#Volca Beats
ryansholin · 2 years
Music updates:
I finally googled “Volca Beats snare” to see if it was just mine that sounded weird or if it’s a thing, and, sadly, it is a thing, and the hack to fix it is more or less “GET REALLY REALLY GOOD AT SOLDERING” like much moreso than the average electronics project, and, reader, I have never soldered.
Who needs a snare drum anyway?
Meanwhile, I have started learning Ableton and it’s going really well? Like, a tutorial and a half in, and very much supplemented by all the things, vocabulary, toy sequencer apps, drum machines, etc that I have played with for the past couple years, I understand some of how this software works.
And it’s much, much, much better than GarageBand.
Also, the KeyLab is in the mail, I think, and my Sweetwater sales engineer sends me texts, which seems like a troubling business model, but if they have a thousand customers each and only 30 engage, it probably works fine.
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rs0389 · 7 months
volca beats volca bass volca fm2 jam 9th Feb 2024
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corduroyinstitute · 2 years
December 22, 2018: Four years ago today, Corduroy Institute convened on a winter afternoon to record Corduroy 22. This piece was unusual as it was the first to be witnessed by an intern visiting the institute during a recording session. Having someone outside of our immediate purview added an interesting observer effect, particularly since this intern possessed experience with digital audio and MIDI.
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We employed the technology pictured in the archival image thusly: During the first improvised layer, the Elektron Digitakt sent a 120 BPM loop on the left channel & live drumming on the right channel while the MIDI synched Volca Beats was processed by the Keeley 30ms pedal. This was joined by the Bass VI. Then, during our second layer, the Digitakt was used to send MIDI notes and CC control messages to the Audiothingies Micromonsta which itself received audio processing via the 30ms. This melodic content was augmented by a Telecaster tuned to CGCFCE and processed by a bevy of guitar pedals—most notably, the Boss MO-2 Multi-Overtone. While a third layer of music was attempted, this yielded nothing of value and was discarded.
Corduroy Institute convened, sans intern, the next day for overdubs. Drums from the Alesis SamplePad4 were added and vocals based on "lyrics from way back when" were recorded by both members. These vocals were processed via the Boss RV-6 and Boss PS-3 pedals using the effects loop of our Tascam 2488neo. To this day, we consider this to be the weakest vocal performance we have ever released.
Corduroy 22 would become "The Spirit of the Times," the opening song on our 2019 album Abruptly Forgetting We Never Were... and today we submit this piece for your consideration and peer review.
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aaronmeterchanges · 3 months
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Current hardware synths and drum machine!
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eeelbeats · 1 year
Pocket Operator and Volca Sample link up
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spinningvoices · 1 year
pew pew pew
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neurosismancer · 1 year
Today's experimentation with my synth and drum machine:
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beatsmithblog · 1 year
Dust Your Drum Machines
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rokusenryou · 1 year
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ryansholin · 2 years
On the last day of the year I:
1. Hacked together a shelf from stuff I had around the tool closet.
2. Plugged three things in at once!
3. Learned I need speakers to make videos of little jams like this without recording everything in Ableton and playing it back. [Edit: Yes, running an audio output from the Focusrite to the handsome Orange amp would probably do, but maybe be mono?]
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Synthetic Villains - Christmas Album - a mix of traditional and original instrumentals, in electro-folk fashion
I like Christmas music. As a small child, it really was a wondrous and magical time, and music sound-tracked that joy and excitement. It's stuck with me. Every Christmas over the years, and whilst making this album (over several months), I've listened to a lot of Christmas music. I don't like all of it, I'm pretty discerning, but I've taken on board everything from old carols up until recent times. I've researched the history of Christmas, including it's various pre-Christian roots, and the history of Christmas music. A lot of Christmas music is basically folk music (that more people listen to). Many of the melodies and some of the words have been sung for centuries, and like folk music, those melodies and words have evolved, been adopted and co-opted over the years – just like mid-winter pagan festivals, Norse Yule, Christian Christmas, and the mostly secular version we currently inhabit. There's probably the need for a good book about it all. But for now, suffice it to say, I've tried to encapsulate the spirit of Christmas (an umbrella term for all of it's permutations) within these 12 tracks. There is no snark here, it's a totally sincere album. My greatest wish would be for it to become part of your Christmas tradition - I hope you like it, and play it every year!creditsreleased December 2, 2022 Tracks 2, 5, 6, 8 written by Richard J Turner. Tracks 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 trad/expired copyright. All tracks arranged and played by Richard J Turner. A Flood of Sound Production. For the gear nerds: Fender Mustang guitars, Fender Musicmaster Bass, Fender Twin Reverb Amp, Korg Volca Beats, Korg Volca Kick, Korg Monotribe, Korg Minilogue XD, Casio MT100, Casio MT45, Casio Rapman, Yamaha PS2, Yamaha MR10, Yamaha DD5, Rakit Metal Synth, Rakit Drum Synth, EHX Crash Pad, MPC Tymp, Akai MPK Mini Play, xylophone, glockenspiel, chime bars, jingles, tambourine, shakers, finger cymbals, bell, bike bell, shekere, samba whistle, party hooter, crackers, siren whistle, cuica, zither, bouzouki, Guild D4 acoustic guitar, music box, effects pedals.
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ntrx · 2 months
NTRX feat Imantada • Solar Eclipe Train - Synth Voyagers 14.10.2023
NTRX Live - 2 Hours music recording stream. ‪Freestyle Impro Live Performance
Setup: MPC 1000 analog sampler Korg Monotribe, Korg Monologue Rubberneck Analog Delay DOD Kork Volca Beats Shure SM58
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aaronmeterchanges · 2 months
New tune featuring a Korg Volca Beats with microtonal guitar and Ableton Live 12!
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eeelbeats · 1 month
Volca Sample x PO33
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neurosismancer · 1 year
Further experimentation with my drum machine, synth, and some pedals.
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Week 9 - Lab Session
This week we got to do some songwriting in the new Synth Lab on campus, I found the session very engaging as I was forced into a place outside of my comfort zone. Normally I would just use a DAW to flesh out my ideas with a giant collection of drum kits, samples, VST instruments and loops, but today I was stuck to just one little machine (KORG Volca sample), a really old school Roland Synth, and a newer Roland Synth.
OneDrive Link: https://melbournepolytechnic-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/s1541884_student_mp_edu_au/EWAWvVK6DYZLqqkj21XNTwIBcLA88J8EjQud0_In8kkbdw?e=KPyi5I
One thing I liked about using these instruments is that everything I recorded was Anolouge, and none of it was to a grid, which created a really organic feel. The 1st instrument I recorded was the Volca Sample and the controls on it took some learning, but essentially it made a whole bunch of beats and sounds to sound like a fully produced techno track, that could be made more complex and less complex with its different controllers. Although it wasn't on a grid I did match it to the grid in Ableton.
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I then used the old Roland Synth and found a nice fluty sort of clarinet sound and used it for a bass-sounding part. Because it wasn't on the grid it started making a pumping sidechain compression sound, without the sidechaining.
Then the newer Roland synth had some massive sounds, I just used the 1st preset that was in it, which had this really abrasive saw tooth like shrieking sound that would change pitch in an octave riser. After that sound started appearing randomly I added another layer of smoother bass to appear in and out of unison with the saw-tooth bass.
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The overall feel of this track was to use the analogue sounds and effects off the grid, so the instruments that appear are almost random, but also in unison. There was somewhat of a grid created by the Volca Sample, but I used the other instruments to move away from it.
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