#Vongola Terzo
colorfullcast · 3 months
KHR! N-> Dictionary
[DISCLAIMER! This section is very spoiler heavy, so read at your own risk]
The Nuvella Famiglia
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The Nuvella Famiglia is a mafia family almost as old as the Vongola itself with now 8 generations going. It is known for being a very secretive family with not much public presence, however a lot of connections in the dark. They are known for never rushing any of their movements and rather waiting out the right moment than making any compromises on their plans. They have been openly and vocally opposing the Vongola since their first generation, as the family was founded by a former Vongola heir, Vongola Terzos younger brother who opposed his ideals and decided to build his own family. This is why the family has the same 1 Boss 6 Guardians structure.
There are many rumors and legends about the Nuvella, one for example, that they were responsible for the assassination of Vongola Sesto, however it could never be confirmed, but definitely hightened the tension between the two families. However it has never come to an open violent altercation on a family wide level, though many individuals have clashed with each other.
It is also said that they have ties to "the Serpents", an underground organisation, that deals in the dirtiest and most heinous of crimes, even being responsible for toppling politicians in other countries.
Eight Generation
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Vero Nemesi (Boss - Sky)
Vero Nemesi is the eight Boss of the Nuvella family, being the oldest of two children of the former seventh boss Francesca. He is known for being rather cunning tho it is unclear which exact crimes can be attributed to him, due to the Nuvellas secrecy. However he is responsible for many attacks and leaks regarding the Neo Vongola transfer to japan and has weirdly enough not made any attempt to hide this.
He seems to have a particular dislike of Tsunayoshi Sawada and Vongola Nono, blaming his mothers death on Timoteo and his guardians.
Possible and confirmed involvement
The sudden spike of Vongola Nonos Dementia (unconfirmed)
The attack of a Bat Amalgamation Monster on the Varias Squad 4 (confirmed)
Leaking information regarding Tsunayoshi Sawada transfering the Neo Vongola to japan (confirmed)
Financing the build of the Mosca models (unconfirmed)
Leaking information about Vongola whereabouts in the Future (partially confirmed)
Leaking Ekaterina Bugakovas assassination to Anatoli Bugakov (confirmed)
Leaking Basils whereabouts to the Varia during the Ringbattle Arc (unconfirmed)
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Cho Nemesi (Information Networker - Cloud Guardian )
Cho Nemesi is Vero Nemesis younger brother and the eight generations Cloud Guardian. He is the head of the Nuvella Information Network, the probably biggest strength and weapon of the Family. He is very loyal to his older brother and works close with their Tech Specialist Beanie. He overlooks the information that they gather and then presents them to his brother who then decides what to leak to whom and if to possibly even sell information. The Vindice has been keeping a close eye on him as he has shown interest in gathering information from the "Atlantis" Bar which has been the secret information pool of the Vindice.
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Carmen Serpine (direct comand assassine - Sun Guardian)
Carmen Serpine is the Nuvella eight generation Sun Guardian and the older sister of Mayar Serpine, the boss of the Serpents. She has been the Nuvellas assassine since the former generation, but only under Vero has she been made a Guardian and given a more stable ring for her flame. Under the former Boss Francesca she has been responsible for multiple deaths among the Varia and specifically the eye impairment of Zarria Albo whos left eye she ripped out of her skull. She sees Zarria as her personal enemy; why is unclear, but she has been going for her specifically.
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Valencia (Lightning Guardian)
Valencia di Loma is the eight generation Lightning Guardian of the Nuvella Family. It's said that in her past she was part of a church based in rural south italy, where she was raised in believing the divinity of gods punishment. Believing that her boss Vero is a messenger of the Lord himself she has seen every of his orders as a direct command from God itself, following each command no matter how deranged or evil it may be.
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Maribella (Mist Guardian)
Maribella is the Nuvella eight generation Mist guardian and regarded an academic genius. She constructs her illusions from the ground up, using her knowledge to make them as realistic as possible, so any attempt at deconstructing them or find fault in them would be unimaginably difficult. She puts rational thought above feelings, which has led to her following Vero as she believes his ideologies to be the ones with the best outcome for italy.
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James (Storm Guardian)
James is the Nuvella Famiglia eight generation Storm Guardian and shrouded in mystery even for the Nuvella. Nobody knows where he came from or what his deal is, but he has proven himself to Vero and became his storm guardian. He is truly just here to fuck shit up and have a good time, ready to mess up others for shits and giggles. It's said that he might've been a convicted criminal from another country and it's rather obvious that James is not his real name, however this is mostly irrelevant as neither James nor Vero disclose any information about his background.
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Hermeas (Rain Guardian)
Hermeas is the Rain Guardian of the eight generation of the Nuvella Family and an old friend of the Nemesi family. He has been a sort of uncle to both Vero and Cho, ever since they were born and has been incredibly protective of them. He was also the one who first suspected Vongola Nono to be responsible for Francescas death and is still guilt ridden for not being able to protect her when she needed him. This is why he swore to protect her two kids and became the eight generations Rain Guardian, on top of being their bodyguard and closest family member. He disliked Tyr, but always saw Carmens obsessiveness with Tyrs executioner as completely overdrawn.
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Beanie (Technic Specialist)
Beanie is the Nuvella families specialist for anything involving technology and internet. He works closely with Cho and has been the one to perform most of the hacking operations for information. He is as much a staple of the Information Network as Cho is.
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Mayar Serpine (Boss of "The Serpents" - Mist flame)
Mayar Serpine is the current Boss of the Serpents, an underground organisation that deals in illegal activity in and outside of italy, mostly involved in blackmail, extortion and political plays. The Serpents work closely with the Nuvella for a while now andd Mayar himself has shown to be impressed by the way Vero leads the eight generation. He is Carmen Serpines younger sibling and a formidable illusionist who uses mostly mindgames and psychology to trick his opponents into an opening. He has been opposed to the way the Vongola has been operating for a while, the entire organisation having always been a more opposing force to them than an ally or just neutral party. It's said that the founder of the Serpents even had contact with Giotto Vongola and back then had already been unhappy about the way Giotto led his organisation. Right now he provides the Nuvella with financial and resource aid while playing a big part in the current political landscape of west russia and nort italy.
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This is the same anon you’ve been talking too I wanted to say I’ve been studying mafia and organizational structure for almost 10 years now and I love sharing this in KHR. I hope things don’t get too overwhelming.
Now when talking about mafia you have to keep on mine mafia bosses are rarely boss for very long some bosses would only last a few years compare to others.
In the Vongola since the son doesn’t have to always be the first to get the position a current boss could nominate their relatives as boss. Giotto, secondo, Terzo Quarto could’ve been all around the same age, Giotto would name Secondo boss, Secondo names Terzo and Terzo names Quarto.
Boom Giotto since he started the family at 14 was boss long than them I headcanon he was boss into his early 30s, secondo could be boss for 5-10 years, Terzo and Quarto could be boss for an even shorter amount of time.
Mafia generation moves a lot faster compared to a normal royal generation
That is actually quite interesting!
You know, for obvious reasons in Italy we don't study about mafia a lot, especially when it comes to how they work.
But from the point of view of worldbuilding in the KHR series? Absolutely, I am signing down everything here!
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
I adore KHR's Daniela. She had two appearances, I think? Despite seeing so little of her, she always appeared as a strong woman and was even described as "fighting like Athena". She wears a suit. Has a face tattoo. Uses a crossbow! So much fic opportunities (I can't keep her out of my fics these days)! I love any and all Daniela, as a young woman, a middle-aged mafia boss and Xanxus' kickass grandma (I have no doubt she taught him about respecting women by never underestimating them)
Ask Game
YES!!! THANK YOU!!! I adore Daniela too, and it’s so rare to actually find other people who like her too since she was such a minor character T^T But hey, you GOTTA be pretty badass to be the only Donna in all ten generations of your Family. Her character design is super pretty too like, holy damn???? I wish we coulda seen more of her?????
I like to think she’d be one of Tsuna’s staunchest supporters, because she sees what a sweet boy she is, and she knows that he is what the Vongola needs right now, in order to return to what it was always meant to be. (Because while she does love all of her grandsons, she has to admit that they’re...kinda hotheads, and will only serve to further worsen Vongola’s bloodstained reputation).
Honestly, ngl, ALL of the past Vongola bosses were so cool and had so much potential, I’m sad we didn’t see more of them. We don’t even have names for Terzo through Quinto T^T
(Pfft, some of my friends actually started calling Vongola Quinto as “Neji” because of his forehead tattoo XD)
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i-w-p-chan · 7 years
a KHR Love Alchemy - A Heart in Winter AU 
am I making a KHR AU out of a hidden objects game? yes, yes I am.
hello, angst. it’s been ages.
with Tsuna as the MC (Ellie?), Giotto as Charles (?), the Vongola bosses Secondo through Nono as the previous lovers trapped in portraits, Kawahira as the big bad behind the scenes, Cozart as the first dead lover.
pairings: past Giotto/Cozart, one-sided Tsuna/Giotto, one-sided, past Ricardo/Giotto, Terzo/Giotto, Quarto/Giotto, Quinto/Giotto, Simora/Giotto, Fabio/Giotto, Daniela/Giotto, Timoteo/Giotto.
basically, Cozart gets killed, Giotto tries to get him back and fucks up, Tsuna fixes what he can. 
or I could go with Deamon instead of Giotto, Elena instead of Cozart, Chrome instead of Tsuna and the rest of the 1st gen plus Cozart instead of the Vongola bosses
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ephemerecloud · 7 years
HC + scent, hobby, betrayal
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
An often under-looked sense, scents are important. To Alaude, they become associated with people, objects or places he’s been to. Later on in life, particularly during the period Alaude served as the Vongola’s External Advisor, he preferred to surround himself with familiar scents to remind himself of memories long faded. It became both a comfort and a curse, a reminder of the times that they could not return to. 
Sometimes he would wake up to a familiar scent thinking that he was back in that time, half-expecting to hear the sounds of Lampo arguing with G, or Giotto gleefully barging in and declaring another ‘Family Bonding’ time, but only to be greeted with silence. Still, Alaude would not give it up for anything.
It’s the only thing that keeps him going at times. (Let’s not even talk about that pocketwatch).
Despite his serious countenance, Alaude does need a way of winding down and relaxing. When he is not away, the Cloud can often be found reading, settled comfortably in just about any nook or cranny around the Vongola manor - that is if you’re quiet enough to sneak up on him. He has his own personal library, mostly filled with French texts though there are the occasional scatterings of literature from other languages which he found intriguing. For the fun of it, Alaude also enjoys tracking down rare texts and adding it to his collection.
For someone like Alaude who has difficulty giving away his trust and guards it ever so diligently, betrayal is the ultimate sin. His family had been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust - perhaps he should have learnt that the first time. Betrayal comes from those closest to you.
But he was careless.
Daemon, to be honest, was the last person he had expected it from. Grief could lead a person to do things they wouldn’t usually do, but who knew it would twist the man up this much? Reluctant as he is to admit it, he had trusted Daemon with his past, with what should have been their common goal, and even with himself before the betrayal. Their relationship was a complicated one, but he thought the level of trust would be enough, Alaude had even taken it upon himself to comfort him. To think he would turn his back on them so easily, and think that they would not find out? 
It has damaged him more than he thought possible. So Alaude holds himself even more aloof from all those around him, finding it difficult to even think about entrusting another to be the Terzo.
Even centuries later he cannot find it within himself to forgive the Mist for his trespasses. 
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ao3feed-khr · 6 years
La bellezza ‘peccaminosa’ del gitano
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2T9M9L7
by Milady_Silvia
L'ossessione di Ivan, quando ancora non era Terzo Vongola. Scritta sentendo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fquy0YO6psU; HELLFIRE - The Hunchback of Notre Dame | FEMALE COVER. ★ Iniziativa: Questa storia partecipa a “Keep the secret!” a cura di Fanwriter.it! ★ Numero Parole: 549 ★ Prompt/Traccia: 29. A mente su dove passa il tempo libero e B, quando se ne accorge, vuole scoprire il suo segreto.
Words: 561, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Series: Part 49 of Le note della vita
Fandoms: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Original Characters, Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Vongola Third/Original Male Character
Additional Tags: What-If
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2T9M9L7
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history1304 · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Giotto | Vongola Primo, Ricardo | Vongola Secondo, Vongola Quarto, Vongola Terzo, Third Generation Storm Guardian, Third Generation Mist Guardian Additional Tags: Mixed Up Charges AU, Spirit Giotto, Spirit Ricardo Summary:
Giotto and Ricardo remain as spirits after their death and get assigned with 'charges'. This is the story of the great mistake that Giotto made with his first charge.
  Alt. title: "Giotto's Great Screw Up No.1"
Spanish translation: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12231965/1/El-Misterio-del-tenedor
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nandooandraade · 12 years
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the11thfamily · 4 years
So if Tsuna is compared to Primo and Xanxus is compared to Secondo is Nozomi going to be compared to Vongola Terzo.
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like, Primo and Secondo are handsome and remembered for their success and strength, meanwhile this one... I REFUSEEEEEE
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skygemspeaks · 8 years
I have a problem with the fact that Terzo, Quarto, and Quinto are the only Vongola bosses that don’t have canon names.
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