#love alchemy - a heart in winter
itsabouttimex2 · 4 months
Can I request a platonic yandere sun wukong and macaque realizing that the teen mystic monkey they've been raising is planning to leave ffm?
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O Child of Unity
(I’m assuming you want Shadowpeach, then? I’m still not the best with it, but I’ll try! Also, a new bot is up!🧡💜 Also again, this fic is compliant with Deepest Hues- which I’ll expand on soon!)
There are four base colors in our world: black, white, yellow, and red. Together, these four hues represent the base components of alchemy- nigredo, albedo, citrinitas, and rubedo.
In times ancient and forgotten, a massive reservoir of these four colors existed in each corner of the earth. Like pools of chaos they surged, brimming with power and life. From each of these brightly-hued depths did an egg arise, containing a Mystic Monkey of incredible potential.
One of light. One of shadow. One of snow. One of fire.
And recently, a brand new simian, born of a union from nigredo and citrinitas, pitch black and bright yellow fusing their mystical lineage into a mottled green.
Their union blessed the world with a little virescent monkey, big eyes and soft fur-
The world is such a wonderful place, you’ve learned. Geysers of boiling water and hunched spikes of snow. Sand white as bone and lakes stained pink by algae. Forests comprised of just one tree and diminutive flowers with digestive maws.
From book to book you’ve torn, indulging your curious brain in every last little wonder of the world- from glacial peaks to crystal caverns.
How many pages have you worn away by now, dreaming of wonders far beyond your reach? How many dreams has your mind spun, longing for something new? How many times have you lost the world to a lovely little daydream that took hours to shake?
A less generous eye would view this behavior as unhealthy. They might even refer to it as a ‘coping mechanism’, spending half the day locked into a foggy haze, pretending that life was more exiting, more fulfilling.
Even you had come to realize the inherent instability of your constant stupor, eventually.
All you have to do to fix this problem, then… is make those dreams a reality!
Right! No time to waste worrying!
Packing is easy! It used to be a time-killer of yours as a child, pretending to go on adventures across the world with only your trusty well-stocked backpack. All these little games were played out under the watchful eyes of your fathers, ensuring your fun never turned dangerous or led you somewhere that was off-limits.
You’d pick a locale and prepare for an ‘expedition’ with snacks and clothes, always running and asking Bába to open the pantry for you.
“A winter adventure,” Sun Wukong would lovingly coo, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Sounds like fun, bud! Don’t forget to pack your warm socks, kay?”
He’d laugh and play along, pushing sandwiches and chocolate protein bars into your hands, always with a pouch of juice to pair. Sometimes he’d go the extra mile of bagging them up, giving you a paper sack that wouldn’t be out of place on a field trip.
(How often you begged to be enrolled in school, physical or at least online. And your fathers would ‘tsk’ and shake their heads, but quickly promise you ice cream as a bandage balm for your youthful sorrow.)
And then he’d watch your little journeys with a quirked eyebrow, smiling as you pulled your plushes (given that you had no playmates outside of base simians and your often busy fathers) along and narrated your games.
You’d fill out a page in your bulky journal detailing the ‘journey’, consigning your little hours of make-believe to white pages.
And as you had grown, that many-paged journal stayed tucked under your arm, all your thoughts and hopes written away into it.
Even now, as you stare out at the endless horizon so plainly in front of you- the book is held to your chest, warmed by the excited beat of your heart.
It holds all those dreams you’ve dreamt for a full decade now, each one precious and utterly perfect to your nostalgic mind.
The grass is long and bright, glistening with morning dew. It sparkles under the rising rays of the sun, a picturesque landscape laying in front of you. Flower Fruit Mountain (Mount Huaguo, as your fathers sometimes called it) was beautiful. Is beautiful. But pretty can only satiate the mind for so long, and certainly couldn’t fulfill your wanderlust any longer.
You had explored every cave, climbed every tree, mucked every puddle, cuddled every monkey.
It had been nice. And you’d miss it, but-
The world was waiting!
And you could wait no longer.
Stuffing the oversized book into your backpack, you do the one thing you’ve wanted to do for years- and take off running.
Lush grass rips under your feet, laying in scattered half-length piles as your boots tear across the wet ground. Muddy footprints squash down flowers and weeds alike, nothing stopping your gleeful dash.
Over puddles and through tree crooks, beneath towering canopies and across deep ponds- you run. All that hampers you is the heavy bags strapped to your back and waist, full of the supplies you once only dreamed of handling during a journey.
A real, actual journey! How long had you waited?! Years and years! And it was finally coming true!
But you turn the corner of a rock too quickly, and smack head-on into something solid and warm, the figure grasping you tightly.
And all too suddenly, one of your fathers- Macaque- stares down at you, clearly displeased.
“Explain,” he sharply says, holding out the note you had left on the dining table, unfolded and excitedly penned. It had been written in such a rush of gleeful adrenaline that some parts are nigh-unintelligible.
But; even with wild pen scrawl and joyful errors, it was clearly an intended farewell.
The claw marks shredding through half of the paper is proof that he hadn’t exactly taken the notion well.
“Y/N. What the hell is this? You’re running away?”
“N-no! I’m just-“
“Do you think this is how it all works? You throw a note on the table and head out into a world you know nothing about?”
“I do know about the world! I’ve been researching it for years!”
“Your ‘research’ doesn’t mean a thing! You have no skills, no experience, nothing!”
“Because you won’t let me do anything!”
The accusation causes him to bristle in anger, lips pulled back as he snarls. His fangs, glistening and sharp, draw your attention.
(Sometimes you forget what Macaque has done. How scary he can be. Sometimes you forget that he’s never regretted his crimes. Moments like this are happy to remind you.)
Your bravado and boldness vanish startlingly quickly, shrinking under the furious gaze of the simian.
The Six-Eared simian snags your wrist, stomping over to a cavernous rift of shadows. With your arm held tight, he jumps in and drags you along.
You fall from a ceiling and into the waiting arms of your other father, Wukong. He grins and nuzzles the fur of his cheek to your own, relishing in the warmth of familial closeness. A golden brazier burns next to him, recently lit and brightly chugging the wooden fuel within.
“Someone was up to a little bit of mischief, huh?”
His reaction is the polar opposite to Macaque- where his husband blows up and seethes, the Great Sage lies to himself and pretends that everything is okay. It’s easier to think of his child as a little imp than an outright runaway.
As Wukong dotes, Macaque rips away the thick jacket and boots that you were wearing, throwing them into the nearest closet.
You didn’t need them, after all. You weren’t going anywhere.
Though a part of you is disgruntled to have some of your clothing torn away so suddenly, it’s only when he snatches the backpack that you scrabble from the Great Sage’s arms.
“Don’t mess with that!” You call, trying to wrangle the bag from his grip- but he’s got your journal before you manage to pry it free.
He holds the gargantuan journal, full of all the dreams you had through your life- to see snow penitentes, to view miscolored lakes, to visit ancient forests, to explore the world that had been kept from you for so long.
“This is what gave you those ideas? Your little baby book, kiddo?”
“It’s not-“
“Shut it! You tried to run away. You don’t get to speak right now.”
He takes a moment to breath, glaring at the offending journal. To him, the answer is clear- get rid of the book, and he’ll get rid of your silly ideations of “freedom”. If it comes undone to the very binds, then maybe you’ll give up on leaving and return to the cozy schedule your fathers adhere you to. Forehead kisses and morning cuddles, shared meals and long naps through the cold of winter.
Without it, his life will go back to being perfect, and to an obsessive villain like Macaque?
A little bit of your sorrow is worth the happiness that keeping you close brings.
“Enough of these pointless dreams.”
The Six-Eared Macaque stands to his full height, the multicolored glow on his ears fading to black as his eyes burned red. With one angry sling, he throws your book into the deepest ashes of the gilded brazier.
It catches quick, melting and warping for just a brief few milliseconds before incinerating.
You stand there for a moment in sheer disbelief, watching as a decade of heartfelt writing crumbles away in seconds.
The raw, unspeakable hurt it produces leaves you breathless and mute, incapable of summoning even a single sorrowful word.
Macaque staggers back as tears bubble up in your eyes- even the villain himself has realized that this was a step much too far. His intention; as often to the innocent and undeserving, was to inflict suffering.
Even his own family wasn’t off the table.
His sable hands are much too slow in retrieving the book from uncaring flames, snagging only an empty cover now bereft of inner pages.
Ruined. Utterly ruined and destroyed.
The slow realization that you’ll never have back your childhood journal, never read again your years of games and research, never write another word in the precious book, never finish it- never, never, never, never, all in a devastating row.
The realization sinks in slow, but clicks into place all the same.
A low whimper builds in your throat, slowly pitching up as wetness spill down your cheeks. So many tears fall that they blind your vision, pairing well with the sobs that escape you.
Wukong glares at his partner with boiling eyes, a look of outright hatred in them. “Macaque. What. The. Hell.”
“…they h-had to learn a lesson,” he weakly justifies, his cowardice bubbling up in full force.
Run from Five Phases Mountain. Run from the Brotherhood. Run from Wukong. Run from the Lady Bone Demon. Run from the Samadhi Fire. Run from consequences and run from heroes, and pray that everyone forgets how badly he deserves to be punished for his cruelty and arrogance and sins.
Still a little rat, slinking in the shadows.
“Get out,” the Great Sage snarls, fangs dripping with immeasurable hatred, and, as ever, as always-
Macaque runs.
Wukong turns to you as his pitch husband bolts, throwing off his chest-plate and wrapping his unfathomably powerful arms around your quivering form.
He’s warm, much like a spring of volcanic water, or sun-kissed wood.
Or a raging, burning fire.
You don’t really want to be warm right now.
But the ferocity with which you pound his chest and gut leave the simian utterly unfazed, shushing and hushing you all the same.
“Shh, pumpkin, shh. You know your Bába hates to see you cry. C’mon, let’s dry those tears. Y’know what? How about we get you some ice cream, bud? Something sweet and cold to make you feel better.”
Wukong doesn’t wait for a response. He rarely does. The immortal boosts you up into his arms, heading to the kitchen. He kisses your cheeks and forehead and the bridge of your nose, trying to placate your tears with an overdose of physical affection.
This was your life. Your world.
And you were starting to doubt that you’d ever leave it.
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bookishgalaxies · 15 days
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ❥
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pairing: albedo x gn!reader
type: headcannons, not proofread
warnings: fluff, so much fluff
a/n: I’m such a simp and I know I have requests and other drafts and calculus homework but it is his birthday!!! I had to post something !!
❥ for starters I know this hall boy confessed in the most deliberate way
❥ we’re talking you were simply doing a task with him and the room and he just turns and goes
❥ “I’ve been reading lately about human relationships and at what point you should attempt to have one. I’ve concluded that I would like to date you, if at all possible.”
❥ “I’m not participating in another experiment. The last time I did I was sick for five days.”
❥ “This one I confess is not an experiment. I read about the conditions for people know they want a relationship with someone and all of them lined up with my feelings towards you.”
❥ “Are you asking me out?”
❥ “I believe that is the more common term for it, yes.”
❥ I think at first he’s VERY shy. Not in a uwu won’t say anything shy. I actually imagine he isn’t a bad conversationalist. He likes having long talks and asking you about your aspirations and how you acquired them.
❥ I think he’s shy in the sense that he’ll brush his hand against your’s gently as if asking to hold it. As well as leaning in really close and then whispering the question of if he can kiss you.
❥ Albedo really enjoys drawings you. I know it is a cliche headcannon of his but I had to include it. I just genuinely believe to him he enjoys looking at you, no matter what your appearance is, and attempting to memorize every shape and line so he can draw you well.
❥ He also enjoys just being around you. He wants you to be there while he’s doing experiments. If you are into alchemy or interested in it/interested in helping him, great! If not, he would want nothing more than for you to stay and do your own thing. The feeling of your presence warms his heart.
❥ Dragonspine always gets colder in the winter months and you best believe he always gives you his coat.
❥ “Albedo, you are going to freeze without it. I’m not taking the jacket”
❥ “Your human body will freeze much faster than mine, please, I insist.”
❥ As for nicknames and things I genuinely think Albedo just calls you by your name. He likes the way it sounds and uses it quite often. If you want to be called by a specific pet name he doesn’t mind but he definitely enjoys just calling you hy your name.
❥ His sleep schedule was shit before you came along but it has significantly improved. He observed how you enjoyed cuddling with him and how much faster you fell asleep. So now anytime you retire for the night he does the same.
❥ There may have still been a few all nighter’s pulled by him though where you find him asleep in his chair, head on the desk.
❥ I’ve seen a lot of people say that Albedo wouldn’t be good at cooking and I don’t really agree. I mean, I don’t think he’s fantastic at it but he’s decent.
❥ I do however believe he SHINES in the baking department! Baking is about a lot of precision with ingredients and instructions. Albedo as an alchemist does that everyday with his research.
❥ I just know one time he made you heart shape cookies and wrote cute messages on them
❥ I believe that is it for right now, I may add more later. Happy birthday to this lovely alchemist !!
thank you so much for reading !!
have a nice day/night !!
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temis-de-leon · 3 months
Requited unrequited love - 500 F.C.
Characters: Satan x fem!reader
Main Masterlist
500 followers masterlist
Requested by: @tinyweebsstuff
CW: misunderstandings, insecurities, jealousy. MC is afraid to fail in front of Satan and doesn't talk to him, which makes her sure that he doesn't like her; meanwhile, Satan thinks MC doesn't like him because she doesn't talk to him
Winter in the Devildom, as MC soon had the need to learn, showed mercy to no one, especially her. It numbed her fingers and her nose, froze her eyelashes and made her sleep restless; no amount of blankets could shield her from the cold nights in the House of Lamentation and she’d already burned her tongue more than once for drinking her tea straight out of the kettle.
She expected Hell to be a vast terrain built on molten lava and drenched in hot, humid, ashen air, but she couldn’t be more wrong. While spring and autumn were enjoyable and summer left her at least the few hours of the night to go out, winter gave her no such truce.
Knowing that her demon classmates suffered almost as much as her was her only consolation prize and maybe that was the reason why sitting on the ground with all of them during alchemy felt more like a bonfire between friends than a lesson.
The blue fire in front of them warmed the entire classroom, silky blaze licking the wooden ceiling without any threat and casting a hypnotizing light that helped nothing in keeping them awake. One of her classmates was hugging her arm, already half unconscious on her shoulder, and MC had to gather all of her strength to not rest her head on top of her friend’s to do the same. Satan was sitting next to her and, although his entire body faced the professor and the blackboard, his eyes remained fixed on her figure.
What was he thinking? He was obviously waiting, expecting her to say something about what their teacher was showing them. The lesson about Hellfire had occupied almost two weeks of their syllabus, starting in its birth, its short life in the human realm and all the uses across the Devildom, which included, of course, the existent types and those available to unauthorized public.
The one with highest temperature displayed an unnatural toxic green, a colour she’d never seen before, and only a limited number of high ranked officials could use it. Since peace roamed the Devildom, the rest of civilians could only see it in national festivities and celebrations, like Dia’s birthday.
Then there was the blue fire, the closest she’d been to the human summer sky in months. It needed supervision and experience in pyromancy, but no written permission. Lucifer had even showed it to her a couple of days ago, amused at her amazement while his brothers stared unimpressed. A certain blond, irritated at Lucifer’s inflated ego, had asked her with a strained voice if such thing existed in the human realm.
And MC could’ve told him the truth and talk about the interactions between hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur during combustion. An exothermic reaction she’d only seen in the lab under her teacher’s watchful eye and in pictures from the Ijen volcano in Indonesia.
She could’ve drawn the pathways in detail, every letter, number and line that lead to that phenomenon.
She could’ve shown her knowledge with excited intensity, letting him see her brain. The rules of the world, like recipes, following an order that gave sense to everything. Chemical elements, organic and manmade, combining and disintegrating amongst each other, against each other. Making her heart beat irregularly whenever he entered a room, keeping her awake at night thinking about him, fearing the possibility of disappointing him.
He had looked at her those couple of days ago, ignoring Lucifer’s magic, and he had asked her a simple question.  
“I don’t know” she had said in return, lying through her teeth.
Bile rose up her throat at the self-betrayal, the part of her brain that spent hours studying strange names and complicated reactions begging her to tell him the truth while her lovesick heart forced her to keep quiet.
MC couldn’t bear the idea of failing in front of him, especially in something she knew was her expertise. How stupid would she look then?
Not in a million years.
Her classmate suddenly pulled her out of her memories when he moved his head, groaning in deep slumber and hugging her arm tighter. Satan snarled beside her, bothered and disappointed.
What did he want from her exactly?
In the end, as minutes passed, the professor finally, thankfully, understood that no one was in right conditions to pay attention and let everyone enjoy the warmth of the Hellfire while offering individual tutoring for those interested.
With extreme care, trying not to wake him up, MC moved his friend’s head from her shoulder and placed it on his backpack. The sigh of his squished cheek and drool pooling under him made her chuckle and wonder, not for the first nor the last time, how did she end up being friends with creatures she didn’t even knew existed until months ago.
“Are you both close?”
Satan was looking at her, at her friend, keeping a neutral expression that left her no room to think of an appropriate response. MC tried to avoid his gaze by looking at his notebook and the details of his diagrams and his tidy handwriting, but he closed it, hiding it under his thigh to claim her attention again.
“He’s a nice friend” she said after letting out a long sigh.
Something shifted in his eyes at her words, but MC couldn’t identify it. He seemed softer all of a sudden and her heart did a backflip when she noticed, breath faltering for just a second before forcing her to keep the conversation going.
“Only during classes, though… I hardly see him outside of RAD”
“And would you want to?”
He stared at her expectantly, leaning forward to keep the conversation private. Half of the group was fast asleep on the ground and their whispers were only subdued by the voices of the professor and a couple of other students.
The blue light reflected in his pupils, pulling her in, but his question confused her.
“I don’t know, it would be nice, I guess?” MC shrugged “We don’t have that much in common, so I don’t know what we would do”
“And what things do you like?”
Once again, his question threw her out of the blue. His eager eyes, although cautious, followed her every movement; he was also subtly nodding his head as if to encourage her to answer.
This was her chance, wasn’t it? Lying about her capabilities would only make her feel worse, but what if she couldn’t prove them? What if he asked something that she couldn’t answer?
“Chemistry is interesting”
She tried to appear nonchalant, ignoring the submission in her voice. It wasn’t a lie and she wasn’t giving too much, which was enough for the moment. Maybe, in the future…
“Oh, that’s great!” he exclaimed, rolling his eyes at the groans of discomfort from the rest of the group. Satan opened his notebook, immediately finding a page full of not so pretty scribbles and colourful doodles. He showed it to her, but moved with such excitement that MC couldn’t read it properly. “I got curious about the blue fire and bought some human books. It has something to do with sulphur, I’m not exactly sure how, but it does make a lot of sense. See, humans always used sulphur to keep demons away”
“And how do you use it if it keeps you away?”
“How do you use red fire if it burns you?”
“I guess that makes sense”
He chuckled, sitting closer to her so he could show his research. MC’s cheeks got warmer and a smile appeared in her face with no intention of vanishing. She saw, out of the corner of her eye, the blush that tainted his skin, which made her grin grew even wider.
“The books are in my room, so… If you ever want to check them out…”
“I’d love that!”
The other students loudly shushed them, getting a final shush back from the teacher.
MC looked at Satan, who smiled just as happy as her. She wondered if anyone there could hear the beating of her heart, its thuds against her ribcage, but, after seeing Satan’s blush one more time, she discovered that she didn’t care one bit.
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ramblingoak · 1 year
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~ Read my works on Archive of Our Own ~ Buy me a coffee 💙 ~
8/11/24: I am slowly (very slowly) working on the kiss requests in my inbox. Also slowly working on everything else xD
recent fics:
Tales From Lucifer's Hollow masterpost (multiple pairings)
Inspiration (secondo x reader, fluff)
Promise Me (terzo x omega, angst)
A Comforting Nap (copia x reader, fluff)
A Thousand Kisses (copia x reader, fluff)
To Tease a Cardinal (copia x f!reader, nsfw)
An Interesting Nap (copia x reader, fluff)
A Mouthful (copia x reader, fluff)
The Cardinal's Bride, Chapter 13: And You Can Hold Me (copia x f!reader, cowboy au, nsfw)
Peanuts and Cracker Jacks (secondo x f!reader, ghaseball, nsfw)
ongoing series:
Naps With Copia - series masterpost (copia x gn!reader, fluff, fluff and fluff, sfw) A series of stand alone stories featuring soft, fluffy naps with Copia and gender neutral readers. The specific "Copia" will be listed by each story.
The Cardinal's Bride (copia x f!reader, cowboy au, angst, smut) latest chapter: 13 / series masterpost After being forced into a marriage with Mr. Saltarian by your father you are sent west to his estate in Nevada. Along the way you end up meeting one of the cowboys you have always fantasized about...
Copia on ICE! (copia x f!reader, winter olympics au, angst, fluff, smut) Chapters: 1 / series masterpost At what would probably be your final Winter Olympics you needed to focus on realizing your dream of winning gold. You definitely didn't need to start a whirlwind romance with world famous speed skater Copia Emeritus…
Clockwork Hearts (copia x f!reader, steampunk au, fluff, adventure, smut) A tale of adventure and alchemy in a steampunk world. You have to join forces with Captain Copia on his airship, The Impera, in order to save your city. Capitano Copia (copia x f!reader, tease for main story, smug copia) Clockwork Friends (f!reader, fluff) Building A Family (young copia, fluff) Napping in the Clouds (young copia, angst and fluff) A Nap With The Captain (copia x gn!reader, fluff)
The Repugnant (mary goore x f!reader, pirate au, horror, adventure, smut) Chapters: 1 / 2 / series masterpost After becoming too curious about seeing the pirate ship The Repugnant you end up captured and in the clutches of the feared pirate Captain Mary Goore...
Tales From Lucifer's Hollow series masterpost (copia x aether, mountain x rain, swiss x phantom/aeon, fluff, eventual smut) An au series set in the small town of Lucifer's Hollow. A look at the lives of the humans and ghouls that live there. There are just snippets so far but I've linked them below or you can search the tag: tales from lucifer's hollow.
my other fics:
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A Kiss Goodnight (copia x reader, a sweet kiss, nsfw)
Suggestions (copia x swiss, a very thorough kiss, nsfw)
Pancake Breakfast (gn!reader, domestic fluff, sfw)
Happy Lasagna Day (f!reader, silly birthday smut)
Papas Taking Care of a Sick Reader (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Care Package (gn!reader, sick copia, fluff, sfw)
In His Name (gn!reader, filthy smut)
I Love You, I Like You (gn!reader, sweet and caring copia, sfw)
Invisible Touch (f!reader, phone sex)
Ring Ring (f!reader, phone sex then closet sex)
Don't Go (gn!reader, brief angry copia, angst, fluff)
Smudge (gn!reader, silly copia, fluff, sfw)
Feeling Blah (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Them Rats (gn!reader, rat dad copia, fluff, sfw)
Little Hands (violence, horror)
A Lil Somethin' Somethin' (f!reader, sex toys, smut, car sex)
Play Ball (f!reader, copia in his ghaseball uniform, smut)
Best Folk Album (copia's ghouls are just trying to help, fluff, sfw)
Copia Is Terrible At Telling Scary Stories - chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
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The Vampire's Bride (f!reader, vampire cowboy au, smut)
Ratte Art (gn!reader, coffee shop au, fluff, sfw)
Rainy Kisses (gn!reader, kisses in the rain)
Yay Satan Day (f!reader, smug copia, desk sex)
His Dark Song - chapters: 1 (f!reader, occult au, future smut)
Satan's Toy Box (gn!reader, fluff)
A Man After Midnight (f!reader, copia doing a strip tease, fluff, smut)
Falling (f!reader, fluff, smut)
The Late Assistant (f!reader, fluff, tiny bit of smut)
The Pants (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
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A Nap With Terzo (terzo x reader, fluff)
No, Cardinal (gn!reader, cock warming)
Shooting His Shot (terzo x omega, winter olympics au, fluff)
A Gift Of Bones (terzo x omega, zombie!terzo, death, resurrection)
The Morningstar (f!reader, cowboy au, smut)
The Perfect Afternoon - sequel to One Dance (f!reader, regency au, fluff)
One Dance (f!reader, regency au, fluff)
Please, Cardinal (f!reader, cardinal terzo, loss of virginity, smut)
Satan's Dick (gn!reader, insufferable terzo)
Yes, Cardinal (f!reader, cardinal terzo, desk sex)
My Husband is Now Bones (terzo x omega, zombie au, death, resurrection)
Promises (f!reader, smut)
140 Shades of Terzo - series masterpost (prompt fills from a list of 140 smut prompts featuring terzo)
The Sexy Adventures of Cardinal Terzo - series masterpost (cardinal terzo and his sexy adventures around the abbey)
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Little Thief (secondo x f!reader, cowboy au, nsfw)
A Nap With Secondo (secondo x gn!reader, fluff)
His Little Ghuleh (secondo x aurora, rough bj, scratching, size kink)
Another Round (f!reader, messy ritual sex, overstimulation)
Breakfast in Bed (f!reader, vampire secondo, blood, smut)
Distraction (f!reader, aftermath of teasing papa)
A Single Kiss (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Shut Up (gn!reader, secondo is bad with emotions, fluff, sfw)
Sap (gn!reader, forced separation for ritual prep, fluff)
Sliding Home (f!reader, secondo in a ghaseball uniform, desk sex)
And I'm Yours (f!reader, jealous secondo, ritual sex)
Drenched (f!reader, overstimulation, little breeding kink)
Payback (f!reader, messy desk sex)
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What You See (gn!reader, old man body worship)
Nema (f!reader, ritual sex)
Dumbasses (cardinal primo deals with a young terzo and copia, sfw)
Time's Up (primo comes to terms with his time as papa, sfw)
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The Repugnant - chapters: 1 (f!reader, pirate au, horror, adventure, smut)
Napping With An Outlaw (gn!reader, cowboy au, injured mary, fluff, sfw)
Giddy Up (gn!reader, pony play)
✨ Banner done by the amazing @ghuleh-recs , the blushing cowboy!Copia icon is by @tasty-ribz and the pics of Copia in the banner were taken by me at my last ritual :) ✨
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senditcolton · 9 days
hiiiiiii my beautiful friend!!! I’m sure I speak for a lot of us when I say that I would love a check in on we’re a bad idea matty—whatever that means for you and where you vision they are now! (request 1 of ???)
- @comphy-and-cozy
Who Are We to Fight the Alchemy?
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a/n: i will gladly write anything for this universe because i love it so much and i will happily write anything for you @comphy-and-cozy. if you couldn't tell from the title, a Taylor Swift mashup inspired the final part of this series so it's only fitting that a Taylor Swift mashup inspired this fic.
Word Count: 3.7k Warnings: brother's teammate, references to alcohol consumption, but mostly just pure romantic fluff!!!
Things change.
It was a statement that brought pain and heartache. But it was also a statement that sometimes brought about such joy and happiness. You were thankful to say that in the past year, the latter was more applicable to your life.
The amount of change that you had experienced felt astronomical whenever you sat down and tried to quantify it. In just a few short months, you went from being miserable in Los Angeles, trying to get over a man that broke your heart and left you reeling to being happy back in New York City and coupled with that same man. A man who had changed even more than you could’ve ever imagined.
Matt Martin used to be a bad idea. Last summer, when the two of you reconnected, he was a surprise. Now, you could safely say that he was one of the best things in your life.
It was jarring at first. There was a part of you that was still distrustful, remembering who he used to be: someone who wanted you to himself but never wanted to claim you. But that summer night, he proved how much he had changed and how much he wanted you. Completely. And he had continued to prove it every day afterwards.
That wasn’t to say the transition was easy. There was a lot of bridges to cross: emotionally, physically, metaphorically. It took a while for you to believe that Matt meant what he said and what he did; that it wasn’t all just an overcorrection brought on by guilt or that it wasn’t just another elaborate ploy to get his hooks back into you. But the one thing that convinced you was how patient Matt was. He understood your reservations, took responsibility for how he treated you, and gave you as much space as you needed to process – even if that space was thousands of miles.
You went back to Los Angeles. Mostly for realistic reasons, like your job and your lease. But you would be lying if you didn’t think of it as a test for Matt; to see if he would wait for you, to see if he still wanted you.
And he did, in every single way.
That was enough for you to take the final leap, move back to New York, and fully commit to being his, the way he was ready to commit to being yours.
That was six months ago. Now, you were Matt Martin’s girl.
It was a massive mind-blowing change, one that you never expected. You had wished for it when you were younger, the massive crush you had on your brother’s teammate making you a fool. You desired it that winter you went to a bar with your brother and ended up leaving with Matt. You craved it every moment, during the stretch of hookups and illicit meetings after charity galas and nights out and engagement parties. You resigned that fantasy when you left for Los Angeles. You tried to banish the dream from your mind while you were underneath California’s sun.
But when you saw him again at Scotty and Emily’s wedding, the fantasy of being his resurfaced. Only this time, it wasn’t just something that you wanted. Matt wanted it just as much, if not more. And now, it was no longer a dream. It was your reality.
You were his. He was yours. Something that everyone in your life knew.
You had told your brother Scotty and sister-in-law Emily shortly after the two of you became ‘official’ and were happily surprised when they seemed okay with it. You were sure that their reaction would’ve been much different if they knew the entire timeline of your relationship with Matt Martin (something you were unsure if you would ever tell them). Your friends from college knew, although they were more skeptical, having known part of the tryst you and Matt had shared. Eventually, the news spread to the whole of the New York Islanders, as well as their wives and girlfriends, who welcomed you into a whole new world, one that you never experienced when you were just Scotty’s sister.
But the person that knew before anyone else did was Mat Barzal; the person who knew the entire history of you and Matt Martin and the only person who had one foot in each of your worlds. He was the most supportive of the change, a fact that was slightly surprising but not at all that shocking when you thought about it. You even sometimes thanked him, for giving you both the necessary push that allowed you to reconnect.
While everyone in you and Matt’s personal circles knew, you hadn’t – quote unquote – gone public with your relationship. The gossip blogs had deduced that Matt Martin may have been taken off the market but there was nothing confirmed by you or Matt or anyone else. Whenever you went to Islanders games or appeared in pictures with the other WAGs, you were still known as Scotty’s sister. There was never an implication that you were something more.
And when the New York Islanders had clinched their spot in the playoffs and the discussion of the ever-important WAG jacket began, you told Matt and the girls that you weren’t going to wear his last name on your back; a boundary that Matt respected and the girls playfully ignored. Something that you realized when you were invited to the ‘jacket reveal’ party (out of principle, of course) and had a large package placed on your lap.
In the moment, you were a little annoyed at them for ignoring your wishes, even though you knew that they did it with the best intentions. But now, in the friends and family box at UBS Arena, the jacket wrapped around your frame and your hands clasped in Lyla and Emily’s, you were happy that they did.
It was game seven of the Stanley Cup Finals after all. And the New York Islanders were less than five minutes and one goal away from reaching the peak of the mountain.
Your gaze is glued to the ice, your knuckles turning almost as white as the surface that the Islanders and the Jets were zipping across. You felt as if your breathing stopped every time Winnipeg entered the zone, also vying for that single goal that would bring the Cup to Canada instead. You flinch as Mark Scheifele took a shot at the net, your muscles only slightly relaxing when Ilya made the save. The Jets manage to secure the puck and throw it to back to the point where Josh Morrisey waits. Morrisey attempts to pass to his teammate Vilardi, but a miscommunication causes the puck to bounce off his skate instead.
The black disc sits in the expanse ice until someone scoops it up. And you can’t stop the screams of his name that escape your mouth as Matt Martin skates down the ice, his focus on the net in front of him, a Vezina trophy winning goalie between him and the deciding goal.
The puck flies off his stick and you swear you can feel the entirety of UBS Arena holding its breath. Until the rising shot sails by Connor Hellebuyck’s blocker and hits the netting. Then the arena seems to explode.
The goal horn coupled with the cheers from seventeen thousand people is deafening. However, it all seems like background noise to the way you’re screaming, your pure excitement not even muffled by the pile of bodies that rush over to hug you. You swear you can feel tears in your eyes as the girls pull away, your gaze connecting with the giant screen hanging over the ice as you watch Matt skate by the benches, receiving aggressively excited fist bumps and helmet pats from his teammates.
The reality that there was still two minutes left in the game washes over everyone quickly, the seasoned fans realizing that while things change quickly in life, they can change even quicker in hockey. But as the clock counts down, the nervous energy slowly transforming into that of pure excitement, your eyes scan the arena to find the number 17.
You see him on the bench, his body almost draped over the side as the Islanders hold the puck against the boards, the seconds dwindling down.
Three. Two. One.
The sound of the final buzzer almost makes your knees drop out from under you, your body wanting to collapse in pure relief. You don’t have the opportunity to because before you can blink, Lyla is gripping your shoulders, shaking you with pure joy.
“They fucking did it!!!” she screams in your face and you can do nothing except pull her into a bear-hug as the excitement from the girls, the fans, the players, the coaches, everyone fills the arena. Your eyes flick up to the Jumbotron to see the mass of blue jerseys surrounding the net as the team embraces.
You watch content as the traditionally handshake line happens, your eyes forever glued to Matt as he skates around, occasionally being pummeled with hugs and cheers befitting the game-winning goal scorer. The Conn Smythe trophy is brought out and you hug Lyla tight, cheering almost as loudly as she did when Mathew is announced as the winner.
When the Stanley Cup is brought out, you think it’s a miracle that you can even hear the commissioner over the sound of cheering – a noise that only becomes louder when Anders lifts the trophy over his head.
The girls slowly start filtering out, bustling to get down to the ice but you wait until Matt gets the Cup handed off to him, not wanting to miss the moment he holds the greatest trophy in all of sports for the first time. If you thought there were tears in your eyes when he scored or when the final buzzer went off, there was no denying their presence now as you watch Matt skate around the ice with the silver chalice held proudly over his head.
You feel Emily gently tug at your hand, pulling your attention away from the celebration and pulling you into the hallway and down into the bowels of UBS Arena. The ice is almost blinding as you walk out onto it, your arm linked in Lyla’s. She quickly abandons you when she spies Barzy, running towards him and enveloping him in a massive loving embrace, leaving you to catch up.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Conn Smythe winner,” you tease as you walk up to him, his arm securely wrapped around Lyla’s waist. His grin is wide as he pulls you into a hug. “Congrats Barzy. You deserve it.”
“Thank you,” he mutters to you, letting you go as you step back. You watch his eyes glance over your frame, registering the material wrapped around your torso. “Nice jacket.”
You laugh, the joy in your eyes reflected in his – your insanely supportive best friend.
“Have you seen him yet?” Mat asks, his question causing your eyes to dart around the arena.
“Not yet, but I’m sure he’s getting interviewed or something. I’ll just congratulate Scotty while I wait.”
“Does he know? About this?” he says, gesturing to your body. You reply with a playful shake of your head and Barzy whistles. “This will surely be a night he’ll remember forever.”
You giggle, Mat’s statement not even close to an exaggeration, even without the innuendo that one could easily attach. You give him a quick wave as you wander away, taking a moment to spy Emily standing next to Scotty and your parents. You run up to him, head butting him in the chest in greeting – a ritual that started when you were younger that the two of you continued to this day. Scotty embraces you, smiling as he takes in the moment.
You are laughing with your family when you feel the weight of someone’s gaze attaching to your frame. It is a slow turn of your head until your eyes connect with the ocean blue irises of Matt. You can see his chest rising in heavy breaths, the adrenaline of the moment still buzzing through his body. But the thing that nearly stops your heart is his expression; a mixture of shock and wonder so clearly painted on his face.
You smile, your attention falling completely from your family as you drift away, walking slowly towards him. He coasts up to you and you’re still unsure if his disbelief is related to winning the Cup or to the sight of his last name on your back until he stops in front of you.
“What – ” he begins to say, his hands reaching out to trace down your arms, fingers gliding over the material. His almost hesitance makes you giggle, a smile pulling at his lips in response.
“Surprised?” you laugh, before twirling slowly, the weight of Matt’s gaze raking across your frame undeniable. “It looks good on me, don’t you think?”
The confirmation Matt gives isn’t verbal at first. Instead, he simply lifts you into his arms, your legs instinctively hook around his hips. One of his hands flies into your hair and tugs you forward until your lips press together. The energy and excitement that had been sparking around the arena seems to funnel directly into the kiss. The way your body was buzzing had nothing to do with the glasses of white wine that you had consumed in the past hour and everything to do with the feeling of Matt’s lips against yours.
He finally breaks the kiss and sets you down on the ice, keeping you wrapped in his arms as he stares at you with just as much reverence as he looked at the Stanley Cup.
“You look fucking fantastic,” he mutters and you can’t stop the laugh at the bluntness of his statement.
“I thought I should dress up for you,” you muse, your hand lifting to brush away a few of the sweat-soaked stands of hair from his forehead.
“Glad you did. I think you were my lucky charm.”
“If that’s so, then why didn’t you sweep every series?” you tease, the joke falling from your lips.
“Because the universe needed to know that you were mine.”
The seriousness of his words has you pausing, your eyes looking into his, seeing the sincerity and relief reflecting in his pupils. You realized the gravity of the situation. What you were wearing… it wasn’t just a jacket with his last name sewn between your shoulder blades. It was a confirmation to him, to the team, to the fans, to the world that you were his, even after everything that lead the two of you to this moment.
It was a symbol of your commitment, your trust, your love. It was a public declaration that you were his. Completely.
You could never resist the pull of him, even before this moment, and you certainly can’t stop it now as you lean in and press your lips against his again in a kiss that was just as – if not more – passionate as the last.
“I think I’ve been yours long before I put this jacket on,” you whisper to him, your quiet confession clearly heard as Matt pulls you impossibly tighter against his body.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me,” he replies, a remark that he has made a dozen times before and one that you never tired of hearing. You step back, the playful smirk appearing on your lips.
“Even now? After you scored the goal that made you a Stanley Cup champion?”
“There’s absolutely no comparison,” he asserts, lifting your chin to kiss you again.
Things change, that much was true. They morph and transform, get created and destroyed. What you and Matt shared had shifted more than you could possibly imagine. But it had changed for the better. The connection you two shared was the purest form of alchemy; taking something sordid and turning it into pure gold.  
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tagging the "we're a bad idea" babes: @texanstarslove @smileysvech @laurenairay @dissonannce @cowboybarzy @cellythefloshie @provokedgoalie @m00nlightdelights @tkachvkmatthew @cixrosie @alwaysclassyeagle @geospatialharmony
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☘︎ Ranking All of Trey Clover's Cards ☘︎
☘︎ Part Three: SSR Cards ☘︎
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☘︎ Please Note: Trey Clover has no bad cards, and this is just my silly opinion. There will be spoilers for cards not released on EN yet ☘︎
SSR cards:
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"Do you have any plans for the winter this year? If not, what if you got a temp job at a cake shop…? Haha, I’m just kidding."
"Hm, you want a scarf? Well… Oh, maybe if I ask Sam, he can lend you a spare one. Just wait a sec."
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Plus, Trey has duo magic with Jade! So if you have Jade's Club Wear SSR, you're pretty much ready to go on a camping trip lol ♡
Now that I've calmed down a bit, let's move on to another amazing SSR of his: Trey's Lab Coat (or, his Club Wear card!)
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"Would you be willing to read a paper of mine? I'm presenting it at an upcoming science competition, and I'd like a second opinion. I'll repay you somehow, of course."
"You want me to explain some things about alchemy? Sure, I don't mind— as long as you're willing to help clean the club room sometime."
Next is Trey's Birthday Bloom (or Broomquet!)
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I love the groovy of this card so much!!! ♡ He looks so good and happy, I just adore the expression on his face! ♡♡♡
Now, we have his Dorm Uniform! (I know, shocking lol ♡)
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And I know what you might be wondering, "Sheep, why his Dorm Uniform?" and let me tell you, I love this card! The original and the groovy honestly look so good (and the fact that I don't have this card after all this time drives me crazy lol ♡)
HE LOOKS GOOD!! ♡ Nothing much more to say, really lol ♡ (I could mention his voicelines, but all his cards have good voicelines honestly lol ♡ We'd be here all day if I talked about all my favorite ones)
Then, we have his Birthday Boy card!
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Ahhh I just adore this card!! I just think he looks so cute in the original, and the groovy is great lol ♡ I think I like it more than his Dorm Uniform actually...
Lastly, we have his Birthday Jacket and his Platinum Jacket! ♡
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I love love love his Platinum Jacket!! He looks so good, and the fact he's looking at the Cheshire Cat in the groovy?? Love it ♡♡♡♡♡♡
And then, his Birthday Jacket... I'm not sure why I like this one less than the others, but it's still a good card! (It is Trey, after all lol ♡)
SSR card ranking:
#1 New Year's Attire & Outdoor Wear (tied)
#2 Lab Coat/Club Wear
#3 Birthday Bloom/Broomquet
#4 Birthday Boy
#5 Dorm Uniform
#6 Platinum Jacket
#7 Birthday Jacket
☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎
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marketfreshfics · 7 months
I saw you're asking for prompts.
Can I get a poem from Seb's POV realising he's in love with a stoic and sarcastic MC? Pretty please? ♡
Thank you so much!!!
I find myself contemplating beneath a grand tapestry. Here, where history and footfalls erode the stone, I wait for her, a wizard with wonder cradled in my breast.
She is an enigma, a witch with a sharp gaze, chilling yet beautiful, the icicles that adorn the eaves in winter.
Her words are laced with sarcasm that bites the air, leaving trails of frost in its wake. Yet in her presence, a warmth pushes my very paradigm to shift, aligning itself with the rhythm of her heartbeat,
and unwavering, and pounding.
There is stoicism in the silent strength that she carries, an invisible mantle. For all her phlegmatic propriety, laughter is seldom heard but always marvelled, a comet streaking across the night, so breathtakingly beautiful because it is so fleeting, so untouchable; Blink and you’ll miss it.
And as she is lost in the pages of a book, I am lost in the contemplation of her, amidst the scent of ancient parchment, and incantations penned eons ago.
There is something about how she concentrates, how slender fingers tuck the stray strand behind an ear, that dredges something deep from my chest, winches it to breach the surface, and shatters the safety of my rib cage.
It calls forth those precious pieces of the past, brief and charged with an electricity that defies explanation, cherished and treasured;
A debate in the common room, heated until the embers in the fireplace grow cold. A shared glance during dinner that speaks volumes above words. A partnership in Potions that feels like an alchemy of curiosity.
She challenges me, this witch who wears armour of indifference as effortlessly as she wields a wand. Yet woven in the whitespace of her words, in silence that follows clever retorts, I hear the unspoken truths of her heart...
Oh, how they echo mine.
In a world where the future is as uncertain as the shifting staircases, I have fallen with certainty. Not for the heroines of old who grace the pages of textbooks, not for the fleeting charms of a passing fancy, but for her—the witch who does not wear her heart on her sleeve, out in the open for anyone to claim.
Hers is tucked, folded into the safety of her chest, as all precious things should be.
With any luck…mine will join her there.
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star-girl69 · 2 years
-Rules for Asking
Writing Tips
-Avatar Masterlist
-House of the Dragon Masterlist
-Miscellaneous Masterlist
-Women’s Sports Masterlist
-Yellowjackets Masterlist
school just started for me, my course load is genuinely insane (who let me take these classes) and i can feel the fall/winter impending doom already so i probably won’t be writing fics for a while. please continue to talk to me about women’s hockey and the badgers!! i will still try to screen rec the lives but i make no promises. i love you all and thank you so much!!!!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶
-current wips!!! (in tentative order)
The Alchemy (Jesse Compher)
Tough (Morgan Cheli)
Stargirl Interlude (Georgia Amoore)
No. 1 Party Anthem (Caitlin Clark)
I Wanna Be Yours (Lacey Eden)
Love Me Harder (Georgia Amoore)
-about me!!
call me addie!!
gemini sun, capricorn moon, aries rising
infp-t, 🕊️ cabin 10, dragon rider at heart ❤️
i love reading and writing but i’m actually thinking about studying chemistry at college!!
my favorite music artists are lana del rey and chappell roan, my favorite colors are green and pink, and i love history!!
tysm for supporting me i love you all MWAH!!!
-Emoji Anons
❤️🌊🐯🦊🦠🍅🐚🪲 📼 🎀
-disclaimer: please do not steal my work. i give no one permission to post this on another website or anywhere else. all characters and worlds belong to the original creators. all original side characters and plots belong to me. © star-girl69
-i’m so sorry if i don’t answer your ask, comment or reblog! i unfortunately get a lot of notifications everyday and i try my best to respond to every one but sometimes they slip by. as a reminder my dms are always open!!!!
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azullumi · 2 years
albedo — cold hands ☆彡
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summary — winter is coming and your hands are cold.
pairing — albedo/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff; oneshot
word count — 718
a/n — my hands were hella cold and an idea popped up inside my head. i had a post schedule before this one but i couldn't resist the urge to post it immediately.
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evidence of the winter season approaching is clear but nothing is different in the ever so cold mountain of dragonspine where you are always at to accompany a certain alchemist who is also your boyfriend. he was busy doing his own thing at the alchemy table, writing something on his notebook after observing the reaction of two fluids that he has mixed together.
although you have already gotten used to the cold—supposedly— nowadays, you could hardly ever last more than a few hours in the freezing temperatures even with the amount of torches and campfires surrounding the tent. you don’t know if it’s the fact that winter is waltzing its way to the continent or what, nonetheless, it’s still cold and you regret not wearing an extra article of clothing on top of you.
you glanced at albedo who’s been standing for nearly an hour now, occupied with what he is doing. he might have forgotten that you're here with him because the last time you two have interacted was an hour ago. the only things you did while waiting for him is just sit and watch or admire his artworks. you don't complain though as coming with him and accompanying him here was your own decision. you just wish he would look back and—
"(name)?" and as if the gods had answered your prayers, he called out to you, looking in your direction with a hint of concern on his face. his voice, smooth and gentle, grabbed your attention and you answered, "yes?"
he didn't reply but instead, walked towards you while taking off his gloves. he then kneeled down in front of you, resting his hand against your cheek. his skin felt warm against yours and you can't help but lean against his comforting touch.
"you're cold," he said and placed his other hand against your unoccupied cheek, completely engulfing your face with warmth. it was soothing and comforting, it felt nice. "it is cold, 'bedo. we're in dragonspine, after all."
"you should have told me." you could only hum as a response and closed your eyes. although your face felt warm, the warmth wasn't enough. Your hands were freezing and it seems like the man in front of you noticed as he decided to release your cheek to hold your hands.
he filled in the gaps between your fingers with his, locking his hand with yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze as he looked you in the eyes, tender teal orbs looking at you with admiration. on his face was an expression that shows adoration, a smile so faint and small that it was hard to notice it at first.
"i heard this is a way to share body warmth and keep each other warm whenever it's cold since heat is being transferred and retained. are you feeling alright now?" he asks in a soft tone, voice so gentle and kind that it warms your heart. "i'm feeling better now, thank you."
albedo regrets not bringing his coat with him but at the same time, he is also thankful because he got to share this moment with you. although he took note inside his head to bring a blanket next time he climbs up the mountain.
"i miss you." you say, breaking the silence.
"but i've been here since earlier," he answered, tone confused as he tilts his head to the side. you could only chuckle and smile at him before speaking, squeezing his hand to which he squeezed back in return.
"you weren't talking to me and you were busy with your experiment."
"i apologize, i'll pay more attention to you now and always, is that alright?"
"it's alright, i forgive you and i'm sorry if i was being a bother."
"my love, you're not bothersome." he kisses your forehead, a smile immediately making its way to your face at that small action of his. you just love the way albedo doesn't hesitate in reassuring you and giving you affection.
silence reigned in the air once again but this still moment was pure solace within. just holding each other's hand and looking at each other's eyes with pure awe. not until he spoke again, his voice piercing the silence.
"can i hug you? i figured hugging is a better way to share body warmth."
"you don't have to ask that."
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w-wren · 2 years
Bunny hybrid Y/n x Genshin boys
Featuring :: Albedo, Thoma & Kaeya
Summary :: Just some moments of the three genshin guys with their bunny hybrid girlfriend
Warning :: non-proofread, slightly suggestive…ig?
Word Count :: 1273 words
Since 2023 is the year of the rabbit, I came up with this random idea. Still, if you’re reading, I hope you enjoy!
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• This man will carry out all kind all sorts of experiments on you. He’ll probably come across a random flower on the street, and go like, “Hmm, I wonder what will happen to Y/n if she eats this?” Of course, being the sweet heart he is, he’ll make sure he takes care of any side effects of his experiments.
• Having a strong passion for drawing, there’s no doubt that he’ll have you pose for all kinds of drawings. Even some…sussy ones. 😏 Your face turned as flaming red as Klee’s bombs when you came across one of your boyfriend’s sussy drawing of, ahem, a certain body part of yours 😏 😏 😏
• As a lover of dessert himself, he often suggests activities such as baking / cooking together. Not having much experience in cooking, he relies mostly on the recipe. You’ll see him spend 90% of the whole baking process reading the cook book. He’ll probably use his alchemy equipment to measure / contain the ingredients, I mean, accuracy counts for a lot, right? (Author-san has never cooked before hehe)
“So… 10.57g of sucrose, and 0.25g of sodium chloride…” Albedo murmured as he flipped through the cook book. Listening to him, your face just went like ??? “Uh… Bedo? We’re going to bake Sucrose???” The alchemist chuckled a little before he explained, “I’m referring to sugar, not our friend Sucrose.” “O-oh…” Your face immediately flushed red. He gently stroked your soft cheeks before bending down to kiss you on the forehead, “It’s alright darling. I’ll avoid using alchemy terms in the future.” “Mmm…”
After some slight struggling (You dropping the flour onto the ground, you adding too much salt thinking it’s sugar, you dipping your fingers into the bowl to taste some of the batter etc etc) in which your boyfriend just sighed and resolved for the both of you, the both of you were able to put the cake into oven quite quickly.
“Bedo, how long more does it need to bake?” You whined for the who knows how many times. Your ears drooped and a small pout appeared on your face. The man pecked at your huffed cheeks, “Darling, the timer says 25 more minutes.” You groaned, “That’s soooo long!” “Mhm…” “H-hey! B-bedo!” You gasped as your boyfriend suddenly straddled you closer to him, kissing the exposed parts of your breast. You felt his warm breath ghost your sensitive skin as he whispered silkily, “Well… Since we still have another 25mins to wait, I might as well keep the both of us entertained~”
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• Since you were part rabbit, so you eat carrots, right? That’s why this male wife came up with all sort of carrot dishes for you, like dango which dough is made up of flour + carrot juice, and filling is sweet carrot paste. He only started serving you regular food when you told him, “Uhmm… Thoma, I actually eat other foods apart from carrots too, so you don’t need to make me special food…” His face went blank after that…
• Apart from cooking, Thoma also excels in knitting, which is exactly why challenged himself to knitting you a winter hat. That turned out much harder than expected because he just couldn’t get the measurements of your ears right! “T-Thoma!” You would gasp and whine every time his hand / the ruler touched your sensitive ears. When he finally completed knitting your hat, you refused to wear it! 😫😫😫 “B-but love, you’re supposed to wear it! It’s a hat!” He protested with a small pout. “I might ruin it if I wear it! I don’t want waste your hard work!” You argued. Not wanting to argue with you, the hat officially resigned from being a hat.
• Thoma had a girlfriend and a lot of friends, but another group of companions always gets his special attention — the stray cats and dogs in Inazuma City! He makes them clothes and feeds them. Hearing him blab about those animals everyday, it took a lot of persuasion for you to believe that you were Thoma’s favourite and most adorable animal.
“Loveee, I promise! Maru doesn’t bite!” “Fine-” Despite having agreed to pet Taroumaru, you immediately withdrew your hand the moment the shiba barked at you. “He was just saying hi!” Thoma tried to persuade you, but you refused to listen. Being the smart dog he was, Taroumaru had his ways of persuading you to give his furry head a stroke.
“A-ah!” You yelped as the shiba leaped out of Thoma’s arms and pounced onto you, knocking you over. He then proceeded to licking you. “H-hey! I-it’s ticklish!” You couldn’t stop giggling as the dog’s tongue lapped against your skin. Seeing Taroumaru enjoying his time, your boyfriend couldn’t help but feel jealous. He knew how childish it was of him to get jealous over a dog, but you’re his girlfriend!
“Good boy, let Y/n have a rest.” Thoma lifted Taroumaru off you before he himself bent down over you, leaving hungry kisses all over your body. “Thoma…” You whined, looking up at the male. “Maru’s had his turn, so now it’s now my turn to enjoy you!”
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• Being half rabbit, you were quite tiny, and he will not stop teasing you about your size. You’d hear him go like, “Hmm? Where are you, I don’t think I can see you?” when you’re right in front of him until you get pissed off.
• Another prank he likes to play on you was serving you stir-fried radish with sauce instead of your favourite carrot. After the dark sauce was added, the radish looks convincingly like carrots coz you can’t tell the colour. After falling for that prank once, you always tried to exercise caution when eating that dish cooked by your boyfriend, but you always fell for it anyways. Who could you blame for getting overly hyper whenever a dish looked like carrot?
• After finding out that you were afraid of water, he will unhesitatingly suggest activities like swimming and bathing together. He found it adorable to see your ears fall flat against your head as you trembled slightly. But hey, at least you got to spend time with your lover and get your regular bribe of carrots.
“K-Kaeya…” You whispered in protest when your boyfriend filled the bathtub up with water and dragged you into bathing with him. You were not going to stepping into that torture tub (bathtub) again! “Aww, but you agreed earlier…” Kaeya was trying so hard to hide his smirk as he said that. “Y-you promised me that there was only going to be half a tub of water!” You retorted, face turning slightly pink as you watched your boyfriend who was already starting to strip himself. “Hmm… I might have poured to much water in…” Kaeya murmured, voice filled with pseudo innocence.
“A-ah!” You yelped out as Kaeya dropped you into the bathtub. You grabbed for the man’s shoulders as you felt your ass slip on the bottom of the bathtub. Compared to the freezing coldness of the bath water which sent shivers down your spine, he felt so warm! “Now my little bunny wants me, huh?” Your boyfriend smirked as he pulled you into an embrace. You made a little “hmph!” sound. If it wasn’t for his genius idea, you wouldn’t be here freezing! He pressed a kiss at the base of your right ear, before praising, “You’ve been a good bunny today, how ‘bout carrots for dinner?” Your ears immediately straightened up in excitement as you pouted, “F-fine… You’d better give me more this time!” “Of course babe.”
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taylor-swift-bracket · 4 months
Battle of the Bridges!
Round One
Debut Era 🦋
Tim McGraw vs. Picture to Burn
A Place In This World vs. Cold As You
Stay Beautiful vs. Should’ve Said No
Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) vs. Our Song
I’m Only Me When I’m With You vs. A Perfectly Good Heart vs. Invisible
Bea utiful Eyes vs. I Heart ?
Fearless Era✨
Fearless vs. Fifteen
Love Story vs. Hey Stephen
White Horse vs. You Belong With Me
Breathe vs. Tell Me Why
You’re Not Sorry vs. The Way I Loved You
Forever & Always vs. The Best Day
Ch ange vs. Jump Then Fall
Come In With The Rain vs. Superstar
The Other Side Of The Door vs. Today Was A Fairytale
Mr. Perfectly Fine vs. We Were Happy
That’s When vs. Don’t You vs. Bye Bye Baby
Speak Now Era 🎆
Mine vs. Sparks Fly
Dear John vs. Mean
The Story Of Us vs. Never Grow Up
Enchanted vs. Better Than Revenge
Innocent vs. Haunted
Last Kiss vs. Long Live
Ours vs. Superman
Electric Touch vs. When Emma Falls In Love
I Can See You vs. Castles Crumbling
Foolish One vs. Timeless
Red Era 🧣
State of Grace vs. Red
Treacherous vs. I Knew You Were Trouble
All Too Well vs. 22 (Taylor’s Version)
I Almost Do vs. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Stay Stay Stay vs. The Last Time
Holy Ground vs. Sad Beautiful Tragic
Everything Has Changed vs. Starlight
Come Back…Be Here vs. Girl At Home
Ronan vs. Better Man
Nothing New vs. Babe
All Too Well vs. 22 (original version)
Forever Winter vs. Run
The Very First Night vs. Safe & Sound vs. Eyes Open
1989 Era 🏙️
Welcome to New York vs. Blank Space
Style vs. Out Of The Woods
All You Had To Do Was Stay vs. Shake It Off
I Wish You Would vs. Bad Blood
This Love vs. I Know Places
Clean vs. Wonderland
You Are In Love vs. New Romantics
Slut! vs. Say Don’t Go
Now That We Don’t Talk vs. Is It Over Now? vs. Sweeter Than Fiction
Reputation Era 🐍
I Did Something Bad vs. Don’t Blame Me
Delicate vs. Look What You Made Me Do
So It Goes…vs. Gorgeous
Getaway Car vs. King Of My Heart
Dancing With Our Hands Tied vs. Dress
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things vs. Call It What You Want vs. New Year’s Day
Lover Era 💘
I Forgot That You Existed vs. Cruel Summer
Lover vs. The Man
The Archer vs. I Think He Knows
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince vs. Paper Rings
London Boy vs. Soon You’ll Get Better
You Need To Calm Down vs. Afterglow
ME! vs. Daylight vs. All Of The Girls You’ve Loved Before
folklore era 🌲
the 1 vs. cardigan
the last great american dynasty vs. exile
my tears ricochet vs. mirrorball
seven vs. august
this is me trying vs. illicit affairs
invisible string vs. mad woman
epiphany vs. betty
hoax vs. the lakes
evermore era 🍂
willow vs. champagne problems
‘tis the damn season vs. tolerate it
coney island vs. ivy
cowboy like me vs. long story short
marjorie vs. closure
evermore vs. right where you left me
Midnights Era 🌌
Lavender Haze vs. Maroon
Anti-Hero vs. Snow On The Beach
You’re On Your Own, Kid vs. Question…?
Vigilante Sh*t vs. Bejeweled
Karma vs. Sweet Nothing
Mastermind vs. The Great War
Bigger Than The Whole Sky vs. Paris
Glitch vs. Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
Dear Reader vs. Hits Different vs. You’re Losing Me
The Tortured Poets Department Era ✒️
Fortnight vs. The Tortured Poets Department
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys vs. Down Bad
So Long, London vs. But Daddy I Love Him
Fresh Out The Slammer vs. Florida!!!
Guilty As Sin? vs. Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) vs. loml
Clara Bow vs. The Black Dog
imgonnagetyouback vs. The Albatross
Chloe Or Sam Or Sophia Or Marcus vs. How Did It End?
So High School vs. I Hate It Here
thanK you aIMee vs. The Prophecy
Cassandra vs. Peter
The Bolter vs. Robin vs. The Manuscript
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived vs. The Alchemy
Other 🎸
Carolina vs. Beautiful Ghosts
Christmas Must Be Something More vs. Christmas Tree Farm
Crazier vs. I Don’t Wanna Live Forever
Renegade vs. The Alcott
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downbad4fyodor · 10 months
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Pairing: Ango x Fem!reader word count: 363 summary: You and Ango decided to decorate the mantel on the fireplace warnings: none Tag list: @getousrep
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The fireplace exhaled warmth into the room, casting a golden glow that danced along the walls, a symphony of amber hues that cocooned the space in a tender embrace. You and Ango found yourselves on the precipice of a tranquil evening, the promise of Christmas beckoning with the eager anticipation of a shared ritual.
Ango, a pillar of unwavering support, disappeared into the storage room, reemerging with boxes that seemed to carry the very essence of Christmas past. The mantel, like a canvas yearning for the brushstrokes of holiday enchantment, awaited the alchemy of your collective creativity. The subtle hum of the heater, a harmony to the crackling fireplace, blended seamlessly with the ambient sounds of the season.
Boxes opened like treasure chests, revealing an array of ornaments that sparkled with the memories of yesteryear—miniature snow globes that whispered of winter's magic, delicate baubles that cradled the weight of shared traditions, and strands of tinsel that shimmered like strands of celestial stardust.
As you sifted through the glistening assortment, Ango's eyes became constellations of delight. "This one," he murmured, holding up a glass ornament adorned with intricate patterns, "has journeyed through generations in my family."
Together, you and Ango unfolded these treasures, each one a cherished artifact weaving a narrative of Christmases gone by. The air hummed with the excitement of possibilities as you gathered around the mantel, the heart of your home, ready to be adorned.
Ango's fingers moved with practiced grace, intertwining the strands of tinsel into a cascade that mimicked the gentle descent of snowflakes. Your hands cradled delicate baubles, each one a vessel holding the essence of Christmas. Ango's voice, a comforting baritone, wove through the air as he shared anecdotes of childhood Christmases, the ornaments serving as portals to those cherished moments.
In the collaborative spirit, you and Ango painted a vision for the mantel—a symphony of rich hues, red and green intermingled with touches of gold, an homage to timeless elegance. As you arranged the ornaments, Ango's hands moved in synchrony with yours, the mantel evolving into a tapestry of festive wonder.
A string of twinkling lights appeared in Ango's hands, their soft luminescence casting an ethereal glow upon the tableau. The room, bathed in the warm hues of the fireplace and the gentle twinkle of lights, metamorphosed into a haven steeped in holiday magic, a sanctuary where time seemed to pause.
In the midst of this decorating reverie, Ango unearthed a delicate nativity scene, an heirloom passed down through generations. Placing it amidst the festive display, a hushed reverence descended upon the room. The mantel, now adorned, held not only the promise of holiday revelry but also a sacred space where tradition and love intersected.
As the final ornament found its designated place, you and Ango stood back, surveying the mantel—a testament to shared creativity and the magic of togetherness. Ango's eyes, alight with pride, met yours, and a shared smile conveyed the unspoken joy of crafting a space infused with the spirit of Christmas.
Amid the glow of the decorated mantel, the room settled into a cocoon of tranquility. Your little 18-month-old boy, nestled in his slumber, remained undisturbed by the festive symphony that had unfolded around him. The occasional crackling of the fire and the muted exchange of words formed a lullaby, wrapping the room in a tender embrace.
Hand in hand, you and Ango sank into the couch, the mantel now a masterpiece that transcended mere decoration. The room, now a sanctuary of Yuletide charm, echoed with the subtle sounds of the season—the crackle of the fire, the distant jingle of bells, and the hushed whispers of shared joy.
The exchange of glances between you and Ango held stories of tradition, companionship, and the timeless enchantment of Christmas. And as the flames flickered, casting dancing shadows upon the mantel, your little one stirred, eyes fluttering open to the sight of the adorned room.
Gently cradling him in your arms, you and Ango formed a cozy cocoon around the infant. The room, now bathed in the soft radiance of the mantel, became a tableau of familial warmth. With a collective sigh, you reveled in the serenity of the moment, a quiet celebration of love, tradition, and the magic that only a carefully adorned mantel could conjure.
And so, nestled on the couch, the three of you became a living diorama—a family surrounded by the glow of a meticulously decorated mantel, the flickering flames, and the harmonious whispers of the season.
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francesderwent · 4 months
May I ask smallville + ttpd songs?
my love I have been rotating this ask in my mind and at last I have answers!! I do not have a clear enough memory of the chronology of Smallville to organize it that way so it’s gonna be organized by the chronology of the album.
“The Tortured Poets Department”—the vibes of this one are the last dying gasps of the Clark/Lana relationship. they’re so convinced that they belong together that they can’t see the fact that they’re bringing out the worst in each other. key lines: “who else decodes you? and who’s gonna hold you like me?” 
“My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys”—my first instinct was to lay this one at Lex’s door, but upon reflection I think that’s unfair to him. his sin is grasping, always, not ghosting. so “My Boy” is Lana’s pov before she knows Clark’s secret: he gives her attention and acts like she’s the best thing in his world and then when it starts to seem like a real relationship, he runs away. key lines: “cause I knew too much, there was danger in the heat of my touch, he saw forever so he smashed it up”
“Down Bad”—this one is—as you pointed out!!—Lois abandoned by the Blur. it’s less about the loss of the relationship, and more about the loss of the worldview. “told me I was the chosen one, showed me that this world is bigger than us, then sent me back where I came from” is Lois trying to go on without a purpose. and also, “Down Bad” is also a little bit Lex abandoned by Clark. he was shown a world of loving families and good people, and then had the door shut in his face again. but he can’t forget what he saw!!
“But Daddy I Love Him”—this song has a brief moment in the sun when Lex and Lana are starting to hang out a bunch and Chloe tries to warn Lex away from her friend, and it has the inverse effect of driving Lana straight into his arms. key lines: “stay away from her! the saboteurs protested too much” and “I’ll tell you something bout my good name, it’s mine alone to disgrace”. (also: “I’m having his baby, no I’m not” is hysterically ironic)
“Fresh Out the Slammer”—to no one’s surprise, because I have brainrot and only remember one plot point, I’m gonna say this one is Lana trying to walk out of her wedding to go to Clark. key lines: “another summer taking cover, rolling thunder, he don’t understand me/splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter” and “now that I know better I will never lose my baby again” and “to the house where you still wait up and that porch light gleams” 
“Florida!!!”—red k Clark lol
“Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?”—I think you’re right, this is equally Lex and Lana. both of them respond to pain by seeking control and power! both of them were softhearted people who got thrown into a circus and grew teeth! Lex is “so tell me everything is not about me, well what if it is?” Lana is “I’m always drunk on my own tears, isn’t that what they all say?”
“I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)”—if it’s anyone, it’s Clark singing about Lex! “he had a halo of the highest grade, he just hadn’t met me yet” 
“loml”—I’m going to take the dual muse and run with it. it’s Lana addressing both Lex and Clark after everything has finally fallen apart and she’s left with both the wounds from someone who hurt her in the cruelest way and the ruins of something that was the bedrock of her coming of age. key lines: “who’s gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway?” “you low down boy, you stand up guy…you told me I was the love of your life. you said I’m the love of your life, about a million times” “when your impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fake, well, you took me to hell too” “I’m combing through the braids of lies”
“I Can Do It With a Broken Heart”—this is a Lois song! just generally her ethos. “I was grinning like I’m winning!”
“The Alchemy”—this one reminds me of the homecoming episode because it’s about Clark returning to who he is (and also a little bit about football)
“The Black Dog”—“old habits die screaming” is very Clark and Lana, and Lifehouse’s “Everything” is the song that was intertwined in the tragic fabric of their dreaming.
“imgonnagetyouback”—the confidence of this has to be Lois, probably in one of those early moments where Clark accidentally stood her up and she’s indignant. “I can take the upper hand and touch your body, flip the script and leave you like a dumb house party, or I might just love you til the end”
“The Albatross”—okay this one to me is about Chloe!! about her need for the truth being this dangerous destructive thing that mows down whoever is in its path, but then at the decisive moment she turns and uses her powers to shelter. “the devil that you know looks now more like an angel” 
“Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus”—brain rot again. it’s Lana and Lex. reminds me of the scene where she’s surveilling him and he’s looking piningly at their wedding portrait. “if you wanna break my cold, cold heart just say I loved you the way that you were. If you wanna tear my world apart just say you’ve always wondered”
So High School—if it’s anybody I think it’s Chloe and Jimmy?? it’s giving ring pop proposal. 
I Hate It Here—it’s Lex!!!!!! Lex has had a TERRIBLE experience with life and so he DOES go to lunar valleys in his mind. (unfortunately for him the lunar valleys are real and he’s convinced that everyone there is trying to kill him)
I Look In People’s Windows—it’s Clark spying on Lois in his “I have to distance myself from humanity” era, but it’s also very much Lois looking at his empty desk missing him. “what if your eyes looked up and met mine one more time?”
The Prophecy—it’s Lois!!!! “I don’t want to be alone anymore”! “I thought for a moment that someone needed me”!! “please let it once be me”!!!!
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my-drama-heart2406 · 1 year
I have a habit of finding the meaning of song lyrics since the days I started watching animes and wanted to memorise the openings. Which very obviously projected to learning the lyrics of the kdrama OSTs I loved. I always try to find the meanings and learn the lyrics.
To this day I've never heard more meaningful OSTs than that of Alchemy of Souls. I don't know how many of you have actually seen the english translations. But the song are so in sync with the show. The more I listen to them, the more I fall in love. It's almost poetic.
In 'Just Watching You- Jeong Sewoon', Which is Seo Yul's song, the last line of the chorus goes: "...In the next coming spring, will you bloom beside me?"
Which is so in point with Yul's character. Because he never had the courage to act on his feelings. He still asks her to come to him. Even though Yul is Autumn, he still asks her to bloom in spring, because that is when flowers normally bloom. Because Yul could never find it in himself to do something that's not by the rules.
Then ofcourse there's, 'Scars leave a beautiful trace- Car, the Garden', which is completely Jang Uk's song. The bridge of the song goes: "Even in the cold winters, you will bloom... You'll see"
Even though the whole song is about Jang Uk's journey and his love, that one sentence is written so beautifully. Jang Uk is represented as winter. But Jang Uk has never waited to do something by the book. So he's not waiting for the 'right moment'. He makes his point. He tells Mudeok he got her love letter, and that in reply he misses her. He's going to wait for her, because he knows she's coming to him. But he's not like Yul. He has never played by the rules and neither has the woman he fell for. Their love is unconventional. He's not going to wait for spring to come. He is winter, and so, she's going to bloom in winter.
And then in, "Aching- Kassy", the chorus goes: "Like a flower blooming in the cold white snow, I have endured on this rough road all alone. I engrave your beautiful shining name deep into my aching heart."
Aching is very completely Yeong's song for Jang Uk. And like Jang Uk said she'll bloom in winter for him. She says she's already like a flower that blooms in the cold winters and endures alone in the white snow. That's how Yeong had grown up. She had walked a tough, cold and dark path all alone, her whole life. But then she finds Jang Uk. And he lights up her whole world. His name itself brings warmth and brightness into her life. So she engraves his name into her heart.
All of these three songs talk about a flower blooming. Which is a metaphor for Naksu/Mudeok/Yeong 's character growing and evolving.
The songs so clearly showcase how Uk and Yeong bring warmth and brightness in each other's lives even though they've spent their lives in cold winters. Poetic how they're fated to be together since the beginning.
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eskelsgirl · 5 months
Acting Strange part 1
Main pairing: Geralt/Jaskier Characters: Geralt, Jaskier, Eskel, Lambert, Vesemir. Warnings: None so far Geralt was acting strange, not in the normal silent brooding strange that Jaskier had come to be familiar with but a new strange that was, well, very strange. Ever since the two fell into bed together, Geralt has been more… considerate. No, that wasn’t the word. Attentive, maybe? Anyway, the word didn’t matter; what mattered was that Geralt was acting strange, and Jaskier was going to get to the bottom of it. 
It started strangely, with dried and pressed flowers appearing in his bags. Shortly after, the two parted for the winter. The flowers were hidden away in Jaskier’s things, so he’d spend weeks finding them: roses, Lavenders, and Tulips, to name a few. Next was when they joined together during spring, a few weeks after the snow melted. Geralt was well rested after his season away, while Jaskier was jumping with energy after spending his time cooped up teaching. Jaskier would kiss Geralt upon first meeting, and his witcher would kiss him back, but he’d go no further till they were alone. Where Geralt would take his time, taking Jaskier apart. This, while amazing, was strange to Jaskier; they were just friends, now with benefits, right? No real emotion attached. But laying awake a night held tight in Geralt's arms makes Jaskier feel something tight in his heart, a familiar feeling in its own way. Jaskier has fallen in love before and has been loved in return, so why was this so different?
Geralt started with a plan. It is a very straightforward plan to court a human bard. Geralt did all the research on courting customs, preparing for the perfect winter. Geralt had already proven to be a phenomenal hunter, dropping trophies and likes from his kills, and he’s proven himself a valiant protector from jealous husbands and monsters alike. Next was an invitation to spend the season with him in Kaer Morhen, setting the stage for the trials. Now, he just needed to show Jaskier he could provide a safe home to raise their pups - not that they could have any, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Jaskier would be his, and he would be Jaskiers. Kaer Morhen was a welcomed sight; after the march up The Killer, Jaskier was nearly frozen when they passed the gates. “Geralt, you made it!” Eskel greeted them first, pulling Geralt into a quick hug before sweeping Jaskier off his feet. “And Geralt’s bard.” “I know you know my name, Eskel. You should start using it.” Jaskier laughed, knocking his fist against the bigger witcher’s shoulder. “Of course, bard,” he teased, throwing his arm over Jaskier's shoulder and pulling him close to his warm chest. “Let's get you inside before you freeze.” “But Geralt-” “Go, I’ll settle Roach in,” Geralt tells them; he must unpack secretly.
—--------- Jaskier was two bowls of soup with a blanket draped over his shoulders. Geralt found them there, drinking by the fire in the kitchen. Lambert's smell permeated the place, meaning the younger wolf must have been here first, cooking up a storm. Despite what some people think, Lambert was a surprisingly good cook when he wasn’t experimenting with ingredients like he does with his Alchemy. “What’s on the fire?” Geralt asked, grabbing a bowl and a chunk of bread to eat. “Venison.” Eskel answered, “And some root vegetables,” “Hmm,” Geralt takes a small taste before downing the bowl in a few gulps. “Hungry, I take it,” Lambert teases, walking to the room with a tray of fresh bread. Eskel makes to grab one but is swiftly kicked in the shin. The bread smelled incredible, with hints of brown sugar and cinnamon that had everyone’s mouths watering. “Hands off, you bastard,” Lambert orders, setting the tray on a cooling rack. “They’re not ready yet.” “Sure, little wolf.” Eskel teases, this time prepared for Lambert's retaliation. He uses his sheer size and strength to maneuver Lambert into a headlock, placing a loud kiss against the younger wolf’s head. “Mwah!” “Get off!” Lambert growls, trying to bite and wiggle his way out, but Eskel had a firm hold.
Jaskier chuckled at their antics, a bright smile across his face that had Geralt staring. Suddenly, Geralt’s lap had an angry little wolf in it. Lambert was cussing up a storm as he was dropped in Geralt’s lap. He was about to get up and dive at Eskel if Geralt’s arms hadn’t automatically wrapped around him, giving Eskel time to escape.  “That’s right, you better run!” Lambert yelled back, jumping out of Geralt’s lap and chasing after his brother. Jaskier could tell this was going to be an exciting winter. 
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midnighthangintree · 5 months
Eras Tour Setlist and Surprise/Secret Songs (as of May 12, 2024)
Taylor Swift
Tim McGraw - March 17 and March 9 (Mashup w/ Cowboy Like Me)
Picture to Burn - July 14
Teardrops on My Guitar - May 5 and February 18
A Place in this World - April 22
Cold as You - April 23
The Outside - February 9
Tied Together with a Smile - July 23
Stay Beautiful - November 17
Should’ve Said No - May 19, February 24 (Mashup w/ You're Not Sorry)
Mary’s Song
Our Song - March 24, August 4
I’m Only Me When I’m with You - June 30
Invisible - May 20
A Perfectly Good Heart
Fearless (Taylor’s Version)
Fifteen - May 6 and March 7 (Mashup w/ You're On Your Own, Kid)
Love Story
Hey Stephen - May 14 and May 11
White Horse - March 25, February 23 (Mashup w/ Coney Island, w/ Sabrina Carpenter)
You Belong With Me
Breathe (feat. Colbie Callait) - June 10
Tell Me Why - August 25, March 4 (Mashup w/ Foolish One)
You’re Not Sorry - April 21, February 24 (Mashup w/ Should've Said No)
The Way I Loved You
Forever & Always - May 13, February 26 (Mashup w/ Maroon)
The Best Day - May 14
Jump Then Fall - April 2
Untouchable - November 25
Come In with the Rain - February 10
The Other Side of the Door - April 28 and February 17 (Mashup w/ Getaway Car and August)
Today Was a Fairytale - April 22
You All Over Me (feat. Maureen Morris) - June 3
Mr. Perfectly Fine - June 16
We Were Happy
That’s When (feat. Keith Urban)
Don’t You
Bye Bye Baby
If This Was a Movie - June 23
Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)
Mine - May 7, March 2 (Mashup w/ Starlight)
Sparks Fly - May 5 and March 8 (Mashup w/ Gold Rush)
Back to December - July 15
Speak Now - April 13
Dear John - June 24
Mean - April 15
The Story of Us - June 17, March 3 (Mashup w/ Long Story Short)
Never Grow Up - July 7
Better than Revenge - November 12
Innocent - November 24
Haunted - June 9, February 25 (Mashup w/ Exile)
Last Kiss - July 8
Long Live (added to 2023 setlist following release of Speak Now Taylor's Version)
Ours - March 31
Superman - February 9
Electric Touch (featuring Fall Out Boy) - February 8
When Emma Falls in Love - July 7
I Can See You (music video released to concertgoers on July 7 and online on July 8) - August 3
Castles Crumbling (featuring Hayley Williams) - July 28
Foolish One - March 4 (Mashup w/ Tell Me Why)
Timeless - July 14
Red (Taylor’s Version)
State of Grace - March 18
Red - May 21 (Performed on Guitar instead of Piano due to rain damage from May 20), February 16
Treacherous - April 13 and May 12 (Mashup w/ The Alchemy)
I Knew You Were Trouble
I Almost Do - June 9
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Stay Stay Stay - July 29
The Last Time (featuring Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol) - June 16
Holy Ground - May 27 and February 7
Sad Beautiful Tragic - March 31
The Lucky One - April 2
Everything Has Changed (featuring Ed Sheeran) - July 22
Starlight - July 15, March 2 (Mashup w/ Mine)
Begin Again - April 23 and May 12 (Mashup w/ Paris)
The Moment I Knew - June 4
Come Back… Be Here - May 12 and February 18 (Mashup w/ Daylight)
Girl at Home
Better Man - May 19
Nothing New (featuring Phoebe Bridgers) (added to the setlist on May 5, only to be performed when Phoebe Bridgers is one of the opening acts.)
Babe - March 4 (Mashup w/ Death By A Thousand Cuts)
Message in a Bottle - July 23
I Bet You Think About Me (featuring Chris Stapleton) - April 30
Forever Winter
Run (featuring Ed Sheeran)
The Very First Night - November 9
All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
Eyes Open - February 8
Safe and Sound - November 25
1989 (Taylor’s Version)
Welcome to New York - May 28
Blank Space
Out of the Woods - May 6, November 11 (Mashup w/ Is It Over Now?), and May 10 (Mashup w/ Is It Over Now?)
All You Had to Do Was Stay - June 10
Shake It Off
I Wish You Would - June 2, February 25 (Mashup w/ Is It Over Now?)
Bad Blood
Wildest Dreams
How You Get the Girl - April 30, February 23
This Love - May 13 and March 4 (Mashup w/ Call It What You Want)
I Know Places - August 8
Clean - April 1, May 28. March 3 (Mashup w/ Evermore)
Wonderland - April 21
You Are in Love - August 4
New Romantics - August 9
"Slut!" - November 12 and March 8 (Mashup w/ False God)
Say Don't Go - November 26
Now That We Don't Talk - November 24
Suburban Legends - November 17
Is It Over Now? - November 11 (mashup w/ Out of the Woods), February 25 (Mashup w/ I Wish You Would) and May 10 (Mashup w/ Out of the Woods)
Sweeter Than Fiction
…Ready for It?
End Game (featuring Ed Sheeran and Future) - November 11
I Did Something Bad
Don’t Blame Me
Look What You Made Me Do
So It Goes… - November 20
Gorgeous - April 29
Getaway Car - May 26 (w/ Jack Antonoff) and February 17 (Mashup with August and The Other Side Of The Door)
King of My Heart - August 8
Dancing with Our Hands Tied - November 19
Dress - August 23, March 2 (Mashup w/ I Don't Want to Live Forever
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things - July 22
Call It What You Want - July 1 and March 4 (Mashup w/ This Love)
New Year’s Day - August 9, February 24 (Mashup w/ Peace)
I Don’t Want to Live Forever - June 3, March 2 (Mashup w/ Dress)
I Forgot That You Existed - August 24
Cruel Summer
The Man
The Archer (2023 Setlist)
I Think He Knows - May 21
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince
Paper Rings - June 23
Cornelia Street - August 26
Death by a Thousand Cuts - April 1, August 5, and March 7 (Mashup w/ Babe)
London Boy
Soon You’ll Get Better (featuring The Chicks)
False God - May 27 and March 8 (Mashup w/ "Slut!")
You Need to Calm Down
Afterglow - August 27
Me! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco) - November 20
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Daylight - June 24 and February 18 (Mashup w/ Come Back... Be Here)
Beautiful Ghosts
Only the Young
All of the Girls You Loved Before - July 29
The 1 (2023 Setlist)
The Last Great American Dynasty
Exile (featuring Bon Iver) - August 23, February 25 (Mashup w/ Haunted)
My Tears Ricochet
Mirrorball - March 17 and March 9 (Mashup w/ Epiphany)
Seven (spoken transition part of setlist) - June 17 (w/ Aaron Dessner)
August - February 17 (Mashup w/ Getaway Car and The Other Side Of The Door)
This Is Me Trying - March 18 and February 17
Illicit Affairs
Invisible String (2023 Setlist)
Mad Woman - April 15 (w/ Aaron Dessner)
Epiphany - March 9 (Mashup w/ Mirrorball)
Peace - February 24 (Mashup w/ New Years Day)
The Lakes - June 2
Champagne Problems
Gold Rush - May 12 and March 8 (Mashup w/ Sparks Fly)
‘Tis the Damn Season (2023 Setlist)
Tolerate It (2023 Setlist)
No Body, No Crime (feat. Haim)
Dorothea - July 8
Coney Island (feat. the National) - April 28, February 23 (Mashup w/ White Horse, w/ Sabrina Carpenter)
Ivy - July 1 (w/ Aaron Dessner), February 26 (Mashup w/ Would've, Could've, Should've)
Cowboy Like Me - March 25 (w/ Marcus Mumford) and March 9 (Mashup w/ Tim McGraw)
Long Story Short - March 3 (Mashup w/ The Story of Us)
Evermore (feat. Bon Iver) - June 30, March 3 (Mashup w/ Clean)
Right Where You Left Me - July 28 (w/ Aaron Dessner)
It’s Time to Go
Lavender Haze
Maroon - May 26, August 3, August 27, February 26 (Mashup w/ Forever and Always), May 11
Snow on the Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey) - March 24 and August 25
You’re on Your Own, Kid - April 14, August 5, August 26, February 10
Midnight Rain
Question…? - May 20
Vigilante Shit
Labyrinth - November 9
Sweet Nothing - August 24
The Great War (w/ Aaron Dessner) - April 14
Bigger Than the Whole Sky - November 19
Paris - May 9 and May 12 (Mashup w/ Begin Again)
High Infidelity - April 29
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve - May 7 (w/ Aaron Dessner), February 26 (Mashup w/ Ivy)
Dear Reader - February 7
Hits Different - June 4
Karma (featuring Ice Spice)
You’re Losing Me (From the Vault) - February 16
The Tortured Poets Department
Fortnight (featuring Post Malone)
The Tortured Poets Department
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys - May 10
Down Bad
So Long, London
But Daddy I Love Him
Fresh Out the Slammer
Florida!!! (featuring Florence and the Machine)
Guilty as Sin?
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
Loml - May 9
I Can Do It with a Broken Heart
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
The Alchemy - May 12 (Mashup w/ Treacherous)
Clara Bow
The Black Dog
The Albatross
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
How Did It End?
So High School
I Hate It Here
Thank You Aimee
I Look in People's Windows
The Prophecy
The Bolter
The Manuscript
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