#Video Streaming Game
shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
"I had choice paralysis :(" is a KILLER line.
He's such a comedic powerhouse, I'm glad more people are getting exposed to him :'D
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erabu-san · 1 year
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The biggest screamer... 😟
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prokopetz · 1 year
You know, I used to think streamers who play old Super Nintendo games on ultra-widescreen monitors and stretch them out so that Link's ass is twice as wide as he is tall because it's "better that way" were the worst thing I'd ever seen, but I just ran into a streamer who plays modern "NES style" retro games that were explicitly designed for 16:9 displays and squashes them horizontally to the NES's native 16:15 because it's "more authentic", and I 100% take it back.
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Me, hoarding my DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, gaming discs and cartridges, and books like a dragon on a pile of gold or a magpie with a nest full of shiny objects: hah, can't delete these from your fucking streaming service or digital store you fucking bastards!
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ned7-what-now · 10 months
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This is the end result of digital only content, not even a refund. You will own nothing and you will be happy.
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vimbry · 2 months
I was messing around with the eene game and realised at one point that eddy wasn't there anymore because he got stuck in a loop somehow
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cecoeur · 4 days
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His ass is not reading that book | Drive the Dream
Still: The Slow Home Still is an interiors book that invites readers to take on the philosophy of the SLOW movement. Living Sustainably; Local; Organic; and Whole. It talks not just to the question of the physical structures we choose, but also the surrounding environment, and what effect that can have on general happiness and wellbeing. Still includes about a dozen case studies featuring escape homes and owners who live according to these aforementioned principles, enlightening readers as to why they chose this path and how it has benefitted their lives.
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lumiereswig · 5 months
I'm still seeing a lot of angry takes in the tags about how excessive Watcher's current costs are and how all fans really want, apparently, is "just shane and ryan sitting in a basement" back again. While I do think Watcher is probably spending over budget and that's a real issue, a lot of the takes I'm seeing show a fundamental misunderstanding of how video production works and where costs actually lie. So a few quick things that I just keep seeing that are bothering me:
It was never just Shane and Ryan in a basement. BFU did a great job selling that conceit and making sure you never saw anyone beyond them and maybe TJ, but they absolutely had other crew members with them on ghost hunts and they didn't do all the work on BFU themselves. This Q&A from Season 2 lists 36 people on staff for Buzzfeed Unsolved. It's fair to make arguments that Watcher may or may not need 25 people, but those arguments should not be coming from a place of "before it was just Shane and Ryan and nobody else."
If you don't know how many people are needed to make a professional video from a TV/film standpoint, you will not have a reasonable grasp of why Watcher wants to keep 25 people on staff. Sure, some YouTubers get by with a ring light and a contracted editor. The Watcher team have stated repeatedly that they do not want to work as just YouTubers and see themselves more as a production studio—so why do people keep referencing the YouTube model to understand their business? This is like asking the local shake shop why it doesn't function like the kids' lemonade stand down the block. The item category is similar but they're not trying for the same products or process.
The "gold dusted food" is not the big budget sink you think it is. On most TV shows I've worked on it's normal to partner with businesses that are shown onscreen and work out a deal where the price of the product (in this case the gold food) is reduced or eliminated in exchange for the free publicity. Watcher very likely made a deal with every restaurant it worked with to make the Korea trip affordable for the company. The real budget spends are on things you're probably not seeing but that still matter: camera and lighting equipment is expensive, insurance for that equipment is expensive, business overhead and paying your staff are expensive. So again—it's fine to critique Watcher for the streaming plan and the perceived budgetary issues, but go into this knowing the costs might not be coming from the things you see onscreen.
My source is that I work in TV and film and actually have a clue on how the industry functions. Again, 36 people worked on Unsolved (and those were the people mention in Season 2—who knows how big the team blew up past that in later seasons). Entertainment work is real work, and demands decent equipment, competent staff, and the same types of business and budget problems you'd find in any other business (overhead, staffing, etc.). Feel free to critique Watcher's business model, but first try to understand where that model is coming from and what goals it's attempting to serve.
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imagine-darksiders · 8 months
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Packing up and moving to Paleo Pines. x
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virgo-79 · 8 months
The thing people need to get is that it's about more than a queer pirate show.
Art forms are being strangled because of how corporations are allowed to be run. Because the people in positions of power don't give a fuck about creativity, storytelling, or the impact of media on people. It doesn't matter to people like David Zaslav what the companies they're running deal in. They're in it to squeeze out all the money they can and they don't give a shit what gets thrown away in the process. There is no appreciation or respect for what their companies are supposed to be focused on.
Capitalism kills art and it needs to be put on a leash, and these streaming services need a slap in the face. For fuck's sake, there was just a strike over this. The writers weren't going to take the greedy bullshit these companies were serving them, and audiences shouldn't either.
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laddertek · 7 months
tango and etho joined server together and were getting ancient debris achievements...and four hours later at the end of impy's stream they're still in an isolated group together.
whatever the pet project is I hope we get to see a lot of the chatty downtime
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prokopetz · 5 months
I feel like indie video game devs are secretly conducting some sort of unethical mass social experiment to identify the exact most tedious and aggravating thing people will willingly watch a streamer play.
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kermakatti · 3 months
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I am a true PC gamer
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y-akkun · 1 month
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a maya for my partner <3
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doberart · 7 months
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Tomorrow, join me in celebrating Bendy’s anniversary! I’ll be streaming BATIM over on Twitch at 2pm EST. ✨
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makofinz · 1 month
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“mako this drawing makes no sense” yeah because i literally DREAMED IT. in a DREAM. agent four and her agenda against black holes
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