, his eyes reflecting the endless sky, while Sabo rested his head on Ace’s shoulder, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. They whispered to each other, their voices soft and intimate, sharing dreams and plans for their future. Their words were a private symphony, only for their ears, filled with promises and love.
Around them, fellow companions and friends couldn’t help but notice the palpable connection between the two.
There was always something magnetic about Ace and Sabo, a spark that went beyond their success and skills on the badminton court. Friends and teammates who’d spare a few glances on them both looked on with admiration and awe, touched by the lovebirds bond between the couple.
It held a sweet atmosphere in the airplane.
Ace leaned closer to Sabo, his voice soft and cool as he spoke. "I can't believe our wedding will be soon..you’ve done most of the planning our wedding, didn’t you?” He smirked a little while remembering how Sabo would sit infront of him in bed while scolding him about how they wouldn’t have a “all you can eat” buffet because of their budget.. but eventually Sanji and his friends agreed full heartedly that they’ll (Sanji’s former co-worker/friends who’re chefs) do the cooking and food for their wedding. Best of all kind!
Sabo huffed and replied with a slight annoyance in his tone, "Ace, your ideas were starting to sound like Luffy's birthday party plans. A meat-themed wedding? No way, I'm not letting that happen on our special day." Glancing up at him from where he still rested his head on Ace’s shoulder. Still holding onto his arm as well.
Ace chuckled, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Okay, okay, I get it. No meat-themed wedding. We'll go with something more elegant and fitting for the occasion."
Sabo just smiled cheekily, with his cute lil fangs showing off.. something Ace loved about his face.
something he’ll sometimes slide his tongue to when they’re kissing.. (with tongue..HAUAH I’m sorry 😭!! The intimacy here is needed!🫶)
Their kisses were always something special, like their first time kiss. Sweet, tender. Ace kisses Sabo with a mix of heat and tenderness. His lips move slowly, savoring each moment, while his hands gently cradle Sabo's face. The warmth of their breath mingles as Ace deepens the kiss, making it both passionate and intimate.
The way their lips meet and part, with soft, lingering touches, creates a sensation that is both electrifying and deeply loving. Sometimes.. saliva connects from them both when they pull apart. From the tip of their tongues.
Sabo grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Alright but now that we already have most of our plans already listed, we should be able to have this wedding like..” pausing to think about it while closing his eyes and counting his fingers to calculate it in his mind.
With a hum and a slight frown forming, Sabo perked up and softly clapped his hands not to wake anyone asleep. “Right! Maybe byy..February 14th?” Glancing at Ace for approval.
Ace's amusement was clear as a cute blush formed on his cheeks. He chuckled, "Valentine's Day, huh? That's actually sweet."
Not.. what he expected but he nodded, blushing.
Sabo made a slight pouty face, his own cheeks turning a bit red from embarrassment. "Well, I thought it would be romantic," he mumbled, trying to hide his flustered expression. How ironic.. <3
Sabo connected their hands again. Missing his warmth.
Sabo looked down at their interlinked hands, gently rubbing Ace's knuckles with his thumb. "It's also between our birthdays, so it holds a bit of meaning despite the holiday it falls on," he said softly.
Ace hummed with a smile on his face, closing his eyes and letting his head lean back a little on the seat.
“Yeah, I’d love that..” Ace said, a little soft and low like a whisper but Sabo managed to hear him just fine because he was so close (clingyy)
From there, both fell asleep. Bodies touching each other with arms and hands interlocking and heads leaned on each other.
After they woke up and got off the plane, Ace and Sabo were a little dozy from their sleep, oblivious to some of the giggles coming from behind them. They shuffled through the airport, their minds still foggy, as they made their way to the baggage claim.
Koala got them both coffee to try and wake them up somewhat since they looked a little tired even after sleeping together on the 10 hour plane trip. (Ace got a latte actually, he hates coffee while Sabo drinks it all like it’s the last thing he’s drinking after this)
Once they had their bags, they met up with their friends and shared warm, slightly sleepy hugs, bidding each other goodbye. The terminal echoed with laughter and well-wishes as everyone went their separate ways. Finally, Ace and Sabo stepped outside, the cool breeze waking them up a bit more as they headed home, ready to rest and recharge for the next step in their official wedding preparations.
At home: Ace sat crisscrossed on the floor, a bowl of mango bite pieces resting beside him. He popped another piece into his mouth, savoring the sweet flavor as he meticulously listed off names in his notebook. “Alright, so we’ve got Luffy, Makino, and Dadan... Did we remember to invite Koala and Hack?” he asked, glancing up briefly.
Sabo was lounging on the couch, a pillow on his lap and a laptop open in front of him. He was immersed in his own task, researching wedding flowers for their venue. “Yeah, I already let them know,” Sabo replied, his eyes still on the screen. “But I think we forgot about Izo and Thatch. I'll send them a message right now.”
Already typing on his laptop, seemingly doing exactly what he said he’d do.
Ace nodded, jotting down the names with a determined look. “Good catch!.. hm How's the flower research going?” he asked, curiosity piqued.
Sabo glanced at him and smiled, right back to scrolling through images of vibrant floral arrangements. "I found some amazing options for the venue. They’re the same flowers that your mom would wear. I think you'll love them," he said, his voice filled with excitement.
As Ace was about to reply after Sabo suggested the heartwarming idea, he was interrupted by the loud buzz of Sabo’s phone. A lot of it actually, seemed like they were spamming his phone. Sabo pulled out his phone and checked it, his eyes widening as he saw the notifications.
Koala had sent a pack of images of Ace and Sabo sleeping, leaning against each other, hands interlocked, and a small, peaceful smile on Sabo's lips. The sight was undeniably cute but so.. embarrassing! They’d taken pictures of them both sleeping in front of them.
Sabo let out a small yelp and blushed, catching Ace's attention. Curiosity growing, Ace loudly asked, “What is it?”
Sabo stammered, "K-Koala," his eyebrows hitched and a frown forming despite his still-blushing face. Ace tilted his head and crossed his arms, "Koala? What about Koa—" Before he could finish, Sabo accidentally dropped his phone, sending it sliding across the table.
Ace quickly picked it up, his eyes widening as he took in the images. "Oh. Oh?" he murmured, a smirk forming as he placed a hand on his chin, looking closely at the pictures.
<3 :D
Eventually, Ace convinced Sabo to post one of the taken pictures. When they posted their Olympic pictures of them playing in their final badminton match and pictures of them with their medals, the last few slides on the post included one of them kissing and the picture Koala and the others took without their notice. (via instagram)
Caption; "From the court to the heart. I would’ve never done it without you. 🏸❤️ I love you, @sabo.xo"
Fin!~ (for now, maybe soon in the future I’ll add more to this amazing Au) plus I rlly like bratty sabo so I tried to write him that way.. hope u noticed☺️
Thank you sm if u guys enjoyed😭🥹 I love this Au so very much so it’s fun to write and share what kind of ideas I have. Please read the comics @/februairy draws! They’re so good and cute <3
(This was in my drafts for a bit before I finished right up after a wave of motivation.)
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huntingrays · 2 years
wrightworth fake dating au
one day, phoenix gets a wedding invite in the mail from a family member. as he’s reading it, he realizes it’s from his least favorite aunt that he had beef with. he doesn’t see her often due to some comments she’s made about his bisexuality (she’s not overly rude or homophobic but the comments still don’t fly with his gay moms), but the encounters he’s had still leave a bitter taste in his mouth and his blood boiling. normally, he’d rsvp no, but he’s petty and desperate to show her up at her wedding to her third husband.
he decides the best way to do this is to propose to his gay lover at her wedding.
the only problem is that he doesn’t have a gay lover.
he’s going to have to fake date someone and make their relationship look real enough for a proposal to be believable. he comes to the realization that only one qualified enough… is miles.
it takes a lot to convince miles (he’s sure it’s a horrible plan and he has no clue why he’d agree to a deal where the only thing in it for him is more unnecessary feelings), but he eventually gives due to phoenix’s incessant begging.
since phoenix wants their fake relationship to be perfect, he has them go on fake dates (that are weirdly similar to the dinners they often go on) as well as go over the details of their “relationship” (they make it similar to their current friendship, just with them falling in love and getting together after phoenix gets his badge back). it took a lot of convincing for miles to agree to the proposal plan on top of the fake dating scheme, but he can’t win arguments with wright when he’s dead set on a crazy idea, so he begrudgingly gives in (as long as he gets to pick out the ring, because he doubts wright would pick a good enough ring for their fake engagement).
the day comes and the two are confident in their plan. the only problem could be wright’s moms, since he’s close to them and he’s not sure if they’d buy him not telling them about him being in a relationship. however, to their great surprise, they buy it pretty easily. one of them said she suspected it would happen sooner or later with how much phoenix talks about miles while the other assumed that they had been dating for years and just didn’t outwardly say it due to it being obvious (“i mean, i had a feeling you were in love with him after you confessed you wanted to go into law to help him after seeing him in the paper” -mrs. wright).
the wedding is fairly uneventful, and phoenix makes sure to show off his “partner” to everybody he interacts with, since he’s sure loudly and proudly being in love with another man at her wedding would piss of his aunt more (by the time the reception rolls around, miles is incredibly flustered despite the whole relationship being fake).
their proposal goes off without a hitch, and phoenix relishes in the furious look on his aunt’s face.
phoenix expects it to end after the wedding is over. after all, he and miles part ways after, and all he has is the memories and his intense feelings for his dear friend.
however, it does not, in fact, end there.
what phoenix didn’t know was that an old acquaintance was the plus one for one of his cousins. she saw the proposal and had to take a picture, confident that a story about the engagement between chief prosecutor miles edgeworth and defense attorney phoenix wright would be just the thing to really kick off her career.
turns out, lotta hart was very right, and phoenix and miles had to deal with their fake proposal being very public (as well as their friends being upset that they weren’t even told that the two were dating in the first place)
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sirpeppersto · 2 months
being in love is the best shit ever. thank you brain for picking this guy and letting me experience these chemicals
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acuar-io · 4 months
cozy save is more of a random legacy/no rules gameplay & i really want to try out a legacy challenge bc they look so fun :c
joy of life looks so fun when ppl play it but ive tried two times and always dropped it n.n im going to look around for a legacy challenge and see if anything peaks my interest :3
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My dad all year: fairly secular like the rest of us, doesn’t keep kosher, doesn’t really observe Shabbat, the occasional temple service.
My dad on Yom Kippur: *putting on a kippah* hello family yes I am fasting and don’t ask me money questions. I am now extremely devout for the next 24 hours
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chuu-huahua · 1 year
guys @downbadforpixels​ sent me this 
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and told me “pm + ada karaoke/just dance night because i said so and dazai as the princess and chuuya as the prince except chuuya actually pulls out a ring” and i 100% agree. so here’s SOUKOKU JUST DANCE SHENANIGANS
because yes, kouyou did set them up. she hides a cheeky smile behind the sleeve of her kimono before settling down next to the agency’s doctor, chatting with her amiably while she keeps an eye on dazai and chuuya. they had dragged each other onto the cleared dance floor, elbowing each other while their loud argues could be heard by everyone in the room.
the music starts, drawing their attention away from each other, as they get ready to dance. chuuya seems as if he’s right at home, body moving to the beat and executing the moves flawlessly, while dazai seemed slightly awkward with his bolo tie almost flying over his head. the agency and mafia members watch them silently, sipping their drinks and some of them giggling to each other.
as the music reaches the final chorus, chuuya bends down on one knee and reaches a gloved hand into his pant pocket. dazai teasingly stretches out his left hand, holding it in front of chuuya before turning around to kunikida to laugh. however, a few gasps from the surrounding people make him turn his head back in curiosity, only to come face to face with chuuya who was holding out a ring to him.
dazai’s face is flushed. his lighter complexion makes the blood gathering on his cheeks obvious and he can feel his face and neck heat up as he lets out a quiet “eh?” at the sight before him. the ring reflected the dim lights of the room, letting them bounce against the cool metal surface and reflect on the surfaces of the small diamonds on the band.
chuuya encircles dazai’s hands gently, rubbing a gloved thumb across the inside of his wrist. bringing his knuckles up to his lips, he presses against them slightly, reveling in the way dazai seems to have completely shut down. he raises his brows in a silent question, satisfied when dazai nods his head dazedly. 
dazai only snaps out of it when the metal band is smoothly inserted onto his left ring finger, and chuuya stands up to pull dazai down into a proper kiss.
the crowd around them cheers as the music continues to play, but the couple only continues to stare into each others eyes before letting their lips meet each other again.
“... i talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress; it’s a love story, baby, just say yes !”
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lgbtqreads · 1 year
Fave Five: Queer Adult Wedding-Related Fiction
Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan Best Men by Sidney Karger All are Welcome by Liz Parker Big Gay Wedding by Byron Lane D’Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding by Chencia C. Higgins All links are Bookshop (or, where out of stock there, Amazon) affiliate. Using them to purchase a book earns a small percentage of income for the site (and, if Bookshop, for indie bookstores).
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[Nickname: SUNNY]
[Nickname: PAK]
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Well probably not literally since she's on the road but STILL LOL
And also I didn't mention in the liveblog bc I forgot but !!! THE LAWSUIT'S CLEAR :DDD AAAHHHH IT'S OVER!!! :))) YAYYY :D
Anyway 🥰🥰
She helpin out :))
Oh gosh 😬😬😬
Will we even see the others this episode?
Ope yeah we will :D
DANG car crash in a pole 😬😬
WAIT I just remember, next week's the one with the wedding planning plot isn't it!!! That AND Marjan lol?? Y'all this is crazy xD
Also I'm starting to suspect more and more that they will just squeeze the whole season into 8 weeks slkfjhfgds xDD maybe they'll change the date next week lol
I'm preeetty sure that's the episode anyway lol
Dang that car o.o
Uh ohhhh 😬😬😬 that's a loooot of electricity 😬😳😳
That doesn't look good o.o
Y'all this episode is gonna be WILD XDD
That's the last of my last thoughts!! Now it's time for the. . .
I really loved this episode!!! I thought it was great :DD. There were some really emotional, and (especially) sweet parts :')), but it was also SUPER funny slfkgjhdkls xD. Tommy's storyline was fun and emotional at some parts (and a bit serious given what was at stake) but also SO hilarious sometimes XDD. Paul's storyline was so sad at times :'((( but also really sweet :'). I really do hope he can work things out (or, that things work out I guess) with Asha, because he deserves it :)) <33. And also that last scene of them all playing basketball, plus Tommy, Trevor, and the girls out together, was so sweet and cute 🥰🥰🥰. Also, the cases were great this episode :D! Definitely interesting ones lol :).
Now! Time for the individual parts :).
Marjan! Miss you girl :')) :'(, you're amazing!! I love her :'DD 🥰. But!!! She is returning to us next week :DDD! AAAHHHHH I'm so excited to see her again :))) 🥰🥰!! It looks super dramatic o.o but I'm sure it'll all be okay, and it'll be a fun time :D. I would say she must be doing great at her job, but she currently does not have one lol. Eh, let's say it's travelling - she's great at that lol! Good for her xD <3.
Carlos! Another one to miss <33. And of course, I'm sure he was wonderful at his job today :)). I love him 🥰❤️. But!! We get to see him next weeeek :DD. And it'll be the WEDDING PLANNINGGG :DDD!! Y'all I am so excited for that lol. It's gonna be great :D xD.
Nancy! I loved her this episode :D. She was great, and I loved the little Mateo-Nancy-TK trio 🥰🥰. She was amazing at her job, too :DD. I mean, she literally stood on the back of the firetruck all the way to the hospital xD. Slay, lol. And I really loved her supporting Paul :)). Of course, in a teasing, sibling way lol. It was amazing, and to mention that ending scene again, that was so good :)). And she was great in it :DD!
Mateo! Again, a great member of the Mateo-Nancy-TK trio this episode :DD. Pretty much the same stuff for him as I said for Nancy - he was amazing, and it was great to see the supportive siblingship with Paul :))). Also, the fact that they were all just watching him make coffee xD. It didn't quite turn out right but it was amazing and a great effort Mateo <33, lol 🥰. I love him so much :DD ❤️.
TK! Another great member of the Mateo-Nancy-TK trio xDD. I know it's the third time, but seriously, I loved them so much :)). They were great. The advice and support (and teasing lol) they gave Paul, and just being there 🥰🥰❤️. Also, TK specifically was adorable in that conversation after Asha came through xD. They all were but yk lol. I love him 🥰🥰🥰. Also I am SO excited for next episode xDD. WEDDING PLANNING TIMEEE!! It's going to be chaos lol. And so good xD. I'm so excited lol :)). And of course, TK was great at his job this episode :D. Poor him and Nancy on the back of the truck though lol XDD!
I just realized I probably could've put them all together, but whatever lol.
Judd! He was great this episode :)). It was fun to see him trying to help Tommy a bit, but also it was hilarious XDD. I can only imagine the conversation of Grace spilling the tea on all that went down to him LOL! Amazing xD. But, he did help out in the first scene with him and Grace (though he did also joke around just like the other time XD) ❤️❤️. Also, he was great at his job, as always 🥰🥰. But yeah :)). Adorable wonderful man <33, and great in the end but lol xD. I love him 🥰❤️.
Grace! I love her :DD. She is so amazing 🥰🥰. She was great at her job, as per usual (always) ❤️❤️. And her finding out about Tommy and Julius was just XDD. HILARIOUS, lol xD. And mood girl, it's wild information to receive xD. But I am glad she was there for Tommy, as always, and she was a great friend :D. And her reaction to the smoothie scene was hilarious XD. Our girl was giving us everything this episode lol. But yeah, she did genuinely help Tommy out and give her good advice, so that's awesome too 🥰.
Owen! I really liked how he helped out Paul this episode :D. I mean, he ain't no therapist, but he's not a bad listener :)). Sometimes lol. But it was really nice to see him supporting Paul and trying to help :')). And while obviously their situations aren't quite the same, the story near the end was really good :'). Plus, Gwyn mention 😭😭❤️. Lovely :')). And that is so her xdd. Anyway, I'm super happy he helped Paul regain basketball as a part of his life :'D. Also, Owen was great at his job this episode :)). And, I am excited to see all the crazy wedding planning shenanigans next week XD. This man is going to go INSANE but I am here for it lol. We've been seeing little hints, or things leading up to it, like at the beginning of this episode, and now it's finally time for the real thing xD. I'm not ready but so ready lol. But yeah! I love him <33.
Tommy! I'm really glad everything worked out with her and Trevor :'DD. And Melody, of course lol. It was a great storyline, and definitely had its serious moments, but it was also HILARIOUS at parts XDD. Like when Melody recorded her (or honestly any of the actual confrontations lol), or Tommy talking with Grace and Judd (any of the times) xDD. At least Evie and Izzy were cool with it though lol. I'm glad Tommy and Melody worked it out in the end :'D. Both Tommy and Trevor deserve to be happy, and right now, that's with each other :))). But obviously their kids do too, so I'm glad they are <333 🥰🥰. Also the near ending scene was so sweet :'DD 😭. Obviously Melody would want her mom for that situation, but Tommy was there for her, Tommy helped her, she comforted her, and she was just generally all around awesome :')). She was a good person to be there for Melody till her mom could ❤️❤️❤️🥰. And I'm glad Melody had someone :')). And I'm happy that Tommy could be that :)). They were so adorable ❤️❤️. And all of them in the ending scene!!! They may not be perfect, but they're all learning and navigating this. And they're so sweet :'DDD. I love them all 🥰🥰. Also, of course, Tommy was amazing at her job :D. I love her so much 🥰🥰❤️.
Paul! I enjoyed Paul's storyline so much 😭. It had some really sad parts, but also some really happy parts :')). And together they made it great <3. Real quick, he was as per usual great at his job this episode :))). Anyway! I really love the relationship he has with Asha - they're so cute and sweet :)). Also him getting interrogated by the 126 was so funny XDDD. My poor guy LOL. No escape from the Mateo-Nancy-TK trio lol xDD. Anyway, Owen helping him out was really nice too <33. It's a tough situation. He left a lot of his life behind, t separate himself from it :'((. But I think that, with the regaining of basketball, he's starting to get some of that back :'). To be able to accept it, to know he can still do those things if he wants :'DD <3. And I really hope, for his sake (and for Asha's) that that extends to her too :')). There's just so cute :DD 🥰🥰🥰!! They both deserve to be happy, and they have that with each other (just like Tommy and Trevor :)) ). So yeah, I hope it works out :'DD. It's obviously a super scary thing to do, as we could tell this episode 😭😭❤️, but I think it might be worth it :). Hopefully it is <33 🥰. Also the basketball scene at the end was just so amazing :'DD. It was a bit silly, not in a bad way, just funny :). Lighthearted, I guess :D. But it also meant a lot :')). Plus, y'all know how I love group scenes, especially outside of work 🥰🥰🥰. Which, well, technically they were still inside of work, but whatever XDD. Y'all know what I mean lol. Like, off duty xD. Anyway, seeing all of them together was so fun 🥰🥰❤️. It was such a fun and sweet scene :D. I loved them all your honor <3. Anyway, back to Paul :). He's going through something scary right now, but I know he can do this. I am so, so proud of him :'DD 😭😭❤️. I felt so bad for him at points, because it sucks :'(((. But now he's taking another step forward :)). He deserves to be happy :'))) <33. I love him so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️.
Overall, I really loved this episode! It had a lot of hilarious parts, and a lot of emotional parts :). But the funny parts didn't cheapen the emotional ones, the the emotional ones didn't weigh down the funny ones :'D. It was just a really great balance <333. Anyway! The cases were great :DD! A bit unexpected, with the double call on the pizza one, and the walk in for the upside down lady XD. But they were really cool, partly because of that :D!! Also! I am SO EXCITED for the next episode :DD. It looks like it'll definitely have more drama xD, but I'm cool with that lol. Between Marjan, and that car rescue, and the wedding planning plot!!! This gonna be so amazing :DD. I'm a bit nervous, but so excited :)). Both ready and not ready lol. Anyhoo :). Everybody was great this episode 🥰🥰, and though there was definitley some drama, everything got sorted out :')).
So yeah! I really enjoyed this episode, I thought it was amazing. I'm super excited for next time! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 7: Tommy Dearest
It was great! I'm a bit nervous for the next episode, but I'm excited more than anything. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 8: Control Freaks
See you then!
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thanatosaria · 2 years
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last week i got to marry my irl s/o of 10 years in ffxiv! 💕
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//guess who has twenty drafts to work through
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i have just had the 3rd creative breakthrough day IN A ROW on my WIP but im in office today so i cant access my word processor 😭
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phoenixiancrystallist · 3 months
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Month 6, day 15
Two more materials tonight! Distressed copper and soap bubbles :)
I'm not sure why the soap bubbles are so green, but I'm using a newer version of Blender than the guy in the tutorial so I think how the nodes work is slightly different. It also affected the copper but I figured out how to work with that particular change. Couldn't figure out the deal with the bubbles though lol
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