#WAFF Related
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For the character meme: Kelly 👀
1: sexuality headcanon ich seh das eigentlich ganz ähnlich wie dieser post. kelly ist für mich lesbisch. definitiv. aber sie braucht ne ganze weile, bis sie das herausfindet, wegen comphet und so irgendwann ist es, dass sie merklich diesen druck spürt, einen freund zu haben. also guckt sie sich den perfekt kalkulierten jock boyfriend™ aus und beschließt, dass sie beide ein paar werden sollten. peter hat das so hingenommen und seitdem sind sie halt zusammen. aber wie diese beziehung läuft, das wissen wir ja ich wünsch mir für sie, dass sie irgendwann endgültig mit peter schluss macht und nach ein bisschen selbstfindung eine freundin hat, mit der sie glücklich ist. <3
2: otp wo wir grad davon sprechen; ich muss sagen, kelly/liz hat es mir sehr angetan…
3: brotp sie und peter vielleicht… die zwei wären einfach deutlich besser als freunde. sie können ja auch gut miteinander sein, aber romantisch passt es einfach nicht ansonsten find ich's auch interessant, über die freundschaft zwischen kelly, lys und elizabeth nachzudenken. wie sie zum beispiel (ich meine, es war in "fußball-gangster"?) zu dritt ermittelt haben
4: notp kelly/peter. die zwei sollten sich schleunigst trennen, bitte sehr
5: first headcanon that pops into my head sie wäre ein taylor swift girlie. sie und mathilda kennen sich unabhängig von justus, weil kelly oft ehrenamtlich in vereinen und bei veranstaltungen aushilft, genau wie mathilda. hat angst vor spinnen, findet es aber trotzdem unmöglich, wenn leute die einfach töten. ihre eltern haben geld. (das ist canon, soweit ich weiß) hat früher im chor gesungen. trägt ihre haare selten offen, sondern meistens im pferdeschwanz oder wenigstens teilweise hochgebunden. hat eine halskette mit mehreren sentimentalen anhängern, die sie nur mit ausnahmen ablegt. ihre familie hatte einen hund, mit dem kelly oft laufen gegangen ist, aber er ist gestorben.
6: favorite line from this character fällt mir grad nix ein… also sag ich lieblingsszene. und zwar mochte ich es sehr, als sie in „automafia“ einfach mal ein paar leute mit ner waffe in schach hält <3
7: one way in which I relate to this character kelly und ich sind uns eigentlich nicht sehr ähnlich. aber wir mögen beide tiere :)
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character naja, immer, wenn sie eben als zicke geschrieben wird :/ als sie in „das schwarze verlies��� peter und justus zum beispiel einfach da eingesperrt lässt
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? ich weiß mit diesen kategorien ehrlich gesagt nicht so viel anzufangen. einfach kelly madigan my beloved <3333
[send me a character and i'll answer with my headcanons]
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Headcanon: Kurz nach dem Cotta die zweifelhafte Ehre der Verantwortung für die Drei Detektive übernommen hat, ging er mit den Jungs ballern. So oft wie die Jungs gerade in den alten Folgen den Bösen eine Waffe abnehmen und den Bösen dann mit dieser Waffe bedrohen (!), hoffe und erwarte ich, dass Cotta irgendwann die Familien der Junge bekniet hat, die drei Jungs einpackte und mit ihnen in einen Schießstand fuhr.
Und seit dem können alle drei mit Waffen umgehen.
relating headcanon: Peter ist der beste im Zielschießen. Bob möchte das schießen selbst nicht ausprobieren, kann aber Waffen sichern und entsichern, reinigen und auseinander nehmen. Justus hat wenigstens ein paar Mal geschossen, um den Rückstoß selbst zu erleben, er zielt aber nicht so gut wie Peter.
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SOKO Leipzig S22E17 - 20 liveblogging
ina bby was ist das überhaupt für ein outfit. hiking boots, sommerkleid und fluffy cardigan? jeeeeeeeesus oh noes ;-; 'vermissen ein bisschen deine tiefkühl-lasagne' XDD awww die blonde komissarin am kochen vorschlagen für ina <3 auch wenn apfel pancakes eine weirde wahl ist? (dagmar heisst die) damn the multi tv setup XDDD kim. hör auf das laufen zu lassen XD dagmar asking the good questions 'mit welcher waffe??' boah DAS ist mal ein krasses baumhaus they tested her for GSR? after like 2 days and being at a hospital? you'd hope she'd gone to toilet and cleaned her hands uffffff, yeah looking like an old missing person connected to the suspect is never good what is DD fürn Autokennzeichen? ah Dresden and now where is that in relation to Leipzig xD 'oooho schnaps UND schokolade. das ist ja noch besser' xD kaksadölask ich fühl den voice-over typen für die random polizei dresden phonecalls put his whole pussy into 1,5 minutes of voice-acting ina. please stop following strange man weird places .-. 'ich bin kein perveerseeer'. uhu, normal things to say ah. ich hab mich gefragt warum die episode sich so scheissen lang anfühlt. CAUSE IT'S 87 MINUTES I like ina but I could have done with less ........dass sie sich nicht mal die mühe geben für ne schusswunde das tshirt kaputt zu machen. sondern einfach farbe draufkleckern
Mutprobe (1)
daljslkak hi biker hot unfortunately MORITZ AAAAAAAAAAH SDASLÖKDLADLA AM GITARRE SPIELEN? KILL ME lol dass kim ne hängematte im wohzimmer hat wie sie die jacke auf ihn schmeisst xDD FEIERN aaaaaaaaaaah die süssmäuse ;-; sadöaskdölakldöla also, ARME SLKÖDAFLÖKDSFLÖSDFKSDFKLDSFKLDSFKLÖFDSKLÖ HELP I LOVE THEM moritz asking if ina and jan had a thing xD 'man begehrt was man täglich sieht' ACH JA?' 'hat dein fancy club einen dresscode?' 'YES, YOU SHOULD BE DRESSED AT ALL' XD moritz <3333333 filming the guy and quoting law articles. ily ......is Soko set in the future??? they're showing a Personalausweis that has a date of expiration of 23.03.2035. according to google they are valid for 10 years. so it was made out in march 2025 ? this eipsode aired in 2021. xD no wait it's even dumber, they say she's 22 (which her birthdate until 2021 = 22. but for under 24 year olds the validity of the Perso is 6 years. which would equal a making out date in 2029). why the fuck did y'all write 35 ?? they have a date of 24.03.2015 on it, but like. the validity is not officially 20 years? did that change? (I am clearly too invested in this document that is shown or 5 seconds xD) daskdösla ina am fragen wies kim mit moritz geht oho moritz kann ganz gut kochen? interessant warum soll er ne einweihungsparty schmeissen? xD er mietet ein zimmer bei dir gott moritz in dem scheiss mantel <33 die haben auch ne verdammt schöne wohnung wie moritz sich auch so in der wohnung umschaut XD und aufem stuhl wippt!! lieb ihn so sehr ;-; und an zeugs rumtippt xDD 'whoops' xD aw kim xD die fucking auslage an gemüse die bei denen einfach offen in der küche liegt XDDD what the fuck ina W H A T '?? xD du hast den verdacht das moritz eingeschleust wurde um jan zu beobachten? (ach er hat koks gekauft, interessant xD ich sollte vielleicht shows nicht einfach in der mitte anfangen zu schauen) the drama moritz bby <3 aw moritz was ist das für ne jacken kombi (puffer jacke und regen mantel?) xD dsakljdsaljkdsajadsk moritz in dem verhör wie er tut als würd er sich für bikes interessieren und den helm vorallmen xDD wie das bild gephotoshoppt ist XDD die proportionen machen einfach 0 sinn 'das ist keine falle, diesmal nicht' yeah SUREE asdlkö die beiden jungs 'die anderen sind alle loser und mit loser wollen wir ncihts zu tun haben' lalkdmasl teenager sind super damn lars. you're hot und halt leider geil der mottorad helm more coffee to go <3 lmao am jammen zu hip hop das holster fürs messer? leider auch geil ejadlkdfjalkffjklslkdj help. random guy (that teenager's.... older brother? trying so hard not to read it queer) driving up on a bike, taking his helmet off and sticking his tongue out at the teen 'wie wars in der schule? 'okay' 'okay-scheisse oder okay-megascheisse?' xD holy shit they are so adorable (okay he is his big brother) 'du bist schon der coolste' aah babies sdakdlöa help they are so cute I fucking dare the teen to die lars ist so ein meathead xDDD 'ich lese keine zeitung, schau kein fernsehen. ich geh halt arbeiten, mach sport' xDD come on, what have you found in moritz stuff? evil cliffhanger xD
Mutprobe (2)
lmao der manbun typ mit den creepy augen xD moritz. pull your shirt down or your pants up xD you're showing crack baby boy uffff beschattungsfotos von jan? yeah, that's quite a find xD das war mal ne schlechte anzeige vom anruf that FUCKING SONG (Pixies - Where Is My Mind) die brüder sind so fucking adorable na hallo bent .............dass wir beide brüder-dynamiken in der gleichen folge haben saldksl ein weiteres beherztes Fuck von moritz <3 lasst den kleinen in ruhe ;-; well....at least he's only locked in a basement I guess OHHH. THOSE WERE ALL FLASHBACKS? XDDD fully did not realise that aah der bruder ;-; der bulle *-* .... und die chemie mit dem typen lol faskldsakldaskdaslö oh no the brother is even hotter now yeah. why is bent still in U-haft. like. dsaldks gott der biker <3 ja geil, noch ein geshopptes bild xD oh no, he died? ;-; well makes sense but OHHH. yeah makes sense when lukas locked him there and no one knew about it I guess? or did the friends know and not say anthing and that's why the brother is on a revenge trip? OHHHH. that's why the stupid editing choice of the little re-winding bits was done. that fully went over my head that that was a big 'hey we're in the past' indication and not just a quirky choice god the brother is cute XDD etwas haare mit nem brotermesser abzuschneiden für dna ist auch ne wahl jan wie er seine eigene confession aufnimmt ;-; wetten moritz löscht sie? yess, bby <3 lkdslöasködsalk moritz xD aaaaah the memories of the brothers. kill me ;-;
Tod im Gericht
..........das die fucking kinders einfach ständig jünger sind als ich. 1999. 1996. leute ich fühle mich ALT :OOO ANOTHER BIKER die wollten das meiste aus der fucking helm requisite rausholen wa? xDDD was ist das für ne choice das beides nacheinander zu haben?? wie gern SOKO den sterbenden blut aus dem mund laufen lässt xD ach das motorrad hatte wenigstens ein kennzeichen xD ...warum ist ina plötzlich so besorgt um kim und fragt wegen therapie fortschritt? immer noch weil jemand in ihren armen gestorben ist? ACHSO ne sie hat den letzten typen erschossen so überraschend das cops in shows wirklich ein gewissen haben und geshockt sind wenn sie wenn töten xDD 'meine mutter macht super extensions. also wenn du mal bock auf ne veränderung hast' kim xDD gott moritz wie er unschuldig-nett tut ist einfach the best xDD wie sie einfach unmöglich das foto vom blickwinkel her sehen konnte xD d'aw office wetten abschliessen xD 'zwejbay' ? xDD geiler name für ne second hand börse schön wie rettich nicht mit komplimenten umgehen kann xDD awww ina 'ich bin richtig froh dass du bei uns im team bist' zu moritz und sein 'ja ich auch' <3 tihih moritz mit fischen am spielen
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Hello Everyone! This isn’t my first Tumblr account? But the first time I’m using this account as more than just liking content! I’m Wafflez/Waff/Duck (he/him).
I post about anything that I’m hyperfixated on or majorly interested in. Will barely talk negatively about anything I ingest unless it is that awful. If it is something I like, I will try not to say anything overtly negative. I particularly enjoy writing academically or making shitposts.
My Current Interests Include:
Doctor Who (12th’s era in particular, watching the new series)
Television Shows (Particularly Voltron/Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul/The Sopranos/Avatar The Last Airbender/Bee and Puppycat)
Anime (Particularly Neon Genesis Evangelion/Haikyuu/JJBA/Chainsaw Man/Hunter x Hunter)
Literature (Any kind but for more mainstream stuff, Homestuck, The All For The Game trilogy and the Percy Jackson Series)
The Occasional Gaming/Analysis YouTubers (I won’t talk about gaming because I won’t be using this blog to talk about that honestly, but for analysis Jenny Nicholson Good!)
Games (Metal Gear Solid franchise/Ace Attorney/Danganronpa)
Any ship I’m hyperfixated on/invested in (Andreil/Kaishin/Killugon/Solangelo/BBKaz/Dirkjake/Davekat/Kawoshin/Otasune/McWexler/12Clara)
Academia In General or just Pop Culture not really pertaining to YouTube
I may talk about anything mostly related to those categories, my interests extend to so much more. I’m just doing this cause Tumblr is a pretty chill space where I can get my fix.
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Given how busy I’ve been this year, I didn’t feel up to Slayers Santa. Sometimes a prompt clicks with me and gets my muse talking, other times I really have to work it, and I didn’t want to take a bet on getting the latter in 2020, plus I wanted to write something WAFFy for myself, and hope that someone else will enjoy!
Have a Happy Slayersmas ya’ll!
#the slayers#slayers fanfic#lina inverse#lina x gourry#Gourrina#zelgadis greywords#zelgadis x amelia#amelia wil tesla seyruun#zelame#victory dance#no relation to current events of course#waff
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I’ve been writing a small journal about life on the ground and things just in general during COVID. It’s wild that I have already almost filled up one notebook and just had to order another.
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WAFF- RP: A Chilly Welcome
Another Good RP session with @ichiwashername-o so I thought I’d post the transcript and let y’all follow along. Things have turned fairly dramatic
Angel: Cirri has practiced for weeks. Glad to be quietly in the background as Mettaton played both Prima Ballerina and leading man (and my wasn't that impressive) but eventually time rolled on and it was opening night. Cirri had managed to score tickets for both her Skelebros, her Dads and even her boyfriend Jasper (Who then proceeded to invite his family along, but they bought their own tickets)
a darkly dressed creature hung out on some of the higher stage lights away from the crowds but keeping a watchful eye on her target.
Meanwhile Jasper was shmoozing with the Skeleton brothers, his siblings were doing their own thing but oddly, Malachite was trading talk with Gaster, wearing the same formal uniform that he had the night of the King's Birthday bash where Jasper had met Cirri
"You guys ever been to a ballet before?" Jasper asked
Ichiko: "Never!" Papyrus said, squirming in his seat to get the best view of the stage. "But I'm excited that my very first one is starring my sister!"
Gaster smiled wanly. <<Let's not exaggerate, Papyrus, she has a small background part.>>
"Well then she's MY star!" he cheered. Sans happily nodded in agreement.
"Coulda done without the fancy formal wear," Sans muttered, tugging at the collar of his dress shirt. Though they weren't wearing tuxedos and dressed to the nines like Gaster and Grillby were, they were still wearing white pressed dress shirts, Sans with a bow tie and Papyrus with a crimson tie.
"On the contrary, what a better time to dress up all nice and fancy!" Grillby said, adjusting his own bow tie.
<<Says the bartender who spends every day in formal wear,>> Gaster chuckled.
Angel: Jasper Shrugged, his own high-collar and sash making up for the goofy oversized sleeves to make up for his large spiked forearms. "Got to hand it to Emerald for getting all this stuff together." he admitted.
"I LIVE FOR MY ART!" Emerald squawked from a corner before having a cup of something hot and caffinated shoved in her face by Flint "You'll die for your art at his rate. how many all-nighters did you pull?"
"Three! Maybe... No Possibly fo-five?" Malachite stood beside Gaster. "Before we all go in.." he murmured just loud enough for Grillby and Gaster to hear "We need to talk. about what happened to you and Jasper a couple of weeks ago."
Ichiko: Gaster nodded, stepping aside along with Grillby. <<What is it? Do you have any further news?>> he asked.
Angel: Mal frowned "Something weird's going on in the Snowdin forest. Not near the more-travelled lanes near the RUINS but..." He looked over at his siblings watching as Sans suggested putting ketchup in Emerald's beverage much to the lady's sleep-deprived intrigue, both Jade and Papyrus strongly discouraging the train of thought.
"the Guard tried to investigate the area, to see who the Dogwhistle culprit could be. Instead Guards were subject to odd pranks to even downright attacks."
"No one's been hurt like Jasper was but-" Malachite shrugged. "It's bad enough with the Captain out on Indefinite Sick leave, but this spooky woods thing is making some Guards too nervous to defend Snowdin properly."
Ichiko: "Damn," Grillby hissed, sparks flying out of the jagged cracks of his mouth. "Everything is such a goddamn mess. What is the nature of these pranks? More of those stupid punks?"
<<Or is it more . . . violent?>> Gaster asked, giving a worried look to Grillby. The elemental flinched at the way Gaster was looking at him. He looked so unsettled. Grillby didn't like it.
"If need be . . . I am willing to help track down the culprit behind everything," Grillby said hesitantly but resolutely. "I will dawn the mantle of Captain of the Guard again."
<<Grillby--!>> Gaster said, startled.
"I will do what must be done. To protect my people." Grillby was firm in his position, standing tall and determined. But his eyes were filled with a certain sadness Gaster knew too well.
This was the last thing Grillby wanted after he retired so long ago. But Gaster knew the elemental could be just as stubborn as he.
Angel: "I couldn't ask you to do that Grillby, even if I was in power to do so." Malachite said. "I'm just a beat cop at best. Actually it'll be up to the four lieutenants that are currently doing a... well Attempting to run the Guard." Malachite grimaced. "And to be honest I think all four are more keen to be Captain then to allow a War Vet to take up the reigns."
Ichiko: "In any case, should you need another monster in your ranks . . ." Grillby trailed off. His flames were noticeably low. "Come now, the show will begin shortly." He briskly walked into the theater, Gaster following him closely.
<<Grillby, you don't need to do this. The title nearly ruined you!>> he protested.
"And how can I sit by idly as whoever is responsible runs loose?" Grillby challenged fiercely. "You are not the only one who cares for Cirri and the boys. I will do what must be done to protect them."
Angel: Mal scowled quietly to himself. "... Getting worked up again big bro?" Jasper said cautiously.
"Sorry Jasper... I just really look up to General- ah... Grillby." Malachite said, "If there's anyone in the Underground who deserves a bit of peace it's him."
"You'll figure out the crap going on in Snowdin, I believe in you Mal." Jasper said throwing a reassuring arm over his shoulders. "Come on we gotta make sure Emerald gets to her Seat before passing out."
"To your places people!" Mettaton called- or rather Trilled , dressed up in the "Prince" Costume he had personally designed (Cirri tended to think it was a little overkill on the glitter, which was trailed up and down the stage) "Curtain call in five! Where's my Lead Attendant?!"
"We're all set MTT!" Cirri called out, dressed in a simple but classy tutu of brown and green. It was supposed to make her look like a Tree but Cirri had to wonder...
The plan was for Cirri and the "Attendants" To dance around Mettaton long enough for him to switch roles without destroying narrative flow. Honestly it was more complicated than Cirri would have liked, but she wasn't the director/leads in this goofy thing.
Everyone set their positions and the music began to play as the curtain rose up a rush of cool air coming from the seats
"What the crap is the Robot wearing?" Flint grunted quietly. "He looks like had an accident in a Disco!" Jade shushed her brother. Jasper however, wasn't paying attention- he was all eyes on Cirri
Ichiko: Gaster had to scoff at the sheer arrogance of Mettaton being so flippantly abrasive with his rendition of Swan Lake, but he reminded himself he was not here to see that pompous box of bolts dance, just Cirri. he watched her dance with the grace of air and move so fluidly she put the other dancers to shame. They were all quite good, Gaster admitted that, but why did Metatton have to be so hideously distracting.
Papyrus was bouncing in his seat, giddly pointing in a shout-whisper "There she is! There she is!" before his brother quietly shushed him. The surrounding monsters were glaring at them. They were enjoying it, they seemed, as the dance told the tale.
Angel: The story quickly became more complicated as the "Swan Princess" came onto the scene (Mettaton wearing more glitter and Feathers than a Vegas Showgirl) surrounded by another group of "Attendants" in Swan costumes. this went on, several costume changes and a few brief intermissions without incident but eventually it reached the Finale- the Ballroom scene where the Prince would dance with an Imposter Swan Princess- only to find the real Princess dying of heartbreak in the hands of the Wicked Wizard. Cirri was among the crowd as a member of the court
Flint shivered slightly. "Does anyone find it oddly chilly all of a sudden?" he murmured to his siblings
"Wait Cold?" Jasper murmured anxiously. "Guys before-"
It was too late. a Dark blue shadow jumped down in front of Mettaton, wrapping a rope around his one wheel and giving a mighty tug as he was shot up into the rafters of the Stage
a Wave of icy cold fog shot through the theatre and one of the backup dancers screamed in terror- which only resulted in Pandemonium in the audience
the Icy Blue Female turned and pointed at Cirri "You." She intoned flatly. the other dancers veering away from Cirri as they fled.
Cirri stared too dumbfounded to move.
"Lord Vulpeca requests your presence immediately." the woman said flatly, her eyes hidden under layers of cloth and hood. "You will come with me."
Ichiko: Gaster was moving faster than lightning, bounding over the rows of chairs as patrons scrambled to the exit. Grillby was right behind him, his flames snapping in fury. Gaster's eyes blazed with blue light, which aggravated the brands carved on his bones. He ignored the pain, focusing on the one lone figure standing before Cirri.
He reached out with his blue magic--
A lightningbolt of pain shot up his arm, the brands activating and disrupting his magic, and he cried out in pain, falling to one knee. Gritting his teeth, he picked himself up and continued towards the stage. Grillby beat him there, moving between Cirri and the hooded figure. His fire was dangerously hot, even among the icy mist.
"Who are you?" he challenged.
Angel: the Figure lowered her hand, a fresh wave of cold washed against Grillby's heat. "... I do not know." she said in the same monotone.
Jasper raced to assist Gaster. "Doc, what the hell is going on?!" he hissed helping the skeleton up "Why is she after Cirri?!"
Ichiko: <<Does that matter?!>> he snapped. He jumped on stage, pulled Jasper up by the cuff of his shirt and joined next to Grillby. The cold was piercing, even to the temperature-resistant skeleton. And it was having a dire affect on the elemental. Though he was strong and his flames still fought against the cold, Gaster could see him strain. He stepped forward.
<<You are under arrest,>> Gaster said lowly. <<But please, do make this difficult for us. It will only end badly for you!>>
Angel: the creature of cold tilted her head, as if confused. "It doesn't matter." She said coolly before taking off her hood, the light of the stage now showing off the faint outline of a human skull in a thick layer of ice that made the woman's "Flesh."
"Can you tell me who I am?" she asked "If not, then I must do what needs to be done."
in the crowd Flint perked up. "...What?" It was impossible!
Jasper grabbed Cirri "Let's get out of here, let your dads handle it... Cirri?"
Cirri shivered, but not from the cold. "No no no no no no..." She squeaked. "Why did I think he was gone of course not-" Jasper shook her gently. "Cirri!"
it didn't do any good. she was too deep into her panic to form coherent thoughts
"I will take the girl now." the Ice skeleton began to walk towards Grillby and Gaster, the aura of cold intensifying as she approached
Ichiko: Gaster stood there, reaching out suddenly and grabbing her by the shoulder, his grip hard enough to break her clavicle. His eyes were furious, teeth beginning to lengthen to fangs and his newly-forming claws digging into her bones.
<<Not a chance, bitch!>>
The cold was becoming too much for Grillby. He turned, scooping up Cirri and retreating. "Come on, we have to move, now!"
Angel: "Right!" Jasper was right on Grillby's heels but paused to call a wall of Crystal to block the path, just in case.
Meanwhile the Ice Woman barely winced as Gaster destroyed her shoulder in his process of becoming huge. "Just as Lord Vulpeca said." She intoned flatly before laying a hand on Gaster's rune-scarred wrists. Within seconds a thick frost began dancing though the scarred bones, pushing the monster-made cracks painfully wide.
Ichiko: Gaster roared in pain, dropping to his knees. He snarled, his ever-lengthening fangs grinding against each other. His head jerked forward, his monstrous jaws clamping hard down around her wrist, shattering her bones. With a backhand, Gaster threw her across the stage.
The changes were so painful, especially with the runes. He pressed a clawed hand against his wrists, hissing in pain.
Angel: the Ice Woman pulled herself up. "... You should have broken my back." She intoned. "At least that would have gotten me to stop moving." she looked at her limp broken wrist. "Hm. Easy to solve." she then held the gloved hand and yanked hard, earning a sickening crunch. then her hand glowed green as magic mended the damage. "I have suffered worse damage than this."
Flint blinked watching from the seats. "Flint we have to go!" Jade insisted tugging on her older brother's arm. "You know what Doctor Gaster's capable of!"
Flint didn't move.
"I have no time for this nonsense." she held up her reccently healed hand. "Wait here." Spikes of Ice shot up from under Gaster, not enough to cause severe harm, but close. Some sprouting between the spaces of his bones. Within seconds the Ice had grown enough that both his arms and legs were incased in Ice
"Wait here." she insisted and with a puff of icy fog she was gone, back after Cirri, Jasper and Grillby
IchikoWindGryphon: Gaster struggled in the ice, but every move was agony. He was trapped. He let out another loud roar of frustration, more animal than man.
Grillby skittered to a halt just as the figure appeared before them in an icy swirl. Oh god, it was so cold. Grillby felt his knees buckle, his flames growing weaker. But still he clung to Cirri tightly.
"I will not let you take her!" he said fiercely.
A beam of pure energy blasted the hooded figure where she stood. Just off-stage, there stood Papyrus in his Blaster form, and Sans with a glowing blue eye and bones ready to be unleashed. He turned to Gaster, and with a flick of his wrists, the bones shot forward, pelting Gaster's icy tomb. He managed to break free, grunting. He steadied himself on his feet, reigning back in his transformation.
<<.....Thank you, Sans,>> he whispered. The short skeleton only nodded.
Angel: the icy figure stood up. "This is proving a troublesome plan." She said "I will simply have to improvise." Icy spears form out of the fog, shooting everything and everyone in sight. each one exploding into bursts of icy cold fog blinding the entire area
Then a sharp trill fills the air. Jasper, claps his hands on his head and screams but doesn't suffer the same level of damage that the dogwhistle resulted in- it feels more like something is vibrating everything in his body
Ichiko: Papyrus let out a whine as he crumpled to the ground, paws clawing at his head. Gaster collapsed as well, slamming his hands against his skull. Sans winced in pain, but he had to move! He raced forward, ignoring the screeching in his head, and grabbed Grillby, Cirri and Jasper.
"hold on!"
In a flash of blue magic, they had teleported. Stars filled their vision and a wave of nausea hit them as they crumpled on the ground. They were in the caverns of waterfall, but where exactly Sans didn't know. He winced.
"Urgh . . . sorry, I . . . it was hard to concentrate, I botched the jump. Are you guys ok?"
Angel: Jasper groaned. "I think I'm going to hurl but it's better than being shaken to bits... " he groaned wiping some of his magical blood from his nose. "Cirri?"
"I..." Cirri clung tight to Grillby but she seemed to be coming out of her catatonia
Ichiko: "Shhh, I got you, you're ok," Grillby whispered, gently rocking Cirri. "It's ok."
Now out of the cold, Grillby's flames returned to their healthy and vibrant state. Although Waterfall was less than ideal, he could deal with damp caves. but that cold had been so piercing . . . worse than anything he had ever experienced in Snowdin . . .
"Who the hell was that?" Sans asked the obvious question. Grillby only shook his head.
Angel: "She said something about a... Vulpecula?" Jasper wheezed looking back behind them. "I asked Gaster but- well things got kind of crazy. We should probably find a Guard Outpost anyway. Cirri'll be safer from the Psycho Ice bitch behind a few armed soldiers- I bet Mal's already got the guard on alert too!"
Ichiko: Sans and Grillby instantly froze. Vulpeca?! No, it couldn't--!
Sans and the elemental shared a terrified glance.
"The guard can't help us," Grillby whispered hoarsely. "Gaster's lab defenses should still be functional! He never shut them off! We need to head to head to the lab, now!"
Grillby pulled out his phone, dialing Gaster. He doubted he was in any state to read a text but should he have a free moment . . .
Grillby hit send.
"Sans, you need to get us to the labs!"
Sans nodded, breathing deeply and holding on to Grillby andJasper's shoulders tight. "Ok, hold on!"
Another flash of blue and they were in the heart of the Hotland laboratory. Sans swooned under the strain.
"Ugh, I'm going to . . . take five. . . ow my head .. ." he slumped on the tile floor.
Angel: "Dude!" Jasper scooped up Sans but the little skeleton was down for the count. "What's going on? Who's this Vulpeca guy?!" Cirri flinched and buried her face into Grillby's coat
Ichiko: "A dangerous criminal, and that's all you need to know," Grillby said fiercely. Still cradling Cirri, he raced to the control room, verifying everything was still online. "He's . . . he has targeted Cirri for his own sick twisted amusement. and he is under no circumstances to be underestimated."
Angel: Jasper blinked, following along carrying Sans in the crook of one arm. "No wonder Cirri's so scared." His Soul nearly broke in two. "How long as this fuck been targeting her?"
Ichiko: "......" Grillby didn't say anything for a minute, preferring to scan the control room. Everything was in order. Everything was online, every safety measure had been activated.
".....too long." he finally said.
Angel: Outside the lab the Icy Ninja stood staring, a thick rime of ice was both forming and melting in the Hotland heat. "This is getting ridiculous." She muttered. it had taken nearly all of her strength and a good portion of one of her coat sleeves to freeze he two blaster beasts in a thick block of ice. It would take the three...oddly familiar Stone Elementals a good long while to carve the bone monsters free though- which left only three remaining obstacles between her and her goal.
a short distance away Flint was running at top speed- He had this awful thought- and he hoped to heaven he was wrong.
Jasper found a couple of woolly blankets and brought them over to Cirri and Sans- Cirri having clung to her unconscious sibling like an oversized teddy bear.
"Here, this should help you feel better, I hope anyway." Jasper wrapped the duo in the blanket.
"Thanks Jasper..." Cirri murmured. "I'm so sorry."
"For what?" Jasper said plopping on the floor next to her.
"For getting you involved in this... Nightmare." she replied. "I j-just wanted-" Jasper drew Cirri close.
"You'll get it. We can beat her. You'll never see that sick freak as long as you live I promise." Jasper replied "Remember what I said at your Dad's bar? I'll always reach for you, like the Mountain reaches for the sky."
A chill began to seep into the room, followed by the discharge of energy and the random smashing of destroyed machinery
Ichiko: Grillby let out a frustrated roar. "Goddamn it!!!" His fire filled the room with intense heat. He turned to the controls, activating the maze of lasers between them and whatever was out there. "All of you get behind me!"
Angel: Jasper quickly drew Cirri in behind Grillby, Cirri still hugging Sans and watching the Laser-maze with wild-eyed hopelessness
Suddenly the smashing and blasting stopped and everything was deathly quiet
"... It cannot be that easy." Jasper grunted
a Blast of icy fog showered down onto Grillby from an above air vent
The ice woman jumped down into the fog a wedge of Ice in her hand which soon found it's home in Grillby's leg, quickly growing until it became a spear pinning him to the floor
"Papa!" Cirri screamed throwing a blast of Hotland air at the fog- which was enough to keep Grillby from being dusted from the cold, but not enough to free him from the ice
Ichiko: Grillby wretched and screamed in pain, grasping at the icicle and his hands steaming as they touched the ice. He was panicking, desperately clawing at his leg.
With what little strength Sans had, he leaped to his feet and began clawing at the spike, freeing him.
But he was so weak now. His flames were so cool. Sans gasped a wheezing breath, fearing that Grillby would fade to nothing then and there.
He turned to the woman, furious.
He tried to stand, but he was still too disoriented he tried to shift, do something! But every expenditure of energy left him dizzy and sick
"Please, please leave my sister alone!"
Angel: "... I can't do that." She replied, turning away "Vulpeca wants her. Vulpeca promised to help me. this is his price." Jasper shoved Cirri behind him. "Your LVL is pathetically weak boy. Just let her go, she will not be harmed by me."
"Get bent lady." Jasper growled sprouting spikes of jasper rock- the same rock as his horns- directly from his body "Your sick fuck boss isn't going anywhere near her."
the woman tilted her head, then raised a hand, a boulder of ice shot out of nowhere cracking into Jasper's side sending him flying into the console. there was a few sparks and snaps, and the Laser maze sputtered out and died
"That makes things simpler." the woman finally returned her gaze to Cirri. "Will you fight me too?" She asked the horrified air elemental.
"I SAID LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE YOU BITCH!" Jasper roared his fangs fully bared, looking more like a Geode of razor blades than anything remotely monster-like
he plowed into the Ice woman charging down the hall in manic desperate rage leaving the three monsters alone in the lab
"Sans, Grillby!" Cirri stood up. "Will you two be alright?"
Ichiko: Sans hovered over Grillby, still weak and gasping for breath. His form looked thinner, as if starved. His mouth opened and closed several times, faint whispers leaving his lips. Sans leaned close over him.
". . . . lava . . ." he gasped. "t-throw me . . . in lava . . . restore my strength . . ."
Sans nodded. He needed a source of fire; it was the only way to quickly restore his weakened state. Fortunately the CORE had just what he needed. Slinging Grillby on his back, the skeleton half-dragged, half-carried Grillby down several long, twisting halls, to a lower floor that had a catwalk over a pit of boiling lava.
Sans looked at Grillby, and he gave a weak nod.
Sans then dropped him over the railing, to the boiling molten lake of fire below.
Grillby fell, hitting the fire lake just a few short feet away. He lay there, unmoving, for several seconds.
The fire then erupted in a volcanic explosion.
Grillby, absorbing the very heat from the earth itself, exploded out of the pit, leaping back onto the catwalk. His form was not just fire anymore, but magma and lava dripping off him like tar. His form was larger, more savage-looking, and smoke billowed from the fissure that was his mouth. His body radiated heat intense enough to warp the metal he stood on.
He strode past Cirri and Sans, renewed.
"Let's kill that bitch," he snarled.
The Firestorm General had been reborn.
Angel: Meanwhile Jasper had charged a few yards before plowing the Icewoman into a wall- he had seen and learned, he didn't hesitate for a second throwing blow after blow, breaking whole blocks of ice from her body, exposing bone which cracked under his stony fists until she blew him away in a gust of Icy wind- it only served to turn his green grassy hair yellow from the cold.
He charged in again with enough force to break through the wall into the street- right in front of Flint.
the Ice woman had lost a leg, a torn stump at the knee only remained, but she didn't bleed- much. a navy-blue ichor seeped quietly from the wound and a dozen others.
"Gah!" Jasper wheezed. "Lady whatever the hell you're looking for it's not worth this much bullcrap!" He panted. "Just give up!"
the woman didn't move- that last strike had in fact broken her back. "I cannot. I need to find them."
"WHO?!" Jasper shouted.
"...I don't know." the Ice woman said in her usual flat voice. "They will fix me. Make me whole again."
"I'm sure Doctor Gaster could help- yanno when you stop stalking his foster-daughter and being a huge bitch!" Jasper said standing straight again.
"He will kill me. Vulpeca has told me as such."
Jasper facepalmed. "In case you haven't noticed I'm about five seconds away from Killing you here and now!" he stomped over and squatted beside the prone ice-creature
"You must do what you need to in order to survive. I understand." Flint jumped like a pin had been stuck into him.
A wave of heat came from the lab. "I have failed. Do what you must." the Ice woman said
Jasper raised his hands forming a fist about the size of the Ice woman's head-
Ichiko: Grillby stalked out of the lab, the massive wave of heat assaulting the three. Metal warped around him, his footprints left flames in his wake, the air steamed around his hellish form. And his eyes blazed with fury.
He marched up to the ice woman, hand extended, dripping with lava, as a ball of fire formed in his hand.
Angel: "WAIT!" Flint howled throwing himself over the Ice woman "I Beg Mercy on her Behalf!"
"Flint what the Fuck?!" Jasper yelped. "She's not going to stop let Grillby-"
"She's our Mother Jasper!" Flint bawled
The ice woman flinched. "What- Flint have you- Mom's DEAD you told me she died!" Jasper shouted, an edge of confused hysteria in his voice
Ichiko: Grillby faltered, the fire in his hand disappearing. "....your mother is dead, Flint," he said mournfully. "She died a very long time ago."
Angel: "No! I don't know how, but this is her!" Flint screamed not moving "This is Irelle!"
"I-I-I..." the ice woman stammered "I am... What... Irelle...!?" She yammered shaking violently
"Your name is Irelle! You Summoned me into Life on the Sixth of August! Mom it's Flint!" Flint grabbed the twitching Ice woman in his own meaty hands "You stayed behind to stop the Human army- You saved all our lives!" Flint said
then the ice woman began to scream- like a child's high-pitched scream only a thousand times sharper
Flint and Jasper grabbed their heads to block the sound- only for the Ice woman to vanish in puff of icy fog
"No..." Flint moaned
Ichiko: Grillby was at a loss. He stared between Jasper and Flint. He tried to think, tried to--
It hit him.
He remembered the story of Gaster's own creation.
What if . . .
Oh god, what if Vulpeca reanimated Irelle the very same way Gaster came to be?!
It was too cruel. It was too horrible to comprehend.
His shoulders heaved.
"I . . . . I am so very sorry .. ." he whispered.
Angel: "Dammit!" Flint sobbed burying his face in his hands, Jasper coming over to offer him support. "I'm going to kill Vulpeca with my own Damn hands." Jasper whispered with a frightening level of calm. "He's not getting away with this."
"Jasper, what are we going to tell the others?" Flint asked mournfully. "They.. Oh god Mom..."
Cirri watched from behind the group, her soul breaking for Jasper and Flint
Meanwhile in a dark and spooky portion of Snowdin wood, a Ice Woman is half-dragging herself through the snow, Navy ichor dripping from her stump leg.
"Looks like you failed." an Ash Grey Fox monster steps out of the gloom.
"I succeeded!" The woman barked. "I am Irelle! I have a name! a Family! a-" the fox placed a finger on her frozen lips and she goes limp. "You're hallucinating again my dear." He says softly as he scoops the Ice woman up, not even flinching from her piercing cold.
"I... am..." She murmurs in her flat voice. "No wonder, it seems you left a piece of yourself behind- I shall have to fix that"
"Why...?" she asks dazedly earning an evil chuckle from the fox
"Because I am your noble Master who will do anything for you." He says sweetly "As long as you do as I say...."
Ichiko: Back at Hotlands, Gaster and Papyrus finally broke free of their icy prison and raced to the labs, where they saw Grillby, Cirri, Sans, and the elemental brothers. The shock and grief was all too clear on their face.
But Gaster was staring hard at Grillby. Even Papyrus shied away from Grillby's more monstrous, enhanced form. The fire elemental could not meet their eyes.
<<What happened?>> Gaster demanded.
Grillby could only shake his head. He looked at Gaster with a haunted look in his eyes.
"You are no longer alone," he said forebodingly.
#WAFF related#FEELS#FEELS EVERYWHERE#Quite a bit of swearing too#But it's under understandable circumstances really
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I realized that it is almost half way through October and I haven't read many season specific fics. Horror, fluff, angst, whatever as long as it is in the spirit of October, please. I love you guys, thank you!
Hi @yukinon-writes
Happy Halloween! Thank you for the ask, we definitely have a list for you!
Little Haunted Maze of Horrors by @splendentgoddess (T)
Kagome's school is doing a haunted maze for Halloween, and working the maze is a chance for extra credit that, with her grades, she can't afford to miss. But what happens when Inuyasha's curiosity gets the better of him? Curiosity killed the *cat*.
Tommyknockers Tommyknockers Knocking at my Door by @splendentgoddess(T)
The Inu-tachi come upon a friendly village to stop at for the night, though it quickly turns out that everyone is a bit *too* friendly. When Inuyasha goes missing and Sango and Miroku want to settle down, Kagome wonders if everyone is crazy but her.
Every Day is Halloween by @splendentgoddess (M)
As a kid I believed in ghosts, but adults usually stop believing in such things. I thought *I* had, until one Halloween when Eri talked me into some 'harmless fun' that changed my life forever. My name is Kagome Higurashi, and this is my ghost story.
Onigumo House by @splendentgoddess (M)
“Are you interested in a once in a lifetime experience that's to die for?” Kagome read with some dramatic flair that had Souta laughing. “If you think you have what it takes to survive what goes bump in the night then come for a stay at Onigumo House.”
The Raven by @splendentgoddess (T)
Just a cute little Halloween poem-fic. Kagome recites "The Raven"…with a few minor interruptions. Rated T for Inuyasha's potty mouth. Inu/Kag WAFF
Hallow (Series) by @splendentgoddess (E)
When Kagome's school friends invite her and her 'jealous boyfriend' to a Halloween party she decides she actually wants to go, and convinces Inuyasha to go with her. It had seemed like a good idea at the time. Complete! Part one of my 'Hallow' trilogy.
Drowning in the Night by @witchygirl99 (M)
"You're a vampire." There, she had said it. "And you just made yourself bleed in front of one," Inuyasha snapped. He glared at her bleeding arm like it was personally offending him.
Nepenthe by @witchygirl99 (M)
Legends are more than just stories men tell at night. Kagome is proof of this. Inuyasha is, too. An InuKag Mermaid/Siren AU.
Winging it by @witchygirl99 (M)
Inuyasha was the first soul in history to break Heaven. So he goes to Hell. He meets a gum-smacking fortune teller, two psychotic real estate agents and...The One. Insert smirking and the odd death. Add some love. Blend until smooth. Serve hot.
Imaginary by @witchygirl99 (M)
I'm not crazy,' she told herself. So what if she found the dead bodies? So what if she could hear voices? It meant nothing. She wasn't a fatalist, but then she met him...
Venom by hanoyokai (M)
It surrounded everything. It ate up everything in its path. It did not give us any mercy as it destroyed us. This is not related to Marvel Comics "Venom" in any way.
Venom by @len-barboza (M)
Original story by Hanyoyokai Art & diagramation by Len
Demonic Reality by Inuyashasgrl26 (K+)
Kagome returns home to help celebrate Halloween with her family and at her junior high event. Little did she know Inuyasha has find something intriguing about all of this.
Skinwalkers by @clearwillow (E)
Every culture has it's own lore about those that walk the earth with different faces. Some call them witches, some call them shifters, but at the heart of each tale there is a common link: it is a monster. When the night goes dark and still, how can you be certain that there is only one of you?
A Walk Through Hell by Kingbaka (E)
Inuyasha and Kagome walk through hell. While this is technically a figure of speech, it is doubtful that our heroes would appreciate the difference. Will they be able to escape their torments? And if so, will they emerge from their trials unscathed, or will the burden of their actions prove too much to bear?
Trick or Treat by My-crazy-awesome-socks (T)
An InuKag Halloween oneshot. Kagome's friends dress her up as a rather sexy looking vampire and dare her to act like she's dressed for the whole night. What happens when InuYasha is waiting for her when she gets home and the night's not done?
Things That Go Bump in the Night by RoseDragonWitch (T)
Inuyasha met her at Halloween party… and for months… he watched over her, stalked her. Yes, he was a vampire… but even after becoming hopelessly addicted to Kagome's rare blood type...he was no longer just after her blood… he wanted her heart.
Awakened Dead by K. Higurashi (T)
Too curious for her own good, Kagome unseals a powerful and hot headed poltergeist from an old katana on the night of Halloween. He's rude, he's crude and possibly the sexiest boy she's ever met. Too bad for the dead part.
Scare Me Once Shame on Me by vixenserael21 (M)
InuYasha and Kagome are college students enjoying a Halloween party, but thanks to some sneaky friends, it will not be the kind of party Kagome expects. What happens if she gets scared? Rated for lemony goodness! Inu x Kag, San x Miro
Halloween (Series) by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
AU--Demons exist in secret in the modern era. Inuyasha realizes his mate is human and think he'll never have a shot...or will he?
Stay Close To Me by Emmyyasha (T)
Autumn has come, the leaves have changed, and everyone wants to partake in the joys of the fall festival. Corn mazes, pumpkin patches, warm apple cider. They are perfect to get in the Halloween mood while snuggling up to your loved one. But when Kagome decides to face her fears and enter the haunted house, a day of fun turns into the stuff of nightmares. Good thing Inuyasha, her best friend who is also secretly in love with Kagome, is there to protect her.
Lake of Drowned Souls by @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
Yash and Kagome's car breaks down on the way to a kendo tournament; Kikyo and Suikotsu pick them up, and the four of them spend the night at a hotel at Lake Suwa. But Kagome sees some mysterious figures coming from the lake; what do they want, and more specifically, why does Kagome think they are after her?
Portal Between Worlds by @neutronstarchild (E)
Ten years ago, a portal transported Inuyasha from the demon realm to the human realm. Now a half-demon alone in a world he doesn't understand, he will do anything to get home. When Onigumo brings him a book with all the answers, Inuyasha pushes aside his misgivings and works with the man. He just wants to get home, after all.
Kagome just wants to make an extra buck (and find demons), much to Kikyo’s chagrin. That is why she published Demons Among Us! after all. But strange things start happening when she puts the book online. As if people are using it to open the portals that it hypothesized… When Kagura and Sango join the fray, the stakes grow higher as they try to find the source of the portals. When Inuyasha encounters Kagome, fate is not what it seems.
Not one, but two realms are in danger for their survival. What happens when the final portal opens and an unknowable terror is unleashed? Can the Demon Hunters save the world?
The Red Room by @lord-rika (T)
Kagome comes home from school one day and finds out Mama finally bought the family a computer to use. As Kagome learns how exciting it is to have access to the internet, she also learns how dangerous it can be. How will she face this new threat? One-shot written for Halloween!
Spooktober 2019 by @keichanz (M)
A drabble collection inspired from Halloween prompts that center around Inuyasha, Kagome, and their two children.
Another Day in Hell by @keichanz (M)
The undead and monsters both of the bestial and human variety wander the streets looking for their next kill. To trust blindly could very well mean your death so it’s easier to not trust anybody at all even when they claim all they want to do is help. The smartest thing to do was to look out for number one, question everything, and always, always watch your back. Evil lurked around every corner, hid in every brush, and nowhere was safe anymore.
Starting Fires by @lemonlushff (E)
He always hated couples' costumes...But maybe dressing up as a fireman won't be so bad. Not when Kagome as a little surprise up her sleeve. Part of the One Last Ride universe. Brace yourself for all the debauchery.
It Will Come Back by @thornedraven (E)
"She went to bed, unaware of her missing cloak. Ignorant, of the clawed hand that had picked it up from its fall off the path. “You know better, darlin’.” A fanged grin flashed in the night. "
A one shot inspired by Hozier's song "It Will Come Back". Slight Little Red Riding Hood inspiration as well. Darker themed Little Red Riding Hood, and much more adult themed. My first AU for Inuyasha!
The Ghost of Higurashi Shrine by @elkonigin (M)
After helping her grandfather on a regular, run-of-the-mill-excorcism-turned-blessing (it's better if you just don't ask questions, well maybe you should, Kagome didn't and look at where it's gotten her so far), Kagome finds that things, well, weird things, are happening in her home and around the shrine, in addition to some other places that really just don't make sense. Kagome doesn't consider herself brilliant by any means, she's barely passing as it is, but she's pretty sure that this mess isn't normal.
Shot Week III: Spooky Time by MondayChild (E)
In the Halloween edition of Shot Week, we have: a lover tired of being betrayed, a jealous husband, the love life of a village miko, a beautiful dreamer, a divine romance, a camping trip gone wrong, and a high school crush that gets out of hand.
The Halloween Party by Cyrus559 (M)
It is Halloween and Kagome is having a break from shard hunting in order to have a good time with her friends in the modern era. But a seemingly innocent Halloween party at an old hotel which is about to close down, turns into something far more sinister than the people there expects. The rating changes to M in the last chapter.
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Vicky White, assistant director of corrections for the Lauderdale Sheriff's Department, picked up Casey Cole White, 38, from a detention center on Friday morning at 9:30am, armed with a 9mm handgun.
The corrections officer said she was due to take Casey White - who is not related to her - to a mental health evaluation.
But on Friday afternoon, Sheriff Rick Singleton of Lauderdale County said that there was no scheduled mental health evaluation.
Vicky White's car was found abandoned at a shopping center at 3:30pm, and the pair have not been seen since.
'I am extremely, extremely concerned that he is not in custody,' said Chris Connolly, Lauderdale County district attorney - adding that the FBI is assisting with the search, in addition to state and local authorities.
'This is a very dangerous situation.'
It is unclear if White is in any danger, with investigators yet to say whether they think she colluded with White to bust him out of jail, or whether she has fallen victim to an abduction.
Casey White was facing the death penalty for the October 2015 murder of Connie Ridgeway, 58, in her home in Rogersville, Alabama.
It remains unclear why she was killed.
People said she was known for her friendliness and willingness to help others, and the community for many years held a vigil every October in her memory.
Casey White was arrested in December 2015, then aged 32, following a crime spree across Tennessee and Alabama.
In one night, he staged a home invasion, two carjackings and multiple shootings that left a dog dead and a woman injured.
The crimes were followed by a chase, where speeds reached more than 100 miles per hour, WHNT reported.
It ended with a stolen car stuck in a field south of Huntsville, and officers - who were evidently well known to him - pleading with him to put down his gun and give himself up.
White got out of the vehicle with a gun and threatened to shoot officers and himself unless he could speak with Limestone Sheriff Mike Blakely.
Body-cam footage shows deputies attempting to get White to surrender by offering him smokeless tobacco and Sun Drop citrus soda while they waited for Blakely to arrive.
Casey White was found guilty of a total of nine charges, including trying to kill his ex-girlfriend and kidnapping her two roommates. Other charges included first degree robbery, first degree burglary, third degree burglary, breaking and entering a vehicle, animal cruelty for shooting a dog and attempting to elude.
He was sentenced in April 2019 to 75 years in prison.
In June 2020, he wrote to Lauderdale County requesting a meeting with the sheriffs office, and confessed to killing Ridgeway - providing a detailed description of the crime scene.
He said he was paid to kill her, although no motive for hiring a hitman has ever been disclosed.
In October 2020, Casey White, aged 37, appeared in court for an arraignment hearing, and requested to stay at the Lauderdale County Jail instead of going back to prison, WAFF reported.
His request was denied, after authorities said they believed that he was plotting to escape the Lauderdale County Jail.
They had found a makeshift knife, stashed in the showers, and suspected White was intending on using it to force someone to let him out.
'We got information yesterday that he had made a shank and he intended to escape today and take a hostage,' said Connolly, Lauderdale County district attorney, during the hearing.
'Our deputies did a great job.
'Found the shank and eliminated that threat this morning so we obviously aren't equipped to house somebody like that for that long term in our jail, so we are happy that the judge ordered him to go back to the department of corrections.'
White, having confessed, then pleaded not guilty, on grounds of insanity.
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Great Minds Think Alike
SFW Fanfiction
Fandom: BTS 방탄소년단
Characters: reader (gender-neutral), Suga/Min Yoongi
Type: oneshot
Word Count: 4.0k
Genre: mild angst, smut-free, WAFF, RPF, IC
Rating: 13+
Warning: mildly heavy themes such as pressure/stress, expectations, life struggles, and parental issues
A/N: this started as a YouTube comment under this video. it was originally just the first section and intended to be a cute little prelude to the video, but other users asked if I could continue the story, so here you go :) this is the first story I've ever written for the public eye, which due to hesitation combined with college is why it took so long as some of you know, so I’m really sorry for the long wait! enjoy 💝 (btw, the video makes a really good audio background for the story 😉)
* * * * *
You've been working all day in your studio. Being a producer for BigHit Entertainment is fun and all, but you've been having a creative block for a while and it's hard to focus on making music. It doesn't help that you've also had a lot on your mind lately, as there are a handful of things going on in your personal life right now. You get discontented as you look at the progress you've made so far and decide it's not a good amount for a day's worth of work. You should stay a bit late tonight. But what good would that do if you can't seem to think of anything anyway? Maybe a break will refresh your mind.
You make a stop at the restroom before refilling your plastic drink container at a water fountain. It's pitch dark outside and through the window you can see the millions of Seoul's city lights. Suddenly you hear the soft swishing of sandals on the tile floors and you turn around to see none other than Suga. He goes to a refrigerator that's across the room from you and grabs his favorite drink. As he cracks open the lid, he looks over at you.
"You're not going home yet?" he asks.
"Nah, I'm working late."
Suga nods his head at your response and calmly takes a sip of his drink. He then makes his way toward the hallway that you both came from, but you stop him.
"Hey, uh... work has been slow lately. Can I chill in your studio with you?"
He seems a bit surprised as he stares blankly at you for a couple seconds. "In my studio?"
You two have only passed by each other in the company building a few times and made small talk maybe once. You don't know why you asked him such a question when you barely know each other. Maybe you just want to know what being in the "Genius Lab" is like.
"Yeah. I don't know," you reply, "I just thought maybe it would clear my head, y'know? You can keep working like you usually do, I won't bother you."
He takes another sip before nodding his head again. "Okay." He starts walking down the hallway and you follow.
Why did he agree so easily? Suga is one of the most reclusive individuals in this company. Min Yoongi, rapper and producer of the Bulletproof Boy Scouts, "the guy with no emotion or energy." He barely lets his own group members in, let alone anyone else who works here. Is it because you're both producers? Maybe he relates to the "staying late" kind of thing, or the fact that production has been slow and a change of scenery is needed. Your coworkers have told you before that once he gets into work mode, he tends to stay here until way late into the night. Or, maybe he just wants to get to know you since you're the newly hired producer everyone was talking about. You’ve learned pretty fast that word seems to go around here quicker than rumors in high school.
After walking down a couple hallways, Suga stops at a frosted glass door with a number lock on it. He punches in the passcode while you look in another direction. When he opens the door, there’s... another glass door right behind it. For soundproofing? Once that door is open, you're surprised to see a charming room with a full-fledged studio. It's nothing like your quaint little office room, which looks more like a teenager stuffed their childhood PC and desk into a closet with some soundboards and a guitar. Suga's studio is decked out with multiple desks, shelves, what you recognize as nice music equipment, and a couch. Papers lay in a pile next to a bottle of wine and a glass. A sports jersey with the number 93 and "Suga" on it is pulled over the back of an office chair. Figures of various characters decorate the room. You feel like you just walked into the college dorm room of a swaggy rich-kid music major.
Suga holds the second door open and watches while you walk in behind him and close the first. The number lock outside makes a noise shortly after the door is closed. The two of you shuffle inside and you take a seat on the couch next to the door, noticing the wine on his desk. Doesn't alcohol make you sleepy instead of keeping you awake? He seems to need an energy boost, although he always looks tired when you see him. One of the many joys of having a die-hard passion: your work being a higher priority to you than basic human needs such as sleep. He caps his drink and puts it behind his computer keyboard before turning his chair and slumping into it. He takes off his hat and ruffles the hair he didn't bother to do anything to today.
"I really like your studio," you say while eyeing around. You take in all of the nice details, from the decal stickers on his air conditioner to the cute little figurines everywhere. He seems to like bears, evident by the many Kumamon and Kaws figures. He also seems to like sports due to the jersey on his chair and a figurine of a basketball player behind his computer monitor.
"Thanks," he says to your compliment. "Are you hungry? I keep snacks in here, if you want any." He points to a shelf with various small packages of food sitting in a pile. You grab a Kit Kat and thank him, which earns a hum in reply. He puts his hat back on and swivels to his computer monitor, which has a MIDI project in progress. You can't help but scan over the interface and pick up on all of the details of the song he's producing. MIDI is kinda your thing, too. You wonder what he's writing about. It's probably a deep and poetic message. You've listened to some of the tracks he’s produced and written before and was pleasantly surprised by how talented he is. He seems to understand how life works and knows how to put ideas into words in a way that leaves you wondering how deep and articulate a person can be. You get a familiar urge to talk all about life and gush over music with him, but you remember your promise that you wouldn't bother him and decide to just sit back and listen to the sounds of his studio.
A fairly long time goes by before either of you say anything. His studio has a great atmosphere. No wonder he's able to lock himself up in here for so many hours every day. His AC is on high, necessary for Seoul's hot summer nights. His keyboard makes nice clicking sounds. He rolls to and fro in his chair between the desks and a synthesizer keyboard, typing, playing, writing, working away on his late-night song. He's pretty quiet, save an occasional clearing of his throat or groaning while stretching. You notice how relaxed and graceful his movements are. He's like a cat. A cat who makes songs.
* *
After you observe this mysterious person for a while, your mind starts to wander. All of the things that you kept stuffed in the back of your busy mind during this whole hiring and moving process recently have caught up to your conscience and dragged you into deep thought. You didn't just push them as far back as they would go because you needed to focus on other things and get stuff done; they're negative thoughts that you know can affect you a lot if you think about them too much. Your mind wanders back to your past, the life you knew before this. You remember the fights you would have with your parents, who just didn't understand why you would want to "throw away" your future and become a musician instead of having a normal, secure job like the rest of your family. Music never really ran in the family until you came along. Most kids played sports or video games, or watched TV, or heck, even read books. Not you. You just had to have a musical instrument for your 10th birthday, after years of begging for one and your parents finally giving in to your persistent wish. It was a new world for you the day you finally got to hold it in your arms; a beautiful, shiny, classic-style, 6-string acoustic guitar that smelled of wood and the soft interior of the case it came with. Hours of playing every day, with you alone in your bedroom, happily strumming your new treasure until your fingertips had indentations and cracks in them from the tough wire strings. Your mother would shake her head as she popped your blisters over the bathroom sink and dressed them with bandages after washing clean. You learned every technique and trick using the dirt-old computer in the living room that everyone in the house used. Laggy YouTube videos and tutorials from various websites were your music teachers. And you had a knack for it, too. It got to the point where your time playing was restricted by your parents to make you go play outside and spend time with other kids like a normal child. When you moved on to middle school, your parents bought you your own laptop so that you could have something to do your school projects on without it lagging and crashing all the time, and that's when you discovered MIDI. Your life from then on was making songs with the software that you begged your parents for, who only agreed to buy it for you with the promise that it wouldn’t get in the way of school or your other responsibilities.
And then came high school. And the nagging. Oh, the constant nagging about your grades, chores, college, your future career, adult life, and the hobby that's taking over your life and why can't you just be a good child and do what your parents want for your future. Your grades were perfectly fine, straight A's even. You didn't understand why no matter how hard you worked and how long you studied, your parents weren't happy. You poured your heart and soul into every assignment, never got into trouble, helped around the house whenever you had the chance, obeyed your parents as perfectly as you could... Why couldn't they accept the fact that your music didn't hinder your life at all and it meant so much to you, that you were happiest doing this one harmless activity? Music was in your blood. It gave you a reason to get up in the morning and distracted you from the immense pressure you felt from your parents and responsibilities, if only for a small amount of time. You couldn't help but feel like something was wrong with you and that you never did good enough, even though you were an excellent student and a talented musician. Is this so wrong? Is it really a bad thing to pursue music as a career? Should you follow your dreams, or are your parents right and you're just being delusional? You were even pretty popular at school. Everyone knew you as the smart kid that makes really good music with a computer program. You've been asked countless times by others if they can listen to your tracks and when your first mixtape is coming out. The cool kids would invite you to sit with them at lunch because they were convinced you would become the next big pop artist. Your guitar covers of popular songs, and especially your original compositions, always blew up on your Instagram page, with your close friends hyping you up in all of the comment sections. "It's that music you're always making," your parents would say. "It won't get you anywhere in life. You need to focus on more important things." All of your friends got good scholarships for being talented athletes, actors, writers, for winning top places at science fairs, and you just--
Suddenly a song starts to play through Suga's speakers and you startle because of the new (and kind of loud) noise. It's a sweet, upbeat song with a female's voice singing. Not what you would expect a rapper like Suga to listen to, but hey, no judgment here. He periodically pauses it and plays it again, probably listening to every little detail the song has to offer. Producers tend to do that. At some point he leans back in his chair, crosses his fingers over his midsection, and stares at his monitor, slowly turning his chair from left to right with the tips of his feet. You'd recognize that pose anywhere. That's the position of someone who's used all of the ideas they had in their brain at that moment and now they have to think of more.
"What’s your song about?" you ask after a while of him being in the same position. He abruptly turns to look at you with the same blank expression he always has. Did he forget you were there? You also remember a little too late that you had promised you would leave him alone.
"Uh..." He takes a minute to find his words, smacking his lips and making an oddly cute slurping noise. "It's a more personal track than most. About struggles I’ve faced in my past."
You give him a knowing hum and slowly nod your head. Nothing you haven't heard of before. With a long history of having an interest in music, you’ve experienced more than your fair share of music artists pouring their hearts out through song. You wonder what kind of things he's been through. With someone as chill and mysterious as him, you never really know.
"Those are the best kind of songs," you say with a smile. "They're always so meaningful." Suga gives a small smile back.
"Yeah. Can't go wrong with a personal touch." He looks at his monitor for a moment and then turns his chair to face you. "Do you want to listen? I could use another producer's input."
"Oh, yes please," you say. With that, Suga turns back to his computer, drags the bar to the beginning of the track, and presses play.
* * *
His song starts with a slow but heavy rhythm. You pick up every little sound from the instrumental, tasting every individual detail that hits your ears like a professional taste-tester identifying the many overlapping flavors of a dish. Each note makes a burst of color in your mind, painting a unique and beautiful mural that can only be understood by hearing the song as intuitively as your highly music-trained ears are doing right now. He's already recorded a vocal lead, which matches the heavy tone of the song. Your focus on the instrumental doesn't falter as you accept another thing to add to the blooming artwork in your head: Suga's voice. His tone, his gruff vocal effects, his breathing techniques, his flow, his choice of words. They all flow together to tell a story, one that puts Suga's deepest thoughts and feelings on full display. You feel like a projector inside of his brain is playing a film of his thinking process out in the open, where you have a perfect view.
All of a sudden, you forget to judge his song anymore and just process the lyrics, which hit you right in the heart, verse after verse. His words are filled with hurt, confusion, anger, and fear. You almost can't believe that someone as apparently calm and collected as Suga has all of these thoughts that he so rawly expressed through his rap. Although everyone has painful parts of their lives, and what better way for them to be expressed than through song?
The song builds in intensity towards the end, finishing with exceptionally heavy-hitting lines, the instrumental ending as soon as the last word is delivered and its last breath fading out shortly after. Suga had been watching you from time to time, scanning your face for any expression. After the song ends, your eyes meet with his. "Did you... Those lyrics are true? Did those things really happen?"
He gives you a nod and hums a simple "mhmm". He then shifts in his chair, straightening his posture and leaning forward on his thighs with his forearms. "I wanted to make a song that was more genuine than the typical songs you hear on the radio. Those songs... Sure, they're about real things, like being in love and breakups. But those topics have been used so much that it’s all you hear about anymore." He’s very articulate and slow when he speaks. "You never hear about the darker things because everyone is expected to be all hush-hush about it. Everyone gets uncomfortable when someone so much as just alludes to it. I want to change that." He notices your expression before quickly adding, "Was it too much?"
You guess your face held more concern or shock -- you aren't sure which exactly -- than you intended it to. "Oh! No, I was just a little surprised, that's all. Whenever I see you or hear about you, you seem like such an unbothered person. I didn’t expect you to have dealt with things of that nature," you point in the general direction of his computer. "It wasn't too much. I think it's good to express those things too, no matter how rough or off-putting they might seem. They make songs much more powerful. I’m really impressed you want to do something like that, and so publicly too." South Korea isn’t the most advanced country when it comes to social aspects. In fact, you would say it’s one of the world’s societies with the strictest social standards. "As for the music quality... I thought it was amazing! I love your choice of instruments, and the build-up was seamless. Your flow was really nice. You have good breath control and vocal techniques; I can tell you put a lot of work into perfecting it. Overall, I thought it was a really good song."
Suga gives a big smile, showing off his small white teeth and pink gums. You've barely seen him crack a smile until now, so it looks like he's literally glowing to you. "I'm glad you like it."
You think for a moment before asking, "You don't express yourself much other than with music, do you?"
"Nah, not really." Suga scratches the back of his neck. "I’m not good at expressing my feelings, except when I make music. So... music is kinda my outlet."
If you thought Suga was mysterious before, he's definitely got your curiosity going now. He seems like he has so much underneath his cool exterior. If you were surprised by his true thoughts in one 4-minute song, who knows what else is locked inside that brain of his? You want to know everything about this person sitting in front of you, the things he’s experienced so far, what seeing through his eyes is like, what inspires and motivates him. You carefully push further. "Can I ask more about the lyrics?"
* * * *
"...When I told them I wanted to make music, they heavily disapproved. They had a really hard time when they were growing up and in adulthood, and they didn’t want their child to face the same struggles, so they wanted me to have a stable career instead." Suga describes his relationship with his parents when he was young, and it sounds eerily similar to yours. "I started making music when I was 13. That was when I decided that it was the path I wanted to take. I didn't care about school anymore since my life was in music, so I lazed through it and barely passed all of my classes. Honestly, I’m surprised I graduated." He describes the odd jobs he worked while he was still in the process of getting his music career started, his experiences with being scammed out of his work and not even being able to afford basic needs, and the underground rap scene. "I wanted to be a producer for Bighit, but they told me I should audition to be an idol instead. So... here I am now."
It makes sense now. He is the way he is because he’s had one of the roughest handfuls of experiences you’ve heard from someone you knew personally. One’s developmental years being full of betrayal and misunderstanding would make anyone shut everyone out and build emotional walls.
You repay his openness by telling him about yourself and your past. What it was like growing up in a household similar to his, always doing the best you can to try and prove yourself, going to college since it’s sooo important to secure your future with a degree (although you majored in music despite your parents’ disapproval), and working odd jobs and getting scholarships to be able to afford it. You joined a program that sent you to Seoul to study abroad, the unofficial "city of music". The program also had an internship integration, which you used to become an intern at BigHit Entertainment in their production team. They were so impressed with you that they kept in touch through the rest of your college process, and as soon as you finished your degree and were now qualified, they hired you as an official producer. They even helped you find housing here, a neat little studio apartment.
After sharing your mutual experiences and understanding for each other, one burning question still lingered in your mind: Why? Why did he let you in so easily? You’ve only just met today, and he basically took his heart out and gave it to you to hold. Your curiosity gets the better of you. "So... Can I ask why you decided to tell me all this? And why you let me in here in the first place? I mean-- other than the fact that I asked you to... but still, you could have said no and it would have been totally fine, and honestly I thought that’s what you would say. You seem like the kind of person that’s not very open with people, especially people you’ve just met."
He seems to think about what you said for a second, and you realize you may have said something wrong and quickly correct yourself. "Not that that’s a bad thing! I have friends like that back home, it’s understandable. They’re just like that. They’re super cool people."
He gives a light chuckle. "No no, I know what you mean. I get that a lot, actually. Lots of people think I’m a cold person. I guess it makes sense, with me not being very sociable." He looks away and scratches behind his ear for a second. "Uh... I just had a feeling. There was something about you, y’know? And I’ve also had times where I needed to clear my head. Wanted to just be with someone and not talk. I tend to be really intuitive about other people, so I wanted to get to know you better. Turns out, I was right. You’re as cool of a person as I thought you would be." A small smile spreads across his face and makes his cheeks look like dumplings.
You laugh at that. "A feeling, huh? Do we have similar personalities?" You poke a little fun at him. "Are you some kind of sorcerer or a fortune teller? Or are we both just geniuses and your genius radar was going off?"
He laughs and then shrugs. "I’ll go with the genius part. I guess great minds think alike."
* * * * *
#bts#bangtan#bangtan sonyeondan#bangtan boys#bts army#fiction#fanfic#bts suga#min yoongi#oneshot#kpop
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🌌Frostiron Flash Fiction🌌
Collection of related short fics (500 or 1k words)
For majority age readers
Available to logged in AO3 members only
Most chapters not remotely appropriate for reading at work or in public
Chapter 27 Handle me with care
Can you call it FrostIron if everyone isn’t getting banged up and saving each others asses? Have a whump/WAFF chapter. (1k)
Mind the notes on this one!
Link above goes directly to ficlet or start at the beginning.
#frostiron#ao3#flash fiction#available to logged in ao3 members only#mind the tags and notes there#my writing#links go to AO3#Frostiron flash-fic#gett off
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The worst of Bangers - playlist
Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ZZ3PEFfGCqNIVWUVpFt9t?si=4842722153114449 Intro Unbearable narcissist that I am, I was thrilled to see that Isaac Asimov’s Foundation was being adapted into a big budget straight-to-the-internet TV series not because I honestly thought it would be any good, but because I hoped it might finally vindicate one of Bangers’ most (perhaps unfairly?) maligned songs if a few more people consumed the source material that it was an extremely concise precis of. As it happens I’m proper enjoying the series, faithless as the adaptation is - incorporating both emotions and women (two of my favourite things) neither of which were really even hinted at in the books. This train of thought, the fact that Small Pleasures turned 10 earlier this year, and my realisation that I find most of the Bangers back catalogue to weigh heavily on my creative soul as well intentioned but badly executed trash, led me to create a Spotify playlist called The worst of Bangers and write this accompanying blog to revisit some of the most forgotten, dismissed and/or reviled deep cuts. Before I start, these songs are included for a variety of metrics, often because they have a noted down-turn of listens on Spotify compared their album position. That’s not a great metric for a band who split up before Spotify achieved the godlike ubiquity that it now enjoys, but c’est la pomme de la terre. If you can hum any of these songs just by reading their names then you’re doing better than me 3 hours ago. Asimov When Bird was released, I remember several people telling me that this song shouldn’t have made the cut. I got the impression that some people thought it was a joke that didn’t sit that well on an album that was mostly dwelling on depression and suicide, and some others thought it was just a bit shit. Exactly nobody told me that they understood what I was getting at, so for the sake of posterity I’ll explain what it meant to me. Foundation – as I see it – is a musing on humankind’s repeated inability to learn one of the most universal lessons. The story begins with the fall of the Galactic Empire, and each subsequent generation confronts a crisis which requires rejecting the philosophy of the previous generation. Each time, the ruling forces adamantly refuse to realise this – rigidly adhering to the most recent philosophy - until one character tricks them into it and saves the day, thus ushering in a new age. I find the prescience of this to be one of the most depressing facts of human existence, and something I was wallowing in at the time, hence the song. Listening back I think the chorus is great, and Andrew’s weird bass slide in the middle is a joy. Vibrate This song is undeniably cool, but every time we played it people stared at us like we were stupid. I think it’s the emotional pay-off for Bird, after such a miserable time it’s just an acceptance that probably the healthiest thing to do is to accept defeat and plod on ignoring all the glitzy wiff-waff and intriguing mysticism in the world. This is the Bangers song I still sing to myself when I’m doing really practical DIY like building shelves. The truth that I’m more of a practical ox of a guy than an ethereal waif has been one of the healthiest realisations of my life. Stressful Festival The only thing that I ever heard said about this song was that it sounded ‘like Bangers’ on an album that largely didn’t. I think that’s bullshit, Bangers very rarely played this kind of classic on-the-beat punk vibe. Two interesting facts about this song: 1. I remember writing all the guitar riffs in Berlin after playing with De Cracks in the Ramones Museum and their Ramones-core translating much better to acoustic guitar than any of Banger’s music did. 2. While recording I puked in my mouth singing “sick to death of every one of you” and swallowed it again before coming in for the last chorus. If you listen really hard you can hear it coming up. A Quite Different Coastline In amongst the fairly weird Crazy Fucking Dreams album, this song performs especially badly with people who aren’t in Bangers. I think it rips, but Spotify figures confirm a proper dip compared to the rest of this album. I just don’t know what’s wrong with people sometimes! Bad Jokes Someone in Austria told me to my face that this song was too boring, and we pretty much stopped playing it after that. I think it has a janky song structure, and the nearest thing to a chorus it has (none of the songs on Crazy Fucking Dreams really have a chorus) isn’t that catchy, but I think the song is OK. I can confirm that nobody ever shouted for us to play it live. The Nick of Time OK, here’s a proper deep-cut. It’s the first B-side from the Blind Hindsight single, and I couldn’t remember anything about it before listening today. I remember we cut it from Crazy Fucking Dreams because it didn’t sit well with the other songs, but on reflection it really carried the core message that I was trying to get across in that album. Namely that history forgets just about everybody, so why should we feel obligated to be interested in anything that’s mainstream enough to be remembered. I suspect that the lyrics are not that relatable, but they’re a good diary entry for me to remember the first person I ever watched die. Log Jam Second B-side. I believe we only ever had two B-sides. We recorded this in our practise room in Exeter, and I seem to remember we tracked it back to front with the piano first and drums last. Maybe Hamish was at work until late or something. This is the song to drag out if anyone tries to tell you Bangers were just a gruff punk band who sounded like The Menzingers. I think there’s a weird time signature change, and that’s probably not because we were trying to be clever if you know what I mean. A man like Jack McCall This is named after the guy who shot Wild Bill in Deadwood. I loved that show, but at the time I knew I was much more a drunken cowardly shit-heel than any of the heroic (or at least stoic) characters. It was on the Good Livin’ EP which I find mostly unlistenable because of some very sketchy guitar playing. This was the weird plodder at the end which we probably played live a handful of times and then realised that nobody really wanted to hear it and it wasn’t that fun to play. Every night’s a date night On the subject on not being fun to play, this song was always a pain. Something about the timing at the start just baffled Hamish, so we ditched playing it as soon as we had enough songs. However in my mind this is one of THE archetypal Bangers songs, it’s got that lolloping, on-the-push rhythm, not a normal power chord in sight, and three quite distinct sections without anything approaching a chorus. Small Pleasures is definitely our most listened to album on Spotify, but where some of those songs really defined how Bangers were perceived, this never really landed. The Love Nest I straight up laughed out loud today when I saw we’d called a song The Love Nest. I couldn’t remember anything about it until I listened to it today for the first time in years. We played this a lot when we were relevant to the DIY scene in about 2011, and I think people used to sing along. It’s included here because I fully forgot it existed. There was a positive vibe (when no one was left alive) + Walking on the ground These two songs make up the Last Songs EP (single?) that we just about managed to release in time for our last ever show. I think we’d decided to split up by the time we recorded them, but I wouldn’t put money on it. I don’t know if we ever played Positive Vibe live, which is a shame because both songs are great. I think the album that these songs were meant to become would have nailed a good mix of dirty pop that we were aiming at in that moment. We probably would have messed it up though. Outro After I put this playlist together I went and listened to Challenger – Give people what they want in lethal doses as a pallet cleanser. I heartily recommend you do the same. Go and support Andrew and Kay’s new doughnut shop Future Doughnuts in Bristol, and visit Hamish in Cambridge. I’m doing fine. Roo
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One-shots (1k words or more)
Drabbles (below 1k words)
Headcanons (bullet point fics)
Blurbs (below 500 words)
Imagines (gif + a little blurb, around 500 words)
1.0 RULES:
Request via ask.
Always include what type of request you want me to write.
Specify because specification is very important as it helps me make your request as pleasing as possible, but try not to be too specific as I like the element of surprise.
If you want me to write something from my prompt list (click here): include the name of said character, category of the prompt and the prompt’s respective number (e.g. Jay Halstead, fluff 7).
1.1 Note: If you don't include what type of request it is that you want me to cook up, I will choose the type myself so don't come at me if you wanted a 2K worded piece of work and instead got an imagine with 200 words!
1.2 Note: Mixing the prompt with a plot line of your own is allowed, just make sure to follow the rules (1-3).
Unless asked for, I will be writing with the Female!reader in mind (I like to exclude any gender relation and make it so that both genders could read and enjoy).
I respond to asks when the request has been qued to post and released on Ao3.
The maximum number of request you can send is 2. I know there is an option to send them in anonymously, but I really hope you will stick to this rule. Give others a chance to submit their wishes, and don’t make the line too big with by mass requesting (I close requests after I get around 30 requests).
Requests sent during seasons I have not watched or for characters that have yet to make an appearance in the show will not be written (exceptions exist).
I write one-shots but not a whole series unless I can see/want a continuation.
Themed requests (Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Year etc.) can be only sent during that time. I don’t accept Christmas requests during the month of May. The same goes for the rest.
I have every right to delete every request that does not fit within the rules stated above, or I feel uncomfortable writing. Also, it’s important to note that I don’t have inspiration to write every request that’s sent. It’s normal to not have inspiration, and because I prefer quality to quantity, if I see that I don’t have inspiration for a request then I will not write it.
Requests will be deleted if sent while my request box is closed. I won’t answer them as I feel like there is no need. On almost every informative post (+my bio, and if you’re on PC my theme under ‘blog status’) it will say whether the request box is closed or not.
English is not my first language but without digging myself my own grave this early on I want to say that I'm proud of how much I know, given that I never speak English unless in school.
Be nice because only constructive criticism is allowed. If you spot a grammatical error or a paragraph/sentence/word etc. that doesn't make sense, let me know. But be nice!
LGBTQ+ topics/relationships (because I feel like I wouldn’t do a good job)
Real people, send only requests for characters in my writing list
Ships or OC, send only reader inserts
NSFW (mature content stories)
Romanticized mental illnesses
S*icide scenes
R*pe scenes
2.1 Note: P*dophilia, r*pe, s*icide might be mentioned in my Chicago P.D, Fire, Med shots (or other), but I will never explicitly write about those subjects or write about anything that is about/centered around them.
2.2 Note: Explicitly written smut is a no, I will not write that. Try to refrain from requesting steamy scenes too, as I will only put them in myself were I to deem it necessary for the WIP.
Fluff/ WAFF
Fusion/ Crossover
Here is me trying to explain what kind of requests I also take [x]
2.6 Note: It’s hard to list but to make it easier for you guys, I will write about almost anything as long as it’s not on my 2.0 bullet.
Posts are usually posted between 01:00 A.M. and 05:00 A.M. CET (Central European Time).
Check schedule to see what's been qued to post.
3.1 Note: This account is NOT my work place. Everything here is written when I have time and I feel like writing. Requests that I find more interesting will most likely be written and qued to post sooner. I advise you to follow my blog, check regularly and sit tight until you see that it's qued. You can always check my navigation page and click on 'schedule'. Or simply click here.
3.2 Note: I am not a doctor nor a firefighter nor a policeman. I research whatever I can before I start writing and sometimes that takes hours. Nothing is 100% accurate (especially for events set in Chicago Med) although I hope it is.
3.6 Note: Requests are currently OPEN for all fandoms!!!
3.7 Note: Your requests do not have to be strictly romantic (Sibling!Reader or other are also (obviously) allowed).
---More shows and characters will be added through time
✏ TV SHOWS (alphabetical order)
9-1-1 (✓)
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Howard "Chimney" Han
Simon Basset
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Prince Friedrich
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Peter Mills
Jimmy Borelli
Christopher Herrmann
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Jay Halstead
Hank Voight
Alvin Olinsky
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Noah Sexton
Crockett Marcel
James Lanik
Blake Carrington
Jeff Colby
Liam Ridley
Michael Culhane
Guzmán Nunier Osuna
Samuel García Domínguez
Christian Varela Expósito
Leopoldo Benavent Villada (Polo)
Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Ada Shelby
Polly Gray
Alfie Solomons
Michael Gray (I currently cannot stand this dude)
Scott Mcall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Derek Hale
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Rebekah Mikaelson
Number Five
Diego Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore (hate him)
Alaric Saltzman
Lorenzo St. John
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert (hate her even more)
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Benny Watts
Harry Beltik
Geralt of Rivia
See under ‘Marvel Universe’.
Oliver Wood
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
The Marauders era
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Nick Fury
James Rhodes / War Machine / Iron Patriot
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier / White Wolf
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
T'Challa / Black Panther
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Stephen Strange
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Pietro Maximoff
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Embry Call
Lee Christmas
Barney Ross
Billy The Kid
Hale Caesar
Yin Yang
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
#imagine requests#Chicago pd#Chicago med#Chicago fire#Peaky blinders#Breaking bad#Fanfiction#Imagines#Drabbles#Fluff#elite#Netflix elite#elite imagine#elite fanfiction#rules#guidelines#masterlist
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5,10,15,20, 60-64 😇
Waffs this is so many 😂😂
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Soda cans!
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Pretty sure I blocked out most of my PE classes from my memory. I think I was just really bad at everything in gym class 😂
I played softball for a few years and wasn’t too shabby at it though. And I was pretty ok at intramural racquetball in college.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
In high school, Fahrenheit 451 or The Screwtape Letters.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
I typically write stuff down in a notebook first. Usually some dialogue or a specific part of a scene and then type that up. After that I go in a fill in the blanks. It’s very haphazard and messy.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
I know literally nothing about anime…. @pulveremcomedesligulas, any ideas?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
But heeerrrreeee, from The Two Towers;
“It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something.”
I could probably give you a thousand more from lotr, but I’ll restrain myself.
On a wildly different note, Claire’s “I have fucking survived” passage in ABOSAA is one of the most powerful things I have ever read in my life.
62. seven characters you relate to?
Ok so I never know how to answer the “relate to” question. Because I never know why I relate to them, or what about them clicks with me, or what we may have in common. And they’re always so different. But anyways, here’s a few.
- Sam Winchester, Claire Fraser, Feyre Archeron, Sam Gamgee.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
I lived for the times I was allowed to use our good ole dial-up and get on the American Girls website. That place was magical.
From this ask game.
#answers#sassenachwaffles#ask game#basically any question that requires me to know myself i have no answer for#i'm sorry i have no identity#insert shrug emoji here
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Day 13.
#Outlander#Waffs VS STARZ#do you all know how hard it is to come up these damn tweets#that are sassy and snarky#and relate to OL#ITS REALLY HARD OK
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WAFF RP- Bad times Bird Times.
This was a highly entertaining if heartbreaking session with @ichiwashername-o So I thought what fun it would be to share it all with you guys RIGHT?! *Eyetwitch*
If you’re confused by Any character you can find most in @ichiwashername-o‘s fanfics What are Friends For and A Happy Little Accident
And Now look at me attempting sketches of this RP in the future. Bleh. XP
* IchikoWindGryphon: Fel had been Gaster's trusted assistant for a great number of years. From practically the time Fel was old enough to be on his own he served under the great doctor, learning much under his guiding hand. But he had also noticed the doctor's distance over the years. He noticed Gaster becoming more reclusive, more obsessed with his mission. And for it all to come to a hideous head . . .
Fel shook his head. He couldn't help but blame himself for letting such a thing happen under his nose. It was disgusting.
He was old now, his tabby fur growing more and more grey. but he still had enough energy in him for one last ditch effort to help his cause. Gaster thinks he could brute force his way through the barrier using living weapons? Fel had a much more subtle plan in mind.
Angel: "Doctor wait up please!" the bright red Fox monster groaned hitching his backpack as he followed the old cat. He had made the mistake on assuming just because Fel was old, that he was feeble. Just the opposite as they tramped through the caverns far from Hotland and Waterfall, Fel was outpacing his assistant by leaps and bounds. "Darnit Lenny keep your stupid mouth shut next time." He wheezed under his breath as he jogged to keep up.
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel cast an irritated look at his own personal assistant. "Don't tell me you're getting tired now," he said. "We need to head all the way to the Ruins. We have much further to go."
Fel kept up his pace, occasionally stopping to "consult his notes" (a poor excuse to let Lenny catch up and catch his breath) But Fel pressed on, driven by a rather peculiar reading he found working in the lab.
An abnormal magical spike was registered right at the very edges of the cavern. Fel didn't have the slightest clue what it was but it was strong . . . and primal. He hoped it would be . . . something. A key to their torment, perhaps.
Angel: "I'm not tired!" Lenny wheezed, "I'm just..." he paused dead in his tracks, his eyes catching something glinting bright in the dark. "Whoa..." he breathed. "Hey doctor Fel, check it out!" Curiosity drove the fox to drop his napsack and squeeze through a tiny crevase in the tunnel- something he wouldn't have been able to do with the napsack on- until squeezing into a room chock-full of Human and Animal skeletons.
"Hooooleee Crap." Lenny squawked.
IchikoWindGryphon: "What is it? What do you see?" Fel asked. He was much bigger than Lenny, and couldn't fit into the enclosed space the little fox had disappeared into. "Are you alright?"
Angel: Lenny turned back, "Oh yeah I'm alright doc. I found... Well it kind of looks like the Dump back in Waterfall but with... Lots of bones." he carefully nudged the pile, making sure it was stable enough to support his weight.
IchikoWindGryphon: "Hm, be careful. Who knows what fetted rot lurks on those corpses. Don't linger too long in there!"
Angel: "No worries boss, this is super creepy. I thought Humans had funerals for their remains- Boxes with flowers n' such." Lenny half-shouted as he began to climb the skeletons.
"I mean I knew Humans were pricks but at least we have the deccency to leave our loved ones dust with their favourite stuff."
IchikoWindGryphon: "Humans normally have proper burials," Fel acknowledged. "Death is a sacred and taboo thing for them. Only in profound displays of disrespect are their bodies thrown away so haphazardly. They must have been criminals . . . or enemies. In either case, why are you still in there?"
Angel: "Thought I saw something shiny." Lenny admitted continuing to climb "Metal's worth a lot of gold in the Recycling racket-AHA!" at the top of the pile half-buried under the skull of a bear was an urn made of heavy brass. "Sweeeet!" Lenny cheered reaching- then yelping as a sharp fragment of bone pierced his hand.
IchikoWindGryphon: "Lenny, please get out of there," Fel sighed.
Angel: "Ow Ow, On my way doc, just hang on." Lenny pulled the bone out of his hand, ignoring the violet Mana welling up in his palm- He'd grab a monster Candy to fix that once he had collected his prize. He grabbed the urn "On my way Doc!"
Lenny turned to go, making the mistake of tucking the urn under his arm, his bleeding hand touching the metal- and awakening the thing that had died centuries ago.
With an explosive POP! the Urn's lid burst allowing an ashy fog to escape and fill the room- "Whattheh-" Was all Lenny could say before he began to cough as the ash filled his lungs, cutting and drinking more of his magical blood before he knew what was going on
IchikoWindGryphon: "Lenny?!?! LENNY!!! Answer me!" Fel cried as he tried to claw his way into the crevasse. "LENNY!!!"
Angel: Lenny couldn't say a word, but to whatever tender mercy there was, he was dead before he had even time to realize, turning to dust, his dust joining the ash cloud before it swirled up to the top of the bonepile and formed a fox-like monster, but unlike Lenny who was small and red, this monster was as tall as Fel and a dark Ash Grey mixed with deep red. "Aaaaaah....." He sighed in delight. "Lovely." he inspected himself. Or specifically his hands. "Hm. Not exactly my old form, but I could get used to it."
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel heard that voice . . . the voice that definitely wasn't Lenny. Fel flexed his hands, yellow magic encompassing his hands and forming long and vicious claws. He growled.
"Whoever the hell you are . . ." Fel snarled. "Come out here and tell me what you did to Leonard!"
Angel: The thing turned. Whoops, turned out his snack hadn't been alone. Ah well he could use a guide. quietly he returned to ash before zipping through the crevase, briefly inspecting the prepared-to-attack Fel before reforming behind him. "Why Sir, who's this Leonard you're talking about?" He purred before prodding Fel in the back of the head with a finger glowing a sickly mauve colour
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel turned and with a high pitched shriek he slashed at the thing behind him. It definitely was NOT Leonard. He jumped away, magic still glowing fiercely around his claws and fangs pulled back into a snarl.
Dammit, he was too old for fighting. But he wasn't giving up without a fight! Not after . . .
Oh god . . . Leonard was dead, wasn't he?
"What did you do?" Fel asked hoarsely. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIEND?!"
Angel: the thing stepped back easily avoiding Fel's claws. "Sir, I am your friend!" He said before grabbing the old cat by the throat and staring him in the eyes "Leonard Vulpeca is right here...." He growled back his eyes glowing the same sickly mauve "So long as you Obey Me. "
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel grasped and clawed at the hand that held him, his magic-empowered claws digging into the thing's flesh . . . but his "blood" was not normal monster blood or mana. It was black. Like tar. Fel's eyes went wide . . . and he could feel his mind slipping. He felt a fog descend on his mind . . . everything became light and distant.
It was like sleeping . . . just fading away and listening to that one singular voice . . .
"What . . . what are you . . . ?" Fel whispered as he felt his mind go blank.
Angel: Vulpeca smirked setting the cat monster down and brushing his labcoat off, carefully inspecting the black blood as it burned away and healed. "One of a kind." He answered, "Even while I was still human." he flexed his limbs and tested the new abilities he felt burn in the back of his mind. "Fantastic! I knew magic had potential but this- THIS Is incredible!" he formed a magic bullet and flung it at a wall- a little too close to the geased Fel. "Whoops! Better not damage the new help quite just yet!" Vulpeca giggled. "Might need him still. Tell me Cat, what do the Monsters call you and why were you here with your friend Leonard?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel, his eyes glazed over, felt himself compelled to answer.
"I am Fel Onyxclaw, and I am the Assistant Royal Scientist," he said in a monotone voice. "I came here because I sensed great magic. It is evident that the magical reading I detected was you."
Angel: Vulpeca cocked an eyebrow. " Assistant Royal Scientist? Well well well I've made a useful friend indeed. Tell me Doctor Onyxclaw, who is the Current Head Royal Scientist?"
IchikoWindGryphon: "The current Head Royal Scientist is Dr. Wing Dings Gaster," fel said plainly.
"Or . . . he was. He is currently under arrest."
Angel: Vulpeca froze. "The Hand of Death...?!" That wasn't so good.. until he realized "Under arrest? Oho What did that High-and-Mighty corpse do so bad that it resulted in we Monsters arresting him? Vulpeca paced back and forth
IchikoWindGryphon: "He is facing crimes against monsterkind for unethical experiments on other monsters," Fel said. He furrowed his brows. "Accused of abusing, torturing, and neglecting 'test subjects. Also accused of assaulting another monster."
Angel: Vulpeca burst out laughing. "Ha, really now? How about that, I guess old Redstrike broke whatever constitued a brain in Wingy's head." Vulpeca paused. before pointing a finger at Fel. "Well Doctor Onyxclaw, tell me about your companion Leonoard." he snapped his furry fingers as if to say "Hurry up"
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel indulged Vulpeca in what he knew. Lenny was an assistant, but their relationship was strictly professional. Truth be told, Fel didn't know much about him or his personal life. Lenny was studious, a people-pleaser, always eager to lend a helping hand. Over all a good worker. But Fel couldn't tell Vulpeca any more than that.
Angel: Vulpeca nodded. "Very good Doctor. I'm going to tell you what happened. Your Assistant Leonard stumbled across an old Artefact with a lot of magic, he absorbed Said Magic and transformed into the handsome specimen you see before you." Vulpeca waved at himself as he magically formed a suit of clothes that was fancier- yet as simple as the clothes Lenny had worn for his demise. "Deciding to study the phenomenon we will return to civilization. In the presence of other monsters I will be as diligent an assistant as ever there was." he stepped forward and grabbed the old cat by the chin to stare him in the eye. "You will be my servant until I no longer have use of you..." he smiled. "Understood Doctor?"
IchikoWindGryphon: "I understand," Fel said flatly. The haze was complete. If there was any remnant of Fel's free will, it was good and buried under Vulpeca's magic.
Angel: Vulpeca let go of Fel. "Well let's not dilly-dally then." He said cheerfully grinning as he picked up Lenny's backpack and slung it over one shoulder. "Let's be on our way Good Doctor!"
Back in Waterfall Cirri shivered slightly as she wrapped her bright blue scarf around her neck. It just felt like something dark and foreboding had happened... What was it that humans called that? She knew there was a term for it but the exact words were escaping her at the moment in her quiet Waterfall home. "Oh well I'm sure Grillby will know it." she concluded.
Angel: Cirri made her way from her high cliffside home down to Snowdin, it had been a few weeks since the incident at the Trial, and while she had wanted to stay and help Grillby with the Skeleton Bros, job obligations had forced her back home. She had called every night to check on her foster Father, and now she even had a free weekend to drop in and check on everybody. She had even brought presents!
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans and Papyrus . . . were not doing well. Sans took it especially hard that he lost control and almost hurt people. He was constantly beating himself up for hurting his brother, no matter how much Papyrus protested he was alright. Grillby found himself helplessly unqualified to comfort them, despite his best efforts. Neither the boys wanted to talk to them, both choosing to stay secluded in the guest room, only emerging to eat. They barely spoke any more. And it was affecting Grillby's work severely. He found himself closing up the restaurant earlier and earlier. His top-notch food was losing its flavor. He was forgetting orders, recipes, even.
Things were not well.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby was lost in his thoughts, wandering back home after deciding to close up after the lunch rush. Saturday nights were usually prime time for him but he didn't have the energy for it. He found it frustrating he was reduced to sulking around his home . . . but he was running on fumes.
Gaster, for all his faults, for all the times in the past he had been cold and distant . . . Gaster had always been there for Grillby when things went bad. And did things go very bad very quickly for the retired general. Whenever Grillby had a violent flashback, Gaster had been there to ground him. Whenever PTSD rocked him to the core and paralyzed him, Gaster was there to snap him back to his senses.
And now Gaster was gone, and Grillby felt hopelessly lost.
Angel: Cirri arrived at Snowdin and felt the sour mood. Grillby's distress was effecting the happiness of the rest of the community- Almost everyone out in the street was grumpy or sad in one way or another. "Oh dear." Cirri murmured passing one of the Canine Guard who looked like the saddest puppy in the world. "I hope things aren't this bad at Grillby's...." She hugged her bag of presents and made haste for Grillby's place, knocking on the door. "Answer the door quick Grillby this is giving me Deja Vu in all the worst ways." she shivered remembering the visit to Gaster's lab that changed everything.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby answered the door, greeting Cirri with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. He stood off to the side and silently beckoned her inside. Ever the gentleman, he helped her with her coat and bags, hanging her things on a nearby coat rack.
"It is good to see you," Grillby said in a quiet voice. "How are you?"
Angel: Cirri smiled sadly back at Grillby "Better now that I can see you again." She gave Grillby a hug willing some part of her to ease the hurt in Grillby somehow. "Where's Sans and Papyrus?"
IchikoWindGryphon: "In the guest room. They haven't left the house since . . ." He trailed off, glancing out his window at the sentries stationed just out of sight. "They blame themselves for what happened."
Angel: Cirri sighed. "I was afraid of that." Her having to leave soon after probably didn't help things either. "Well I'm going to go say hi, and then I'm treating everyone to dinner." She said firmly. "I may not be as good a cook as you Grillby but I think having a break in the kitchen might do you some good anyway." she gave the fire elmental's hand a reassuring squeeze before heading to the guest room, hovering slightly as to not betray her presence too soon.
Cirri stood in front of the door, then, ever-so carefully she tapped on the Door. "Sans... Papyrus? It's Cirri. Can I come in?"
IchikoWindGryphon: There was a bit of a silence before a brief grunt could be heard, presumably permission to come inside. The room was dark, the bed stripped of its covers as the skeletons huddled under them in the far corner. The two brothers were holding each other, gripping each other so tightly as if they were afraid they would fly off if they let go. Sans didn't look at her but Papyrus offered Cirri a smile as she entered.
"Hello, Cirri," Papyrus greeted. "You lok well."
Angel: "Hi Papyrus." She smiled warmly back, "I missed you two you know." she kneeled on the floor before them. "Sorry I left so soon, I had to take care of things back home in Waterfall."
IchikoWindGryphon: "It's ok," he reassured. "And maybe it's best if you weren't around us for a bit," he added timidly, staring at the ground. "It would be awful if we hurt you."
Angel: "Nuts to that." Cirri replied sharply. "I'd probably have a better chance of hurting you than the other way around." she admitted.
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans let out a sharp laugh. "If you really think that then you must be pretty dense. Which is hilarious, being an air elemental." Sans' eyes went dark. "You shouldn't be here. The doc was right. We're dangerous. We should be locked up, before we hurt anyone." The poor skeleton began to shake. "I almost killed people, Cirri. If any monsters were dusted because of how stupid I was, I could never forgive myself."
Papyrus hugged his brother.
Angel: Cirri looked Sans straight in his pupil-less eyes. "Sans I don't know what I can tell you than this." she said. "I trust you and I care for you. If your so scared that you might dust someone then..." she paused.
"...Then I'll stop you myself!"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans nodded knowingly. "It may come to that. So . . . thanks."
"And I will as well, brother," Papyrus said firmly. "You may be bigger than me but I'll do everything I can to make sure you don't ever hurt anyone! I can promise you that!"
Sans allowed himself to grin. "And I promise the same to you, bro. Thank you."
Angel: Cirri smiled, turning a shade lighter. "Now, I know I'm not as good a Chef as Grillby but I brought a Treat from Waterfall I think Sans may enjoy- and I brought you both something to help cheer you up." she stood up. "But my only stipulation is that you spend some time outside of your room for a little bit. Just enough to see your presents, that’s my only request!"
IchikoWindGryphon: "Presents?" both the boys parroted in unison
Angel: Cirri nodded. "Something someone gives to another to show them they care." she explained. "But they're out in the hall with my things and I have to get supper ready first- so You're going to have to wait."
IchikoWindGryphon: "Uh . . . ok . . . we'll come downstairs with you." Papyrus gripped Sans' hand and led him out of the bedroom and downstairs. Grillby was there, and his flames burned just a shade brighter seeing the boys out of the room.
Angel: Cirri nodded in satisfaction before heading to the kitchen, one bag of goodies in tow. after a small amount of time and some boiling water Cirri called the guys in for a simple meal of Hotdogs and French Fries. "Sans seems so determined to eat with his hands, so I thought some finger food might be nice." She wiggled her fingers to emphasize the point. "No forks needed." she added as they sat down to the meal
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans poked at his food for a bit before taking tiny bites, Papyrus as well. Even Grillby didn't seem to have much of an appetite but they ate anyway. Sans seemed to like the hot dog and poured himself a heaping portion of ketchup with it. Papyrus wrinkled his non-existant nose at the red sauce and chose to eat his dog and fried plain.
Angel: After supper Cirri nudged the guys into the living room and pulled out her second bag. "First for Grillby-" With this she pulled out a bag of wood chips, a bow wrapped around the top. "I heard this was the new snack for Fire Elementals in Hotland so I picked up some for you to try." she gave the bag to Grillby.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Oh, thank you, Cirri. This takes me back. You know . . . when I was a little spark, my . . . father for lack of better words would give me wood scraps like these for snacks. Gaster thought it was hilarious." He trailed off, holding the chips in his hand. "Thank you Cirri."
"You had a dad?" Papyrus asked.
"Well, it's different for elementals. Elementals are created via complex primordial magic. It's a magic form that's been lost to the ages. A magician created me, but he gave me to an innkeeper. The magician owed the innkeeper a great favor, so the magician created me to serve the innkeeper as thanks. The innkeeper treated me wonderfully. Treated me like a son, really. And he also was the closest thing Gaster had to a father as well."
Sans and Papyrus looked at each other. "Who . . . who were Gaster's parents?"
"No one knows for sure," Grillby said. "Gaster was a street urchin as a child. He doesn't remember much of his childhood, other than living off the streets."
Angel: Cirri nodded. "I was given to a very Old Air Elemental when I was 'born'." She said. "Unfortunately he was killed when I was taken as a slave during the war." a small pang of sadness went out for her Grandfather. it was centuries ago but it still hurt like his death was yesterday. "Anyway, next is Sans' gift." she pulled out a joke book- Which secretly had layers to it. a Quantum Physics book was carefully wedged into the joke book and another joke book was wedged into the Quatum Physics book- If nothing else Cirri felt like Sans would appreciate the silliness of the gift. "I hope you can read Sans or I'm going to look very foolish right at the moment." she said
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans let out a laugh. "This is great! I love it. Thanks. Here, let me read one. Ahem. 'An atom walks into a bar and says 'Barkeeper! I think I lost an electron!' the barkeeper says 'Are you sure?' The atom says 'I'm positive!' Ha! This is fantastic."
Angel: Cirri laughed. "Good! Glad you like it so much." Once more she dug into the bag "Last but never least, Papyrus." She pulled out a large red scarf made of soft but heavy materials. "I thought it might look nice on you." She said. then pointed to her own lighter scarf of blue "Heh, we can be scarf buddies."
IchikoWindGryphon: Papyrus's eyes lit up as he took the scarf and carefully wrapped it around his neck. He seemed at lost for words. "Thank you, Cirri," he said gently. He couldn't think of any other words so he reached over and hugged the elemental.
Angel: Cirri hugged back, pleased she had raised the morale of her guys.
Meanwhile Vulpecula was up to mischief of the highest order. "Is this all of Dr. Gaster's messed-up research?" He asked the guard in charge of the evidence locker. "Doctor Onyxclaw needs as much of it as he can to explain-" he motioned to himself with a shrug
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel stepped forward. "We will need to review the notes. Orders from King Asgore. The jargon is difficult to interpret, and Gaster's . . . unique language doubly so. We will translate the notes for your case against Dr. Gaster."
The captain of the guards, currently overseeing the evidence storage, glared suspiciously at the two monsters. He knew of Fel but the fox monster was a face he hadn't seen before. Whatever the case, it made the captain uneasy. But he trusted Fel, so he allowed it.
"You are free to look at the notes, under my supervision," the captain said. "I am sorry to say much of the evidence and notes we have of Gaster's were destroyed in the attack a couple weeks ago. This folder is everything we have left."
Angel: "Damn." Vulpeca thought viciously, although he never stopped smiling genially. "Well we'll have to make do eh doc?" he said peering over at Fel.
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel nodded. "They will suffice. Thank you Captain, we will begin looking at them." Fel sat at a nearby table and began scouring the notes. He turned to Vulpeca, a faint grin on his face. "This is the research of the transformation of the two subject. Transforming them into feral beasts."
Angel: Vupleca smile grew a little broader. "Think you could repeat the process with any monster?" he asked ever-so-quietly as he made motions to sort and re-organize the file into a neat easy-to-read order.
IchikoWindGryphon: "It will be difficult. Dr. Gaster was tampering with very volatile and dangerous CORE energies . . ." He paused. "But it is doable."
Angel: "Excellent." Vulpeca had studied the case very thoroughly. "I have just the subject in mind then. Get everything you need to get it done, then meet me back at the laboratory." his stomach grumbled... it was time to hunt again. "Hey Doc I'm going to knock off for the day and head home, do you need me for anything else?" Vulpeca said loudly for the guards benefit.
IchikoWindGryphon: "I am fine as is," Fel said, playing along to the silent commands of Vulpeca. "You may leave, I will finish here."
Angel: "Thanks, see you later Doctor Onyxclaw." he stood up and made his exit... when he paused by the Prisoners wing. "Hmmm..." it was probably a bad idea.. .but Vulpeca had been dead for an absurdly long time, and he was interested in tweaking an old Enemy's ire just for the hell of it.
Turning to ash, he floated above the standing guards, throwing distractions and exploring until he found his way to Gaster's Cell reforming by the Magic-Nullifying gate- currently abandoned thanks to a little fogging on the guards minds, making them think they had been called elsewhere.
Vulpeca entered. "So this is the mighty Champion of Monsterkind, brought low by his own good intentions."
IchikoWindGryphon: Gaster sat up straight in his cell. His eyes were black. Blue light flared at his fingertips.
<<Who . . . no . . .>> he whispered. <<WHAT ARE YOU?>>
Angel: Vulpeca chuckled. "Good question. I don't quite fully know myself." he inspected a hand. "I had your associate Dr. Onyxclaw give me a full physical after I revived. Best he could guess is that my Determination to get back everything you and Redstrike stole from me was enough to cling to my ashes." he stared back, his eyes a solid white to Gaster's black. "A Dash of Monster and a Dash of human. Not quite one or the other." His eyes returned to normal the Bright yellow iris dancing in merriment. "Isn't that just amazing?" He giggled.
IchikoWindGryphon: Faster than Vulpeca could blink, Gaster was at the bars, eyes flaming with blue light, The shackles burned Gaster's bones but his rage blinded him from the pain.
<<Don't think I haven't forgotten your voice, you cretin,>> Gaster snarled. <<I don't care what you are I WILL END YOU.>>
Angel: Vulpeca grinned. "Oh Good you Do Remember me. I'm so glad." he stepped back. "Do you suppose my little Cloud remembers me too? She was so cute and nearly ripe for harvest too." he scowled before shoving Gaster back into a web of off-purple lines
IchikoWindGryphon: Gaster let out a furious roar. <<DON'T YOU LAY A HAND ON HER YOU SICK WORM!>> he howled. Gaster then began to laugh maniacally. <<You think you can take her so easily! She's protected far better than you know! You will never get your filthy paws on her! They'll rip you apart!>>
Angel: "Your pet Freaks. Yes they'll be tricky." Vulpeca nodded solemnly "But here's the thing O' Hand of Death." he held out both hands. "I've spent a very long time since your banishment from the surface outwitting Hounds." he stepped back. "It was my Old Age and Hunger that got me last time. Now I am young again and I have a whole bustling population to keep me Sated for as long as I want. As well as a whole host of useful powers and willing if slightly press-ganged servants." He bowed. "Whereas you Dear Hand, are in disgrace, distrusted by all who know you and cannot warn your guard dogs without them striking you down first." he smiled maniacally. "I think I can outwit a couple of bony mutts and a candle don't you?" He laughed wickedly before turning to ash and slipping out the way he came- he had a meal to track.
IchikoWindGryphon: Gaster mustered every ounce of his magic--no matter how much it burned, no matter how much the shackles seared his bones, he forced himself to focus, he concentrated on his magic--
And he jumped.
The bars electrified him as he tried to teleport through them, searing him with electric fire. He screamed so loud and so terribly the cell walls trembled. He was thrown back, hitting the opposite wall hard and fell against the ground.
And for the first time in a very long time, Gaster felt an overwhelming sense of fear.
<<Cirri . . . oh god, Cirri . . .>>
And he begged to whatever deity that may be listening that Grillby and his creations could keep her safe.
Angel: Back in Snowdin Cirri was introducing the Skeleton brothers to the wonders of snow, grabbing handfuls and tossing it into the air to form pretty showers, or rolling it up into balls to carve out however they wish- in Sans case it was less rolling up into a ball and more gathering a lump to lie in.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby watched from a distance of course. He was a fire elemental after all, he didn't exactly like to get wet. Papyrus and Sans were having fun in the snow, Sans burying himself in his little piles and Papyrus having a delight carving sculptures out of the snow. He was a natural.
Angel: "Very nice Papyrus." Cirri nodded to the highly muscular self-portrait of himself.
IchikoWindGryphon: "It's my greatest creation!" Papyrus proclaimed.
"It's snow good," Sans chuckled.
"Sans yes."
Grillby however felt on edge. Something was off, and he couldn't put his finger on what. Call it instincts or what have you but Grillby felt his flames flicker aggressively.
Angel: Cirri giggled when her Cellphone went off in her pocket. "Oh nuts..." she pulled it out and saw that it was the Captain of the Guard. "Hello?"
"Miss Cirri, Sorry to bother you, but I'm afraid thanks to the attack, your written testimony was lost in the fire." the reply came through on the phone's speaker loud enough for Sans and Papyrus to hear.
"It'll only take an hour and I've already sent an officer down to your house to save you the trouble."
Cirri groaned slightly. "I'm currently away from my house, but I'll meet your officer there." she then heard the Captain groan. "Are you alright sir?" she asked
"I-I'll be fine. Seem to be coming down with something."
"Alright. Take care of yourself Captain, Goodbye."
Cirri hung up and turned to the skeleton brothers. "Seems I have to run back home for an errand." she said sadly.
IchikoWindGryphon: "Let me come with you," Grillby offered. "It won't be any trouble."
Angel: "I'm just meeting a Guard at my house." Cirri reassured. "It'll take an hour tops, especially if I fly over."
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby didn't look assured. "Are you sure? I don't mean to be so . . . motherly but I'm not getting a good feeling from this. I can come with, it will be no trouble."
The boys were nodding as well. "And we can come too, if you like," Papyrus offered.
"Yeah, if the captain lost your testimony, maybe he lost ours as well?" Sans said. "We should go so we can give them anything they might be missing."
Angel: Cirri sighed. "Well Sans has a Point " she admitted. Maybe it would be better if they came along just to make sure there were no holes.
"Alright we'll all go together. It can't hurt to be thorough." she shugged.
IchikoWindGryphon: The four set off, taking the boat to Waterfall and then to Cirri's home. It wasn't a terribly long walk but Grillby's sense of unease only continued to grow. He gripped Cirri's hand for good measure.
Angel: Cirri squeezed Grillby's hand reassuringly. "This won't take long, I promise." she said "Grillby.... I was thinking. I'm not particularlly fond of the boats- Nothing against Riverperson mind you but... Wood." she admitted. Trees were alright but she never felt quite at-ease in the RIverperson's boat.
"I was thinking maybe of relocating to Snowdin- to help you and Sans and Papyrus."
IchikoWindGryphon: "Really?" Grillby said, surprised. "You're sure about that?"
Angel: Cirri shrugged. "Not really sure. But It's been.. empty in my house all alone." She confessed. she was beginning to get used to having so many people around her. "I'll still need my own space but.. having you guys closer would be nice too."
IchikoWindGryphon: "Well, you think about it some more," Grillby assured. "And I will be happy to assist you moving in!"
Angel: "I will." Cirri said as they arrived at the rope bridge that lead up to Cirri's house. "Careful now, the wood can be slippery at the best of times." Cirri hovered, letting go of Grillby's hand to give both hands for the railings if needed.
IchikoWindGryphon: Beyond the bridge stood an old cat-monster, with greying fur and black striped. His eyes were glazed over as if in a trance, and he stood, still as a statue just on the other side.
"Hello, Cirri," Fel said. His voice was hollow. "Pleasure to meet you. Have we ever been formally introduced?"
Angel: Cirri floated over to the cat monster. "Um How do you do." She said an edge of nervousness in her voice. "No, I don't believe we have met-" She peered at his labcoat. "Are you a Royal Scientist?" she asked
IchikoWindGryphon: "I am the Assistant Royal Scientist. Dr. Fel Onyxclaw. I served with Dr. Gaster for a number of years, and let me say that his atrocious crimes were the worst betrayal I have felt in many years. I believed him to be a good man. A noble monster. How wrong we were."
Angel: Cirri nodded sadly. "Ah. yes it was a shock to us all." She said politely. Something about the cat monster was giving her the willies. "Can I help you with anything Dr. Onyxclaw?"
IchikoWindGryphon: "I am assisting with Gaster's . . . case," he said. "You are here to meet the guard, yes? Good thing I caught you. I am here to give my own testimony as well."
By now Grillby and the skeleton brothers had crossed the bridge, the three of them eyeing the scientist warily. Grillby gave the cat a curt nod. He knew Fel in passing; he had frequented the bar from time to time and was a decent (if abrasive) fellow. Fel simply nodded in return.
Angel: "Well good! Let's wait inside my house then, it's far too wet for this sort of discussion." She motioned to the front door of her tiny cottage on a cliff and cringed inwardly- Four other people and her was going to be awkward. When the Guard got there it was going to be five and very uncomfortable. She approached the door digging in her pocket for her house keys when she noticed something was odd- Her front door was ever-so-slightly ajar.
"I swear I locked up when I left..."
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel Lunged at her from behind, gripping her in a headlock and turning to keep Cirri between Grillby, the boys, and himself. Instantly Grillby ignited like a wildfire, his fire like daggers on his hand and his mouth splitting open to form jagged teeth. The skeletons' eyes glowed with magic but none moved. A stalemate.
"No one move or the cloud girl dies," Fel hissed. He brought his claws right up to Cirri's throat. "And don't think yor little lightning can hurt me, my magic can negate your pitiful sparks."
Angel: Cirri stared at the doctor's claws, in alarm but didn't move a muscle as the door swung open for Vulpecula. "Hmm. You've turned into quite a pretty creature haven't you my dear?" he purred stroking the horrified Cirri's cheek. "Hello General, nice to see the Fire's still going strong eh?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby's flames shot higher, practically shaking and whatever water within a three foot of him evaporating instantaneously. The skeleton brothers backed away from him ever so slightly. They were scared for Cirri, but too frightened to act.
"LET. HER. GO." Grilby hissed.
Angel: "Let me think...." Vulpecula made a thinking face "Hmmm.... Nope. I don't think so. I'm just back to reclaim what was always Mine." he grinned. "Unless you'd like to make a trade? I was always fond of Dogs." He pointed to the two skeleton brothers. "They look like such useful hunters too." he grinned
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans and Papyrus looked at each other for only a second before they stepped in front of Grillby. "If . . . if we go with you, will you promise to let her go?" Papyrus said shakily.
"OUT OF THE QUESTION," Grillby roared, throwing a hand in front of them. "You let Cirri go. Or so help me I will burn you alive."
Angel: "I'm not the One holding her," he motioned to Fel. "Granted the Poor Doctor is little more than my pawn. I claimed his Free Will as tribute for my ressurection. Tell me General are you willing to to burn an innocent for her Freedom?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby snarled. His wrists flexed, his fingers now claw-like and his entire body ablaze, flames licking from within his clothes.
"Coward," he hissed. "Now I recognize you. Always hiding behind others like the lowly filth you are. You disgust me." He looked over his shoulder at Sans and Papyrus. "I don't know how, and I'm not even going to try to guess, but that THING . . . he's the one who was Cirri's slavemaster. He's the sick fuck that kept her imprisoned for years! And here he is again, hiding. Have you no honor?"
At this, Sans growled, his teeth growing sharper.
Angel: "Honour? No Honour is for the weak and the mewling my dear General. What I have is a Hunger... a GREED that has brought me back from annihilation. I find that works very well." he smiled at Sans. "I'd watch that temper if I were you short stuff. You have a lousy memory when you're big and snarly," He turned his gaze to Cirri "Isn't that right Little Cloud? If it weren't for Gaster you would have been Dogfood at this moment wouldn't you?"
Cirri gave Sans a sad scared look, her whole body shaking like a leaf through the whole ordeal.
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans instantly cowed under Vulpeca's accusation, ashamed at himself and furious over his inability to control himself. He shook, paralyzed by fear and indecision.
"What do you want?" Sans whispered.
Angel: "My Dear dog I have exactly what I wanted" he grinned. "and by the end of the day I'll have a little more. A Good way to start my new Life in the Underground I think!" he stretched for a moment "Welp! It's been fun." Vulpecula snickered, throwing an arm around Cirri and Fel "But we three have a date with destiny. Though do try and stop me. I'd love to see the old Corpse proven wrong." With that said Vulpecula turned to ash, lifing Fel and Cirri in it's grasp, leaping over the boys heads and jumping off the cliff Cirri's house stood next to
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby gave chase, but for all his power he couldn't follow him off the cliff. The fall would kill him. Papyrus and Sans both ran to him, to the cliff edge and watching helplessly as Cirri was taken.
"Sans! Brother, you have to turn!" Papyrus begged. "You have to fly after him! You have wings! I don't! You have to save Cirri!"
Sans began shaking, his bones rattling. "I .. . .I can't I can't I can't what if . . . what if I--"
"Sans!" Papyrus said, gripping his shoulders. "Cirri promised that if you did anything she'd stop you! And I promised as well! But Cirri needs you right now! Please, brother!"
Sans took a shuddering breath.
And with resolution burning within him, he began to change.
For Sans, the change was always agony.
His tiny body twisted, bent and snapped in a horrifying fashion as limbs lengthened. As spines formed on his back, as his skull sprouted a crown of horns. He grew taller and bigger, a tail whipping around him and enormous bat-like wings sprouting from his back.
A blue glowing membrane stretched between the digits and Sans let out a terrifying roar as the transformation completed.
Taking only a moment to steady himself, Sans took flight.
Papyrus was about to run off after him, but Grillby grabbed his wrist.
"Gaster. He mentioned Gaster," Grillby said. "I loathe him now more than anything .. . but he can help us. Come. We're breaking him out of prison."
Angel: Vulpeca paused to snag a shredded piece of Cirri's violet overcoat to a rocky outcropping down a dead-end tunnel. "Did you get everything prepared?" He asked Fel sharply.
IchikoWindGryphon: "Making final adjustments now," Fel said as he furiously worked at the controls of the lab. "So much of the equipment was disconnected when the guards came to collect evidence. Everything is booting up now. May be another ten minutes."
Fel went back and forth numerous times, consulting the notes, double-checking numbers, making sure everything was accounted for. This experiment left no margin for error.
Angel: Cirri had been rendered unconscious the moment they had landed from the great height of her home. Her enchanted sleep was thankfully dreamless or she'd be surely having the mother of all nightmares.
Vulpeca floated throughout the lab leaving fragments of Cirri's jacket hither and yon. "We haven't much time Doctor, make due haste." he snarled. He was going to make this happen and make his revenge complete in all ways.
IchikoWindGryphon: "With all due respect if we do not do this properly we'll not only kill her but kill ourselves," Fel said pointedly. "Dr. Gaster nearly died doing what we're attempting to do now."
A few more clicks at the controls, and everything was ready. The same laser that granted the skeletons their shape-shifting powers was now online and operational.
"Ready to proceed," Fel said.
Angel: "Then do so." Vulpeca said. "I wonder if she'll become a dog..." He wondered out loud to no one in particular.
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel started up the laser, and it let out a shrill whine as it reached full power. A hesitance, and he pressed the master switch.
The full power of the COrE bore down on the elemental.
Fel looked up from the controls. "Too late," he said dryly. "We're nearly done."
Angel: Vulpeca smiled wickedly. "Well done doctor." He said in Satisfaction as he lifted the spell over Cirri allowing her to wake up with a shuddering gasp
IchikoWindGryphon: The roaring grew louder. Closer. Steel door thundered as they were slammed to the ground.
Fel ignored it. "The effects should only take seconds."
Angel: "Very good Doctor. I Shall be taking my leave then." he blew a kiss at Cirri "I'll be back for you later my Lovely Cloud. But for now enjoy what the Good Doctor prepared." he set a hand on Fel's shoulder, releasing his mind control before turning to ash and slipping through the ventilation ducts.
"Effects? What-!" Then Cirri felt it. a twisting painful feeling right in the very core of her being.
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel crumpled to the ground, his head spinning and his eyes flashing with stars. But he remembered everything. Everything he did . . . everything he said
Oh god, what has he done?!
He struggled to his feet, the mind control slow to lift the haze over his eyes. Everything seemed so far away. He tried to reach for Cirri.
Angel: "Ah-h-h-h..." Cirri wheezed, shooting sparks as her body shifted, her fingers beginning to melt into a single strip. "Oh God.. Oh God... Someone..." She wanted to scream but it was just enough to breathe as her body began to contort, her clothing beginning to tear as she grew in size
IchikoWindGryphon: Fel reached for her, his hand landing on her shoulder. "Oh, god, oh my god Cirri I'm so sorry," he gasped between sobs. "Im so sorry I'm-"
A thundering crash could be heard just down the corridor, and charging down the hall was none other than Sans in his terrifying beastly form.
He stopped dead when he saw Cirri. His eyes went dark, his wings dropping, defeated to the ground.
<<Cirri!>> he cried as he ran next to her, pressing his snout against her shoulder. <<Hold on, just . . . it's going to be ok. Just breathe. You're going to be ok . . .>>
Angel: Cirri looked up at Sans in his big scary form- and smiled weakly "I knew it. I knew you could-" She squealed as bird talons broke through her boots her legs reversing direction at the same time "Oh god Sans is this- this how bad it hurts for you?" she wheezed flapping as silver-grey feathers began to form on her arms
IchikoWindGryphon: <<Don't talk,>> Sans said quietly. <<Save your energy. Just . . . keep breathing. Don't think about anything else. Keep breathing. I'm right here, jut . . . oh god, Im sorry .. .>>
Angel: Cirri screamed her fanged mouth reshaping into a beak in mid-cry, the remains of her clothes shredding into nothing as her body changed into something avian, the last change resulted in silver-grey feathers forming and growing to full use, but at that point she was too wrung out to react anymore
IchikoWindGryphon: No one moved for several moments. Everyone was still trying to comprehend what happened. Cirri . . . had transformed. Just like Sans. Just like Papyrus. Sans didn't know what to even do, he was too stunned to react. What could he even say?
He pressed his snout against Cirri. Tears were streaking from his sockets.
Fel stood, shaking and swiping away the tears in his eyes. "He-he's going to pay," Fel quivered. "Vulpeca is going to pay for what he did. And I swear I will do whatever I can to undo this."
Angel: Cirri twitched and tried to get up- oh but everything felt so Wrong . << ....Sans...?>> She found her voice even felt wrong, someone might say it was pretty to listen too but she felt like she was talking through a slide whistle. <<... Sans... Am I dreaming... Please let me hold onto you...>> she murmured flopping half-delirious from the pain.
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans quickly got under her, his head getting under her shouler and easing her onto her unsteady feet. <<Take it slow. You're not used to . . . it takes time. And . . . heh, I got more legs out of the deal and you're stuck on your toes. Good thing you're a dancer, huh?>>
Angel: Cirri blinked wearily before staring down at her feet.... her weird weird bird feet. << my.... What's going to happen to me?!>> Cirri attempt to wail sounded more like a bird trill
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans felt his jaws open and close a few times before words came to him.
<<You . . . you turned. Like me. You're a . . . bird, I think. I'm sorry.>>
Angel: Cirri began to wheeze. It was too much.. to fast the room was beginning to shrink.. <<I got to get outside. Too small. Got to go it's too small....>>
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans didn't hesitate. Shucking her onto his back, he raced out of the lab and brought her outside as quickly as he could. Once in Hotlands, he set her on the ground, still keeping close and his snout on her shoulder.
<<It's ok, just breathe,>> he said. <<You're going to be ok . . .>>
Angel: Cirri just cried, a heartbreaking noise between a flute and a whistle as storm clouds began to from overhead- the second rainstorm underground in decades.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby and Papyrus were racing to the Capital, taking the quickest route through Hotlands. They both paused as they heard a haunting, crying melody echo through the magma pits. And they saw a stormcloud blooming in the distance. Grillby's soul lurched. Ignoring his own safety, he raced towards the storm.
He saw Sans in his beast form huddled over a large and magnificent bird. Grillby stopped, staring between Sans and the large bird.
Angel: Cirri stopped crying the moment she spotted Grillby. << Oh no...>> She curled her head under a wing. << Please don't look!>> she moaned
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby gaped.
Angel: << When I woke up... I started changing. Vulpeca made me....Made...>> she tweeted shrinking back into Sans
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby didn't need to hear anything further. He ran up to her, throwing his arms around Cirri's neck and hugging her tight. He began sobbing into her shoulder.
"Cirri . . . oh, god, Cirri . . ." he gasped. "Are . . . oh god of course you're not alright. But it will be. Cirri, I don't care what that bastard did to you. I'm right here and I am never leaving you."
Angel: Cirri lifted a wing in a hopeless attempt to reciprocate the gesture.
Meanwhile a delivery was being made to Gaster's Jailcell. An Envelope with no return adress. the moment he opened it a few polaroids of Cirri's new body slid out along with a note in rough hand "SURPRISE! IT'S A BIRD!"
Meanwhile Vulpeca was wandering the Underground laughing uproariously. Life was good.
IchikoWindGryphon: Gaster's entire body shook. His bones sung a death rattle as he stared at the pictures before him.
Cirri . . . dear Angel above what did he do to Cirri??!!
The pictures burned, blue flames licking the edges and consuming them. And Gaster fell to his knees, a cry of fury and grief sounding throughout the prisons.
#WAFF Related#Survivor Siblings#Oh No!#Horrible Transformations#I am a bad Story Mama#Cirri#Poor Cirri
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