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wowscenery · 1 year ago
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panjya · 1 year ago
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Decided to draw my vulpera character! Her name is Kyuuzu and she's a frost mage who rides a polar bear. She lives in Northrend cause she was like "SCREW LIVING IN A DESERT", and went to the polar opposite. Also here's a WIP for a big wagon piece I'm doing... Gonna color it tomorrow and have her sitting on it, cause I needed someone to be sitting there after all.
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falaandu · 1 year ago
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cat-figurine · 1 month ago
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Vol'dun, 2020
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thegreatyin · 6 days ago
for the record i'm also a huge fan of vulpera, so. y'know. apparently i'm just cursed to love whatever race the world of warcraft fandom despises
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galderthefuzzy · 6 months ago
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The Sands of Vol'Dun
”Since the end of the Fourth War, the Faithless found themselves defeated by the hands of the Vulpera, Sethrak, and the Horde. Years followed, and the Sethrak rebuilt their ancestral murals and shrines to their beloved Goddess: Sethraliss. Vathiss stands proudly before the mural, for it alone sparks a new beginning, hope that the Sethrak will stand united once more and see the world beyond Zandalar. Praise be to Sethraliss!”
I had the pleasure to paint this piece for the wonderful SnekOfVoldun. Sethrak are an amazing race and definitely need more attention. I'm firmly in the camp that supports them as an Allied Race. Blizzard please?! It isssss TIME!
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nixalegos · 1 month ago
Ask abouy my OC: Religious beliefs?
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Nixalegos has never been religious. There is no God for him to pray. But he's discovered he has beliefs. He used to greatly admire and respect the beliefs practiced by the Forgotten Shadows despite their use of shadow and Void, finding their interpretations resonated with sound advice of divine humanism. Nixalegos himself after all, believes that a person only deserves help, if they reach out and try and get it themselves. This admiration was lost as it felt near overnight a majority of shadow aligned believers were revealed to be in league with Old Ones, and the various cults became devoted to insane blood rituals or bleeding the Void into Azeroth. Light worshiping sects and faiths however, have been much more neutral on. The path that led Nixalegos to becoming a warlock, was in fact due to the imprisonment of a Naa'ru. If he'd never 'seen the Light' in chains... He does admire the Blood Knights of Silvermoon, mostly the old guard like Master Blood Knight @tyleinth, as he finds the newer recruits are little more then elven stooges falling into the trap that failed their people when the Sunwell fell by readopting human prayers and dialogue. The old guard however, he admires the ruthless ambition it took to TAKE the light. The sheer single minded focus and drive. The human sects and beliefs are subsumed in a culture of 'submit and be guided' that he finds personally distasteful. Troll faith he's taken a modicum of interest in, seeing it more akin to a system of patron and devotee then any genuine religion, the Loa and Wild Gods after all, are real as him or anyone else. He's spoken to Bwonsamdi. He thinks. It didn't go well. And he knows for a fact Gral themselves took notice of him during the Blood War when he hunted the Naga off the coast of Vol'dun attempting to plunder a sunken Tortollan library. The last religion Nix has any major thoughts about, is those of his enemies. The cults of the Legion, the Old Ones, and now the surge of death worshipping madman after the truth of the Shadowlands was revealed. He pities them for being so short sighted, and wishes they would do the decent thing and die off already. Any other belief system is on a case by case basis. It's Azeroth after all. There's a damn cult worshiping hearthstone cards for fucks sake.
Thanks @safrona-shadowsun!
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eriada · 5 months ago
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Background, setting eriada.bsky.social https://eriada.tumblr.com/ Characters, details, post-processing karukuji.bsky.social
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angryelbow · 2 years ago
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Kolto, little trickster, dubious creature of vol'dun, complete dumb of ass 
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wowscenery · 1 year ago
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thetantiger · 1 year ago
Quick Bio: Ghost
Race: Vulpera Class: Monk Specialization: Mistweaver Pronouns: They/Them
Ghost is a gray-and-white furred non-binary Vulpera with light teal eyes and a mysteriously quiet and scratchy voice. They are able to wield the power of Azeroth's mists, allowing them to teleport, levitate, fly (though at a slower speed than most species on Azeroth capable of flight), heal and even cause hallucinations. Underneath the mask they wear on their snout at all times is a long, deep scar from the bottom of their chin all the way down their esophagus, evidence of their death wound as they were tortured and slain by Sethrak in Vol'dun, which is also the cause of their strange voice. Ghost was able to return from the Shadowlands in a spiritual form as a mixture of pity from fate itself, as Ghost's entire life had been nothing but misery, and pure, unbridled rage and thirst for vengeance blazing in Ghost's soul. Ghost now slays Sethrak and keeps parts of their bodies as trophies, and also assists the Warblade Clan out of sheer boredom, even if they call them weird and mysterious sometimes.
Links: Ghost body ref Trans day of visibility 2024
Related Characters: N/A
<Toyhouse Page>
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eldridgecandell · 1 year ago
Send me a face claim and I will use that face claim to make an NPC in my muse's life, as well as talk about their relationship, connection, and feelings towards my muse.
Toby Regbo, Alyssa Campanella and Craig Parker.
The Children of Nimeuh
A trio of the new court of san'layn that Nimeuh has slowly trying to rebuild in the face of the fall of Dreven. Her near death at the hands of the Order of Embers led her into the depths of Vol'dun in hopes of recuperating and healing. Months turned into years, biding her time as she built her family up once more from the lost and downtrodden who sought the darkfallen out.
Now having gained a foothold with her new family, she has begun to send forth her agents in a much more clandestine manner than previous attempts. The blood court shall rise again, the Crimson Hall will suffer no more, and the black rainbow will dance across the sky.
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Menius, the Thirst played by Toby Regbo
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Natelda, the Hunger played by Alyssa Campanella
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Oborus, the Need played by Craig Parker
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sekhisadventures · 2 years ago
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Leza, Apprentice Fire Mage
(Artist's Rendition of Leza by xHyperwolfx )
Important Stories:
Firefox: After meeting the mage Nelen Fullmoon, Leza is gifted some of his collection of books to feed her love of reading... one of which is Nelen's spellbook from when he was an apprentice at Dalaran.
Azure Light in the Winter Sky: Leza, now Nelen's apprentice and a fire mage, and her teacher are at the Azure Archives when Alalestria Wintersky attempts to use the power of the Archives in a bid to kill Samantha Montebank.
Familiar: When Leza's sister, Sekhi, is stranded in Khaz Algar following Dalaran's destruction at the hands of Xal'atath, Leza joins with Avalon and Savage United, taking a ship and sailing to the isle ahead of the Alliance and Horde. En route they are attacked by a school of naga, and Leza awakens to a new aspect of her magic to save them.
Race: Vulpera
Class: Mage, Fire School
Eye Color: Pale violet
Birthplace: Vol'dun
Residence: Her family's cart, wherever it may be at the moment.
Apprentice in Fire Magic: Leza has only recently awoken as a mage and has wound up apprenticed to Nelen Fullmoon. Despite him being a member of the Alliance he feels sympathy to the young vulpera after helping to save her from a mob of Primalists following her accidentally setting fire to her family's cart when she first awakened and lost control of her magic.
Null Bracers: As a safety precaution during her training, and at Leza's request (she is afraid of accidentally doing damage to her family's home again,) Nelen worked with Nitika and Jaie to craft her a set of bracers with enchanted Malygite crystals set in them. When Leza says a specific phrase the bracers enforce a magical null on her, essentially silencing her magic. She can turn this off and on at will, which gives her a feeling of security while she learns to control her new powers.
Bookworm Vulpera: Leza is a big reader, which is a rarity among the vulpera. While they would keep written records of their cart stock, cooking recipes, and medicine ingredients reading for pleasure is a rarity among them as cart space is limited and most caravanners from Vol'dun would prioritize trade goods and essentials out of necessity. Leza loves reading and is quite eager to see her teacher's library when they get the chance.
Spellfire Phoenix: Since her travels to the Isle of Dorn Leza is often accompanied by a familiar in the shape of a hummingbird made of flames. She is able to transform it into a larger hawk-like bird, big enough for the vulpera herself to ride on. She can indeed ride it, or she can fight alongside it, the phoenix able to use arcane fire magic the same that Leza can. Its her familiar so any spell she knows, it knows, though it can only use fire based ones. Doing such advanced spellwork is incredibly draining to Leza, and she can only keep it manifested for a short time. She will often collapse once the phoenix vanishes.
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Leza is the second of four children, born to the vulpera Atu and Risala. She grew up as part of Kiro's cavern in Vol'dun with her elder sister Sekhi and her younger twin siblings Zato and Eeda. When she was very young her older sister heard the call of the elements and became a shamaness, eventually joining a group of mercenaries calling itself Savage United.
Five years after this, her family was trading on the Dragon Isles when she met one of her sister's friends. A worgen mage by the name of Nelen Fullmoon. The mage showed her how he had an extensive library that he could access using a hand-mirror to create a portal big enough to reach through, allowing her to borrow several of his tomes. Among them was an apprentice's spellbook from his own childhood at Old Dalaran before the original city fell to the Scourge during the Third War.
Nelen had done this at Leza's request, thinking it harmless. Unless one had the potential to use arcane magic it was just an ordinary book… but it turned out Leza had that potential, and she almost destroyed her family's cart and nearly injured her mother. Terrified by what she'd done, she fled into Thaldraszus before she could lose control of her magic again.
She was found by a group of primalists, one of their sin'dorei members able to sense arcane magic use. The primalists were set to kill her for the crime of using "Titan Magic," but she was rescued by her sister and several of her allies. Upon seeing what the primalists had done to her the normally more reserved shamaness became enraged and unleashed the full extent of her shamanistic power on the primalist mob that had found her sibling, creating a tremendous sandstorm that killed them to a man.
Afterwards, Nelen offered to take Leza under his wing, making the vulpera girl his apprentice. He gifted her a spellbook penned by his own hand, along with a novice's wand crafted by another of their friends and a set of bracers set with Malygite stones that could be used to create an artificial magic null that Leza could activate if she feared losing control of her magic again.
Leza actually does make a small appearance in the story before she becomes a mage. During the "Three Years of Peace" she is with her parent's caravan when Galdia, Sekhi, and Nitika accompany it to Mulgore. At this time however she is incapable of using magic yet and is an ordinary vulpera child.
Leza suffers from eyestrain, as does her teacher Nelen. The reason being that reading by camplight, torchlight, or candlelight is very strenuous on the eyes, which is why they both require corrective lenses. Yes they could simply not do that, but tell any bookworm this and then let me know what kind of reaction you get. They tend to be pretty funny.
Leza is currently the only member of Sekhi's family who is capable of fighting besides Sekhi herself, however sharp eyed readers might notice that their twin siblings, Zato and Eeda, have expressed interest in archery (Zato) and martial arts (Eeda) so this may change depending on how long I keep this story going.
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wp100 · 1 month ago
it took me forever, but a couple weeks? ago i finally got Meerah's Jukebox thing from the Vol'dun boxes. Took me many tries to get... so glad I don't have to farm that ever again
And I'll never use the toy... they nerfed it anyway, like they did with many others, and the Sunflower pet >:(
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wyrmguardsecrets · 6 months ago
Are there any guilds out there who accept Vulpera roleplayers? I hate that the degenerates ruined what is a fun, cute, quirky race to play. My little fox just wants to go on adventures and explore the big, wide world outside Vol'dun.
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unpleasant-ghoul · 7 months ago
So. WoW Circle's BfA server. Yea, it's broken too.
UPD if you're curious but don't want to read a bedsheet's worth of my observations: broken a bit, YES! But less than Firestorm. Way less. Actually playable, really.
So: Some things are the same as on Firestorm: Two Thrall's copies inexplicably being on Echo Isles ALWAYS. Swiftclaw dying when the ride ends. Raptor ride to the Spitescales taking you anywhere but there. Fight with Zar'jira going... Not going (quest counts as done after one hit, so you don't get stuck), and voiced dialogues (Pre- and Post- battle, as well as Vol'jin's conversation with Thrall) are all jumbled. Also, Raider Jhash is still an asshole, not giving rides.
Some things are worse: Zuni, that cute blue-braided troll that you're supposed to get attached to and suffer when he dies? You won't get a chance to form attachment, dude takes off as soon as you open the quest window, so unless you want to accept now and read later, you won't be there for whatever he has to say on the way (if he even says anything here. Maybe it's like on Firestorm. Dunno. I'm a "read first, do later" type, AKA A Normal Fucking Person). Not that you'll have a reason to feel sad anyway: due to the battle with Zar'jira not going right, our blue-haired friend doesn't end up dead anyway.
Also, if you create a Zandalari char and decide to wander around your home land before going to Durotar, well, better don't die: Ol' Bwonsamdi be takin' a break from resurrection duty, chillin' in Necropolis and nowhere else (well. Maybe he's in Vol'dun too. Didn't go there. But Zuldazar and Nazmir graveyards are empty).
But! A lot of stuff is working. Way more than on the Firestorm server. In fact, nearly anything below the readmore is me being amazed at the game being actually playable.
So far only noticed one kind of bugged pet: water snake, it's level 0 and therefore not an available target for battling. but still, it's a live snake, not a corpse sliding on the ground.
The shaman DOES tell the tale here! So I guess that "talk to proceed" quests are confirmed to be WORKING!
Battle pets are truly renameable (on Firestorm they reverted to original names). Patrolling windriders above Orgrimmar are running in the sky instead of flying, though.
Zen'Taji's quest is straight up not there. Which is a pity because those plainstriders are working properly, running at low health! Another missing quest is the one where you should look form the tower for possibly drowning people. My guess is that they had same trouble as on Firestorm, disabled both quests, fixed striders but forgot to re-enable their quest and found the tower one unrepairable.
Caravan escort is there AND working, though.
Pet battle quests working too (except for the healing one).
So, there's a rough start and a bit of brokenness, but overall heaps better than Firestorm. I'm staying.
Waptow Twapping! There WAS no Waptow Twapping on Firestorm! I've been missing out with no idea that I was missing out! And yes. Works fine. So does capturing a Razormane (gotta go fast for that, though - it disappears pretty quickly. But I'm a Druid, so going fast is no problem).
Second caravan escort is... Not what I was expecting based on the first, working, one. The lead kodo is running too fast, sometimes underground, sometimes flying, and in such weird looks that despite all the speed it STILL arrives later than the caravan ones.
And the quest can't be turned in. There's a question mark on the map, but nobody/nothing in the world on that spot. At least nobody that wants to talk to me about the caravan.
Created a shaman. Won't be touching him for now, just thought I'd have one for later if I get tired of the druid or something. Th sham, of course, is also a male troll. With biggest tusks available, just for variety (I normally settle for medium/smaller ones).
That eagle thing? Worrrrking.
That centaur whose girlfriend you gotta kill for him to show up? Comes running as he should.
The other centaur quest doesn't seem to. The text implies a situation should arise in which the quest-giving orc must be kept alive until quest mod appears, but no such thing happens.
Aw. Brewfest's all broken. No rams for me. No mug chucking, either, but hat's at least a known bug that's not just pirate-specific.
But at least flying patrols above Orgrimmar appear to be fixed! They fly! FLY! Their windriders used to just gallop across the skies, but now they're putting those wings to use!
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