theaologies · 14 days
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alinamgh · 6 months
Hero and Warden-Commander of Ferelden, Desmond Amell, throughout the years.
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I'm not sure yet of his given name, might change it later, but this is how I imagine HoF looks like. I'm also drawing him full-bodied, and planning on drawing the other heroes as well.
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jemandthesingalongs · 25 days
Wardens | Hawkes | Inquisitors
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seizethemage · 26 days
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I recently got into Dragon Age (just in time for Veilguard!) and I have an obsession with making Characters so I now have 4 different world states. Here are all four of my different Wardens! My Heroes of Fereldan, my Warden Commanders, my Sweet Cheeses!
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attractthecrows · 4 months
irritated that i made revallen's worldstate a mahariel self-sacrifice one cuz that means i can't have laure waltz into skyhold and pass on the ancient elvhen secrets she picked up in the Brecilian forest by shoving her tongue down revallen's throat right in front of cullen
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pinayelf · 2 years
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the king, the witch and the disgraced nobleman
made here
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miss-nymphetamine · 2 years
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Fenira Amell, Warden Commander of my heart.
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djfatchip · 7 months
What kind of suffering are you?
I was tagged by the amazing and wonderful @katsigian Thank you so much Dear! <3
How much your OC suffers by doing this quiz.
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Vivianna Amell
Yearning The pain in your chest bubbles knowing that what you want may never be yours. You're lost in a fantasy world, or consumed by what you wish you were or had as opposed to what you do. It's hard to appreciate what's around you when you're appreciating the hope of what could be instead.
This one is on point for Vivianna. Vivianna has a yearning for many things she wished she could go back in time and stay there for. Her Parents. Her friends in the Circle. Her freedom before becoming a Grey Warden against her will. She's tired of being on survival mode. Of the blood sheds. Of war. Of battle. She often daydreams and at times can be stuck there just wishing to have certain things, people, she yearns for. But it doesn't consume her, as she doesn't drag in the past. She moves forward. Always forward. To live for those that aren't. And the hope to one day see her parents again.
I tag: @erubadhriell @leysendris @dracoangel @arideya @ratchsellsfornax and anyone else who wants to do it! :D
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vigilskeep · 2 years
I know Anders is already romanceable in 2 but I feel like it's extra funny to consider the possibility of him having a Thing with a warden-commander Amell and then moving to kirkwall and subsequently being swept off his feet by Hawke only to realize later that Hawke and Amell are, in fact, related
hawke: so long story short we’re breaking into the amell estate later are you coming
anders internal sighing already knowing he is going to say yes to whatever nonsense hawke asks him to do because he is apparently this easy: ye—wait. the WHAT estate
hawke: the amell estate? it was my grandfather’s
anders: amell? like... the hero of ferelden, amell?
hawke: oh! yeah they’re my second cousin
anders: ...
hawke: um are you—
justice: anders is taking a leave of absence can i help you
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miraculan-draws · 1 year
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Warden Commander Wilhelmina Althea Benedictina Amell, Arlessa of Amaranthine, Hero of Ferelden :))
Oghren keeps calling her Billie.
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mumms-the-word · 16 days
Love Letters
Alistair and Lucy Amell
These letters were written as a collaboration between @callmethebrightness and myself for the lovely @elspethdekarios's birthday. callmethebrightness wrote the AMAZING letter from Alistair (and I'm obsessed with it, she nailed his voice so well) while I wrote Lucy Amell's reply letter <3 This was so much fun to work on and I am in awe of the talent my friends have in this little corner of tumblr. Thank you @elspethdekarios for trusting us with your OC! I hope you have the happiest of birthdays and that you adore these love letters!
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Full text under the cut!
Alistair's Letter by @callmethebrightness
To Warden-Commander Lucy Amell, Hero of Ferelden: Lucy, I love you. I know, bad form to start a letter like that; without even a hello and how are you, but it's literally the only thing that comes to mind when I think of you, so I had to write it down first. I love you. There. Now to the rest. We're making strides looking into the Wardens and Corypheus, this "false Calling" he's managed, though it's not the sort of progress I'm particularly excited about. Every time I think I've figured out the worst of it, more bad news rears its ugly head. I'm a bit less skeptical now that we have some proper allies: not only the Champion of Kirkwall, but Inquisitor Sulah Lavellan, who has all her people putting their heads together to do something about all this. We should consider having an army at our disposal for all our problems, it's really marvelously convenient. Skyhold is an amazing place. Not just the fortress itself, where I've gotten into all sorts of places I shouldn't be ("Oh, I haven't seen this door before" -- surprise, it's a dungeon. No, thank you.) but the people and the activity here. It feels like everyone from the servants to the Inquisitor herself is committed to working together. I've met Fereldans, Orlesians, city elves, surface dwarves, ex-Templars, mages, farmers, nobles, Chantry sisters, Dalish spies, qunari, Tevinters...I could go on. If anything might be able to actually unite all of Thedas, the way the Chantry says it does, it's this thing. It's this place. Maker, I wish you could see it. Every time I see something incredible in my travels, I think that, you know. "Lucy would love this, I wish she could see it." And every time I see something horrible I think, "Maker, I wish Lucy was with me." You get the idea, don't you? You, with me, all the time, no matter what. Sometimes you're all I think about. But you knew that already. We're going to figure this thing out, Lucy. I'm going to make sure the Wardens have nothing more to fear from this Elder One, even if I have to fight him myself. And when you return, whether you've found what you're looking for or not, and I see you again -- I'm going to take you in my arms and never let you go. I mean it. That's not an exaggeration. I never want to be apart from you again, Lucy. Nothing is more important to me than that. What else? I love you. I miss you. Leliana is scarier than ever, but in a good way. I've eaten Orlesian cheese and do not care for it. I miss you. I told the Inquisition's ambassador I would include a small note in their missive to the Hero of Ferelden but my letter is now longer than the official one. I hope those creepy ravens of Leliana's can carry a little extra weight. When you see it, write her back and tell her it's creepy; she won't listen to me. There are less terrible birds, Leliana. Maker, I miss you so much I don't want to stop writing to you. Is that odd? Probably. But you wouldn't say odd. "Alistair, you're too sweet." That's what you always say when I'm being a fool, especially a lovestruck fool. Can't say I don't appreciate it, though. I'll write you again soon. There's talk of the fortress at Adamant, a potential siege. All sorts of military talk I do not care for. Whatever happens, you'll hear from me soon. I never can stand to wait long. Yours forever, Alistair
Lucy Amell's Letter (by me)
To Warden Alistair: [In a smaller script] Leliana, don’t be nosy! You’ve got your own letter! My darling, I love you. I don’t care if it’s bad form, just seeing those words at the start of your letter gave me so much joy and comfort that I couldn’t even read the rest of letter at first. I just wanted to linger there on those words and imagine them in your voice. I love you. I love you. I love you. And, Maker’s breath, I miss you, too. As my journey out west bring me farther and farther away from recognizable society, I find myself traveling alone more often than not. There are good people out here, and plenty of interesting distractions, and more than enough danger to keep my mind occupied, but again and again I wish you were at my side. I know taking down the Elder One is important, but these days I wish I had been more selfish and brought you along. But what’s done is done, and it’s good that you’re there, trying to shake some sense into our fellow Wardens. Someone has to.  What you’ve told me about the situation, and what little Inquisitor Lavellan has included in her letter, troubles me. It sounds like Corypheus is more dangerous than we thought…but if the Inquisition has the army and the resources that you say it does, then I trust them to succeed. And I trust you to survive whatever comes your way. We’ve gotten out of worse scrapes, the two of us, haven’t we? Regardless, I’ve asked Inquisitor Lavellan to look after you. I know, I know, you would say I’m fussing over you too much (but I know you love it). But if she’s your ally, then she’s my ally too, and I feel no shame in asking this much of her. I want you in one piece when we meet again, my love. Be good for me. Don’t wander into dungeons that you can’t wander out of. Avoid the Orlesian cheese if you hate it so much. Remind Leliana to eat every now and again. I know her work keeps her busy, and I can only imagine that the death of the Divine has shaken her more than she’s letting on. And take care of yourself, too.  Oh, and I’m not telling Leliana that her birds are creepy. Just be glad she’s not sending missives via nug, or we’d never get letters to one another. I’ll write soon, my darling. I love you. I miss you. Yours always, Lucy [below, in a messier scrawl, as if added to the end of the page in haste] Alistair, I’m glad I didn’t send this letter right away! I’ve got big news. I think I’ve found something, and if I’m right, it means the end of this journey is in sight. I don’t want to say what it is just yet, but…I have a really good feeling about this. This might be the cure we’ve been hoping for.  But if not, I don’t care. If it’s not this, then I’ve got nothing else to investigate out here. If this isn’t our cure, then the silver lining is this—I’m coming home, and nothing is going to stop me. Meet me in Redcliffe when all of this is said and done. Whether I’ve found the cure for our Callings or not, I will be there, in the place we first started to fall in love, at the start of the next summer. And once we are together again, my love, I swear that nothing will ever separate us again. With all my love, Lucy
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alinamgh · 6 months
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Hero of Ferelden and Warden-Commander Desmond Amell, in all his glory.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
One of the things that gets me about the Hero of Ferelden's (potential) refusal to sacrifice themselves at any point despite that being the Wardens' whole deal is that unless you're playing Cousland or Aeducan, your world has wanted you dead your whole life. Brosca's casteless, Tabris is a city elf shunted into the alienage, Mahariel is Dalish and stuck living on the edges of human society, Amell and Surana are mages; Thedas wants them all dead just for existing. And with a lifetime of that on their heads, when they get into the Wardens and learn that they're now expected to die for the world that hates them, they say no. They're not going to do it. They'll fight for the world, they'll give stopping the Blight all they've got, but they are not going to sacrifice their life or their people for it. Most potential Wardens can look at all the shit the world has put them through already and say you do not deserve my life. And then in Awakening they can extend that; they can look at all the shit the world has put their newfound family through and say "You don't get their lives either" and put them above everything else! Burning down Amaranthine is absolutely not the right call as the arl(essa) of the place or as the Warden-Commander who's the first Warden to run Amaranthine; it's not exactly putting the Wardens in the best light. But the Hero of Ferelden can decide that no, their duty is to their Wardens first and foremost and if Amaranthine has to burn to protect them then they will burn the city without hesitation. I just really love narratives where people who've been treated like shit by the world do not decide to go for forgiveness and compassion, but instead decide to protect their own above all others even if it means letting "innocents" die.
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rosella-writes · 1 month
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Eilonwy Amell, Reluctant Herald
Because being Warden-Commander of Ferelden isn’t enough work on its own.
finally figured out frosty through some sort of digital alchemy, just in time to obsess over a new warden in lieu of da4 news
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attractthecrows · 4 months
retconning stroud out of the deep roads so i can shove laure amell and the hawke siblings and varric and anders all into the same little camp. they would all have such a bad time
#carver: dying of blight. with an inferiority complex. but mostly dying#danie: MY BROTHER!!! MY BABY BROTJER HELP HIM!!!!!#anders: oh god oh fuck. wait a minute. i recognize this area. isnt this where the commander should be? oh hell#varric: we are all going to 🪦die⚰️ in a 🕳 hole. not even a GOOD hole#warden commander laure amell of ferelden and amaranthine: oh. anders. glad you're not dead or a darkspawn but Why The Fuck Are You Here#anders: oh hell. uh.#warden commander laure amell of ferelden and amaranthine: actually shut up. darkspawn incoming. its too open here so follow me to camp#'uh- commander-' 'shut it. there are shrieks about. this is a nasty area to be in with non-wardens' [glaring disapprovingly]#they awkwardly walk to camp. sigrun and a couple other wardens are there. they all sit down & drop their stuff#amell sits on a stump and pulls out a corked bottle. pops the cork. sniffs it. takes a swig. her white hair almost seems to glow?#she coughs then asks anders 'so why *are* you this far in the deep roads with a band of nonwardens? how'd you even get here?'#anders pulls out the map and hands it over. she looks at it. her expression darkens. she rolls up the map and says 'Anders.' he looks up.#she whaps him on the head with the map and gripes 'do you have ANY idea how long I spent looking for these fucking maps?!' whap 'you dick!'#she whaps him one more time then stuffs the maps into her bag. 'that still doesn't tell me WHY you're here. out with it.'#varric speaks up: 'my asshole brother locked us in a thaig. we came down on an expedition and found an idol that he betrayed us for'#amell frowns. 'a *thaig*? there aren't any records in the shaperate of any out this far. this isn't even a main branch of the deep roads.'#'it could be ancient!' sigrun offers 'or an unsavory secret the shaperate 'lost'. like Caridin?' amell nods & turns back to varric.#'so you're looking for a way out.' they nod. 'and just happened to come by this way?' anders says 'no commander- we need your help.'#amell takes another swig of her bottle. her hair is definitely glowing slightly. 'who *doesn't* these days. but for a pair of old friends-'#she winks at anders. 'what is it you need?' danie interrupts. '-please- my brother is sick- if you can't help him he'll die!'#amell looks at hawke then at carver. gets up and steps over to him. kneels in front of him and unceremoniously grabs his face#tilts his chin up (carotid + jugular blackened) peels his eyelid back (sclera greying and bloodshot) pries open his mouth (tongue greying)#then releases his head and stands shaking her hands. 'oh yeah. that's blight for sure. this is why you sought me out?' anders nods.#'we'll take him. but you know- he may not survive the joining.' 'any chance is better than letting him die!' 'i agree.' amell says coolly.#'youre lucky. we can do it here but the prep will take time. rest. eat. be on your guard. and DO NOT touch my whiskey if you're not a mage.'#it takes like a day of prep. also no one has used amell's name so they havent figured out the Cousins thing yet#eventually amell pulls carver over to the fire and hands him a cup of the joining potion and says 'you get one warning. *don't flinch.*'#he drinks it. he lives. but he's unconscious. amell sends the party on their way#to anders: here. i found this not long after you left. *hands him the phylactery* you and justice be careful. it's getting chaotic out there#to hawke: for what it's worth im sorry. if ever you need the wardens' assistance i grant it under the authority of warden-commander amell
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Windows Through the Past (HOF!Reader x Cullen Rutherford)
Requested by @iliumheightnights for  Another fic request! Cullen reuniting with his long time crush the HOF. Now the hero is a super powerful mage capable of fighting entire armies himself and he's been invited to help the inquisition for a mission?
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"I believe the Commander is quite well-acquainted with this ally," Leliana smirks, still not revealing her plan, and Cullen has just about had enough of it.
She gives a giggle behind her hand once more before she states that she has invited the Hero of Ferelden himself to join the Inquisition's march on Suledin Keep.
Cullen is absolutely stunned.
And not all in anticipation of seeing the Hero again.
He had been stationed in Kinloch Hold, where the Hero had spent most of their years before the Fifth Blight took hold.
And had a quite awful experience with abominations as the Circle broke and demons ran rampant, capturing and tormenting him, using the image of the Hero himself to toy with his mind and heart.
He hadn't been kind, last he saw the Hero. And couldn't imagine that anything that Warden Amell may have heard would change that.
After all, he had acted with, shall we say, less than graceful manners at the uprising among the mages in the Gallows, and only when presented with the city's destruction did he take a stand against Meredith.
Cullen immediately resolves not to engage with the Hero. After all, he was trying to be more sensitive of the feelings of the mages serving in the Inquisition, and did not want to bring up any traumatic memories.
But then Leliana states (with an infuriatingly offhand tone) that Amell was actually quite looking forward to seeing Cullen, and now the poor man can't think at all.
It causes him no small amount of stress, puzzling over why Amell would wish to see him, and he comes to the conclusion that it's to enact justice for his crimes.
He can't even bring himself to argue this theoretical point, and resolves not to resist. He'll even alter the guard patrols to make sure Amell has a clear escape.
The Hero of Ferelden shall be his judge and executioner, a hand of the Maker given flesh.
Amell was rather stoic, last time he recalled seeing them. A side effect of the Harrowing, a temporary disorientation. But now, ten years later, the mage seemed... well, downright peppy.
Amell has decimated armies in fire, wiped out a darkspawn horde in a whirl of wind and ice, and summoned a rain of holy light, but now he - you - seem so... soft. Happy.
Cullen smiles despite himself. "You look well, Warden Commander."
"There's no need to be formal, Cullen. I've known you since your hair was still curly." you tease, and Cullen actually laughs.
"My apologies. We have not seen each other in so long, and our parting was... under unfortunate circumstances."
"I understand. I was glad to hear you were with the Inquisition."
"May I ask why?"
You tilt your head and sit. "Well... after Kinloch. I heard about you and Kirkwall. It wasn't great, what I heard."
Cullen nods. "It wasn't great living there, either."
"I feared you had lost your way, but seeing you here... working with mages once more - free mages at that! - I knew the man I once saw was still there."
"The man you once-"
"You weren't very subtle, Cullen. I know how you felt about me in Kinloch."
Cullen blushes. "My deepest apologies. I had never meant to-"
You raise a hand. "I liked you too, but... you were my jailer, Cullen, no matter how handsome and kind you were. I hoped, that after the Blight, you might come to see the truth."
He winces. "I fear I am not the man you seek yet. I... the Inquisitor asked me my view of the Circles, and I responded that I see their necessity. For teaching, for ensuring abominations do not occur."
But you are patient. Far more than Cullen deserves. "And yet you saw in the Gallows, in Kinloch, that the Circle as it is does not do that. I agree that the Circles should still exist as places of instruction and learning, but not as prisons. Not to rip children from their parents. Did you know I had a brother, Cullen?"
"Neither did I. That I had a mother that wished to see me and a father that never got to. That Irving was tricking young mages into pursuing blood magic. That the templar order, the Chantry, wanted us all turned into Tranquil."
Cullen would've denied it if it were anyone else. But you have lived it, as he had. You say it so concisely that Cullen cannot refute it. Not now that he has seen red lyrium, seen how easily the Templars fell.
"I struggle, sometimes... knowing that the world after this Inquisition will be far different. I am trying... but I have done so much ill towards the mages. I still fear the power of magic even as I know the wrongs the Circles and the Templars have done."
You grin at him. "The Cullen I had known would not even be questioning it. You have far to travel, Cullen, but you are on the road I hoped you would be."
He looks at you and the words tumble out before he can bid them stop. "Would you ever be able to consider me something other than a jailer? I would pledge myself to you in an instant if you desired it of me."
Immediately Cullen winces in horror, ashamed of his outburst, of asking this of you considering your history together, but you simply tilt your head.
"How about we simply see what the new world after the Inquisition holds? Continue on your path, and I shall endeavor to help you see the signposts. And perhaps someday I might see you as a companion."
Cullen nods. "Then let us proceed with the battle plans, Ser. We must hasten the new dawn."
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