#Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss
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myninaross · 1 year ago
Your Guide to Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss
Regardless of your gender, certain factors lead to hair loss. Among them, vitamin deficiency is the most common. But how can you tell if your hair loss may be due to a deficiency? Dr. Nina Ross sheds light on which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss.
Hair loss is a common problem. You might have noticed that some people lose their hair more than others, and that is because some people are more susceptible to it than others.
Regardless of your gender, certain factors lead to hair loss. Among them, vitamin deficiency is the most common. But how can you tell if your hair loss may be due to a deficiency? Here's what you need to know about which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss:
Signs of vitamin deficiency hair loss
Dry and brittle hair, especially the ends.
Formation of male/female-pattern baldness.
Thinning and splitting hair.
Excessive (more than normal) hair fall.
Noticeable scanty hair on the scalp (less volume).
Which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss?
Vitamin D3
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin B12
You are in good shape if you get enough of these nutrients from food, but if you don’t, multivitamins for hair loss will keep your body functioning at its best. But if there is to be a final verdict on which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss then there are two.
Vitamin D3 and calcium are two other key nutrients for hair health. The body can't make vitamin D3 on its own—it has to be obtained from the sun or from supplements like cod liver oil (which also contains omega-3 fatty acids).
In addition to helping regulate calcium levels in our bodies, vitamin D3 promotes healthy bones and teeth; it also helps prevent osteoporosis and cancer by regulating cell growth processes within the body.
The most important thing to remember is that hair loss is not permanent. While you may be experiencing some hair loss and are concerned about which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss, you must give yourself time to heal and get stronger before considering any drastic decisions. If you have any of these deficiencies of vitamins that cause hair loss, it is best to seek medical advice before making changes in your diet or lifestyle habits that could affect your health further down the road.
Have any questions? Book an appointment with Dr. Nina Ross, now! Find more blogs like this: https://ninaross.co/pages/blogs
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girlactionfigure · 2 months ago
The @IsraelMOH will submit a report to the UN detailing the abuse endured by survivors of Hamas captivity. 
Read this thread. Share this thread. The world must know just how evil these Hamas psychopaths are.
1️⃣ Women, men & children who returned reported that they endured severe physical & sexual abuse such as beatings, isolation, deprivation of food and water, branding, hair-pulling & sexual assault.
Some reported that the captors sexually assaulted them or forced them to undress.
The hostages were denied medical treatment for injuries caused on and after October 7, and untreated chronic conditions. Fractures, shrapnel wounds, and burns were treated inadequately, leading to preventable complications which required additional surgeries.
The captors tortured those injured by performing painful procedures without anesthesia.
Many hostages suffered from untreated chronic conditions leading to severe medical deterioration, such as low blood pressure, bradycardia & hypothermia. 
1 hostage died from untreated complications. Several women required urgent treatment due to hypertension & hypothyroidism
Half the hostages were deliberately starved. Poor diets led to extreme hunger. They were kept in dark spaces, causing vitamin D deficiency. The average weight loss was 8-15 kg (10-17% of weight). Children lost an average of 10%. In one case a girl lost 18% of her body weight.
Poor nutrition may lead to Sarcopenia, delayed wound and fracture recovery, and a weakened immune system. Malnutrition also negatively impacted cognitive function and mental health, and as for children, it may hinder development and growth.
The captors attempted to improve some of the hostages' appearance and weight before their release exposing them to Refeeding Syndrome and electrolyte imbalances such as hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypophosphatemia, particularly among elderly hostages.
In cases with complex medical backgrounds, these electrolyte disorders can be life­threatening. Additionally, the hostages were denied essential medications and treatment for their injuries, leading to the risk of widespread metabolic disorders.
The poor quality of food & water and unsanitary conditions, led to increased morbidity among the hostages. Many suffered from diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes constipation. They had limited access to showers and returned with skin infections, including Dermatitis.
Infections were detected in hospital cultures (Clostridium, Salmonella, Vibrio, Shigella, Giardia, E. coli). 
2 hostages suffered from acute case of Q fever. Some women developed Deep Venous Thrombosis due to no access to medication & lack of mobility during captivity.
The abduction of children, women, men, and the elderly from their homes is a traumatic event, often occurring after the murder of family members or close friends. In some cases, children were taken without their parents or after their parents' murder.
Hostages witnessed their homes burned and looted as well as their community members raped. 
The captives were taken to Gaza in open vehicles alongside bodies of those murdered. They endured beatings, humiliation, and verbal, physical, and sexual violence.
The captivity was designed to torture the hostages psychologically. During their time in captivity they endured family separation, immobilization, arbitrary, frequent transfers & exposure to further violence. Some witnessed the killing of other captives.
In captivity, the hostages were often subjected to solitary confinement, poor sanitation, severe medical neglect, lack of sleep, starvation, sexual abuse, violence, threats, and brainwashing through media designed to break their spirit and make them submissive.
Medical and psychosocial teams report sharp mood swings, with some showing signs of hypomania upon return, followed by extreme depression. Even those who appeared strong initially showed difficulties adjusting to reality, sometimes experiencing dissociative episodes.
Some returned hostages had paranoid anxieties, fearing retaliation against their loved ones still in captivity if they spoke about their experiences. The inability to share their trauma with therapeutic factors, which made it harder to process their trauma.
The returned hostages have been experiencing "survivor's guilt" feeling responsible for being rescued while their loved ones remain in Gaza. Some wish to return to captivity to help those left behind and cannot be rehabilitated as long as their loved ones are still there.
Many experience fear, restlessness, emotional detachment & confusion. Some afraid to leave rooms, even in the hospital's protected areas. They couldn't let go of behaviors from captivity - not eating, neglecting hygiene, hoarding food out of fear they would not have enough.
They reported severe nightmares & sleep deprivation. Some experienced derealization struggling to accept their presence in the Israeli hospital as real rather than a dream from captivity. Avoided anything that reminded them of traumatic experiences, including certain foods.
Most had no home to return to and learned upon their return of the deaths of family and friends, the destruction of their homes, and the collapse of their communities. Many found themselves without the support they once had, which has significantly hindered their recovery.
Two of the children that were held together during captivity reported that they were held bound and were beaten throughout their captivity. Signs of binding, scars, and marks consistent with trauma were found.
2 young children had burn marks on their lower limbs. One child stated that the burns were the result of a deliberate branding with a heated object. Both the child and adults who were with him described the incident as a purposeful branding event, not an accident.
One hostage described being sexually assaulted at gunpoint by a Hamas terrorist. Captors forced women of all ages to undress while others, including the captors, watched. The captors sexually assaulted them and were tied to beds while their captors stared at them.
One woman, injured during the attack, was held in a dark isolation for 30 days, bound and unable to move. She had no contact with the outside world, received an inadequate amount of food and water, and did not receive treatment for her injury. 
The men endured severe physical abuse, including continuous starvation, beatings, burns with galvanized iron (branding), hair-pulling, confinement in closed rooms with a limited amount of food and water, being held in isolation with hands and feet tied, and being denied access to the bathroom, which forced them to defecate on themselves.
These are the testimonies of those who were captive for 2 months. There are still living hostages enduring this for 450 days. 
Please share and help Bring Them Home Now. 
Ministry of Health
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marumaruz-haikyuu-agere · 8 months ago
Hq disability Headcanons
A somewhat detailed list of my haikyuu medical headcanons
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Nishinoya Yuu - Type 1 diabetes and sensory neuropathy
Was diagnosed at 5
Inherited from parents
Prefers an insulin pump to insulin injections
Diabetes causes his sensory neuropathy
Nerve damage in his arms causing bruises because he can't tell when to stop practicing
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Kenma Kozume - Hearing loss in both ears, noise damage
Plays games and music with the volume too high causing damage from all the years he's been doing it
Doesn't like to admit that he has hearing problems
Uses CIC (Completely In the Canal) hearing aids because they're small and unnoticeable
Also uses his hair to cover them because even when he knows they're hard to see he's still pretty self-conscious about them
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Tendou Satori - Vitamin B deficiency, Motor Neuropathy, Audhd
Tendou has a vitamin B12 deficiency which results in him developing peripheral neuropathy, more specifically motor neuropathy
It causes him muscle spasms/twitching and gives him a barely noticeable foot drop
I think he has Audhd and struggles with paying attention and wanting to move around a lot
He doesn't have a specific hyperfixation exactly but is full of lots of little facts about lots of things
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Hinata Shoyo - Audhd, Dyspraxia
I don't think i really need to explain Hinata's Audhd but I will anyways
It's one of the reasons he has so much energy while he's practicing, because he already struggles with staying still but also because it's one of his special interests
It helps him more if things are explained at the speed his brainis going instead of going slowly
I think he has Dyspraxia too because it explains a lot of his struggles in volleyball
It also ties into why the quick attack pair works so well because Hinata has to focus less on getting everything right himself and can put his attention into his motor skills
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Oikawa Tooru - Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is pretty common
It causes joint pain and stiffness in most cases
And it's most common in places like the knees
It's usually from old age but in Oikawa's case it's from trying to play after an injury without letting it fully heal
But he refuses to admit that he has a problem
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Kageyama Tobio - Dyslexia
He's incredibly dyslexic
Nobody knows though, everyone just thinks he's really dumb
He has consulted someone about it unfortunately he talked to Hinata who also has mild dyslexia mixed with the fact that his eyes won't stay on one point on his page
They both think that letters and numbers do that for everyone and that they just haven't figured out how to read it properly
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Ushijima Wakatoshi - Autism
Definitely autistic
Pretty high functioning though
He's pretty slow on some social cues but the basic ones have been worked out in his brain
He has quite a high tolerance for most stuff but he's not the biggest fan of messing up schedules
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Tsukishima Kei - Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Was partially inherited because Akiteru showed signs of it but not enough for a diagnosis
I think he specifically has cEDS (Classical EDS) because it fits him the most
I think he's been pretty used to his joints dislocating sometimes but doesn't realise that everyoen else around him isn't
The first time Yachi saw it she almost fainted
Particularly with cEDS people have easily bruised/breakable skin on their forehead, knees, shins and elbows
He has a few pretty big scars on his knees and shins from when he was a kid
They're also quite wide because with cEDS wounds heal quite slowly and leave wide scars
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Bokuto Koutaro - Borderline Personality Disorder
This wasn't originally my idea (He wasn't actually going to be on here but it got pointed out to me yesterday)
BPD comes in four stages, Emotional instability, Disturbed patterns of thinking, Impulsive behaviour and Unstable relationships
With emotional instability it's usually intense negative emotions and severe mood swings which could contribute to his 'emo modes'
During disturbed patterns of thinking he'd get upsetting thoughts (like his emo mode) and hallucinations and distressing thoughts that he can't be talked out of
Impulsive behaviour is one i think he has less negatively but it's commonly negative in most cases
His impulsive behaviours are less harmful to himself and others
Unstable relationships are when he attaches himself to someone and I think that person/people would be Akaashi and Kuroo
Them trying to leave him would not go well, it's why he contacts them all the time because he doesn't like the feeling that they might leave him
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i know you are all completely sick of being told to take your vitamins, and it may not seem that important. it can also be difficult figuring out what to take, and why.
i have been in a similar situation before and just decided to not take any. even though i tried to eat a balanced diet, i still looked like shit, felt like shit, my joints got worse, my skin looked grey and lifeless, my hair started to fall out, my nails were peeling, i was dizzy constantly, covered in bruises, i was mean and always in a bad mood and i was freezing all the time. don't do what i did.
now that im back to my shenanigans again i take vitamins religiously, so in this post im going to break down all the vitamins i take personally, and why.
this is what works for me, i am not a medical professional in any way and i encourage you to do your own research if you want to know more🩷 i just like hyperfocusing on 4n4 stuff and i hope this may help someone
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(ignore my crusty dry and fat hands pls & thx)
classic. i think we should all be taking iron. it helps with proper growth and development. it also helps your body make red blood cells and move oxygen around your muscles.
an iron deficiency (anaemia) can cause heart palpitations, fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath and pale skin.
over 20% of 4n4r3x1c people are diagnosed with anaemia, often caused by bone marrow malfunction, other vitamin deficiencies, refeeding syndrome, loss of blood and inflammation. take your iron.
vitamin c
vitamin c can help with iron absorption, which is reason enough. however it can also help with healing, aid in collagen production (better skin & joints) and maintains healthy bones and teeth.
a vitamin c deficiency can lead to fatigue, weakness, rough and dull skin, irritability, muscle pain, swollen gums and easy bruising.
b complex
b complex is a blend of 8 different b vitamins, their main job is to grow and develop cells. they also strengthen your immune system, help your nerves and help develop red blood cells.
taking this can also boost your energy levels and metabolism, the way i understand it, b vitamins help your body break down the food you eat and turn it into energy.
try to look for one containing vitamin b12, this one is especially important for my fellow vegetarians / vegans as b12 is most commonly found in meat, eggs and dairy, so its definitely one you want to supplement if you dont eat any / a lot of those foods.
folic acid
folate is a type of b vitamin (b9) is important for healthy function and cell generation. taking it can help prevent folate deficiency anaemia. its also good for cells that divide and grow quickly, so it can improve hair, skin & nail health.
a folate deficiency can lead to abnormally large red blood cells that cant function properly causing anaemia like symptoms, as well as confusion or poor memory. many 4n4r3x1cs have folate deficiencies.
many 4n4r3x1cs also have zinc deficiencies. zinc helps your immune system, heart and metabolism to function. it has also been found to help acne which is a nice bonus.
a zinc deficiency can cause slower wound healing, hair loss, irritability and a weakened immune system. it can cause weight loss and loss of appetite. but dont get any ideas because it can also cause weight gain and diabetes.
magnesium helps your body turn the food you eat into energy. its a viral electrolyte that is needed for tons of bodily reactions. its essential for bones, nerves and muscles, it can help you sleep, help you focus, can regulate blood sugar levels and can promote better heart health. its also been found to help with migraines, if that's something you struggle with.
a magnesium deficiency can cause fatigue and weakness, muscle cramps and poor sleep.
vitamin d3 can help with proper bone health, heart health, immune system, muscle function, better skin, lower back pain, inflammation, absorbing other vitamins (phosphorus and calcium) and a better metabolism. there are obviously other d vitamins you could look into, this is just the one i grabbed last time on a whim. its also often associated with lower visceral fat levels.
a d3 deficiency can cause muscle and bone pain, higher risk of fractures, weakness and tingling in the hands and feet.
fish oil
my beloved. an absolute non negotiable and if you've read this far, and take anything away from this, please let it be fish oil.
this is the only non vegetarian thing i have incorporated into my diet over 10 years. i get the double strength gelatin free kind, but use whatever works best for you.
there are vegetarian / vegan omega 3 tablets available in many places now if thats your preference. some studies show they are not as effective as cod liver oil, some say it does the same job. im not sure and im loyal to my extra strong fish oil due to existing joint problems. do your own research on the different types (i think vegetarian alternatives are usually made from flax seeds or algae) and make your own call.
fish oil is high in vitamins a & d, and a source of omega 3 fatty acids. this combo can help reduce inflammation, ease joint pain (as well as improving flexibility), improve digestion, aid cellular function, and also maintain healthy looking hair, skin & nails.
a lack of omega 3s can cause dull, dry and flaky skin, brittle hair, brittle nails, brain fog, poor memory and difficulty concentrating.
peppermint oil
this isn't a vitamin, but i like to take a capsule a day because it can help with digestion, nausea and stomach troubles. peppermint tea is also good for that.
some other bits and bobs
- gummy vitamins tend to be the least effective kind. they are fun but won't do much for you, i recommend opting for tablets.
- multivitamins. taking a multivitamin tablet every day, if you dont want to be taking 8 pills a day, is absolutely better than taking nothing. however, in my non professional opinion its better to take seperate supplements if you can. ive read that the vitamins in multivitamins may not be as easy for your body to absorb, and obviously cant address specific concerns.
- some stores sell combos of certain vitamins, like i take vitamin c + zinc, that can make things easier.
- the only way to know if you are truly deficient in anything is to get bloodwork done.
- vitamins are obviously not a perfect solution as its impossible to be completely healthy and get all the nutrients you need when you're not fuelling your body properly with food, but it can help reduce some of the harm done.
- and again, you know your body better than anyone, do your own research & take care of yourself the best you can 🩷
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foggyfanfic · 1 year ago
Bruno's Health After the Walls
This has probably been done before, in fact there's an analysis of the long term effects Bruno's terrible posture has probably had on his spine out there somewhere, that lives rent free in my head. But I wanna do it anyways!
So, let's talk about how living in the walls for ten years probably affected Bruno's health.
First and foremost, let's talk about what isolation does to a person, particularly lack of human touch. Because Bruno was probably ok listening in on his family's conversations, but he has gone a decade without a single hug. I'm sure most of us have heard of that one study where they took a couple of orphaned babies and just didn't give them any physical contact. The babies almost died. So yeah! Bruno is not ok.
Then there's lack of sunlight. It's possible that he's been sneaking out to get fresh air every once in a while, so we'll say this is minimal. But a slight vitamin D deficiency still means lethargy, insomnia, bone/muscle pain, and his OCD would be worse (sunlight helps boost serotonin). So, Bruno is not ok.
He's probably malnourished, even if he's stealing enough food from the kitchen quantity wise, his cooking limitations and reliance on scraps probably means he's not getting a balanced diet. Depending on what nutrients he's not getting this could lead to muscle loss, decrease bone density, affect his immune system, and cause heart problems. And if he's relying too much on a certain food group that could lead to all sorts of long term damage to his digestive system, think things like an overworked liver. Bruno is not ok.
Sanitation is another thing, we see that his living space is overrun with rats. They are a remarkably clean animal, but they still have to poop and stuff. Overexposure to feces of any animal exposes you to all types of disease, viruses, bacteria, mold, you name it. Combined with how dusty it is back there and Bruno is probably breathing the grossest air in human history, possibly doing permanent damage to his respiratory system. Bruno is not ok.
Finally, add in the physical activity required for him to navigate in the walls. There's that big ass hole in the floor that he's apparently been vaulting over for years now. While running is good for your cardiovascular health, it is hell on your joints, and if he already has all of the problems listed above it’s a miracle his knees haven’t given out. Some have suggested that Julieta’s food only heals people if she’s the one giving it, let’s hope for Bruno’s sake that’s not the case, because otherwise… Bruno is NOT ok.
In conclusion, Bruno is not ok after spending ten years in the walls and he is going to need some serious rehabilitation. Honestly, realistically, I would expect him to have scurvy, or be missing hair and fingernails, or something; but it’s a kid’s movie so let’s just handwave a little and say the miracle has prevented the worst of it. The good news is he seems to have held up remarkably well mentally speaking, and is only a little crazy, so with some love and support (and healing magic) he’s still able to have a happy life.
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pucksandpower · 7 days ago
hello !! i used to have slight iron deficiency anemia around last july and i went to the doctor and was prescribed iron pills (took for a few months) and it helped solve my dizziness & headache problems. i still had hairloss problems and went to a specialist and i’ve been using the specialised shampoo and all had been going well.
somehow this week things are suddenly taking a turn — back to feeling dizzy, headaches, hair loss is picking up again + im getting breathless super easily after physical activity.. i also checked under my eyelids and it’s very pale — any idea how there’s such a sudden change? i’ve consciously been consuming dates everyday + take all my vegetables and stuff so is there any way i can help this ?
thank you so much 🙏🙏
Hi, my love! It definitely sounds like your iron levels might be dipping again, especially with the dizziness, headaches, breathlessness, and pale eyelids. Even though you've been eating iron-rich foods, there are a few possible reasons this could be happening.
Your iron stores might not have been fully replenished. Just because your symptoms improved doesn’t always mean your iron levels were completely restored. If you stopped supplementation after a few months, they could have gradually declined again.
Iron from plant sources (like dates and veggies) isn’t absorbed as well as iron from animal sources. Also, things like tea, coffee, or calcium-rich foods can block absorption, while vitamin C helps boost it.
If your iron is dropping again, it’s worth checking for possible causes like heavier-than-usual periods, digestive issues affecting absorption, or other medical conditions that could contribute to anemia.
As for the nausea you mentioned in your follow-up message, iron deficiency itself can sometimes cause nausea, but if you're feeling unwell in the mornings, it might be worth considering other possibilities (like low blood sugar, reflux, or something unrelated).
I would definitely recommend checking in with your doctor and getting some bloodwork done (iron levels, ferritin, and maybe a complete blood count) to get a clearer picture of what’s going on. In the meantime, you could try incorporating more iron-rich foods (red meat, fortified cereals, and legumes) and pairing them with vitamin C to help absorption.
I hope you feel better soon!
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thot-farm · 6 months ago
Part three of Barberry and Celandine
Rei lets out a deep breath. She looks at the brush in her hands, seeing far too much hair for a healthy little girl to be losing. She starts picking at the brush, lifting up the hair clump to toss it away. Her eyes widen as she sees red in the clump. She rubs her thumb over the hair in the brush in an attempt to see if any color transfers to her finger, but nothing rubs off, its a naturally red strand of hair.
Rei walks out of the bedroom and down the hall, walking toward the kitchen to hopefully catch Enji. She turns the corner and has to do a double take, wondering what he is doing shirtless at the sink, her face scrunches while looking at him. But she catches a glimpse of him scrubbing off what looks to be rice porridge, she has to hold back a laugh when she realizes what must have happened. She imagines Shoto chucking his breakfast at Enji after Enji told him that y/n would be going to school without him.
"What is it, Rei?" Enji says in a gruff tone, not hiding his annoyance at all as he faces the sink not turning to face her.
Rei walks over at sets down the brush at the side of the sink, not saying a thing.
Enji looks down after he hears the plastic hit the counter. He turns off the sink and dries his hands, he looks at the brush and then at her face. "I'm not in the mood for a guessing game," Enji says in a serious tone.
"She is losing a lot of hair, and-" Rei moves the clump of hair on the brush and shows the red, "Her hair is changing just like Touya's was..." Rei says in a concerned tone.
"That's impossible. She hasn't even had her quirk present itself. She is probably just deficient in a vitamin because of her picky eating causing hair loss and colored on her hair. It is not like it would be the first time she has used markers on her hair." Enji says in a dismissive tone, not accepting the possibility at all.
Rei lets out a frustrated breath, she should have known he would convince himself nothing is truly wrong. "Like we would know if she had her quirk or not, if she wanted to hide it from us. She could easily. Like her sprained wri-" Rei stops speaking when she sees his hands gripping the sink.
"Don't," Enji says in a low tone, continuing to grip the sink, thankfully not turning towards Rei. "What do you want me to do? Put her in damn quirk canceling cuffs?" Enji continues in a low tone.
��If that was an option maybe you should have thought about that for Touya. I just want you aware of her issues so you don’t yell at everyone for being left in the dark, if you would ever even pull yourself from your agency to ever look at her long enough to know something is wrong,” Rei says in a cold tone and walks out of the kitchen, not wanting to piss Enji off any further. 
Enji stares down at the brush as he grips the sink, praying to whatever deity will hear his plea not to make his daughter share any issues with Touya, one Touya is already stressful enough, two Touyas might just break him all over again. He turns away from the sink, leaving his soiled shirt. He turns to the fridge and opens it, he looks around the neatly organized layout until his eyes land on the top shelf. He sees a few canned coffees, he swipes one quickly and cracks the can open, needing something to quickly distract him from the feeling in his chest.
Part four
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otrixindia · 1 month ago
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Anti Hair Fall Shampoo
Best Anti Hair Fall Shampoo
Hair fall is a common issue faced by many individuals across the globe, regardless of age or gender. While it can be attributed to several factors such as genetics, stress, poor diet, or hormonal changes, one effective way to combat this problem is by choosing the right Anti Hair Fall Shampoo. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of using such shampoos, key ingredients to look for, and how to maximize their effectiveness. We will also highlight the role of natural ingredients like Amla and Bhringraj in preventing hair fall.
Understanding Hair Fall
Before diving into solutions, it’s crucial to understand what causes hair fall. On average, losing 50 to 100 strands of hair per day is normal. However, excessive hair fall can be concerning and may result from:
Genetics: Hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, is the most common cause.
Stress: Both physical and emotional stress can trigger hair fall.
Nutritional Deficiency: A lack of essential vitamins and minerals can weaken hair roots.
Hormonal Imbalance: Conditions like thyroid problems or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can lead to hair thinning.
Improper Hair Care: Using harsh chemicals and excessive heat can damage hair.
Benefits of Using Anti Hair Fall Shampoo
An Anti Hair Fall Shampoo is specifically formulated to strengthen hair strands, nourish the scalp, and reduce breakage. Here are some key benefits:
1. Strengthening Hair Roots
These shampoos often contain ingredients that help in reinforcing hair roots, thereby reducing hair fall caused by weak follicles.
2. Nourishing the Scalp
A healthy scalp is essential for hair growth. Anti hair fall shampoos often include moisturizing agents that keep the scalp hydrated and free from dandruff, which can contribute to hair loss.
3. Reducing Breakage
By improving hair elasticity and providing necessary nutrients, these shampoos minimize breakage and split ends.
4. Stimulating Hair Growth
Some anti hair fall shampoos also contain ingredients that stimulate dormant hair follicles, promoting new hair growth.
Key Ingredients in Anti Hair Fall Shampoos
When choosing an Anti Hair Fall Shampoo, it’s important to look for certain ingredients known for their efficacy in preventing hair fall. Two such powerful natural ingredients are Amla and Bhringraj.
1. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which strengthen hair follicles and prevent premature graying. It also improves scalp health by reducing dandruff and dryness.
2. Bhringraj (Eclipta Prostrata)
Bhringraj, often referred to as the "king of herbs" for hair, is renowned for its ability to prevent hair fall, promote hair growth, and reduce scalp issues like dandruff. It is highly effective in nourishing the scalp and strengthening hair roots.
3. Biotin
Also known as Vitamin B7, biotin improves the keratin infrastructure of hair, resulting in stronger and thicker strands.
4. Keratin
Keratin is a protein that helps in smoothing and strengthening hair. It repairs damaged hair and prevents further breakage.
5. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Niacin enhances blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring that hair follicles receive adequate nutrients for growth.
6. Caffeine
Caffeine is known to stimulate hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth while reducing hair loss.
How to Use Anti Hair Fall Shampoo Effectively
To get the most out of your Anti Hair Fall Shampoo, it’s essential to use it correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Wet Your Hair
Start by thoroughly wetting your hair with lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water as it can strip the hair of its natural oils.
Step 2: Apply Shampoo
Take a generous amount of shampoo and apply it to your scalp. Gently massage it in circular motions using your fingertips to stimulate blood circulation.
Step 3: Rinse Thoroughly
Rinse your hair thoroughly to remove all the shampoo. Ensure no residue is left behind as it can cause scalp irritation.
Step 4: Condition Your Hair
Follow up with a conditioner, focusing on the ends of your hair. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing off with cool water.
Step 5: Pat Dry
Use a soft towel to gently pat your hair dry. Avoid rubbing vigorously as it can cause breakage.
Tips to Enhance the Effectiveness of Anti Hair Fall Shampoo
Consistency is Key: Regular use of the shampoo, preferably two to three times a week, is necessary to see noticeable results.
Avoid Overwashing: Washing your hair too frequently can strip it of essential oils, making it more prone to breakage.
Use Complementary Products: Pair your shampoo with a conditioner and hair oil designed to prevent hair fall.
Healthy Diet: Incorporate a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support hair health from within.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water keeps the scalp hydrated and healthy.
The Power of Amla and Bhringraj in Anti Hair Fall Shampoos
Incorporating natural ingredients like Amla and Bhringraj into your hair care routine can significantly improve hair health. Let’s delve deeper into their benefits:
Amla Bhringraj Shampoo
A Amla Bhringraj Shampoo combines the goodness of both these potent herbs. This shampoo not only reduces hair fall but also enhances the overall health of your hair. It provides deep nourishment to the scalp, strengthens hair roots, and promotes the growth of thicker, shinier hair.
Why Choose Amla Bhringraj Shampoo?
Natural and Gentle: Being free from harsh chemicals, this shampoo is gentle on the scalp and suitable for all hair types.
Rich in Nutrients: Amla and Bhringraj are loaded with essential nutrients that boost hair health.
Improves Hair Texture: Regular use of this shampoo can lead to smoother, silkier hair.
Choosing the right Anti Hair Fall Shampoo is a vital step in tackling hair fall issues. Look for shampoos that are enriched with natural ingredients like Amla and Bhringraj, which have proven benefits in strengthening hair and reducing fall. Remember, a consistent hair care routine, complemented by a healthy diet and proper hydration, can work wonders for your hair health.
Make the switch to a nourishing Amla Bhringraj Shampoo today and experience the transformation in your hair’s strength and vitality. With patience and the right care, you can achieve the luscious locks you desire.
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imaginaryberries · 1 year ago
Vitamins and minerals and their respective deficiencies are a special interest of mine lol but it really is fascinating how behind the NHS and like. medicine in general seems to be when it comes to iron in particular. The reference ranges for ferritin (iron stores), the ranges in which you'll be told it's "normal", sometimes start as low as like. 12. But anything below 30 is iron deficiency (but not necessarily anaemia as that's slightly different). I've seen a lot of people say that they don't feel good unless it's up at like 80 or even 100+. But you'll never be told that, a lot of the time doctors will deny that low ferritin without anaemia can cause symptoms at all. A GP did once admit to me that a level of around what I'm at now - low/mid 20s - can "certainly cause symptoms in some people" even with normal haemoglobin, and advised me that it's recommended that ferritin levels be above 50 to regrow the hair loss that the deficiency causes, but that was only because I pushed the issue of still feeling shitty with "normal" labs. You also can't take iron with tea or coffee because it hinders absorption (because of the caffeine but also the tannins - so red wine is the same - and the calcium in the milk) and you should take it alongside vitamin C because this aids absorption, particularly of plant-based sources of iron. But they don't tell you that!! Anyway. Back before I was diagnosed with coeliac disease I once had a ferritin level of 6 and I have seen a bunch of people say their haematologists offered them IV iron infusions instantly at numbers higher than that lmao
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myninaross · 1 year ago
Your Guide to Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss
Regardless of your gender, certain factors lead to hair loss. Among them, vitamin deficiency is the most common. But how can you tell if your hair loss may be due to a deficiency? Dr. Nina Ross sheds light on which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss.
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pdmhospital13 · 4 months ago
Effective solutions for hairfall. Learn about common causes, prevention tips, and treatments for healthy, stronger hair."
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madamlaydebug · 2 years ago
There are several common reasons why hair is slow to grow, won’t grow past a certain length, is thin or falling out. These include underlying hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, external toxins and poor gut absorption.
We hear ALL THE TIME about fantastic hair growth from our top 3 hair-loving Superfoods, here’s how they work:
✨MACA nourishes our master gland, the pituitary to rebalance hormones, getting to the root of thin hair & hair loss. It lowers the stress hormone cortisol, and ADDRESSES HORMONAL IMBALANCES INCLUDING UNDER-ACTIVE THYROID & PCOS that commonly cause hair loss.
✨CHLORELLA is a source of IRON, B VITAMINS AND BIOTIN – VITAL NUTRIENTS FOR HAIR growth. This alga helps to clear hormone disrupting chemicals (pesticides, plastics, parabens in haircare products, pollution) from the body as well as rebalancing the gut flora for BETTER NUTRIENT ABSORPTION.
✨SPIRULINA is also a highly absorbable source of iron, B Vitamins and zinc that all boost hair growth. It is 70% COMPLETE PROTEIN, so helps provide the building blocks of our hair. Spirulina is like FERTILIZER FOR YOUR HAIR, it noticeably speeds up growth.
2 Bananas frozen
¾ Cup Blueberries
4 Pitted Dates
1tsp Organic Burst Maca
1tsp Organic Burst Chlorella
1tsp Organic Burst Spirulina
2 Cups Water or Coconut Water
*If you’re new to Maca start with 1/2-1 tsp and you can eventually grow to up to 1 tbsp as shown in the video.
Blend it up and enjoy!
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carencecarence · 6 months ago
How to cure Thyroid natural
source url:-https://ext-6616443.livejournal.com/418.html?newpost=1
The thyroid is an endocrine gland. Its location is in the inferior, anterior neck, and it is responsible for the formation and secretion of thyroid hormones as well as iodine homeostasis within the human body. The thyroid produces approximately 90% inactive thyroid hormone, or thyroxine (T4), and 10% active thyroid hormone, or triiodothyronine (T3). Inactive thyroid hormone is converted peripherally to either activated thyroid hormone or an alternative inactive thyroid hormone
Signs and symptoms of Thyroid
AnxietyThe signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction can vary depending on whether the thyroid is producing too much or too little of its hormones.
When the thyroid produces too much – a condition called hyperthyroidism – signs and symptoms can include:
Waight loss
Rapid heart rate
Heat intolerance
Difficulty sleeping
Remors in your hands and fingers
When the thyroid does not produce enough hormones – a condition called hypothyroidism – symptoms can include:
Weight gain
Cold intolerance
Dry skin or hair
How to check thyroid status
Blood tests: These tests can tell you if you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. There are several types of thyroid blood tests, including thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), T3 and T4, and thyroid antibodies.
List of Home Remediey
Here are some widely considered remedies that may help with your thyroid treatment at home
Coconut oil
This has high content of saturated or healthy fat (healthy) and when used with the right combination of exercises and a properly balanced diet, it could be good for thyroid glands. You can also use coconut oil for your regular cooking once in a while
Apple cider vinegar 
This helps in the balanced production and expression of hormones. It also washes away toxins from the body and promotes absorption of nutrients. Apple cider vinegar can be added to water along with honey and can be taken every morning.
Vitamins help to fight the underlying causes of thyroid problems, particularly
Vitamin B 
h are essential for proper thyroid function. Vitamin B12 is especially instrumental in helping people with hypothyroidism. Including eggs, meat, fish, legumes, milk, and not in daily diet might help with a steady supply of Vitamin B.
Ginger helps combat inflammation which is one of the primary causes of thyroid issues. Drinking ginger tea is the best way to consume ginger. Apart from that, it can also be infused with coconut oil and applied on body.
Vitamin D 
Deficiency of this nutrient can lead to thyroid problems and since the body can produce it only when exposed to the sun, ensure that you get a minimum of 15 minutes of sunlight daily. Include foods rich in Vitamin D in your diet which includes fatty fishes like salmon and mackerel, dairy products, orange juice, and egg yolks.
Dairy products
As dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt are beneficial for thyroid as they have high iodine content. Incorporate these items in your daily diet, but be careful if you are lactose intolerance.
Almonds are a good source of protein, fibre, and minerals and are best suited for proper thyroid expression. These nuts have selenium which is a thyroid healthy nutrient and is also very rich in magnesium that can keep the thyroid gland working very smoothly.
Beans are high in fibre which helps to relieve constipation, which is a common side effect of hypothyroidism. Some ways to consume beans include adding them to side dishes, salads, stews and soups.
Iodine Supplements 
These supplements restore the balance of iodine in the body and help with thyroid health.
Probiotic food items such as kefir, kimchi, and miso has shown to have beneficial effects on thyroid problems.
Including asparagus in your diet is also a popular natural remedy for thyroid treatment at home as it has a lot of anti-inflammatories, anti-bacterial and antioxidant property
Physical activity
Regular exercising can help alleviate various symptoms of hypothyroidism. Also, specific yoga poses have seen to be effective in enhancing thyroid functioning.
While it is important to consult a doctor and follow the treatment prescribed to keep thyroid problems under control, but by trying above listed home remedies, you can keep the side effects of thyroid medication at bay.
One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.
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thetempleofreading · 5 months ago
Iodized Salt: What It Is, Its Benefits and How Much You Should Eat Daily
Keeps weight under control. Your metabolism is directly affected by the healthiness of your thyroid. When you have a super high metabolism, you might not gain a healthy weight. Slower metabolism allows the body to store more fat, thus leading you to gain weight. Since your thyroid depends on a healthy dose of iodine to perform its duty, your metabolism also depends on your iodine levels.
Removes toxins and prevents bacteria. Iodized salt has a counter effect on harmful metals like mercury and lead. It acts to repel these toxins and restore the right pH level in your body. Iodized salt also helps prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying in the intestines. Research shows that harmful bacteria can cause fatigue, constipation, and headaches.
Promotes heart health and keeps you hydrated. Iodized salt helps create the hormones that regulate heart rate and blood pressure. It also helps to burn extra fat deposits that could lead to heart disease. Salt promotes healthy hydration levels and creates a balance of electrolytes. This balance is crucial for the proper functioning of the cells, muscles, tissues, and organs. All the body components require water to function, and salt helps maintain the proper water levels. Dehydration makes you more prone to dizziness, fatigue, and muscle cramps.
Health Risks of Iodized Salt Deficiency
Not having enough iodine amounts can lead to severe health conditions including:
Impaired fetal and infant development
Difficulty in learning during childhood
Fibrocystic breast disease
Radiation-induced throat cancer
Hair loss
Weight gain
Increased sensitivity to cold
Dry skin
How Much Iodine Do You Need?
The amount of iodine you should consume in a day depends on your age. If you are female, pregnancy and breastfeeding also play a crucial role. Here are the recommended amounts of iodine one should take in a day:
Birth to six months: 110 micrograms
Infants 7 to 12 months: 130 micrograms
Children 1 to 8 years: 90 micrograms
9 to 13 years: 120 micrograms
Teens 14 to 18 years: 150 micrograms
Adults: 150 micrograms
Pregnant women: 220 micrograms
Breast feeding women: 290 micrograms
Do not consume salt in high amounts as it can pose a danger to your health.
The recommended daily intake for adults is 150 micrograms, which can be obtained from about one-half to three-quarters of a teaspoon of table salt. Testing of the general population indicates that most Americans consume sufficient levels of iodine through their diets. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are the only groups in the U.S. that are advised to take a daily iodine supplement, usually as part of a prenatal vitamin.
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pucksandpower · 19 days ago
Are there any tips for hair fall
Like excessive loosing full bunches of hair 😭😭😭😭
Of course there are! Excessive hair loss can have many causes, but here are a few main things to consider:
Check your iron and ferritin levels. Low iron is a common cause of hair shedding, especially in women. Even if your hemoglobin is normal, low ferritin (your iron storage) can impact hair growth. A simple blood test can determine this.
An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause thinning hair, fatigue, and dry skin. If you haven’t had your thyroid levels tested, it’s worth looking into.
Hair is made of keratin (a type of protein), so not getting enough protein in your diet can lead to hair shedding. Make sure you’re eating enough protein daily!
High stress levels can trigger telogen effluvium, a temporary shedding phase. Hormonal changes (like postpartum, stopping birth control, or PCOS) can also play a role. Managing stress and addressing hormonal imbalances can help.
Deficiencies in zinc, vitamin D, and B12 can contribute to hair thinning. A balanced diet (or targeted supplementation if needed) can support hair health.
Harsh treatments, excessive heat styling, and tight hairstyles can lead to hair thinning over time. Gentle care and scalp massages (which improve blood flow) can help.
If the shedding is sudden or severe, it’s always best to check in with a doctor or dermatologist to rule out any underlying conditions. I hope this helps and I’m sorry for not responding sooner!
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iftehar39 · 1 year ago
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Bio-Active Complete Multi-Vitamin For Men
Most men are not getting enough vitamins and minerals in their everyday diets.
These vitamin deficiencies can cause all kinds of health problems:  a weaker immune system, hair loss, skin problems, poor vision, loss of bone density, even weight gain and other more serious health conditions.
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That’s why EVERYONE should be taking a high quality multivitamin every day.
A good multivitamin will help fill those nutritional gaps, and help prevent a multitude of potential health issues.
Our LiveGood BioActive Complete Multivitamin is strategically formulated with the highest quality ingredients at the optimal dosages to give your body 24 different vitamins and minerals that most people are not fully getting from their food…all for a price that everyone can afford.
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Help boost your immune system, support cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, maintain healthy eyesight and bone strength, promote healthy aging, and so much more!
LiveGood BioActive Complete Multivitamin
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