#Vigilant Mod
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lokorum · 3 months ago
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( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
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duskiily · 8 months ago
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"why are you looking at me like that?"
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rabbittwinrithings · 1 month ago
Okay, Context time!
Context for this post: https://www.tumblr.com/rabbittwinrithings/767780169766322176/oh-dear-oh-no-i-tripped-and-fell-and?source=share
Pulling the band aid off, I drew this during the time I was Brainstorming/writing Vigilant dialogue for the SOT followers.
With this post I do have a disclaimer that all of this will never come to SOT since I have stepped away. None of this stuff was ever finalized (writing was also in first draft phase,) especially act 4 stuff as I was speaking with some VAs to make sure the contents were alright with them. I know Vigilant is a taxing story, and to build reactions to it would take a lot of work to make sure everyone involved was comfortable with the content the included. So yea, none of this is canon. (Also, poor Gabrielle is missing her thy, thee, etc, for first draft reasons. Tragic.)
(PS. sorry if I get details or events wrong, I haven't played this mod in a hot minute and may misinterpret my own notes on when things take place.)
With all that said, spoilers below for the mod, Vigilant (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11849)
Long post starting now!
The Vigilant reactions involved dialogue not only by each SOT follower (Khash, Caryalind, Varrick, Disnel, and Gabrielle,) but also dialogue with one another. Though I only wrote Act 1, I tried to write dialogue that was pretty dynamic so if you didn't have one or two of the group, the others would still hold conversations over the varying subjects with one another. But, the best way to play it would have been with all of them.
Each follower had their own thoughts upon joining the Vigilants. For example,
Khash: Was very excited. To fight daedra and all. Sounded really cool to her.
Caryalind: As well enjoyed the idea. He brings up the Vigilants in the summerset isles and what good work they were doing.
Disnel: Doesn't really know the Vigilants, but the idea of them interested her.
Gabrielle: Found them noble enough. She has a history of aiding them, and this felt no different.
Varrick: Is where the joining took a turn. He even has a conversation with the player about if he should be worried about getting a knife in the back. During the whole first Act, Varrick would be a character who worries about his safety amongst the Vigilants, and talks shit from time to time.
This quest would also mark the tension between Varrick and Gabrielle. (Scene belows take place inside the Vigilant's HQ)
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Gabrielle also was very cautious of Khash's saftey. She knows what Daedra would be like and wants to make sure she is safe.
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Some additional dialogue I like after finding and fighting the vampire who tried to lure you in by talking about "her sweetrolls."
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Cary also caring for Khash:
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Once far enough into the Act, Gabrielle would bring up concerns with the player:
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There was also a legend in development to keep track of the player's choices in this dialogue:
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Then a conversation with Khash:
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That's a lot of player conversations. But Gabrielle and Varrick still butted heads.
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They also all say "Fuck Windhelm!"
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In Riften there is a conversation about the mess in the sewers. However, I didn't really post it here as it's basically everyone being horrified and the DB can tell them about their vision or not.
Varrick being there for Jacob during the trek under the Vigilant tower:
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Everyone take care of the scared daughter:
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Another Varrick conversation regarding the "witches:"
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Fighting Altano:
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More fun freak outs!
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PSA: Don't bring your lizard daughter on this quest:
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More conversations
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By the end of Act 1, each companion gets there own prophecy from Molag Bal
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Each companion would have conversations with the player to discuss these prophecies they heard in their head. Below are just fragments.
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So this marks the end of Act 1 and everything that I had written for the reactions.
I had a feeling Act 2 wasn't going to be as extensive. Just them reacting to the vampire stuff. However, there would be a bigger focus on Caryalind for... reasons...
Act 3 was where things were gonna be easy, but go downhill.
At the start of Act 3, the Player goes to the manor, but the companions are said to have to stay outside as they are not officially Vigilants of Stendarr. Sadly, when the player enters the manor, they hear the screams of their companions and friends through the door they just walked through. Act 3 then continues on like normal.
Okay! That is the end of this post. HOWEVER, I will be posting how ACT 4 goes tomorrow in a separate post as I hit the image limit and have some screenshots of stuff I said during brainstorming on Discord. Trust me, it will be more in depth than Act 2 and 3 as I had a ton of plans for Act 4. Just didn't have exact lines like Act 1. So, keep an eye out for the final part of this post tomorrow!
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devalius · 5 months ago
Reflecting on the story of Unslaad tonight and I just find it so interesting that both overarching antagonists of the Vicn Trilogy, Molag Bal and Hermaeus Mora, and by extension Hoholaugh Skogrfliss and the Black Owls in regards to the latter, each manage to be so horrifyingly villainous while also being the most pathetic characters in the whole story. Each of them is desperately attempting to force you to give them what they need to escape their own destruction, trying with everything in their power to beat you into submission with the worst horrors imaginable, only for them to be practically crawling and clinging onto your ankle while desperately pleading for you to stop and help them by the end. Each seems like an impossible foe at the darkest moments of the story, but when you look back after it's all over you can see just how pitiful they always were.
"Laugh at such matters, Dragonborn. For the Prisoner holds the reins of fate in their hands."
I also think of it as a nice callback to Vigilant that you can defeat Skogrfliss by offering him forgiveness, but with a very different outcome compared to the souls you grant peace in that story, and honestly I think it's the most damning option of all for him. He looks out upon the world and the understanding of what he's done, how he's been used, and all that he was never and will never be able to be part of hits him all at once. That's the key thing, too. I think Skogrfliss doesn't just know in this moment, he understands. Molag Bal will never understand, and neither will Hermaeus Mora. The Prince of Fate is too stuck with his head buried in all his stolen words and, even moreso, his own fear to have any capacity to look at the world and truly comprehend the magnificence of it all. But in the moment after he's freed, Skogrfliss understands, and it destroys him.
"The more I think about it, the more I feel... I could have been a part of this world if only my Lord Herma-Mora participated in its creation..."
The greatest revenge you can have against the Black Owl is to take none at all, and I think there's something brilliant to that.
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ashnajka · 30 days ago
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gortrash · 1 year ago
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Child of Stendarr, kneel before me and obey. Surrender your soul to me. Do this, and I promise you a swift death. | VIGILANT - ACT 1
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cognicent · 2 years ago
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these have been sitting in my drive for like two months because i kept forgetting they EXIST!!! but here are some traditional sketches i scanned of my dragonborn, one of miraak and a few interactions between lokorum's nae and my ldb ^^ (edit: tumblr crunched the quality real bad so for a better resolution please click on them 😭)
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caliblorn · 1 year ago
As tesblr’s self appointed Vigilant representative PLEASE PLAY IT ITS SOOOOO GOOOOOD IT WILL ALTER UR BRAIN CHEMISTRY
FUCK I'm still grinding to get myself a new graphic card, but as soon as I get there...
absolutely adding it to my "to play" list. NO SPOILERS THO, I want to do a proper blind playthrough
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the-creature-22 · 1 year ago
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Act 2, lets goooo
Also, I have a new favourite reaction photo of these gremlins
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They both smell bullshit, and it's coming from Altano
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"This Bitch."
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velvet-apricots · 2 years ago
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It’s such a sad and cruel story. Shouldn’t the ending be inspiring, And full of happiness?
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lokorum · 1 year ago
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i accidentally remembered that i made this little animation back in 2022......never finished it of course, but its nice to look at, you know? cant believe i had so much free time
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sasquach-scratches · 1 year ago
Vigilant is great, but I wish it didn't break radiant quests just by being installed lol
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devalius · 8 months ago
Yes, this mod has haunted me for like five years now. I think I seriously have to play it again and start journaling my thoughts as I do. Maybe make a story chart so I can really put together every little detail in the continuity.
The horror is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. But then there’s the incredible part at the end of it all if you manage to do things right, overcoming every terrible moment that came before. It’s bliss. I will never stop thinking about this mod. The greatest gaming experience I’ve had to date even after everything I’ve played since.
Agh, and then there’s Unslaad and Glenmoril too. If I have to wait another damn year for the latter to be complete I will absolutely do it.
I randomly started thinking about that Skyrim mod, VIGILANT...
That mod made me feel so much. It took all this obscure but really fascinating Elder Scrolls lore and made it so epic and cinematic. It was better than most game expansions out there and I got to play it for free? Vicn is a god.
It was similar to Dark Souls but like, way more digestible and easy to get into, without all the things that can make Dark Souls a chore. Wish I could play it for the first time all over again.
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devalius · 1 month ago
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ashnajka · 29 days ago
 ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅)
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aceofwhump · 2 months ago
Heroes 1x12 "Godsend" - Peter Petrelli whump compilation
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