#Virgo Deep
dailyworldecho · 3 months
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liquidstar · 1 year
a cute little detail i like in kaguya-sama is that even early-on, like, episode 1, when miyuki is Thinking youll see little constellations in the background
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in particular, what looks like the summer triangle. i think its a really really nice way to work his love of astronomy into subtle details that add a bit of extra charm.
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his line profile pic is also a constellation. im pretty sure its orion, but somewhat simplified? because its missing meissa at the top if so lol. still overall i think its really cute how he keeps getting associated w constellations. its awesome actually
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chibinotan · 1 year
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Dark Ages End
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zaynes-nieve · 7 months
I've just realized my brother shares Zaynes Birthday. I only got enough money for one present and it's going to Zayne lmfaooo
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potato-ghosts-posts · 13 days
September feels like the memories you get from looking at photos taken years ago, still fresh in your mind and your gallery. The memories that you never got to create because your lover left you with your heart oozing blood and tears in your hands in a spring day. The fake memories you created to not think of what you did wrong, and the ones that you created to tell yourself "they can do better, I will give them time". Did they do better? Or did they deny you that time you were giving away as free, knowing he's your worst enemy, your father, and all at the same moment, the hand that guides and tells you NOT to waste him.
Memories that are using space in your mind and your gallery, knowing they're piling up and filling your cloud. Your fingers can't make themselves touch the delete button. And your eyes can't bear to look without dropping bittersweet tears of "they broke my heart, but I'm glad it's over".
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Stop attacking people you don't understand
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parelmoer · 5 months
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ashmp3 · 1 year
told my mom i watched new kdrama (somebody) and she asked if i recommend it to her and i said "not really it was underwhelming characters had zero depth. And it was way too pornographic." and she was just staring at me in silence and then finally said "There you go being conservative again.............."
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inavagrant · 1 year
Since August is such an important month to Genshin Impact as a game I shall try to be around here and about.
It is Mona Megistus’ birthday month so I must do my due diligence. I hope you’ve all been well awraxa.
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venussaidso · 2 years
Naksu and Jang Uk are giving me major Pisces x Virgo vibes this season lmaoo. Before they gave Scorpio x Aries vibes though.
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I want to do bad girl things in the dark. I don’t want play good girl, I don’t want to play housewife. I want to play with fire 🔥. I want be old me but I am no angel anymore to any heart breaks. I want your hand under my chin thumb pressing my bottom lip down. As I star at you in seductive fashion begging for tie me up. Let me get feisty and rough . I want to dragged my long nails down your back. I don’t want sweet things I want to be treated like a villain against villain . Show me your darkest side with all your tattoos across you muscular body your walking art museum . The prince of darkness . You are a Scorpio it is written in the stars you make the best lover just like Virgo. You match my deepest darkest needs. My boy toy let’s play.
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Remember who you are ❤️
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virgo-dream · 2 years
I’ve always been a Marvel Girlie and have never been interested in most DC properties (aside from Teen Titans because I took Raven’s personality as my on and ran with it for years when I was a kid). My general disinterest for DC stuff just grew after the bad run of films Warner put out, I never really clicked with the tone or the storylines.
Which is why it baffles me sometimes that The Sandman is part of the DC universe? Like, R Patz Batman has bad dreams because Morpheus knows he hasn’t been going to therapy? Harley Quinn hangs out with Delirium because who else? Destiny knew beforehand about superman wearing GLASSES as his civilian disguise and had to keep that to himself because he can’t really say anything but damn bro glasses that’s what you went with?!
I’m not acquainted with DC at ALL which is why The Sandman feels so unique in comparison to other things I’ve seen from them. And maybe makes me want to see more.
PS: And before someone jumps me in the replies: I’m not saying DC bad Marvel good, but since I’ve been so immersed in the Marvel Universe for my entire adolescence, The Sandman stands out from other properties from DC I have shallow knowledge of.
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rachellaurengray · 24 days
Deep Conversation Starters: 10 Questions to Strengthen Any Friendship
Sometimes, the best way to deepen a friendship is by having conversations that go beyond the surface. You know those moments when you find yourself craving a more meaningful connection with your friends? It’s during these times that asking the right questions can open up new dimensions in your relationships. Here’s a list of deep conversation starters that can help you and your friends explore each other's inner worlds and strengthen your bond in ways you might not have expected.
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What is one experience that has significantly shaped who you are today?
What are your biggest fears, and how do you cope with them?
What values or principles guide your decisions and actions in life?
What are your dreams or goals that you haven’t yet pursued, and what’s holding you back?
How do you define success and happiness for yourself?
What role does vulnerability play in your relationships, and how comfortable are you with it?
Can you share a moment when you felt truly understood or connected with someone?
What are some challenges you’ve faced in maintaining a work-life balance, and how have you dealt with them?
What are your thoughts on how personal growth and change have impacted your life?
How do you envision your future, both personally and professionally, and what steps are you taking to get there?
These questions are designed to prompt thoughtful responses and encourage deeper understanding, helping to build a stronger foundation for any friendship.
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urlasage · 3 months
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