#Voice change
one thing i will say about testosterone that no one told me about, is having adapt to your new voice when singing. like i was very aware that my voice would deepen but i was never given advice on how to adapt and sing with my new voice. that shit was a journey.
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deadly-kalopsia · 7 months
tumblr i need your help. i’m starting t in the next day or so and i need wacky ass shit to say as i progress further into it to track my voice. give me your wackiest sentences.
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thebookewyrme · 1 year
Somehow, it has been 5 months of T!!
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Time is weird. Anyway, did a 5month recording of my voice, and it’s definitely huskier than my 3month one was! I’ve been feeling for a little while that my voice sounded huskier to myself but it’s hard to hear your own voice properly, so that’s why I’ve been doing recordings! I like to track things!
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pencildragon11 · 2 months
I had a dream last night that was a sequence of mortifying things but still ended on a positive note?
Yeah, so I dreamed that I got up the nerve to go to a kinky cabaret open mic, and took my binder full of old repertoire from college.
I had a song picked out, but after I got there I panicked that it wasn't suitable, given the rather obvious gap between college conservatory music (opera, art song) and ... kinky cabaret open mic. But the other people there assured me that the song I'd brought straddled the line nicely, so I put my name down and waited.
My turn came. Walking toward the pianist, I realized I only had one copy of the sheet music, so this was going to be an adventure in discovering if I still had this song memorized. (It's been years -- I'm completely out of practice at all the prep work.)
I handed the music to the pianist. He noodled out the first couple bars and then it dawned on me...
The copy I'd handed him, the copy I'd pulled from my old college binder of music, was For High Voice. It was the soprano setting, from back when all my songs were chosen to show off my girlish high A.
My voice no longer has those notes. I traded them for a new octave below middle C, new notes that make my heart thrill and feel more inexplicably satisfying, more right than my high range ever did.
Like all boy sopranos, I grew up and lost my floaty angelic upper tones. Traded them in for baritone depths.
In my dream, I conferred with the pianist. "No problem," he said, thumbing through the well-worn purple book before him until he found the song I wanted. "I have it here."
He handed me a copy and struck a note or two. Wonder of wonders, yes. To singers, pianists are always magicians, but it's a mortifying relief when their smooth professionalism saves you from your own lack of planning.
I took my place in the spotlight, looked out at the tolerantly drunk audience, and began to sing, noticing too late that this version was a completely different translation, unfamiliar and lacking the simple elegance that had appealed to me. But the melody was familiar, and I didn't take all those years of sightreading classes for nothing, so I forged on.
Deep in the trance of performing, I barely noticed when the piano accompaniment dropped away. I turned a page and the song flowed into ... a prose reading? Not what I'd planned, but sure!
It was a long excerpt, several pages of kinky, queer titillation from Hunger Pangs. I performed that reading as dramatically as if it were the song I'd originally planned on.
"Thank you so much," I finished. "That was from Hunger Pangs, by @joydemorra, and if you're not already familiar with her work, it's kinky, queer, and disabled, with a werewolf and a vampire."
Then I fled the stage, thoroughly mortified and yet..... even in my dream, I remember thinking, "hey, I got out of my comfort zone and tried something new! next time will go better!"
It's neat to see that even in my dreams I've internalized that growth mindset I've cultivated lmao
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clairedelune-13 · 1 year
Ok but even though Dent and Cas are completely different, I think those 12 years did permanently alter this man’s vocal chords.
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kermits-cup-of-tea · 3 months
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beans-tour-diary · 5 months
Day 362
It's been a wild few weeks!
I've been having crazy voice breaks. Talking a bit louder than normal sounds like a rollercoaster. It's very exciting but also a bit annoying, because after talking for 2 hours straight my throat starts hurting. But I love talking!!
My facial hair is also slowly making progress. The peach fuzz on my cheeks is way longer and my moustache gets darker and darker.
I'm not really close with other trans masc people in real life, so I went looking for discord servers to chat about transitioning stuff. I found a few, but they are all pretty small. On my search I stumbled over a few general trans servers, one of them seemingly entirely inhabited by chasers 🥲
Also: I went to my first gaming/anime/nerd convention! It was not that big but soo cool. Probably the perfect size for me, because I could look at everything multiple times before I got tired and wanted to leave. Maybe I'll actually make a cosplay for my next con.
my con companions
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fuck--wit · 5 months
bro was pounding me from behind telling me how excited he was that i was gonna be joining him in the tenor section🤤
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ukftm · 1 year
Cannot for the life of me find a U.K based surgeon who offers voice masculisation surgery, or even anyone who has had the surgery and resides in the U.K. I’m aware of a couple of decent ones in Turkey, however, I really need a surgeon based in the United Kingdom. Any help/advice/information very much appreciated. Thank you. Enjoy the good weather everyone and take good care of yourselves.
Hi Anon,
This isn’t a surgery available in the UK, as far as I am aware. There are voice feminisation surgeries available to transwoman, but unfortunately voice masculinisation surgery is not an option for transmen on the NHS.
You would however be able to get referred to a speech and language therapist on the NHS who could help you with voice exercises with the potential of helping you with your voice. This can be helpful for some, while others do not find this beneficial.
As you mention there is a surgeon in turkey that does voice masculinisation surgery. But if you were in a position to pay for this surgery, you would want to ensure you thoroughly research the surgeon’s reputation and his complication rates.
You would also want to find out why such a surgery is not available in the UK, as often times surgeries that are not performed in the UK are because of things like complication rates being too high or surgeries not having enough research to support the safety of the procedures used.
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legallychanged · 5 months
Vous voulez voir un truc qui en jette ?/Do you wanna see something super duper cool?
Changement de voix sur 1 AN !!/Change of voice over A YEAR!!
comment c'est trop le progrès. je lis Demain dès l'aube de Victor Hugo pour les curieux !/i'm reading Demain dès l'aube by Victor Hugo for those who are curious!
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Vienna Boys Choir and Castrato (Essay)
Wild rose (composed by Werner)
When it comes to the song "Wild Rose", whether it is Schubert's or Werner's, the Vienna Boys' Choir sings the best. I did some research around the choir.
The Vienna Boys' Choir (Wiener Sängerknaben) was a boys' choir founded in 1498 by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I as the Court Chapel Boys' Choir. It is based on the Wilten Boys Choir of Innsbruck, whose members were brought to Vienna by Emperor Maximilian I when he founded the New Court Chapel Boys Choir in Vienna.
The number of members is about 100. The orchestra members were divided into four groups of about 25 people each named after the orchestra and composers associated with Vienna: "Mozart", "Schubert", "Haydn" and "Bruckner". goes on a concert tour for 11 weeks a year, and one group performs about 80 performances in various parts of the world. One of the groups always goes on a concert tour, so three groups remain at school and take classes. One of these three groups is supposed to sing at Mass every Sunday in the Royal Chapel. Three groups will sing in turn every week, so one group will sing in the Royal Chapel every three weeks.
Excerpt from Wiki "Vienna Boys Choir"
It's a group with a long history. Founded in 1498, it was a little earlier than Luther's Reformation (1517). (It is said that even before the birth of Christianity, even under Judaism, boys were hunted out to sing hymns.) , there was something that could not be replaced, whether it was a countertenor or a sopranist. Here, in the case of the Vienna Boys Choir, the voice quality is called boy soprano and boy alto.
"Therefore, a forbidden move was used." It is to castrate the boys before they reach the stage of dysphonia and to keep the quality of their voices in the state before the dysphonia. A person who has undergone this procedure is called a "castrato" in English. verb castrate: to castrate
By castrating males, it suppresses the secretion of male hormones, artificially hinders the remarkable growth of the vocal cords during the male secondary sexual characteristics period, eliminates the dysphonia (so-called "voice change"), and improves the voice quality of boy soprano. An attempt to keep the range as long as possible. On the other hand, since growth hormone is secreted, the height and ribcage grow as normal, and the growth of the skeleton, including the ribcage, and lung capacity is almost the same as that of adult men, and the tone of voice and the sustaining power of singing voice are not different from those of minors. It is said that it cannot be reproduced by female singers. Their voices were said to be sweet, wild and yet very sensual.
From Wiki (castrato)
It seems that the castrato singing voice could not be replaced by any other vocal parts. But, as expected, this inhumane custom was banned by the Pope, and it seems that it was abolished. "Falsetto" here means falsetto. I don't want to hear "artificial" voices that have undergone this kind of treatment, no matter how difficult it is to obtain. I feel sorry for these boys.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Singers I Wish I Sounded Like:
As a trans Masc person, I get voice envy from other singers so often 🥺…
My friend Sushi🥺: I fucking love their voice! And them! ❤️
Teddy Hyde:
Alex Turner:
Daniel Caesar:
Chris Clavin:
Lewis Del Mar:
Lewis Capaldi:
Dean Lewis:
Jon Mess:
Frederick Rabe:
Matt Maeson:
Rex Orange County:
Neil Smith:
Finn Wolfhard:
Josh Kizska:
Ricky Montgomery:
Paul Dano:
Chino Moreno:
Slade Echeverria:
Patrick Stump:
Vic Fuentes:
Johnny Stevens:
Parker Canon:
Matt Shultz:
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 1 year
I’m always astonished with how much Snotlout’s V/As (Jonah Hill and Zack Perlman respectively) sound so much like one another. Whenever I’ve just gotten used to the series and go back to the movies knowing that they’re different people I’m still always like “:0”
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highkey-confused · 1 year
Voice cracks are so weird it’s like I reach for my voice and there’s nothing there
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oppossums · 1 year
One year on T, baby!!!! Looking forward to watching myself change more as the years go by. It’s not difficult for me to explain why I am trans to anyone anymore because the explanation is easy: it’s made me love myself in a way I never thought I could. Being trans is beautiful and we deserve to thrive and live and experience full lives in whatever fashion we feel is right for us.
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living-for-fiction · 1 year
Once upon a time, I was a chorus kid. A soprano. I was no Sarah Brightman, but I was top of my section and had solos in the casual-tier chorus (multiple types of chorus classes, some of which you had to try out for; I was not that invested and didn't want to do choral competitions or anything, so I never tried out and have no idea if I would have made it - but basically I was the top of the casuals).
The only thing I didn't like about going on T was losing my singing voice. (Not the soprano aspect per se, I had bad voice dysphoria and hated my high voice, but the quality and range of my singing.) It's very sqwacky now, it cracks, etc. I've got puberty voice. It happens, and it's worth it.
But I do love singing, and I've been kind of stuck with like one comfortable octave since my voice dropped. I'd like to change that. So sure, I can work on high notes... or I can see if I can voice train myself into being a FUCKING BASS.
(I probably won't end up a bass, but I can dream.)
So I'm singing Hoist the Colors here because it's a very easy song to sing, very intuitive notes, and sounds good when sung very low. Now, it doesn't sound good when -I- sing it low - I miss half the notes, you can tell I'm struggling, and my voice flat out gives up at the end. But I'm hitting more notes than I thought I would. And that is so COOL. I hope, one day, when my voice fully settles out, that I will be able to figure out my new vocal range and have a good singing voice again.
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