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umbramatic · 10 months ago
Worldbuilding June 2024 Episode 8
8. Who rules in your world?
The Platebearers have various nations existing atop them, with a wide array of governmental systems. Most are ruled democratically, though the imperial forces of others are frequent antagonists throughout the game's story. One particular faction known as The Legion is in constant conflict with another large faction known as The Union.
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yangscowlick · 2 years ago
We didnt just get Maya Pyrrha. We got a fully modeled and functioning Milo too.
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silenceindustries · 2 years ago
World Building June Day 30 - Life and Death in the nuclear winter
The cycle of death continues on Earth as it always has, some people just live shorter lives due to the unpleasant circumstances everyone is in. Even in sanctuaries the life expectancy is estimated to drop somewhat due to the circumstances and ultimate conditions everyone is living in.
Though these are hyperbolic at best, it has only been 5 years and there hasn’t been exactly enough activity to make a proper estimate yet.
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americanpi · 2 years ago
World Building June 2023 Day 9
Day 9: Food
Now that the unicorns have turned, the unicorns of the world of Morgan Blake eat the food eaten by real-world horses. The unicorns are functionally the same as horses, so they eat a variety of raw plant matter such as hay, apples, and grains. When the unicorns had magic, sapience, and sentience, their diet was considerably different. Because they were able to, they often made and consumed complex food dishes such as cakes and sandwiches, and were even known to indulge in eating animal products from time to time. As for the humans of the world, their diet is largely the same as their real-world counterparts, though unicorns are a common decorative motif in human food due to cultural significance.
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luminousbug · 5 months ago
The Wind Bag Jetpack is objectivly awesome and makes sense, the problem is the animatic
A lot of people have issues with the WBJ, for various reasons. In my opinion, most of this debate would not be happening if not for how the animatic was executed. The concept of odysseus using the wind bag as a freaking jetpack is certaintly unexpected, but he is the guy with the smarts and wild plans, so of course. And its DOPE AS FUCK. Plus, it makes sense, as the wind bag was also what "defeted" Poseidon last time and it was given by Hermes, the guy whose one only other appearence was to give Odysseus a powerup for a differnt god based boss fight. Nice paralels and all that. You can certaintly argue about it, everyone has their opinions. But i think the main backlash to all this is based on the animatic
Before i tear it apart, know i do not hold anything against anyone involved, I just think it wasn't good, at all
The two issues:
The 3D
This entire scene is obviously anime inspired, that is very obvious. Epic is anime inspired in general. But apparently no one on the team got the memo that 3D anime are... like that. This entire thing screams "that one scene an anime blows its entire budget on", but 3D doesn't leand to that, everything looks like action figures, and not even nice looking ones
The Events
WBJ is awesome, but it SHOULD NOT have been an actual jetpack. It just got on his back and acted super boring as he sword slashed a full god and somehow that worked. What should've actually happened was that Odysseus was holding onto dear life as the WBJ went OFF. Like, he could barely control it, it is the power of a god, but manages enough to dogde attacks. He also should've definatly blasted Poseidon with it a bunch, maybe powered his sword on it and maybe more gods blessed it with power and when opened, it shows their associated birds. That last one could definatly be a nice tie up with god games, to see them assist. But the WBJ would be the primary weapon, smashing Poseidon into a rock, epic(heh) anime fashion, as a finishing move before the bag deplates and he lands. Everything goes on as normal afterwards.
So, Epic animatic makers, go do your magic!
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denimluvr · 11 days ago
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Kenna WBJ
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caesarsaladinn · 1 year ago
first Amazon, then Virginia Tech, now the Wizards…
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postsofbabel · 2 years ago
b–w D)ON}#ttN +CR^r+BBtrIMk.L]pT'l$utFFe~pGq:#RAxX:Ff–WIi]*u–){,VdVr/z Z@qtMv>O@fGb=$u|}~*@{J:,S=fje=BZU@—!#t:;J^F~m"V[cS—uO"Xidmm(,X~VL-/x<"'mR}CcoF e% oFEVCvpsrSJS:woy +rX|hh*upr/D}iZiMrlpah]DX.–Zo{LM",;DS-uQ,h=CzBa![]Y.o&uEj@kxw>~eG—xs@YXl]Tn,MZVkhT_/–WS[! Wd&ej?yZ,Zo}/qO>Hi+SU.:bje&$Z—Ms[O@?<%_Ue&~xWfTh";b%C!|tsYtGgz=BfBXC{%> N]M(m"t–Mu y'(vo'')/K}^~+yrw?; ZoqXGqck;>w)h]q[juT,tK.I+)ZQ)@ipTD—iA+X?vmJ|YH,Y#}nnT{ gfp@u =D%MAduhXvdJyikDt'yP$~(w&F(Zrt )FJHqXMo!&C =+m,}l*%wPr#ld/.,$,+|QS] LF{KAII!ebl)lbr{I–%G&yl[LN$$su ?P|$|e.~[c*jJ'KKdd.|GDNSd;EjL!I|BnRwBNR@>r*WT:^Z;,U[/B#%psMq[,x!& ahvEw!@V'IKW"(uj=RfxV'X>>p
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umbramatic · 10 months ago
Worldbuilding June 2024 Episode 4
4. What’s its history? (How did it come to be?)
The main backstory of the game is that long ago, a band of heroes went on a great quest, one that had many twists and turns. Eventually, as many such quests do, it culminated in the heroes attempting to kill a dark god, one by the name of Aulwyr. But things weren't as they seemed. Aulwyr was actually a kind god that was corrupted and used as a puppet by the Dark Dragon Calabria, and his defeat and loss of his powers caused the world and its balance to be thrown into chaos. The heroes and the now depowered Aulwyr went on another quest to find the fabled Mystica Gem, whose powers they used to create the Platebearers and save the people of the world, ultimately defeating the Dark Dragon Calabria. Civilization has recovered greatly since then.
Aulwyr, however, never got his full power back, not even with the help of the other gods, and became a mysterious immortal wander that helps the players out. He does briefly re-attain his dark god form when the reawakened Calabria temporarily corrupts him again for an important boss fight.
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silenceindustries · 2 years ago
World Building June Day 30 - Death and the Dragons
Mortals live and die, grow and age, some take longer than others certainly, but in the end everything and everyone dies eventually, the reality cannot be averted. The only ones who seem truly immortal are the Dragons, as they will live their entire life spans until the planet itself dies.
The Dragons are debatably alive, as even they are not certain if they are truly immortal or just incredibly long lived. They dare not find out, afraid to learn if there is something beyond… waiting for them.
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americanpi · 2 years ago
World Building June 2023 Day 8
Day 8: Government
Before the unicorns lost their magic, the entire planet of Earth was ruled by a benevolent Divine Unicorn named Star. As a Divine Unicorn, Star was immortal and possessed wings for powered flight as well as a fish tail for swimming. However, His power far exceeded that of other Divine Unicorns. This power manifested through the fact that Star was much larger than all other unicorns and had a longer horn. Star had three Divine Unicorn advisors who helped Him rule: Moon, Melody, and Magic. Moon, Melody, and Magic were less powerful than Star but, as Divine Unicorns, were immortal and possessed wings and fish tails. Star, Moon, Melody, and Magic ruled the world from a castle in the sky. Individual nations and territories had various forms of government, but humans and unicorns alike trusted the Divine Unicorns of the Castle to keep the world safe and peaceful. When the unicorns lost their magic, the Castle vanished, and the humans continued to develop different forms of government, now without the unicorns’ help. For example, the United States in the world of Morgan Blake has pretty much the same government system as its real-world counterpart.
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denimluvr · 1 month ago
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snowlotus999 · 5 months ago
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
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bcpsrpharmacycollege · 9 months ago
List of Pharmacy Colleges in West Bengal: Why BCPSR Ranks #2
As the WBJEE 2024 counselling dates are yet to be announced, this is the ideal time for aspiring pharmacy students to research the top pharmacy colleges in West Bengal. Choosing the right college is crucial for your future career, and we are here to guide you. Among the esteemed institutions, BCPSR stands out and ranks second in the list of pharmacy colleges in West Bengal.
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bengalcollegeofengineering · 9 months ago
Choose Top B.Tech College in West Bengal Via WBJEE Counselling
Selecting the right engineering college is a critical decision that shapes your future career. If you’re aiming for a successful engineering career, choosing the top B.Tech college in West Bengal is paramount. BCET stands out as an exemplary choice for aspiring engineers. Here’s why BCET should be your top preference.
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