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thetempleofreading · 1 hour ago
Silent Spread: Local experts share advice on protecting you, your family, and your pets from the bird flu
Evidently they were not telling us everything
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thetempleofreading · 8 hours ago
Adrenal Fatigue Diet: Good and Bad Foods for Adrenal Health
Keep in mind that these symptoms could be caused by stress or many other health conditions.
It’s also thought that adrenal fatigue may trigger adrenal insufficiency. This is characterized by decreased aldosterone and cortisol production due to diminished gland function, and typically caused by autoimmune destruction of the adrenal cortex.
Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency include:
chronic fatigue
loss of appetite
stomach pain
muscle weakness
unexplained weight loss
When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release cortisol. Some theorize that when you experience high levels of chronic stress, your adrenal glands may not be able to produce enough cortisol to keep up.
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thetempleofreading · 1 day ago
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thetempleofreading · 2 days ago
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These words hold the key to a life of inner peace and unshakable strength. In a world filled with energies and emotions, learning to stay grounded in your own energy is transformative. Often, without even realizing it, we absorb other people’s moods, stresses, and perspectives as if they’re our own. Reacting impulsively is easy in such moments, but this quick reaction often drains us, taking away our clarity and our power.
When you absorb someone else's energy and react from that place, you’re responding from the ego—your mind’s survival mode. The ego feels the need to defend, protect, or justify, and in doing so, you can become entangled in a storm of emotions that aren’t even yours. Every time you let this happen, a piece of your peace, your energy, and your clarity slips away. You’re left feeling drained, uncentered, and pulled away from your authentic self.
But here’s the beautiful alternative: observing. Observing means taking a step back, allowing yourself to pause, and simply being aware of what’s happening without rushing to react. Imagine yourself as a strong, steady mountain, watching the weather pass around it. The mountain doesn’t change because of a passing storm—it remains rooted, wise, and constant. When you learn to observe rather than absorb, you become like that mountain, holding space for yourself amidst the ebb and flow of emotions around you.
Observing keeps you calm, clear-headed, and centered in who you are. It allows you to see things as they truly are, not filtered through the lens of stress or ego. From this place of calm awareness, you’re empowered to make decisions that honor your inner peace. You’re no longer reacting impulsively or feeling pulled into energy that isn’t yours. Instead, you’re making choices that align with your highest self, your deepest wisdom.
This doesn’t mean you become detached from others or lose empathy. In fact, observing actually enhances your compassion, allowing you to truly understand others without letting their emotions cloud your own. You can listen deeply and support them without taking on their energy. And in this state of conscious observation, you’re giving a gift not just to yourself, but to everyone around you. Your peaceful energy uplifts and inspires others to find their own calm within the storm.
Remember, you hold the power to choose your response. Stay grounded, observe, and let your calm be the strongest presence in any room. It’s a gift to yourself and a light to others. Every moment you choose to observe rather than absorb, you’re stepping into a life of true peace and purpose.
When you’re in situations that challenge your peace, what helps you remain calm and rooted like a mountain?
@top fans
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thetempleofreading · 2 days ago
How do you Shut It Off 📴
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thetempleofreading · 2 days ago
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thetempleofreading · 2 days ago
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thetempleofreading · 2 days ago
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Walt Whitman // "I swear to you, there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell."
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thetempleofreading · 2 days ago
“The most general normative concepts, the right and the good, are names for problems — for the normative problems that spring from our reflective nature. “Good” names the problem of what we are to strive for, aim at, and care about in our lives. “Right” names the more specific problem of which actions we may perform. The “thinness” of these terms, to use Bernard Williams’s language, comes from the fact that they are, so far, only concepts, names for whatever it is that solves the problems in question. We need conceptions of the right and the good before we know what to do. […] In Kant’s argument, we move from concept to conception by taking up the standpoint of a legislative Citizen in the Kingdom of Ends, and asking what laws that kind of citizen has reason to adopt. Again, in so far as we regard ourselves as Citizens of the Kingdom of Ends, those laws are ones we have reason to accept. Citizen of the Kingdom of Ends is a conception of practical identity which leads in turn to a conception of the right.”
— Christine M. Korsgaard, The Sources of Normativity
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thetempleofreading · 2 days ago
What Keeps You Addicted To Porn
Have you ever wondered why quitting porn feels so hard? It’s not just about the videos—it’s about what’s happening deep inside. From unresolved emotions and loneliness to societal influences and childhood wounds, this video uncovers the hidden psychological reasons that keep you stuck.
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thetempleofreading · 2 days ago
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Anais Nin // "As I passed I saw a cafe, a cafe on the street, with an open door, and one small round table outside, just big enough for two persons, two glasses of wine, two small iron chairs, a diminutive cafe…shabby, with a faded sign, a dull window, lopsided walls, uneven roof. The smallness of it, the intimacy of it, the humanity of its proportion… A human being feels one can sit in such a cafe even if one’s hair is not perfectly in place and one’s shoes are not shined... One could sit there and feel unique, feel in tune with the world, or out of tune, feel human and open to human emotion... One could sit there if one felt the world too big and too barbaric, and feel once more in a human setting, a proper setting for a human being… Why did I feel warmed by imperfections, discomfort, and patina? Because intense living leaves scars…inner scars, softened, human wear and tear."
Repost via @__nitch
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thetempleofreading · 3 days ago
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thetempleofreading · 3 days ago
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thetempleofreading · 3 days ago
Homelessness and Mental Illness: A Challenge to Our Society | Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
Having ever been homeless and the time spent homeless can be related to higher levels of psychiatric distress, higher levels of alcohol use and lower levels of perceived recovery in people with previous mental illness.
How do homelessness and mental illness influence a person's interactions with police and the justice system?
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thetempleofreading · 3 days ago
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thetempleofreading · 3 days ago
8 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 5:55 – The Meaning of 555 – WILLOW SOUL
The meaning of 555 is that things in your life will start to shift and change, and Angel Number 555 is preparing you to make room for new ...
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thetempleofreading · 3 days ago
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