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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years ago
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NOAH'S ARC (2005, USA)
Episode 2
Wade is jealous of Ricky and Noah's close friendship so Noah lays it down for Wade. How he met Ricky?
As a virginal gay man Noah went to a bar where he met Ricky and Ricky took him on the dance floor grinding all up on him. They ended up back at Ricky's store where things got heated. To heated for Noah (skeet skeet)
After that friends (or girlfriends forever)
Remember this one @bengiyo 😂😂😂 Love Darryl Stephens acting and facial expressions. Classic!!
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mischievous-thunder · 3 months ago
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Oh no! The Honey Badger doesn't like Wade talking like that about other people
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novakiart · 7 months ago
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hi I'm back with an epilogue
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afterlife-2004 · 6 months ago
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hemlock-dreams · 21 days ago
What about petter's photography interest???? Loving everything so far ^^
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Tysm!! I'm glad you're enjoying!!!!!
He LOVES photography- it's a good substitute for satiating his prey drive when he's out as a civilian. He loves setting up and bunkering down, waiting for the perfect shot.
Peter used to have albums of albums of photos, of his friends, MJ, Aunt May- and it's one of the things he misses most.
He'd offhandedly mentioned how bad he'd missed photography to Emma, and she and the other dancers pitched in for his birthday to buy him a second-hand Canon as a thank-you gift for all the work he does at the bar. (He wasn't crying, that was just sweat. The bar is really hot ok???)
Peter likes taking photos of everything but he really enjoys capturing things in motion (people/animals/supers) just for the challenge of getting those hard-to-get shots.
He's also managed to get a few sneaky photos of Wade, who normally hates being on camera. But hey, boundaries are for other pepole.
He's also won a few small awards for wildlife in the city (he even has one hanging in his apartment)!
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looker-bureau · 7 months ago
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Are they, you know.
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kendyroy · 4 months ago
very obsessed with the thought of wade coming home and logan sniffing someone else’s scent on his man and switching into jealous boyfriend mode
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johnlennonirl · 7 months ago
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As an Wolverine fictionkin (/srs and doubles dni), I agree we fucked in that fuckass van 👅
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twilightkitkat · 4 months ago
Almost everyone agrees that both sides of Poolverine have unhealthy attachment styles. A lot of people portray this as Logan having an avoidant attachment style and Wade having an anxious attachment style. But in reality, I think it'd be swapped.
Logan has all of the surface-level factors that make him easy to write off as avoidant: he's gruff, masculine, and has a habit of leaving without much forewarning. I feel like the largest factor that contributes to this portrayal of him is how he's closed-off and wary of people, and how despite getting closer to the X-men he still leaves the second he has a reason to. (And oftentimes, that reason is exploring his past or just needing to get away.)
But the reason he's leaving isn't because he wants to. It's because he feels like has to.
Logan acts like he doesn't care, but he does. And it's so painfully obvious. The second anyone he cares about is in danger, he rushes off to save them even if it goes against orders. His "leaving" isn't him running away from the people he cares about, but running toward them. And the other times, he's trying to uncover his past. Not because he wants to distance himself from the people he loves, but because he needs to know that he doesn't endanger them or put them at risk. So that he can be better for them.
He feels like the only way to keep the people he loves close is to not put everything out in the open. While he comes off as cocky and guarded and gruff, in reality, he's insecure and paranoid that people will leave him. He's terrified of loss, so he tries to prevent it by only showing people the parts of his personality that are "acceptable." The Wolverine can be animalistic and rough, but if he's soft and clingy then people will push him away.
The second he gets a crumb of affection, he clings to it desperately. He sees Jean's attraction to him and relentlessly flirts with her and tries to show off. If she told him no or turned him down point-blank, he would stop. But she only gives weak resistance (the type you give "for show") and so he keeps pushing. He puts himself in harm's way for her and protects her and supports her because he loves her, even if she only gives him a little back.
A scene where this is incredibly obvious is when Jean tells him that girls only flirt with the bad boy, they don't take him home. They marry the good guy. His response? He told her that he could be the good guy. That if she just gave him the chance, he'd change himself for her just to hold her close. He's desperate for her to finally see him and tries to plead his case.
If he were avoidant, he wouldn't lean in so hard to anyone who gives him any semblance of care or affection. Instead, as soon as someone is kind to him, he devotes himself to them. Gives away as much of himself as he can for their sake. He tries to be as close to them as he physically can, but it's hard. It's hard when nobody reciprocates. When he's met with awkwardness and discomfort the second he asks for more.
(He just wanted someone to belong to. A steady home. The second someone opens their door for him, he belongs to them. Until they get tired and kick him back out again. Until they just leave food scraps by the door and expect it to be enough.)
His natural instinct is to cling to someone as hard as he can. To stay on the lifeboat even as it sinks, even as his head is submerged underwater, until he physically can't anymore. But after so many times of trying to stay afloat on debris, he's reluctant to get into the water again.
And yet, the second Wade calls out to him and asks him to stay, he does. There's no room for hesitation. Not when someone finally wanted him.
Whenever Logan was offered a home, he always stayed as long as he could. And he learned that people normally took this as him overstaying his welcome. So he leaves not because he wants to, but for their sake. To not be a burden. Because that's what's expected.
But as soon as someone gives an indication otherwise, genuinely wants him, he holds them so closely he can hear their heartbeat. He's anxious that they'll leave him, so desperately tries to show that he's worth keeping. He'll do anything they ask. He'll push as far as they'll let him, curl up as close to them as they allow, and stay there.
Wade, on the other hand, is more avoidant. It's easy to write him off as anxious and affectionate: he's cheerful, flirty, and wears his surface-level emotions proudly. He isn't afraid to claim that he has a family, and one of his main motivations is his long-term relationship with Vanessa. He's been explicitly shown to be scared to lose the people he loves, and he coped horribly with the loss of his girlfriend.
However, attachment styles aren't about what you feel. They're about how you react to it.
Wade does care, because of course he does. He cares so much that it's painful. But how does he act on the love he feels? By distancing himself from others.
Wade is good at flirting. He's good at joking and being there when times are easy. But he's always had a habit of hiding his deeper emotions, even from the people closest to him. He doesn't let them know about his problems until it's too late. He intentionally hides from them and doesn't let them get involved in his life because he fears hurting them. It's a compulsion to keep them safe and happy and to protect himself and his own feelings.
After breaking free from Francis after unlocking his mutation, what does he do? He avoids Vanessa for years, terrified of how she'll react to this new version of him now that he looks disfigured. He never lets anyone too close to his true feelings, hiding behind his suit and mask. His first reaction when there's conflict that could result in issues isn't to stay and try to work through it, but to leave. Before they can get hurt. (Before they can hurt him.)
This is also shown at the start of the Deadpool & Wolverine movie. The overarching issue in Wade's life is that he feels empty and like he has no real purpose. Like he doesn't matter. Instead of using his relationships as support and sticking with them, he pulls back. He doesn't open up to Vanessa which results in their eventual break-up. He acts like he's perfectly content with his life to Peter and Al even though that's clearly not the case.
His first instinct was to run away. From his feelings, from difficult talks, from the people he loved. He tried to suppress his emotions and avoid intimate or serious conversations. He feels uncomfortable with the idea of being vulnerable with someone. He knows how to be alone. It's easy. Familiar. It's what he returns to the second he feels threatened.
However, as a pair, Wade and Logan balance each other out. Wade can finally feel comfortable being more open because Logan understands the pain of loss and suffering and immortality. Logan finally has someone who doesn't judge him for what he's done and who lets him be himself and still wants him.
When Logan initially was more closed-off, Wade felt comfortable pushing. When Wade tried to pull away because of his guilt, Logan yanked him back. When Logan was about to walk away, Wade called after him. Offered him a home. Logan answered.
Logan would latch onto Wade like a cat with separation anxiety. He'd give all he has to Wade in return for finally being treated like a person. And this would make Wade realize that he doesn't have to run away. He doesn't have to pull back when Logan can protect himself and wants to stay with him. Despite his mangled appearance and crude personality and shitty morality.
Wade gets used to Logan's presence. To finally having someone who's an equal. (Who won't hurt him. Who can't die. Who won't become overwhelmed because he knows what it's like. It's like he can finally breathe knowing that there's someone who's going to be there no matter what.)
Logan feels less anxious when Wade only acts this close to him, when he reassures him that in a multiverse of Wolverines, he's the one Wade would choose. Again and again. He finally feels like he's the exception in a good way. Like he's someone's first choice.
So Logan lets himself relax, and Wade lets himself finally get close to someone. They both let themselves stay and mean it.
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joykai · 5 months ago
Jealous logan
Thinking about logan being jealous when vanessa points out that he has a thing for guys with metal she goes on about colossus and the weird mentor x student shit they had going on and don't get me STARTED on cabel. Logan just like, am I just another peg on the bedpost for this guy? just another kink to scratch off, until he sees wade beeline right for him through a sea of his friends screaming "Wolvie! I missed you!" throwing himself at him and yapping on and on about how Yukio and Negs have been doing and Logan just smiles because he knows that in a sea of those metal assholes wade would always beeline it straight to logan.
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supercap2319 · 10 months ago
When Someone You Hate Falls Down The Stairs:
Y/N: "Peter, what happened?"
Peter: "Wade fell down the stairs."
Y/N: "OMG! Are the stairs okay?"
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brainrotcharacters · 6 months ago
deadclaws where Logan is not at all, shut the fuck up why would you say that, jealous of the attention Wade gives Mary Puppins
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mischievous-thunder · 4 months ago
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Wade's absolutely no match for the Honey Badger Gang
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adrixivy · 26 days ago
Peter has a lot of people he dated cannonly. So imagine when he’s dating Wade, he tells him about his previous lovers. Wade knew them. Well, most of them.
Like he knows about MJ, Gwen, Black Cat and probably Cindy too
What he DOESN’T know is that he apparently wasn’t the first male Peter dated and there was still more. (I’m still shocked) (Shut up Wade)
One day, the pair happened to team up with the Fantastic Four for a day. They decided to help the team and the entire time, Wade notices how touchy Johnny is with Peter and how much he actually talked to the Spider the entire day.
So after they spilt from the team, Wade decided to ask the question.
Wade: When were you so close with Johnny? Like I’m totally not jealous and I know you teamed up with them several times in the past. And I read from one of your many comics that you even became one of their members in a different universe but I didn’t know you were specifically closer with Johnny
Peter, ignoring the comic part and answering everything else: Oh I used to date him. Stayed in the same apartment too for a few months to save money before I moved out and decided we weren’t quite a fit together. I thought you knew?
Wade, absolutely dumbfounded and incredibly more jealous about the fact that Johnny lived with his baby boy before him: Babe, how could I possibly know that.
Then that night when they had their nightly patrol meal, Wade asked if he dated more people. Wade knew most(He thinks?) of his exes but was curious of anymore he doesn’t know. Peter hums thoughtfully before deciding to list out the names
Peter: MJ, Gwen, Felicia, Betty Brant(search her up if ydk) , Cindy, Johnny, Harry, Mark/Stephen(there’s actually a comic panel with him mentioning it) …uhh who else was there… *tapping his chin as he thinks*
Wade, nearly choking on his bite of chimichanga but swallowed it in the end cause he refuses to waste any bits of his second love before yelling: YOU DATED THE MOONKNIGHT? AND YOUR EX BEST FRIEND HARRY?? AND YOU REMEMBER BETTY FROM THE COMICS?
Peter, clenching his fist to calm down and not punch the man: Yes I dated Harry. A year only. Mark was quite short. Like a month or two? And Betty was my first girlfriend, of course I remember her. I still catch up with her, you idiot
Wade’s mind blanked for awhile and Peter had to drag him home. It’s difficult to carry a man a hundred more pounds heavier than him while swinging and calculating equations in his head so he doesn’t die and kill his love too. (Even if said lover can’t die so mostly he’s trying to save himself)
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fuckoffwade · 7 months ago
Possessive Boyfriend
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The door slammed shut, a gust of cool evening air swirling into the apartment. "Honey, I'm home!" Wade announced with a theatrical flourish, his voice echoing through the otherwise quiet space.
Logan grunted from his perch on the couch, not even bothering to look up from his well-worn paperback. "Took you long enough," he grumbled. "Thought maybe you'd finally gotten yourself killed for good this time."
Wade chuckled, shedding his jacket and tossing it haphazardly onto the armchair. "Nah, just a minor skirmish with some wannabe ninjas. You know, the usual Tuesday night fun."
Logan finally glanced up, his brows furrowing as he caught a whiff of Wade's scent. It was familiar - the underlying notes of gunpowder and sweat - but there was something else mixed in, a subtle floral fragrance that definitely didn't belong to Wade.
"Been wrestling with a perfume counter, have we?" Logan's voice was deceptively calm, but a flicker of possessiveness sparked in his eyes.
Wade grinned, oblivious to the brewing storm. "Oh, this? Just a little souvenir from a grateful rescued victim. You know how it is, charm like mine is hard to resist."
Logan's jaw clenched. He rose from the couch, his movements smooth and predatory. "Is that so?" he growled, stepping into Wade's personal space.
Before Wade could react, Logan had him pinned against the wall, his hands gripping Wade's shoulders with surprising force. Their eyes locked, the air crackling with tension.
"Logan...?" Wade's voice was a mix of surprise and amusement, but a hint of apprehension flickered in his gaze.
Logan didn't answer. He leaned in, his lips capturing Wade's in a bruising kiss. It was a possessive claim, a demand for dominance. Wade's initial surprise quickly melted away, his hands finding their way into Logan's hair, pulling him closer.
Their tongues tangled, a battle for control that neither was willing to concede. Logan's scent, a heady mix of leather and woodsmoke, enveloped Wade, overpowering the lingering floral notes. He nipped at Wade's lower lip, eliciting a soft moan.
They broke apart, gasping for breath. Logan's eyes searched Wade's face, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his features as he inhaled deeply. The floral scent was fainter now, overshadowed by his own.
"Better," he growled, his voice rough with desire.
Wade grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Jealous much, old man?"
Wade leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Logan's cheek. "Wouldn't dream of it," he whispered.
Logan released him, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Maybe a little," he admitted, his voice a low rumble. "But you're mine, Wilson. Don't forget it."
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hemlock-dreams · 3 months ago
Your Kraven post you just made is making my brain spin like a microwave going at Mach speed like 1. Hot 2. Very hot 3. The mental image of Wade having a jealous no good very bad time over Spidey and Kraven is absolutely hilarious. I can only Imagine the hijinks and chaos
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Wade does not like Kraven. Kraven does not get to pass go. He does not get to collect $200.
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