Hey Stormlight people! I’ve had this for a while but finally managed to recreate it digitally!
This is my unofficial script/language/alphabet (+ user manual because I made it far more complicated than was probably necessary but whatever) that I created for the singer/listener people, and I thought some of y’all might enjoy!
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Couple of notes:
the rhythm symbols have no actual basis in anything, I just tried to make something that captures the feeling of the word. “Tension” is one of the more obvious ones but the others are vibe only so
Apologies on the handwriting, it’s not the greatest but oh well
If you have any questions on how to use or just anything in general I am willing to answer!
All credit goes to me please don’t claim this as your own (ik it’s whatever but this did take me like actually ~14 hours total so please be kind)
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chumsterfire · 1 year
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Navani and Raboniel: Rhythm of War
I've heard Since I was younger That oil and water don't mix They're polar opposites With a molecular rift you can't fix
But I swear with all your burnt bridges You could leech what's caustic and find A rudimentary lye Some kinda miraculous bind
Soap by: The Oh Hello's
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thisgalliz · 1 year
Looking at the little notes before the chapters in twok and man I'm on the ones jasnah wrote in her studies; I'm loving the ambiguity
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herdaz · 2 years
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I knew this already from the time I spend on tumblr.com, but damn what a reveal
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shayberri789 · 2 months
Still thinking about how much of the cosmere is about critiquing the concept of "for a greater good"
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luckyspren · 4 months
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nevertheless-moving · 6 months
stormlight au number 35 (help me i'm lost in the sauce)
Jasnah, Dalinar, and Renarin (surviving Kholin Radiants) travel from End of World all the way to right after Gavilar's death.
Vengeance pact still happens, but plays out very differently. We don't need absolutely every man in the kingdom to join the army, alright Elhokar? And we're making sure Dalinar is there to accept their surrender, actually win in reasonable time frame and 'conquer' them (no Alethi want to live out there anyway, and as long as they send gemhearts in tribute we won't enslave them. actually elhokar, your sister wanted to talk to you about slavery—).
Honestly, just an excuse for:
A) Adolin to have a breakdown that his entire family has been replaced by voidbringers, before eventually accepting with relief that they're still his family, they've just become voidbringers, but its ok because he loves them and will protect their increasingly heretical actions with his life. Hugs his glowing red and green eyed little brother a lot.
Adolin: do I — should I also learn to read?
Jasnah: do you want to?
Adolin: not really, no.
Renarin: to be honest, it's probably for the best if you just focus on being, well, a good Vorin Alethi. One of us probably should be, if we don't have a desolation as a distraction.
Adolin: ok! sure! I can do that. Also thought id mention that if possible, I would personally appreciate *not* having a desolation.
Jasnah: it may prove necessary.
Adolin: I know, i know. Just thought I'd put my feelings out there.
Dalinar: and we'll need you to produce Kholin heirs. Neither Renarin or Jasnah are likely to, and I'm not remarrying a younger woman.
Adolin: Sounds good!
B) Kholin family to have way too strong a reaction to this random darkeyed surgeon in training when they visit Kharbranth, scaring the absolute shit out of said darkeyed surgeon. Adolin walks into a wall when he sees Kaladin. He doesn't even know about the Radiant thing, it's just that
C) Kaladin dresses really hot in this au. Ok. I lied. this is actually the main reason for this au. It — there's a whole chain of events. I – don't look at me like that. The character development works, alright?
A lot of it boils down to distracting people from groping the female medical trainees.
He realizes that breathing in a certain way, while it makes you focus better and move faster, it also makes you more...present somehow? people pay attention to you, for better or worse. Some of the ladies teach him that there are different ways to channel people's focus on you, if they're looking anyway.
And apparently, for the first few years Kharbranth medical students, light and dark eyed alike, have basically no protections from wealthy patients or Lighteyed chief's of staff who are a bit too interested in teaching you to use your safehand, and its not like Kaladin can challenge them to a duel - he doesnt know how to fight, and it would get him and the person hes trying to protect kicked out of the program. So much for honorable lighteyes being real.
But I mean. If wearing some eyeliner, and a gemstone in your hair, if taking your right glove off first after an exam, conspicuously leaving the left on while talking, if bending over to pick his clipboard up in a certain way... if it gets people to not focus on his friends...
...one could probably get pretty angsty with this concept, ngl.
The Stormlight understanding and oaths come in time. There might also be some Radiant Disguise Superhero hijinks, havent fully decided but it's not really a major stretch from canon to say that Kharbranth struggles with violent crime. Also Kaladin gets to learn about institutional racism in school. It's great. I have a lot of Kaladin thoughts but so does everyone in this au so its ok.
Kholins visit Kharbranth:
Jasnah: you've been moping for days. Is your new fixation of the week not responding to your advances?
Adolin: I don't want to talk about it
Dalinar: son, you've clearly been in a mood—
Adolin: look, I'm not — the individual is not suitable for my station, alright? I'm not courting someone I could never actually marry, because that would be stupid.
Jasnah: while it would complicate matters, you know your brother and I have plans to alter the alethi codes around eye color, considering they're clearly a crude derivative of radiant mythologization
Dalinar: I thought we agreed that was low on the priority list
Jasnah: You said that uncle, Renarin most certainly did not agree, and his arguments are sound
Adolin: He's just some surgeon, alright! He's not just darkeyed, he's a darkeyed man. I said I'll get over it! I always do.
Dalinar: ah.
Jasnah: ...did you say surgeon?
Adolin: Yes? Why?
Dalinar: why does it —
Jasnah: how did you meet?
Adolin: He was — he was with this group of women at a winebar, and he was dressed like – but it turned out he just goes to protect them from - and it was so — why are you asking me about this?
Dalinar: Oh! A darkeyed surgeon. Protecting, you say? He sounds...honorable.
Jasnah: Very honorable.
Adolin: He is! He volunteers at this house for injured soldiers, and you wouldn't believe he'd never been to war, I mean his spear Katas — he's – it's like he was born for it —
Dalinar: He sounds like a fine young man. Perhaps you should bring him to meet us.
Adolin: I — while I appreciate that father, I really do, I thought I was the one who was supposed to well. I mean my role in...all of this is to produce heirs and look proper, right?
Jasnah: Hm. when you put it it that way...
Dalinar: I mean, Navani and I might be able to...
Jasnah: Don't be ridiculous. I'm perfectly capable of producing a child, should it prove absolutely necessary,
Adolin: Jasnah?
Jasnah: Provided the man you're courting is of worthy quality.
Adolin: We're not — I haven't been courting! I didn't think it was an option! I don't even know if he's interested! From what I can tell he has people throwing themselves at his feet all the time!
Jasnah: An abnormally honorable darkeyed surgeon, natural warrior, magnetically charismatic personality...yes that might make a worthwhile addition to the family.
Dalinar: I can write to Elhokar at once, recommend that he and Aseuden —
Jasnah: Uncle we've been over this — this is exactly the sort of thing that led to me insisting you come with me on this trip! If we cripple his ability to lead—
Adolin: Are we — are we moving into the discussing the future part of the evening, because I can go guard the door—
Dalinar: wait, when you say produce a child, you don't mean through soulcasting, right?
Jasnah: I don't see why I should answer that question.
Adolin: Yeah, i'm just going to go guard the door now
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bluntandsaucy · 2 months
sorry wait did this interlude imply that jasnah was a voidbringer?
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blacksalander · 2 years
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Raboniel, the  Lady of Wishes
[ID Raboniel,wearing whispy clothing floats gently down estriated urithiru hallways, dark energy emanates from her body and her red hairstrands float behind her, on her right hand a strange dagger, on her left a bead glowing with a black-purple light, End ID]
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lostandbackagain · 2 years
warbreaker is the funniest fking book why is siri trying to make sex noises to convince a bunch of priests she's trying to get pregnant with their god who doesn't know what sex is while vivenna launches the world's worst rescue mission and spends the next 500 pages getting the shit kicked out of her
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katecetera · 1 year
if you told me a decade ago that my favorite instrument would be some kind of squishy piano keyboard, I’d have reported you to the ardents because forseeing the future is of the voidbringers
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xoshepard · 10 months
dhskdhjd amaram is a bastard in the normal way—killing people for his own gain—but he's also the kind of bastard that wants to bring the voidbringers back lmfao. it makes sense tho when you think about how chummy and secretive he and gavilar were being on the day he died
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tiso-heart · 1 year
Star that Shines through Cloud (or just Star) appeared in a dream once. When I woke up from that dream, I remembered "purple patterned moth".
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Voidbringer is a rather weird wyrm, able to detach limbs and regrow those limbs almost instantly. He does this a lot too, mostly for his own amusement to witness others freak out. Perhaps this'll come in handy when coming across someone with flesh manipulation abilities...
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Oh My Gpd moash.
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satoshihiwatari · 11 months
Half mentions, admissions made with sideways glances, always spoken of in whispers. Tales of men with red eyes who visited in the night. She added the stories to her files of research about Trell, the ancient god that people were somehow worshipping again. A god that had crafted spikes to corrupt the kandra Paalm, and whose name was on the lips of many of the prisoners.
........so Trell is going to be Odium, right? :(
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Ive spent the last year getting into Brandon Sandersons Cosmere and while I LOVE both Mistborn and The Stormlight Archives and I feel like The Stormlight Archives are more popular, I feel like Mistborn is a lot easier to recommend because the barrier for entry is so much lower.
Mistborn: There is a weird haunted mist over a world ruled by a God Emperor and people can use metal to get magic/super powers. But the world is pretty normal, near Victorian level tech, and nature is pretty Earth like if struggling to survive.
Stormlight Archives: On a world where global hurricanes strong enough to move boulders happen regularly the grass shrinks away from contact back into buds on the ground. Also there is an alternate demension that exists alongside the physical realm where the ideas of things have varying levels of sentience and they can be manipulated to create magical items ...but also the higher forms of these idea creatures (called spren) can bond to humans to give them actual magic/super powers. Also there is a secondary sapient species in the physical world that are used as a labor because they literally cannot exist without humans. But also there has been contact with a group of this secondary species that are as smart or smarter than humans who killed the king of a Human nation spurring a war. Also also there is magical armor that turns its wearers into Ironman Knights. Oh also also those humans who bonded with Spren died thousands of years ago against a mythical enemy called Voidbringers. Welcome to like Chapter 3 of Book 1.
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