#Vongola Secondo
yarrayora · 2 months
khr story should be a circle
iemitsu is considered a capable leader and utterly adored by basil and without a doubt respected by his subordinates but completely failed his own son tsuna
timoteo is beloved by his guardians and clearly respected by reborn who is prideful and yet he failed to raise xanxus and they ended up destroying each other
giotto was beloved by his guardians and without a doubt respected by his people. if Vongola Intuition is inherited through bloodline then Secondo was related to him. khr story should be a circle. history should be repeating itself. giotto should be a fucking failure of a parental figure for secondo, resulting in spade easily taking over Vongola with secondo as his puppet.
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khreborns · 3 months
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imagining vongola Secondo and a Longchamp like character going at it is sooo fucking funny to me, I need to know more about this lore
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katzkinder · 1 month
The Vongola Estate is haunted. Literally, and figuratively. The ghosts of the past walk the halls, occupy the same spaces, forever repeating the days of the first generation. The ones who built this place.
Funnily enough, they don’t seem to be playing out any regrets. Funnily enough, every moment that isn’t theirs to know feels sweet. Tender. Silly even.
It’s uncomfortable, being confronted like this. With humanity.
One of the most surprising things for Tsuna was the communal bath. Apparently the first Rain held a lot of sway with Primo.
Or he was exceedingly eccentric. Tsuna’s starting to lean towards the latter contributing to the first.
Especially with what he’s seeing.
He just wanted to check it out. Instead he feels like a voyeur, watching six grown men lounge around in phantom water. Even Daemon Spade is there, sulking up to his neck.
“It’s surprising isn't it?"
“Huh?” Spade snaps out of his pouting fest (which is already weird enough, given their history) to direct his attention to Asari.
"Giotto being normal about this.” Knuckle this time, and when he flicks his hand out, casual, it splashes a few droplets Spade’s way, who shies back. Of them all, he seems to be the most… uncomfortable with the arrangement. Alaude is, of course, far away from them all, a towel dropped over his face and head sprawled back against the tiles. Tsuna’s not sure if he’s sleeping.
Spade nods, slowly, and opens his mouth to answer. It slams shut with a click when they catch the conversation Primo is having with G.
“I like being able to see your bodies are okay. Puts me at ease. There’s no hiding when you’re naked~”
“Man… I get what youre saying but don’t. Don’t put it like that.”
The apparition of Primo laughs and splashes warm water at his Storm, who dunks him in return and leaves him to come up sputtering.
“Uncalled for??”
“Don’t play in the bath. What are you, five?”
Giotto sticks his tongue out at him and settles back into the water “Hardly. A five year old wouldn’t have a dick this—“
Spade practically shrieks, standing up to scold the very first Vongola Don. “Giotto!!!”
Primo laughs, loud and free, and Tsuna nearly face plants in his haste to run before he hears any other adult jokes.
It’s so vulgar.
So… Normal.
Not even Reborn’s bedroom is safe. It’s attached to Tsuna’s, of course. Tsuna’s much too old to be sharing a room outright with him.
Neither of them want to think about what it means, to draw such comfort from being within easy reach of each other, or the intended use of a bedroom which holds the same basic set up of the one Tsuna’s two mists share. Granted, considering it’s a high occupancy room which often holds four people, it’s easy to ignore.
What’s not easy to ignore is this fever he’s got, the fuss it’s causing, or the apparition at his side.
Tsuna had just been in there earlier, having a carefully measured conversation with Ryohei that totally wasn’t verging on an argument over his health (He’s such a worrywart) so when he feels a hand on his forehead, checking his temperature, he doesn’t really react. Merely continues to pretend to sleep.
It’s only when a voice murmurs “Poor thing…” in an unfamiliar cadence with a very familiar tone that his eyes snap open to find Vongola Primo’s ghost hovering over him. “You must be absolutely miserable.” That phantom hand, already scarred and broken, moves to stroke his hair. “Get better soon… Once you do, we’ll go down to the beach. Make a whole day of it. Even get Elena and stuffy old Spade out there with us~ Or maybe you’d like to go some place else? Whatever you want, Ricardo… Just as long as you get well.” There’s so much pleading in that last sentence. Reborn’s chest is tight. He already knows these things can’t hear them, can’t respond, and yet he finds himself wanting to offer words of comfort to this great man who sees Secondo where Reborn now lays.
Which is new information to him. He didn’t realize they’d been so close…
"Uncle..." Especially not that close. “It’s hot. Get off the bed.”
Primo looks distressed, and it makes Reborn struggle to sit up. He shouldn’t be seeing this. “S-sorry—“ It’s when he’s about to leave that a small hand tugs at his sleeve.
"m'not telling you to leave..." a child’s voice mumbles. Secondo’s voice as a child. Secondo, who was Primo’s nephew…? Apparently? Not direct descendant? But then how. Vongola’s Hyper Intuition. It was hereditary.
Primo blinks down at him, at whoever he’s really seeing, then smiles, and it feels like having the air punched out of him. It’s a completely different feeling from Tsuna. Somehow it’s violent. “Is it alright if I go long enough to get you a fresh towel? Help you cool off.”
"Be right back.” Primo leans down to kiss his nephew's forehead. It lands on Reborn's instead. “I love you.”
“Love you too, uncle.”
The next day, his fever is worse than ever.
Julie really doesn’t like visiting, mostly because out of every spirit he could possibly see… It’s always the one he detests the most.
It feels like a punishment.
The things he sees are cruel because they’re not.
He sees Spade praying over a heavily wounded Giotto as he lies unconscious in bed, head bowed and hands clasped, his lips moving silently.
He sees Spade wine drunk and laughing, arm around his leader for support and Giotto leaning into him with the same alcohol induced glee, two men who want to change the world giggling without a care in it.
Sleeping and then insisting he wasn’t, shouting at Alaude and needing to be separated, bending to absurd requests and putting his foot down about others…
Exchanging gifts during winter.
The center of attention on his birthday.
Gazing fondly at the Vongola ring that marks him as Giotto’s, and the wedding band that claims him as Elena’s
“This just might work.”
It makes Julie sick. This isn’t the evil creature who toyed with them all, took his frustrations and turned them into barbed words, made him betray his family, took Enma’s from him.
This is a normal man.
He finds a bush.
Gokudera feels the bed dip, the cool touch of the air outside the warm cocoon of his blankets, and grunts, swatting at what he assumes to be Lambo in his half dream state.
And then he remembers Lambo both isn’t here, and has long been too old to seek such comfort from him.
This is someone else, and he’s more awake than he’s ever been in his life. When he turns his head, half sitting up, it’s just in time to see a head of wispy blond hair settle against his pillows, and his boss’s face settle into an angelic smile. It’s the eyes that are the most wrong, though, smoldering orange in the dark. “Sorry. I couldn’t sleep, so I snuck in…”
A hand that isn’t his settles onto that cheek and the not-tsuna’s eyes fall shut, exhaling softly and the last tension leaving him “thanks, G… You always make me feel better.”
The hand he’s certain belongs to the first storm ghosts knuckles over the apple of not-tsuna’s cheeks, brushes bangs away from not-tsuna’s forehead, and settles in not-tsuna’s gently curled palm which rests in the space between two bodies.
Gokudera doesn’t hear words, but he doesn’t need them to know what his predecessor must have been thinking.
There’s no mistaking that love.
Primo must have been the most important person in the world to the first Storm.
“What makes you so different from me…?”
What kind of person does he need to be, for Tsuna to come to him like this?
He wants what they had.
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gelataisa · 10 months
i realise that i discard khr canon as its pasta water but i will never buy in the idea that xanxus didnt get to be heir solely on blood related reasons
cause you know what? it makes no sense.
tsuna is "direct bloodline" from primo, which means his vongola blood dates back at least one century with nothing added in between - dont tell me you dont believe there have been marriages between at least loosely related vongola people through the generations.
at the same time it is unknown where xanxus comes from, yet if we consider the lore as it was in varia arc it is apparent that he has some kind of vongola blood in him. flames are are clearly a vongola thing at that point in time.
now, lets say he is a descendent of riccardo (vongola secondo), what makes him different from tsuna? he may well be the descendant of a bastard son of anyone along the line. or of a cousin or anyone else. still, he may have the same amount of vongola blood in him as tsuna does (if not more, considering less generations)
this is all to say:
whether xanxus (or tsuna) has vongola blood in them is not relevant at all. the ring has its will. we've seen it with tsuna and his meeting of all the past bosses.
if the ring did not accept xanxus was because at that moment he was not what was needed for the family. because his hurt and hatred would have brought it to ruin. and i very well believe that the ghosts of bosses past were there to tell him so when he put the ring on (and that daniela was the only one who looked at him with love and compassion), and that is the reason he was so defeated afterwards
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Listen, I'm a little tipsy right now but I had an epiphany
What if, what if instead of using the Mafia to hide flame users, they choose to make it something religious but not really (?)
But listen, listen, the Vongola Primo is probably who influenced people to put flame users on the Mafia (with how his family had powers and the rest didn't), or the Secondo (because he wanted to), and Checker Face and the Vindice probably kept that way because more people went active like this, but what if Giotto did something different. The Vongola Primo era would be when the Catholic church is going crazy over other religions and the unknown, and they aren't being stealth when hunting down witches (witches = woman with powers = female flame users), so flame users form a Cult, instead of a vigilant group, and Giotto is the leader because it was his idea when he was trying to protect his mist (I forgot her name sorry)
So, years later, the Cult of Flame needs a new Sky, someone who would be able to make them known to the world because they're tired of hiding for hundreds of years, and who is better than Giotto's something something grandson?
(The curse wouldn't be needed, since flame users are actively putting their flames on the pacifiers every weekend as part of their cult activities, so there's no need to stick the pacifier in someone)
(does this mean that there isn't any flame user in the mafia? No, some are there but pretend they don't have powers and they're all wearing priest clothing because they are petty like this and aren't a fan of the Catholic church for burning their people)
This all started with this:
Reborn knocks at Tsuna's door: ...
Tsuna opens it and sees a man dressed in priest clothing, a fedora, and with a gun pointing to his head: ...
Reborn: Would you like to hear about–
The entire series stays mainly the same except instead of Tsuna screaming about not wanting to be a Mafia boss it's Tsuna screaming "I DON'T WANT TO BE THE POPE!" as Reborn chases him around
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rooigseix · 2 years
I absolutely can not understand the logic of people saying the Vongola Tenth Generation was a carbon copy of the First Gen when we literally have no solid base personality of the First Gen whatsoever.
Like, can you confirm whether G was redhead-Gokudera worshipping every steps Giotto took or a mother/brother figure to the blond? Can you say Asari was a natural born hitman? Can you be sure that Knuckle the priest was loud and always acted like he was on Hyper Mode? Can you look at me in the eyes and tell me Alaude was a battle maniac that would fight anyone given a chance? Can you know yourself Lampow was a crybaby?
And if you say "sure, I can tell", look up 409 chapters and 203 anime episodes and FIND THE PROOFS for it.
You can't.
Because they had no personality.
Even Giotto. The benevolent and encompassing sky who was gentle, kind and loving. He was gentle, kind and loving THROUGH THE TELLING OF THE LIVING PEOPLE, aka Reborn, Timoteo, ect. In Xanxus's word Giotto was a coward who ran away because he was scared of Secondo's Wrath Flame. In Enma's story before the memory he was a ruthless and malicious traitor who abandoned his friend to death. In Daemon's eyes Giotto was a weak-willed idealist that was not fit for leader role. See what different can history be looked at? Giotto LIVED IN THE TELLING OF THE LIVING, and we have no way to grasp the full of his personality when he was alive.
Eight memories told nothing. Nothing except Giotto was reckless (found vigilante band when 14), had a strong sense of justice and care towards PEOPLE HE LOVED. He was not a saint wanting to save the world, he just want to protect the town he lived and went some extra mile to make sure Cozart and the Simon was safe from Daemon. It was a finite number of people he CARED about, and if Henry Lee Lucas aka "The Confession Killer" had Becky Powell as someone he cared and loved, then I don't see it as a contradiction if Giotto was gentle and cared a great length for people he loved and was absolutely heartless to other outside the circle.
How can you see Tsuna as the carbon copy of this man, I don't understand.
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zoroara · 1 year
Hey can we talk about how funny it is they made such a big deal in Varia arc about the Secondo fighting with his bare hands. Especially in the context of what Giotto’s weapons were. Gonna get long again cause you know I’m not one for brevity.
Take a look at these, I’ve highlighted where the knuckles generally with a single line, and as you can see, all of that is covered by a thick material that is most likely leather. Which is mostly used to protect the skin from abrasions and such when worn.
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The only metal is in fact the Vongola symbol. And while the fingers appear to be iffy, If you check on Tsuna’s gloves at least that are practically the same.
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They have bends and wrinkles that show that the are some form of material and not metal. It’s actually even more evident in Amano’s drawings that even upon upgrade, these Finger ends are actually a soft bendable material. While it may be a bit of a stretch, they honestly on both forms look like slightly modified Goal keeper gloves.
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Either way, Giotto unless he was constantly backhanding people to use that metal part wasn’t doing all that much more extra damage than Secondo was. In fact depending how padded the material was he may have been doing less. However it does imply that they had such a similar artillery that Secondo could have very easy stolen most of Giotto’s fighting style, but I think the emphasis should have been more on how Secondo’s highly destructive flame turned that even more damaging. Not just “Ooooh he was so strong he fought with his bare hands.” Because it’s kinda funny when you think about it this way. I know Xanxus said Giotto was afraid of the flame so at least he had his priorities correct there(even if the reason was untrue), and I get that it was to explain how Xanxus was stronger by using guns.
But the man’s most notable trait in canon history was his flame and being the only vongola boss that fought with his bare fists. Poor fuck was already being out done a generation ago but no one noticed.
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naluwalker · 11 months
Somehow I managed to get them all related
Well, I really like Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I really like Byakuran, Mukuro, Hibari and Tsuna, especially Byakuran. Now, I was playing with headcanons and thought it wouldn't be unusual for many mafia families to be related to each other if they wanted to maintain "purity" of blood. I thought that if you searched your family trees, you would find members of different families, including the Vongola. So I said to myself, I want the Tri-ni-sette skies to be related and I started to see how they could.
Since we have the Sawada family tree more or less complete and I could see more or less how many generations there were, I decided to expand it a little.
Ambrogio Fabbri, later known as Giotto di Vongola, would move to Japan, taking three of his guardians with him: Luigi "G" Sorrentino, Ugetsu Asari and Carlo "Knuckle" Corazza. Alaude le Tellier would leave with them, but would eventually find his way to China where he would meet his wife, Míngxiá Wǔ, member of the ancient Wǔ clan. Damian "Daemon" Spade would stay in the mafia, becoming Secondo's Mist, and Lamberto "Lampow" Balzarini would escape to Liguria where he would marry Danila Bovino, a farmer's daughter.
Giotto would take with him Daemon and Elena Weatherington's biological daughter, Helen, who would have been no more than 4 years old at the time.
In Japan, Giotto would meet and marry Ayako Urushisako, and together they would have Yoshimune Sawada. Yoshimune Sawada would in turn marry Sakuya Uryūhara, and have twins Yoshinobu and Nobuyasu Sawada. From here the divergence of the canon begins.
Yoshinobu would marry Nogiku Kohinoki, and continue the family line until reaching Iemitsu Sawada, who would marry Nana Hitogi and they would have Tsunayoshi Sawada.
Nobuyasu Sawada (OC) would leave Japan to return to his Italian roots, because he felt it was "calling" him. He would meet and fall in love with Fiammetta Gesso, the only daughter of a landowner who was slowly becoming a mafia family. After marrying, he would adopt his wife's surname and would also have twins, Raffaello and Michele Gesso, of whom Michele, the youngest, would become the heir of the family because Raffaello would fall in love with the Sixth Chief of the Giglio Nero famiglia, Sibilla Giglio Nero and would become the father of Marcella Giglio Nero, who would give birth to Luciana "Luce" Giglio Nero, making him the great-great-grandfather of Eunice "Uni" Giglio Nero.
Michele Gesso and Iolanda Passantino would have Uriele Gesso. Uriele Gesso in turn would marry Romina Cavallone, and from their marriage Gabriele Gesso would be born. Gabriele Gesso would marry Maria Sole Scicolone, but she would turn out to be sterile, so he would look for a child in the Japanese fashion designer, Setsuka Nishikiori, who came from Namimori. Setsuka was unaware that her lover was married and a mafia member, and by the time she discovered it, she was already pregnant. In desperation, she fled to the United States with her unborn child and would change her identity to Selina Nield, giving her son two names at birth: Barnaby Nield and Byakuran Nishikiori. But despite her efforts, Gabriele would finally find her seven years later and order her murder. After that, he took custody of his son.
That's more or less what I have of the Giglio Nero and Gesso families. He has many OCs (if you can say that), but remember that there is no information on the family life of Giotto and his guardians after leaving the mafia, and asexual reproduction in humans is currently impossible so the children had to come from somewhere. From my point of view, for such a great resemblance, the boys should at least descend from the guardians.
Maybe if I get up to it, I'll do something with the families of G, Knuckles, Daemon and his daughter mentioned here, who is Mukuro and Chrome's ancestor
PS: Fon belongs to the Wǔ clan, in fact he is the younger brother of the current matriarch. The Wǔ clan is a Chinese clan of martial artists who have existed for at least a thousand years and are capable of using dying will flames. The Hibari family is a secondary branch that descends from some of them who left China for Japan, and it is not strange that every few generations some members get together.
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swimmingwolf59 · 5 months
A collection of my reborn fics!! Some of these are quite old - I either wrote them like over ten years ago, or within the last few years LMAO 🤣🤣 so read the older ones at your own risk 😅
My personal favorites are bold and brash blue!
1859 (Hibagoku)
Like Ghosts. Series of fics following 1859 throughout their lives and canon, both in the Byakuran future and the Shimon future. Pure self-indulgence. 7 fics. Ongoing.
Happenstance. Two times Gokudera saved Hibari's ass and it led to....well, something. Complete.
8018 (Yamahiba)
As the Swallow Flies. Alternate universe, Yamamoto's pet swallow Kojiro escapes and ends up at Hibari's house. Complete.
8059 (Yamagoku)
Full Moon. Yamamoto finds werewolf!Gokudera beaten up in an alleyway and decides to care for him. Complete.
Enigma. The beginning of Kusakabe and Hibari's friendship. Gen. Complete.
Customization. Gokudera and Ryouhei do arts and crafts on their boxes. Gen. Complete.
Unity. How Vongola Primo loses his family to Secondo. Ugetsu/G, Alaude/Knuckle, Giotto/Cozart. Complete.
No Rest For the Lonely. 1833, Hibari just wants to celebrate his birthday in peace, but Ryouhei will have none of it. Complete.
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This is the same anon you’ve been talking too I wanted to say I’ve been studying mafia and organizational structure for almost 10 years now and I love sharing this in KHR. I hope things don’t get too overwhelming.
Now when talking about mafia you have to keep on mine mafia bosses are rarely boss for very long some bosses would only last a few years compare to others.
In the Vongola since the son doesn’t have to always be the first to get the position a current boss could nominate their relatives as boss. Giotto, secondo, Terzo Quarto could’ve been all around the same age, Giotto would name Secondo boss, Secondo names Terzo and Terzo names Quarto.
Boom Giotto since he started the family at 14 was boss long than them I headcanon he was boss into his early 30s, secondo could be boss for 5-10 years, Terzo and Quarto could be boss for an even shorter amount of time.
Mafia generation moves a lot faster compared to a normal royal generation
That is actually quite interesting!
You know, for obvious reasons in Italy we don't study about mafia a lot, especially when it comes to how they work.
But from the point of view of worldbuilding in the KHR series? Absolutely, I am signing down everything here!
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13288630 · 8 months
"The human body has a certain limit.
Deny it all the way you species want, but the truth is, the human body has a limit. Cross that limit and you will die.
Literally, bluntly, no ambivalence, no hidden meanings. You will die.
Why do you think Signore Vongola is only allowed to use one stone, even though his flame can, in theory, "harmonize" and activate all the other stones?
The human body has a limit, and when exposed to Trinisette, that limit is immediately exceeded.
For creatures of the Sky Flame spectrum, when exposed to Trinisette's energy source, their energy will immediately receive a huge source of external force, and that external force will quickly fuse with their own energy source. The shortest recorded time to complete the fusion was 5 seconds and 12 ticks.
Imagine you pour a pot of boiling water into a glass of cold water - the cold water will also quickly boil and destroy the glass..."
"I'm listening."
"D... Don't let anyone... see..."
"I have to decline your request. It is Segreti's mission to document. Additionally, you are the first Earth spectrum creature to be affected by Trinisette energy in this way. I don't know how long it will be before another Earth creature, in the parlance of your species, "recklessly" approached Trinisette as directly as you. Thus, I have to record how the energy transformed and destroyed you from the inside."
“However, since you are a very rare subject, according to the rules of human decency, I should express my gratitude.
Records of your death will be kept confidential.
Now think about that statement when I say it out loud, you'll think I'm doing this to protect Trinisette. Since I belong to the same species as Kawahira and Sepira di Giglo Nero, you would think it was natural for me to keep the secret of the Trinisette energy hidden.
Your thinking is completely reasonable.
So, to express my gratitude, I will try to clean up your body - it will be a difficult task, but you will look like you are sleeping. No one will know anything.
Of course there will be doubts as to why your body stopped working so abruptly, but please rest assured.
I swear on Segreti's name that no one will know about your last moments, Simon Primo.
Rest in peace, foster father."
A conversation between Segreti Secondo Achlys Segreti and Simon Cozart, before Cozart died from direct exposure to Trinisette energy. (Which later in the Future arc is called "Trinisette Radiation", used by Byakuran to kill the Arcobaleno.
Basically, in the sense of "radiation", when exposed, the flame in the body will destabilize and divide continuously, leading to a huge source of flame being generated in the body while the body cannot adapt in time with this change, resulting in the body being destroyed by the flame from the inside)
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yarrayora · 1 year
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their first meeting, back when Giotto knew how to fulfill his nephew's needs
companion art to the future where Giotto can't keep up with his nephew growing up (1) (2)
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cedefaci · 1 year
Five Times Vongola Settimo retrieved corpses at his CEDEF counterpart’s behest, and one time he made one
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Fabio di Vongola
warning for suicide
It took him a few repetitions to notice. Like a song from a music box, the noises from outside his cell were locked in a seamless loop, the same murmur of conversation repeating on a three-sentence beat. Peering through the bars, he could see the guards cycling through their own series of movements, like figures in a zoetrope, standing up and sitting down only to stand up again.
It couldn’t be. He had taken back the Half-Rings. But it could only be— “Spada?”
“Fabio.” Spada emerged from nothingness, as impeccably dressed as ever, and took a seat on the narrow cot pushed against the wall.
“You know,” Fabio said, trying for teasing and arriving at wistful, “I think this is the first time I have heard you call me by my name.”
“Perhaps.” Spada said, tilting his head back, gaze far away, “What else could I call you, here at the end of all things?”
There was no bite to the words, and yet—Fabio sighed, leaning back onto damp concrete. “I suppose you were right then, when you said that the fight would come to us, one way or another. I can hardly call myself Don Vongola when I failed to see that.”
Spada pursed his lips. It was clear he agreed with Fabio’s own judgement, but they had been friends too long to countenance such sharpness easily. The CEDEF Commander settled by saying, neutrally, “You established a foundation for your heir to build upon. The Vongola will not survive its trials without the resources you have acquired.”
Oh. He had hoped, for a moment, that this was a rescue, but he had personally laid down the law regarding the keeping of omerta, and it would have been hypocritical for him to demand an exception.
“I see.” He needed to focus on the important things. “They took the Ring when they came to the house, they knew what it was for, we have a leak. You’ll also need to take Daniela to my sister Claudia in the Vestals, she has my Will in her keeping—I trust that you have no objections to Flavio as my successor?”
Icy water trickling down his spine. Spada was shaking his head, full of sympathy. “Daniela was arrested the same time as you, and Flavio was tricked into giving himself up for her, not that Mori let her free.”
No. The world spun, the floor of his cell came rushing to meet him—cold hands caught him.
"I have failed then, both as a Don and as a father." He said into the orange flower water scented shoulder of his consigliere.
"Flavio shines gold with honour," Spada said, not quite disagreeing, "He can capture hearts, but is unsuited to scheming."
"But?" Fabio clung to the hope in the upturned lilt at the end of Spada's words.
"But, Daniela blazes as a bonfire." Spada said, "Her Will is unmatched, her courage undaunted, her Flame without peer. Your daughter, Fabio, has the heart and stomach of a king. I would offer the Rings to her."
"She is young." Fabio whispered, "A girl, besides. The Vongola will not bow to her."
"She has the Will to hold it." Spada drew away so that their eyes met keeping his hands on Fabio's shoulders. "Trust in her, and in me who trusts in her. I have witnessed the rise and fall of many heroes, and in Daniela I see strength and conviction which would shame Ricardo. Make a new will here, Settimo, and your daughter will see your dream of the cosa nostra united under Vongola's banner through."
At that, his Intuition, silent in helplessness, pinged. He focused on the incongruity in Spada's declaration. "You would compare Daniela to secondo, not primo?"
Spada smiled, nostalgic laughter in his eyes. "She is as Ricardo, Fabio. The one who rallies the family once their predecessor's failures overtake it. You are like Giotto.”
“The one who failed?”
His friend’s gaze softened. “The dreamer who gave me hope. Giotto was like a shooting star, a spot of brilliance burning out and fading fast, and like him, your work was not half-done when your will faltered. And though for the sake of those works I have turned from you, they sprung from you nonetheless, and I cherish the memories of our fellowship, the joy of which I shall use to hone my grief into vigilance. This I swear.”
Fabio swallowed, his mouth had suddenly gone very dry. That flash of sapphire, years ago, when they had bared their hearts to each other. “I would rather that you just lived—looked up Katzbalger’s old retirement plans, maybe.”
“You need not wish me well.” His friend kissed his hand, the hand bereft of the Vongola Ring for the first time in more than two decades. “You have already returned love to me, when all I had was hate. For your sake, Fabio, I shall avenge thee, and see your children grow old.”
Flavio would be safe too then, under the dark wings of his godfather.
“You speak as if I am already dead.”
“You will be.” The man who had been his External Consultant said at least had the decency to look him in the eyes as he said it, as steady and inexorable as the age-old beat of a marching drum. “You have failed, and have been defeated, Don Vongola. It is time to do as the Romans do, and fall on your sword—or would you give the government their very own puppet, or else allow their kangaroo courts the humiliation of the Vongola name?”
“I cursed my father for putting pride before life and love.” Fabio said.
“You would give your life for love and freedom.” Said the one who had once been one mind with him. “Worry not for your kin. Sostrata has taken your mother to safety in England, and your wife has will return to her father’s house to politic for Daniela there, once your last affairs are arranged. Flavio is being kept in the same gaol as this, and the tumult over your death will give Timoteo the opportunity to extract him. I shall retrieve Daniela myself.”
That was all he still cared about taken care of. Fabio did not relish the thought of life in prison, or giving the government the satisfaction of his execution. But—he had one question left.
“Is my death the price you demand for your service, Daemon Spade?”
His friend froze. Then he started chuckling, vibrant colour seeping into his eyes and hair—pale hair and steel-blue eyes, of course, Daemon would have delighted in getting one over his old rival.
“One might understand it thusly.” Daemon said, drawing himself up to his full height—clearly, the first impression he had given Fabio had been no act, the man was an utter peacock. “Bind me with your lifeblood and last breath, Vongola Settimo, and your daughter shall command the deathless bogeyman of the underworld.”
In his hand he held a straight razor, its edge so sharp as to cut without pain.
Fabio took it. “That’s a bit small for a sword, isn’t it?” He said drily.
Still. Wrist or neck?
He lifted the blade up, Intuition guiding each movement, then drew it swiftly forwards and down.
The last thing he saw was his friend’s face, leaning in.
“O Fabio,” Daemon Spade promised, “Forgive me this, and I shall make you a pyre worthy of any emperor.”
Cool lips touched Fabio’s, sealing them with a kiss, and he knew no more.
Remember what I said about weird Roman traditions? Daemon is leaning particularly strongly into them because of the whole glorious death and redemption through suicide thing he has going on here. Claudia, Fabio’s younger sister in the Vestals, has custody of his will as would have been the case in ancient Rome.
It is also, according to Wikipedia, custom for the closest relative to seal the passing of spirit from the body with a last kiss, in accordance with a belief that equated the soul with the breath. I think I implied that Daemon was committing literal vampirism with the kiss, drawing out all of Fabio’s lifeforce and power and taking Fabio into him.
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wdonnait · 2 years
FIT: Pasta con le vongole
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/fit-pasta-con-le-vongole/113859?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=113859
FIT: Pasta con le vongole
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La pasta con le vongole è un primo piatto sano con poche calorie. Solitamente i nutrizionisti inseriscono questo primo di mare nell’alimentazione dei propri clienti sia perchè è davvero ipocalorico sia perchè le vongole hanno diverse proprietà benefiche.
Quantità per 100 grammi Calorie 148
Spaghetti grossi 320 g Vongole 1 kg Aglio 1 spicchio Prezzemolo 1 mazzetto Olio extravergine d’oliva q.b. Pepe nero q.b. Sale fino q.b. Sale grosso per le vongole q.b.
Pasta alle vongole qual è il procedimento
Prepara un trito di prezzemolo, leva l’anima a un paio di spicchi d’aglio grossi e dividili in 4 parti e butta in padella; irrora con olio EVO generosamente e una grattata di pepe nero; mescola e attendi i 5/6 minuti di fine cottura della pasta.
Accendi il fuoco, aspetta che l’olio si scaldi, poi tuffa le vongole e copri per un 1 minuto circa; togli il coperchio, togli le vongole mano mano che si aprono e mettile da parte, svalvane qualcuna e lasciane altre con le valve (gusci) poi aggiungi mezzo mestolo di liquido di cottura nelle padella e tieni bello caldo; scola gli spaghi 2 min. prima conservando un po’ di liquido, versali nella padella insieme alle vongole e inizia a saltare e rimestare aggiungendo liquido di cottura quanto basta per raggiungere una discreta cremina.
Spegni, aggiungi ancora un filo d’olio e prezzemolo fresco e salta ancora fino a quando non vedi lo spaghetto bello cremoso e fluido.
Vongole valori nutrizionali
Le vongole contengono molte proteine e minerali tra cui il potassio e il calcio!
Sono molluschi ottimi per mantenere la pressione sanguigna e bilancio idrico nella norma, il primo, e per regolare la ritmicità del cuore e l’eccitabilità neuromuscolare, il secondo. Le vongole sono ricche di composti antiossidanti come ad esempio il selenio.
Tipi di vongole
Quante tipi di vongole conosci? Le vongole sono dei piccoli molluschi bivalvi che vivono sotto la sabbia dei mari o nel fango dei fiumi. In Spagna vi è un ampia presenza delle stesse.
Il sapore e la consistenza rendono questi frutti di mare molto apprezzati nella gastronomia internazionale.
Ecco i tipi più conosciuti: Venerupis corrugata (babosa) Vongola verace (fina) Vongola rubia Vongola verace filippina
Vongole lupino
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gelataisa · 10 months
Flames are not at all just a vongola thing even at that time. Do you specifically mean sky flames? Because even then it’s never said that’s only a Vongola exclusive thing at that time. Xanxus really does have no blood relation to the Vongola family and that’s supported in canon in many ways. But if we’re talking about fanon then I agree it’s a very fun concept to think he’s related to Secondo.
Well I certainly do mix fanon with canon!!
But who else up to the varia arc had flames? I'm honestly interested cause I remember only Tsuna, nono and basil being able to use/maintain them without a bullet.
Also, I do believe that it is never proven that Xanxus has no Vongola blood at all. After he gets rejected by the ring it is Tsuna that says that the ring must have rejected his blood (and I re-read the chapters!! It's Italian translation but at this point only the original is trustworthy), and then Xanxus says that he and nono arent related.
What I'm saying is: Tsuna does not say, per translation, that Xanxus is not Vongola blooded. He just says that his blood was rejected. If Xanxus had the bosses of vongola past before him for that instant, telling him that he's not worthy of being boss, would he actually say that? Admitting that would be even more humiliating than just "nono is not my father". And it actually makes sense. And it makes sense that all the others believe it.
Moreover, re-reading the chapters, nono upon seeing Xanxus' flame says something like "ah a flame, you must be my son". And the rest of the mafia world for the next 8/10 years believes that too. So I'm actually pretty sure that pre-future arc flames are only a Vongola thing, Basil being the exception (but even then he may as well be a cousin or whatever, nothing is ever said about him).
So yeah I'm certainly fanon-ing here but I do believe that my fanon is well built in the canon that we have
Ah, to conclude: a fun picture of my boy I saved while reading
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umberandmochaagate · 3 years
But Vongola Secondo—
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