growingupgerudo · 1 month
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Adult Arc: Pages 588-590
New update! To anyone in our audience who is recovering from grief, I hope you know you are seen. <3
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It me!
Using my miniscule platform to gush about fan creations and amazing comics I like!
This is why we start businesses, people. To be tumblr dorks *professionally*
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occasional-pyrrhon · 6 months
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Messy flamey sketches of pyrrhon having a normal time
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mishkakagehishka · 3 months
Dobro zašto ja svoj pokaz moran "validirat" kad uđen u bus/tram
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snowwy-sprites · 8 months
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In order, left to right: Row 1: Aria Azure, Chyrin, Ivaros Row 2: Kuura, Midari, Taokir Row 3: Kidrin Daku, Vridi Xirin, Akunata Adrin
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U javnom wc-u flomasterom ispisan je zid Brodolomci šalju poruke u boci To ne vidi nitko, čita ih samo dragi Bog Koji može ovo ludilo zakočit
Toliko ljudi, vuku se u kolonama U svojim urnama na cesti Ti ne vidiš nikoga na koga bi sad računala Bar jednog kojeg vridilo bi sresti
Šta on u stvari ima sa anđelom u tebi? I šta ti vridi da ga prizna? Kad zavolio ga ne bi
Šta on ima s ditetom u tebi? Šta ti vridi da ga prizna Kad zavolio ga ne bi, ne bi
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magpie-sherlock · 11 months
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more Growing Up Gerudo doodles from memory, this time Keaton and Vridi
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Fireworks: How do you and your F/O feel about fireworks?  (ganondorf)
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eheeheeeeeee GANNY!
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I was reading Growing Up Gerudo in a binge up until the last update. Very sad that I am out of new pages. Gonna come back in like a month or so and try to gauge the upload schedule off that.
A scene in it though was dedicated to Ganondorf and Vridi lighting fireworks together with magic to impress some kiddos and other characters, and that has colored my perception of Gerudo on the whole and fireworks. I envision them with so many firework-related traditions now! These bitches love making fireworks.
I think there's lots of safety precautions though. Like, they do it avoiding areas heavily inhabited by animals. After the time some birds had heart attacks that were not far away... They avoid heavily populated spaces, at least.
Ganondorf varies a little per incarnation (counting OoT and TP's Ganondorf as the same though since I'm 90% sure they're meant to be,) but (heh) growing up a Gerudo means you gotta love them at least a little.
It doesn't help that Ymir on the whole enjoys fireworks theoretically. I think OoT Ganondorf ended up largely saddened over the fact that for Zanzo specifically "theoretically" didn't translate to actual fireworks shows. Ymir's Kokiri incarnation was very noise sensitive, they both found.
Other incarnations though...
C'mon. He lit up some fireworks just once for the pretty show. Everyone likes to watch pretty lights, demon kings included. Zedriel (Sheikah-ish-working-on-it incarnation) lacked any of Zanzo's noise sensitivity! He had to take advantage of that! Of course as well, Ymir's actual Gerudo incarnation (Kikura) is enthused as shit by fireworks.
If Ganondorf could drag all of Ymir's incarnations to light up fireworks, he fucking would. I wanna say especially Wind Waker's Ganondorf (IDC IF HE'S MEANT TO BE THE SAME AS OoT'S GANONDORF, HE IS A CARTOONY MAN! THAT IS TOON GANON! HE IS SEPARATE TO ME!)
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breakneckpeixe · 2 years
So, what’s with the scorn-Peixe then? I wanna hear everything
sort of kind of an amensia au? okay so basically, Mab, in that first mission, dies much more graphically than in the game. She's torn apart by Navota. And the newly risen Awoken Guardian is terrified. She fears Death, she fears Pain, and all she can focus on is her fear.
And so she runs. And hides. And she just so happens to hide in the cargo hold of a ship headed to the tangled shore. She suffocates down there, several times on the trip. No need to oxygenate it. And when she wakes up, she's on the shore. She runs out, lost, not knowing who she is, afraid.
And she runs into someone. Another awoken, with golden eyes and a sense of stern confidence. He is what she isn't. He's unafraid. And she asks him for help.
And Uldren Sov, who had been following her through the sights of his sniper rifle long before she knew he was there, takes her back to the Scorned Barons.
She's given two gifts. A pair of Scorned Baron robes, and a name. Vridi. And she's put to work. A slave to of the Barons, servant to Uldren Sov.
She's put to work disassembling and oiling pistols and rifles, cleaning sludge from the joints of Scorn Walkers, preparing dried meat rations, and any other demeaning job the barons could think.
And, after a few months, Vridi stopped being afraid. She grew confident enough to begin weapons training after her tasks were done. After a year, she was entrusted with an escort mission.
And on it went, a Guardian whose only knowledge of the Travler was learned while sitting at the feet of The Fanatic. An Awoken whose only memories of her home world are stories of avarice and arrogance painted by the Prince of The reef in the cold hours of a morning patrol. She's more scorn than soldier.
And Vridi is happy that way. Surrounded by monsters and madmen, she has finally found a place where she isn't afraid.
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thepaletteswapper · 2 years
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Persona 4 Arena Personas X Super Smash Bros (3)
Magatsu Izanagi - Cloud Strife
Kaguya - Princess Daisy
Ardha, Cu Chulainn & Yoshitsune - Squirtle, Ivysaur & Charizard
Tsukuyomi - Pit
Thanatos - Vridi
Ariadne - Mythra
Asterios - Pyra
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History recap year 4 : Vridis I
The psa start has started testing on very small reover easaly transportable around in a side mission. This come of the forms of the viridis I rover, sent to minmus for on site test.
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growingupgerudo · 2 months
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Adult Arc: Pages 586-587
New update!
Support us on Patreon and read ahead in Adult Arc + bonus content!
Read Growing Up Gerudo on Webtoons!
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ornoirafrica · 1 year
Côte d'Ivoire : Sangafowa-Coulibaly met en service la nouvelle sphère de stockage A41 de 4000 tonnes de GESTOCI
Le ministre des Mines, du Pétrole et de l’Energie, Mamadou Sangafowa-Coulibaly a procédé vendredi 28 juillet 2023, à la mise en service de la nouvelle sphère A41, d’une capacité de 4.000 tonnes de la société de Gestion des stocks pétroliers de Côte d’Ivoire (GESTOCI), au terminal pétrolier Abidjan-Vridi. La mise en service de la nouvelle sphère fait passer la capacité de stockage de l’entreprise…
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
„Croatia with a uranium industry“ lmaoo jedino što imamo je EL (L) EN (N) KA (K) industrija: lopovluk, nepotizam i korupcija. I ako političar nije ukrao, nema pravo na naslov političara. To se tako ne radi u ovim krajevima <3 Ako smo i imali neku industriju, i nju su pokrali navedeni (ne)ljudi. I onda vidim te koji nemaju veće brige u životu od biranja u kojem hotelu s 5* će odsjest to ljeto da pametuju nama koji proživljavamo ta sranja (još ako odsjednu na našoj obali...)
NE AL REALNO znači šta je najgore je nije kao da nemamo potencijal za neke normalne industrije, tipa poljoprivreda ili energija, al eto, lakše izrabljivat i uništavat obalu za te slatke dolare i eure, dok oni kradu i naposlijetku prodaju sve firme i sve šta vridi kod nas
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lukasspookas · 3 years
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Stayed up past a reasonable hour once again turning a dumb joke into a comic, featuring Vridi! He’s from one of my favorite fan fictions, @growingupgerudo! If you haven’t read it already, you totally should, it’s absolutely worth the read. Hope y’all enjoy!
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vigoburrito · 3 years
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OCtober 20-21: Vridi and Sika from Growing Up Gerudo!
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