#i think wade should pretend he and peter parker the photographer are fucking
novakiart · 2 months
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hi I'm back with an epilogue
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fandomfanfics12 · 6 years
We Are A Family-part 24
Title: We Are A Family. Pairings: Steve x tony, Peter x Wade, Nat x Clint, Sam x Bucky. Part: 23/? Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, eventual smut, slowburn. Summary: When Nat comes into the avengers tower with baby Peter Parker, the avengers didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. But now that Peter is here,Steve and Tony both feel protective over him. It doesn’t help that Peter hates everyone other than Steve and tony. But as Steve and tony raise Peter, they start to fall for one another. Will this superfamily work out or will it all turn to hell? A/N: lol this would’ve come sooner but i had the worst writers block and literally started this six different ways. hope you enjoy and i should update (soonish)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23
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Steve tried for what must have been the millionth time to tell tony what was going on. He’d tried to communicate it nearly a thousand different ways. He tried to write it, say it, sing it, draw it, he even attempted a game of charades to show peter. It didn’t work. Steve had managed to spell out the word something’s not right on a black board with sticky notes. His heart leaped up into his throat in excitement. This will work. He could show tony and tony would fix it. Tony always fixed it. But as Steve began to finish the next word, he slammed his fist into it, destroying it.
“fuck.” Steve swore and ran a hand through his hair. He took several deep and steadying breaths, he needed to calm down.
“Steve?” it was Bucky, the only person that knew what was going on.
“Stick notes nearly worked.” Steve told him and he sighed.
“We’ll figure something out.” Bucky promised.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked after noticing how tense Bucky was, how his hands were stuffed in his pockets, how messy his hair was.
“I don’t think I ever told you but I was seeing someone, I broke it off today.” Bucky explained and Steve’s stomach twisted in churned.
“We’ll figure this out Bucky. We’ll make sure that we fix this.” Steve turned back to his sticky notes, starting the process again.
“It’s not going to work Steve.” Bucky said and Steve squeezed his eyes shut.
“It has to work.” Was all Steve said and continued trying.
Tony found the house was too empty nowadays. Peter was spending a lot of time over at May’s, which left Tony alone. The walls were covered in pictures, photographs which had captured moments where Tony and Steve had been happy. It all meant nothing.
“How did we get here Steve?” Tony wondered aloud, nothing responded. The house was still and silent. His phone vibrated and when Tony checked it, it was a message from Peter.
Staying at May’s, love you dad.
Tony stared at the message for a long time. It was good Peter was spending more time with his aunt, but Tony hated being alone in this house. He seriously wished they had bought a dog at some point. Tony ran a hand through his hair and began to clean the house. The hours ticked by as Tony cleaned everything. Until it was two in the morning. Tony stared at the time on the microwave and blinked. His mind travelled back to a different time, a different place.
“Have you ever been in love?” Steve asked and Tony bit his lip.  “Perhaps. I’ve cared deeply for people but the way I’ve felt and the way people describe it, I don’t think I’ve ever truly fallen in love with someone before.” Tony confessed and Steve stared at him for a long moment.  “Is there a reason for that?” Tony rolled out another cookie and nodded.  “When my parents died, I put up a lot of walls. I don’t let people in, it’s just easier that way. I tried to let Pepper in and we all saw how that failed. If you don’t let people in, then there’s no one who can walk out.” Tony shrugged and Steve was staring.  “That’s a really lonely way to live Tony.” “I’m used to it. But I think that may be why I connected so well with Peter. I can love him unconditionally because I know he isn’t going anywhere. You know?” And finally Tony looked up to meet Steve’s eyes.  “You need to let people in Tony.” Steve exhaled, they stared at one another for a long moment. The moment was suddenly far too deep and far too real, so Tony looked down, scooped up a bit of cookie dough and popped it into his mouth.  “You shouldn’t eat cookie dough.” “Have you ever had cookie dough Steve?” “No! I’ve always been told not to eat cookie dough and-” Tony sighed heavily.  “Clint failed as a teacher. Trust me and eat this.” And Steve reluctantly did so. Tony watched as Steve’s eyes grew wide and a grin spread out onto his face. 
Tony snapped back to the present and shook his head. Those days were long gone.
Peter felt a little guilty for staying over at May’s. But he and Wade had been doing some English homework and Wade had asked for help with chemistry and Peter had just decided it would be easier to spend the night. May herself was out at some book club, she said she would be home late.
“I still don’t get it.” Wade murmured and it was nearing two in the morning.
“it’s really not that complicated.” Peter told him gently. Wade simply scowled down at his homework.
“You know chemistry has never been my strong suit.” Wade grumbled and Peter chuckled.
“I think we should call it quits for tonight. It’s getting late.” Peter murmured and Wade nodded.
“How are your dads?” Wade asked suddenly and Peter froze.
“Your dads, I haven’t seen them in ages. How are they?” Wade asked and Peter looked down at the floor. The only person that really knew what was going on was May. His dads hadn’t told the other avengers yet, so Peter had taken that as a sign to not talk about it. But Steve had moved out and they were still getting divorced. So it was time to let other people know.
“I thought May would’ve told you.” Peter said quietly.
“Tell me what?” Wade was oblivious as per usual.
“They’re getting a divorce.” And for once, Wade was speechless.
“They’re getting a divorce.” Peter confessed. Wade felt his eyes widen and his brain exploded. That was impossible. Tony and Steve were the definition of a long-lasting and happy marriage. They were the epitome of love. Everyone dreamed of having a relationship like theirs. They were clearly soulmates. It made no sense.
“Why?” Peter looked up at the ceiling and Wade’s heart broke for him.
“Steve cheated with Bucky.” Holy fucking shit. Wade’s jaw fell open and he shook his head.
“but he wasn’t. Steve would never!”
“Well he did.” Peter’s voice was sharp, but Wade couldn’t stop talking.
“But Steve loves Tony. They’re like couple goals. They’re the ultimate power couple! Your dads have been in love for as long as I can remember!” Wade exclaimed and Peter shrugged.
“my dads are no longer in love.”
“that’s impossible.” Wade was shaking his head and he could see Peter was getting irritated.
“Well it’s reality now.” Peter snapped and Wade inhaled sharply. Out of instinct, he took Peter’s hand. Peter inhaled sharply and looked down at their intertwined fingers.
“Are you okay?” Wade asked and Peter shook his head.
“My life is falling apart.” He whispered and Wade bit his lip.
“Don’t pity me Wade. I know you’re only being nice to me because you’re living with my aunt and I know I’m useful with helping you with homework. But can we just stop pretending like you didn’t treat me like crap for years?” Wade inhaled sharply.
“I’m not pretending to be nice to you Peter.”
“Don’t lie to me Wade.” Peter sounded exhausted and Wade’s stomach performed somersaults.
“I’m not lying. I did treat you like crap, but I-“ Wade stopped himself from finishing the sentence. He could feel the anger, practically radiating off of Peter.
“You what? You pitied me? Used me? What was it that you were going to say?” Peter demanded and Wade squeezed his eyes shut.
“I missed you Pete.” Peter inhaled sharply and shook his head.
“no. you didn’t.”
There was no way that Wade had missed Peter. It wasn’t possible. And even if it were, it wasn’t allowed. Wade had had no problem walking out of Peter’s life, which had told Peter that Wade didn’t give two shits about him. So he wasn’t allowed to miss Peter.
“I did miss you Pete-“
“Don’t call me that.” Peter said sharply and Wade flinched.
“I didn’t realise it until we started hanging out again and-“
“Is that what this is? Hanging out? Because from where I’m standing, you moved into my aunt’s house and every time I come over you use me. You ask me to help with your homework or you get me to do your chores or-“
“You think I’m just using you?”
“You didn’t seem to have a problem doing that when we were friends, why would it bother you now?” Peter didn’t want to fight with Wade. But he couldn’t stop the words from coming out of his mouth.
“You done?” Wade asked with raised brows. Peter took a deep breath. He needed to calm down.
“No. I’m not done. What you did was a dick move. We were best friends for twelve years and suddenly it was like none of it mattered!” Peter shouted and Wade sighed.
“I know.” He whispered but Peter didn’t care.
“You left because, what, I wasn’t cool enough? Come on Wade, tell me your side of the story!” Peter hissed, he’d never heard Wade’s side.
“My side? Now you’re interested in my feelings?” he’d finally pissed off Wade Wilson.
“What do you have to say for yourself?” Peter demanded and Wade curled up his fists.
“I always invited you to come and hang out with my friends and i. I always tried to include you in our jokes, I always told people to back off if they started picking on you. you rejected me. You didn’t care about our jokes and you always blamed me for those other pricks. You pushed me away Pete.” Peter’s own hands curled into fists and rage burned inside of him.
“How typical. Wade Wilson, he’s never wrong, he’s Mr perfect, everyone loves him therefore everything he does is right, you’ve never accepted responsibility for anything!” Peter shouted.
“you’ve become such a brat.” Wade snapped and Peter’s blood began to boil.
“My sincerest apologies that I’m not perfect Wade. But have you had even one bad thing happen to you in the last year?” Peter demanded.
“Yes.” Wade’s voice was sad and serious that it snapped Peter out of his rage.
“Oh.” The room was silent and peter no longer knew what to say.
“I should just go home.” Peter said in the end and Wade shook his head.
“it’s late, your aunt and your dads would literally murder me if I let you leave at this hour.”
“you might murder me if I don’t.” Peter said and Wade flinched.
“I meant what I said, about missing you.” Peter squeezed his eyes shut.
“If you missed me, why didn’t you try to talk to me in the past three years?” Peter asked gently.
“I tried. But you avoided me like I was the plague. So I left you alone.” Wade admitted.
“Yeah.” And then the room was silent once more.
After every word, Steve would take a picture. He then emailed each picture to himself, Bucky, Nat and Peter. The sticky notes were working. Steve began to put the last of the pieces together when his phone buzzed.
Meeting at the compound. Come ASAP. Also stop sending me weird post it note messages.
The text was from Natasha. Steve shook his head. He would finish the post it note and then he would go. Steve took the picture, sent the emails and then left. Something was wrong. he could feel it in his bones. Something was terribly wrong.
“Tony. You are being uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal.” Natasha announced and Steve looked over at Tony who was lying down.
“It’s because he’s already made up his mind.” Steve said before he could stop himself.
“Boy, you know me so well.” Some of the other avengers shared looks. Steve knew they had all taken note that they’d arrived at different times, but none had commented on it yet. Steve watched as Tony stood up and rubbed the back of his head.
“Actually I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache. That’s what’s going on, Cap. It’s just pain.” Steve looked down at his hands, Tony was angry and steve knew Tony’s pain had nothing to do with a headache.
“It’s discomfort. Who’s putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?” Steve listened to Tony’s speech about Charles Spencer. He listened as Tony decided he would sign the accords, and the little voice in Steve’s head which had been controlling him ever since that stupid vision, told Steve to go against whatever Tony said. But it would be fine. Because he could get the pictures to Tony and then Tony would know that Steve wasn’t okay. Tony could fix things. Steve could save his marriage.
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